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Episode 030 - Turbo-Charged w/Turbo โšก image

Episode 030 - Turbo-Charged w/Turbo โšก

S1 E30 ยท Just Shillin'
57 Plays6 months ago

This week, our good friend Turbo joined us for an exciting time!

  • Our weeks and future plans
  • D23 announcements
  • Trips to Japan
  • Costco updates
  • Visiting filming locations
  • Sunny on AppleTV
  • Technical difficulties ๐Ÿ’€
  • and MORE!

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!


Introduction and Guest Announcement

Hello and welcome to episode number 30, a very special, special, special episode of Just Shillin. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I'm your other host, Andy Bell. And this week we are honored, nay blessed with a podcasting legend that has deemed us worthy of his presence.

Podcasting Journey and Friendship

And we have our buddy Turbo joining us to talk about stuff.
How you doing, Turbo? Wow. I'm a podcasting legend. I haven't heard that one before, but thank you. I think I'm more of a podcasting guest and sort of hang around a kind of thing, but yeah, I'll take it. Thanks for having us. Sean and I were talking about it last week, and I think that between you and King Tom, you're almost like the royalty of the Southern Hemisphere.
So you've pretty much been on pretty much everyone's podcasts. And like I said, you know, you and I have been talking for quite a while now on I Am about getting together and getting our previvial shit together so that we can start talking about the kind of stuff that we talk about on I

Turbo's Recent Interests and Activities

Am. And it's just an absolute pleasure to have you. So thank you very much for your time. Really appreciate it. Thank you guys. Looking forward to having a chat.
And we've been and we've been turbo and I've been chatting in public channels about our decks. And so that's just just just decking it. Yeah, that's my contribution to the conversation there, Andy.
Good night, everyone. Thank you, Turbo. Really appreciate your time. So what we're going to do is we're going to try and be we're going to try and and he's going to get to know the word brevity this week, I promise you guys. And what we're going to try and do is we're going to try and get through the usual stuff as quickly as possible and then use this episode to talk to to
Talk to Turbo. See, interruptions don't help here, Sean. But anyway, talk to Turbo about what he picked up and what he found exciting about D23. And also, one of the reasons for getting him on was his amazing recommendations that he's had on our televisual entertainment over the last week or so. So first of all, though, guess first. Turbo, what have you been up to, mate? Anything been rocking your world over recent days, weeks, and months?
Oh, I can't get back that far. So I'll have to say a week.

Sean and Andy's Personal Updates

Um, what have I done this week? Um, I look, I have to talk about my record collection. So Chris Hall, if he's listening, we'll enjoy this one. Um, I've got a new King Gizzard in the lizard wizard record. Uh, it's the 26 album. So that arrived in the mouth. So that's rocking my world at the moment. Um, in terms of Star Wars.
I didn't really get much in the last month or so, but I did finally order the third book in the JW Rinsler Making of Star Wars. So Return of the Jedi Making of Star Wars, like coffee table style book. Um, I haven't had a chance to look at that one, but there's some nuggets in there that's really, really, really always a good read for those two. Uh, what else?
And when you order books like that, do you normally get them through Amazon? Cause, um, I learned the hard way not to order books through Amazon and certainly in the UK, they come beaten battered and I shouldn't be precious because it's only that they're only Amazon. They usually come pretty well. I haven't had any problem with books at all. It's only if you order with other things and they sort of jumbled together and move around the kind of thing. But if you just order books, they usually pack pretty well.
Cool. My favorite. My favorite is when they put a book in there and like with I don't know, ball bearings or something or like a like hip free weights when it comes in a monster box. You could tell it's just been banging around all the puffy air pillow packaging or all or they're all popped. And it's like, nice. I'm glad that this was packaged together. This is cool. Yeah. In terms of what have I done? I saw a documentary and I don't know if
If you've heard of this band where there's a band called Mogwai from the UK, from Glasgow, they have a documentary and there was a premiere at the Opera House on Friday. So I saw that and that was pretty cool. So some young punks from Glasgow from about, I think 20 odd years ago. I think their latest album finally reached number one in the UK. So this indie band finally made it big time. So I don't know how honestly how big they are, but they've always been a favorite band of mine. So that was a cool.
documentary. Um, who else? Tonight I'm going to see alien Romulus. So I've got that book for IMAX. Nice. Very nice. And, um, I, I've got, I've got my own, just a chip in that I've got my own tickets, but unfortunately for next Monday, I've got a bit of a weekend ahead of us, um, with some friends. So I've, I've, I've got to try and avoid all social media until Monday. Well, well Tuesday, because I'll be going Monday night, but I've heard.
so far the reviews are good very good in fact that it's very very horror so far which is good have a blast mate have a blast and what else um as i usually do i saw a band on the weekend so um
One of the good things is, so it's a band called Knievel, so after Evil Knievel, but it's a Sydney band from the 90s. One of the cool things is, and I think Andy, you could relate, is when your kids get older, it's so nice to be able to just leave them at home by themselves and you and your wife can go out and it's such a great feeling. You're at the other end of the parental responsibilities and hopefully you've done your job and they're
doing the right thing and can stay home alone which yeah it's working so far so um yeah date nights are back on right yeah absolutely absolutely nice um nice and i think lastly i one of those things of talking about pulling the trigger i pulled the trigger on the jaws lego so i i missed out on the first round of jaws um i had it in my cart and it just sold out and they're on back order now so i
I pulled the trigger and I was talking to Matt Frost about that and he's pulled the trigger as well. So yeah, that's nice at the end of the month. Never a bad investment, Lego.

