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Open Mic #41 - Sassy Sledgehammer 2

The Chick Foley Show
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Join the MVP for the latest episode of "Open Mic with the MVP, Marco," where he sits down with the incredibly talented Sassy Sledgehammer! 

They dive into her love for horror, her entertaining content, and her  journey in the world of horror fandom. From collecting Freddy Krueger  figures to her experiences in the cosplaying community, Sassy shares her  unique insights and humor with us. 

Catch the full episode to hear about her adventures in Southern  California, her thoughts on the evolving landscape of comedy, and her  aspirations for the future. 


Introduction and Pod Foundation Highlights

Who the hell told you tonight was
Welcome everyone to another episode of Open Mic with the MVP Marco. I am of course your host, the MVP Marco. Before we get to my guest for this evening, i always had to bring up the Pod Foundation, um the greatest group of content creators known to man.
We cover everything from wrestling to sports to movies. Definitely one of my favorite shows on there from the Turnbuckle Tavern, Broken VCR. Definitely check that out. um uh, Chad along with, uh, uh, he'll remain nameless. Cause want to give him any, you know, inflate his head anymore. Uh, they go over some old movies.
Uh, they have great insight on those and definitely movie buffs. Definitely check that out. Um, obviously the extra cooler show. They're the retro side of things. They cover all things, retro wrestling. Um,
Then you have J bone with coming down the aisle. Um, and also last but not least the flagship Chick Foley, uh, the Chick Foley show, which I'm a part of, uh, everything you want to know about Chick Foley, go to
Also follow her on, uh, IG and as well on Twitter or X, whatever you want to call it at Chick Foley show. and And then you can follow me as well at the MVP Marco everywhere, except for TikTok.
um TikTok at MVP underscore, because I'm not sure if I, you know created an account and totally forgot about it. So, or someone just stole from me,

Introducing Sassy Sledgehammer and Comedy Discussion

who knows?
I'll probably never find out because I don won't have enough time to try to investigate. So, but that's neither here nor there. So let's bring me to my guests. She was on here before. um She's your favorite and my favorite horror enthusiast.
um I like to say comedian and all around entertainer. i She's pretty hilarious in my eyes. Anyway, i would i hope she thinks the same on her end.
But yeah, definitely, ah let's let's bring her on. Sassy Sledgehammer, what's going on? Hello, everybody. yeah I'm happy to be here. Man, a comedian. That is so refreshing because sometimes I make jokes and nobody but me laughs. and they're like, you really like your jokes, don't you? And I'm like, well, somebody has to.
And it's not going to be you. It's going to be me. Yeah. yeah Who doesn't laugh at their own jokes sometimes? i mean yeah Right. I mean, you're your best critic and audience. So, I mean, you try it out on yourself and then...
you bring it to the world and whether they laugh or not is, you know, totally different story. exactly pace anyway But always say that because you, you very have very entertaining content.
I'm not sure if you've, has anyone ever expressed that to you, how funny you are or how entertaining you are. People do tell me that I'm fun, but nobody ever really says what it is exactly. I just like to have fun and I like to be silly.
and I'm really happy to hear that it comes across because I feel like... ah It's just just kind of the thing that I want to bring to the world is just a little bit more lighthearted nature.
i almost feel like if I was funny enough, I could do stand-up. I know some friends who do stand-up, but I could never, like, I don't think I'm that good on the spot. I really don't. I think that i am I'm more of a, ah ah oh, this idea sounds silly and probably SNL-esque, so I might as well do something about it.
Yeah, I think, you know, I always, I thought about like doing like you know, like did they do like open mics and stuff like that. But it's really hard. My thing is always starting off with that first joke.
That's going to try like pull somebody in like that first one liner. Yeah. that's That's what I always try to like that's i always stop at. I go, what would be my like opening line to like get everybody right on board

