Introduction and Episode Overview
Welcome the Chick-fil-A show. um
What is a Foley fam? We are back with a jam-packed episode of the Chick-fil-A show. We're going to be talking John Cena, Elimination Chamber, AEW Revolution, and Roadblock, along with a host of other stuff.
But before we get to that, let me introduce the star of the show. Sheena, how are doing? I'm doing good. and you know it's not ah It's not a sunrise show that we're recording here. It's an afternoon. where' you know It's about 4.30 in the afternoon, so I'm still at peak ah peak energy. So i'm i'm I'm here for it. Having a good Yeah. ah Kids are in the other room playing Fortnite. So we'll see. You hear some screaming or anything. You know, our children are fine. They're just playing Fortnite. Yeah. He has made some emotional outbursts from them. But but now it's going be a good one.
Gardening and Sponsor Highlight
Sheena, tell us what's new on the farm. ah not a whole lot prepping for garden season. I can't remember if I told you guys last time, but the wind is, we had a huge windstorm here like the last couple of days and like my, my poor greenhouse is just hanging on by a thread. So we're looking to replace it this summer. Um, hopefully mine and Seth's marriage can, um, withstand putting together ah greenhouse kit because we're going to take, we're going take down our current greenhouse and put up a, put up a new one. But, uh,
Yeah, the one we got, I mean, it you know it can't be too too negative on it. it was It's like a $600 Harbor Freight. Harbor Freight, yeah. That the people lived here before us put in about a year before we moved in. So, you know, about four years.
ah It's pretty solid for the lifespan, especially with some of the extreme weather we have here in Tennessee. But I'm definitely looking to upgrade. It's a little bit more sturdy, something built to last yeah a little bit longer. And we'll see how it does. it Supposedly it's DIY that you can put it together yourself. Yeah, it's... a Yeah, it is. It's a Yardistry brand greenhouse is what we're looking at. It's like kind of a middle middle ground because you can get, I mean, there are some high end freaking bougie ass greenhouses out there that are going to run you like five, $6,000. I mean, you know, and even more if you keep on going. I just put a tiny house back there before I there. Exactly.
But yeah, this is this is a much more budget friendly, affordable option, but I think it's still going to be sturdier. Got a nice cedar frame versus what we got right now, which is an aluminum frame. So For anybody in the market for a greenhouse out there that's listening to this, you know just hit me up and I can show you what my suggestions are.
ah want to remind you guys, this show is brought to you by Ringside Collectibles. Use code CHICKFOLLY to save 10% on all your purchases there. Elite 116 just came in stock. So you get your first WWE release of Jade Cargill and you have the first figure of...
Brian Pillman Jr. A.K.A. Lexus King. So some pretty cool stuff in that set. Also, if you guys didn't get a chance yet, on Monday evening, we dropped an episode with Ringside Tom all about the new Ringside Collectibles unsanctioned line. So he had a lot of really cool info and behind the scenes stuff on what went into the making of that line and where they see it going over the next couple of years. So Tom's great. Everybody at Ringside's great. Definitely encourage you guys to check that out if you haven't just yet.
Yeah, it was a fun interview with Tom. He seems like a real chill, down-to-earth cool guy. We've been communicating with him for years, but it was cool to just have a one-on-one interaction with him. Have a voice to go with emails. Yeah.
I want to remind you guys go to That's where you can, that's the best way to share our stuff. If you have a friend that you want to turn our podcast onto, and then you can, you can bang it there to sign up for our Facebook exclusive a Patreon group, you know two bucks a month gets you in the Facebook group. It's a ton of fun.
We had an awesome live thread, kind of everybody experiencing that John Cena heel turn in real time together. And you know, it's going to be cranked up for the the big shows we got over the next couple days as well.
um Without further ado, I think that's it for the intro, Sheen. You got any more housekeeping before we get into the meat of the podcast? No, let's go, dude.
So first things first, hot off the presses. You know, I'm basically a hacker. We just did a little bit of of time travel with our Xbox, changed the region code to New Zealand. Because like Sheena said, it's it's four it's about four o'clock here, ah Central United States time.
WWE 2K Early Access and Memphis Wrestling Recap
And WWE 2K is not available until midnight. But if you go on there, change your system to New Zealand, do a full reboot.
uh it pops up we were able to boot it up and play the game just fine man so me and brett we play the the big new mode for this year is they added in bloodline rules matches so me and me and brett had to to fire it up and play uh roman versus solo it was a ton of fun you know it ended it with eight guys in there just brawling it out and and and of course i had to beat the little guy man i had to put him in his place at least the first match of on the new game um so really excited for this new year can't wait to see what all the amazing creators do adding in all the the cool content that really keeps that game alive year round.
Sheen, you're more of a casual player. You know, you kind of see it as you're walking past the, the, the home office slash video game room, seeing just, you know, glimpses here and there. What, what was your first impression of seeing the new game this year?
I thought it looked great. I thought that it was a really cool feature for the entrances for you to be able to kind of like customize your own entrance and like, you know, be in control of your character as they're coming down the ramp and change the camera angles and all that. I thought that was a really, really neat addition this this time. Yeah, it doesn't sound like much. You think it's kind just like, oh, whatever. It doesn't seem like a big back of the back of the box feature.
um But yeah, like Sheena said, you can actually switch to a third person camera similar to, you know, the camera angle when you play Fortnite or something like Gears of War and control, basically look around as if you're, you know, you are the character making the entrance and Really, really neat. It's going to allow for some super, super cool um but of photography shots. Right. If you like to do the screenshots and the the in-game photography and stuff like I do, definitely a a whole new world of ah possibilities ah in universe mode with the custom arenas and custom attires and stuff. So.
I'm excited to dig into it. I think I'm probably going 2K24 is probably going still be my primary game. I'm thinking until Mania. I think Mania is when I switch over because I'm really big on universe mode.
And you guys, if you play that much, you know, you got to have the creative players to bring that to life. So I'm gonna give it about, I'll probably play some My Faction now to just keep my unlockables and stuff going. um But I'm going to give it ah about six weeks before i fully switch over my universe to 2K25 to give the creators a head start.
But When are we going to host our first Foley Rumble on 2K25? Maybe Mania Weekend. you know so we' We'll see. He hasn't got it locked in yet, but the Fig God is rumored to be making an appearance in ah in Southwest Tennessee for Mania Weekend. So maybe while we've got Jordan here, we'll do a big Rumble.
And that could be the debut one for 2K25. Nice. Another plug for the Facebook group. Get in there because ah the 2K Rumbles that we put on are fun a lot of fun. so And you win stuff.
Yeah, and you win prizes. yeah So it's even more fun. So first things first, on Sunday afternoon, we went to Memphis Wrestling once again. ah Matt Hardy was in the house, probably you know arguably the biggest star that they've had for their their meet and greets. It's definitely the big this's definitely the most people I've seen. Definitely the people. Yeah, which that me rest that's a combo of Matt Hardy being a huge star and the the brand just really picking up steam.
and And to start off 2025, Sheena's first time going since last August. she what What did you think being back at the Memphis Wrestle Center? It was awesome. Has it really been since August since I've been in wrestling? that was after wrestling camp when you guys went last time, and that was in August. It doesn't feel that long ago. Yeah. It may have actually been July, actually.
