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Vladdy Daddy #9: The Halloween Special image

Vladdy Daddy #9: The Halloween Special

S1 E9 ยท Rose Colored Daggers
13 Plays4 months ago


Happy Halloween! In this spooky episode, Emrys and Bahrbee meet our newest members of the podcast... and perhaps Strahd? Bahrbee is certainly happy about that last part, except for the fact that Strahd's newest bride is her brainwashed best friend. We're all wondering what is going to happen next.

Intro/Outro Music:







Band and Piccolo Antics

about Piccolo and everything, what I was going into is that no one else will understand this. um Very niche. R1, I hate Leroy Anderson, first of all. That's my main point. Fuck Leroy Anderson. We played Slayride. What the fuck is that? What is it like?
Christmas Festival or something, whatever it's called. To that effect, I know the piece you're talking about. We played Slay Ride Christmas Festival, and then the Nutcracker, all in the same show, back to back. I almost passed out on stage. Oh my god, that's like a rite of passage. It was so... Ah! My high school didn't even, like, we didn't even have Piccolo players, because broke, but our band is huge. Yeah.
like a and take that back we had like piccolo marching band players but they it was mostly from marching band yeah transfer over to uh the other one concert band yeah our concert band and our marching band band diagram was a circle and almost the same for us we had a few people leave uh due to like class conflicts for concert and then some people just didn't want to do marching which 100 understand um I actually y'all know how I'm really hard of hearing in my left ear. That's actually from marching band. My best friend the trumpets marched behind me and I had a double ear infection to the point that my eardrum almost ruptured and concert band. player Oh. but
no that was james mark and it was to too Yeah, concert band. It was oh it was so bad because like they placed the trumpets right behind us. and well They are the loudest motherfuckers. They just have to show off.
I hate Trumpets. Shut Excuse you. You know how I feel about trumpet players. I hate them. I played for like five years, like when I was like 10 to like 15 or something.
the ego of trumpet players. Oh my god. They're so full of themselves. They think they're God's gift to mankind. Look at this. I can go almost like in a hole. They're slightly worse than saxophone players. Actually, saxophone players have redeemable qualities,

Personal Interests Unveiled

okay? Yeah. There are some of them. I can Love you.
Yeah, drama players suck, dude. I hate them. They're awful. ah okay I cannot relate to this in any way whatsoever. because i Well, okay. I was never in a band, really. i like also was like lessons but Also, you were an absolute nerd that loved Harry Potter, and yet you call yourself a sports kid.
I was. I was playing sports like four days out of seven a week. You were obsessed with Harry Potter. That nerd Trump sports kit. Yeah, you're a nerd, too. I asked David the other day. I was like, do you think I am the most dude bro person in in the Discord? And he's like, yeah, for sure. I think that's right. I think I am the most dude bro. Yeah. Yeah. You just give the dude bro vibes.
Oh man, you should see me with my hat turned backwards, bro. Oh no. du You should see me in that autism hat that David has. Let's fucking go. and I'll wear it right now. David got really upset with me. Wait, what? When I tried to put your autism hat on backwards. You're not autistic, you'll get the way to wear the hat. ADHD and those two things are almost a perfect example. Very similar. Very similar. I have high rates of comorbidity.

Health and Daily Life

Yeah, when you have both, let me tell you, party. What if I have OCD and ADHD? Imagine having all three triple threat. Stress, death. i just Deep death of the universe. so I joke that I have the three A's, anxiety, ADHD, and autism.
Painfully, painfully close to home minus the autism. Yeah. Also, I forgot, um, last week, one day on the weekend, I was watching hockey and I forgot to take my magnesium, which I take for better sleep. And for the past week, I have forgotten it every night because I forgot it once. And then I forgot it forever. And I just took it again yesterday.

D&D Session Begins

I've been sleeping like crap.
god i feel that but you crap Also the Bruins and Kings are tied right now. And I'm like, ha. I just looked at a you block so far to block 766 connections on notion. Oh, bros getting hacked Russia wants him. there's It's a lot of advertisement stuff.
i think hold um Oh, I have the notion. I have it downloaded so I'm cool like that. Wow. There's three minutes left in overtime right now. I'm missing hockey for this.
um I hate to interrupt, but get in losers. We're playing D&D.
but but
Hey, y'all. I'm Sarah. I'm the DM. I'm Ray. I play Barbie as the elf druid. I'm Yeston, and I play Emrys, a stout halfling rogue. Oh, hello. My name is Vidad, and I'm playing Malo. Howdy. I'm Amelia. I play Seveil, a half elf rogue. And hi. My name is Rory. I play a F-org fighter named Storm.
Alright, so for a quick recap from last session. um Oh my god, I'm blinking. Give me one second. Ray and Yesen had just had a very traumatic episode where they watched not disappear.
Yeah, jolt. Jolt disappear into black smoke. Guys, the Bruins won!
yeah Before um they themselves started to disappear. It was pasta! Yes!
Sorry. Yeah, yeah pastor. So yeah, so as I was saying, you guys had watched as your friend disappeared into black smoke before. While having a freak out over that you guys started disappearing into a silvery mist and that That same color is my hair. and That is where we're picking up today. All right, let me get back into my panic attack.
So before you do that, I'm going to go ahead and describe the area in which you guys find yourself in. So as your your vision slowly um clears, you are greeted with a very opulent looking room where there are several long tables and dozens of people dancing about in Regency style clothing. You notice you are in the
I would say the far left corner, however, the room is a big circle. And you guys are also dressed completely different than what you were wearing before. Do you two want to describe what you're wearing? Oh, god.
Do you have a description or do you need time? I do have a description. Okay. Emrys words. He is not very used to these kind of settings. He doesn't frequent any kind of parties, any kind of like professional event. He mostly hangs out at his pub, literally just goes from there to home. but As he is in this setting now, you see him in a ah very ill-fitted suit. It doesn't fit him at all. Everything's a bit too large because of his halfling height. He's had to turn up all the trousers, turn the sleeves to make it sure it fits. But he's wearing a black shirt with a with an equally colored black jacket.
but the lining of the jacket and around the collar of the shirts are a very dark green and the inside of the jacket when he when he's looking himself and like checking himself out like what is happening but like very confused you see the inside of the jacket is like a velvety green Barbie's is very ah opposite in the fact that hers fits her perfectly. Thank you. Despite being only five too. She, okay. I'm going to go from top to bottom. We're going to start there. So her hair, which is silver for yeah anyone who does not know.
is silver. um But like her hair is in these intricate braids. Imagine Daenerys Targaryen vibes. ah Very intricate braids leaving in and out of each other. um I say that before this next statement because of bringing up the Targaryens. Her hair is not silver like Targaryen white. It's more of like a cold toned like reflecting almost like blue hues from the light hitting her skin kind of a thing of like very cold silver.
whitish kind of hair, but more more cold toned.

