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Vladdy Daddy #10: Halloween 2 Electric Boogaloo image

Vladdy Daddy #10: Halloween 2 Electric Boogaloo

S1 E10 ยท Rose Colored Daggers
15 Plays4 months ago

Bahrbee... NOT a bear???? At least one thing stays the same as our party goes through more of our Halloween dungeon, and that's a room with four chests!

Intro/Outro Music:







Cantrips and Campaign Mishaps

I actually was looking in for a bunch of a different cantrips because a lot of the cantrips kind of suck. I'm not gonna lie. For damage wise. And I was like, oh look, magic stone. It just turned rocks magical. early thoroughrma Not judging me for all always turning into a bear, but like all I got is primal savagery, my dude. So what else am I supposed to do, Dyke? Yeah. That's why I'm going to warlock.
Warlock has the best cantrip ever. yeah No, 100% it does. Eldritch Blast does so much damage. It scales with your level. You get more. yeah no which not By the way, David almost killed my parents a couple of sessions ago. and I didn't almost kill your parents. You pissed off the ghost. i didn and No, no, no, no. Okay, it was a group effort. I'm pissing the ghost off. Okay, first and foremost. So let's write that down.
Well, okay, through all- through VULG, all things are possible, so jot that down. um But, uh, he rolled for where this ghost was gonna go, and it thankfully did not go for my parents. I think if K'tenna's parents died, she would just die at that point. She she would just become lawful evil at that point. Maybe chaotic evil.

Exploring Haunted Houses

It was, uh, so the ghost, the, this has been like, this was the, this thing I was talking about in the discord earlier where there was like, uh, a plot point that's been like, I've been waiting a whole year to have pay off. Um, cause the party was supposed to like, they got this free house from a luck roll, but it was a haunted house. So they were supposed to investigate the, like everything and kind of like learn like, um, all about it. And that the, there was a, the family that was there had gotten poisoned and all that. And then,
The party was really friendly with the ghost because they're like, oh, it's the the matriarch of the house. She's friendly. She just can't really talk. It's like, you know, should be noted. This is also one of my favorite composers in game. Yeah. In game two is she's a very old composer. And the party then finally figured out like a literally a year of real time in real life later.
um Oh man, the the daughter who poisoned the family did it because they were all under a curse. They gave them like immortality and they were all stuck at the same age and they could never leave the house. So their life was like literally like, like hell, they were trapped. Yeah. And the party, when they figured it out, we're like, okay, well she has like a cove downstairs that has like a witch's like brewing area. Let's go investigate it. And I was like, oh no, you guys better not aggro this. You gotta be careful.
And they opened the loud stone door. It just made a loud grinding noise throughout the last one. Spoiler alert, we were not careful. Yeah, not careful at all. So yeah, they had to fight a ghost. It ended up turning into a Monster House sequel. That was very funny. That movie's so good. We should we should watch it. That terrified me. That would be a good Halloween movie. It'd be a good Halloween movie for the party. Honestly, I used to love that show. And my sisters would play it on repeat.
all the time and now I can't stand watching it. That's understandable. We need to put the subway surfers gameplay underneath. Let's just ah watch Bluey, you know? Halloween Bluey. My sister loves Bluey. She's obsessed, which is great because she's about to have a kid. So she's going to be watching a lot of Bluey.
Yeah, lots

Halloween Traditions Across Countries

of blue. Oh, I got to ask this. So I like, I know that they celebrate Halloween, like ah over in the UK, but is it like any different from like the the US? s I got asked this exact question well sorry much was in America like um like some the semester before last. i was I was up in New Hampshire. But yeah, we got exactly the asked the exact same question. I was like, that they actually asked, oh, do you also celebrate a Halloween over there? And I was like, yeah, of course we do. ah ah It's Halloween.
Yeah, but no it's it's a pretty big thing, especially for kids. um Yeah, if you guys you didn't celebrate re Halloween, you were gonna be when I moved over there. Dario, what are you barking at? I don't believe there's any difference. Just go around, trick or treat, dress up. It's basically it.
Well, because I had heard about how it's celebrated in places like New Zealand, which obviously not the same, but kind of that similar. And there, it's a lot less of a thing. It's more of a kind of like, yeah, some people do it, some people don't. But most of the time, you're going to go to someone's house, and they're going to give you a vegetable from their fridge or something, because they don't even have candy or anything like that. So I was just curious if it was something similar like that, where if it was like a widespread. If I went trick-or-treating and someone gave me a vegetable, I'd burn down their house. I went to a Halloween parade and I got an onion thrown at me. Ha! That's funny though. Curdied onion. That's interesting because my friend Chappy is from South Australia and I asked him, I was like, so do y'all do anything for Halloween? He's like, not really. You kind of get made fun of if you do Halloween here.
No, Halloween's cool. Ooh, all shadings are boring. I mean, I don't think they have- Don't say that. I don't think they have- They don't have time to celebrate when they're fighting for their life, just, like, surviving. But the emos, emos just stop fighting them. Yeah. em know Yeah, and beating them, might I add. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe if they could win an emu war, you know? All hate, all shade, declare fighting.
I am not joking. I am being for real 100%. This is my face when I'm 100% serious. If for some reason Chappie comes across this, uh, all hate all shade.
sure but You're a short king. The Australian accent is, uh, is my favorite. I love the Australian accent. Scottish. Yes. Okay. scott Scottish is pretty good too. Scottish are Irish for me, but anywho,

Character Introductions and Session Recap

get in losers. We're playing D&D.
You forget your saying every single time. Yes. Yes, I do.
um Anywho, I am Sarah, the DM. I'm Ray. I play Barbie as the elf druid. I'm Yesen. I play Emrys, a stout halfling rogue. I'm Vidad. I play Malo, who is a human druid. Howdy. I'm Amelia. I play a half elf rogue.
Now I'm Rory, and I play a half-orc fighter. Alright, and last session, we were doing part one. Balls. Huh? Balls. Oh, yeah.
It drew some balls. It drew some fat one. All right, that's how we're starting souls. Balls. All right, that's it. Session's over. Pack up. Let's go. How did the music start playing?
hold up all right so last episode we were um how loud is up by the way i just missed okay um so last episode we were doing part one of the halloween dungeon where you were extravaganza yeah extravaganza where you finally met Strahd and you've learned a little bit about each other and where we also met our three new players.

