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We preview this weekend's Saturday Night's Main Event and discuss the TNA/WWE partnership before taking a look at the latest round of wrestling figure reveals and diving into a huge mailbag!

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Special Sunrise Edition

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show. are
What is up, Foley fam? We are back with a special sunrise edition of the Chick Foley Show. It's not even 7 a.m. yet here in Tennessee, but we're up early Thursday morning to bring you guys a fresh episode of the podcast.

Wrestling Topics Preview

Before we dive into all the amazing wrestling talk we have lined up for this week, let's introduce the star of the show, Sheena. How you doing?
I am bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. You know me at 7 a.m. I can take on the world, dude. I got my roosters crowing in the background. I can see my goats peeking out at me out of their window, so I'm Will. We're getting peak Sheena on this one. I hope so. We're going to be previewing this weekend's Saturday Night's Main Event. Talk a little bit about this new WWE TNA partnership. We're going to go over all of the figure reveals we had towards the end of last week.
And we got some random merch of the week off eBay and listener mail. So should be a action-packed episode.

Farm Life and Challenges

But first off, Sheena, what's new on the forum? Um, I'm just, you know, it's, everybody thinks like garden planning starts in the spring, but I'm, I'm like up to my elbow and seeds and paper and drawing little, you know, graphs and what's opening kickoff. You still, you got training camp or the off season planning right now. So much work. It's so much work that goes to that first kickoff. Absolutely. Before that first seed ever goes into the ground, you've got so much planning that goes on. So, um,
Just doing that. This is actually one of my favorite parts. I love just this part because there's so much hope in this part of the process where you're just like, oh man, the possibilities are infinite. The possibilities are infinite. you know Nothing has died yet. Nothing has just absolutely flopped yet. so you know You have all the hope in the world and you're just like putting all of your dreams out there um on paper and kind of just like visualizing what it's going to be like. but Yeah, that's that's pretty much all that's going on on the farm right now, just keeping the animals warm and planning our our next stellar garden. You don't want to give in ah obituary for Shelly? Yeah, we did have you know chickens. We always talk about our chickens. you know they just We have a healthy flock, but every once in a while you have one that one that goes down and we had... We've been very fortunate on the the natural natural causes the past year or so. Yeah, we did have when we went to Kentucky, we had a ah you know a predator attack, which we hadn't had in months and months and months.
um but this time we had a crop issue and we tried our best to revive her. I gave her all I had and unfortunately she just didn't make it. So, RIP to our girl Shelly, you know, it always sucks when you lose a member of the flock. Yeah, it's the first one since WrestleMania weekend. Last time we had a natural causes one, so.

Community and Promotions

um All right, want to remind you guys use code chick Foley to save 10% at ringside collectibles the company bringing you this podcast each and every week. Also go to www.chick Foley calm to hit the chick Foley shop you know that's the best way to share our stuff if you want to direct a friend that way they can get to the the podcast platform of their liking so they can hit that subscribe button. And most importantly, you can become a premium Foley fan member eight, two bucks a month, eight quarters. It gets you into the best online wrestling community. Like seriously, we have people just once a week, just throw up a a group appreciation post for how much they love it there. You know, it's, so it's like AEW, uh, you know how that, you know, once a month, somebody's got to come out and do the rah rah promo about how AW is the best.
We got that same thing going on in our Facebook group without the nonsensical booking and stuff.

Fantasy League Launch

um And most importantly, right now we have the Foley Pixley kicking off. It's yeah season seven. This is the seventh go around that we've done this. Going to be starting with the Royal Rumble. And this is...
It's kind of a mix between fantasy sports and just straight up predictions. Every big event for AEW, NXT, WWE, you're going to pick all the winners, but you're also going to pick all the bonus stuff, right? We throw in some ROH and some stuff in there, depending on how big the cards are too. You get a little bit of everything But you're going to be making bonus picks, too. It's not strictly just winners. You're going to be picking how many super kicks are the Bucks going to throw, how many people are going to come out and interfere on Roman Reigns' behalf. And it's all going for points, and it's all going towards a winner-take-all-cash prize at the end of the season. So it's a ton of fun. I mean, it really adds so much juice to all of these matches that you might otherwise not really have any hook in for.
It opens up like twice a year. So like once a year now we extend the season. So it runs, you know, the season runs pretty much from Royal Rumble to survivor series. Um, so yeah, so you got to get it now. Once you get it, we don't, you know, you can't get in mid season. So this is the best time to get in, even if you're just getting in for the picks league. And there's a cash prize at the end, which is, you know, super. Yeah. Like last year, you know, it was, it was up over 200 bucks for the cash prize on this thing. So it's a lot of fun. Uh, DM Sheena on Instagram. If you want some more info on that, or if you want to go over, hit, join the Patreon and we'll get you in the Facebook group and make it happen. Um, Shane, any other thoughts before we get into the WrestleTalk? Nope. I'm ready to talk wrestling.

Saturday Night's Main Event

All right, so we have the second iteration of the modern Saturday night's main event love it tonight, or sorry, this weekend on Saturday. um what What are your overall thoughts on the the show and the matches that we've but been announced so far? I love the first one. It was great. I hope they keep the kind of retro-esque vibe. you know that i thought they I thought they really nailed it last time. They didn't go over the top with it, but it was definitely there. You felt it. you know um So hopefully that they keep that going. I love i i love wrestling, dude. And it's it's kind of cool this time. it's It could be awkward, but I think it kind of works out. This is almost like a spillover um from the Royal Rumble. you know like if we were so If we were seeing a two-night Royal Rumble, I think these are some of the matches that would be on the card. Yeah.
2018 2019 2020 they were giving us these like almost five hour long rumble paper views because you would have two full rumble matches and then they were giving us you know a whole last paper views worth of cards on top of it they basically treated like a regular paper view and the rumbles were just additional matches on it yeah um and I think it takes away from the rumble and dude it's just it fatigues you as a fan no matter how good the stuff is man like to me To me, I like three hours for a regular pay-per-view, four hours if it's a real, if it's just a freaking blowout, you know, a SummerSlam, a WrestleMania, something like that. So I kind of like this as a, you know, a little a little warm up to the Rumble. Yeah. Yeah.

