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Goal Line: Wild Cards

The Chick Foley Show
80 Plays2 months ago

The boys recap Wild Card weekend and take a look at the Divisional Round of the NFL Playoffs along with a preview of the College Football National Championship Game.


Kickoff and NFL Playoffs Excitement

What is up goal line listeners? It's playoff football time. We're ready to discuss all the action from round one of the NFL playoffs, the college football semifinals, and everything else happening around the world of football. But first, Jordan, what is going on? Not too much, man. Yeah, it was an interesting weekend of football, I'll say that. We're winding down the days, man. We got a we got seven NFL games left and one college football game left.
Depressing, just absolutely. wait right You're not counting the, uh, Pro Bowl flag football classic. I am not. Unfortunately, I am not counting the clock. All right. Let's get into it.
All right.

Thrilling Penn State vs Notre Dame Game

Let's start this off this week with the college football playoffs. Um, we'll start with Penn state in Notre Dame. and Dude, for everything we talked shit about these two teams for our last month, basically this game was fantastic. Like just a back and forth football game. It was boring at the beginning, but man, the second half of this game was, uh, was as exciting as you could ask for in a college football game. Notre Dame got the win. Um,
that That field goal really looked like it was going to go outside the upright when he first kicked it. It looked like it was bent right hooked back in last second. Man, Notre Dame back in the championship game again, hope for them. but It ends better than the last time they were in it. The last one was just an absolute beat down by Alabama. So And that was, I can't remember, was it the day before, like a couple of days before or was it a couple of days after that it all came out about Mantideo's fake girlfriend? it was The game was after. the Yeah, it was like right before. So you got that huge distraction, man. Like, yeah, I remember that, dude. You can't, if you're our age, you can't help but get a little bit nostalgic, though, seeing Notre Dame playing for the National

Notre Dame vs Ohio State Matchup Challenges

Championship. They were like the college football team when I was a kid and was like first getting introduced to ah to college football, man. So it's pretty neat, dude. i'm glad I'm glad to see them.
They got a tough task ahead of them in Ohio State. you know Texas played them a little bit closer than anybody else has, but they still look pretty dominant. You never truly felt like that game was in doubt. Even when Texas was threatening to tie it up late, you felt like it was only a yeah a matter of win, not if Ohio State's going to win that one, dude. So I don't think it's impossible. Notre Dame pulls this off. They got to just really junk this game up, man. They really got to rough it up out there against them and just hope to get a couple of funny balances. But I do not like their chances at all going up against this. ah you know Ohio State's looking like a damn NFL team the

Criticism of Texas' Offensive Play-Calling

last couple of weeks. Okay, so two things, the Texas um goal line possession when they were on the one yard line, one of the most pathetic possessions I've ever seen in my life, the toss back to the running back, who ended up losing seven yards completely just ended that toss out a shotgun, dude, I hate going shotgun from the one dude, unless you absolutely have to, man, much less tossing it backwards, dude, like, yeah, it was
To me, man, it was, it was Steve Sarkeesian's, you know, fatal flaw. Dude's definitely a good coach, right? You can't say he's just a trash coach, but I think that's where he tops out at, dude. I think he's just a good coach, man. He had the same thing back when me and Jordan were both diehard followers of the Falcons. You know, he was their offensive coordinator for two years, and inherited one of the best offenses in NFL history for that 2017 season.
And his thing, dude, he always likes to get too cute, man. If you get to a third and short, he's wanting to run some like wide receive wide receiver, reverse toss sweep or something like that, man, makes, make things more complicated than it's got to be. They'll let everybody see, you know, his offensive genius at work um as opposed

Exorbitant Ticket Prices for Championship

to just running the damn ball, dude. Like they were literally, they were three feet away from the end zone, tying it up. and Yeah, like I said, Ohio State probably wins, but you never know. Pass gets deflected, a pass bounces off somebody's helmet, you get a pick. Next thing you know, maybe you're a field goal away from winning it. I just, I absolutely hated that call. That that second and goal toss absolutely killed any chance Texas had. Okay. um Ohio State's favored by eight and a half in this game.
I mean, they're going to need a lot to, Notre Dame is going to need a lot to go their way in this game. Ohio State, I will say this, me and Seth didn't text a whole lot during this game. We were actually out for someone's birthday that night at a bar. So I was trying to stay in the moment and not be on my phone the entire time.
but Ohio State definitely showed some of what everybody was nervous about him going into the playoffs. That six week stretch between middle of the season to the Michigan game where it just seemed like they didn't know how to run offense. It creeped back in a little bit there. Came back down there a little bit for sure. And to Texas is credit, dude, Texas has got a bad ass defense, man. Texas's defense is loaded. They got one of the best secondaries And kind of the way they play a lot of zone, it kind of matches up well, whereas, you know, Tennessee and Oregon, they both got world-class athletes in the defensive backfield. They tried to go man up with Ohio State and just got, got punk man. I think, I think Texas deserves a lot of credit for slowing them down. In addition to Ohio State, just kind of cooling off a little bit. I mean, to be fair, Texas had lost two games all year, both to Georgia. They should have, they could have
one, either one of those games, they just didn't end it. Um, but yeah, Texas is no slouch at all. So there's a good possibility. We already watched the two best teams play in Texas and Ohio state. I'm, I mean, I'm not going to rip Notre Dame, dude. They're in the final that they made it there for magic tool. There is one thing I am going to rip though. Um, the cheapest get in price. And according to seat geek, this is an amazing deal. A 10 on the the Richter scale, $2,014, including fees for each seat to go to this game to sit and get in the building to sit in the upper upper bowl of the Falcon stadium to watch this game.
that's steve I don't know if you remember this, but a couple of weeks ago, before the playoffs started, you were talking about like teams not wanting to go to like these, these, uh, semi-final and quarterfinal games. At this point, if my team makes the college football playoff, I'm going to one of the earlier games. Cause there's no way I can afford to go to the national championship. It's they've really adapted the NFL model model at this point where you're never going to be able to go to the Super Bowl, even if your team makes it. There's just, it's, it's become to the point now where you can't even afford to go because dude, I'll be honest. If Nebraska was playing in the national championship game on Monday night, there is zero chance I'm paying $2,000 to sit in the upper bowl. Like if I'm going to a game, I want it to be good seats and I'll just to sit in the lower bowl, basically the end of the end zone, it's over three grand a pop. So,
What do you attribute that price to? Do you attribute that to Ohio State or Notre Dame, or do you think it's just the state of the game? If it was Boise and Arizona State, we'd still see these prices. You've got to understand that. Ohio State and Notre Dame are two of the biggest programs in college football. Notre Dame's a national team also, man. Notre Dame's coast to coast. The final four was like four of the top 10 teams all time in college football as far as wins go. I mean, these are blue bloods of blue blood. So I think it was going to be expensive no matter what.
I think if I was like a fan of a team that I thought had a chance to go to the national championship game, if it was me, I would buy my ticket before the playoffs even played out. And then if your team doesn't make it, it's going to suck, but you'll still be able to sell your seat for more than what you paid for it. I would guess if you buy them early enough. Yeah, I can, I can guarantee that dude. So there's a guy.
that I work with that is a big Georgia Bulldogs fan. And he actually bought tickets to the Orange Bowl. ah yeah He was just, it was really ah a long shot of a long shot. do you He knew he was going to be down in Florida for it. And he bought tickets to the Orange Bowl way back in September, man. He bought a ticket, not knowing who's even going to be in it. because you You could already get the tickets.
He bought it just on the, on a whim that Georgia might be in the game and he still ended up selling it for, I think he said he paid some like $2.65 a piece for him and he got about $3.50 a piece for him selling them on, uh, on SeaGeek or StepUp or where we ended up moving them. Yeah. I mean, I think that's what I would do. Or at the very least go to either the semi final or quarter final game.

