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Powerful tips when you are in the face of discouragement! image

Powerful tips when you are in the face of discouragement!

E145 ยท Girl, I Slept in My Makeup
146 Plays11 months ago

The sister's are all here with their corners for you, Megan's Mindset chat is focused on Identity, Lauren's Bible Study chat is focused on what to do in the face of discouragement and Kristen brings the facts when it comes to the current changes happening in the Real Estate World!

Mindset with Megan

Follow us @girlisleptinmymakeup


Introduction and Welcome

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.
Hey sisters. Hey. Welcome to another week listeners.

Life Updates and Easter Plans

We are here with another sister chat for y'all and we're super excited to be here. How are y'all doing today? I'm good. How are y'all? I'm good. I'm going on week two of being sick. I know my baby started daycare and he got sick his first week and got me sick. So I know we're both sick.
Welcome to daycare. I'm just kidding. How is daycare going? It's going good. It's definitely an adjustment. You know, it's going good. I like I said, we only have them in there three days a week. So I feel like it's a good way to ease into the, you know, change.
But yeah, overall, it's going good. They did lose a couple of things. I was like, dang it, but they ended up finding it, you know, just the little things you go through. Did y'all have a good weekend? Yeah, we did. Ours was just full of basketball tournament. We did go see the new Ghostbusters movie. And yeah, and then church and more basketball. So
It was good. It was fun. Yeah. It was really pretty here Saturday. We were at the park for a friend's birthday party. It was fun. Yeah. Beautiful here too. And we just did all kinds of activities with friends and just, we had a good time and now we're working on taxes. So taxi's fun. I actually worked on that this weekend too. So that's funny.
Oh, and Easter's next weekend. Oh, sorry. I feel like it's really early this year. Yeah, it's in March, I guess. Usually it's April, right? Yeah. And Esri turns, I think we already mentioned this, but Esri turns two on March 31st, so on Easter, which is funny. Having a March baby, I never thought about that she would maybe have a birthday on Easter. So it makes it kind of nice though, because I'm not planning a big birthday party because we're already
going to be doing stuff. We're going to have lunch with Brian.
in his family after church. So I was like, well, we can just celebrate with family, you know? Yeah. That would be nice. I can't wait to do that with y'all. I know. I've been trying. I'm just kidding. Trying to get y'all here, but I can't believe it's Easter. I was writing a seven-day devotional for the seven days up until Easter. And it's just so funny because I've read a lot of devotionals leading up to Easter. And I think I end up just focusing on certain things.
I started diving into it, you know, like a month ago to prepare. There was multiple stories in the week of Easter that I did not remember ever reading. So I highly recommend going and reading it yourself because I think just get something different out of it when you're, you know, God speaks right to you and like where you're

