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Vladdy Daddy #12: We Are So Back

S1 E12 ยท Rose Colored Daggers
12 Plays2 months ago

In this episode we meet Bahrbee's friend Steve, and learn something about a few members of our party. Remember everyone, consent is important!

Intro/Outro Music:







Introducing Romancing Rasmodious Redux (RRRR)

Okay, you can tell us about the hot wizard now. Okay, so I downloaded a mod for Stardew Valley. ah That goes with expanded really well. It's called romancing rasmodious redux revamp. That's an excellent name.
also known as RRRR and I was like okay the wizard's kind of fine I'm not into like the whole anime boy thing so I downloaded another one that they recommended and it's good it's a good mod I just married the wizard in one of my things and we've got we've got events coming up anyway but he is a lot hotter now because he doesn't look like a gilf and I'm not into gilfs ah What? He also talks exactly like my fiance. say It's the tism.
he is He talks the same. He's like, I always sleep so much better when you sleep over because Stardew Valley expanded lets you sleep in your boyfriend slash girlfriend slash partner's bed. Fun fact. Yeah. um And so he's like, I sleep so much better

Personal Connections to the Wizard Character

when you sleep over. And I was like, shut up. You're literally my real life fiance. Sorry, David, but you're literally my real life fiance right now. So every time I play the game, I'm like, this just feels like David wrote an OC for me to download. but You virtually cucked, I might as well make it like me. um I'm sorry, ah did I hear something about premarital hand-holding? Yeah, get that out of here. It's just a sleepover, so no, nothing happened. I hear certain points, not just sleepovers. No, no, no. I cannot tell from that. Sleeping in the same bed is alright, you just have to not touch each other's hands, otherwise that's...
or breathe the same air. Is it okay if you're wearing gloves? You have to wear an oxygen mask. No.
This is getting a little too close to Amish soaking conversation. Amish! Amish! Amish! I apologize to the Amish. I did not mean that. Did the Amish fuck? do we have didn the amish Do they bang? Hold on. Yeah, they they actually have to spit out. How do you think they get more Amish? They have to put like ads and papers to get like fresh studs in.
on it away more rules Let's see, let's see. I'm gonna get arrested. Let's see sexual habits of the Amish.

Cultural Differences and Humorous Traditions

Whenever I first started pride ah for band back in 2018, one of the black, no one of the grad students.
um for the band was a Mormon and he came from BYU and his name was Terry so that was also the time when that whole medium was like put it in reverse Terry put it in reverse that's when that was coming out so we just yelled that at him all the time um but also like we just started making Mormon jokes at him like hey do you soak with your girlfriend do you ever get the other grad student to come over and help you jump No, that's wild.
That must have been such a culture shock, though, for going from BYU to UT. Well, he also had been here like he had just gotten off like his mission, um which it's oh, he was fresh. Yeah. But likey were you also the place that had the cold fusion scandal. Maybe. Um, uh huh.
But Terry was cool. He was a really cool guy. um It was weird being out in Wyoming all summer. and then um
meeting. I saw this one lady when I was in Yellowstone and she was wearing a Tennessee sweatshirt and I was like oh my god somebody from back home and I was like oh hey like what part of Tennessee are you from she goes oh uh no my son just did his mission there and I was like oh okay and then I walked off and she just like kind of like weird look and I was just like well because I had ran into a couple that were from like Cleveland Tennessee like earlier in the week you ever give the Mormons a chance to talk and they won't stop oh no i know oh i definitely i know you can't this says mission i'm out yeah i know i was like i don't i don't need to hear more i'm good at my old job you're my favorite thing by the way

Tennessee Encounters and Humor

go My favorite thing about being a UT graduate is that I'll walk around with my sister and anytime I see someone with a Tennessee thing, I'll yell go vols just to mess with her because she thinks it's the most embarrassing thing I've ever done. I was wearing my my UT hat that I got from being in band. I was wearing that like on my trip and like every time I went to Yellowstone, if I wasn't wearing that hat, I was wearing my USDA hat. I was wearing my UT hat on the way back in the amount of times I got Go Vols. I was like, oh man, we really are everywhere. Yeah. Dude, oh, oh I have a fantastic thing to tell you. um So
my Both me and my mother partake in the smut genre of books and we will talk about them sometimes and my dad will sometimes be like, oh, what are you reading to my mom? Like a fool.
He will read over her shoulder or take a look at her tablet when she's like walking away from it for a second like a fool and He makes a joke about like, oh you're gonna read the Amish porn or whatever and So for Christmas, I got him an Amish romance was that cowboyly No, it isnt it's uh, who's Mary I think Who's mayor? The two wrote that one. um but i Unfortunately not smutty. my girl my girl My grandma used to read like the Amish and Mennonite romance books. When she died I inherited like 20 of them

