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We have a supersized mailbag episode and let the listeners pick our brains on all the fallout from the Royal Rumble, with a special shoutout to the Jey Uso haters out there. The homie The Fig God tags in for a surprised appearance to help us climb the mountain of mail from the listeners!

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Introduction and Listener Mailbag

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up, Foley fam? We are back within another amazing episode of the Chick Foley show. We are going to be talking all things Royal Rumble and the road to WrestleMania. Got an all mailbag episode this week, huh, Shane? We do. We but were planning on just ah you know talking Royal Rumble and then the Foley fam just like literally just dumped into the mailbag. Yeah, WCW invasion of the... ah the mailbag and you guys pretty much covered on just about every single thing we we're gonna be talking about on the show and then some so we decided to just basically hand the format over to you guys. You guys are gonna steer the ship for where we go on this pod but it's gonna be fun. Shane, tell us what's new on the farm.
Um, well, today I got the lovely pleasure of, uh, you know, pressure washing chicken poo off the the back porch in mass. Like, you know, we've been letting the chickens free range and I think everybody has these idealistic, you know, visions of, Oh, I want to free range my chickens and just so much poop. Yeah. It's so much poop. Like I did. I love my chickens when they're, and they love to congregate, congregate on the back porch. It comes out with treats every once in a while. Plus it's a little windbreak for them because it's still been a little bit crisp. Yeah, they literally like, you know, they have the entire yard, they have every kind of like little structure and like, you know, a little cubby hole they could climb in and explore and all this stuff and they want to congregate on the back porch and just turn it into a ah freaking shit scape back there. um And so yeah, I got to go out and pressure wash that off but
What I will say is they've, they've loved it and the egg production, you know, during the winter, it kind of slows off a little bit from like three to six eggs a day. But yeah, a couple of days being out roaming free in the yard has been up close to a dozen per day. Yeah. So they're, they're, they're back at full production. They like being out and about, which again, I love it. I love the idea of it. If I had an enclosed porch, I would let them be free all the time. But man, I can't The the poop on the porch reminds me why we keep them in their nice big run. They do have a nice big spacious run, so I don't keep them all like cooped up. Yeah, they totally i don't I don't feel any qualms about keeping them in their run. No, I don't. They're totally happy there. But I do like to get it whenever you let them out, they get to they explore and they have their little clicks and stuff, which is always fun. But ah yeah, other than that, you know just like I told you guys last week, just really deep in the throes of garden planning.
Alright want to remind you guys this show is brought to you by ringside collectibles use code chick Foley to save 10% on all of your purchases there. The Royal Rumble sale is still going on right now with a lot of great deals and definitely hit that up if there's some figures that you've had your eye on.
i and go to That's where you can find all things Chick Foley. It's the best way to share our stuff with your friends. If you're trying to turn some of your fellow wrestling fans onto our podcast, we have links for Apple podcasts and Spotify there. You get the Chick Foley shop. And most importantly, you can become a premium Foley fan member for two bucks a month, man, literally eight quarters and you're in there. She can tell me about the the the live direct experience on Saturday night. Oh, the rumble live through it was lit, dude. There was like, I mean, what was it like, over 200 comments, right on the Oh, 300, 300 comments. Wow. Yeah, so the rumble was insane. People were chiming in. um That's one of my favorite things that we do is our live thread situation. It's like watching, watching ah wrestling with all your best friends. Yeah, you really get the shared experience because sometimes you know, you just may not have
even i have wrestling fans near you you know i mean we're like we're like a cult out there man so uh like i said you get to watch discuss as it's happening it just really brings the show to life so like i said two bucks a month you i i promise you won't be disappointed you know we have the best people in there too there's no trolling there's no assholishness no no foolishness like yes that's really what the All good fun. That's what the paywall is for. Nobody's getting rich off for two bucks. Yeah, we're not getting rich off two bucks a month. If we're lucky, it covers the production costs for all the hosting fees and stuff for the show. But it's just like I said, it gives people a little bit of skin in the game. They got a little bit of equity and it just like Sheena said, it really helps to
It's kind of just like a natural deterrent for any anti-social behavior in the group. I don't know why people would... i mean I know there are people out there that do it, but especially for our little group, I don't know why you know you would spend the money if you were just going to come in there and wreak havoc. You're going to get electronically stomped out pretty quick to come in there they yeah cut there. Every once in a blue moon, a bad egg will sneak in and they don't last long. If you think that Roman Reigns curb stomp looked bad the other day, you have no idea. You come in, start shit with the Foley fam, dude. It's going to be nasty.

Jey Uso's Storyline: Feel-Good or Undercut?

All right, Shane, you ready to ah crack open this overstuffed mailbag we got this week? Yeah, The Fig God himself is joining us. Jordan, what's going on, man? I feel like I'm being ah called up from the G-League and I'm going to come in like Ronnie James, air ball, a couple of threes and and make myself known.
yeah Me and Jordan were texting this raw one off the air. I figured, you know, we were already talking about basically all the same shit that me and Sheena were going to be talking about on the show anyway. So we figured we'd bring, ah you know, third man, like, like Hulk Hogan with the outsiders. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. So don't make me Hulk Hogan, but and okay. Yeah, we're good with that. Just thinking more like DX. There you go. there you go Where are you? X-Pac night after WrestleMania 14. Sure. Are you China? Sure. Either one's great. and I'm not in A Night in China, though.
like I did not expect to hear A Night in China on tonight's podcast. That one was not on my bingo card. I mean, when the fig guy comes on, all bets are off. wasn't that What was the name of the sequel, like Back Door to China, I think? Jesus.
But Jax Pot coincidentally was in that, dude. They were both in there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They were both in there. What a film. Yeah. All right. Let's kick off this mailbag. So we got Tony Barker asking, um, where does Jay Uso rank in all time feel good stories? I remember all those years where the Usos were pre-show staples at WrestleMania.
ah So, you know, the story still got to get told. I think he's probably going to land. I think he's going to end up landing between Kofi mania and the yes movement. I think, ah you know, somewhere halfway between that is is where you're going to see him end up.
Yeah, I could see that. I mean, it it does feel good right now. You do feel like, you know, ultimately, if you if you try hard enough, and if you put in enough, you know, effort, I mean, obviously, being part of the bloodline never heard never heard anybody's storyline. But um I do think, ah you know, it is a feel good storyline. And if you pays it off at WrestleMania against Gunther, that's going to be epic, dude.
I honestly think it's already higher than the, the yes, move it movement and Kofi mania. Cause he actually won the rumble. Like those guys couldn't get it done at the rumble and needed the crowd to get them, them over, um, going into WrestleMania. I mean, granted he still does have to finish it. Cause if he loses.
losing after you win the Royal Rumble is never a good luck. So especially yeah, especially losing to Gunther again, dude. I don't think he's going to lose. Yeah, I don't think he's going to, dude. I think just because you know, like I said, he's he's already lost to Gunther like two or three times at this point. um And a fourth loss, I think that would just be the nail in the coffin for the eat movement.
Let me ask you guys this because, you know, we've seen it, you know, a little bit in our group. And if you if you get on any sort of Internet wrestling forums, Twitter, Instagram, wherever you can see it out there, the kind of the backlash on Jey Uso when, you know, people call him a mid carder and stuff. Do you guys think that it takes away a little bit the fact that he was so quick to challenge Gunther? Because you know me, I'm kayfabe brain. If I'm a wrestler, I mean, it's great and awesome as Gunther is.
I think his championship is still like, you know, a solid like two steps below Cody's championship. If you had the opportunity, why would you choose to go for Gunther instead of Cody? Is he just doing that? Just add a loyalty for Cody or how do you how do you reconcile that? I think it's

