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Open Mic #40 - The Urban Legend "Evil Nate" image

Open Mic #40 - The Urban Legend "Evil Nate"

The Chick Foley Show
71 Plays2 months ago

Join us for an episode of "Open Mic with The MVP Marco"! This week, Marco sits down with the one and only Evil Nate—wrestler,  author, and all-around badass. Dive into the world of professional  wrestling, hear about Nate's incredible journey, and get the inside  scoop on his upcoming book filled with spine-chilling horror stories.

From  tag-teaming with legends like Ricky Morton to manifesting dreams into  reality, this episode is packed with inspiration, grit, and a whole lot  of passion. Plus, get a sneak peek into Nate's unique wrestling style  and the psychology behind his iconic mask.

Don't  miss out on this candid conversation that covers everything from the  highs and lows of wrestling to the magic of horror and cryptozoology.  Whether you're a wrestling fanatic or a horror aficionado, this episode  has something for everyone!

Who the hell told you tonight?

Introduction and Pod Foundation Overview

Welcome, everyone, to another episode of Open Mic with the MVP Marco. I am, of course, your host, the MVP Marco. um I have another guest with me tonight, but before we get to my guest, I always shout out to Pod Foundation. ah That's what always, you know, I represent it. You know, a lot of factions we have under the ah the Pod Foundation.

WWE Weekly Show Discussion with Jaybone

uh banner we have the turnbuckle tavern uh we call them the work work horses uh they have a million shows i think like they have a one show every week i've included on one of them uh so raw down every tuesday night 9 p.m on patreon live and then the audio comes out on wednesday if you didn't get to check the live out it's myself and jaybone um who's also under the power foundation banner under his own show coming down the aisle, we get together and talk all things WWE, no stones left unturned. um We're not the normal WWE show where we're just talking about matches, we're talking about outside the ring stuff. And if you've been listening recently, we've been deep diving the whole, the former boss of the w WWE, we've been relentlessly talking about that. So definitely check it out when you

Recap of Mr. McMahon Docu-Series

can. And just to give a quick, um
preview. Myself and J-Bone are doing a Mr. McMahon docu-series recap show so we're gonna watch every single episode come to you with our you know pretty much unfiltered opinion on what it's like and I already have a few notes and a few episodes in and Yeah. Well, you'll have to wait till then, but the rest of the yeah pod foundation, obviously is a extra cooler show. That's Nick, Nick and the gang. um They're the more the retro guys. ah They cover all things, uh, retro wrestling. And we have the flagship show chick Foley show, which I'm also a part of as well. That's Sheena, Seth and Jordan. We just talk everything wrestling from wrestling to figures and, you know, family life. Cause we all pretty much have, you know, families, kids, wives, husbands, all that type of stuff. So. Definitely check us out.

Introducing Guest Evil Nate

Um, so we gotta get to my next guest. Um, my guests, uh, is actually, um, I've been trying to get this person on for awhile. Um, mainly because they are, you know, kind of like a tag team partner.
to uh page who is black dahlia who i also had on the show before and you know he's always in the background if you listen to those episodes you know she'll be asking him questions and he'll be answering stuff like that so i was like you know what let's get him on there and he also has a uh a book coming out soon that i'm very interested in um and he's also a wrestler so i mean technically he'll be the second wrestler next to uh to page on the show so let's bring him on He is evil Nate as he's called. How you doing Nate? Hey, pretty good man. How are you doing? I'm doing great. How are you?

Nate's Upcoming Matches and October Plans

I'm all right. I'm all right. I didn't have to do the day job today to shoot. So I got a couple days off and then on Saturday I'll have to work early then I'll have to leave work and then hit the road for about a five hour trip. I go up to
Somewhere in Michigan, I think Saginaw, I think is what it's called for UCW. I got a tag team match that night with my group, The Void, where we're facing their tag team champions. So it's a debut, new state, new company. It pretty much kicks off my October. And I know it's the last weekend of September, but from that point forward this weekend, myself and Paige, the Black Dahlia, we are just slammed.

Secret Project with Paige in New Hampshire

Yeah, yeah, that's ah that's I'm glad i'm I'm actually able to get I got her earlier Few years back get you now cuz I know like you said pretty much a month of October But she did say you guys might be around my neck of woods I think around the New Hampshire area. Right? Is that is that correct? Is that still happening or let me see? i am Salem oh Oh yeah, we were supposed to go up there actually. yeah ah We're still working out the details on that. It's for this it's a project that's like a secret, but it's not. It's a secret project, yeah. yeah she got she gotette like she always gets these credit She always gets these crazy connections. we'll be driving We'll be driving in, I kid you not, somebody I used to watch on WCW TV,
will be calling her on the on her on her phone. And she's like, she's like ah

Paige's Wrestling Connections and Anecdotes

who is it? I'm like, you know who that is. She's like, oh, that's who that is. Oh yeah, I know. And then you know she'll answer and stuff. And it's just really funny, like all the connections that she has from the amount of people I grew up watching during the Monday Night Wars or the ruthless aggression era. so Yeah, I did see, uh, you know, actually we'll, we'll kind of get into, you know, like you said, you're, you know, traveled and stuff like that. I did see you you partnered with, uh, Ricky Morton, which is pretty cool. That was, uh, that was, uh, I have to really give credit to, uh, I got to give credit to people.

Training Under Bobby Blaze at FTC

So, uh, Paige black doll is she was like, Hey, we're going to go, we're gonna go to the FTC show and FTC is like one of my home promotions. It's, uh,
Their trainer there is Bobby Blaze. and Bobby Blaze is a former Smoky Mountain Heavyweight Champion. He was in WCW. And tra Bobby's traveled the world, man. He's one of the best wrestlers you could ever learn from. yeah And like he's just really good. So Bobby's like the main trainer at the FTC in Art of Grappling School. And he's a mentor to Paige and myself. And he has been since like 2015, I think, 2014, 2015, something like that.
And Bobby's always been super fantastic with us. So we always go and help out FTC and we go and train with them as much as we can when we can. So we go to the show wasn't even booked on the show pages like hey, just let's go. Let's go. i was like Hell yeah, let's go do it because I was unemployed at the time and I was just focused on wrestling and working

Teaming with Ricky Morton - A Dream Fulfilled

out. So we go over and one thing led to another. You always bring your gear in this business. So I had my chainsaw with me. I had my gears. She had her gear. I mean, we always carry our stuff with us.
And they had some call offs and wrestlers couldn't make it. And so they had to like move pieces around and one thing led to another and I got to team with Ricky Morton from the Rock and Roll Express to take on one of the best tag teams in the NWA right now, the country gentleman, AJ.
and and That's actually the second time I've got to work with those two guys. So this summer this summer so it's been It's been a really badass summer. That's awesome. And yeah it was How was it like good like were you I mean, I mean that's like a ah general question. Were you nervous? but No, no Here's what

Finding Confidence Through Wrestling

here's what's funny about it. So if this would have been a couple years ago, I probably got nervous about it because I I recently found my confidence again in wrestling. I went through some, I lost my old job. I had this old job for like eight and a half years. And when that happened, it really, I don't know, it kind of awoke something in me. So I just, I took all of my
All of my depression, my frustration, my anger, my anxiety, my happiness, my joy. I took all of that, wrapped it into one thing and I used that to motivate me.

Formation of 'The Void' Tag Team

So I would take that and I'd go to the gym. I worked my ass off. I'm talking like I'd leave it all in there. And I haven't, the way I've been working out in the past three months, I haven't worked out this hard in a couple of years and I leave it all there in the gym.
And then I do the same thing in the ring because to get to that whole thing is right when it has so really quick, funny backstory on the whole Bobby Blaze thing and where I've worked with the Kazanas. So I ended up reaching out to a guy named David Barnabas Spector. He's a manager here in the Tri-State area. He goes down to Tennessee. He works a lot here in Ohio.
uh, West Virginia, Indiana. Um, and I was like, Hey, you want to do something? He's really good manager. He kind of gives you a sinister, minister vibes, like, you know, it gives you a very satanic, uh, dark, dark shadows. Like he's a character. He's a good manager. I had reached out to him me like, you want to do something?

Tag Team Preparation Montage

And he's like, yes. And then he got another guy named Eric fallen. Then he got another guy named Zodiac and he put all of us together with the black Dahlia page and we're called the void.
So he had a connection to get us in. We're not a team. Keep this in mind. We're not a team at all. He had a connection to get us into Ricky Morton School of Morton Tag Tournament. It was the very first one down in Tennessee. It was a two-day tournament. So we got put into it. We had a couple months in advance to prepare for this. So we're not a team at all. Yeah. So we reached out to Bobby Blaze.
and he basically for like four weeks taught us how to be a tag team and it was like you ever watch the movie dodgeball yes yes just like that but with wrestling but i kid you not we're going brother we're going over there every day sucking ass getting our asses beat and Bobby Bobby just drilling this shit into us like we even filmed some footage of him throwing a wrench at us he said if you want to if you can duck a wrench you can duck a clothesline yeah close the ranch and so I mean we did this for four weeks then we go down to the tournament
We go all the way on the two-day tournament. We go to the very last match in the finals with the Kazanas. The Kazanas beat us, of course. yeah and But it was the such a really cool experience and I got my confidence back. and i got i've been I've not had this confidence in like 10 years, which is crazy to think.

