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Revolution Road Trip Report

The Chick Foley Show
10 Plays1 year ago
I get Heel Husband to spill the beans on the highs and lows of the boys trip to AEW Revolution. We reflect on the career of Sting, talk figure news and reviews, Random Merch Of The Week, and Listener Mail! Random Merch Of The Week Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% at Find all things Chick at

Welcome and Road Trip Adventures

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up Foley fam? I am back from a short but eventful trip to Greensboro, North Carolina for revolution. And we are back for the latest episode of the Chick Foley show. Before we get into the latest in the week of wrestling, let's introduce the star of the show, Sheena. How you doing?
I'm doing good. You put a lot of miles on the road this past week. You went from Tennessee to Texas. Back to Tennessee. Back to Tennessee immediately to Greensboro, North Carolina, back to Tennessee. You've been burning the roads up.
I'm looking forward to possibly not even getting behind the wheel of automobile this weekend. I got to go into the office tomorrow. It's Wednesday night as we're recording this.

Farm Life & Social Media Updates

I'm going to see how many straight days I can go without driving anywhere past Oakland here in Tennessee, man, and call it a day. But, Machine, how have you been? I've been good. Yesterday, we'll jump into what's new on the farm. Yesterday, I got my Sheena Vila on and constructed an extension to the chicken fence. We had some
Some girls that had some hops and they would get over the fence, you know, even if you clip their wings and stuff. So, uh, you know, we're about to start putting seeds in the garden and stuff and chickens, man, they're just straight up demolished from a regular steel cage to a hell in the cell. We basically, yeah, we basically turn the chicken run into a hell in the cell type situation. So, um, you know, like I said, I was doing that all yesterday and then, uh, you know, doing other stuff around here today, but feeling good, ready to talk some wrestling. How, what's the latest on the incubator situation?
Five days to hatch day. I feel like hatch day should be a pay-per-view. We should stream it live and let all the fully fam watch the hatching of the incubator go live in the Facebook group. It's actually not a bad idea. It'll be like the world where you can hear entrance music for each kid as they hatch. For each time, yeah. And see if they start fighting one another and stuff like that. But yeah, we got five days to hatch day, so I need to get the brooder and all the little
you know, chick housing situation set up for any, any that make it. I don't know if any will make it. There may be a zero hatch rate. I don't know. This is the first time that I've done this. Um, so I'm hoping that it's a successful hatch because I have some beautiful eggs in there. And you never even checked if they were actually fertilized. Yeah. So just on a, on being in a prayer.
You always assume you always assume that when you have a rooster that your eggs are fertilized just because like just the way the the rooster reproduction situation or the chicken reproduction situation works like if you have a rooster pretty much you know you can pretty much count on your eggs being fertilized and we have two roosters so
Um, but yeah, so some of my eggs in there are really, really like a deep olive, like, you know, greenish brown color and the shells are really thick. And so like, you know, you're supposed to candle them to see if they're viable, but I tried to like do a flashlight through one of them, which is how you candle them. And I couldn't see shit. So I was like, well, we're just gonna, you know, wing it and, uh, hope that, hope that some hatch. So here we are five days. So I'll let you guys know next week on the Chick-fil-A show, whether we had any hatch or not.
All right. Remind the listeners where they can find you on social media. You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show. Join our Foley fam over on Facebook and our exclusive group by going to chick Join the Patreon. Two bucks a month. It's well worth it, dude. It's so much fun in there. Eight quarters a month. Less than a Red Bull. Eight quarters a month for sure.
And want to remind you guys to use code chick Foley to save 10% on all of your purchases at ringside collectibles to sponsor this show a lot of new stuff up for preorder. And we will get to that a little bit later on machine you ready to get inside the squared circle. Oh yeah.

AEW Revolution Journey Begins

All right. So like we talked about Seth, we talked about last week, Seth and Brett, the baby face took the pilgrimage down to Greensboro, North Carolina to watch AEW revolution. They met up with some of our pod foundation brethren from the term buckle tavern. And yeah, so it was, you know, about what, 10 hours from Tennessee to Greensboro from our part of Tennessee, I should say was like way West. I definitely underestimated the, um,
definitely underestimated the drive, right? Because I have to go down to Texas semi-regularly to the Dallas Fort Worth area. And it's eight hours. And so when Sting first announced this, kind of knew we had to be there, started looking at it. And I think on Google maps, depending on what time of day you punch it in, it's about nine hours and 15 minutes from our house.
something like, Oh, you know, it's only an hour longer than Texas. There's a big difference between a nine hour drive, bless you, excuse me, nine hour drive with a, uh, with a kid and an eight hour drive by yourself. I'll say that it, uh, it ended up being breaks, buckies, breaks, just everything. It ended up being about a 10 and a half hour drive. So the drive was
a little bit rougher than I expected. Still not a bad drive. You're basically on I-40. You hop on I-40 about 15 minutes from our house and it took us all the way there to about six miles. So it's literally one straight interstate. So easy drive, but it was definitely a haul.
So this was, like Seth said, he goes down to Texas pretty regularly and he'll stop. Bucky's is such a novelty. The kids just think it's the coolest place, right? They had never been up until Brett got to go this past weekend. So Seth will usually stop on his way back home from Texas and pick the kids up, some little Bucky's candies or a t-shirt or something like that, right?
So Brett got to take his first trip to Bucky's and he didn't just hit one, he hit two Bucky's during this weekend trip. So how did the Brett man like Bucky's? So on the way there, we were disciplined. We drove past the one in Crossville, Tennessee and we hit the one in Severeville up in the Smokies, the world's largest Bucky's. It was awesome to be honest, like being the world's largest outside of having a big giant mural.
Um, outside of it, it really wasn't that much different from, you know, I was going to say bookies are usually huge anyway. It's a pretty standard experience. Yeah. I went to the, the one in Roy city in Texas is the one that I usually hit on my drive on the way down. Um, but yeah, so we,
Went to the one in Severeville and Brett, he got the full buckets experience. I've told you guys before, if you haven't been, they've just got the retail experience down pat. You got the smell of the roasted pecans and almonds and stuff as soon as you walk in. Fudge and smoked meats. Yeah, you just feel the money just leaving your wall. And everything's laid out so nice, right? It never looks ratchet on the shelves. It's clean. Yeah, it's very appealing. So obviously, he had to go and use the bathroom right away because Brett loves to use the bathroom in public. Brett is a public dumper.
And Bucky's is known for having their award when you know, they have like the nicest bathrooms anywhere in public Not even just gas stations any any public establishment Bucky's got the nicest ones man. So had to had to hit that up. And then yeah, he got him some got him some Bucky's popcorn got him some fudge and He grabbed the barbecue turkey sandwich, which is really really good. They're known for their brisket I think I'm at the point I almost kind of like
Kind of like the turkey more than the brisket. You can't go wrong with any barbecue, but this is a six-year-old, so you guys know how fickle their taste can be. And the barbecue turkey sandwich was his jam, dude. So he was loving that. And yeah, I think he gave Bucky's two enthusiastic thumbs up. We stopped at Crossville on the way back, and he's bugging me trying to get every little thing that he's seeing. And yeah, he had a good quote. He said, Dad, Bucky's is like the greatest place in the world. You have to get me something.
Yeah, well I'm super stoked you got to go we hopefully we're gonna get to have our first Myself in the future women's world champ Stella we'll get to have our first Bucky's experience Maybe later on this summer when we go to Texas with Seth, but yeah, it's just funny I don't even know how Bucky's became such like a niche like
Because they don't really have commercials or anything. No, it's like word of mouth type situation. Word of mouth, maybe some viral marketing going on. You start to see the billboards when you're about 40 miles away. I definitely think it's like social media too. Social media just makes it super appealing because you're like, oh my God, people are raving about all the different Bucky's treats and stuff and it feels like such a...
And everybody can relate, you know, road trips are such like a uniquely American tradition, man. Like you, everybody can value having a really awesome clean road stop, you know, uh, on those trips, man. So I think that's why the appeal of it. They just, they they've taken something that every experience that everybody knows and just elevates it.
Yeah, because it's so funny, man. Like I said, you know, I had heard about Bucky's, but I didn't really until we got to Tennessee, like I didn't realize how big like the Bucky's craze and stuff was. And like anytime the kids are wearing like their little Bucky's t shirts, like they get like compliments everywhere. They go, Oh, we love Bucky's. Oh, I love your t shirt. I'm just like, wow, this is this is really something. So beyond Bucky's, you guys got to the Airbnb, you guys were the first people there. And very nice place. Got to give a shout out to Hawk from the Turnbuckle Tavern. We were
Definitely giving him a lot of grief because he kind of quarterbacked, uh, you know, booking everything for this trip. We still weren't a hundred percent sure until we got there that it wasn't going to be a KOA, uh, camping site. Cause that's what he typically fancy's