D23 Announcements and Star Wars Discussions

Never a bad investment. Cool. What about you, Sean? How's your week been? My week's been pretty good. Pretty good. You know, uh, the deck is getting close to being finished so I can stop talking about that. You know,
Did you want me to talk about my deck? I feel like my deck conversation is really carrying the weight of this podcast at this point. Our listener numbers are just really, really spiking right when I start talking about that. My hands hurt. I'm tired. Yeah.
When you finish the deck, are you going to keep talking about the deck or is it done with deck? Oh, the deck itself will be done, but it's connected to six other projects that have come up. They're not my ideas, but things that have spun off through somebody else who lives here.
And they're like, wouldn't it be cool if we made this a sunroom or did this other thing? It's like, yeah, that would be great. Does that mean I have to do it? And yeah, that answer is yes. So though the projects won't be done, but the deck specifically will be done soon. Unless you have your kind of Forrest Gump moment and you get to the end of the deck and you just keep decking. You just keep decking for weeks and months.
You just just keep going back and start over again or just no, no, no, no, no. Just just just keep just just just keep going. And it's maybe in a straight line as well. You know, connect it to my neighbors and just keep going. Sean, Sean, do what's going on. I've got nothing else to do. I've got to keep decking stop. If I stop this and I have to switch to something else, I'm actually getting pretty good at it. So like that, I went to a body.
I went to a Bloody Mary competition on Sunday, which I'm sure Andy is tired of hearing me talk about and send photos of where it was. I didn't get to judge it, but it was like all these local it was put on by like a local vodka company like Tahoe Blue Vodka.
and you could get a ticket and you could have unlimited tastings of all these like local restaurants and all their little various Bloody Mary concoctions, plus all of like, so it's a competition. So they obviously throwing everything they can at it. So like some of them would have like, oh, like a bunch of shrimp on top and other ones would put like an entire cheeseburger and then like 7,000 vegetables on top of it. And like, I'm talking like these little cups are maybe like the equivalent of maybe like three or four regular like out liquor shots.
but they're still putting a cheeseburger and all this stuff on top and you can eat as much as you want. So needless to say, I was pretty drunk by the time I was done. It was fantastic.
I told Andy that they had these giant inflatable liquor bottles. And I don't know if you guys had the show Supermarket Sweep in either one of your respective countries, like in the night. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. But it's like something triggered in me when I saw those big inflatable vodka bottles. I'm like, that is going to be mine. I'm going home with that. Even though I rode my bike here, I'm going to
That's going to be mine. It was not mine. They, they saw that on my face and they were like, as soon as that event ended, they had those things deflating and run off. They ran off with them really quick. So no, I did not get that. Um, outside of that, the wiener mobile is going to be here in two days. So I'm pretty excited for that. Uh, the Oscar Meyer wiener mobile, for those who don't know what that is. I don't know if that helps. Uh, I think, I think I tipped you off on that location. Didn't I?
Yes. Yeah. And that's it's crazy because that's like a mile away from my house. So it's like it's it's insanely close. And I'm very I am ridiculously excited to go see the Wiener mobile in my town.