But yeah, it was last it was last summer. Well, interesting. Well, we met Jordan Grace. When was that? That was the summer. That's what I'm saying. That's the time you went. Oh, my gosh. OK, wow. Time flies. um So, yeah, it was I mean, it was insane. Like, you know, obviously, Jordan Grace, you know, that was a that was a big draw for, you know, Memphis wrestling. It was cool to see her right before she like entered her WWE era. um But, dude, it was like like.
Yeah. like lined out the door we got there about the same time we normally do and the line was all the way out the door by the time we got up to meet matt hardy the line was still all the way out the door the seats were packed in ti i mean it was a sold out show yeah i mean humble brag they had to but they they basically create added in three seats for Yeah, we weren't we weren't supposed to be able to go. We had a basketball Brett was supposed to have his end-of-season basketball party, and it got canceled. We hit up Dustin Five Star, the owner and promote that base the Vince McMahon of of Memphis Wrestling. He was able to hook us up with ah with three seats to get in there. But yeah, it was there you know there was a butt in every seat on on Sunday. Yeah, and people standing. There was like people like you know standing along the walls and stuff.
um The show was awesome. We got to see a WWE ID taping. with uh the problem child aaron uh aaron roberts was gonna say reynolds for some reason yeah no was i was gonna there's already so many roberts in wrestling yeah feel like he should just like wait when he goes to nxt they probably will change to aaron reynolds they definitely will change it to something to do it yeah um and then a cappuccino cold brew cappuccino jones uh which is pretty cool you know obviously i love that gimmick because i love all things uh all things coffee comes the crash the crash He actually wrestled on ah on Evolve, the debut episode of WWE Evolve on Wednesday on Tubi for those that watched it. so Yeah, and they had the first ever memphi Memphis wrestling ladder match, which was just pure chaos, dude. Fatal five-way ladder match. Yeah.
You know, if you if you just saw the pictures of it, it probably look kind of low impact because the the Wrestle Center is not a big place. So they weren't using the 15 foot high ladders and stuff like you see in WWE. I think and there's no pads on the outside of the rings at Memphis. rescue Yeah, they're rocking with like eight footers like off the shelf from Harbor Freight, man, or, you know, from Lowe's.
They did a good job of painting them up in the blue and red Memphis wrestling colors and everything. it was some big boys going up those ladders. And it's just, you know, Memphis Wrestling is really high end, but it's still an indie ring. So it was a little bit nerve wracking seeing some of these dudes go up on the ladder, man. You think they're going to topple over at any time? Yeah, especially when they were like doing the stunts, like, you know, kick it. They kick the twins off the ladder, dude. And I was like, oh, God, they're going to the outside. Like, you know pray that they don't get hurt.
And then we had, you know, arguably the two biggest dudes in the match won the tag titles. don't it's arguably. That's without a doubt, dude. Kay Toomer and Big John Dalton are your new Memphis wrestling tag champs. So that was a lot fun because we liked both those guys. And, you know, it was fun to see them. And, you know, for them, Matt Hardy freaking held their hands up after match, which, I mean, can you imagine like... Winning the tag belts in a ladder match. Yeah, and then Matt Hardy... It was hype. There's people posting that, you know, their Apple Watches were giving them alerts for the noise level being too high and stuff. Like, it was...
It was a fun show. So definitely encourage you guys go search Memphis wrestling on YouTube. I don't know. That episode is probably a couple weeks out, but check out some of the action, man. It's just, it's fun, old school, like territory style wrestling.
If it keeps up, they're going to have to get a bigger venue, dude. I mean, if the momentum is like stays the way it is, cause it's progressively gotten bigger. I know every time that you've went since, I guess, since I went in August, it's gotten bigger, it's gotten bigger, morgan people closer ties to WWE and stuff. They're actually filming WWE matches. They're the,
the show we We got tickets for the show on March 30th, and it's all WWE ID stuff. so ah yeah i'm I'm sure they're they're at least exploring and expanding because it's ah they got a pretty cool little thing going on right now.
um Let's just go in order. We'll start off with this past Saturday
John Cena's Heel Turn and Fan Reactions
night. we've definitely you know We gave it time to digest. We wanted to kind of do a review slash preview combo episode. So we want to wait till the dust settled this week and see what else happened. But ah Elimination Chamber, might as well start at the top, man. Freaking John Cena wins the Elimination Chamber, proceeds to turn heel on Cody Rhodes and the WWE Universe.
That was wild, man. I just was like, I was not expecting it. I don't know why. i just, you know, i thought this... I don't know. Did you expect it? I didn't even expect Cena to win the match, dude. I thought I had mapped out pretty well what was going to happen, Cena's last year was going to go. They totally swerved on what I thought it was going to be.
I don't know. It was was not on my bingo card. you know I know people have been calling for John Cena to turn heel for years. I feel like why now, though? Yes. that I guess that was kind of my mentality. Why now? And also just like...
it just seemed like now, now where the hell are we going with this? And why is John Cena partnering with the rock? I had so many questions just going through my mind. um And it was awesome. I mean, I love when the, you know, wrestling universe just explodes like that. yeah So it was a, it was a legit jaw dropping moment, man. Like you did not expect it. It just lit absolute fire on the build for WrestleMania. And, you know, I said afterwards, I, you know, it's another one. It's one of those things in wrestling. I think if you squint at it, if you, if you look at it too hard and think about it too much, know, I mean, I think it falls apart if you think of it too much. But if you just don't think about it and roll with it, it's definitely the most interesting thing that they could have done, man short of Short of anything with bringing Roman into the mix on this, I think the most interesting thing they could do is have John Cena turn heel and align with a rock.
Yeah. So are you, I mean, are you thinking that, and mean, he's going to get this title at WrestleMania away from Cody, right? That's what I'm thinking. Yeah. I feel like you got to have it pay off, man. You can't do something like that and then not have it pay off with the win, right? This has got to matter. Because the thing about it is,
it probably my big critique on this man is, well, you know, honestly I was kind of past everyone seeing it a turn heel, man. I thought, uh, you know, just let him be a baby face this whole time. Right. It's already gone. this again Yeah.
But the problem with doing it now is like, you know, we have this finite into this time, right? We know the story arc is ending at the end of December, Nothing's for sure in wrestling. That's true. i mean And if he's a heel, he could always be like, yeah, I lied you know i wanted to get the fan sympathy. you maybe Maybe we stretch this out to two years. But you know if we're going to take everything at face value, you got this finite into it.
And me in my mind, i already know like somehow or another they've got to bring him back to being a baby face for you know for that final show at the end of December. I'm thinking it's going to be that Madison Square Garden show the day after Christmas at WWE.
traditionally does, it seems like a fitting spot for John Cena's last match or last event. So you know he's got to get brought back around to be a babyface by that point. um So i'm I'm happy to be taken for a ride, though, man. But in the back of my mind, i kind of this thing's kind of got a little bit of a ceiling to it for me. True.
ah But, I mean, you've to think, with the speed of wrestling these days, I feel like you know so much happens in a year, right? like It seems like before when you would just like have these same storylines, like drag on and drag on for โ what seemed like forever, like the same people in the same feuds, like during the Vince McMahon era.
But things just like go so fast now. I mean, change titles are changing hands like we haven't seen in a while. feel like by December, we're going to feel like we've lived a lot of wrestling life. Yeah. I mean, just think after that first episode of Netflix, we thought The Rock was going to be gone for like, you know, until next Mania season. And now he's back damn near just as big a part, if not bigger part of the Mania build than he was even last year. Right. So feel like they can really, they could, within this year, they could take us on a full character arc and it won't feel like it was just rushed. You know what I mean? And it totally fits and it's earned if, you know, the John Cena story is the A story of 2025. Yeah. Yeah.