Inside AEW Revolution: Highlights & Reflections

been a, this was awesome dude. It was right there downtown by the college in Greensboro. Beautiful house. It was huge. You know, bro, Cindy wanted to move there.
had all the board games you could ever want. We were playing Jenga, you know, 20 minutes after we got there. We had shuffleboard, which was really, really cool. Got the Roku hooked up and kind of had just classic sting matches streaming in the background all weekend and really, really nice place to stay super chill too. So if anybody is ever going to take a trip to Greensboro, North Carolina for any reason,
please hit me up. I'll give you the Airbnb we stayed at because I could not recommend it enough. It's so much cheaper and it's a better experience than a hotel all the way around. Unless you're traveling by yourself or maybe one other person, I think Airbnb is the way to go. Yeah, I agree. I know there's some people out there that have had some really
crappy or crazy like Airbnb experiences or verbo experiences or whatever. But every time we've done it, we've had we've had a good experience. So no, no complaints here. Hopefully, you know, the luck continues. And like we talked about last week, like, you know, meeting up with the tavern guys after we've been friends with these guys for pretty much three years at this point online, it was exactly like we predicted. You know, it was just like being with old friends. It was, you know, none of the awkwardness from meeting online friends. First time, the two bad chats.
You know, the mullet man, Colton, and of course, Hawk, who we already knew, man. It was a great time.
Yeah. So I thought I was going to say next was how, how was it meeting everybody? And obviously, you know, we've had Hawk, we've hosted Hawk over here at the house before. We took Hawk to smack down. Yeah. We took, we took Hawk to smack down with us and he shed a tear when Roman Reigns came in the building. So, uh, you know, it was like old friends with Hawk, but I'm excited that, you know, everybody was super chill. We got to meet Cassie or you guys got to meet Cassie, which is, uh, you know, Chad's, Chad's better half.
You gave them all your farm gifts. Yeah, I was really bummed not to get to go. I was having like major FOMO. And so I made sure to pack up everybody that was going to be a guest there. A little penny acre backyard farm gift. I gave them some Fayette County local honey, some loofah that I grew in the backyard, some of our farm fresh eggs, and some of my homemade infused cleaner, like vinegar cleaner. So yeah, I packed them up a little crunchy kit to keep them on the road.
Um, well, let's let's get into like so what did you guys did you guys do anything before the uh The event like what was that? What was the vibe like? We wouldn't got some breakfast and then we just hung out at the house, man You know, we had had the bratman with us, which was great. He was entertaining everybody But you couldn't really do like any bar hopping or anything show because of that and well true
But you're missing one big thing that you guys did before the show. You lost a member of the Turnbuckle Tavern. You dropped him off at the arena hours before. Yeah, so shout out to Chad Sneed from the Turnbuckle Tavern.
dedicated figure collector and Stinger. We dropped him off about three hours before the show actually started because he wanted to be first in line to get the autographed Sting figures. The merch line was kind of the typical thing you see with AEW's limited stuff. And I don't know if it's just staffing or not having enough booths set up, but the line was a mile long, man.
Luckily, he hooked us up and was able to grab a sting mask for the Bretman and he did get his sting figure. Those sting figures, they were selling them for $215 at the show. It's pretty steep, man. That's nuts. It is Sting's last match, so I think that could potentially add some of the resale value to it down the road, but they were definitely priced for collection, not priced for reselling.
So what was the vibe inside? Once you guys got there, what was the vibe inside the arena? It was a Sting love fest all night long. Everybody there had on Sting shirts, man. It wasn't a one-match show because there was some other really, really great matches on the car, but it really felt almost like a one-match show. It felt like people paid.
People everybody that was there did like let's be real why I didn't finish I mean I'm saying I did people paid to see that match, you know Yeah, so I'm saying they did they did pay to see the match. Yeah, it felt like that was the match that brought that brought everybody there I mean, like I said, it's the match that brought us there man. I could there really wasn't another AW match I think they could have had me driving ten hours to to go see it but the show was great crowd was really really hype, you know, we had the unique experience of
going to NXT vengeance day just last month. So I kind of had a fresh frame of reference of being at a pay-per-view and the vengeance day crowd was awesome. That was a really good time. It was a whole different level of intensity here. You can tell it was just a little bit more passionate, I guess, fan base. Whereas NXT, I mean, the fans were all into it, but it felt like they were there to have fun, have a good time. These people are actively rooting for
for their favorites and stuff. And it was loud. It was intense in there. Not to mention it was steamy as hell in the arena. Greensboro Coliseum was a lot nicer than I was expecting for how old it is. Their conditioner situation was not- They need to upgrade that AC. I think it's been a while since they straight up had 17,000 folks in there and it felt like it was warm. Oh man. I'm just imagining the body odor just
It really wasn't that bad. I mean, these tickets were cheap, so I think that kind of got some of the nasty riff-raff out of there. The smell situation was fine. It was warm.
Well, like we said, you know, obviously sting was the main attraction, but, and I said last week, I was like looking at the match card and I was just like, eh, you know, like there's some things on here. Like it looks cool, but you know, what ifs, but it ended up actually being a really good show. I think, uh, you know, we had the, um, the Osprey match that I think, I mean, everybody knew that was going to be awesome, but I think it just really went above and beyond what people were expecting. Um,
Yeah. Bell to Bell. That was definitely the match of the night. Early match of the year. Contender for sure. Will Osprey delivered? I'd be really surprised if he's not wearing the AW Championship sometime within the next year.
Yeah, who was there any like crowd favorites that were just like that you weren't expecting like somebody that was really over in Greensboro that Jericho is still over as ever, you know, maybe it's just people up missing the song when he comes out, but Jericho is still over as ever. Daniel Garcia is really, really over to man, which I don't really get like he's kind of just a guy to me, but the AW faithful, they love Daniel Garcia.
What were your thoughts on the triple threat, so the three-way match for the AEW World Championship, Samoa Joe, Hangman, and Swerve?
It was about what I was expected. And I feel like Swerve is next in line for that belt, but you got to believe he's getting it one-on-one, but you know, everybody played a part. Hangman was awesome. Hangman just going full heel. Got a huge crowd response. All three guys look like they belong. You know, it still feels a little bit to me, like Samojo is a bit of a placeholder champ until the next thing happens. But, but yeah, Swerve and Hangman both kicked ass.
All right, and any other matches that go before we start talking about the main event, were there any other matches that you were, you know, surprised by or really enjoyed?
So it's going to sound kind of bad because I think I still would have trimmed this match from the show and put it on, you know, a main of it of a dynamite. But Blackpool Combat Club because FTR was freaking awesome, man. That match was amazing. I just don't feel like it really had any place on the paper. It lasted like 22 minutes long. And, you know, by the end by the end of the show, whether it was just, you know, fatigue from all these incredible matches or or, you know, just the heat from the arena, I think we were all kind of like
taking, you know, taking a sneak peek down on our watch is checking the time to see how much longer we're going to be in this building. So I think everybody was ready to just get out and get some fresh air. Five hours, dude. That was a long ass pay-per-view. I think that all-star scramble and probably that, uh, that tag match, they probably could have trimmed them and I don't think they would have lost anything.
