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Wrestlemania 35 Preview Spectacular!

The Chick Foley Show
8 Plays5 years ago
It's finally here!!! Sheena and Phil preview Wrestlemania 35 match-by-match. They also discuss their favorite figures for every match and giveaway a Pete Dunne elite figure to one lucky patreon subscriber

Introduction & Hosts Overview

Oh, baby, we finally made it. It's WrestleMania week. It's the Chick Foley show. Get pumped. It's the hot take kid out here in Baltimore, Maryland. We have a jammed pack show for you as we are three or four days here from WrestleMania. I have Sheena Phelps on the line out from Honolulu. How are you Sheena?
going on man I am so freaking pumped in some ways I feel like we have been waiting forever for WrestleMania and then other ways I'm like oh my gosh I cannot believe WrestleMania is in just a few days yeah it always happens that way and it kind of sneaks up on you we've been talking about it for so long they've been dragging their feet since Royal Rumble but
None of that stuff matters anymore. We are here.

Show Highlights & Engagement

We have a jam-packed show. We're gonna preview NXT TakeOver. We're also gonna preview, obviously, every single match on the WrestleMania card. There is a lot of them, which I'm not complaining about. That'll be pretty fun. We're gonna pick our favorite figures from each of the winners of these matches that we pick. And at the end of the show, we're gonna give away our Pete Dunne Elite figure that we've been teasing to our Patreon listeners. And it's gonna be a good show.
Yeah, somebody's going to have a really good day today grabbing that peat done. Yeah, free shipping too. I'm not even skipping on the shipping. You get that for free. Yeah, I want to do it super delayed, five week shipping. Just do FedEx Smart Post. What website is the worst about shipping? As much as I love ringside, they're not the super fastest.
No, um, yeah, they're definitely not. Um, WWE shop to Hawaii is pretty, pretty bad. Like, I don't know how it is on the mainland, but man, if you don't, if you don't expedite the shipping and pay like the $10 shipping fee, WWE can take like three weeks to get here. By the time you get your merch, like the championships already changed hands. So you're like, Oh, well so much for this.
Well, we won't pimp the Patreon too hard, but we just recorded our bracket for the best entrance themes. We did the first round, 32 entrance themes, and I got some pretty good reactions from people. You can sign up at slash Chick Foley Show to listen to that.
Any questions or concerns or comments for us shoot us an email at askchickfoli at or you can DM Sheena on Instagram at chickfoli or on Twitter we are at chickfoli show and we have some cool box of mania videos you've been putting up there. What's the latest one you have up there now?
The most recent one was I unboxed The Great Muda. It was a Mad Reaper custom. It was so, so sick. And then I recently did NXT Series 4. So yeah, there's lots of good unboxed. And then we have our NECA Turtles, which isn't wrestling related, but we love action figures of all shapes and sizes. So we got those NECA Turtles, and we have so much more that we're recording this week and throughout next week to put up there too.

Merchandise Promotions

I just received my first order of Chick Foley show shirts from Speaking of which, there is a code this weekend for mania. Use the code mania for 20% off. What days is that going on, do you know?
I think it's, I think it's current. Yeah. Um, I think it's starting as of today. You can use code mania or maybe it's, maybe it's tomorrow. Maybe it starts on Thursday, but yeah, just keep checking. You should be getting emails. You can check their sites at pro wrestling tees. Uh, but yeah, make sure you use that code mania to get 20% off all of your merch and especially check out the chick Philly show, uh, shop, because that's where all the good stuff's at.
I got the super soft shirts. My buddy, Zach Eaglehoff, he's a Patreon member. I got him a shirt. And he let me know that the shirts that they use are next level apparel. I guess he's used them before. They don't shrink. They are nice quality. So I'm excited about wearing that. The only thing about being a bigger guy, I get like the double acts and it fits perfectly. And then I wash it once. And then I'm like, I can't raise my arms above my head at a football game or the belly sticks out.
Hashtag fat guy problems, but yeah, they're good quality stuff I'm excited to wear them out and about and please subscribe to us on iTunes if you're listening on an iPhone or iPad it helps us out give us a nice five star review we have a winner for our Flash giveaway that you put on Instagram. She didn't tell the people about that
Yeah, so we did a flash giveaway for Sami Zane and Kane Figures for people who were writing in reviews for the Chick-Fully show. We were super excited because we got some really awesome reviews from you guys. So this one, the one that we picked at random from everyone who had already left us in a review previously and everyone that left a review within the contest time frame.
Our winner is Arikshi. I think that's how you say it. A-R-A-K-E-S-H-E. We'll be posting this up on the Instagram and the Twitter too. So if you see it, please DM us your details so we can send you that elite Sami Zayn and Kane figure. But the review comes in and it says, this podcast is one of the best podcasts on here and they deserve everything they get for their shows. And shows was with the Z.
Oh, nice. That makes it like party boy style. Yeah, yeah. Add a little flair to there. So thank you so much, Arakshi, for sending in that review. Like I said, it really helps us out. It really helps us boost up so people can put more eyeballs on us and listen to us. So thanks a lot, guys.
uh... i just want to be clear that everyone hears this that we just gave away to elite figures for taking thirty seconds to review us on itunes so yeah we're gonna keep doing stuff like this man sheena with the patreon money coming in we're gonna you know make sure these giveaways keep happening and we have sixty four views on itunes you know which is pretty cool i give a shout out to all the people that i did a ravens podcast for five-plus years and we had like fifty reviews so it's tough to get people to do reviews uh... to sort of get uh...
On the way to 100, it's a pretty cool thing. So thanks to everybody that did that. We have two new Patreon subscribers, Adam Whitehead and Aaron Collins. So thank you guys. Make sure to check out that new episode on there. And one more thing about the Trism Books giveaway that we're going to be doing pretty soon too. Tell them about that.
Yeah, so we actually we picked a winner. So I don't know if you guys saw my live the other day or if you've been following on the Instagram but um trism books is doing a series of wrestling books for kids and guys they are so cool like they have such good morals and it's like all all of your favorite elite team guys I mean they are just they did um the one that we were giving away was the young bucks stand tall
Um, and it's just like I said, it's just got such a great moral. It's about standing up for yourself, believing in your dreams. Um, freaking Cody is having a book come out, which, uh, within the next like month or so. So we're super excited to support tourism books. Um, and they sent us a copy of the young book stand tall and we.
you know we all you had to do was follow trism books on instagram and you know you had a chance to win so at canine siblings congratulations you won the trism book entry so please dms your details so that we can send you that and i think you're absolutely gonna love it it's and if you haven't you should definitely check out so um canine siblings i was looking at his instagram and it's like it's just like it's a puppy instagram and i'm like oh my gosh
Yeah, I don't know if this guy has kids or not, but he could read this book to his puppies. It is so, so cute. So thanks a lot for following them. And if you don't follow them already, you can check them out. And if you have little mini marks that you're raising in your life and you're so tired of reading La Ma La Ma Red Pajama, you want to slap it against your head.
Get your kids some good wrestling books over at Trism. Like I said, they have young books, Stand Tall. Colt Cabana has a book, I think it's called Wrestling Dreams. And then like I said, Cody's book is coming out and I'm sure they're just getting started.
That's pretty cool. I read too many books to my kid at night before he goes to sleep that have no story or no memorials or no, like, doesn't really learn anything from. So this is pretty cool. It's to check out their bookstore. I did want to get it. Go ahead. Sorry.
Yeah, I was going to say it's funny that you say that because sometimes we'll be reading a book to the baby face and then, you know, he'll husband I'll slam it and he'll be like, well, that was shit. You know, because it's just like, like, there's literally no meaning or like your kid doesn't learn anything from it. It's basically just you talking. And, um, you know, I'm like, what happened to all the good children's books? Like when we were growing up or maybe they just always been crap and we didn't know.
Um, but yeah, until you have a kid and you start doing story time at night, like you, you don't realize, but yeah, you'll really enjoy these books. It'll definitely change up the monotony of like, you know, no shade of Dr. Seuss, but you know, all your Dr. Seuss and Bernstein bears and llama llamas.
I literally had to throw a book away the other day, because it was so bad. It was basically like Peter Rabbit had to go back in time to get eggs or something, and then he went to the future to different holidays. Oh my gosh. And it was like one of those books where the font is like size 11, so it was like Lord of the Rings or something. So I just threw it away.
Oh, I know those books. Thankfully, Babyface hasn't gotten there, but I nannied for a long time. I was a full-time nanny, and yeah, I know those books where you're like, Jesus! Yeah, I could be reading Harry Potter or something, you know?
I want to give love to somebody that I told I was going to give love two weeks ago. It's at toy underscore tracker on Twitter. He has a great website. It's And it's basically a website. He's compiled all the data from eBay listings to give a pretty accurate pricing analysis of old Hasbros and wrestling toys, both mint on card and loose.
It's kind of like, back in the day, we had Beckett magazine for baseball cards. If you were a kid and you collected baseball cards, this is a great way to check, see what your toys are worth. Or if you're looking for something on eBay, it has everything in one place. So check it out,