The Art of Comedy and Collectibles

with me? because From there, I figure if you could laugh but you make them laugh right off like right up the start, and you could yeah you'll kind of get it going and hopefully you get like a rapport with the crowd and stuff like that. but That's always my stopping point. It's true. You can always tell how good a comedian is going to be depending on how they come out and start. If they come out and go, how are we doing tonight? I'm like, oh no, just like everybody else. yeah not
How's everyone going? How's it doing? yeah but go How's everyone feeling today? yeah That's always like buffer. So my mom, and I'm like, oh.
Oh man. I thought of some pretty good opening ones, but yeah. Today's climate, probably not the best. I mean, it's ah you would with comedy now, it's starting to slowly get back to you know some type of you know yeah level levelness, I should say. There's some offensive comedy that's starting to creep out a little bit, which is, you know, it's ah it's not like the bread and butter of what I like, but it's good to have that that field still going.
And i was I was like, my first joke, if I were to ever do that, would be like kind of like one of those you know, shocking jokes to try to get people in and intrigued and stuff like that. But that's that's always my game plan.
If you were to, and because you you said your friends do stand-up. So well have you ever thought of like, like, have you ever thought of that? Like material, like what material would you do if you were to become a comedian?
If you were to start to do stand-up. I've thought about that. I really feel like it would have to be stuff that I know. So it would have to be related to, the things that are in my life and how weird it is to be a horror fan. a friend of mine, we have this clown that we know from a local convention scene.
And one of her bits is he doesn't, she doesn't know. We don't know who he is. We're like, okay, so what's your name? And he's like, it's Ghibli. And we're like,
Great one. What's your name? Like, who are you underneath? He's like, I'm o Ghibli. And we're like, no, you're not. Like, who are you beforehand? Who were you born as? And then he's like, I'm Ghibli. And we're like, no can't take it. And then he like introduces the rest of us to his clown friends and they're like, Hey, what's going on? I'm Timothy. And you're like, Oh Jesus Christ. Like, you know, it's stuff like that. That's so interesting that nobody else would have in their life.
Just those little anecdotes from all the weird things that we do as horror fans. That would probably be my stuff. Cause that's all I know. That's where I spend most of my time. I mean, that that is a definite. I mean, obviously, if you you know yeah follow you on social media, that's definitely a thing. But you make it you make it entertaining. No, that's the thing. You make it you may get intriguing enough to want to like you know step into that realm and pretty much see what it's all about. like that's I think that's what ah that's why but pretty much like attracted me to you in a sense with
how youre ah you portray your fandom. And I think that's always something that yo I always look out for when I'm following like a different content creator, whether it be um in your realm, whether it be wrestling, whether it be you in the tech world.
If you can make something entertaining that's really not you know supposed to be entertaining, then I think... yeah you You get the niche there. that's ah that's I mean, that's how I see it. I mean, and with clowns too, if you can make clowns entertaining, I mean, why not? You definitely do that. You know?
Yeah. Well, thanks so much for all those kind words. I will definitely put you in my will now. You've won me over. Yes. You did it. i thought I thought the hat would do it, but I mean You know what? thank You have a choice of a larger Freddie now.
yeah There you go. Oh, thank you. All right. but All right. Interview over. right. That was nice talking to you. That's what for. yeah yeah No, but ah yeah, I've seen, ah I mean, I did see that you, you know acquired some,
Did you buy some new pieces yeah for your, for your collection? Anything? I have. Okay. Yeah. A lot of the bigger, i acquired a lot of bigger Freddy's recently. Um,
but some some other figures, of course, the latest Fangoria ah for the 40th anniversary. And but that was kind of my own doing. But the bigger Freddy's I'm very excited about because those are just so cool. I have like maybe the Freddy's that are Yay higher. I have a stuffed Freddy who's like this big, but these ones are the larger like plastic figures that look really cool.
And I have them in the box, but the space that I have now is much smaller boat than what I had in Vegas. So it, I can't put everything on display. And now I have some of them just kind of like piled on top of each other. And I'm like, what am I going to do? don't know what to do, but I want to put them on display. So one of these days I'll have to sit down and like really think and then put them out into the ether.
does For you, does the collecting ever... Is it ever going to stop? Or do you feel like you're just going to continue? you Because as a you know we have these conversations in the figure collecting world where we're just like... You collect so much to a point where you like...
What does this stop? What do i do what do i do with all this stuff afterwards? I know, obviously, I'm in the will, so going to get something from you. So that's either here or not there. But do you ever think of that like as a collector? Because I think about that a lot. have so much crap that I'm just like, what the hell do I do with all this stuff as I go along?
I do think about that. I mean, when I move, the majority of my stuff is this behind me. And then I have the other half of it. That's random other horror things or my my music stuff that I really like. and Yeah.
like some of my Disney stuff is in storage because I don't have anywhere to put it right now. And I do wonder, I'm like, is it ever going to stop? Why do I keep spending so much money on this? I can't take it with me when I die. i could probably spend this money on a trip.
Why am I buying yet another Freddy Krueger figure? I just don't understand. But it like... makes me happy to have it around and it's interesting and and I don't know i think it eventually it'll stop I'll be like I've spent far too much money and I have actually it kind of stopped right now I did get a small Funko Freddy last night at a Regal Cinema when I was there because I did not have that and I was like well I could squeeze him in somewhere but I have stopped myself recently and said I cannot I have nowhere to put you what am I gonna I have stuff on stuff on stuff so I've kind of pressed the brakes for now on most of it
Yeah. Yeah, I mean, that's, like it's that's one of those, it's always those crossroads. yeah like You're having so much fun doing what you're doing, and then it like ah just creeps you. You're like, all right, but now what do I do? You look around, you're like, what the hell am I doing with this stuff? All right.
Now got to make some, do you ever feel like, do you ever offload anything, but do you try to keep as much as you can? do you ever, like, is there stuff in storage, or do you give it away, or do you sell it? Like, how do you, how do you ever, like, dwindle anything down, or do you just keep everything as is?
I mostly keep it as is. I have the stuff in storage, but I don't plan on getting rid of that. um But i if I have duplicates, because people will give me things, I will often give them to somebody else who doesn't have it.
And then I'm like, free reign! More room! Yay! um So that is one of the bonuses of that. But otherwise...
I have like no plans on selling or doing anything because it's all, if I bought it, it's valuable to me in some way, shape or form. But it's probably a good idea at some point to be like, do I really want this? But I don't feel like I've ever bought anything that I didn't want to have. You know? Yeah. Just like bought it just because.
i don't think I've ever done that. Especially with some of these figures. Like when you think of, when I think about some of the new Nightmare Freddy figures that I have, when I first bought them from Toys R Us, they were $14.
And now they're going for like $50, $60 at horror stores or more than that at conventions. It's crazy. Geez. Yeah. so Do you collect, do you have any of the, ah like the NECA?
i I don't even know why I'm asking you. It's probably stupid questions. a Question. Do you have, do you, do you collect like the NECA action figures that they've come out with or no? I have quite a few of them. i have ah i don't have all of them, but I do have quite a few of them. And then the larger, ah what is it? One quarter inch figure? What do they call those things? One 18th? I don't know. It's just a big it's that big Freddie.
I have part two and part three. That was a recent acquisition. That was an expensive acquisition, but I really wanted them. And I said, I've looked places and seen what they're going for. And at this moment in time, right now, they're cheaper than I've seen. I'm going to get them.
And so I got them, but yeah, I know I, I love the NECA stuff. ah So I have quite a, quite a few Freddy's from them.