Um, you know, we've said before, I think a big reason why these AW paper views are so overstuffed is just that price tag, you know, it's 50 bucks. And I think you'd always rather err on the side of people saying like this too much than people saying they didn't get their value, right? Cause I don't think anybody can say they didn't, they didn't get $50 worth of, uh, worth of wrestling on their TV. Um, but yeah, it's, it can be just exhausting to get through live. Cause the other thing, the big difference from WWE, I think there's a happy medium somewhere to have in the middle here.
like the pacing, you know, do that be you'll have a match and then they'll have, you know, 12 to 20 minutes of entrances, video packages, commercials, you know, those little sidebar segments, whatever, before the next match starts. So you kind of have a chance to fully recharge your batteries and get going.
And sometimes those shows drag on to where like with the elimination chamber, you look up and it's, you know, three hours into the show and there's been three matches or something. Whereas AEW is just nonstop match after match after match after match. And it really kind of just wears out your attention span a little bit, no matter how good the action is.
Yeah. Speaking of 22 minutes, I want to give, um, set the shout out. We had a, uh, prediction, a bonus point prediction on our, um, on our Foley picks league. It was like, will the Osprey match go over or under 22 minutes? You know, not 20 minutes, not 21 minutes. He said, will it go over under?
22 minutes, and they have it clocked at 22 minutes on the dot, dude. I'm like a Vegas odds maker, man. Yeah, so shout out to Seth for putting it right on the money for calling that match at 22 minutes. When I was setting it up, I was originally going to do it at 20 minutes just because it's a nice round number, and then I was thinking, like, nah, it's definitely going 20. Let's go 22 minutes exactly, Seth. Yeah, and it went 22 exactly. I still think I need a petition to get some bonus points added to my score for that.
No way, dude. So let's go on to the main event. The thing that everybody was there to see, the freaking icon Sting and Darby Allen took on Matthew and Nicholas, the Young Bucks, the EVPs for the Tag Team Championships.
It was just perfect. Yeah, it's pretty much picture perfect. Everything you'd want. With the match, you know, sting sun's coming out. We got a little surface sting, a little wolf pack, sting action. They both delivered crazy. You get the crazy Darby bumps, you know, sting, taking the big bumps he's been known for. And then we got to see multiple stings, classic comeback, you know, beat the chest, clothesline, clothesline, stinger splash, scorpion death drop.
It was it was kind of just like the best sort of fan service, you know, just send everybody home happy. Yeah, I love the pre-produced like, like entrance that Sting had, like where he was in the theater watching all the old, you know, all of his memories. So if I had one minor quibble, it actually was with that video. That video was great. It was outstanding, right? But the video that they played to close the pre-show is this four minute long montage of Sting's career set to
set to the song silence by Manchester Orchestra. That was just freaking powerful, dude. Like to the point, like I know I was, I was by Chad Smith. He was telling me like, you know, he is having to grit his jaw a little bit. And I mean, I was the same way. I was felt like I was gonna have to borrow Brett Stingmaster to carry it up. Like that one got me
Choked up just that you know the song and all the clips they were using and everything was just it It was really really cool. Yeah, you gotta think though That's like their last grasp to get the those last few $50 in their pocket. You know what I mean? Yeah, they're like damn do you like you know, I gotta watch this thing match, you know, like this is gonna be iconic to
The theater video was perfect too. That was really awesome as well, but I used a YouTube program to download that video just so I got it. That one that they played on the free show, I feel like that's the one that I'm going to go back and watch. That's an instant hall of fame video package for me.
Yeah, 100%. And I think, dude, the Darby spot, I mean, I'm sure you've already, if you've listened to any podcast this week, they've talked about it, but it was just absolutely unreal. The Darby spot from the ladder through the freaking glass, the real glass. It was just bananas, man. Like the things that that man does and puts his body on the line is just
One more minor critique, man. I feel like they did a disservice with some of the camera work because that's the initial shot. It looked like Darby was just diving into nothing. Yeah. The replay, you could see how really well executed it was. I mean, they literally was close. Yeah, they they pulled Matt Jackson out of the way at the absolute last second. But I think at first, you know, in being where we were sent out in the arena, we really can see at first what what Darby was diving into either. It was a little bit awkward, but insane spot, man, like glass flying everywhere, like
It was awesome. Well, I'm going to give the camera ran credit because what they missed in, um, you know, that, that initial shot where, you know, they pulled them off the glass they made up for when they zoomed in on Darby's back and you just see the blood, like pinpricks just starting to like bleed out. And you're just like, holy shit, man. Like absolutely bananas. Um, so.
Yeah, overall, incredible event. I am so glad you guys got to go. I had major FOMO all weekend. Um, so I'm really looking forward to the next time, you know, we can all get together with the turnbuckle Tavern crew and hopefully we can get the extra cooler crew and everybody all, all down there too. So it'd be a nice, uh, pod foundation event, get J bone down there from coming down the aisle and be a, you know, Jordan Jordan's part of our crew. So, you know, yeah, the cheek fully crew, they all run together.
Yeah, it was just a really, really special night, man. Sting was awesome. Again, when this was announced back in December, I knew it had to be there. I was already kind of like, you know, swishing it around, making it happen. And then I did a debate episode with the Chads and I brought it up and they said that, yeah, everything about going to you. So we kind of just got the momentum from there to make it happen.
I'm really glad Brett was able to go, you know, it was real cool, you know, father son moment. I mean, sting was one of my favorite wrestlers when I was Brett's age right now. And the fact that he's still going strong, Brett's, you know, become a sting fan independent of, you know, with his, with his own fanhood. Um, so it's just really, really cool experience, man. I've always had steam kind of in that, that kind of hodgepodge of second favorite ever after Brett, you know, there was, there's staying, you know, Scott Hall, razor Ramone.
Shawn Michaels and like the shield guys, like after this weekend and, you know, being there live for his last match and, um, just kind of reflecting on his whole career. I think Sting is, he's solidified himself as number two, right? And him and Brad separated themselves from the rest of the pack from, from my all-time favorites.
Yeah. And I think, I mean, for guys that have been in the business for damn near 40 years, I think Sting's definitely like one of the, if not the top performer out of the guys that are like, you know, still, still going 40 years strong, dude, because he still looks awesome, man. Like doing, I mean, the spots that he's doing right now, I mean, like, what'd you say? He's the same age as your dad, right?
He's older than that. He's 64. He's like five years older than my dad. Yeah, which is just absolutely, absolutely incredible and insane at the same time. And he could still go if he wanted to. He's totally got another match in him. He's choosing to hang it up now, man. And I don't blame him, dude. I think going out on top, I mean, going out with Darby, you're never going to recreate that magic that they created by putting Darby and Sting together, dude.
And let's give our flowers to Darby too, dude, because he was a huge part in Sting being as successful and beloved and just having this incredible comeback over the last few years in AEW. So shout out to Darby Allen, dude. I don't know what's next for that dude, but I mean, what a moment for Darby. Yeah.
This last run from Sting has just been awesome. I think the way the WWE thing went just left a sour taste in everybody's mouth and it would have sucked if that really ended up being the last that we ever see of Sting. If nothing else, people can criticize AEW. We've criticized them on our show before.
I think pretty much unequivocally, you could say the way that they've handled the last run of Sting and the way they booked him has been probably the biggest success they've had over the last three years.

