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Vladdy Daddy #4: I've Connected Them image

Vladdy Daddy #4: I've Connected Them

S1 E4 ยท Rose Colored Daggers
26 Plays6 months ago

Hold on, you want us to do WHAT?

Intro/Outro Music:





A Phishing Scam Begins

ah So if no one else has a better story, I can say about how I got hacked. Well, I don't really have any better ship besides that. Hacked? Yeah. So I've had a rough week. um It's the first week of classes. And they decided to start on Monday instead of Wednesday this time, which is already rude. So already starting off bad. And then on Monday, during the first day of classes, I'm like halfway through, I get a message. And Justin knows this.
we have an old friend acquaintance kind of from a minecraft server in the past who has always been kind of weird but he likes to do like annual he'll just reach out and say hi and it's very like okay hi how's it going and they say some things of like trauma dumping kind of a thing and then they move on and I don't hear from them for the rest of the year so already weird behavior from this person, right? And so on Monday, they messaged me like, Hey, how's it going? And I'm like, Oh, time for the annual message. I respond like, Hey, I'm doing good.
And they're like, ah hey, can I ask you a question? Like, sure. And they're like, my friend and I are working on this project. And we really need people to like give us feedback. Like, we need people. We've made a game. And we need people to give us feedback on it and beta test. And like just play for like, it's just 5 or 10 minutes. And like give us some some feedback about it.
and it's it's a 2d adventure game it's all this and i was like okay because whatever we used to game together so like there's background there and i was like yeah this checks out and they sent me a little link to the website which i know i know discord fishing scams i know they're dumb i know i'm aware but this was like from a person's account that i knew like i had talked to them and like
games with them and like you know whatever so go they have a whole website made like they did a whole thing and it was like oh you gotta do this and you gotta download this and the download wasn't even necessary like that wasn't the scam part because the download did throw a genuine unity error like it was clearly from a game engine file um And it was just the website.

Confrontation with the Hacker

And so it doesn't open. that That's the thing. The game doesn't open. It doesn't install whatever. And I messaged them like, hey, I tried to test it out. It didn't work. It didn't open. This is the error I got. Like if you need help troubleshooting or whatever, like, um you know, and then there's time zones are also at play here. So I send that and then in the morning,
um i get a message I wake up to a Discord message like, hey, ah let me know when you're awake, kind of a thing. And I'm like, all right, I get ready, I go to school, I go to work. Well, the whole thing. I get to work and I message back like, hey, I'm ready to like figure it out. like I'm awake and I can test it if you have a new like thing ready.
and So, but then I'm at work, but I usually don't do anything at work. Like my work's very laid back because I work in literally just a mail room at the campus. So it's very chill. But that day I actually had something to do where I was away from my phone for like, I want to say probably like a half hour to an hour after, like right after I sent that message back. And I get back to my computer and it just is like,
I've hacked you. You want to make a yes no. And then they sent like copy and pasted from like a Google password manager, like the list of like passwords and stuff. And like the formatting and everything you can clearly tell it was Google password manager.
And they just went, you have 30 seconds to respond. i They sent that to me a while before I finally saw it. And so immediately I was like, okay, this is crazy. And I go through and I start changing all of my passwords. And just to clarify, like they didn't do anything. They literally did nothing. The only thing that the only activity I saw from it was them messaging a different friend from that same server to and they muted the conversation and everything so I wouldn't get notifications and then they messaged them trying to say like hey how are you
but they were literally like just in case it's a hack to count which is when i saw that when i saw that message back i was like are they double teaming me like are they both trying to do something here like this is crazy this is a crazy coincidence and like with the other person like we hadn't talked since that server ended so it was a very different situation too but i was just like oh what did you get from this nothing i changed everything i don't have like any banking anything on my computer ah it's all not on there and so they literally got nothing and they just messaged on discord to a different person to try to scam them and like
What are you trying to achieve? And so I responded to them after their initial, you have 30 seconds to reply kind of a thing because I was like, okay, I know they have Google password manager stuff. I've changed all of that. I want to double check and see if I can get any more information out of them of what they might have. And so I messaged them saying, I'm a broke college student. What do you think I have? And like the next day they messaged back and like and it was the same like copy pasted from earlier message of do you want to make a deal you want to make deal I want to make deal yes or no kind of a thing and I was just like
I mean, what do you get? it like it So much effort and for what? And then they just sent back like three question marks.

D&D Characters Introduction

And I just responded, you had to make a whole ass website. And you had to go through this whole thing. like You got genuine files that throw a unity error. So like genuine files for a game software, which I'm sure is easy. But like you had to do something. You had to make this whole website. There was like passwords and stuff to get onto the website and things. it' was like you had to do so much to make this look legit and you got what what from it google passwords that i changed in like an hour what you gain from this and then i did not respond after that it just stopped responding so yeah
say so many random things that and the scammer ends up leaving you on red. So yeah, that's how I got hacked and how I left my hacker, well, how my hacker left me on red. That's crazy. I can't imagine how you got a partner as of now if you managed to get a hacker to leave you on red. Wow, you must suck at this. With that, all right.
okay Okay, we're doing indie.
I will have you know that I had to go through all my photos and stuff too, just to double check that there's nothing in there. And I came across more things of yes to just being obsessed with me since the beginning of time. So jokes on you. I have no idea what you mean. No idea. I couldn't think of