Especially with, I mean, seems like Roman's kind of taking a backseat, you know? I think Roman's happy to be a part-timer, man. That's what saying. you know, you kind of wonder, like, why is Roman not involved with this? But to me, Roman's just too cool, man. He muddies it up, yeah. I don't think he muddies it up. I just think his character is so cool. Like, Roman's going to be like, whatever. Like, you start talking about, like, selling your soul. I feel like Roman's just, like, laughing that off and making a smart-ass con. But Cody's so earnest that, like, it it works with Cody, you know? Right, I feel like Roman's just too much of a cool like ass kicker type to even like get involved with with this storyline.
And think it's time. I think it's time for Cody to be on the chase again, right? like I feel like you know with with John Cena winning the title, John Cena gets his record-breaking title, and then you know Cody's on the on the hunt for the for the win again. So yeah I think it's going to make for a great year in wrestling. I think Roman, he's officially to Brock's place is like the part-timer a part-timers, man. I think we're going see him like seven, eight times a year, which makes sense. You know, a dude's a cancer, a two-time cancer survivor. And he's got like five kids, man. Like, yeah, I think he's earned it to just chill there in Pensacola. Yeah. He's just, he's counting his dollars like Scrooge McDuck, dude. You know, like, I think, I think Roman's going to be just fine.
Anything else you want to talk about from the chamber, the women's chamber match? ah Well, going back to Cena, where do you kind of rank that out all time, like on your heel turns, man? To me, i i I've kind of put it right now. I think it's a distant second to Hulk, man. I think i think Hulk is still definitely number one just because there were so many more endless possibilities. And it was it was even more of a stunner when Hulk did it. Yeah, I think it was more shocking when Hulk did it. I think just because we had less access at that point, too. You know what I mean? Yeah.
And, you know, you you weren't always reading in the, you know, dirt sheets like, oh, we want Cena to turn heel or on the internet forum and stuff. Yeah. He didn't have that. of hogan Hogan joining up with Hall and Ash wasn't like an idea that was out there, man Right. thought it was going to be like quite hard or sting or something like that. so I would say, yeah, I would say number two behind Hulk. it i wouldn't put it on the same too I wouldn't put it on the same level, but I would think, ah yeah. seth Like Seth turning against the shield and like Sean turning against Marjanae, those were cool, but those guys were at such different levels when they did it. you know Hulk was the top dude when he did it and Cena's still the you know the top dude. Right, I mean, I think you can look you can look back on, um you know, we look back on the shield term because all three of those guys just excel beyond like yeah anything that we could have ever imagined, right? So it's like, it feels like it was such a huge deal.
Um, in hindsight. more Yeah, but they really, yeah, I feel like, I feel like the actual shield run, like their proper run is actually, um, has actually been overrated a little bit just cause like you said, I think people, uh, they kind of like conglomerate it with everything that those three guys have done after, you know, like when there they were, they were,
you know They were cool. They had a great run, but it wasn't like some kind of like you know legendary run of domination. Nobody was world champ. I would put the New Day over the Shield as far as what they've done like as a team. Oh, 100%. We never ah ever got a yeah proper Shield reunion either, which was kind of a... Every time they did. It was just Starcrossed. the wrestling gods said, like no, this is not meant to be. Somebody got hurt. Roman cancer came back. like yes um Dean or you know Moxley Yeah, so I kind of got it just a distant second to Hulk.
Going back to the women's, I think the
Wrestling Plot Twists and Speculations
big thing, I was pretty surprised to see Bianca wins because I thought her storyline, I just didn't see her you know going to that storyline with Rhea right away.
um It was cool. Where do you think this thing's going between her, ah Jade, and Naomi? Because I think there's another plot twist, dude. I don think there's another twist. I think Bianca was behind it. I don't think it's as straight up as like, yeah, Naomi attacked ah Jade. Because you know when you watch it back, like Naomi looked legit shocked that she looked surprised She was getting the hell beat out of her by Jade. You know what mean? And if and if you had jumped somebody and like taken them out and you saw them coming towards you, wouldn't you fight back? Like i think she was not fighting back at all. um And Bianca was very overdramatic. You know what i mean? Which made me almost feel like, you know, like the guilty dog barks the loudest. She was overdramatic when it happened, and she's been very nonchalant since. Like, you know, I don't want to talk about it. I just want to focus mania. exactly. When, when, what if you actually, if your friend actually got the hell beat out of him by your other friend, like, you would go immediately. You would skip the press conference. You would skip, you would go right to the source and be like, no like, what the hell just happened here? Yeah. You know, what's going on? And yeah, she's been very flippant about it since. I'm interested to see how this thing, how it plays out, man. If this is something we see play out at Mania, if it's something road to Mania or whatever. What do you think Rhea ends up doing now?
Because she's kind of left without a dance partner. Yeah, I was a little bit, I was stunned to see EO win. I love it. I mean, I'm glad that we're just like in an era where you can be watching Monday Night Raw and freaking titles change hands. But I was a little bit stunned because like, ah yeah, like you said, I'm like what's next? What's next for Rhea?
It'd be a little bit retread. I still feel like it belongs on WrestleMania. Her and Dom one-on-one, right? You could always find find some way to heat that back up, man. You could do it quick. They bump into each other backstage or something, or maybe Rhea gets a shot to get into that match, just make it a triple threat or something.
And... And, you know, her and Dom go because I feel like her and Dom went on one. That's something that they obviously that's that feud's kind of been put in a rearview mirror since Rio won the belt back from Liv on the Raw Netflix debut. But I like you could totally get that back fired up. And her and Dom would be a great just a fun little attraction. Yeah, I thought for sure. Yeah, I thought for sure we would get that match somewhere along the way. It's a shame that we haven't so far.
think there's a possibility she gets, you know, somehow or another, she gets back in this match and it turns into a triple threat just I could have, like, that's, to me, that's the most common. Yeah. Like, you got to do something with Rhea. But, yeah, it's going to be interesting because, yeah, she's definitely got some some work to do to get back in the mix for for Mania.
Yeah. um Any other matches you want to talk about on the Chamber Card? No, I think that was really it. What do you see happening with this Seth and CM Punk cage match on Raw Monday? Do you think we see Roman back to to get back involved with in this angle and storyline, or is this just going to be the blow off?
I think it's just going to be the blow off, dude. Like you said, I think i think Roman, I don't know. Do you think we're not going to see Roman on the card at at Mania at all? I still think Roman and Seth, I think there's a good chance that happens. I don't know if you end up having Punk in that a triple threat.
and just did that It's a good problem to have. it They've gotten so many people over at such a high level that you're going to have some awesome folks that are left out. But you've got to have Roman at Mania, man. like i so I feel like Roman and Seth could still potentially main event night one. I mean, we have two night of ah two nights of matches to fill. You know what I mean? So like and I don't think we're going to leave that many people out.