Wrestling Legends: AEW's Respectful Tribute

AEW, like Seth said, occasionally we drop some Tony Khan hate on the show. But dude, they handle legends and sensitive situations with such grace and such class. I don't know. They always do a good job. Think about
you know, the Brody situation and the Jay Briscoe situation and like all these horrible things that could just, you know, be really poorly done. And I feel like AEW always comes through and always shines through. And I think it goes to show you how they did it with, with Sting and his last match. I definitely think it's one of the best final matches, you know, for a, for a career dude. Yeah. And the thing is, it's going to be a true final match. You know, Shawn Michaels came back after a great one. Ric Flair came back after a great one. Like, yeah, I think, uh,
I think this is probably number one. How do you think Rick Flair feels seeing all this pomp and circumstance for Sting and seeing how Sting's last match was received and how his last, last match was? Well, the thing was, we already gave Rick Flair. At WrestleMania 24, Rick Flair had that. He had that before and he gave that up, so he chose to give that up. That's true. He did that to himself. That's something he's just got to live with, man.
You're right. All right, so any final thoughts on the actual event before we get into the post match or the dark match? Can we just talk about the... I mean, putting it like that, I could probably just talk for another hour about revolution until you're ready to just go to sleep and put a bow on this episode. All right, so the match ends. Everybody went home happy. They let... Starby and Starby.
Darby and Sting went over the young books. Like I said, just I think that was the right move. There was no way that Sting was going out on his back. Everybody left happy. It was a feel good moment. Sting gave this heartfelt, you know, thank you and GG. Oh, A.W. Roster comes out. Oh, A.W. Roster comes out. We're taking great photos in the stands. Yeah, the Turnbuckle Tavern guys and, you know, my crew were taking, you know,
pictures to commemorate this awesome night, right? And leave the stadium. I walked Brad all the way out on my shoulders with a steam mask on. Yeah. Walk back to the parking lot and everybody loads up. So, you know, they're driving my Honda Odyssey, my minivan, you know, one of my prize possessions, you know what I mean? Like, I just, I love this van. It's just like, you know, one of those things that I'm just like, I love. It's the mommobile. It's the mommobile, dude. It's comfortable. I love it. Like, I never thought I would be a van mom, but here I am. And I love my freaking van, right?
So Seth, I was like, he's going to take it on the road trip because it's just a more comfortable drive than Tacoma. Way better on gas, too. Way better on gas, too. So Seth takes the van down there. And also the cool thing is that since you got the mom mobility, you got all these extra seats. So everybody just piled in the van to go to Revolution, right? So there's seven people in the van. They're all loaded. We're in your house fully loaded. Yeah, in your house, fully loaded.
freaking energy is just on 100, right? And then they're leaving the arena. Seth is backing out of a parking lot and then all of a sudden Stone Cold theme song hits and they don't know what to do. The back glass of the van just explodes. The back glass of the van just like explodes into a million pieces. Like if you've ever seen pressure glass like explode, like it doesn't just like, you know, it's not like shards of like, you know, big shards of glass. Like it's just like a ton of little like pebbles.
a glass that just break into a million pieces. So we part, it was a lot right across Greensboro Coliseum. I'll, for those in the Facebook group, man, I could post this in the comments on this episode. The thing I hit is actually in the screenshot. There's this super awkward object, right? So that's like strike one, right? It was like a dumpster that you could haul with like an 18 wheeler.
It's not an 18 wheel. It's like a fifth wheel. If you've ever seen a fifth wheel where a truck has the ball in the back of the bed of the truck, it's like a goose neck. It's like a high. It's not like a low hitch. You would hook to a tractor trailer or a standard truck. It's like a goose neck. Real high hitch. Super awkward. Yeah, high hitch that gets over.
So like, you know, and I told Sheena, I was like, dude, I would have been, you know, first, you know, I'm sober as a son of a bitch, because I'm designated driving for seven people. And I'm, I'm paying attention. Like, that's what you know, Brett's quote afterwards was like, dad, you were doing all the right things. We just bonked that thing. Like, I literally like I was aware that this thing was back there, right? Because I remember seeing it in the, when we got there. And I'm looking on the
You know the Honda it's fully loaded with like all the tech you see in modern vehicles like it beeps if you're close to hitting anything and I'm checking in the you know the rear camera still got you know plenty of space between us and the And this you know this big object or so I think and then so I roll down my window And I'm looking out the window to make sure there's no cars coming because it's poor You know it's piss-poorly like you can't really see anything. I'm more worried about hitting other vehicles It was like a satellite lot to yeah to the arena
It wasn't like a part of the original backing up, you know radar is not picking that you can't you couldn't see the actual hitch I could see the trailer but I couldn't next the hitch just was not showing up on the the camera and And yeah, we just freakin, you know barely even tapped it It wasn't even like, you know We smashed through this thing like we barely tapped it and I think we tapped it just right on it was actually on the back panel Yeah, and then put you know a little dent in and I think the pressure from that dent like went up and made the glasses explode so
sucked knowing you got a 10 hour drive back home the next morning. Nobody was hurt. It wasn't any violent accident whatsoever, but Brett got scared. He had the perfect six-year-old reaction. He started crying and saying, mom was going to kill daddy.
And yes, so yeah, that was his that was his quote that everybody kept saying that he was they told me that he was saying is like, mom is going to kill your mom is going to kill daddy because the last the literally the last thing I said to them is they were pulling out of the driveway. I told Seth, you know, gave him hugs and kisses. Goodbye.
And I said, take care of my kid and take care of my van. Right. And I mean, obviously the most important thing was taking care of the kid. So, you know, 50%, if you're going to pick only 50%, like he picked the best 50% to take care of. But yeah, dude, he did not want to be, he did not want to make that call. It was like 1am in the morning. He was like, I thought something really bad had happened. You know, he was like, Hey, you know, I got something. He's like, you're not going to believe this. And I said, you wreck my van.
Yeah, grand scheme of things You know pretty painless got to give a shout out to Hawk and Colton They helped get the van covered up that night and then me and Hawk had me and Colton head over to Walmart first thing the next morning to rig up some trash bags No, it's a we got a plastic drop cloth. Oh, it's a drop painting. Yeah, and taped up. So
And really, if you didn't look back, you wouldn't have known anything was going wrong on the trip home. We literally drove 10 hours from North Carolina back to Tennessee without any back glass in the van and was able to get it. Luckily, we got a pretty badass repair shop here by us. And shout out to Farmers Insurance and the Fig God, Jordan, hooking us up. It's already in for an estimate, and the van should start getting fixed next week. Yeah. Yeah, still sexy. I didn't pay that interest deductible, but that's what insurance is for.
At the end of the day, we could laugh about it, man. I know that Chad and them were laughing. They were in the back, and we were talking about the next morning. He said it was so awkwardly funny, because at that initial moment, you get that tension, right? Everybody feels bad. Even though it's not their fault, it's really nobody's fault. It's nobody's fault. You still feel bad if you're in the vehicle and that happens to somebody else. And I was DDing for them in my vehicle. Everybody else had, you know,
that was anywhere from a solid buzz to straight up drunk. It was in the vehicle. Right. So, you know, I know they, they, they felt bad about it. But he said like anytime on that way home, like if we would hit a bump or hit the brakes, this stops on, you could hear like, tink, tink, tink from like another couple of pieces of glass, like falling down in the back. So and then once we got about halfway, once the initial shock of it wore off and I realized like, all right, end of the day, like it's not that big a deal.
I mentioned to him, I said, well, hey, at least we got some airflow now after being in that stadium for six hours. We had a good laugh about it, man. It definitely sucked. I would have preferred it not to happen. There's nothing worse than something like that happening in front of an audience. It's bad enough if it's you and just your family or just you and something unfortunate like that happens. But when you have a whole audience of one, tired, buzzed people, it's just like, oh, God, dude.
I'm glad, though, because I would have to deal with it with just me and Brett. At least I had people there to help out and stuff, man. For sure. Yeah, it was. And you guys know, I always talk about Sheena's bed driving on here. I don't want to hear nothing else about me trying to kill you, dude. That angle has definitely been silenced for the foreseeable future.
Yeah. Um, any other, any last thoughts on, um, revolution? No, I just want to give another shout out to the tavern crew man for, you know, partnering up with me and the Brett man to make this happen. It was an awesome trip and definitely look forward to doing it again in the future. So let's go from, uh, from road trip to roadblock man.