Mysteries and Riddles in the Campaign

balls they so Oh, picking up where we left off, you all just got into this big square room. So there's finally corners that is covered from floor to ceiling with bookcases and there is a big desk in the center of the room with a bright red chair. There are also four different doors.
Guys, I think we got called into the principal's office. What have you watched in this area? Could you do a perception check? Yeah, of course. Oh, oh, oh. Hold on. Sorry. You said perception? Yep. Can I just say this is a hot room? That's a 17. A 17? Like bookshelves? Yeah, 17.
hotel you know Can we actually ask about the temperature in the room? I need to see if I'm comfortable. I meant hot room as in like floor to ceiling bookshelves, a red chair and this nice desk. You know who else has a big chair and a red desk? Steve. Incorrect. Other way around. Big desk, red chair.
same different not a real steve knower you mean like blues clues steve yes um oh yes you yeah um so amelia you do not feel watched you don't you don't notice it well it seems as though We aren't being watched at least as far as I'm concerned. When Barbie like it gets out of like the mist-ness of it and she's back to being a person, her she's got like her hand out. like She was like holding someone's hand um and she's just staring at her hand. I was just holding a person's hand and now it's not there.
Um, also I am going to say calm emotions is off of you guys now. So you're feeling the full brunt of all your tears.
She's tears up. Bloody hell. It didn't work. Hey, we shattered everything. She's just crying as she stares at her hand and then like falls to her knees. Oh no. And like curls up on herself.
Did Tara not come with us? You you had her, didn't you? If Barbie shakes her head, she doesn't say anything. Oh, Jesus Christ.
I start kind of tapping the walls to see if any of them are fake because I went out of here. I was looking for more glass walls. So which wall are you avoiding the puke puddle that I've got in the middle of the room?
Tippy tap, tap, tap. So ah where where do you go start from? Let's see. Let me get the, ah. Sorry, roll 20 is not what the cooperator do right now. I kind of start on, I guess by where three Three? Yeah. you Okay, so I need you to roll me an investigation.
uh investigation that's a 21 okay you notice nothing about this wall you do upon inspection of the door you see a normal door handle but you see an inscription that reads in a forest deep where shadows lie i wait for travelers who wander by With things and claws, I hunt my prey. What creature am I in the night I stay? Werewolf. Yeah. Do you say that out loud? I do. And as you say that, the door pops open. Huh. Starsuit's going to turn around behind him and say, what about werewolves? And I kind of. What about the werewolves? Always. What about the werewolves?
They always say there and when, but never how. Yeah. How about the wolves? Um, when they always ask you werewolves and they don't ask you how. I kind of pointed the inscription. I was like, it's just a simple riddle. Do we want to look at the other doors or would we rather just go through this one? I've conveniently opened. I'd say we clear one at a time, but, uh, we've got a companion down.
I'm going to go to Barbie and say, Barbie, Barbie, are you all right? She just shakes her head. No. I walk over and I kind of pull, I put down my hand. I give you guidance to conquer your mental health problems. That is not going to help, buddy. It's a D4.
I'll pick you up, Barbie. Is that all right? She doesn't say anything. She's just limp. When you go to pick her up, like she doesn't fight you. She doesn't do anything, really. So what door did we unlock, by the way? On number three. Oh. Here we go. Sorry. My bad. This one. Credit. I'm going to go over to number two and see what's going on with that.
OK. So you're going into number two? I was going to ask about like click on one of these number two, Number two, there's just a door handle and an inscription on the door saying, I guard the secrets of the dead with a heavy with a heart of stone and a heavy head. In a graveyard or a crypt, I stand so tall, what am I silent watching all? That could be two, three different things. Could it be a golem? I was going to say a gravestone.
You're correct. It's a gravestone. And do you say that out loud? Yeah, say gravestone. And as you do do that, the door also pops open. Okay. Maybe we should just try to get all of these doors open first before we start exploring.
want to go over to one. I would like to take a try at this. So when you get to one, you notice it looks different from the other two doors. It has no doorknob nor any inscription. Can I do an arcana check on it? Yes. I'm going to give you the help action. Wait, what's your modifier? Actually, it would make more sense for literally anyone else to do an arcana because my wisdom is not that high.
Okay. I'll give you the help action. Okay. Yeah. Our con is intelligence by the way. Oh, nevermind. I can do it if we want. I have a plus. Okay. I'll give you the help action and I'm also going to give you guidance. That's a one. So I had a one one. All right. Good thing for that help action. That was a two.
So that's going to be a 10. A 10. Plus the one. i That is plus the one. Oof. You can tell there's something magical about this door, but you don't you know what is causing it. what You don't know how to open it. I kind of do the thing that Patrick does when they're frozen in Sandy's ah like little terrarium and I go to open sesame. We have technology. Um, it does not open. quick ah Well, despite trump just picking the door open.
incredibly intelligent as I am. One, that's magical. If you kick it open, there could be catastrophic effects. ah Two, i it's magical. That's all I can glean from this. Anyone else thinks they've got an idea? Please? I said pick as in a lock pick. Oh, sorry. I'm hard of hearing. can i Can I pick it with my thieves tools? No.
That is also not an option.
Two door number four, then. Let's see what's going on with that one. All right. Come back to number one. So I am a creature of the night. Like the other door, it's got an inscription. I am a creature of the night. With wings of shadow, I take flight. In blood, I bathe. In darkness, I thrive. What am I? Who's always alive? Vampire.
Yep. And as you say that, it pops open. Excellent. Excellent.
Okay. Well, we have many options. You guys don't want to, does anyone have a particular room they want to go into? I'd say somewhere safe we can put Barbie. I vote let's hide her under the desk. That way if anyone comes in, they don't immediately see her.

