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Vladdy Daddy #8: We're In It Now image

Vladdy Daddy #8: We're In It Now

S1 E8 ยท Rose Colored Daggers
12 Plays4 months ago

We've made it into the city... but will we all make it out?

Intro/Outro Music:







Costume Stories from Ren Faire

That's fine, there's so much to talk about. but That's true, cool dresses, everything. Like I was saying, um that's actually a costume thing we did yesterday and I. was When I had my hair up in like the horns and stuff, I also did that for, um I was dressed as that for Ren Faire the one year.
Oh, was it last year's or the? I don't know. I think I only went with you guys as a group one year. The other year I the other two years I either skipped because I had work or it was my second year. Yeah. Yeah. Because the first year I just stress funsies.
um The second year I went is Jude. And then the third year, I just did like a water nymph kind of thing.

Exploring the Cruel Prince Series

Yeah. Because I had my fun blue dress. But yeah, I love Cruel Prince. I'm obsessed. Cardin and Jude. It's really good. And so far, I like the new character. I forgot her name. Ren? Yes, I love Ren. Oh, she's so slay. She's like Jude, but like
po yeah i he Feral. Feral Jude, which is crazy because Jude's already feral. I love it when authors make a character feral. I am only... Yes.
Well, I'm i'm still in chapter one, but I feel so bad for her. Yeah. And like her life sucks and so sad. Like her whole backstory is so sad. Yeah. And just how she's treated and everything. Oh, and I love the her being like the main POV character through it because she's just feral.
As much as I would love to like, have another book or two with like Jude and I would kill, I would kill for just like a domestic life and fairy little book where they're also just kind of committing crimes.
i in the real world as well. Yeah. No, honestly in fairy like I'll take anything. I'm anything. Oh my god, that would be amazing if she did one where it's out. I don't know if oak ends up taking the throne because again, I haven't read the second book yet or even read through the first one, but if Oak actually gets the throne, and then they're like, okay, bye. um And then- We're going to retire. Retirement time. It's just, oh, the plot twists in the Cruel Prints series are so good. but like You can always tell that there's something weird with Locke, and then you find out it was a whole test for Taren.
and i oh i screamed i or i didn't okay actually it was like 2am so i didn't scream however the earth was there i was enraged i that i i think you could tell exactly when i was texting yes when i got to that part oh i knew it i knew both of them were Yeah, that's what I said. Yeah, you were like, because but earlier I was just hinting like hee hee ha ha. And you're like how ominous sounds like I know what lock does. I just a little bitch. I just didn't like walk from the beginning either. Yeah, he get it the egg. He gives Tamlin. No, do not insult Tamlin. I think Tamlin just needs therapy. Lock was just
you a I'm trying to think of a character in Avatar. Yeah, because we were comparing Taryn to Elaine and I said she's Elaine, but with purpose. Yeah, Taryn. Yeah, lock is if Taryn, if Tamlin didn't have empathy.
Yeah, I guess. But I will agree Locke is more like purposefully malicious, but... Oh yeah, I forgot you're a Tamlin hater. I hate Tamlin. I can't believe you don't absolutely hate him. I don't hate him, but... That is the hottest take you've ever had. It's because I don't like rice hands.

Unreliable Narrators in Literature

It's because everything is written from a very, unre very unreliable point of view. It is pro-Rysand propaganda. I don't hate him. I feel like he gets very much character assassinated in the last book. But I can't tell. Oh, Rysand? No, I didn't like him from the beginning. I kind of did. Oh, the line. I mean, come on, Shadow day the shadow Daddy.
Again, he you was going to let his mate marry someone else. he as yeah The tent scene with the people dying in the background. yeah Yeah, that was weird. I didn't even remember that happened until you guys mentioned it. With the whole marriage thing though.
Yes and no because like he was trying to push her to be independent and make her own decisions about what she wanted kind of thing and I do think it was very important for her character arc to have that scene and to for it to go that way. um But I do he has his faults and I do agree it's pro-raison propaganda and it begs an interesting question for the last book if all of it like how we see Ryzan the first three four books compared to number five when it's no longer in Feyre's point of view and it's from an outside point of view there could be some interesting commentary there well my thing is i think he's going to end up being the main villain of the series that would be such a plot twist and i would love it
I don't think it'll happen because he's he and Feyre already had a kid. Just because you can still live and women be a villain? Well, yeah, I know. But like that's one of like the biggest like character. dirt like It would go against a lot of general writing style and like unwritten rules to me for him to turn into the villain at that point.
It would take a lot to convince me at that point, really. But it's not just like a gotcha thing. I don't know. um' i Again, I'm not reading any of the rest of her books or that book until I'm promised that Elaine does not get together with... Asriel. Asriel. Agreed. Except I'll read them to know.
so Oh yeah, now i that's a spoiler that I'm gonna get from you guys. I cannot read that. I'll take the bullet, don't worry.