NXT TakeOver Predictions

A great website. And I told him I was going to give him a plug because I checked it out. It was pretty cool. Sweet. That's all the good housekeeping. I did want to let everyone know that
Yeah, we're going to do an NXT takeover recap for Patreon subscribers. It's the lower tier, so it's a dollar a month. And we're going to do that for each of our takeover episodes. So Friday night, we're going to hop on and get another episode in to recap takeover. But let's preview takeover right now, because it's going to be a good show. You have it on here. Is this the best takeover card ever? And man, it's shaping up that way.
Yeah, I mean, it is literally, you know, every match has like title contention, you know? So like, it is like every match means something, which is super awesome. And you know, NXT, during takeovers, they always deliver, you know? And it's so super cool. This card looks incredible. You know, unfortunately, we'll talk about it in a little bit. You know, we lost our champion, Champa, but
Somehow, some way, it doesn't even feel like we're missing him. As crazy as that sounds, this card is still so stacked that it doesn't feel like the champion went down in a blaze of glory. Yeah, when you have Aleister Black and Ricochet in a tag team match in the second match of the night, it's going to be a pretty damn good card. Let's start from probably the curtain jerker, which is one of the matches I'm the most excited for.
the champion Shayna Baszler versus Bianca Belair versus Io Shirai versus Kyrie Sane in a four-way match for that women's NXT championship, which I know you have a problems with Mattel over not giving us the real thing in the Shayna Baszler elite, but That's a story for a different day. What are your thoughts on this match because I'm pretty pumped for it.
Yeah, I'm pumped. I mean, it's gonna be a banger. I mean, these four women are incredible. I mean, you got the Sky Pirates, you know, that are just gonna put on a show and be jumping off of everything. Shayna Baszler, who is just a freaking physical force to be reckoned with. And then you got Bianca Belair, who, I mean...
proved herself, you know? I mean, when she went up against Shayna at, like, the Takeover Survivor Series, like, I mean, she was, I mean, she was a beast, you know? And I think she, I think a lot of people really underestimated her, you know, i.e. Sam Roberts really gave her some, gave her some crap. But I think she proved herself, and I think it could really be any one of these women could walk away with the title. And the crazy thing about this match is, like, this is the only match on the card that doesn't really have the potential to be matched at the weekend.
but it's still going to be so freaking awesome. You know, um, I, I don't know who, like there's so many different scenarios that I could see who could win, you know, and why. Um, but who are, who do you think you're going with in this?
I think Shayna definitely loses the title. I feel like this is right before WrestleMania. That's a good way to introduce her. If they keep Ronda around, they can use her as kind of backup on Monday against whoever beats her for the title. We'll get to that later. But I'm thinking Kyrie saying they've kind of hinted at it multiple times. I feel like she's the most likely candidate here. What say you?
I think Shayna Baszler will lose. It's crazy to say that because I mean, she's had the title since like, well, I mean, she lost it for a little bit, but she won it last April. So she's basically been dominating the women's division in NXT for the previous year. I mean, she lost it for a little bit, you know, at a take-out, like, where does she lose it? Oh, a Survivor Series. Yeah, so she, yeah, yeah. So actually, no, that's not right.
Anyway, she won it back at Evolution in October, and she's been freaking a force ever since then, but I do think she's main roster ready. With Ronda rumored to leave, Shayna could slide right into that spot, you know, that just that brute heel spot that Ronda's playing right now. And with the fatal four-way rules, you can really still protect.
I think it's gonna be Bianca Belair. I think Io Shirai and Kyrie Sane, they're Sky Pirates gimmick. I think it could be more of a tag team. Since now that we have tag team championships that are gonna be defended on all brands, I could see those two as a really, really powerful tag team. And I think Bianca Belair would be a really awesome new champion.
That's a good call. I'm going to go with Kyrie Sane, as I said. And the only person out of these four that has a figure is Shayna Baszler. So she kind of wins by default. She has that Elite 67 available on right now. Who are these people gets a figure next, you think?
Um, I mean, Kyrie Sane is just made to be an action figure, right? I mean, um, I mean with her, with the pirate gimmick, I think she's just legitimately like, you know, I think she'll be the next one for sure.
The tag team titles are on the line, War Raiders putting the title on the line against Aleister Black and Ricochet, who for some reason are now on a tag team in NXT as well, which is kind of confusing. I don't really see them going over here because I think they're on their way out. But I know it's hard to say, with the way they're treating NXT as kind of that third brand, do they make them champions and have them defend that belt on Raw and SmackDown? It's definitely an interesting concept.
Well, I mean, what's crazy is that Black Ashay has literally, like by the end of the weekend, they will have wrestled for all three tag team titles in the span of a week, which is so crazy, right? And I don't think there's any way that these two, like they're gonna be in the SmackDown fatal four-way tag match at Mania. And I think they have a better chance of winning that than they do winning this. And I don't think there's any way that they would be like dual tag team champions, you know?
Personally, I still don't see them as a legitimate cohesive tag team. I feel like there's really no sense in taking the titles off the War Raiders right now. I mean, the match is going to be incredible. You know, you have the perfect mix of brutal physicality and insane athleticism with, you know, these guys. And I think it's going to really, I mean, it's going to be a killer match, but I'm going with the War Raiders on this.
Yeah, I'm going to say the War Raiders retain. The War Raiders had those really nice Ring of Honor action figures. Have you ever seen those? They're pretty legit looking. Yeah, well, it was there was FTC. I think only Hansen was ever released. Oh, yeah. So I don't think it was there was ever a row like it was they were supposed to come out. But I'm pretty sure that only Hansen ever ever came out. And if I was an FTC collector, like that would drive me nuts, like not having
a complete war Raiders set. But, um, yeah, I mean, obviously we got to go with, um, my favorite of this is NXT elite, uh, the series for Alistair. I mean, that's one of the most mage figs ever.
Yeah, it's an awesome figure. If you haven't picked it up yet, definitely do. I know it's been hard to get for some folks. Hit us up if you are not able to get it. I've been seeing it in some of our stores locally here. And I know everyone locally here has kind of gotten it. So I'm willing to help people out if they need to get them hoping Ricochet gets a NXT Elite pretty soon because that would be pretty good gas. Yeah, he for sure will. And as far as the match, I mean, the War Raiders really have everything to gain here. And Blackochet really has nothing
to lose, so I think it's definitely gonna be War Raiders, but I'm still excited to see this. Match of the weekend candidate, Velveteen Dreams, the North American champion, he defends the belt against the king of the bros, Matt Riddle. Yeah. Man, this is a match that a lot of people are waiting to see. These two guys are kind of at the peak of their game right now, and kind of the future of NXT I think over the next year, right?
Yeah, I would think so. Um, you know, Riddle's got so much momentum, you know, especially being like a newer guy on the roster. I mean, he's got so much momentum. Um, and I, I'm definitely pulling for him in this match. I think, I think he's the one going over, but I, then I asked myself like, well, then what's next for dream? You know, like if dream loses this, then what's next? Is he going to go after the NXT title? You know, um,
So yeah, it's really interesting, but I think Matt Riddle is ready to hold some NXT gold.
I'm thinking the same thing. I love the NXT, or sorry, the Velveteen Dream Elite 67. It's in the same set as that Shayna Baszler figure. So that's probably the only one from this match. And I think, yeah, I think Dream is, I don't think he gets called up right away. I'm thinking he, yeah, he goes for the NXT World title over the next couple months. I am interested to see what he wears to the ring because he always kind of pulls something out for these takeover events.
Yeah, his gear is always on point, you know, and I've said it before and it's unfortunate I feel like velveteen dream is like he's one of those people that I feel like his His look and his gimmick and his character and everything works so well in NXT But I'm scared for him to get called up to the main roster because I'm scared that it's just not gonna translate So I hope
that he still has a long fruitful career in NXT because I'm not ready to see Dream kind of like in that lower mid-card position yet. I agree. He's got a ton of potential, man. He's super talented. And his look and his gimmick kind of overshadows his work in the ring. He's a really good storyteller in the ring. So yeah, I'm excited to see what they do here with this match. Yeah, I'm going with Matt Riddle, though.
All right, I'm gonna go with Velveteen Dream. I think he keeps the belt, so we'll be different there. Pete Dunne defends his United Kingdom as UK Championship against Walter. I think Pete Dunne is approaching 700 days with that title. It's insane. Yeah, so it's like he's been the champ for almost two years, and it's the longest title reign since Hogan in the 80s. So WWE has some serious
like belief in Pete Dunn. I mean, I have some serious belief in Pete Dunn. I absolutely love him. Um, and I mean, he, so he won the title on May 20th at takeover. So he's at it, you know, takeover Chicago. He beat Trent seven. So yeah. Wow. Yeah. Long, long time.
This is a match people been waiting to see ever since Walter was rumored to be signing with NXT UK. Do you think they take the belt off of him here? And if they do, what does Pete Dunne do going forward? Is it similar to Velveteen Dream where he kind of steps up with Choppa out and elevates that main event picture for NXT? I don't know. I think if Pete Dunne loses here,
I, I can obviously see a rematch between him and Walter. Um, and then if Walter retains, I can see Pete done just going, going on and being called up to, to the main roster, um, because he's ready. But again, it's one of those things like you're seeing the King, the King of the mountain go to, you know, now he's like a, I mean, I don't want to say he's a little fish or a big fish in a little pond, but yeah, when you get to the main roster, I mean, there's just so much talent there.
that it's hard for your, for your people to shine like they do down at NXT. But I don't understand why they would bring Walter in this guy who is just legitimately like jumps. He like leaps off the screen. I mean, he's built like a brick shit house. He's like the king of European strong style. Um, why they would bring him in. Like I was intimidated when I didn't even know much about him when I saw him debut at NXT UK. And I was like, I was already intimidated. Like who the hell is this? Um, and,
I don't know why they would bring someone in like that only to make him lose his first ever match, you know?