And yeah, but I mean, yeah, maybe you don't leave them out, but maybe they get left with nothing matches. Like end up getting this like Drew McIntyre, Damian Priest thing that they've been built. to It feels like Drew deserves something more high profile than that.
um But yeah, I do think we see Roman back Monday to figure out where we're going with this. And, you know CM Punk has still been talking a lot about, he's still been bringing up a ton about, you know, main event in WrestleMania. And I can't, I feel like they wouldn't keep mentioning that over and over unless he's going to find a way to main event one of these nights in Mania. And so yeah it's that we talked about it before. It's going to be awkward if it's just straight up Roman, Punk and Seth and a triple threat, you know, grudge match.
um But, you know, I can definitely think of, ah it it' hard it'd be hard to top that match as far as just star power goes. Yeah. You know, um just to jump to listener mail real quick, since we're on the subject, he says, Phil Dunnett, our guy from, ah you know, across the pond says, do you think Jay and Gunther will main event either night and match feels so flat, especially now that Sina's, you know, effed off make a wish.
I feel like to me, that sounds like an amazing way to kick off maybe night two of Mania, dude. You know, night one, the energy is already going to be sky high, right? Because it's Mania you're kicking off. I feel like night two, starting off with, you know, Yeet Mania, dude, and J-Wins. I feel like that'd be a great way just kind of set that crowd on fire and carry you through the rest of the night.
Honestly, man. It can't main event. dude I don't know, dude. I was just about to say, I think it could main event, man. I mean, they've been making some ballsy choices lately, dude. It feels like they could do no wrong and the fans want to accept whatever.
I don't think the fans would be mad at it either, man. If you have Cody and Cena, main event night one, because it feels like that's going to be super storyline heavy, right? Whether, whether the rock screws over Cody, Roman somehow gets in the mix, you know, don't know. There's a million different ways that thing can go, but that feels like, it feels like Cody and Cena is going to be a hundred percent.
Um, Sports entertainment, right? We're going to all the gaga, all the shenanigans, and some kind of crazy finish. And like I said, I'm pretty sure Cena's going win, dude. That's a down note, man. You could totally have Mania Night 1 end on that. it gives you stuff to talk about on Night 2.
And dude, for the ending of Mania, just send the folks home i'm happy, dude. Just give us Gunther and Jay straight up, dude. Imagine if Night 2 Mania ends... with ah with Jay winning that belt, the crowd getting like crazy. And, you you know, you get Roman and and and Jimmy down there to and Sammy to come and celebrate with Jay.
And that's your closing thought for โ or that's your closing image for Night 2 of Mania. Yeah. um Listener, me Harry Alamany says, you know, does Jay and Cena both win or only one title change hands?
I mean, I definitely think Jay is going get win, I think they're both winning, dude. Yeah. think Jay's the safer bet. Yeah. But I think there's a very good shot that both these belts are changing hands. don't know, dude. I think Cena's a shoe-in to win. I mean, obviously, like, you can never count out Cody Rhodes. I mean, but think it's just โ I think they're both going to win. But if you had Tony โ I think Jay's a lock, dude. I think Jay's a lock to win. I think Cena's very likely. But, you know, we can see the Cena and Rock thing.
You know, maybe Rock's itching to have a match with one more โ you know, part three with Cena. They're still tied We need to rub the โ Yeah. the Excuse me. We need the rubber match for that at some point. Yeah. Jason Kanan asked, ah you know, if if what have, which night do you think CNN roads are going to headline? I think, I think night one, like you said, I think it's going to be. so you pivoted. Cause before you said, you don't think Jay and Gunther could main event. don't, I think there's, well, no, so you're right. I think, I think there's going to be, I
WrestleMania and AEW Revolution Preview
don't think Jay and Gunther are going to be in either main event. I think it's going to be the CM Punk, Seth Roman situation. Main event night two.
No, night one. So yeah, I'll say Cena and Broads night two. I feel like you gotta have a title match. You know what? i'm ah I'll go a little bit bolder. I say Jay and Gunther main event night two, man. And Cena and Cody main event night one.
Interesting. We'll have to clip that out to see how it turns out. One, like i said, you're going to send the phone so folks home happy, right? i think that I think you're better off having night one you know night one. Let night one be Empire Strikes Back, just like last year, dude. Night one, the heels go over.
Night two, the baby faces go over. So I think that'd be good. And yeah also, I think that would shift the paradigm that... there's not this hierarchy where whoever gets the night two main events better than the night one. Cause that's definitely the vibe right now. Right. yeah night Night one. Yeah. It's a WrestleMania main event, but night two is the real mania main event.
I think you could shift a little bit. Cause Cody and scene is definitely the biggest match this year. Right. Let's get that straight. But I think that would do a lot of stuff to help you out booking wise and kind of like the, you know, behind the scenes, politics wise, and even maybe selling tickets. Right. If you know, like, Hey, you got just as good a chance of seeing the big match on night one as you do on night two, when folks are buying their tickets, you know, three or four months out.
True, but I also think that this, that leads to, I mean, which could be good for storyline. And I don't know if it'll cause like a CM Punk implosion, like I guessed, you know, a couple weeks ago, but I mean, if CM Punk doesn't main event WrestleMania again this year, dude, i mean, that's a pretty big, pretty big ask for him to go yeah an entire other year. And I mean, i think the folks would be happy to, you know, people fucking love CM Punk, dude. So if he won on a main event at WrestleMania, the crowd would just like have a heart on as big as my arm. made Yeah, I think you could totally do Punk, Roman and Seth. And I want you to some kind of stakes. I don't I have to look, man. i don't think if you take out like money in the bank matches, I'm not sure we've ever had just a straight up number one contenders match in, um you know, in WrestleMania, ah because that that's typically something you see like a B show or really. That's kind of more of like a TV gimmick.
but you got I feel like you just got to have some kind of stakes, man. you know Maybe loser leaves Raw. Loser leaves town. Yeah, loser leaves something. I'm sure it'll build to that. Something's going to happen. I mean, CM Punk and punkin Seth is a blood feud. There's going to be some sort of like either stakes or some sort of stipulation on the match that it's like... It's going to be fire regardless, just those three guys. But i just I feel like it's got to have something to it, man. it's true that If it's Seth and Roman one-on-one, you can just do that because that's an epic match that...
Yeah, history speaks for itself. Yeah, it's it's borderline shocking how little we've actually seen those two guys get in there together and have the bell ring um with with all the history they got between each other. But I feel like if you do the triple threat, we got to have some sort of gimmick, some sort of stipulation.
Agreed. Ready to get elite? Yeah. Let's go. Let me pull up the card for AEW Revolution. Starting off with, I'm assuming this is going on the pre-show, six-man tag. We're going to have big boom. AJ, team with the conglomeration to go against ah maximum male models.
And John Morrison, i you know, had to bring us up one. Make no mistake about it, dude. They they caught fire. you know, they caught lightning in a bottle with Big Boom AJ. Got a lot of attention. He fought QT Marshall on that pre-show match. That build had no business whatsoever being as good as it was. And it got a ton of mainstream attention. People really got behind, you know, AJ and the Costco guys. he's bad He's back from his broken foot.
Uh, but I really thought it was funny that, you know, as you know, collision was going head to head with elimination chamber. And as John Cena is making this heel turn, you know, one of the most historically significant moments in wrestling history, definitely in recent wrestling history, AEW had a big boom, AJ out there cutting a backstage promo. Yeah, know its it was pretty funny. I mean, no, no shame to AJ. There was no way that they could have known that that was, that was going to happen. But, um, yeah, the irony of, uh, them having him backstage cutting a promo and,
meanwhile cena is on stage with cody the rock travis scott and mayhem is just ensuing so uh yeah that i mean you got winner that you're gonna pick for that imagining big boom's going over big boom's gotta go over i think they should put big the aw championship on big boom like why not man yeah we gotta to get the rizzler too hopefully the rizzler shows up um let's go to your boy hangman adam page versus mjf Yeah, this is like, you this is a weird one. They've done a pretty good job making, heating this feud up, but like, don't know, Sheen, don't you feel like. Heating it up? Was that a play on words with all the fire? Yeah. You know? Yeah, with MJF and the set hangman on fire like Randy Orton and the Fiend.