Heavyweight Championship Analysis

You're getting pay-per-view quality matches. Like I said, I think this is, yeah, it's it's night one ish of Royal Rumble instead of day one ish. Yeah, do you think I mean, you know, we'll get into the match by match, but do you think that anything that happens here is going to have any meaningful consequence on the Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, definitely.
Awesome. So you want to get into the matches? Yeah, let's do it. All right. So let's start off with, um, we got a heavyweight championship match between Gunther and Jay, main event, Jay Uso. For me, I, I mean, I could totally see a situation where like, you know, something crazy happens, you know, maybe, maybe Jay wins, but I mean, otherwise, I mean, to me, this is a lock for Gunther. You know what I mean? Like, I don't like this spot for Jay, man. You know, Jay's really, it's almost become a part of the gimmick, getting to these big matches.
And coming up short, you know, he did get the win against brown breaker, but then he dropped it for the icy title earlier, earlier this year, but then he dropped it back. Uh, I want to say it was less than a month later. I think it was about four weeks later when he lost a belt and you know, you don't want him to get in that spot where the fans just expect him to lose each time. Well, and you know, so, I mean, if he has this big match where, I mean, more than likely Gunther's going to go over and then seven days later, he's got the rumble, which, I mean, it's possible for him, but unlikely for him to win the rumble. Well, I mean, if he beats Gunther, I'm assuming he's out of the rumble. Well, yeah, but I mean, like, so, I mean, if he loses, I'm saying like, so then he's just stacking more and more. I don't think it's impossible for him to win the rumble, man. I think the rumble... I didn't say impossible. I said unlikely.
Yeah, well, I mean, yeah, I feel yeah, I don't think it's unlikely, dude. I think, uh, I think Jay's probably one of the favorites right now, man. If you really look at the rumble field and how this mania card is lining up, like.
There's so many different ways it can go. This is the first time in a long time that we don't just have it narrowed down to like two people that could win the Rumble, which is outstanding. It makes it really, really intriguing. um But I do think Jay could win it, man. I think we could see, I mean, he's over, he's at that point. He's gotten himself over to the point that nobody could criticize it if they wanted to put either of the world championships on Jay Uso. I think there's a story there to be told.
I wouldn't be shocked, man. if ja I could see Jay winning this thing and turn and you know they booked the rematch for the Rumble and he turned around and and loses it a week later. right just you at least you know I think it'd be entertaining TV to watch ah on the one hand, but you know but above all else. And then second, I think that um you know you put that check in the box, right? That Jay's a world champ. I feel like I get the sentiment that you don't want to waste somebody's you know first championship win. right That's a special milestone moment and you know you don't want to kind of like burn that. But I also think that it takes a lot of pressure off the booking if they've already had the belt before. right I think that takes some pressure and kind of lets the story kind of flow more organically and you're not tied up with having this ah you know this kind of like you know big achievement that you got to check off the list before anything else can happen or matter or whatever. um So I don't think it's impossible that Jay wins. I think it's he's definitely got the odds stacked against him.
Um, but it's going to be a big week for JU. So like I said, you you see the interest is, I mean, he, I think he's passed up Cody. dude I think he's, you know, I think he's passed out electric for JU. So Roman, it's hard to say. Roman just feels like such a different thing right now, right? Roman feels like almost, uh, you know,
He's like, he really has kind of taken the Brock Lesnar role, right? He's being the part timer. He's something that i I feel like Roman at this point is kind of like above like, you know, being a baby face or a heel or whatever. He's kind of just his own thing. I think Jay's getting the biggest baby face reactions, man. So I think he's definitely earned it to win either the Rumble or the or the World Heavyweight Championship in this next week.
I mean, I wouldn't be mad at it. I love main event Jey Uso. So, I would not be mad at seeing him. I just, again, if he won this, ah like you said, I feel like they could lose it a week later at the Rumble and that would be the best case scenario. Because to me, it's like, you know, where where do we go with um with a um champion Jey Uso? Yeah, I mean, he fought for the belt earlier this year against Damien Priest and lost to him. You remember, at Backlash France. So, he's gotten the opportunities. um He lost to Roman at SummerSlam two years ago.
Uh, and yeah, like I said, he lost a brown breaker for the icy belt loss again there. So he's, he does not got a good record in these, these big matches, man. Um, he doesn't, but I mean, I felt like, I felt like he kind of brought it back because the Gunther was pointing that out. And I feel like he kind of brought it back when he said, you know, only one of us is main event in a WrestleMania and it wasn't you. yeah Jay's the man. Jay's definitely the man, but I think he's definitely got the odds stacked against him going on Saturday night.
Yeah. um Our next match is going to be an absolute

Intercontinental Championship Preview

banger. We got a singles match for the Intercontinental intercontinental Championship, Brombreaker versus Sheamus. Uh, you know, we listened to Seamus on the ringer wrestling show this week, dude, he is going on and on about, you know, that's the last of the, uh, the achievements he needs to knock out in WWE. He's won money in the bank. He's won king of the ring. He's calling it the ultimate grand slam champion. He has what he's calling this achievement. He's won literally every single belt. It's shocking to me that he doesn't want the intercontinental champion. John Cena's never been an intercontinental champion. Oh yeah. Kind of when they, when they were kind of coming up that like, you know, 2005 to
really I'd say up until, you know, Triple H took over, but especially like kind of 2005 to 2015, the intercontinental belt was super, super irrelevant, you know, and that was kind of the Siena and Seamus era. ah The US title was in much better shape, but it was definitely a little bit more relevant than the IC for whatever reason. ah Vince or somebody else at WWE had kind of just soured on that belt and it had been shuffled down the card. And so it was always kind of ah kind of below them you know casinos are was pretty much a main eventer from
after his first year and a half, he kind of just rocketed from jobber to main eventer. And then Seamus came in and won the world championship within a couple of months of debuting. So neither one of these, both these guys were kind of constantly above it. shane is kind of Seamus has kind of settled back down into that role the last couple of years. True, but there was a period of time where Seamus was like US champ. You know what I mean? I felt like there was like that period with like 2014 to what? Like 2019 where, I mean, he he did win the ah ah world title within that yeah time. but I'm just I'm just surprised during that like Miss era and all of that Yeah, Seamus had a long run with the US belt there in 2014. I ended up losing it to ruseff of all people um And then I feel like it was shortly after that he had his little run with the League of Nations Yeah, that was the next year when he won the World Championship and then he kind of sold it You know him and Cesaro the bar lasted for a long I forget yeah forget about the bar the bar was a yeah And then you remember after that, Seamus, uh, had the spinal stenosis. It looked like he might not be able to wrestle it before he came back. Now he's kind of, you know, the, the, uh, like, kind of like the Irish version of like Goonther, right? Just doing these like strong man matches. So yeah, not to give you guys the full, the last decade of James Square in 30 seconds, but hey I don't know. It's kind of just up until Seamus. Yeah. I like Seamus too. Up until 2022, when he came back and had that series of matches with, uh, with Goonther, he was just kind of never really even in the, in the mix for the IC belt. Yeah. Um, I could, I could absolutely 100% see him like marking, checking this off the box. And then like you said, setting up something, um, maybe like mania for him and Braun and then giving Braun the, uh, you know, giving it back to Braun at main or, you know, I'm not giving it back. Yeah. I mean, Braun, uh,
I want to see him be really happy they really have not done much at all with the icy belt you know speaking of it kind of faltering I think it's obviously it's still prestigious but they haven't really done a whole lot storyline wise with the icy belt last couple of months they kind of had you know Seamus and Ludwig Kaiser kind of hanging around and just I felt like those two and Braun have kind of been in a kind of endless series at this point of of you know revolving matches. ah They've all been good, right? Because all three guys can work their asses off. But I don't know. i could see It's not impossible. This is another one kind of like Gunther and Jay. I don't expect to see a title change here, but I wouldn't be shocked if Seamus pulled it off. Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't be shocked. i think I think it's likely, dude. I think again. You're saying likely. Yeah. So you're picking Seamus? Yeah. I'm picking Bronter Retain. I'm going to go with Seamus. I'm going to go with my dude. I think he can i think he can do it.
It would be a hell of an achievement, man. It would be cool. Yeah, I mean, one, I think that's, you know, not to just like, you know, to completely shit on kayfabe, but I feel like that's just an earned, an earned achievement. You've literally done everything there is to do, man. Yeah, for, for Seamus. Every single belt, and then you hit the rumble, money in the bank, king of the ring. Yeah. And this feels like a good spot for it, right? Like it's not on a main, like I feel like this is a good way to elevate the Saturday night's main event, right? This will be the biggest thing that happens that night. Exactly. And to show people that like, Hey, you got to tune in to Saturday Night's main event. Cause like anything can freaking happen. Right. I'm coming up on our next match. Uh, we got bronze, uh, versus Jacob Fatou. Hoss fight. Yeah, this is going to be, this is going to be Jacob. You know, he's been such an awesome part of the roster since he came in, but I think this is really going to be a coming out party for Jacob Fatou.
Yeah, I don't foresee this match being super long. I feel like, you know, they're going to get in freaking, you know, beat each other up and get the hell out of there. and I love the role Braun settled into. He's kind of like the the modern day big show, right? Just shows up every once in a while for a big match, wrecks some stuff. I think he's done really well on that. Obviously he's a long... No more choo choo trains.
Yeah, he's a long way off from where he was in, you know, 2017 through in 2018 when it looked like he was potentially, you know, face of the company guy. I don't think he really had the, the in-ring chops or the charisma to really carry that as over as he was at moments during that run. ah But I think I'm really happy to see kind of where his, his career is kind of sold out at and he's in a really good place on the card. and I think he's going to hang there for for a long time with the Vivino. Yeah. Because unfortunately he just, I mean, I don't know what's happened. I mean, just age. I mean, all of us have have aged in the last freaking, I mean, especially the last five years. I feel like we've all aged a little bit, but Braun, man, he, what was it? I can't remember for which match it was, but he was chasing somebody around the ring recently. And I was like, Oh my gosh. Like he's got the met Hardy movement, no articulation, no articulation. Like it was just like, it was painful for me to watch me. And I was just like, gosh, big but stop making him run.
Um, but yeah, I think this is going to be a banger of a match. And, um, moving on to our final match of the night.