Sassy's Lifestyle and Professional Journey

And I want to get into some, you've been you've been booked and busy, I'm assuming, since the last time. I mean, it seems like it anyway. Very, very busy lady you are. yeah Well, I thank you. You're like, ah was like I was like, you're like kind of like Carmen Sandiego because it's like, where is she going to show up next? with a Where the heck is she? If you if anyone knows what Carmen Sandiego is out there.
love Carmen Sandiego. Yeah. forget that some people might listen and be like, what the hell is Carmen Sandiego? Yeah, there people who are younger than us. There are people who were born in like 2010.
why yeah What? Yeah. Maybe Where's Waldo? That might be more relevant. I mean, Where's Waldo? I don't know. Bluey? Do they watch Bluey? That could also be one. but I see that. I mean, you you' you've attended like award shows.
we i see like I seen like a glimpse of, I'm not sure if you actually revealed but are you filming something new? Like what's what's going on in the world of you? Like, stop to Well, since I moved to Southern California, it really has been everything that I have assumed that was going to be with movies and events.
And especially in October, it's like, we've all got these spooky specials and we've got um we've got just this event or we're showing these horror movies or we have this horror festival, um you know, come on by. So that's what it's been. I mean, it's like going into one thing and then having a week ahead and being like, okay, I got one thing next week. And before I know it within 48 hours, all of my week,
days are gone. I remember there have been a couple of weeks in October alone when I've gone to, I've driven because I live near Irvine. So it's about, depending on the time of day, without much traffic, it's about 50 minutes.
yeah With traffic, it's about an hour and a half to Los Angeles. And so there are days when I've been driving that six out of seven days a week.
And I'm like, why do i not just, and I've booked hotels, but you know, hotels cost money. yep um And I'm just, even though the part of having that as part of a business is that you can expense it, it's still not the same. Like,
like So eventually I'll probably definitely move closer, but I do like Orange County because it's more quiet. um I'm not too far from San Diego. I'm nice and halfway in between Los Angeles and San Diego.
So that's been nice, but I've done several music videos. There are two music videos I was in, one I filmed in May and one that I filmed at the beginning of September. And I'm not sure when those are coming out. I think they're going to come out maybe by the end of the year or early next year.
And then I've had people ask me to be in movies. I'm like, I don't know. I'm not really an actress. They're like, but we want you in our movie. And I'm like, okay. Does it matter? yeah um I wrote an interview piece for Robert in the 40th anniversary issue of Fangoria that came out at the beginning of october And then what recently? Oh, i get to. So when this episode comes out, it'll already be out.
But i am in the recent dead meat episode. They're doing a kill count of Freddy versus Jason versus Ash nightmare warriors. And of course, Nancy's in that. So they asked me to do Nancy's voice.
So I did Nancy's voice for them. So that's out. God, I feel like there's a bunch of random stuff, but most of the time it's just me posting it in real time. But there's like a lot of footage in my phone that I haven't sat down and edited from like Midsommar Scream, which was ju July.
yeah Horror Hound, which was early in September, like all these other little events and things. I'm like, I'm going make a recap. I'm going to do these things. And I just, I have not. And I've been, i've been so like,
that even tonight, I'm like, I think I'm going to try and go do this thing that somebody invited you. And I'm like, you know what? I'm not going to do any of that. Tomorrow night, I'm like, is anybody doing anything locally? They're like, well, we have this thing in Los Angeles. I'm like, I don't want to drive up there that.
I would like to stay here. Please. Please. no thank you i mean please Jeez, it seems like you're, like I said, you're a sought actor. I mean, that's that's that's a thing, right? You like you get you get this kind of like a yeah get this kind of like fame almost, and you're like, you now people, like you said, people ask me to be in movies, and you're like, I'm not even an act actress or an actor, but they don't care. that They just want you to be in That's all they care about. You could be probably crappy in the movie for all they care. as long as Yeah, I suck.
um probably suck.
do you want to be a part of my movie and I'm like don't you want like an actual actor they're like but we like having you around and then I'm like yeah hey it's the personality yeah oh right and then recently I was in a popcorn pillow pillow Hold on a second. i have to find the full name.
Popcorn Pillow Frights, I think is the podcast. They did a Halloween special and that's with Amalia, who did Slasher Size and with ah Darcy, the male girl, and um horror vixen Vanessa, who does a lot of stuff with Bloody Disgusting.
um Pillow Frights, I think is it. Frights. podcast Yeah. um They came out with the Halloween special. That was so fun. It's like an hour long, but it's a variety show. It's a Halloween variety show.
And that's a lot of fun. um So, yeah, there's just been like random projects that I've been a part of. i want to Actually, you but actually brought something up. So i want to get into that the interview that you did.
um How did that come about? That... Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead. Oh, no, was going to say, how did that come about? Because that was, wouldn't say I was shocked by, know, when I saw that, because obviously, know, you are who you are and you do what you do. So, but it was, how was it surreal? Was it like, like, what was that being able to do, like, do an interview piece with the one and only Robert Englund?
Dude, it was one of those things that it feels like it would have never happened because over the years, I've befriended a lot of the Nightmare on Elm Street people, whether they're on camera, off camera, stunts, behind the scenes, whatever it might be.
And they're always like, do you and Robert have a relationship? And I'm like, he's really hard to get to. If he's ever been at a bar talking, I've not been there. yeah If I go to meet him, he costs so much money. I'm not going to keep going up to pay all this money. And then I don't really talk as much. I just kind of like, especially when it's a photo, I go, hey, Robert.
Yeah. is bad And my hair has always been different. And he sees so many people and he's an old man. So he's not going to remember. um But I didn't really. And I was doing a Fangoria booth at Horror Hound in Indianapolis in 2023.
And a lot of the nightre nightmare people were there and they invited me out to dinner on the last day. And I went to the hotel bar and lo and behold, Robert shows up.
Wow. And I was like, whoa. And so he sits down between Lisa Wilcox and Amanda Wiss, which is such a funny phrase to say. And he's yapping on to Lisa.
They're just the two of them. And Amanda and I are talking and he notices that he's not in the conversation that we're having. So. I, he goes, what are you guys talking about? And I was like, all right, here we go. And the next thing we know, he takes over the conversation. He's like, I'm looking away. And he's saying, no, look at me. Look at me. Are you paying attention? You're looking at me. I was like, I'm absolutely looking at you.
And I, and most of the people left. And at the end of the night, it was one of the handlers for the weekend. Um, Robert's appearance agent, Robert, Amanda, myself,
sitting at the table. um you know, so I spent four and a half hours listening to Robert Yap. Wow. and then we're leaving and he goes, so how do you know Amanda so well? And I was like, oh, yeah.
You know, i ah um I work for Fangoria sometimes. And I have known her like half my life through stuff. And he goes, ah, Fangoria. And he starts going on and on about how much he loves them.
And then he's like talking about what he's going to do with his collection as he gets older. And when he, everyone really, you know, kicks the bucket. And i yeah I'm like, whoa. And Amanda goes, Robert, you should give DeAndra that in interview.
And I was like, Oh my gosh. And goes, yeah, yeah. Okay. All right. He goes, Steven, that's his appearance agent. Give DeAndre your information. So we stayed in touch. we I pitched it to Phil, who I know very well of Fangoria. And he was like, oh yeah, if we could do something like that, that would be terrific.
And so I gave that ah to him. It took a couple of months because of the strike. He was not allowed to do any interviews during the strike. And then it came to the beginning of this past year.
And we did the interview. finally And I moved here, sat down at my laptop in Laguna Beach and was like, I'm just going to nail this because I was so nervous to like create this piece yeah about Robert. And I wanted to make it halfway good enough for the fans who were like mega fans that I know that are in my circle.
And then for people who are casual fans, yeah because not everybody knows everything. I mean, Robert says that the question he doesn't want to get asked anymore is how long did it take you in the makeup chair? And most of us would look at him and be like,
You know, it's taken like four to six hours, but people still don't know that. So you have to be able to find that balance between the two. And I also wanted to make it ah a tribute and a love letter to Robert um because he did talk about his collection and that he did talk about the beginning and when he started to notice things. Yeah.
So that was really, really important to me. And I've heard good things.