Yeah, they're promoting him pretty heavy, and he's gonna be kind of the future of that NXT UK show, I feel like. Pete Dunne, I don't know on Raw or SmackDown, what role he feels. He's kind of an undersized guy. It's crazy, I mean, I would love to see 205 Live elevated as kind of a middle ground for these guys like him and Ricochet to kind of
Get more exposure, but you know this wrong Smackdown is just so crowded right now I just don't want to see them lost in the shuffle I'd rather see them you know as big-time players somewhere else and you could really Really make that show kind of a must-see attraction if you add some of these guys to it But I mean yeah, I'd love to see done up on the main roster on Raw or Smackdown, but I just I just worried just like dream I'm just worried where he fits in I
Yeah. Um, but I don't know. I think Pete, I think Pete Dunn has the, has the charisma and just the talent that like, even if he is not like, you know, in like heavyweight championship title contention, like he's still going to be a force on the main roster. I don't, I don't foresee. And, and for someone that they put so much energy behind, I don't think, and let him be the champ for almost two years. I don't think they're just going to bring him in to just like, let him go stale, you know?
He's definitely got the look, man. I feel like he looks the part. He can step in and be a, you could put him on Raw right now, and he fits in there with his look. For sure. There's going to be a lot of turnover here, I feel like, on this NXT TakeOver New York show, which is good and bad. It gives us more fresh faces on NXT, so that's always a good thing.
Yeah, one thing is for sure. I mean, I don't know who's going to win this. My heart says Pete Dunn. My brain says Walter is going to win. So I mean, I have to go like say, I think Walter will win. But one thing's for sure, they're going to beat the hell out of each other.
Yeah, I'm with you. I think Walter wins this one here. Unfortunately, uh, NXT championship is on the line. Two out of three falls for the vacant title, Johnny wrestling against Adam Cole. And, uh, I don't know who to pick here, man. This is, uh, it's going to be a damn good match as I do know that, but I don't know who's going to come out on top.
Um, I think I, I definitely think it's going to be Adam Cole here. Um, you know, this is the same building that he debuted in almost two years ago. It was actually the day after the baby face was born. It was at, um, takeover Brooklyn three. Um, we were at, we were still at the hospital watching NXT takeover. It was the day, like I said, day after Brett was born. And, um, I think, I think it's time. I think, you know, it's time for the undisputed era to like.
start their 2019 reigning supreme. So I think this would be the perfect way to kick it off. And it sucks that we lost Champa. Like I said, you guys know if you listen to the show, if you follow me on Instagram, you know that I love me some black heart. But nobody's going to be mad to watch Johnny Gargano versus Adam Cole. Yeah, Gargano's in a weird position now without Champa. What does he do? He's another guy, would fit 205 Live as well.
Yeah, I just feel like with Champa gone, I don't feel it's necessary for Johnny to win the NXT Championship right now. I think they'll probably just move because he was already being moved up to the main roster. I think they'll just go ahead with that. Now that they know the future of Champa, that he's had his surgery and everything's kind of more clear as to what his recovery is going to be and things like that, I think they'll go ahead and move him to the main roster.
Um, and then, you know, just, just go from there. And then once they decide whether or not Champa is even going to be able to come back, then, you know, then take it from there. But I don't know how well the sad thing is, is I don't know if they did bring Champa back. I don't know how well that is going to translate to the raw or smackdown audience because they weren't, they didn't watch that whole, you know, feud for the last two years down in NXT, you know? So, um, it's, it's pretty crazy to think that like, you know, we may, we may never get,
We may never get a conclusion to Gargano and Champa, but that's just unfortunately the price you pay to put your body on the line day in and day out as a WWE superstar. Yeah, thoughts and prayers to Champa. Some of the articles that I've seen floated on Twitter and Facebook, the prognosis doesn't seem to be too positive for him. So hopefully he can take some time away from the ring and get things sorted out with that injury. It's always scary, man.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, you couldn't run it back on Raw or SmackDown. People are not going to know. It's going to be like a fart in church. Unfortunately, the people that watch Raw and SmackDown are not the people that are religiously watching NXT. Right. They should, but they don't.
Yeah, so I think it only makes sense for Adam Cole to get this and really start a reign of terror with the undisputed era. I'm with you. I'm with you. This is a really good card I was hoping. I almost rather head up to, if I could only go to one of these cards, Take Over, Indoors, Shorter Show. Really, from top to bottom, you've got five awesome matches here that are going to be really fun to watch. I would not mind going up to New York for that one.
Yeah, and the takeover crowd, especially the mania takeover crowd, they are insane. The energy is just unlike anything I've ever been a part of. I absolutely love it. I'm jealous of the people. I'm getting that FOMO feeling. Right now, I'm watching everybody on Instagram traveling and getting there and doing all these things and getting to experience WrestleMania weekend, which is one of the most fun weekends that any mark can have. And I'm having serious FOMO. And I'm like, oh my gosh, you guys are so
just enjoy it and have so much fun and just like mark out as much as you can because once that weekend's over like you're like coming off like this huge high. But yeah, I'm excited to watch the show from home even if I can't watch it from you know the front row. But I'm excited for all you guys that get to go.
Yeah, a couple of my buddies from the Baltimore Elite Squad are heading up there. They're going to take over. They're going to access. They got their autograph signings all mapped out. They're obviously going to WrestleMania. It's a great weekend. And I'm really hoping to go next year in Tampa a little bit of a warmer climate after going to that MetLife show a couple of years ago.
I watched before we started recording, I watched back that WrestleMania from MetLife and oh my God, it was an awful, I was kind of getting back into wrestling at that point and Del Rio versus Jack Swagger for the World Heavyweight Championship. Oh my gosh, wow. Pretty fucking awful, yeah.
We've come a long way. We've come a long way, baby. Yeah, this card, yeah, there's nothing. I mean, well, I guess we have Baron Corbin versus Kurt Angle, but we won't bag on that too much. But yeah, I'm excited to get into the WrestleMania card, man. It is like, you know, it's been one of those things that's kind of like, like, I feel like the build hasn't been that crazy, but I'm like, this could really surprise us and be a really incredible show, you know?
Yeah, I feel like when you don't have the highest of expectations is when you get kind of pleasantly surprised. And I feel like it could happen here. There's gonna be some surprises. There's gonna be some guests, some appearances that pop up out of nowhere. We'll get to that in a little bit. But the build itself for WrestleMania, it's just felt longer than usual. It felt like they've been kind of treading water, especially with some of the main event matches on this car. How have you felt about the build up to this WrestleMania 35 this weekend?
I agree, I think it has felt a little bit longer. I think it's because things have happened that were kind of unpredicted, that weren't just created by the writers, they weren't manufactured. Becky having her meteoric rise to being just the hottest thing in the wrestling industry. Nobody could have predicted that, that it was gonna happen that way. And it was kind of one of those things that it was like, holy crap, we've got this freaking rocket ship here.
Like how are we gonna maintain this until WrestleMania? And I think that's kind of really made it feel like it's dragging out. Whereas in previous years, storylines change, titles change hands and things like that. And it doesn't feel so drug out. But now that we're here, I'm looking back on it. I think I'm looking back on it a little bit with rose colored glasses. So pumped and ready just to see the payoff to all these storylines. Let's get into it here. We have, what did you say, 22 matches on this card?
Yes. Yes. Uh, I would have to go back and recount, but yeah, it's, it's pretty freaking loaded. How are you going to fit this all in from what? I guess five o'clock a two hour pre-show to midnight. That's a five hour show, seven hours. It's going to be tight. It's going to be real tight. I mean, I hate to be, have to work the next day and coming back on that bus ride from New York. That's for sure.
Yeah, you people, you guys are gonna show up to work on Monday looking like zombies, but it's okay. Just have your coffee pot ready. It'll all be all right. Come off that WrestleMania high. Yeah, just learn to sleep with your eyes open when you get to work. That's the key. Yeah, absolutely, find your cubby. Raw tag team champions are on the line. The Revival defends against the Major Brothers, our brothers in podcasting.
Yeah, we got to support these guys, right? We got to pull for them. Yeah, it's still unclear if this match is actually going to happen, but it's been rumored and it's been teased on social media. So if it does go down, I mean, as much as I love the revival and think that they're like, you know, I mean, they're definitely worthy champions. I think Zach and Kurt, they're representing the fig life community. So we got to back those guys.
Yeah, they uh, besides the fact that they follow us on Twitter, no big deal. Hashtag no big deal. Um, yeah, this is, I mean, this is cool. And what better way to end this losing streak for Curt Hawkins. I mean, even though that is his gimmick, I mean, you're gonna lose your gimmick, but I mean, to become tag team champions again, to go from where they were, you know, a year ago, or they weren't even on TV. It's a pretty, a pretty cool thing.
We've seen the WWE brass kind of jerk around the revival here and there and not give them their props, but I don't know, this could be a good match. Yeah, I think so too. I mean, if it ends up going down, it will be good. And I think there'll be a little bit of comic relief with Zack Ryder and Kurt, but yeah, I'm excited. I'm going to pull them for the major brothers.
I think it'd be cool if they do win the titles here and then they have a thing where they kind of do this with the B team a little bit, but have them winning matches, but accidentally. Have the authors of pain fall down or Zack Ryder actually trips. Just make it kind of like they're winning, but they're not even doing it on purpose kind of thing. It'd be kind of fun. Totally. Yeah, totally.
I think, yeah, that would be super cool. So I would say my favorite Major Brothers figure, I love the Elite 59 Zack Ryder. It's like the red, white, and blue, almost like the Macho Man coat. I love, love, love that figure. I mean, I love the new Curt Hawkins Elite. That's just super mage. Yeah. Perfect. Yeah, I'm so glad that he got a figure. And I actually like the regular with the orange and blue more than the Chase.
Yeah, I agree. I totally agree. And I mean, all these guys have great figures. The revival had those NXT elites. They were pretty cool looking, too. But yeah, I think that Zack Ryder USA wins overall. That's a cool figure.
For sure. Yeah, next up we have the, oh my gosh, this, this, nothing against the battle royal, but the trophy for the women's battle