Strategy and Combat Planning

Oh, and I will say, Barbie, you can now you now feel like you can access your wild shape. I'm going to turn into a comfort bear. I'm going to gently ah place Barbie under the desk. She lets you. She doesn't do anything to stop it. I'm just going to look at her and say, stay tight here.
and Please make some sort of noise if anything hostile comes in here because I don't want one another dead person. Well, she gives you a thumbs up. I look at Empress and I'm like, does she like shiny things? You know, like... I'm gonna give Barbie a Malo's Malo.
ah Emrys is like leaning on the desk, like just like taking a minute, basically, and so and just says, I'll stay with her. We've been through similar stuff. I've got shiny stuff. Also, as you're laying on the desk, you notice papers across the desk and a cabinet underneath.
Okay, I'll start picking up the papers and and reading them. sir So um I have a question. What languages do you have?
and so one have eyes Common, halfling and thieves. Okay, so if Barbie sees, like if she looks up and sees you ah holding papers, she just like holds out her hand.
I'll pass like two or three of them down. I've got Elvish and Infernal as well as Common Abuse Cant. My mind is like, if you guys go and explore, ah we'll sit here and we'll read papers, kind of a thing. And we'll like look at this desk. So Barbie, do you speak Infernal? What? Infernal?
I speak in Fertile? I've also gotten Fertile. You asked me if I spoke Elvish, so I figured that's what this was. No. Or that was for Tara. Oh, no. I speak in Fertile. I don't. I take one look at it, look up at Emma's and go, I've told you I can't read. Can I? May I take a look at it? Yeah, can I also take a gander? Yeah.
so So I can instantly read it because I speak in fertile. So you can, you recognize that these are um different um chemical papers on different theories on soul transference.
hmm okay i i pass them over to uh surveil so they could he could take a look as well i also read them and i look at you and i say um are you also kind of cleaning um that this is about transferring one's soul to something else or someone's soul to It seems to be an actual quite well written out that seems like this is a proper step by step guide almost of the alchemical process of doing such. So okay this is definitely some high research grade paperwork. I would like to actually keep this with myself if we could. All right. And does anyone want to take a gander in the um
What's it called? The drawer? If no one else wants to, I can just open it. yeah no I'll it at the same time. We're just one, two, three. All right. And the door open or while the drawer opens smoothly.
smoothly um And inside, Emerus, you recognize this because this looks just like the tome you guys got why two sessions ago.
It looks almost- Do I have it on me? Do I have the other tome? Yeah, you said you did. In my bag, yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah, because you guys are now back in your- Are we in our clothes now? Yeah, you guys are back in your normal clothes. Okay. So you recognize it looks almost identical to the tome you got last time, the tome of Strahd.
Yeah, I'll pull out the other one from my bag and like lay it on the table next to it and see if they say exactly the same thing or like if they have anything similar. They don't. natural rights So they don't. This one is way more coherent. And it outlines a
what It outlines Strahd's plans with Tara, and how he plans to use her as a vessel for his lost love. I think Amriss... I think Amriss is going to read this out loud so Barbie can hear, because he heard Tara's name, so he read it out loud for Barbie to hear.
Interesting choice considering her current mental state. ah As soon as he finishes like the paragraph of that, he kind of quickly covers his mouth and just goes, ooh. So it's talk ah Tatiana. that's the soul That is the soul's name he's going to try and put into Tara's body. What type of person writes down their entire plan in a book?
Well, one who wants their plan to actually go and become to fruition, I would say. It's known that if something like this, especially as I kind of hold the outcome of old papers, if You're doing something as advanced as this. You want to make sure that you've checked every step and you've checked it three or four times. I wouldn't risk something like this just winging it. Plus, I don't think it's a mistake that we're here. I think he sent us here. He wants us to find this information. I don't know why, but it would make sense.
I mean, he writes down the steps, but that makes sense. But then he describes exactly what his plans are in a narrative format. It's almost like we are in a game. He turns to the camera. Does he fancy himself some sort of super villain? Pinky to the mouth. Yeah.
the wine and mean There's old children's stories I would read when I was a child.
where the villain agreed out all of their plans to the hero right in front of them. So what room, what room? We got two, four,
but I'll say two as well, just the, so what do we see a two? All right, um so I asked you guys walk into room two, um I might need you guys to roll initiative real quick.
oh wow yay yeah i thanks Barbie's not entering the room, so is she? No, neither. Neither is Amherst. This has a 13. Alright. That's so funny. That's gonna be a...
I'm poor. 21. It's gonna be a 10. All right, so David. your So as you guys walk in, you guys see a white and a zombie. Oh no. Um, so David, you're up first. Magic stone. I'm going to take this stone down my little pocket. I'm going to start lobbing them. So, uh,
Would I be able to tell which one I would, I would personally, like I'm trying to not met a game. Could I have a sense of like which one I might think is more dangerous? I mean, you know that whites are pretty much more dangerous than zombies. Okay. I'm going to toss a stone at the white's head. All right. So I'm just going to lob a little stone at them. Yeah, go for it. You just have to make an attack roll. Yeah. But he uses my spell casting ability.
which is very funny. 11. Fuck. That misses. Yeah, just bonks on them. So I like look at everyone else. Apologies. The White is going to go ahead and do a multi attack, which is two long swords on you. Does a 14 hit.
No, it does not because I have Warcaster now, so I guess I can carry a shield. All right. And then does a 22 hit. Oh, yeah. All right. So. I like Giggle at the first hit and then he just fucking uppercuts. what be ah So that will be. Six damage slashing damage. All right.
Bit of a bruise. All right, Rory, you're up. All right. You know what I'm doing. I'm going to pull up my large grade axe. All right. I'm going to run up to this white and try to attempt to chop him straight down the middle. Go for it. All right. Here we go. OK, that's a 16.
That hits. All right, so that's one D12 plus three.
Let's see, you gotta find the D12. Okay, found it. Okay, that's a good thing I have great weapon fighting is my fighting style, because I rolled a two. I rolled another two, okay. Five slashing damage. Five slashing damage? I say no. All right.
Amelia, your turn. I'm going to cast Magic Missile on the white. Alright, go for it.
The white what? That is going to be a... I'm going to do a boarder board. board What did you call a white originally, Sarah? How did you pronounce it again? A right. I'm being brave and white stuck together. Yeah. I was like, you mean the thing from Game of Thrones, a white?
Yeah. That is the 24 hit. Yes, it does. Excellent. And nine damage. Oh, nine damage altogether?
Alrighty. Uh, next up is a zombie. The zombie's are gonna go ahead and take a slam at Rory. Alright. Hello, story. Dodge a... six hit. No. Alright, that's the end of its turn. Uh, David, you're up. Oh, V-Dad, you're up. I'm gonna take three of their rock and throw it again. Go for it. yeah
Go, magical rock. Oh, dirty 20. All right, that hits. OK, so it just kind of pinks off of its head. I can't remember how much damage it does once I get it pulled up on here. It's actually a pretty decent, I know that. It does.
Oh, OK, that's not too bad.
That's six damage, magical. All right. All right, so now it's the White's turn. It's going to go ahead and do another multi-attack towards Amelia's character, actually. Uh-oh. Like, looks at a... Mal is like, this guy's just throwing stupid fucking rocks at me. Does not work my job. Does a 13 hit? It does not.
Does A9 hit? It does not. Alright, the theme of its turn. Rory, you're up. Yay. I'm going to do the same exact thing. This time I'm going to go round to the backswing. Alright. Okay, I'm guessing A10 does not hit. It does not hit.
You could flank it. You could flank it possibly if it's in melee range of a one of us. That is true. I guess I'll try to get around it. Wait, don't you have multi-attack because you're level four? No, I'm level five. Got it. Unfortunately. So yeah, it's gonna be end my turn. I just completely whiffed it once I try to maneuver around it. Alright, Amelia, your turn. I'm... once again.
Actually, no. No, no, no. I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna go up to it and I'm going to stab it one good time with my dagger. Go for it. That's gonna be a 16. A 16? It hits. Excellent.
That's four damage. Alright. And now it's the zombie's turn. The zombie is gonna go ahead and take a slam against Rory again.
let's go Does an 18 hit? Yeah, 18 hits. Alright, so that'll be three damage. Alright, I'm just gonna take down the chain with a smile. Alright, Vida, that's your turn. Take Rock. and Once more. I cast Rock.
Oh, almost in that 20. Yeesh. That has a 25 to hit. It does. Okay. So I smack him on the rock again. Just pelting this guy's like, ah, fucking quit it. Stop it. Stop it. Five damage, but it's magical. All right. Go for that. That hits obviously. Uh, the white is going to go ahead and take another two multi attacks towards Amelia. I don't know.
does is a 15 hit unfortunately yeah all right that is uh that is seven damage uh rory you're up all right this time i'm gonna try to follow around with the another swing
