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Vladdy Daddy #7: So I Started Blasting image

Vladdy Daddy #7: So I Started Blasting

S1 E7 ยท Rose Colored Daggers
14 Plays5 months ago

HOW MANY WOLVES ARE WE GOING TO FIGHT? All of them. You don't think I'm annoying right? You were just being silly... right?

Intro/Outro Music:







Why Women's Softball Instead of Baseball?

Yeah. That's how every pitcher does in a baseball. I don't know why they pitch underhand in softball, though. Just so the players know. Have you ever tried to throw a softball? I'm asking why the softball is even a thing. Because softball is a place. Because people are sexist. Why don't we just get rid of softball and make girls play baseball? Because there already is a women's league in baseball. But then what? Softball's just like, awesome.
Also guys play as well. Yeah. My favorite thing is when I was talking to Justin about how I played softball and he was insistent that the ball is actually soft.
It's not. I've clocked by that thing beforehand. It hurts. My sister almost broke my my cheekbone. This was my last season playing softball. She almost broke my face by throwing a softball at me because we were throwing at practice and she hit me in the face.
And it almost broke my face. No, I agree that they're as hard. They are harder. They hurt. They are bigger and harder. That they hit. Oh yeah, we have bigger bats too. We have thicker bats.
But yeah, I, you weren't here to hear this. Um, during a game one time when I was playing, like my only experience was in little league softball. So I played, uh, I actually played a lot of teams. I think I played like for four or five years, but I was on like seven teams or something. Like I was on a lot of teams because we had like a 12 under in a 14 under.
and they didn't have enough people so me and my sister brand ended up playing for both of them at one point but anyway during the one game we were Not we. ha I was sitting out because we had like that we had enough people that like one or two people per game, like per inning, would have to sit out ah in the dugout. And so I was sitting out for that in half of the inning. And my coach literally walked over to me and was like, do you actually want to play softball?
During the game. And I'm pretty sure that there was a double header.
That was a double error too. know It was so bad. And then a different game. um We were playing ah this one team and it was like an hour drive away. Like it was a far drive away and we were playing them and they were cheating like

Softball Memories and Anecdotes

crazy. Their umpire was like a hundred years old. And every time he turned around, they would run a base. poll Like they would go from first to second base.
Can I just say something? What is with umpires being either very unattended, unattentive, or? Inattentive. Inattentive, whatever. Sorry. i' um And also, or being paid off by the other team, because you know how many, my sister just went to her. ah it It was like a world series for travel softball down in Florida a couple months ago.
And there were like two or three that were only calling penalties against my sister's team, not the other teams that were yelling, throwing slurs and all that. Oh yeah. It's bad. It sucks. Especially if like for me, we were small town and everyone was small town. So it was like blood runs deep there. Everyone like knows everyone. Everyone's got their side and it's like, it's a nightmare. Oh,
It was such a time, but yeah, I enjoyed softball. Like I'm not a sporty person too much. Like I quit softball and that I stayed with jujitsu because I was like, I need to just pick one plus softball is exhausting. And of course my last year I was on two teams, like I said, for the 14 and 12. And I, at that point, I think it was actually 16 and 12, but Uh, they both picked the color red. And I'm pretty sure they both said the same thing. Like we would have sponsors and everything. And I'm pretty sure they were the same sponsor. So it was just red. Actually, no, it was different sponsors. It was different sponsors, but they were both red and I had the same number for each.
So I just had to look at the name. Like for my visor, it was a nightmare. I just kept both of them in my bag. Cause I wasn't, I was like, I'm going to pick up the wrong one at some point. So I just had both visors in my bag, but you know what? The one good thing to come from that, for coming from my softball experience, my love of sunflower seeds, you can pry them out of my cold, dead hands. I love them. All right.

Transition to Dungeons & Dragons

They are very good. They are so great. Y'all get in. We're playing D and&D. You're changing it. Yeah, I. Yeah, I stuttered and I was like, you know what? I'm just going to keep on going. Plus, I'm not a loser. We can't do retakes or anything. No, no, no. OK, fine, fine. All right, losers, get in. We're playing D&D. Yay.
a It's a good game, so as we cut out, it's fine. Yeah. All right. So I'm Sarah, the DM. I'm Ray, a CLF druid. who Oh my God. I'm Ray. I play a CLF druid named Barbie. i'm Yes, then I play a rogue halfling called Emrys.
I'm not. I play Zolt, the human man rock thing. but Some rock, some man. All right.

Recap: Magical Items & Vampire Hunting

And on the road so far, um as of last episode, you guys have just finished a dungeon of my creation.
where you all each got a magical item and a vampire hunting kit. And to bring you guys back two episodes, now you guys are on your way back to the Burgomizer's mansion where you're supposed to meet up with... I'm sorry, the Burgomizer from...
Um, the Santa Claus movie? I think that's how you pronounce it. Santa Claus? or No, not the year without Santa Claus. It's... The Bergmeister, I think. Yeah, Bergmeister. Bergmeister. Isn't that really Bergmeister? Yes! Wow! It's, it's... And it's got the penguin. I love the penguin. I think that's how you pronounce it. Why must a man I think sucks so much be named after one of my favorite foods?
hold on he's just like that i might be wrong i might be mispronouncing it give me one second no it's i'm pretty sure it's the burgermeister okay that sounds good one thing about this is that there's so many weird words i have no idea how to pronounce so yeah set of clothes is coming to town B-U-R-G-O. Burgomaster is not my user. Um, the chapel, right? Chapel room? Oh, flipping over. Yes, I do. Ooh, very nice looking battle map. And, uh, oh, do you have the stat? I can't remember if you sent me the stats to the, uh, the, the whip thing. I can't seem to find it. Yeah, it's ah it's the vampire killer. It's an, uh, it's a PDF, basically. Am I, I guess it's in my direct messages or? Yeah.
Okay. There it is. All right. Look, I'm sorry. I'm really popular. I gotta a cycle between a lot of different people, you know? Yeah. I believe that 100%. Uh-huh. Without question. Don't uh hum me. You know me.
Yeah, exactly. so go I can't tell if you actually believe because you're talking in that stupid tone. Stop being vague. I don't think I'm being vague at all.
um Anywho, so back to the bread so far. um so now you guys are on your way to back to the burgo master's house to meet up with irena and is mark to take her to valaki so you guys i think we left off right as uh right after you guys finished um looting the room so you guys are technically still in the dungeon and um i don't like how you said that don't worry you don't have to worry about anything yet
It's not how this dungeon. I hate you. um As you guys leave the dungeon, you kind of notice that like everything that kind of made it bright and glowy has dissipated.
ah And you can, as you guys step out of the chapel, it kind of, you hear a loud wicked crash as the as it kind of collapsed in on itself.