WrestleMania Battle Royals

royal. I like to just call it the uterus memorial trophy because it legitimately looks like a female reproductive system. And I know- I don't see this, I don't even know.
Oh my gosh, how do you not know? They literally, I mean, they had it on, on Monday and I was like, no, they didn't bring it back. Please feel the love of God. Like I can't believe they didn't get rid of that trophy. Um, it, it is first of all, I know. Yeah, I didn't, I couldn't see it before, but now I see it. Yeah.
Yeah, totally looks like a uterus. And I'm just like, wow, that's worse than the Divas title with this uterus belt. But anyway, the match I think is going to be good. I'm pulling for Asuka. I feel like if Asuka is not going to be, you know, just former champion recently lost her title, she could be able to beat any of these any of these women in a heartbeat.
Yeah, I'm there. I want to see Carmella just because I'm kind of in love with her. So I do want to see an ending to the whole Alicia Fox Maria hat angle. Hopefully we get a resolution to that. True, true. I think a lot of people have been waiting for that. But confirmed so far, we have Carmella Naomi, Oscar Lana, Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville,
Nikki Cross, Dana Brooke, Ruby Riot, Liv Morgan, Sarah Logan, Mickie James, and Selena Vega. Those are the confirmed women for the women's battle royal so far, but yeah, I'm pulling for Asuka. There's some talented women in this match for sure. What do you think about Naomi kind of jumping on social media and kind of complaining about her spot on this card? I mean, it's tough at WrestleMania to really complain about where you are, but do you think she has kind of a gripe here?
I don't think, I don't think her gripe is probably about being in the battle royal. Um, I think her gripe, she was supposed to have a title shot, you know, they were going to do the fatal four way for, you know, the title shot for smackdown and they just completely ditched that angle and you know, put, put Charlotte in the match with Oscar and you know, put
Put that in the main event, put the title, the SmackDown title in the main event. I think it's just kind of carried over from that. I feel like she just probably feels like they just put all their eggs in one basket with the women. Yeah, I can see that. We had Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 30 in one of the greatest angles of all time, win the world title. The next year, he was in a ladder match for the Intercontinental title, which he did win.
Yeah, that was that was an awesome match. Yeah, but you can't you can't stay even guys. It's can't you can't stay on top and all the whole time. I mean, Nakamura was in a title match last year. Now he's in a a throwaway tag team four way match, you know with Rusev. It's just it's just the way things are. It's I don't think it's a man versus woman type of thing. It's just you know, she she definitely drew out the trolls with those those comments and
You know, I mean, the Charlotte Becky thing is big businessmen. That's just making money. And that's what they're they're the best at what they do. Those three are the best. I mean, it is. And you can't I mean, you can't you legitimately cannot complain out of all of that. You have to think of all the talent that's back there in the locker room and how many men and women would just give everything they have to be on that WrestleMania card and probably never, ever have the opportunity to even be on a WrestleMania card.
And yeah, it's hard to take anyone seriously that's complaining about their spot at WrestleMania. And like you said, you can't expect to always be the front runner, unless you're Brock Lesnar, I guess. Any chance Alexa Bliss gets involved in this match at all? I mean, it was kind of odd to make her the host of WrestleMania. I don't know if she's, she came back for a little while. She was in the Royal Rumble. Now is she injured again?
I don't think so. I think, I don't think she'll, I don't think she'll enter the women's battle Royal. I think she just going to host and that will be her, that will be her spot. Unfortunately I do miss Alexa. I think she's awesome, but yeah, I don't think she'll get involved in this.
All right, might as well move on to the Entre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, which is- That's a mouthful. It is, kind of the best of the rest of everyone in the men's division. Do you have the list of the guys? Yeah, yeah, so we got confirmed. We got Braun Strowman, Michael Shea, Colin Jost, Andrade, Apollo Crews, Titus O'Neil, Tyler Breeze, Jinder Mahal.
No Way Jose, Bobby Rude, Chad Gable, The Lucha House Party, Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel, Heath Slater, Rhino, Victor Connor, Ali, if you guys don't know who that is, formerly Mustafa Ali, Shelton Benjamin, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Otis Tucker, and EC3. Holy smokes.
All right, so the smart thing here is to elevate a guy that is going to be kind of on the cusp, a future guy like Andrade or EC3. That is guaranteed not what they're going to do here. Or Ali, you know, one of those three guys I would love to see win this match.
Luckily, we don't have a big big show appearance. So that's good. Yeah Yeah, typically it would be someone like Braun or big show, right? I have Andrade winning this I think it could definitely be a good spot for him Like you said to elevate him and to just really put him as a front runner sadly Historically the the battle royal hasn't produced any like long-term effects
positive effects for anyone, right? I don't feel like any of the winners of the Battle Royal have went on to do anything that's super important. Yeah, Cesaro won the first one, which was kind of a head scratcher. You would think that Big Show would win the first one, Cesaro won it when he was a singles guy. And he's now found success with the bar. Baron Corbin won a couple of years ago. He had a good role as the constable
Yeah, Big Show won the year that we were there at 31. He put Ms. Dow over the ropes to win. So Big Show won the second. Baron Corbin won the third. Then Mojo Raleigh won. Then it was Matt Hardy. And then obviously, we'll crown a new winner this weekend. Matt Hardy won last year? Yeah.
Wow, yeah, I had totally forgotten about that. I'm going to go with EC3 just because that's what I want. Or I'm going to go Ali. I'm going to go Mustafa Ali as the winner. Yeah, I could see that happening too. And that would be like a total underdog situation because he's so small. I think that would be super cool. I think it's too obvious with Braun to win it. With the SNL guys involved, something's going to happen. Yeah.
going to throw them out or something like that. They're going to pull them out or something. It is crazy that two guys from Senate Live are in the Battle Royal, but I guess that's what WrestleMania has kind of always been. People complain about it. I'm like, man, this has been going on since WrestleMania 1. We had Pete Rose getting tombstone.
They're always going to pull people. Yeah, I mean they had Gronk come in and spear someone. So they're always going to pull people in that are not wrestling related, right? It's all about publicity. It's all about getting more eyes on the product. So I'm going with Andrade on this. I think it would be a great spot for him to win.
Who's got the best figure out of all of these guys here? This is kind of tough. Andrade had that nice NXT basic, which I picked up for the kid a little while ago. Matt Hardy, of course, has had a ton of figures. He's got those new brood ringside collectibles coming out. It's tough. I mean, there's- Yeah, Bobby Rood, the entrance great's Bobby Rood. I really liked. I thought that was a good figure.
Yeah, there's there's so many here that that would be good. I don't know Yeah, that Bobby rude one is really good. I I'm hoping that they find something to do with him going forward just because it's I guess they've split up that tag team now are they
Oh, they have. They've split up the glorious ones. Well, Gable came out for that match with Kurt Angle and didn't use the glorious music. True, but I think that was just a one-off because of their Olympian backgrounds and being American heroes and all that stuff. So I think that was just a one-off for Kurt, but I think the glorious ones are still a thing. All right, you got Andrade, I got Ali, the Battle of the One Name Wonders, I guess.
Cruiserweight Championship, Buddy Murphy with another long title reign, defends against Tony Nese in what should be a good match. He's kind of cycled through most of the names here in this 205 roster.
Yeah, I mean, any match with Buddy Murphy in it I think is gonna bring the heat and be awesome. Tony Nese, I mean, this match isn't the most compelling cruiserweight match on paper, but it's gonna be awesome to watch, you know? And he's been the champ since October, and I don't think Tony Nese is the one to knock him off his pedestal just yet. I don't know who or what it's gonna take to take down Buddy Murphy, but I definitely don't think Mania is the stage to knock Buddy Murphy down a peg.
No, it's probably the place to do the opposite and really kind of showcase him. And we have this champion. He's awesome. Tony Nese is an awesome specimen, man. He's a great athlete. This is going to be a fun match. But I'm going to go Buddy Murphy as well. I don't know who is going to take that title from him. But yeah, I hope they devote more time to that 205 Live brand because there's a lot of guys that are coming up that could fit on that show and kind of elevate it a little bit. Yeah, for sure.
We got the SmackDown Tag Team Championship. This is a fatal four way between the Usos, the Bar, Nakamura and Rusev and Black Ashay. And again, like we mentioned, Black Ashay will have fought. I just made that name up. I don't know if that's really even a thing, but Black Ashay will just
They will have fought for all three different tag championships in the span of a week, and they will have fought for the NXT titles the couple days before they go for the SmackDown tag team titles, which is pretty crazy. But it is criminal that we're not getting the Usos versus the Hardys. I don't know why. I feel like the Hardys have just, they just have such a limited shelf life yet. Why aren't they giving, why aren't they just go ahead and just capitalize? It would be so amazing. But since that's not what we're getting, we have to choose from what we've got.
I'm saying the champions retain. I'm going with the Usos. Man, it's tough here. I do love the bar. I love that entrance. They have a cool, you know, they've quietly become one of the better tag teams in the last five or six years. They've really kind of stepped into their own. The Usos or who they are, they're always fun to watch. They haven't had that WrestleMania moment either. They're always in these four-way matches. This is one of the first times I think they've come in as champions.
But yeah, it's tough to think that anyone is going to unseat them here. I would like to see the Hardys get a shot. I would love to see them in this match and throw Nakamura and Rusev in that battle royal or something. Yeah, agree. Agree.
Yeah, it's just, both of these tag team divisions, they had so much promise. And then, you know, they're just not using these guys well enough. Really, the draft needs to happen. They need to just kind of shuffle all these teams around and kind of get things fresh.
I agree tag team wrestling in the WWE has been very monotonous as of late and it's sad because there's so there's so many amazing tag teams. But again, after mania, I think they will shake things up when Smackdown goes to Friday nights. I think it will. It'll shake things up because they're going to want to really put a lot of talent over there. And I think I think some we're going to see some new faces head that way.
Yep. All right. I'm gonna go Uso's as well. Let's move on to the women's tag team championship, AKA the time to go get some food from the kitchen. The Boston hug team, the champions against the mild Samoans, the divas of doom and the iconics. There was a video floating around of, I think it was Peyton Royce and Sasha Banks on Monday night trying to do some hip tosses off of like the middle rope. And it was just the worst wrestling I've ever seen.
I am, this is probably the least excited I've ever been for a WrestleMania match. This women's tag team division is not exciting. It's- Man, I see, I disagree. I have to disagree. I think, you know how I feel about the Miles Samoans. I'm never excited to really watch them. But they definitely add a different element to these women. And I think Boss and Hug, we know they're gonna be great. The IIconics are always good for entertainment.
freaking Beth Phoenix looked really good. I mean, she's, I mean, I don't know, she doesn't look like she's missed the beat or been, been retired, if you will. I mean, she didn't have much ring rust. I thought she looked great, you know, and Natty is one of the best female talents that they have. I mean, technically she's one of the most sound wrestlers and I think it's going to be great.
I disagree. I feel the exact opposite, but that's a good thing. I don't know. I just don't see it. There's going to be some cool spots. They're going to have some things they can do with this many people in one match, but it's going to be in a spot on the card where they're going to need a little bit of a break. I'm going to say Boston Hug Retain here. Is there any way they don't?
No, I don't think there's there's any way that Boston hug do not retain because it's just too early. It's just too early to take it off of them. I think they need to defend them a few more times and really give those those women tag titles some clout and it's going to take someone it's going to take more than a than a fatal four way to to dethrone them. I think I think it's going to have to be a one on one straight up tag match.
We haven't gotten any figures from the Iconics yet. I would say that probably the best wrestling figure out of this group is maybe that elite 65 Nia Jax, which is with the three heads. Yeah, I agree. The braids. That head is pretty lifelike.
Yeah, I agree. That's probably my favorite figure out of all the women that are fighting. But I do love that spotlight, the network spotlight Bailey. I love that ring gear. I hate that face sculpt, but I love the ring gear, the gold and the white. I think that's just such an incredible figure. And I don't even think we gave our picks for the Usos. I love those Elite 64 red gear Usos since I picked them to win the SmackDown tag. You do? You like those? Yeah.
Yeah, I do. I just want the Usos are like, when they were the day one-ish clothes. Yeah. So cool. But the last couple of leads they've come out with have been almost like a year behind what they're wearing at this point. They had a set of basics that were really good with the black and white outfits. The red and white just look, I don't know. I don't know why I don't like them. They're just like a waiter at an Italian restaurant or something. Oh, man.
God, you're really hitting hard. I know. Big Lots has those figures. And they're doing 20% off this weekend. Just if you have a Big Lots nearby, they have that whole set of elites. So you can get them for like $8. Awesome. Yeah, good call with that. The Nakamura Elite is really nice, too. I've seen the price dropping on that one. I forget what series that's from, with the red and black jacket.
Yeah, that's a sick figure. And then, let's see. I want to bar elite figures. I mean, they've made those guys a lot, but I want the purple camouflage or the military jacket-type looks. They haven't really done the bar. And they've been around. They've been together for long enough. I'm surprised we haven't gotten some cool elites from them yet.
Yeah, that Nakamura you were talking about is Elite 63. Okay. Yeah, Elite 63 Nakamura. Awesome. So yeah, I'm going with Boston hug. They're definitely going to retain. Let's move on to the US championship.

