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The Fig Guys: 2024 - The Wrestling Figure Year In Review

The Chick Foley Show
94 Plays2 months ago

A joint episode with The Fig Guys. The Pod Warriors join up with Tom & Mike to review 2024 the year in wrestling figures!

What's up,

Introduction and Guest Appearance

everybody? Welcome back to a very special edition of the Fig Guys Meets. The pod warriors. It's me, the OG Fig Kid, Thomas Montalto, joining me as always, the hottest hot tag partner in the business.
I'm muted. It's me. It's me. It's good. All might be ladies and gentlemen. Happy new year. happy Happy holidays. All that fun stuff. Welcome to our year end review right here at fit guys. Obviously we are joined with the best of the best. The two bad bros from the chick Foley show. We're excited for this man. So yeah, this is going to be

2023: A Year in Wrestling Figures

huge. We were were were just talking before we started recording how spoiled We've been this year with all these awesome, awesome figures from all across the board, man. It's insane. I mean, we have a loaded, loaded show, a lot on our plates that, you know, just dissect and discuss. It's going to be fun. It is. But let's introduce our guests, our crossover. It's like a crossover episode. It's like when Happy Days meets Mark and Mindy.
Wow. Of course, Tom goes with a 1970 show. Yeah. so what What's up, Seth? How's it going, buddy? Going good, man. Me and Jordan actually just got done recording an episode of the Goalliner football show that's on the Chick Foley show feed. So appreciate you guys having us here. You know, me and Jordan are the pod warriors. We're kind of, we're hawking animal. And then we've always said Tom's the the puke of the the road warrior show. There you go.

Chick Foley Show Spotlight

yeah But not a happy, happy to be here. Find all the links for for our show. And if you guys love football, check out the goal line. It's an absolutely amazing podcast. i'm I'm just a semi football guy, but like I get all my info from them and they fill me in and I almost feel smart when I'm done listening to it. So hey, and for the the the betting folks out there, dude, look at our track record, a dude. We're both up, man. We have but we we bet, you know, with it's imaginary money, so it's a little bit easier to spend the dice on it. But we have absolutely crushed it, dude. We've almost 3x'd our freaking money that we've been betting this year, dude. So we've been handing out some serious winners, man. Wow. That's awesome. Hell l
Jordan, how are you doing buddy?

Reissues and Collector Frustrations

I'm good, man. Uh, just getting over a Christmas and everything and everybody was sick in my house. So it's just been great fun around here, but yeah, excited to be back on with you boys. And, uh, yeah, I'm excited to talk about some figures. Yeah. I mean, the first thing I want to start with Seth is earlier this year, we were talking about, you know, Mattel's had the line for so long. What are they going to do to keep it going? Now we're here at the end of this year. How do you feel now after you asked that question about a year ago?
Dude, I'm not a fan of the reissue era. like i just i know what you know If you hear them say that it doesn't take away from the existing lines, but I don't feel like there's any way that it's not taking away from some of the attention and love and effort going into producing new figures, man. like i was kind of I was cool when it was like you know a set here or there.
of re-releases but it feels like you know it's about 50-50 now between re-releases and new figures coming out man and it's just for I get it I hate to be like a gatekeeper and be like oh you know these things just stayed old but it's just as somebody who's been in the line for you know over 10 years at this point ah it's it's hard to get as excited for you know vault series five or you know legend's greatest hit series two whatever man so I'm kind of still that same way. That being said, you know, they're pumping out a great product that QC issues aside from the new factory. It's still probably the best time ever in history to be a wrestling figure collector. Plus, the one thing I like is they've announced now with the from the vault lines and the other lines, like they're at least changing them up more than they were. yeah yeah And yet to me, it's more meat on the bone than just a repaint with the new technology. Like if you're going to update it, just update it.
ah don't Don't just repaint it. like you know for sure Let's get new heads. Let's get different color things. Let's let's just make it worth buying or else there's no reason to want to buy it. But like we saw Ultimate Edition outside as Ultimate Edition Steiner. I still think we're getting some really good stuff. so you know It's going to be fun to see how we discussed this at the end of 2025.
Yeah, it'd be crazy. I'm looking forward to it though. like I know the re-releases are beating a dead horse. ah you know ah You know, my my opinion on it, some of them I'm okay with, some of them I'm not, but i like the fact that we're getting like a John Cone with the Smackdown gear, super cool. Like those those a little, yeah, those are nice. Yeah, so I'll take those with a smile. I bought four figures to get to one John Cone and now I could have just bought it.
that That's where the stuff bothers me. If you're going to tell me it's an exclusive and I have to spend a hundred bucks to get it and then like a year later I could just buy the figure and it's the same thing like with Ultimate Editions like com or something like that. like don't Don't give me an exclusive and then re-release it as a solo. yeah Listen, I'll take it because my distribution's been shipped. I was not able to get John Cone. So yeah we web it's gotten really bad. i've I've really noticed it around here. Like everybody used to just assume I'd get every figure I wanted, but the distribution is so bad now, um, especially Walmart. I feel like, I feel like my Walmart will put out a set that was supposed to be released like a year ago. And then all of a sudden the next day they'll just drop the set. That's what's come out now. And I mean, unless you're checking daily, which I don't have time for that. I just can't be checking at Walmart every day. So.
It is frustrating as a collector to to go through this, but yeah, I'm with you guys. The re-release era is just, it's not for me. I'm fine with the deep cuts. Like when they released King Harley race, like that was an understandable one. I mean, a lot of people couldn't get that figure originally, so it was understandable, but yeah it's just, it's frustrating as a collector. so Really is. So what do you say we jump into some of our ah categories here for 2024?