Women's Championship Setup

This one, uh, on Monday we saw Nia Jax attack Rhea Ripley and, uh, they set up a women's world championship match for, for Saturday night. So I'm assuming we go with the classic Saturday night's main event formula where you put the most important match first.
And we see Jay and Gunther open the show. like I'd be shocked if the show doesn't open with Jay Uso's entrance. I think this Rhea and I match is gonna be send the fans home happy, right? They're gonna have all the shenanigans, all the extras, and just beat the hell out of each other. And we see Rhea standing tall with that belt to end the show.
Yeah, I mean, as as much as Nia has proved herself over the past year, I do feel like there's no way she's going to take it away from Rhea right now. This match just kind of came together as like ah a desperate last attempt for Nia to, you know, at least get ah get ah get a title back. So um I think mommy's going to come out on top. Yeah, I'm excited. that I think it's a really good card. Like I said, awesome lead in for the ah for the rumble. What about you? I think it's going to be fun. i think Yeah. And like you said, I think it's the perfect little appetizer for um ah for the rumble.

WWE and TNA Partnership Discussion

right. Other big part of thing of wrestling is we want to talk about WWE and TNA announced a long-term partnership. This happened kind of right as the dust was settling on us recording last week. A lot of different thoughts on this. It looks like it's primarily going to be TNA and NXT t kind of doing some talent exchange stuff and just working together on cross promotion.
I think it's a win overall for wrestling, right? You're going to have more freedom of movement for the wrestlers kind of going back and forth and getting seen in front of new audiences and getting a chance to shine. um But a lot of people feel like, you know, this is almost like, can't really say it's a parasite because WWE is the big dog, but this is basically going to be WWE just kind of slowly sucking the life out of TNA, man. what's What's your thoughts on this thing?
I 100% agree. i think i mean I do think it's it's there's pros and cons to both. right like It's going to be better advertising, better everything for T&A. They got the money, they got the machine. like There's no way that it can't be better like production-wise and talent-wise and all of that.
Um, I always hate just seeing like a monopoly of things where it's like, you know, they're going to be under the wwe umbrella So they're not going to have the freedom that they have just being tna, right being able to do whatever they want They're going to have to be part of a publicly traded Company that you know, they still have to uphold those so they're not as this they're not a it's not an ownership agreement It's kind of just ah a working agreement, but you don't think they're going to have to like go through like, you know I think they're definitely going to want to check. Yeah, I think there's going to be a check in with WWE to, you know, if they're making any big creative moves, like does this line up? Yeah. think But but just just to be clear, though, they aren't under any like strict financial like ties. True. But I feel like if that were you if you're an arm of something, I feel like you still have to uphold the umbrella's rules and regulations. To me, I feel like this, you know, because they've been working together informally for about the last year or so. You know, we've seen stuff like Jordan Grace, you know, Mickie James a couple years ago showed up at the Rumble.
with the TNA knockouts belt and was recognized as a TNA champ. We had Joe Hendry had a little run on NXT earlier this year. To me, I feel like this is step two on ah on a couple step process that ends up with, with like you said, TNA fully being another brand under WWE. Maybe so I'm thinking positioned slightly below NXT, right? They're somewhere between NXT level up and NXT, you're going to have TNA, right? Yeah. I think it'll be a mix of developmental people, up-and-comers, and then, you know, I think that'll be where you start to see the veterans go, man. Instead of veterans going down for those runs on NXT, I think maybe that could be kind of, you know, the career... The passion that you put them out to. Yeah, or the career rehab center. I don't think it's the passion. I think it's where you go to send somebody to freshen them up and then come back up to the big show when they're ready.
um I feel like that's where this ends, man. I think for the wrestlers, the TNA wrestlers, I think this is great. yeah I think for TNA, just as a company, to me, not to be a sound like just a doomer, but I really do feel like this is the beginning of the end. But TNA, they're the cockroach of the ah the wrestling world. They've been on desk doorsteps like multiple times over 20 years, and they're somehow still kicking after all this time, all the different ownership changes and stuff. Yeah.
I mean, they were