Jey Uso: Charisma and Wrestling Skills Explored

a little bit of both. I think it's a little bit of loyalty to Cody. And I think it's like I think he just wants to prove himself, dude. I mean, ultimately and the the the belt notoriety is definitely just like a couple of steps below. Right. But I think Gunther is just this like you know, just forced to be reckoned with. And I think if if he feels like if he can knock him off, then there's nobody on the roster that he can't knock off, right? Like, I i mean, taking down Cody is one thing. Cody's awesome. Um, but Gunther is just in a, in a league of his own. You know what I mean? Yeah.
I think Gunther is, I mean, I get what you're saying about like the belt being a couple of rings down, but I just, I really feel like Gunther has accomplished so much in the last two years that, I mean, beating him at WrestleMania, no matter where it's at on the card is going to be a big deal, especially for Jay, man. I mean, like I said, this has been going on for five years now. Jay's been at the bottom and then got all the way to the top when he wrestled Roman at SummerSlam and unfortunately lost there. but dude, I think this is going to be a moment when he wins the belt. I just, I mean, it was already a moment when he won the Royal Rumble and I get the hate. I get some of it. It's just, he's never been this far up the card. So it's just, it's, it's weird to see. Um, but I don't know, man, I just,
I don't think, I think it's more, I think it's mostly weird to see because he is just such an integral part of the tag team division, right? If this was anybody else, like when this was Sami Zayn, like a couple of years ago, like, or was it last year or two years ago when Sami Zayn? In KO? When it gets to- No, no. No, at elimination chamber. Yes. Oh yeah, that was 2023.
Okay. So yours are just like going so fast. But I mean, when it was Sami Zayn, nobody was blinking an eye, right? Like, I mean, people were still like, eh, you know, Sami Zayn, but it wasn't like, you know, he, I think it's just weird for people because we see the Usos as a tag team. We see them as the bloodline. We don't see them as singles. They're twins. already it just a race Even more than most tag team wrestlers. 100%. Now they're not just brothers, they're freaking twins, dude. And um they've done, they've gone a long way to establish themselves as,
singles wrestlers and they've, you know, differentiated their looks in the whole nine, right. Um, and their styles, but I still, I mean, when you think of the usos, you think of a twin pair, you know, I do feel for Jimmy in this whole scenario too. Cause don't get it twisted. Jimmy's still a hell of a wrestler. It's just Jay has so much charisma and I mean, dude, the yeet thing got over so fast and there was nothing wrestling fans love more than a catchphrase. Like what? I mean, dude, wrestling fans love to yell something out. Do you think it, do you think it got over more because they tried to take it away? It's almost like how they like, you know, they try to take Cody away from us. And then it was like the fans were like, no, you can't take that. And so they were like, they tried to shut down Yeet. They took away all the Yeet merch. And then when they brought it back, everybody was like, yeah, we showed you that that was too. And I think Jay's just like Jordan said, he's just so naturally
Charismatic and cool he could pull it off cuz dude yeet is corny as hell oh strain or it' core him on the record He's gotten it over. It's a tribute to JU so that he's got there ready to just buy into it like Yeah, yeet was a thing like, you know seven eight years ago, man um It was already stale You know like in the in the wrong hands like you could have been a heel within like two weeks if you were a babyface trying to make yeet Yeah, you're a Catchphrase, dude. I think, yeah, Jordan, like going back to the Jimmy thing, man, like yet it's funny because they're so close. like in like If I'm ranking them on 2K, I'm putting Jay Uso maybe two points higher on the overall rating. like j Jimmy Uso gives you about 96%, 97% of what Jay Uso gives you. But dude, I think Jimmy's just so funny, right? like At the end of the day, their vibe, like Jimmy's just a really, really funny dude. I think he's ah like destined to just be a really, really awesome
mid-carter, like good comedy baby face, whereas Jay's got the underdog vibes, right? Jay's got that, like, just think about like when the Bloodline story was really popping off early 2023, like those facial expressions he'd have looking like the scalded dog, you know? Like, yeah just, he's got, I don't know, he's there's like a depth to Jay that isn't there with the on-screen persona of Jimmy, you know? I mean, everything seems like it's a little bit of a joke, which is fine, man. I'm i'm totally cool with with comedy stuff in the mid-card.
but Jay's just got like a serious edge to him. um And indeed yeah, like, ah you know, we were going back and forth arguing about it in the Facebook group today, man, like the Jay, the bloodline story has been Jay's story, man. Like Roman's been the same dude the whole time. Roman's been the same dude since he came back. Jay, you know, we saw him challenging Roman, get knocked down, falls in line for a couple of years, has the, you know, the most successful tag team title run ever.
And then he was the one like, yeah, Sammy may have started it, but really Jay's the one that kicked off the downfall of the original bloodline man. And now he's doing his thing on his own. Like, I think it's an awesome story. I would have been mad. You know, you guys remember going back to that summer slam almost two years ago. I think it would have been a perfectly fine ending for Roman's reign for for Jay to win it there. So yeah it's time. I think he's definitely earned it. The in-ring stuff's valid. he's he's I think he's a totally, you know maybe slightly above average in-ring performer. Jordan, you're you're the biggest work rate guy to three of us. where What do you kind of score him out at as far as bell-to-bell action? I mean, he definitely has limitations. It's why he was a tag team wrestler. Like when you're a tag team wrestler, you just work so well with the other person. So like, you don't notice a lot of the flaws that you have in the ring. I don't think he's bad by any means. I mean, he's probably
I mean, if you're ranking it on a 2k scale, I'd probably go like a 75 to 80 on work rate. And I think that's fair. like I think he's definitely not in the the upper echelon of of guys that can work in the ring, but i mean he's he's not so far down that this is like the stupidest thing ever that they're giving him a singles run. so Yeah, I think he's totally passable, man. i think i think I think if it wouldn't have been for that, just car crash of a match he had with Jimmy at WrestleMania I think you wouldn't be seeing so many of these calls you know obviously that was his biggest match ever and
That one failed to deliver, but I think he's totally passing. I think a lot of that match was nerves by both of those guys, though, dude. I think they just wanted to tear the house down so bad. And just the spot they were put in on that card, I just I feel like it was destined to fail from the moment that match started. And I do think some of that is Jimmy because Jimmy's definitely a step down in my book as far as entering wrestling than Jay.
Yeah, that match was a huge letdown. The interaction they had during bloodline rules on night two was like... Way better. Yeah, that little 15 second interaction smoked the 15 minute match that we had on on night one. Well, Jason Koenig, you know the he wants the contrarian point of view. He said, explain why Jay was the wrong pick to win. so what what What would you say to people who are wanting to know why? I would say as far as wrong picks go,
You have so many big names in there between punk, Seth, Roman, ah you know, you got drew in there, I feel like if you're looking for this mania to top last mania maybe you just go all in on the star power and you have punk when have seen a win have Roman win.
um But I don't know. I like the Royal Rumble to make somebody new, man. that We talked about this ah last week. you know There were so many different ways they could go with the Rumble. I kind of like them going with the just the unexpected option. you know there was There wasn't one clear winner, so why not just make somebody, man?
Yeah, I agree. Um, Josh Basko said, Oh, what you I george was going to say, uh, I, I get what Seth is saying about the star power thing, but I feel like having those stars up and down the entire card this year is just going to make this card so much stronger too. Like, yeah, maybe they're not going to be all in the main event scene, but dude, just imagine like, I mean,
Let's just say for whatever reason, we do end up getting Rollins and Roman or Rollins and punk at WrestleMania. Like, dude, can you imagine that being like the fourth match of the night on either one of those nights? Like, I don't know. yeah I just think it's going to make for a way better card personally.
I think that's what made the Rumble so fun is like you like you said, there's just so many storylines that could just spin off of this, right? like And there were so many possibilities. like In years past, I feel like it's very it's been a pretty telegraphed winner about who's going to take home the Rumble winner. There was a lot of people that had a a a greater than 0% chance of winning it where most times, most years, you know, you're lucky to get three or four people that have a shot at winning. Dude, the two nights of WrestleMania last year were all tied into one feud. Like, I mean, it was the two main events back to back nights. Like it it was all tied into one thing and it all finished that in that last match. And I just, I don't know, man, I liked the, that there's going to be like, uh, some different feel this year. Like there's not, it's the rock and Cody and Roman are just going to dominate the entire road to WrestleMania. Like I'm shocked, dude. i mean i'm um I'm here for it, but I'm, I'm honestly shocked that the rock and Roman and Cody are not, you know, Did I just continue it continuing on and we still got three and a half months or we still got two and a half months till mania. There's still time for the rock to show up. There's still time, but I don't he said he he said for everybody to shut up and just enjoy their ride. He's looking on likely. Yeah, I just I don't see it. Josh Basko says, do you think the fans will turn on Jay like they did with Roman when he was getting his push? No, no.
They're not turning on anybody right now. that's That's the most important thing that Triple H has done. Really, it it happened quick, man. But it seems like since the moment he took over July 2022, that he's reestablished that that bond and understanding with the fans. And the WWE audiences are are cheering the baby faces and they're booing the heels, man. even the Even the cool, he like dude, a heel like Drew McIntyre, he

