I love just standard. freaking Tony Storm. I like, you know, just factory settings, Tony Storm. I know people love it. So I'm, I'm in the minority on this one, but I feel like the timeless Tony Storm stuff, it, to me, it's really since the start, dude, it's been the kind of thing that like, if somebody that didn't watch wrestling happened to stumble into like a Tony Storm segment while I was watching wrestling, I'd be embarrassed. Especially the recent ones where she's just like absolutely unhinged. pushing the limits on what she could say with the sexual stuff and everything. Yeah. And just like acting like she's just, yeah you know, out of her head. It's the kind of thing that would make me embarrassed to like tell somebody, oh yeah, and this is what i watch. This is what i I podcast about every week. I just feel like we need to move on, dude. I mean, Tony and um Mariah May have, have like just absolutely capitalized on the, the women's division for the past like mono year. Yeah. They've literally been just all the entire women's division. And I'm like, guys, we got it. We got to move on. We got to, you know, do something else here because this is, this is too much.