Title Matches Analysis

This one, this one can be a surprise because apparently Mysterio got hurt as if we needed another reason to loathe Baron Corbin this weekend. He, Rey Mysterio got
hurt and ankle injury during raw against Baron Corbin. So they, I guess it's just going to like, they're going to make a judgment call on Sunday and pick someone else, I guess, if, if Ray Mysterio can't, can't wrestle. But as of right now, you know, as it stands, Ray Mysterio is going to have, you know, Dominic at ringside. Um, you know, him and Samoa Joe, we're going to go head to head. So I definitely think Samoa Joe is going to retain here. If, if it ends up being someone else, I would like to see Andrade.
Yeah, maybe Kevin Owens would be a good one, too. That would be a couple of shakers in the ring. Oh, that's a good call. That's a good call. Kevin Owens, I wasn't even thinking about him. So yeah, that would be a really, really good call. Yeah, what's he doing on this car? I mean, he was just in the main event at Fastlane.
Nothing. Yeah, he doesn't have a spot. So yeah, that would be perfect. I mean, not that I hate to see Rey Mysterio get kicked out, but yeah, if they do, that would be a good person to slide into that spot. Yeah. WWE just tweeted today about like kind of going through like a photo gallery of Rey Mysterio's best entrance outfits and he had like the captain America and the headdress and all that stuff. So.
I don't know, that's definitely interesting that Mysterio, if he can't go, I don't know. This is another thrown together feud anyway, so it's not gonna mean too much. But Rey Mysterio, just like the heart is, doesn't have a huge shelf life left here in the WWE. So it would be nice to have him have that moment one more time.
Yeah. Um, I, I'm picking Samoa Joe, but, um, I have to say my favorite, like my favorite figure of this, we just got in that Ray Mysterio, the Halloween Havoc Ray Mysterio, um, where he's got like the Riddler costume or costume green gear on. And it's so freaking awesome. That is a cool looking figure is how does it look out of the package? Well, we haven't unboxed it yet. We're saving it for unboxing mania, but as soon as we unbox it, we'll be putting up some photos and stuff.
How I don't know what the name of it is, but the the Rey Mysterio kind of like tribal head headdress Figure trying to look it up right now. That is like one of my favorite figures of all time. I think it's an entrance greats figure With like the the big peacock type of hat on I don't know
Yeah, I'll push for sure. Oh, it is entrance greats. Yeah, it is entrance greats. Yeah, that's my favorite. I see it. That's an old school one, too. But yeah, both of these guys can go. It'll be a good match. But I won't be upset if Mysterio gets replaced for somebody else. And I don't know when they'll make that announcement. I'm interested to see what the stage is going to look like for WrestleMania. Usually, they do that in the days leading up to WrestleMania.
Yeah, well, we'll definitely be seeing like behind the scenes. I'm sure people will be tweeting and you know, we'll be posting those as they come out. But yeah, I'm excited to always love the WrestleMania like seeing it being built and what it ends up looking like, especially as like the sun goes down and it gets dark and all the lighting and all that stuff. I love it.
This is where the card turns into basically an episode of Raw. We have Bobby Lashley defending the Intercontinental Championship against the demon, Finn Balor, which would be cool to have the demon out. He didn't bring the demon out for the title match against Brock, but he is bringing out here against Bobby Lashley.
I will never understand why he did not bring out the demon against Brock. Like if you were going to bring out the demon against anyone, why not against Brock when you have a title shot? I will never understand that, but we are getting the demon, which will be super mage for people who have never gotten to see that entrance before.
it's incredible. I know you said we were doing our entrance music podcast and you were like you didn't like the heartbeat or how it kind of slowly built but man when you see it in person it's so sick.
Yeah, it is. I mean, he takes the time to really put the thought in that costume and that entrance and it's pretty pretty mage. So I think there's no doubt he wins the title here, right? I mean, you can't no doubt the demon. Yeah, the demon has never been beaten. You just don't you don't beat the demon. So and especially Bobby Lashley is not going to beat the demon. So we're going to see a new intercontinental champion.
leaving and I'm pumped. So my favorite demon figure is Elite 41 Finn from, you know, it was just perfect from the jump. It's like the original demon. At the time, it was probably the best figure that Mattel had ever done. I just remember being like so just gobsmacked when I saw that figure. So Elite 41 Finn, if you haven't seen it, definitely Google it because it's like you're just classic Finn Balor demon.
I actually have one of those to give away, which we will do next week. We'll announce a giveaway for that. But that's the NXT-style Finn Balor Elite 41. I have an extra one of those. We're going to give that away.
to the
I mean, I guess they want to have him in some title picture somewhat because he has a great look, obviously, and he, you know, not to get too political or too racial here, but he's the only African-American guy. I guess Kofi now in the title picture is good. But for a long time, it was basically Lashley is the only guy you can put on a poster and people would know who he is besides the new day. So I'm sure he has some draw. He's not the best guy on the mic, but I like Leo Rush with him.
Yeah I mean I think he's just gonna stay in that you know maybe maybe go for the US title after this but yeah I don't think I don't think he's going for any sort of heavyweight championship run after this or anything but yeah I'm not I'm not always super hyped on Bobby Lashley so whatever happens with him I'll be happy if I if I don't see him it's not gonna bother me at all sadly.
Kurt Angle versus Baron Corbin, the match you'll be telling your grandkids about. This is Kurt Angle's farewell match. My favorite wrestler of all time, but he is not what he used to be. He has put on some pretty decent matches over the last couple of weeks on Raw, but I don't think there's any way he loses this match here. Let's say Ushina.
Um, I don't think he's going to lose. I think he's definitely going to beat Kurt Angle or definitely going to beat Baron Corbin. Excuse me. Um, and I, I mean, I got like, I loved, like, did you get choked up watching that Kurt Angle farewell package on Monday?
Yeah, it was just like so emotional. Then it like cut back to Kurt. I like, I yelled up to Hill husband. He was upstairs doing something. I said, you got to come down and see this. You know, I was like, Kurt's going to be bawling his eyes out when the camera gets back on him. Sure enough, the camera cut back to Kurt and he was bawling his eyes out. Um, so I think they are going to send, send Kurt out in a blaze of glory. And I think, I think he's definitely going to win this. Hopefully, I mean, it sounds like everything
everything is gonna go Baron Corbin and Kurt Angle, even despite us kind of being like, what the hell is happening here? And hoping that someone would intervene and it still may happen. But yeah, if it's just straight up Kurt Angle versus Baron Corbin, there's no way he's losing.
there is
You know, everything seems pretty straightforward here. I don't know. Maybe the leader and Trish get involved with the women's tag team championship, set up something there going forward or this Dominic turn on his dad. I mean, this is WrestleMania. I mean, we had we had the we had DX versus the NWO at one point. And that, you know, so I mean, that