Impact of Freddy Krueger and Fangoria

So that makes me really, really excited. And it turns out that I do believe Robert has known, but didn't quite connect the dots. Because when went up to have him sign the art piece before the actual article came out of the cover, Heather took me up.
took me up And she we were talking with Robert up there. And then he goes, did you have a podcast? And I was like, in a Nightmare on Elm Street one?
And he goes, yeah. I was like, yeah. It was called Elm Street Radio. He goes, yeah, yeah. you should do that again. And I was like, yes, sir. but but so There've been, there've been times over the years where I'm sure that I've, he we've crossed paths, but I, I mean like that Facebook page he has that Robert Barton, England,
In like 2012 or something, he commented on my profile and was like, great look. And it was in the midst of all the Nancy cosplay stuff. yeah And so there's been like little bits and pieces here, but nothing major. But that was just cool to sit down. And when he calls me on the phone, I actually have the very beginning of that phone call. And then there's a bunch of stuff that I didn't even get to use in the actual interview, but I'll probably take those snippets about like,
the kind of movies that Robert would like to see next for, um, a nightmare on Elm street or other little bits and pieces. Cause you had to whittle it down to like 2000 words or something like that. 1600 words.
I can't remember what it was, but, um, so yeah, there's, there's a lot of extra stuff, but to get a phone call and to be like, hello, this is Robert England. And you're just like, what the fuck? It's just for an hour. Yeah.
And I think I prepared like eight questions. I'm like, just in case, I think I maybe got four out. Yeah. ge I was like, was like, what's the frick? He's like, ah I can only, i have another, what did he call it? A phoner after this. I got a phoner after this. So Nancy, his wife, is going to have to keep me, you know, on track. But he went a little bit over and he's like, all right, she's yelling at me. I got to go.
Yeah. I hope you got some good stuff. And I was like, absolutely, Robert. But the whole time I'm sitting there going, I'm sitting there going, i cannot believe going, because it was just phone. We didn't actually do video. and so yeah And there are parts when you'd be like, yeah, when new nightmare came out in 1995 and I was like, 1994. He's like, know if you've ever read the magnificent original script that Wes wrote with Bruce Wagner for part three. And I was like,
oh yes I do believe I have not knowing that I've like delved into that thing so many times so I eventually i did when I when I had seen him again I was like I didn't want to spoil it Robert but like I'm a I'm a really big nightmare fan. And I think that's kind of maybe what started to connect the dots, but yeah. Yeah.
yeah So it was a really cool experience. Oh man. i you know, like as many people as I like interviewed for the show, like that, you know, that are in like, you content creator space or, you know, doing something and they, you it's one of those things that they always, when they get to meet, you know that person, know, that, you know that drove them or gave them the, you the ideas to do what they need to do.
It's always like that moment of like validity. Yeah. did you feel did you feel like like Did you feel valid at that point? Like, no, this is it. Like, you can't... I'm signed, sealed, delivered. Like, you can't tell me I'm not a you know, um I'm pretty much in the Nightmare on Elm Street universe right now.
that's That's how I would be if I was in that position. Yeah. I have collected all of the Fangoria issues with Freddie on the cover. Like that's just such a staple of the horror world. And of course, in Wes Craven's new nightmare, Wes or not West chase is wearing a Fangoria shirt.
Yep. And so it's just like Fango and Freddie have this great relationship. And Phil told me whenever, Freddie is on the cover, they sell more copies.
And so it's just, it's just this great, like mutually beneficial sort of thing. And Robert talked to me a lot about Tony Timponi, who was the editor in chief before Phil in the olden days of Fango before they got sold and then repurchased.
yeah And I got to meet Tony Timponi. couple weeks ago at mad monster, no son of monster Palooza in Burbank. And that was super cool because ah that was just like, he's just somebody that I guess I'd never thought I'd cross paths with, but he's still very involved in the horror world. And I think that that's just so, so cool. I love Fangoria.
um I love that they've been so kind to me over the years and that we've just done all sorts of stuff. And so actually, The beginning of November, we are having like a contributors round table in the Fangoria subscriber group.
So, and I will be participating in that to talk about my article, which will be a lot of fun. I'm very excited. I love Fangio. Yeah, Fangory's been one of those yeah staples for her.
they've been him around since she nineteen seventy nine yeah late late seventy s i say yeah I mean, I remember, ah yeah obviously i was all I was little, but one of my cousins, huge huge horror fan, ah all over his room just covers...
of Fangoria. and He was a huge collector. was able to... I was too scared I was a little old until I looked through the magazines stuff like that because they were very frightening as a child.