Well, that was fun after a minute of technical difficulties. I don't know what we're going to be able to edit back into that. But I think, like Turbo just said, I think it was too much wiener talk. But to round that off, yeah, I'm going to see the wienermobile. For those who don't know, it's the Oscar Meyer meat company, Hot Dogs. They make hot dogs and they have a car that looks like it has a giant hot dog on top.
Uh, for promotional stuff. So I'm going to go see that. Um, so yeah, outside of that, um, for the just grilling segment, um, it's hatch chili season and I, uh, shout out to Christine had some hatch chili Mac and cheese. Jimmy Dice will appreciate the just grilling section. But outside of that, that's been my week. What about you, Andy?
It's been a short one, dude. I can keep this nice, short but sweet. I was going to tell you that I got my tickets for Alien Romulus, which we've already talked about, but I was really going to focus this week's news on my Costco update and the saga of me discovering the delights of Costco, my friend. Unfortunately, it's
It's a non-starter for me over here, mate, I'm afraid. As we finish, about 24 hours after we...
Not even that. Probably 12 hours after we finished recording last week, I got a text from our buddy, Chris, and she said, don't bother, mate. In the UK, there's a membership, which I appreciate there is a membership pretty much everywhere Costco set up across the globe. But unfortunately, you have to own a business or be an employee of that business registered with an account at Costco and or
I'm part of what we call the blue light services so police fire government workers so on and so forth so not only do you have to be you know you are you're either a sole trader or a business owner yourself i've set yourself up with account or you've got a got a one.
be one of our public servants which I'm a bit gutted but because I was looking forward to the the magnificence that is that is Costco that you got really really quite rightly excited about last week but yeah luckily Chris saved me about 100 mile round trip because we were we were ready to go and luckily put the we put the brakes on that for me so sorry mate
I have to. I did look at it. I looked it up and my membership works internationally. So when I come over there or whichever, you know, I'll just have to I'll have to be your chaperone to take you to. That's fine. And get that jackhammer or whatever it is that you were wanting. Yeah. Yeah, they got some pretty awesome garden tools. I was very interested in it. I like I like my garden tools, especially after you.
After you mentioned it, sorry, last week, I was curious and I thought, how many Costco's are there in Sydney? And there are three. No end in me. So it would be in about an hour drive. And I think that's a bit too far, but like you, I've heard people over here share their membership cards. So if you know someone over there, I'm sure, you know, you could share around. I don't know if there's some sort of frequent buyer points or anything, but
Yeah, that's what people do over here is they share cards. That could be a black market or like a Costco underground that I'm not aware of yet in the UK that's going on where people kind of, I need to get, I need to get into that underworld. Okay. That's right. That's where I get my Lego from. Like I'll get my Lego from Costco. Like we get the, okay. All the botanicals and stuff like that from there. Okay. You don't get any jackhammers or anything. I haven't, it hasn't come up yet. I've been, okay.
But you have the option, so that's a good position to be in. Anyway, without any further ado, what we should talk about is...
D23 so we're gonna we're gonna skip we're gonna skip the normal routine a little bit because we're a little bit pressed for time this is the meeting of three different very very different time zones and