that's the thing you just never know what they have up their sleeve for mania you know and it's sometimes it's just so unpredictable like you said we're going down this car but like yep this is just like a regular pay-per-view you know this is this looks like it's gonna you know go this way this place gonna go that way but with mania like it's so unpredictable i mean they could call in whoever they wanted i mean people that we don't even have on our radar right now and they could come in and get involved in any one of these matches and that's what that's what makes mania exciting that's what makes it the grandest stage of the mall just because
You have no idea like what you're going to see when you go and watch WrestleMania. So we're both saying Kurt Angle here. Yep, definitely. And I love if we're going to talk about our favorite figure that Elite 59 Kurt with the red hoodie and you know just all American Olympian Kurt. I love I think that figure is probably his best figure. I mean the Milkemania set is super incredible but I love the Elite 59 Kurt as a standalone.
Yeah, we had that on our top 10 list of 2018, and that's a great figure. I'm not a huge fan of the elite that came out recently. I think that was, what, 65? Yeah. 65? Yeah, it was just kind of a, I don't know, late 66, sorry.
late 66. I thought it was good. I don't, I don't, you know, I don't think it's bad. What do you not like about it? I don't know. Just the outfit is not, it's more of a current day, Kurt angle, I guess. Yeah. It kind of looks more like a superhero than, than a wrestler and Olympian, huh?
If I am going to collect one wrestler's figures, I think it might have to be Kurt Angle. But that's a story for another show. But now that my collection's kind of getting to a climax here, I think I want to go just with one guy and just get all of his figures. And I think with some people like Shawn Michaels, that'd be pretty tough. I think with Kurt Angle, you could probably do it since he was away for so long. For sure. For sure.
Next up on the car, we have Roman Reigns versus Drew McIntyre. And this is a mania crowd. You have to remember, you know, we've been watching the Raw and SmackDown crowds, you know, cheering Roman, defeating leukemia. But I'm wondering, I'm very curious to see if
mania crowd here will actually cheer Roman or if they will boo Roman and maybe they'll just boo him out of respect you know just like hey this is what we do this is what we always done this is what you know this is how we handle Roman Reigns but in this match I definitely don't think there's any way it's gonna be an incredible match overall I mean these these guys are gonna tear each other's heads off and they both just look incredible you know they're just both just very
powerful looking beings and I don't think there's any way WWE is gonna let someone talk shit about cancer and then win at Mania, you know? I agree, I think there's gonna be something, this is the first match I can see something happening here with Dean Ambrose coming in and causing a false finish or this being like a double count out and elongating this feud into the next couple of pay-per-views or something but- Yeah.
I think there's no way Roman Reigns can just lose outright as much as they want to make Drew McIntyre kind of the the top heel here going forward which I love I think he's just got the look I don't remember he just looks like three feet taller than he was when he was first around you know yeah for sure with a clean shaven face he just looks like a total badass man but yeah I don't know I think the mania crowd will cheer for him I think we'll get a pretty cool entrance from Roman Reigns
Yeah, they'll do a killer video package like tugging at your heartstrings and making you relive all the Roman announcement and then his epic comeback and all those things. So I'm excited to watch this match. I definitely think Roman Reigns is winning. And as far as his figures, the newer the Elite 65, I love that figure mostly just because it comes with the Shaka hands, the interchangeable hands that have like the Shaka. That's why I love that figure so much. Yeah.
Yeah, I love it. And he's got the red vest. The only problem with the Roman Reigns figures is they're all basically the same thing. But yeah, the red vest is a nice little touch on that Elite 65. For sure. And I like the shock of hands, too. He's got that white title. It's pretty slick. Is that an intercontinental title, too? That's an intercontinental title, yeah. Yep. That was a nice runny hat with the intercontinental title.
For sure. And then we got our, um, our buddy Elias, who is the, the official musical performance of WrestleMania. And I don't know what's going to happen with this, but something's got to go down. Right. Yankees joke. Um, New Jersey joke. Right. Undertaker music.
I was thinking Undertaker could actually interrupt him, but I don't know how plausible that would actually be, but I could totally see that happening in Undertaker coming in and interrupting Elias.
I mean, could we see someone like KO or Bray Wyatt here? That would be awesome. Bray Wyatt would be, I would be very happy to see, to see Bray Wyatt come back. And I would actually be, I would actually be into a Bray Wyatt and Elias feud. Yeah. I mean, yeah, they would elevate at least one of them. At least one of them would go over. You know, they seem to both be kind of stepping stones for people.
I do think they should use it for someone like that instead of an Undertaker scene as much as that would get a pop. It's not going to do anything for anybody because those guys aren't staying around. They're not doing anything. So it would be funny just to have a full Elias performance with no interruptions at all.
Yeah, like it had always led up to like him not wanting people to interrupt him and then finally on the grandest stage of them all He goes uninterrupted. That would be pretty awesome, too I could totally see something like that happening But it'll probably let us down though And it'll be like Lacey Evans comes out and and in her and interrupts him at mania and I'll just like pull my hair out But she even the woman's been a royal
No, no, not yet. I mean, yeah, not, not yet. She hasn't been announced yet, but there, you know, I'm sure we will see her. There's no way that we don't see her. Um, and if I'm picking my favorite Elias figure, it's gotta be that most recent entrance. Great Elias. It's so sick. The guitar, it's like the first time we've had a guitar that wasn't just like the Brown, you know, uh, breakaway guitar. And he's got like the tan pants and like the really like bohemian scarf and wrist wraps. Uh, that figure is so sick.
for sure, totally agree. I think we see, I think we see a Cena or Undertaker appearance here at some point. I don't know the last time we've had a, there was a stat about the last time the Undertaker was not at WrestleMania. It might've been like 2000.
I think it was 2000, yeah. Yeah, so it's been quite a while. I do wanna ask you a little bit of a trivia question here. This is right off the spot, so I'm calling you. God. There's been three, we've talked about one of them, but there's been three people that have won the Intercontinental and the WWE Championship at WrestleMania. Can you name those three people? Who have won the Intercontinental and the WWE title at WrestleMania?
This should be pretty easy for you. At different Wrestlemanias? Yeah, at some point in their career. Oh, so Daniel Bryan. Yep, we talked about him. OK, Daniel Bryan. I don't know. You got me stumped. Really? Oh, I thought so. I mean, you know what? I'm not good on the spot. I am a mom brain central. I can't be trivia'd.
OK, I'm going to give them to you and you're going to kick yourself right now. It's Brett Hart who won the intercom title from Roddy Roddy Piper. Oh my god. And your boy Seth Rollins.
Oh my god. See, this is why you can't just put me on the spot. I overthink. This is ridiculous. Yeah, I was like, man, she was going to give this in two seconds because it's two of the three of her favorite wrestlers of all time. Well, the question was confusing the way you asked me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, it's God damn it.
Yeah, you can kick yourself for that. AJ Styles versus Randy Orton, one of the few matches they've really built up really well with some great promos over the last couple of weeks on SmackDown, even as far as AJ Styles bringing up some failed drug tests the other night on SmackDown.