Personal Reflections and Identity

at. So it was really good. Yeah.
For those that don't know, you can join Megan's email list. I assume through your website, Mindset with Megan. But yeah, and automatic devotionals have been sent out and today was day two. And I appreciate it because I feel like the way that you kind of paraphrase those stories is just easy to understand, which I really appreciate. And I love the prayers that you've written out. So you've done such a good job with that. So profession.
Thanks. Yeah. No, I'm not like a writer. I wouldn't consider myself, but I do think I simplify things and that's how my brain works. So yeah, I'm glad to hear it. Well, okay. I'm going to throw your teaching back on you. Don't label yourself as not a writer because you are a writer. You're doing it and you're doing a great job at it. And so you are a writer.
I'm a writer. This is true. Yeah. Yeah. Michael and I are so excited. So I think we've talked about it on here, but Megan is starting a group coaching, but what's it called? A group coaching coaching session for my mindset on the spirit course that I wrote.
Yeah. So my husband and I are actually both going to be doing it starting April 2nd. So we'll be excited if anyone else wants to join us and don't be afraid if you're a guy because my husband will be there. And I think there's one other guy that will be doing it as well.
So yeah, my husband was so cute. He was like talking to me, you know, he manages 30 people at his job and it's really stressful for him. And he, it's a lot of stuff like on his mindset. Like he's like, I just, you know, I've been thinking about reaching out to Megan and I was like, why don't we just do her course? And he was like, yes. He was like really excited. Yeah. So we're both excited to do that.
And who knows maybe that, that his company can hire you to do it for their whole team. So I'll definitely throw it out to him and his, his boss. So yeah, for sure. I could do something over zoom too. Cause that's what I do at favor. I do mindset over zoom, like mindset courses. And then I just did my first mindset course in person at a company in Denton called first bank. And it was so fun. And it was cool for the first, I was like my first experience doing something in person.
So it was definitely like a little bit different, but I really enjoyed it. And yeah, I hope I can do it for more companies, kind of have different things that I do for companies versus my one-on-one or group coaching. Cause the one-on-one group coaching is really centered around God, but a lot of times with HR, you can't do that. And so it's always underlying, like God's always there, but I don't include that in the coaching when I'm doing like a company.
So not that this is an official ad, but listeners, if you're interested more in what Megan does, whether it's bringing her in in person or a company, a company session or one-on-one coaching or her group sessions reach out is the best place to your website, Megan. Yeah. You can either go to mindset with or go to my Instagram.
mindset with Megan, or you can email me at hello at mindset with So many options. It's M-E-G-A-N. I know there's different spellings. The right way to spell it. I'm just kidding. Yeah. Cool. Well, let's jump into Megan. Do you want to start? Yeah, I'll go ahead and start. So we have our sister corners that we're doing. I