Apple TV's 'Sunny' Analysis

Our guest is actually the most indisposed because he's it's actually first thing in the morning for him So we need to be considerate of his of his working hours. So let's go straight into D23 we can talk a little bit about TV what we've been watching reading and the rest of it next week, but D23
Sean, I'll pick on you first. What did you pick up from D23? I mean, there's the obvious that brings the three of us together as friends, but just off the top of your head, mate, what's your feedback and really what got you pumped up from the news from D23?
I mean, besides the obvious stuff, like the skeleton skeleton crew trailer was better than I than I expected, better than I'd hoped. I'm very excited for that. I think I know it's only a trailer, but I think they nailed. The aesthetic and the feeling that I that I've been excited about and hopeful, like hopeful for what this with the show.
Like when they keep talking about being like happy and Amblin-esque and very ET, things like that. Like that has had me very, very excited. So when we got like that trailer and stuff, it's like, yes, this is.
Yeah, this is exactly what I was hoping for. But I mean, even more like even more so. The speculations already started and I'm pumped. I'm pumped to get it. I think that's like the big, the big, the big piece besides like the parks, all the park stuff. But I won't even I won't bore everybody with all of the the parks announcements and the various things are going to be doing over the next couple of years in terms of the Disney parks and their expansions.
I guess the one thing that I will pick up on the park stuff is that we're hearing that the Mando and Grogu is going to appear in Smuggler's Run, in the Smuggler's Run ride. Bear with me because you know what I'm like going off at Tangents and making connections where there aren't really any. But you and I talked about last week, would there be, is Skeleton Crew the right target demographic
to introduce someone like Hondo as our, as comedic relief. And we know that in Smuggler's Run, I mean, you guys have been, I have not been, and I'm sorry, I'm very, very jealous, but we know that in Smuggler's Run, Hondo is a big piece there. And so by definition, bear with me a second. Is there an opportunity for Hondo to be in Skeleton Crew and
for Mando and Grogo to be in Smuggler's Run, therefore, we've been told there's this convergence point, or this Avengers moment, sorry, between Ahsoka, Mando, and Skeleton Crew. Can we see Hondo being part of that convergence as well? I'd like to think so, because I think the guy's rad, but I just picked up on that.
Anything else, Sean? I mean, what about... Tell you what, let's stick with it. We've gone with the Star Wars theme. So anything else from you, Turbo? What did you pick up if we stick with Star Wars for the time being? Is there anything else you picked up from D23 that really tickled your fancy?
Yeah, I mean, just on the Skeleton Crew trailer, I thought, yeah, like Sean said, it nailed the vibe. Everyone's talking about Goonies, ET, even Stand By Me. The one movie that kind of triggered my memory was, have you ever seen The Explorers? I think it was Joe Dante directed, it was River Phoenix, Ethan Hawke. And these kids, I'm trying to remember the movie and I looked it up to see if I could watch it online, I couldn't find it.
um the kids basically build a spaceship yeah yeah yeah and they make it as well don't they they actually make it into the atmosphere that's right yeah yeah yeah um yeah i think um those kind of movies yeah you can definitely that's the vibe so that ticks all the boxes for me so um
And the other one was obviously Andor. So I was sick over the weekend and, you know, sort of 24 hours kind of thing. And I went, I need to watch some comfort TV. So I put on Andor, the 4K Blu-ray set. And I didn't rewatch on, I think I'm nine episodes in and then the D23 popped up. And that, I mean, I don't typically like watching potato cam footage, but I had to watch the Andor teaser trailer
real, whatever you want to call it. But man, that that that show has me hooked. Like, I need that now. Yeah, it's it's some quality, quality television, isn't it? I mean, it's we talk an awful lot about and or being an amazing drama, it just happens to be set in the Star Wars universe. And yeah, it does look really, really cool. Quite a lot of cameos.
quite a lot of cameos that we're missing from season one are going to be in season two. So we get our, we get Ben Meadows back and