Notable WrestleMania Storylines

It's gonna be a good match. I don't know who goes over here.
Yeah, I'd love to build for this just kind of like, you know, the indie darling versus the WWE thoroughbred kind of like back and forth. And they've both just been on top of their games with their, with their promos. And I am super hyped for this match. And for a match that literally has no stakes, like no championship stakes, I think it could be one of the better matches of the night.
Yeah, I don't know where they put this match on the card. I would say it's gonna be one of the earlier matches of the night to not kind of distract from these title matches, the Triple H match and all that. But I'm gonna go AJ Styles. I feel like they're gonna start to maybe start a program with him and Daniel Bryan after this. He's gonna be kind of elevated, maybe move Randy Orton over to Raw after WrestleMania. But I'm gonna say AJ Styles goes over.
Yeah, I agree. I think AJ Styles is definitely winning this one, but you can never count out Randy Orton. That's the thing about him. I mean, he's always one to just pull off the surprise, but I am pulling for AJ Styles for sure.
So we talked about this over the last couple of weeks. We've picked Finn Balor, we've picked Kurt Angle, we've picked Roman Reigns, we've picked AJ Styles. It's always, it never happens how we think it's gonna happen. So it'd be interesting to see how many of these matches go the opposite direction. Triple H versus Batista. This is no holds barred or just unsanctioned. Yeah, it's no holds barred. It's definitely gonna be like,
I thought it was awesome. The Batista's promo on Tuesday was amazing. They aired a video package and then he literally just came out and said, kiss my ass, Triple H. And I thought it was perfect. I think it would be better if Triple H's retirement wasn't on the line because it would make it a little less obvious who was gonna win. I think Triple H is definitely going over in this match. But I think it's gonna be one hell of a match and I'm excited to have Batista back on the card.
They're going to beat the hell out of each other, like I said earlier.
I am too. I think he adds a big name factor and it's just, you know, I don't think Triple H has ever beaten Batista in a one-on-one match. I saw that somewhere on Twitter today, which is pretty interesting. So I think Triple H goes over here. Do you say differently? Nope. Triple H. All right. Wow. All right. We're in agreement pretty much all the way through here. WWE Championship match. Daniel Bryan versus Kofi Kingston.
Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think there's no way that Kofi mania has not happened and Kofi doesn't get his his moment in the Sun. I think it's just It's if it wasn't for it being a direct result of the fans appreciation of Kofi's hard work and dedication I think maybe Daniel could win but at the same time like the fans are gonna freakin tear down MetLife Stadium if Kofi loses and
All right. Well, this is our first disagreement. I'm saying Daniel Bryan wins here. No way. I feel like Woods or Big E is going to turn on him inside with Daniel Bryan for some reason. And we're going to, I think they have too much invested in Daniel Bryan here. I feel like they're, I don't know. I just feel like he's, he's going to be the guy going forward. And as much as I would love to see Kofi win, but
Yeah. I think, you know, the thing about Kofi is like, he's the every man, you know, I think everybody relates to him as, you know, working day in and day out. And all he wants is a little damn recognition and you know, his time in the spotlight and everyone can relate to that and you can't manufacture that. You know, it's not something that you can just create in a storyline, um, because it has to be legitimate. And if, if they don't put him over, people are going to lose their minds. Cause in, in the, in the two months that Kofi has,
been, you know, on his meteoric rise to the top. I mean, it makes, it makes us feel like we've been cheering for him all along, or at least that's how I feel. I feel like I've been like Kofi's biggest fan girl, like his whole career. And I'm like, man, you know, it's only been like two months, but I feel like I'm like so behind Kofi. And that just doesn't happen all the time. You know, I think, and I think it's ironic.
that these two are going head to head because Daniel Bryan had that same experience, you know, just kind of like really getting pushed by the fans and really like the fans weren't going to take no for an answer. You know, and when it came to Daniel Bryan coming up against insurmountable odds, he overcame and that's kind of what Kofi, he's, he's went up against these insurmountable odds and he's overcame. And I don't know why they wouldn't let him, you know, get to the mountain top at this point.
Yeah. I mean, it's, it's so similar to that Daniel Bryan storyline from so many 30 is kind of harkening back to that. And maybe they pay it off the same way. I just have a gut feeling that this is one direction they can go to, to let the heel win and, you know, keep it on him and have Kofi keep chasing it. So.
No, I think after his promo on Tuesday, it was even better than his promo against Vince where he was talking about having to miss out on all of his life events and things like that because of WWE. He literally told Daniel Bryan, you know how all this feels, you know this feeling and you've been here and you're scared because you know I'm ready. He's alluding to Daniel Bryan, you knew you were ready to win the title and you won the title and that's where I'm at right now.
watch yourself and I think it's gonna be epic. I'm going with Elite Series 28 for Daniel Bryan with the yes sign. It's kind of right around that WrestleMania 30 time. That's my favorite fig of his.
I'm going with the, uh, the bootyos three pack. I love the, uh, the, I love all the figures from that, um, from that set. But I mean, if I have to pick one, I mean, I love all the new day in that set. So obviously that's my favorite, my favorite Kofi too. And the gold and the gold gear just so, so sick.
Those are nice. Hell yeah. Those are really good. Let's move forward here to our next match. Brock Lesnar versus Seth Rollins, which, you know, any other year would probably be the main event and close the show, but it doesn't this year. And we saw the go home episode of Raw, we saw Seth Rollins kind of going over on Brock. Does that scare you a little bit? You know, it doesn't scare me. I was actually talking to his husband about that the other day. I was like,
you know, this is not good. Like Seth is standing tall at the end of the go home show. So that probably means he's going to lose on Sunday. And we looked up a statistic and I was like, actually that doesn't happen. Like I feel like when it does happen, you know, we remember it, but when it doesn't happen, you just don't, you don't think about it. But I was thinking to myself, like that's not a good sign. But ultimately I feel like up until like a couple of weeks or a month or so ago, I thought like there's no way that Seth Rollins can lose this, right? It just felt like,
Like it would be an impossibility but the thing that worries me is that Kofi and Becky are both a product of the fans and the people and Seth you know he's been consistently one of the best performers in the company so I think it can feel like well we can pull the trigger on Seth Rollins at any time whereas Becky and Kofi like we got a strike while the iron's hot on these guys or or it's all lost so I feel like this
this unfortunate chain of events has come along and Roman's return has come along and I think that really changed a lot of the dynamic between Seth and Brock and if anyone can lose out of the three big matches I think it would be Seth and I mean I'm pulling for Seth I think he's gonna win but I would not be surprised that they let Brock win this one.
You're setting yourself up to avoid the ultimate disappointment, huh? I think, I don't know, I think Brock's time is over. I think maybe they move him over to SmackDown once they go to Fox. But yeah, I mean, they've, the Slaying the Beast thing has kind of been over. Maybe Dean gets involved in this match instead of the Roman match. I could see that happening.
I don't know. I think if they're gonna let Seth win, I think it's gonna be undeniable I think it's gonna be Seth goes over Brock clean What scares me is that it could be like they could have like that WrestleMania 9 ending kind of in place where you know Brock beats Seth and then Roman comes out to like help help Brock and then Paul Heyman's all hype and he like gets all cocky and he's like, you know what? Roman like we'll take you right now too. And then Roman yeah, then then Roman wins the the belt and I'll
I mean, I would be happy for Roman, but I would be absolutely gutted for Seth Rollins. So I hope that's not the case. I hope it's just a freaking...
slobber knocker and we see Brock Lesnar eating a curb stomp at the end of the night. That would be great. Yeah, I think you can still make Brock look strong, losing to Seth Rollins. They've had some good matchups over the years. That was a really good, I think it was a triple threat match at a Royal Rumble with John Cena, which was a really good match. What's your favorite figure out of these two guys? I have a really easy one off the top of my head.
Oh, mine is definitely the White Ranger Rollins from SummerSlam. Like, that is my all-time favorite Seth Rollins. Like, it was the first time that he'd worn anything other than just, like, black gear. And I remember when he came out, like, just being like, holy shit. Like, Seth Rollins is wearing all white and he looks like a Power Ranger. This is awesome.
That is a super major dope fake, as you said in one of our last episodes. I'm going with the WrestleMania 31 Toys-R-Us exclusive Money in the Bank Elite. Nice. Just because of that's one of my favorite WrestleMania moments. We'll get into that a little bit later here on the show. But a great figure. This kind of catapulted him into the main event status.
So we both have Seth winning here, but we're both kind of cautiously optimistic, I would say. Yeah, I would agree with that. Our final match of the night, I should say, the Raw and SmackDown Women's Championship is on the line. Ronda Rousey, Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch. Man, lots to dig into here. This has been a long build. We had Charlotte added to the match, and then everything came together on Monday night when all hell broke loose.
Charlotte kicked Rhonda in the face. We had cop cars involved and there was kicking and screaming and hitting and maybe one of the best setups for a title match we've seen in recent history, man. I love that.
Yeah I mean it was so crazy because after months of convoluted storytelling and just like crazy angles that pretty much just like dampened the flame that was like once a scorching hot feud like this little 20 minute segment on Raw legitimately like was able to bring back all of those feels heading into Mania and it made it feel like it was it was undeniable that this should be the main event and I was like I thought that was really super cool how they did that because
They could have just, I mean, it would have been an amazing match either way, but they could have just rolled it into mania and been like, yeah, we're making history here. We're putting women in the main event. But they were like, you know what? Like, I feel like we've drug our feet on this. We need to like kick it up a notch for the go home show. And it was incredible.
It's better to have her keep chasing it and you know have her get screwed once again and have Charlotte win the belt and Be the undisputed champion and then you have a you know, one-on-one feud going forward if Rhonda takes some time off I mean, I see where you're coming from. I mean you can never count Charlotte out in those history making events I mean she you know beat Becky and Sasha at 33 to become the first-ever women's champion and like the but like got rid of the butterfly belt and I mean she's she's definitely a
I mean at the upper echelon of women wrestlers in the world but there's no way there is no way that Becky is not leaving there the champion because the thing about Becky's we've seen Becky's
flame can go out, right? We've seen her kind of like stumble and like not be able to like keep her energy, right? So they've got it, they've got it back. So they've got to capitalize on it now. I mean, it could be like the freaking Braun Strowman syndrome. If they never, if they don't capitalize on Becky now, she will just get dragged out and like, it will never work this way again. You know, get tired and people stop caring. Yes.
There's going to be no shortage of opportunities to put a title belt on Charlotte at big events. I think you have to capitalize on Becky right now. No, I totally agree. I'm going to still stick with Charlotte, but I would think if it was me, I would give it to Becky Lynch and let her run with it. She's deserved it. And people can kind of crap on her a little bit. Her pros have been great. She's done really good with social media kind of promoting everything.
I'm interested to see what Rhonda does after losing the belt. If she sticks around, maybe if we build this toward a four horse woman match at SummerSlam, if Shana Baszler comes up on Monday night, we'll see. But there's a lot of moving parts here for sure. I know, but my thing about that is I've heard a lot of people saying stuff like that. But I mean, Charlotte and Becky have been mortal enemies. So why would they team up just to go against
the four horse women of the MMA. I feel like I would not buy into that. I mean, maybe I would, but my initial gut reaction is like, I don't want to see that right now. I don't want to see that right now. This is off the top of my head. You show Sasha and Bailey gotten beat up in the back and nobody knows who does it. And then at the end, we see Rhonda and Shayna Baszler have been the ones to do it. And Becky and Charlotte put upside their differences and team up against them. And then that's it. You can do that. Oh my gosh. You can do that in one night.
And then they lock pinkies, and they become, you know, best of friends again, once again. No. They lock pinkies, but then they give each other, like, they both start shaking a little bit harder, and they both stare at each other's eyes, and, you know, you get like that, okay, we're friends now, but I don't like you, you know, kind of thing, but... Oh, my gosh. A lot of ways you can go. A lot of ways you can go, for sure. Bonus prediction here. Who will be the first person out on Monday night? Take off the shelf.
I think, I think it's got to be Becky. I mean, if they're making history with Becky, um, and I mean, this is all assuming that Becky wins both titles, then Becky's going to be the first person out on Monday Night Raw. Oh, I'll go a little bit different. I'll say Seth Rollins.
I mean, Seth Rollins was my initial reaction, but at the same time, like I said, I definitely think, since really it doesn't matter what show, Becky's been on both shows for the last several months,