Triple H vs Vince: Booking the Royal Rumble

would have been getting baby face reactions, you know, as recently as three or four years ago, man. um But no, i think I think we're in the era. it's It's something that's really made it a lot of fun, man. The baby faces are getting cheered and the heels are getting booed. And ah I don't see, I don't see any way that Jey Uso is getting booed unless unless they want him to.
Yeah, it would it would it would take a lot. I mean, after just seeing the intro to Raw tonight, I mean, they literally chanted for him to just yeah do one more time. He had ah ah yeah an encore entrance. Have you ever seen that, Jordan? I've never seen that. Nope, never seen it before in my life. Yeah, and I mean, and it was it was so hype when they hit the music again. like the the It was just electric through the crowd, dude.
Smackdowns in Memphis on Friday and after seeing that entrance and hearing that Jay's gonna be there like I've kind of just been keeping my eye on ticket prices man to see how how they drop the day of I'm like that my max price I'd be willing to spend went up a you know a couple dozen bucks I'll see you in that I'll see you in that entrance man yeah knowing for sure you're not getting Roman though does kill it a little bit like yeah it is a lot but no I'm in full agreement with you guys they're not gonna turn on Jade this also doesn't feel forced to me like ah a lot of times when they were trying to push Roman at the beginning it just it felt so forced a lot of times and there's nothing forced about this and also if we're assuming he does win the belt it's not gonna be like a year-long title reign like he's gonna drop it at some point this year so
It's going to be an awesome feel good story and like that's what you look for in these storylines. Well, kind of piggybacking off of ah that previous comment about like, you know, Vince and Triple H, this is, uh, Sambro wants to know, what's the biggest difference you notice between Vince booked Rumbles and Triple H booked Rumbles? For me personally, I feel like with the Triple H booked Rumbles, it's been all killer, no filler. You know what I mean? Like for the most part, you don't, you know, he didn't waste a lot of spots on like, you know, legends and stuff like that. Like he's wanting to get people in there that are like either going to debut or people he's wanting to showcase. Um,
And I mean, the pacing is really good, too, on the on the rumbles, I feel like. Yeah, I'd say that the last three years have definitely been lighter on the surprises and the nostalgia pops, which I don't mind one or two nostalgia nostalgia acts coming into Rumble, man. I always kind of look forward to that, but it definitely feels like that's not something in the playbook for Triple H. I think it was kind of like you were talking about. She and so many people getting to win it. I feel like Vince is kind of the fatal flaw of his last du at least 15 years or so man really maybe the last 20 years or so dude is he he could never get past the the Hulk Hogan strategy Hulkamania strategy of building the entire company around one guy man picking one guy and but picking one baby face and going all in on him which makes the fans turn on him you know we saw it with Cena you know fans couldn't wait to scream out you know John Cena sucks along with his music when he came out
sought with Roman the 2019 after Roman got cancer, they decided they're going to go all in with Seth as the guy and Seth was as he had, you know, 100% approval rating with the fans and he managed to turn the fans against him as well.
um yeah It's probably a godsend for Cody man that that you know Cody might be getting booed right now if it's never got out of there So yeah, I think it's it's letting a bunch of different guys shine at similar levels instead of just going all in with one person I'm really surprised whenever Cody first one. I thought I remember we I think we had this discussion on the pot I was like, dude, it's not gonna be long, you know wrestling fans are fickle. They're gonna turn and boo on Cody. It has not happened ain't gonna happen. The the other person I always think of too is Braun Strom and how over he was. And then when he finally got the belt, like the crowd was just not into it at all. Like yeah Vince was always the guy that was two years late on whoever was going to get yeah did it. what He just could never get there. Like dude, Triple H seems like he's got a pretty good handle on where somebody should be out on the card and when to strike. And I mean, dude, when LA Knight won his title, like he was as hot as he had ever been. And
I, I still feel like LA nights like over with the crowd, but I mean, I, I feel, I don't think it's ever going to get to the point that it was when he won. So yeah, it's a triple H white run in a tray in a triple H era, dude, you know, that it would have been totally different. The other problem with Vince's rumbles too. And like going back and watching some of them this week, like obviously I know all the outcomes of these, these matches, but just like thinking there's two guys in this match that could really win under Vince's control. It's like, dude, it's not a good way to do it. And like Seth said, there was 10 nostalgia pops in every rumble. Like Vince couldn't wait. Just like had no business be there. vince couldn't wait to bring back diesel to be in there for four minutes. Like he couldn't wait to have Mick Foley out there, just to have a car crash. Like it just, that's just what Vince loved to do. And he, I mean, to be honest though, like if you're, if you had a boss, like if he's going to stick with you until the very end of time, I mean, Vince is that guy, like all the attitude error guys, like he gave them their run until the very end. So that's why they're so loyal to him, man. Yeah.
Yeah. Uh, Eric Yazzie, speaking of the format of the rumbles, he wants to know, were there too many people in the ring at a time for both rumble matches? To me, it looked like some spots were not given proper attention because there was so much going on. george Jordan's Mr. Work great. He's got to take this one. Jesus. Uh, the 15 women in the ring at the same time in the women's rumble was I've never seen that many people i definitely notice it in the in the women's. I think the only other time I noticed it was in the 40 man rumble, which I don't even really count that one because it's just a one off. But yeah, it, it definitely took away from it. And the problem is, is when you're on wide shot camera for so long, when there's that many people in, like you do miss a lot of stuff. And then when they go to the ringside cameras, like you're they're focusing on two or three people. And you can see moves being done in the background. And I I definitely noticed it when the elimination started in the women's match. Like they were having to like, it was just like the most camera cuts I've ever seen in my life. It was insane. I don't mind it though, just cause we've never seen it. Um, but it definitely cut down the work rate cause nobody could move in the ring when there's 15 people in there. Like there's just nowhere to go. So.
I didn't love that per se, but it was cool to see for one time, but I definitely don't want it to be a thing where there's 15 people in the ring every year at some point because it's just unnecessary. I mean, unless you're doing like a ah spot with like Naya or Braun where they're just eliminating everyone or Jacob Fatou, whoever you want to use, that that'd be the only purpose for it to me. Other than that, I just, there was too many people for me.
yeah Yeah, even my seven-year-old son Brett noticed he was like he said dude there are a lot of people in the ring right now He said they don't normally have this many people in the ring during a rumble, you know, he's thinking like 2k I think what's the limit like a right? um Yeah, he's like they don't normally have this many people in the ring in a rumble. I dude i'm I'm a WCW World War III truther. Give me 60 people in the ring at a time, man. like i the The more the merrier, dude. i just That's something I always loved about the Rumble, and I've always been a sucker for a good battle royale, man. so I didn't mind it, but it definitely was noticeable that it seemed like they did not want to eliminate anyone in the women's Rumble this year.
Yeah, it was like they were, they were all out to be iron women this year. It's like, Hey, we'll, we'll give everybody 60 minutes this year, which to me kind of kind of cuts down on the significance of it when there's five people that go 60 minutes. Like then what the hell is the point of it? And also.
I mean, that that's the other thing. Like there's a lot of like, uh, waiting around when you're going 60 minutes, because you can't fucking wrestle for 60 minutes in a rumble. Like it's basically. yeah yeah Have you heard gallows and Anderson on their podcast talking about working battle royals? Forearm. Yeah. Forearm kick. Forearm. Rest in the corner, sex, grab the top rope and rest. Yeah. Um, Zach Hertzler wants to know if you could change any outcome of this year's rumble, what would it be and why?

Charlotte Flair's Rumble Win Controversy

Uh, kayfabe, obviously I'd want Seth to win the men's rumble, but if I'm just putting like my, my critic hat on, um, dude, I really don't think Charlotte needed to win man. Like let, let Roxy, win let you say that I would say let really anybody aside. You know, obviously at out of the realistic options, I think anybody aside from Charlotte or Bianca would have been great to win the women's rumble. Like let's just make somebody hell, even having Bailey going back to back, man, that'd be a hell of a feather in the cap for Bailey. Cause I don't think we've never had a female go.
Uh, back to back when the rumble, so I think that'd be something cool for her as like a little, you know, lifetime achievement, acknowledgement type deal. And she's still over as hell. So I don't think it would have been unearned, but yeah, dude, like.
And the thing is, man, if you want a Charlotte to win, let it be a surprise, dude. But it was so telegraphed that she was going to win this thing. I think Charlotte would have hit a lot better if she was the number 30 intern as a surprise and came and won. I think people would have been a lot more accepting of it. Her cutting that promo and then showing up and then actually winning the thing. Yeah, it kind of just put a sour taste in everybody's mouth. She didn't even cut a promo, did she? She was just those little vignettes. A little vignette. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. So we'll go into Sam Bro's question really quickly. He says, I get the hate for I get the J hate for winning, but why the Charlotte hate her face looks like an action figure now, but she's still one of the best, best wrestlers. I mean, that that's not why we're upset that she won though. Like that, that's the reason we're upset that she won is cause she didn't need to win. Like, like Seth just said, like she could come out on smackdown this week after losing the rumble and be like, I'm challenging for the title and who's really going to scoff at it. I mean, yeah, it's just earned. She's earned that right to do that. And I just felt like they had such,
a potential to like put EO sky or um Roxy over at that point. Like, dude, that's just such a big win for one of them to win that match. And I don't know. It's just Charlotte, Charlotte is who Charlotte is. Like nobody's ever going to be like, Oh, she's not a good wrestler. So she doesn't deserve to be in the main event scene. like Nobody's saying that it's just When, when you telegraph it as bad as they did. And this is what we give triple H credit for is your, it's usually not telegraph that one was literally, they could have just put on the screen on Friday night, Charlotte's winning tomorrow night. and and They didn't even need to do the match at that point. I would have just been fine with that result. I just.
she's ah did they They needed to use her the way they were using Roman Reigns like post post Royal Rumble 2015 and before he became the tribal chief how like, dude, you have him be the second to last out because it guarantees a gigantic pop for whoever does win it. You know what I mean? like The place would have exploded if Roxy eliminated Charlotte just because it was anything besides you know this And Charlotte loses nothing. Yeah. Like Charlotte does not lose anything in that, in that position, you know? I mean, it could have been something crazy happened or some, you know, some sort of little flukey situation. But yeah, if Roxy would have won, the place would have been explosive, dude. I just, she was gone for a year and I feel like for her to just come back and eliminate like all these women that had just been putting in work, you know, week after week, like I just, I never liked that, dude. know. Also, if her knee was truly as fucked up as like what everybody's reporting and what she said in the ring tonight, like, I don't know, it just makes me worried for her moving forward. And I did see somebody at ringside was like, filming her as she was getting on the middle rope to point at the WrestleMania sign. And like the ref on the outside had to like steady her feet. It was almost like her feet were her legs were about to give out. I'm like,
There's a heavy knee brace, bro. She's like stone cold Steve Austin. said she's gonna have to wear it forever now. So I just yeah i don't know man Really serious injuries. Yeah, she started up shredded her neck. She got fucked up bad and Dude, just we haven't seen her actually wrestle a match match yet like Royal Rumble is completely different Like I'm interested to see like what what's the what's the figure eight look at like at this point? like is she gonna do her normal moves that they usually she used to do cuz yeah, I Charlotte Flair is is a tall woman and like some of the shit she did was just like so impressive and i mean just saw yeah we a very athletic I'm confident she's good enough that she could totally switch to a more matte based style and still put on really really awesome matches be a you're right man like there's I'll be impressed if if she's still busting out the same move said that she had before she got hurt That's what made her so special though, is she was like that. Like it's one of the things that you don't see with a lot of women's wrestlers is that they can move like that with that size. It's just, I don't know, man, I hope she's good and that like she can still do a lot of that stuff. Cause it will be kind of deflating to watch her wrestle if it all goes down to Matt based and she basically turns into to Rick flair Jr. More or less like that'll be depressing for me.
it it It will be depressing dude. And I mean, I don't dislike Charlotte. I think I do, you do realize like, I mean, she's always been a little bit kind of stiff on the mic, but I think you just realize like how far the companies come in just one year. You know what I mean? Even just one year, like the girls that are on the roster now, like seeing her out there cutting that promo against, I mean, even Rhea Ripley, who's like who evolved so much in like the past like year or two, I felt like it was just like, she felt like she was from another time.
You know, I mean, dude, time, it feels like, you know, time is so much more compact nowadays for a number of reasons, but dude, it's been nine years since her first WrestleMania match. Like think about, think about the difference between Bret Hart at WrestleMania 10 and Bret Hart at WrestleMania two. You know what I mean? Like think about how much of a different person, performer, look, everything he was. that It's been longer than that since Charlotte had that triple threat with Becky and Sasha at WrestleMania 32, man. Like it's been a long time that that she's been there. And like you said, I think the,
The crop of of women that WWE has right now, man, like the the youngsters, do they're ready to explode. There's so much freaking talent down there in NXT, man. There's bad ass wrestlers absolutely getting lost in the shuffle down there in the women's division in NXT right now. like That's one thing, this NIL deal that they've done, I think it's There's been a few good people they found for the men, but the, the women are bringing in or just next level right now. Yeah. It's crazy. Like women's wrestling, especially in NXT has never felt like more alive to watch. It's just, yeah it's insane. And I do worry about a lot of those girls getting called up because I mean, there's already a lot of women on the main roster that are getting lost in the shuffle. Like, yeah I mean, dude, we haven't even mentioned Jade like.
ah you Miss her. yeah Yeah, like she wasn't even at the rumble and it feels like people barely even notice That's how that's how many women are now and Jade's absolute superstar man.