Recap and Humor

one thing that I said back then. I know you can't because you have a horrible memory, but I know. Yeah, that's true.
Mr. If we had a house together, we'd have to have a library before like anything had happened. Well, yeah.
oh that was That's just obvious. that' That's nothing weird. That's just the top. the... the top it is though Oh my god. That's the surface, yeah. What's the saying? that The tip of the iceberg. Iceberg. I kept thinking barrel.
Anyway, Sarah, you're going to introduce yourself. Oh, yeah, sorry. I'm Sarah, the DM. I'm Ray. I play Barbie, the Sea Elf Druid. My name's Justin, and I play Emrys, who is a stout halfling rogue. My name's Nott. I play Jolt, the reborn human hexblade warlock.
Alright, and just a quick recap on what we did last session. After the gang gets to the tavern, they order some red dragon wine. They notice a depressed figure, Ismark the Lesser, sitting at the table all sad-like. And Barbie goes over to her, I mean talk, to him.
bar the an angel slash talk to it He flight and then asks for help to bring his sister to Valaki. Once they agree to help, after learning about the mansion that they live in, ah they head out and hear some very angry chicken noises and someone crying for help.
After a quick battle where they learn that the chickens do not taste right, they meet Walter, who Barbie is genuinely, genuinely concerned with over him potentially selling his soul to the Mormons. And I forgot about that. yeah That's a valid concern.
Anyone could, this, this is a PSA. Anyone you know could be a Mormon and you wouldn't know, except you kind of would, cause they're not subtle. They're not, I was gonna say they're not subtle, but they do have a banger soundtrack.
the And a banger history. Yep. I got it. It was, it was a musical joke. I love Book of Mormon. The soundtrack, not the book.

Planning the Adventure

How to specify, just so you know you're not Mormon. I don't want Joseph Smith to think I'm a fangirl. I don't even think he's alive. No, he is not. It's in the songs. His death is in the songs. We've never watched the Book of Mormon. and Neither have I, but I've listened to it.
You should listen to it. There are some bangers dude. Pretty much every song goes hard. Isn't Mormonism that one religion where a guy just pulled some slates out of a hat, wrote a new book, and now they can have multiple wives and dodge taxes? Correct. Yes. Correct. I gotta be honest. They also- I can respect them for dodging taxes. I don't really see any issue with that part. Mormonism is where they soak. I mean, what does soak mean? What did they use to pick that up?
Do not. I know mommy and daddy love each other very much. No. We are not allowed to have sex because they're not married. I think I should remain blissful ignorant. I choose to remain blissful ignorant. The only reason I learned about it is I somehow got on Mormon TikTok years ago. And I am never missing. What? It was making fun of it. This is real.
oh I somehow got a Mormon TikTok. It was very a very weird time. No, you gotta be lying. They can't have a TikTok. My sister watched this one. That's the Amish. This one movie. No, this was an Amish movie. No, I'm wrong. Anyway, she watches one Amish movie called Expecting Amish, where this girl goes on a rum springer and then she gets pregnant and then it's a whole thing. It's a whole thing. And she runs away with the guy and leaves her fiance because Amish. Yeah.
I grew up in Pennsylvania, so we had a lot of Amish information. And apparently a lot of Mormons too.
Anyway, has Walter sold his soul to the Mormons? He has not. Okay. I forgot what his patron is. Give me one second. He did this in the last episode. It was the the morning person. Morning Lord. Morning Lord. Yeah. He's got morning wood. Oh, that's right. Because the other, okay. Yeah. It is the morning Lord. Yeah. Because someone else has the night lady. ah You haven't met him yet. or
What? Char? My, my beloved. No, not Char. Not Char. It's, it's lady night, I think. Oh, is it next for Hades? No. Oh, rats.
It's, hold on. Let me pull them up. Mother night, that's what it's called, not lady night. oh it's it's not It's a Barovian only patron. So that's fancy. Yeah. okay Good. Don't hurt that. But you haven't met him yet. You will soon. Oh, we're going to meet a God. Oh, no, not a God.
I mean, they're just like a follower. I know. Are we going to hold on? Are we going to meet the morning Lord or are we going to meet the morning Lord's morning? You know, I mean, that can be arranged. Oh, my God. Don't act like you are interested.
Oh, Freddy. So back to the campaign. Oh, what was it? You and Malta were just arguing. I forgot how it was going, but you guys were arguing over his soul. Something very stupid. Correct. Excuse you. Every conversation Barbie has is not stupid. Most. You said not all. That can include most. I said all. I said all are not stupid.
Mmm, doubt. I think I think that thing you just said was stupid so I can lump it in with all the stupid stuff. Wow. Now it's coming from my throat this is today. Hey, well, I'm just saying I'm right. I'm just thinking.
like i'm I'm just a messenger. I have to break your neck. I'm just talking about today. What are you talking about today?
The PSL, pumpkin spice latte. Sorry. What? What? What? Did you they have a shortening for that? Yeah, it's PSO. I told my mom, we need to go. Well, my mom wants to get one and she just texted me about. Wait, wait, wait. Just something. At least is gonna be wate um this through one is called pukins it PSO. It's it's it's fun to say.
eho we sounds like a Where were we heading? We're heading to his mansion. bra The Bargo Masters Mansion. Yes! We're gonna meet rich people and make a lot of money. With the guy with daddy issues. I don't think there's a lot of rich people here. Well, I'm sorry that I thought the people with the mansion were like land owners or something. I mean, yes, but...
No one's rich and borrowed. Inherited, you know. Yeah, it's it's quote old money, unquote, but it's not a lot of money. Dog, I just emerged out of the earth. I have a sword into two dollars to my name. Everyone to me is rich. Mm hmm.
Oh, you're going to be in for a surprise for your character. Barbie's rich in personality. Mm-hmm. You sure are. It's a very big print personality for a little... Wait, how tall is Barbie? Like 5'2". Very big personality for someone special. You can't say you've met anyone with a personality like hers, though, you know? No. Certainly not.