Full-Circle Moment with Ricky Morton

And I got this confidence back, so was I nervous teaming with Ricky Morton? No, I was very excited and very, I was honored and I was like, all right, this is cool. And the reason it was really cool was because I had requested this match with him like 10 years ago, nine years ago. And a lot of people like to try to gate keep things and they're like, well, that's not for you brother, we're not gonna do that.
So to kind of have that full circle moment yeah to where 10 years later, I'm getting a chance to team with this NWA, WWE Hall of Famer, one of the greatest wrestlers, one of the greatest tag team wrestlers, top five of all time. And I'm getting to work with one of the best tag teams in the NWA right now for the second time.
within a couple month time period, the Kazanas. It was awesome. It was such a fun thing. Like that happened. And just, you know, like, I think it was a couple weeks before I go down to Page and I, we go down to Texas and we will go down and work for Hernandez. We're really, you know, we were really close with Hernandez. We went down, worked for him.
um So it's just it's been the this my summer is just was an entire movie and loud That's kind of like trickled over to the fall and it's been ah more of a movie also So yeah, was a great. It was a great experience, but to work with Ricky and I had a fun time and it just was really cool how did um, how did the how did the like the match itself like What was he but was he like? the Was there any planning behind it? like was it It was very it was very yeah old school. And what I mean by that is so today with wrestling, like it happens a lot to where everything is like plan A to Z. yeah now Now to me, that's only important if you're doing TV because see, I used to not know that. and when
When Paige got me to go to Texas and she got me to train under Funaki, I didn't understand.

Old-School vs. Contemporary Wrestling Styles

I remember talking to him and I asked him, I was like, sir.
What, like how do they do TV? And then how do they do house shows? And he, you know, basically house shows, you get to practice your stuff and it's more laid back and you kind of call it in the ring. You have a formula, but TV's A to Z, which makes sense, you know, for wrestling because you got to hit your mark and you, you know, you got, you got time because you got sponsors and all that commercials, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You don't want to eat into other people's time. So.
That makes sense for television, everything A to Z. You see it a lot on the Indies today, especially with the people that, and this is no shame to them, because we we need all these varieties and stuff, but the people that want to mimic the, they want to be Kenny Omega, or they want to be the Young Bucks, or they want to be Will Osprey, you know, pick your poison, pick your flavor, whatever you want to say. They want to be those guys, so they want to plan everything A to Z. And you'll see this where they're just running through the motions. They're just running through it. They're trying to get to that next spot, and you kind of lose,
It really does become a thing of like, and okay, this is coming off very fake. This is coming off because unless you're like on that level of like Kenny Omega or Will Osprey to where you can pull that off, you know you see guys just, they don't pull that off on the indies. So you always, you go on your indie show and everything's playing at A to Z. The way I like to do my matches, I like to have the beginning, the end,
a couple of things in the middle. That's it. And what that'll be is I'll tell the guy like, Hey brother, if I get you in the turnbuckle, I'm gonna do this and this way cut me off on that. Yeah. That's what that means. And I'll call it out there or Hey brother, when I go to pick you up for that slam, that's when we're going home. Like I'll have those things. so Yeah. yeah and And usually other guys will too. So when I got to work with Ricky,
on that, it was really cool because it's a throwback of how they would do things back then to where, well, this is the ending and we're going to call it all out there. ah Nate, when you tag me in, you whip them into the rope, punch them in the gut, I'll give them a knee lift. Like that's all the planning. That was every bit of the planning. There was nothing else.
There was one thing in the beginning and the rest of it was, cause we, he and I of course were baby faces. So, and of course I'm going to take the heat and I love taking the heat cause I had the most fun. When I get my mask ripped off, I get to be like all over the place and sporadic and stuff. ya ye that it was That's what it was. It was listen, and that's what we did. We get out there and we talk and we communicate and I've, uh,
That's that's the things that are missing in wrestling today, in my opinion, you know, so yeah, you can definitely tell like you actually you bringing that up is definitely a thank you as a fan when you're watching, you know, wrestling on TV, you can tell not every single match you can't like, I'm not going to put that on every single person, but you definitely know what matches are kind of like, you know,
you know a a b c d like it's like it's alphabet it's abc 123 literally yeah it's and it's usually like the younger people like you said it's kind of like the you know the the people that are coming in and they're you know trying to prove something as opposed to the the veterans that are there they can just go in and kind of fill it out and stuff like that you know this and uh page now we page now we have this conversation all the time that's the reason somebody Like LA not is in the position he's in.

Charismatic vs. Spot-Focused Wrestlers

It's because, you know, here you have this guy that 10 years ago, if he would have came in, he would never had came in at the age of 40 or 41. Oh, God. The reason he has catapulted into the position that he is is because he's not just going out and doing spots. He's charismatic. He can cut a promo. Yep.
and he works. I mean, the, the, the, I call it the, yeah, elbow drop when he, you know, yeah, and he gets it. Bam. Those are the things that matter. It's, you can do moves, but it's the things you do in between those moves that matter. I mean, that's,
It's cool. Like if yeah I get it, you know, Dean Malenko ruled. He was bad. So, so great. Crispin was same thing. You know, the list goes on and on and on. But you know, at the same time, that's cool. We need that. But people can hate on Ultimate Warrior and Goldberg all they want to. But there's a reason that They might not have been the greatest wrestlers, but they are because they sold tickets because they are a character and those things like, dude, when you saw Goldberg, this, for example, he's fear of the guy. He's getting ready to throw him up for the jackhammer. What's Goldberg do? He turns and looks over his shoulder at the hard cam. Yeah.
yep if a guy's goingnna do that on the inies he's just goingnna go straight to the jackham exactly he's not go to stop and sell it you know Yeah. it's those little things the eye winks the eye raising the eyebrow the rolling the eyes in the back of the head and running the thumb across the you know those types of things. You got to stop, you got to slow down. so but And you can see that in today's product. There's a couple of guys that are doing things that could have made it in the attitude era or made it in the 80s or made it in the
early 2000s, mid 2000s. And then you have these other guys that think they have to, well, we got to do dives. We got to do cartwheels. We have to, you know, go a hundred miles an hour, no sell a pile driver, no sell a DDT, no sell a super kick. It just it doesn't matter. Let's, you know, let's just no sell it. So yeah, but yeah. it's It's just one of those things where you grow up in a, whatever, depending on whatever era you grew up in wrestling, you always get to like,
you know, always admire or be a fan of that type of wrestling. Like I grew up in the, in the eighties, eighties, nineties wrestling. So like my favorite people are the big guys, like the, yeah absolutely they got but got you especially obviously nowadays they can, there are a lot, you know, faster, quicker stuff like that. Like drew McIntyre, for instance, like Big guy, great on the mic. doesn't He does the same thing he plays to the audience. He doesn't you know he has power moves, but by at the same time, he could pull off a dive over the ropes of feet if he wanted to. He could do those things. there's there's there's There's times to do that. And that's the reason that's reason now you're seeing all of the dives and all that stuff that's been going on for the past, like we'll say six to 10 years, because that generation that's coming in now,
They grew up on the Ring of Honor and the Super Indy stuff and i and and I understand it and for them and I don't hate on that style of wrestling because I because again, I grew up with I grew up in the Attitude Era, but I did enjoy the cruiserweight a lot of heavyweight matches. I enjoyed the hardcore matches. I enjoyed the tag team matches. I enjoyed the Big guy versus big guy match. I mean, there's a place for it all, but it can't if I go to a show, it's like you know Jim Cornette says or whoever else says it, if everybody's seven foot tall, you've got no giants. You know what I mean? So you gotta have that variety. You gotta to have a guy that looks and wrestles like Kevin Owens, but then you gotta have a guy that looks and wrestles like LA Knight, and then you gotta have a guy that looks and wrestles like Will Ospreay. But there's gotta be a reason behind everything you're doing, so.
Yeah, exactly. Man, yeah, that's, ah it's, yeah, it's one of those things where like, you know, our, our IP, you know, psycho said he was another one of those guys. I like, I mean, I love Brett Hart. I love Sean Michaels. Yeah, absolutely. They're great in ring performance, but you know, said to heaven that match with, with, with Brett Hart and Sean Michaels. Yeah. I mean,
He looked great in both of those matches and it wasn't like yeah it neither one of them compromised you know who they were in the ring or anything like that. They played to their abilities. ye you know they it That's how it should work anyway. It shouldn't be like, oh yeah like you say, kind of like paint by numbers. Like you're you're the big guy, so you have to do this to me throughout the whole match. and It's like, yo, I'm Brad Hart. I'm going to come in. I'm going to take your leg I'm going to work your leg. I'm going to do this, that type of thing.
yeah you you have to be able to adapt you still need to make yourself look good and make your the guy that you're working with because you're telling a story yeah then with me so my my whole stick my whole gimmick as evil Nate or chainsaw Nate whatever you want to call me depends on what company i'm in is when the mask is on I'm not impervious to pain, I just can tolerate it a little more. But when the mask when the mask comes off, I'm a little goofier, I can sell, I can be a chicken shit hill, I can you know do any of that stuff, I can be serious, you get my facials and stuff.
So I always play that with, if I'm wrestling a big guy, well, okay, and he's bigger than me. I don't care if he's fatter than me or muscular than me. If he's just bigger than me in size and girth and stuff, I'm going to use that. I'm not going to compromise my style, but I'm going to use my style and I'm going to adapt to that. Okay, this is real. What are we going to do? And I do that all the time when I wrestle guys smaller than me, the same thing.
So like when I got the mask on, I'm working a guy that's smaller than me. He's gonna snatch me