Encounter with Ghostly Procession

I didn't do it. And that is the end of the forgotten paladins tomb. So the temple that was there is now fallen apart.
ah Yeah, well this was like the that is like okay. So the chapel is Like next to it. It's over. It was already falling apart. It was an older chapel The tomb is just gone though, and I also might have accidentally deleted the Thing that I had on the outside and I don't know where it went. So You guys are getting a picture of the chapel instead I'm suspicious of the chapel. I how could um
let um as you' as you guys have walked out you have noticed that night has clearly fallen it is dark out and you hear like
It sounds like a low moan and as you guys you guys you guys get um come in acclimated to looking outside you here yeah start to see an eerie green light um appear all throughout the graveyard.
Oh man, the teenagers are at it again. From this light emerges a ghostly procession, wavering images of doughy women touting great swords, woodwise men with slender bows, dwarves with glittering axes, and archaically dressed mages with beards and strange pointed hats. All these and more march forth from the graveyard, their numbers growing with each second.
And they'll kind of start marching towards what you assume to be a really large castle out in the distance that you can kind of see through the glimmer and the glimmer. Uh oh, Scooby Doo. Get the mystery machine.
Where could the dead be going? I don't understand. What's that castle? I've heard of these, I think. I think they're called leylines. I think some evenings the dead can walk across these leylines and be seen. Hi! I don't think they can hear you.
Hello. and you You watch as a ghostly figure just walks right past you. Eyes focused on something off in the distance. food ah Oh, the lane lines.
It's like a supernatural like power zone. Like where you leave like electric scooters, they kind of, it's like that little area for ghosts to be seen.
Is that something a necromancer does or? but I mean, if you're a necromancer, you'd probably be able to talk to them or if you're some kind of medium or something. Joel, could you do me a favor and roll me a history roll? You got it, boss.
at's ah That's a a seven. Okay, nevermind. lovely bla
Um, also you can use your actual dice by the way. Oh yeah, that's, that's right. I'm tired of using these stupid okay online ones. Yeah. See, this is what happened. First roll and it gives me a seven. I bet if I used my actual like physical rock dice, then they would have given me something better. Funny if you rolled seven again.
Yeah, let's see it. Just do a test. See? It's a 15. Alright. Okay. So you, you know that with your beare memory um sparse fair whatever farms sparse memory, memory.
You know that this isn't a piece of ley lines. you have heard of wi You remember hearing whispers among the people you worked with before you died of ghostly figures marching towards Castle Ravenloft.
They're adventurers of past times attempting to break the curse inflicted on the land.
Well, I remember something now, I guess. That isn't a lane line, whatever you call it. Those are the ghosts of Adventurer's past, attempting to breach the hold of Ravenloft and attempt to break the curse on Barovia.
or even in death they act best for others like they haunt to try and keep doing that thing yes it's they died not finishing their duties their duty was to break the curse so they still tried it even beyond the grave and what's that you guys make your way back to their burgo master's house where you see um Ismark and Irena finishing up um ah readying the cart for ah ah to leave.
it's It's big enough to fit all of you guys, plus Ismark, Irena, and all of her stuff. As you approach, ah you can kind of hear them bickering back and forth um as Irena really isn't looking to uproot her entire life and go even though she knows it's better for her to go rather than stay and risk becoming um something unnatural.
She also doesn't trust us to do it, right? Yeah, and as I see you approach, Izmark kind of peeks his head up and it's like, you can kind of hear him saying, shh. And then he turns to you guys and say, Hi, guys.