Exploration of a Mansion

So, as you guys are walking through the town, you come across a very weary looking mansion that is squatted behind a- Beauty and the Beast-ass shit. What? What? A very weary looking mansion. It's alive. Beauty and the Beast. The house itself wasn't alive. Everything else- Oh my god, I just realized something. What?
it's spoilers i can't tell you oh my god i'm right oh my god i'm right oh great you ruined it i was making it oh no it's not it's not because of that it's not because of that it's just something i just realized for later in the campaign oh okay beauty and the beast we're gonna Are you looking for your beast, Beauty? um Anyways, a weary looking mansion squatted behind a resting iron fence. The iron gates are twisted and torn. The right gate lies cast aside while the left swings lazily in the wind.
The stuttering squeal and claying of the gate repeats with mindless precision. Weeds choke the ground and press with the house itself. Yet, against the walls, the groats has been trampled down to create a path all about the domain. Heavy claw marks have stripped the once beautiful finish of the walls. Great black marks tell of the fires that have assaulted the mansion.
Not a pane nor a shard of glass stands at in any window. All the windows are barred with planks, each one marked with stains of evil almond. And is the one you guys wanted to see.
Very fancy. Hmm. Yeah, doesn't look like they keep good care of it, though. So, like, is it just everything else in this country is robbing? So I'm not surprised. Let me take a look at my stuff. I'm not very good at that, so I will just. Oh, my God. He has Barbie has advantage in perception.
bro Bruh, I'm rolling. Let me. Oh, there's the guy. Are there like any statues nearby? and What was that? Are there any statues nearby? i Let me check. I'm trying to find your brethren.
Hold on, let me, what mansion are we? Oh, yeah, no. There aren't I was gonna do a funny bit where like if there was one I was gonna try to like wave my hand in front of its eyes trying to see if it's alive can know for you So you said you got an 18 yep, all right, um
You can discern that the trampled weeds all around the mansion, as well as the scores of wolf paw prints and human footprints. Wait. Werewolves. Wolves. Not again. Not again. Werewolves. Oh my God. What if the wolves we killed were werewolves?
They weren't. Okay. They weren't. It's way harder to. yeah Yeah, that's what it meant about worse.
You all right? I also forgot, it's Marcus to wuss you guys. Okay, um so as you guys approach the mansion and you see, um Barbie, do you want to tell the rest of the group about the- Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll share my information. All right.
um So as you guys approach and you guys see and find out about the werewolf, or the wolf paw prints and human prints, Izmark runs towards the door and knocks three times. I see him knock. The door opens up and in the doorway stands a young woman with auburn brown hair. Now, not jolts. As you lay eyes upon her, you are pulled back into a memory. And the first thing you feel in a long time is a slight breeze as it whispers through your hair.
And the first thing you see is a face that looks eerily similar to the woman that was standing in the doorway. But it was softer, more youthful, like the way of the world in grief had completely disappeared from our soul. You remember her as Marina, your older sister. The one who taught you all your childhood games and snuck you pieces of chocolate when you were feeling blue.
This memory in particular was of a time when you were both tasked with collecting wild mushrooms and herbs for dinner, and the both of you kept getting distracted by playing hide and go seek. As quickly as this memory came, it flashed away just as fast as you were thrown back into the present.
You feel the rocky exterior of your mouth and lower face give way as it starts to flake off. And for the first time in a while, you feel the icy cold Barovian air on your lips for the first time in centuries.
I'm gonna like put my hand up to my face and try to feel like the now bears flesh that is there. I'm gonna look up towards the woman.
and try to like to like, hunch over a little bit, focus my eyes. And her name was Marina, right? Marina. Marina. Like, squint them and just say, Marina, is, is that, is that you? She looks at you slightly confused and concerned. So she's never seen a walking statue before. Um, and she says, No,
My name is, oh my god, I forgot her name. Um, Arima. Oh, ah the apologies. I'm, I'm Rina. I thought you were someone else. It's, it's fine. I get this a lot.
Um. Now then, Huron matters. All right. Would you like to come in? She's digressing the entire group. Yeah, absolutely.
Alright, and as you guys enter the mansion, the interior of the mansion is well furnished, yet the fixtures show signs of great wear. Notice the full oddities are the boarded up windows and the presence of holy symbols in every room. The burgomaster is in a side-drawing room on the floor, lying in this simple wooden coffin surrounded by welding flowers and a faint odor of decay.

Preparing for Action

Bro, they're just leaving this shit around? so Seems like even those higher on the chain are hit on hard times. Yep. Um... What happened here?
His heart gave out. Uh, Orema is still talking. Um...
he He's been protecting us for the last several weeks, but he just couldn't take it anymore.
Sorry for the loss. L. yeah um Anyways, ah after a slight pause at Barbie saying L,
is Mark. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I was kidding. Okay.
plus okay nice Slash Slash J. Slash J. Slash J. Slash J. Slash J. Slash J. Sorry for your loss or whatever. ah There's a slight pause before Ismarq turns to Arima and says, um these meant these men and ladies.
men are baring Men and Barbie. and Barbie are going to take you to
Uh, the late Vala, Valaki.
Um, yeah, we're going to take you to Valhalla or something. I don't think she wants to go to Valhalla. Why not? I hear it's sick. There's only one way to get there and I don't think she wants to do that yet. Why not? Is Norse the heaven canon in Grovia? It is now.
Okay. POV, Barbie makes Norse cannon. Of course. No, now I'm a meme. Barbie, and it's Norse cannon, but it's a Norse cannon.
What? A cannon, but it's Norse. it Like on ah but a ship, a cannon. Okay. yeah no
okay um After he said that, Arima has a very unsure look on her face. ah rebo enries And she goes i ah she kind of lowers her voice and like looks towards you guys and then looks back at her brother and she's like,
I have no idea who these people are. What? What? I'm not leaving. Cole. Cole. What's his name? Cole Yan. Cole Yan. Here. I'm Barbie.
um It's Mark turns back. Also looking at you guys. like It's your best bet. You need to go with them.
And she turns back to you guys and says. The only way I'm leaving is if you guys take. My father. To the church, the berry. But he looks heavy. We can do it. There's there's a cart. That's OK, we can do it but i in the cart. I mean, you guys can do it. Barbie will sit here.
Just don't have another strop, OK? Strap on? Strop. A tantrum. Oh, what is a strop? A tantrum, a strop. No, that's a fun new word I'm going to add. Oh, my God. Really? It's not as good as chucking it down. Oh, that's looked funny. I like the strop.
drop it Oh, OK. We just call it a hissy fit. Oh, yeah. All that hissy fit, a straw, a tantrum, all the same thing. All right. just thought oo Fun new word. Thank you. Fine. um He's going to sit on the nearest like chase lounge and she's going to cross her arms like a toddler. All right. be No help again. Excuse the blue one. No help again. I'm sorry. Who's been tanking?
Okay, you have a different shape. You little weak folks can go and get this little task. What does tank mean? I take all the shots. Oh. um I thought we were bare. Ship-shifter.
ah no Pardon. Where shall we take your father? Uh, to the church. Ah, the one in town? Yes, it's not too far from town. It's just 10 minutes up that way by cart. And she points up towards like the north ish. Do have a cart we can use? Yes, it's out back.
oh that will be important question thank you have