you're flaking some blood blanking because I don't know about it but I'll throw it at dice eat that dice man okay now roll to 16 it doesn't smell like ice all right nice nuts okay wait would have tried to dodge out of the way of it but you just have to do so happen to be in the way we're gonna try to dodge all righty so that hit so that's a nice six damage cuz I rolled a three all right Storic, you're up. Not storic. Oh my god. Seville, you're up. I'm going to go up and stab it one more time. All right. Just keep stabbing. A what hit? Nat 20. Yeah, i hit. oh That's ah double damage. x Yeah, and you get to add your sneak attack to that, babe. Excellent. Oh, god. That's it.
and that's three so that's nine uh so 18 damage so how can i do this uh i'm just gonna stab it in its throat twist twist again and then i'll take out my dagger like a wind-up toy just correct and not it causes as you stab it through the throat it collapses to the floor excellent
All right. And now the zombie is going to go ahead and chip her own towards Amelia. Amelia's character right now. um Give me one second. to Imagine. So there's like all those videos of like the person rapidly stabbing some like a test dummy. That's an 18 hit. Yep. All right. ah That's for damage. The dead Europe.
I take another three stones out of my pocket. Oh my god. Magic stone! And I toss one at the guy. Alright, go ahead and roll for me. There's a 21 to hit. It hits. What is this, the Salem Witch Trials? Yeah, I'm really stoning people right now.
five days i would roll so many ones and tears dude you can use real dice i don't want to go get him i'm lazy me dad's got that uh he's got that uh homeless homeless yeah homeless shred all right pick up a rock or just throw it storth you're up all right i'm then going to turn to the zombie and i'm going to try to uh decapitate it go for it
It sounded like you just said capitate. and I was like, you're going to give it a head. OK, that's a 13. Whoa. What was that? A 13? Yeah. Yeah, that hits. Yay. I heard taffinate earlier. OK, that's a 9 for damage. All right. He's kind of give that zombie head and wake him up.
Seville, your turn.
frachasing Or an ability score improvement so this changes the game Okay, so I'm gonna go up to this one, and I'm gonna stab it all right does a 17 hit it does excellent
that one one damage damage all right so the zombie is going to go turn towards rory storak and um use his slam option bite me bite me does the 17 hit yes all right he bit me that is six damage charlie i'll take it it my Zombie! right mallow your turn I look down at the two rocks left in my hand. I take one. I grip it. I prepare to throw this thing out of the zombie.
You miss. Just dome the zombie again with the rocks. What are we gonna get Malo in a marsh? I know. We're waiting. That's the whole joke. Definitely waiting. Amo, we walk into him.
ah Seven damage, yeah!
I'm not even expecting to really, like, I'm just like, think I'm just like, I'm not even really helping here. And it finally, like, I just send one of the stones straight through its skull, just like, whoa! And the head just kind of goes... It just hits the head and it rolls down. That's a bit gruesome, ah and I'm like wiping myself off. Is the throat intact? What?
yeah It seems so. Yes. I'm going to run over to the head and pull out the throat. Oh my god. A man dedicated to his craft. Barbie, Barbie, I got the throat for you. um I imagine it's like a cat that went out and killed a mouse and it's just like, good there you go. Here you go, mom. I know you can't feed yourself, so I brought you something. So here's the dead mouse I got. All right. Now that you guys have killed the monsters, the room is empty except for a door.
Do we want to try this door? Is this a door we don't want to try? what What's the vibe here, guys? What are we thinking? What are we doing? Well, how are you all standing in your physical health?
What's your HP right now, of total? I've got 26 HP total. oh out of total Okay, so Okay 37 I'm looking for reason. Otherwise again It's work as a great smile his face though. If you all Get any more injured, please like me down and I will begin to administer it But I guess we should continue the door. Okay, I yell out that to
Emerson Barbie that we're like going through another door. Also, uh, real quick, my idea is for when Amelia has to leave basically her and Amaris just trading spots to be like, Hey, I'll tap you out. Kind of a thing. That way you guys can keep going through doors. Kind of a sitch. Oh yeah. I gotta, I gotta head out now. Yeah.
I will. I mean, maybe you can conclude. Come on down, Emrys. You have on now. so Above tables. Amelia, you're your weapon is going to be found in here.
So. I mean, I could I could stick around for that. OK. All right. Well, Barbie, you'll like look up off the table like, Emrys, why don't you help them out? Kind of a thing.
Yeah, ah I'll go and join them. I'll walk with them. Or chess. All right. Outful booty. And you guys go up to the door. It just kind of swings open. Oh, all right. Sus. I take a tentative step inside. and I got a little investigation. ah for Let's go gambling.
and Oh, hey. ah So you can tell that chess A and D are trapped. All right. Yes. I look to, you know, everyone with me. im So you said A and D, correct? Yes. Be wary of A and D, these two Oh, not A, D. I point to the two chests, the one I nuts about on other labels. I point to A and I point to D. And I'm like, be wary. It seems as though these chests are trapped, but I point to the other two, B and C. and um But these ones seem to be all right to open. I'll go ahead and I'll go over to C and I'll open it. All right. she and So C.
um So you open up chest number C and it pops right open. Chest number C.
We all have a stroke. A bunch of bones followed by a tattered wizard's robe. oh I'll go ahead and move on. Okay, it's it's just a normal, like, robe. There's nothing magical about it. Excellent. It's not cursed.
Actually, I look at Malo and I'm like, you want a cloak? It's not cursed. I'm fine with what I'm wearing currently, but I appreciate the offer. Yeah. Are we still in those nice clothes, by the way? No. You're back in your normal clothes. um I'm going to go over to B. yeah B? All right. um Brush B.
I'm going to need. crush b All right. So as you open it, you notice a dagger on the inside. Okay. That's all that's in there. Is it rose colored? No. Um, so a little bit about this dagger is that it's called my dagger happy friend.
And it has the properties of a plus one dagger and um also gives the advantage ah advantage on stealth actions and sneak attack rolls. Well, I take it. I assume none of us have identified to us just a dagger. Yeah. I like hold it in my hand. I'm like,
Does it have any kind of like sheen to it? Or does it have any magical? time Is it the Minecraft enchant? So you know, me um, it, it does have like a kind of a dark appearance. Like a normal, it like, it looks kind of shaded. Almost. I kind of like take it up very gently. Like I put on a glove, like a leather glove to pick it up and I'm like, well,
Anyone interested in a dagger? ah kind of look over dis seval Specifically you, are you interested in this item? Yes, yes I am. I'm very interested in new weaponry. I'm not a fan of them so I i gently and generally place my hands on it. and I'm so ready.
Just tackle it out of the air. I pull out my old dagger and I'm like, it was trusty, but look how dull this is. And it's, as you can see, it's very dull. Have you ever seen those really like overly like used like knives that have been basically turned into like, hold on, like people over sharpen them and they've had them for like 50 years. There you go. Put it in the Discord. Excellent. All right, I gotta head out.
I'm gonna go make fun of for being late. I will see you all at the next meeting. Y'all alright? See you later. Drive save. See you. Bye. Bye. Should've asked Seville to pick A and D for us. Oh. Oh shit. Whoopsies. Sorry, she doopsie. So why should we even hit first? A or D?
Uh, what the stork? What would you like? but Oh, and Justin over here. Yeah. Yeah. Emrys walks in the room as they've opened both of the first two chests. Okay. He didn't hit the warning. I see. but Oh, as I see you kind of walk in, I raise up my hand. I'm like, be be wary. i I point to Andy. I have identified these chests as having traps within them. We're going to try to disarm them and see what they may contain.
Oh no, I'm sure it'll be fine. And he goes and pulls A open. I'm going to... I'm going to give you two roll decks for me. I'm going to give, as I see him rushing over there, I'm going to quickly run over and smack him before he touches and give him guidance. Because I know some bads about that.
ah If I have to make a deck check, I'll do it too. I'd say a 17. All right. ummons You dodge a spike as it pops out from the bottom of the chest. Oh, I guess you hurt guys weren't lying.
So why would I? People make mistakes. It's it's it's all right. But be wary. We're going to test out this other one that is more than likely trapped and possibly as another spike. All right. And inside um there are Five potions of greater healing. I won the fireball. Oh, no. And a couple of scrolls that are disintegrating.
Disintegrating. You got there. You got it. Well, we can split these potions evenly, so I'm going to just do that. And these are greater healing. I don't know if I said that. Yes. yeah
The perks of doing this all online is I have a really nice- It tastes funny. character but so You're just already drinking it. No, it's just counting on healing potion taste. I imagine healing potions are very thick, like syrupy. Yes. I imagine it tastes like drinking cough syrup. Yeah. Yo! We got lean and D&D!
I love Nyquil! I want the the wand of fireballs. Balls. Flaming balls. Balls.
I don't want this. Did someone say balls? I'll pick it up and... You like balls? Emrist just thinks of it as a stick. Like, he doesn't know, like, one's too well. We should flick like this. He just, like, flicks it back over his shoulder and throws it. Oh, please tell me that activator. Please, please, please, please. It hits the ground. You have to be attuned.
Okay, well, I'm assuming since I drew it, I would recognize a wand. Yes, you would. It's not the unstable wall of the fireballs. No, it's not. That would be funny as fuck. Not yet. So I go and pick it up and I just put it in my inventory. Okay.