Insights from the Book of Haggai

focus on mindset.
Lawrence focused on Bible study and Kristen's focused on real estate. So since we've already been talking about mindset, I'll go ahead and get started. I wanted to focus just on identity a little bit today. It's something that I work with people on and kind of uncovering their identity because I think a lot of times we live in a certain way, but we don't ask ourselves the questions about what we really think about ourselves. And it's really,
what's happening on the inside in our subconscious mind that leads to the actions that we take into all of our behaviors. And so I think it just takes time to become aware of those things, even, you know, over time, like even in the beginning, Lauren, when you were saying that I just said I wasn't a writer, that's some, you know, old story that I've told myself over time. And we don't realize it when we're, you know,
unconsciously saying that out loud, we're actually putting that out and like whatever we put out is brought back to us. So, you know, becoming aware and having the friends and the family that are going to call you out when you're doing those things, because they're just second nature, you don't even realize you're saying them. And then you're like, Oh, whoa,
That's weird. Like right after you said that was like, oh yeah, that's something I've told myself, which doesn't need to be true. Just like in the past, I didn't think I'd ever be good at speaking. Now I feel super confident in speaking and I never would have thought I would speak in front of a company of, you know, strangers that I didn't know and feel confident and not feel nervous. And I didn't feel one nerve. Like it was kind of wild. So.
I think it's just all about how you see yourself and really going back when you were always going to bounce back to our old stories. But what do you do when you're bouncing back? I think is really important. And for me,
I can see myself a certain way for so long, but for me where I see real change is when I focus on how God sees me because I can get on board with how God sees me. But if I'm just trying to change it in my own will, it only lasts so long. So I like to go through your identity and talk through how Jesus sees us. When you're trying to think more like Jesus, you'll start to see that God's already given us a yes. He's already forgiven us. That's the greatness of the gospel.
of the New Testament that Jesus was the sacrifice. So there's nothing we have to do to earn his forgiveness, to earn his love and understanding that. So if you have some time today, I recommend sitting with a pen and paper, not if you're driving, but later and just spend time asking yourself the hard questions. What do I really think about myself?
and write out all the positives and all the negatives, but really get clear on where the negative ones are coming from. Are there things like you've made up about yourself that maybe somebody spoke over you in the past? And then spend some time being quiet and ask God what He thinks about you. So if you don't hear anything, you can utilize some Bible verses to speak over yourself, such as you are fearfully and wonderfully made, you were created in God's image,
like it says in Genesis 1 27.
And another example would be in Ephesians 2.10, he reminds us that we are God's workmanship. So we were created for good works and he prepared in advance for us to do. So knowing that there's a bigger picture that he prepared in advance just always calms me because I'm like, okay, he's got it figured out. I don't need to worry as much. So those are just a few examples, but I do recommend sitting quietly and just listening to like what God thinks about you. Cause hopefully something will come in your mind that I know I have a few that I'm like, Oh, I didn't,
you know, you kind of get, Oh, God thinks that about me and just have those moments and start writing those positive attributes out. And then I do recommend, you know, taking the negative attributes and you can do where you like tear them up and throw them away. Or you can even burn them, you know, and just recognize that they are negative. They're not accurate stories of yourself.
They'll still keep coming up potentially, but as they come up, you can replace them with the new thought, the new identity that God really sees you as. I think, ironically, Pastor Dustin this last Sunday was talking about how when we try really hard to just get rid of a thought, like, don't think that, don't think that.
You end up thinking about it more, but when you replace it with a new thought, that's where you really can start making a change. So making sure you're replacing your old identities with your new identity in Christ, because it does say in the Bible that when you accept Christ in your heart, you are made new.
And so yeah, that's my little identity segment there. Hopefully it's helpful for you. And yeah, just know that you are loved. Love it. Yeah. I know it is so good. And it's so nice to just, I don't know, just have some little tools to be given in order to implement that. Cause I think it's so easy to like hear that and just be like, yeah, that sounds great. But then to, you know, sit down and do what you just said, I feel like is so powerful.
Yeah, you got to do the work. I think that's where it's like, God has made us new, but if we don't do the work, it's not just going to be magic. You know, we have to sit with him and kind of work it out and let him work in us. Yes. And I think too, just again, going back to the root of this podcast of learning and growing, I'm sure that without the word,
just naturally in life you can learn and grow, but just think like exponentially where you could be or who you could be if you put in some work, you know? So that's motivating to just always be, to never stop learning and growing. Awesome. Okay. Well, listeners, if you have listened the past couple of episodes, you know that I'm currently doing a Bible study called Take Courage by Jennifer Rothschild and
Highly recommend it. She's amazing. This has nothing to do with her Bible study, but if you don't know who she is, she at the age of 15 became fully blind and she is just herself like such an example of
an encourager. And so the first part of the study, it goes over the causes of discouragement. And then last session I started diving into the antidotes of discouragement. So how do we handle discouragement? And last session I went over, there's five of them, but last session I went over the first two, which were
Number one, doing the next right thing. So use what God has given you to accomplish what God has called you to do. And if we spend all our talent, time, giftings, relationship, and dreams to ourselves, we will end up feeling dissatisfied and discouraged, kind of like what you were saying, Megan, like we can only go so far on our own. We will always end up discouraged like we
need God and so that's why we need to line up our priorities with God's priorities for us and do what he calls us to do when he calls us to do it. So that was number one. Number two was obey no matter what. Make your motive for obedience God's glory rather than your own blessing. We need to ask ourselves the question, will I still obey even if I don't get the blessings I hoped for? When we obey no matter what for the sheer love of God
We find courage, enjoy, and fight discouragement. Okay, so those were the first two. And then today I want to go over the last three. But before I do that, I should have done this when I began, but I thought I would just kind of give like a very short summary. We're studying, this whole Bible study is on the book of Haggai.
and I believe it's only 38 verses, but just to give a little bit of context of where we're at in the history, and then I'll get back to the last three things of how we fight discouragement. But the Book of Haggai, the setting was around 520 BC, and this is when the Jews were coming back to the Promised Land, and they were given orders to rebuild God's temple. And
Haggai is accusing the Jews of their misplaced priorities. And so God provided them all these resources. And what they did with that was they started to build their own houses and building these beautiful homes for themselves instead of doing what they were asked to do, which is to rebuild God's temple. And so they finally got started on the rebuild of God's temple in about one month into it.
they, the morale was low. They were very discouraged because this new temple was nothing in comparison to the temple that Solomon had built some 500 years prior. And so that was just a little blurb of them where comparison can steal our joy because they were like, this is never going to amount to like, why are we even wasting our time? So they were so discouraged, but Haggai,
reminds them of the promises of the future kingdom of God, which would result in peace. And so he encourages people to continue to work in hope, despite the disappointing circumstances that they were in. And how relatable is that, you know, to ourselves today? And so the Book of Haggai, he really challenges the people that one, our choices matter to the faithfulness and obedience of God's people is part of
how God works out his purpose in the world. And then three, that this should motivate humility and action in God's people as we look forward to God's coming kingdom. So that's just kind of like a quick summary of the whole book of Haggai. But to get back to the last three ways that we can
fight discouragement or an antidote to discouragement.