Exploring the Church

a cart we can paint not this again i don't think they have paint it's more elix and as not Jolt and, um, um, MRS get out there. You just see it's, it's odd. It's like a glorified, uh, wheelbarrow pretty much. Oh, they'd have a carriage. I mean, look at the state of this place. They can't really afford upkeep, let alone a new carriage. Well, maybe they had an old, ah maybe they sold the old one.
To do what with the money? They haven't done anything to the house. Pay... tax? Sure. Ask them if they have taxes. You just can't escape taxes.
I might have just emerged from the earth of recently, but I know somewhat of tax, and I remember receiving hatred for it. What, because you didn't pay much?
I don't like paying.
Do you? um I mean, it's a, you know, you gotta pay the landlords.
Any who, let's get this older fellow moving to the church. I'm sorry, but any who coming from Jordan is insane. All right. I feel like it should be more like any whom or something like that.
uh so shall we continue yeah have work to be done let's go grab the dead body all right barbie are you going to follow them to the church i guess okay oh i'm terribly sorry to interrupt your sulking and sorrow but we're here to do things i just realized that you're still soaked in blood you know it baby of course i'm always soaked in blood eight why didn't you why didn't you clean by the river you're still covered in viscera why would i clean up ah things just got good
the Wait, what? The wetness of the blood, you know, kind of reminds me of home. I can't be covered in water, or at least I can be covered in blood. Just cover in water, no one would bat an eye, but you would cover... Wrong! I learned that the hard way. People bat many eyes when you ah you walk into their bar soaking wet.
Perhaps you could live dry instead of soaked in blood. Ew. Then why did you come on to land if you didn't want to be dry? I got lost! How?! You live in the ocean! Well, suddenly there was no more ocean! What are you looking for?! A whole ocean disappeared on you.
Yes! I turned around and all of a sudden, it wasn't there!
is What? That doesn't make any sense! That's like, hmm, I'm going to leave the castle as I walk out of town and I look beyond my back and I think, oh no! Where did the castle go? How will I ever find it? It's not like it's massive! So you know what it's like?
I'm being facetious here. Is that like a disease? No cats. You know what, I'm not even going to bother. I am saying that you shouldn't have gotten lost or have lost the ocean. It's big.
Wow. So you're going to tell the victim that they shouldn't have gotten lost as their fault. Yes. Wow. Yes. It's literally what happened. You could have kept track. You could have held them out. But no. Or our compass. I can't read. Or you could have turned around. but I times. Ladies, ladies.
um So you guys are on the way to the church, right? Correct. All right. And while you're there, can someone go ahead and roll me a perception check? Yeah, sure thing.
You don't want to use my perception, which is a 10. But if you don't get any better, we can use that. As you walk, you happen to stumble upon a hand mirror backed with a bronze depiction of a Medusa.
are So got Norse and Greek. There's a picture of Medusa. A Medusa. A Medusa. What is that?
Look, it's the lady with the the the snake hair. I can't remember something about turning men into stone. You should know more then. Yes, that one. Yes. <unk> I've done some reading.
Nerd. There's a lot of time to pass when you don't get many customers in the bar. You just bring a book along. Wow. So your bar's not doing well. No, I'm just there most days and some days it's not busy.
Hmm. This feels incorrect. Nothing I can do about it. It's just whoever comes by.
As you guys break through the trees, atop a slight rise, against the roots of the Pillars of Stone that supports Castle Ravenloft, stands a grainy sagging ah edifice of stone and wood.
The church has obviously weathered the assault of evil for centuries on end, and is worn in weary. A bell tower rises towards the back, and flickering light shines through the holes in the in the shingled roof. The rafters strain feebably against their load.
um And are you guys approaching the church?
is yes Can we see the graveyard? Like is it behind it or like side? You can't really tell because there's kind of like a pretty tall stone fence that surrounds it. You assume the graveyard is back there, but you have no idea if it is or not. You also don't know if there is a plot for him or not.