Yeah. I don't know. I just feel like we've already been here with these guys before and like, i don't know, this feels, it feels like these guys are kind of just, you know, spinning their tires. What do you think? it feels a I think it feels a little spinning tires. I think it's going to be awesome. But I also... i don't know. i I feel like both of these guys need a win. So it really kind of just like stumps me because I'm thinking to myself like what's going to happen to the person who loses, you what I mean? like Yeah, you really feel like neither one of these guys could lose right now. Yeah.
I could see it because it's just a regular match. I could see them just like... fighting so out of control that it's just like a referee just waves it off, right? Yeah. Goes to a no contest and we get the big blow off at the next show. Yeah. Because, yeah, like you said, both these, but I mean, they're both operated at a very high level right now. It feels like neither one could lose.
Yeah, I could see MJF maybe getting this first win and then taking it to like a three match series kind of a situation where Hangman gets the next two. I don't know. But like, mean maybe I mean, maybe MJF just like comes all the way off the tracks.
And, you know, like he says, does something so diabolical to Hangman that we're just like, holy shit. yeah We've seen him do the fire gimmick before, right? They did a really good job with it. They set Jungle Boy on fire and it was freaking awesome, man. um So we've seen him do it before, but don't know if you I don't know how often you go back to that. Well, right. Yeah. And I mean, Hangman's already been involved with fire. You don't want him to get like the Ryan from the office where he becomes like the fire guy. You know what mean? Yeah. He's the modern day Bam Bam Bigelow all of a sudden. Yeah. He's Kane.
Kane man. adam pain Yeah. i And the other thing is like, dude there's only so many times if they do go through with there's only so many times you can see somebody get on fire and not have like permanent life altering injuries before it kind of loses its magic. Right. Like, yeah.
yeah We saw Juggle Boy do and walk away unscathed, which I think everybody was kind of just fine to hit the I Believe button on. the fiend you know When the Fiend did it, he had to come back as like you know the burnt marshmallow Fiend. Yeah. um Yeah, so I don't know. I'm i'm really interested. It's intriguing. Like i said, definitely it seems like the guys, that it's it's retread territory, but um but they're two top-notch performers, so i'm interested to see what they do with it. The next match I want to ask you about, I kind of got a hot take on.
Timeless Tony against Mariah May Falls kind anywhere. The Hollywood ending this feud, dude, I think they've earned it. I think this should be main event in the show, man. I feel like this has got way more juice than the mocks and coat match.
and We're going on almost a year and actually over a year that they've been building this. Um, Yeah, why not, man? i like that it's the i think the fact that it's a Falls Count Anywhere match really would make it a fun main event where it's just like you know just chaos all over the all over the arena.
And yeah, I think people are just going to be relieved. No shame to Jon Moxley, but I feel like if Cope wins or if some sort of set of shenanigans wins where the belt gets away from Mox and his gang, people are just going to be like, okay, okay.
Yeah, we're why everyone's just so over the Death Rider storyline at this point. For instance, the main event, how do you see that one playing out? Do you think you dig it ends, Cope gets the belt? Yeah, I think so. I mean, it's it's highly possible that Jon Moxley could retain.
I think in my gut, I'm going with... Cope winning in either some sort of like cash in situation or i mean, Cope just gets gets the wind clean and goes home, you know? Yeah, I think there's a very realistic chance that neither one of these guys leave with the belt, man. I think I think you got four people you got to watch on this, man. You got you got Edge, Mox,
Christian and I think switchblade is going to play in this also, man. We don't know. Uh, so, you know, and we don't know what's in that briefcase, right? John, ah we haven't seen the AW belt since was October. I think when, uh, when Moxley ended, uh, Danielson's career and got the belt from it's been the briefcase.
They've alluded to it a couple of times. Like, you know, they don't, they clearly don't want that briefcase opened and we don't know what's in the briefcase. Um, um, So that's that's something that we we could see the next the next chapter, too.
We haven't seen Christian in a while, right? He's kind of been keeping โ I mean, we've been seeing him but he's been keeping a low profile. like He hasn't really been teasing the cash in, so it feels like that's like primed and ready to happen. And then Switchblade. I think he is the most compelling figure going into this pay-per-view, which is funny because he doesn't have a match. But you know they they set the they kind of set the stakes for the storyline.
a month ago that, you know, and it's something we've seen before in wrestling where you got a baby face going up against the heel stable that he's going to eliminate everyone one by one. Right. And, and through, you know, he got the assist from Willow taking out Marina Shafir, but he's taken out, ah you know, he took out pack, took out Claudio.
ah He fought Willer Uda last night and they kind of had a show of respect after the match. And then mocks, you know, kind of scolded Willer Uda for that. So he seems to be, you know, his loyalties are up in the air.
But you got Switchblade, who's kind of been, you know, he got put in the little buddy, like the little brother slot for for Edge for this build, which is already, you know, if I'm Switchblade, I'm kind of feeling like, why am I taking a backseat to this dude that's like 25 years older than me? Right, and they're calling him Cope.
Yeah, yeah. When Switchblade is, you know, arguably, he's you know, he's in the mix for the best overall talent in AEW. I think he's a dude that's really been underused by them. Yeah. He cuts a promo last night just really laying it on thick, man, about how he's here for Cope to take the belt off the Death Riders. Which like, red flags are going all way off, dude. Yeah, to the point where I feel like it's low-key going to be more surprising if he doesn't turn on edge at this point.
really I mean, it was just pro wrestling 101, the interview you get right before you stab somebody in the back, which is good. I kind of like, you know, yeah I'm a fan of pro wrestling being like predictable in that way.
But it lays out, you know, how loyalty is, how he's going to have, you know, edges back no matter what. Yeah. Anytime a wrestler is giving lessons on loyalty, you already like like there's trouble of brewing. Yeah. And now the fun thing that really lets your mind go wild is we don't know.
how beholden AEW is to, ah you know, the legalities on the cash in, right? Like you guys know in wrestling, dude, possessions, nine tenths of the law, right? We've seen times before where, you know, go back to WrestleMania 20. They're at the contract signing for Chris Benoit and Triple H and HBK super kicks Chris Benoit and signs his name.
Before Chris Ben-Morrock could sign his name. And then, bam, Shawn Michaels gets the match. 1,000% see a situation where Jay gets the contract and freaking signs it and then gets to cash in himself, dude. like because i mean That's what I'm thinking. that's he He not only backstabs Christian, he gets the title for himself, puts himself over as a big deal. And backstabs Edge, too. Yeah, and backstabs Edge. Yeah, i'm I'm seeing like if I, you know, not to get too deep in the fantasy book, you know, I'm i'm seeing I've seen Copeland's right. Copeland's a banger of a match against Mox.