Mystery in the Ballroom

And um mom keeps walking in. And then she has a silver mask on that's very similar. It's very glittery and the edges are all like filigree out kind of a thing of like flat in the center filigree edges, very like intricate and then her dress. The star of the show, of course, is imagine the little mermaid when Ariel it gets legs and is coming out of the ocean kind of a vibe. It's very ah glittery. It's like silver, but with a blue tint from her skin again, makes it look a little little blue. And it's like kind of just like
flowy like in the sense of like water just like flowing down ah and it has like spaghetti straps and a little like it's like square neckline but it's like the oversized where it's so much fabric that in the middle it kind of like drapes down kind of a thing and it's just like a slick little little kind of like a slip dress kind of a vibe and it's just it's glitter like very glittery in the light very aerial-esque And it covers her feet so you can't really see her shoes, but she is wearing heels to make her a little bit taller. So think more like 5'4 rather than 5'2. That's a dream. I know, right?
All right, and to describe the room a little bit more in more detail. So the floor is like a black marble that has kind of a silver shooting through and it moves around. The walls have, it looks like it's been carved out of stone and it looks almost too pristine to be real.
Um, and towards the back of where you guys are, there is a, um, a man sitting at a very massive throne. You see over towards the, about 15 to 20 feet, you see a girl sitting at a table. Um, where are we? um make attack um what's what's going on dreaming like what are you dreaming first she dies and now we're in a vodka dress in a dress when did i get into a dress why where are we don't no i ah my clothes they've i i look fancy like you look very nice but where are we
you're You two, I have no idea. What? I don't think I signed up for this. um Should we try to ask someone? Like ask this person over there? Should we trust them? I mean, we just saw someone come up and kill Gigi. Or what?
What's going on? What happened? Okay, okay, okay. You need to breathe. I don't think I can. Yes. And as he tells you to breathe, both of you feel an unnatural sense of calm come over you.
um okay yeah breathing that's that works i can do that do you think anyone here even would have answers for us um i haven't ever seen this place before neither um i i think we need to see what or whose party this is and figure out why we're here yeah i could you know After this, I'm gonna need a break. Oh my gosh, we've been through so much. Yeah, you're telling me. You're telling me. Okay, let's go talk to that person. Yeah, okay. So you're going over to the girl's thing at the table? Yes, and in usual Barbie fashion, she walks right up and goes... You don't say anything because you're struck for a second at how similar she looks to your best friend, Tara. Hi!
you look very very familiar yeah to someone um that i know walking up she is dressed in a red almost black dress and i'm going to need you to roll a perception check please a kitoki uh that's an 18 so You can tell immediately that this is Tara. You don't know how she got here. And she doesn't really, she's looking at you very blankly, and like lights on, nobody's home. Hi, Tara. What are you, what are you doing here? How did you get here? You're not, I didn't know you were here. She doesn't respond.
Can you roll me an insight check real quick? That's a dirty 20. So looking more closely at her, you can tell her normal iridescent yellow eyes are wrong. They are a deep blood red. You know, from talking with her, knowing that she herself is a damn fear, that means she is under the control of a different vampire.
Oh, Tara. You don't look great. Is Steve here? Can I look around? Yeah. Uh, can you give me a perception or investigation? Let me see what my investigation- I'm gonna go with perception. I'm wise as fuck, dude. Oh my god, that's a nat 20. You do not see Steve anywhere.
oh Oh

The Surreal Experience

no. you know i feel that You also, as you are very familiar with his magic, you do not feel his magic anywhere near her either. I'm gonna just turn to Emma so go, something's very wrong. you You know this person? Yeah, f you know how I was talking about my friends that kind of go out and save the world sometimes? Yeah.
yeah this is one of them um but she's not looking too good she's someone's controlling her and her friend our other friend isn't here and he's not he He has some, you know, magic. He can't change shapes like I can. But he's not... His magic isn't present here. I'm really worried. vi Why would she be here and not your other friends? I don't know. They don't... They tend to stick pretty close together when they're out like this and like...
I don't know. This is really weird. Something's wrong. ken Is there any way to talk to her when she's like this? I don't think so. She's not in control right now. Gosh. This is a nightmare. This should be a nightmare. Maybe we're just asleep. Maybe if we hit each other, we'll wake up.
yeah yeah yeah pinch me please uh i'm gonna roll to hit yeah but sure
but Um, that's a nat 20.
andnna create pinch is this It's just going to be, you know, um, um, unarmed. So that's just, what's an unarmed strike again? One plus your strength. Yeah. yeah but pleasure Okay. Well, uh, so that's a one doubled is a two. Oh, oh I also, I also wanted to ask, did we get a long rest?
Yeah. Oh, I forgot to mention. Yeah. So as you disappeared, remember you felt like refreshed. So, oh yeah. it's like Okay. Phew. Cause I needed that. Oh wait, Barbie's not five two. She's five one. So she's five three in heels.
you get I forgot. I just scrolled and was like, Oh, wait a second. Okay, as you pinch Emrys. It's not even a pinch, it's like a full-on punch in the arm. i go but the why Why that hard? i just just Just a pinch? Well, I didn't know if a pinch would work. I clearly hasn't. We're still here. hope Well, you can try to hit me if you want to give it a try, if you feel like I hit you too hard.
i'm i'm I'm fair. I'm just going to fence. I'm not going to be able to hit it. That's like a fight with your siblings.
but ah god deescalate got to deescalate got we were talk We were talking about what the relationship between Barbie and Emma would be going forward. Kind of older brother vibes even though he's small. Yeah.
yeah ah but he What do we do now? We have another person that we have to make sure gets out of here. We don't even know where here is. What is your guys' passive perception? Real quick. Twelve. Okay.
I'm not quite sure. My mind's at ten. okay well um barbie as you say that you would notice a group in the far corner behind you guys um kind of appear out of fener as well do people just like show up here like what who's doing this there's a group over there that wasn't there like a second ago Oh, whoa. Oh, you're right. This is like some kind of like portal room or something like entry room. This is weird. Oh, god. Do you think they'd know anything? I mean, they only just ah appeared like we did, but maybe sticking together would be a good idea. Yeah, strength and numbers.
yeah i feel it well we've lost one number so i guess don't i'm not ready to talk about that not until we can process our actual emotions
it's like everything's like dulled at the moment but yeah i don't know i'm just gonna have to get get through this and see see what we can do and and as as emris says that he offers up an arm which is a very interesting sight because barbie would have to almost lean down to how how tall is emris again He's like, like four, seven or something like that. Okay. Yeah. Cause I remember him being like tall for a halfling. Yeah. He's tall for a halfling, but still it's, it's not. Yeah. So you're still probably five, three in heels at this point. So yeah. So I'm going to like yeah k nod my head over to that group and offer ah off my arm.
Yeah. And instead of like how like licking elbows of like how people would normally go like all to the elbow, it's mostly just her like wrapping her hand around like the bicep just to be like, yeah, I'm here because she doesn't want to have to scrunch down in order to hold your arm.
can She's in a beautiful dress. She's going to make sure she looks good, even if she's currently scared and has a panic attack looming in the background of her mind.
written Alright, and as you guys pass the banquet tables, the food kind of pops into existence and is filled to the brim ah with both food that you recognize and food that is very foreign to you and dozens of bottles of wine. God, this place is magical, like crazily magical.
This is a lot. This is very weird. I kind of want to turn into a bear, but I don't think now's the time. Can you go ahead and roll for me real quick? Roll what? wait i would What's your your magic modifier? Arcana? Yeah. Plus one. I meant like wisdom. Oh, my spell casting? Yeah, spell casting.
attack bonus is plus four oh yeah no but do you like use with your wisdom wisdom yes you do me a wisdom check okay that's a plus two for wisdom let's see i'm wise as fuck dude i'm not even kidding oh my god something is up with this dice today i swear to god that's a k nat 20 again so i what the fuck You put it in the microwave. I keep like hitting my thing. I'm going to move that up. So I'm going to say your magic feels weird. Like almost like you can't shift right now. Uh, Emrys, I don't think I could turn into a bear right now if I wanted to. You might have to get ready to take some hits for once. Okay. Well, okay.
What? Y'all know that everyone aims for the bear. It's become kind of annoying, honestly. Like, I'm just a bear trying to live my life. Why's everyone got to try to hit me? I'll try take more hits, I guess.
All right, let's just see if this group knows anything.
So they're going to walk right up and Barbie in normal Barbie fashion this time. You can't stop me is going to say, hi, I'm Barbie.
Okay. All right. So just the question is, how do we want to do this? My question is, so are we also in formal wear? Like do yeah we get changed into formal wear? Okay.
All right,