Wrestling Figures & Collectibles: Discussions & Debates

What did you think at NXT roadblock last night? Sheen quick thoughts.
Um, I mean, I thought it was good. I thought, well, I was, I was kind of watching it back and forth. Obviously, like, you know, I was like doing bedtime and all that kind of stuff. So I was getting to watch it intermittently, but what I saw was, was great. I liked it. So we got our double main event set up for stand and deliver. Now, uh, Tony Dangel, you think he has any shot of taking it down? You think he's just up.
just because we got to have an NXT Championship match on the card. That's why he's here. He's a speed bump in the roadblock, dude. Like he's just, yeah. I mean, shout out to Tony. Like he's good from just being this spot, right? This spot is. Maybe a year from now, maybe he's ready to actually take the belt. But yeah, I agree. I don't think he's, I don't think he's anywhere near ready to take down a dragon off with the title. And then what I think is going to be our actual main event, trick Williams versus mellow. What did you think of tricks return?
Oh, man. I mean, dude, I thought it was epic, man. I was so stoked. Obviously, the Bretman was stoked. We love Trick Williams here, so I was happy to see him back, and I'm even more stoked to see him and Mello just duke it out. Yeah. I like the way they did it with the fake out and the main event, so they didn't think like, okay, Trick's not coming back yet this week, but then we still ended up getting him, so pretty dang cool, and his music's become one of the biggest things in all of wrestling right now. Yeah. Yeah, so I'm really excited to see what him and Mello do one-on-one, which will probably be Mello's send-off.
Last thing I want to ask you about in the ring, man, what do you think of Okada debuting tonight on Dynamite? We were watching it live right before we hit record.
I think, I think it's awesome. They fired, um, hangman and the, uh, and Kenny from the elite. And then, you know, we're just kind of like, where's this going? I thought it was like, Oh, it's just a, it's just some heel shit that, you know, Nick and Matt are doing. And then Okada comes in and at first I was like, Oh crap, dude. I mean, I guess I just didn't even think about him joining, joining up with the elite. I think it's the perfect way to bring him in. Oh, for like a thousand percent. I think it's really good. He was just another baby face, work great guy. Like you already got Osprey in doing that. Like, yeah, let's,
For those who don't know, Okada is really like the probably the closest thing in wrestling to a Roman Reigns man, as far as his like presence and the presentation and just the way he's been booked over the years. It felt big. Like it felt it felt like a moment whenever, you know, he showed up. Do you hear that? Like that coin coin drop. And yeah, it was just so excited to see what this looks like as we move forward with him and the Bucks as a faction. You got anything else in the ring you want to speak on or express feelings on? I'm ready to move on. All right. Let's hit the beverage break.
All right. It's time for the weekly beverage break where we tell you guys what we're sipping on as we pod. Sheena, I'll let you go first. Um, I've had these for the last couple of weeks. I'm drinking a simply lemonade and it's the blueberry blueberry variety. So nice fresh way to in the evening.
I am going with something I drink just you know once twice a year I got I got a Guinness man like I don't know what it is really not a fan of stouts at all, but like once or twice a year I get a craving for Guinness man it's pretty good out of can poured into a glass you know it's you always got the novelty of the, the little widget inside the can because it's the nitrate nitrogenated is what they have on here for
smoothness, I guess. But yeah, I will say the only way I got to have it like hurt your teeth cold. It's got stouts have to be really cold. I enjoy a stout from time to time. I used to actually drink them more frequently than I do now. But they do they have to be so cold. You know, because they're so heavy. Scotland and Ireland drink them like barely below room temperature. Oh, yeah. They drink them at like 60 degrees. Oh, yeah. Well, you see like people getting a pitcher of like stout and you're just just sitting on the table and you're like,
It's gotta be, there was a bar in Fallon, Nevada that I used to go to sometimes for my job. Not the bar, I would go to Fallon, Nevada for my job and go to the bar while I was there. I'm not at bar rescue, John Tapper. But I remember they had Guinness on tap and I don't know what, I don't know if it was just where the keg was at in their freezer setup or what, but it was legit, felt like it was zero degrees when you got in your cup and it was really very good. That's how you need to drink a stout for sure. All right, let's talk wrestling figures.
All right, it's time for the figure four where we give you guys the latest and greatest in wrestling figure news and discussion. Start off this week with a little bit of news we have the just announced today actually ringside has a brand new line of figures sounds like there's gonna be ongoing not just one set, they're called from the vault, it looks like
it is similar to the greatest hits line, except these are like just straight up all bangers, man. So we got eight figures in the opening set, you got the Dudley boys, you have the undertaker, it was the defining, you get the undertaker that was the defining moments figure from Survivor Series 97, the one that's got like the Batman style wings, you got hardcore Kane,
the 2006 version of DX. And then you got an old defining moments, John Cena and that hall of champions ultimate warrior. So what's unique about these is pretty much all of these figures, except maybe the Dudley's have been super valuable on the secondary market. So that seems to be where this is leaning. You got some ringside exclusives in there with the cane. You know, that ultimate warrior was a store exclusive at targets and that John Cena was a defining moments along with that undertaker. He was from the original defining moments line too. So they seem to be skewing really to
you know the hardcore you know the fan favorites from the secondary market what's your thoughts on this sheen is a little bit of an extension of the greatest hits well we've talked about this before i you know this is a really touchy subject with a lot of figure collectors like some figure collectors are really really butthurt about um you know these these type of things whenever there's a re-release of a very rare figure
They really get in their feels like, you know, because it devalues the one that they have or like makes it not as exclusive. And I think that, I mean, my personal opinion, you're allowed to feel however you want to feel, but my personal opinion is like, that's BS. I think if you want to figure, you should be able to get it. And it's still not the same, right? Like you, there's still a, like a differentiation between the, from the vault set and like an elite, especially if you're MOC.
Yeah, especially if you're MOC. And I think, I mean, I don't know. To me, it's just never been that big of a deal because we open all of our figures. We never buy figures for resale value. That's just not what we're in it for. But I mean, I think it's cool. I love that they're re-releasing these and allowing people, because there's a lot of people that have just gotten into the hobby in the last few years. And to go back and get a lot of these figures that were released like... Some of these are 13 years old. Mattel's had the line, you know, we've talked about that.
kind of privately is one of the big challenges Mattel's facing right now they've had the license for 15 years man cranking out amazing figures so there's just not a whole lot of meat on the bone other than going back and redoing some of these and yeah I would say for the folks that you know
have been complaining about this and been voicing their complaints to Mattel, I think you know exactly where you stand now because they've doubled down on the greatest hits line. This is the most aggressive line they've ever done as far as undercutting the value, specifically that Ultimate Warrior figure. That Hall of Champions Ultimate Warrior was a very, very expensive figure. Hard to find when it came out. Yeah, so I like it, man. I'm all about, you know, the more figures, the better. Yeah, getting figures in the hands of the people that want them. I think that's always a good move. And it's a good move by Mattel.
What do you think of the throwback to the original Elite packaging? That's kind of an homage to series one. Yeah, it looks nice. I really, I really like it. I actually love how like simple it looks compared to like the Elite packaging today where it's like, there's just so much going on. Like, especially like, you know, in years past, like over the last like five years, how much they, they remember where they had like the super card on there and like all the different things. Like there was just so much going on in the packaging. I love how like just clean.