Surprise Appearances and Talent Evolution

Yeah ah Speaking of women's wrestlers and Becky Lynch ah Eric Yazzie says who were you expecting to see in the rumble matches that didn't show up? I was expecting Becky Lynch Yeah, I thought be Becky and Jade for sure. They're the two that's the guy and before they showed her in the crowd I was expecting Mickey James to show up again. Yeah, I was surprised I really was surprised that Becky didn't come out, but dude, she might seriously just be on that mom life now and maybe do an appearance every once in a while. I guess that just might be her life now. I mean, to do the Trish lead a thing. Yeah. Oh God. Let's, let's talk about Trish for a minute. Um, that woman ain't ever aged a day in her life. young She looked like three years younger than that last run that she had somehow, dude. I don't know what, if it's work that she's doing or just all the yoga she's doing. But yeah, I mean, and she looked great on that last run she had where, you know, she came in as a heel and was feuding with Becky. But ah yeah, she somehow looked even better, you know, a year and a half after that. Well, she was standing next to Charlotte who like aged herself like 25 years. yeah how How does she first look younger than Charlotte now? I mean, bro, this, I mean, I don't want to talk about anybody or like drag anybody, but I just, it it breaks my heart. It makes me sad more than anything. I'm not trying to like, you know, be mean to Charlotte.
But it makes me sad that she felt the need to go in and do all that stuff to her face. She looked great, man. She looked great. She was beautiful. I mean, yes, she has shades of brick flare, but that's I mean, that's just that's in her DNA. I mean, I'm sure she probably had like a little bit of work done along the way, but I go back and look at her like when she's making her entrance for the big triple threat at Rosamania 35. She looks like that a billion dollars. Yes. Like, you know, just.
Yeah, like exactly if you were drawn, you know, to quote JBL, what do you say about Randy Orton, if you were like designing a woman's wrestler from scratch, it would look like what Charlotte Flair looked like that night. And and yeah, the look is just, you know, it's a little bit off right now. It's sad.
It is sad because I mean, I just like, I feel like that's just an indication of like poor mental health, poor self-confidence, poor body image. You know what I mean? And I'm all for people doing whatever they need to do to make themselves happy. Like if you want to have surgery or you know, do Botox or whatever you need to do, right? But when it's just, I just feel like sometimes it's just so unnecessary and it goes so wrong. You know what I mean? And that's when it's like, God,
Like ah so I'm definitely not one to like pick apart someone's relationship, but like a lot of the stuff her and Andrade were like posting on Instagram over the past couple of years. It just always felt like weird to me and a lot of it felt forced. So like the fact that they got a divorce and no one knew about it a year, almost a year ago now, like, I mean, it makes sense. Cause like seriously, every time they posted something, it felt so forced and just like the captions, even it just like some of the stuff she would say, I'm like,
did it It feels like he wrote that and told you to post it. I don't know. It's just the whole thing. It's a total thing, dude. I'm not saying everybody, but you can you can. bet on it. like The majority of people who post like all these like lovey-dovey super over-the-top things about their relationship, like most of the time that's some sort of like indicator that things are not all lovey-dovey and perfect and wonderful. That's why I never do any online PDA whatsoever or public. Sometimes you give me a shout out. like once every two years. It's like when the Olympics come. over you gotta do because Birthdays and anniversaries are two most important ones because like I see like some of my friends are like, Oh, date night tonight. And it's like, why the fuck do you need to post that? Like I don't give a fuck that you went on a date with your husband or your wife. like Listen, I don't care if people put, I mean, dude, if people want to show like, you know, Hey, we went here, like I'm totally cool. That's not the stuff I'm talking about. I'm talking about like this guy, like just on a random Tuesday, this guy is like the love of my life. He's always been there with me through thick and thin. We've been through, you know,
ah Trials together yada-yada. Yeah, I kind of disagree Jordan. I kind of like the wholesome post like the wholesome post like the family post Yeah, du like ah our boys that cursor do you like number one fan the fully fam? He's always just throwing up like on like a Sunday He'll be like, you know going out for early dinner with my love and him and wife more like yeah i would yeah that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about like the people that post like like I'm talking about the people that post like 20 pictures along with being produce i couldn't yeah I couldn't be happier in this life and all that stuff. It's like, dude, God put us together. Jesus. Like that's what I'm talking about. No, Zach Hertzler stuff is like wholesome. Like I love that kind of stuff. Like, Oh, cause, cause dude, and I mean, we can obviously relate to more of this. And there's a lot of people in the fully fam too. Like when you become a parent, like you getting a alone time with your spouse, when you get to go out to like a movie or dinner, bro it's like,
I mean, you don't ever get it. yeah like bad yeah That shit I get, but like when you're doing it like every week or all the time, like a lot of times that's like covering an actual problem. Like not that I'm a really chip advice person. like i think everybody I think everybody listening to this knows exactly what we're talking about as far like everybody's seen those types of posts where you're just like,
o Like I know this dude, you know what I mean? Like, how is he like, you know, the most magnificent, wonderful, like human being, you know, just light of your life. like I liked it. I like to do the opposite and just mess with like all the people that I'm friends with on social media. I just like, I throw up a picture of just like me with the kids from our profile picture and just, you know, be like, please send prayers, you know, we're going go god God knows why, but going through some troubles. yeah Oh, God. it's like when they went Yeah. when the When the woman changes her profile to just a picture of her and the and motivat and the woman starts posting motivational quotes and shit. Yeah. know You know, things are on the fritz. You see all your yeah all these old friends that are posting like a bunch of pictures like, oh, my life is so great and you know it's not. And it's like,

Social Media's Role in Wrestling Storytelling

Ted, weren't you just trying to like sniff cocaine off a stripper's butt hole two weeks ago?
Oh boy. Facebook life. um Tony Barker, what did you think about the running stat line during the Rumble matches this year? I thought it was awesome. I love that kind of stuff. i love The one cool thing about the Rumble, I love like the, what's it called? The- By the numbers. By the numbers. you know Before the Rumbles, they always had this big production where they give off the stats and everything. I absolutely love that. Of course, I live with my you know very own stat machine who is the love of my life. and you know the you know the solar system that I, or wait, the sun and my solar system revolves around. There you go. Now you got it. Yeah. um So, you know, yeah I'm always here for that. What'd you think of it, Jordan?
it was at the beginning of the women's rumble I was like just kind of taken back by it just it seemed weird but ah the more it went on I thought it was cool just like the fact that it's like showing how many people are still in the ring and stuff like that I think that stuff's cool man like ah yeah I mean dude just like Every, I heard so many people this week talk about like when me and you did the Royal Rumble pod warriors and like just how cool it was that we broke everything down