Community Support and Personal Strength

The third thing is tap into others' strength. In Ezra 1.6, it says, in all they that were about them strengthened their hands. When you and I experience genuine encouragement, our hands are actually strengthened.
To me, that kind of encouragement is not just somebody lending strength to us, but it's somebody becoming strength for us. And I know y'all could probably give examples as well, but I can think of like five right off the top of my head in my life where
I was in such a crisis situation or just feeling discouraged. It doesn't even have to be a crisis, but where there were times where I didn't even feel the strength in me to even pray sometimes. And I remember sending messages to my circle being like, can you just please pray on my behalf? I don't even have it in me to do that. And in those moments, I truly believe that those people became my strength. They weren't just feeling me with strength,
but they were taking that burden for me. And so listeners, you might be finding yourself in a hard season right now. And like the Jews, you may be facing a ruin of what once was. You might even be comparing your current life to what your old life was. There's so many reasons and causes for discouragement. You just need somebody to strengthen your hands. And so what I encourage you to do is just look around
and you probably have people surrounding you who can become strength for you, but we have to remind ourselves they can't be that for us if they don't know what our need is. And I know that sometimes for us, it is so hard to put that out there and ask for the need or just share our need. And so we're usually either one of two people or we can be both at the same time, but are you in a season where you're like the returning Jews
and need strengthening encouragement or are you like their nice neighbors in the story who offered some strength and you need to give strengthening encouragement to somebody else. And so I think that that's just a good little challenge for us to kind of sit back and kind of evaluate where we're at and either ask if we're in need or step up and step in to be that strength for other people.
And ultimately God is the one who strengthens our hands. He is with us. He has a grasp on us and our situation. He has a firm hold on our life, wherever we are and whatever we're doing, and He will not let go of us. He will grip us to support us when we are weak and His presence is our strengthening encouragement and He will not
just give us strength, he will be our strength. So just finding those people that can fuel you with strength and also remembering that God is our ultimate strength. Okay, so that was number three. Number four is pick some mini cheerleaders. And I have to be honest with this section, I kind of struggled with thinking about this. So what she means by picking some mini cheerleaders is
is like finding material things. So a lot of times throughout the Bible, God is referred to as our shield, our rock, our fortress. And so what she's saying here is like, do you have some little tangible things in your life, not to make them become idols, but instead to remind you of
to be that little mini cheerleader and to remind us to take courage. And so me being somebody who I've never really been, y'all know me, like I love to get rid of things. I'm not really a thing person. What I thought was so cool though, I had like a huge aha moment here.
So after our mom's passing, she wore these three stackable James Avery rings that had like the three birthstones of her four kids because Megan and Kristen have the same, have the same stone. And so I wear that one, my birthstone on my pointer finger. And I've never, I've always liked it just because it's my mom's, but I've never again really thought past that, you know, like I thought it was cool. Like, Oh, that touched my mom's hand. So it felt good.
But I had this crazy thing happen the morning that I was reading this chapter. I found on my phone where three weeks before mom passed, she sent us in a group text.
And she said, the most valuable thing we have is our trust in God. And for some reason this just clicked. And I was like, Oh my gosh, from now on this ring of moms, that is going to be my every time I feel or look at this ring that is going to be in my head. The most valuable thing we have is our trust in God. So now I kind of did turn this material ring into a little mini cheerleader for me. And I would have never,
done that otherwise, you know? So I thought that that was powerful, but it is just a good reminder that maybe you have, I don't know, anything, like maybe there's a photo that can do that for you or just anything around your house. Maybe it's a little rock or whatever, but just another little tool to which our brains like, oop, let me go take courage. And then the last thing that we can do to fight