Introducing New Characters

it's good to know. Now's a good time to describe your characters. I'm rolling this bit now. I'm throwing heads. We were last at the, we had woke up and then like we're leaving that manor and we got put into the the fog, right? Yes, and that's that's what got you here. So I kind of like look around about the surveillance story and I'm like, are you all right? Is everyone intact?
Well, I'm a bit confused at how we ended up here. Just kind of like looking around. Well, all four limbs are still here. Uh, all four limbs, all 10 fingers, and I kind of look at my clothes and I'm like, and new clothes. Yeah. I look down to it. I'm like, you're right. I feel fancy.
A little bit fancier though. I feel like I'm at a, an educational dinner a again. Geez, quite dry dressed nice. So who wants to describe their character first among his three?
I'll go first. So Seveil is a young half-elf. He has dark brown almost black hair and kind of dark round with red hints in his eyes, and he's very pale. Looks like he's never touched grass in his life. um And his formal wear is also black with kind of like, he's got like a red little handkerchief thing and like the little pocket on the breast the breast pocket, you know. um Shiny black boots, you know, kind of dressed to the nines.
Think about the clothes that everyone puts a star in in, but mine is the like embroidery.
Oh, and his hair is like slicked back. Ooh. OK, well. So dad, you want to go first, or? Yeah. um So Mallow is clearly like on the older side, nothing more than 40, but like no younger than 30.
um It's a bit paler and you can see kind of like, yes, like he keeps his like brown hair like short. There is a little bit of like speckling in his beard. He does have like a very shortcut beard. Right now his formal attire would be kind of like a like an overcoat within then a vest underneath and then kind of like, you know,
like fancier pants, but all kind of cloth, nothing like silky or anything like that. If you can imagine like what a like a professor from like the 1800s would wear, this would be what you'd be wearing. He also has like a small little bowler hat on top. Oh my god, a bowler hat. That's awesome. Yeah, bowler hat. Subscribe my character.
If you're an acquaintance with half-orc, Stork's half-orc ancestry becomes quite apparent as he is 6 feet tall and 224 pounds. and His skin is a very, like, pallet gray color. It's a tire right now, historically contrasts that as a he's currently wearing a crimson-red petticoat.
with the tails of the coat going down to about his back of his knees. And it's contrasted by a cream-colored undershirt that he's wearing and a pair of brown trousers. When you said petticoat, all I could think of was like an under-the-dress petticoat. And I just thought you were wearing like a little like almost tutu-esque little skirt. That's what I was thinking. I think it made me not so... Yeah.
Yeah, so let's always clarify it the man men's version of the video. Yes. Alright. oh
Barbie has approached you, this very blue. I do want to clarify with her skin. um for I have played Barbie before, so for those in the call that have not.
Her Barbie skin is, it is blue, but it is like such a light pale blue that it gives more uncanny valley of like this person like looks like a normal elf. But for some reasons, just like a tint of blue, that it's kind of weird. Amelia talking about her paleness just made me think about that.
Yes. So.
I'm gonna look to historic and surveil. I'm like, I think someone is approaching us. They seem, can I roll perception ah or I guess insight to see if like they kind of how much they stand out compared to everyone else. Yeah, go for it. Okay. Whew. I'm rolling on Google because I don't have my dice with me. And that is
a thirteen So you can tell these people stand out drastically from everybody else because their clothing looks so much different. Everyone else seems to be on a same, um what's it called? um It almost looks like they're wearing a uniform with how much alike everyone is wearing, oh what ever everyone's clothing is. Words.
Okay. I think these these two coming towards us, I think that they are not from around here, it seems. so But we should still hold caution. Things seem strange here. It's a good thing I'm wearing red. Imagine if he walks by and has wine and surveil, just like grabs one to look casual.
Can you guys do a perception check? Yes. Yeah. Roll, a roll, a roll, a roll, a one. That one for me. Oh, man. Okay, I got an unnatural 20.
Okay, um, whereas you're about to take a drink, you catch a whiff of vinegar as the, for you at least, the illusion melts away and you realize that the food is rotten and the wine is vinegar. So i I kind of quickly like, not to try to draw a scene, but I'm like, Savannah, there's an illusion here. This is, I was right, something is Something is wrong here. Don't drink or eat anything. If you become hungry, I will provide sustenance. Do not touch this food. It may be cursed. There was a 21 sale is agreeing and like. Oh, I didn't know. He does the thing where like, you know, you swirl the wine on the glass and you kind of smell it before you drink it. And like, he kind of just de suppresses a gag. He's like, uh, yeah. Yeah. oh Yeah. I'm not. Yes.
also for the form storik as well storik's just gonna take a big swig of the wine oh sure no i'm like trying to see if they're like gritted teeth like trying to not make a seed but storik can you it tastes it tastes fine it tastes like it tastes to you it tastes like crappy wine but it doesn't taste anything and like anything bad it's all right i just like look at surveil like with like clear concern on my face stork if you feel anything abnormal you must tell me i could try to do something but don't drink anymore i kind of i it's its malow and it's dire do not drink anymore what do you think this man eats when he's not around us like what do you what do you think he grew up eating that is not my place to say i i i i am not sure but
just don't take anything all right this place is off i agree something's off here i pull out a i pull out one of malo's malos and hand you one if you would need to eat something just eat this all right i'm gonna put it in my uh coat pocket at least his color looks better today and hopefully that won't drain him later
She said that in character, no? Yeah. Sorry, I'm just just looks highly confused right now. I just mentioned that you look healthier. Like, ah you you still look good in comparison to how you did the other day before the fight or after the fight. Well, yeah, I mean, ah
ah vial inside but
inside let's well okay irvan as I say i thought ah thought you were making passes that you what no it's a marshmallow okay making sure it looks like cocaine homemade marshmallows cocaine marshmallows let's go some people drink coffee other people do cocaine Not for us to judge, you know, one life. At the end, at least I saw my yolo. Hanging out with Dave to the point that you're eating coke. I'm just hungry.
see no I today, ladies and gentlemen. Just casually eating coke. That would be funnier though, like if a cop arrested you and you're like, officer, can I at least finish this first? And then just chase a fucking bite of the plastic wrapped cocaine brick.
ah That's even when you ice folded something similar. oh Especially if you're eating the entire brick. I wonder what the rate of it is. Now I'm going to search for something that's going to give him part of a watch list. Maybe at least go incognito.
No. Taking a single bite of a brick would probably kill you. yeah
I'm curious about like how efficient cocaine's ingestion is. Oh, I have to say, okay, okay, hold on. You all act like there's not a whole documentary on this. Cocaine Bear, anyone? Oh my god. Not Bear. Barbie's gonna become Cocaine Bear. Oh no. That's so real for a moment.
If Barbie gets one of Malo's Malos while in bear form, she becomes cocaine bear. For a whole five minutes after he ingested that, he was the world's most apex predator before his heart gave out. Yes. That's the ending of the campaign. It reminds me of like when the Finnish would have micro dosing. ah Was it method cocaine? I think it was cocaine. It was meth. Oh, yeah, it was meth.
And they were like World War II, or I think it was World War II. They basically just gave Finnish soldiers, soldiers meth and went, go ham. Yeah, there's like video of Hitler tweaking out and he's on the...
German, uh, they literally called, uh, it was really called, um, Panzer chocolate. And it was literally like chocolate with mess. It's literally what it was or stimulants. I think it was a mixture. Hold on. Let me make sure. I mean, Coca-Cola, you have, what was it? Cocaine. Cocaine. yeah coke Cocaine is still medically used sometimes. If you're allergic to literally everything, it is still used. Hey, ADHD, you micro dose math.
Yep. There was a really interesting thing apparently a while back talking about how some people on ADHD beds were not testing positive for meth and it led to a whole big conspiracy. Cool. Because of course it would. Yeah. All right. Let's get back on. Back on the road. On the road here.
Whoops, I actually spread misinformation. Panzer chocolate was just the name of meth. There was not actually chocolate made with meth in it, damn. Damn! No! Not the misinformation. No! How can you misinform us? You and I spread misinformation online. Sorry, V-Dad, you're getting sent to... No! You're getting sent to Gulag. I'm getting sent to Brazil. Oh!
They're gonna give me pans of chocolate. but
My bad, I was opening the Coca-Cola. Not the Coke. like Yeah, I'm opening the old one that Sarah was talking about. he's got those All right. on up So Barbie comes up with Emrys and says, hi, I'm Barbie. How do you respond?
I kind of like to know.