Worst Figures of the Year

Let's start off with one of everybody's favorite. Let's start off with the worst figure of the year. Seth, we'll start with you with this one.
So to me, man, for multiple reasons, I'm going with the Mattel Creations exclusive CM Punk from his return at a Survivor Series 2023. I don't think that's a great figure on its own. Like it's just it's plain as hell for an exclusive.
And they they didn't even get the pants right. He was wearing gray jeans, but he's got blue pants on. So he's got the wrong color pants. and So it's a mid figure. I think it would have been cool if they had found a way to like fast track it. And like this thing was out by like WrestleMania time, right? Like he debuted a survivor series, you know,
we get the thing up for pre-order the next week and say, hey, these things are going to ship by WrestleMania weekend. But the fact that it took over a year, and so like I think like one batch already got sent out, but then there's the whole wrestling weren't going to be until February. So you're looking at basically a year and a half for a plain ass street clothes figure that's not even accurate. ah just And I'm not a ah punk fan anyways, you guys know that. Hard pass for me. I was such a like i see people upset about it, excited to get it and upset about it. I'm just like,
I cannot relate at all. Like I don't know why that figures is useful for you. I mean, again and argue that at all Jordan, what about you? Mine was easy. I hated this figure when they announced it in the series and I hate it even more getting in an and and.
I'm going LA night defining moments. I hate the head scans on this figure and it's not a defining moment. Like if you look back at the history of this line, like all those figures are actually defining moments. LA night is not defining any moment in my history as a wrestling fan. I think that's the biggest reason why I hate it is because of the line it's in. I just, it's such a misplaced figure in that line. And I know they're going to ruin it as we go on, just like,
Everything about defining moments is is just changing now. just They dropped off from that series one to series two, even as a set. Gigantic. The first set of the comeback was awesome. The second set was like, it's like they had the figures. they they It's like Mattel told them what figures it was going to be and they were just like, figure out a defining moment to go along with these figures. We'll put a chicken wing on Kane's arm. like it's It's all going to look great. It's like we're not Cheeto. It's funny though, when I was ah recently With ah John and Steve at Saturday night's main event, I was telling them about the episode we did where we booked our own defining moments line and they were both like, send us the link, we want to hear it. Like, hopefully they they listen and because we had some banger pics when we did that episode earlier this year. So, and those are defining moments that are literally defining moments that we don't have yet.
Yeah. Yeah. No. hundred percent man Worst figure of the year, Mike. Well, we beforehand, we were talking about recording and I was I was going to say the

Creative Packaging Highlights

jazz wears Brian Danielson with the white shirt and big smile. But yeah what like it can't be on the list because it is also the best up to date customizable figure because everybody in Mox's group right now is dressing like that. So I got it. I got to take it off. Right. So I am going to pick the jazzwares Kyle O'Reilly because the the the orange beard the you know he it was in concept a great figure so far it's probably the worst jazzwares release in my opinion and that's that's you know
it's a pro one to call yeah I feel like I know that Danielson is very customizable, but I mean that just just gets a huge WTF for me. like like that terrible figure It's a I have to pick that as worst figure of the year. It was so ill timed too because it was just so far away from the moment.
You know, like that happened in 2020. Yeah, for sure. But I mean, we got some better updated stuff that's happened more recently. I'll like Tony storm and all this stuff. Like, so I mean, I think could have probably put a better Brian Danielson in that pack. We give him the braids or something in his hair, like just something different. Hey, got to give a quick plug. You guys talked about how good that figure is for making customs and stuff. You can get that at Ringside collectibles for $5 right now. So if you want to get a bunch of fodder, you know, make it for some guys, some street clothes figures, five bucks gets you that the worst figure of the year right now. For $25, you could have the Death Riders up to date. Wow, that's crazy. Okay.
packaging of the year. Jordan, let's talk with you start with you. So I went with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Elites. i just I thought that packaging was just phenomenal. I was out on those figures until I saw them in hand and then I had to get them all. Just everything about the packaging is phenomenal. just i mean it It definitely reminds you of turtles from when we were a kid. So yeah the pack of packaging was a big selling point for me, just I obviously am an MOC collector. So packaging is a huge seller for me. So I got all those figures based a lot on the packaging and also the figures. So I love it, man. That was one of my favorite sidelines of the year, for sure, because it was just so colorful. Every figure was done perfectly. They had the weapon stands like that was solid collaboration on both parts, man.
um for pack another year i think i have to go to tonys storm like like this packaging is just so much fun like and it's it's a really cool figure too that's a great figure big egg great packaging like thats wheres always kills the 20 Storm, Ringside exclusive. Good choice. Steph, package it up. So spoiler alert, this figure just barely got edged out of being my figure of the year. So I still had to show it some love though. It was the Jazzwares Vault Malachai Black, man. that ah The Supreme, like that incredible figure. um I think it suffered a little bit from being just a little bit too similar to the first Supreme Malachai, but it's still, I think it's an improved figure. It's a little bit cooler.
and the packaging was incredible man like that thing was so awesome i can't wait for that uh that house of black three pack we got coming uh later on this year hopefully we'll see what when it actually releases um but yeah that that packaging was awesome that's a great man yeah no but i love the but love the vault line so far uh like the certain releases from there have been some of the best figures ever, and it feels like a high-end collectible site. I've enjoyed it, man. My packaging of the year has to be the WWE Mattel Territories line, or a one-off, right? Because it had that old-school wrestling poster vibe. It was such a beautiful, beautiful inbox set. Felt like a premium item. Absolutely loved it. One of my favorites.
That's a great pick too. Cause that was fun. Like I felt old school, like it felt like the survivor series package on last year with the taker and the Gooker that just like brought you back to feeling like you were back in that era. So when they do that and make you feel it, I absolutely love it.
Yep. Big fan, man. Okay. Indie figure of the year, Mike, it's