Impact of Statistics on Viewer Engagement

by the numbers. And it's like, yeah, that's all Seth, bro. Like this dude loves nothing more than to just like break out the stat sheet and just go in and out on something like ah when Seth says he wants to do something like that. I'm just like, all right, man, have fun. Just send it to me when you're done.
yeah Go back and listen to the I'll bring all the spirit you bring all the numbers yeah go back and listen to the yeah the Christmas movie Podcast we did just a couple weeks back same vibe man a lot of stats dude I I like it as a starter as something else a good point I saw somebody on reddit mentioned in a comment that you know they just they just launched back on Netflix right they're doing really big numbers on there you probably had a lot of lapsed fans coming back in that this may be their first pay-per-view back in the game or if they're new fans their first pay-per-view ever so like I think something like that kind of helps uh to like ease them into the rumble and the match structure and stuff I would take it a step farther next year Jordan like you're probably going to be a better judge on on this idea or not
I think do it like an NFL draft style ticker where you know how like there as the drafts going they constantly are scrolling like the order picks at the bottom do that with the rumble entrance right so you got like you know number one Rhea Ripley and you could put you know how long she's been in and if she's ah anybody eliminated or what she's out you know you could put who eliminated her at what time and keep that running along the bottom of the screen at all times and you know you could have your big stats pop up to you that would be sweet like parentheses next to their name like eliminated by Rhea or yeah that'd be fucking sweet yeah yeah that's a great idea Yeah, I think they could do even more than instead of just having like it it was really almost more like a scoreboard than like a news ticker You know was like a scoreboard where they don't mean that was I was keeping stats for the fully pixley Yeah, she just starts to rumble for us every year. So it definitely helped keep and so I was like, oh shoot I was like it says there's seven. I only have like six more or eight marked off here. Whatever. So I made those off for a minute here
So I was making sure, so it kept me in line. It could be tough doing that, because Sheena does it all, like old school, like, you know, pen and paper. I'm a very analog human. The way it typically goes, you usually have the eliminations come in bursts, right? You won't have one for a couple minutes, and then you usually get like two or three back to backs, like the way they typically have these things booked out.
Yeah. On the back of my sheet of paper, I had who got eliminated and who they got eliminated by and on the front. I had like the entries and then you know how many eliminations they had and who was the first ah who was the first person eliminated and whatnot, all the bonus picks for the thing. And so I kept like flipping my paper back and forth trying to like you know write all this shit down as four or five people are getting dumped over the side.
So that's something another thing that's been cool in Triple H is WWE. They've actually been a lot more about the stats and stuff. They're not to the point of a W where they're showing up people's record and stuff on the way to the ring, but they've been dropping a lot more stats. They had, you know, a fun fact for almost everybody coming in on the rumble where is you know, invinces WWE, nothing, anything that happened more than three months prior was just erased from memory, right? Oh yeah, and if, I mean, if you were in NXT, it didn't matter if you were in NXT, former NXT champ, like you were never even acknowledged. Half the time you didn't even have the same name. Yeah, that changed your whole gimmick. It changed your whole gimmick, your whole name. So yeah, being, you know, bringing up the past of these people to, you know, make them feel more significant. Yeah, just adds more weight to the moment. Absolutely. Let's see what our next question is here.
She is, for those winners, she's not just running down the list. She's kind of half-assed, got them sequenced for for maximum effect. So she's kind of scrolling through, hand-picking these questions as she goes.
All right, Sambro, of course I've got to ask, what figs do you guys want to see from the rumble? Dude, I want... So we need Alexa, return figure, and then I want Seth, dude. I thought Seth's attire was sick, dude. I thought did he... When I saw what he came out and I was like... I thought he had like you know a little bit of a shot to win, but I was really kind of starting to drink the Kool-Aid when I saw that attire, dude. He looks freaking awesome, man.
Yeah, that was really cool. ah Cody with the, the smaller coat would be awesome as well. Like dude, Cody wears like some of the the coolest shit, but I, I did not like the home lander coat. I just, I don't know. It just was always weird to me. Like the first time I saw it, it was all right. But, uh, I do like the, the smaller coat, like basically a chalk Klein South coat. It looked awesome, man. I loved it. Yeah.
Yeah, we got to get it. We got to get a new Charlotte with her new face scan. um Can you imagine? why pets on with old par melon and You're good to go, man. Yeah, that's gonna be bad. I mean, her gear always on point though, dude. They all red. I mean, she looked like she was coming out to kick some ass, but and she was the only, she was the only lady that got pyro. And yeah. And, you know, again, wrestling is for the kids. Literally, I don't think, I don't think Stella, you know, she's, she just turned five. I don't think she's really been aware of wrestling since Charlotte's been out. As soon as she came out, Stella was just amazed. She said, Oh, who is that?

Wrestling's Magic vs Kayfabe Awareness

I'm going for her. So, you know, definitely appeal with the little girls. Tell, can we tell the story about Brett and, uh, Ludwig?
Oh, yeah, so we had you guys if you're in the the foley fam group you guys know Jordan arranged for a little rumble bedding pool, right? Everybody put in ah Everybody put in 10 bucks and they got they got a number for the men's rumble and the women's rumble You know 150 bucks to each winner and we got the Bretman in it because you know He's eat up with wrestling. He loves it and he loves being a part of the stuff we had going on I really want to meet Ludwig Kaiser sometime and just tell him this story to get his reaction. dave like if you're if you're ludwig If he hears this, i just I want to know how this makes him feel. so Brett knew he was number 13. He's been waiting all night to see who his guy is going to be.
yeah The countdown hits literally the moment he realizes it's Ludwig Kaiser. He starts crying, dude. I'm talking, dude. Breaks down, teardrops running down his cheeks the moment he sees Ludwig Kaiser and his guy for the rumble.
And we're like, dude, it's fun. Lee leaves the room, dude. So we're in the living room watching it. He leaves, gets to the stairs, takes like you know two steps up. Because remember, Ludwig took his sweet ass time to get in the ring. So the whole time I'm telling Brett, like you know I'm trying to hype him up. Like, dude, Ludwig's really good. You never know. Maybe he's going to win. And you know he's going to feud with Gunther. That'd be a cool story, man.
You never know. So he's still sniffling and, you know, still really upset about it, but he wills himself to come back to the couch and he gets to the edge of the couch, right as Ludwig gets in the ring and gets tossed right back over. And then Brett, he took off running. He didn't come back down until Roman came out, dude. He was upstairs for, you know, cause I think Ludwig was 13 and Roman was 16. Yeah. So that from 13, from Ludwig getting eliminated until Roman coming back,
brent was upstairs the whole time and uh but yeah just you know shout out to lewd big kyser dude like literally put it a seven-year-old in tears the moment he came out because that's how bleak his chances of winning the rumble were the poor guy i mean because he was just waiting he's like oh he's like what number 12 okay he's like i'm next i'm next and then losing is a yeah man it was uh it was It was hilarious, dude. I also give it a tribute to Brett. He knew, yeah he immediately, you know, that's how smart of a wrestling fan is. He immediately knew he was fucked this evening as soon as Kaiser came out, dude. There was no like, you know, some kids some kids would probably be like, okay, you know, let's see what we got here. Brett was like, no, I'm screwed. He knew he was getting tossed in six seconds. and he was For like for like the first like three seconds, he was trying to be tough. he was like His lip was drawn, and he was just looking all sad. Then the tears started coming out, and then he just stormed off. He knew it was just... Shout out to Lil Mika. That will probably be my number one memory from this Rumble, man even more so than Jay wanted. Well, speaking of that, Sambrough says, do your kids know kayfabe with wrestling? Are you guys keeping the magic alive for them still with wrestling? When's the time to have that discussion?
I don't know where Brett's at with it. He still definitely buys in that what he's seeing is real, but he knows how wrestling works because like like when me and him will have like play wrestling matches, he'll actually like call spots and stuff. You know what I mean? Like he'll, he'll call spots and like whisper in my ear what what's about to happen and what he wants me to do next and stuff. So I don't know if in his mind, maybe that's just something we do and the guys on TV are doing it for real. I think he definitely knows it's an act. I mean, he went to wrestling camp, you know what I mean? They kind of,
They didn't tell him me it was fake, but they definitely smartened him up. like i think And he's a smart guy. I think if you think like critically about it, like you know you got to know somewhere there's a little bit of a show to this. But he still enjoys it, man. He still watches it with kayfabe. Hell, I still watch it with kayfabe, dude. You guys know me, man. like When I watch it, i just I turn my brain off, man, and just enjoy it. Yeah. i think i don't i don't think that I don't think it's really even something that you have to have a conversation. I think it's just something that you kind of just come to your own. you know And I think nowadays, it's even more Because like you see everybody behind the scenes, you know what I mean? Like you go you could watch that freaking clip of Jacob and Jimmy ah meeting Jay from after the rumble, you know what I mean? Like they're all back there like hugging and dapping up and everything. and you know I hated that. I hated every second of them. No, no, that's still kayfabe, dude. At the end of the day, the bloodline for all their intro family squabbles, they still all want the family on top. They just disagree.
about the right way to get there, but in that moment, they reunited, dude, that- No, I'm just disappointed. That J1, man. I think it was a momentary show of respect. I'm just disappointed in you. J, I love you. Hail.