Dungeons & Dragons: Entering Valaki

But anyways, get in losers, let's play D&D. Oh, that's like you!
All right. yeah Hi y'all, I'm Sarah, the DM. I'm Ray, I play Barbie, a sea elf druid. Hello, I'm Yesten, I play Amris Dewey, a halfling rogue. No, I'm not, I play Jolt, a human hexblade warlock.
Awesome. So, Here is what happened last episode. Y'all met back up with Ismark and Irina to travel to Valaki, where you guys ran into several different, hold on, ah several different Valhalla time. Yeah, several different groups of evil things. And you left off right in front of the gate of Valaki. So, um, what would you guys like to do? We're supposed to head into town, right? Mm hmm. I'm guessing what it seems to be there's two guards posted right next to the gate and the gate is shut. Do we knock on the door? I think we ask for them letters.
I mean, they can see us, can't they? Yeah, they can see you. Okay, we can see them, right? Yeah, they're still like... Okay, so you have the gate and then you have two... I think they're called battlements and then it's like an open top and they can see out because they're like... Oh yeah, because it's just wooden palisades. They're not like covered or anything. Okay, cool. And I did use battlement right, correct? Yeah, I call those battlements tracks.
Well, who wants to ask? I don't think they would like me very much. The little rock thing. I think I'm a monster. I think they'd be interested, no?
Perhaps. Yeah. I'll give them a shout then, see if they'll let us in.
I'll walk up close to the gate and shout, hello. Hello there. Yes, me and my cohorts here would like access to the town. On what business? Why were we here again? To protect the lady.
Yeah, we need we need refuge for- Yes, that's it. Refuge. Ismark's daughter. Sister. Sister. That's it. We know what we're doing. of who Who's Ismark and he was- Lesser, he hates himself. Self-deaf. Ismark and Irena- Kill this father. No. Ismark and Irena are the burgomasters or misers or whatever. The burgomiser!
the The Berkemeister's daughter, yes, we're were helping out the Berkemeister's daughter. Yeah. and We are looking for refuge for the Berkemeister's daughter. Understand how dangerous it is out here at night. Which town do you guys hail from? What the fuck was that name in that little hovel?
Walter Pipes up back. It's Barovia. Ah, Barovia. Oh. What's his name? I love that he just went, what's his name? Colian. Ah, Colian, Burger Master Colians, kids. All right, come in. i eat All right, come in. And they open up the door.
Oh, that works. That was pretty easy. All right, let's head in. People here are very trusting. Look at this, these Burgermeister people are big business. Yeah. So as you enter, you you as you guys enter the gate, you notice you guys are near a um what looks to be a stockyard. The large stockyard has several locked sheds along its property um and lies adjacent to a roomy warehouse. The wooden sign above the front gates reads RSX Stockyard. Parked at the south end of the stockyard is a sturdy carnival wagon, its colorful paint peeling off. Faded lettering on its side spells out the words
Um, carnival of wonders. A heavy padlock secures the back door.

