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Episode 007 - Scruffy Lookin Crossover image

Episode 007 - Scruffy Lookin Crossover

S1 E7 ยท Just Shillin'
49 Plays10 months ago

With Andy and Shawn fresh-off of trips away from home, this week's episode is a crossover with our buddies at the Scruffy Lookin Podcasters.

00:00:00 Intro Music
00:00:50 Welcome
00:04:00 First-Timer Questions
00:36:25 Modeling and Crafting
00:45:01 Our Weeks
01:13:35 Star Wars News
01:25:37 Bad Batch S03E05
01:53:15 Outro


Opening with Humor

You give this guy a golf club, he'll probably try to fuck it. You might wanna fuck a little baby.

Introductions and Greetings

Hey, it's me. Everything you've heard about me is true. If you come with us, you're in this life for good.
Hey, welcome to the scruffy looking podcasters. Episode number 245, I think. Five. Yes. I got it right. I got it right. My name is not Jimmy Dice.
My name is Ed Bossart. Welcome to all the creatures of the galaxy from Ring of Kefrin to, I don't know, Bakira. We have a special pod. It's me. As you just heard, Mr. Christopher Hall. How are you doing?
Hello, good evening. You alright?

Weather and Special Days Discussion

Across the pond. Yeah, I'm good. I'm good. We're raining here, but you guys know all about that. Fucking pissing it down here. It has been all day. Absolute shit to ask us. It's rubbish. Yep, it's not great. It's Mother's Day here today as well. We just changed our clocks back too. Yeah, shout out all the strong mothers out there.
Shout out all the people that don't have any mothers out there who are just strong anyway. And shout out to all the Star Wars moms like Hera and who else? Who else? Star Wars moms, who've we got? We got Leia. Leia? What's Andor's mom? I'm rubbish. Rubbish. We are. Oh, yeah. Carry on. Carry on with your intro, Andor's mom.

Podcast Collaboration and Guest Introductions

Tell you what. Google it. Shmeeee.
Anyway, yeah, so like I said, we have a special pod. So Kev and Jimmy are not on for this episode. We have instead a collab, as they say, between two podcasts.
The other podcast is just shilling and they are teaming up with the scruffy looking podcasters. And so we have here, we have Mr. Andy Bell, as you've heard in the past. Andy, hello. Good evening, gentlemen. Thank you for having us. Yes. Glad to have you as always. And also we have Mr. Sean Hoffman coming in from California.
Hello, everybody. Thanks for having me. I mean, it's it's nice that Andy was finally able to drag me onto the pod. You know, appreciate it. Forced kicking and screaming on. Yes, absolutely. So yeah, we got we got two guys from England, one guy from Maine in the United States and one guy from California. Stretching, I don't know, most of the globe.
Uh, but yeah, we do have a, hopefully a fun podcast episode for you all to listen to. Um, remains to be seen. Yeah. Oh yeah. I have to do a joke. I just picked a joke. I mean, you guys probably know this, but do you know why you can't hear a pterodactyl pee? Do you know? Yes. Yes. All right. Yeah. Just say it.
No, I want you to stop. The pee is silent! Right? Yeah, you got that. That's not good. That's not good. And so was the laughter.
Okay. Um, moving on.

Sean Hoffman on Fandom and Podcasting

Sean, Sean, let's get the listeners to get to know you, our listener to get to know you. Um, Christopher is, is we do this thing where we do like a quiz, if you will, or pop, I don't know. What do we call it? They get to know you.
Yeah. Questionnaire. It's the first time guests, just so one listener can get to know you a little bit better and we can get to know you a little bit better. Is this all right, Sean? Are you? Absolutely. Are you ready? As ready as I'm going to be, yeah. These 14 questions are designed to look deep into your soul and
Yeah, and then after that if you if we have any more questions including you Andy You can if you have an extra question you want for Sean I know you guys talk to each other every week anyway But if you want to put them on the spot throw one at them feel free at the end
So excellent. Take it away. Before we dive in, Sean, just let everybody know who you are, what you do. We've heard Andy's side of things, but give us a lowdown on Just Shilling. So Just Shilling is a podcast that Andy and I
kind of dreamed up during last celebration in London where we kind of happened to happen to get together as kind of outsiders of the group a little bit like not having a pod and then kind of bonding over that and kept joking about it over over maybe one too many beers or I don't know and then finally finally got to the point where like you know we should just we should just do it I mean it can't be can't be that hard can it I mean
But I mean, we're only five or six episodes in and we're still going. So I'm feeling pretty positive about it. But outside of that, I live in California. I'm around. I'm usually in the background giving people a hard time. And I love Star Wars and other stuff, but mostly Star Wars. Yes, you do. As we all do, Ed, from time to time.
Well, your side of the just shilling story is a little bit different to Andy's, which is yours is a lot more positive. People say that a lot about me. Yeah. Yeah. I'm the positive one there. And Andy Andy Andy told us that you kind of coerced him into it and you call this bluff. Well, we were joking about it for quite a while. And
It was, it was, it was, it was Sean that had the strength of conviction, say, come on, let's just do it. It certainly wasn't. And, and, and the rest is history. The rest is a beautiful relationship. I think spite and stuff kind of goes a long way for me. It's like, I'll make a joke. And then it's really, it's really kind of the, you know, what, I mean, what if we did, like, what if we just did it, you know, and, and then, and then here we are next thing, you know, we're, we're actually making a podcast, but, um,
I mean, I can't, I can't be the one to back down. Like that's, that's really kind of the meat of it. It's like, it was, it didn't start out as a joke. And then we kind of kept joking about it. It's like me and what if we just.
went for it. And then I think I think a big part of it too is like to be more serious for once. Just having a place to talk. Like it's hard. It's hard to talk online. It's hard to talk with people on Twitter, X, whatever the heck you want to call it or like and have some of those like meteor conversations about the things that you're passionate about. So finding finding that group finding that community is really beneficial and
I can't sit back and complain and be like, I really wish I had somebody to talk to you about Star Wars with. And then I'm not actually taking the initiative and doing it, so.
It's kind of a forcing function. Yeah. We tend not to take ourselves too seriously because, you know, Sean knows exactly what he's doing. I've got no idea. He makes me look good. So, you know, it's a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun. And it's, yeah, we've had a week off because