discouragement is leaning into God's presence. There are so many in the book of Haggai and throughout the entire Bible. There are so many times where God says, or Jesus says, I am with you. And this isn't just a statement of God's location, rather it shows his loyalty. And God's presence is not about proximity.
the when he says that he is showing his commitment to us his interest in us and his investment in us and so if that doesn't give you like like that pumps me up to like be like yes I can take courage because of that and it actually that visual you'll know of that meme where it's like I don't know if it's a woman or a man but where that huge lion is behind him you know and it's like with God's
strength, you can do anything for some reason that like visual just sticks out in my head and makes me excited. But the ultimate antidote to discouragement is the presence of God. God's word is our consistent and life changing antidote for discouragement. So, you know, throw yourself in the word, even if you don't know what you're doing, just try to be in his presence as much as you can every day. And especially in the moments where you're feeling so discouraged, just remember these truths.
I love that. That's so good. I feel like, um, I wouldn't have thought of this, but Bobby had gotten me that picture of mom. It's like a canvas and I have it next to my mirror where I do like my, I am statements. And so I like say hi to her like every day and all right, I'm doing it. Here we go. Another day. Like, cause it just feels.
I don't like feel so different since she's gone and but it in a sad way but in a good way to where I'm like okay I'm doing it and like literally I'll cheers her like okay I'm gonna go I'm gonna run my race like this is crazy you're not here but yay yeah no I love that I love it and isn't she giving you a kiss in it yeah
Yeah, I love that. It's for my wedding day and she's giving me a kiss and I'm just like, yeah, that's so cool. I know you all already have. I'm wondering if like people already do that. It's just not something I've ever done where like a material thing. I don't know. Maybe I'm just shallow.
Yeah, I don't have like a material thing. I've been given something that made me think of that like, oh, I should just hold that, you know, it's like a little grass cross that it like grips you. And I think it's for anxiety as well, as you know, I deal with anxiety stuff. But the only thing that I feel like I currently have that kind of reminds me of that is my like,
little morning and night devotional book, as I go to that a lot, not every day, but most days I try to at least read it once a day. And I feel like that's kind of my little reminder thing, but I don't have like a thing like that, but I would like to.
I like that cross is good cause somebody, I don't remember who gave us those when mom first died. And I remember in those first, it just reminded me, like I would grip that thing. Like I would just hold it all day long and when I would sleep and it helped me a lot randomly. Yeah. They're cool. Good idea. And another just thing to add really quick is when we intersect our passion,
with our proficiency, that's where we find spiritual purpose. And that was something that I just highlighted because I, and this is off topic a little bit, but I remember in my early thirties, mom asked, we had just moved to China and mom asking me like, Lauren, you finally are going to have help and like have more time on your hands. What are you going to do? Like, what are you? And I was like, I have no idea. Like I was starting preschool, you know, and
And she's like, well, what's your passion? What gets you excited? I can tell you, I can list 10 things right now just knowing you growing up. And I literally was brought to tears because I couldn't answer that question. And it was frustrating, was the feeling, emotion that it gave me. But I encourage all of us to ask ourselves, what is our passion? And what is our proficiency?
Or what another way to say that is, what are we good at? Because it does say like in the Bible, when we couple our passion with what we're good at, then our spiritual purpose, that is our spiritual purpose. So I think that that's a good exercise too, to just kind of walk ourselves through.
Yeah. I love that. I think that's something that I fit in the last few years. I've realized that it's more simple than I, I had made it before I was like looking for something specific, but it's like, I just feel like I was put on earth to share God's love and I can do that wherever I am. Yeah. And that's helped me so much. Just be able to like enjoy where I'm at with work and just different, you know, things that I
possibly wish could be different. And then I'm like, well, God has me here for a reason. So absolutely. I agree. And it's like, that can be a lot of little, like,
How can I work this like it doesn't have to be like one big grand thing like that can look like little spurts here and there like all throughout, you know, it doesn't like you don't have to say like I'm going to be a mission person on this. It's like it can be sprinkled throughout all the things that you do. Yeah.
Exactly. Love it.