College Football Playoffs Success & Improvements

I mean, you're still going to one of the biggest bowl games in the entire college football landscape. Like I don't think you would have been upset if let's just say Tennessee would have made it to the quarterfinal and you would have got to go to the orange bowl to watch Tennessee play. I mean, even if they lost like dude, you still got to experience that you got to go to a playoff game. I mean, it's just, it's getting to the point now where it's like, dude, you're going to have to start making some decisions if you actually want to go watch your team play in one of these games. So it sucks, man. And I've always had the same gripe about the Superbowl. It's like, dude, this isn't even for the common fan anymore. it's
you know, corporate advertising. It sucks, man. Cause like these are two of the biggest sporting events in our country. And it basically has become unaffordable. I mean, me and Seth are both big wrestling fans. You guys know. And we just had this conversation last week about how expensive like the pay-per-views and stuff are to go to now. I mean, the common fan just can't afford to go to this stuff anymore. It's just, they've priced you out. It sucks. Thing is we're not even the common fan series We're like the hardcore's and we got a little bit of freaking we got you know We're both financially comfortable do we got a little bit of coin and it's still pricing us out man like I don't see just like I kind of want to like go to the
Lucas oil for the world rumble and just like ask people I do or even go like go down to the national championship game and just ask some of these people like, what do you do for a living? And how did you justify spending the money for this ticket? Yeah, it's just it's insane to me. I mean, I just I can't I there's no way I could justify using three house payments to go to the national championship game. It's just it's gotten so ridiculous and it sucks, man, because I mean, if your team goes, you want to go watch him play. But not that I have to worry about this, but um It's I would need to have God come down and give me put me on like a vision quest and let me know that like my team is gonna win for sure and it's gonna be like the most thrilling game in the history of the the sport of football man and like I have to be in the building for it like
I think that's the only way that could compel me to drop over a thousand bucks for a, uh, for, for a ticket to a football game. man Yeah. Uh, I agree, but yeah, I mean, so let's kind of, I wanted to at least talk about a little bit. So in review college football playoffs in your view, do you think this has been a success?
Obviously, we know there needs to be some tweaks with this and stuff, and I think we're going to get it. I don't think they're going to wait another year. I think they're going to tweak the the buys and stuff like that, which will really help. That way, we're getting um the best teams playing the best teams in the semifinals as opposed to quarterfinals. um But, I mean, overall, are you giving this a thumbs up or a thumbs down? Oh, yeah. Dude, smash thumbs up, man. I love it, dude. It's been great. I think if they um If they change it up and keep, keep the automatic bids for the conference winners, but get rid of the automatic buys, right? and Like the, the conference winners get in, but then just seat it out. However you want to seat it out. Um, I think I'm good. I have no complaints. If I had my wish, they would just expand this thing out to 16 teams and get rid of the buys. And really my like, absolutely like, you know, utopia idea. Do it the same way the NCAA basketball tournament is let each conference championship get in, even the mountain west dude, mountain west, sundell conference, USA, the Mac.
put their champions in there also, dude. That would give you 10 conference champions and then six at-large bids to play it out, man. I think that would be fun. Of course, that's not going to happen because there's such a big disparity between the the big conferences and the cruiserweights. But I would love to see that, man. like get Let's get even funkier with some of these weird teams getting in.
Yeah, and I liked it. I know there was a lot of people that were were upset about Indiana making it and um there was people talking about Boise State and Arizona State. I liked it, man. i And even if they changed the the way they did the seeding with the buys and stuff, the same teams would have still got in. like Nothing. Everybody was bitching about that yesterday. I'm like, dude, it still would have been the exact same teams because the conference winners are still getting in. So Clemson, ah Boise State, and Arizona State still would have got in. It wouldn't have mattered. I mean, the the field was set. It just needed to be seated differently as is my biggest gripe about this because like,
I will give Arizona State credit. They played that game a hundred times better than I thought they would play Boise State. i look like they belonged Boise State, they just, Penn State was playing their absolute best football and Boise State just unfortunately ran into a team that there was no way they were beating on that given day. um But yeah, I, I love this. mind End of the day, obviously I'm biased. I think Tennessee would want a little bit, you know, at least one round further with some proper seating. I don't think Penn state would have went as far. I think Oregon got screwed, man. Obviously Ohio state outclassed Oregon enough that, ah you know, they wouldn't Oregon should have been playing for the national championship or anything, despite how well they they did in the regular season. but
I know they were definitely better than a team getting, you know, getting bounced in the second round. I think it was some proper seedy. Maybe you see Oregon playing this past weekend in the semi finals. Yeah, I agree. What other tweak I would have, man, dude, let's let's stop with all the space in between, man. I get it. Maybe for the travel stuff, dude, like if we really want to hammer on this format, let's let keep the bowl games, the bowl games, man, let the like semi finals and finals be at neutral size. What if we did first and second rounds?
at home teams