Top Indie Figures of the Year

your turn. We're going to start off so many, so many hard ones, man. Uh, so she said that is definitely what she said. Uh, I'm going to have to go with one that Tom picked up for me, which is the big rubber guy, Rick flair in the, in the jacket. And you know, he's got the suit going to Rolex wearing them as he ride and jet flying. It's such a beautiful, beautiful figure, man.
Yeah, that's that's a good pick. Actually, I love that flair, but I'm going with different big rubber guys, but I have to go with big rubber guys, because these were like these are just amazing. It is the road warriors, big rubber guys, like not Legion of Doom. You're talking AWA, WCW, road warriors, badass, they're going to kick your ass and beat your head in guys. And like older pants are so sharp and like they they nailed these figures. They're so good. So I have to go with them.
like that I'm a little deeper cut, man. I'm going going to go into the retros with KWK's Max Moon figure, AKA and the Comet Kid for the trademarks, dude. That figure was awesome, man. He just nailed it. I think there was a lot of skepticism on the KWK line. But between the the PN News, the Mantaar, and the the the Max Moon slash Comet Kid, everything he's been everything that he's put out has been awesome. And Max Moon was a guy who you know is crazy. It looks like that guy was made into be an action figure.
He's had very few figure releases over the years, man. So I was happy to add that one to the collection. And you don't get much more poetic than that. Talk about poetic. Yeah, it looks like an action figure come to life, man. Yeah, it really is. So good.
Are we up to our next, uh, indie line of the year? I'll start with this one. You don't you don't want to hear my figure of the year. tone I didn't start. I went with the Vampira legends of Lucha Libre. I actually got this in the mail last week. This is phenomenal. The casket itself is really good. Um, the as the boxing, it's, it's just a great figure.
I encourage everyone to pick it up. It's still on big, bad toy store. So, uh, definitely go pick it up. It's a really good, good figure. Yeah. Just tell me on it, Jordan. and I think I'm going to have to go. I second it and third it because Vampiro needs more figures and I think they did a hell of a job on that one. Just presentation through the roof. Absolutely amazing. Like and if you couldn't guess, we're going to go on to indie line of the year. Like I think all three of you know, the line I'm going to pick, like it's a no brainer from the big rubber guys.
shouting this all dirt um like if they were terrible, like I probably wouldn't pick up, but they're crushing it with these and they're filling in the holes to my LJN collection. Oh man. The Magnum TA was just amazing. The dusty roads are so freaking good on here for this line. If I had to stop collecting all figures and I could only collect one line, it would be big rubber guys. Like I would tap on Mattel first. Like that's crazy. I'm right there with you, man. big Big rubber guys was my pick as well for Best Line. They just, they nailed it, dude. We've seen so many companies over the years, whether it was Jax or OSFTM or, you know, even freaking Chalk Line, you know, they did a Young Bucks release a couple of years ago to try to recreate the magic of LJNs. These are the first ones, man, that they've been on the perfect scale and they've matched the field, dude. Like they really do feel like LJNs, man. So yeah, they're, I think they're great.
Mine's going to be boring, but I'm going to continue to pick as long as they keep releasing these zombie sailor just absolutely kills every figure they release. I just, yeah I know it sucks waiting a year and a half, two years, sometimes for these figures, but they are an absolute work of art. Every single thing I've gotten so far, I haven't been disappointed with one and I got a feeling they're going to keep kicking them out. So yeah, zombie sailors just killing it.
Yeah, I'm with Jordan, Zombie Sailor, all the way through the roof, man. Every single figure, I wish we had more, obviously. My wallet's happy with the pace of things right now, so I'll take that. But everything's been stellar, like knock out of the park, and Chris Candido's on his way right now. I was so, so excited to get him the names of the talent that he keeps putting out there, and just the shock and awe of getting to see him punks, getting the Macho Man's. I know those are coming, but man,
So he's killing it, absolutely killing it. So but I'm a zombie all the way. I'm ready for the elite scale figures to hurry up and get here, man. Yeah. hear Like early 2023, dude, that Jeff, jar filmman like they bring it on, man. yeah Yeah. I feel like it's been two years since he showed me those prototypes at that major pod beer. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. With those are so awesome. But again, we know when we order from him, we're getting a quality product. That's going to be awesome. So.
I don't mind waiting, but two years seems kind of like a long time to wait for. Despite the loan he's getting from everyone. All right, Seth, let's move it on to you.

Multi-Pack Figure Standouts

Multi pack of the year. So this is any pack that features two or more figures. Very, very simple.
To me, it's the Ultimate Edition outsiders, man. like i that you know We've had very similar figures in the past to that Nash and that Hall, but these were, you know to quote Mattel's own own marketing, these were the defining moments of them. These were the Ultimate Edition of those guys, man. Just two outstanding, amazing figures, man. They'll go along with the updated Ultimate Edition Hollywood Hogan. like It's just, yeah, they're they're awesome, man. No notes. it like You know, I was actually a little bit, the original photos that came out of these men looked a little iffy, but once you had them in hand, these things were incredible. Yeah.
Jordan, just agree. Uh, I went with the head bangers. I I've been preaching for these figures for, I mean, me instead of talked about this for probably 10 years about getting these figures. They weren't exactly what I wanted, but they were damn close. And for now it's, it's about as good as we're going to get. I still wish they would have had some band shirts on them, but I get, I've been a lot of licensing with that, but I'm still really happy with what we got. And it definitely filled a huge void in our collections.
see i got hit with the attack of vietnam on that one my thrasher the entire upper body just you know it was like with those uh i forget what the figures were there were those figures back when we were kids like you could press a button and the whole torso would explode man that's what happened my thrasher i pulled it out of the plastic case and just Chest separated, head and neck, thin rows out. I had to reconstruct this thing myself, man. That's a horror story. You got the turbo man from the Santa factory. Yeah, exactly. that way I was still super excited to have those. and It was a great looking set of figures. ah Absolutely, man.
Mike. Me. Oh man, I have honorable mentions for this because there were so many good ones. Honorable mentions. The Outsiders, obviously. Top tier. The Steiners. um Amazing Ultimates. The Dudley's. Super, super great. I'll even give Jazzwares some love with the Hardy Boys two-pack. Super good. The Jeff Hardy's phenomenal. But My multi pack has to go to the death triangle three pack from the jazz were involved from overall presentation of the packaging to the figures themselves are amazing. One of the best pox to be ever released. I mean, you pented Phoenix look phenomenal. And I can't wait to see their w WWE ultimates next year.
Oh man, this was a tough one. I was picking the outsiders as well. And then I looked up at my shelf and I saw the Briscoes looking at me and I'm like, Oh, I have the Briscoes too. Like that pack was such a like waiting for the Briscoes and we finally get their figures and they did crush the figures. They were so good. So that's going to be my multi pack of the year. We finally got Jay and Mark in our collection and they are so good. They really are. It was a good year for multi-packs, man. we've got We've had some lean years of of on the multi-pack for us. It was nice to see that kind of come back in style. yeah We all just picked four separate ones that are all big. You forget it was way back in January, that Hulkamania pack, day with the classical Hollywood and the Hulk still rules, man. like that Amazing set, too. Yeah.
Warrior and Papa Shango, like yeah just recently, that's an amazing pack too. The Warrior with the little chalk line jacket, like, like they're just crushing it. They are they are absolutely crushing it. No, we've been spoiled, man. We had a lot of awesome releases and like exclusives wise too. If like if it wasn't for like our ringsides and our Amazon stuff, like I don't think we would see a lot of these packs. Uh, so I'm, I'm very grateful to get our outsiders and stiders and you know, all our AW talent and the vault and stuff. the yeah Foley three pack two that was this year, right? Yeah, into twenty two yeah that's another year Yeah, that was great deals if you go to a ringside, it's like $30 now and if you see 27 for three elites like crazy And I might have ordered one since it's been on sale. It's like worth it. Yeah So love that. That's another great one. Wow so many absolutely All right, favorite line of the year Jordan.