Sean Hoffman's Star Wars Favorites

I've been working away this week, but looking to get stuck back into it again.
You had some trouble getting home, didn't you Andy? But we'll talk about that later. It's all about Sean. Stop taking... This is like you're on scruffy as you're interrupting people. Sorry, I'm just missing... I'm just missing Kev. I'm missing Kev. Well, let me just hop in here real quick. I think Andy's had enough time to talk.
I will say the sound quality and I haven't really got to fully listen to you guys through a whole episode because I listen while I work and my company has been hacked. So I haven't really been working for two weeks. So I will get to listen while I work.
But your sound quality from what I've heard from parts is better than the first 100 episodes of our podcast. Should I not admit this? Fuck. Am I editing this? I appreciate it. I'm taking it as a compliment. I'm being honest. I don't know. It's on my list to listen to, so it's going to happen. Life.
Right, let's ask Andy these questions and think they're out of this hole. So this started out as a quick fire questionnaire, but the first person I asked it to was Kev and it took him forever to answer everything. So just answer at your own pace, Sean, just off the top of your head. So this is about you and your fandom. So question one, favorite Star Wars movie? Return of the Jedi. Correct answer. Well done. Gold Star straight away. Yes. Least favorite Star Wars movie.
Ooh. Are we talking about like the mainline one? We're talking about the mainline one. So we're not, I can't be like, Caravan of Courage. Um, no, no low hanging fruit. Uh, least favorite attack of the clones. Yeah. I mean, that is the low hanging fruit of all of them, but yeah, I feel like it was. When was that time you saw Caravan of Courage? In all seriousness, it's hard even as an ironic watch. Yeah.
I tried to watch it semi recently and I couldn't get far into it. So yeah. Yeah, it's rough. Favorite Star Wars TV show to date? This is animated or live action? I didn't think live action would be and or but I want to throw animated.
I want to be, I want to throw animated in there too. Rebels, like I, by the end of Rebels. Nice. Like, that was, that was good stuff. Yes. Love a bit of love for Rebels. Are you a gamer, Sean? I think I like to believe I am more than I actually do. Like, I'm one of those people who would like, you look at my Steam library and it's like, wow, that's a lot of games. It's like zero hours play, zero hours play, zero hours play. So I, but I do enjoy playing, yes.
Mate, you're more than a gamer than me, because I don't even know what a Steam library is, so... Favorite Star Wars game, if there is one. My favorite Star Wars game, I think just mostly because of being at that fundamental point in my life. Episode 1 Pod Racer. The amount of hours me and my friends put into that game, unreal. Like, it's...
Not great, but we'll be honest with ourselves. It's not great, but it is that I had more fun with my friends growing up playing that game than probably any of the others combined. On N64? Oh yeah. Same. It's surprisingly exhilarating and an adrenaline-inducing. It's really fun. Especially if you change this view down to like... Yeah.
Like in front. Oh, you cannot make mistakes. It is too fast. Do you guys remember the, the arcade version of that as well? With the, with the, with the full pod, you sat in with the massive, massive stabilizing handle. That exists. That was yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, man. It was, it was, it was something else. Absolutely. It looked like, it looked like one of those like zero turn radius lawnmowers. It's got like the sticks on the side or you just, it was cool.
That sounds sick. We're not privileged to have stuff like that up north, Andy. No, you're not. Nope. You are not. Like, it's safe to ask this next one because Jimmy's not here. Do you read books, Sean? Are you a reader? I can read, yes. Yeah. Have you got our favorite Star Wars book?
uh yeah and uh i don't know why i'm always so like not embarrassed but like hesitant to admit it but lost stars lost stars is one of those books where it's just like dude i i dig this like this is i can't put this down
It hits the feels. It's good. I like feels. And it spans quite a bit of the Star Wars timeline. It's all right. It's no true ship of Korra, but it's good. It's decent. If I go to Legends, I enjoyed the Bane trilogy, really, a lot.
I don't read books, Sean, just in case you find you never listen to her. But moving on. Oh, I can. I do follow. Yeah. I don't know. Just the lore. It's not a lore. Hypothesis. Knowing what you know from the Bane trilogy. Do you think Palpatine is Bane? I really hope not. No.
No. He figured that out, right? To like transfer himself to another. Yeah. I like, I like legends being legends. Like I like that division. Like cause some of that stuff, I enjoyed those books, but some of that stuff was quite goofy. Yeah. Like the dark, the dark pain trilogy was good. It like, it was really good on the front end. Then as it went through, like that third book was like, I need to see how this ends. And so the weird armor he was wearing, like that was weird.
his crustacean, Davey Jones looking seashell head or whatever. I don't know, it was a book. I'm just visualizing. That's kind of how I thought. That's how I thought of it.
Yeah, okay. Alright, that's cool. Jimmy Dash is not even here. I'm gonna give him 15 minutes on books. It's fine. It's good. It's good. It's good. I mean, Bane is, Bane is canon, technically, because he's in Clone Wars. So, we'll see. His, his, his body is. His visage. His visage. Yeah. Alright, thumbs up. You can move on.
Favorite Jedi forward slash rebel and or both. Hmm. That's a tough one. Cause I tend to, I tend to lean towards the bad guys from a stylistic standpoint, favorite rebel or Jedi. Oh, I used to hand to work.
and oh hey hey hey and or jedi i'm like wait i i like ray like i like ray like i think it's just because she's so new and just like her her design i'm big on like the look and design things her look in rise of skywalker
Perfect. Love it. I like it too. Just fantastic. I could look at it all day. Yellow light sabers with cherry on top. That sounded weird. That sounded weird. I'm sorry.
That's not weird at all. That's not weird at all. I was with, I was sat next to Emily in London when Daisy came out on stage and she will tell you how much I screamed and cried at the thought of getting Ray back. So I'm with you all the way. And the flip side to that, which you're obviously more excited about answering. Favorite villain? Favorite villain? All of them. The
From a kind of a generic standpoint, sandtroopers. I love sandtroopers. I think those are... Ooh! Love them. I love the look. From a more named character. Dang. This is surprisingly tough.
Dang, my dang. And this is like Palpatine. I think he's so complicated. He spans all of the movies in just like in different forms. And it's just like, it's still him, but he's all over the place. Yeah. I'll play it again. Let the hate flow through you.
And plus, there's so many good GIFs of M2 that you can use on the internet when your friends are like, I think I'm about buying this stupid thing. It's like, just do it. You know, in this day and age, I mean, Andy, you... I don't know. Anyway, GIF use should be considered, right? Yeah. That's the thing, Andy. Sorry, Andy, I just made it there. The fact that a little moving video that you can send on your mobile telephone to people.
I've no idea what you're talking about. They're moving pictures. Yes. Cool, right. These are all my favorite. Kev's not here, so you know. Yeah, yeah, we've got to pick on someone, aren't we? Sorry, Anthony. Yeah, that's fine. So who's your favorite background weirdo? So like, just dude in the background or dude S in the background,
The weird guy, the bit part, might have a line, might not, might just wander pass for a second.
the the one that i saw recently so it's not my favorite but one that is just like it's very topical for right now is in revenge of the sith that thing that came out recently where there's that one frame where it's that person standing behind anakin looks like they're like prepping to throw him for like a jump when they're having the lightsaber battle at the end i don't know if you guys seen that yet or not no there's there's one frame in the movie where there's like a silhouette you can like see the guy's face like right behind anakin
Like right before he does like a jump and you just, it's, it's weird. It's kind of ghostly. So that one's there like honorable mention. Cause it's just cause I saw it like two days ago. Um, but my favorite, but my favorite like background characters that are kind of, they're kind of not super background, but I love gonk droids like they're just how just they've not updated the design at all. That's like, it's, it's two coats or whatever it is glued together. And it's like,
And I know I think I don't remember if we talked about it on the pod or off the pod, but it's like, so are they like a generator? Are they like a big battery? Like, I just have so many questions about them. I think they don't need to be answered. But I just I just think they're, they're hilarious. Every time I see them just bonking around. Yes, I'm with you. Well represented in Bad Batch.
I've got a gong hot toy. I like I love gong so much. That's awesome. And and they I would say that the gong droid is easily top five kind of figures for me. Yeah, absolutely. I love the gong kind of thing. Good answer. Sean's knocking it out of the park. Returners Jedi favorite movie and gongs get in. Right. Let's go.
character that walks on screen and you just think mate fuck off what a prick there's got to be someone that grinds you go I mean I want this to be a good answer I'm trying to think yeah like who who am I just like from any Star Wars media like cartoons included yeah yeah yeah totally because obviously like
We all know who it is for me. There's a prick in real life and there's a prick on screen. But recently, I feel like the Disney era has given us so many, like, imperial pricks. You know, these little bit characters that have been portrayed really well as well.
I mean, there's always all the, the, the nameless slime ball. I mean, they're not nameless. Somebody knows their names, but like the, the, the less memorable Imperial slime bags where you're just like, I just, it makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. You're just like, I don't know. I just, I don't like your, I don't like your vibe. Uh, yeah. That dude in Bad Batch, they did it in that show too. Like, like, yeah. See, but are you talking about Hemlock? No, the other guy, the, uh, something fucking Jimmy would know.
The guy from the bar, the gambling. No, but he is also a prick. This previous season, last season. On-car plot. How about that? Like, he's... Oh, yeah, he's a dick. Definitely a dick. He feels like he's got that smell about him. You smell it before you see him, and it wraps around the corner. It's not even downwind. It just permeates. And I'm not a fan of that.
four quarter portion of rampart rampart the guy I was thinking I googled it. Google it. Excellent.

Discussion on Star Wars Characters and Storytelling

Disney plus content that you most like to see. I mean, anybody who's listened to our pod plus ad maybe
I really like the, I really like the every, I say like the every man story. Like, we've I've got a billion Jedi stories, magic, mystical fantasy stuff, but I want more of the I think that's why Andor and stuff hits so hard for me. Like it's so like, I want to know like what everybody else is doing. Like we know that the the Empire is doing all this bad stuff.
But and I like the low key nature of how they've been doing it with animation. Like every new animated show comes out. Everybody air quotes everybody pisses and moans that we don't want a cartoon by the time season two or three comes around. It's like this is the greatest thing ever. We were patient and we got great stories. So I think more if I had to say more animated
a series where you get about the everyday people, the people in the background, the people who are maybe the ones really suffering and not just stumbling into being like, I'm a magician. I can do magic things. And I want to see more of the real life stuff. Excellent. And is there an actor or actress you'd like to put in that show? Oh, man. It's tough in it when you don't know the
When you're not prepped, putting you on the spot. When you're not prepped, it's just like, who do I like looking at? That's what it always ends up being. It could be a villain, too. It could be someone, who do I hate? Not hate, but who's good at playing someone I hate? I'm trying to think somebody. It's not a big name. Not somebody who's a character actor and big name and other stuff. That sometimes sucks me out of it.
oh man damn i'd love to see i'd love to see you like i want to see a really compelling um high high level
like kind of a sinister female villain. I don't feel like we've gotten that. I'd love I'd love to see that and like have somebody in like have it be younger too. Like I'd love to see like a Florence Pugh even though she's a big name. Like I just contradicted myself. Have her be no mate. That's it mate. You've won. You've just won the quiz by coming out with that one answer.
I think I watched this summer too, too recently. It's like, this is... I can see her coming. Can you pause for a minute, mate? I've got a nip off and I'll be back. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So next question. Yeah. About Florence Pugh. Damn. Okay. I'll concentrate now. Right. What colour would you like to see be, Sean? I mean, I hate to say it, but probably red.
If I could, if I could, if I couldn't pick that, I'd probably, I'd probably have a, probably a blue, blue or black, blue or blue. Okay. It'd probably be red or orange. Now that that's an option. Orange. I changed all my answers. It's orange now.
Well, just for people listening this side of the pond, that's orange. Okay. Sean said orange. Orange. Orange. Orange. Yeah. Not orange. Not orange. So you sat in a really cool room right now, Sean. Listeners can't see it, but we can. You've got some really cool stuff around you. Have you got a favorite collectible in there?
my favorite collectible will easily be my my old micro or gloob action fleet tie defender that i have um which is like the old legends three-wing tie fighter they were super hard to find like once once i got my first big boy job years years ago got it on ebay it's loose but that is like i used to love the old action fleet stuff it's
It's not out because I don't want it to get like sun damage, but let's see. They can't, they can't see it. They can look at it. They can Google it. Yeah, sweet. And then final question for me before I pass it over to everyone else. Um, you were showing us just before we started recording some models

