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Vladdy Daddy: It's Rewind Time image

Vladdy Daddy: It's Rewind Time

Rose Colored Daggers
7 Plays1 month ago

In this episode our party dives further into the background of their characters, answering questions and showing how they got to Barovia.


Introduction to Episode 14

Welcome everyone to the 14th episode of Rosecolor Daggers. This is slightly different as this is our backgrounds episode where our DM will be interviewing the players and the player characters to give a bit of insight into who the characters are, what are their desires, what are their goals throughout this campaign. We had a lot of fun making all of these so I really hope you enjoy listening.

Interview with Rory: Character Background

Hey, y'all. This is Sarah, the DM, and I'm with Rory right now, where we are going over a little bit about his character background. So to set the scene a little bit, um Rory, your character is sitting there at a fire pit, struggling to write. As someone comes up to you, he's part of the fellow troupe that you've been traveling with for a while, and he asks you what you are doing.
um he asked his first question is what are you doing here? uh is is vestibule word um oh yes hello hi um i know you've been traveling with us for a while but i have some questions i've never seen a half work so i was just wondering what are you doing here um Same as you all, I'm trying to make a living and entertain people. So you want to entertain people? ah So I noticed you have a sword and whatever, but what made you want to ah be an entertainer? Well, my mom, she was the orc in the relationship and she always said that
back in Back when she was a kid, there'd always be a bunch of bug battle skulls as they'd tell them. And they'd always search and roam around for battles and other highly emotional events and maintain the tradition through songs, storytelling, and poems and whatnot.

Rory's Character Goals and Reflections

They definitely weren't as you know elegant as what, I don't know, like an Alfred Heman might write, but it always enthralled me.
ever since then I've wanted to continue the tradition. That's really interesting. So what was your favorite, um,
why is it story growing up? Let's see. I have to say it'd probably be, I can't remember the name of it, but it was the name of a famous dwarven warrior who Upon reaching the surface, found out there was a battle going on between what seems like two human factions and one of them brought out a dragon. They apparently allied with it and the dwarf seeing the dragon immediately decided that he didn't care which side the battle was going to be.
He just wanted to take down the dragon and so he climbed his way all the way to the top of a siege tower and wait to wait for the dragon to fly down and When he saw the moment to strike he landed on its neck It immediately took off and he stayed on there for five minutes With it trying to toss him off driving his axes into the dragon's neck limbs wings you name it Eventually after that five minutes struggle Yeah He was forcibly dismounted, let's say, and even though he died that day, he lived to see exactly what he wanted to see. The dragon with an axe driven right into its jugular, falling to the ground. That's actually a really cool story. So what is your goal?
I don't know to be honest. ah One thing I want to do though is I want to try to come up with the best story I can bring home to my mom and my dad and the rest of my family and the generations beyond me. That sounds really cool. Having a lasting impact is something I've noticed a lot of and of adventurers have wanted over the years.
um so What were you doing before coming on the Shurn USS?
um Well, I had been ah doing some work as a mercenary. I mean, it's not not I'm not going to sugarcoat it. It is fun smashing some people's skulls in, but not to let contribute to that stereotype too much, but ah it's it's pretty accurate.
You can watch as the person's always kind of like, and not bulge out, but they kind of white and a little bit. They're like, Oh. Yeah. But then, uh, I realized it probably wasn't a great sustainable career after, uh, I saw some dude get his head chopped off with a saw blade. Yeah. That doesn't really sound very sustainable at all. Honestly. Yeah. They paid well though.
Yeah, we we barely make ends meet, honestly, working working here. Yeah, straight off, straight off. Yeah. So how long have you been on your adventures? Let's see, it's over since I was about 16 when my father told me to get out of the house and stop working as a farmer. He said it was a waste of his, he said it was a waste of my life.
uh wasn't wasn't offensive or anything uh i love my family very much just you know it's not much of an existence to be sitting there attending the same plot of land for uh who knows how long yeah no that's that's me that's exactly why i got out of my town um so Because as you've heard, the band is splitting up. What will you do now?

Rory's Future Aspirations

I don't know. Might go back to splitting skulls, as I say. Might also, I don't know, look to see if I can start my own independent performance, but although not sure how much success I'll see there.
What about looking for an adventure? There's been many different legends of in this part of um the Sword Coast of people missing going missing. You could look into that and see if you could help. No, that's a fun idea. Yeah. And as you you think more onto that,
And you think more about different legends and stories that you've heard throughout your travels to this place. You remember a a bit about the forest that was just about a mile away from where you guys are camped now, where many people have vanished. And those that were lucky enough to come back to have come back had horrific, terrifying stories to tell. And as you, as you think more, you get up from the campfire and gather what is left of your belongings before making your trek towards the woods.