Real Estate Law and Market Impact

Yeah. I just wanted to, this will be quick this week. I just, I'm sure you've heard seen the headlines, you know, news cells, drama cells. I'm getting firsthand of, oh wow, this is so exaggerated. Really seeing the behind the scenes of how like probably movie stars feel like about themselves. I'm not that, obviously I'm not a movie star, but you know what I mean when they see headlines about themselves are like, what?
Like this is so much more drama than it actually is. So I just want to get it to the facts of what's actually going on. So if you haven't seen the headlines, there was lots of lawsuits going on with NAR.
National Association of Realtors and they did come to a settlement that will be paying out funds to sellers, but there's actually only two things that are actually changing. I just want to go over those things. The two things that will change are buyer's representation agreements will be required prior to agents showing a client any properties. This is nationwide. Now, this is already required
in Tennessee and this is something I'm very used to doing so that's really not a change for me but I know it will be a change for a lot of agents out there. The second one second change is compensation agreements will be removed from the MLS. The MLS stands for multiple listing service and be replaced with the buyer's representation agreement and the seller's listing agreement.
So what will not change is, like I said, I'm already used to having to do buyer's representations agreements, so that's really not a change. And the seller is still able to offer compensation to the buyer's agent in order to help get their house sold. So yes, the way compensation is offered is changing, but it doesn't mean that it's going away. And I think a lot of the headlines are trying to make it seem like, oh, you know,
It's going to lower prices of homes. It's going to, it's unfortunately it's, that's just not the case. So I just wanted to get to the facts of what's actually going on.

Reflections and Conclusion

Um, to hopefully, I don't know, answer people's questions. Cause I know I've been asked this by several people, friends, clients, et cetera.
Yeah, no, thank you for that, because I know that same, like I've had quite a few people texting and asking like, how do you think this is going to affect the market? There's so many opinions out there in the handful of articles that I have read, certainly, whoever the author is, they are voicing what their projections are. So it's nice to just know the facts of here's what's changing.
Yeah, you know, I personally don't think it's going to have much effect, in my opinion, so I think just like buyers agents have been paid, but commissions have been negotiable, always, so that's not changing it's always been that way.
Yeah, I just I don't think, in my opinion, it's going to have much effect. This has already been implemented in some places and from their studies it really hasn't had any effect there so that's just my opinion. I think on our next extra chat I want to discuss just to give you all a little
tidbit of what I want to do next time is about I've been been asked a lot recently. Hey, what what kind of investment would you start out with? So I kind of want to go over that and give tips on that on my next little
Um, corner. So I love it. Awesome. Well, I love talking with y'all today and listeners. We hope that there was one thing that you were able to take away from today and I will pray us out unless there was anything else you all had. Thank you Jesus so much for this time with my sisters. Thank you for gifting me with sisters and a brother. I'm just so honored to have siblings and I'm
grateful that we have this podcast to share our sibling love with the world. So if you don't have siblings that you feel a connection with our sisterhood. And I just pray that whoever is listening that you just completely see themselves and others as you see them just bring a new awareness and that they come to you moment by moment whenever they're falling back into the old ways of seeing themselves.
and then that they seek community to help them, you know, keep them accountable. And I just pray through all the real estate changes to that, um, you know, with all the stress of that, that comes, that it all works out and it's, you know, a simple, simple move for Kristen and all the realtors out there over time. And thank you so much for this week. And we just,
are so grateful for your sacrifice as we all step into the week of Easter. I pray we feel your love on a new level. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Have a great week. Love you. Bye. Bye. Thank you for listening to another week of girl I slept in my makeup. If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website, girl, I slept in my, where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it and make it a great week. God bless.