Horror Movie Trends and Icons

Especially in the 80s and 90s, yes. sir i mean Not to say that you the the horror movies back then were a lot more... you know I'm not going to say they were they're pretty much more creative back then when it came to like the characters and stuff like that.
you know like Things like Nightbreed and like you those those types of movies. Hellraiser. The ones that really like freaked me out. yeah and I feel like especially back then too, there weren't as many there wasn't as much violence like openly out in the world well um and and available that I could think of maybe. But, but so I would think that that would be even more shocking.
Like looking back at the, what is it, that theater recording of people watching Halloween and like audibly screaming. And you're like, that's not even that scary. oh But back then, ah with how everything was and looked, I mean, today and we have a lot more advances in technology and acting, I guess.
But back then, i just think it was a whole different ball game and they really went for the gore factor of the Fangoria articles and others and imagery and everything like that.
Yeah, kind of actually you got you brought up a good point because um i was i figured I was talking to one of my friends about this past week and about you know horror movies nowadays and obviously you have Terrifier which is like kind of like taking over the world and it's one of those things where you would never have thought a character like that would be able to exist in today's world. Cause you said, obviously there was a lot of violence back in the day. And like, yeah, was like the, you know, slasher films are, you know, extremely violent.
And then it kind of like subsided a little bit, um you know, the two thousands and stuff. And then now it's just like, if you've watched terrify, you know what I'm talking about. Yeah. enough It's not for the, ah I mean, it's, you know, people walking out of the theater, throwing up all that type of stuff.
Yeah. it's but It's the kind of bore yeah gore and like extended gore and gore level that I think has come close to shocking people as much as it probably did with yeah what we got in the back then.
yeah that one Like that is the closest thing because of everything we've been through. It's a lot more extreme now. ah But even like, God, what was that one?
fudge, dead or alive, right? Yes. Yes, like that house with the level of gore in it or even like society or just a bunch of the gore levels back then were pretty crazy. And I don't think we've seen anything that like that.
as much since then. yeah i think that's also another reason why The Substance has been such a favorite. like the The last act of that movie is so insane that people are laughing. i It's my favorite movie of the year.
And I don't like body horror. It's just not really been my thing. But I freaking love that movie so much. And the way that that is like, ugh. it It's just it's a perfect movie.
Yeah, the people is actually, she's really good. Yeah. Yeah, it's ah it's like I said, it's one of those things where you have that you have those types of movies. and do you like as a horror fan, do have you would you have thought that like these types of movies movies would be like even available today? Like I said, in today's climate, today's world, you know a lot of PC things are happening. To have a movie like The Terrified be the number one unrated movie, or the highest grossing unrated movie of all time,
is pretty insane to think in 2024. yeah it's ah It's like, i don't get it. Like, it's like, <unk> it's a, do you see like a a world where, you know, obviously that kind of set the bar for it, but do you see a world where we get those types of characters back? Because obviously, you know, it's a franchise now. It's, you know, it's three movies in.
he you know he has that type of not to compare him to like Freddie or you know Michael Myers or Jason but he has that like mysticism to him.
is he yeah I agree. He's a real person. He's in your dreams. He's in the real world. like it's like it's like it's a It's almost like begging to have those like you know, characters come back. I mean, in the right way anyway. Hopefully it's, you know, yeah done with the right people and the right things.
Yeah. I think it's a whole mix of things with art. I think it's the extreme nature of it. Cause horror fans are like, Holy fuck. Like what?
And then art is just a silly guy. He's an interesting character. he is the perfect mix of like Michael and Freddy because he's got personality, but he doesn't say a god darn word. No, he doesn't.
He's got that mystery, but I very much believe that Art is absolutely like... amy going toward rock star status as far as horror icons. Right now, he's almost in the 1988 Freddy Krueger era. yeah Might even say maybe Nightmare 3. Maybe Terrifier 4 is going to really become ah hit his Freddy from like Nightmare 4 era yeah of popularity because he's really getting up there. i mean I love what they've done with the marketing for this of...
of surprising theaters by showing it or like sending him to Spencer's sending him to spirit Halloween. I love that. That's so creative. That's so fun. That's so 80s. Like once he starts getting put in like Japanese television shows yeah or you know, SNL, they have art, the clown on, or he makes ah an appearance on Conan O'Brien. that's when you know he's hit Freddy Krueger Ralph's status. And I feel like he will get there.
And it has just been incredible to see that. And so many horror fans are like, why don't we have icons like Freddy and Jason and Michael anymore? Now we freaking do. And there's this whole discourse about violence in these movies and oh it's so much it's so misogynistic and I'm like did you guys not watch like 80s slasher movies do you not see have you not read men women in chainsaws do you know that this is not normally a theme of this kind of stuff plus then in Terrifier 3 he heard he heard you guys he was like he only does bad stuff to the girls and then he was like nope children and men too yeah And he, he oh, he went in on that one dude, man. Everybody was freaking out. You know, the shower scene, that whole bit. People were like, what the fuck? I saw the Beyond Fest.
And the people in the crowd were just going nuts. It was an amazing experience to be a part of. that action and so i'm just so excited for damien and things like that and i'm curious to see what other indie filmmakers are going to start creating because of that are we gonna then keep going back into the slashers are we gonna start more gory super gory super shocking horror like that fun though maybe yeah i mean we could probably go the martyrs route which i've never seen any of those like
you know, those, those, a Serbian film sort of things. I still have never seen the humans, that sort of stuff. It's not really my bag. So I don't think I'll watch it. I'm not like one of those horror fans who can watch any, anything. I just, I'm kind of like, I feel like I'd watch that.
I feel like I'd watch that. Maybe I won't watch that. Um, but, ah I'm curious to see what this is going to spark in the horror community because horror is just taking with this marketing. I mean, the marketing for long legs, the cultural impact of long legs, everybody talking about the substance, tying it in with brat summer. I mean, oh it's, Oh, I love it so much. It's so exciting. Yeah. Yeah.
i do ah I do partake in a lot of ah short horror films on YouTube because that seems to be a huge boom of that happening. and Some of these are pretty amazing.
go almost like a rabbit hole of... almost like a rabbit hole of ah short horror flicks on YouTube. Is that, do you, do you find yourself doing that at all? Do you, you know, stick with the, you know, the feature length films?
i get a lot of people who send me their stuff or my friends. well People that I know on the internet will make them. I could do a better job of going out and finding more because I was doing that a lot in 2023. And i had a ah blast doing that. But I find that there are so many great movies. And I even have to go back and start looking at more fan films that people are making because I always love fan films so much.
And there's a ton of those. i just I legitimately, people are like, what have you been watching for Halloween? I'm like, uh...
ah It's hard. That's why I've been watching short. Yeah, that's, that's what I should be doing. I probably won't end up even doing anything on Halloween only because I know that I have to get two things out of the way. I have to watch um the original Halloween.
And then I have to figure out what my second movie is going to be. Like the original Halloween is always my tradition. I have to watch it every Halloween or I'm going to die. And then I want to watch a second movie, but I always switch that up. I feel like I want to make it Halloween three every year because I love Halloween