Interview with David: Mallow's Curse

This might be the most stupid idea I've ever had, but by golly, I think it'll be fun.
And the longer you walked, the colder the air got. It was a quite warm night when you set off, but the longer you walked, the colder the temperatures dropped. Now it felt more like fall than the balmy summer's day or summer's night you've just left on.
And the visibility slowly got worse as well as the mist kind of enveloped the forest and the trees got taller and thicker the longer you walked in. And after about an hour or two of walking, you come across a campfire unattended and
That's where we'll leave you.
all Alrighty, so, hi y'all. So I'm Sarah, the DM, and I am here with VDAD, or David, um, to go a little bit over his character. Stor- Not Storik. That's Rory's character. Malo. Hello.
All right. So the first question I'm asking today is what is your character doing in Barovia?

Mallow's Journey and Barovia

Well, I feel like it ties into a lot of the stuff that happened outside of Barovia, but the main thing is trying to understand they're kind of damperic to him. He considers it a curse, but trying to understand it and maybe finding a solution to it. So he's no longer burdened by it.
Okay. and And what is your goal is that it pretty much ties into that. and And generally, he's always been kind of a he enjoys his exploration and studying of ancient things. So I feel like that also ties into it in a general exploration sense as well.
And can you can like expand on that? like Well, so Mallow before ah being a Dampere was a dungeon delving archeologist, kind of like would go to different like ancient dungeons and explore to kind of like discover hidden secrets and report them back as in a scholarly ah way.
Okay. And what were you immediately you doing immediately before this journey? I would say probably the thing that caused the damn fear was what I was doing where I had explored this like ancient tomb. um And I had myself become cursed and had become a damn fear. I think I had said that it was from being attacked by a vampire.
And that must have kind of, that person must have made their way to Barovia and I followed after them trying to figure out what was going on with that. I'm not sure what kind of vampire they are and I'm letting you as a DM kind of decide that, but.
Let me actually write that down real quick on my plots and stuff. And how long have you been going on your adventures?
ah Well before Barovia my character's about 47 years old so pretty much his adult life so from his 20s on so about 20 years I'd say. Okay and what will you be doing in the next few sessions if you happen to know?

Mallow's Plans and Caution

Well kind of escorting the party just kind of being and keeping my eye out because especially now that Barovia is such a in strange place kind of keeping my eye out for things trying to passively take in information but staying with the group as much as possible because since he's in such a foreign land trying to go on his own seems very risky and dangerous to him especially because that's how he ended up you know with this issue of being a damn fear in the first place is that if he would have gone with someone else maybe you know he wouldn't have ended up like this if he didn't go to that tomb alone
Yeah. All right. And is there anything important that we need to know about your character? He's an inventor of marshmallows, I guess. that One of the dumbest things that I'm just like, I'm going to name my character Mallow and then what the one day we get to a swamp or marsh, he's going to whip out marshmallows and he's the inventor of it. Okay.
All right. Well, that is all that I have for questions.

Interview with Amelia: Seviel's Quest

Hey y'all, it's Sarah, the DM, and I'm here with Amelia. We're going to talk a little bit about, um, her character, Seveil. So what is your character doing in Barovia right now?
Well, currently, as of the most recent episode, he's getting absolutely plastered in a tavern. um Overall, what he's doing, well, he knew he was a damn fear from a young age and he knew his mom at one point went to Ravenloft. So he was like, maybe, maybe my dad's there. So maybe, maybe Ravenloft holds some answers and boy did it.
So what is your goal for your character? Well, the initial goal is to find my dad and now the goal is to exact revenge on my dad for not even having the audacity to really introduce himself, but to give me 25 gold, which is not enough in today's economy.
you know um Yeah, 25 gold and a good luck. Have fun. Fuck off. Type note, so. Okay. We're yeah fixing the daddy issues that he has. Yeah, I didn't mean to do it like that, but then i ah we ended and I was like, you know what would be funny? No, it's funny. It's really funny. I'm leaning into it.