Vampire Spawn Discovery

Oh, we're going to have to dig a place ourselves of this body.
e Possibly. um So would you like to apply approach the church? Yes. All right. um As you approach the church, the heavy wooden doors of the church are covered by claw marks and are scard scarred by fire.
Okay, as we get close enough to see that, I stop, turn on my heel, and take a step in the other direction.
um Is anyone going to stop me from walking away? Wait, wait, wait, where are you going? ah Did you not see the door? Like, oh come home. I'm sorry, it's dark.
But those ah those look fresh, okay.
Can I roll a perception check? Yeah, I want to see how fresh they are. All right, go for it. That's a nat one. They just look like plamaxebra.
Well, you know, they could be fresh. You can't tell if they're fresh or not. Yeah, they they could be fresh or they could be pretty old. But yeah, they're still dangerous. This is a very, very old church, you know.
sure Should we should we knock? Isn't that polite? All right. Are you guys knocking? Mm hmm.
As you knock, the door swings open to reveal a 10 foot wide, 20 foot long hallway leading to a brightly lit chapel. The hall is unlit and reeks of mildew. Four doors, two on each side of the hall lead to adjacent chambers.
You can see the chapel is strewn with debris and you hear a soft voice from within reciting a prayer. Suddenly, the prayer is blotted out by an inhumane scream that rises up from beneath the wooden floor.
Huh? Keep it down. People are trying to sleep, dude. Oh. Sorry. Not- No.
Not you, Gigi. You don't do anything wrong. Would you guys like to approach? Cautiously, like hand hovering around the the handle of my sword. Alright, and I forgot to get your guys' tokens out. I don't know why Barbies is so big, but...
All right. um And you guys can can you guys see the church outline on the screen? Yes. Yes. So would you like to go straight into the chapel or would you guys like to do a little bit exploring? Explore first. Don't go towards the screens. All right. I'll go into the the the first room on the left there. First room on the left. That one is
Where is that? Let's see. So as you open the room, the dirty, lightless room contains a wooden bed with a straw-filled mattress. mount the but Mounted above the bed's headboard is a wooden holy symbol.
God, might be needing this. can i Can I take it off or is it like nailed to the wall?
Go ahead and try and take it off. Can you do an athletics check or a strength? I can do a strength. That is a nat 20 and a 21. So as you grab it, it pulls from the wall. um It was slightly nailed down.
Hmm. Okay. Uh, yeah, might might be needing this for those noises. All right. And I'll, I'll carry that as, I don't know, like, like a club or something. How, how big is, is it like, what kind of size is this? Or is it like a pendant? type It's like, yeah it's honestly kind of like a cross, but it's in the shape of, uh, I think it's a sun.
Okay, more like a shield perhaps. Um, no, it's like, it's, it's about five, five inches or 10 centimeters big. Oh, okay. It's not that big. Okay. Well, I will, I will strap it onto my belt. Okay. And then is there anything else in the room apart from just the bed?
ah Can you do me a quick perception check? It's 17.
All you see is straw and you can tell that this room has not been used in more than a year. It's coated with dust. Oh god, okay, I'll walk out.
All right, Barbie. though um What do you guys want to do? I think I'll so I've noticed there's like a what looks like a fence right there dividing the front and half from the back half of the church.
ah Right. Hold on, let me ping it. Yeah, I'll use I'll use a marker here right here, this sort of gray line. Oh, yeah, that's the that's the big stone fence. Oh, how tall is it? Oh, it's got to be about as tall as the church. And that's about 10 to 15 feet. That's a big ass thing. Hmm. So Emory's just like went to the front door, right? So whatever you take outside door. OK, I guess I'll
I'll walk through the front door's wall, but I'll slowly like de like try to sidestep one shoulder in front and I'll hold like my sword with both hands from about like the waist area, pointed straight forward. Ready to like block, attack, whatever.
All right. And Barbie. So I have a question.
This is this anything? Um, I think that's just a statue. Yeah. That's why is it anything? Cause I was gonna, I was thinking about going through here. Uh, you should, I don't think so. Okay. I will not do that. Um, leave me in the church by myself.
I'll just go like in the doorway, but like behind them. Okay. All right. Emrys, what would you like to do next? More exploring. I will go across the the corridor into the water right. for that All right. That is not the right one. Hold up.
God, do you think they pray to the deity about some cleaning in here? Jeez. So, as you get to the door, ah you can tell that time in neglect has punched holes in the ceiling of this moldy room, which contains a few broken roof shingles and puddles A broken roof shingles amid puddles of water. In the corner set into the floor is a heavy wooden trap door held shut by a chain and padlock. A young man's screams of anguish can be heard through the door. Oh. And there's just. It sounds really similar to the thing you heard when you first walked in.
Uh-huh. And it's just like rubble on the floor, basically. Nothing else. Yeah, just like, yeah, like holes in the roof, shingles, all that good stuff. Okay. Uh, can I percept for a key to the lock or anything? Um, go for it.
Uh, that's a nat 20. You do not see any key in that room. Um, did I, did I see one in the old room? Can I, does the nat 20 give me that? yeah No, there was nothing in that room at all. Okay. Um, hmm. I don't know if I want to try and open this trap door at all. Cause that sounds bad. Yep.
i call I'll call out the door. Hey, Zolt the... You know that scream? Yeah, that's... why ah there's ah There's a trap door here and it's louder from this.