Model Building and Collecting

and stuff. And I know you're, you're a keen crafter and painter. What's your favorite Star Wars model that you've ever put together? Oh man.
But whichever one I'm not currently working on, it's probably the best answer because it's always. But it's the tie bomber easily, by far, in all seriousness. Tie bomber's my favorite ship. Oh, wow. Does it depend on it? No, it's a guy online at sea, something like that, did 3D modeled it to
an insane level degree and it's pretty big. I think it's like 140, I think it's 148. So it's pretty big. And I feel like the tie bomber is pretty underrepresented in a lot of the merch. Like they have bits and bobs here and there, but a high quality tie bomber, that model was fun to build. Nice. Love it. Nice. Thanks, Sean. Anyone else?
Yeah. I want to, okay. So as you just hinted on for the listeners, uh, Sean is also a painter, miniature model, put together, uh, create shit. Um, so Sean, what started this? When did you, when, when, when was your like, I'm going to get into, I'm going to start painting shit, like small things and miniatures or models and shit.
I've never felt more prepared for a question in my life. It's a very clear distinction. My partner, Madison, used to work for a board game company. This is before we really got together, so that got me interested in modern board games. I discovered
game like a game called Memoir 44, which is a World War II game. I ended up not liking playing the game, but I liked painting the little models. Then I discovered X-Wing Miniatures game.
I played that a couple times and realized they hurt my back to lean over a table for three and a half hours at a time. I was like, you know what? I actually just like painting these little models and customizing them. Then I realized I don't have to play this game. I can just buy models. So I started buying models. And then from there, it's just been down the rabbit hole from there where I'm either building Bandai models are the best. I wish they build more of them. I don't know how they make a profit when they're
20 bucks and it's insane, I don't know. It doesn't make sense to me. Or doing like dioramas like this one over here in my shoulder, which is like a little ATST on the ground with some Imperial assault characters. A little bit of a scale issue, but still, it works. Love it. So how long ago did it start? Like was this like, how long have you been doing this? The semi recent or has it been? What year is it? 2024? Maybe five or six years.
Yeah. Very cool. Very nice. Doing amazing work, for sure. Thank you. I appreciate that. And seeing the stuff that you're putting out, that means a lot. And I can plus with Chris here too, we all know that, you know, it means a lot. Yeah. Chris is already owning it. I mean, that was fresh in the game, mate. I'm fresh in the game. Dude, it looks so good. The two droids you made, they're so good. We'll put that on Twitter for everybody to see.
I heard you do scratch build. So I'm come collecting all my little my little leftover greeblies and stuff from all my, my band ziploc bags full of them. All that. They have spares like usually clear parts, gray parts, and all the little bits and bobs and extras. I'll create a little ziploc bag for you. I don't know when we're gonna see each other again. Or maybe I'll just mail it but Oh, that's nice.
The words got out, you know, that I'm doing all the scratch building and the amount of shit people send me and give me. It's dead funny. I've not been doing it long and I've just got boxes and boxes of shit. It's dead good. Dude, I have like half, half a Gronk tote, half a tote, half a Gronk, half a Gronk full of like Warhammer extras. It's nuts. Because I bought so much Warhammer and then you don't you because you have options.
And you use next May May I'll be I'll be in there. I'll be having. I'll listen. I love that. I love that. Is is a 40 K styrene or is that like a resin or what is it? It's plastic. It's not. OK, they have a resin line which sucks and they're trying to phase it out. It's not good because I can't glue together well like that.
but their other, their main stuff is more, I don't know what they use. I don't, I should know, shouldn't I? But it's like more plastic. Is it the stuff you put the special, the special liquid on and then it melts it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Polystyrene. Oh, polystyrene. All right. All right. Cool. Now I know. Thank you. Well, it used to be lead, didn't it? It used to be like a little metal. Oh yeah. It used to be metal. Yes. Back in the day. That's fun to paint and have it chip off later. But, uh, okay.
Dude, I made a shepherd's pie tonight. Jimmy's not here, mate. Sorry. Feeling a bit left out. I made a cheesy pasta bake. I can't tell you about it because Jimmy's not here. You put any little spices in that shepherd pie there?
a little bit, a little bit, mainly Worcestershire sauce. That's the secret ingredient. That's the glue that holds it together. Would you pronounce that one more time for all the US-based people who can butcher that word? Worcestershire sauce. And now I can't say it. So Worcestershire sauce. Worcestershire. Interesting. Okay. Thank you.
I think I learned something else. Okay, cool. Do you have any questions, Andy? I have a couple more.
No, any questions, if this is your pot, man, I'll waste my own time on my own pot. I just want to know your favorite non-Star Wars model slash miniature that you've painted slash created. I can see a theme. Oh man, here we go. Well, probably the one I'm currently working on.
Um, why didn't I didn't create it? I got the model on the internet because I, that is, yeah, that wasn't the one thing. Yeah. So just for reference, before people start getting excited, then I'm like, I have zero ability at 3d modeling. It's on that. It's that never ending to do list item. It's like, I'll do that next week. I'll learn that sometime. So I cannot do that, but it's a, a rendition of, uh, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It's a Raphael where it's kind of like.
all super like ancient Edo period Japanese kind of style and kind of putting that together and kind of thinking about it differently. It's easy to do Star Wars ships because if it looks like crap, it just looks like weathered. So it's like, congratulations, it's just weathered. But when you're doing, I really struggle with like character models. And like, to me, the best part about modeling is I'm very much a process. I think like that, I'm a software person. So it's like,
battered, beaten, it's like
what order do I do this in? Do I do I paint the shell or the body and then the then glue it and then it's just so I spend most of my time modeling just thinking and like looking at it and trying not to redo my work and spend too much money doing it. But yeah, all I'd say this this turtle model is it's about
10 inches tall. I don't know what that is in centimeters. Is it there, Sean? Is it close by? It's out. It's not super far down right now. It's all right. We'll just take a second. And I grained some cheese on top of the shepherd's pie as well. Oh, cheese. I like that. What kind of cheese? What kind of cheese? I use a mature gouda.
On top of the, on top of the, uh, that's also called Gouda. But yes. Yep. Okay. Gouda. Sorry. Back to shore. We're back. We're back. He's mostly, he's mostly black right now, but there he is right there. He doesn't have a snake. Oh, that is wicked. Oh, yeah. We'll post this on Twitter too. Yeah. It looks really good. So where did you get that from?
Um, I believe I got the, the model on Etsy, but I can't remember because I mean, obviously anytime you're dealing with this stuff, you gotta be careful of like getting resellers and like supporting the, even beyond copyright, supporting the actual person who created the model. And so what's funny is a lot of the resellers pro tip.
They don't remove the artist signatures and stuff on the bottom. So if you can see the model, just look at the name and go find the actual artist instead of buying crap. If it's $2 on Etsy, you're not buying it from the right place. But I believe it was on Etsy, then I then found the artist website and bought it from them. Sweet. That's smart. Yeah. Dude, that looks sweet. That looks awesome. I just have to do this because of it.
Anyway, that's the it's also a We're gonna talk that batch later. Yeah, um any other questions Despite being Flipping about the the the model making I was gonna ask any of you guys actually not just Sean any thoughts on life size stuff moving to life stuff, so I'm
Because having met Sean, I've gone down so many, many different rabbit holes on YouTube in particular and because of some of the stuff that Chris is sending me as well. And the latest one I'm looking at is a lot of these life-size model makers, especially those that are the droid builders and the rest of it. But even those that don't make fully
animatronic droids, they just literally make them as set pieces, as decoration for their rooms. I just wondered if you guys ever thought about going down that line because I'd love a bit of furniture. If you're in the market, if you're in the market to go down life size, I'm very interested. Sean?
Yeah, you're picking on me first. The closest I've done to full size is kind of the...
the prop building and also like the costuming side of things. I mean obviously people on video can see that I have a couple helmets to my whatever side my left. I actually have the armor pieces for both of those available as well and I was originally intending to do like the 501st years and years and years ago.
It's been hard, it's been hard to get back into it because I think just some, I won't go too far into it, but it's like some just negative experiences with some people from that group. I know it doesn't represent all of them, but there's just, it just kind of put a bad taste in my mouth. And so I've kind of, I haven't had the motivation to do it. Plus it's just easier to, to have the space. A lot of it's been a space issue. It's like, it's easy to work on a small model. I can put it on a desk. Uh, the big stuff, it's like, that's a, even just building these helmets, it's like,
Okay, I'm gonna go out and sand a bunch of resin or casted items and I'm gonna get crap all over the place outside or just ruin a room. It's just so much more, unless you have a workshop. I don't have a garage. It's really hard, at least for me. I am interested in doing some of that stuff, but I think getting that dream workshop one day is gonna be the trigger point for that.
What about you, boys? Are you ever thinking about going that way? Full-size Warhammer space marine armor suit? Well, I was... You said Warhammer, so now I guess I'll try. When we went into Warhammer world and saw that Uruk-Aai, remember that, Chris? Yeah. I do remember that. Life-size fucking Uruk-Aai, like, in our base.
I thought that was fucking awesome. But the real roadblock for me is room because my wife won't let me put it in the living room. So like, like what's a stormtrooper or whatever doing in our fucking living room? But yeah, I'd like to. That'd be pretty fun to do 3D print or whatever it cost. I lean towards like a cosplay thing, like and then like setting it up. But I don't I don't.
Yeah, it's a room thing. I stick to miniatures like Sean said. It's easier to display on shelving.
It's easier to gift a miniature to somebody when you're done with it and you wanna make a new, for a long time I had a rule where it's like, I can't make a new one unless I get rid of one. And so it's a lot easier to give somebody a ship in a USPS box or something than it is to be like, hey, I've got three grand worth of armor and anybody the same size as me wanna take it. So it's a logistics thing too for me.
Yeah. Yeah. And it's, I love giving miniatures away. I've done it multiple times and it's, it feels good. It's good. It feels good to receive them as well. Oh yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. There's a guy on, there's a guy on YouTube I follow, is it SKS Props? He does an awful lot of armour, Warhammer and Gears of War and that kind of stuff. He does it in foam. He does it all in foam and he's a clever, clever guy. Clever, clever guy. Anyway, I digress. Sorry, Jans. It makes it, it gives you hope for a possible TV show in the future.
Chris, how about you? Yeah, it's a room thing. Although I've just finished the third scratch build and they're getting bigger. I don't know what the next one's going to be. Are you going to do dioramas? Are you going to step into dioramas soon too? Because you've got to have some more to put them.
Yeah, I've done the bases. I've just got to finish the base for the new one. But yeah, full diet. Yeah. That's a big rabbit hole, isn't it? Do like a big aquarium. Big rabbit hole. And then you're like, you're pouring resin or like the whatever the thing for water. Don't get me started on resin. No, the best is when you go so far, you go outside and you're trying to find like good leaves on the ground so you can go home and cut them into little leaves. And you have a pile of little leaves. Oh, it's the best.
I was out walking the dog the other week and there's this house up the way that's having some work done and they've got like all these like massive piles of grit and sand on their driveway and it's like a six-inch morning and I'm like I've got nothing to put this in I could just take a handful of this grit and a handful of these rocks and sand I've got nothing to put it in so I walked the dog twice a day and in the evening I went back
with some empty i did the same route and it's dark as well and i went back with empty like pots like little tubs containers as you should yes to fill up like with grit and sand for my basis for my for these so-called dioramas and um they fucking they'd used all the sand and grit in the day and i was gutted
But, you know, we'll get there. So, yeah, when I'm out, every time I walk the dog now, every day, I've got little spare things in my coat, like, in case I see things. I picked a load of slate up off someone's drive the other day, like a little slate bit, so that I can use that. Yeah, that would be good. Leftover medicine bottles work really well for that. You just carry it. And people think you're weird when you're, like, picking up rocks and putting them in, like, an orange tube.
my rocks mate i live in the smallest village in england well not quite the smallest village in england but a tiny tiny village in england the fact that i walk down the street with a beard and a band t-shirt on makes me weird so picking picking up rocks is they'll just be like oh it's that guy again doing that it's that weirdo that lives in the village um but full size stuff i've got
friend of the show, occasional, well, never, never time listener, Graham, Graham Simpson. And we're going to send out some good vibes to him because he's in hospital this coming week for quite a serious operation. So we send out some good vibes to Graham. But he's got he's built a full size pit droid.
and it's fucking brilliant. And it sits on the coffee table in the corner of his front room and it's amazing. And he 3D printed it and painted it all up and it's rad. I think it took him about four weeks to print.
Despite being, despite being life size, that's small enough life size. So yeah, you know, that you know, the two legged robot from Jedi survivor, uh, that kind of size would be perfect. Absolutely perfect anyway.
So yeah, regular listeners of the show are like, what the fuck have I tuned into here? The modeling show.