Unstable Magic and Surprises

I just need to use that you need to have it at the end. Okay. Nothing's funnier than having a seventh level fireball detonate on you at level five. Yeah! Totally funny! Fireball!
ball balls all right he's balling so i'm gonna go over to d he's not like does anyone have a uh a disarm kit or is that different i don't know how the aren't you like druid yes i have not a druid a rogue uh yeah why don't you get over there and start disarming some shit yeah i'm gonna give you guidance well actually you still technically have guidance so uh would you be so kind to uh he doesn't really use it that often as you can tell um but i guess he ah can i investigate the the chest to see what kind of trap it is go for it okay nuclear bomb uh that is a 11 above bomb give me one second
You see a strange metal spear being that has two hemispheres on it and it's being propped up by a screwdriver. Oh no. You see two balls. There are two balls besides you. It looks like a normal, um... Oh no! A normal test? Ew.
Oh no. were Were you sure about the sweat? I don't think it's that bad. and fli ah I'm self-doubting now. I was right about the first one. I'm already wrong about the second one. so um Yes, and did you touch the the chest?
i knew it yeah i guess he was like trying to like lift it up and like look underneath to see if there's anything or anything like that you are grappled as soon as i saw the chest i knew it um you are grappled currently as a mimic attacks you and you guys are all surprised so i was telling you guys to roll initiative ah
I'm not surprised. I knew it. I wrote a magic stone. What was that? I wrote a four for initiative. Oh, yeah, I got to roll. I got a six. Oh, I am grappled. Wait, wait. You did have a the guidance. I think that's for ability checks. Is that initiative as well? Yeah, initiative is an ability check. Oh, OK. So out of four. OK, so just 10.
I got an 8. Oh no! I'm just in for myself! Fuck! And Barbie's just under her desk having a mental breakdown.
but right Well, say we'll say Amelia's character went back in there. Yeah. All right, so um it's going to go ahead, take attack at Yesen's character, Amaris, using his... I don't know how to pronounce that word. ah It's this grapple action part. Oh, it's, it's a fuck, what is it, pseudopod? Yeah, pseudopod, yeah. Okay. He's getting freaky with it. I love my pseudopods. Wait a yeah second.
You're suing this pod. That is a 13, does that hit? Yes. That was me at UCK whenever I'd eat a rotten food at the pod. I'm suing this pod. I'm suing this pod. That is three damage. Okay. Then Rory. Okay, so it's top of the turn. Yes, then it's your turn. What can I do? Just try and push off and escape. Yes.
What will I have to do for that as a strength? um I'd say Dex. Yeah, Dex. Dex works for me. I'm trying to slip out of his grip. That's a six.
Okay, yeah, nothing happened. Wait, wait, wait, is that a saving throw? Hold on, wait. Oh, that is a saving throw. Oh, saving throw. I just didn't know. No, it's a building check spot. It contested, uh, athletes or acrobatics versus athletes. Oh, so it would apply to that. Yeah, the ability, sorry. So let me add another two. Uh, another four. So that's 10.
Yeah. Yeah. You still don't. No. Sorry. All right. Vida, it's your turn. I'm going to make some rocks. So I'm going to drop concentration on the guidance because I realize that it's just not working. So I have my rock. I want to toss the rock at the guy. Go for it.
a eleven
to the lemon to hit. You just barely miss it. Just damn, I really need to practice my throwing arm. Didn't that's it for my turn? All right. So the Mimic again is going to take an attack at Yesen's character, Emerus, using pseudopod.
you replie um Pseudepod. Pseudepod. Pseudepod. Pseudepod. an 18 hat. Part mitzvah. No. Ball mitzvah. What was that? All right. Balls. Okay. All right. Um, Stork, your turn. All right. I'm going to run in behind the mic, I'm going to say. Oh, you're mine, buddy.
as i Proceed to try to chop it, like basically like slice, I guess, a quote unquote head open. All right, go for it. We're going to grapple the mimic. No throats to get here. That's a tongue. All right, that's a 13. 13? That hit? Oh, 12. That's 12. Oh, 12? Yeah, that hits. Oh, mimics have really low armor. I know about the tongue. I tried to steal a piece of the tongue before last time we fought a mimic. No one had it because that was a two.
That's much better, 11, so that makes a 14 damage. Oh, 14 damage. All right. I guess i guess the extra sinks right into right the yeah top of the chest. It sinks through and does some damage. All right. Yesen, your turn. I will keep trying to escape this thing. that Oh, that's a 30-20.
That hits. Well, you're you're free. Yeah. Can I do anything else? is Or is that my turn? No, that was your action. Unless you have a bonus action. Disengage, I guess. Just run back. Well, dash backwards away. like Like crab walk kind of almost backwards away from it. All right. Yeah, you can do that. And then at the end of your turn. All right. David, your turn.
I wonder. I wonder what he'll do. I get like a, I get into like a pitcher's stance and I just like spin the stone. I hope this is a now one. Okay. it' seventeen It's Does that hit? Your technique actually worked. Like do I like spit out some fake dip or whatever? Just toss this thing into its head. Yeah. And how much damage? Let's see. 10. Oh, there we go.
Okay. Your technique really did work. Okay. That hits, obviously. And that's a turn. All right. So, um, it's going to kind of turn around towards historic and bite.
Oh, that is a 15 hit. No, unfortunately. All right, so that's the end of its turn.
ah Rory, your turn. Ooh. I'm going to, as it reaches out to bite me, try to chop it from the side. Okay, that was pretty garbage. That was that was a nine. A nine? All right. Yeah, that misses. So we both just kind of whiffed each other.
i looking at each other, glare each other down. All right. Yesen, you're up.
I'm probably, okay, I'm just gonna pull out the crossbow. um The new fangled, new fancy crossbow that we got.
It wasn't like a rock in these trying times. Yeah. So you simple out this, this little larger than normal, uh, like crossbow. And it's almost like glowing. It looks like a, like a CSGO skin so it's like oh with like, uh, the description is an aura of honor. Uh, neutral creature, by the way. So.
So that is a 18 to hit. That hits. And then something nine damage overall. Nine damage overall. All right. Mm hmm. Did you? Yeah, that's what the damage as well. All right. ah David, are we dead? Your turn. Cracks my knuckles. ah Wipes down my breath.
throws rock. a
Fuck. but Well, I said I think they hit. Okay. Got the technique down. It's looking down around. Rock. Rock time. Okay, that's my turn. It's now that it's a Mimic's turn, it's going to go ahead and take a bite out of storic. Does a
A tip. No. All right. That's the end of its turn. He's turning into the heap to fight again. course Miss, hit, miss, miss, miss, hit, miss. yeah I'm going to follow up that energy with an attack that's most definitely going to miss. Now 20. Dang it. 30, 20.
All right. Okay, so that hits. Okay, and that's 10 damage. Yeah, it's looking really rough now. ah Is that the end of your turn? Yeah. All right. Yes, sir your turn. All right. I'll lunge forwards and try and hit it with my short swords. Go for it. That is a 13 to hit. That hits. That is eight piercing damage. All right. Nice.