Unraveling Mysteries

Oh, ah a trap door? Where does it go? Probably to whoever is screaming.
I guess I'll look down at the trap door, see if there's like a staircase or a ladder. Oh no, like you can't open it. It's not open. Yeah, it's like chain shot. Well, um... Do you think we should open this or just leave them to whatever they're doing? Ugh, I... Before we do that, I think we should at least find...
shovels or whoever the graveyard keeper is and take care of the body. It's just going to stink. Yeah. Okay. Good idea. But it's good that you found that we can work on it later. and But for now, look for a shovel or anyone alive. All right. And there's three more rooms you haven't explored yet. One is the chapel and a two are two rooms that are between you and the chapel. All right, it seems like pep one of those rooms are like lit up. I'll knock on the door to that one.
no Um, you do not hear anything from inside, but the door kind of pops open. Um, and inside this dirty room contains a wooden bed with a straw filled mattress next to it, to which rest a small table with a lamp burning brightly on it. mountain the Mounted above the head is a wooden sun shaped, sun shaped holy symbol.
Oh, I've got one of those, see? Ah. Hmm. Keep a hold of it. You never know what night creatures might be lurking. Yeah, or we might appease a god or something. Who knows? Hmm. So is there anything else? I could please a god. Add a character. Add a character. Is there anything else in the room besides like, uh,
ah Nothing of value. Okay, I think inside the actual chapel itself is the best place to maybe find somebody. Looks like it. Come on then. Just so you know, there's one more room. I guess we'll... I mean, there's not been anything in any of them.
so i i i think emrys will just walk into the chapel down the down the path i guess all for completion shit for completion sake so we hunt 100 the chapel and As you approach that, the door pops open and an old desk and chair stands against the south wall, a wooden holy symbol mounted above them, a sunburst, a ten foot long iron rod attached to the north wall stands bare, suggesting a tapestry once hung there. Against the far wall stands a wooden cabinet with four tall doors.
I guess I'll open the cabinets, see what's in there. All right. um For its size, the wooden cabinet contains very little. Inside are a tinderbox, a few wooden boxes, full of candles, and two well-used books. Hymns to the dawn, a volume of chants to the morning lord, and the blade of truth. the users The uses of logic in the war against
against diabolist heresies, us as by the Olmest Inquisition, a strange book that mixes logic exercises with lurid descriptions of phoenni fiend-worshipping cults. You also seeโ€ฆ
yep No wonder this church is so dilapidated. It worships the morning lord.
Yep. And MRS. um As you enter the chapel, you notice that the chap the chapel is in shambles, with overturned and broken pews littering the dusty floor. Dozens of candles mounted in candlesticks and candel operas light every dusty corner in a feverent attempt to raid the chapel of shadows.
At the far end of the church sits a claw scarred altar behind which kneels a priest in soil vestments. Next to him hangs a long, thick rope that stretches up into the bell tower. oh From beneath the chapel floor, you hear a young man's voice cry out, Father, I am starving.
ah Someone get this man a sandwich.
uh hey dad i mean father uh who do you hear that as well the the man looks up from his kneeled position of prayer and in a croaky voice says yes what do you need child uh the screaming boy
I'm not the hungry child here. The one beneath the floorboards is.
Um, hold on. Sorry. Um, never you mind. What do you need? Oh, uh, well, we're just looking for some shovels. Uh, we have a dead body. Um,
Yes, we have many. Who is this? ah The guy but who is protecting that mansion, you know, like 10 minutes away. He goes to a different school. You wouldn't know him. Did Barbie just appear at my side? Yes.
You see the old man kind of like jump because he's never seen a blue elf before. Can't even tell him blew him covered in blood.
He's never seen in what he assumes a short elf covered in blood before. Yeah, yeah, that's right. I just turned to him and go, hi, I'm Barbie. Hi, Barbie, I am Donavich. All right, Donnie, nice to meet you.
Do you have a shovel? Like, can we solve this dead body problem or not? Yes, I actually heard of this man's death. It's and you didn't come collect the body. It's not my job. Aren't you like the grave keeper or something? No, he's the priest. Oh.
o Yeah. Um.
but what you saying um So as he rises you can tell he's still kind of like short and squat and he leads you guys out to this area right behind the church where there there is a partially uncovered area and he gestures to the two um shovels and well three shovels and says how about it oh i already got one started for him thank you oh yeah we don't need three shovels we only need the two
Are you not helping? I've mentioned I didn't want to. Grab a shovel. Fine. And we all start digging it about. is Is six feet the standard and in this world as well? Yes. OK, we'll we'll go go for six feet then. All right.
And after about, because there's three of you, about 15 minutes, you are able to get to the six feet deep mark. Um, where he then gestures for you guys to get out so y'all can put the coffin into the ground. All right. We did get the body in a coffin, right? Yes.
Okay. So I guess I will grab one hand and I'll just cause I'm going to get the other plays. It's heavy. I got it. I got it. All right. All I'm imagining is cause you're, you're a halfling, right? Yeah. it's a Yeah. It'd be like right. Like stretched out above my head, trying to keep it level with results, just like holding it normally.
I guess I'll hold it around my midsection then, so it should be about the same height. Okay. And we'll lower it into this grave. Alright. And now ah he gestures for you guys to start, once it's in there, to start filling it up with the dirt. And as he does that, he offers prayers to the Morning Lord.
in exchange for Kolyan's deliverance from Barovia.
um This takes about five minutes, and once he's in the ground, Donavich turns to you guys and says, you need to get Arima out as far away from Castle Ray that's been lost as possible.
That's what we're going to do. You should either take her to the abbey of Saint Markovia or to the fortified tent of Balaki.
I hope they're more in shape than this church is. We've fallen on harsh times. Is it those those devils or those, you know, all the scratches on? Is that what did this?
No, the Devilstrahd. He came here himself? He sent his loyal followers in response to an uprising a little bit more than a year ago that my son Doru and several other villagers had after A wizard came and tried to get them to revolt.
Guess it wasn't too well. They all died. Yeah. Can someone do a um perception check? Yeah. I just realised Walter's with you guys. Oh yeah, Walter's here. Thirteen.
13 you can tell he's not When you heard him say every everyone died. You can tell he's not telling the complete truth Right Well, then I guess we enter the corpse now I presum Oh, that's where it happened. Okay. Yeah well
I'll go to this wizard attack. It was a little bit more than a year ago. The wizard died and he kind of like his voice breaks. um And he stutters and started all the other villagers.
And why why weren't you killed? Because I didn't go. And why is that? You're part of this town as well, aren't you? I am old. You can tell he's like, he's up there in age. Can't be that old. We have a walking statue in our party.
yeah Mostly, yes, yes, I am. you My knees are not that of a 20 year old. I am nearing 60. Bro, that's fine. You're fine. Sixty's nothin'. It might be for whatever you things are. I mean, for me, Sixty's still a child, but... How thing is much unkind. But Sixty's not old enough for anyone. Except maybe like...
People who human they are mid or 30. No. Yes. Yes. so yeah No. You're reaching 60. You're not even 60 yet. That's still, you got plenty of time. Can't even retire. You're not even retired yet. You're still working. I don't know what land you've you people come from, but most people are dead by my age.
Well then, get to it. Jesus.
You actually say that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Strategic Discoveries