Hosts' Recent Activities

The best. It's a scruffy looking crafters. Right. Cool. Let's get on with our week sets. All right. Yeah. So, uh, this is time in the podcast where we talk about recent things in Star Wars or sci-fi, whatever the fuck you want to talk about.
in the last week or recent, if you're a guest. I'll go first, I guess. The only real Star Wars thing I did was I played a game called... Piketopia? You guys heard of this? It's Star Wars, though. It's Star Wars Piketopia. I bet this is like Pictionary Andy.
Um, so it's a bunch of cards that are pretty big, like, like four by three inches. And, um, there's four pictures on one side and then there's questions on the back and it's like, which, for example, it has four pictures from scenes from movies and it's like, which three are not.
Um, starships that are going to Endor or something, you know what I mean? Like that kind of question. Oh, yeah. Yeah. But the cool thing, like I played with my girls and they're like, oh, you're going to win, which I did win. But it was closer than I thought it would be.
Because there's a dice roll feature in this, where it determines if it's a solo question, because there's always a host who doesn't get points, and then the other people get points, and then you roll the dice, and it's either a team question, where everybody gets the points, or a solo question, where if you get it, the one person gets it right, or two people, whatever, they get the points.
it was close actually because like they would be on my team and there's like a bidding feature where you wager points and they're like oh I'm on dad's team I'm gonna bet like the higher number I'm teaching them how to gamble essentially no just kidding um but it was it was it ended up being closer than I thought and I barely won I think Gwen was like three points behind me so
And one part of it is like an apples to apples, where like, if you play that game, where it's more about the person playing, where it asks a question like, of these four pictures, what would the person that's hosting the turn, what would this person want to have as a bodyguard? And it's like Boba Fett, Yoda,
And you got to know the person, you know what I'm saying? So it's like, it depends on the dire role. So it's a really like, it's yeah, Tarples. Yeah, it's fun. It's kind of random, but, you know, sometimes my girl's like, what's Endor? I'm like, fuck.
That I recommend that game pick topia Star Wars and What else I watched a bad batch and oh I played a board game Sean And he talked about board games earlier. I played terraforming Mars Which is a an award-winning? I think it's award-winning. It's it's up there. Anyway, it's a it's a board game where players
companies from Earth terraforming Mars and you compete in in terraforming Mars essentially and then it's like Starfield the board game yeah
Exactly. Yeah. And, uh, uh, that was really, is way more fun than it sounded. Cause it sounds like a corporate. Whatever. And it's more just like, just science and what you draw in hands and discoveries and shit like that. So it was really fun. Fun. Uh, other than that, that, that was my week. It's only been a week, so not much has really happened. So, uh, yeah.
Chris, you want to go next? Yeah, mate. Yeah, I can go. So outside of trying to steal people's building supplies while I'm out walking the dog. It's been World Book Day this week. Is that a thing all over the world? I know it's called World Book Day. Do you have that in America? You've got World Series, aren't you? And there's only fucking America in it. That's how arrogant you pricks are. So are you included in World Book Day?
No, no, I never heard of it. It's quite a big thing here. It's like all the kids, all the kids at school dressed up as a favorite, like literary characters. Go ahead. Wikipedia says United Kingdom and Ireland. So we're arrogant. Quote on quote. World World Day. Yeah.
Cool. So we we had World Book Day this week. And I love that World Book Day is it's my favorite school drop off in the morning of the year because I'm walking down the street and there's like Harry Potter comes walking past and a couple of Disney princesses. And there's always some kids that just can't be asked. They just put their football kits on and just pretend like that they're a football character.
What? Kev got a bit, no? You imagine if Kev's like, it's for kids at junior school, so like, aged five to ten, and you just see Kev fully grown. Hey, come on, I'm off to World Cup Day. I saw other people dressed up, I just followed them. Yeah. But Jackson went as Ash Ketchum from Pokรฉmon, when he was, he loved it, mate. He proper loved it, it wasn't.
Can you remember when he went in his Obi-Wan, the other year, Ed? He was in the full Jedi kit. But yeah, that was rad. But at work, we do... So it's not just children that celebrate World Book Day, all over the world. Adults celebrate as well. And we had a book drive at work, so everyone brings in their old books, and then you donate money and swap your books if you want to.
So being an avid reader, as we all know, I've been there's like a few trestle tables set up like in an area in the office. And I've been keeping an eye on it, looking for the true subacura like all week as the books are coming in. No such no such look. Although the heir to the empire was there at the end of the week. And obviously I'm a throng guy now. So I bought that home. That's a big deal. Yeah, I didn't bring that home.
Well, it's not really, but it's understandable, isn't it? Someone read it and was like, fuck this, I'll take that to book drive. I don't want to keep this.
The first five pages are ruffled. The rest is like brand new. Yeah. It looked minty fresh as well. There was no creases on the spot. So, you know, but the one someone in the office was like came over, was like, hey, Chris, I bought some Star Wars books in. Do you want to before I put them out on the table? Do you want first dibs? So I was like, yeah, have a look. Yeah.
and it was like it was really bad actually because i was like i think my first question was are they novels because something would be a hard no and they were like no no they're more like uh reference books and stuff i was like yeah hit me up
So they got this big pile out and it was like the visual dictionaries and I was like, got, got, got, got, got that, got that, got that. And they were like, oh, damn. But there was a couple, there was this really, this really cool one called Moss Eisley Cantina Pop-Up Book. Ooh, I like it. And it's all the artwork is Ralph McQuarrie's concept art.
All throughout it. I love it. Well, it's like it tells you all about. So it's got like those OG Stormtrooper designs in it and stuff. And it's like that. I call that like hammerhead. Fucking nice. What are they called? Yeah, I've seen that before. They are historians. Yeah. Cool. So it's got all that. And then right at the end of the book, it's got this. I want to try and display this. But it's a wicked. Oh, that's cool.
big like cantina pop up scene. So that was rad. So I was like, yeah, I'm bringing that home. I love that mate. I love that. And then there is this from Star Wars to Indiana Jones, the best of the Lucasfilm archives, which is, I think it's a condensed version of a much larger book. And it's got like,
It's just, I opened it up and I was like, Strutty's got 100% Strutty's got this or a version of it. Cause it's just all the concept shit, all the concept art and all like Joe Johnston's artwork and all that shit, mate. I fucking love all that. So I'll peruse through this and it's got like closeups of all the models and stuff. And damn, I've just fell down a big rabbit hole guys with this shit. Tell you. There's a book called Sculpting a Galaxy.
No, there isn't, Sean. Don't tell me that. Oh, it's so good. I'm writing this to that. Sculpt in the galaxy. When we sign off, go grab it and I can flip through it for you so you can see what's in it. It's pretty sick. Okay. It's my favorite one.
Sweet. So outside of that, yeah. As I teased, as I mentioned, again, it's another visual thing. We're a shit podcast, we are. But I finished my third, my third scratch build. Oh my God, that looks really good. So I've got this. Are you shitting me? Oh, dude. So I'll take some photos. I'm still working on the bass and then I'll do the glamour shots and that. But this is all just junk, like washing up bottles and shit like that.
closed pegs and stuff, but it's cool. I think I'm done modeling. I think I'm done. I'm well into this shit. That looks amazing. It looks like a, it could be like a Warhammer walker. Thank you. But yeah, I got this little tool that's like a heat, like a, it looks like a soldier nine or something. And I was like putting
like battle damaging to it, like burning bits into it. That acid wash. I heated it up and I was like, I was dead nervous because I put the, it was pre-paint, so I primed it and it, they always look dead good, don't they? When it's fully primed and it's like... It's like a blank, it's like a blank canvas. You're like, oh, yeah. It's like, if I fuck this up, I'm going to have to like fix it. So I was like, and then I'm like,
Trust the process, trust the process. So I went straight in with this like hot, hot iron thing. Totally should have been wearing a mask because all this fucking toxic smoke just like went in my face and I was like coughing my guts up like.
So yeah, I'll wear a mask next time I do that, but yeah, it's just so much fun. I've just dead into it, but it just takes forever. It's not as immediate as drawing, like when I'm drawing, I can get a result in like an hour or so, but these things take weeks.
Dude, you're too good at this. That's unreal. That's unreal. I'm about to just ship all my stuff out. That is unreal. And you're like, oh, it takes so long. You've been knocking these things out left and right. I work on it for months. It's crazy.
Well, it's cool. I just I'm dead into it. But it's all it's all over. But yeah, I'm going to keep you. I'm going to keep you to that green blues back me and I want them. I got him right here. I would. I would get him out, but don't make a ton of noise.
Cool. So how many times have you been to Warhammer World since we last spoke about it? Since we last spoke, I was going to go, wasn't I, last week, but there was that event on. I couldn't get this weekend because it was Mother's Day, but hopefully I'm off work on Friday. I'm supposed to be carrying on with the decorating project now that we've finished one room and obviously it's moved into another room, hasn't it? She's like,
She's changed it. She's done a swift one on me and she's been like, ah, that would look so good, Chris. It's a shame to leave it just in there. Imagine if it carried it on into the hallway. So and why are you doing the woodwork in the hallway? You might as well do the walls as well, aren't you? Keeps adding to the list. So that's on my Friday list. But normally when I've got a day off, I drop jacks off at school, I come home, I'll have a big fat fry up.
about 10 cups of Yorkshire gold and watch YouTube and the next thing I know it's like two o'clock and the kids are gonna be home in an hour and I'm like shit I've wasted my day so I she'll want me to get on with the decorating but I might be able to nip in and
get some paints and shit. But I'm ready, mate. I'm ready for that guy, mate, behind the cat there. What you working on? Tearing it, mate. Just working on my tearing. Got a big campaign this weekend, mate. Gonna pull an all-nighter and paint these out tonight ready for this weekend's campaign. Love it. Love it. Yeah, let me know if you need more terminology. You need to whip out. Yeah, mate. I love it. So yeah, that's me, mate. That's me.
Cool, cool, cool. I did forget to say one thing before we move on to Andy and Sean. I was talking last time about World of Warcraft.