Emotional Impact of Fanfiction

and I was like I don't want to read these. My cousin still likes them much. My grandmother reads more cowboys.
eighteen make my grand grandma Oh gosh, please don't watch them. Yeah, I read Ram Ranch.
nowadays i'm a shameless plug to blue dayss on archive of our own ah currently reading the hellish rebuke ah sql love lamin it love lemonate or something Yeah, love's lament. Still on chapter six, it's not me. Love's laminate. It's not me. I almost cried. I, whenever I finished chapter six, I almost, like, I was like, oh my God, poor baby Astarian. My poor little baby boy Astarian thinks that he did that. Not spoiling. But damn. Hellish rebuke ended and I almost threw up. Not like actually, but I was like, ugh.
i be It took me forever to read it because I subscribed to their account, so I would get updates when they were on to my thing. So I was like, okay, do I do that? And then I got like, I think the update for the first chapter of the new book. And I was like, okay, we're doing this.
And I finished the last couple chapters of Hellish Rebuk and then started the next one and I was like, oh, this is too good. Did you see where there's an AU that's Raphael and Lilith romantically getting involved? The she wrote or Smiles? The she wrote. It's a light of flame.
Well, who's Mary? No, no, I found something way cursed. Oh, no. Hold on. Sheriff. I was looking at Ram. I actually had to spoil this because this has come back. I didn't know that, Amelia, but now I got to check it out because I really like Raphael. I found this one looking for Ram Ranch stuff. Oh, God. Why why Ram Ranch? Ram Ranch. That doesn't sound bad. Yeah.
Ram Ranch. 18 Mickey cowboys down at Ram Ranch. I think I can... 8K Mickey cowboys? There you go. Why? Why? You see the text? I'm closing the team? No, it's just city boys need abs. Boys make do.
Why? um I think what am I? Oh, don't know. I thought it was a couple of ball bearings or something really tasty right now. I couldn't figure out what I was looking at, but I have figured it out now and I am. and I have safe search on right now. It's in my book. Yeah, yeah.
I don't know about like, I don't know, uh, 12 by 70 millimeters of ball bearings is sounding really good right now. He's drifting off that rack in the thickness of the neck. He's probably at least two or three.
don forget this is actually mature buck stop we don't need to know well at least it's not statutory ah okay okay okay and but yeah my playinging indeed
Please stop. Please stop. We're having an 18 plus tag on this one. Oh, I have all of them marked as explicit. Don't worry. That's fine. You know, that means we showed the picture, put it out of the. thumbnail. Oh, no, no. Putting him time.
you but i like Maybe put it on the tumblr. How about that? I'll extremely blur it out. How about that? Make it one pixel put one pixel in keep it in That's what she's doing. So let's. OK, the deer didn't say that. All right, so let's get started.

D&D Session Recap and Emotional Moments

um I'm Sarah, I'm the DM. Oh, yeah, I forgot about intros. It's it's been so long. I'm Ray, I play Barbie, a CL druid. Hi, I'm Yes, then I play Amris, a style halfling rogue.
Hello, I'm V-Dad. I play Mallow, a human druid. I'm Amelia. I play a half elf rogue. And I'm Tacos, and I play a half orc fighter, yeah. All right. And so a quick recap, because it's been a hot minute for everyone.
um The mayor may not be here already. Yeah. Um, so where we left off, y'all had just finished the dungeon from the dungeon where I have no idea what pause I had an entire spiel. Um,
Give me a second. spear away but sir okay yeah I do not know when to stop. Correct.
Yes. um And you guys fought your way through that, got some cool loot, saw too many mimics.
and on the tell me about it Don't worry, I have warned Sarah, she is not allowed to have any more rooms with four chests and one of them is a mimic. I have yelled at her no more. For now.
No more. Who many? Don't worry, I have other things in store. Okay. As long as it's not a room with four chests, yeah I will be happy. It'll be four caskets next time. Bro. Not the existential dread. Let's go. if i If I drew something, how do I erase it?
you have to de delete I will throw myself at the danger. Why why is there a lizard? and Why is there a lizard? Why is there a lizard? Why is there a lizard? Why is there a lizard? Why is there a lizard? Why is there a lizard? Why is there a lizard? Why is there a lizard?
i show but they got roll but bes friend don't do anything don't do anything you can't just ask on whetherfield lizard yes i can i just did so french lizard
He has a cigarette. He's also depressed. Look, he has a little droopy thing coming out of his eye. Hold on. He has a cigarette. That is going on our tundra. What autistic person drew this? then you could just It wasn't me, so there's not many more options. Did any of you ever take French in high school? We don't.
Did you ever have to read the stupid poem? We can't afford French in the in Pennsylvania. Did you have to read the stupid poem that's like he put the coffee in the cup and then he cried in the... know like one yeah I thought you were about to do like a song like he put the coffee in the cup. We had to do that one all the time.
and we televisiongenioia blah bla blah and then like also the avoir song and the etra song to learn the conjugations. Yeah, I never remember that for us. oh yeah yeah we had to do that one The only thing I remember ah about this poem is like Caffe ole en la petite cuer and then il ple or whatever. So all I remember is like, the coffee is in the cup. They put the milk in the coffee that's in the cup, and then he cries. like I put my face in my hand and I cry. And that's like the entire poem. It's just talking about making your fucking coffee and then crying.
Possibly. I don't know. I didn't really pay attention to any of the poems we did. Right after you guys jumped through the portal, y'all came back to where we came. Oh, sorry. Emrys and Burryby left off. And you just saw a figure leaning against a tree when Burryby burst into tears. And I think that's where we left off.
Yeah, I'd be crying. I'm ready to cry. I've been watching so much Jenna Marbles and, um, i miss her so much warning. that My mannerisms may be affected, but also, um, I love her freaking, the one video where it's like best mascara to cry. And she's like, I'm going to puff up my chest and cry obsessed. I watch her to go to sleep.
I miss her videos so much. They were so good. I watched them all the time. My best friend got me turned on, Jenna. ah We turned ah out of animals when after the portal report. Yes, you are out of an animal. No, I'm sorry. You just finally reappeared as well. So now, as we left off, there