Positivity in Wrestling Viewing

Hail, I love you. You know what's gonna hit? Man, whenever Solo does come back and Jacob finally turns on him and he says, Solo.
I don't love you. I will say something I haven't put out on the pod yet, man. It's really changed the way I've watched wrestling so far in 2025. I have stopped reading any reviews or reading any recaps or really anything opinion based.
on um what's going on with wrestling. But I have watched every single minute of TV so far this year. I've watched every Raw, every SmackDown, every AEW Dynamite and Collision, every episode of NXT, and even the weekly Ring of Honor shows, man. I've watched it all and just consumed what they've given me without looking at any reviews and stuff. And I'm liking wrestling more than I have in years, man. We really we haven't watched the tv the weekly TV for the most part since we moved from Hawaii in 2019.
beat on the East Coast versus latest. Fuck man. And I had a job where I had to be there very, very early and we had extremely little kids. So it just didn't work out. We were kind of just, you know, we we'd watch the big matches, but then we would kind of like, you know, we're usually kind of fast forward through on DVR the next day. We want to sit down watching like a three hour chunk of raw. Yeah. So I recommend, it you know, try it out. That may not be for everybody, but try just watching it and avoiding the recaps. And I think more so than watching every waking minute, I think just avoiding reading.
other people's opinions on it, I think is made that is so so valid because you know, as I've been, you know, I've been ah diving into a lot more like ah fiction books over the last couple of years, you know, I've always been a reader, but you know, I've i' kind of got off the fiction bandwagon. And dude, I'm like a glutton for punishment. I will read a book and I will fucking love it. And I'm like, dude, that was awesome. And then I'll go on Goodreads and some motherfucker on there will say something shitty about the book. And I'm like, God dang.
Like, why'd you have to make me think about it like that? You know what I mean? Like, I was really enjoying it. And I really thought like, this was great. And then your ass has to come in here and like, just tease it all apart and make it like miserable. You know, you're like, god damn but how much did i did I really hate that person? Fuck was I just trying to cover it up in my head that I actually liked that person. God damn it.
Yeah, exactly. do Or they like point out all the like any plot holes that there were or any like, you know, any little thing that was wasn't exactly accurate or like the way that the author writes. And I'm just like, you know what, I don't I didn't, I don't read to read like that. You know what I mean? I read to just escape and enjoy and you know, be a part of a story. And these these guys are like reading to just like dissect and like, you know, which I mean, I guess that's a hobby as well. But Yeah, same same thing with wrestling, dude. Like if you just watch it for the enjoyment of watching it, I think you'll love the game. Yeah, you'll enjoy it better. I did make the mistake of going on Twitter after the Royal Rumble. Huge fucking mistake. I was like, dude, why are people like this? And I will say like, I've tried to watch
When I do watch wrestling, when I have time to to sit down and actually watch it, I have tried to watch it in more like a positive light. Like just, cause there was a, I mean, last year there was about a three month span where I just was not enjoying it at all. Like Jordan's relationship with wrestling was in a bad place. I just, I was not. enjoying. bring him out It didn't even matter what it was like, dude, it could have been great. And I still wasn't enjoying it. I mean, there, there was paper views of a w that sets would be like texting me and he's like, Oh man, that was awesome. And I'm like, nah, dude, they should have did this. And I'm like, why the fuck am I watching it like this? Like it's not even enjoyable for me. Like i I'm out on it before I even start watching it. So
I've really tried to like peel back to the layer of like, dude, stop being so fucking negative. Just watch it. I mean, the rosters are deep on all these shows. Like just enjoy it for what it is. Even like the, the shit of like, Oh, look at the attendance for AW. I don't give a fuck. I'm just going to watch what's in the ring. Great. Since they switched to the smaller venues, dude, it looks alive again. Like, yeah.
Yeah, I'm with you, man. Block out the noise, just enjoy wrestling. If you can't enjoy wrestling as it is right now, then you just need to give up the hobby, honestly. It's great right now, across both brands. Even with the issues AEW has, it's still freaking really, really great on a weekly basis. Well, Kevin Harrison had a question. How much fun do you think WWE officials are having getting the dirt sheets to spread misinformation?

WWE's Strategy with Dirt Sheets

I think it's the new kayfabe man. I think, I think working the dirt sheets is the new kayfabe. I don't buy for one second that story about Drew storming out, man. We heard a similar story after fall brawl or after survival. I think that's, I think that's a fair mix up dude. At this point, man, I feel like they're putting on fall brawl shows and just calling them survivor series, man. But yeah, you guys know what I meant. Uh, survivor series, war games, 2023. We heard the same thing about Drew.
I think that's just the new kayfabe man is working the dirt sheets. I do want to know like, who do we think it was just John Lauren, I just all those years was the source because whoever was the source for that was feeding the dirt sheets all the WWE stuff is completely cut off man like because they've been wrong and just like in the dark on so much WWE related stuff over the last couple of years it feels like whereas before I felt like felt like we knew almost every damn thing that was gonna happen before it happened. Like, you're you're a little bit more in tune with the dirt sheets, Jordan. What what do you think, man? Do you think it was just ah Triple H just threatened death upon anybody when he took over? Or do you think there was, like, one individual that was leaking shit to him nonstop?
it had to have been one person i mean dude it could have even been vince like vincent was the king of like oh man let's announce something five days before it happens like vince loved that shit so i think that's part of it honestly like i keep ah an eye on sean rothsap is the only one i even follow he's probably the best yeah i like him because his shit actually does seem like he actually is coming from the heart on it like it's not like he's just making shit up just to go with it a lot of times I mean I think some of the times they have to make shit up just to draw views but I like SRS he'll acknowledge when they get something wrong or they have like a miss whereas like Dave Meltzer like never wants to yeah like he'll be deadass wrong about something
Yeah, or he'll either dig his heels in on it or he'll just never acknowledge it. It's like it just goes up and and in smoke, man. so I do like that about Sean Ross Sapp, man, that on the occasions when they are 100% on base or something, like he'll explain how they missed it or whatever. Yeah, the CM Punk thing. I think everybody used to be like that. The CM Punk thing. He was extremely outspoken on what happened there and what he was told and all that stuff. and Once he excited everything that he had heard and all that stuff, it's like, okay, well, he doesn't look like a fucking idiot now. like yeah Dave Meltzer was like, Oh God, no, he was never coming back. this is This is just for them to stick it to everybody. It's like, dude, no, they just didn't make it known. It's yeah like, it's okay to admit like, Hey man, I might've got some misinformation. Like it's not the end of the world.
Yes, there's a definite life lesson in there that I think everybody can take something from. It's okay to take new information and digest it and have different opinions. Even if you've had your heels dug in on something for an extended period of time, if there's new information that you find that aligns with you or that you collect, it's okay to change your mind. It's okay to have different opinions throughout your life.

Wrestling Music: Past vs Present

If you can keep the same opinions your whole life, you're not evolving, you're just basically just like a freaking rock. You know what I mean? So I think- A rock, not the rock. Not the rock. I mean, anybody would be lucky to be the rock, but just A rock.
um What do you guys stand where I want to know? What do you guys think of the music all time low? What the hell was up with Finn's music? Definitely. They use the judgment day instead of using his like individual heal theme. Yeah. It's dude. A couple of things. One, the music just sucks, dude. Like deaf rebel to quote, you know, to take one of Jordan's expressions, man, launch deaf rebel into the sun. They suck, dude. So bad. I thought CFO was a pretty solid downgrade from Jim Johnson, but they they were leagues ahead of what Def Rebel was giving us. At least CFO was giving us like recognizable stuff. There's just, one, a lot of the themes are bad, and two, you know it's great that Triple H has brought back so many factions and made that such a big part of the show again. But most of the time, we're only hearing like the faction themes during the week. like Half the individual themes, like if I didn't play WWE 2K, I'd have no idea what they actually sounded like. so
Yeah, the the music's in a bad place, which is weird, man, because you know somebody like Triple H especially knows how big a deal music is for a wrestler's presentation. Unfortunately, you know Endeavor likes to absolutely extract every last drop of profit possible out of it, so I don't know if we're going to see any additional money poured into the budget, but it seems like WWE, I feel like they could find somebody better that could still do it cheap. Yeah, there was a couple of times during the Rumble I looked over at Seth and I was like, who is this?
It was coming out, you know what I mean? Cause it was just like totally in indistinct. And a lot of times I'd be like, I'd be pretty sure on who it was, but I'd still have to kind of wait to see that graphic pop up like on the, you know, the Trons or whatever. I hate the current state of of wrestling theme music.
I'm happy we got AJ's old theme back though. Like dude, that oh that made me so happy, man. i I love his theme music so much. And he brought the old gear back too, man. The old gear, he looked good. He wasn't wearing the, you know, whatever the hell he was trying to work with. I'm hoping for a main event run for AJ now. I love AJ.
ah How awesome is Braun Steiner? but What can take him to the next level? I think he's there, dude. I don't think he needs to be taken to the next level. He's there, dude. It's just a matter. I mean, he's intercontinental champ right now, and the intercontinental belt's more important than it's been in forever thanks to... Thanks to Gunther like Jordan talked about earlier on the show, dude. So, you know, I think he's in a really, really good spot. And I think it's just a matter of things lining up for them to ah to send him up in the world title picture man doesn't feel like it's going to happen before mania, but I feel like next year is going to be an even even more successful year than this one do can talk.
So one, he can talk on the mic, which is great. But even more importantly, dude, he doesn't even got to talk and he still got the charisma, right? Just the way he carries himself, the way he moves in the ring, like his mannerisms, like he just, he's it, bro. He's he's like the evolved form of the Steiner. so like He's like, if you mix Scott and Rick together, like all their best qualities, put them together and came up with a new wrestler, that's him, man. so Yeah, I think the sky's the limit for him. And I would not be surprised at all, man, if ah he ends up holding his first world championship in in 2025.