College Football Weekend Review

fields in the trial for the last four and you could in du have the playoffs start the week after army navy man instead of you know we went till december i think 20th and 21st for the first round and then new year's day like if this thing wrapped up like new year's day that would be awesome Yeah, we ain't ever going to get that dude. This is, you know, this as well as I do. It's, it's all about money and that's why they're not getting rid of the bull thing. And that's why the orange bull always be a site and the Rose bull always be a site and all that. Like that's all just money things. There's, there's nothing that goes into that more than money. And I'm honestly okay with 10 days between games, like
These are the biggest games. I, if there's a chance of a guy getting healthy in that 10 day stretch, like I'm all for it. I want to see the best players play on the best teams. And so I'm good with the 10 days. Honestly, I think that's it's it's fine the way it is. Um, it does make it a little bit longer, which dude, this weekend was cool, man. We started Thursday and Friday night with college football and then rolled right into super wildcard weekend. Like to me that that was almost perfect. Like I was, it was an awesome stretch of football we had. Even if the games didn't quite live up to

Unexpected NFL Wild Card Outcomes

the height. Okay, so let's uh We'll wrap up the college football talk and we'll go into nfl Um game one of wild card weekend chargers texans Jesus this could not have gone any i' Any worse for the chargers or any less of the way I thought it would go
No, it seemed like it was all lining up for the Chargers to to really go on a little run here, man. Get get a win against ah a Texans team limping into the playoffs and have some momentum. But, dude, the Texans defense just stood up, man. The offense played good enough. CJ Stroud made a couple key plays here and there. I don't think they really... I wasn't blown away by their offense, man, but the Texans defense. I mean, dude,
only statue. Got to know freaking Justin Herbert do three interceptions all season long and he throws four on, uh, on Saturday, man. Insane. Yeah. I think we might've been way too harsh on the Texans. I mean,
I didn't realize how good their defense had been all season. i mean They were second in the NFL in picks this season. Their defense was seventh best against the pass. All those things were not good for the Chargers because i mean they're not exactly like the world on fire offense as is. like they They got to do a lot of methodical things and it did not none of that happened on Saturday. I was shocked by this result.
um Dude, Herbert just, he is not capable of winning a big game. I don't know what his deal is, but once it gets a robot, man, that was the knock on him coming out of Oregon that he doesn't do well when he's got to improvise, man. He's the man at reading a defense process and making a throw. But the moment you kind of mess up his picture and and put him off schedule and stuff, he really, really struggles, man. He's like, I remember one of the draft reports I was reading on him said he's like, if a computer had had to play quarterback, it would be Justin Herbert, which is great.
when everything's working well, man, that's probably what that's why you see that stat, you know, only three interceptions all season long. But I think the dude just when it, you know, when it's time to, you know, pull the fire alarm and just figure something out. I think he really, really struggles. Yeah, that was not a good look for him. um Night game also not a good look.

Steelers' Performance & Mike Tomlin's Future

Dude, the Steelers probably just had the worst five game stretch I've ever seen for a team.
They were at the point where Mike Tomlin's got some serious questions around his, you know, job security in the future, man. I don't, I can't imagine they get rid of him, man, but I know he's going to be, I think he's entering on the hot seat for, for 2025 and the standard is not going to be just having winning season. I think he's got to win a playoff game to save his job next season. Bro, they were 10 and three.
ended the season with four straight losses and then go into wild card weekend and get thumped by your division rival like things are not good and i did not realize until that day that they hadn't won a playoff game since 2016 like winning seasons like yeah whatever he's never had a losing season but That's great. But at some point the standards got to raise man. You know what I mean? Like to his, to his credit, he's established that a winning season, that's like the base. yeah That's, like that's, that's the bare minimum standard of what they have. you That's not, that's no longer successful, man. That's just the status quo. Yeah. and He is a good coach and I know the Steelers don't fire coaches for just any reason, but at this point,
many I just do not feel good for that day like I just yeah, I I I don't think firing it would be the right movie either I do think having a pointed discussion with, you know, what do you plan to do with your coordinators, dude? I don't think, uh, you know, Arthur Smith is the answer for the offense next season. I, if I'm the owner, I'm bringing them in and I'm saying, what are we doing with our offense? And what are you doing at the quarterback position next year? What is your vision for that? And you know, see what he's got to say. I think the just sticking with Russell Wilson thing, no matter what bit him in the end, because I mean,
he didn't play horribly. It wasn't the entire reason they lost. But dude, I just feel I just felt like coming out of halftime. Just I felt like the team would have got some juice if they would at least try Justin Fields. I yeah, it could go way worse, but it could also go way better with him. I mean, I just feel like with Russell Wilson, you know what you're getting. What did you have to lose at that point? And also, since you're you're on the Arthur Smith talk,
how in the fuck does this guy just keep getting jobs he's a terrible coach like get this dude's not good his offense has no creativity this is everything that i said the last three years when he was the falcons coach like there's no creativity at all it's just the most vanilla offense ever and i mean normally you'd think like oh vanilla ah offense this should work perfect in pittsburgh and it did for 13 weeks until it didn't and everybody just figured it out and they're like Well, he's not going to throw the deep ball and once you have no threat of a deep pass in your offense, I mean, you're pretty much cooked.
He needs to be given about a quarter of his salary to Derek Henry every single year, man, because Derek Henry got him hired as the Falcons coach. And I think that stretch he had with the Titans in 2019 and 2020, I think is what's kept him getting paid, man. I think he just had you know one of the top five running backs of all time at the peak of his powers. And it made everything look easy, man. People thought it was something he was doing when it was really just you know a smash mouth Titans team.
Um, we just talked about the sealers. We have talked about the other side, Derek, Henry, and Lamar just, it's unstoppable when it works, dude. The, the read option with the of those two, it's just deadly. There's there's no way to stop it when they're both on.