Encounter with the Prince of Frost

is a man leaning against a tree. Scary.
He looks scary to everyone else because you can tell he is kind of otherworldly. He has, like, a his skin is pale, but his, I had, where's my description of him? Okay, ah so his skin is, his it's like tan but pale at the same time.
I don't know really how to it it looks off. And his eyes just are a kaleidoscope of different colors, ah like different colors, like reds and golds and yellows. But he he also has in his hand a pretty large glass filled with some sort of liquid and ice.
um And as soon as he says, I see Barbie, he says, Hello, dearie. And what would you guys like to do? Barbie burst into tears as she is want to do.
um and runs into his arms. I was thinking like would she feel like protected by him like yes because just kind of not even really like hug him but just like fall into his arms kind of a thing and wrap her arms around him just like falling into him because she is just so distraught and you watch as he kind of like picks up his one of his the arm that has his uh drink in his hand and he just like starts slowly patting your head kind of like how one who's not really comfortable with um physical touch just like slowly like a dog i trying to like that is like they're there yeah looking at you but but he's still looking at the rest of the party like I wouldn't say with murder in his eyes but he's very suspicious of you guys okay so he is
it backtracking he's like looking at the rest of the party in suspicion as he's trying to comfort the crying person uh and under like barbie like through tears will be like they're okay i'm not but they're okay
Emrys has drawn his short sword, like, as soon as he's seen ah this person, and he's he's just kind of watching what's happening, but with his sword, like, I'm concerned, like, watching. And then you kind of, like, watch as he kind of, like, takes his fingers, and little sparks pop out, and then it kind of zaps your sword. Oh. Not enough to, like, electrocute you, but just have to be, like, god ah um drop it, you know?
Ah, so you can cast a few spells. Yes, I can. And he kind of like looks at you, historic. And he's like. Above table, are you still hiding that you're an orc? Um, not actively, but yeah, I guess. Okay. Well, like it just hasn't been brought up. Okay. So he just kind of looked at you and he's like.
or And he looks at each other and he's like, so what are you all doing here with Barbie? I don't know. yeah I was honestly on i was ah on a personal trip. It's OK, Sneed. They're nice. They're nice. They're my friends. We've had a party. and why are you Then why are you crying?
because I've seen a lot of things and now I made another friend but he's not here because he's dead and he didn't even like me anyway he didn't think I was his friend I thought he I thought we were friends and he didn't want to be my friend he thought I was annoying Steve can you believe that he thought I was annoying no no barbie he didn't he really didn't no he did he did he did and now he's dead so i can't make it up to him and i can't i can't fix it and if you think you are annoying
He was hated to know me. That's true. That's true. um And then we got, so he died. And then we got flown away to see is somewhere. yeah I don't even know where. And then we saw Tahara and then she ignored me. Yeah. And she ignored me. And when you, what do you mean he she ignored you? She pretended like she didn't know me.
I was afraid of this happening. That she would just decide to hate me? And then you were hitting on the host of the party? Okay, but let's not mention that. You were hitting on... Strud? I didn't know at the time. I guess that's his name.
i I was hitting on him before that, and then I learned, and then I was still hitting on him, but that's not important right now. Your taste in women has not changed. My taste in women isn't too great either, I'll be honest. Yes, obviously.
Actually, that's funny. It's not been a great time for me, Steve. Yeah. um he kind of Like so like cast like a better version of common emotions. It lasts longer. So you go you you you still feel your stuff but you're not as sad. I love that you're so determined to just have Barbie tamp her trauma down.
ah hurry no it's why it's funny It's so funny.
i it's magically anti-depress my my feet My vibes of Barbie, as she never learned emotional regulation or control. So she can't tap down her emotions. She feels everything all the time. Just give her some extract of Poppy. She'll be fine. She needs some Zoloft to be real. Yeah.
that's yeah that's valid um wow she's getting a fix of calm emotions going to i apologize in advance but you are going to need to take out a straw not on a date not Oh, but I could really use the eco boost right now. I don't think he'd be interested considering he has Tara as his bride. He was interested in that that guy's sister.
Why wouldn't he be interested in me? I think it was his own sister, actually. that No, it was his brother's sister. No. Are you trying to make Strahd an incest? Oh, no. Oh, no, right no, no. Would you be surprised? His brother is fiancรฉ. Sorry, not sister. No, Iskall, or whatever his name was. His sister, we were getting her to Vlaka, or whatever we are, to get her away from Strahd.
Wait, which are you talking about? The one we're getting away from, Strahd, because... Oh, no. Sorry, that was something different. You're talking about the lore. The lore of lore. The curse of Strahd, but you guys got... I'm not talking about lore. I'm talking about the things we actively did. Yeah, no, you guys got the book from the Strahd dude.
yeah Yeah. And it was talking about, unless this is something, it was something different. Hold on. Let me double check. No, it was our first thing of like the drunk guy whose dad just died, who killed his dad as far as Barbie is concerned and was like, Oh, I need you to take my sister away from here because Shaw's trying to get a Rema or whatever. ah Yeah, whatever. Yeah. No, different. different Um, or what kinds of different?
Strange. Strange. I just realized I fucked the plot, but we'll fix it.
Just don't pay attention to it too closely. Just sort of give it the plot hole. It's fine. It's fine. I'll fix it. Anyway. I'll fix it in post. It's fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's fixed. Consider it fixed. Editor? Fixed the plot. Let me go back through all the episodes and change that.
yeah has ah Yeah, no so he he is the other dude's sister, but um the the you got a book and it was talking about what caused Strahd to go insane. I don't remember if I actually told everyone or if I just sent Emerus the details. I think he sent it to everyone. Okay. Yeah. So the entire, I think the entire thing of this spiel was Strahd has a brother.
Brother has a girlfriend that Strahd wants. Strahd gives nuts. But why doesn't Strahd want me? You're too good for him. Huh? You're too good for him. Oh, thank you. But that's wrong. That's not true. Oh, zone of truth. Let's see. He is really in the elves.
Yeah. So I have a chance. You do have a chance. And I put my hand on your shoulder and I look at you meaningfully in the eye and I'm like, you've got a chance. Thank you, Savail. That means a lot. you like you're not an am And that's his whole thing with Tara.
Don't out her like that. My friends don't know. I was being so nice.
And then he kind of like looks at a couple members in the party. He's like, Oh, so they don't know that she's a damn fair. They didn't watch it.
They know now. He's a good one. I raised her. My son. Oh, he's one of the good ones, isn't she? Not all men. Not all damn peers. Not all damn peers. Question, have you bit me before? I am not a damn peer. OK, OK. You can't just go around asking people if they've bitten you. Yeah, that's really rude and reductive.
I feel like we use I feel statements here. and I feel as if ah it is of my utmost concern to know if I've had blood drain from myself. Okay. That's a vampire thing. All right. Okay. All right.
And then he kind of like, like moves away from Barbie. He's like, I don't think I have introduced myself. And he does like a very elaborate bow, you know, kind of like Barbie's like holding on to his coat. Yeah. So if you guys have watched Once Upon A Time, he kind of like bows like Mr. Gold. He goes, My name is Steve. Or at least that's a name you guys can call me by.
kind I am also known as the Prince of Frost. I forgot what he was. I think he's the Prince of Frost, right? Yes. Correct. Now he hass a new he's a new has a new title. This isn't a person we've used before in any other campaign.