TNA Championship Speculation

impact. They went from TNA to impact, now back to TNA and still kicking. So I think they're probably going to outlast us all. I'll be interested to see how they do it and how they utilize the talent and stuff like that. Because we all saw with AEW, when they acquired ROH, it was just a jumbled mess. We were like, oh, this is awesome. But then it just became where you would see so much ROH talent on Dynamite. And you're like, who are these people? Why are they having- They actually took away from AEW. Yeah, why do we have all these belts on TV and all this stuff? So I feel like, you know, you got to keep the main show, the main show. And then, you know, like you said, I think I think the integration between NXT and TNA is a really good one. Yeah. We also saw in this past weekend at TNA Genesis, Joe Hendry finally became TNA champion after all this time. Quick, quick on the spot production scene. Do we think Joe Hendry shows up in the rumble with the belt?
to hear that interest music hit with 60,000 people in the the Lucas oil stadium. I mean, I hadn't really thought about it. But yeah, now that you say that I could absolutely see that happening. But I mean, yeah, because I mean, you need a couple of just like Jordan. Yeah, we saw Jordan Grace and Mickey James do it on the knockout side. And like I said, Joe Henry is already a part of he's the WWE universe. And like yeah the song super, you know, that was one of the biggest wrestling memes of 2024. So yeah, yeah, I can see it happening. I think it's going to happen. I think it'll be a big moment. I think it'll be similar to like you know when Ty Dillinger was tearing it up in NXT and they brought him in at the number 10 spot. I think that's going to be your comedy like meme entry of the night is Joe Hendry. Yeah, because I think this rumble is going to be just full of heavy hitters, dude. I don't think there's going to be a lot of fluff, so Joe Hendry would be a nice little break in the... um you know
Yeah. And, uh, also more importantly, the guy Joe Hendry took the belt off of Nick Nimath, formerly known as Dolph Ziggler. He's going to be in Memphis wrestling next February, the 21st. So if we got any, uh, you know, let's just say next month, yeah next month. February 21st. They're at Memphis Wrestling. It's going to be awesome. So any of our listeners in the Southeast, there's still a few tickets left, man. Love to see it. yeah That's to me, that's the biggest star that they've had come in at NXT and ah or to into Memphis Wrestling and do a visit. um It's going to be awesome. du

Dolph Ziggler's Memphis Appearance

I can't wait. You guys know, man, I think do the term gets thrown around so much. Dolph is one of the few people that was legit
ah you know, misused or underused or whatever. when He was a WWE man. That guy could have been, yeah he still had, he had a great, he had a great run, but he could have been doing so much more while he was there. I think just the dude's talented to the moon and back. It's going to be cool.
Getting to meet him and then see him wrestle up close and personal. Love to see Memphis wrestling blowing up, man. They're getting bigger and bigger stars. They had Joe Hendry back in December. They got some prospects signed to WWE ID deals. They're really, really blowing up because it is a top notch local indie. So if you're ever in the Tennessee area, definitely give a chance to go to their tapings. Check it out. It's a super cool venue. It's so fun. Yeah, really, really fun. They put on a great show. Just some hardcore fans there too. Yeah, so and I say, you know, if you're not in Memphis, look up your local indie. Find a local indie you can support because it is a lot of fun seeing some of these guys kind of kind of glow up, man. All right. What do we got some figure talk? Yeah, let's take a look at the figure of