Encountering Shadow Daddy

I imagine you come up while I'm gagging. from now i mean i'm just like yeah so Sorry, I'm surveil and i'll do I'll do like a cute little bow or whatever. Oh, Barbie will do a little curtsy back like oh, wow, fancy. Sometimes I do try. Mother did try to teach me manners.
Wow, I'm still trying to get the hang of like these human manners too. Things were very different back in the sea. Seville just looks at you and is like trying to put those two things together. The sea? Yes.
You see the loading symbol appear over his head. Well, you see. See what I did there. I did it twice.
Yeah, um I've been, you know, this is my friend, Emrys. He's not from the sea, unfortunately. um It's been hard for him to wrap his mind around too, but you know, I usually live underwater. Interesting. And then I kind of rib Malo and I was like, have you ever met anyone that's lived underwater?
Can I roll history? Yes. that Okay.
Oh, that's a nat 20! What is this session? ah You remember in from when you were first going through, did you go to college or school? Well, whatever the equivalent is. Well, universities did exist back then, so yeah, I did go to a university for- You remember in your university history class about learning about different types of elves, and you remember hearing tale of seals. They were thought to be extinct, but that's also because of how rare it is to for them to come out of the water.
Hmm I kind of like a like or take off my little bowler hat and do like a polite kind of like bow and then put my bowler hat back on. And I'm like, it's nice to meet you. i ah My name is Mallow. I'm familiar of the CLs. I've not personally met one before, but I have heard of your your existence. I've always wanted to explore maybe one of your all's ruins. if you I'm not sure how your civilization works though, but it would be lovely to explore that sometime. Can you breathe underwater?
No. It'd be very difficult then. That that is true, but it would be a fun attempt if I could find a workaround for that. True. I could show you around if I ever make it back. I will take you on that deal if we any like looks around. I presume you will, I like whispered you, I presume you will have also been brought here by strange circumstances.
Yeah, it's been a crazy 24 hours. We don't really know what's going on. we were kind of hoping but We were kind of hoping you guys might have an answer. We do not, sadly. Oh, no. We're just as confused.
That's impressive, because it's hard to match my level of confusion. Consider yourself well met.
but we should all work together if we need to part our ways afterwards that is fine but for right now it'd be best to watch each other's backs as it seems as though we are the only ones who are not under the strange influence here Yeah, I'm, I'm friends with one of the people that were here when we got here. But she's different. She's not in control of herself. I don't really know what's going on.
Have you tried turning it off and turning it back on? ah are you saying give them a nice pickle bottom i would try but i'm not sure it'd be appreciated yeah yeah that's fair boundaries are important yeah i've been learning about them they're kind of weird but i'm i'm trying to work on it also i want to add that uh whenever Malo says that he can't breathe underwater. I flash back to the death house when it's like very awkward the way he's holding his breath. And and I sit there and I'm like, maybe the man just has a really, really shitty lung capacity.
yeah like that's that's the That's kind of what I'll go with. Maybe he just really needs to do some cardio or something.
And um if you don't mind me asking, who's your other friend? All right, my name's Storik. Nice to meet you. It's nice to meet you. You've got a really big hand. ah Barbie takes it and shakes your hand. It's a massive hand shake. And Barbie's dainty, tiny little hand in comparison.
after After everyone's been introduced, emiris you see Emeryse kind of relax as the whole time Barbie's been talking, he's been just staring out these three people, just kind of analyzing them, just seeing if they can be trusted. But after all introductions, he relaxes. And Barbie's going to turn to him like, I'm surprised you've been quiet so long. You usually don't really let me talk to new people.
I think we need all the help we can get. Yeah, it's just... And I turn to the others again. I'm like, you see, sometimes they think... I think it has something to do with, you know, culture differences. I just tend to say the wrong thing. So I don't usually lead the conversations, you know? She means she has no filter. I just make bad first impressions, okay?
I mean, relatable.
I don't think you'll find the issues of this curve. Well, I'm glad that I haven't been a bad first impression this time. Do you guys think we should head into the crowd, try to see what's going on? Yes, but we should possibly do it as- Certainly. ... stealthily as possible possible. Yes, yes. I'm known for being very stealthy.
Emrys rolls his eyes. I look at Emrys and I just kind of look for like some kind of confirmation from him. just so You see him roll his eyes at that. What? I'm stealthy and subtle.
I mean, you usually turn into a bear, so. Well, I can't turn into a bear I've tried. Hang on, what? What? Turn into a bear?
as a vampire on fire and a church. Oh, you know, I don't you. Can I roll Arcana on that? Yeah, know I'm also a fellow druid but you advantage good advantage. Yeah. What do you mean you don't turn into a bear? Everyone can turn into it so that is a unnatural 20 on our car. So 15 plus five. So yeah, you know, all about Circle of the moon druids and how have they love to turn into bears. Okay. Um, I speak in druidic because it is a language I know. And I'm like, I want to get just like, uh, I kind of just, uh, well, I don't come from a specific circle, I guess I, but I do say that I'm a follower, like in druidic. I'm like, I am a follower of the stars. It seems as though, are you a follower of the moon?
And Barbie responds, introitic, and just goes, oh, a fellow bear.
I prefer badgers, but yes. Ah, we have one of those. And I go back to common. I turn to Emma's. Show them, Kevin. Oh.
and this whole time obviously he's been walking towards you and he's been standing obviously in this like a little circle around i imagine he's like a toddler behind our feet just standing on two legs hiding but he can also be dressed up if you want yes i he does have a little tie on he does Um, but he crawls up from behind my back where he's been sitting like a little backpack and he crawls like over my shoulder and you see a little Badger face pop up over my shoulder. This is Kevin. Hello, little friend. Wow. Emma didn't even correct me on that one. I'm past the point.
oh and i like cover my mouth and lean and go his name's actually kevin but i call him kevin uh i see can i can i scratch his little head like give him a little behind just tears your hand off yeah he's actually very awesome he's a he's a european badger so he's not aggressive oh the best kind of bitch at Well, as much as you not yeah American ones. Not yet. American Badgers will mug you. Still just as flat. Yeah, very flat. Flat Fuck Fridays.
keen almost I guess you can almost hear him start purring. I don't know if badgers do that. but This badger does. I need to know. I had a badger yell at me. They can! okay yeah they make ah a ch noise like They make a noise. Yeah, I had one yell at me ah while I was at my internship.
It's a very funny out of context. I worked in Wyoming and I saw some badgers and they were hollering and it was a good time. We have a chipmunk that hangs out on our porch. It's pretty sick. Oh, hell yeah. Yeah, he he accepts the the scratches and just sits on my shoulder. Incredible. The last time I tried to pet one, it tore up my arm.
When i just like look at sort did you last try to put a badger? That's... The correct answer is when was the last time you turned into a badger. I don't remember doing that. I don't know, the magic gets to my head sometimes though. i Badger scratched me and then I took it and I tossed it 10 feet away because it wouldn't let go. What the...
Well, that seems rather harsh. It was, I guess, rather harsh, except for the fact that it was stuck in my arm and we were both kind of sitting there awkwardly. What? Do you think Badgers are very aerodynamic because of how flat they are? No. Oh. The whole situation was so weird.
I also just imagine the first time that Malo turns into a Badger, it's just him and Kevin in the Spider-Man meme. And then Barbie turns into a Badger to match, and the third Spider-Man enters the chat. We're all different types of Badgers as well. Barbie's a blue Badger.
I start playing the- I'd be an American Badger? No, my character- No, my character would be probably canonically, like, from England because that's where most of the research was, like, done in those early days. So, yeah probably would turn into a British Badger. You could also be a Honey Badger. Yeah, could be. Yeah, Barbies, all of her animals are like that she turns into. She is a blue bear with a white boob window.
here Yo, bears got breasts? What the fuck? Like where? I would be so concerned if I saw that real life. In the location where the boob would be is where she has like a white triangle. Oh, okay. I was about to say it. I was like, do you canonically make every animal you have have breasts? That'd be very concerning. Y'all ever seen a badger try to run? Yeah, they're very funny. They kind of like, they hop, not really hop, but like they,
Gyrate in a way lot like they just wait up just like oh My god, have you seen the tiktoks at the Knights of the rotund table? yeah has i see them on my youtube short They're excellent. Hey, um, I need Barbie to roll a perception trick real quick I'm excellent at perception. So I'm so wise dude. I'm wise as fuck
He immediately dies. that one That's a one. It's gonna be an interesting session today guys. The duality of man. mind then Okay, I just see Kevin with like hearts in my eyes. You're just enamored. I was like, hu Kevin, isn't he so cute? Look at him. He's got a little tie. What's everyone's passive perception?
It's still 12. 10 minus 16. 13. 13. Okay. I can't be blind, it's 10. So you guys will notice like a big black shadow right where the um what is it called the the throne at the center of the or not center the back of the room from where you guys are at. ah You can kind of watch as a big black shadow kind of forms over there for a second before a man kind of ah appears slumping back looking very lazy lazy. Not everyone in the shadow daddy.
oh Well, shadow pop off. Barbie kind of like bites her lip for a second. oh ah Does like the hair like pushing her hair back like, Oh, who's that? Rolling her hair around her finger. Yeah, like, interesting. And do I, do I recognize him? Yeah, you do. Uh oh.
ro row raggy This fits in, we're the mystery machine.
Except we have three scooby dudes. I turned to the others again after looking at Shadow Daddy and I'm like, oh my god, I should mention we're still trying to come up with our name for our mystery group. um but You see there's a play that they put on in the sea and it's about this group of kids who solves mysteries.
And while apparently paint is too expensive and we can't get green paint yet, um we've been trying around some, throwing around some good, some names if you'd like to to hear.
Scooby is just a dog fish. I think the one that um the most recent one that I was thinking that could be cool was the ravishing riddlers.
That sounds's like a numbru crew it sounds like a a sexual title to a Batman comic.
but Or the conundrum crew, that was also in in play. Seville's like head empty real fast. Focused really hard on Shadow Man. And Barbie will probably like follow your gaze and be like, he's so hot, isn't he? Seville gags a little bit.
And a I guess I can see the appeal she had if I don't think about it too hard. You kind of watch as Tara gets up from her table and goes and stands right next to the throne. like Oh no. facing out And like Ned Gemmers so he makes sure he's looking like, that's my friend, guys. What's she doing? Oh, so you've been friend-zoned.
Well, our relationship isn't like that. We've never really brought up the topic or like neither of us has actually made a move. So like, if you don't make a move, you can't be friend zoned. Okay. Okay. Just crying. You're like... You can't be friend zoned.
Oh, oh, nevermind. You're the wingman. You're the wingwoman. Oh, no, you see, I'm i'm i'm M and&M's wingwoman. He's kind of into the morning lord, and I kind of hate the morning lord, but, you know, it's a whole thing. But... emine M&M? Oh, I don't think we've actually heard Eversa's character's name actually said out loud in character yet.
No, no, Bobby, Bobby didn't. Yeah, I said, oh, this is my friend, Emrys. Yeah. And it's like, yeah, Emrys plays a little desperate at times. We've been working on that. yeah ji You don't have to touch tell people. Well, these seem like they've got some game. Maybe they can help you. i like I'm like, ah you know, I'm usually OK. How do you expect to get a God like this? You got that archaeologist ruse.
You're supposed to be a bartender. You have no Riz? A bartender with no Riz? I'd do it for the drinks, okay? It's not not real, none of it.
Aww. Game sees game. I can't understand that. It surveils like mentally in a corner rocking himself back and forth. And Barbie's still like just glancing over like, oh, Shadow Daddy. It looks like you want to go and talk to him, Barbie. Shut up. No, I don't.
Seveil gags again. What's wrong? Are you sick? I think it's just ah but the wine. It's in my nose. ah That's not where it's supposed to go. I know. Why'd you do it? that i I glare a mallow when he says that.
A glare that has not been glared in a glaringly long time. I don't think you're going to speak, Malo, considering that our last drinking excursion, you got absolutely tossed. That is true. That is true. yeah I cannot hold my liquor.