Quest to Defeat Strahd

um the prince of frost at your convenience service i don't know anywho i need you guys to take out straws so i can get to my daughter back well my um my warlock that's so sweet of you steve all right this has gotten interesting yes Yes, it is. So, guys, this is Steve. He's a good friend. He'll help us, right, Steve? If it helps me, it helps. I'll help you. but You'll help me anyway, though, right, Steve? Oh, yes, yes. You you have... oh What's the word in common? Because I can't think of it right now. You have... Yeah.
I will help you. Your word? Yeah. No wait, no. I have your word, you'll help me? Hang on. I'm not entering any word bargains with you yet. It wasn't a bargain, it was just, you know, like a pinky promise. I'm gonna roll an insight check with plus zero to see if there's any funny business going on. I just wanted a pinky promise. Barbie's a fae. Alright, that's a 13.
ah yeah yeah so won't know You don't notice anything fishy going on, I guess. There really wasn't. Okay, they're just incompetent at speaking.
a an In and out of character. I didn't know he'd rather be so nasty. Holy shit. that was cold Stone cold. Thank you. Any who. Yeah. Any who. Yeah, sure. He hooks his finger on your pinky. I guess I'll help you. Just like, this is non-magically binding, but I will help you. Thank you, Steve. That means a lot. You're welcome. This will not withhold any work.
This is not a verbal contract. You cannot use this. Yeah, this is not a verbal contract. There's no legal standing for this agreement. It is not in writing. We will not have it in writing. And you can kind of just feel like a thing of warm air kind of like come out from behind them. As you're always so flamboyant, Steve, I love you.
why thank you dear anywho that's not the correct response to i love you i know how about i know that's not much better but i'll take it i have a low bar these days yeah um so i need you all actually to cry anyways i need you all to take out straw i need my warlock back thank you I will help you who where I can. I'm a little bit bound with both my sister watching over us, but also this land is very weird. Like, extremely weird. You're telling us. Yeah, I mean, I've been here probably about the same amount of time as Barbie. It's weird.
So I will be able to- Did you come- Did you come here together? Not really. We were on the way to find Barbie. And Gray missed. And then I swear I saw the Barbie. And I went towards her and then I looked back and Tara was gone. And then I heard whispers that Tara was at Strahd's place. But you guys just confirmed it for me. So- Yeah, she- either really you needs saving or does not care about anything else apart from Strad at the moment. Well, considering we were on the quest to find her family, I'm pretty sure she is under mind control if she does not remember Barbie. Because Barbie's been her friend since they were small. Just little shrimp. Yes, little uplings. I like shrimp because I'm a sea elf.
Because I'm a seal, get it? No one likes my jokes, maybe I am annoying. You're not annoying, now calm down. He was not a... He he probably did not mean it. I don't know this man you're talking about, but... well you You're not annoying. You won't know him. he He disappeared right where we're standing, actually. It was quite concerning.
Yeah, he died. are You kind of watch him as he kind of like looks around and feels like a magic feels. ah He looks back. He's like, yeah. Maybe. and As in maybe he's disappeared or maybe he died here. Maybe. Oh, thank you. You're so cryptic, Steve. You're welcome.
we shall see um yes so i have i hate to to ask you with this quest and whatever however i'm meeting lies steve no you don't you're right i love this underlings um anyways i need to go check in with my sister uh because she's helping trying to get us out um so ta ta for now and then you just kind of disappears into sparkles he was always so cool anyway that was my uncle always i am always cool ma'am and then his presence fades away since he's gone i just turned to the guy to everyone i'm like so that was my uncle steve quite an interesting person hmm i don't trust him
And you feel like an acorn hit the back of your head. Hey. I think I've had enough of that magic funny stuff today.
You're so funny. Anyway, let's get into more magic. Where are we supposed to meet up with that guy? Oh no. Oh, it's it by the way, it's nighttime.
Oh, it's sleep time. Uh, Seville stretches and he's like, uh, I can take first watch if you all would like to rest. Are you sure? Yeah, it's no problem. Well, Barbie feels problem.
I enjoy taking first watch means more rest for me at once. None of this wake up and then go back to bed and wake up again.
What did you think of my Uncle Steve? I think he's interesting. I like the spark. Correct. It's a good effect. He is very flamboyant. He's very interesting. They call him the Prince of Frost, but he wears a lot of warmer tones, if I recall. Indeed.
He's an oxymoron. Oh shit, Barbie's not supposed to know English. Well, she does, but she doesn't, you know, you know. Anyway, that was purposeful. Cut that, cut me freaking out out. That was purposeful. Totally on purpose. All right. Are we, are we sleeping? Honk shoe, honk shoe. I feel like Barbie is a honk shoe-er.
So Seveil, can you go ahead? And what are you doing right now? um I'm going to look for who's in the deepest sleep. Oh, no. I need one. I need you to roll a perception check. And I need. You said perception, right? And I am going to. I'm trying to think. I rolled a 16 on perception.
Would it be wrong of me to say that since- Wait, who- can Emoryn drop their passive perceptions in chat? Oh yeah. Would it be wrong to say that Barbie would have stayed up because she was suspicious? Because like, she- she was a little suspicious. That like beforehand Barbie was like, oh you're staying up late. Like why are you taking the first watch? Like suspicious.
I mean, I'm totally down for Barbie to get bit. I'm just saying I don't think Barbie would Cuz I think you've been like overwrought. Yeah. Yeah, she'd be just crying herself to sleep. ya yeah Yeah. Yeah So I think Barbie has the lowest I haven't rolled yet. Sorry. Performance. Not performance. Sorry. I meant what's your passive passive perception or Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's 12. That's 12. 10. 10. Emorys. Yours is 10. Okay, so anyone under 16. It's free game for you.
I, uh, I'm going to have, I have like my legs kind of kicked up by the fire and I, I'm kind of eyeing Emorett. So I'm like, I wonder, uh, wonder what a halfling dreams tastes like. I kind of like look around, scoot over and then I just kind of like crawl over quietly. And I, I just you don't want Barbie's depression dream. No, depression dreams tastes like dirt nap. Uh,
So Bales had a few of those in his life. and he ah He goes over and he sits by Emorys' head and he just kind of puts his hands on either side and he just proceeds to eat his dreams. Okay. There's just kind of like a... Emorys, what color dreams do you think you have? Color. I think it's like like ah like a wooden brown, like ah like a bar, a bar top, basically.
He's dreaming of the bar back home. So there's like ah a smell of alcohol and fresh cut oak kind of coming off ah the dreams. And I'm just kind of like eating that.
oh i um not Do I notice that? Can I feel this or anything? ah Could you? roll hold on let me like I feel like it's just like the dream kind of fades away into like you you just stop dreaming yeah I think is the I feel like is what it would do yeah or it's like I would so it's eating your REM sleep so I don't even know if you would notice yeah I have no idea about the mechanic I'm i'm just thinking like
in inside M. Res is just like he he keeps dreaming of like the bar top and Kefin jumps up on top and he like scratches Kefin behind his ears and then it just starts to fade and he just falls into like no dream.
Yeah. He's clipping into the back room. The sound.
the g mod rat bolt tit didn't didt de decision didn didn't
Yeah, so after about a couple minutes I Guess you eat your full your fill. Yep, then I am I scoop back over to where I was initially Yep I can still for that to make sure I don't like trip over in my yeah, can you do that for me? And then also do another perception check see so Stealth was really good. um I can read. That's going to be a 25 in stealth. And you set a perception. My perception is a 14. All right. So you feel eyes on you? I kind of freeze up. And I'm just like, oh.
Yeah, you feel eyes on you. And you notice that the entire forest is quiet. You don't hear any howls, you don't hear any, well, you've never heard anything but howls in the forest since you've been here. And then all at once, it just stops. You don't feel anyone staring at you, nothing.
And then you start hearing rustles and the normal forest noises after a second after that. I look around just to see if any of my other like group mates are disturbed. Like, are they still asleep or? Yeah, they're all still asleep.
I sit down and I am unnerved and I just sit as still as possible until it's time to wake up the next watch. Okay.