Exploring Valaki and the Church

I know it would be fun. What? Wonders.
I said it was a stock a sex stockyard and it does sound like a sex stockyard you okay and hope ah the okay you also see a uh it kind of looks like a booth with a very bored looking teenager friend where's huh where's brennan brennan it looks like a booth Oh my god!
A very board-looking human teenager hanging out on the inside. It's a bones reference. oh Yeah, I don't know. The only bones I know are the ones inside of me. It's okay, she plays with those two. I don't even know all of the bones inside of me. I have one bone inside of me.
shut up no I and it hurts my head because I know a lot about bones. That's very weird. But again, i'm a forensic anthropologist I was a forensic anthropology major. I studied astrology.
i So that means I lost my train of thought. Damn. I'm disappointed in myself. Don't worry, guys.
I was going to make a joke about your brain knowing about your own bones or something, but then I kind of just lost track of what I was going to do for the punch line and then just kind of go home. Your brain's a muscle, not a bone. I know. I'm talking about a muscle knowing a bone. I thought that was weird. They're friends. Is the brain a muscle?
Yeah. Yeah. how one How is it a muscle? doesn It doesn't really like does it contract? Does it like pulsate? I don't know, but like but we should probably get back on track. need just figure yeah You keep going. I need to figure out why the brain is considered a muscle. All right. So um you see a whatever a human. Teenage are hanging out in the booth looking very bored.
Would you like to approach? Is his name Brennan? Sure.
Yeah, I'll approach. Hi, I'm Barbie. Hi Barbie, I'm Brennan. That's such a cool name. And you're in this booth? It's usually the other way around.
Are you like security for this place? What are you doing here? It's like, let's go now boy. I am just working part time. I'm supposed to guide people wherever they need to go. Oh. Do we need to go somewhere? Is there a bar? We just drank.
more um there is um but is there anywhere else you'd like to go uh it's mark where where do you want to go oh we should probably go to the church that will be where irina is most safe ah yes where do you have a chapel here yes uh we have c and rolls church uh it's and then he he kind of gets up And he's a little bit shorter than average, and he like points towards like the total law episode end of the town. It's that way. Ah, thank you. Out of curiosity, is it a specific god's church? Oh, yeah. It's the Church of the Morning Lord. Fuck. Emrys looks interested. me Oh, OK. What is really something?
Avocado, thanks. Who was the saint of the church again? What was that? Who was the saint of the church again? See, Andrails, his bones are what protect the church. That name sounds awfully familiar. Maybe I knew this fellow. And I like, I'm gonna like elbow nudge embers and like, hey, maybe yeah ah the morning lord can protect your bones.
You have no idea. Well, there you go. Let's get moving, I suppose. It's like he makes a scrunch trying to think.
Okay, I guess if I have to. You could do a religion check. I could. I'm just I'm just doing this for first thing. Do I just like done from like so long ago, do I just know the guy?
um Is it a religion check or a history check? who I would do a religion because it is a religious figure. You know, fair enough. let me all i worry about careful of events but I might give a little bit more insight into who this dude is. That is an 18. An 18. Give me one second.
um I'm going to keep talking to this teenager and say, uh, so do you also go to this church? Are you often at this church? Do you want to, but you know? like Are you trying to ask if he comes here often? He's a teenager. Never said which age teenager. How old are you? I'm like, you know, twenties.
but still a little too old for a teenager of any kind. You, okay, sorry, hold up. I'm not. You vaguely remember hearing recollections of an up and coming Saint before you were petrified, but you don't know much about him. Oh, I remember him.
I remember he was just getting popular. Did you know him carnally? You remember him as priest, Andrew. I remember he was a priest. Looks like he made it all the way up to a saint. Lovely. Anywho, what were you- sorry, um, Amaris, what were you asking the teenager again I was reading?
ah Just if he could show us so the way to the church. Yeah, he pulls out like a pre-drawn map and like circles where the church is and just hands it to you. You get a quote you got a cool pamphlet map that looks like something from Disneyland. You also see, funny enough, you see dates in which different festivals happen.
Woah, it's an event itinerary! If we come here the next seven days, we could do a meet and greet with Woody and Buzz!
Um... Maybe we can get them to sign our mystery machine. It's not green! We need to get paint! Paint's expensive in this economy.
What about wood stain? Do they have green wood stain? I think that's just algae or mold. Yeah, why don't you go get some algae then? Algae woman. It's not pronounced algae. Algae? Algae.
What? Algae, I said. but What did you call me?
No, it was in the plan. I'll have you know, but he is firmly bisexual. and
So on the screen I just want to know a little bit about the festival of the blazing sun that's happening within the next three days. Okay, I point at that excitedly. Guys, can we stay for three days? This looks interesting. I'm in no rush. Sure, I love a party.
That's okay. Great. Perfect. And iy can i can I turn back to the teenager and say, are you going to be at the the Festival of the Blazing Sun? everyone Everyone has to go. It's mandatory. Yeah. Why? The Burgomaster says it. Well, you got to do it. Okay. Well, I might see you there and ask you more about the Morning Lord. Food.
I didn't pay attention during Sunday school. You're better off asking the priest. Why wouldn't you just ask the priest? I don't know, the first person we we met. Why do you want to know about the morning lord? He seems like a little stuck up. You haven't met him, okay? I've met a lot of people who talk about him.
It's all those riddles kind of annoying. No, no, that was how surely that was not him. I mean, it was someone who follows him. And if you know, the followers are stick in the mud. ah you You don't know, he could be he could be different. Are you trying to say you know like the other guys? He's not like the other gods. And I'm not like other girls. What's your point?
Mm-hmm, too shy.
Anyway, if we're gonna, if this posse is gonna work, compadre, get over it. I don't like him. Okay, what yeah you don't have to like him. Do you like him?
and ah ah um ah Gay. What? No, no. no no no I can say that, I'm bi. You sleep with men!
um' ah be it's It's been a while, okay? And you think a god is the one to get back in the saddle with? Have you not slept with men? Are you a virgin? No, no, no.
Let's get to this church, please. let's Let's go. You probably like church. I've grown sick of lovebirds. When was the last time you saw a lovebird in Barovia? Oh, don't you know? Two just flew in. What?
it Hey, who? So, as you make your way through the town, you notice it's rustling, hustling, bustling, whatever. And everyone is, it's way more lively than um or then the village of Barovia was. There are people like putting stuff together for the Feast of the Blazing Sun. Where's it praying? Whatever. The Festival of the the Blazing Sun.
And I would say it's slightly more happy, but it's also Barovia still.