And I'm seeing Christian comes out for the cash in and and Jay White takes him out on behalf of Edge. Right. Like, oh, sweet, happy ending. And then maybe Jay comes out and starts beating down Copeland and then Christian comes in to cash in. You know what I mean? And then he starts beating down. See, I think it works better if he takes out Christian first. You're thinking, like oh, he had Edges back after all. And then he takes out Edge. can see that, too. Picks up the contract, you know signs his name to it. So, yeah, like I said, there there's ways you could definitely make it legal, right? Like like I said, possession is nine-tenths of the law in wrestling. He gets his hands on the contract and signs it.
ah And, you know, we've got see what's in the briefcase. so It's going to be intriguing, right? It's 10 matches. like How do you feel about a 10-match show on a Sunday night, Sheen? I mean, if you're paying for it, I mean, I'll probably fall asleep at some point. But yeah, for people that are like paying for it. We finished up in the morning. Yeah. You got get your money's worth. Yeah. You got to get your money. They've never had a bad pay-per-view, dude. Like the worst they've ever had is maybe like ah a solid B pay-per-view, which and most time it's like A minus and above. You know, we're ah for the sake of time and just like interest. where I mean, we're skipping over quite a bit of some amazing magic matches on this card. The problem with AEW is a lot of these matches are, you know, there's a little bit of story, but for the most part, it's
matches for matches. Exhibition type style. Yeah, like Okada versus Brody King. It's going to be freaking sick, but like there's not a whole lot of meat on the bone. It's going to be some cool moves. Osprey and Kyle Fletcher in the Steel Cage. You already know those guys are going to be amazing.
Hurt Syndicate and OutRunner should be fun. interested to see if they bring Cedric alex Alexander in. man you know He's a free agent. It feels like you know that would that'd be a nice little piece to bring in and fully reunite the Hurt business.
um But yeah, it's going to be a really, really awesome show. Yeah, we got Dikesh and Kenny Omega. yeah like it's Yeah, it's going to be a stellar show. If it's more convenient for you, you can. Because I know for us, like it's a lot easier to get to. guess is like definitely first world problems, but it's a lot easier to get to the app for Amazon. I got to kind of dig through some menus to get to the app for Triller on my TV. The pay-per-view is available on Amazon Prime to purchase if you don't want to go through Triller.
um So you could use that. Definitely encourage you guys to check it out because what are you going to do on a Sunday night? nothing exactly man so uh definitely recommend revolution uh last quickly want to touch on roadblock on tuesday so we got another one nxt roadblock on tuesday this is like really the pinnacle of the nxtna era right here and we got moose and the hardy boys yeah moose dude this is wild yeah so yeah it's like a dream match you've been calling for moose for years i've been wanting moose yeah i've been you know no respect No disrespect to the TNA diehards. I've been watching Moose in in the WWE system for a while, so hopefully we get a little Jordan Grace action where he kind of has little you know dips of toe in here and there for a couple times before he fully comes over.
what do think is going to happen with this Hardy Boys match, man? Do you see them losing to Fraxium? I feel like we get a schmoz, man. It's got to be a schmoz. There's got to be something that happens. I can't see them beating Fraxium. Fraxium has been on such a freaking tear that I feel like, you know, I mean, obviously they're the Hardy boys, right? Like they're the experience. They're the tenured ah tag team. But the way that Fraxium has been performing as of late, like it's just.
You can't beat them. You can't beat them. But I also don't see Fraxium winning the TNA championship. Right. like That seems like, just politically, that seems like too strong too
NXT Roadblock and WrestleMania Excitement
bold of a move for WWE. So I don't see that either. Yeah. and But I mean, you can't, i don't I just don't feel like you could put them over.
the Hardy boys. You know what mean? seeing a schmoz and then we get like an eight man tag where the Hardy boys and Fraxium team up. Yeah. Other big one, man. It's like super hard to call is Julia versus Stephanie.
Look here. Yeah. I think, I think so winner takes all dude. I feel like we get a schmoz this year. They've definitely like, they've gone over and over. Like Ava has been, every time they've mentioned it, she is like, been strong and pointing out like one woman's leaving with both belts which leads me to think that maybe they're not doing some sort of like crazy schmazz finish um i think it's gonna be stephanie dude i julia's been awesome since she's been in nxt but stephanie's just got the it factor dude i feel i like julia more dude i feel i mean they both have the it factor to me but i feel like yeah i feel like julia is a little bit better i feel like there's something a little bit more intriguing there i think See, to me, I think Stephanie's more intriguing. I think she's just got ah she's just got more of a presence to it. The thing is, they both just got their belts, man. True. And their friends. Yeah, I still think there's a decent shot that we get mishmash of an ending, but and we don't actually see one woman leaving as the champ champ, just because it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. WWE has shown us over the last week that we're we're not we're no longer in the epic title reign era. You're right. you know that Just getting the titles means no I just don't know what you do with it. You know I guess, I guess you got stand and deliver coming up. Maybe you get to have whoever wins do double duty and drop on the belts that way. Cause it feels like Jordan Grace has got to get a belt on her sooner rather than later. but yeah, it should be a fun show. Like said, it's on regular Tuesday night TV. It's not a PLE.
Uh, so i you know, I'm very interested to see how well this does. right Yeah. Well, it's at the, uh, the theater at Madison Square Garden. So it's like a smaller venue. If you go, if you remember some of the first years of the WWE hall of fame, um,
That's where they would do it at. That's where they did the NFL draft at for years in um as well. So it's going be a cool venue. And again, at the Garden, you know that to quote Bret Hart, it's it's not a church, but it's holy ground for as far as wrestling is concerned.
So you know you know the guys are going to bring it. I'm sure we'll get some cool special guest appearances at the show as well. Going to be a fun Tuesday night. Yep. All right, Sheen, do we have listener mail? Of course we do.
All right. Johnny JB, right off the top. Are you excited for WrestleMania? I'm excited for WrestleMania, dude. I think they're going to, mean, especially after John Cena's turn, I think they're going to start cooking with gas, dude. Like, you know, we kind of just thought like, you know, what's going on with Dwayne being this corporate shill and just kind of like, you know, just kind of playing a B-roll as far as like, you know, the road to WrestleMania.
But he just like set the whole thing on fire and now he's like right back in the mix. So, I'm stoked for it i think we're going to have some awesome matches. And at this point, anything can happen. Yeah, it's going to be fun. Obviously, I was a little bit more excited last year with Seth and Roman both going in with belts. And, you know, with neither one of them fighting for a championship for first time in a while. I think this the first time since WrestleMania 36 that either Seth or Roman hasn't been fighting for a belt. Yeah. That's definitely a little โ it takes the edge off a little bit. But still, it's WrestleMania. You got to get excited.
um Johnny JB, when can we have a Foley fan meetup in Orlando? First round on me. I know it's a long shot, but it would be fun. Next time there's a big event, dude. Orlando's a great city for events. We went there for WrestleMania 33. It was awesome. You know, with the parks, they got a nice downtown for, you know, if you assume you're doing rolling Smackdown at the Amway center. So yeah, Orlando's definitely a good, big event city. I know that stadium, man, the old, um, the old citrus bowl, uh, it's getting pretty dated. So I think, I don't know if they're goingnna go back until they get a new, uh, before they get a, you know, a newer stadium or if they do some big renovations on, on that one.
yeah Um, But we're planning on taking the kids to Universal one of the one of these years, up in the ah cop next couple years. So we'll hit you up, Johnny JB. Maybe they'll do a SummerSlam or something. Orlando. Yeah, we'll try time it up the next time when they do a big event down there, though. ah He also wants to know, are Bellbottoms really back in style, WTF? I guess if you're a giant star, they are. they haven't They haven't made it to the Tennessee streets where I'm at, man. They're not they're not in Tennessee.