Seviel's Personal Struggles

um What were you doing before coming on your journey? ah Definitely doing research as to what my mom's job was when she came to Ravenloft approximately 25 years ago. um And now I'm here. Okay. Great quest. And how long have you been on your adventures?
I'd probably say two or three years. Enough to like, not get myself immediately killed picking a lock or like, you know, dying to a mimic within the first like couple hours, but not enough to be like a hard seasoned adventurer, definitely talking my way out of shit and sneaking off out of shit. And what will you be doing now?
probably recovering from a hangover. Definitely going to see if Mallow has any healings healing spells up his sleeve to help with that. um And aside from that, just stewing in my outrage and yeah.
And this has a postal system to write a strongly worded letter.
And um is there anything else about your character you want us to know? He's even more pale now, so he's going to have to work on his tan, which he's definitely going to have to do when he's out of Ravenloft back at home in Baldur's Gate. Just chill on the beach, try not to think too hard about how bad it smells. And I was about to say the Grey Quarter, and I was like, that's Skyrim, the Grey Harbor.
Baldur's Gate? i yeah I don't know. I've been playing Baldur's Gate 3 all day today. I am so engrossed. David had it on his computer the other day. And I was like, oh, yeah. And I just walked around. I was like, I need to get back into this. And that's what I've been doing. I don't know. I was thinking about his backstory. And I'm like, yeah, he's just some fucking dweeb.
I think it'd be funny, though, if your mom's still alive. And then like towards the end of the campaign, you're like, yeah, I met my dad and I killed him. And your mom's like, what the fuck? I leave you for a year. Seville, it's
Pollage a hero. Yeah. That's kind of how I envisioned my mom.
She and Jihira are just besties off screen. They have a group chat with this shitty mom club. okay Yeah. I don't think I have- I don't know if I have it. I guess I didn't write it down. There's something I had for your character though. Where would I have put it? I have too many- I have too many places where it could be.
I'll probably if I find it, I'll send you a text about it. But yeah, ah yeah so yeah, i I think her being alive would be it it would add to the what do you mean?
I don't even know who your dad is. Is my mom just the bicycle of Ravenloft? I mean, that'd be funny. That's up that's that yeah that's how she got around. like She was trying to get information on Strahd and then just slept her way around town and somehow ended up sleeping with Strahd. Yeah. We got to figure that one out, I guess. Yeah.

Introduction of Emrys: A New Beginning

Hey y'all, it's Sarah, the DM. And I'm Yeston, and I play Emrys, a halfling rogue. To start to stay in, we are opening up at the Last Top Pub. ah This pub is made from the remnants of an old lighthouse next to the dock at the very end of a peninsula.
As we go into the pub, Imris is cleaning up after a shift while Kefin is scurrying around the bar looking for pets while a regular sits down in front of him, nourishing the last of his beard. um The regular, who is a gristly old man who's been going here for years,
And has noticed with the last couple of months that a new bartender has arrived, which is Emerus, uh, Yesen's character. but And he sits in silence for a few seconds, observing as Emerus does his daily closing task. And then he kind of sits back and like asks him, what is your deal?
Uh, Emerus. is standing just behind the bar, restocking beneath the shelves and putting new bottles on beneath the beneath the bar top. And he just holds one, pauses for a second as he thinks about the question and just says, just a bartender just coming around, going, doing different shifts.
Just just being but being a bartender, that's what that's what I'm here for. I've never seen you around. Well, I've seen you around recently, but I haven't seen you before that. What were you doing before?
Well, mostly traveling here, to be fair. I'm not from anywhere, anywhere close to here. It's pretty far back home.
So it's been a while of just just traveling down here, really. it's home Home is not a place that I want to go back to, let's say. But why did you choose here?
it's It's far enough away that people won't come this far to look for me. I feel ah feel very much away from the hustle and bustle of the town or the city, whatever I came from. Why would people be looking for you? I remember it kind of sits on the on the bar top facing away from from the man.
I've done some things that I'm um i'm not too proud of. but I feel they were taken far too seriously for the things that they were. So that's that's why people were looking for me and that's why i so I had to come this far away. So you're you're just running away?
Yeah, I mean,
I feel like just in distancing myself, I think, is the best way to put it. It's not not really running if I'm staying in this place for a while, I guess. So what are you going to be doing now?