Strahd's Enigmatic Intentions

Someone would even say, absolutely hammered.
I didn't think it was possible to get that drunk off that little amount of alcohol. I really put into that thing. It was, uh, never had a drink as strong as that.
those who know me. You two just switched places. You two just switching places right now. For context, I have the same thing Markiplier does where I don't have an enzyme that lets me process it. so ah everybody My name is Markiplier.
I was watching Smosh, ah Bit City, and they were rating whether or not YouTubers were daddies, and they came up with Markiplier, and they were as soon as they heard his voice because they didn't know Markiplier, they were like, oh yeah, oh yeah. Okay, okay it's not at all in like a sexual way, but I could listen to that man read the dictionary. Literally, he has such a nice voice.
i i don't even remember what youtuber it was but they did like fireside like book readings oh my god one year but they did it for like an entire season i remember that but i can't remember who was i want to feel it was a shrouded hand Or might' be sure maybe because like all I remember is seeing memes about it because I wasn't that big into YouTube when I was younger. Or was it Disturbin? Might have I don't know. Oh, I think the funniest thing was part of that video was Trevor was the only one who recognized him as soon as he saw him. um And everyone else, once they heard the voice, Trevor immediately when they showed Markiplier's face was like, oh, daddy, obviously, you know, the straight man that he is. It's it's so funny. And then the other two were like, oh, I don't know. It was like, I think it was Chance and whatever. Anyway, as soon as they heard the voice, they were like, OK, yeah, I get it.
i get it I know, right? just Honestly, Trevor is my favorite. I love Trevor so much. I love his glasses. I think I'm gonna get heart glasses. I've been watching mythical kitchen and that's where he came from. He like moved over from Smosh and like every Every episode he's in, I have to watch. He's just so funny. I'm so excited to watch the new Smosh Reddit stories with breakfast tomorrow. My morning cartoons. Anyway. Do we want to ah go talk to my friend? I mean, I don't know why she went up there. She's under some sort of mind control, so like.
Yeah, we can, we can, ah we can, we can certainly do that. We can do that. Yeah. to make sure that they not getting mind controlled
yeah Well hers, it's like a specific kind of mind control that I don't think we would be, um, I don't think it's possible to mind control anyone here like that.
Okay. DM. What kind of mind control are we talking about? A specific kind that we wouldn't, you know, be subject to. Kids surveil a role for insight. Yeah. I'm not lying. Also DM. Do I feel any kind of connection to anyone here?
Like, sexual? No, no, no. like Yeah, yeah. See who's got the rings. Could you, could you roll? Could you, yeah, could you roll Insight? Okay. I rolled a 21 for Insight. Okay, you roll, I'll get back to you, but... I'm not lying. That should be a 13. 13, okay, you don't feel any connection to anyone here.
I'm definitely still kind of like ah on edge and I'm like, okay, kind of calm down a little bit. Great. And Amelia, you've rolled a 21, right? Yep. Okay, so she's not lying. As far as you know, no one can perform this type of, in this party at least, can perform this type of mind control. Or be like, affected by this mind control. Can I also roll to see if I feel a connection as it were?
Yeah. What would that be? Would that be also be... yeah and I'm doing insight. Okay, that's gonna be a dirty 20. So you already know you do feel and you do feel a connection to someone in this room. The panic attack ensues. yeah Okay. ah Somehow s Seveil manages to get just a little paler than what he has been historically. Historic is still completely oblivious.
The story has the Wii theme song going on. you Pretty much had empty ah thoughts are present, but they're not any earlier to their current situation. Do you guys want to walk over to Tara and all that? Sure. She's the person who's heading the party, it seems. Yeah, I'll probably walk over considering I know her. but Also some sort of magic wizard from what I can see.
No, I'm just a bear, at times. I'm a part-time bear. Oh, no, I was talking about the first you just showed up with ah the shadow portal. ah think Shadow daddy? Yeah. think they might be You him that. That's his name. What?
Seveil says under his breath. I was never told that that was any of the notes that was not I Mean look at him. He looks like shadow daddy Seveil like runs a hurried hand through his hair like don't understand and I am afraid I never will To see
So shadow daddy appeal as you approach um the man on the throne, you his eyes kind of light up with interest as he thinks this is about to get very interesting. Oh.
I agree, Shadow Daddy. Oh no.
You didn't expect me to rism up, did you? No, I did not. That Spanish Inquisition. How many people in our group do we have? How many people can we handle all at once? Does Bobby do the usual introduction? take three people Uh, yeah, uh, no, well, she's going up to tarra Tara to be like, um, Hey, are you feeling better than you were a few minutes ago? With that, um, the man kind of looks towards Tara and it, her voice comes out sounding very monotone. Who are you?
Tara, you know me. It's Barbie. You can kind of see her eyes kind of flicker and you you kind of hear her like try and say something and stutter, but it goes back and she's like, I don't know anyone in Barbie. Oh, um.
I didn't realize you were had the, oh, have you talked to Gigi? Did he tell you I'm annoying? I swear I'm not. I really try not to be. Um, she doesn't respond. I turn to Emma's like, Oh, um, okay. Then I, um, I guess I'll leave you to whatever you're doing then. Um,
Okay then, uh, tell Steve I say hi, at least please. Who's Steve? You hear the man on the front say. Our other friend. Um, hi, I'm Barbie if you didn't hear. Hello Barbie. So who, who exactly is Steve? I told you our other friend. Hmm. Why do you ask? What's your name?
My name is Strah- Oh, what's his full name? Hold on. Vadashras. My name is Strah. My name is Strah. Vadidaddy, thank you. Vadashras. It's not the same. Strahd. Strahd all over the place. My name is Lord Strahd of Zorovich. Wow, that's a mouthful.
I wonder what else could be. What's that vampire mouth do? can i get probablyly more for me Let me see you, Polymorph. Sorry. Sorry.
Oh, you're Strahd. You know, I've always liked a bad boy. get it kidding I don't actually say that. So Strahd, huh? That's um an interesting name.
Yes, I imagine you've have heard that before. Probably not under good circumstances. circumstances Once or twice. um You know, a few women getting kidnapped here and there. I think Emrys pushes like forward now and says, you've been the hell of this whole place. Why? why why I'll give you one second and you do something. In the meantime while you do that, Barbie's gonna like shove Emrys' shoulder, like hit his shoulder and be like, uh, you don't know how to like, we're in a rough situation here right now. We're pretty vulnerable. Like maybe you shouldn't be pushing his buttons, maybe. They call him the devil Strahd for I presume a reason. Yeah. And right now we're at his mercy. So how about you stop
I kind of ah nudge both of you and I'm like, hey, um so he might have like really good hearing. So maybe I don don't really care to be honest. he Maybe you should. This whole land. What you shut up.
I'll I'll. You are not helping the situation. I ever said shoulder and I'm like, I agree with you, but it would be best for right now. Especially when we don't know what's going on here. take his eye I bet he gave us his these really sick clothes, so maybe be a little grateful. like So he kind of clears his throat.
ah Sorry about my friend here. He doesn't know his manners as much as I don't, apparently. That's fine. The devil's straw isn't to me. They just take my name.
Oh, see, Emrys, there's no, there's nothing to worry about. It's not the guy.
<unk>veance have and your result And I'm like staring at Emrys so hard, like, please just shut up. Even Barbie knows this is not the time. You don't mind me asking, why were we invited to this party? Yeah, how did, how did we get here? And I kind of keep myself like downcast a little bit.
he He looks at Chugal Opus with this interest. You're all here because you play an important part of the game. Of what game? I love Uno. That's what I need to know and you all to find out. I mean, I'll play any game you want. That's sweet, but he kind of looks down the turret. That's already filled. Oh.
Damn it. When you you'll play any game, you want Seville gags a little bit. um Well, um about her, do you know why she's been so mean to me? Have you like heard anything? Like was she saying something where she was like, Oh yeah, that's Barbie. I hate her or something. I could really use the she ah She had an incident with her memory. Oh, so she doesn't hate me. Okay, good, good. I don't think I could take another person from doing that right now. You don't hate me, right?
Oh, no, I don't know you enough to hate you yet. Okay, cool. If you wanted to get to know me and not hate me, um just let me know. Yeah. Did you hate an elven woman, a circa? I don't actually say that. I have hated many, many people over the years. So probably.
the crowd You're not going to hate me though, right? I just want to be really clear about that because I'm in a kind of a vulnerable and very fragile state right now mentally. And I don't think I could handle that. You might hate, fuck you.
No, Bobby wouldn't accept that. She's, she's not a hate fucker. She's not a hate fucker. You kind of watch and he kind of like tilts his head a little bit and looks you up and down. and He's like, we'll see.
Um, Barbie blushes in the way that sea elves do, in which her her cheeks turn more purple than pink. um And she's like, also, ah ah just as you seem to be in charge here, I'm assuming that you're the one who brought us here? Am I assuming correctly? Yes.
as Well, in that case, I just wanted to say thank you for the clothes. It's very nice and I'm very grateful. You're welcome. I guess we'll get out of your hair then if you know, I don't want to, you know, push our luck here. I don't want you to hate me or anything. So come on guys, why don't why don't we give them a little space?
Yeah, space is good. Space is great. Let's give some space. And I'm like pushing, like turning Emmaus around, it like pushing him forward, like get away. you are You're literally like pushing him. I'd hope to see you around, y'all. You all. And I like. Oh my God. She cannot be Southern. I'll see you out, y'all. And like. I'm about that damn neck of yours. Barbie looks like over her shoulder behind her with a smile and is like, yeah, of course, I'm sure we will.
Maybe not with him, though. And I point to Emrys, like, in front of me, like, maybe, maybe we leave him at home. All right. And so where do you guys go with to take, go from here? ah I'd find a corner. There is no clear. It's the circle.