Wrestling Figure Releases

right. So we had a bunch of reveals last week. They came out again. It was like the the Wrestling Gods were listening and they hit all of ah the they started dropping the big news right after um we had done hitting the record button last week. But we saw ah some three packs, a couple of new Elite series and new Ultimate editions. Sheena, we'll go through them. We're using our buddy Alex West collects IG.
Account to kind of get caught up on these definitely give him a follow if you don't already He's one of the best in the ah as far as keeping everybody up to date on the figure news So first off we get the next Walmart three-pack. They're finally getting away from the Samoan dynasty from the Onewa E clan yeah It's gonna be a 2002 version of the New World Order three-pack. So we got Haw Hogan and Nash Decked out in the black leather jackets with the the NWO shirts. I think it's cool I think it's you know I think it's a proper three pack. I think i think it'll sell well. you think What do you think? Yeah, I think it's going to sell well. I mean, pretty much anything Hogan related still sells, no matter you know how well he's getting booed out of the arenas. I think it's pretty cool. The Scott Hall is cool, Nash is whatever. The Hogan with the the leather jacket with the flame, that was probably like his most iconic look from that 2002 run. So I think that could have been a standalone figure if they wanted it to. But this thing's really neat. They're using that to move the three pack.
yeah you know Yeah, this is one that you guys debuted it at No Way Out again in 2002 right before that WrestleMania 18. So um I think it's a good set. I don't know if I'm going to add it to the collection just yet because I don't know how much I need you know street clothes in WO. But I think this thing is going to do well and it's pretty cool. I think it's ah i think it was a good move to move away from the the Samoan dynasty because obviously we know how that Maya Villa pack kind of rotted on shelves and as cool as it is, I love it. I think it's one of the best box sets they've ever done. I'm not overly optimistic on how Roman and the Wild Samoans are going to be. Our Walmart is packed with them. I think we have like 12 sets of those ah Roman and Wild Samoans at our Walmart. Yeah, I just don't get it, man. you got Walmart's like, oh, well, we you know we have these Monday night wars figures that everybody's dying to get.
Yeah, let's get one set of those shipped in every three months. Well, we've got these three packs that you know only the hardest of the hardcore collectors want. Yeah, give give us two dozen of those on the shelves immediately. like where's Where's the logic? Yeah. I mean, but they they're not placing orders, right? like Walmart isn't placing orders. It doesn't matter. No, Walmart does place orders. That's how it works. That's how some of those Walmart sets end up at Ollie's and they end up in all these and like those Canadian distributors and stuff man because you know Mattel is expecting the demand and then for whatever reason the orders just don't get placed. Yeah, so I don't know what the rhyme or reason is on it. Alright, we got Ultimate Edition series 25 starting off with what's the final boss to rock. So you guys remember last week we reviewed the
A lead version of the final boss. Now we got him from WrestleMania 40. He's got the entrance gear with the the the track pants and the vest. He comes with that people's championship belt and then obviously he's got the the w ringer he wore for that match when him and Roman took on Cody and Seth.
The pictures, I mean, you know, we're all, we're a little bit critical of soft goods sometimes. I feel like the pants actually look okay. I feel like they kind of, they did capture, you know, kind of that baggy pant look that he was rocking. It looked like bell-bottomed. Yeah, bell-bottomed pants, like Saturday night fever type situation. I think it looks excellent.
Yeah, I think it's going to be hot. So our first time we've gotten that People's Championship belt, it's got the the face scan from when when Roman accidentally speared him and he's screaming. So, you know, the the fig photographers are going to be able to recreate that moment. Yeah, I think this is a fun one. Yeah, it is fun. I prefer the um like the Versace vest or whatever it is, like the you know, his signature type vest over that one. But um you know it's what he was rocking at Mania. Yeah.
yeah All right, ah let's look at the Monday Night Wars greatest hits figure series So this is gonna be another one at Walmart the second time they rolled one of these out All right So the build of figures the gorilla monsoon this guy came out at the end of 2019 when Mattel was doing the the collector's editions with each Elite set really really great figure So I'm glad that people get another crack at this one even if they're gonna have to had to buy the whole set to get to build a figure and Yeah, it looks great. I'm glad. I'm glad because I mean, that one was it was hard to find for a while, right? The gorilla. Yeah, he was really tough to get because he had it it was his first figure in the line, you know, his first time in the line. And like I said, they just they nailed it. It's a classic commentator gorilla. Yeah, it looks great. All right. We're getting the ringmaster Steve Austin. This is ah originally released in 2016. This was a Toys R Us exclusive. So, you know, moment of silence for Toys R Us. If you remember, this is one that this just showed up on the peg. Somehow Mattel
Completely snuck it by you know, they they weren't as forthcoming with the info as they are now But legit this thing just showed up on the pegs. Nobody was expecting it Just somebody went into Toys R Us one day and this figure was there like the good old days It was really cool. You know, this is the from that kind of three or four month period where before he became stone cold Steve Austin he was in as the ringmaster working with Ted DiBiase as the million dollar champion so uh you know it's not the most toyetic figure ever but it is pretty cool if you're nostalgia for that that new generation time and if you're a Steve Austin completionist I feel like you need it.
Is this a I mean, is this like an exact re release of the one that this is an exact route. Yeah, I need to go double check I can't see the side of the boots because there really wasn't much deco he's got green trunks and like dark green trunks and then um some stars on the boots. It could just be the lighting for looking at these pigs. It looks like a slightly lighter shade of green like the other ones almost look black they were green but they were like dark green to the point of being black.
So I think we got a ah slightly more greener green. um Other than that, I think it's I think this is an exact, you know, I don't know if there's any other deco hits, man. That might be a new head sculpt because it looks pretty sharp. That's cool. and You got all the updated articles. Yeah. and I mean, dude, it's been like I said, it's 2016 that came out. So we're going on nine years that this thing's due. So I think it's totally fair for re-release. All right. We got another Elite from 2016. This would have been Elite 52. Ken Shamrock.
Really, really cool figure. I don't know, you know, it was perfect. So I think this is another one where it's not really upgrade. This is just a rerelease to give people another chance at it because I thought this is one of it's one of my favorite elites that original Ken Shamrock. Yeah, it's stellar looking.
All right, this is the Bret Hart is going to be a rerelease from that ringside exclusive to pack WCW Bret that came with the Goldberg. If you guys remember that one was the super controversial one because the pink on the original was almost like a salmon, I'm going to pull it up real quick on wrestling figure database to, ah to give Sheena a point of reference on it but um But yeah, it was it was I didn't mind it because it looked kind of unique as far as Bret Hart ah figures go, but it it really drew a lot of criticism and controversy in the in the rest of your world. So you see how seen that there's the two packets like that lighter pink. It actually is even ah lighter than like it's in those cakes right there. Yeah, people were calling it salmon when it dropped. Yeah. samemon
That's what it looked like the original and now we're getting the super dark like fuchsia almost. ah I think it's pretty cool man. I mean it looks pretty cool but you know they're not going to uh they're not going to swirl up a new can of paint for Brit. You know what I mean? Like I feel like they just like uh we'll just use what we got.
You know, what do what do you mean? Like they're not going to make that as the salmon. Well, no, the salmon was incorrect. That's what I was saying. People hate it. That's why we're getting a rerelease to ah yeah to correct the pink off of that one. Oh, yeah. Cool. I think it looks great. I mean, I mean, I love Brit figures. I hate the faces, but I love any time we get a new Brit. They're, they're taking baby steps in the right direction with the breast, but yeah, this is a cool figure. I think I'm definitely adding this one because to me it's almost like a brand new figure with that completely different shade of pink and it's got the thick black wrist tape that he was rocking in WCW. So I think it really captures that, you know, late game Brett, Brett, the hitman can't put your, um, can't put your piece of a metal on now. You know, I can't, True but the piece of metal that was always inaccurate anyways because he remember he was in street gear when he had that we we got the custom that we rocked the ah the the metal plate on. um And then last but not least DDP so this guy was he came out in elite 37 and also came out in a legends. I think he was one of the male away legends figures when that was like a a thing way back in the early days so of the Mattel line the original came with the plastic vest. This one is coming with a t shirt instead so pretty cool because I really remember
I remember DDP rocking the sleeveless tee more than I remember him in the vest. I can't tell if it's just the lighting or whatever it looks like they may have actually used a glossy paint on the pants because remember DDP wore those like shiny like patent leather style. Yeah, they look very pleathery. They I mean like I think yeah mis seem so Yeah, time will tell because we've really they're super shiny. It's rare. Yeah, but I don't know, man. I feel like that could have been no no offense to our friends at Mattel. I'm the jury's out for me. I want to see if this is just a little bit of doctoring up on the picks because we've almost I can't really think of a time we've seen Mattel use like shiny paint on somebody. That's kind of one of the
one of the, you know, big criticisms of them, like they almost never do metallic stuff. What do you think, Shane? Do you think once we get this thing in hand, is he going to be shiny pants? No shiny pants. I'm saying shiny pants. I mean, I zoomed in like, you know, the little but the boxed up um figure. I mean, looks like he's got shiny pants on me. Alright so she is given the benefit of the doubt we'll see what comes out on it but either way, pretty cool set I think I'm definitely grabbing the Brett, the DDP, I think if he has a shiny pants I think the DDP will be a purchase as well yeah because look his boots, his boots are like Matt, no, yeah I mean in the picture right there yeah as we're looking we're looking at the official release pictures yeah 100% the picture right there shiny You're saying that like yeah, that's what I'm saying. so You're saying that that's shiny, but the when they produce Yeah, and okay we got yeah that's definitely a possibility. Yeah, that a hundred percent looks like he has shiny pants Yeah, but we'll see what it is. What's