Seeking Sanctuary for Irena

Yeah. Anywho. Everyone is sad because there's no sun. It's just gray. They're very vitamin D deficient. I will give you that. No question. It's your people.
oh No, that's just Embers' people, not mine. ah I'm sorry, Mr. British man. It's your people.
Okay, yeah, that's fair. oh my god's I thought you meant me as in me personally, not the British people. I'm talking about British people. ah Your vitamin D deficient? Yeah. Yeah.
Anywho, after about an hour of walking through this town, you, sorry, you end up in front of what is the St. Ambrose Church, the This is a slouching century old stone church with a bulging steeple in it in the back and walls lined with cracked stained glass windows depicting various saints. A fence of wrought iron encloses a garden of a garden of gravestones next to the church and a thin mist is creeping among the graves.
As we're, like, walking up towards the church, I'm, like, eloing Emma's again. Like, you know it's okay if you're gay, right? No, I know. i yeah My problem isn't with that. It's with the morning lord. ah Well, i um I haven't met the morning lord yet. So how do you know you like him?
Why are you know the i think so more adamant about this? Are you jealous? Me? I'm talking to the blue one, not you. I'm not jealous.
Why would I be jealous? That's a question for you to answer. Huh? Let's just go talk to this priest and get this over with. Yes, please. Let's go. You're a little too eager.
That's You've made your point. We need we need sexual support. If you're going to try to romance the morning lord, you need to have a little more confidence in yourself, Emrys. Yeah, you should. pivot'
who So he kind of nudges his way forward as he is a, um what's the word? A cleric of the morning ward and he steps up towards the church. Door opens and it is, there's no description. um It looks like a very old church on the inside. It kind of looks like if the church back in Barovia was actually kept, but it's still very old. I wonder if there's a vampire under this one too. i' Not in this building.
This one just looks like a normal church for once.
Mm hmm. So that's better and see if we can get her a room with the priest. All right. um And as you guys enter the the inner part of of it, where like all the authors are and whatever. The sanctum. Sanctum. Yes. You see a old man kind of kneeling in front of the altar praying.
to the morning lord barbie doesn't say anything but she does roll her eyes when she sees this like oh come on again another one what would you guys like to do i think we motion for his mark to take take this hitting him and his sister forward yeah okay his mark kind of like pushed his way to the front and like has uh i ran his hand or arm in his and kind of like moved a little bit closer to where he's with him five feet of um the the priest
he He's like, excuse me, I need your help. And as he says that, the um the priest, who from this this point on is called Father Lucian, kind of straightens up and turns back to look at him. He goes, I need sanctuary for my sister. She has been attacked by the Devil Strahd, and we need her to not be eaten by him, you know?
Father Lucian like stands up and he kind of looks around, he's like, shh, don't say those words. There is. It's a chair. And then he like mows out the word devil's rod. A bit of a faux pas. It's like Voldemort.
He's like, not for me. Just the play and the ocean, it's fine. Not for me. The the Burgomaster here, he he does there isnt the there is no Devilstrad according to him. Oh, I see. A fake news-er. What? This Burgomaster is an interesting fellow.
Yeah, there is literally no war in Valaki. um As he says. Against the the the the ah forces of evil. Forces of darkness, whatever. There is no war against the force of darkness in Valaki, according to him. And he likes to lock up people who say otherwise.
I hope he's correct. She, she, I don't think he's correct. He looks at you. Yeah, we've seen them around. We've seen the fighting. Yeah. When he turns back to Izmirk because I will grant your sister sanctuary.
I have a spare room. I for her to stay. um and walter's walter just like pops up he's like i'm also going to stay and like help guard her so the double straw doesn't come for her oh but walter we were just getting to know you you come back for me it's fine are you sure yeah less likely i'll run into demon chickens here
You're sure you'll be o okay, and you'll work on that drinking problem we talked about? Sure. I will totally work on that drinking problem. Walter, insight check. Yeah, um, hold on. I'm gonna roll in section. And I'm rolling in section, hold on. I have a plus four to insight. I don't have his character sheet pulled up. That's a 14 on insight.
Well, he got a 15 without adding any bonuses. Damn it! Okay, Walter. As long as you're sure you'll be okay. all right Yeah, I'll be. Totally fine. Okay. And he goes and like kind of slumps down at it. Not an altar. The thing you sit on. It's the pews. you The pew. He goes and like sits on a pew.
watching you guys talk. Anyways, Father Lucian finally looks up at you guys at the rest of the party and he focuses his attention on you, Barbie. Oh, I haven't seen a female elf, well, ever.
Are you part of the Vistanis who are like camping out not too far from the west side of town?
No, I'm from the sea. Um, I probably should have guessed that considering you're blue. Yeah, it's kind of like in the way. I was about to ask why are you blue. Yeah. I've, uh,
I'm not really from around here at all, but... ah I couldn't tell through all of the blue. I kind of walked out of the ocean, and then I turned around and I was lost.
That's understandable, I Everyone else thinks I'm crazy. I don't know you enough to say if you're crazy or not, but you seem like a well-adjusted bank. Well, I'm Barbie.
It's nice to meet you. Hi, Barbie. I'm Father Lucian. That's an interesting name. Thanks. My father gave it to me. You're so funny. Anywho, but anyways, the Vasanis are out back that way. they If you want to learn more about the double straw, they can tell you more. I will say,
these the the span of the stonys are shall we say very standoffish are not standoffish what's the word mean that's that's better i hate people that are mean i guess you won't like them well Depends, they can change. Mean people sometimes are mean for a reason. Right? Perhaps if they've had a very worrisome past. What do you think, Emerus?
i think I think you're pretty good at making friends. Oh, really? Thank you. Walter in Time said, I know I'm not coming with you guys, but I think you should go. You could at least see more of your people. yeah Are people? I mean, elves. Oh, uh... Is that how that pronounced now?
I don't really think any of them are my people. I thought it was elves. Is it elves now? I'm a- I'm an elf from the sea. It's a little different. Ravi, is it elves or elves for the plural? Um... I couldn't tell you. But aren't you all children of cor- Coraline?
Well... Are we all children of Coraline? I think there is- that's the person that is a creator and preserver of the elven race.
I mean like I guess so but like a lot of it's a lot of like where you're from you know what elves and CL don't have as much in common as you might think that's true I guess we'll get going there then you know might as well try who knows maybe there is another CL for round So you guys want to head towards the but Sony camp? Yeah. Might as well.