Formulating an Escape Plan

Whoa! You put me in a circle? No!
The first thing you do for an introvert is put them in a circle. You start just taking a bunch of chairs and making a corner. ah but marha on ah straw and In that case, I think I'd just be like pushing Emrys to like the farthest across from Strahd and being like, we need to put as much space in between us as possible before he says something that gets gets us killed. Okay. um So do you go to like to the back wall? Yeah, even though it's a circle, bitch.
finish So do you want to look closer at the wall? I feel like I'd be distracted. Can someone do me a perception check, please?
wait oh That's bad. me out at twenty That is a eight. All right. So Amelia. you notice when looking at this wall that yes, it appears to be very, very ornate. However, as you appear closer at the wall, you can kind of see through it almost like it's a one-way mirror. Do you want to go up and touch it?
Yeah, like a I'll have my back to the wall, and then I'll like kind of feel the wall behind it with my hand. like I'll put my hand behind my back, and then just kind of... smoosh it around a little bit as stealthily as one could while having a panic attack. So it is very cool to the touch and smooth. And you can tell that all the intricacies that is painted on or that you you can see carved in is actually almost painted on like an illusion. You realize that you are just one big
glass dome. So, keeping our voices low, please do not draw attention more than we already have, as unfortunate as that may be. These walls are fake, and I... these walls are fake. Um, I don't know how else to put that, but they're fake! And we might be getting watched from the great beyond? Maybe? Y'all pick it up what I'm putting down here?
Hmm. The walls are made of glass, you say? Shatter! Just anything I thought was, I'm gonna run into a wall. I aggressively like kind of grab your hand and I'm just in a very faintly polite way and I'm like, keep your voice down through like clenched teeth. Well, we need to find a way out of here. I don't think i it would. If that is truly Strahd that rests upon that throne,
oh Our lives are very ah shortly timed. Hey guys, he didn't sound so bad. He didn't sound bad to you because he didn't leave me with crippling problems yet.
Well, maybe he's changed. I sincerely doubt it. Maybe he just, you know, needs some love. depressed ever not funny I grabbed both your hands and I just kind of clapped in a really friendly way. I promise you that's not what he needs. um But I don't want him to hate me. He needs the Holy Bible. I have just met you very recently. um I can assure you he does he does not hate you. He sees you as food. Food.
He's not going to eat you in the way that you want him to. oh boy But I don't want to anchor him. I don't want him to hate me. I don't want anyone to hate me. And yet people still do. And I don't know. Okay. Okay. Look, you're to be around. I am a danger to the gesture.
broadly, but also in a small way, kind of just contained to this quiet conversation. A danger to everyone and everything in Barovia. And if he finds a way out of Barovia, then a danger to the rest of Faerun and ah all the other realms that you could possibly think of, including the ocean. Undead don't need to breathe. So he could live with me. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I don't say that. Live in hubby.
lady I don't say that in character. um But it's just going to be like, she's already been like really upset and distraught over everything. And like what just happened was with Zolt's really been on her mind still, um hence all of the hating me questions. And she's just like, OK, but like, Tar is here. I can't leave her behind. she's If you say that he's such a danger, I can't leave her behind. Whether she remembers me and hates me or doesn't remember me and maybe he doesn't hate me in either way. Would I be very familiar with the powers of a master vampire? You would.
i I look you deep in the eyes, right? And I- Barbie blushes.
One little mermaid song for us playing the the you got the keys to girl or whatever it is. ah but uh decent chance that she is being compelled and so while under this compulsion he's being he's able to control her memories so it's it's more than likely that she hasn't forgotten you she's not mad at you um it's just that she is physically incapable of remembering who you are at this very time i don't know if that's worse or not he's he's interfering i would wager it's better because we can if we can get her
Away? Question mark. Uh, maybe we can bring our memory back. Okay. I have a decent chance. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I feel like we should be more concerned with getting us out of here. I, I look at story about that as an excellent point. If, uh, if we die, your friend will become vampire food.
i don't think i don't i don't think she's becoming vampire food breathing stock same difference at this point oh i mean i wouldn't i am not saying that in character um but barbie does plush again ah yeah It's like, well, I don't really know what way she swings. I'm not sure if she'd be okay with that or not. ah Apparently I can't really ask her because she doesn't even remember I exist. I mean, you could ask her now and I bet she would be compelled to answer. I'm waiting for you to do that. You have to be very clear with her.
Well, what do we do then? What other option is there? Well, um, let me look at my spell list real quick. I can't remember if I took invisibility. You can also take a chair. I can't, I can't even turn into a bear right now. You take a chair, huh? So wait, have you like, has, um, did you specifically mention, Seville, that it, the wall is glass or glass-like? Yeah.
okay i am going to take out one of the many tiny little stone pebbles i keep with me and i'm going to very carefully just trying to like just here i'm gonna take one of the stones and i'm gonna just smack it like not really loud but just like tapping it to at least see like it like what it feels like when i hit the wall all right and as you do that you kind of hear like a You know, when you hit a piece of metal or rock against the glass, it kind of makes a clink. Yeah, like a chipping noise. Yeah, and it doesn't sound too thick. If we truly wish to escape, especially with your friend over there, is there some way we can make a distraction? I think that with the stones that I have, we could break through this glass. We could get out of here. Because it seems this is glass. Is there any, like, particulate on the ground now?
Um, no, it's still solid. Maybe if I go over there and try to talk to him, see if I can play the game of like, Hey, can I talk to Tara? Um, try to see if I could re jog her memory at all. Kind of a thing, try to get her away from him so we could get her out.
Yes, that might be possible. But if we're not able to, we might just have to come back with a better plan. I hate to say that, especially to leave what sounds like an innocent person with well the devil himself. Well, if we need to get her away, make a distraction and make sure we can get everyone out, we might have to go out at this, you know, a multi-pronged attack.
I have an axe. ah i Attacking straw in his own house. We're not attacking him. We're just trying to like. I think we have a lot more luck with ah some feminine with an axe. I turned into a female badger.
so me If I can't turn into a bear, you can't turn into a female badger. A badger with breasts. God, I wish I could turn into a bear right now. I also know how to play an instrument. You should have led with that. Thank you for this wonderful knowledge you've bestowed upon us. I have proficiency in dice games, so I do have a set of dice and I can just start distracting people with that and taking their money. Okay, but let's just, uh, out of character for a moment, try to organize our thoughts here. We need to break the glass. In order to break the glass, we want a distraction. And we're presuming breaking the glass will get us out.
Oh my god. Are we in a snow globe?
wow Someone shake it. I told you what this is based off of the labyrinth. Yeah. David Bowie. Yeah, so how does that bow? Also, we have yet to dance. Just say it. You could have started to dance at any time. True.