Ultimate Edition Figures Critique

actually hit. All right, so more Ultimate Edition 25 picks We have the great Muda one of the most anticipated figures in the line ah This thing looks incredible, dude Yeah, they they absolutely nailed this. stade This is so cool. It's the guy who never even wrestled a match in WWE comes with the mask, the vest, or the gi, I guess you should say three head scans, including the mist man. That's so cool. noble mis Yeah, hopefully they find a way to ah
to repurpose that because we need a shinsuke with the mist, we could get Oscar with the accessory and then, you know, fingers crossed if we end up getting Malachi, Aleister Black, that'd be another one that you could add that in with. But the headdress looks amazing. Yeah, this thing is sick. You see, I think it's almost gonna be like a two in one because he's gonna look cool as hell just in the ring gear and the entrance gear takes it up to a whole nother level, man. So ah he is getting a chase also. So we got the red one and then We also have the black pants with the white paint. So I think the red one is a definite get for me. We have a custom from our buddy in Mad Reaper that's very similar to this one with the white paint. So I may just hold what I got on the white one. Both are tremendous figures though, but I think that red one's got a chance to be figure of the year. Yeah. I mean, the red pants always pop, dude. I feel like if you're only getting one, I think red pants is the way to go. But I mean, your collection is not going to be mad about having both.
And then last, we get Damien Priest Ultimate Edition. A lot of people thought the skin tone came out too dark on this one. What do you think, Shane? I think he looks fine. I mean, it's just like a, it's a summertime, you know, he has money in the bank. It was summertime when he won money in the bank. Very good point. Yeah. The, the Fig Ho, a lot of the Fig Ho moves were piping up saying that, um I mean, yeah, that picture right there. I think it's definitely, if you're like a priest completionist, I think it's definitely gonna look a little bit off with the rest of your figures. Yeah, but again, like if you're just, I, at first glance, I'm just like, that just looks like Damien Priest to me. Yeah, definitely. But yeah, I don't think it's anything that's like, oh God.
So it's a little bit of a mashup. So it's going to have that super cool, like almost Skeletor style attire that he wore at Money in the Bank, 2023, when he got the briefcase. And then it's coming with the Senor Money in the Bank ah briefcase that he got a couple months later. So a little bit of a mashup, but I think it works, man. It's super toyetic. So you got regular Damian Priest with his kind of like undertaker, almost gear. And then he's got something that ah His entrance accessory, this is like mixed media, dude. So it's like hard goods with sockets mixed in. we you know love Speaking of Undertaker, we've seen that same thing used for him a couple of times before. Super toyetic, man. This is by far the most toyetic Damian Priest we've gotten. um I think it's the definitive version of him. Obviously, it's aside from him winning the belt at Mania, this was his biggest achievement as a wrestler. ah Really, really cool figure. Yeah, I love this. And shout out to the glow up for Damian Priest, man. He has come so far in the last like you know four or five years. so
Love it. Yeah, definitely check out that documentary. They dropped on him earlier this year, if you haven't already. All right, lastly, we got Elite 116. To me, this is one of the most underwhelming Elite sets we've had in a while. This is strange. I feel like this is one of those sets where like you know I don't know if they do their budgets out quarterly or annually or how they do it, but to me, I feel like this was a set that, for whatever when they got ready to sketch it out, they they needed to make some some ground back on money-wise.
AJ Styles with the all black attire like dude I hated this period of AJ like I don't know why he was wearing this. This is what I did to me, you know, AJ, to rumble 2016. So we're going on actually nine years, man. How old does that make you feel? She's been nine years since we saw AJ debut at the rumble. Yeah, but they could have picked almost any attire he's worn in that nine years since then. And I think I'd prefer it over this.
Yeah, I mean and mean, I guess you know you're going with all this is a ah very unlikely unique look for a year. I mean, for the most part, AJ's gear has stayed the same. over the past on you're Just color swapped, right. But yeah, but I mean, this was such a it he didn't even do anything so significant. It's not a bad execution of it. I just don't I just did not need a figure of this whatsoever. I agree.
All right, we got Jade's first figure in WWE. You know, I'm a little bit underwhelmed, man. I think she looks great. I feel like this is one that jazzwares beat him on, dude. I don't know something about maybe when I get this thing in hand, it'll be different. But I feel like the jazzwear Jade's like really, really popped. And I don't know. To me, this one's not standing out. I feel like they could have made her a little bit like brawnier. And, you know, I get it. It's from her debut. But I don't know, man, this just looks a little I almost say it looks like unfinished.
Um, I think we're just so used to now. I think you have a little bit of recency bias to it. I think now we're just so used to seeing Jade look like an absolute Marvel character with like her different hair colors and like her just gear. That's like insane that when you see her and just kind of this like, I mean, I know it's supposed to be silver, but ultimately it just kind of looks gray, right? yeah maybe that's it A little bit underwhelming and she's got the white hair. Um, Oh, I still think it looks good though. Let me see the face.
I mean, objectively, it's a good figure. Yeah, like don't get me wrong. This isn't a, ah it's not a bad figure by any means whatsoever. I just think that it's- Jazzwares definitely got the a better face scan, I think. for Yeah, I think this is one of the rare ones where Jazzwares gets the dub. All right, we got Randy Orton from when he came back with the black and gold gear. Kind of similar to the AJ, you know, solid execution. I have enough Randy Ortons for a lifetime though, unless something comes out to just really blow me away. Agree, yeah, I'm with you.
He's got the daddy's back shirt. Is that is that one's moving the pegs for you, the daddy's back shirt? No. All right. ah Randy Orton is also getting a chase in the all black. You know, it's an all black figure. Yeah. K.O. That's pretty cool. cause We got a little two on one, man. So it's it this is ah the only time they've done this is with the ultimate edition. But we're getting a cloth shirt with the K.O. So it's going to have the it was the kind of the classic K.O. shirt, except with the blue ah blue tape, like the painter's tape instead of the duct tape.
K.O., but underneath you're getting the K.O. Mania shirt, which I always love those when they throw those out in the figure form. Yeah, the K.O. Mania shirts are awesome. They haven't done every one, so they need to go back, man. Get us some... We'll do a K.O. Mania shirt pack.
No, I wouldn't need a shirt pack because I kind of like I've already getting used to at this point, kind of like the rubber shirts for KO. But we're missing a few, you know, they haven't gotten all eight of the KO mania shirts. So um definitely need to go back and catch up on the ones that they didn't drop. But this thing is really, really cool. um I think that the KO mania shirt makes it a must buy.
Yeah, KO mania shirt. And I mean, he's got like, you know, pink or purple or whatever that is on the pants, which is a little bit unique for KO. So. All right. And then we have ah the father-son duo. So we got Hollywood Blondes, Brian Pillman. This is to go with that Elite 83, stunning Steve Austin that came out back in 2011.
I want to see the end of 2020 or early 20. I want that far back. No, this was the 20, 20, 20, 21. But it's a perfect match. You got to have it. We have a custom because we didn't know when if Brian Pillman was ever getting back under contract. So we actually have a custom of this already made. But I like the new updated hair and head scopes. I think we'll be getting this to replace that custom that we had. I remember when that figure came out, that was the biggest complaint. It's like, you know, dude, how are we not going to get Yeah, and you know, to his credit, man, Steve action figure tech made the good point. He said, Hey, if we have one half of them under contract, we'll go and get a maids because you never know. You could win. up but If you're waiting for it to line up to do them both at the same time, you may miss that window, right? yeah Things are constantly changing. So if you got one make it and hey, it came to pass, you know, as soon as they got Brian Pillman back in the mix, the first figure we're getting
is Hollywood blondes to go with it. So that's great. And then this Lexus King is really, really cool, man. I think it's actually a standout of the set. The hair is awesome. Got the intricate, ah you know, facial hair, got the the big blonde hair, got the jacket. I think this is the MVP of the set. Yeah, he looks great. That jacket, is it soft goods jacket? yes Yeah, soft goods jacket looks really, really nice. Yeah, black and gold gear is cool. And and like I said, it's just it's really neat that we're getting Lexus King and Brian Pillman in the same elite set. Yeah. All right, Shane, do we have