Ravens' Playoff Potential with Jackson & Henry

And now Lamar is actually throwing the ball with pure accuracy and not making the fatal mistake. Like.
Dude, if this team plays their best game, I'm seriously not sure if there's anybody that can beat them. The problem is, is we haven't seen them play their best game at the biggest moment. So we'll see, you man, this weekend's going to be a tough one for them. We'll see when we get into picks who we will play. The public's behind it, dude. They started off as one point yeah underdogs and they've moved to one and a half point favors at this point, man. I agree. I do think that they have, ah I do think they have the highest peak, man, of any of, you know, the look at the lions, Eagles, Chiefs, Bills, Ravens. I think all those teams at their peak, the Ravens are at their highest, but, you know, Lamar's had some weird playoff performances, man. He's had some playoff games where it's for whatever reasons, like his fastball is just not there that day. So I, you know, I can't really like think about that game against the Chiefs last year, you know, the AFC championship in Baltimore. Chiefs won 17 to 10 sounds close, but the Chiefs like dominated that game and it just, like you can't really put your finger on it. The numbers didn't look that bad, but something was just off all game long.
with, uh, with that Ravens offense. But you know, if you do Derek Henry into the mix, man. Um, I don't, I don't think we're going to see the the Ravens run the ball three times in the second half in a seven point game ever again with yeah Henry as you're running back. So hopefully that, that solves the issue that they had. Cause they could not run the ball at all last year, unless it was a little more. So they just have an absolutely brutal path, dude. So they're going to have to win at Buffalo on the road, more than likely at Arrowhead on the road.
And then be either, either the lions or most likely the Eagles in the, in the Superbowl, man. Like, so because yeah I mean, really, it's at this point, I guess it'd be a success if they just make it to the Superbowl. But really, I feel like for Lamar at this point, man, with all the accolades and success he's had in the regular season, it's Superbowl or bust. and That's that's a lot to ask of anybody, man. That's a lot to ask a prime Tom Brady do to go and and bang out those two games on the road and then and then face a really tough NFC team. So so it's going to be fun though, man. I'm really excited. This is if if he doesn't get it this year, the the the questions are going to they're going to be screaming. like What is this guy going to get it done in the playoffs? Because that team is all set for success.

Bills' Defensive Adjustments Against Denver

Yeah, I agree.
Uh, let's go to Sunday. Bill's Denver. Um, man, Denver right out of the gate, comes down, throws a, gets a touchdown. I'm like, holy shit, we're about to have a game. And look good doing it, man. Like that offense looked freaking awesome that first couple of minutes, but yeah, they, uh, they did, they blew their warden, took a nap, dude.
The other thing though is, and this is a lot of the stuff that me and you had talked about last year about the bills. And one of the main reasons me and you both had trepidation about them coming into this season, they never adjust on defense. Like for whatever reason, their defensive coordinator was always just like, nope, this is what we're doing. No matter what, this is what we're good at. They adjusted after that first drive because they were bringing a safety down on that first drive. and whatever they decided to do, it just worked. And they had bone X just in, I mean, they were rushing the quarterback really well too. Bill's all defensive line is really good. So I don't know. They looked like an absolute juggernaut after that first Broncos drive. Yeah. i
We'll get to our picks in a little bit, man, but yeah, Bill's Ravens definitely going to be the game of the weekend. That might be the game of the playoffs, honestly. yeah um Eagles went sloppy over the Packers. As I had been saying the last three weeks, I just did not trust the Packers. I just, I didn't feel like they were playing great. Jordan Love just did not look like he was seeing the field.
He did it again on Sunday. Like he just, he's not seeing the field at all. I think something more was going on with him. I don't, I don't know what it is, but something, maybe we saw you know, he got, he got knocked out week one, man. We don't know if he was ever a hundred percent all season. Uh, it didn't help, you know, they lost basically their top three receivers during the course of the game on Sunday. Eagles kind of just beat them up. man Yeah. Eagles defense is tough, man. They just, ah for everything that they looked like early in the season, they fixed all of it. And do they just hit you every play? You just, you you better strap up your helmet. If you're playing the Eagles, cause they are going to hit you from play one to the last play of the game. So I didn't see any, I still want to know, I never saw explanation.
What, why did the, eagle why did the Packers not get the ball back on that opening kickoff? Did you ever see any solid explanation anywhere? Nope. I just, ah the thing that the only thing that I saw is that the refs always go with who comes out of the pile with the ball. Cause the the Falcons got hosed on one of these last year against the, um, against the bucks where I think it wasn't Mariota. I think it was, uh, Ritter fumbled and you could clearly see he got it back on the replay, but one of the bucks guys came out of the pile with it and they, they just stuck with the call on the field. I don't, I don't understand that. Like apparently it's not full possession until the refs unclog the pile. I don't know. It's stupid.
Well shit, so anytime I see a guy down on the ground, I'm just fucking Molly whopping him. They all do. Like, I mean, if you notice it, like there's a lot of times where it's like a clear recovery by one of the teams, like there'll be three

NFL Possession Recovery Rules

guys down there. And then the other team just like throws three guys on top of the pile, trying to pull the ball out. NFL is weird on some of these rules. I don't get it.
Yeah. Um, commanders bucks on Sunday night.