Mysterious Forest Vigil

Yeah. And, uh, word that's the end of your watch. Now your watch has ended. Yeah. No time telling for you. I was referencing Game of Thrones.
Uh, all right. I wake up whoever's up next. It was me. And I tell you about what happened. I was like, you know, I was just sitting, staring at the fire and all of a sudden I felt watched and the woods went quiet. but Everything seems back to normal now. So I kind of clap you on the shoulder. Good luck. And then I scurry over to my my bedroll and I just kind of put my blanket over my head and go to sleep.
Oh, and right before you go to sleep, you find a small pouch containing 25 gold pieces in your bed. Okay. I will take it. Money! Teehee. You leave any any teeth in there or something? Like... Yeah, do is this the tooth thing?
They're paying you for your services. For knocking out all those bandit teeth. all right uh so who's who's watch is up next it is me mallow okay mallow so i kind of just i i heed uh surveil is kind of like warning i'm like all right so i'm gonna try to keep my eyes peeled I'm gonna look around first before I do any of my nighttime activities. Okay. So, what kind of check do I need to make just to- What kind of nighttime activities? Everyone's got nighttime activities. Why doesn't Barbie have nighttime activities? Let's see. I'm assuming a perception rule to kind of just look around or investigation. Let's do perception. Okay. 17.
So it's a normal night right now. What? You know, there is nothing spooky. Just normal forest noises, stuff like that. No goblins. No goblins. No spookies.
no gaba So once you try to like see that it looks pretty calm, I'm like, well,
time to get my my eating on so uh i'm also going to look for the person who's the most sleep right now are you kidding me so do i need to do investigation or yeah go ahead and do an investigation why is everyone eating 15 we're hungry you can tell that Um, historic or like the most deeply asleep followed by bear B and so they'll, what's your passive position? Let's see. Passive perception. Uh, that's a 12. Okay. And yeah, so, so Barbie and Seville also look about people amounts.
yeah Okay, Barbie is like fit fully sleeping in the fact that she is upset. You can see the key marks. Yeah. but gather skin hit fully check I
but you don't and forgot Do you guys know? what yeah no no no like i don't know none of us know yeah everyone's eating each other no one's eating barbie it's like i would feel bad adding to barbie's depression by doing what i have to do i think it'd be funny if she wants to be a love
I know we're sus of each other, but we don't really have any proof of anything. It's like, oh my god, it's like the meme of um your anteater coworkers trying to figure out who's the anteater and it's the boss secretly the whole time. Yeah.
Well, he caught me like not needing to breathe in a ah gas trap. And I was like, well, that's normal. You just have really good lungs. I was doing the same thing as well. He was just like, I think he failed a performance trick.
No, we both failed an investigation. I failed a performance. and then But we both failed investigations. So we just... Oh, I guess they have really like good looks.
um Okay. If it's even, I'm going to... Is there any way that I would like sense that Emrys has been fed off of?
No. OK. No, because you don't eat dreams. Oh, my. I'm just going to die in the sleep, like loser.
So even even I'm going after Emrys, Autumn going after Savail. So let's see. OK, I'm going after Savail. OK. So.
You were going to be pastier after I was done. I'm already pasted. Wait a second. kid you see like pause Can Can you feed it from it? Are you even capable? Could a vampire eat from a vampire? I think they can, because I just, as long as I can get the... I'm i'm ah i'm the reason why Michael Jackson was so white. What? Pause?
Yeah, I've been a Lyco. My power has been a Lyco. Woe be upon ye, you're white. Ayo. You're just paler and paler the more I do it, but I try to spread out my feedings. Hold up. OK. So Barbie will get her turn. um Just be a pale white, a pale blue one day and be like, what the fuck? I'm always pale blue, baby. Pale or blue. OK, yeah, you get you can feed from Seville.
Okay, so yeah, I do. So just however eating someone's skin color works. Yeah, I like the magic kind of just like sucks into yours. So you become i get smart like first i'm schedule you actually have to eat your feedings to maintain your life power.
Yeah. That would be very funny to just like, it looks like I have like a deep suntan. Is this the part where I roll to wake up? I probably have to roll stealth. I want to, yeah, I need. David, har v dad can you roll for stealth? Hold on, I want to do something funny. No.
Not allowed. What do you think this is? A podcast? No funny business. um calling e it I'm I'm going to die laughing if it's in that one. Can I do pass without trace without waking people up? What? Pass it without trace. My character is trying to not make a scene.
Yeah, I'm just trying to heal his person, buddy. I think you're good. Do you have a spell spell? That's the question. Yeah, I do. I actually didn't try to use any spells since the last rest. I've been just using my stupid throat. Remember, I kept throwing baseballs at people. Oh, that's right. I forgot. So yeah, I'm going to cast Pass Without Trace, which just increases the... It just gives me a plus 10 to the saving throw through the check.
Okay, I'm trying to be sneaky.
Will this be the night? Oh, no, no. Holy shit. That's a 29. Yeah, that's no, that's 33. Oh, yeah. I will. That's the 20. I have a 23 plus 10. So that's a 30. And I have to roll against that, don't I? Yeah. All right. The only way you can beat it is if it's a natural 20.
You know it'd be so fucking funny right now. Yeah, negative modifiers, I might still beat it. I rolled a nat 20. Wait, did you? Yeah, I have my green dice. I have a feltbox now. Skill issue, perhaps. I'm okay. Wait, really? Do you have my green dice? Wait, really? I have too much. No, I really can't tell if she'll be serious or not. No, I have my green dice right here.
It's right here. da yeah data dead assro okay wait good as this This means that for the rest of the session, I'm only going to roll threes and fives.
so i i bell how you want do that said s I am going to kind of like wake, like my eyes are going to flutter and I'm going to notice that my hand looks a little paler. And then I'm just kind of got to think about it for a minute. And do you make any noise when you eat or are you just like? I don't know if you've ever seen ah from Adventure Time, Hudson Everdeen, like Marcelin.