Best Figure Line Debate

Let's start with you
I'm going to go legends. I really think legends absolutely killed it this year. We got so many deep cuts in legends. Let's just like, uh, three minute warning, uh, the Hogan with the guitar. I mean, dude, even the the vault releases that they did are greatest hits, whatever they want to call them. I felt like those were all good and some of them actually were an upgrade over the older ones. Um, and then, I mean, arguably, I mean, it's a lot of people's figure of the year. Captain Lou is in that set. Like yeah that captain Lou was, ah if not the best figure, it's definitely in the top three for me. So, um, I loved what legends line did this year. I felt like they actually like picked up on what we were all wanting. It was less of the more common things and more of the deep cuts. And I feel like they delivered this year. but Absolutely.
Alright Mike, but ah wine in the air so much pressure, so much pressure. ah man, line of the year. I got to give it to the ultimates. They just really, really like non style. Like I know a lot of people complain at the, the amount we've gotten, but like, it's, it's a good problem to have. Uh, but like, I think like we said, the, the outsiders, Steiners, I mean, we go across so many different boards and even that ultimate Cena that just came out is phenomenal. like ass ultimate yeah There's so many good
Figures that are just being produced in that line and packaging stellar. I mean, the the only thing I wish we, I mean, legends, ultimates too. Like we got those like that Vader's amazing. yeah ah yo roads obviously ah Yeah. Yoko dusty's not out yet, but that undertaker was great too, man. That thing, ah people weren't that excited for that one, but I think once they got it in hand, that was, uh,
Beautiful. They slept on it for sure. Cause I got people hitting me up like, Oh man, do you have any, but but i passed I passed on it. And now I see like some photos of it. I'm like, shit. I probably just should have grabbed that. And that, that just wasn't like my era of undertaking, you know, but a really, really cool figure. I might have some extra stuff to check for you. Cause I think it was one of those ones that was discounted forever too. Wasn't it just like two bucks for a while? So I think I picked a few up. So if I do, I'll send you one your way.
What line of the year i was thinking legends to and then i was going back and forth with the monday night wars but like the monday night wars are so hard to find but it's so fun when you actually get them with the builder figure so i had to go secondary market for a couple of the sets i'm still gonna pick them because it's just a fun line.
And I love to build the builder figures, all the different builder figures in there. I love the ultimates when you find the ultimates, the mankind, the Eddie Guerrero, like the Triple H. Like, it's just, they're killing it when you can find them. The problem is just walking into a Walmart and being able to find them. I think my Walmart's only ever gotten set one and set three in. The rest I had to get like help online from people.
Yeah, absolutely shout out to Walmart for actually fulfilling pre-orders this year though because I was able to get my man mankind and my Eddie Guerrero with I mean, it was a couple months late, but Better late than never I was pumped about Alright Seth, what is your line of the year? ah So legends barely got edged out man I do think the legends eyes been great and the other bonus thing is it dude it's so easy getting the stuff from target man Like I just set up you know the day they go the The day that they you know go live, just add them for local store pickup and no hunting, you just go to the counter, you get your figures, it's great. But I gotta go Ultimate Editions as well, man. They just do, they don't miss, man. I'm always, we get a ton of figures, Ultimate Editions are the ones that I'm always excited to open up, man. They spark the most joy when it's time to you know pop the seal and get these things out and and hold them and play with them and stuff, man. So for me, Ultimate Editions, all the same stuff that Mike said.
Yeah. fun and like that They really are the ultimate addition of the figure. Like if if you don't get any better than that, man. And Ultimate Editions are the only line I'm still a completist on. I'll still buy every one. But now that I see that they're re-released, like we're getting another Jayuso, I'm like, oh, are they going to start re-releasing them? Guys, it's fast. That's going to make me stop being a completist if they start doing that. But we'll see. Listen, that Jayuso figure might be the most popular figure of the year. We had a reel of Jayuso showing off one of his figures. I had over 100,000 views within like a week. So.
And we haven't had any of the other figure wheels explode like that but that you so and a couple of his just exploded so that dude is over man he he is. Over right now like like it's crazy it's absolutely crazy to eat or not to eat yeah that is the question. On tour exclusive of the year jordan.
What do you think? So I went with the Steiners. I mean, another just that I waited forever for. And when they I seriously had to have been one of the first 10 people that preordered them, I got them immediately. And I think I got mine the same day, like all the content creators did, because I saw a lot of people posting that they got theirs that day.
And I got mine the same day. So I, I was so excited for these figures. They delivered. I know a lot of people had issues with them with getting like two Scott Steiner's or like a Scott Steiner boxes, but mine were perfect. And, uh, I was so excited to get them in hand. And yeah. So I feel like you can't go wrong with exclusive of of the year this year. There were so many good ones. So yeah.
Mike? Nailed it. ah For me, it's got to be the Briscoes, man. ah but Long, long overdue for such a great tag team. Awesome to have them together. They came with the dog collars, the the the trench coats. I mean, it was a solid, solid set. The packaging, phenomenal. I know Mel Coleman did the artwork for the wow the Ring of Honor line for Jazzwares. She did a killer job on all those boxes, but the Briscoes won just near and dear. So amazing, man. So happy to have them in the collection and as a team. ah The only takeaway from it is I wish they had different belts because those are those those weird newer Ring of Honor tag titles, but I mean, I'll take it. I'm just happy to have them in the collection.
I mean, you can't go wrong with the Briscoes. For me, I had to go ringside exclusive, Ultimate Edition, CM Punk, like love this figure. It's a great figure. So that's going to be my favorite exclusive of the year. I give Tom Kudos on that. It's a great figure. The box has changed color, like the color scheme change up for the box was awesome. Nice little added touch to it and they stand out. I think they did a good job on it, man. And it's our first dabble into Ultimate CM Punk's, which is pretty awesome too.
that So I got close runner up was the target Captain Lou Albano. I love that figure. and I've been one that I've been wanting for so so long. um But the Walmart exclusive Monday Night Wars Ultimate Edition Bret Hart. I know people hate on the head scopes on that thing, but to me with the glasses on and with that that poseable leather jacket, it's the perfect representation of 97 Bret Hart. And as a guy who's you know, Bret Hart's my dude man. You see behind me, dude, I got the.