Favorite Halloween Movies and YouTube Ventures

three. It's either that or trick or treat, but already watched trick or treat this October down at, uh, Synespa and in the Hollywood forever cemetery, which was awesome because I spent most of the night with Mike Doherty.
Um, Oh, wow. Yeah, because he showed up and me and my friends were, you know, we were the werewolf girls. And we were like, everybody wanted a picture with us. And Mike kept sneaking into the pictures or he asked to get pictures. And we were like, this is the best thing that' ever happened. and This is amazing. And so that was a really great trick or treat night. So yeah, I'm trying to figure out what my, unless I then go like a, like a, like a family friendly movie that I've always watched, like Halloween town.
I've got to, I'm watching Hocus Pocus tonight for sure, but I don't know. I just don't know. i don't know what it's going to be. i mean, I live in math. So yeah, yeah it's Hocus Pocus is a definite every, every October you have to,
You have to watch that. It's it's my home. it's my it's i i mean I live like 20 minutes away. they used to live in Selma. um my cap's name is winifred so but i mean even yeah That's Even more perfect.
but Yeah, definitely. um ah One of my favorite channels on YouTube is it's called Alter. Or Watch Alter. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's where that's where i watch most of the short horror films. because eight Well, hey, if you have any, send them to me. I would love i would love to see them. I always love getting recommendations for that.
yeah It gets a little crazy, too. sometimes like that Obviously, they're not all ah not all the short horror films are great. like I've just found Alter has like the more... They see more clean... not Not clean in the sense that they're you know friendly, but they see more Hollywood level.
um they don't they will They don't look low-budget at all. And they fit like... the story like it you know in 13 or 20 minutes depending how long the story is and they're really good. like i I'll send you a few. I'll shoot you a few.
Please. i always I always love finding out movies like that. I see this like weird one. I got to try to find it again. it was, I was on tech talk and you know, like if you scroll through tech talk and you see one, someone reviewing a movie and you keep on scrolling more movies, like more videos or like that's how your algorithm works.
I seen one where a it was it was, have to try to find and send it to you. If you haven't seen already, it's a mix of stop motion animation and real photos. Oh, yeah.
It's like, it's basically this boy gets his camera and he's taking pictures. soy It's stop motion. It's claymation whatever. And he's taking pictures and they like, when they snap it, it's like, it's real world. It's not like a claymation.
thing but then um i don't want to give away the the story of what happens but i'll have to find it i'll sit that one i'll definitely send to because you get to see that it's cool it's um it's very creative and and very uh creepy at the same time but uh yeah definitely i'll definitely send that are you so are you i know you said you're filming movies or you're gonna be hopefully filming movies have you thought of like dipping into any more like short horror films at all? Just in between time, i have people reached out to you and said, hey we need you to be in this? or
People have talked about it, and I'm like, let me think about it I would like to make ah some of my short... I like have a couple of ideas that I want to do, but I just have not that down and and put them together. My actual goal for um the beginning of the year, because actually sometimes I get really frustrated filming like actual movies and yeah stuff because it takes so long.
Even the music videos, I'm like, we've been here for three days. This thing is three minutes long. like What are we doing? We've been here for three days on a a music video.
All right. Two days, but still, yeah that like how long is what you what do you do? Are you like use them person in it? Is that what it is? Is that, are you the band? and I mean, you, yeah, actually the last couple of times I have been, but still it's like, there's one day that's dedicated to the insert shots. And then there's other days that's dedicated to the band and filming the band and all the extra stuff with the band. And so,
it it It kind of goes back and forth with that. And then they're like, we've got to get this. We've got to get multiple takes. And we've got to get this camera over here. And can we get this lighting? We need you to adjust this lighting. And we need to do this. We have to do this special effect that's practical.
So you have to set it up. And it's just like... constantly something different that causes it to go forever but you're just like i'm so tired and then like when i've made shorts i mean when i made when we made five stars that took two days and that was so exhausting and i just was like i don't want to do this that often like do you want to be a director i'm like don't think so probably more boring don't want to yeah that's why i like making little skits because i'm like yeah i can knock this out in 30 minutes to an hour even 10 10 minutes yeah uh so it's like that's much more interesting to me and it helps me not get so bored or overwhelmed with things but i do have a couple of my little shorts that
Yeah, I would I would love I would love to to get out there just to get out of my brain because I've been talking about them for years and I've just never done anything with them. But I do want to do my little YouTube channel again.
ah But I want to make it more video essay ask because I'm like super into learning about things. like random stuff. Like, do you know why people think that there razor blades and people's candy? And I'm like, I don't know. I want find Tell me Tell me about the history of razor blades and people's candy. Or there was this one that it was like the history of the bed.
And I was like, terrific play. Terrific. I want that. I want that so badly. I love that kind of stuff. Yeah. So there's just like little things that I've learned um,
ah Just all the stuff that I do and I'm thinking to myself like, huh, I have this question. I would love to share it And it's usually spooky based. And then I go on this whole like Google journey and then eventually figure out the answer. And I'm like, this would probably be something that other people would want to learn about. And it would just be fun.
i just want to have fun because for quite some time I was not having Yeah, definitely. And now i feel like I'm figuring out a way to have fun again. And it has just made me so much happier.
And yeah, I just want to continue to kind of just have fun, entertain, educate, do whatever, not try to think too much, not try to be like, Too much in your own head. Because I think that's when you start doing stuff online, and I'm sure you you get this all the time, you start to be like, comparing yourself to other people or yeah and what should what should I be doing? It's always the algorithm and what's popular and what's working versus what you actually want to do and trying to find that balance of things. Yeah.
That's why everybody's videos, I think sometimes, especially in this influencer landscape, start to look and feel the same. And I don't want that. I don't want somebody to be like, I got a chance to go to this. And I'm like, I'm always like, scroll, scroll, scroll. And I've talked to other ones too. And they're all like, yeah, I'm so bored. That's why I don't do anything like that anymore. And I'm like, amen. We're all in the same boat. yeah Just want to have fun. I was thinking about that too. Yeah, i don't do that anymore.
That's old. Yeah, i don't do that. But yeah, I do the same thing. I like, you know, obviously I'm more of the wrestling content area and it's like flooded now with like so many different people do it like, you know, they do like live reaction videos or, you know so they're posting a lot of that.
Um, there's a lot of people that have been, you that started like their accounts like years and years ago that are like, obviously way ahead. my thing is I just try to like, I just try to collaborate as much as I can with people and,
Like I said, the the one thing I do like is when I do do these interviews and um you know I have someone from that community or any community and i you know I'll post a clip from the but the interview as like ah as a reel something like that or a TikTok.
The reaction is pretty cool um from their pairs and stuff like that. They're oh my God, I can't believe... oh my god this person's so grateful so i'll get those things and that's that's what i appreciate the most is that you know there are people actually seeing seeing this first and foremost or even listening to it but um you know stuff like that definitely helps like um especially like for some reason i interview a lot of cosplayers um because i thought i follow a lot of cosplayers um would you consider yourself that like kind of like a I used to really be, then I stopped, and now I'm trying to get back