Travel Stories and Media Reviews

Sorry to bring it up again.
Um, I did get the coveted 3k rating in mythic. Oh yeah. You run about that. Yeah. Yeah. I finally got it with the help of my friends, uh, Felicia and Mark mentioning their names and, uh, um,
and they're very helpful the whole way and uh it's surreal it's like i beat the game it's weird and world warcraft isn't a game you like just beat it's kind of just a world but it felt like i was like wow okay now what
It's a weird feeling, I don't know. I've never had that before. So in my 20 years of playing it, whatever, plus. So is that just you feeling that way or does something actually happen in the game? Me feeling that way. You don't even get an achievement. It's just like I got 3K. Before it was 2K, I got that. I get that easily now and then it's like a 3K and I was like, I didn't think I'd ever get 3K, ever.
So, the game has changed a little bit, so it makes it slightly easier to get, but... Right. But do you get anything from that? I mean, does everyone else that's playing with you know that you've got 3K? Yes, because they all can see your rating. Right, got it. You don't get a specific crowd. Yeah, I sign up for stuff to do things, and they immediately invite me. Got it, got it. You've got 3K rating to secure, whatever.
But because I have it, I'm like, now what? So I don't like play as much. But, you know, whatever. It's still there. I just want to mention that. Andy, you want to go next? There's Sean. Whoever wants to go.
Yeah. Andy. Andy. Andy. Andy. Andy. Andy. Andy. Andy. Andy. Andy. Andy. Andy. Andy. Andy. Andy.
stuff because I've been working away. We've been working. We had a we had a team off site in Milan. It's the first time that my team my team of 12. Yeah, yeah, but we had to meet somewhere because we're scattered across the whole of Europe, Middle East and Africa somewhere.
Well, you say that you say that but it was it worked out the most economical for all of us to kind of get to get this place that we that we hired out and Yeah, so we've been there for a week, which has been good fun had a bit of a nightmare getting back as I know you guys already know I Flew into one Airport in Milan and I was scheduled to fly out from a different Airport except nobody told me that so naturally
I turn up at the airport, me assuming it's the right airport because it's the airport I flew into, and I go to the flight desk and say, hey, my flight's not here.
And they said, yeah, because it's a different airport. Oh, yeah. How far is the airport? About an hour and a half away. What a shitter. I'm not going to make it, am I? No, you're not sir. No, you're not at all. That's rough. Yeah, got a little that got a little bit stressy because I hate flying anyway. So that kind of just added to the anxiety I was feeling at the time. But luckily, luckily,
The airline themselves came through and said, hey, I tell you what, if you're OK, pay this little bit extra. We'll refund you the ticket from the other airport, and then we'll fly you out on this later flight from here. And as a result of that, I only lost an hour. So I was really chuffed for that. Oh, that's right. Very nice. The airline actually really, really looked after me because they could see I was not particularly happy. I was just saying an hour and a lot of stress.
I mean, when you put flights, right? I mean, you typically assume that you're going to fly in and out from the same airport. It never ever occurred to me. I mean, it's my fault because I didn't check the itinerary.
I kind of assumed that when I booked the tickets, it would be the same place, but no, it wasn't. So that was a lot of fun and laughter. Apart from that, since I last spoke to you lovely folks, I've seen Dune.
Part two. Part two, sorry. And I won't go into detail because I'm going to wait for you, Ed, and you, Sean, to watch it. Thanks, Andy. Why not, Chris? I don't know. I have no idea. I have to say, I have to say, I have to say, I do understand why some folk may find the first part one a little bit slow because it's building up to
It's building the narrative and creating the plot and everything.
But the pacing of part two is very, very different. It's very, very different. All hell breaks loose and it's a good romp. It's beautiful. It's beautifully shot. Hopefully one day we can talk about it amongst the three of us at least soon. But it is, I do recommend it. And if you are going to in any way interested in seeing it, I do recommend it on the big screen in IMAX because it is stunning.
But did you see the popcorn bucket? But did you get the bucket? No, no, no gutted, gutted, absolutely gutted. They didn't do them in the UK. I was really looking forward to getting my
my flashlight looking bucket and unfortunately they don't sell them in the UK. So I was a bit gutted about that. I've asked a few folks, friends of mine over in the States if they come across one to pick one up for me and we'll sell later. But no, they didn't get one, unfortunately. But what I did get
is we are actually taking a week off work next week, Lucy and I, my wife, to use up some holiday before the end of our fiscal year, which is the end of March. So we're taking next week off work and I've bought the
Ormethopter, the Lego Ormethopter from June, the large one that combines Lego with Meccano. There's a few Meccano bits in there. Not Meccano, is it? Technic, sorry. Technic stuff in there as well. So it actually physically flaps its wings as well and all that kind of stuff. So I've bought that and I'm going to get balls deep into that next week, because it sounds like the weather's going to be absolutely awful, despite the fact I've got to use this holiday app.
um apart from that that's pretty much it um it's been a lot of work a lot a lot of work um yeah you were on recently too so you yeah yeah yeah yeah you don't hear too much from me anyway no no that's not what i meant i mean fuck yeah don't ask him about any disney investors calls or anything like that because i've got to go to bed soon mate all right all right um
So Sean, newcomer to the show. Um, it doesn't have to be this previous seven days particularly, but yeah, it does. I want to know what you had for breakfast last Monday. Um, what you had for lunch on Wednesday.
Yep, yep. Oh man, this is, this is, I can actually answer those questions. It's pretty easy. So, uh, not normally, but this week, this week I'm good. Uh, because about a couple hours ago, I actually just got back from vacation. Uh, we were in a lovely Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and for breakfast, I probably had alcohol and for lunch, I guaranteed I had alcohol. Um, so you're welcome. I can never answer that question ever again. Um,
And so that's why we, that's why we missed our most recent episode of just shilling. But, um, thank you. This is, this is our makeup for it. We're, we're doing great. Uh, yeah. So however recent you want to go back. Oh, anything. So you don't want to hear, you don't want to hear about my drinking in Mexico. You can hear about that as well. Uh, because that did entail that. I was a hockey boy as a child. Sometimes I get sad.
Um, because it does have a Star Wars connection because I did get drunk on pina coladas and mudslides in Mexico. And I ordered the, the new Shinhati hot toys on, uh, not on accident. I did it intentionally, but I was like, I pre-ordered that. She looks gorgeous. Right? Does. She does. I do. I do like it. And I was hoping Andy would pre-order the baling, but he's got time. We'll get there. Um, but other than that, I've been hanging out at home in the snow besides that.
Is there the story behind this? Andy, what's holding you back there, buddy? Payment plans, mate. Come on. Yeah, that should make it easier. I am not Jimmy Dice. You are not going to get me to buy anything on this part. I'll consider it.
Come on mate. Andy mate, when you came on and you talked at length about how much you love bailing. Come on mate. Andy look like him, so you've got to, come on, you've got to get this hot toy.
You need the reference of the cosplay. I'm certainly considering it. Thank you, Chris, for the endorsement. If your co-host has got the Shin one, then you definitely need Baelin. Come on, what are you playing at? Best cosplay jewel. I'm doing the lift here. I'm doing the lift. I have a wig. I've got commitments to do the makeup. I'm not trimming the beard. I'm sorry. It's just going to be... It is going to be what it is. Bearded Shin.
And it's, you know, all you have to do is like, I don't know, put on like a, like a bathrobe or something. I don't even know. Yeah. Black bathrobe and like a lightsaber, whatever. To explain to folk that may not know what's going on here. Sean has this idea that in Japan, we go and cosplay as Balan and Shin. And Shin.
And he's already bought the wig for Shin. It's a great wig, by the way. The joke started as a podcast, and now that's happening. And now phase two is cosplay. Yes. It's about the slow burn. It's about the long con. We're going to do it. We've got plenty of time. It's the Palpatine method. Yes. Yes, good. Good.
We shall see. Andy, I shall watch your podcast career with great interest.
I've watched Bad Batch, but we could talk about that in a minute. One thing I've picked up recently, I mean, I don't know, I know you guys don't listen to my podcast, but I've been listening to the, I've been watching all the Oscar nominated Best Picture movies. It's something we picked up, my girlfriend and I, we picked up years ago because a local movie theater hosted this thing where you can watch all like eight or nine of them over like two days, just like back to back to back in a movie theater. And we're like, that sounds like a bad idea. Let's go do that.
Um, so we just kind of got hooked on it because it's all these movies that we would have never watched because half of them are like no name films and someone we've already seen. So we'd skip them. Um, so now that we don't live near that, we just kind of do it on our own. Um, and so like we've watched like some more recent ones are like poor things. Like we've started zone of interest, which is.
Wow. Like it's wild, but it's something really cool. Really cool. We've been doing outside of that. We've also, I picked up Shogun recently. Um, is that good?
It is, I'm not going to spoil it because it's only three episodes, but it's like, uh, game of thrones in like the kind of the Edo period or kind of like, uh, historic Japan. The, I, it's not a spoiler, but I want to see like Andy's reaction to this of like the end of the third episode got a little like cheesy and not cheesy, but it's like.
tone shift, but it's a good show. It's really good. I'm really enjoying it. So you leapfrog me, mate, because I saw one and two when you and I last spoke. Because I've been away, I didn't get to see episode three yet. But yeah, I'm loving it, man. I'm absolutely loving it. I've been drunk in Mexico and I'm keeping up with shows. Well, you committed. What can I say?
He's all in, man. He's balls deep. He's balls deep. That is two more times than I thought I would hear that on this podcast.
It's got the it's got the it's got the actress from if you've seen monarch the sister she's kind of Like one of the mains in it like a totally different vibe though, but it's like you kind of look at it's like I recognize her What is she in it's like? Oh, it's a sister for monarch, but no, it's really good It's a if you're into that kind of like period of time and you like the kind of
not political, but kind of social intrigue of Game of Thrones. I recommend it. It was only three episodes. It could go to total shit before we know it, but those three episodes were...
Yeah, Kev would love it. Kev would absolutely love it. It's really good. I'm finally getting into For All Mankind. I got through the first two episodes and I'm like, I'm in. Like I said, balls deep on that now. They just discovered the thing on the moon. Is that a spoiler alert? I don't know. The water on the moon for ice? It's not spoiling.
And he talks about it on our podcast. Yeah, and I am hooked. Flying in sync, baby. I am in. I am all in. So as soon as I get back to working, working, I watch everything and listen to everything while I work. So it's just funny because I haven't been working. So I haven't. You keep using this term working. Yeah.
He does work there. It's a weird thing. I don't know how he does it. I've witnessed it, Sean. Yeah. I've sat next to him in the same room while he's been working and listening to live Lord Irene's commentary from me. Yeah. And still getting his job done. It's good. It's interesting. It's weird. Because I've been doing it for so long. So it's just like a thing. Yeah. Anything else, Sean? Sorry. Didn't want to hijack it. Just no.
Just snow and Tahoe. That's all we got. Other than that, that's it.