And crisp, this is nice, you know, classic colorway in the red and black. I like this packaging, dude. Yeah, they're very nice. I don't got an issue with it. I understand the perspective of the people that don't like it. I understand the gripe. I get it. But it just to me personally, it doesn't affect me. And I just feel like if that's something that if that, you know, if it's about the thrill of the collecting, I get it. If you're talking about just like the monetary value, I think you're doing this all for the wrong reason.
Yeah, you're doing it for the wrong reason. And also like, if you have a figure that's hot, dude, and it's selling, like get rid of it, dude. Cause they're like, eventually this is going to happen to you. So if you have, if you have somebody that's under contract, right? If it's a, if it's a figure of somebody that's under contract and is commanding some high values. Yeah. I w I would throw it on the, uh, on the old eBay man. Go ahead and yeah, get it while it's hot. Don't do this with you. No, don't do it with your demolition, but you're, you know, legion of doom, those guys that you macho man for as of now, but, uh, but yeah, guys like that. Yeah. Definitely.
Definitely if you're just trying to flip then I would say go ahead and go ahead and do it one other bit of figure news we do got to talk about because he is a Foley fam favorite man from the Foley rumbles grapplers and gimmicks revealed the the prototype for their Waylon mercy Their Waylon mercy figure the the retro Foley Foley rumble winner Waylon mercy trying to get this
There it was right there. I'm trying to get another Yeah, the the Instagram the search function is some sometimes so here we go. What do you think of that? I forgot to show this Sheena earlier today, but what do you think? Yeah, I love the white linen pants and the you know, the aloha shirt Yeah, Mitch has been killing it on the choices in his line man Like he is out of I mean zombies obviously at a different level with the amount of detail and stuff but when Mitch is done is it feels like he's picked up right where like at the Hasbro line and
just kept going, this is what we would have got, right? The freaking Ahmed Johnsons, the hog farmers, men on a mission, and now Waylon Mercy. We had Savio Vega, so very, very cool. I'm glad to see him. I'd love to see him get a lead figure also, man, because unfortunately he got injured and he was well past his prime by the time this gimmick happened. But yeah, Waylon Mercy was really, really cool and strangely influential.
For the little bit amount of TV time he had, he was very influential on a lot of stuff that came later on with all the spooky gimmicks. You know, Bray Wyatt was heavily inspired by him. You can see a little bit of it with like Joe Gacy's gimmick now. Um, you know, like the friendly psychopath, man, we've seen that, we've seen that trope a few times in wrestling over the last 20 years. And I think it all traces back to, uh, to Dan Spivey's Waylon Mercy.
Yeah, I love a good cult leader, a good 70s-esque psychopath. That's right in my wheelhouse, dude. So if you're gonna do a creepy, spooky gimmick, that's the one for me, dude. I love that.
All right, and let's get into a live review. So just Tuesday afternoon, we got Unrivaled 14 in. Pretty, pretty good looking set. They got some weird timing on this one with the acclaimed hitting just after that ringside exclusive set. And these figures are different, but I mean, if I was, if I, yeah, if I squinted, I would think they were all the same, right? Like if you, if I didn't have them in front of me and you just told me to list the differences, it'd be tough, right? It's kind of just like color swaps between,
silver black and pink at various points on there you get keith lee who unfortunately has just not really been featured in about a year plus now um and then you got a tony storm who's also out of date you know might as well be a mariah mill's uh you know mariah may character after this dude with um
with the look, but that's the old Tony storm, you know, which now she's over as it gets in the biz with the, uh, with the new Tony, the timeless Tony store. I think they should definitely do a chase timeless Tony in like black and white, like just like a black and white figure. I think that would be so cool. Yeah. That's a great, great idea.
Um, and then we got another Ricky Starks, which is, is cool. I don't think anybody's jumping up and down for another Ricky Starks figure. The highlights, definitely the sword draft. Yeah. The sword figure is sick. Sheen, what's, what's your thoughts on these? What's the, uh, the best figure in, in, uh, series six series 14.
Definitely a swerve. I do like that Tony. I mean, I love, I love that version of Tony. Yeah. It's like her classic. If you're a WWE collector and you know, all we ever got, we got a basic of her and basically the same look. So this is a really, really nice. Yeah. I love this original Tony storm gimmick. So I'm here for that. Um, I do want a timeless Tony too, but yeah, swerve is definitely the standout. He's the one that I was most excited to see when I opened the package. So yeah. And obviously the, the Brett man was stoked to get swerve. So, you know, he can add him into his faction. So.
That timeless telling that feels like prior ringside exclusive. You know how AWS that's one thing about jazz or is they've crushed it on all their exclusives. I could totally see that being a ringside exclusive in the black and white. Like you said, they could do a two pack. They could do a full color and then like on the other side, do a black and white or something, you know.
But yeah, overall good set, but like he said, I think the acclaimed are good figures, but it's weird that they just released that exclusive set and then these guys came out. It kind of killed a little bit of the hype for them, but if you weren't able to pick up that exclusive, then now you have another opportunity to get your hands on the acclaimed.
and use CodeChick Folio to save 10%. All six of these figures are in stock right now. Myers the Chase on this is gonna be a Keith Lee in the gray and pink like we had back in his WWE Mattel days. And then there's a Billy Gunn that's also the rare. And this one, one of 3000. All right, any other figure new sheen? I don't think so. If you don't know, then I don't know. All right, let's get into random merch of the week.
All right, random merch of the week is where we scour eBay to bring you guys something unique to talk about. Sometimes it's something expensive. Sometimes it's something just strange. This week, it's a little bit of both. So I was perusing this morning. I found this hardcore cafe ECW shirt. Now what this was, was ECW's tour in 1998. They put out a, it was almost like a tour shirt, right? Like where
You have the different cities listed on the back of it, but they were in Memphis. Nice. On the front of it, though, they were doing like the classic hard rock cafe shirts, which if you're a child of the 90s, you know, the hard rock cafe shirts were huge, right? You had the hard rock cafe logo and then what city it was from. That meant your family went on vacation. Yeah, that's how you that was like one of the original flexes. Yeah. Before there's Instagram, you had the hardcore, the hard rock cafe shirt.
So it's like that hardcore cafe style and it's got the city and this one's from Tokyo, Japan, which was the last stop on the tour. So you got Tokyo written on there and then it's got some Japanese font on the top and on the bottom. I had never seen this shirt before, popped up on eBay today. It's listed, the price is $777.77 or best offer, which means to me that that's like price for attention and they're just looking to see what they can get for this thing.
Need to hit up, uh, wrestling for sale to see how much this thing's really worth, but I've never seen this, this shirt in all my years of collecting. It would be the perfect shirt for your, somebody to grab for this year's WrestleMania, dude. He's going to be in Philly. Uh, you know what I mean? Paul Heyman's getting inducted, getting inducted into the hall of fame. So I feel like this would be the perfect, uh, WrestleMania shirt. If you got some cash burning a hole in your pocket.
Yeah, but it's got that nice, it hits right in the middle of the VIN diagram. It's a double XL too, so. Yeah, and it's a 90s double XL, so it's probably gonna fit like, you know, a medium. It'll be like a roomy large or something nowadays, but really, really cool design and really, really unique, man. So, and it's just got like, it's got some street cred to it, man. So I think if you're looking to, if you're going to a live show and you really wanna impress some folks, this shirt will definitely do the trick. Yeah, we'll post a link in the show notes so you guys can check it out if you're interested.