Morning Preparations in Barovia

Um, actually, I mean, I also come with you guys as well. Um, thank you for taking my father to the graveyard. And all that jazz. Um,
So do you want to leave out now or we can wait till morning? It is going to take us about two hours to get to, uh, Valaki from here. first much it was For someone who is so distraught about their father's death, she's really chill now. Oh, no, that was his mark. it marked the lesser Well, he's really chill now. Um, yeah, he's had his drinks. He's fine. Yeah, he he's fine.
they They live in Barovia. yeah rolled off her back you know This just adds to all my theories. Let me get back into my journal. Let me crack this bad boy open. So would you guys like to do a quick alarm rest real quick? Yes. Yes. And I would love to. In that time, will the weapons get attuned?
Yes. Yes. Perfect. That's what I was hoping for. So the next day dawn breaks. It's still dark and gloomy out. But again, you're in Barovia. You've noticed that there has been no sun, even though you can clearly see it starting to rise over the um over the horizon.
Huh? no sun but we can see it rise like you you know how when it's like really really cloudy out you can still see the sun like you can see like the sunlight but you can't oh yeah it's like seeing it through a fog okay you can see kind of a lighter dot that's the sun yeah really bad right now i've had too much caffeine today that's fine i was just very confused for a second as you know an astronomy minor i was like Where is the sun? What is happening? Yeah, there is a sun. You can barely see it through the the thick heavy clouds. Barely see it. You can buy early say yeah you know by early see ah early barely
All right. And as y'all start to wake up, um, you see that, um, it's Mark and Irena are already have been up for a while clearly. And they have like some food rations on the table of hard meats, heart, heart, meats, hard cheeses, and like bread, very standard. I'm about to go on a trip fair.
Would you like to do anything before you guys leave? Hmm. I guess besides.
How is eating for the result? I don't. You have you have your jaw yet. Well, yeah. um i Oh, no, the bottom part of like the rock of my face is falling off. One of my eyes is still covered, but like my mouth is visible. Yeah. But technically, how I am now, I don't really need to eat, sleep, nor breathe. Oh, ah wait, it no, is your nose uncovered? Because if you can, I think you can breathe now. I forgot. I'm covid and or not.
Well, I think I think it has. So, yeah, fair enough. I guess I can breathe now. I don't. And do I have to eat now or can I still like do I still have hunger? You. OK, I going to give me one second. um I need to double check what I put.
And painting the carriage is still off the table, right? Yes. I'm not buying paint. I mean, it was blood later. That's not the mystery all colors.
ah I mean, how why the the what what was it? The Scooby Doo and the 13 ghosts, they had a red red van. That's not that's not it. It's not the same. But no, ah I don't you can.
I don't you don't feel hungry yet. I mean, you can eat if you want. But you know, how to try to taste something, I guess. Can I taste? Yeah, you can taste. And it tastes heavenly. It's the first food that you've eaten in centuries. What? Wait, ma what what? What food is it? What am I eating?
What do you want to be eaten? I think it'd be really for something like really brandn like bland. I just like bread is bread and cheese. You pick up a it's just ah it's a heart. It's like a stale piece of sourdough and you take a big bite of it and it tastes heavenly. It's it's bread. Obviously bread is amazing. But also it's it's just bread.
It's just like I'm like holding a, oh my, re oh, It's like the moon had blown off. So good.
Calm down. It's honestly not that great, but. Have you ever gone without eating for two centuries? This is a very suspicious noise. look I can't say I have, but.
No, exactly. And maybe if you haven't eaten for that long, perhaps just a simple piece of bread tastes really good. Sure, buddy.
Like imagine, imagine the blue one going for 10 minutes without annoying somebody. She'd explode. Excuse Well, are you saying I'm wrong? Yes.
I don't annoy anyone. Emrys, would you like to weigh in on this? ah ah On occasion, Barbie, on occasion, you can. On most occasions, we have interacted with anyone. Walter leans in from behind you. Really? On occasion, like I said. Walter peeps up from behind y'all and says, I don't think you're annoying.
Thank you, Walter, but it seems like you're in the minority.
So you think you're annoying? Now, it's, Barbie doesn't even listen or respond. She's just like head down, goes and sits in the care. It's just is like quiet. And you see Walter kind of like facepalm, like, like, do y'all not know how to talk? That was mean. I can't lie to them.
I mean, perhaps that part of my brain is still rock. It's hard to tell.
Well, apologize, Walter.
what we have to apologize now yes what did yes we do oh but i wasn't incorrect you still have to apologize every man ever
Okay, um and we'll finish eating and we'll go over to Iz Mark and and the girl. yeah like You ready? you're You guys ready to come? Yeah, let's rock and roll.
You have rock and roll here? What does that phrase mean?
I've been gone for centuries. I don't understand. I mean, let's go. Let's go, brother. Ah.
he you well what who is gritty and why do people keep hitting him um
what dreadres has you done you kill me oh my goodness just Just for your information, do not do that if anyone tells you that as well, okay?
you what it's great to hit the gritty yes Oh, the gritty. So this is one man. Yeah, it's a so specific guy that everyone just keeps punching in the face. All right. As you all load up and get going, the first 30 minutes of the um the wagon ride pass very smoothly or about as smoothly as you can on a very bumpy road.
um However, you do get to the crossroads you guys were at. um I guess it has to be a couple days since actually now. I don't have them on here anymore. Okay, um, but it's the crossroads ah leading out towards the Vistani
this Tawny encampment that you guys that you guys met Madame Eva. ah There's also ah another way that goes around the forest, so you can either cut through the forest towards like the river and shave off a couple hours right ah couple minutes or you can go around the forest.
Um, I think we'd ask is Mark what would be the best way? Cause we don't know the directions early. So. Okay. and so into this box Yeah. So is Mark is going to go ahead and take you guys back towards the, uh, the Vistani, um, camp. And however, um, can one of you guys roll with me a perception?
Yeah, sure thing Barbie is a plus-form perception of the table she wants to roll to dirty 20 All right, um, so you see in the trees