Weather and Star Wars News

Don't, right, forgive my ignorance here. English small-minded person. Don't you live in California? I do. What are you talking about snow for? So California is a very big state. Be prepared to be educated.
No, no, this isn't uncommon. This is common even in the U.S. People are like, oh, you live in California. You live in Venice Beach of SoCal, like where the syphilis guys and like SoCal, down low where it's very, very warm. And like, yeah, those guys, I don't live there. If you're familiar at all with the United States, there's like the south part, like Florida and in those, that's like SoCal.
where I live is way up high near the northern part. And so I actually live in the mountains, so closer to the eastern border. I live like two or three miles from the eastern border. I'm in the mountains. Last year, we got record breaking snow, which was as high as the second story, like we could step off the snow onto the second story roof of our house. That's how much snow we got. Wow.
And yeah, so if you look up Lake Tahoe, that's where I live, it's extremely deep, extremely big, warm summer beaches, but also cold frickin' winters. It's a big ski town.
What was the recorded amount of inches? Depends on where you are. So if you ever heard the story of the Donner Party, that's where they... We're still talking about penis. The average? Anyway, what? Sorry.
Three yards maybe that's huge. It's it's huge. Yeah, I saw your pictures you sent in the discord channel Help yeah, help it help it hasn't been this bad this year, but we've we've been getting pounded last couple weeks. Yeah Crazy yeah, you got all our snow cuz in Maine we usually have snow, but it's this winter has been pretty mild And now there's like flooding today
Weird. It's been weird. You're welcome. Humans are fucking the Earth. Anyway. All right. Are we transitioning to... Yes. All right. You got to do it like Jimmy. All right. Thank you, everyone. We're now going to transition to greatness. And we're going to talk about the latest in Star Wars news. Sure, sure.
Yeah, so I think Sean's already kind of let it out the bag, but we've we've saw some new hot toys coming or being announced for pre-order. We've got Bailin and his partner Shin Hattie. Get that, come on, get that tab out. So when's that arriving? When's that arriving, Andy? Oh, I have no idea. I just pre-ordered it. I didn't look at anything else.
No, Andy, when was Bailyn arriving? Andy, Bailyn, Andy, Bailyn. I think there's a problem with my headphones. The only other news I have...
I actually got two more bits of news. So there is new content for Star Tours that's been announced to include scenes or simulations of flights during the ride from the Mandalorian, the Ahsoka and the Andor series, I believe.
So I don't like that it's random. I feel like you should be able to choose, right? It is random. Like you get in and you're like, it could be one you've been on or one you've not been on. But it's not even, it's random every ride, isn't it? I mean, it's not even, it's not even random for a day. So if you go one day and the next, it's going to be a different setup. It's actually random all the time, right? For every single ride. Cause I've been,
Chris, we were talking about it offline on Iran. I've been to the one in Disneyland Paris, and I was so stoked because I went to Disneyland Paris quite a few years back now. And it was the most advanced thing at the time that I could ride with my family. We were back straight on again, and it was totally different the second time round. So I guess it keeps it... Four score and seven years ago.
Back when I used to go on Star Wars! When the Europeans opened their own version of the Disneyland parks, my good wife and I were privileged to go to the opening, and we ended up riding... Oh, sorry, go on.
I think your headphones messing up again. Yeah, yeah, I think they were. I think I got some crap through all my, some feedback. Blu-ray. Blu-ray. Well, two things are happening. One is the distribution rights for Disney.
are going to be covered by Sony going forward. So Sony Entertainment is going to look after the distribution lights for all physical media for Disney. And as a result of that, Andor and Kenobi or Obi-Wan Kenobi have been confirmed as being launched or released later on this year.
which is great. And we know of one young lady in particular in the southern hemisphere that's going to be very, very excited for that news. And I'm sure that all of us between, you know, between us just going to have probably end up with five or six copies of each. But anyway, and then lastly, one thing I've just picked up, literally breaking news in the last couple of seconds, Sabre,
This is for the gamers out there. Sabre was a company that was managing the Kotor or the Knights of the Old Republic remake. They've been sold by their parent company. Initially, it was very doubtful that the Kotor remake was going to happen. It's now looking more likely because Sabre, as I said, the company or the
uh the ancillary company of of of the main company have been sold for 500 million along with their project now i don't know who they've been sold to and of course i haven't done my research and don't know who they've been sold by but that's why google it
But that's why Google exists. You're welcome, folks. You're welcome. On brand, I love it. Hot off the press. And that, I believe, is all the Star Wars news that I've picked up this week. Wasn't there a game that was cancelled because of firings or something? I'm trying to think now.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Was it respawn? Yeah, respawn. Yeah, the first person Mandalorian shooter. Yeah, that was also that was a few weeks ago. I thought you might have already covered it.
Don't be daft, mate, don't be daft. My bad, my bad. That's now been cancelled, which is surprising because I do believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, Sean, but isn't Respawn the company that did the development that did Jedi, Jedi Survivor? That sounds right, but I really have no idea. Let me Google it for you.
Throw me under a bus. Yes, Fallen Order. Yes, Titanfall, Fallen Order, Jedi Survivor. Yeah, that's right. There you go. Which they've got a lot of faith in. I mean, they've sold a ton of these games and a ton of these games. They've done really, really well for the franchise. So I'm really surprised that this first-person shooter has been canceled because I would have thought it would have been in safe hands. But like every other tech company at the moment,
that they're holding on to the purse strings and um they're all getting fucked by hell divers too by the way yeah yeah which i've been playing and it's fucking amazing for 40 dollars yes
I've yeah, no, I've I've been watching horseplay a lot of it on on Twitch. Unfortunately, time zones don't match up most times, but I'm catching it on on catch up on Twitch. But yeah, it looks fun. Looks like a lot of fun. It's amazing. For sure. Check out Grandad on Twitch, man. I'm dude. He's up on the video game industry, which is really awesome. I love it. I'm down with the kids. Just be careful I say that.
With... Be careful, be careful. So, gaming people have got... We kind of touched on this, but glanced over at Ed last week, I think. Mateyboy, old lad himself, Ahmed Best, recently posted a photo... Oh, yes, yes! ...on Instagram with mocap things all over his face, and one of the hashtags he used was Activision.
That's a gaming company, isn't it? That I do know. Owned by who? Microsoft, I think. Am I right? Someone's gone quiet all of a sudden.
I don't know.
I mean, you know, Blizzard Activision is a big organization, and I would be surprised if they're... Now the EA exclusivity agreement on Star Wars content is... It's probably a battle front game. I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised. Well, he's also a physical actor. This is what he does. This is what he did with Jar Jar, so I think people are... They're jumping to a lot of conclusions with it.
This is what he does. He's who he is. He was the pioneer in mocap, man. I know this is Andy's circus, but I feel like he was... No, no, no, no. I mean, I love Andy. Don't get me wrong. I love Andy, but you're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Yeah, mate. Jar Jar Walk show, Gollum could rule me. And I told him that. Face to face. Ahmed. And he's like, Tell my mom that. That's what he said. Sweet. It's funny. I'm like, you are the pioneer.
We love Ahmed here on this podcast. Good, good news section that Andy. Well done. Thanks buddy. You can come again. That was really good. Come again, come again. Thank you. I'm here awake. Shall we talk about bad batch real quick? Yay.
uh so latest episodes called the return i believe i put i i have some notes here let me see just a few not many don't worry don't worry chris don't worry just practice mate i'm not i'm not caught up yet i'm not even finished that episode i was on last week i've been uh sean are you caught up
Yes. Andy? Andy? Yes. Yes, I am. Andy? Yes, I am. I just want to say there's a scene near the beginning where there's a ship flying in the background in the sky and it looked a lot like the Mouldy Crow, but it wasn't. So I had to mention that. You got me. You got me piqued my interest now, mate.
I thought, I'm like, I had to take two on it. I was like, oh, what? Anyway, it wasn't. You haven't got the sound bite, have you? You haven't got the clip. This one?