Travel Stories and Movie Locations

we've also got, yeah, and we've also got Alan Turek back as well with, as K2. So yeah, it's going to be great. It's going to be really, really good. And
the production crews on that on that little snippet that we did see in the potato can footage the production crew there looks so relaxed and so in control i'm i've no doubt it's going to be another another work of art did any of you guys see the um oh sorry no i was going to say on the topic of handle um there was an interview i forget it was it was
But it was on YouTube, Diego Luna was interviewed. And I don't know if there's ever been a kind of release date for Andor season two, but he did say in the interview, it was the first half of 2025. So hopefully that kind of lines up with April timeframe celebration.
Diego Luna on stage at Celebration, Catherine going crazy. That's what I'm hoping. Hopefully the first two episodes live. The first two episodes live, like Obi-Wan. Red carpet. I'm quite greedy. For me, it would be great to see Diego on stage after we've already had this season. But as far as I'm concerned, the sooner the better. But I get it.
And it would make sense to have a, um, a relative gap, you know, a similar gap between what we've just experienced with the acolyte and skeleton crew and skeleton crew and Andor. So I get it, but I think, I think you're right. My, my gut says you're right. I think, I think celebration is going to be a massive Andor fest. Which would be cool. Did either of you guys see the, the Mando and Grogu potato cam footage that was out there?
I did. I did.
It's amazing. I think it feels like a, I think there was somebody who was joking about it on one of their pods, one of our buddies recently, can't remember who it was, but it's like, it's almost like Dave Filoni and John Favreau went to their technical team or like Disney went to them and were like, we need footage. And they're like, we don't got anything. So they went to their technical team. It's like, can you whip some stuff together really quick? Like it was all very cool and very kind of emblematic of like what we're going to get. But I don't feel like there was really any kind of meat and potatoes or kind of story elements in it.
Uh, mainly in zallen school and the uh And the the at whatever the two-legged Personal walker thing was like so that was pretty neat. Yeah, the snowtroopers not in in snow But I don't know it was all it was all very neat. But like it didn't give me Any anything to kind of go on in terms of like characters story, but it was still very neat. I love
I love the fact that we got something, something was better than nothing. And even just that confirmation that like, this is still happening. Not that it wouldn't, but it's like, it's a little nugget of confirmation of like, hey, this isn't something that just kind of goes by the wayside. Like, we're moving it. Here's here's a taste. Here's here's something to look forward to. Yeah, looking forward to April 2. Maybe we'll get a little bit more.
What about you, Turbo? Did you get to see it? I watched it at once. I don't like to go through with the fine tooth comb, but one of the things I'll say is I still can't imagine Mando and Grogu as a feature length film. I just think that show suits the serial aspect and watching it every week. Cause I mean, sure there's an overarching sort of story thread, but it's just an adventure, right? And I.
I just can't picture it being a full length feature film. I think there's going to be too many. I think it's just going to be too much of a nostalgia fest. I think I feel like they're going to similar to what they put in this teaser is they're just going to fill it with so many things. It's going to be kind of overwhelming about, you know, nostalgia, all that sort of thing. They're just going to throw the kitchen sink in it. And I guess there's a risk as well. Hopefully it doesn't get from the actual story, but yeah.
Yeah, no, I'm with you. And I guess there is a certain amount of risk as well, where folk that don't have Disney Plus or have got no inclination to see a Star Wars TV program, the masses, in other words, the regular Joe's bucks that they need to make it a billion dollar franchise or a billion dollar adventure, sorry. I guess, would you,
It's a bit risky if they build a narrative based on events that have come in a TV series prior to that. I mean, I've heard two very different sides of the story in that, yes, it makes sense to do this because of the overwhelming popularity of the Mandalorian, the TV series, it makes absolutely sense that the first
Escapade back on the silver screen should be that Because that will that will bring people back and let's face it guys the first movie that lands in cinemas is
of Star Wars after quite a long sabbatical, it's got to hit, it's got to make cash. But at the same time, I'm hearing other sides of the story which demonstrate clear desperation or suggest desperation on Disney's side because they don't, they have to rely on
the safe bet, if you like. So, I don't know. I saw it. I was, I'm intrigued to see what happens. Didn't indicate much of a sign of this convergence or this Avengers moment between the two other stories going on parallel to the Mandalorian. We'll have to wait and see. I think that's the part of it. It's like, I don't