Emrys' Family and New Life

Will we find the same trouble here?
I don't reckon so. a It was very much the environment that I was in that caused it with the, is just to do with family, you see. It's mostly to do with that with them. Oh. Can you elaborate on that?
I am very nosy. I can tell.
My family really hasn't, they didn't really look out for me when I turned 20. They threw me in the deep end of the surviving and and living by myself, living for myself. Oh, that sounds horrible.
Yeah, ah you can, don't need to tell me twice. But thankfully, I had this, this little guy that he it's definitely a little scratch under his chin as he, as he's jumped up on, on the bar top, which isn't, which is pretty normal for now. I think the owners of the the place, they really mind, you know, like a, like a domestic badger. Yeah. And you watch as the, the bartender kind of like like sits back up and like,
holds his hand out for Kevin to sniff for like a pet. So as he gets ready to pet Kevin, what is your goal going to be for going forward? How are you going to turn your life around?
is There's not much I really want to do. I feel this place has settled me more than anywhere. i i don't There's no point in turning it around, I'd say. I'm pretty pretty comfortable just being here and being at my place.
Well, I must be going. I will see you around. And you watch as he gets up and leaves.

Emrys' Mysterious Encounter

ah ra buttara After you finish your shift,
Um, you start walking home and you feel as if someone is watching you. You keep going. You, sorry. Uh, you are walking through a forest, the same forest you usually go. It's nothing new. And you notice a fog rolling in and there's something slightly different about this fog and it feels almost oppressive and threatening.
But at the same time, you just have to keep walking to go to your house. um And as you make through your way through being cautious, you notice that Kevin, who had been by you the entire time, had ran ahead, ran forward, and was running deeper into the woods.
Kevin, come back. God, where has he gone this time? And Emrys kind of chogs a little to try and catch up with him. Yeah. And as you sprint towards Kevin, you notice the woods around you get extremely quiet. So unlike how it normally is, where you can hear the wake up calls of with the birds as the early morning light peaks through the clouds.
And you also notice that the trees are different. Once low hanging oaks and palms have quickly turned into massive birch and fir trees that seem to tower over you for miles. And after about a quick five to ten minute jog, you finally catch up to Kefin, who was now sniffing at sniffing the base of a tree. And you pick them up and you take stock of your surroundings.
The fog's not normally that bad in the morning. where How have I got lost this easy? and Then it's been a months and I can't not normally as easy as fun while you're back there's a there's a path and all and he he looks to the ground to see if there's any sort of path between these trees you don't see anything but you do feel extremely cold as the air is almost frigid chilly and it's extremely different than
how you normally feel after spending years on the, or not years, months on the humid coast of the small town that you're staying at.

Emrys in Barovia

And as you turn around trying to figure out your way through the fog and the forest, you notice the fog clear up slightly to what you assume is the west.
But as you turn to your east, uh, to the left, um, it, there is a thick wall of fog that almost seemed like a wall, a wall. And where it's kind of. Just cool, Stefan. So, uh, kind of looks him, hugs him in like, get along buddy. to Give him some, give him some body heat, basically. And also, I guess some fur heat to himself. Come on, buddy. Let's, uh, let's carry on walking away, away from this fog. All right. And as you make your way um from that fog, you come across a.
campfire where there is an unusually blue elf sitting next to it. And that, that was that. Welcome to Barovia.