Discovering the Vistani Camp

So as you guys make your way, you pass out. You don't pass out. I pass out. You head out yet another gate towards the wilderness and you kind of follow trails of litter like bottles, um discarded
boxes, stuff like that until you make your way to the Vistani camp. um The woods part to reveal in expansive clearing a small grass covered hill with low houses built into its sides. Fog obscures the details but you can see that ah that these buildings feature elegantly carved woodwork and have decorative lanterns hanging from their sculpted eaves. Atop the hill above the floor the fog, a ring of barrel-topped wagons that surround a large tent with a column of smoke pouring out through the hole in the top. The tent is brightly lit from within. Even as it's distant, you can smell the odors of wine and horses that immanent emanate from the central area.
fun oh you reckon you reckon that's the town hall maybe if a place like this has a town hall seems to be town hall shape or like pseudo town hall because you know we're in an actual town anyway but yeah for the vistani we should probably check it out either way yeah yeah but let' ah let's add up there
sounds good So, okay. So would you guys like to approach the house first? Or would you like to approach the tent? I would suggest the house. Hmm. I suppose we shall go to this house. Yeah, I guess the house. Okay. This is the main house.
All right, so standing quietly in front of the house based in the warm light of its lanterns are three Solan gray cloaked figures. Their angular features and black flowing hair have hidden under their cowls. They think that these were my people. I mean, my hair is silver.
maybe try looking under the cow And Can someone do me a solid and? OK, can someone do an insight check for me? I have a plus four, so. OK. Or well, knowing what type of alpha would that be insight or would that be investigation?
I mean, insight works. Yeah. Insight's better for me. Oh, does it matter? That's a 13. Okay, ah you still pass it. ah Okay, while you're not familiar with these types of elves, you do recognize that these are dusk elves.
Yeah, so this is a race of elves that have been pretty much all but forgotten, except for in a few small places. they are They're known for being very self-reliant or self-sufficient and are very good trackers.
So they use, well, Maybe they'll have something to tell us about you know what this place is or what these people are doing. Yeah. So would you like to approach? Yeah. Hey, I'm Barbie. What are your guys' names? I'm Chad.
Huh? And your friends? Oh my god, I did not. I forgot to get named. I was going to do Thad. Brad. We can't use Brad. Oh, that's right. bra Brad is a separate entity. Um, Mad.
Oh, I was gonna do something general like horns. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's good. Yeah. So, Chan, Dad, and horns. Well, it's nice to meet you guys. We're kind of new to the area. and I'm sure you could tell. I'm gonna stop you over here. go He points towards a um
a hovel that's like right across from them you're gonna want to speak with uh cashmere cashmere?
k a s i m i r i guess it's cashmere cashmere? cashmere? cashmere? cashmere? why? he is the leader of this camp Oh, that makes sense, that makes sense. Sure, the dark scouts at least. Okay, sure. I turn around and I start walking to the hovel. Yeah, okay, we'll do that. You can try and decept them into saying, oh, we've already spoken to him. We can go inside. Nah.
No, we'll actually. And like once we get over there, I'll like lightly knock on the door. Come in. And as I'm opening the door, I'm like, hi, I'm Barbie. We're new here and we're like.
trying to figure stuff out.