WrestleMania Favorites

Becky's gonna come out and just really drive home the fact that she did it.
Uh, yeah, it's a, it's a, it's a toss up because I think I just don't want it. Anybody besides the authority, you know, I don't want to see, I don't want to see Stephanie out there. I want to see triple H out there. I want it to be, I don't think they will. Yeah. I don't, I don't see that happening. We got a couple of good listener questions from my damn toys. Uh, I think we're going to hold some of the listener mail off till next week. I think you're cool with that.
Yeah. Yeah. I definitely, I definitely want to, um, you know, get, get my damn toys. And then we have one from, um, one of our awesome Patreons, Marco Denton sent us a really nice email, but yeah, we have so many listener mails that I think we're going to just push all those to next week, um, and get to you guys then. But I definitely want to shout out my dude at my damn toys. He sent us in a,
listener mail that says, what is your favorite mania match of all time? And what is your favorite mania show of all time? I'll let you go first on this, Phil.
Wow. My favorite mania match is tough. It's probably going to be stone. It's a toss up between Owen Hart and Bret Hart and stone cold and Bret Hart. Well, that's funny. Those are, those are mine. Yeah. I legitimately, yeah. I had a wrestle mania 13 was first and then 10 was, was second. So
Um, yeah, both of those are incredible matches. I mean, I think it's undeniable. I mean, everybody's going to have their favorite, but if you're being unbiased and you're like legitimately just looking at amazing technical wrestling, like you have to put those, I mean, those are going to be in everybody's top five. Am I wrong?
No, they're really good. put out an article, I think it was today, the top 35 matches of all time from WrestleMania. They had Undertaker versus Shawn Michaels, number one. But that Bret Hart Stone Cold Match was number three, I believe. And that Bret Hart, Owen Hart match was number nine. So there was definitely a cool list to see. And I'm gonna go back and watch some of these matches. My top WrestleMania overall, it's tough, man. I loved X7. I love WrestleMania 20.
WrestleMania 21 was good. There was a couple really good years there. It's tough to pinpoint one, man. It really is. Yeah, I gotta go with WrestleMania 31 is my all time favorite show. It was my first ever WrestleMania that I got to see in person.
Seth Rollins cashed in to win the heavyweight championship at the end of the night. And I mean, there was no better way to end WrestleMania. And it was an awesome show. I mean, the NWO came out. We had some seriously awesome matches throughout the night. I mean, Rusev wrote a tank down to the ring. Yeah, it was so awesome. So I would have to say my all-time favorite WrestleMania was WrestleMania 31.
uh... buddy twist of wayne on twitter he's one of our patreon subscribers he says his favorite match ever is ricky the dragon steamboat verses macho man wrestlemania three however i think that ultimate warrior returning to save hogan wrestlemania you might have been my biggest mark out moment ever man that was a that was a huge mark out moment man when that when that music hit man the roof of that place popped off so
Yeah, it's it's it's crazy to get moments like that now, you know I'm saying like it's hard to get moments like that I actually posted the hardy boys return the other night whenever we were talking about like also it was like two years ago yesterday and I posted it and like to hear pops like that like it is just it's Insane to like actually be a part of that and when you do get to be a part of one of those WrestleMania moments like that It's unforgettable but definitely I was gonna mention if you don't follow my damn toys, please follow him and
he's super awesome he's on instagram at mydamntoys but he does most of his work over

Community Engagement & Giveaways

on youtube puts together some incredible like like fig fed matches so if you're into that sort of thing um you definitely need to check out mydamn toys because he's friend of chick foley and i mean just a super super talented guy um next i wanted to read this really super nice email from um one of our awesome patreon's marco denton he says
Hey, Sheena and Phil, I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed the best entrance theme bracket you did exclusively for Patreon, so much so that I was inspired to create two playlists on Spotify, one consisting of the bracket entries and the other is music that I hear you play sometimes at the end of the show. If anyone wants to listen, just search Mark Music, Chick Foley Show Podcast Playlist, and Best Entrance Theme. Due to licensing, not all themes were available. I made sure all the necessary plugs are in the description. I can pin them to my Twitter as well.
And that's all I have for now. I'll talk to you soon. And he's on Twitter and glorious gents. So definitely follow him and grab that Spotify playlist because you'll be able to see what our what our bracket was for the for the cheek fully show exclusive Patreon episode.
What a badass Marco Denton is, man. Put a playlist together on Spotify of all of our songs. And that's pretty cool. I'm looking at the music now. He's got all the songs that we've played. It's the six or seven songs here from some intros, some outros, some cool stuff. I got the Mandy Rose song here. I got one of my sleeper songs, the Maria Canales True Love song. I don't know why I love that song so much. It's so great.
That's so awesome. Yeah, thank you so much, Marco. I think it's time, Sheena. I think it's time to give away that oh-so-sweet Pete Dunn figure that we've been talking about for so long. Yep, somebody's going to win it. All right, so here's how we did it. I compiled a list of everyone on our Patreon. If you had subscribed to us, whether you gave $1 or $100 or $5,000,
are on this list here. And I just told Sheena the total number of people from 1 to 222. Every dollar that you've contributed is listed here as one of the numbers. So you have as many entries as you've contributed. And Sheena is going to run a randomizer on her computer and just pick a number. She doesn't have the name. She doesn't know anything of what I've done so far. So she's just going to pick a random number. And I'm going to read the name. And I'm going to get that Pete Dunfigure sent out to you.
go ahead she knew without any further ado drum roll please all right and the winner is lucky number 149
Let's see who that is. That is Tyler Boilinger. Tyler, congratulations, dude. Awesome. Oh, man. Good dude. Good brother. Good Twitter follower. Tyler, I will get that figure out to you ASAP. And thank you, guys. I know some people on this list, hey, I'm going to be honest. We're honest with ourselves. Some people signed up for this Pacific Pacific.
Take a shot. Specifically. Specifically. Yeah. Pacific Oceanly to get this pre-done figure. We are going to do more of these giveaways pretty regularly. I mean, Sheena's doing some for those, the Sami Zayn and the Kane figures. I have some for next week that Finn Balor, NXT, a lead figure.
It pays to be a Patreon subscriber. You get extra episodes from us. You get the show notes emailed to you. We're going to do a live chat during WrestleMania on the Slack chat app. It's basically just a way to communicate via messaging with us, so a couple of our subscribers are eligible for that.
Ton of cool stuff going on and I hope you guys stick around. We're going to do some cool giveaways and we appreciate your support for sure. So Tyler, shoot me your address in the DMs and we'll get that figure out to you, bro.
Yeah, and I actually just got a whole bag of action figures from one of our our local Oahu elite squad members at shampoo model. So he's one of our local figure fam that you know, we all hunt together and look for figures together and he donated some super sweet figures to the show. So we'll be doing flash giveaways during WrestleMania. So stay tuned.
to the Chick-Fully Instagram because we'll be giving those away on Sunday during the show. And like I said, we'll just pop them up. They're going to be flash giveaways. So you got to keep checking back and hopefully good luck to all those who enter and all those who get some sweet figs over the weekend. Co-hosts are eligible for those figures, Sheena. What's the rule of thumb? Go for it. Yeah, it's totally unbiased.
OK, cool. I'm going to set up a bunch of burner accounts. Do it. Chick Foley fan 102. Chick Foley fan 103. Yeah, make sure those burner accounts rate, subscribe, and review to the show as well. 100%. Yeah, that's all I do at work anymore. Shoot us an email if you guys have any questions or concerns. Hope you enjoyed our WrestleMania preview show. Where are you spending WrestleMania this year, Sheena?

Personal WrestleMania Plans & Safety Tips

Here at the house with the baby face, it's just such a long show. It's really not conducive to get out and be anywhere public because I don't want to have to leave in the middle of the show. It's, I feel like if you're not going to watch it, if you're not going to watch it actually at WrestleMania, being at someone's house or in your own house is the best place to watch it. I can't imagine watching WrestleMania in like a public venue where there's all kinds of just everybody, right? I feel like you have to really focus in and watch the matches. So I like being at home.
Yeah, I do enjoy watching paper views at Jimmy's Famous Seafood. They have an awesome setup. They have one of those places where they have so many TVs you can't even like not miss a moment of the action because there's a TV and everywhere you look. But I'm going to be spending it with some of the buddies from the Baltimore League squad. Brandon Bentley is going to have us over his house.
And I'm gonna spend most of my time admiring his wrestling figure collection. He's got an insane mint on card collection. He's got a bunch of Hasbro's I'm gonna be picking through. So during that women's tag team match, that's probably what I'll be doing just to be honest. And our buddy Darius will be there too. We'll be hanging out.
I was debating bringing the kid with me, but I know he's going to have to go to bed like an hour after the show starts. So probably leave the family at home and get some, get some time with the boys and hang out. So, and that'd be pretty fun. I eat some, eat some food that's bad for me and drink some adult beverages and just have a good time watching wrestling, man. Yep. And that's what we're doing too.
Awesome. So give us a five-star review. Once you listen to this episode, let us know what you think. And what else? Any more good asking before we get out of here? No, everyone stay safe out there. If you drink too many beers, you're literally one click away from getting a ride. So don't drink and drive. Get yourself an Uber or a Lyft or whatever you prefer. Crash on your buddy's couch. But stay safe out there, Marks. And I can't wait to watch the show and hear all the reactions from you guys. So make sure you hit us up at Chick-Bole on Twitter and Instagram.
Yeah, our buddies from the Fully Opposable Podcast are going to be doing a meetup at the Irish Pub in New York City. And it is pretty close to WrestleCon and all that stuff. So go hang out with them. I think it's Saturday at 2 o'clock. And I have a funny story real quick. I proposed to the wife at the top of the Rockefeller building, Sheena.
Wow, nice. That's fancy. Yeah, years and years ago. Yeah, she loved it. It was great. It was a beautiful view. And I had no idea what we were going to do next. I had no idea what was near there. I was nervous about what she was going to say, obviously. So I didn't plan what we were going to do next. So we just kind of ended up walking around the streets of New York City and she started yelling at me for not having anything planned.
And we just stumble upon this bar and it's the bar that the fully opposable guys are going to. It's just your run of the mill Irish, it's an awesome little bar tucked away, kind of a cool little Irish spot just called the Irish Pub. And we stopped in there and took pictures and called our family members and had some points of Guinness. So hopefully everybody from the fully opposable crew is gonna enjoy their time there and have some adult beverages. And we wish we were there with you.
Aw, have fun guys. Yeah. All right. So we'll be back next year. Marco Denton, one of our Patreon subscribers, will be guest co-hosting the show with us, which I'm excited about. He's going to recap WrestleMania with us. We'll get into Raw and SmackDown and see who's debuting. And I'm sure we'll have a bunch of cool storylines going forward. But for Sheena Phelps and Phil Gentile, we hope you guys are going to enjoy WrestleMania weekend and stay classy. Marks, we'll talk to you next week.
Put your hands up. Wave around. Hands up. Creepy. Don't fail me now. Go stand up. Shout it out. Yeah, that's all. I hate it.