Interview with Ray: Barbie's Concerns

Hi, y'all. I'm Sarah the DM. Hi, I'm Ray, and I play Barbie, a sea elf druid. All right, so. Today we are going to go ahead and talk about, or we're going to do your background. So we're going to start off with the day before. yeah So this is the day before Barbie goes to Barovia. Yeah. To be clear. So we started off on this really gorgeous beach with Christine
white sand and water that stretches out for miles. And it's so clear and blue that you can see straight through it to the bottom, where you can kind of see the hint of the outline of your, are they cities? Yes. said Yeah, the city that you imagine the little mermaid. Yeah. So it's what I imagine.
So it's you guys are on right now the shore at the edge of the Feywild. So you are in the, so the we it's a real world, but like the non Feywild part of the world. But like if you go, if you start walking straight, you go straight into the Feywild. And you are there with both Tara and Steve. And So the whole, the whole meeting is about Tara finally wanting to go figure out where her parents are and why she got sucked into the Feywild.
So I think we're going to, and we said we were going to RP through the planning the trip stage. Yeah, I think it's, um, I think it's mostly going to be like,
Uh, concern on Barbie's end of Tara being like, I want to do this. mar feeling like Are you sure? Like, is it safe kind of thing? Yeah. Okay. So I'm going to start off as Tara. So I would imagine yeah you're not going to be Barbie. Well, I could be starting off with Steve. True. He is there. He is present. I do love me some Steve. All right. So.
I haven't played her in a hot minute. That was not drugged up by Strahd, at least. I think we should go. the last and She pulls out a a ring with a little emblem on it. This is all I have of of my parents.
I think I know where this is and I think we should go there first. It's, it's in a, um, it's a town. That, uh, I hope it's a town.
No, this is just Barbie being sarcastic. Yeah. Well, and that's, that's Tara. I was like, I'm trying to remember the name. I know. Okay. Okay. I thought you were just genuinely like.
I didn't remember the name. I also don't remember the name, but it's also sort of like, it's been a bit, give me a second. Yeah. Are you sure you really want to go look like, are you sure you want to know? Yeah, because I remember from what I remember, it was a good life. And as much as I love hanging out in the Feywilds with Steve, and you kind of see Steve kind of like,
You got like a cocky look on the face. He's like, yeah, I raised her.
But not car horror memories can be wrong. But they're my parents. I had a brother. They didn't raise you. Yeah, but I still would like to know them. I would like to know which one of my parents I got my love for blood from you know i don't know tara it sounds really dangerous like maybe it's not what's the point of life with not a little danger living but like girl come on just live a little we you can come with us
car i can never I've never left home, you know this. But, but just think, you could learn all these new things, now all all we can learn so much on this trip. Not just around the background, other people too. I mean, we're both like, I'm an elf, but I'm like a high elf and you're a sea elf and we can learn more about different elves and humans. I've heard they're really cool and kind of squishy.
The land isn't meant for me. I'm not meant to be there. That's not my place. But you don't know that until you try it. I do know that because look at me. Tara, I blew. And I have pointy teeth. We're just slightly different. That's not what they'll see.
i don't think it's safe for you to go but there's but but there are other people out there that are way weirder than us you know just think it'd be fun this is fun but like this is just foolish danger you're not thinking clearly
Yeah, and you're not thinking clearly about the consequences

Barbie's Struggle with Tara's Decision

of this. If you do this, if you go searching, how's Steve feeling about this? He raised you and you're telling him you want to go find your real parents. And, okay. Steve kind of like, he's finally like checked and he's like, who do you think gave her the idea? That was kind of like,
You're supposed to be taking care of her, Steve. And that's why she's my warlock. I'm still taking care of her. You're throwing her into the into danger. I will be there, kind of. Exactly, kind of. It's no different than us walking through the Feywild. There are scarier things in the Feywild than there. And I mean, we will probably meet up with one of my other warlocks at one point or the other.
I still think it's too big of a risk for people you don't even know.
Yes, but she still wants to know, and I cannot say no to that face. Maybe you should have learned how to say no to that face. You've had how many years to figure it out? ah You kind of see him like look up, he's like,
Cause she's like 50 to 75 in elf years. Probably older. That's young. Yeah. She's old. ah Well, not, she's not, not old. Sorry. Young. That's young. That's like a baby still. yeah You're not even an adult. Yeah. But.
like you're still just a little kid that you shouldn't even be concerning yourself with something like this you shouldn't go into the Feywild back through there trying to find people you don't know who didn't who didn't look for you how do it how do i know they couldn't find me i mean i disappeared in a flash and woke up in the middle of nowhere in the Feywild How do I know? They could still be looking for me.
Tara, it's not safe. It's a bad idea. Well, if it's not safe, then come with us. You think I'm going to be able to help you? You can shapeshift into a bear, ma'am. Oh, wait. Do you know that you can shapeshift into a bear yet? We started at level three, right? Yeah.
I don't think she would, because I think she would be mostly sea creatures at this point. Okay. Well, you can shape- Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Then, the backtrack. You can shapeshift into any animal. ah hear she You want me to shapeshift into a swordfish on land? Is that really going to help us? Is that going to protect you?
maybe maybe you can try animals normal normal animals so you don't think i mean land lovers ma'am you you don't think my home my place where i belong is normal no it is normal for you not normal exactly for me i don't belong there i don't belong in those places i meant to be here This is where I make my difference. Well, then you can stay. I'm still going. I'll see you tomorrow before we leave. There's nothing I can say to change your mind? No, I feel like I have to leave. It's a feeling deep in my soul, you know? Souls lie.
but what if they're not you know you have to think rationally and you're not think of my um think of it as my coming of age i am i've But you're not. You are still so many years until you become an adult. You still have 50 years of growing to do. You're nowhere close.
and And? What do you mean, and? This isn't a coming of age. This is a foolish venture for people who you don't know, who haven't taken care of you.
who have no idea if you're still alive or if you even exist anymore. And you're risking it all for some strangers. And and if they're not what I expect.
Oh my god, I must call him Strahd. Steve can just get me right out of there, you know? And we can come right back to the speech. What if you can't? What if you go out there and you get hurt because you are different Tara and if anyone finds out how different you are What if they're like me? Tara you can't know that for sure But like and there's a lot more people out there than your family that you want to get back to so badly and
They will hurt you.
Are we not enough? Are we not family? Me and Steve, are we not your family? Are we not enough for you? You are, but it doesn't matter. So why are you so determined? I am doing this, ma'am. You can come with me or not. Tara is just tired of arguing. She's like, I just want to do this.
not. I'm not gonna go and follow you and watch you get killed. Well, I will see you then. Okay. All right. And Tara and Steve kind of like, i they start walking back towards the forest.
and so that is what would you like to do until the next day? I feel like she would not even know what to do do with herself after that and would kind of just like go home and curl up like in her bed just mourning her friend already of like She's not coming back. We're not enough for her. She needs, she wants to find her real family because we are not her real family. Okay.