Listener Mail Teaser

listener mail? Oh, yeah.
All right, so we're going to collapse the random merch of the week segment. We'll save it for next week. To give a little tease, it's a big ticket item. I don't think it's going to sell before next week's episode, so we'll save it, because the sun is starting to come up over the horizon. Sheena's got to get out and get these animals woke up. Yeah, and if it does sell, then we'll know. Maybe that's the price. You know what I mean? That's the price. Yeah, we'll let it set for a week and see if that price... I got it clocked, so we'll see if that price changes or what happens with it.
Okay, our good buddy OG Foley fan member, Ryan Ferguson says, what are some upcoming ultimates that you'd like to see in the future? I'd like to see a 2011 CINA to go with money money in the bank punk or a punk from either of his money in the bank wins.
Uh, you know, it's not really treading new ground. I would love to see Roman from the debut of raw, but he's got to have those Kobe's man. Either, either talk to Nike to work it out or just find a way to to recreate it as much as you can without getting any trademark trouble. But yeah i I need a Roman with those, uh, with the Kobe's.
We haven't gotten a proper Seth Rollins original heavyweight title run. The architect. Yeah, the architect Seth Rollins. I would love to just see with the vest and the black pants, long black and blonde hair. I feel like we need... You know the good thing on that, you could easily do a chase too and do the white also. You can make the white the chase. I feel like people will go nuts for that. Yeah, that all white SummerSlam figure is one of my all-time favorite figures. It's just beautiful.
Ryan says, um or what what are some new returning features that you'd like to see in 2K25? I want a proper ah kind of universe mode that I don't got to book myself, right? Like if you remember the old SmackDown games, you could have, you could pick up like, you know, they have universe now where it's really kind of like you just booked the show. It's more of a sandbox so you can play in. I want to play through like a constantly like generating story mode with my own character, right? Like I either make my own guy or I grab Seth Rollins or Trik Williams or whoever, and I just play through a WWE career. I go through the manias, you get a different feuds, randomly generate and pop up. I feel like the technology is definitely there to make it happen. And you think they could just drop you from the show one week? Yeah. Hey, you got drafted to Raw. That'd be a way to freshen it up halfway through the thing or whatever.
I think something like that where it's just never ending and yeah, you constantly have new stories. That would be really cool. I've never really thought about that having a story mode in um like a WWE game like that. Yeah. and I mean, it's kind of faded away sadly over the last ah the last 10 or 15 years. It used to be a staple and some of them were much better than others. A lot of them were kind of just glorified gauntlet modes where you just played through everybody. But the original SmackDown games actually had some some pretty cool story modes where you had kind of like branching storylines and stuff. man Yeah, that would be neat.
um And another OG Philly fan member, AJ Saw, you're formerly known as Big Mouth AJ. Also formerly known as Becky Lynch Life. We love you, AJ. ah What would you have done differently for Raw debut on Netflix? I would have done a little less pandering, I think. um I mean, it was what it was. We already talked about it on the previous show. um For me personally, I feel like a little less pandering to ah you know billionaires and celebrities would have been you know a little more my taste. Yeah, I would have made it a little bit less of a victory lap and more of a way to set the hook for right first time viewers or lapsed fans. It felt like it turned into more of a celebration at WWE. I would have done some cool storyline stuff, maybe leave with a solid cliffhanger to get people turning in for episode two. I think that was really missing. If I was a first time watcher, I definitely would have been entertained, but I wouldn't have been saying like, man, I got to see what happens next week. dave you know I think a solid cliffhanger would have been the way to go.
True. I feel like they were trying to get over like the cool, like approval factor. Like, Oh my God. So it's such and such celebrities. They're like, you know, it must be cool versus like actually just giving you something to like hook you in. Um, so yeah, I would, ah I would have definitely done that differently. Dougie Nunya.
What is one pay-per-view event that you'd like to see return once a year and it be done right he said ah you know he would like to see king of the ring where it's like the multiple matches. In one night cyber sunday with the online votes for each match which i think that could totally be a thing i mean the way the technology is now i mean they did it back then it was almost ahead of its time when they did it.
Yeah. I mean, you could easily do like the cyber Sunday type situation now, um, invasion and extreme rules. Um, I think this is like kind of out there, but WCW world war three. I mean, it's like, it's, it's insane. Three rings. I mean, I know we do war games now with the, uh, with the two rings, but 60 men battle Royal. Yeah. Let's just, let's just go ahead and freaking 60 man. It never translated to an entertaining thing to watch, but I remember as a kid just being so hyped up when they would announce this. it was my i yeah I was so excited when they said it. I thought it was going to be just like the greatest match ever, and it was always super fun to recreate with the figures. so well mean now you know i mean You could do a split screen where you got like three screens on you know each ring. That's how they did it, but the problem is that you you know
That sounds good in theory, but then you see it and it's three split screens where you got 20 guys in the ring. You just can't tell anything's going on. I think it should be on Netflix and you take advantage of some of their tech that they have to let the user kind of customize their experience and you can pick which ring. You can either have the three ring simulcast or you can pick a ring to zoom in on to watch one at a time. I think that'd be the way to do it. That'd be the way to do it. And I mean, you know, with them kind of like partnering with TNA, you have, you have an- You have the roster. Yeah, you have a deep roster to be able to- You can get to 60 pretty quick. So yeah, I mean, I don't know. There's a ton of them out there, but I mean, just as far as just like bringing something back that would make like a big visual impact and just kind of- Something that would be different. Something that would be totally different than just like your standard, like, you know, hardcore match or TLC match or something like that.
and did you have any do you like i still think that we the lottery man i think that was one of the coolest gimmicks ever said that we see that we did this a couple different times. They did first arcade one year and then when you're there sad battle bowl but what the lead the lottery is this. You take sixteen guys and it's basically an eight tag team tournament right so it's six sixteen guy and you randomly draw for the teams right so it's randomly per team so it could be.
You know, Roman and Cody could be a tag team, um you know, Seth and CM Punk could be a tag team, but you randomly draw teams and then play through a tournament. And then whichever tag team wins, immediately after they win the tag team tournament, those two guys face each other one on one and the winner, you know, gets a title shot or $10,000 or whatever the the plot devices you want them to be fighting for. but The problem WCW had is that for whatever reason, I think it was Bill Watts was in charge at the time, they did the tag team drawings as a shoot, right? And so it was legit, like just random tag teams. You got to kayfabe that dude and do some stuff to set up storylines, right? So you end up getting some, you get an unstoppable team, you know, you get some unlikely friends, you get the two hated enemies that you forced to team up and play through it like that. um I just think there's a ton of fun storytelling you could do ah with that and see some unique match ups as well.