I will actually say that. I'm staring at you. But I think it, and it's so obvious on her face that she is thinking it.
You like roll your eyes. Yeah. But then she sees all the people staring daggers at her and goes, I'm just going to keep my mouth shut. Yeah. Um. And a little bit flustered, he's like, and I would not want to become like how Doru had become.
He became a vampire spawn. Oh. Oh. Is that the thing of the, uh, the basement? Yes. Ooh. Hmm.
Um. Is that, are you keeping him, it, in there to die? It's my son. Of course I am.
Is there no, is there no way to heal it? No way to cure it? I mean, there's only one cure for Vampire Spawn. And it's not much of a cure. Mora's just control. Death, you see. Okay.
Okay, are you just gonna leave him there or are you gonna do it yourself?
I am going to pray and hopefully you will see the light. And with that he turns and heads back towards the church.
Leaving you guys in the cemetery. Well, we did what we were supposed to do. Um, can someone roll me a quick perception check? Yup.
if you want a 15 yeah that works um so you looking around you realize this looks very familiar because on the map you got from the vishtani it was of this area ah okay what's connected to this church on the map like by the roads and everything ah So you see a like the um There is a deeper part into the cemetery that is a fence of wrought iron with a rusty gate and it is Enclosing a very large rectangular plot of land about ah
about 200-300 yards behind the ah the church. There are tightly packed gravestones, but also a, it it kind of looks like a falling in tomb. And if you look at the map, it will show the path from the church to that tomb as the end part.
Wait, and I still have the map, I'm pretty sure. I'm like looking at it. So i'll yeah I'll show the others and say, yeah, guys, you see this this tomb at the end here? but A tomb? Yeah. Okay, it's there north until now. What about it?
There's a big, I don't know, big red circle and clickbait arrow pointing to it on the map. holy There's a tool tip.
Alright, and once that Walter pops up from behind y'all, kind of like stumbling, you can tell he's still drunk. Oh, hey, Walter. I think we should go to bed.
My head. are good I could use rest. We should probably not be at the cemetery. No, perhaps. We should sleep in the nice warm mansion. Yes, perhaps they will offer us shelter. And if they don't, screw them.
That sounds good to me. Walking back to the mansion real quick. yeah i suppose up ah Come on, Walter.
All right, let me do something real quick. Also, as you notice, night has fallen, so it is a little bit darker than it was earlier.
Let me just check something real quick.
Oh, we're not doing that. All right, and.
OK, so. As you guys walk back, ah can someone do me a quick perception check? Barbie's good at those. Yeah. That's a 15.
All right. That's good. um So as you walk, you find a hidden bundle.
A hidden didn bundle of what? A bundle containing one set of common clothes sized for an adult human. Oh, well, that's not really helpful. Yeah. Wait.
What was that? Close there on the side of the street. It's in a bundle. like kind of It's like off to the side. um a Anyone want to do a history or insight? I will do an insight. I got plus two. Yeah, go on. All right. That is 15.
All right, so the clothes have like, it looks like a lot of what the other Barovians were wearing, very drab, very mellow, i very drab, basically. And um you can tell that they belong to a some sort of wear creature. I was there like hair on it.
ah yeah there's hair but you can also like it's like everyone's clothes it's like shirt tunic whatever pants it's just everything you pretty much found someone's clothes after they shifted to go for a run in the woods yeah that was you don't know how long it's been there they could have just dropped everything and left or whatever that was my fear Strange. What's in the bag?
Do you want to tell him, Barbie? Some clothes. They don't fit me, though. No, because they're somebody else's who's, you know, changed and ran off somewhere. What do you mean? Oh, you know, you know how everyone changes. Yeah.
yeah there's uh werewolves also do that and i'm guessing no a werewolf i've read stories of them but i've never fought one myself well let's hope we don't have to fight one because the village you can attack the village oh good point we gotta to get back there quick before anyone gets hurt come on
Sure. Reluxantly. Are you those little legs? You can barely run. I can hobble decently quick.
ah Sure, Gigi. sir Sure, sure. It's not my name. After a few minutes, you you arrive back to the mansion.
Yeah. Yeah. Let's go back inside on knocking the door yes on the way just. Oh, that's one man first and I'll go warn the others in town. All right. Um,
so as you ah enter and you see is Mark, he clearly has changed from the clothes that he was wearing out. He's wearing like a nightgown kind of thing.
kind of i'm I'm just thinking of, yeah, I'm thinking of like a Scrooge. Like we ever yeah does a droopy sweep cap, like pinstripe, holding a little candle. Yeah, he's he's he has like a candle on the light nightstand. Not nightstand, the coffee table thing next to him. And he's got like a very old book and he's got his legs kicked up. Looks very chill for someone whose father just died. But
Sounds like someone killed his father. Maybe he's just tired of being in a new one's shadow. Maybe he's happy about it. oh Theory forming. and There's no murder mystery. you Maybe not to you.
um He like looks up and he's like, oh, you're back quick. Yes, I would suggest you... oh Why? Was he trying to hide evidence? ...force your doors as a werewolf about... it looks you you he As he hears you before, he looks up at the already boarded windows and most exit doors, like, I think we're good. Oh, you... Alright, you already seem to be um reinforced, just be aware tonight.
Yeah. ah Just so you know, he before yeah grabs you before you leave. There are tons of wereravens that live in the area. What? Excuse me. Wereravens? I thought they were just wolves. No, there's wereravens. They're pretty chill. Oh, I was worried about a a wolf one, but there's also ones that are- Oh, they're wolves too, but not this far.
No. Are any of them dangerous? Not to us. As in the members of the town or- Why? Because you're a werewolf? Wait, are the <unk> wolves The wolves, any of them. Yeah, they're dangerous, but they're pretty far from here. There haven't been any sightings in several weeks. Well... Liar! You're a wolf, aren't you? You found the clothes of a shifter on the road here. You probably found the sash for... Where was it? Was it on the side of the road or was it in a tree?
is on the side of the road, the clothes had fur on it, and it was on the way from the church. It's good to be cautious, but I wouldn't recommend going out tonight anyways.
interest Interesting. It's theory forming.
y'all i'm just trying to get you guys to do the longest i get that all right sorry no no i get it i get it i'm just making i'm making a joke and and and i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna check out the patreon to see what barbie's cooking up Oh my god it was a plug! we're all along Murder theories in her journal entrance. I can't believe I fell for a plug! I'm such a fool! I'm starting to put the dots together. I need to sleep on it. I'm connecting them! He's making up the dots. I'm connecting them.
So he says that and then you guys want to go for the long rest? ah Because... Yes, I need to sleep on all this info. I will flotation marks rest because of the whole reborn thing. I kind of get like the elf sleep gimmick where I can just like sit somewhere and still retain consciousness. Yes. Okie doke. So he shows you all... I can remain vigilant. So he shows you all to ah three separate rooms.
Splitting us up. hu
um And. I forgot, how is this going? Hold on. So um as Barbie and. Amorous lay down to rest, Zolt. In the corner of the room, um in your room, ah you You see like this corner slowly get darker and darker.
um but What would you like to do? Oh, there's three different rooms? Yeah, your're you're but you all about yourself. Splitting us up and making us vulnerable. All right, I guess I'll just...
I guess if there's a bed, then I'll just try to lay down at it and attempt to sleep. All right. I guess go into like my passive state or whatever. And right before you do that, you notice the corner in your room gets darker and darker, like unnaturally dark. And a figure slightly appears with glowing blue eyes.
Is there a candle in the room? Yes, there is. I guess I'll like sit up, grab the candle and try like to hold it a bit closer to this figure. And as you do, you still see it's still really dark. it It looks like an old black and white movie, but you see this man and he seems quite familiar, but you can't quite place him. Do do I?
Do I know you? know you and And this very deep, gravely voice, this man opens his mouth and says, you know me, Zolt. My name oh is Ivan. I am your patron. That doesn't ring a bell.
how i How am I doing this without revealing much? oh
you You carry my sword. I am your patron. Where else do you think you got these magical powers? Oh, wait, ah are you the sword? Are you inside? Are you inside of it? Yes.
And I need you. I need you to do me a solid and remember. It's the only way. I suppose.
and so pose What are you posing, Ivan? I just need you to remember and break free from your curse. It's what our lazy wants.
I am trying, Ivan, but it's hard. In a figurative and literal sense, I'm pot rock. Yes, and I understand that. It will be a long journey for you.
And that is why I am gifting you two, I forgot to ask you which two spells you wanted, um but you get two first level paladin spells now. Yay! I don't actually do that in the game, but let me look at mine. Let me look at mine, my spell book application. just from Just imagining Gigi going, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. Is there any ah or any healing ones? We have Walter now. Evil healing. oh my god i forgot but on
Where's Walter? Walter can sleep in my room. yeah I want to keep Walter safe. Yeah, Walter. And then as you He like kind of crawls up on the ground and you hear him yelling or like muttering about chickens all throughout the night. Okay, you don't have to sleep on the ground.
I'll sleep on the ground. I can turn into a bear. he He does not hear you. He like literally stumbles into the room and like crawls up. Okay. Into a wall. He's out of it. He is drunk.
Poor Walter. He is sloshed. I just walk over and like pat him on his shoulder like, we'll talk in the morning. Yeah, and you just hear him muttering, no more chickens. I eat I agree. They were not taste.
I found out what spells I am taking. I am going to take a Shield of Faith and Searing Smite.