Future Stars: Bron Breaker and Joe Henry

If Jay wins, if Jay beats Gunther, I think bronze top of the list for the people is going to engage rain. yeah Yeah, I agree. I remember ah the end of his NXT run. We we all talked about this. We're like, dude, did this dude already plateau? And it's like,
Nope, he hit a different level when he got to the main roster Which is extremely encouraging because a lot of times that doesn't happen. You don't hit a different level You just stay on the same level, but now you're on a higher show or you go. Yeah, or you go down yeah I do think the missing piece come out the night after mania say hey you know i was wanting to chart my own path i feel like i've done that at this point i can embrace my family's legacy from this point on i'm bronze diner dude drop the breaker be bronze diner i think that would be the the last thing he needs to really ascend to main event status probably a third chance that happens
yeah I think I think it's got I think it's just got a better. It's just got nice got a little Genesee quad a brown break brown breakers at NXT name bron bro breaker is ah in index Ron Steiner's a roster name. Yeah ah We got a three four right here. We got ah three questions about Joe Hendry Doug one Dougie none You want to know if we believe Tony Barker? ah He says are you surprised that Joe Hendry was the only TNA? participant in the Royal Rumble. Tony Barker says he's a believer. And then Sandbro wants to know if we're fans of Joe Hendry. He's a different taste. But to me, he's just he's like Adam Cole. I don't get the hype.
It's, it's a comedy act like ah that. I mean, that's what it is. Like I've never watched a Joe Henry match and thought, Oh man, here's here's your main event. Here's that here's the next guy. Here's your guy. Uh, I really did want to see Moose dude. I was, I was really hoping I just, I love Moose and I would love to see him on that level. Uh, maybe we'll get it eventually. I mean, I don't think this partnership's going anywhere. Like WWE is going to buy a TNA eventually. And.
take their catalog and everything. So hopefully we'll still get it. But yeah, I don't get the Joe Hendry hype. I know I'm going to sound like i'm I'm talking out of both sides of my mouth here because I always hate on LA night for kind of the same thing. I don't think Joe Hendry is a meme wrestler, dude. I think Joe Hendry is the real deal, man. I think he's going to continue to have some serious, ah you know, some serious legs after this, I believe gimmick finally wears off. I don't know something i about it, man. I think Dean's got it. I am a believer.
I have no, I have no, uh, choice, but to, to believe, uh, what Seth is saying, because he was the only, like the only one that was, uh, on board for Jay, when in the elimination or to the elimination chamber, the Royal Rumble. And, uh, so, I mean, I feel like maybe i also said Austin theory was going to be a world champion by arrest. I still believe that. I still believe Austin theory is a future world, that but that's not what you said. You said within six months, Austin theory is going to be champ.
Yeah, I'm still holding all my stock though. I haven't gotten rid of any Austin theory stock, man. I still think that it's just a matter of time for that guy. Gets a second go around with a big push and is going to connect, man. i I think he's just such a natural heel, but yeah, I don't, dude, it's very similar, right? I feel in a lot of ways, Joe Hendry and l LA Knight are like opposite sides of the same coin. I just, for to me, there's something that seems a little bit artificial and inflated.
about the LA Knight buzz. I know I'm in the minority of that. I know most people are really big fans of LA Knight um and you know really believe in him to pardon the pun. I think there's something just a little bit more real about the the connection Joe Henry's got with the fans. And it seems like it's on a little bit of a deeper level. Maybe it's just because it's coming up from TNA. You know what I mean? Like he somehow at a TNA got something that really took the wrestling world by storm. But I don't know. I think the dude's going to be something, man. We'll we'll see what happens.

Rhea Ripley's Character Journey

Speaking of TNA, Sandbro wants to know, who takes the belt off Rhea? Oh, nice segue. Jordan Grace run with Rhea. I mean, dude, she's staring down the barrel with Charlotte Flair right now, dude. I think that's 50-50, man. I could see them crowning Charlotte at Mania and having a little reign of terror action. Or I could see them really making Rhea by getting a second bad-ass clean victory off Charlotte. You remember WrestleMania 39 weekend, Cody and Roman, Usos, Sammy and KO, that got all the attention. The best match that weekend was was Charlotte and Rhea.
I have a bad feeling Charlotte goes after Tiffany Stratton, dude. I was thinking she would go after Tiffany too. I have a really bad feeling that's what we're going to get. The first Ria and Charlotte feud did not hit the same as the second one. That first one drug on way too long and I don't really need it again. I just have a really weird feeling it's going to be her and Tiffy and then whoever wins the elimination chamber is going to challenge Ria. I have a really weird feeling about it.
Rhea was going through a weird character transitional thing. She's always been awesome, but during that period where she was where she was feuding with Charlotte, I feel like she just really wasn't in her own yet. You know what I mean? and then she can't When it clicked, Rhea was unstoppable, dude. and like There was no denying that she belonged. to As the women's champion at the top of the card like just you know it was really I'd say it was from the time She got called up to the main roster until the Judgment Day happened Rhea was in a little bit of a weird place Yeah, when when she when she kind of connected with Dom and like all that stuff started going off dude I really think she just kind of you know
ascended to new rights right there. And I mean, and that's really a star in the company. I know. And that's crazy to think because I mean, she'd already been, you know, women's champ and yeah all had all these accolades prior to that. But I feel like it just really, you know, she really got she hit a little there. Yeah, she hit a little. She just needed to hit that 30th tattoo before she really went over the top.
um Jordan Grace looked amazing, by the way. I think an action figure come to life. Yeah, I've seen her like up close and in person. They were on the fence about going to Memphis wrestling. I told them, I said, dude, I'm like LeBron calling all this stuff now, man. I said, you know, this is probably gonna be the last chance y'all have to meet Jordan Grace and something like this, man.
Yeah, since she was super nice to you, right? Oh, super. She was super nice. She let the Britman, um, you know, hold her, uh, TNA knockouts championship. Like it was just, yeah, she was just awesome. Um, and I mean, she's just, I mean, she's solid muscle. I mean, like, it's just wild to like see this little like tight package of just solid muscle, dude. So, uh, she's awesome. I hope she has success in WWE. That's what people say about me when they see me too. Just this night package of solid muscle, solid, muscle solid.
ah sam bral what to know do You guys do wrestling cards at all. Tons of hype around these tops cards.

Card Collecting: Complexity and Nostalgia

I wish you know I would have got into it maybe 10-15 years ago. man I feel like It's overwhelming. I'm really interested in it. I love, you know, I know we got a handful of card collectors in the Facebook group. I love seeing what you guys are pulling and stuff, man. Me and Jordan are actually just talking about trading cards there and I were talking about basketball cards. I love the thought of it, man. I just, I don't think I got the mental bandwidth because if I if i get in it, i got i I can't just dip a toe in, man. I got i got to really adopt it as a hobby. and
it's the card seems so complicated nowadays man i still think there's a good entry point so that that's why it's a no for me dog but i am really i love seeing it i i keep up with that and i actually listen to there's a sports card podcast that i listen to even though i don't collect cards at all scratches that it yes i said it so i i definitely keep an eye on what's happening in the space but um You were a card collector as a kid. Yeah. Big time. You still have it in your yeah big time NBA card collector and stuff, man. Um, but yeah, that's why I don't foresee myself getting into it. Jordan, are you, how deep are you in the, in the wrestling cards, man? Uh, I always get some serious FOMO about missing out on something. So I'll just like randomly order some cards in the middle of the night. And I'm like, why the fuck did I just do that? And like you were drunk the eight and now it's coming down. I don't drink that much.
I'm just saying, well, I mean, you're, you're ordering cards in Milan. I mean, I could, I like it. You don't gotta be drunk to do that. Um, but like the, the first set of AEW cards I ordered, like, I don't know, eight boxes of them or something. I was like, what am I doing? Like, what is the purpose? You talked me out of that, dude. I almost, that was the closest I got into it. So this is spring 2022. I'd even call it, we were still living in Norfolk, Virginia beach at the time.
And um I had caught around to some local card shops and found a place that was going to have boxes of the cards day one. And I was going to get a box. And all I wanted to do was rip some packs, see what I could get. I wasn't looking to get any crazy autos or or case hits or anything. I literally just wanted to put together a set like of the mainline basic cards. I didn't want any refractors, no color variants. I wanted straight up. I wanted to i wanted to complete the checklist of of basic cards.
And Jordan was like, dude, you know, you could probably buy it just the set. I think it was one to zero. I think it was one to 160 was the original set. You were like, you could probably buy that whole set for 20 bucks on eBay in a week if you just wait. And, you know, it was going to be like 140 bucks for the case of cards. And that with that, with that, I can't remember if it was on the phone we took of that or a text, but with that one line,
Jordan just shot a fucking arrow right through my little card collecting dream that was starting to take flight, dude. Jordan just fucking wasted it, man. Well, it's probably for the better because if you would have got that 140 pack of cards, you think you just want to start with that basic set, then you see some of them cooler cards, you'd be like, oh, dude, I need to start collecting these.
whatever. Do you remember when we were in Nashville for summer slam and we had to go to Walmart for a paint pen and I was like let's just stop by the cards and I was like I just buy a box just because we're here for a summer slam and I ripped that box open and I got a one of 10 Alexa Bliss. I sold that card like three weeks later for like 280 bucks and I was like what a come up. Yeah you let me rip a couple of those packs dude it was intoxicating. I love it dude the cards look so great nowadays they're so nice man like Yeah, it's a lot of fun, dude. I mean, I literally have unopened boxes of cards sitting next to me right now while we podcast because I'd literally have FOMO and I just buy them just to buy them. Dude, I was, you know, Sheena can tell you, she see my my collection, man. I was deep into basketball cards as a kid. Like I had a badass collection. I mean,
Me and Jordan, we were going deep on mid-90s basketball cards every night on text, talking about like individual cards and sets and stuff and everything. like it For a couple of years there, that would be my big gift for birthdays and Christmas. I'd get a whole box. of For those who don't know, a box of cards is where you get like the... you know Typically, you see the packs. They're in like the cardboard thing at the stores. If you get a box, you get in the cardboard thing like sealed from the factory with... I think back in the day, it was like 24 packs would come in a box. But that'd be what I'd get for... I'd pick out whichever set I wanted. I'd get a box of those cards and just rip all those packs at once. Yeah.
Yeah, I never got in. I was not into cards, so I can't. I don't know what that euphoria feels like. Philip Dunett. Who eliminated Speed? Wanker Dunett is his name. Oh, Wanker Dunett. Oh, Wanker Dunett. Wwe's website and your daft husband says Otis. I say Braun as Otis was already out.
Okay, so yeah, this is the second scoring controversy we got on the, uh, uh, the Foley picks league. We had some where we had to resolve tonight. For those listening, there is going to be amended scoring. Anybody that picked Jacob, but we originally were only giving points to the people that guessed Roman for most eliminations.
After reviewing the footage and WWE updated their official scoring, I still think it's wrong. I'm working against myself. I don't argue in it because I get points now. We're going to say that Jacob Fatou actually tied Roman. So anybody that picked Fatou and Roman is going to get the points on that. So a hand handful of people are going to get an extra point on their score. All right. So for this one, let me break it down for you guys in