Yeah, I think so too. um Rob Reginio, if you could pick, who would your number one and number two entrants be into the Royal Rumble? And also who would you have come out at 30? For me, I think, I mean, it's going to be weird because I think he's going to open the show for Saturday night's main event. But I think main event Jey Uso coming out number one at the Rumble, um just get everybody hyped up. And then right behind him, you know, his cousin Roman Reigns comes out and they kind of had, they had their moment. Listen, listen, listen.
Jay could go the distance, right? So he could like, you know, I think it's unlikely that he's going to win the rumble. If he comes off this big loss against Gunther on, not Gunther. Yeah. it goes Yeah. Sorry. Comes off of this big loss against Gunther on Saturday. And then he could go from number one spot all the way, like go the distance almost to the end. And I still don't think that's a win for Jay Uso, right? So it's not like he's just getting, coming into the rumble at like 13, getting dumped out at like 28.
um I feel like that's a he could have his moment and kind of regain a little bit of momentum. um And then if you have a moment between him and him and Roman, it would be really nice. And number 30, I'm never going to be mad at a number 30 beast entrance, having Brock come out and be number 30 in the rumble. Brock coming back would be awesome. I think number one is either going to be Jay or Sammy, man. I i think that's the two people. i think I think Jay's either coming in at number one, or he's coming in at number 15. Maybe after something big happens, everybody's laid out. Jay's getting his entrance. i just i feel like
It may almost be too obvious that he's coming at number one. So I thought they may find a way to get a little in the match and have him come out in the middle to to bring everybody back to life. Yeah. Yeah, I could see that as like a rejuvenation pop. Yeah. But yeah, I don't think it'd be hard for him to like get up on the frickin on the rumble. You don't want to be able there but he get up on table or something. Yeah. Um.
Johnny JB, did you ever watch Silk Stockings after Raw went off the air in the late 90s? I saw the first 45 to 90 seconds of a ton of Silk Stockings episodes. I never sat through further than that, dude. so i've seen I've seen the opening scene of that probably ah probably every episode. I've never seen an episode yeah i've never seen an episode of Silk Stockings. It was Silk Stockings, La Femme Nikita, and then I think Pacific Blue. I think that was the three shows of Doom coming on after Raw. Yeah, I feel like silk stockings would get over. i mean all the All the bookish ladies are into smut, smut, smut, so I feel like you know the silk stockings could have a rejuvenation. you know um Johnny JB also says, we've seen a few wrestlers crossover between WWE and AEW the last couple of years. Any thoughts or predictions on who will jump ship to the other company?
So I think Ray Phoenix is in Alistair slash Malachi Black. They're probably about 50-50 on Oz right now to show up in the Rumble. I could see Penta getting beat down, and Ray Phoenix is a surprise entrant. The next like surprise jump.
I don't know. It's hard to say, man. It feels like the guys are there are really kind of dug in. WWE is definitely the place to be. I'm having trouble picturing so somebody jumping from WWE to AW. Yeah, that's me. I don't know. Yeah. The next next surprise jump, I say one of the members of the elite, man, whether it's the Bucks, Kenny or Hangman. I think when this this next contract comes up, I think one of those guys are going to go to WWE just because Uh, that's not impossible, but it it really feels like a, I don't know what AWS got to do to get the momentum back on their side. Yeah. That that would be wild. Can you imagine seeing like, you know, Kenny or the bucks come over and that would be nice. Hangman would be the best hangman would be dope. Yeah. Um, Kevin Eugene in an ideal world, who would you like to see return from the vault line?
Um, I mean, we haven't gotten a macho man in a bunch of years. So I feel like so many macho man figures that are any macho man would, uh, would be, would be a great ah upgrade. So yeah, that's really kind of the glaring one. I feel that's, that's kind of my most wanted announcement, even more so than any new talent coming in. I just wanted to get macho man, bring macho home, dude. we theyre we need and In the, in the re-release era, it's such a glaring omission.
Yeah. Do you think, I mean, what do you think's got to happen for that to, you know? I mean, so the contract, the deal fell apart shortly after Lanny Poffo, the genius passed away. So I'm assuming that he was kind of the liaison for the good relations between Macho Manza State and WWE. It seemed like he was kind of the gap. I mean, you just can't, maybe it was something that had already been in the works, but you can't help but notice that it was shortly after he passed that the Legends deal lapsed and hasn't come back. Who's in charge of Macho Manza State right now? It's a company called CMG, I think is the company. They also represent Andre and they represent folks that are signed with WWE. So I'm thinking it's just a dollar amount, right? I'm thinking that maybe they took over and whatever good Grace Lanny was giving them kind of went away. He was giving them the friends and family. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I think it's just a matter of when, not if. I don't think this is impossible, but it's been going on for a while now. I think it's just a dollar amount that maybe they can't get to an agreement on.
I know. And the sad thing is, is, you know, like a company like that, they're going to hold out because they know, they know WWE has the money, dude. Like that's the thing is WWE has the money. Well, and there's also all these other independent toy makers, you know, they're getting figures from zombies, getting figures from Mitch, big rubber guys. So macho man still in.
High demand. Yeah. they're So they're still kind of getting that that figure money. I think maybe once, if we see some of these indie brands start to lose some steam and maybe not spend it as much for the licensing, are those royalties aren't coming in like they want them to. We can see them come back home to WWE because he's still involved. He's still in the video games. We still see him marketing on the shows and stuff. We're just missing figures. So I think it's win, not if, but I agree with Sheena. Macho Man is definitely the biggest one we need right now.
Our last two questions come in from our buddy Tony Barker. He says, are you doing anything for Saturday night's main event this week? Anything on the menu? We actually have grandparents coming in a little bit later today. ah They're going to be spending the weekend with us. So they'll get to watch Saturday night's main event. um I don't know what we're going to do for dinner. Yeah, we'll probably yeah probably do the standard like pizza and wings. Um, because yeah, like you said, the grandparents are here. So don't want to do nothing too, uh, too crazy. You know, break out any, um, you know,
and that You don't want to take a risk on the on the grandparents, right? They'd be like, ah, we're not eating that. um Will we ever see big title changes on these Saturday Night Main Event specials? Definitely. Or will it be safe in the PLEs? We saw the first ever Youth Women's United States Champion ground. Yeah. I think it's a matter of time. you know Arguably the biggest title change ever happened on ah on a main event show with Andre and Hulk. So I think it's gonna it's definitely going to happen because you gotta you don't want it to become AEW Battle of the Belts where you just know like nothing big is going to happen on this show, yeah right? like I think so. I said, I think Seamus could absolutely 100% get that icy title. Yeah, Seamus and Jay both have greater than 0% chances of winning the bill. I think Nia is 0%, but the other two, they could totally happen. And I think it, again, somewhere to match the man coming back, I think it's win, not if we see a big title change happen on one of these shows.
Yep. And that wraps up our listener mail. All right. I want to remind you guys, use code chick Foley to save 10% at ringside collectibles and hit chick to get signed up for the premium Foley fam and get in on season seven of Foley picks league. ah Sheen hit us with some closing thoughts and we'll get out of here. So until all my fully fam good morning and y'all hope y'all have a great weekend. We'll catch you in the live thread.