Cosplay Creativity and Horror Films

into it. So, like, I did the Fred the Janitor, which went over so well. I was going to bring that too. Oh, great.
Everybody freaking loves Fred. Dude, Fred was such a hit. i love that Fred, although I'm so glad that I cannot grow a mustache because that got in my pizza. You might have to make that ah character though. That might have to be like a, like one of your characters, i think. and I'm going to have to bring out Fred more often. And then I have like a couple of other cosplays that I really want to do. I want to do like a mashup of Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City and Carrie from Carrie, Carrie White and do a Carrie Bradshaw. And she's just Carrie Bradshaw, but covered in blood, you know, stuff like that. Or,
I have a Randall flag from the nineteen ninety s ah you know, the stand miniseries directed by Mick Garris that I put together last year. And I want to bop down Las Vegas and that at some point.
So Yeah, I love doing that. I love i love to create and i love following cosplayers all the time. I was watching somebody today and I'm like, where do you put all of these? Mine are in like bins and bins and bins. Like, oh my gosh, some of the amount of costumes and like space that some of these people, this one girl today, she's like cosplaying characters that used to traumatize me. And it was Christopher Walken as the Headless Horseman from Sleepy Hollow. And it was so good. was like, what the fudge? Like the way they crank these out consistently or like Alice and Tabitha and the amount of talent she has or Yaya Han and how they can. Oh yeah. Yep.
That's why I've got to really go in on learning how to sew. I've just got to sit down. I've got to learn so I can make my own costumes because there's a lot of stuff that I really want to do, but you you basically have to make it.
Oh, yeah, definitely. Well, I mean, the the ones that, have you i and like I said, i've interviewed like a lot of cosplayers. And some of them, you know, nowadays it's a little bit harder because they're doing a lot more, you know, cons and all that stuff. they're going to like Comic-Con and all these things.
So they have to you know, either, you know, order it off of Amazon and kind of like maneuver and stuff like that. Yeah. There's not many really you doing it from the ground up. One of my favorites, I've had her on twice, over the moonsault. She does everything she knows how to sew. So of her cosplay everything she knows out of se so all of her all of our cosplays all manual. It's all hand done. Nothing's ordered.
But I think even then she said, you know, it's been getting a lot harder to do that stuff. So you we're ordering pieces here and there and trying to like maneuver and that stuff. So I couldn't be in that world. and It's a lot. I mean, I don't have the creative mind to do that.
i My hat's off to all and everybody who does that. ah My favorite by far, I'm not sure if you follow him. If you don't, you should. Is ah the Machoverse.
Oh my God. Machovers! Yes. I follow the I'm actually going to have him on again, I think, next month ah to interview. because he he will us I was actually very i was very floored by his... um yeah we We did the first interview, and I you know i sent him the video and stuff, so he can... He's like, oh, where is it on YouTube? So I had showed it to him himself and stuff. messaged you back, and he's like, hey, he's like he like that's the most fun I had. He i had a great time.
He's like, it's a best of interview. I'm like, oh, thank you. So, like, from there, we've just been, you know, pretty much, like, you friends, I would like to say. But I'm going to have him on again. But he's super creative with him. Like, the last thing he just did was Macho maco Wolverine or Macho Reen.
Yes, I saw that. I saw him in Beetlejuice. Yes, Macho Juice. Oh, my God. He's just so good. And then what was it? He did, like... um something with a bunch of different macho men like yeah so there's i guess a bunch of different yeah and i'm like a macho the macho verse multiverse or whatever it was yeah i was like interact with each other is amazing a The Beetlejuice one, ah that was the funniest one because he that was before the the they even and announced.
He did that actually before they announced the second Beetlejuice movie. So he was kind of like ahead of his time in that. but But the reaction videos where he's walking around as the macho beetle or...
um yeah One of them was like, Ric Flair, like he's at a table and he's like, you he's like talking to Ric Flair and Ric Flair's just like laughing hysterically because it's, it's like, who would have thought to put that together?
Like Macho Man and Beetlejuice. It's the weirdest thing. ah And there's that, there's that being floating around of ah Rob Zombie where it says Rob Zombie looks like, you Macho Man is like a zombie pretty much.
And he has kind a with a beard and a cowboy hat. That's hilarious. Yeah. um Speaking of, actually, you know Speaking of rob Zombie... Would you actually, you can watch 31 for, for Halloween. That could be a second movie. 31. If you watch that all Hallows Eve.
um Oh, I love that one. All Hallows Eve, the hollow from the early 2000s with Nick. Oh, dude. I but thought for the longest time, i'm like, what was that movie?
What was that movie that I watched as a kid and then found it and was like, and I think it's all on YouTube. I'm pretty sure the whole darn thing is on YouTube. You do Pumpkin That's another one you could do. If you want to watch that. but and I don't know why that randomly caught my head. but but yeah I'm going to plug my friend's movie. My friend did a movie that's on Screambox called Creeping Death.
It's pretty good. Ooh, okay. I'll have to check that out. I'm good for... ah um I'm not relegated to Halloween. Yeah, it's not regular relegated to Halloween to watch horror movies, but it's always... yeah gives that extra edge when you watch it.
Especially Halloween-themed horror movies. like yeah that's yeah that For me, that's the time of year when I really go hard. I only watch the original Halloween on Halloween. Yeah. yeah have to I mean, i've reach I recently watched, obviously, House of a Thousand Corpses.
You have to throw that on. because I mean, you can probably watch it, obviously, tonight because it's Hallow's Eve. Right. And that's when it happens. But um that and what was the other? There was another Halloween movie I was thinking of. It wasn't really. it's Actually, it's not Halloween.
It's an old movie. um I actually watched ah Tales from the Hood. Have you ever seen that movie before? Oh, my gosh. Yes. I watched that last night. Wow. I think it was on Tubi or something like that.
And I was like, yeah some great stuff oh, Tubi has a lot of, uh, very, very odd, like B movie, horror movies and stuff like that. Definitely. and like death I think it's death machine that I watched recently with Brad Dourif and Richard break.
Yeah. Is it good? Did you want, did you, It was fine, but it was fun. Yeah. Would I watch it again? i don't know. Maybe. i don't know if I would. But even Rachel Weisz is in it for like three seconds.
I was crazy. I'm like, Richard, break. Yeah. like what the hell What the hell is he doing on here? know.