The distraction is us dancing. Oh, interesting thought. Sorry. I'm cooking. You continue. How do you think or do you remember that scene? How does she get out of, of everything? I have a confession.
Yeah. I haven't watched the labyrinth. How have you not seen the labyrinth? Okay. I also have siblings that are a lot older than me, but still. We've had this discussion last week. I didn't watch it. I haven't seen it. such a good At least not any point in which I could remember it. Okay.
um My thought is maybe we play his game, we dance, and while dancing, we stealthily are like taking, a yes, we'll love this reference. the Now you see me when they're doing like the the sliding the card and everything kind of a thing, but with like stones and trying to like make cracks in the walls so that when we smash it, like everything will come down kind of a thing. like Trying to score the walls so that we're making them uh where oh what's the fucking word we're compromising them and so we can just smash and get out and like get every what like from every side like crashing it all so like we can grab tara so that she'll come with us kind of a thing
ah i see I see what you've been referencing down here. I specifically searched up the ballroom scene to see what yeah what you meant. I see why you emphasized a chair. I see what you're thinking of, but also not sure if you ever had a massive piece of glass dropping before. i can I can heal us if need be. It will kill you. No, no one. No one. I'm here.
Well, you see my theory is that once we break it, we're gonna turn into the smoke again and we're gonna all scatter. So if I'm holding on to her while I become smoke, then she comes with.
ah That's my idea anyway. That's my my theory, my working theory, a game theory. and Game theory. Thanks for watching.
We're gonna have to be sneaky though. I'm really good at that, but you know, I don't know if you guys are. I would say that I am very adept at being sneaky. I am not. If I can gain access back to my spells, I can guarantee us on all swift and stealthy escape. I don't know if that's gonna be possible before breaking the glass.
That is true. And I don't even know if it's even possible to stealth in here. He clearly seems that he is much more perceptive than he leads on. He's very aware. It's kind of hot. He listens to me. Again, can we get a surveilled gag counter? That's the same as Barbie's throat throat counter.
Oh! Oh no! No! It's her ripping out throats. It's her ripping out throats. I realized, as you said that, I was like, oh, that's what you meant, not the other... Taking throats, not giving throats. I had misinterpreted.
You don't know what she's packing. I don't want to know what she's packing. You get to barbie. Babe, if you wanted to know what she was packing... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
ah but um you can only give one throw it was a missiput only has one throw right okay unless you're a hydra that is true checkmate liberal um this is this what the local left doesn't want you to know speaking of speaking of which barbie how many thoughts have you taken Oh, you know, let me just count up real quick. Just have a counter. Let me see. You have one of those things they use for exercise where you click it every time you successfully do a workout. Just keep clicking it. A clicker? Yeah, I just didn't know if it was just called that or not. Yeah, I had to use one of them by helping. I had to count how many prairie dog holes I've treated. Right now. OK.

Humorous Anecdotes and Strategies

i Shout out to the Wyoming Fish and Game for employing, or not Wyoming, because she gave a USDA for employing me this summer. I to play probably like three or four. Oh wow, that's a lot. A respectable number. Thank you. I've been taking that many roads, but I've taken that many lives.
Oh, I've taken more lives. Those are, you know, those are only the ones that I got from the throat. You might explain your technique later. I turn into a bear.
Oh yes, but besides that. No, that's most of it. that's That's pretty much the technique. He's short circuiting again. Huh? This is, this is lost upon him. Oh. Well, you see, the first step is become bear. And the second step is bite. And that's kind of it. Okay. Okay. So, uh, you can see Stark sitting there taking notes. All right. So can't do the bear part, but first you bite. I don't think your mouth is big enough to bite a throat. I'm sorry, bud.
Oh, it's not kill his dreams yet. We can find a way. Actually, if we can leave his dreams intact, that would be much preferred. Oh my God, I just thought of the magical item you could give Rory's character. Which one?
Oh, the magic item. You could give him like a set of like the fake vampire cheats and it gives him like a snout and like a maw so that he's like a bear snout so that he can bite the throats. Well, just get like two different mittens that are each just bear like bear maw and bear mouths and just put them on my hands and use them to grab people with them. I already have my claws. So Yeah. Yeah, Barbie has ah these like, ah it's like a bracelet and with connected rings that are just like become claws. um Think of Gortash's gloves from Baldur's Gate. Every time I see those gloves, I wonder what made these girlies think that him and Durridge had a thing going on. Aside from the writing, I'm not hypnotizing. I'm not criticizing it. It's good writing. Oh, you think he's the top? No.
That does not mean that he's not a service bottom. Let's get that straight right now. yeah Okay, so what's our game plan? What are we what are we thinking, guys? Create a distraction. Destroy the class that seems to be encasing this place while you are securing your friend. And run. ah Yes, run and run. We have to run very quickly.
Are we expecting... and well right Yeah. Um, I would also like to ask about doing an arcana check to see if my theory, like if I can get a hint of my theory being correct that as soon as we break the glass, we're going to turn into smoke. Go for it. Okay. It's only a plus one. ah and That's a five. Yeah. I can give you the help action. yeah That'd be good.
Can I give them the help action? Yeah, go for it. That would be a 19. You don't know. You i and you'd think it could happen? But you've also never encountered any magic like this before? Like ah percentage wise, yes, no. Like 70, 30?
but Yeah, I'd say about 70. You're like 70% sure this might end up end out the way that you want it to go. Alright, guys, if we are willing to take a seven out of 10 chance, I'm right. All right.
It's better than what we have currently of a 0% chance of getting out of here. Yeah, I agree. It's better than nothing at this stage in the game. And besides, if we just break it and we don't become smoke, just everyone makes sure they're near the edges. If we break it in multiple spots, you know. So I'm going to hand some rocks out to people.
So who is the one doing the distraction? OK, cooking idea. I asked him if Tara can dance with me so that we all and then we all dance to the point we get to where we want to break. Like we go around a few times to score the area to to compromise the the integrity. And then when we're ready to break it, we all gather. I'll be the last one there with Tara so as to not gather suspicion.
and we so break it and now if worst case scenario, we can run.
Alright. I pass out little pebbles to everyone. Alright. If we can at least have some music to cover the sound of the tapping, it should be enough to damage if we spend enough time. While you guys are all dancing, we need you guys to do a performance.
You don't need to help me at all because I got a natural 20. So I got 22 performance. Oh, actually, yo, 18. Let's go. Yo, 13. That's going to be a 15. Oh, that's a 21 for me. We have no access to magical abilities at all, right? What was that? We have no access to magical abilities at all, right? You can't shape Chef. That's all she knows.
I'm going to give a... what is it called? I'm going to give guidance to ah Barbie. to add Do you think I could charm person, Strahd? I gave you a plus four to your your performance. So whatever. You said 13, right? Yeah. You have a 17 now. Stick. I'm going to assume that he is immune to