Secrets of the Dusk Elves and Amber Temple

We were told to come here. Yes. um And he stands up from where you were sitting at like a desk. um My name and is Kazimir Velikov. Velikov. And I'm the leader of this this um group of desk elves. Fancy. And inside, hold on.
And inside this, you notice like tons of books and ah battle maps and spell books. You like reading? books I do. oh Wait, spell books? Yeah. Are you a mage of swords?
Okay, yeah, he is a mage. Oh, interesting. Yes, i ah I am a mage. I do like studying magic. What kind of magic? Well, ever since so my sister was murdered, um... Was it that S fellow?
Strad? We were told we weren't allowed to say it. Oh, you're talking about the crazy people inside Valaki. Yeah, the burgermeister was the priest, the priest. Well, yeah, the stand by he doesn't want to say it. The priest told us not to say it because the burgermeister doesn't like it. But anyways, yes, because of Strahd, I've been burdened by dreams that I believe she has sent to me
Who's your sister? Have we heard of her? Uh, Petrina Belikovna. Okay, yeah, no, we haven't. Yes, she was murdered centuries ago. Oh, that explains it.
In response to her murder, um because she was a bride of Strahd, he murdered all of the women.
in our group. Sexist much.
That's terrible. I'm sorry to hear. oh What's it to you? why Why do you need to know about this? Why do you need to know about Strahd? Well, curious. We're hearing a lot of bad things about the guy. He's not a good person. That makes sense.
Well, I kind of have friends that like- I forgot to use a freaking country accent when talking about- It's okay. I'm getting this to have a motivation to kill Strahd. Okay. Yeah. Well, you see, I have these friends that kind of like to go out and like save the world or whatever. Um,
And you're going to the Troy Strahd? Well, I might try, if only so I have a story to tell when I go home. Then you'll need to go to the Amber Temple. Oh. Why do these people just keep sending us different places? Because that's where we need to go. We needed to go here and now we're going to go. OK. You know, I'm learning that a lot of things about like fighting evil are really just like, people need to talk and like say where things are. And this seems like a little inefficient. um But you know, well, listen, we'll go. Thank you for sharing your trauma with us. I appreciate it. And I will keep an ear out if I hear anything about any of that.
Can I go with you to the Amber Temple? Why? um I mean, not that I'm saying no, I just, you know, curious. I'm a curious little little. Well, you'll need a guy, the one she wants you. Oh, yeah, we don't really know where it is. And we I mean, we have a map you can just point it out to us.
You're going to want to say yes. I mean, as long as you promise no funny business. With utmost sincerity, there will be no funny business. Pinky promise, and I hold out my pinky. Ah, the was yeah the sacred pact of the pinky promise. Yes.
That's the thing you do. Obviously, he hooks his finger or his pinky around yours. And ah good husband shield I to the guys like, okay, we can trust him. I mean, he wants to kill Strad Strad as well, don't you? I would hope so. Here is something for you. There's devil Strad. I would love to see him failed.
Yes. um And then he like pulls out a key from the from a necklace on him and he reaches down to a drawer and unlocks it and pulls out um what is effectively the to the tome of Strahd. That's a big book. And I like whisper over to Emma again, like I'm leaning over like I'm not subtle at all.
I still don't know how to read. It's fine, Bobby. I guess I can read it to you. OK, phew. Here's a little bit about the tome of Strahd. The tome of Strahd is an ancient work, ah an ancient work penned by Strahd, a tragic tale of how he came to his fallen state. The book is found in thick letter in a thick leather cover with steel hinges and fascinating. The pages are parchment and very brittle. Most of the book is written in a in the curious shorthand that only straws employees. Stains and age have made most of the work illegible, but several paragraphs remain intact and readable. Well, maybe not read all of it to you, Bali, but... I'll send you guys what they actually say. um
ah who Well, I appreciate the sentiment, Emrys. No worries. God, his handwriting's terrible. yeah Oh, I thought that was just a new form of carbon. He's just bad with quills. Yeah, no, he's very bad. I expected somebody of his caliber not to write like this. Yeah, I don't think he took classes.
Perhaps he was too busy killing the innocent. Perhaps. I was going to read it out, but it's written in cursive, in like old looking then it's like two pages long. I will send you guys that later. Yeah. Well, lead the way to this temple of Amber. I mean to prepare first. Prepare what?
We need supplies for our journey, do we not? Isn't it like just down the road? Oh no. Aw. We just got here and we gotta leave again. We have a- There's a party coming up. Will we be be back in time for the party?
When is the party? A couple days. and three Three days. three days hold on where is a Don't be so desperate. You have to play it cool. he He wanted to know. Gotta play it cool. Like me. Okay.
I will need much longer than three days to prepare. So, a couple days, like a week? Okay, we'll come back. You let us know. One week's time. Yes. All right. Give me one second. And um what's the word?
So you guys want to make your way back to um the town? There was the tent, yes too, right? Or is this the tent? This is one of the hovels.
I didn't plan anything to go into the tent yet. Oh, OK. OK, cool. You can hear they're really drunk, though, and they're probably all passed out. OK, cool. Yeah, let's go back to town, maybe.
see what else is going on. What what time of day is it around now? I don't remember when we arrived. So you guys arrived. It was around noon and it has been between journeying from one side of the town to all to all the way out here.