YouTube Aspirations and Community Support

But ah before we end, ah I just want to ask, you know, you kind of talked about it a little bit as far as you know,
you' I don't want to say goals, but where do you see... you know You've done a lot you know since the last time we spoke. Where do you see yourself like in a year or so like going forward? like ah Like you said, you wanted to start the YouTube back up again.
you see yourself... like taking this brand even further or you know, kind of like regrouping and saying, you know kind of like replanning, like, here's what I want to do for, you know, the next year or so. What, what does it look, what's, what's it looking like for you going, going forward from here?
I think I like doing all my little silly horror things. Ideally, i do want to do like YouTube full-time, probably follow somewhat in like the dead meat footsteps.
I would love to be able to go to conventions like that or travel the world or use my use my platform for good, you know making helping other people make their their horror movies and then you know whatever YouTube money there might be.
investing that in other things. And because I feel like Dead Meat has been a really good example of um people who give others opportunities and are just fans who are out there in the world. I mean, and and it's incredible because I saw them at Horror Hound at the beginning for the first time I saw them was that in March and they had a longer line than anybody.
They had a longer line than Eli Roth. I can't even remember who else was there. It was just like they were packed to like Robert England level lines the whole weekend, which is amazing for them. And I hope that they continue to have that ah success because they're really, really nice people.
And they throw a banger in Halloween party. mean, that's a plus, definitely. Yeah, I would expect nothing less. Let's be honest. And ah so which actually, you know, before I let you go, which Halloween do you do you appreciate the Rob Zombie Halloweens?
I would like to appreciate them more. I think I appreciate part two more than I appreciate part one because I tried to rewatch part one and I was like, but I know it's really catching on out there. I just still cannot get behind it.
Yeah. it's Yeah, I've noticed that. r two is all You've noticed me ah Yes, i've I've noticed you, but I've notice i noticed that that's been yeah that his movies have been kept those versions um halloween yeah catching on a little bit.
often Especially, like you said, the second one, obviously. but I'm actually ah but um actually looking at the those Alter short films. I'm going to ask you before you go, have you seen Other Side of the Box?
Have you seen that short film? Or no. All right, good. I'm sending that one to you. That one is a very good one. It's

Closing Remarks and Online Presence

15 minutes and it's a, um it's, it's good.
know, I'll leave it at that, but. Thank you for joining me again. This was amazing. It's always good to catch up and see you um and see that you're progressing.
I'm always happy when people are out there living their dreams and doing what they love the most. Thank you. I appreciate that. That's the best. That's the best thing seeing that.
Not a lot of people say that though. Say it to your face and they're like, why she, go why is she where she is? Oh, how come she gets it? That's true. have had that. So good. Gosh, if I hear it, cause you know, like there's a lot of creators out there.
Yes. yeah yeah Who are like, that I've talked to that I've gotten close with who were like, why does this person have this? They're not even that good. Why did they have this? They're not even, and I'm like, I'm like, girl, I know you talk about me like this behind my back.
Let's all love each other. that's I know. Or all anybody talks about is all the brand deals they're getting. Why don't we just stand here and vibe? Why don't we just talk about horror movies?
Yeah, exactly. Like one i one of the great things I loved about like, you know, interviewing cosplayers is they all but like, I'll bring up somebody. Oh yeah. to Interview this person. Or I talk, they're like, Oh my God, I love him. or Oh my God. I love her. yeah They all love each other.
They all meet up. Cosplay obsessed. Yeah. Like get into it. You know what? If it's, if the, you know, the horror area not treating you right. People are talking to Go to the, go to the cosplayer. They all come over and be my friend. Yeah. Yeah.
i'll i'll hand i'll get some people I'll send some people over your way and they'll definitely watch. but um Again, thank you for being on the show and let everyone know where they can find you. i am everywhere as Sassy Sledgehammer. Sometimes it's hammer in its full form. Sometimes it's HMMR because of the character limit.
And then I have a documentary that's on Tubi, Voodoo, and Amazon called Fred Heads, all about the a Nightmare on Elm Street fandom. So that's about it. And, da you know, i already said where you could find me, MVP Marco. Find me wherever you If you want to follow me, you can.
If you don't want to, that's also fine. yeah i'm not I'm not the most entertaining. I'm going to try. I'm going try to get more entertaining. it's ah I have some ideas. i want to attack these videos in a different way. but so He wants to attack people.
That I would follow a lot. I'm going to bring that back. I was attacking people on film and posting it online. you know Hopefully I don't get fucked. You know, you might. You might have put that on there.
Check out this dude. still follow you. folly I'd help them hide the body. Ridiculousness. That's all. Ridiculousness. Heck yeah. I'm here for that. And that's actually, you know, before I go, that's my wind down. If I watch something very creepy and very that like really touches my soul i before bed.
Ridiculous. It'll bring me back to earth. And, i you know, there's no monsters in my closet or anything out of my bed. Have you seen have you seen the SNL skit with Chad?
And it's like yeah Chad and the hormone. Oh my God. I love that so much. And they're like, Chad, do you know what's happening? Are you watching TV right now? And he's like, ridiculousness. yeah
You slept with my girlfriend. Oh, I'm sorry. we're like, I love i've freaking love that so much. But every time, every time ridiculousness is on, I love it because I love ridiculousness, but I would go ridiculousness every single time.
Love it. but that's Yeah, that's my, like I said, that's my center. And that's before you go too, because I know I'm keeping you but before you go, I did say i did um think of something that you can look up for your YouTube series.
You ever see like how people, they say you're not supposed to have a mirror in your room? I've wondered why. You ever heard you ever heard that before? Yeah. Do you know where that is? or have heard theories, but there's always something to research. oh That's such a good but such a good thing to do.
yeah Yes, I would like to know because I have a lot of mirrors in my bedroom. And if you do, you're not supposed to like... put them facing your bed. There's just a whole lot of stuff. You're not supposed to be able to wake up and see yourself in the mirror.
I don't know why that is. Because you look awful. That is true. You definitely will get scared if you wake up the middle of the night and go, like wiping your eyes and everything.
That and the Appalachian Mountains. That creates me out there as well. i have been wondering about that. Yeah, my ah one of my interviews that I have coming out, we actually talk about the Appalachian Mountains because they drove they actually had to travel through there and they did see some odd things happening. So you have to listen to the episode to find out what they saw. I yeah i hate hate to leave a cliffhanger, but other that, I'm going to let you go.
Thank you, everyone, for listening. And I will talk to you soon. Later. Thanks for having me.