Combat with Werewolves

ah You hear a creaking noise and it kind of sounds like a the gallows. um Hold on.
<unk> hang So you hear creaking noises and as you turn, you see a shape that wasn't there before and it's swaying in the breeze. As the bree were ah breeze breeze turns the body, you realize that it kind of looks like you or what you thought you'd look like before you got turned into a living statue. And just as quickly as you notice it, it disappears. Wait, so it's someone I've noticed?
No, it's you. It looks like you. The body hanging in the trees. He's gonna like lean over like the side of the cart. The figure was in like stare like really intently into the tree line. Just not i remember these woods playing tricks. And as you keep on staring, you guys continue on for the next 30 minutes with With ease, you notice that the Vistani encampment is gone. Like you can tell they were there at one point, but they've since moved.
um And now, once you hit an hour, you hear, hold on, you hear a very gruff man.
You hear a very gruff, deep voice yell out, who who goes there? And through the mist, you see a large man in drab clothing wearing a tattered gray coat.
He has shaggy black hair and a thick ah and has thick mutton chops. He leans very heavily on a spear and has a small bundle of animal pelts slung over his shoulder. Who would want to be asking? We are ah we are just trout ah we are just trappers.
um and then to see three no two more people kind of a appear out of the fog ah trappers well we are mere travelers so we might not be in your way and you notice as you keep speaking and i kind of get closer and one of them kind of sniffs the air kind of like They're trying to smell something out before you hear a god-awful howl. And I'm going to need you guys to roll initiative as they slowly start changing into their werewolf form. Oh, gosh. All right, let's... I get to fight a werewolf!
Well, I don't. I got a nat 1 plus 2 for initiative. So 3. I got a 10. Okay. I got a 17. Alright, so a good it's going therapy. Oh, I need to roll 4. Yeah, we got something that can transform into an animal. Yeah.
What's funny is I was planning on using my claw bracelets and I wasn't planning to turn into a bear. Oh wow, I actually get to see the whole over 80% of the class. Excuse you. You've yet to cast a spell this whole campaign. No, I've cast a primal savagery. What the fuck is that? It's a cantrip. You attuned them, right? Yeah.
They morph into whatever shape you take. Oh, yeah. Never mind. I'm going to be a bear.
ah So maybe you had 10. I had 17. Oh, you had 17, my bad. Walter had 10, that's probably where I'm thinking. MRS is... three. It's gonna be evenly spaced out. I'll tell Kaffin to stay in the car and like kind of look over the two people that we have in there. And Ismark and Irene are also staying in the car.
Yeah, exactly. is going to triumph if If one of the werewolves gets close, he is going trying he is going to take initiative and try and protect. Okay, Kevin will be a guard dog for them. Also, I love you referring to it as a car.
So, werewolf number one is you going to go ahead and he is going to finish polymorphing into his werewolf form. So that's the end of his term. Bear be Europe. Okay.
I'm a little confused on Clause of Courage just to clear something up. um but Also morph into whatever shape you take, adding 1d6 damage 50% of the time. yeah Oh yes, so you do you just roll a d4 and if it's an even number it adds radiant damage, the 1d6. Okay, so it's it's just the radiant damage said after that. Yes.
Okay, I wasn't sure if it was 1d6 and then ah also a different 1d6 of radiant damp. Oh, wait, wait, sorry, I misread that. Yeah, no, okay. So it's 1d6 slashing. I forgot to put that 1d slashing and then 50% of the time you also roll see if you can get the radius. Yeah. Okay, cool. I misread that and misunderstood your question. That's fine. It's fine. Yeah, we're all you know,
The internet. People. Misunderstandings. They happen all the time. So. I know. Shocking. I'm gonna turn into a bear.
Wow. Inspiring. Everyone is surprised. I'm sorry. You people need a tank. And I'm the only tank we've got. So. What do you mean? I'm right here. I mean.
my bear points are free they don't count towards my actual hit points so it's just you know we need a we need a barbarian i have like an ac is 16 with 35 hit points that's that's good yeah but as a bear i have a dc 11 but i have 34 hit points and i can do turn into a bear twice
Anyway, I'm turning it into a bear and, oop um, and as one does with animal on animal crime, I'm going to turn to my nearest wolf cousin and wolf one. wolf onen ah Air Force One. Wolf One. Oh god, my brain is horrible. You could probably cut this out. This really bad joke I'm about to make. A second wolf has hit the forest.
No, and because you said Wolf, Air Force Wolf 1 or whatever, and that's what my brain went straight towards. Oh my god. The second wolf is in the forest. Are you going to make that joke next? Yes. Anyway, no one cares about 9-11 joke. They're hilarious.
um i'm gonna attack wolf one air wolf one.
um And i'm gonna bite him so i'm assuming the claws will only affect my cloth but. Yes, yeah. yeah it may sense That makes sense. Just double check. I mean.
i could Imagine Barbie gets like a dentures like a retainer get you a metal grill i I already imagine the rings they're on like they're it's it's like mini ring so like they're I'm guessing at like the second um knuckle kind of a thing so they're I just imagine the words on them it's like Bites you <unk>cha but Anyway, that was a 21 to hit. yeah hey Okay. D8. Let me go look here.