Confrontation with Lord Soth

I would say it's around seven p.m. Oh, OK. Early still. It's starting to get dark.
um And it's about a 30-45 minute walk back to Valaki. When you're about halfway there, you guys start hearing a whispering rush of air that kind of comes from behind you guys.
chilly I need one of you guys to roll me a perception. Perception? I have proficiency, perception. so I do not. Ooh, that's a 19 plus four, 23. That's a 20. Actually nevermind, that's like a 17. All right, party? Because it was, you needed a 20.
you damn you as you turn around you see a tall figure kind of appear from um out of the fog oh he is wearing full metal armor and has a like plate mail and he's also holding a shield hi
I'm Barbie. Who are you? Who are you? He is. Oh. He is going to go ahead and fire. Hold on.
Give me one second.
um He is going to go ahead and fire her Hold person on not ah dances now he and I someone to roll me a history check. Hey, what kind of what kind of uh, what you say it was wisdom safety throw um charisma Charisma. My history is just a plus one. If anyone has better. No, I've got zero. Stupid dice. That's an eight. You are. Well, actually, I need to double check. I believe it's paralyzed.
Yeah, well, yeah, you're paralyzed, but I just need to look at the spells real quick. Well, of course, the one time I died is like, hmm, you can get high numbers on these random skill checks with saving throw, bad, get shifted. And not can't make the history check, right? Yes. Okay, go for it, Bobby. Oh, that's a natural 19. It's gonna be hard for me to- Plus one, dirty 20. I can't do it, I'm getting paralyzed. Do you recognize this as Lord Soth?
lordhood destin night ah Lord Oh. Lord Soth. Um, he... Wow, Soth. ...began to call him Grace with an act of heroism. Saving an elf named Isolde from an ogre. Oh, so he saves El. So I'm okay. Did you did you see my pointy ears? I'm an elf. You like us, right? So... Because we just, like, cock at the south. However, you...
Remember, he killed his wife. Oh. So it doesn't like women then. Could we like say that like me being a woman and me being an elf kind of like balances out and so we're even and we don't have to fight maybe? He goes ahead and he takes his longsword and makes an attack.
ah swings it. swing Yeah, I am. ah I'm paralyzed. So I believe wait, let me double check the paralyzation condition. ah You are. Yeah, you. What's the word? um ah Yeah, you're paralyzed and paralyzed. Oh, fuck. I forgot that was a thing. Yeah, I've been to melee attack that thing autocrats.
Yeah, he's going to go ahead and do a multi-attack with his longsword. I'm we could talk this out, there's no need to get I'm getting stabbed! There's 19 hit? It crits! It's an auto crit. It's an auto crit! Just roll, either roll a damage dice and double it. yeah um So that's a d8 plus 5.
and then Oh, what are you at? You're actually be a fool. Oh, I have. a Okay. So I did get a chance or literally so I'm like a 35. Oh, I thought we hadn't long rested yet. Oh, if we have it, then I'm a 22. So Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. Yeah. ah because I'm still at 17. That's a seven. That's a 14. So 14 total? Yes, 14 total. 13 or 19? For what? ah How much damage did I take? 14. 14! I am down to 8! Okay, ah there risky I need you all to roll initiative for me, by the way.
Oh, I'll roll it. I don't know how well because of how the spell works each time you um it's your turn. You have to roll a. What's the word with right? I think it's a strength check to break it. Oh, no, it's still charisma or charisma. I'm silly. You know, it sucks. I have like a plus five to my charisma saving those and I still flunked the check. Oh, no. Also for that initiative is like an 11.
And 11, okay. yeah Mine's eight. I thought I got a one, but I got seven, so I'm on nine. Okay. All right. So he's going to go ahead and take another attack.
towards not. Are you really sure you need to do this? Like I'm it's another crit roll the baby i'm sure we could just talk this out. Like there's no need to get your sword involved. Like everything's okay. We're just walking, right? We're just walking. That is a six. Did you roll the hit? Yeah. You, you don't have to. ah No, I, oh, I meant damage. Sorry. Damage six, even doubled.
Oh no, I didn't do a multi attack for that one. Oh no, it's a crit. So did you roll damage to six? That's 12. That's 12, I'm down. And as you down, your character is consumed in this black smoke. And. I was like spitting out blood while just like getting stabbed. Yeah. So zo what?
on Amorous what's happening? i then the de look so And disappears ah hot just am um I just am I still I just gone at this rate. Am I still like actively being consumed into dust you are gone? It was literally like you got you fell down or you fell down you got Downed and then you're gone. Um, I What just happened? What are we supposed to do? I don't know one image of like that guy that's just staring at like a blue portal that just says adios. Adios. Adios. Where did he go? I i have no idea.
what what are re What are we supposed to do? i don't i don't What happened? What just happened? I don't ah don't know why that thing attacked. It's what? It just stopped him. from? I don't know. I just saw it after the wind blew and then it was just there. her he He wasn't a cool guy. he he he All I know is he saved this elf's life. And that's why I was like, oh, I'm an elf. Maybe we could talk this out. but then But then I also remembered he killed his wife and kid. So like he's a sexist, too. And I don't know what i don't what just happened. Maybe maybe we we should. I don't want to go. But um it's not safe. But like where where did he go?
Is there anything on the ground where either of them disappeared? You see blood and actually can you do me an investigation check? I can do.
That is a 21. So you see like ah this black suit. You don't know what it is.
but this this is what's left but he was just here he can't be gone he can't be gone he was just here this it was just a few it was just a few seconds just a few seconds and then he he was gone where I don't I don't know if we should stay here but I don't really I don't want to leave without him but we don't know where what I don't know what's going on
Okay, I'll pick up the the suit or the the fabric stuff. Oh, like as in soot. Sorry, not soot. Oh, soot. I'll still, okay. Emrys will like fall to his knees next to it and kind of run his fingers through it like sand and let it fall.