Dream Feeding Antics and Revelations

We eat souls. That's kind of how I imagine. is I just suck the air and your skin color flies in.
i I see a scream of very pale white go into the air and I kind of follow it and I look at you and I imagine that we lock eyes and then I'm gonna get up and then I'm gonna pounce on you be like I'm gonna eat your dreams I burp but like I like with my mouth closed like give it back I have to be shaking your shoulders I'm gonna eat your dreams give it back Is this loud enough to wake anyone else up? Hey, I passed it on trace. I'm stealthing the fuck out. Is Seveil? Yeah, I don't think Seveil is. No. um So Seveil says that. How loud do you say that?
I'm startled. So I'd imagine deep like if there's anyone within like 10 feet, I imagine they're probably gonna hear it. which He's definitely like, he's a little vain. Like he's, he's like a little pretty boy, right? And he's just like, do you know how hard it is to be this pale? I like kind of like burp out like, well, I hope you'd be more pale.
And I would like, I think that wakes everybody up.
We're gonna have a dreamless night for the rest of your life Can I can I rule like and I guess an insight on that statement rollland Can we, the ones who are sleeping, roll perception to see how much of this we hear? Like, do we hear Seveil screaming, I'm gonna eat your dreams? 23. That's a 23 on the investigation. I can imagine that my eyes glow a little bit like when I eat when I say that.
like I like, a is that is that high enough? Yeah, that's high enough. So like I look around trying, like I probably like, are people trying to pretend like they're asleep or? Barbie is not. Why do I? Okay, waking up and I put like a finger on your mouth, like just like trying to shush you. I'm like, we will discuss this. You, we both have the curse it seems like.
You are going to eat. You are never going to have dreams ever again. This is just like pressing my finger deeper and deeper. Come on, my dream should be. Have a daydream. Have a daydream right now. I want to fucking have an appetizer.
Are we about to create an infinite feeding cycle where we just feed off of each other? I would like to say that Seville, because he ate off of you,
you any pot any buff you would have had is gone you feel like you are hungover i got an 11 perception so emrys wakes up and goes oh did we do we drink something before we slept like what was in that dinner I do want to ask like how much of this would we be hearing? Like how many much of the words would we have heard? because I wouldn't think you would have heard everything that Savelle is saying. Okay. It sounds like they are being really loud. You didn't hear you don't hear much from. No, I'm whispering. I'm going out. way Yeah.
You're gonna eat some dreams? I could use some dreams, Ian. My dreams are sad, bro. Savail has like a flicker of hunger in his eyes and looks at you and makes a mental note for later. I feel like Barbie is like ah a toddler that just woke up in the middle of the night, like rubbing her eyes. Like, I could use some some good dreams instead of my sad ones.
I looked down at Malo and I'm like, you are so lucky she said that right now, otherwise it'd be your dreams. And I like, Logan's pressed really aggressively with that. ah Barbie's a friend to Dan Fierce. Canonically. What is going on? The best friend is a Dan Fierce. Nothing, nothing. It's just... It looks like a little argument.
yeah damn that one deception can i roll over plus zero to this one ah yeah both you that's oh no i say as a twenty i was like oh my god So I'm doing a deception
Which I don't get a... Let's see, hold on. I forgot how fucking strong. and yeah i um Jesus Christ. let say you have Yeah, we ah we were having an ah ah an argument about things that have maybe occurred.
yes Yes. I look at you and I think very quietly, you are awful at this. Dreams? I'm flustered! Well, i'd like this atard you
you You're hearing them talk and some things are adding up about your last long rest with them oh no You ate my dreams And your color and my color now hold on let's not throw Accusations Usable well Is this appropriate discolored one might say? You look jovial.
I'm great. You look positively alive, and you have this entire time, so I don't know what you mean by color. Well, actually, no, I do know what you mean by color, and I look at Mallow just a little harder. So Pail's just mad that he's pale now. Pailer.
I wish someone would, you know, eat my dreams for once, or by color. I just want to be loved, you know? I just want to be noticed. I i look at Malo and I kind of whisper, would it? When everyone else is asleep, do you think it'd be a big deal if I ate her dreams like a double eating, you know, because so you ate my fucking color?
well that's up for you to decide i try to so like try to be i try to do this very very calmly and lightly so i'm not disturbing those who i travel with ah good job bud good job i tried i tried i love how he's talking with this respect yeah I tried. I tried. Meanwhile, Rory's over there, like, seething right now. Like, he's like, I've had a dreamless rest and pale for this long. They're eating the colors. They're eating the dreams. Oh, no. Everyone's eating but me. I want to be eaten. OK, ah you say that in Seville, just kind of, like, makes a move towards you. Do you really mean that?
I mean, Tara would eat sometimes when she really needed it. It was okay. I mean, I thought it meant a little something to her, but clearly it didn't. Okay, go back to sleep. sh And then he like, he calls over and pats your head and then he's just like, please, I need a meal. Okay, okay. I just like, rub my my face. I'm like, well, I'm going to wake up. Well, I guess everyone is awake now, but whoever's next on watch who is next on watch because they're gonna be real confused because now I'm delirious from being paler and upset about that and I'm just openly feeding on the other elf I love that I guess we're going to have a discussion for the morning but that is then and this is now I'm going to bed Seveil gets angry I will stay up because I respect you all very much
And because I respect you all very much, I am not reading both of your necks right now. You mean that? You respect us? All of us? Well, we us. I'm not. Savail pets your little head. Savail pets your head. And he's like, shh, shh, shh, go to sleep, go to sleep, shh, shh. And he like, pat like pets your head trying to coax you to rest. He's, he's like got just this kind of manic hunger in his eyes.