Oh, and that's an eight plus four. That's 12 piercing damage. Alright. For my second attack. For my second attack. I turned into a duck, not a bear. Surprise. No. For my second attack. No, I can so i could see you turning into a chicken. Yes, the mess with Walter. yeah He has trauma, okay.
Anyway, I'm going to attack with my claws now. So that is now, ah that's a 21 to hit again. It is now 3d6 plus plus 6, 12, that's 16 slashing piercing. And now I'm going to roll a d4, even add the radiant damage. So that's 1d6 of radiant damage.
and that's a six so that's six radiant damage all right and you just hear like this really like pain snarl come out of this wolf after the last attack like but like hitting those towers now buddy oh my god i'm ashamed of myself all right so walter's next walter He is going to try and cast Guiding Bolt from his place on the wagon. Whether or not he hits, we will see. and he's He's casting it on the first level. That's not weird to go. Plus three. That's a natural 20.
Oh my God. Finally. Oh my God. He does something. So that is double and that is 46. And he's casting this at wolf number two. Which is kind of flanking wolf number one, but like five feet back.
So. That is five plus three plus one plus three. And I'm just gonna multiply that. So that is 24 damage to wolf number two.
And hold on. So that gets- I just had to reload roll 20. And one of the things that popped up with was roll, uh,
something dice rolls uh generate like randomizing dice rolls sort of proof okay and that is the end of walter's turn because there's not much he can do right now um i believe it number two's turn uh he's still also transforming into his hybrid form so that's the end of his turn jolt it's your turn oh boy I'm gonna take out my sword. I'm still in the cart, right? Yeah. Are there any wolves near the cart? The closest one is wolf number one. um And it's about 10 feet away from the cart. Okay, cool. Is that the one next to Bearby? Yes.
Cool! I'm going to get out of the cart and attack that one with my sword so I can try to get flanking on it! Hey, so I just realized something. Wha? um
Slashing damage does not, ah they don't take slashing damage if they don't use silver. So I'm keeping them as AR, but from this point on. um Wait, but but my sword counts as magic. Oh yeah, it does. Well, stu silver, not magic. Oh, but it counts as magic because nevermind. Yeah, go for it. Oh yeah, yeah my claws are silver with the bracelets.
Yeah. Play. So let me give you that roll to a attack there. That is an 18. Don't know why I used the bot there, but it decided to graciously give me a chance here. Does that hit? Yeah, that hits. Lovely. Time to roll a d10.
Because I'm using two hands. It's going to be eight. Eight slashing damage. All righty. And and it that's my turn. Yep. It hits and it's still up and it kind of just like it growls. Uh, it's clearly out of, or it's, it's, it's stopped transforming, but it's in its wolf form and that was eight damage. So yeah. All right. Werewolf number three is going to go oh and he's still transforming. So now it's MRS' turn.
okay okay i'm gonna hop off the cart as i'm hopping off i'm gonna try and shoot one with the new crossbow of honor oh uh okay that's an eight to hit that's an eight to hit that does not hit okay um yeah that's all i can do already And so that is the top of the round, um, werewolf number one is going to go. And he is immediately going to try and bite Bearby. I'm shocked.
Who could have seen this coming? Okay, that is gone in the abyss. I will find that later.
Does a 15 plant? Yes. um So, real quick, I need you to make a a constitution throw.
Am I using, do I use my bear constitution? No, use your normal. Okay. Or whichever is higher. The bear is higher. You the bear. I'll use the bear. That's a 12.
All right, that passes. Okay. All right, and but you are still taking damage. yes That is six damage. Okay, not bad, not bad. All right, and it also is going to try and take a slash of at you as well with its claws. Of course it is.
it's only fair you bit I know I know so does a nine head yes no no design I don't know why I would say yes all right that's the end of his turn the image of a wolf trying to fight a bear. so well It's Well, it's a hybrid. It's in its hybrid form. Yeah. I mean, wolves are pretty big, but like, yeah just like me thinking of like a husky-sized dog. No. The wolves are big. Yeah. The wolves are huge. Aren't they twice the size of huskies? They're pretty, they're big. That's all I know. They're huge.
But yeah. It was just a funny picture. Yeah. I'm okay, so now, Bearby, it's your turn. Yay, it's my turn. I'm gonna bite this bitch. ah Okay. I've thought about it, and I've decided I am going to bite this bitch. That's an 11. Um, that misses. So, um...
As we all have done, I have made a mistake. You know, people make mistakes in their life. We have to move on from, we have to learn, we have to grow. And so I'm going to claw this bitch.
That was my YouTuber apology. Thank you. That's a 23 to hit. That does. Okay.
three plus two five plus eight plus four that's 12 damage with my slashing piercing with with my claws and i have my bracelets on so are we gonna count that all as like silver because of the bracelets okay yes because it is made from silver yes uh oh i have to do d four two oh and that's a even number so that's another d six radiant damage that's five radiant How do you want to do this? yeah So like I go and like try to bite its throat but it like just misses like a hair. It's like like when Spongebob goes to not Spongebob when Squidward goes to bite the Krabby Patty and he just goes for the littleest sliver. That's how close it is for the throat.