Discussion on Bad Batch Series

I'm a loading crew guy now. That'll be, that'll do. That'll do. Well done, S. Comedic timing. Oh, you mean this one.
We'll get there. Helmet. Phone. Yep. We're talking about Bad Batch. Spoiler alert. Chris want to do it? No. Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy. And we shall have spoilers.
I got that ready. Just in case Chris doesn't feel like doing it live, it's there. No it's not, it's really good. Didn't play that again. Anyway, the return. Omega has a ponytail now, like prominently.
I think, right? Has it been in all of them? Am I fucked up? Did I misremember? I think when she wears the little headgear, I think she pulls it into a little, like a little rat tail ponytail thing, depending on the shot. Okay. Okay. My bad.
But she did have it in episode one. Because it showed the passing of time. It kind of was one of those story tropes to show, or techniques, sorry, to show that she'd been in Tantus for quite a while. Yes, yes. I apologize. Yeah, she's had it. I was just super prominent now. This is pretty much an episode that's like Hunter and Crosshair.
getting on terms with each other. Their relationship strained at first, which it should be. There's a trust issue. But this episode kind of shows them mending that. And it's not a failure episode, but it's needed, because it's needed. But that's essentially the episode, right?
No way near a filler episode. No way near. There are many facets to what's going on. I've seen folk talk about those kind of folk online talking about it being a filler episode. They went to the same planet where Crosshair killed the Imperial Officer, number one.
Number two, it was the same. He killed the imperial officer because he finally came around, woke up, if you like, to the oppression that was happening with his fellow clones, with his brothers. The fact that the new empire was treated them like a disposable commodity. You know, revisiting that place would have brought an awful lot back for
for Crosshair, but also provided a really good segue or a really good foundation for his subsequent conversation and, how can you put it, conversation and making up that needed to happen with Hunter. So, you know, I won't subscribe to the fact that some people think that it's a filler episode. And then of course,
There's a bit of fun with a monster or with a worm in the episode. And then there is a realization. And then there's the realization between both Crosshair and Hunter that there is still the bomb there that goes beyond the last couple of months or the last couple of years of discontent. And it's something that I talked to Sean about an awful lot.
when we last spoke on our part is that you know crosshair is being or has been portrayed as the villain but let's face it he was programmed to be a certain way he was keeping to his code he was keeping to his programming it was the other guys that were you know whether it's morally right or not he was
less faulty than the other than the other members of the bad batch. It was them that had rebelled against their programming. And to the crosshairs point in this week's episode, it was
He thought he was being a good soldier, which has ultimately been the premise behind his position and his confusion as to why his brothers have gone a totally different direction. So I thought this episode was great and I'm enjoying it. Is it groundbreaking? No, but was it a story that needs to be told? Yes, I think it did. Definitely. Yeah. Sean, what did you think?
I thought it was really good. There's kind of two pieces to it. One, I've mentioned it about the previous episodes, but having kind of Chris as a captive audience here too, I want to say like, I'm interested to see his reaction to this season, because I feel like there's a couple shots in each one of these episodes from the season where like,
they went a little bit higher budget i think on the the the quality the shots the visualizations like there's one right at the very beginning like we're like it's not a spoiler it's like i mean we're talking spoilers anyways but it's like omega's like laying down and she's got like that like macrame top
thing and she's kind of getting up and doing stuff and it's just like the animation quality of the the shot design and just it's like they let it render at an extra high quality and it's just it was beautiful and then there was another shot later on where uh where hunter was kind of fell in the hole yeah and it looked like it looked like a shot you would see on like a season poster where it's like down a tunnel and the lighting is really cool and there's particle effects and it's just it's it's it's gorgeous like it's not that rigid
like Clone Wars, like we all walk without any kind of horizontal movement. We're all just like, there's angles and lighting and all this stuff. Oh, gorgeous. I love this. It's beautiful. To Andy's points, I hate the word filler too. I didn't think it was filler because I thought it did a really good job drawing out the tension. I don't know how many people have ever had
a conflict with a family member, like a brother or a sister or whatever, not quite to this scale. But it is, it had that weirdness of like, we shouldn't, we should be able to talk about this, we should be able to like, resolve these problems pretty easily. We're family, we know each other back and forward, but for some reason, it's more difficult
when it's somebody that close to you. It's like, we should be able to just talk about it. And then you see them both kind of just being jerks about it. Yeah, because they've been through so much. So it's like, why did you do that when we've been through all that before it? And it's like, it's just harder to go. Why is it so hard? Yeah, it's why is it so hard to admit to your brother that you were wrong in a situation when in theory it should be easier? I liked that tension. Like, I guess maybe people who've never experienced that before maybe don't
don't have that same feeling. But I thought they did a really good job at it. It's like...
But we're going to be we're going to be bickery. We're going to be childish about it because at the end of the day, we're we're young kids and brothers again. Even though we're adults and with other people, we can resolve these problems. But with with a brother or whatever, it's it's painful. But no, I really enjoyed it. The big, big worms so hot right now. Oh, yeah, it's the thing kind of weird, but it's the meta of entertainment. Yeah. Yeah, but no, it was really good.
Yeah, I liked it because it was character development. I always loved character development like in Andor, like the first three seasons, episodes of the first season. You need it. Like it's so good because it develops everything so everything later is more impactful and better. And you feel it. As long as they make you feel it while it's happening. If it's like you're lost during it, then it's like, what's going on?
Yeah. I mean, it's the, it progressed the story and it served a purpose. Yes. And now we can, I mean, I didn't, I mean, thank goodness Sean's on top of things more than I am these days, but I believe it's 15 episodes this season, which it's not a lot. It's not a lot to tell a story, especially if they're hinting
that they're going to go down the route of breaking out the other clones from Mt. Antis and the potential clone trooper rebellion, which would be sick. If we get to see that, that would be really, really sick. Therefore, they do have to progress the story
the minutia, if you like, of how they get the band together and how they start their plans towards breaking the clones out, if indeed that is the end game. They have to get to that quite quickly, I would suggest.
While I don't think it's in any way been rushed, I'm really happy that we're at a point now, is it episode five, where they kind of
Crosshair is now part of the team again. There may well be some distrust there. There may well be some niggling. It makes a great story. There's a little bit of friction there. But I'm glad that we're not spending two or three more episodes with Crosshair having to prove himself, having to explain himself, and so on and so forth.
I mean, the best one obviously is Reko just accepts him, accepts him wholeheartedly. He just doesn't give a toss. It's like, yeah, we are. Omega likes them. I'm fine. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And it's it's it's very cool in that respect. And now I feel as if like from from episode six.
moving forward, it's all about, right, how do we get there? How do we get involved? How do we get Rex and his underground network involved? How do we break these guys out of Mount Tantus? You know, how do we really shove it to the empire and make them do what? And so that we can liberate as many of our brothers as we can and hopefully keep them in relative security on the island planet.
That's one thing that I was kind of, that is interesting about it. It seemed like there was a handoff almost in a way of, it seems like Echo, well, first of all, can we pour one out for Echo? Oh, yeah, love Echo. How does that dude, can somebody get him like a Pedialyte or get him in a back of the tank? Like that dude is still just looking. He's like pale as fuck, yeah. He's real rough. It's like, I feel real bad for him every time I see him. It's like, man, they did a number on that guy.
But all I'd say, it's like, I feel like they handed a little bit of that, like, you were going to find Tantis and we'll be back for the last five episodes to really kind of bring it all together. So I'm curious if they're going to do three, five episode arcs. And now maybe this middle five, this is my theory of like, is this where we're going to get like, Asajj shoehorned in here somewhere? Is this where we're going to get? Ed, I'm so proud of you.
said something in the car and I listened to the episode. You saw the person at the beginning of episode three by the elevator. I want to know who it is. It drives me nuts. It does never addressed it. It's like, are they going to be in these next five episodes? Like what's going to be this art, this arc and problem? Because we know at the end, it's going to be Tantis clones, the big, the gangs together. Uh, like, where do we see it going? Yep. I'm excited. I've got a, I've got a feeling that the next.
Oh, it's not. Sorry. I thought it was... They've got a bunch of couples together, aren't they? I'm trying to find the schedule as we speak, which is really bad.
Sorry, it's not. So yes, episodes six and seven are both on March the 13th. So next week, next week, we've got episodes six and seven together. Then we've got episode eight on March 20th, nine, March 27, 10 and 11, both on April the 3rd.
So we've got another, in essence, after next week, we've then got two weeks of single episodes. And then on April the 3rd, we've got another double episode. And then it's single episodes again, right up until the series finale on May the 1st. It's clearly gearing up for that kind of, we've got to close this down for something else from
May the 4th, I'm guessing. Yeah. I'm guessing. I'm guessing. Do we know what's coming up? Because I don't think, I don't think, um, cartoon wise? Yeah, cartoon wise is nothing we know, I feel like, but uh, I thought they were, I thought they were theories. Yeah. Cause, cause skeleton crew is Mandalorian timeline. Correct. So yeah. Yeah. Bad batch is way before that. I don't, I don't know why they would,
You'd think they'd time the finale for May 4th. Well, it's really strange because Acolyte is supposedly launching on the 5th of June. I'm so excited for that series. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Star Wars Releases and Behind-the-Scenes Speculation