Wow. Don't you sleep. Don't you sleep. I've never felt this wanted. Don't you sleep. It's just like, you know, doo doo doo doo doo doo, like aggressively petting your head.
Emrys is rubbing his eyes from like the hangover feeling. is it And he goes, is this why I've just had a nightmare? You've been eating the dreams. Barbie, you don't want it to do i't want them to do that. Don't let them do that. No, no, it's OK. I give consent. I give consent. Oh, OK. I'm going back to bed.
Alright, and Stork, you are and sttokcu watch as once Barbe finally fell asleep. um So Vael starts eating the dreams and... I guess they're... Well, what color... Barbe, what color do you think your dreams would be? Do you really have to ask me what color? Barbe's dreams are... I feel like the bar be they're Barbe's. They're bear flavored. yeah very very clever
I was thinking berry like um like um blue raspberries oh yeah's eat that up yeah yeah blue raspberry just like he kind of sits there and he like comes out of the trance for a second he's like wow even though she's really dressed for delicious dreams are gourmet and then he like goes back into the trance to eat all right barbie is now dinner All right. Um, we have food rations for one person. Can you go ahead and roll perception real quick? Yeah, I'm going to see absolutely nothing.
I'm playing, I'm playing the long game because now Savannah's going to want to keep me alive for my good tasting dreams. Are you just Edgar Lestorian? Huh? Are you Edgar Lestorian?
So what? Astarian? Like in act one. Yeah. Astarian. I didn't hear the word before that. Sad girl. Oh. I heard egg roll. I heard gibberish.
I mean, sure, you know, it's fine. historic. The rest of your shift passes by. um And I guess now it be. I'm trying.
I'm going to say this is the last shift, and whose last shift is this? I'll wake up for it. I'll let Barbie rest. and Okay. And Emory is still feeling quite quite bad because he's had a nightmare. He's feeling hungover now. yeah It's not been a good night of sleep.
I'm sleeping great. I don't know what you're talking about. Well, I was having a good dream and it got taken away, so... I'll... get good. Do I need a perception? Yes, perception. Sorry, I was reading chat. That's okay. Uh, that is a... How dare you read? Don't you know some people don't know how to do that? That's only a 13 from me. Okay, a 13? Um, the... so...
again you feel nothing um it's it sounds like a normal night in barovia and you can kind of see as the time pass like the light the sky even though it's still gray and gross lighten up i'm never gonna get used to the the night here god this is nothing like back home OK. All right. Yes. So we need a good joke to end it on. Well, that night sucks, but I'm like a like a ah maybe we do waking up but like, you know, we'll leave the store to sleep. So yeah I think it's kind of like, OK, OK, like a
we wake up and it's like Barbie turning to like Seville and Malo and being like, so you guys eat, huh?
We have a diet. Yes. You know, you could have just asked, right? You say that, but for people with our condition yes condition people tend to not be very welcoming you literally just found out my best friend who you have met was a damn fear is a damn fear which was surprising i is and you i realize in the grand scheme of things that she was mind-controlled by straw and you didn't think to ask me before bed
if you'd be okay, if I'd be okay with having but you guys having a little snack. Well, personally, I wasn't going to go after you. I was gonna go after the only other damn fear in the party. Great job on that, but by the way. I did not know. I had my suspicions, but I did not know. And I am not one to act on just suspicions alone. Well, I'm a little hurt you didn't choose me.
your dreams already had a right dad here you what about Well, if everyone has to know I only eat dreams, so you'll just have a dreamless sleep when you wake up. Well, just and a future reference.
a I feel that way every day. I drink a lot. Like a fish. Like a fish. It's funny because your other character, I think, wasn't that your first and the other campaign that was your first taste of alcohol? Yeah, it's that she's she ah thinks she knows what alcohol is.
she thinks she knows and she really doesn't and she just gets headaches and it's like oh this must be because i had something with alcohol she doesn't understand what a headache is really but anyway she's gonna turn to both of you and just be like well for future reference just ask next time okay well now that we know that It is all right. We'll make sure to spread out our feeding so no one is harmed. My feeding doesn't seem to cause any negative effects besides some paleness till the next long rest. And also slight hangover feeling. Yes, and a slight hangover feeling. but It's worse when you drink off of multiple, or someone eats you. You eat, you both eat off someone.
I'm just saying, I'm cool with it. I'm fine. If you want to feed off me, that's chill. You might want to ask the others how they're feeling. Yes. if If it is off the table for everyone else, it's yeah understandable. It's off the table. yeah Absolutely off the table. That's the worst hangover that I've had. And a nightmare. No, not not from me.
Think about it. its nightmare The nightmare was not my doing. It would have just been a dreamless sleep. That's not much better. Which is fine for me. I'm happy with that. Your dreams also tasted great. They had a very they were very oaky. Oh, thank you. Taste of brandy. Oh, no, I was talking to Emrys. They tasted very oaky. very yeah They had the taste of brandy. Yours tasted like raspberries.
I'll take it. Yeah, still, I don't get how they tasted. No, no. Stop it.
You have to understand. You have to understand. entire dream Would this? Would you rather be pasty McPail like I am right now because of him and I point at Malo? Neither of those, please. No, no.
You have to understand, Eminem, this is their food. It's like, you know, you kill animals to eat. They eat your dreams and you have a dreamless sleep. It's OK. It's not too bad. It's not like it's a huge like sacrifice. The morning after is that that's the worst hangover I've had. done Well, you've seen me drink. So do you know how bad my hangovers can be? that That's been worse. OK, that's the worst one.
Well, that sounds like a you problem. I feel fine. Good for you. I don't. Sucks to suck. Am I right? Hey, Savela, could you do me a quick favor and roll a perception check? Perception? Yeah. Or no, investigation. Investigation, okay. All right.