Commanders' Impressive Playoff Win

This was by far the game of the weekend, as I think a lot of people expected it would be, um, to the commanders just do not care. They do not pun. They, they're just going to keep playing the way they're going to play no matter what. And man, that was an impressive win for Jayden Daniels. Like,
am I don't know how much more you can heat, how much more praise you can heap on Jayden Daniels, but Washington's first playoff win since 2006. I mean, and they, like they did not punt in that game. And if this dude, uh, you know, between him and Bo Nicks, man, they definitely, and you know what we saw panics do at the end of the season, definitely dude, if I'm the NFL scout, I'm looking for those older college QBs coming out, man. Give me the guy who's 24, 25.
coming out of college. Cause it seemed like they all three made really smooth transitions and especially Jane Daniels, dude. Like if this does, if he doesn't end up being one of the best three or four quarterbacks in the league, this season is going to have to be, go back and be looked at and studied. Cause he has just been incredible, man. Uh, so, so, you know, the poise like beyond his years, man, like never looks like he's flustered out there.
And yeah anytime they need a big play, they dial him up. And more times than not, he's coming through with it. Yeah, it was that was an impressive win. i I do feel like the Bucks kind of just fumbled their season away with ah obviously the fumble right after that reverse. After they got the fourth down, just a brutal play. And I just i never felt like they got their momentum back. I know they scored after that, but it just kind of felt like the air came out of the balloon after that play. and Yeah, it seemed like they were chasing from that point on. And there was no point on that entire last drive of Washington that I thought, oh, Tampa is going to get a

Buccaneers' Coaching Criticism

stop. Dude, Todd Bulls is a fucking horrible coach, man. I just. Too conservative, man. Does not do any. I mean, I think he's a decent coach, setting the culture and stuff down there, man. But as as far as game day coach goes, um just way too conservative. I don't think he does anything that to enhance his team's chances of winning games, man. It's just like.
Like when I'm watching from the silence, I'm like, do something, bro. Call timeout, do something. But it seems like he's just a spectator when it comes once once he gets to game day. Yeah, it's it's frustrating to watch. But just the clock management in the NFL is so weird, dude. He let 40 seconds just take off the clock when he has the time out. I just I don't understand what these coaches are doing, man. Like where he Morris had to have just been at home like, hell yeah, that's what I would have done, too.
I just, I don't get it. Um, last game last night Vikings and Rams, Jesus Christ, dude, that was an absolute abomination of a football game.

Rams' Defensive Strategy Against Vikings

Rams. Yeah. I mean, you know, Sam Donald definitely came crashing back down to earth a little bit towards the end of the season, but he had no chance last night, man. The Rams defensive line, like, dude, I'm, I'm looking like, bro, when did Aaron Donald come back, man? Cause you know, they lost the best defensive lineman, arguably an NFL history.
this past off season, dude, they were flying around. I mean, he couldn't do anything. He was looking at a team picture every time he dropped back to pass. Like that they had the Vikings O-line just in fits, man. It was, yeah, that that game really wasn't even as close as the score show. They absolutely dominated that to the point you heard, you know, Troy Eggman at the end was asking, you know, why don't they just hand the ball off and get out of here, man?
Um, the the, the Rams and McVeigh need to be like studied for, for the work that they do in the draft. I mean, they draft, they get their first, first round pick since Todd Gurley and they draft Jared verse. And this dude is like an all world defensive end already. I just, Sean McVeigh is I mean, yeah, Andy reads the best coach, Sean McVeigh might be one a at this point and possibly just one in one. Like this dude is unreal. They came out of the game plan that absolutely had the Vikings confused on offense and defense. Like their offense moved the ball with ease that entire game. ah yeah And the Vikings defense is, was really good this season. And yeah the Rams just moved it down the field with ease.
I will never understand Stafford has to be the most underrated quarterback of his, and of his generation. Like there's, just he never really did he' finally started to get some love, man. I think, you know, everybody wrote him off that the year after they went to the Superbowl, like he may be, may be done for man. I think these last two seasons, he's really starting to freaking, you know, jump up the all-time ranks. Cause yeah, I'm right there with you du dudes. The man, the other thing I really am starting to notice,
Like, Cooper Cup, when you hear his name, you're like, oh yeah, Cooper Cup is still on this team. Like, dude, Puka Nakua is the number one receiver on that team. And he has just taken it from Cooper Cup. Like, Puka is awesome.

Disappointment with NFL Wild Card Weekend

You got a lot of weapons, you've got Kyrie Williams, an awesome running back. like yeah well We'll get into the games this weekend, but the Rams are not going to be an easy out, man. They're going to be tough to put away. So overall wild card weekend, pretty much a dud outside of the one game on Sunday night. i I was really disappointed with these games this weekend. Yeah, agreed, man. Not the most exciting football, but that's how it is sometimes, man. where we we got ah We got a chance to make up for it this weekend. All right, that's all I got. All right, let's get to our picks.