paintings, all my Brett merch and everything. I think the with the sunglasses on, I think it's the best Brett Hart wrestling figure ever made. love I love that, Brett Hart. I said it right from the beginning. and I thought that scan was better. It looks like him with the glasses on. It's kind of perfect. I agree. I absolutely agree. It's puzzling to me. I don't know why, especially now that we're in the removable head area. I don't know why they don't just do a head sculpt with moed molded sunglasses. We've been preaching that on this show. That seems like such a layup, man. And you'd be able to really just capture it perfectly. I mean, they do a pretty good job the way it is. but
Did you always worried about misplacing the glasses or whatever? Like you just give us molded molded glasses on a Brett figure. Well, he gave us the molded the molded head with the Vader mask. So I can't believe the glasses. and Yeah. 100% man. I'm here for. Jax did it back in the day. Look at that. first I'm here for molded accessories, man. There's an also big thing.
coming in this year, we got a lot of molded accessories from a lot of different, uh, figures. So i'm I'm here for it, man. I love it. About an hour before I lost Tony storm shoe. Like why wasn't that molded in on? And I don't know where it is. I opened a live on the show and I've never found it again since then. Did you, yeah did you yell at your carpet? Watch for the shoe. Like gray with black speckle down here. So it's mix it's gone. It's gone. Yeah. But Alright, where were we? Did we all do our exclusive of the year? We did. Alright, who's up next? Mike, you're next to start? Big year of the year, Mike.
figure of the year. Oh man. Yeah, this this that this is so many and I can't even like this. This took so long possibly figure out but I am going to give it even though he's not in Super Mario gear which he should be but Captain Lou Albano. Uh I mean so long awaited you especially if you got the superstars figure too and you mashed up that that button up on him and it was it was just the perfect figure And the the best representation of like legends that I'm looking for, you know what I mean? Like I want those not I want those guys that you know Not everybody's looking for but but I think Captain Lou was such a missing piece of the puzzle That it just it was it's such a great figure so perfect, especially that it's you know, he's not around to be Scammed and all this stuff. So I think they really nailed it for what they did and amazing and
I got to agree. That's my figure of the year as well. And so like anticipated Seth knows like we were texting about this for years and when we finally got it, I sent them, but the way they did this, like the, the soft good shirt over the, like the vest over it and it just fits perfectly. It could have been such a mess, but they nailed the size to them also, dude. I feel like sometimes they shortchange some of the bigger guys, man, and don't quite capture the,
You know, the girth. yeah ah But yeah, this this perfect figure, man. or Early Kevin Owens syndrome. yeah So good. I absolutely love it. like Again, when you anticipate a figure and then it comes out this good, like it it the weight is worth it. It's such a great Captain Lou figure, such a great figure.
my my my my ah My runner-up though was the Ultimate, or not Bret Hart, Ultimate Rowdy Piper from the WCW. That was a good one too. That was a figure I didn't know I needed. Yeah, like the icon shirt, like that was my Rowdy Piper. So I was like, that one was stuck. I loved it so much. All right, Seth, your figure of the year.
So honorable mention got to give that jazz words vault Malachi we talked about the Captain Lou that you guys should love to and that Ultimate Edition Bret Hart that I mentioned for my exclusive of the year but to me I think this was the best figure of this year I think it's the best female figure of all time Ultimate Edition Oscar like that thing is just tremendous man you know you forget about it because i want to say it was back january when that thing was first shipping from uh ringside but i did i it held the crown all year long for me man i just that it it looks incredibly realistic first right so it's a perfect just capture of oscar they just knocked it out of the park on that and then it's just so bright and colorful dude you got the face paint you got the green mist uh come down this amazing soft goods entrance jacket
um It's just perfection. And if you remember way back 2019, originally, Oscar was going to be the first Ultimate Edition. It was going to be a WrestleMania XS exclusive Ultimate Oscar. And then I think instead of doing a one-off, I think that's when they they decided to change it and just make it its own line. And that Oscar kind of went away. We're supposed to get this Oscar with this big, beautiful rope.
So this is kind of like, you know, kind of closes the loop on that little piece of figure history, man, that we finally got it. This was, but you know, Bosco was the original inspiration for the Ultimate Edition line. So it's kind of cool that she came out in Series 20. And to me, I think it's, again, best women's figure of all time. It's it's probably in my top 10 or 15 wrestling figures ever, and definitely the best figure this year.
i go with it bad this is this is really funny so the the fig guys were in complete agreement and the pod warriors are a complete agreement i mean as me and jordan did not discuss they didn't talk about us at all i went ask as well it same i just add when i got this in hand I had already marked this as figure of the year. I think this is the best Ultimate Edition ever. Like this is what you're supposed to use Ultimate Edition for. The mask, the the heads, like just, like Seth said, the robe. Everything about this figure was perfect and
It just really encapsulated Asuka and who she is and I felt like they absolutely killed it and yeah, complete agreement. Yeah. and yeah Ultimate editions, like you said, that's the perfect ultimate edition. I feel like ultimate editions kind of lacked on some of the accessories they did earlier, like the the extra soft goods, the extra heads, like there wasn't as many this year with the figures on most of the figures. Some of them still had it, but like,
One of the things we loved about Ultimate Editions was so many accessories. was the ultimate yeah they definitely taken I think it's definitely taken a half step down on just how much you're you're getting. you know But the trade-off is we're getting way more of them in a year than those first seven or eight series. Plus, the cost increases over the last year. like If that's a way to keep it the same price, I'd rather have a less accessory than have them go up $4, $5.
Because the the Supreme figures to me are what Ultimate Edition should be. Yes. The Supremes are incredible. They're ridiculous. that's the best to me To me personally, like those figures that they've released for the Supreme line is the best figures that jazzwares will ever release and they have ever released. like those All of those are phenomenal figures. It's a shame that line didn't get much traction, Dan. It feels like it's kind of like dying on the vine right now, man. Because, yeah, you're right, Jordan.
The best figures ever created man, like you hit that one in the box and you're just like, holy shit, there's, I keep pulling out more stuff, dude. Every time I reach in like 15 different trays of stuff in there, man. Like, yeah yeah, I just wish there was more man. you that Like one package, it would be like four or five different figures you could make. yeah And one, if you are opening it, like, come