And I think it's more of a like a wide leg is more of a style. like I know, like, you know... JNCO style is really big amongst like Gen Alpha and Gen Z. um To me, I've been there. I've done that. I did like a wide flare leg for years. You know, when we were growing up, that was that was the style. But let me just tell you, on a rainy day, when the back of your freaking jeans is all... Moisture starts wicking the leg. Wicking up your leg and you're soggy. How is my knee wet?
Oh, yeah. And I remember my mom used to get so pissed because like my the back of my jeans would get frayed on the bottom like where the seam was. she'd like, you're walking on your jeans. you know and That's how they're supposed to look. Yeah, that's how they're supposed to look.
But yeah, you know and you know, like workout tights and stuff, you know for i mean the last decade, they've been you know like legging style tights. But all of a sudden, like the old school tights are back in style like with the bootleg and the flare leg. And I'm just like... ah Do you remember I used to wear those back back in the way, way back in the day?
um And I mean, it was the style. It was the only thing. And then, you know, then regular tights became like the trend and it stuck around for a long time. And now, you know, Gen Z is taking it back to the flare leg. And I can't I can't go back. Like, it's just no way, dude. You got to have secure all the way down, all the way down to the ankles. So but yeah, if you're the rock, you can wear whatever the hell you want.
um TNT, do you think the pyro spot after winning the women's tag championships is
Fashion Trends and Pyrotechnics in Wrestling
getting old? No, I'm here for pyro. yeah More pyro always. Yeah, i I think they actually didn't do it for EO. when i think I think we need the pyro for every... They did it for EO when she won? Yeah, yeah i can remember if I saw it. Yeah.
Yeah, I think you need a pyro for every title change. It makes it feel special, especially with the way they do PLEs now. Dude, you're not really, it's going to be a while. You know, you could go a long time between having ah a tag team championship match, even an intercontinental or United States or some of these women's belts getting defended.
You know, I think like the the women's intercontinental, women's US, some of these belts are only going to exist on TV. And I think the pyro and the big screen flashing, you know, new champion, i think it makes it makes it a moment, you know, cool Michael Cole. So no, it doesn't get old to me, man. Yeah, I love Pyro after a big win.
um to Tony Barker, if you're booking Rock and Cena to have a third man in their group, outside of Travis Scott, who would you pick? I think Orton could get in there and really in ah you know make it more interesting. Orton would be cool. don't It needs to be somebody with Ty. I mean, Roman would be cool, man, if you bring Roman into into the fold. like you know He's there with The Rock. They seem to be pretty on the same page. know, Les Coletones, we've seen him.
don't know how that works with him and Cena. And you feel like if Roman's in the mix, he's got to be... Cena kind of makes it a weird mix, right? Where it's kind of just like, how are going get somebody in here? You got Jacob too. it feels like Bloodline 2.0 is really dissolving right now. yeah and Solo have had issues, man. like if yeah I'm thinking maybe like after Mania, if they keep this thing going, maybe Rock recruits Jacob in just to ah you know be the wild man, the the violent element to the group. Mm-hmm.
Yeah, that would be interesting to see because I can't imagine Travis Scott is going to show up beyond mania. um So, yeah, it'd be interesting to see if it just sticks with the rock and scene or if they bring anybody else in. Tony Barker also says, what animal would you like to have on their your farm that you don't have currently? a mini Highland cow.
yeah Uh, we, uh, we definitely don't have the space for a mini Highland cow. Um, well we have the space, but not the, not the capacity. Um, I, I really wanted to get bees like honeybees. Um, when we first got here, I started doing a lot of research and deep diving and talking to a lot of my beekeeper friends. And, um, it seems cool, but it, it is a lot of work. It is labor intensive and it's a labor of love. Um, but I would love, I would love to have some bees.
Also, we had talked about putting meat rabbits back here, you know, getting a meat rabbit set up, but, um, There's only so much you know i can do. there's ah I'm one person and it's it's a lot. Just even maintaining a large garden is a huge ah ah huge commitment. And um you know with the chickens and with my wildlings, my other two wildlings that raise and the goats, I feel like i'm at i'm I'm currently at capacity. But in theory, I would love to get more animals and you know all the things expand.
uh tony barker how cool was it to see the outrunners in the ah and the and the omaha university basketball team link up also shout out to summit league champion omaha mavericks for um from a proud alum did you even see that happen yeah so that's pretty cool always like seeing wrestlers get a little bit of crossover action the outrunners are a really fun act uh zach hartzler did john cena do it for the rock Or did he do it for the people? Good for the people, dude. Cody's a cornball. Somebody had to take him down.
Jeez, cornball. I mean, I'm going for Cody. I don't like Cena either, dude, but I'm going, but Cody is a cornball. i would Honestly, like I, to me, Cena is like the epitome of cornball, dude. Like I, love I love, love Cena, dude. Like no shade to Cena.
No, see, I think Cena's a fake cornball. I think he put it off that he was a cornball these years, but he's actually just an asshole. I think we're seeing the true Cena now. He truly is an asshole. like From somebody who watched every episode of Total Divas and every episode of Total Bellas, John Cena is a weird mofo. like I don't and don't know if he was playing it up for the cameras, for those reality TV shows, but he definitely has some weird like control issues, OCD. I guess when you're that successful and you just work that much, you have to have something that's not normal. If you're going to be the best, and the absolute best in the world at anything, which... you know
regardless certain measurements, he was definitely the best wrestler in the world for a solid period of time. You're going to be mentally unbalanced, right? Look at Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan's basically, if you just, it took, it off the basketball court and took, describe some of the stuff he does in any other work environment. You'd like, dude, this guy's a sociopath. Like he yeah he's a psycho, but he's celebrating. He's in basketball. Look at Tom Brady. Yeah. Like,
You know, couldn't can maintain a marriage with, you know, one of the most beautiful women in the whole wide world, you know, freaking. Yeah. These guys are going to have you're going to you're never going to be, ah you know, work life balance, kind of evenly like modulated person and become the best in the world or something. You're just not. and Yeah.
Steve Jobs. He was crazy. dude Yeah. Yeah. If you're going to be a game changer, like a true game changer, you got to sacrifice that, ah you know, some of the the normal comforts that the rest of us have.
Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. is it's weird It's a weird transition. Because I would see him on there being so just like weird and stiff and everything. Then he gets on TV and he's just like Mr. like Goofball, Cornball. and i'm like this That was all phony. does not trail when We know that now.
um Sambro. think Mattel will ever give us a less jacked, bald, pale Cena.
Cena's Appearance and Steve Austin's Potential Return
i mean i think we I think you have to, right They have to give us an old man Cena. I mean, they've given us the old Griceena with like a little bit the longer hair and stuff. They're always going to present the idealized version. Hopefully, he does find time to squeeze in at least a little bit of a spray tan or if he if you can't get out and get some sun. He was in a mania so pale at Elimination Chamber. like It was striking. how i got I've never thought... I mean, he's never been like a Hulk Hogan type that's like straight up... like hot dog 7-11 hot dog but he was like so pale like dude cena like yeah he got balance yeah i think we can get we can get by with having him having a little bit less i mean he's still super jack but we can get by with him having a little bit less muscle mass than he had in his peak if he had little bit more color to him but the the the less mass combined with the super you know that's almost shameless level paleness yeah uh you know mean if he's gonna be a heel it works dude like don't you don't want to be aesthetically pleasing if you're heel
True. um Is this the year Steve Austin wrestles? I say no. Sam Bro, he's done, dude. He's done. He went 19 years. but if He clearly, he's a dude that's at peace with how his career ended because he went 19 years without it happening before and he had an awesome send-off in Dallas.