Predictions for College Football Championship Game

First off, let's do Monday nights college football national championship. Give me a score man. Give me the final score. I think it's close at halftime. I think Ohio State pulls away at the end. I'm going to go. I'll go 3117.
I think the exact same thing. I think it's close, maybe even tied at halftime and we see that the the talent gap just really start to show up. I think so basically same game script. I think they get, I think they pull away a little bit more though. I'll go 34 to 14, but I think it's going to be, you know, some late tight shows, man. I think it's going to be ah ah a tighter game than that sport might indicate. Let's get to the NFL, man. We'll start off Saturday afternoon, rematch from just a couple of weeks ago. We got the Texans and the Chiefs and Arrowhead.
I'm not picking against the Chiefs. I just, not this week at least. Like I just, and you know what? This is going to be the week where we're all just like, Oh, Texans i have no chance. Kansas is just going to come in here and roll them three weeks rest. Kansas is just going to lay an absolute egg and somehow lose. Like I, I could easily see it happening, but I could also never see it happening. So I'm going chiefs until they prove me wrong.
Yeah, I do think Texans keep this close man. I think Texans play it a lot tighter than anybody's thinking. I think we see it look like most Chiefs game this year where they just, you know, they kind of play with their food a little bit and it's a one score game into the fourth quarter, but I do think.
Uh, Patrick Mahomes is moving on to the the AFC championship for the freaking seventh straight year, dude. How nuts is that man? Seven straight years. Imagine just not knowing anything else. Somebody i just tells you, Hey, the first seven years of this guy's career, he's going to be in the conference championship. Also but Brady didn't even do that before it gets buried.
We have to say the Texans just had another successful season. Cause me and Seth just wrote this team off. Like I just assumed they were dead in the water coming into the playoffs, dude, back to back divisional round, um, losses, which we're going to assume Houston loses this weekend. Dude, Texans got something, man. If, if they would have been composed, man, I would have really liked to see them completely healthy against this chief's team. Like, I mean, at that point, who knows what happens? Like if they have tanked, Dell and Stefan digs to go with Nico this weekend. I mean, anything could happen. So yeah, good season for them. D'Amico Ryan's got this team on the right track. Yeah. Agreed, man. Two straight years, one in a playoff game. Some teams go freaking two decades without one in two playoff games. So yeah. no
No notes for me on that man. Solid season for the Texans regardless of how Saturday goes, but and I think they're going to keep it tight, man. yeah We'll see what happens.

Preview: Texans vs Chiefs Playoff Game

All right. Moving to the night game. This should be a highly entertaining football game. We've got the commanders coming in and playing with house money. Nothing to lose. Already won a road playoff game facing the number one seed, 15 and two Detroit Lions.
Unfortunately for the commanders, I think this is where it comes to an end. I, again, I just think you're running into an absolute juggernaut of a team. Like Detroit is so good. Sounds like Montgomery is going to play. So they're going to have Montgomery and Gibbs. ah I just do not see a world where they can stop them enough to, to win this game. I think i think Washington's got a score points. I just don't think Washington's defense is going to be able to stop Detroit enough.
ah Well, you know, if they play their game plan, dude, they may have shocks. You know, what Washington's been doing is just controlling the freaking ball, man. Long, time-consuming drive, just limited. Because they're probably going to need to hold the lines to about four possessions each half to have a shot at this thing. But I'm with you, man. Detroit's going to be rocking, dude. You know, they're going to be fired up, man, for this playoff game. They're thinking Super Bowl or bust. And I don't think it's going to happen for them. But I don't think the party is stopping Saturday night. I'll go to Detroit as well.
All right, Sunday, two o'clock on Peacock, Rams and Eagles.

Preview: Eagles vs Rams Tough Matchup

I'm gonna let you pick this one first. I think the Eagles, man. I think the Eagles are machine. I'll go ahead and spoil my next week's pick too. I think the Eagles are going to the Superbowl, dude. I think ah they they got some mental toughness to him, man. Jalen Hurts has been a little bit up and down in the passing game of the season, but Saquon, to me, he's 1A with Eric Henry for best running back in the league. um Rams team, this this is a tough team. I think this is going to be a you know a game where you walk out with some freaking chipped teeth and a bloody nose, man. I think it's going to be a straight up fight.
But in Philly, I think the Rams run out of steam and, uh, and the Eagles go to get a tough, tough victory to move on to the conference championship. I do not like what I saw from the Eagles offense outside of say quant on Sunday. It's going to be 39 degrees at kickoff on Sunday. It's for our indoor team from Cali.
I'm going to go still. don't I mean, we do we know where they're going to be training at this week? Where they where they're going to know that? Are they staying at the Cardinals facility? I would imagine they're just going to stay there. I'm going to go Philadelphia as well. um'm I'm still not sold on this team though, dude. like I know they've had a great season. Just for some reason, Jalen Hurts seems like he's really like regressed as the season's gone on. I don't know, man. It just doesn't seem like he's comfortable at all when he's back there throwing. And dude, there was one play on Sunday where he had 12 seconds to make a decision, and there was receivers running open the entire play, and he finally makes a decision. And granted, they scored a touchdown, but it's just like,
I just don't think he's confident at all in reading the defense right now. And it just seems like the game is really fast for him right now. So I think Philly does win, but I think this game is really close. All right. Let's go to the main event, man. Sunday night. Bill's in rain. Sunday afternoon. It's not even a night game. Well, five 30. I mean, someone's going to be set where I'm at. you eat five Will you call five 30 the afternoon? I mean, it's still, I prefer this was a seven 30 game. It sucks that it's not.
Yeah, I would call it. and It's an evening game. He likes it. Sun's gonna be down in West Tennessee when this thing kicks off, man.