Executing the Plan

charming effects. Yeah, vampires are.
I was gonna say, uh, also a very strong vampire, like, uh... He's pretty much the god of vampires, honestly. Well, okay. No charm person, then. What if I trump him with my words? What if I trump him with my body? You say that in character? No. I'm not that crazy. It's like that one meme of, uh,
when it's like the picture of the Nord and it says when the novice necromancer hits you with that dollar store frostbell. And it says when the novice mage hits you with that dollar store charm person spell. All right, so we're gonna dance and we're gonna score the wall. I just gotta try to convince Strahd to let me dance with Tara. That'll be easy, I'm sure. Okay, all right. And...
As you guys dance through the room, I'm gonna need you all to roll a stealth as you guys, or slide a hand as you guys try and score the wall. Ooh, this is gonna suck. Alameda. Barbie, you get another, you get a plus one to it because I still have guidance on you. Oh, I got a 16. Question here about Barbie. Uh-huh.
ah Should she be trying to score the wall or should she be like hanging about? Around straw trying to convince like hey, can I get Tara to come dance? Because I feel like they would want to dance first to try to score the wall While I try to get Tara away. Yeah to give them more time. I agree with that Good yes plus one to whatever you roll. Yeah, that would have been a five.
Oh, like I need to I need to talk this out. um I got a 17 on sleight of hand. I got a dirty 20 on sleight of hand. 16. I also got a dirty 20. Let's go. Hey. You're welcome, guys. I took one for the team. All right. Yeah, that little passes. ah Would I be rolling like persuasion for Strahd? Go up and talk to him. We'll see. OK. OK.
So, ah well, everyone starts like dancing and getting into like their thing. I feel like I'm going to try to go off of like her performance check for like we did for the dancing and be like walking up and like, like kind of like swaying like jokingly of like, oh, haha, dancey time. And go up to Tara, not even to him right away, like going up to Tara and be like, Hey, I know your memory's not great.
at the moment, but we know each other. And I was wondering if maybe you'd want to dance and maybe he try to, I don't know, shake some memories loose, maybe. So Strahd looks down at you and he's got like a knowing glint in his eye. Damn it, he's onto me. He's like, you know what?
And he turns to Tara, he looks down at Tara, go dance with your little friends. I mean, I'm not that short. I mean, thank you, Lord Strahd. Thank you. And I just grabbed Tara's hand and like start pulling her away to the dance floor. All right.
bodyle shot his but
Well, we get TMC. Let's go. rare water Does he know meme? Then he knows.
Like unknowing Clinton is like, God damn it. I didn't even do anything yet. Yet. He doesn't know the yet part. He knows what you are. Say it out loud.
homophobic dog meme. Yeah, I know. Every time I see it. Exactly. I was thinking like, I know you're gay. All I know is Twilight. Okay, so who's going to break the wall? Oh, when I get I guess I get it when I get the signal. Yeah, once it's scored enough and like everyone, I think we need a signal to get everyone to gather around there. I'd love to shatter the wall.
We're just kind of, I guess we just don't wait till- Mr. Gourbiches, take down that wall. I would say we're going to probably just wait until we're going to try to reconvene with Barbie. Yeah. And then whenever I'm given the chance, I'm going to cast Magic Stone on the stone I'm holding, and then I'm going to use an action to slam it into the wall. Okay.
So whatever Barbie gives us the signal. I'd say she'd let you guys go around like a few times just to give you time to really damage the wall and then she'd get Tara and like on her first way around she would like when she would get Tara she'd like nod to you guys to be like hey everyone like gather in that area we want to gather at and then so when she and Tara make it there everyone would already be there kind of a thing.
So as you guys make your way over there, Strahd is looking at Oli, you guys. Oh. Guys, I think he heard us. He's got like a secret little smile on his face. Like this whole entire thing amuses him. ah Oh, no. Emrys is glaring at him back. Emrys! He waves or he raises his hand and gives you like a little tiny little wave.
um ah the tension and she goes i ri suns around You got the morning lord, leave this one to me. i Oh no, it's not like a flirty wave. It's like a I'm taunting you wave. well when yeah ah Like when Barbie sees this, she like turns like turns her head, ah looks over her shoulder and and waves back and it is a flirty wave. Okay.
Seville looks like he wants to die.
hu I communicate with you all through the various dance moves we're doing. I think we've been noticed.
the play storages just going to give the ah like you know that that one nameme that is going around a while for like the chill guy who doesn't give a fuck oh my god This is my OC.
This is a chill guy who doesn't give a fuck. i And if the plan gets us killed. Then we die. And that's it.
Those are not promising words, my friends. We have no other options. We cannot fight a beast such as him at this moment. I mean, getting crushed by a glass... I don't think he's a grandma to a beast. He's going beast mode. He could go beast mode a lot. Okay. I'm not sad.
We're gonna get a like, what's equivalent to the Vaporean copy pasta, but for fucking seals. All right.
So, um, has Barbie made her way back around to the room? ah Yeah, she's back and she's like gathered with everyone with Tara. Okay. At the wall.
Mr. Gorbachev, take down that wall. I'd rather make that joke about walls than, you know, the other jokes that could be made at this moment in time. at least That joke's actually funny. Yeah.
The joke you're making, to clarify. Yes. um No, you're just saying like, nah, nah, nah. What's so funny is Sarah and I both watch this channel, sarah fit not Sarah, Jenna Phipps, and she's building her house right now. And they were due they're Canadian. And they did a chant where like they were working on their house and they were like, build that wall. And they got so many comments. And then in the recent one, they were like,
Oh, yeah. Apparently, it's inappropriate like to say that in America. like It's this controversial thing. They were like, oh, weird. ah Yeah. All right. Are we taking this wall down? Yeah. If I'm giving the signal, yep. All right. Go for it. Signal is given. So I'm going to cast Magic Stone. So any stone that I'm touching, it's a bonus action to do this. It becomes magical.
And now I'm going to just slam this thing into where I assumed everyone had like, kind of tapped and like, edged it. All right. If you do this, you watch as the illusion breaks away, and the dome cracks into like, thousands of different pieces, and it goes all the way up and around. And as you do that,
you all slowly turn into mist. And I hate to say this, but Tara does not turn into mist with you. no but No, that was all for nothing.
I risked him up so well for nothing. I didn't even get fucked, dude. I'm picking the funniest notes right now. And as you guys re-materialize, you are in a square room with a ah question. Do we want to cut it off here for the part two?