Session Wrap-Up and Social Media

already Alrighty. And as he gives you these two, um he says to live in accordance of our Lady. And then he vanishes into a puff of darkness that is absorbed back into the sword. Oh, I guess there is a man in my sword. And he has and you have you still have no idea who his lady is. So you have no idea how to act. But wait, you feel late.
I feel kind of i i like a dark presence now. And that is it. Oh, um and Amaris, what were you doing while that happened? Oh, I've gotten into that. I am very tired. All right. And oh my God, what was your um thing's name?
Kevin. Kevin. And Kevin like kind of curls up next to you. Oh, there you go. That's been a long day. And that is it.
Thank you for listening to the 4th episode of Rose Colored Daggers. I plan as to up upload the current campaign every other Saturday, and occasional non-D and&D bonus episodes in the weeks off. You can find us on social media at daggers underscore rose on Twitter or X.
and rose-colour daggers on Instagram and Tumblr. Please your review and rate us on whatever platform you're listening from, and we're currently working on a Patreon which will include character journal entries and thoughts after each episode, as well as a website which will include the player's bios and a blog. Thank you for listening.
wall la land i mean so sla oh it's overrow bit oh my god now i can make the joke that i thought of while um not was talking to his patron i don't know what it was but one of the things your patron was saying was just like man this guy's horny
It's how I based them off of it's very much a Thanos thing. You know, from Thanos is not horny, but he was nothing horny. No, no, no, no, nothing. Sorry. Not the lady. Yeah. Yeah. Not not the MCU. Sorry. The comic book Thanos. He is a comic book that is just like all your body. It was like that's why it was like how you talking about like you have my sword. It was like, oh my God, sir.