Storytelling and Adaptation with Nate's Mask

the headlock. When I shoot him off, he's gonna come back to give me the shoulder tackle. Instead of me bumping, he's gonna bump off of that, okay? But when I'm working a big guy, it's gonna be the other way around. Either I'm a bump for him off of that, or now the one of us are gonna bump, and we're gonna go into our stick. So that that that's what wrestling is about. It's about the the working and telling that story. so Yeah, you just put it actually you actually get just gave you like a ah thought as you were speaking about like the mask that you wear that the kind of like there's like a psychology behind it. Like like you said, it's like, you know, when you wear the mask, yeah like you said, you're not impervious of pain, but no you can you can take a a lot more damage and you're not going to be as you're more confident. Yes, you're more confident. But and then when the mask is off, like you said, you can get a little bit more loose. And it kind of like reminded me of
came when he first started, you know, yeah he had his mask on like, you know, he was like pretty much impervious of pain. Right. Okay. But when he removed the mask and he he did his, you know, his time with the mask off, he he was a little bit more vulnerable to yeah you could beat up and attacks and things like that. Cause he didn't have, it's almost like a shield. It's almost like something that protects you to a point, which is, I got, I got the ideal. So when page black dolly and I, when we were training out in LA, uh, we had ran the ideal by Rikishi.
And that was one of our other trainers too. yeah And so we'd be coming up because I've been a Texas Chainsaw Massacre fan since the age of 12. And I knew I was not going to be the first guy to carry a chainsaw to the ring. Exactly. That had been done. You know, Corporal Kirshner is Leatherface in Japan. He did it. Of course, Terry Funk famously has chainsaw. Charlie, he did it. That's the first time I was ever exposed to a wrestler with chainsaw. Me too, I think. Yeah, well, it so you know, the 90s and and it' so it stuck with me. And
You know, cactus Jack had brought one out WCW for way one of the paper views in the early 90s. So, you know, got other guys to carry chainsaws to the ring, you know, the Leatherface gimmick had been done. So, you know, Paige and I, we were talking about it and stuff and.
We came up, ah you know, I was like, okay, so I'm not gonna wear, I'm not gonna be Leatherface. I'm gonna wear out my own custom mask and stuff. So we found a guy in Florida. He does our masks. And I was like, i need I need something cool. So in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3, Leatherface gets a big golden chainsaw called the Excalibur. His brother makes it for him. Well, i knew there was I knew there was guys that did replicas of that chainsaw. And I had seen them online for years. I was like, one day I'm gonna get it. So when we came up with this gimmick, I was like, that's what I'll do is I'm gonna get that chainsaw.
because nobody else will have that chainsaw in the wrestling world carrying it out to the ring. And that's what I did. And then Paige was like, well, you know, instead of just being like a Leatherface gimmick, what if you were hunting urban legends like Bigfoot and Mothman? I said, that's great, man. Let's do it. So we got, we came up with the whole concept of, okay, I'm going to wear a human flesh. Now I'm going to wear alien flesh. Now I'm going to wear Sasquatch flesh. Now I'm going to wear Mothman flesh. So because of her, we, because of her, we created the urban legend gimmick.
So it's a little bit of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, my favorite horror movie mixed with my other favorite thing, cryptozoology. Then you sprinkle a little hair metal onto it. And then the final puzzle piece to it, I said I like cutting promos. I like running my mouth. I don't want to stay under the mask the whole time. What yeah I could do that's a little different. And then I got to thinking, and I was like, Finn Balor does that whole thing. He's supposed to be completely different when he's painted up as a demon.
Yep. I said, I like that concept. I think I can do something like that. And I think it in my own way, I can do it pretty neat. So that was ah the concept hit me. I was like, okay, when the mask is on, I act like Leatherface. Cause I also got the ideal from one of the chainsaw movies also. I was like, when the mask is on, I'll act like Leatherface. But when it comes off, I'm normal. I talk. I got two personalities. So that's what I've done for the past three years since I returned as this gimmick is Everywhere I've wrestled, and I've wrestled Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, Indiana, Texas, ah Maryland, ah Arizona, everywhere I've wrestled, Chicago, in this mask, nobody's ever beat me while I've wore any options. My mask has been undefeated all over this country. 90% of the time, the way I get beat is they rip the mask off, hit me with their finisher, one, two, three.
got it. So that's all those things. That's how we did it to differentiate with what and usually most of the time the crowd understands what's going on and I like I don't think there's ever been a time I haven't got some kind of pop when they rip the mask off. Yeah. Every time like nobody even would know who the hell I am. But when that mask comes off, whoa, it's like, oh, that's a big deal. So it always gets off when it happens. And You know, it just, it was all the right puzzle pieces to come together to create something unique. And then it took me about a year to really figure out who I was in the ring as this character. And now I've got it down almost to a perfect scientific formula. so
Mm. Are there any, just for the math masks anyway, are there any other ae any other like versions you're looking at doing? Or is this going to keep the, what you have now? I mean, I still do what I do now. I just had a new, I've got three human flesh masks made now, three human flesh vests. This newest one I had made, it's got like, it's got a ton of faces on it. So it's just got like two noses on this side.
and it's just like it's wild looking it's got a spine a piece of bone like a mohawk on top of it and then the vest it has the spine sticking out with all kinds of faces on it i really like what a shout out spellbound effects and art he's down in florida uh i sent all the business i can his way uh i think it's really cool when other people are getting even similar stuff as like me and Paige we get. yeah some Some wrestlers get mad about that. I don't care. there's I know for a fact, there's been two wrestlers order the exact same kind of vest and masks I've ordered from this guy. And yeah he told he told me, he was like, man, you've got me so much. But I was like, dude, that's awesome. I love that. and there's even been There's even been fans order replicas of my stuff from him. so
I might even do that. it They're like, if you definitely, uh, it's not a bad, dude. He's for his stuff is high quality and it's at a very good price. Very, very good. So but to have might have ah have to have him do like a, uh, like a terrifier version of that mask. Yeah. He probably could, man. Uh, the next one I want to get is, I think I want to do a window go and I definitely want to do.
I want to figure out how to do the Jersey Devil. ah I want to do another Mothman. And then what was another, there was another one I really wanted to do. I cannot read. Oh yeah. I want to do, uh, uh, the abominable snowman. It basically would be my Sasquatch, just white. And then I want to do Krumpus also. I already got a Krumpus costume, but I want to do Krumpus like I, like I, like I skin Krumpus and I'm wearing his, uh, goat horns out, you know? That's awesome. That's it. I think just you talked about, like, you could definitely tell you like,
super excited because you said you like you know you got this like new boost of confidence and stuff like that and you can definitely hear it in the way you're like you know speaking about you know thank you i appreciate it what goes into it yeah i know definitely it and i think you definitely need that type of uh that excitement and enthusiasm that you know well if you if especially if you love what you do yeah you got it definitely that should come handin hand in hand so yeah you but you do have i mean of course you have to love what you do and especially in This industry, this business, whatever whatever you want to call it, of it's such a business that breeds paranoia, body dysmorphia, lack of confidence.