Me too. It's something a little bit different.
And it's full of force law, which I know will make you very, very happy. There was a moment in London when there was an illegitimate trailer that Ed was watching on his phone in our hotel room. I wished I'd filmed it. It was just like, oh, man.
So good. Sorry. I can imagine what I said. It's probably way more than that and way inappropriate for the podcast. But I'm asking, so I'm just speculating. So I'm not even speculating. I'm actually questioning why
I mean, clearly the schedule is wrapping up for the 4th of May. Sorry, May the 4th. But then you've got a whole month until Acolytes. So what is coming out? What are they made for? Just Phantom Menace, right? Yes. Phantom Menace and then probably promotional material leading up to the new series.
Yeah, it just could be purely marketing, not anything story lore wise. Just a breather. Yeah, I guess. I mean, we, I wish it would be, you know what I mean? Like, I don't know, but it's the business. So that just probably space and shit out. Yeah. Yeah. You can be right.
I would love for it to be lore wise like we finish this and move on to something else that'd be amazing but well at the very least it would be nice if they could fill the day and therefore the month because you know we can rinse and repeat the whole thing it would be nice to be able to get the behind the scenes that we never saw for Andor it would be nice to see the behind the scenes we've never seen so far for Ahsoka
be nice to get those kind of, was it Disney Gallery? Yeah. For May the 4th at the very, very least. That would be a nice treat. I do wonder the reception on those, if it's as good as they wanted, because they seem to be doing less of it.
So they aren't as good. They're not as good as the later shows. So I do wonder what their plan is going forward with that kind of shit. It's not shit. I don't think they can keep doing roundtables and like, here's the volume and here's directors and writers sitting around talking. I mean, there's some of us who love it, but after a while it does get like long in the tooth of like, you kind of get
too low and not like theoretical like oh we're trying to do practical effects and yada yada yada it's like yeah but we're continuing my story i could understand that that that kind of that way of thinking for um asoka but i can't for andor andor was so unique in the way that it was it was it was filmed over here in the uk i mean i sat through two panels in celebration with uh with lady k and it was it was um
The whole process they talked about would fill a good two or three hours on its own and be unique as well because it wasn't the volume. It was about redressing existing locations in the UK, for example, which I found absolutely fascinating. But is that something Gilroy would even want to do?
That to me is like the key if it's like it does even want to sit and do that be like don't shop with I don't know man. I mean at the end of the day it makes I'm surprised if he wouldn't be keen on it because he talks about it during celebration So I don't know. I don't know man. No idea Anyway, I love Gilroy That I love him too. I do remember a celebration. It seems like he was saying stuff that moves maybe off script Yeah
Yeah, like, yeah, like cringing like don't say too much. Yeah, it was also throwing in quite a few F bombs as well. Certainly the ones that some of it that I was I was watching as well. And it was I suspect there's one or two of the PR guys at Disney that were cringing at the time. Love, good guy. Love to like sit down with him with a whiskey or something, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, whiskey in a bomb, it'll be great. Anything else on that batch? We just talked going forward, like a sash?
Yeah, I wonder how she's going to get introduced in this. It's going to be interesting. Do you think it's going to end? Do you think all of the stories and the stories of the clones and the Bad Batch are going to be wrapped up at the end of this? Or do you think May 4th will be a continuation of Omega and Wrecker? Do you think this is it? Do you think this is going to be the nice little bow on the package that is the Clone Wars?
I have a feeling it's gonna be like an omega thing like they're gonna like it's gonna initiate an omega like movie or TV series or something because

Theories and Speculations on Clone Wars Narrative

I um and I would love that to be honest uh clone wise I'm not sure they're gonna go there because there's a lot that can
They're around. There's so many of them. You can't just conclude it. Like they're around. They're being a lot of decommissioned or whatever the fuck. I don't know how they're doing it. They're posting them in random posts throughout the empire on random outposts. I don't know. I remember reading a comic or something where they're on some like outpost and they're disposing of Jedi lightsabers. There's just like, they're just there. Like, I don't know. We just stand here. But anyway, um,
I think it's more of an Omega thing. I don't think it's, I mean, they're going to include some of the clones, especially the mount tantis ones. That's a big thing. Don't forget, don't forget there is some connective tissue with rebels. So if you think about in rebels, you know, we get to see McGregor, Rex and Wolf.
Yeah, living their best life in one of those walkers and hunting worms. Fun enough. Yes. Yeah, it's a theme. I think the names guys. Yes. Like, like, you know, like the more common ones, it'll connect. But what I'm trying to say is that Echo currently works with Rex. They're clearly going back to do something with Matt Antus. Then
the series will close one way or another. And then there is a story to be told between A and B. Whether it's a little bit too long on the tooth, that it's one step too far, I don't know. But my point being is they could continue the clone story quite legitimately after Bad Batch.
They're not gonna kill it, are they? They're gonna fucking rinse it dry, mate. That's what I'm thinking, like, I think they're just gonna let it... You know, like, we'll solve these clones' situation. There's clones around, like, I don't know. Like... See, for me, I'm gonna be the contrarian here. I'm hoping that this is for the story of, like, the Clone Wars and the story of clones. Like, as a whole, the whole larger group, I'm hoping that this is kind of, like, the...
the buttoning up of some of that storyline like the the cleanup of you know not all clones were bad and then here's their human their humanity kind of uh story kind of wrapped up like that's where i think we're gonna get the big breaking out of the clones the resolution of that and then like they go and live you have the named ones who who stick with the rebels and do whatever you have some who go live on the the fun little island in the middle of nowhere you have others to go do whatever they
whatever the hell they want. Like I'm hoping that's like, I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to spend like the next 10 episodes like clearing, clearing that up so then they're no longer, like I think they've been doing it with their armor. It's like, yeah, we aren't really wearing clone armor anymore. We're kind of turning into more of like bounty hunter universe wearing spacefaring people and like they're seeing less as clones and this so than anybody in the original trilogy could be a clone. You don't know because they're wearing a helmet. It's not,
where I'll walk around and beaten up stormtrooper armor, clone trooper armor anymore. I'm hoping that this is the jumping point. They never do what I hope, so I have zero faith in it, but I think that'd be cool to give them their humanity back instead of being like, there's more clones in prison somewhere else. We're going to continue next week.
But that's just me. You could be right, man, which is the reason why, and if you are, then thank goodness they have accelerated quite as quickly as they have so far to resolve the situation with crosshair. Because that's an awful lot to get over or to get told in only 10 episodes. So I hope if you are right, then great.
I'm not sure I'd like it, but they could do like a thing where the Empire decides to just kill off all the clones Where it's like a genocide like like it's it's not good Obviously it'd be bad and then you get bad batch with X amount of trying to save it Imagine if that's how I ended the fucking kids show just like final I
They capture Omega, turn her into a death trooper, and she's the leader of all the death troopers. It's sad. That's very sad. But you think about the Empire, you wouldn't put it too far past them to just be like, you know what? Let's terminate them. What if Order 66 was to kill all the Jedi and then Order 67 to shoot yourself?

Conclusion and Farewell

Yeah, I got fucked in dog. Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I apologize. Order 69. You stand face to face and shoot another person, they shoot you bad. That's order 69. What is it? Anyway, yeah, who knows where it'll go? Who knows where it'll go? Anything else on Bad Bad?
Put a pen in it, mate. Wrap this shit up. Take it home. Just do Jimmy Pride, mate. Yeah. Punch it, Chewie. Thank you for listening. This has been an amazing collaboration with Ed's favorite podcast, Chillin. Just Chillin that I will listen to very soon. And I'm fucked.
Yeah, I know. Anyway, thank you for listening. Cheers, everyone. Thanks for coming on, guys. See you later. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Yes, thank you guys for coming up. This part is over.
If we took our leave And release the tide Should we smile? If we cry?