Wrestling Future Speculations & Listener Mail

All right. Do we have listener mail this week, Shane? Yes, sir. All right. Speaking of the hall of fame, Brett Sharrow hits us with our first question. He says, so far we have bull Nakano and Paul Heyman. Who else are you looking to see in the hall of fame class this year? Um, I think Paul's definitely the headliner. Yeah. I mean,
Yeah, most likely he's really one of the most influential people in wrestling history. Um, I'd say, you know, we had dark side of the ring, the new season debuted last night and the season opener was earthquake. Let's put earthquake in there. You know, if you really want to double down and go, you know, the natural disasters, earthquake and typhoon. I love both those guys, especially quake, man. Just such a good dude.
had an awesome run with Hogan there in the 90s. And even though the natural disasters, if you look back at it, their actual run was so short, which for a lot of guys, it's like that. If you compare them to how long wrestlers are staying around nowadays, the runs were much shorter back then.
It's weird when you think about some of those iconic gimmicks like that, because they're the ones that stick out in your mind, but you're also like, God, that was such a short period of time. Dude, think about this. Bret Hart's solo run in WWF was six years long. Whereas Seth Rollins, when he turned on the shield, that was 10 years ago this year, dude. That's why. But it doesn't seem like Seth's run has been longer than Bret's run. You know what I mean? Somehow it seems like...
Even though less stuff happened, it seemed like more stuff happened back then. I don't know the runs, but yeah, the runs were way shorter. So I think earthquake and, and typhoon are both, uh, you know, Fred slash Fred Oppmann, they're both well-deserved to go in the hall. Yeah. Are we going to get a Batista redo for a hall of fame since, uh, the pandemic kind of put a kibosh on, uh, his, uh, I thought they ended up doing it the year after when, uh,
They didn't do that, that first year. I thought he was the only ones that got postponed a year and they didn't actually announce them, but they had like a double-class. Yeah. I thought they just like, I thought they just not been in yet. I thought he is. I don't know. To be honest, man, if I'm being blunt, I don't really give a shit less about the WWE Hall of Fame. I think the WWF Hall of Fame. I think we've mentioned this before.
kind of BS, I wouldn't be against it if they just hit the reset button on it and started from scratch. I know they never do that because they have so many years invested right now. And so many people that they don't even have the right, you know what I mean? Yeah, to me, the WWF Hall of Fame, it's kind of pointless. I don't want to say straight up pointless because I know it's a nice honor for the guys to do get picked up, but I don't think it's any shame for the people that haven't. There's so many
well-deserving people that haven't gotten in for various reasons and there's people that I Don't necessarily want to say they don't belong in but they definitely don't belong in ahead of some of the people that haven't been inducted So I don't know man to me if I ever seem like this interested in the Hall of Fame talk It's because it's just it's kind of just like a cafe. It's a cafe thing to me
Yeah, I 1000% agree. And I think that until we get a physical Hall of Fame, like I will never take the Hall of Fame seriously. Like there needs to be a place where you can go visit, see all the busts of all the people that are in the Hall of Fame, you know, like all the different wings. They could totally do it. But at Universal Studios, dude, it needs to be an attraction at Universal Studios. And it would be so awesome. I just think, again, I don't know why, you know,
what the business decision is or whatever behind that, but I will never understand why. We have a lot of other shit things that are out there and I'm like, we don't have a WWE Hall of Fame building. There's been talks over the years. I think it's just a matter of finding a way to
to make it make sense financially, which is why I said, I think having it as something like Universal Studios, man, I think that's the model, right? It's something that you're gonna visit while you're already somewhere else. I can't, I don't know, man, I really, as much as I freaking love wrestling, I can't really see it being viable as like a standalone thing. You would have to put it in a tourist city, right? Like it would have to be in like Orlando or somewhere. Yeah, to me, the two options are at Universal Studios. I say that because they have such a longstanding relationship with NBC Universal.
or build it right next. If there's, I don't know if there's space or they need to do something new, combine it with a performance center and that way you can make it like an all day thing, right? You get to the performance center and check out the hall of fame.
There's just too much good stuff, dude. There's too much memorabilia. Way too much good stuff just locked away in a warehouse. Just locked away, just rotting away, man. And I mean, I know they preserve that stuff, but I mean, there should be a place where like, you know, Marx can get to go and like look at that stuff and see it in person. Yeah, the stuff should be celebrated and appreciated. Absolutely. Um, well, since we're, since we're talking about the boring hall of fame talk, Brett also hit us with, uh, who should induct Haman? He says he thinks Tommy Dreamer will be the, uh, the perfect,
I feel like Roman though, man. I feel like it's, you know, this run with Roman is really taking Paul Heyman, even like another level, but not the next level. Cause he was already as high as it gets, but somehow he even went higher than that. Um, and I just feel like, you know, he's been friends with Roman's family for going on four decades, dude. So I think it's a good chat. I mean, I think Roman or even the rock, you know what I mean? I think someone from the good. Yeah. I'd say Roman or rock. That would be my two choices.
Yeah, I totally get the sentiment behind the Tommy dreamer. Uh, but I think I would, I would much rather listen to, uh, to Roman or rock, uh, speak, but yeah, too bad. You know, well, Brock's not really, I don't think he's like the speech given kind of guy. And obviously Brock's in hot water with WWE right now.
You know, you say that I got to disagree. I think if they let Brock get up there with a mic, I think he would just give a really heartfelt tribute to like the times when Brock has talked. It's it really is very genuine. So this is like super, super deep cut. The old show WWE access. I think it was called Access. Maybe I don't know. I'll look it up and I'll follow up in the the show notes. But there was an old show. It was maybe WWE confidential. I don't know. Anyway, it was a show that they had
I was online only, but they would basically count like break kayfabe and talk news and stuff. And when Kirk Henning passed away, Mr. Perfect, they had an interview with Brock and dudes legit like had tears in his eyes, talking about how much you love Mr. Perfect, Kirk Henning stuff. So I think, I think Brock would actually give a hell of a, hell of a speech if given the opportunity probably wouldn't be, you know, one of the 25 minute hillbilly gym, Mr. T style ones. But I think while he was up there, he would really make his words count.
Yeah. You know what? You're probably right. And I love Brock. I don't know why. Obviously, separate the man from the things he's accused of right now, but overall, I love Brock. Jason Koenig says, who is in the Fig Collecting Hall of Fame?
First ballot has got to be the Fig God, Jordan. He's just a man. He's cleaned up so many times, dude. Yeah. And he's contributed so much to our Foley fam as far as like hunting and mailing figures and finding stuff for people on the pegs. Yeah. Sam Rosenthal does a good job. Sam Rosenthal is kind of like the main coordinator of like the what's everybody need in the group. He does a good job. Sam's great about like on the weekends being like, all right guys, what are we looking for?