Overcoming Body Image Issues

You know, I mean, I've watched interviews about Ric Flair, how he was always lack confidence. It's like, dude, you're the greatest wrestler of all time. Oh my God, that's crazy, you know? And and I know that's subjective, but I love Ric Flair. of But Stone Cold's my favorite, but I think Ric Flair is the greatest.
so this is this business that breeds that and and my clavicle back in 2013 in a match and uh right here i don't know if you can see it or not it's right there oh yeah yeah i share i so i shattered that in a match i landed the wrong way it's my fault and uh at that surgery I ended up getting really fat after that and I really lost my confidence in what I do in the ring. I could get through matches and stuff, but I wasn't having as much fun as I used to have because before that happened, dude, I felt like ah without question, I would wrestle anybody and not care. And I'd be like, let's do it. So fast forward. Like I came back.
In October 1st of 2021, because I've been on a sabbatical from wrestling, prepping for everything, helping with pages, you know, complex regional pain syndrome that she developed while training.
and I came back and I had some confidence. I'd gotten in really good shape but I was still lacking what I have right now and fast forward to like last year, I kind of slowed down with everything. I was going to the gym but I wasn't killing it. It was I was maintaining and I was like right now, I'm at 197 pounds and at that time, I was between 230 and 240. I had muscle but there was fat too and it just
I was the eating like shit and I just, I was kind of not phoning it in, but I was working third shift at the time and there was there was an incident I had where I was late for a show and I didn't do so well in the match. So I took like four months off. I got on day shift and I was still not in the right state of mind. Well, three months ago, I get fired. I lose my job.
And I was like, wow, man, eight and a half years worked for this company. I've worked all over this country for this company. i've worked in I've worked in Los Angeles. I've worked in San Antonio. I've worked in Cincinnati. I've worked in Indianapolis. Eight and a half years, I've done like almost everything that you can do in this and this company and over some, and it's legit bullshit too. They're gonna fire me. So I was like, all right, cool. And I took my savings out.
And which was a decent amount. And I said, I'm gonna focus on me and I'm gonna take myself a couple months off and I'm gonna work out and I'm gonna wrestle. And that's what I did. And I was able to really commit to that and I found my confidence. And I told Bobby Blaze he had a big part in that when he was teaching us how to be a tag team. I said, dude, you really helped me get my confidence back. And with this confidence, and when I figured that out,
We all are the star of our own movie. And this is the advice I've been living by, dude, for the past three plus months.

Realizing Personal Role and Manifestation

We might be the ah supporting actor or a background character in somebody else's movie. And that's OK. Yeah. But in our movie, we're the lead. So when we figure out not only are we the lead of our own movie, but we're also the writer, we're also the director, we're also the producer, the costume designer.
but And we we we are, we pick that. I figured that out. And when I figured that out, I've been able to manifest everything.
that I've wanted the past three and a half months, the past three months, whatever it's been. Everything. And it's been nothing but positive. And don't get me wrong, there's been a little, it's been a little bumpy and stuff, but yeah nothing but positive, dude. Everything. I'll give you a prime example. When I did the School of Morton thing, the tag tournament, EC3, the NWA World Champion was down there. We did a seminar. He gave me one thing to work on. Other than that, he was cool with everything. wow so So I was like, all right, awesome.
I took care of that one thing, fast forward to the next month. There is that his home promotion in Cleveland, Ohio, in WA Exodus Pro, he's holding another seminar. I paid the 50 bucks to reserve my spot. I paid it out like a month in advance. And this is what I told myself. I said, this is what I want from this. I'm going to go up there and I'm going to show him not only have I gotten in better shape,
But I took care of the one thing and the one thing he suggested it was just something real simple. It was nothing. I'm going to show him though that I can listen and let's do this. I said what I'm going to do with that. I'm not worried about getting a match on the show.
I want a spot because they had their big one-year anniversary coming up. For instance, pro. I was like, I want a spot. I don't want a match. I want a spot. And I swear to God, you guys page. I told her this. I said, this is what's going to happen. I'm going to go up there. I'm going to show them. I'm going to get a spot on the show the next day. So we go to it. There's probably like 70, 80 wrestlers there. I can't remember. There's a lot of wrestlers there.
It's the whole day, man. We're doing promos. um He dug the promo, of course. We do matches. We do the bullshit blow-up drills. I hate blow-up drills. They suck, dude. I just can't stand them. I'll do them, but I... Anyway, we do it. We do it. That's the only thing I really suck on, you know, is but my match was fine. Promo was fine. He pulls me to the side. He said,
I think I got a spot for you on the show tomorrow. I was like, that's awesome. I said, I got no obligations, sir. i I could be here. He's like, all right, cool. He's not a match. It's possible. That's perfect. That's all I want. And he was like. ah You know, can we, he said, I don't want to change nothing about you. I know you go by Evil Nate and stuff. I was like, that's fine. I said, uh, just call me chainsaw Nate. He's like, okay, that's, that's perfect. I was like, awesome. So next day I come out as chainsaw Nate debut. I chase two guys out of the ring, run them down the hallway and out to the road.
It went great for me and I manifested that. I couldn't have done that a year ago and I would have been, I would have had anxiety. I would have been panicked, but because of Bobby Blaze and what I went through with losing my job of eight and a half years and deciding that this is my movie, I'm gonna do what I want to do and I'm gonna get what I want to get. I've been able to do that and I'm going to, and I'm going to continue to do that.
That's why like my month of October, dude, it is packed. I have a big debut coming up at the end of the month. And I said, I'm gonna get that. And that big debut is for Battleground Championship Wrestling in Philadelphia at the ECW Arena. I get to go one on one with the former NWA World Champion, Wildfire Tommy Rich. Wow. That's awesome.
big deal for me, man. That's huge. It is at the ECW arena. I've already been, I've never worked at the ECW arena, but because of Paige, because she's been booking her, Paige is the only person like, and this is what's so awesome.
She's a wrestler and stuff and you know, her CRPS has, you know, so she's not been able to have her first match because, yeah yeah but she's getting booked to do like, you know, signings and conventions. Her and Braun, when the daughter of the Dynamite Kid, they were booked at the ECW arena for intermission. That's how bad ass that is, you know, here you have Paige, you know, she's ah up there on intermission, the chainsaw queen with the Dynamite Kid's daughter. So I've been up there before, but I've never worked there.