And like Barbie bring up like behind him, ah tears down her face, like so distraught, doesn't know what's going on. Like, in a way of like a person who's never really had to deal with like, super, like big, like events in her life, nothing really terrible has ever really happened to her. And so she's kind of like ah a kid who's just like had to face like, bad something like bad emotions for the first time in her life. And it's just like, i I'm scared. maybe Maybe we should go and come back when we've slept or some, I don't know, maybe this is all just a dream. And if we go back, he'll be here when we wake up.
Hopeful, hopeful thinking. Yeah, that's, we should have back. He can't, he can't be gone, right? He, no, he was just, just right here. And now, no, no, he, no, that, that wasn't normal. That he, none of this is normal. I just want to go home. I'm scared. All right. And are you guys in a break for camp right here?
No. No. We're gonna go back. I see. Um, you know, how, we're, um- I- I'll get back to the church. So I will say, when you guys get back to the, uh, the gate that you left out of, it's like locked shut. You can't get in. Hello? Hello? Did they take- did he- oh.
um you Can someone do an investigation check? I'll do the i'll do the checks at the moment. and Thirteen.
Thirteen. You find that piece of paper kind of taped to the door. It says, because of short staffing due to the festival, this gate is closed for the night.
um And the next nearest gate is several hours away and I would not recommend traveling through the night. Why why are the doors closed? What's going on? Did they take did they did they take more people? why why is no this is This is just bad coincidence, Barbie. Are we stuck out here?
What if, what if that guy comes back? No, I'm sure. I think he's done all that he wanted to do. But why, why, would why would he just do that to, to, to, to see she, and then, and then leave us. Why, why, what if he's going to come back? What if he waits until we're asleep and then he comes back and he takes off?
And do you guys want to go ahead and break for your one rest? Yeah, we're gonna find a- We'll start setting up, but like Barbie is still clearly like brink of a panic attack. like She's like trying as hard as she can to like set up like a right next to the wall where she can like see all her surroundings and like making sure that she's like got like at least one like really stable like
place that like she doesn't have to watch over so that she can focus her attention on like everything around her. Yeah, we're gonna find a place where we have like sides around us almost like at least two sides are covered by like the wall. What are all your guys's passive perceptions?
a 12. Mine's a 10. um okay damn so you don't notice this but and as you guys are setting up a ah thick bog kind of what what if he comes back what if he kills us what if what if she's dead what no no that no he can't he can't be dead that he just disappeared
heard Where else could he be? he's been up longer so I need to make an investigation check. Oh, no, a perception check. Sorry. Oh, that's better for me. ah That's a dirty 20. So, Barbie, you notice it got extremely quiet.
emmorpress I don't feel okay. think are all of a sudden All of a sudden, you feel rejuvenated, like you had a good night's rest. And as you're you're trying to get Emma's attention, you notice your body, both of your bodies, slowly melt away. And that is where we're ending it for today.
Thank you for listening to the 8th episode of Rose Coloured Daggers. We're going to be uploading the first part of a Halloween special on Halloween and then the second part on our normal schedule. You can find us on Twitter at daggers underscore rose and rosecoloured daggers on Instagram and Tumblr.
Our website and Patreon are in the description of the episode, so please go and join them, go have a look. Please review and rate us on whatever platform you listen from, and if you want to know more about Zolt's disappearance, you can listen on. Thank you for listening.
oh ah oh no Barbie's having a panic attack next step so we're starting with a Barbie panic attack cuz she is not okay
Oh my god. I'm sorry. It was a very somber scene. I just couldn't help it if just like Barbie was like actually breaking down and says, hey, can I get a perception change? Yeah. I can't be like, god damn it, Sarah, let me roleplay for a second. Sorry, I was just like kind of excited. Let me have my panic attack.
It's okay, you're going to have a lot next lecture. Yeah. next Next time, we're starting out with Barbie in a panic attack. I'll tell you that much because she's like, Emma? So when she disappears and she's like, Oh, God, I don't feel so good. No, not it thrills literally, she is like,
I wasn't kidding. Like she is like a ah toddler who just like had to deal with the death for the first time. And it's just like a mess. She is not prepared to handle anything. Yeah. And I will say, um, that is also the introduction to our Halloween, uh, our Halloween special. Yes.
yeah Halloween time and yes not will not be there uh things scheduling is just a nightmare and yeah frankly we cannot slay that beast at the moment college can just be a bitch sometimes yeah simple as that and you know classes yeah so not we'll be taking a break from the podcast for a bit we will I will randomly appear in your dreams and then make you
Shit your pants and then leave. Who knows? And then all you have is a memory of me in a soiled bedroom. Who knows? Maybe he will come back. Maybe we will find out what happened at all. Maybe not. We'll see. You'll have to. So yeah.
by that was maybe no That was I was ready I was getting into it I was like i'm going cry know Yeah, you do very good job by the way makes me feel bad again for leaving god pany that's why i was doing it it's just Like oh yeah, you got more friends that are joining in and you're making everyone else feel like shit I it's not your guys is right i just like a funny situation i was like, I'm going to milk this for all it's worth. Barbie's going full tears, like panic attack little kid. drama And sorry for interrupting you, but I was just like, I was getting excited.
also i thought we believe that No, it's good. I was, I was getting into, into the roleplay. I was like, this is the time. This is the bonding moment.