And then I'm pissed. You can see, Bearby's pissed. She's sad. People think she's annoying. And she's ready to take her anger out and her sadness out on this wolf until she just tears into it. Blood bath, baby. All right. And you kind of watch as as you tear into it. It also kind of starts to char a little bit. It's kind of gross, honestly. um But like,
yeah I didn't order my meat well done.
Alright. If anyone's got my back, I know Sarah's got my back to laugh at my stupid ass jokes. Alrighty. Now, is that the end of your turn? Yes. Alright. Walter! Really?
Excited because he actually hit something this time Um, he's going to try and cast guiding bolt again this time at wolf number three Let's go that is a dirty 20 so he that is for the Hold on that is 46 again Where are my d6 there they are
11 damage alright and that's the end of his turn for right now um i believe it is hold on wolf number um two's turn so he i forgot who is in front of wolf number two right now or is anyone i've just hopped off the carriage okay oh she's in front of air wolf one wolf number one is in the watch his buddy Didn't I just kill wolf number one? Oh, I mean wolf number two. yeah Sorry, I messed you up there.
nothing um Wolf number two is going to go ahead and make his way over. He just watched you completely ah obliterate his bestie. So he's going to try and take a bite out of you. Bruh.
I'm going to tear a man apart and all of a sudden all of his friends want to kill you. So I need you to roll another constitution. Okay, I'll do that one.
it's Okay, it's plus three. Okay, let's try to get a lot of room so this can actually roll this. Oh, that's a natural 19 for a 22. Alright, you passed that one. You still take three damage though. Yeah, that's fine.
all right and he's also going to take his claws and try and slash at you you kill one guy a six hits or doesn't hit right no no it does not hit they attacked us first and i killed one guy and suddenly i'm the bad guy all right crazy so that's the end of wolf number two's turn jolts it's your turn okay hmm i get into a uh So this wolf too just rocked up and now hit the bear again? Mm-hmm. Perfect. I'm gonna flank that guy and hit him. All right, go for it. I'm going to roll my dice.
o Does a 16 hit. It does. Lovely. Let me roll the damage dice. It takes seven damage.
Alrighty. Alright. Anything else? Alright, I hope that's it. Alright. Wait, action.
i'm gonna Save that for later. Alright, so wolf number three, watching you hit his buddy, he's gonna jolt, he's gonna try and he's gonna run over and try and bite you. Okay.
A 10, does that hit? No. All right, so hit that. Misses. And he's also going to try and take a slash at you. Misses close. Almost all so at one. A nine, does that hit? Nope. All right. And that's the end of its turn. Emrys, your turn.
Okay, so I'm going to try and get around the back of one of the wolves because I've hopped off and they're not really focused on me. So I can get like a like a ah sneak or whatever it flanking. Uh, flanking or you can also use because there's two ah two or more enemies on both of the werewolves. Um,
or No, hold on. ah Each werewolf has an ally on him so you you can get sneak attack. Okay, and that's just what, like an extra two D6. I don't know, hold on, let me pull that up. Once per turn you can do an extra two D6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack with a ranged weapon if you have of advantage on the attack roll.
yeah All right, so I will try and get around the back and aim basically just into the back of one of these with the crossbow. And the arrows that come with it, I'm guessing it's silver anyway, so. Yes. A 17 to hit. Yep, that hits. Okay, so. And this is number, which one are you hitting? Oh, two or three. I'll go for three. All right.
Uh, so that is five normal. Let's see if we can get the radiant. I don't. So just five, five damage. All right. All righty. And is that seeing the end of your turn? Yes. Yeah. Oh, and then did you, uh, did you add your extra hit dice?
Oh, no. Yeah, it's sneak attack dice. Sneak attack dice. Oh, that's eight damage then as well. Thirteen. Yeah. All righty. OK, so that's the end of your turn. Bearby, you're up. Slay, which is what Bearby is here to do. So. Wolf, too. Is he in range right now? He's in front any of you. Oh.
Today, they just replaced themselves. Honestly, I don't even have to move. They just replaced themselves. Oh yeah, because I killed this guy and he tried to hit me. Ugh, what a jerk. Anyway, I'm going to bite this bitch.
That's a 13 to hit. That hits. Whoa, nice. That's my bite. la la la
I don't know what that was. Five plus four, nine. All right. And then, ah oh, that's piercing damage. Do they take bite?
i You are in a magical form, so yes. Oh yeah, I'm magic, baby. I forgot.
uh i'm gonna claw this bitch uh that is a nine to hit That misses. We can't all be winners. Okay, guys. you know i've been I've been doing a lot of damage. I've been taking a lot of hits. you know Sometimes even stars fail, okay? I get one attack action and what do you want?
and Turning to a bear maybe. I can't do that. Sounds like a U problem. Walter is going to go ahead and cast, but he is going to go ahead and cast Guiding Bolt again. And that's a 15, so that hits.
That's a lot of damage. Oh, great. Okay, Phil Swift. And he's he's aiming towards Bearby. ah that Not Bearby, welcome, bro.
Sorry. Friendly fire?
Do not give Walter any AOE spells. I don't think he has any yet. Oh, no, he does. But he's not going to use it yet. Bro, I'm dead in the future then. Oh, God. Sorry, I'll make sure. um Anyways.
Yeah, so that does hit. However, the wolf is still up, ah but looking very, very toasty. And that's the end of Walter's turn. Wolf number four is kind of going to like wobble and try and make his way towards Walter, um kind of like ignoring you because I'm rude.