Debut at ECW Arena against Tommy Rich

So now I get to debut at the ECW Arena facing and the match is called Evil Nate's House of Horrors Halloween match. I have a match named after me and I'm facing the former NWA World Champion and and at the ECW Arena. It's all manifesting. Yeah, it's true, man. It is.
That's insane. I was actually, I have so many as you're talking, of like thinking of all these different questions, but I want to talk about like your style. would What would you, what would you consider your style of wrestling?
oh thats That's easy, very it's I'm a throwback. um umm Of course, I'm very gimmicky, but I'm a combination of Memphis, very very southern, but I would throw some brawling in there like Steve Austin. i think I take a combination of, I'm a big bread heart mark, a huge Steve Austin mark. Steve Austin is the greatest of all time in my opinion. I know I said Rick Flair is the greatest wrestler, but I think Steve Austin is the greatest of all time.
Yeah, that's just that's my preference and that's subjective. Everybody's is different and that's okay. ah But for me, it's a that's my style of wrestling. I'm all character and gimmick and I've kind of turned myself into an attraction because of the chainsaw and the mask. So I usually I go to a lot of places as an attraction like some places what there's some places I work at just once a year. That's what how they use me, you know, kind of like,
they would bring in back in the territory days, bring in a Bruiser Brody or a Stan Hansen for like one run. So they kind of do that with me in certain places I work at. But then there's other places I'm there consistently and consecutively, which I'm cool with other one. Yeah. So that's my style. I'm gimmicky, very Southern. I can work with anybody though, cause I have, I've worked with legends, you know, whether it's Coco beware and the powers of pain or to talk, I've worked with those guys.
hernandez These are the guys I've wrestled. Then I've worked with cruiserweights, hardcore guys, heavyweights. I can work with anybody. so dan I was actually going to ask you, the so you what's your what's your favorite type of match to do as far as, do do you have you done any like any type of like hardcore matches or death matches? ah are called I'll probably never do a death match. I've done, and I don't have anything against it, it's just not my cup of tea or coffee. yeah
but I've done several hardcore matches, especially when I started. you know ah When you're, I'm 34 right now, so I was 19 when I started, but in my early 20s, one day we're gonna put you in hardcore. Oh, hell yeah, dude, hit me in the head with this chair. This'll be awesome. You do stupid shit like that because you're you're invincible, you think nothing can hurt you, so I just do it. and And I never got hurt that I know of, but I did a lot of hardcore matches in the beginning, nothing crazy.
It was pretty simple stuff, you know, getting put through like a piece of plywood or bashed with a chair. I've done several, I've done several casket matches. Those are fun. I actually got another one coming up here, October the 10th in West Virginia. I'm working with a guy named Nick Hamrick. I think it's how you pronounce his name.
Great wrestler. He's fun. We're gonna be doing a casket match ah For Appalachian Championship Wrestling. It's my debut match there. So that'll be fun. So those are fun I've done I've done a still cage match that was fun. But if I'm being honest, I'd say honestly I just like a regular match, you know I like regular matches just to go out and work now like if if I'm in a storyline with somebody I want to build to it and let's do something crazy. Like one time I was working, I had a storyline with a guy down in San Antonio, Texas. This is 2016. They put their, I think it's their secondary title. It's either their secondary or third. I call it their secondary, but it was the RCW international title. So Hernandez put that title on me.
And the guy I beat for it, we did a whole program. We did a tables match, I put him through the table. We did, ah you know before that it was a regular match, I beat him. So regular match, tables match, blah, blah, blah. The blow off match is the last man standing. So we fought all over the arena, crowd's going crazy. The the finish to the match was, I back drop him on the trailer of a truck and I handcuff him. And as a referee's accountant, cuz he can't get up cuz I handcuffed him.
somebody gets in the truck and they drive away with him and he was never seen again. So, and he was pissed about, he was pissed about that. I was like, dude, I didn't have any control over that. You agreed to do that. I'm not the Booker baby. That was, that's not me. So, but it was fun. And, uh, I like regular matches, but if I'm in a cool storyline, build to something, yeah, let's do a casket mask. Those are easy. So yeah.
Yeah. So no, like no light tubes, no, uh, Nope. Ben of nails, staples, none of that. so not Here's this one. I'll say the only time you will, and I don't think I'll ever change my mind on this. The only time you would ever see me do that. If I was signed to a contract on national TV and they're like, we're going to do this. And I'll be like, cool. Let's all get tested. Let's make sure we're here. Then I'll do it. That's me though. And that's my preference. Yeah. Yeah. No, definitely. ah Not a lot of people would, uh,
yeah I don't, say that i I don't, I don't shame the guys that do the death man. I think it's cool, man. I check out clips all the time. That's cool. That's just not my thing. So yeah, it's, it, it gets a little much sometimes like it, especially, you know, it's, it's not as, I don't, I mean, it's not as it's sparingly nowadays. It's not as unless you watch like GCW, they yeah do it they do a lot of that. But like, if you're watching, like, obviously WWE doesn't really go that crazy with it anymore. AEW is pretty much the only like,
like you that yeah Yeah, that you can actually see it and you know, they they do it sparingly too They'll do it all like if they were doing it on TV and I think they got they got in trouble probably It was uh, I think it was Jericho and it was age. It was the pulled out the pizza cutter and he started Yeah, I think that was I think that was the last so now they do if they do those matches. It's on a pay-per-view It's not on there. No, right. It's probably best I mean, obviously you want to, you know, please the crowd. You want your fan base to be like, Oh my God, you know, you're so cool. But then, then you lose sponsors and you're losing money. So is it really worth making a few people happy, a handful of people anyway. yeah So what actually I'm trying to, I was only pivot a little bit. So we we talked about, you know, I interviewed, you know, Paige.
um in you know and you you speak of her as well like how does that like what does that like look like that relationship i know you guys are kind of like you you you're almost like the way you speak you're like you guys are like each other's support in that sense like what's my family uh yeah she's been she's been my family uh we've been through everything together man uh sleeping, sleeping out of cars, you know, being homeless a couple of times, um, traveling all over this country and, you know, wrestling, going to wrestling schools. And then when she got, when she got hurt in l LA, you know, wrestling. Yeah. And then she developed CRPS. She went six years undiagnosed with that. We know what it was. I just knew she was in pain and she's a bad ass. That's like the best, best way I can describe her is
She's somebody you want to have in the trenches with you because she's a loyal loyal person and She's just my family. That's that's what she is and I'm always gonna have her back and don't get me wrong her now we have We have disagreements and you know we argue and stuff, but we also, we love each other and we care about each other. And I just want what's best for her. And she encourages me and pushes me. so I mean, I'll be straight up with you. She's the reason I have the opportunity coming up at Battleground Championship Wrestling to do the Tommy Wildfire Rich Match.