That actually serves as a good motivator, right? There's definitely been times where I've been a little stagnant on my fig hunting and if I see Sam or a couple other people looking forward, that would be like, all right, let me go hit up a couple Walmart's dude and see what I can find today, man. As far as legendary collections, our buddies Fig Vault and Fig Heal, they have incredible collections as far as
being Hall of Famers. So I read that question totally wrong. I read that is like the actual art of figure collecting, right? Like the art of the hunt for the fig collecting Hall of Fame. You're right. If it's fig collecting Hall of Fame, you have fig vault and fig heel first too. I mean, I want to shout out our Foley fam and our, you know, friends too, but I'm just saying when I read it, I was thinking like, who, when you like see their collection, you're like, holy shit. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think it's a big vault and figure fully fan members too, man. So that's what I mean. But like, you know, the hundreds MDT fully got to give love fully. They were the first in the game with the wrestling figure podcast and really just made it a thing.
We got to give a shout out to the Toon Brothers, the Toon Brothers and their podcast, the original freaking wrestling figure podcast dude. Major pod, love them or hate them. You can't have it without those guys. We have all different wings of the figure collecting hall of fame. There's different categories. I'll say Sheena, dude, you're probably the best female wrestling figure collector of all time. Mahalo.
I look back and look at some of our old displays from our house in Hawaii and, you know, Virginia and stuff. And it's just, it's insane how much the display has evolved over the years. I mean, we just like max it out and pack it out with as many figures as we possibly could. It seems to have plugged me now looking back on it. I'm like, why did I do that? But I mean, when you first start now, it makes sense and you start piecing it together. But yeah.
Yeah, I'm trying to think about it. I'm sure we're leaving people out, dude. I mean, there's definitely tons of customizers that we love. OG FigKids got an awesome collection going way back. He's got some amazing pieces from back in the day. Chad Sneed's got an awesome MOC collection. Yeah, there's a ton of really cool collections out there. There's tons, dude. Yeah, there's way too many to list. Figured. Figured collectors go hard, man.
Thomas Kilgore, he says, do you think Sting's last match was as good as it could have been? Do you think he should have went against somebody else? I think it was perfect. I think in another life you have Sting and Darby go one on one and see what that looks like. But you know, Sting was adamant he wasn't going to do any one on one matches and never went back on his word, man. I think for I commend him for that, though. Yeah, so I wouldn't mind seeing what that looked like. But other than that,
Yeah, I really have very, very minor, minor complaints. I'm talking like the miners to miners complaints. It was damn near perfect.
I think I was a little confused. I loved having the sun, like, you know, having the sun's come out in the entrance. I didn't think I needed to see that. I don't need to see him in the match. Like I was like, okay. I don't know. The sun that was certain wolf packs. I mean, he was flying. He was jumping from half court on those tingles flashes. He missed that first one though. I will say he kind of like missed on the, on the first and the second one he nailed it. He was crushing it, dude. Like he was going from the free throw line, man. Like he, he'd been waiting his whole life to do those tingles flashes.
He's been waiting his whole life. You're probably right. He's been waiting his whole life to do that on a stage like that.
Yeah, I have no issues with Sting's last match. Zach Hertzler says, how do you think Triple H will do running Mania this year with no influence? I think it's going to be great, man. Like I said, there's been missteps here and there, but for the most part, Triple H's booking has been on point since we've been there. It hasn't been like where it bashes you over the head with the obviousness. He gives us little breadcrumbs and lets us follow the trail. I'm really, really excited for Mania this year.
If i'm being honest i think if vince was still at the wheel there is no way that this would have come full circle and got cooking again like if the whole roman cody. Rock situation had gotten as muddy as it got kind of there for a minute i think it would have been just like downhill i think it's just would have been like fuck we're getting roman and ron yeah i think that's what i'm saying he would he would just hit the gas i think people got over it i think people had started to.
I think people, I think by the time that they pivoted back to Cody people, I don't think it would have been straight up Daniel Bryan, like WrestleMania 30 situation. I think people were starting to come around to like this match just needs to happen. But either way, I think we got the best case scenario right now. And again, another shout out to Seth Rollins for managing to hustle him his way back into like the tippy top of the main event scene for mania.
Yeah, he had no reason being at that press conference. He had no business there. But now he's elevated the whole thing. Yep. Zach Herzler also says, after seeing how AEW booked Sting in his last match, do you think we will ever see a wrestler get that sort of treatment again?
We talked about it a few months back, man. We still need to see what the last chapter for John Cena is going to be. If he deserves everything that Sting got, possibly more, dude. But he deserves at least everything that Sting got. And his last couple of chapters have been weird. He's kind of popped up here and there. Got his ass kicked by solo, Sakoa. Got beat by Austin Theory last year on WrestleMania.
I think we need one last run, dude. We need one last, you know, five to six month run and really, really bad ass story for John Cena. Uh, cause he's just been so important to the wrestling industry. I mean, dude, if, if Cena was, I know that's kind of my least favorite period of wrestling, but if Cena wasn't around in that, like, you know, 2005 to 2011, 2012 period, dude, like it would have gotten, it would have gotten pretty dark for WWE, I believe, man. I really think Cena.
kind of kept them relevant at a time when the product was not great. So yeah, I think Cena should be somebody that gets that type of consideration when it's time for him to finally hang up the boots once and for all.
Uh, Brett Sharo, Okada is part of the elite after kicking Kenny out has to be setting up Omega versus Okada and AEW, right? I mean, for sure. I think that's inevitable at this point. There's no way that Kenny's going to come back and be like, Oh yeah, you know, you're, you're with my friends now. Like that's totally cool. No, this is setting up, uh, Okada and Kenny Omega.
This should be pretty cool. They had classics in Japan. Yeah. All right. And that wraps up the listener mail for this show. That's it for this episode.

Closing Thoughts & Community Engagement

Sheen, remind the listeners where they can find you on social media. You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley, Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show, join our Facebook group and all of the fun we're having over there at chick Make sure you're following all of our pod foundation brethren, the term buckle Tavern coming down the aisle podcast and the guys over at the extra cooler show.
All right. That's a wrap for this latest episode of the chief Foley show. Sheena hit us with some closing thoughts and we'll get out of here. Um, if you're out there and your wife tells you to take care of her van, just take care of her van.