Future Releases Excitement

Yeah, no, they like to go with that, that Supreme Sting that they came out with was amazing. Like one of the best figures. I mean, that's, that's up there for figure of the year as well. It's what a great year it was, dude, that none of us even really mentioned that Supreme Sting till now because that could be an exclusive of the year, figure of the year. That was a tremendous figure as well. It it goes across all the boards. like it was so like I wish we got more Supremes because there would be more prominent on the list. I feel like that offspring that's going to be coming out this year or next year is supposed to be a phenomenal. I can't wait to see it. Hopefully we get it. that I think there was a Supreme Mox announced, if I'm not wrong. yeah So that looked to you know a lot of lot of good potential. it just hopefully Hopefully it gets out here.
yeah Well, it reminds me of speaking of Sting and you, like one of my favorite videos of the year is watching little Bretman telling Sting where to sign it. I had told him he was asking like where Sting should sign it. And I was like, I was like, you know, I kind of showed him like the best side to sign in my mind. Like, you know, Sting might ask him, like, do you want me to sign? He could point to it, but Bret would be like, we're meeting like legit, you know, one of the top five wrestlers of all time. And he's like, no, right here. And if you watch that video, he's laughing. He's like, is that good? You know, check out Brett. I think this year as well. And he was just such a nice, gracious, like down to earth. Like, thank you for coming. Like.
We met him twice. I'd definitely recommend meeting him if you get the chance, man. Absolutely worth every dollar. Now we're going to move into our most anticipated for 2025. Mike already mentioned it. One of the most anticipated things I want this year is that Mox Supreme because I feel like we haven't got that Mox figure that that justifies Mox that he deserves. So I'm hoping like that last Mox was great, however, with the hood up, everybody's got staining on his face. like Come on.
Jazwear, stop packaging the soft goods on the wrestlers. It doesn't work. The plastic in between the soft goods, it's bleeding right through. We got to stop with that. That mocks are so good. So I'm hoping this mocks is going to be the mocks that like I finally get. That's mocks. The defining moment mocks for me. Yeah, I dig it.
I'm sticking with AEW jazzwares, man. I'm going with the vault, the legacy of Sting three pack, man. You're going to get kind of like a classic Sting from like his early NWA days. You get in the modern day Sting with the bomber jacket. And from that look, he was kind of rocking his last couple of months there in AEW. And then you're getting one where it's kind of, it's a unique look in figure form, man. It's no shirt, but with the the long pants and the long coat, it's from ah a got milk ad that Sting did back in the early 2000s, man. so yeah to my knowledge, I don't think it's ever been done in figure form. So hopefully, again, you know, everything with A.W. Jazzwear is light. It's a little bit murky. I'm hoping that ends up coming out this year, though, and I'll definitely be snatching it up. Yeah, I'm sure it will be because it's good. that I mean, that's that looks phenomenal. and I'm right on the board with you. I can't wait to get that. ah
I'm Buddha, great Buddha, ultimate great Buddha, ultimate great Buddha. One more time. I'm so, so, so jazzed to be getting Buddha in two different styles in the same relief. Come on. Come on. That's what I went with as well. I feel like that one's a no brainer. Like, yeah, we're going to kill that figure. And especially with it being an ultimate edition, like that, that was the only way to do great Buddha for our first great Buddha. Like it needed to be an ultimate. So, Yeah, we're getting the mist. We're getting, you know, the mall. It's a great gear pick. Just overall, I know that Bill is putting the attention to detail on making that the greatest great mood of figure ever.
I mean, it's going to be amazing. The fact that we're getting great mood and it's an ultimate edition. Like this was not on my bingo card forever. Like I know never thought that we'd see them sign him to a legends deal. So they have to bang out those figures. I know we're getting legends of him till he'll be in a legends line as well. So like, yes, give me all the great get me this year. But there's so like many more things I'm looking forward to. theyre like We haven't even seen the next two-pack, the Ultimate Edition two-pack from Ringside. like If it keeps up on what they've given us this year, like there's so much more to come. I can't wait to get the new bloodline. like That whole line of leads, I'm really looking forward to that as well. I'm sure you are, too.
We got that, uh, the Bray Wyatt, uh, from his last match coming out a little bit addition to remember the one that got canceled and I was coming back out with the glow in the dark. Like that's huge. Like if I was putting a futures bet on figure of the year for 2025, I'd be pulling heavy on that Bray. yeah yeah that's insane I got mine pre-ordered already. They should be here. Hopefully. I mean, I would think that line pretty soon. off Yeah.
Oh, I think it was January as a list date for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Almost stuck in for 2024. Right. What was it? mid, mid January. Ultimate, ultimate Oscar was, was sweating bullets as the days getting closer and closer. If that break was 2024 2025 and it was the biggest threat. Yeah. No, it's crazy, man. we we we like Like I said earlier, we were