IShowSpeed's Elimination Debate

case you guys don't got a committed memory. So Brown Breaker picks up, I show speed, tosses him over the top rope. However, before he hits the ground, Otis, who had just been eliminated, caught him.
and then threw him over the table to the ground. Now WWE credits Otis with the elimination. Phil says Braun. I think Otis is the elimination. Even though he'd already been eliminated. I think it's it's been established in the past. You can still eliminate somebody even after you've been eliminated.
um And he was a member he was a member of the rumble because Phil's article Phil's argument when I tried to explain that to you him Was that he thinks Michael Cole actually touched? I show speeds leg before he hit the ground as he was rolling off the table So Michael Cole should get credited for the elimination, but he wasn't a member of the match So I think Otis all the way. I don't I think it's pretty clear to me man. Come on wanker done it because you Yeah, the thing is, if Otis puts him back in the ring, he's not eliminated anymore. Right. You know what I mean? Yeah. I agree. Yeah. I think Otis gets the elimination. Yeah. I mean, we've seen that a million times where, like, I mean, Xavier would catch Kofi or something and, like, you know, stick him back in the ring or, you know, something to that side. So suck it, Phil.
get winker Um, uh, last one, our poor boy, uh, James Cody, Canterbury, he, he was just been distraught this, uh, since yesterday because he just doesn't understand the J hype. However, I do want to give him a quick shout out. He said after seeing his per his, you know, uh, intro of raw tonight, he did it. He did a face turn and he, he does understand, you know, he feels okay about Jay winning

Potential WrestleMania Matches with Legends

the role. He's eating though. He's eating. yeah He's eating and eating. He's no longer James Cody Canterbury. He's James Cody, Yeter Berry. He's Yeter Berry.
Um, but we were giving him a hard time because, you know, he always feels like he's the contrarian in the group. you know He's the biggest him and probably OG fig kid, Tom on top. They're probably the two biggest punk fans in the group. Yeah. They love punk. And sometimes we give punk a hard time in there. Uh, so he always give punk a hard time. He says, who do you guys hate more? CM punk or anti-J fans? Cause he, he came in there into the group and he was just like, he's like, am I the only one, you know, that doesn't understand, you know,
this whole J thing or something to that effect. The comments filled up fairly quickly with people being like... We jumped his ass. In a kind way because we love JCC. JCC is an OG. Yeah, he's the coolest man. We did jump his ass. Yeah, we jumped in the comments real real quick. No, I still say punk though. Punk will forever be the biggest, quote unquote, punk, bitch, whatever you want to call him then.
yeah Even though I will admit I've been entertained by him over the last year. I see the appeal. He is compelling. I just can't forgive all the bitch-assness behind the scenes, man. I think that's where I'm at. And I still think, dude, he has been on his best behavior. We're going on a year and a half now.
It's only a matter of time, dude. Yeah, dude. Tiger don't change his stripes, man. When somebody shows you who they are, believe them. Wait at this mania build. if you I don't really don't know where he's going to end up on the card right now. If this doesn't end up going to his liking, stand by, dude. I think this is going to be two straight manias where he's missed his mark, which let's let's wrap it up, dude. I'll pose a question. Where do you guys see Punk in and up now on the card?
I mean, I could easily see it being a ah triple threat between him and Roman and Seth, dude. I mean, with all the, I mean, I, I don't know. I hate that first set. i would i i would hate that i would Not because it's not because of punk, just because we've never gotten a proper role. i think we need I think this is the moment to get a proper set than Roman. I would, I would 1000% be behind that, but I can absolutely see WWE throwing punk into, into the mix there, dude. I think Punks won an elimination chamber, man. I think Punks is going to win the elimination chamber and face Cody. that That's what I see, man. I think i think obviously John Cena has got to be the heavy favorite right now. No, I think that rumor about Cena and Logan Paul going head to head, I think
I think that's real, man. I think we're gonna see Cena and Logan Paul at Mania. I think this Cena thing is gonna get stretched out all year long, dude. I think we're gonna, you know, he was second place at the Rumble. I think that's the story they're telling. I think he's gonna be second place in the Elimination Chamber. I think at Money in the Bank, he's gonna get this close to getting the briefcase and come up short. And all year long, he's gonna keep coming up short and just really milk it out, make us like where it's just, you know, you have to see this dude get his opportunity. And I think his last match, he's gonna go for the belt. and We'll see what happens there, man. I think, ah You think he's gonna break the record? I don't know. I don't know if he's gonna break it or not, man. I really don't. But I see his last match being some... You know, WWE's kind of making up the pay-per-views as they go nowadays. I see sometime in December, whether it's a PLE on Peacock or we get some kind... I could totally see it being a standalone special on Netflix. Think like what they did for Flair's last match, except really, really well done. You know what I mean? Like, Cena's last match is the show. So you'll have, you know, three or four matches on the undercard. So then what happens, he just relinquishes the title because he's done. Listen to this. So let's say, I think Cody holds the belt through mania. Let's say Cody and Cena. Cena's last match. Somehow, Cena finds a way, you know, one last time. He's as good as he ever was. Beats Cody for the belt, relinquishes it. We got this huge Royal Rumble in Saudi next year. Royal Rumbles to crown the new champion. I think that's clean. I said this the other night when we were, we watched the rumble at Tony's house and I said this to him the other night. I'm like, dude, WWE loves a tournament and I could easily see Cena winning and then the tournament finals, or you could just call it. I mean, at this point there is really no king of the ring. So you call it the king of the ring finals, whatever you want to call it, or the belt goes into the Royal rumble. Like I just, I think, I think anything could happen with it.
I think Siena has to win, dude. I think Triple H respects him so much and everything that he did for the business and be perfect to do it. like guys are indeed Much so like Flair's, I feel like I've never had Siena as the all time leader. And we throw around the term deserved so much, but dude, if anybody deserves that record, it's him. That guy was WWE through and through. There was no way he was ever going anywhere else. There was no way he was leaving. It's just- And not even just WWE, dude. He went above and beyond. All the Make-A-Wish stuff, dude. like you know I know people talk about that a lot, but i mean that's a big freaking deal, dude. i mean More Make-A-Wish visits than anybody else. you know He was the man during a downtime for the biz too. like dude think of If he wasn't there to keep their hands above water, like who knows what happens to WWE, man? like They may not be cutting billion dollar deals with Netflix and stuff nowadays, man. so
I'm kind of with you, man. i I think we see something similar to what AWW did with Sting, man. like You know, WWE had to have their eye on that and see what a great job they did with that send off for Sting. Probably, I think probably Tony Khan's crowning achievement while running AWW, man, with Sting's last run. um Yeah, dude, I think that I would have no issue whatsoever, man, with Cena winning the belt in his last match. But I, you know, going back to Mania, I do think they string us along, dude. I think Maybe it's not Logan Paul. Maybe he ends up somewhere else. But I think we end up with Punk, Cody, and Seth and Roman go one on one. Because to me, Seth and Roman without the belt is fine. Seth and Punk without the belt is fine. Roman and Punk without the belt is fine. But a triple threat for no belt is like yeah with three guys that big. That just seems very weird. I agree.
Yeah. know So she and me and Jordan are both on board with Cena winning the belt. What do you think? Oh yeah. Yes. I want, I want him to, I want him to have the record dude. Like you said, I want the history books to reflect that John Cena is the you know highest title winner of all times. Until Charlotte breaks it in like two years. I need, I do on this run need one more Cena and AJ Styles match just cause they're both on their, their last legs of wrestling and both those guys respectively kept two companies afloat for a really long time. So.
I definitely want one more AJ and Cena match before they're both done. Like I, I hope we get it. Even if it's on weekly TV, I just want to see it one more time. They had a bad ass series of matches to go back and watch that Royal Rumble 2017 match. Awesome match dude. Um, I want to see one more scene, a rap battle with somebody, man.
Got to get the D's nuts out one last time. I mean, bring back. completely unfiltered Yeah, he can be completely unfiltered now on Netflix. You know, I mean, they got, we got freaking Michael Cole saying, holy shit. Or was it Pat McAfee or Michael Cole? One of them said, holy shit. yeah like I mean, it just like caught me off guard. We got the, we got the partnership with TNA bring top dollar into, uh, have a rap battle with John Cena. No, no, just bring in B two and have seen this day. B two, give me a beat.
All right, Sheen, that's a wrap for the mailbag. Hit us with some closing thoughts and we're going to get out of here. We've already ran way long on this episode. Um, yeah yeah, I'm, I'm locked up. I hope y'all have a great night and a great night. It's they're night a great house night are ya going to be a great, we hope we have a great night. Yeah. Have a great, you have no idea what time the listeners going to listen to this. What are they listening to it on their morning jog? i Have a great rest of your week and go Cena.