Yeah, so you can take an opportunity attack if you want. Uh, yes. Uh, we gotta say claws or bite. Claws make more sense. Yeah. Okay. I was just giving you the option because claws also, it does more damage though. So 30, 20 to hit. That hits. I don't know why I didn't like that. That was so weird. How are you doing it?
ah He just tries to like walk past me like, oh, he's trying to like shun me like a mean girl in school. Just walk past me. I'm like, I don't even know you. And I'm like, bitch, rude. And so as like they walk past me, I'm like side swiping and I just claw right across his body. And it's just like, oh, now your intestines are on the ground. Who doesn't know who now?
it's ah It's like keying the side of a car, but instead exactly the werewolf. Side swiping. Just like, sorry. Should've said hi. you You're up. All right, cool. ah Tell you what. So I need to double check and to look something up here real quick.
oo Okay, yeah, I am going to use my bonus action and one of my spell slots to cast searing smite All right, go for it. And then I'm going to with that bonus action I'm going to make a weapon attack against the werewolf that is someone near me at least. Yeah ah They're all like pretty close to you. I'm going to try to hit it with my melee weapon All right, go for it All right, I'm gonna roll that there Does a 17 plus six hit? Yes, it does. Perfect. So that means it takes 11 slashing damage and then it takes 11 fire damage and needs to make a consave. All right.
Wait, at the start of each of each turn, it needs to make the consave at the start of its turn. OK. My bad. Yeah. All right. And is that the end of your turn? Yeah, that's the end of my turn. All right. Does a three win? Uh, let me check here. No, no, it does not. It loses.
So now it takes, uh, it takes four more fire damage. All right. Okay. So wolf number three is clearly on fire and he's going to take a bite at you.
Okay. That was a two hit. Nope. Get out of here. What are these great value werewolves? I thought you guys were supposed to be sarah scary monsters of the night. I thought you were too. When mom says we have werewolves at home. Werewolves at home. I'm getting rid of, hold on. I'm getting rid of this dice. It rolled three. This is what happens when you get werewolves from London.
oh my Okay, there's a five hit I don't know what's right yeah No All right, and you watch as this wolf tries and fails to slice you with its claws Probably goes it's on fire. Yeah, it's your turn All right, I will hopefully try to finish this off with a nice shot to the back of the head. All right. that What's this guy doing? A mercy killing? JFK, not JFK. You can use this as a sneaker chat sneak attack because it's clearly behind, or you're clearly behind the wolf. Yeah, absolutely. So that's a 24 to hit. That does.
Okay, so that'll be, so five, ah and then that's radiant damage as well. How are you going to do this? ah Oh, that that's just a very clean shot to the back of the head as I like, I run up to it after and pull it out before it falls to the ground as well.
John Wilkes Booth is what I was thinking of. Not JFK. Okay, JFK and the werewolf. There you go. No, no you' know i'm of Lincoln. la Lincoln is the werewolf. You're John Wilkes Booth. I don't know if the assassination was okay. Wow. We don't know about the werewolf. And you watch as the werewolf just falls to the ground and they are all Dead. That was a a way easier encounter than I thought it would be. What losers. Wait. why what did What? Why is that one on fire?
You said it was on fire. Oh. I did. Huh. Strange. Should we be worried? Do you know what you're doing? About what, what are yours?
He just said he didn't. Apparently I could set things on fire now. Oh, you weren't aware you could do that? No, not until now. So how do you know you can't change shapes?
Oh, can't. I can't do that. You're so funny, Zizi. Look. Oh, yeah um okay. Maybe I like that name. I knew you were just joking earlier. It's okay. You don't actually think I'm annoying, right? No. So we apologize for saying that. Fair enough. No, I don't think you are annoying. I think there is a word that I'm forgetting that would be good for this.
It's also the oh. Oh. Optimistic? Oh, over something. Over something. I have it. Overbearing. That's a good thing, right? Uh. Yes, perhaps. Yes. Thank you, ZZ. And you're also optimistic. That's so nice of you. And Barbie, without any warning.
Bear hug, not actually a bear anymore. She turned out of a bear to talk, but bear are hug. Thank you. zji That's so nice of you. I was really worried for a second there. You are surprisingly warm. cold as you were blue No, no, that's not how it works. My blood's just blue. It gives me a tint. Hmm.
I don't understand how that works, but I just know that you are blue. Fair enough, and you are stone. But not your heart. Because he just hasn't been hugged in centuries, and it's nice to feel someone against him for once. But I know that that heart isn't stone in you, Gigi, I know. Maybe, oh, maybe only part of it is, you know. I'm still working on making everything, not rock.
Don't worry, Gigi, we'll help you out. Hmm. Thank you. I... Hmm. For your kindness, thank you. Of course. Now, these woods aren't getting any nicer themselves. Let's get moving. Yes, we should do that.
And we'll hop back on. So I'll head back to the cart. We will continue. Get back in the car. Back in the car. Get in the car. Get in the car. Get in the car, booty. Booty, get in the car. You see both Irena and Ismark looking at you guys with respect because you just took out three werewolves in. Yeah, there's no explosion behind us, but there is a burning corpse. So we look cool.