Ravens vs Bills Playoff Analysis

Ravens and Bills in Buffalo. I mean, these two are probably, these two are probably right behind the Chiefs for the favorites to win the Super Bowl right now. I don't know how much action the Lions are still getting after some of the injuries they've had. but Either way, you know, it's really those, those three teams and then the lions and the Eagles are the big heavyweights for this thing. And we're seeing two and one that the Ravens did decimate the bills earlier on in the regular season. I think that was week four, but bills have gotten a lot better since then. So the Ravens, man.
I don't know. I can see a world where the Ravens go in there and just kick the shit out of them. I could totally see that, dude. That's that's a possibility or you know it could be a close game either the way. I don't think there's a world where the Bills blow the Ravens out, man. I do think i think the Ravens got a little bit more potential to to run away with this thing and and make it get ugly. Yeah. i just do I'm serious. I seriously think that this Ravens team is the best team in the NFL.
I mean, if they flower, if they can do that to Pittsburgh without Z flowers, even playing like I just, I don't know, man, if they play their game, I just don't see how they lose. Like Buffalo has had a fantastic season and Josh Allen can do some things, but like Dude, outside of him and James Cook, like who on this team is scaring you? like who Who are we counting on at the end of this game? like Outside of Josh Allen to make a play, like who are you counting on on this team? I just i think this is where it finally comes to two ahead and we we see like how important Josh Allen is to this team and that he is the entire team, the which is why I'm picking the Ravens. I just i think Lamar and Derek Henry are going to kill this defense.
Not that Baltimore is a warm place at all to play, but it's going to be nine degrees on Sunday, a kickoff. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I'm not worried about the weather at all. Like Baltimore is well versed in playing in shitty conditions. I think Buffalo gets it, man. well I think Josh Allen. Yeah. I don't really have any good X's and O's explanation for this. I think Josh Allen, just a man possessed. Um, I've seen, I've seen Lamar lay an egg in the playoffs enough times now that I see it creeping up, man. I think he's it i don't think Lamar's going to play bad, but I think Josh Allen's going to play better. And it's going to be in Buffalo. Home field advantage still still counts more in the NFL than any other sport.
um I think the bills find a way to get it done and and head to the the just a a gigantic showdown against the Chiefs the next week.

Compelling AFC Playoff Storylines

but I mean, whoever wins this game is gigantic showdown next week. Like, dude, true, but the bills and Chiefs have been the that's like been like the biggest rivalry in the AFC last four or five years, man. I kind of I mean, I'd be hyped for either matchup, but I'd be it's definitely, you know, going back to wrestling, it's a little bit more storyline built for for the bills and Chiefs. I mean, I think Baltimore's got a lot of storyline. Like, dude, they were arguably the favorites going into the playoffs last year and Kansas City beat them at at their own game. Like I just.
I don't know. I think both these games are like, to me, this, these AFC playoffs, like these two games, whatever the AFC championship game, and then this game, I think this is the best two games, you're going to get the entire playoffs. And that is not a knock on the NFC. Cause I think Detroit and Philly would be a phenomenal game. I just, I don't know, man, when I watched the Ravens, the bills and the chiefs, it's just, it's a different level to me.
Yeah, these are definitely the two as far as like sexy matchups go Yeah, these next two weeks in the AFC is where it's gonna be at cuz you know Chiefs and Chiefs and Eagles and a rematch in the Super Bowl would be cool But other than that, there's no there's no games that you got like, you know The built-up animosity and storyline over going back years Like you do with the with the Chiefs and these teams in the AFC so it's gonna be fun man So just ah the only game we different on was was Ravens bills, right? Yep All right, sweet. All right, let's get to our listener mail and put up on Facebook. You got anything big planned on the on the menu this weekend, Jordan? ah No, but we got to do million dollar bets first. Oh, nice. Yep. Okay. I'll pull up our listener mail while we're getting this one.
All right, we both flamed out on our bets last week. So that puts me at $2,156,000. What was your total for your two bets last week, Jordan, that you wagered? $200,000, right? Or $250,000? Yeah, I think it was $250,000. Yeah, so you're at $2.7,000. So Jordan's got about $550,000 heading into this weekend. What are your two bets, Jordan?
All right, we're going to start, I'm going to do two touchdown bets. So in the Kansas city game, I'm going to go Travis Kelsey, anytime touchdown, and I'm going to go Patrick Mahomes, two touchdowns, two passing touchdowns. I'm going to risk 300,000 to win 924,000.
Okay, I'll go my AFC bets first. So I'm going, I'm taking the Texans with the points. So Texans plus eight and a half, plus a Joe Mixon touchdown, plus the Bills money line, plus a Josh Allen touchdown. That is 250,000 to win 682,000 and $180. Okay.
Uh, my other one, I'm going Josh Allen to passing touchdowns and Lamar to passing touchdowns, risking 300,000 to win 900,000. All right. My NFC bet. I'm going with the Eagles money line and a Jalen hurts touchdown. And I'm going with the lions money line and an I'm on Ross St. Brown touchdown. And that is a hundred thousand to win 461,000. All right.
All right, let's get to our listener mail and we'll get out of here.

Planning Food for Football Weekend

So you said you guys aren't doing anything big food wise this weekend, man? I said, I just don't know yet. I mean, du the the weekends a long ways away. It's only Tuesday.
I mean, you guys are playing bro. This is a lot of people divisional divisional rounds, the best weekend of football. I mean, it's the last full weekend of football. So yeah, this is, this is a sad time, man. We get Saturday, Sunday, Monday, this weekend for football. And then just two Sundays is all we got left after that. Like I'm going to throw it down this weekend. I know I'm going out on Monday night to watch the national title game, but we'll, we'll do something at home. Probably do wings one day. And then there you go. Something else on Sunday, probably.
All right. Johnny JB says, will the hiring of Mike Vrabel be the spark the Patriots need to turn it around?