Paige's Resilience and Impact

That's because of her. that's
that's not That's not me, that's because of her. She, because of her and what she's done like over the past year, dude, I don't know too many people who, so she fought to get out of a wheelchair. And I know there are certain scenarios where people, you know, they literally can't walk in like, you know, they're paralyzed. But the condition that she has, the complex regional pain syndrome,
Most people don't come back from that. the People are unaliving themselves, often themselves, because this is the most painful condition. as far as that whole you know of pain chart goes. It's above cancer, it's above childbirth, it's above amputation. And the wildest thing about it is it's in ah almost an unknown condition that it doesn't have the attention that cancer does or anything else does. And so to watch what she's done while also supporting me, so this was a girl that got out of a wheelchair, taught herself how to walk again. She's got back in the wrestling ring.
And the past year, now think of this, she hasn't had her first match yet. Now she's wrestled in schools, she's taken bumps. She's out here valeting me man, giving stunners and taking DDTs everywhere. So, and you know, Ricky, she stood up front of the class and you're a wrestler, you know, Bobby, Bobby Blaze, you're a wrestler. Funaki, the same thing, you know, the I mean, she's been trained by some of the best. Yeah.
But, yeah definitely she hasn't had the opportunity to get out there and have her wrestling career yet. yeah And the fact that she hasn't been out there and had her wrestling career yet, but what she's done in the last year, her first appearance in wrestling was in New York City, Queens, New York at the Wrestling Universe Store. She headlined with former WWE Women's Champion, Divas Champion, Alicia Fox. Paige did that without wrestling a match.
And then the next day, she was booked alongside Casey Navarro, who's currently in TNA and tearing it up on the walls. Yeah. Haku. And she's right there doing fantastic selling. I mean, she had a big ass line selling her autographs and her photos. Yeah. This is a girl, this was her first appearance in wrestling without taking a bump.
yeah that's correct we would Yeah, we actually talked about that too. like it's The last last interview, we had ah she spoke about like how like how crazy was it? Like you said, she's had all these opportunities. yeah It hasn't really set foot in the ring. And I'm like, that just goes to your that does have your willingness, your personality, the way you carry yourself. that That doesn't happen. like you know No, it doesn't. Especially wrestling. To be booked.
without taking a bump and then to actually make a money selling your autographs and taking photos with fans without being a third generation superstar without being somebody she's she's not somebody's been on tv she's done this on her own marriage. And so to circle back, our relationship is we're family and that's how we treat each other. And I've always got her back. She's always got mine. She's the reason I've been able, she supported me in the last three months when I lost my job. And I don't mean like financially support. I'm talking about what she has helped financially too. But I'm talking about she's mentally supported me, encouraged me and pushed me like, you got this, go do this.
And because of her, I've gotten some of these opportunities and I've pushed myself because she's believed in me. So we're very close. Yeah. Same. I mean, you know, she speaks the same, you know, if you go back and listen to that, that was a second time she was on. I had her on there. Hopefully we're going to, we're going to do it a third time again. Cause you know, after she has her debut match, it doesn't have to be spoken on heaven or back on again, but she speaks the same. It's the same with you. Like, I mean, you like.
you got to take yourself to as being that person that like you it would seem like for me anyway if I'm I'm making my way into the into the world of wrestling You two would be the people I would want in my corner because it seems like but you guys are very like, you obviously you're very down to earth. Yeah. And you're and you're very yeah very well very willing and helpful. It seems like to help each other out it and try to encourage each other and move each other along. And I think you definitely need that. You you do, especially in the the world of, I mean the world in general, but the in the world of professional wrestling.
You will come across people that you think they're going to be your friends. You think they're going to be helpful and they stab you in the back and earn out both experience that way too many times. So we're at a very we're at a very cool point.
her and I were kind of in the middle right now to where we're not the 20 year olds coming in but we're not the 40 and 50 year olds that have been doing this for 30 years but we've been around and we've been all over and we kind of have a little leeway or not leeway but we kind of have a little I guess weight on our shoulder, weight to our name now a little bit. So we've created our own tribe and our own circle, not a clique, but we have people that we try to help and we try to mentor and we try to tell them like, hey, if we get here, that means you're here. You understand that? And that's why, because we know what that's like. I know what it's like to be in a car full of guys when I got hurt.
they thought it was funny because I wasn't going to be around anymore and they could take my spot. That sucks. Having somebody like Paige, you know, she's not like that. She's all, she wants to everybody, even the people that don't like her, she wants them to eat. You know what I mean? She wants them to be okay. and And that's how we both take it because we both have been betrayed by our families. We both have been betrayed by our friends. We both, it was just her and I at one point. It wasn't anybody else.
And yeah if I go down tomorrow with something, the little bit of support that I do have online from certain individuals, that goes along with that. So I know what it's like to not have, some people are just along to see if you're going to make it or to see how far you go. And to have somebody like her in your corner, or it's what her and I try to put out to people in this industry, in this business, that is rare to find because it's a very cutthroat business.
Yeah, definitely. I mean, I mean, obviously I'm not in the business, but definitely obviously you, you know, spoken to enough people, like within like the industry. And you definitely, you get that sense of you definitely, it's hard to find, you know, at least not even like more than one friend, even just one person you can really trust. that's And that's why, and I knew this from a young age too, like at the age of 19.
I never got into... So, I already had friends at the time. I never got into... red Like, you've heard Scott Hall and CM Punk say this, and I've said it too. I didn't get in this business to make friends. I didn't. And I'm okay with that. i don't Dude, ive I have wrestled guys that hate me, and I don't care. yeah You can hate me. You don't you don't have to like me. Don't mess with me. not Not that I'm a badass, but just don't mess with me. We ain't gonna have problems. Hate me all you want to. but I didn't get in this because I have a life outside of wrestling. I love wrestling, but I didn't come to this business and this industry to be friends with anybody. If I make a couple of friends, I'm cool with that. And if I don't, I'm gonna sleep just the same.
Got it. What, what, what got you, I didn't even ask, I know you kind of like said this, you didn't really say it, but I mean, you kind of said your favorite wrestlers, you know, Stone Cold and Ric Flair. What got you into like, what got you into wrestling? was you Did you get in at an early age or did you get in later in life? and As the kid, as the kid, man, I was, I was a young kid and you know, 1997, I'm seven years old and I come across Stone Cold Steve Austin. Okay.
And that was it. I mean, and before Stone Cold, I was all about Spider-Man and the Power Rangers. and they i' love du When I saw Stone Cold, I was like, this is my superhero now. And that was it. And from that point forward, I just loved wrestling. And then the reason I got into it, the reason I became a wrestler, I'm a musician also. And I'm from Eastern Kentucky, as you can't tell by my hillbilly accent.
It'll probably get thicker the longer I go with this, but it does that. So I was in a band, I was in a couple of bands and the problem with that is nobody would stay committed. Nobody wanted to continue. They didn't want to put the time and effort in because they have a girlfriend or it's just too much work. So I kept going through bands and then I came across a local indie promotion back home and I was on MySpace at the time and I hit them up.
I found out you had to get a Kentucky license, so I ordered a Kentucky license to be a wrestler. yeah there's There's an athletic commission. It's really just a scam, honestly, but whatever. ah I sent in my 20 bucks, I think is what it was at the time. I got my license. I went to a little gym in Virgie, Kentucky, which is deep in the mountains.
got in the ring, took my first bump, it hurt and I laid there and I was like, do I really want to do this? And as I looked up at the lots and that gymnasium, I was like, yeah, I do want to do this. So I got back up and continued to get my ass kicked. Uh, and I just, that's it. That's what got me into it is because I can depend on myself. You, you can't depend on a lot of people. And yeah so I gave up, you know, music, I still play it. And if I ever get with people, I will jam, but,
the people want to do great things without putting in the work and when they find out how much work goes into it and when you start realizing that's when you start figuring out who's who's for you and who's against you because their insecurities and inferior complexes will set in and when they realize that you have more drive than they do and you actually want to try this and you're not afraid to fail, because I'm not afraid to fail. If I don't make it, I don't give a shit, but as long as I try. yeah all That's all I care about. They're afraid of failure though. The guys that I used to be friends with that are sitting back home in Eastern Kentucky, married to the women that they don't want to be with, they had the kids.
Yeah. now but now they're miserable there's nothing wrong with that i'm just saying yeah and their situation they're married they they got complacent and they settled yep yeah the hip i didn't do that yeah we can't be mad at that no i didn't do that and I refuse to do that. I'm not going to settle until I see this thing out and so now I'm legit trying and I'm telling you right now I'm gonna bust my ass and do everything I can to get myself on national television at some point and earn myself a contract. I'm gonna keep going forward and that's what I'm manifesting and I've been manifesting that and that's what I'm gonna do.
so Yeah, man, there's nothing nothing and I even told the pages as well is there's nothing like I would be more excited about than just like, you know, turn on my TV one day and maybe see it like you or her on like TNA or yeah, like a spot in a W having a match on a W or even you have an NXT or something like that. Who knows? It'll happen. Like I'm going to go to wish even go to like a live show and maybe guys you show up or something like that. It's fun.
it won hear so it It will, it will happen. um i to But that's what got me into wrestling is I couldn't depend on anybody. And I was like, okay, wrestling, I can literally depend on myself because there are promotions everywhere. So I will do that. And yes, that's what got me into it. So man that's how that's that's awesome. I mean,
Was there was there any were there any outside forces that got you into wrestling or did you just like like like your parents, a your uncle, cousins? No, it was pretty, ah I mean, my family, they they watched wrestling off and on and i didn't I didn't know that when I got into it.
ah So it was pretty free range. I mean, I was watching horror movies at the age of five. I kind of got to make my own choices, like not really, but I kind of did, if that makes sense. Like I kind of have um my own, like I wasn't crazy, parentally supervised. So, you know, I'm five years old, dressing up as Jason from Friday, 13th for Halloween.
because I watched Friday 13th part three. I saw Hellraiser part three. I saw a Texas Chainsaw Master part three. I don't know why everything I saw was part three, but it was. So I guess there's some kind of magic in those numbers because that was the ones I watched first.
Yeah, and I saw all those at the age of five so my love of horror started from my very first conscious memory and then the next thing was you know wrestling and Along with that came like bands like kiss and hair metal. So Mmm, that's that's that's my that's it. That's what I love and then I got older I got into you know, raunchy or stuff like Jay and silent Bob. I love that. Yeah that really molded my personality as a teenager between the James, the Kevin Smith influence and the horror influence and the, uh, the wrestling, you know, I'm cutting promos on kids at school, but I was a fat kid. I had to deal with bullying. So I had to get, you know, quick, quick witted and I did, it took a year, but I got quick witted man. And, uh, you know, my fat ass at the time, they're making fun of me and I'm throwing it right back at him. Yeah.
I had to learn, so I was kind of naturally ready for wrestling. and Yeah, that's that's pretty much it. yeah that doesn't that That actually just made me remember like you how much movies and TV do like kind of like mold your character and like oh yeah especially if you're trying to find like your you know whoever you're going to be in life yeah just watching those things like like you said watching wrestling and kind of like and kind of pick it and choose and take it like a little bit oh yeah i like that i want to i'm gonna take that into myself i did the same exact thing first time i watched terminator 2 i wanted to look like arnold you know oh man i was obsessed with that movie oh my god yeah uh first time i saw steve austin i was like
I don't know who this is, but this is what I want to be. Everyone wanted to be Steve Austin with the attitude and dropping stutters on everybody. Yeah. First first time I saw Ozzy Osbourne, I was like, oh my God, he sounds like an angel. This is awesome. What is this? I want to have long hair. This is crazy. You know, yeah, that stuff influences us and affects us. And I like what I like. and i unshamefully will always plug it and put it over. so Oh, yeah. may I was introduced, speaking of Ozzy, I was introduced to him early in my childhood, my uncle, on my mom's side, huge Ozzy Osbourne fan, Dio, all that type of stuff. Love that. That's my stuff, baby. In his bedroom, he used to have the, well, this is the 80s, so he had the yeah you said the bark at the moon.
I love that. He used to scare the shit out of me, but but I mean, i and that was one of the things I got into Ozzy early when I was yeah younger, just because my uncle listened to me. I said Dio was always a music in my household, stuff like that. So Ozzy was my gateway drug. I'd always love Kiss because and this is what I'll say too.
Characters I'm ah um'm about characters. That's the reason I love cryptozoology because a Bigfoot moth man. Those are characters. Yeah um sp Slasher movies that reason that's my favorite horror genre Characters Jason Voorhees Michael Myers Leatherface Chucky pinhead Freddy Krueger Candyman Wishmaster Pumpkinhead characters. That's yeah what those are. Those are care at That's my thing, wrestling, characters. Again, you're not gonna hear me talk about, I can't i can't tell you Dima Linko's greatest match, but I can tell you Ultimate Warriors, you know what I mean? Cuz I like characters. ah And that that's just what makes Nog around hair metal characters. you know And then like i I found, and that's the reason I was saying that, is like I love Kiss. Kiss was like my first love with music.
And they were rocking. I love the way they look. They were so cool. But then I found Ozzy and I heard his voice because I found the the No More Tears album. That was my first Ozzy album. yeah right And the re the reason it was is because track seven on that album was called Hellraiser. Well, I love horror. Let's see what this sounds like.
I put it on. Holy shit. Fell in love. I've never heard anything like that. I blew through the whole CD. I went and bought every album that I could. I wanted everything. And then after that, I got into Black Sabbath. yeah How can you not? Well, it turns out Black Sabbath, they had a singer named Dio. Holy shit. Let's check that out. get into Ronnie James Dio. Well, you know who inspired Kiss known to you? Alice Cooper. Damn. Let me listen to some Alice Cooper. I remember. Yes. I remember Alice Cooper. Let's check it out. Oh my god. Alice Cooper, Jimi Hendrix. You know who Jimi Hendrix favorite guitar player was?
Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top. Well, let's go check out some ZZ Top. Bam. Oh my god, ZZ Top's so good. Well, I love Skinner. I love Molly Hatchet. Okay, now I'm coming over here. Oh, Ozzy, his guitar player's name is Zach Wild. Zach Wild has a band called Black Label Society. Let's go check that out. yep Oh yeah, here's Pantera. Pantera. Oh, here's some Slayer. Oh my god, man. let's You go into it. and It's the gateway drug. and That's, that's how it happened. And then it's like, well, you know, I love hair metal too. Cause I really love Ozzy's eighties stuff. His later eighties stuff. Like after market at the moon, I loved like a no rest for the wicked. I love that album. That's Zach Wallace first album with Ozzy. So I get into that and then I'm getting into rat and I'm getting into Cinderella wasp. I'm getting into, uh, of course poison Motley crew. Uh, then we're back over here to mega death. And then I'm coming in and I just, I fell in love with hair metal. So my high school years were nothing, but.
spreading the word of like metal and rock. That's what it was for me. Like I was telling everybody about Zach Wild, like he was Jesus, you know what I mean? You gotta listen to this guy. This guy does everything. He does bluegrass. He does heavy metal. He does everything. You need to hear this guy.
so I remember, I remember my cousin, my cousin was like the, he still is sort of the biggest mega deaf fan. Like his room was like, like, wall to like, you couldn't even see his walls. Posters and stuff everywhere, dude. Like it was, it was crazy. That, you know, my uncle, he's so, so like quiet, riot.
all um more right i get dude all mother there's nothing your middle and i don't like i love my sister Yeah, all that stuff so maybe and I was talking about this too not to get off talking but like especially like in the 80s and 90s you really didn't have like Obviously nowadays you get pick and shoot, you could obviously go on a streaming service and listen to whatever the model isn't to. But back then, whatever was on the radio, that's what you listen to. Like you had to listen to whatever, whatever that radio station was playing. They play literally everything. like i remember rights of used like I remember the late 90s. I was a little kid, but I remember. A lot of alternative rock in the late 90s. I remember that.
Yeah, definitely always. that's a yeah man that That just brought me back to like, don't get like super nostalgic. But since you're talking about like horror stuff, I definitely want to get into, you know, the book that you're working on.