Barbie's Journey into Mystery

And as, and as the day dawns and until the next day, you see, you hear someone calling you from the beach.
Can I tell who it is? you can It sounds just like Tara.
Um, I'm gonna go look then. Okay. And you notice the first thing, the first thing you notice as you step out of the water is that it's very cloudy today, which is kind of odd for that time of year because it's technically the dry season. So it being cloudy is very odd. Um.
And there's like a weird miss kind of covering the the shore where you and Tara and Steve were yesterday. um Would you like to approach it? Can I make out what she's saying at all? she just keep You just keep hearing her yell your name. And then you can also, after a couple minutes, also hear Steve calling for you as well.
All right, yeah, I'll head towards them. So as you go deeper into the mist, the first thing you kind of notice is that you feel chilled. It's like, it feels like the life is kind of like leeching from you. And you've never felt this cold before.
You're used to the nice, warm, sunny days, and even on the rainy days in the fall and winter, it never gets this cold on land. And as you walk deeper into the smiths, you feel compelled to just keep walking. I think I'm just going to be calling out for Tara and Steve the whole time.
and as you keep walking you also notice a change because you can still hear them but you can also hear a slight change in their voices they slowly slowly sound echoey and you can tell that your surrounding is changed is changing because the trees which were once tall beautiful palm trees slowly change into these rough looking raggedy pine that's named the tower
miles above you. And a it gets, and all at once, it gets definitely silent. You can't hear Tara or Steve. You can't hear the, you can't hear anything. You're just cold. And you've only been walking for about five minutes. Hello? Is anyone there?
And you don't even hear anything. You don't hear an echo. You don't hear anything. It's just silent. You see a slight mist in the trees in front of you and nothing else. Tara, this isn't funny.
Steve, you can't be playing these jokes on any on me today. Please. Nothing. Can I see anything? Nothing in front of you. it You just see a slight mist and the trees.
I'm probably just gonna keep... I'll turn around. I'm gonna turn around. And as you turn around, you just see the mist. The thick... It's so thick you can't see through it. You can't see the ocean, which but which should be behind you.
but you just see a white wall.
Where am I? Would you like to try and go through the mist? The only way through is out. Out is through. All right. And um as you go deeper through the mist, it feels 10 times colder than anything you felt walking in. And you just keep going.
and walking. And it spits you out, finally. In a camp with a fire roaring. Hello? In the same area. No ocean to be found. Oh no. Oh no. Hello?
Is any anyone there? And is there anything besides asking if anyone's there? Is there anything else you'd like to do? No, I mean, what else is there to do? Like, I mean, you can sit in front of the fire.
Is it still really cold? Yeah. and Well, it's colder than what you, it's like 40 degrees. So. Yeah. She'd sit in front of the fire. All right. And as you sit in front of the fire.
The time seems to pass slowly, whether it's just you getting in your head or some weird magic that you're so convinced that Tara and Steve are playing on you. This is not funny, Steve. It's not funny. But as the time wears on, you realize something is amiss.
And right as you're about to get up to leave to see if you can do anything else, a man, well, not a man, a halfling walks through the mist across from you carrying a badger. And that is your welcome to Baropia.
Oh, rough welcome.

Closing and Listener Engagement

Thank you for listening to the 14th episode of Rose Colored Daggers and this very special background episode, I do hope you enjoyed. We upload the main campaign every other weekend and you can find us on Instagram and Tumblr at rosecoloredaggers. Our website and Patreon are in the description and please review and rate us on whatever platform you listen from and thank you for listening.