Speculation on Mike Vrabel's Impact as Patriots' Coach

I'll let you take this since you've already had Vrabel as your coach. I think it's gonna be good. I don't think I don't think Vrabel's like a overnight turnaround kind of guy I think he's a culture setter holds accountability You're gonna get a tough team and I think he's good on the week-to-week game plans, man I think he's gonna get the most out of whatever whatever roster New England provides to him I do think it's gonna be a huge improvement, you know, even his drive may obviously got kind of railroaded a little bit We talked about that last week, but you know, he's got a quarterback I think Drake may showed me enough that I think he's gonna stick and be ah be a real dude in this league but
But I don't think it's going to be like, you know, I'm not, I'm not picking them to make a a deep playoff for our next season off of, off a higher and very well, not going to be overnight success. Basically is what you're getting at. Yeah. But I do, I do think it's going to be a solid, I think, you know, we're going to look up three years from now and the Patriots going to be right back in the mix competing for the AFC East.
All right. Our good buddy Phil Dunnett out in the UK says, if you were paid to show a piss water alcoholic beverage, which one would it be? So let's let's let's set some parameters. Let's ah let's eliminate you know the big lights like Miller, Bud, and Coors. Get rid of those three. What other light beer would you want to be a sponsor for, Jordan?
I think I'll go old style, dude. I feel like that's one that doesn't get enough play. Got a really cool can. ah you know It's not the easiest to find. It's really kind of only in Chicago and the Midwest area. So I'll go oh old style, man. That'd be something that could be the the official beer of the the goal line. I'll go Miller High Life. There you go. but but Love that. Love that. That's a champagne of beer. Exactly.
All right, Zach Hertzer says, not that we care, but any idea who will be the head coach for the Cowboys, dude. I think that I saw the Deon reports kind of were gathering momentum yesterday, but it seemed like those kind of already

Potential Candidates for Cowboys' Head Coach

sparked and fizzled out. I don't know how much those were based in any kind of fact. I don't know who they're going to get, man. I don't know who who do you got on your short list to go in there, dude. It seems like a place that's going to be really tough or whatever coach does go there. Yeah. I just, dude, who wants that job? Like,
i don't need I honestly don't even know. like Dion would be the the interest hire. It's going to spark some interest, but... Dude, Jerry Jones is such an idiot, man. like just Pete Carroll, maybe? Pete Carroll, I can see that. The only problem with Pete Carroll is he's not he's not a puppet, though, is the only problem. I've heard a lot of people talk about Jason Witten and I'm like, what? like Where's that coming from? i just I don't know. Mike Zimmer could easily take that job. He's already their defensive coordinator. Yeah. Gruden would be cool. Yeah. I feel yeah i feel like the winds of chain have changed. You've already blown enough that you wouldn't get too much backlash. You brought Gruden back in. Somebody said Kellen Moore to yesterday, which that would be an interesting hire considering a lot of people thought he was the head coach and waiting before he left. So ah no i I mean, Cowboys, I mean, dude, I wouldn't mind getting as much as you kind of feels like you got a ceiling on you for success. I wouldn't mind getting paid.
a couple of mill a year to go be the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys. That's a pretty cool job, but it ah is jerry yeah like you said, man, with, you you know, with the owner, it's extremely hands on to, you know, to put it mildly. And then you're also, dude, you're, you're married to Dak Prescott, man, for at least the next year or so. And I think Dak's just, he's one of those QBs that's, you know, too, too good to cut bait on, but not good enough to really ever take you where you want to go.
Does Jerry Jones have the balls to pay North Carolina $10 million dollars to get Bill Belichick? I mean, he got the money, dude. i think i I think it's just a matter of working it out with Belichick. I saw that story that you know Belichick was interested in the Cowboys job and they were interested in him, but they were still kicking around the can on what they were going to do with Mike McCarthy.
Yeah. I don't know, man. John Green would be cool. Leon would be cool for an intro standpoint, but I don't know. Yeah, this is a weird job right now, though, for the reasons you just said. Dax coming back next year off an injury. I don't love that. I mean, I just... I don't love Dax healthy, man. This is a weird job. Yeah.
All right, let's get next question. David Brooks says, round one, the NFL playoffs sucked. Only one good game. We kind of already talked about that. Then he also wants to just throw out a thought. This one's for you, Jordan. He says also Raheem Morris is the worst of all time. That's a fact. I won't argue what you feel on that.
And then lastly, everybody else you bank says you remember that time Seth was throwing a hissy fit about Ohio State. beyond my car tennessee I still think they were man. It doesn't change du the fact that Ohio State's balled out in the playoffs does not change the fact.
Tennessee had a better regular season and at at minimum they should have hosted that game. I think both teams should have been hired. I don't think Ohio State should have been eighth. Tennessee Dancer should have been ninth. If only that game would have been in Knoxville, it would have been a completely different game. You never know, dude. It's college football, man. high High variability in college football. They probably still get beat, but I guarantee they don't get their doors blown off like that, man. The Illinois Stadium is a pretty tough place to play, dude. I cannot believe Alex, you make way to that long to bring this up. Like I get why. Cause he wanted to make sure they made the national championship first, but I would have been absolutely railing you the week after that. Like, Oh, you really think it would have mattered? They could have played on a high school field in the middle of nowhere. And it wouldn't have mattered. I subscribed to the, and Jordan can tell you this man, he knows that what a shit talker I am, dude. I subscribed to the Michael Jordan theory of shit talking that
Anybody can talk shit after you windy and it takes a real shit talker to talk shit when it then the games tied even better yet when you're losing man So, you know Alex to the Victor goes to spoils I'll give you a salute to the Buckeyes but I stand by what I said, man I think that was December 3rd when we recorded that I think right after the maybe was the 11th man, right? Well after the playoff field came out I still think Tennessee got hosed on having to go to Columbus man I don't think those teams should even been playing in the first round that should have been a second round matchup at a neutral site and I got news for you, Alex. The salute he he was giving you is not the one you would think. All right. So that's a wrap, man. We only got a few regular season episodes of the goal line left. Uh, Jordan, here's some closing thoughts and we'll get out of here. Uh, it drink and eat as much food as you can this weekend. If you're doing dry January, don't talk to me.
I'm a firm in a corner. Whoa, whoa, this hold on tight
Tell me what they talking about fucking listening