and Is that the end of your turn? Yep. All right. Vida, it's your turn. oh Magic Stone. The last one. The character is going to be a very one trick pony until I can get some other stuff. and But it works. yeah That's a 15 to hit. It hits. How do you want to do this? I just keep pelting with stones basically till finally I just I guess I land one that's just like on a weak spot and then just just nail it. All right. And as you nail it, it kind of like disintegrates into like ah bits and pieces of wood. ah In that rubble, you find a bag of holding.
away who
Seeing as like I like I look to my my back and just how much it my total weight of ah car equipment is 157 pounds I actually did the battle this is this how much should I have I'm just like Because I'm like a ah dungeon delver. So I have like everything that I ever owned on my body. I think I may take this if no one has any qualms. Yeah, you can you look like you need it. but I just instantly take my backpack off and just put it. Well, actually, I don't know. have ah Could I roll Arcana on the bag to make sure it's safe first? Yeah, go for it. OK. I don't want to metagame, but there is something that bad that could happen. ah That is I rolled a... Yeah.
That's a 17. Okay, give me one second. I need to double check something. The bag is mimic. Fuck! No, it's a A Russian nesting doll of mimics. Mimic is a mimic. No! Because there's definitely knowledge of cursed, like, ah like bags of holding. Yeah, oh yeah, it's not, you can tell it's not cursed.
Okay, then I'm going to just literally, I open the bag wide and I take my whole backpack and just shove it in the bag I'm holding. And you can hear Malo's every like joint pop as he starts stretching. He's like, oh, that feels so relieving. I've been meaning to buy one of these for ages, but I just never had the cash or the time. Oh, you see.
Just I don't know if you can hear that over the mic. Just oh, that feels refreshing. All right. Yeah. And we got Amelia's weapon, right? Yup. Yes. And I'm thinking, dagger I have something to run past you. I i was thinking that like Amrus goes in and but is like to, to Seville and is like, Hey, you can go, will you hang out with Barbie? I'll take over. And I think it's when Seville comes back in that Barb, like the desk is pushed over and Barbie is now just a wolf. Okay. Oh. That was my idea.
does she do that we're not there yet we're not there just yet all right so we just finished a room three ah you guys have opened all of the chest i believe yes yeah sure we did yeah we did okay yeah so Now, what would you guys like to do? I imagine Malo starts kind of dusting themselves off after the baseball pitches of magic stones they kept doing over and over and over again. Twilight over here? Yeah, I like look over. I believe the story, but kind of dust myself off. Is anyone or either ah either of you injured? Yeah, I mean, that hit me up pretty bad, honestly. OK.
I'm just fine. I am gonna cast healing on you. Just healing, just healing. Yeah, just healing. You just get healing. As far as I was like 11 from opening all the every single chest and not knowing if it was a mimic or not. I'm gonna cast healing word on you, by the way. Get back five HP.
so thoughts Five hips. And your character's name is Emrys, correct? Emrys, or just M. Whatever is easier. M and M. So it's just Emrys, Mallow, and Storik all in the same room, correct? Yes. ah Well, would we like to go check up on the others? I don't think there's anything else of interest in this or the room next to us. So we should return to the main room. Yeah, let's let's see how see how Bobby's doing.
i agree imagine risk scale I imagine'all walk back in. Barbie is now Direwolf and she's like in the middle of the room and I feel like Seville would just be like standing there like with arms out like oh don't do this like kind like a shush kind of a thing. I think that'd be funny. Yeah I'm just like it's okay it's okay and I'm like I'm like reached to pet your head it's a little bit like scratching behind your ears. Barbie's just there like shaking her little big head.
Like, no, no, no. Come on. I like get out like a piece of jerky. It's okay. She does that. That sniff. the
Do you want the tree? A side-eye. A little side-eye. I mean this lovingly. There's there no strings attached quite literally. And then I like put my underhand underneath it and I drop it into my other hand. See? No strings.
And she has a weird, weird thing Barbie would do. She'd open her mall. She'd open her mouth and she'd stick her tongue out. As if to retrieve tree receive I look questioningly, but I'm like, okay, i'll I'll go with it. I'll bite. And then I deposit the jerky in her mouth. She slurps it up into her mouth and she nods and sits up like on her butt.
Like my dog Chewie, he literally sits on his butt. Not like sits down. He will lean back so that his butt is what's on the ground. I can't believe that. I have a picture of it. It's so adorable. He sits like a little human. And I feel like that's what Barbie does. I like look over at Everest. I'm like,
is Is this normal? Because I look back over at Barbie. as was so Well, what I'm assuming I would be able to tell that it's probably Barbie. It's a direwolf that is blue and has a white boob window. So yes. Yeah. i also i like look over I'm being friendly with it. So clearly, this isn't a threat.
I like look over Everest and I'm like, it's just a normal experience for you two. Honestly, honestly I haven't have seen her be a wolf before. this is This is a new animal, to say the least. But I guess it's typical. You have to cut her ears, they're really soft. And ah as as I say that, I'm just kind of like giving you an ear massage. She's leaning into it. She's happy with that.
Well, I still have a throat for her. What should I do with that? I don't mind carrying it around, but at the same time, it's pretty bloody. Chuck it up for her. She'll grab it, I'm sure. Alright, I'm gonna take it and give it a firm toss right at Marvie. It hits her in the face. bo Oh, did that did not end well. She does a dog frown.
I'm going to. She doesn't grab it. Oh, you said you liked tearing out throats. Why won't you accept this one? She goes and like sniffs it and it just puts her head back up like man. Oh, it's because it's undead throat. Yeah. Yeah. Imagine it doesn't taste very good. Is this just becoming me doing dog role play? Oh, gosh. I didn't think about that. I did not consider that.
Well, you so so bags tale ah i ah you I'm going to look at you, Barbie and an Andrew Whittick. I'm going to say like you as well, like in that kind of, in that language. She blinks at you. and you wanna got suspicious animals Well, now she's a, she's a druid. ah Oh, I can understand. She just blinks at you.
kind of just like look like around that not really able to tell if you like understood what I said so I just kind of shrug it it was nothing sorry it was a greeting from my homeland I was just saying it up to the the wind was curious slow blink I guess there's really not much going on in there did you just call called barbie Dom I just said I don't think right now there's much going on in there She is wise as fuck, dude. What is wisdom without intelligence? She has a 12 intelligence. I'm going to go up to door three, kind of seeing that like nothing's really happening i in here. but feel like Well, i'll I'll leave you two to do as what you must. I'm going to go up to door three. I forgot that we opened this one. Yeah. but Yeah, we did. We opened everything first. OK.