Super fun. It was well-received by the fans and by wrestling critics. Right. Yeah, he's and he had a great ending before. His his match with The Rock was a great send-out for a last match. He has nothing prove. He's had two perfect right off in the sunset moments. You don't want to risk it you go a third. You're getting greedy once you start to go for number three.
i think you I think you're getting greedy going enough for number two. but It was a risk going for number two. at The way they presented it kind of lowered the expectations off the bat, yeah and it was just a lot of fun, man. ah Sam Rosenthal, does every tag team have a Sean and Marty? like Who is that for the young Bucs? And Phil Dunnit chimed in and said, two Martys.
ah The Bucs don't, because one, they're so similar, right? like they The Bucs are really two parts of a whole. I don't look at them either as individuals. If you have me break it down, Matt's definitely a little bit more charismatic on the microphone, and he's got a little bit more just like the...
the leadership aura, but Nick's the better wrestler. Like, you know, when AW is first starting off like 2018, 2019, Nick Jackson was probably one of the top five professional wrestlers in the world. But it just, you know, it never got the shine. He probably deserved because he was in the tag team the whole time.
What are your thoughts on like, you know, the majority of tag teams? Do you think there's a Sean and a Marty mostly? I don't. I think most of the time they're just two mid-card tag team guys, man. I feel like you're all... I feel, honestly, I've said this before on the pod. It was a couple years back at this point, but you're kind of bringing it back to me, dude.
I think that Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels ruined tag team wrestling, at least for the
Tag Team Dynamics and Main Event Potential
WWF, man. I think the moment... Because you never really saw that before that, dude. But, you know, they both kind of broke out similar times. Bret was about nine to ten months before Shawn.
I think from that point forward, in Vince's mind, if he got a tag team that got over in a really big way, I think he was already kind of eyeing, okay, who's going to be the breakout star for this? We saw it with the New Age Outlaws, right? They were the biggest team in the late 90s.
And it's you know Billy Gunn definitely fit the mold, right? Because as great as Road Dogg was, Billy Gunn always had the way bigger physique. He looked like it, right? He had he had the look of like a main eventer. If you went on creative, you know, WWE 2K and made a creative player.
um And they tried they tried it a couple different times with him, man, and it just didn't work out, dude. I so i think more times than not, there is no Brett or no Sean. It's just two Martys. Yeah, I could see that.
what ah What are your thoughts on like Jay and Jimmy? Do you think Jimmy's the said Marty? Yeah. No, i think I think there's actually a lot of truth about what ah what Drew said that, you know, Jay just happened to say yeet first, man. I do think Jay's got a little bit more deeper connection with the fans, whereas Jimmy's more like, I don't know like surface level funny and stuff.
But i don't think Jay is that far. You think the roles, like if it was just like starting back from the beginning of the bloodline, if you think Jay would have been the one, or Jimmy would have been the one that was receiving Roman and Jay would have been the one telling him like, no, don't do that, dude. You think like you think it would have...
no because their personalities are so different right like it's crazy as as similar as they are they're actually really a lot different like the way they wrestle and just their personalities where jimmy's like just super fun he's like an awesome like mid-card like kind of comedy guy and stuff like light-hearted super confident always whereas jay's got more of the underdog vibes right like he's just got that you know with his facial expressions and the way he carries himself and stuff he he's he's a squashed small Yeah, a little bit smaller. It just seems like there's just like a little bit more going on there. right There's a little bit more of ah a story arc there. where
I feel like Jimmy's been the same Jimmy since 2010 that we saw. Even when he was a heel, he still seemed like he was the same character. I don't know. just think because of their personalities, I think it just makes Jay and naturally more... don't want to deeper. Jimmy's just a character of a person. But at least as far as wrestling characters go, there's just a lot more going on.
With Jay, dude. Like said, the people that thinking it's just the Yeet thing, dude, like that's just at the surface, dude. The Yeet, to me, the Yeet stuff, that's just something to kind of put him over the top, dude. Like Jay, he was a main eventer, like at the highest levels of being over as a baby face back at like SummerSlam 2023 when he fought Roman. And that was before the Yeet stuff or anything, dude. Like, yeah, I think, I think Jay's legit, man.
Yeah, I think you have to look past Yeet. I mean, I personally do not love Yeet. I think it's ah think it's kind of corny and kind of lame, but I do it and I'm here for it and I support it because I think it's, you know, it supports Jay and I think yeah he's done an awesome job getting himself over.
Last question, Jeffrey Allen. um I wonder if Cena was ready to retire unless they
Cena's Heel Turn Decision and Event Planning
did this. Was it just a creative choice or was Cena like either I go bad or I'm done? No, I, I, I obviously I'm sure we'll get some big documentary at the end of the year.
I don't, I think this was something that was decided within the last couple of weeks, man. There was just, there was, I've seen people go back and they've tried to retcon some stuff saying like, Oh, the signs were there. i don't think so, dude. I, I, I kind of believe it that the rock was originally not planned. and Somehow something opened up or he changed his mind about making himself available for mania.
I think this is something that kind of came up and got discussed within the last couple of weeks to, uh, to make it happen. I know that's the case because they taught some of the stuff that's come out now said that triple h was one of the only people that knew this was going to happen. That's why it was a, you know, they kept it close to the vest that that Cody and rock segment was going to be the main event of the show until the, the night of. So I, I don't, and that's another reason why I'm probably slightly more skeptical than most of how this is all going to play out.
Cause I do feel like we're kind of we're putting the airplane together as we're going down the runway with the, with the scene of heel turn. you know Maybe I'm wrong and they had this thing mapped out last summer before he even announced that it was going one last year. But I
The Rock's Storyline and Corporate Image
feel like we're kind of going no huddle offense and just making this up as we go.
Yeah, i get I get that vibe too. I don't know if it was a complete no huddle, just like last minute decision, but I definitely don't think when Cena decided he was coming back that that was the the direction that they thought they were going to take. Yeah, I legit believe that when Rock did that stuff on Netflix that he had the on the Raw opening where he kind of just ended the storyline with Cody and Roman at the same time.
I think they were under the impression that he may not be back in 2025. Yeah, well, that's true. That's true. Whenever you think back to that, because I was thinking like, yeah, the the rock is done I mean, this was such a corporate shill version of Dwayne. Let's tie up these loose ends real quick. yeah That way we're free to do what we want when he comes back. And then now they kind of men in black memory stick that that even happened on us, man. Now him and Cody hate each other. Yeah.
i don't know um It's going fun see where
Conclusion and Next Week's Preview
it goes. Like I said, all they considered looking past some of the plot holes and stuff, it was the it was the most interesting thing that they could have done with the Elimination Chamber.
But that's a wrap for this episode the Chick-fil-A show. We're coming in at just under an hour, which is a little bit longer we were wanting to run, but ah you know still a shorter episode as far as wrestling podcasts go. Sheen, hit us with some closing thoughts, and we'll get out of here.
Enjoy this wonderful weekend of wrestling and we'll catch up and talk about it all next week.