Nate's Horror-Themed Book Project

yeah talk a little bit more about ah you know power movies and so what genres are you into and things like that. So let's start with the book though. Well, the book's a passion project. I've been telling everybody, yo, I'm not a writer. Don't expect some Stephen King shit. i'm just yeah it's I have too much ADHD. So I didn't want to sit down and do a full blown book, but I had all these ideals and I just threw them all together. And I've had these ideals since I was 12.
And I was like, I'm going to do like Clive Barker. He he made the Hellraiser movies, the the first couple. Pinhead was his creation. And he had a a book of short stories called The Books of Blood, I think is what they were called. And that's like Candyman's in that book. That's where the original ideal for Candyman came from. So I was like, OK, instead of being like Stephen King, I'm going to be like Clive Barker. And I'm going to do a collection of short stories. But I love the ideal of movies like Trick or Treat or Pulp Fiction.
Yes. Where you have stories going on simultaneously and you see characters in the background and all this intertwining. I love that. I think that's the coolest shit ever and it's so fun because it's for a lot. um So I took all these ideals and all these concepts and I put them together and it's five chapters of these different serial killers and all these stories are going on at the exact same time and it's happening in my hometown of Eastern Kentucky, Pikeville, Kentucky. And it's all these killers and they cross paths at the exact same time in the mountains and an all out bloodbath goes down. and And it's got all your stereotypical killers from slashers like Killer Clown, Killer Scarecrow, a screen top character of Michael Myers. It's, you know, basically all that stuff. What would happen if all these guys crossed paths at one time and
That's what it is. And the reason I started doing it is I've always wanted to do it. Paige was booked last year. That's what I was talking about. She got booked for a horror con called the Marietta Monster Mash because so She made a lot of noise when she did the Wrestle Bash 2 up in New Jersey and then the Wrestling Universe store in Queens, New York with Alicia Fox. She made got a lot of attention from that because she did fantastic. So they were like, we got to have you for Marietta Monster Mash. So she got booked at Marietta Monster Mash.
So we're there and she's like, this is so cool. So she's already done a bunch of movies this year. And she'd done movies like in the past, like, you know, she was in a movie on Netflix once like a few, a few years ago. And she's she, she'd done things. She has an acting background, a lot of theater, yeah things like, things like that. But before she'd done any of her movies this year, cause she did like four this year and she was booked for that. And so we're there. So here she is.
And on this side of her is Sergeant Slaughter. And on this side of her is Mikko Hughes from the Pet Sematary movie, The Kid. He gets ran over by the semi-truck. Oh jeez. He's in between both of those guys. Sergeant Slaughter, W.B. Hall of Famer, Mikko Hughes. Down here is the bully from A Christmas Story.
He's down there. Uh, who else was there? Michael Berryman from the Hills have Oz. He was down there. oh So all these people are lined up and the page is with them. She's one of the, she's one of the stars of this married monster match. Well, at the very end, there's a guy named Bill Perry, William Perry.
Bill Perry, he's now an author. He used to be a stuntman. He did stunt work on Nightmare on Elm Street. Two, three, four, five people under the stairs. He did stuff for Michael Jackson. Huge list, man. yeah um He's really good friends with, I forget the guy's name, but he was the the first screen. He did all the stunt work for the first screen. I think Lee Waddell's his name.
So it's at the end of the con. We go down and we talk to him. We're getting ready to leave. And I see his book and stuff. And he's a wrestling he's a wrestling fan. He has a lot of respect for wrestling because where he's a stunt man, he's impressed by it.

Building Relationships with Authors and Actors

So we start talking and stuff. He gives me a copy of his book. We take photos and he follows me on Instagram. I follow him. We add each other on Facebook and we kept a relationship. And because of him, I started writing.
And he really inspired me to do that. And he's always checked in on me this entire year about, hey, you're still riding, aren't you? I was like, absolutely. And I developed this really cool relationship with him. He almost, almost like a father figure to me. I really, I really, I love this guy, man. He's cool. I got a couple of, couple of guys like this. But he, along with R.A. Mahaloff, who I'm really good friends with, I look at as a father figure too. And that was Leatherface in part three.
And then Brett Wagner, who was Leatherface in the 2003 remake, he's Leatherface for the first kill when he hits Kemper with the sledgehammer. Yeah. After that, he got sick and got replaced by Andrew Bernarski. So I'm close with all three of these guys. They all three have written intros for this book. Oh, that's awesome. Dude, it's very thought. I got two Leatherfaces and a Nightmare on Elm Street Stump Man that have written intros for this book that I'm working on. That's awesome.
The book is just, they're all horror guys. And then also what's really cool too is Paige, she's written an intro for it as well. So that's cool i got I got the chainsaw queen, you know, my best friend, my family, she's written an intro, William Perry, Bill Perry from Not Run Elm Street. People are under the stairs, Leatherface from part three and Leatherface from the remake. They've all written intros for my slasher novel.
Wow. So, I'm on the last chapter of it right now and it's just something like I wanted it done by now but because of things that have happened and stuff and just life, you know, getting in the way. Yeah. I'm back to working 40 hours a week now and you know, fitting that in on top of going to the gym and doing the wrestling shows. It's it's hard. Yeah. So, I'm actually going to be topping on it when I get off here with you.
um But that's what I've been doing. it's just I haven't revealed the title of it yet, but it's almost finished and I'm very excited. I've already got a couple publishers that are going to look at it and I'm just excited to get this thing done. I want to get it done and ready. I know this might be quick, but sometime in October, I want this thing done and like ready to sell.