Distribution Challenges

spoiled this year. I don't think.
We're gonna feel shorted by the this time next year either cuz we got so much going on. So many new names signing the WWE and under legends contracts. but we got we got a possibility of getting Jesse the body Ventura next year. ah You know, there's maybe Coco beware. Who knows? I think we at least get um announcements on all those. I don't know if we're actually seeing figures and I think we're definitely gonna get announcements on those though. Yeah, I'm hoping we get an ultimate. I know Tom was hoping we get a Colosseum collection, but we need we need Jesse in ultimate form. I mean, there's the the only one way to do them, right? yeah
Give me every Jesse. Give me announce wrestler, Jesse. Yeah. I think he, I think you go call a CM collection for the wrestler, right? And basically mimic the LJN. And then you could totally do legends with the announcer, Jesse from yeah WrestleMania, WrestleMania three or WrestleMania four or something. Yeah, center for it. How many jessies? Anything else you guys want to touch on from the figures this year? Like we, between all of us, we touched on so much and it was a great year. And this like, how's 2025 going to compete with 2024?
I just wish Walmart, did the it's hard to even get excited for some of these Monday night wars figures because Walmart's such a nightmare getting these exclusives, man. i If they could just find a way to mimic um what Target does, it would that would be such a quality of life improvement for figure collectors, man, which I know a Walmart doesn't give a shit, like a nice figures that drop of a drop in a bucket for the money they're making, so they could give a fuck less about us, man. but it just It's really frustrating when you see how easy it is getting the targeted exclusives compared to the Walmart stuff. And it kills some of the excitement. Because for me, man, I kind of give it up on hunting them in a stay suit. Our buddy Phil Dunnett from the the Chick Foley Show Facebook group, he's over in the UK. And Smiths in the UK just, they get these things by the freaking boatload, dude. Like, you need oh you know Chase Harlem Heat. Yeah, we got 15 of them sitting on the pegs here, dude. So i've just any Monday night wars I get, I just i get them from him. And I just wait till he gets about six or seven of them, and then just pay for shipping once across the pond.
Yeah, it's good. Great, great game plan, man. And I'm with you with the Walmart thing. I almost wish the Monday night wars line was like living in Amazon or something like that because it's, it's very hard. Yeah. Yeah. it works The worst out of all the places we could buy figures, out the friggin worst.
and it was imagine if we got the nitro stage and then we couldn't find the damn monday night war figures how much uproar would be going on right now so i'm kind of kind of a bittersweet that we didn't get the nitro stage right uh it's it's just been so it's It's been underwhelming on Walmart's performance. at least At least we got the ultimate warrior with the duster though. I was able to get that right away. So I'm very happy with that figure. Yeah. you' be Like I wish ringside would get the shared exclusive with Walmart so at least we could get to figures like something. Give us something. reading i I'm always secondary marketer talking to Phil too is like, listen, I just, I give up. Like I'll pay whatever I just want the figures. It's not even fun because you know, going to Walmart, you're not going to find it. Like.
like you might it's like hitting a lotto if you walk into walmart and they have what you need like there's no predict in it if you pre-order it it's like a lotto is it going to show up if i pre-order it is it going to be cancelled are they going to ship even if you get a shipping are they shipping me the right figures not just some random monday night wars figure from series one had issues in the beginning too and they fixed it and now everything is just so easy to get. Come on, Walmart. You're the number one like retail store in America and you can't get these figures on your shelves. like It's so inconsistent.
and then don't start like now my way don't care Ray Mysterio's superstar figure is just sitting on the shelves that are never going to move. It's like, what are you doing? like it's just like and it's only walmart anymore and that's the frustrating thing about it and we don't have toys of rust to get this stuff anymore we gotta rely on walmart so yeah now it's crazy uh i did want to mention two more honorable mentions for close to being i mean they were great figures this year but uh adam copeland from aw was like flawless one of the best main line releases for sure Yeah, one of the best edge Adam Copeland figures of all time.