Except for door one, I think it's the only way I didn't open. I think it's locked. Now that I know that there's traps fucking everywhere in this dungeon, can I roll investigation before I go into the room? You can. Okay. Or perception, whichever one you prefer, DM. Let's do perception.
Okay. And last you might walk into the room, then you can invest. For perception. I guess for 15. 15? Do you still not have your physical dice? No, I can go get him. I'm just allowed to fuck. We'll pick up a while. You're looking into room four, right? Yes. OK, so peering in, you can see chains on the walls and rusty blood stains on the floor. um And it does kind of look like there's pockets.
on the walls as well um that's really all you can see so there are pockets on the walls by pockets you mean like holes yeah kind of like holes could i now investigate to see if there might be because i'm very suspicious of that kind of stuff will the pockets like scream out to me anything dangerous or do i really just view them as just pockets you're your background is archaeologist right yeah yeah you would they'd seem suspicious to you Okay. His background is the apology. Yeah. Get it right. I went to barbered. Um, so I'm going to roll investigation if possible to look for maybe the trigger. Yeah. That is a 22 investigation. Okay. So as you look, you notice on the floor, it kind of, there's like little stones littered throughout the room.
Um, where it doesn't matter where you step, you might step on one. And that's the trigger for the trap. I'm going to specifically throw a stone. Like really hard on one of the triggers. Go for it. While standing outside of the room. So do you want me to make an attack saving, like an attack roll or? Nah, uh, could you do a Dex? How about that? Dexterity saving throw or? Uh, yes, saving throw. I was going to say step on it. Oh, hey, 20.
Okay, yeah, you throw and it hits and as you hit tons of arrows like shoot out and hit both walls. I do it again to see if I triggered the arrows. All right, can you roll again? Oh, there's not one. So oddly enough, despite how many buttons there are, you miss.
I'm going to try to throw again so I can at least trigger one. Another doubt one, let's go. Comedic timing. Oh, 17. Okay. You do it again and the same thing happens as before. Tons of arrows hit the wall. You can do it one more time. I'd say that's enough of them. Not 20. Yeah. Arrows pop out again. Hmm.
Well, I'm testing, I'm a researcher, and sometimes we must see how things react. No, three times is enough for me to tell that it is likely that these things are acting as magical shooters. So it is unlikely that I can make the arrows run out. So we will have to find another way past these. Is there anything else in the room? Like is there any other? No, it's literally just chains and petals of blood, ru like dried blood. Do you think this is a tormentor room? Likely.
Prisoners might have been kept here especially with they wouldn't be able to escape through a trap like this So maybe it is best to just avoid this room in its entirety Why are they not still there Maybe they were taken out they were removed from here pampire's got to eat sometime How fresh is the blood but i be mom So
You can't like, okay, without getting close, you can tell it's at least several days old. Okay. Um, but you don't know if it's any any older or not. and Okay. So it's not like a running liquid. It is. No, no, it's very much dried. Like it it's, it's gotta be at least a week old. Yeah. It seems as though like, uh, like I look back into Amaris. It seems as though that they did have prisoners.
but it's been a while since they've been here, so I don't think we're going to find anyone to rescue here. Yeah, I guess there's not much use for that room otherwise. So what route do we want to go to now, guys? What door? Did we go into so we go into four? Or was the one the only one that was locked and we didn't go in?
Yeah, one the door number one is the only one locked. Well, we haven't gone we only win to door floor. We only went into the room two last time, two and three. We haven't gone to room seven. And now we know that room four is just, there's not really anything in there, so it's not worth going. The last room that isn't locked. So I look at Seveille and Barbie as we're kind of walking through the door. i' like Would you all like to join us? sir It's better for us all to stick together. I know you are going through some grief. ah Bobby, is it? Yes. um Her wolf head nods. yeah you It might help to move around so that way you're not being snagged in your emotions and being trapped in your own head. She looks down at her paws like I'm already trapped.
Goddamn, what are you hilarious to have on a t-shirt? The walls are screaming.
But she does stand up from her sitting position. I'm sorry I'm already trapped. I'm already trapped.
and like gestures for you to to lead the way but their head ah like yeah like nuzzling you but you back but you and front This image goes hard, feel free to share.
All I can think about is she would definitely have like headphones on right now. You're just here. Tonight would be even though I would fall for you. Yes. Yes. Oh, gosh. umbi My face hurts from laughing. I'm crying. This is why she's going to have a Southern accent. She's in her emo era. Wait, wait, wait. I have. I have.
Could you imagine Barbie in a Jersey accent being so upset be like, I'm already trapped. couldn't wasn't even fun ah Midwest emo. Yeah. oh my god like She listens to exclusively Nine Inch Nails, My Chemical Romance and like Daddies and Falling in Reverse. Yes.
and and falling in reverse it's I'm not a vampire but I feel like yeah fail it's hard to share like the wired earbuds like yeah he has his hair swoop over days like
That has to go on the tumblr, Sarah. That has to go on the tumblr. That was hard. That was really, really hard. No, in Discord, in Discord. Okay, yeah. That's exactly what I imagined what we used to do. I'm already trapped inside.
i Just nod and continue on. um Before I enter Room 7, can I make another perception check? Yeah. Okay, but anyway. I just realized Barbie's gonna look like one of those, uh... Like those, I guess, quote unquote, sparkle dogs that, like, girls would draw in, like, fourth of grade. No, no, no. Barbie looks like a werewolf from Twilight, but with the blue filter. Oh, man. It's even better. Yeah, Room 7, you went to check to see if there were any traps.
Yes. And I rolled an eight. Eight? OK. So 18. 18. So what color of blue is Barbie, by the way? Light blue. But hold on. Can you so like sense things similar? OK, I'll work on it. um All right. So in this room, you on the west and east sides of the room, you see two doors. You also see three bags kind of scattered throughout the room.
You don't see any traps at all. Okay. Whole room is a trap. I'm going to investigate the bags. Can I do that before I touch them? Oh, dang. That is a 22 total. Though they are normal bags. Okay. I'm going to open the bags.
All right, so bag one has 10 potions of healing. ah Bag number two has five vials of holy water and a vial of garlic powder. And. Fuck yeah, time to make some Italian. Yeah. And bag number three has 10 steaks in it. Like what? What? Oh, oh yeah. what Yeah, not like meat steaks like as in wooden steaks.
I'll split the potions equally with everyone. So everyone should get to thank you. and um common ones not the yeah greater Yeah. Barbie don't need none.