Trends and Censorship in Horror Films

and Then I want to look at getting a graphic novel of it after that.
That'd be awesome. Yeah, definitely. I'd definitely be looking forward to, uh, to reading that. Definitely. Cause thanks. Like I kind of said at the beginning, I've been, you know, get into a lot of like, uh, like I was always into horror movies, not like full fledged into it, but yeah I said around like the pandemic time I got into, uh, the VHS series. yeah Yeah. Yeah. And they, obviously every movie is, you know, it's, it's an overarching story. Yep. Um, Based on like whatever, you know, whatever the storyline is, but there are all these short stories, um, on every single movie. So like, you know I think the first one was like a a videotape that these guys, yeah they break into this house and they find this videotape. And as all these things, I think the second one, I think the second one was, um, but now they have like, the you know, they have VHS 85 and 99 and they do like, they go back in time and do all the same things. So like, I've been getting into those like type of things. The movie that got me really into like,
like full fledged storylines though is like I said the Terrifier series where it started with All Hallows Eve. It was like the be the precursor which was basically short stories. It's the same idea like they find a videotape they pop it in and they're watching this clown but shows up throughout the movie. He's not really the focus of the stories but he he's there.
so and then Yeah, so I i see the Terrifier movie first, the very first one. Then I went back and watched All Hallows Eve. I'm like, holy shit, there's like a I could like get into this yeah franchise if they make a a second one. Lo and behold, second one comes out. ye Booby away. like I was like I get away from the third one third one's coming out soon. So yeah like i said i'd be um yeahs all man That's like I said that that's uh, that's one of those uh One of those characters that you think like you didn't think like something like that could exist nowadays Because back at back in the 80s obviously like a movie like the Terrifier like that whole franchise would have flourish around the time with like fire nightmare on the street, but nowadays it's like
You know, there's a lot of censoring and things like that. I think that's, I think that's why is because especially over the past brother, the past 10 years, the amount of weird.
political correctness and censorship that it's so fucking fake that everybody's been trying to, it is, we we all know it is. that it's yeah This weird censorship they've been trying to do for the past 10 years, it's at its breaking point and I think it's done. and you can't You can't stop this stuff, man. like It's art, it's entertainment.
yeah and ah just like The reason LA not exploded is because we needed another Steve Austin, another rock, somebody that was reminiscent. That's the reason Terrifier exploded, because we've all been chomping at the bit. We want another Freddie, we want another Jason. Yeah. And that's why this is working. And you're going to see a lot more, and I'm so thankful, you're going to see a lot more slashers pop up now because of what Art the Clown has done in now three movies, four texts.
Yeah, definitely. And I think what I'm waiting for to come back is the, uh, the old school, like the, I mean, they kind of stopped at the mid 2000 mid to late 2000s. Like the, like the, you know, the R rated comedy kind of died down to that genre. you see do wonder if that would it come back It will be the top of American pie movies and Euro yeah movies. you'll Yeah. Come back. I mean, cause cause you will, because again, all this stuff that's been going on, it's just.
it's just to do it just for the sake of doing it it's just some of it's really stupid and that doesn't last very long so because Yeah, anything fake gets flushed out that's just facts definitely.

Ambitions in Wrestling and Horror by 2025

yeah definitely and you're goingnna see a big re you're gonna see a big resurgence of all this so and i very i'm very excited that's one reason i'm like well i definitely want to get this slasher book done cause i have i have like
Yeah, I got 10 serial killers in this book. And yeah, I cover all bases. That's crazy. That kind of goes to show you, even with like the, like you said, everything kind of comes back and spurts, even with like wrestling right now. It's like kind of like at its biggest like boom here. It's like they call it like the Renaissance era right now. Cause you know what's happening, obviously with the changing of the guard over in WWE.
yeah there The indie scenes, it's like insane. I'm not sure you can give that credit to you. give it You can go back and give it to Cody when he was out there. or the but everybody It's It's everything. It's insane. when the When the top guys, when the E is doing good, everybody's doing it. What I think they did too is like when that when they did those, like that um that initial release back in 2020,
And, uh, they did that, did that huge release of yeah wrestlers and then they all started, you know, going back, going into the indie scene. I think that's what like really started picking up and everything. So if you're like, you know, with, with Mark Hardona and the, you know, the, the major bros and stuff like that, like completely just taking that like indie model and just saying, you know what?
we We have star power. Let's just put it out there. If the give it means that we're the, the E guys, the w WWE guys, and we're going into their territory. Let's just, let's be that. Let's be the heels. Absolutely. Be the people that they hate. And then it's just that's that works.
that's really work Um, so my last question for you so I mean you kind of answered this a little bit already, but what do you see like? What is your what do you see in the next like few years? What do you what do you think? What do you think you're your your brand? You're so you're headed. I know you get the book coming out You get some major matches popping up. What do you see within the next like yo? 2025 is coming up. What's what's that looking like for you? well, I think uh And then, you know, this presumptuous and I don't really care. And because before I would have given you a very, uh, before I would have given this, this question a very cookie cutter cookie cutter answer out of it, I would be like, well, you know, as long as I'm just like, you know, just wrestling and doing this, I, you know, I just want to make money. And that's true. I do. I want to make a living at this. So.
What I perceive with 2025, I'm gonna do everything I can to get my ass contract. I'm gonna do everything I can to get on television and I'm gonna make the biggest amount of noise I can with wrestling and on top of that, I'm gonna do everything I can in the horror world as well because that's the other thing I'm looking at is just- because I have so many, I'm starting to make a lot of connections like Dolly, a page and I were booked for Scarefest in Lexington this year. Like we're booked, you know, there because i so I supply the leather faces with chainsaws. So like they have, I'm supplying the leather faces from part two with a chainsaw to use of course part three, the the one from the Netflix movie, I'm supplying him with a chainsaw. ah So that's kind of what I do. So,
I'm just, I want to create the perfect marriage over the next year between my wrestling and my horror and my own version of what Dan Housen has done, but just what I want to do. And yeah so over the next year, I'm going to do everything I can to be making a living and If I have it my way, which I will have it my way by the end of 2025, I'm going to be making a living from wrestling and or horror. So nice. I like that. I like that answer. Where does he yeah actually, you know, the second question, because you just kind of brought that up. What is it? What's it? What's the plans for the void of the future? The void? We're just going to they play into a part of what I'm doing.
you know We got our big tag tag match coming up this weekend. um And then what's cool about that is so me and Zodiac are wrestling for the void this Saturday at UCW. And then next weekend when Black Dolly and myself were at ASW in Madison, West Virginia.
The void will be down in Tennessee for SPCW. It'll be Eric Fallin and Zodiac with David down there. And so we're just going to keep pumping that. And we're going to do everything we can to make as much noise.

Recommended Wrestling Matches for New Fans

Awesome. And i always I always say this. I always say this is the last question. This is definitely the last question. And I've been bringing this back because i haven't I haven't asked anyone this yet. I don't think, anyway.
so far this year when I've been doing interviews, uh, match a match that you would, uh, bring someone that's kind of like, uh, they're kind of on the fence about wrestling. Like the other people like, Hey, why the hell are you so watch us? Well, what's the match that you would introduce it on that? That would make them instantly be a fan.
Any match, any match, any match like you could say, like, you know, you're not a fan, but if you watch this, you guarantee to be hooked. If I show you this, that's the other thing. It doesn't have to be a match. I will limit it to matches. Okay. anything in wrestle and If it's a match, I'm going to give them a undertaker versus mankind hell in a cell. Okay. Um, just because of how brutal and real that match is. And, uh,
But if it's an actual wrestling match, so I'd probably give them a.
steve austin versus you know no no no no I give him Steve Austin. This I want him to be a promo. Stone Cold when he comes back and takes out the Alliance. That's what I give him. Yeah, I was like that's a good one actually. Yeah, that's a real good moment. That you will never get not a greater pop, but the idea of Jim Ross losing his mind on commentary. and Oh my God. Steve Austin is marching down to that ring. Yep.
And I don't care how it all looks, it's just the greatest atmosphere. And it is just so much chaos and pandemonium. That's wrestling. No, that's a perfect choice, I think. Yeah, that's right. It engulfs

Conclusion and Social Media Presence

everything. The fans, the wrestling, all that type of stuff. Yeah, the commentary. And if I wasn't going to go with that, I'd do Hogan and Rock at WrestleMania. But I'm going to go with Austin marching down to take out the Alliance.
No, I mean, umm I'm sick with that choice. Definitely. Yeah. Um, thank you. Thank you for being on. Thank you for taking the time to sit down and talk with me. This is great. I definitely look forward to Anything that you do with you and page in the in the future. i ah I'm always I'm gonna be always be a supporter I always be following you guys and you know, yeah, I'll be you know, obviously traveling down there But if you're ever up up this way doing a show in that area, definite I'm sure we will um sure we'll see you guys And I like I said, definitely, you know, definitely would love you back on again if you're willing to do it absolutely you know
I'll definitely have you on again and we can talk some more. Yeah, this is great. I thank you again. I'm always appreciative when someone takes the time to do these because I know it's a lot of work. We both know it's a lot of work to get these things going, so I'm very appreciative of what it is. I appreciate you having me, man. Thank you. All right, and we'll tell everyone where they can find you before we go.
Look up a lot of Evil Nate, but you'll find Chainsaw Nate too. I'm on everything YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok. um I think that's it. So just Chainsaw Nate, Evil Nate. Awesome. And everyone, if you guys know where to find me, I'm not going to say we could find me. Go to you'll you You'll figure it all out. All right. Talk to everyone soon. Oh, yeah. Later.