Barovian Note Sparks Curiosity

Sorry, I don't have my glasses. That's a 10. Okay. All right. Um, so kind of tucked under your bedroll, you know, what, a small slope of paper. I, I'll go over and I'll pick it up. Right. And you recognize the script being Barovian. Oh boy. Okay. Uh, I try and read what I can. Okay.
And in your broken knowledge, you see the word child support.
And leave. And that's really all you can make out. And I look up and I look at Mallow and I'm like, you, you know languages quite well, don't you?
Can Barbie look over for your shoulder? Can you read this? I only know like four words. Wait, what language is it written in? Barovian.
I know common, druidic, and infernal, so probably not. Can anyone read it? No, I can. ah um I don't think anyone can read it.
Hey, and I look ah i look at Barbie and I'm like, do yourre your Uncle Steve, right? Can can he read brilliant? Pretty good. He could read.
I mean, I can read. I just can't read this. You hand me anything and Steve's kids are infernal common and it's great. I can read it all day. but Yeah, that's not so much. I can only speak common an elvish aqua druidic, so... But Steve can read. And then you so you see a perfect smile with me, like, I'm not telling you. Or a piece of paper in common. Please, Steve, I want to know. I'm curious. Can you at least tell me? I'll give you money. No. How much we talking?
Uh, I dig through my purse, uh, my coin purse. Ten gold. Bye. And he just pushed one. Twenty gold!
He's gone. He's offended that you got you can buy him with ten gold pieces. All right, all right, all right. An eye patch worth fifty gold pieces, twenty gold, and a mossy agate.
He's still not coming back. You're just shouting into thin air.
Oh, yeah. Please, please. Be nice. I connect two dots in my brain, and I kind of get out the purse that had the 25 gold pieces, and then the thing that says child support. And I'm like, I just kind of like eye it. I like kind of go back and forth in between the two, and I'm just like child support, child support.
when Did he come back here have a child hold sort what if I child support? anymore and i and i just kind of say that out loud what if i just don't want child support anymore Did you have a baby? I didn't know you could do that. Are you like a seahorse?
what highly irresponsible for you to be adventuring and have a child. I think that's it. I think that's it. the Yeah, that's it. really We're ending up there. So they all face bombs.
Thank you for listening to the 12th episode of Rose Colored Daggers.

Conclusion and Call to Action

We are back from our new years in Christmas hiatus and we will be back with regularly scheduled episodes, hopefully. You can find us on Instagram and Tumblr at Rose Colored Daggers and you can check out our website and Patreon which will be in the description. Please your review and rate us on whatever you listen on and thank you for listening.
I've been waiting so long for you to say the child support out loud to make that joke, dude. I was like, I need to figure out some way to do this. Next episode on Rose-Color Daggers. Seveil goes to school to learn Barovian. You're not the father. Oh my god, Maury episode. Seveil gets summoned to court. He is the father.
Are they like seahorses? Find out now. Will Barbie get over her trauma? Probably not. Never. Well, then here's Squid over being eaten. He'll have to be because he's looking pretty tasty.
and Suck it up. Seville will.
love ba Are you serious? Can I eat you? Seveille gets angry. Like that's a character trait I have on his ah character sheet. Gets angry. if does If like eats and then gets rejected half his meal then he gets just
That's so funny. I think every character you've ever made has had hangry. Hey, hey. Look, some of my characters are based on a little bit of truth about me, okay?
You eat dreams, you know? Everyone does it. It's normal. David makes a joke about it, but he knows the real reason's actually really sad, making a joke about my childhood. Wow. Oh, no. How dare he?
yeah right i You say that and then I scroll down to see the your mom. She's dead. I say, I didn't write that out. I didn't write out your mom. Mine's the purple writing. I said, you'll live whenever you said I'm mad because I kept moving your character. And then I said, rip to your mom.
I said L. Yeah, I don't see it too well. I drew a sad face. ah Uh, King worm.