Humor and Social Commentary

you just want my own onto your goal Okay. I'll hold on to yours for you later. She really like never needs healing because she just becomes bear. Become bear. She's kind of like based.
does anyone else want other items besides the healing potions i don't want to overload my pack too much even though you do now have a bag of of holding it's very true yeah barbie doesn't have a pack like i dis so he's a lone wolf i'll take the garlic powder how much is it damn i would say one You know the really big, or not the really big, but the medium sized containers you can get of garlic powder at the store? That size. So it's like 12 ounces. No one laughed at my pack joke. I'm very upset.
Oh, I didn't even hear it. Yeah, I didn't even hear it. I across this woman's blog makes some carbies that are social commentary. Like they're not official, but it's actually really interesting. I'll redo it. Barbie doesn't have a pack. She's a lone wolf. You're just saying this in dog form.
No, she hears you say pack and that's in her head. Like it's like voiceover.
All I can think about is those videos of like a husky complaining and it's just... oh oh That's Barbie. Alright, so which way do you want to go now? What do you guys think? East or West? Left or right? East.

Coin Flips and Character Interactions

Do a coin flip. Or odd or even? Odd. Alright, it's even. You're gonna go left.
i've never i only mean you never gonna handle i wrote a twelve it's very good yeah The best, Steven. So, you, the door is normal. The door is extremely normal. I don't have a pack. I'm a lone wolf. I would like to know like to note that I am doing the Trump hand gestures. Oh, obviously. Every time.
I'm going to open this door for the Americans so we're going to go in. We're going to make it great. The greatest we've ever seen. The economy's recovered. It was great. It was great. The best we've ever had. There better not be any traps. Anything that makes my, I'm straight and anything that makes my dick hard must be straight.
My tummy hurts! Hey, let's not drag tummy hurting into this, okay? Some of us have hurt disease. So in this room, there are four chests. Would you like to do an investigation? like Does anyone have a proficiency in investigation as well? Let me check.
Stork does not have an interesting intelligence-wise. But I have an 18 in intelligence, so... I have a plus 2. No, that's a plus 1 for investigation, and I'm a bear. No, I'm a wolf. I can do it instead if you would wish if you wish. Well, our modifiers are the same, but i if you have a... You have to send it. You got a plus 0?
Yeah, I'm gonna go in and open up chest B. Chest B? So inside- I tried to grab it first, but it just failed to. Also, Ray, I would like to say, I did not know you were going to shapeshift into a wolf before you were doing this. Inside, you find a wolf pelt and a- Is it blue? It's a normal wolf. Whoa, like Barbie isn't a normal wolf? Whoa, that's fucked up. da It's gonna be in our inbox.
Well, holy and who's holding the wolf pelt? Emrys. I feel like Barbie is gonna walk up to the wolf pelt in your hand, sniff it a little. You can have it if you want. like I ah don't know what you want me to do with this.
we show show and She's gonna turn her head away like that's not a real wolf It's not me. That's not my pack. I don't I don't care. I Don't care mom. I don't care oh who ah heart Of disguising That's better for a rogue ah <unk> I Can take it or embers can take it I ah Can I disguise to make me taller and normal sized? No. Sorry, that's kind of out as much. Okay, I will take that then. Okay, it's it's like the normal hat of disguises. Oh gosh. Someone has a complex. What's funny, I've always wondered about this with the hat of disguises. Do you personally perceive the changes?
no you yeah you you don't how i'm gonna rule it is that you know you're so short but you know you're so little baby but baby man well little baby baby child he's not the greatest he's a little baby man it's wrong if you wear heels and platform Yeah, so you yourself or like still know what you look like and you still see yourself but To everyone else you look normal. ah You look like you want to appear Okay, cool. Oh, what kind of fat is it? Um It's a cowboy hat
Wow. I never really have an idea, but you know what? I watched Twisters last night, and Lin Powell. That's fair, honestly. Yeah,
that's He puts it on and nods around to everyone. And he just grows a few inches tall. No, no, I won't do it yet. I don't need it yet. You gotta do it gradually so we don't notice. Yeah, the gradual. So we don't notice and then all of a sudden we're like, wow, you're really tall, dude. Oh, late growth spurt, huh? Yeah, I mean, yeah, I don't even change anything about myself, just my height.
You know, we had a teammate that went awful lot like you. So we have A, C, and D to open. I'm going to walk to D. I'm going to roll investigation. Go for it. That's a 17. OK. It appears to be a normal chest. OK. Well, if it appears to be and ah a normal chest, I open the normal chest.
It's a normal chest. I swear. It's a bomb. On the inside, there's a note from a person named Ted K. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Oh, no. No, no. No, no. Ted Bazinski? So inside is a single ring. It's a normal chest. They didn't do transgender operations on it. No. It hasn't been to prison yet.
Yeah. It mimics it. They're eating the items. They're eating the potions. so yeah i da Inside is a single ring. Okay. What what does it look like? Is it just a gold ring? It looks like it's a silver ring. You can't really tell. I prefer gold. me Do you want to perform an arcana trick? I have an overall arcana trick. All right.
Man, the one character I'm playing that doesn't have a fucking identify. Quick test, what color jewelry do I wear? Yellow. No! It's a 23 total. Okay, you can tell it it feels magical. Does it feel curved? Or does that not sound able to tell? It feels magical. It'll be in the white hat! You can't tell if it's cursed or not right now.
For a second, I almost thought you said it feels metal, and I was like, oh yeah, I hope I'm able to tell that. Yeah, I sure hope it does. I'm going to put the ring in my bag. Oh, so you grab the ring? Cock ring. Yes. Oh, no. God damn it. Yes, I do. So you're so crippled, and I need you to roll. You all to roll. What is it called? Initiative? Initiative? was a mimic.

Episode Conclusion and Announcements

Thank you for listening to the 10th episode and the 2nd part of our Halloween episodes. We are going to have a part 3 as there is lots of content we have recorded so that will be out next time we upload. You can still find us on Twitter at daggers underscore rose and rosecolour daggers on Instagram and Tumblr.
We have a website and a Patreon, which you can go and look at now and be sure to review and rate us on whatever platform you listen from. And thank you for listening.