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Like the this the likeness was so there and it just, ah it's a beautiful piece, you know, the end of the collection, but also that damn Brandon Cutler. That's phenomenal, man. The deco on it, the everything like so, so good. I still haven't even gotten one in the collection yet, but I mean, you got those Walmart exclusive bucks from earlier in the year. It goes right in his hand with that. it's Perfect. You know, so, I mean, and those were knockout. I mean, besides the beads being too into their face, those were phenomenal Walmart exclusives, man. yeah Really, really bright, colorful, awesome deco. Surprised that they were just thrown out there like that. I mean, those should have been mainline releases, in my opinion, as opposed to throwing them at Walmart. They were they were phenomenal. Jazzwares is so frustrating because when like they get it right, the figure is just like absolute perfection.
But when they get it wrong, it literally looks like a three-year-old put the figure together and like slapped some putty together and painted the wrong colors on the figure. I just, I don't get it. i I mean, we're starting to have QC problems now with Mattel and everything, laugh but I still don't think it can be as bad as some of the figures we've gotten from Jazzwares. So Jazzwares, some of it's not even QC. It's just the design itself. right like but Even if they had perfect QC, the figure was still going to be ass, man. I'm with you though, dude. like And Jazzwares' best, they're right, they're equal with Mattel's best, but their consistency is all over the freaking map. and Yeah. And to go on with the QC issues, do not open those turtle toys because mine do not move. They are like bone crunchers still. I was trying to pose them for a photo man and like Cody's thigh doesn't even move up some of the works trying ah with the stiff leg syndrome. Oh, so bad. And I didn't, I didn't get, luckily, thankfully I didn't get too many stiff leg figures this year, but those are those were actually some of the first ones, man. I think it was them.
And the Royal Rumble elites, man, I think that was the first couple of sets that were coming out of the new factory in Vietnam. So I think they've gotten a little bit better over the last couple of months, man. I've so like the shatters died down a little bit about the legs. I know me personally, like my last handful of things I've got, the legs have been pretty solid. But those first couple of sets coming out of Vietnam were just horrible. It was rough. for him Yeah, man. They were coming out of like Lieutenant Dan, dude. No movement whatsoever. From what I understand starting with the next heat line We're gonna see a major difference in the legs and an opposability of the figures from Vietnam. It's good So we'll see what the next line that'll be asked so that that's me said they're fixed. So we'll see
We have to have them in hand before we could tell. but Again, I agree with you guys. I want more Supremes. I don't understand why we don't get more Supremes from AEW. Those figures are amazing. I don't know. I would take two Supremes over a line at this point. Two Supremes every three months. You know, do that instead of doing... We better get an Okana Supreme too. like yeah He needs a full-on figure like that. i was I was just talking to my buddy. He came over for the pay-per-view. and'm like i but I don't think people understand how big Okada is and like how impressive he was. That's 100% man. like i like Watching the show, like he doesn't have that importance no and it's such a shame dude. do they like nobody
So many people just slept on New Japan for all these years. I mean, I was getting up for every Wrestle Kingdom at 1 a.m. and watching the entire show. I'm gonna do it again this weekend. Like, it's just, dude, Wrestle Kingdom is just different, man. I get it. It's not, it's definitely not WrestleMania, but just like the quality of the show is so good. And it is a shame that so many people slept on it for all these years because I mean, dude, when they had AJ and Kenny and all those guys at the same time, like it was absolutely in the bullet club was legit. Like it was incredible to watch. I mean, it's just, it was pure cinema. Like go back and watch them because they're, they're incredible. Yeah. Here's my question for you guys then. Has Okada hurt his legacy by going to AEW?
no no i don't think so i mean he's i think his run's been fine dude i think for the hardcore fans it's been a let down because he's kind of doing this kind of upper mid card comedy gimmick man but i think for all the you know there's a we gotta remember we're in like the the niche of the niche of wrestling fans. Most people probably never heard of Okada before he came to the States, man. And so I think, I think he's been fine for what's been presented on TV. I think, I think, I think part of it too is like Okada never got to show like he had a personality at all in Japan. Like hundred percent there there is no personalities when you want, like they're just there to wrestle. That's it. That's all they're there for. And everything else is just background noise for them. So it's just, I don't think he's going to hurt his legacy at all. He's still one of the best wrestlers in the world. No question. Absolutely. And I think, I think Kenny getting sick this year probably put a pause on a lot of plans with Okada. So just having to come and back out. it's It's definitely coming. But I mean, they didn't even give him the the money shot on his second entrance. And I was so like, what are you guys doing? Like come on load the cannons back up. He needs the money he's the damn brain make like what the hell guys am i wild because She's like a casual fan she watches everything with me, but she doesn't know New Japan and she loves Akata So she's like ah the rainmaker when he's on TV she'll stop and watch doing So it is hitting with the casual fans who don't know him for my wife to take to him like that I thought that was kind of cool. So yeah
Hey, listen, he carried the pay-per-view this week on, man, I think. I thought they would have been better off having him close the show, man. I thought they should have done it. I'm not. I was very disappointed. Yeah. Have the championship match go second to last? Because, yeah, like, you know, Edge coming back was, it was cool, but it felt a little bit like, OK, for the ending of the show, I felt like Kenny coming back and confronting Okada would have felt like a much bigger deal, man. Yeah, I felt that that main event was dynamite worthy.
And should and itemite because I think I think for hits even social media wise I think having you know edge and FTR come out like it would have made better to do out of dynamite Yeah, especially if you're doing your first simulcast, you know, it would have been good to hold that off obviously do the continental classic but it was a solid pay-per-view but And the fans do not give a shit about okada like they should All right. Anything else before we head on out of here? This has been a fun episode. Yeah. More ECW toys next year, please. Yeah. i Appreciate you guys having us on, man. Always down to come talk figures with you guys. I'll look for more of this this year. That's for sure. Guys, Seth, plug your, plug your stuff. Tell everybody where they can find you guys.
Speaker That's the way to go. You can find links to the podcast, um links to our merch shop and the Facebook exclusive patreon group, two bucks a month, gets you into one of the best figure hunting groups and just flat out wrestling talk groups you can find. It's not one of the best. I will say it is the best. Like that group is just, I've been in it since the very beginning almost. gee It's amazing. It's just amazing. People are just helping each other find things and just to chat and the discussions in there. It's well worth the $2. Me and Mike are in there. There's so many other people, you know other wrestling a collector. What's the word I'm looking for?
influenia hang and around dance You got to join the group. And then this fun Royal Rumble contest, $2 a month. It's the best two hours. You can get a double cheeseburger McDonald's for that anymore. You can't, you can't, you can't get nothing for that. But what i the chillest place on the internet. I'll definitely give it that man. If you were a wrestling fan, if you're collecting, I mean, e you don't even got to be a collector. You guys talk more about the product too on there than you know, than those collecting stuff. So like it's it's a great place to hang out. My favorite Facebook scroll, I'll give it that for sure. It's always a good time at the Chick-Fully Bay. Absolutely. And then you get the live threads during pay-per-views and big shows, and it's like, I want to come up with friends when that stuff is going on. It just makes it even more fun. Guys, you probably care for Ocado together. it's
the official fig, no, We're official fig guys all over social media. If you want to listen to us on a podcast, just search the fig guys on any of your favorite podcast platforms. Thank you guys for joining us. Happy new year to all of our listeners. We'll be back with a live show next week. Until then, for everybody here, big guys out.
Thanks for watching.