Liz is joined by fellow dietitian (RD), and Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), Nicki Parlitsis!
They get into:
Why the gut is called “the second brain”
How the gut impacts decision making
What does it mean to “know in your gut?”
A breakdown of the 3 main systems for gut-brain communication
Swiss study - how women rate attractiveness of men based on scent
Birth control study - how womens ratings of the attractiveness of men changes when on/off birth control
How ignoring gut feelings and instincts manifests physically in the body
How to identify being in a state of hypervigilance
Identifying and honoring your needs
Building a routine & sticking to it
Overcoming people pleasing, cool-girl, and pick-me girl syndrome
Disclaimer/Trigger Warning: Abusive relationships are discussed in this episode of Sh*t Talk.
Connect with Liz and Nicki:
on Insta @liz_broder @nutrition.nicki
on TikTok @lizbroder
Work with Liz 1:1 at The EB Method
The 8-week Fitness & Functional Nutrition Guide, Just Start Somewhere, that Nicki contributed to, can be found HERE