Battle with Needle Blights

What? Like it was hard?
no No, I just I just want to look cool. No, it's a quote. So now what? It's ah legally blonde. That's what it is. Oh, he's like you got into Harvard and she's like, what? Like, it's hard. Yeah, it's hard for.
That was terrible. All right. And as you guys keep wandering through you're ah You're about an hour and a half in. And you can hear kind of like a rustling. Not again. These ones are easy. It's fine. and As three needle blades pop out of the bush. ah can You guys you guys are might use the same um initiative as last time?
Yeah, I don't mind. Yeah, I'm sure. We're just so strong, you know. Alright, so the first Neo Blight is going to go ahead and try and make a... hold on, I need to pull this up. There's more things? ah It's just three, it's fine.
I could have made this harder. What is a Neo Blight? They're like twigs. Oh, o so they're flammable. They're very flammable. Yay. I'm getting burned up again. Me saying they're twink, then not going. It's really funny. um Yeah. So needle blights are in case where those who don't know. um They are horrid plants whose conifer-like needles grow across their bodies in quivering and they kind of hit you with their needles. When she quivers on my quiver to like clump. I don't know. I tried. Oh my god.
So they're going to try and climb onto the first one. They're going to go ahead and try and climb onto the ah the wagon because I assume you guys are all still in it. And he is going to make a claw attack at one of you guys. Give me one second. Emerus, he's gonna make a claw attack towards you. Does a 20 hit? Yeah, I think so.
Look at that, a rogue who can't dodge. I don't have a dodge ability. So that will be, uh, there'll be seven damage. or All right. Bearby, your turn. Great. So twink number one, um, I just hit M res. Right. Can I get to him?
I mean, are you right next to Emrys? We're all in the cart. So yeah. Okay. He's kind of like, he's hanging off the side and he kind of just like use his claws to claw at the back of Emrys. Nice. And you know what? Not just for you. I'm not gonna turn into a bear.
Wow, what are you gonna turn into? myself primal savagery a cantrip because I have cast spells in this Cantrips you cast cantrips not important
I'm sharpening my, my little fingernails on top of my little, my sharp little bracelet claws. And so I make a melee spell attack. Oh, I have 3 million tabs open. Plus four. Okay.
Huh. That's a 13 to hit. That hits. They are twigs. I should have expected that. I mean, twigs. Oh, the needles. Kneels. Same thing. Anyway, 1d10 acid. That's two acid damage. And then I'm assuming my bracelets also work here. Yeah. Okay. So that's three slashing.
And then let's go for the d4. And that's even. So that's four radiant. All right. So what was all the damage again? Oh God. So I know there's a two poison or acid. Two acid. I think it was two slashing. All right. And then four radiant.
All right. And that actually causes the needle blight to kind of fall off the side of the cart. um It's not prone, but it it like kind of let go. And it's looking really rough. Needle number two is going to come out from the other side and try to hit Baraby with its claws and does an eight hit.
no ah No, it does not. Alright, so that misses. um Walter is next. Walter's next. Walter is going to go ahead and he's going to kind of reach over and smack at needleli the needle blade with his mace. So that is
That's not one, so that misses. Walter. He just needs to stick to spells. Anyways, ah Jolt, it's your turn. Are any of them within sorting range? Yes. Yeah, they are. Which one is the healthiest of them? I want to whack it with a searing smite. Three.
and two. Cool. I will whack three with my sword or try to at least go for it. Does an 11 hit? No, it does not. Shoot. Well, I still got the spell up because it's concentration. Okay. Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Alrighty. So needle number three is going to go ahead and try and take a hit a jolt, which is cool. Does a nine hit.
Nope. All right. Immerse, you're up. Okay. I think it's best for a little bit, my sword interest try and like, you said that needles, like pine needles, like that kind of kind of kind of like, they're clearly humanoid looking, but they have like needles covering their body. Oh, okay. I was picturing like, and like stick man. I was picturing like stick man from like the Gruffalo or something like that. But kind of yeah like it's it's very thick needles. ah I don't really know the anatomy of a needle blight. So
I don't know if it's like fully needles or not. I'm assuming it is. Anyone who knows the anatomy of a needle plate, leave it in the comments, please. yeah Okay. Yeah. All right. I'm going to just try and swipe at it with a sword. That is a 30 20. All right. Which one are you going? One, two, or three. Uh, whichever one attacked me, I think number one. Yeah.
And that is four damage. How do you want to do this? Oh, okay. I think that's got to chop its head off and try and like kick it off the side of the ah carriage. All right. And as you do it, it falls to the ground and um I must say it kind of explodes into a bunch of needles. We'll see it. That's probably accurate.
And that one is done. So, Barbie, you're up. play So two and three are still alive. Yeah. Yes. All right. Let's go after two then with primal savagery. All right. That is a natural 20. All right. Brilliant.
So mark this down because I'm going to forget all numbers for 1D10 acid damage. That is an 8 total already doubled for you. 8 acid damage. Nevermind that Nat20 really went to waste, didn't it?
I just scratch at it and like this green residue is left behind and it just kind of like burns it until it just like falls apart and explodes into needles.
um right
so Walter, he is going to go ahead and he's going to heal up real quick um using a first level spells. He's going to heal up Emrys. So that is 1d8 plus three. So that's eight damage. Oh, healing.
Oh yeah, healed. Okay. And he's going to try and take a whack at blight number three, um, with his mace and misses again. Um, so that's the end of his turn. I believe, who's next? Uh, Joel, it's your turn. Right. I'm going to, uh, try to hit that same guy again with my sword that I still have the concentration spell on. All right. Throwing my meth rock.
It was a 17 hit. It does hit. Lovely! Here's exactly what's gonna go down. It takes 11 slashing damage. how you hear hand oh ah I guess with the... He's trying to focus on, see if he can make what just happened again, and as like he's midway through swinging the sword, starts coating itself in orange flames, is it just gleans right through the hip of the neophyte, splitting it into two ember-filled halves.
All right. And that is the end. Those only had 11 damage each. They were very easy actually.

Arrival at Valaki

I was like, Oh no, Sarah, you can't start this. There's like, we're hit. We're at like 15 minute mark until the end. Like you can't do this. You can't throw us another encounter they're alive they're it but hearre eleven and 11 and they're twins.
Yeah, so as you guys continue on through the forest, you finally arrive at the gates of Valaki. Give me one second to pull up this page. No.
um So as the old Savlitch road meanders into a valley watched over by dark, brooding mountains, the to the north, the old Savitch Savalich Road meanders into the valley into a valley watched over by watched over by dark brooding mountains to the north and south. The woods recede, revealing a sullen mountain burg surrounded by a wooden pulsate. Thick fog presses up against the wall as though looking for a way inside, hoping to catch the town a slumber.
The dirt road ends at a set of sturdy iron gates with a pair of shadowy the figures standing behind them. Planted in the ground and flanking the road outside the gates are a half dozen pikes with wolves' heads impaled on them. Damn. And welcome to Valhalla. Oh, these people are fun. Welcome to Valhalla.
Thank you for listening to the 7th episode of Rose Colored Daggers. Our plan is to upload the current campaign every other Saturday and occasional non-DnD episodes on the weeks off. You can find us on Twitter at daggers underscore rose and Instagram and Tumblr at rosecoloredaggers.
Our website and Patreon are in the description so you can finally go join them and read all the character journal entries as well as our blogs. Please review and rate us on our podcast and Spotify and wherever you listen. Thank you for listening.
And do we want to end it here? Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good. All right. Good. Yeah, you were having a stroke there at the end. Yeah, well, no, it was how they worded it. It's like, it was very weird. I did not like how they worded that.
it's very mysterious how they do it yeah oh yeah it's on like the salvage road and palisades you were getting you yeah i was like what were yeah it it was yeah yeah i should have read that through a couple times before anyhow uh phone session as per use and uh i'm gonna bounce i think i gotta still swap over my laundry and i gotta go out to meet up with some friends imagine could it be me Damn. What a shame. I hate college. I hate engineering. I hate, I hate. That's it. Why do you think I decided not to do it? You're smarter than I am. Oh, you're smarter than me at math. Is that something? Yeah, but you're more logical. You stopped.
You know, I just fly airplanes. Yeah. You do the fun stuff. I do math. But you're a mechanical engineer, right? I have a like a CAD class, fluid mechanics, system dynamics I have.
Do you like build anything? Not yet. Although we will be using CNC machines in my CAD class. Ooh, now that sounds fun. I want to make some good CNCing. Wait.
and it's like a state sea machine like watching it like grind away at a big block of metal and that's all