I hear the people who are saying like, oh, it's desperation. It's like it's not like Disney needs to do it. They don't. Lucasfilm and Disney don't need to have a movie in the theaters to make money like so there. To me, I feel like there's like maybe it's my optimistic side of like there must be a reason that we're like there must be a story that they think they need to tell.
Oh, that will fit a movie narrative. I do think the title is stupid and I hope it changes. But like I don't I just have this in my head where I'm like, this is going to be Infinity War. But for the like the mando verse, it's not going to be the culmination Avengers event. It's not in game, which is going to be the big, the big one. But this is going to be the I just I don't know why I have in my head. I'm like, this is going to be the one that kind of sets up.
bringing it to a larger screen and start setting up that larger narrative somehow with Mando and Grogu. And I'm kind of in the same group with Turbo of like, I don't know how they're gonna do like a larger film with like a literal child who's not, he's super mobile, but he's also not, he always needs to be in like a mech. Like, how are they gonna make this? Or is it gonna be throwing the kitchen sink and everything at it?
And we still got a while to go. So I think I just kind of keep flipping into this, like they wouldn't do it if it didn't make sense. Like, right. Like, right. They're not. They don't have that much faith in Dave Filoni. Right. Like there's, there's, there's a valid story that they feel like they can tell. Or am I going crazy? Well, no, I, I, I, I hope so. Sorry. I was just thinking it's going to the big screen, but then where do they take the next Mando story? Do they take it back to Disney plus or they keep going?
with films so that it's hard to understand where they're going with this. It's intriguing. I'm hoping it's part one and not like seven other seasons of shows that are then gonna lead to part two. I'm hoping it's, this is Infinity War and then maybe like Ahsoka season two or something. And then part two like is coming pretty quickly afterwards. I'm hoping. I hope it's, I know this isn't, I guess a lot of the focus is gonna be on
Din Djarin, Grogu, Bo-Katan, Ahsoka, the ghost crew, the skeleton crew, but I also, which is the convergence piece of, if you like, The Good Guys, but I also really, really hope, which I think would make it a very, very compelling movie, is the convergence of the
of the threats that have been going on in the three different timelines or the three different series because we had that amazing promise of what the cloning story was about, which kind of, should we say, was a little bit more of a
fizzled. I was going to say it was an anticlimax, but I try and stay positive. It was a little bit anticlimactic in season three when it transpired that Moff Gideon was looking to clone himself rather than what we thought it was, which was leading naturally into the First Order and Snoke and so on and so forth.
And then obviously we've got Thrawn now, we've got the Dark Witches over in the Ahsoka universe. We still have yet to see what's going on or what the threat or the
the main plot is for Skeleton Crew, but I would like to see a convergence of that, because I think that could be quite an interesting story to then Veneer, if you like, with the superhero Avengers moment. The sake of a superhero Avengers moment, for the sake of a superhero's Avengers moment, wouldn't particularly make a particularly great story. But I'm positive, and I remain hopeful that it's good. A couple of things I also picked up on.
as we're just closing up on Star Wars, because I wouldn't mind getting your thoughts on the Marvel stuff as well. I see that Jedi Survivors have been released on PS4 and Xbox One, which I think is cool. I don't know whether that was part of the DS-D23 announcements, but it certainly picked it up in the last week. So that's good for folk that haven't got the latest generation of consoles. It's making that very, very amazing game a lot more accessible to a lot more people.
And then I picked up a little bit about Disney's investors call as well. No, no surprises at all in that. And I guess they were keeping the powder dry for D23, but confirmed that we've got three movies coming along, one of which being the Mando and Grogu.
Six billion in combined global sales to date. And the rest of it is all kind of numbers, which I found crazy, including retail sales for Star Wars merch is a billion dollar profit engine for them every year. I mean, it's phenomenal. But yeah, anything else on Star Wars that you might have picked up or I've missed for D23?
rebuild the galaxy comes out September. Oh, yeah. That's that weird Lego. What's funny, the thing I picked up from the trailer was it seems like they're actually trying to do like an actual story like it's not just shenanigans, like just crazy weird episodes. It seems like they're they're actually trying to build like an arc around it of like, oh, something happened. And that's caused everything to be weird. And now we have to undo it. So I thought that seemed kind of cool and fun. It's going to be like all the other Lego Star Wars and just kind of
It is what it is, but I think that's cool that they're. Dark Jar Jar and all that kind of stuff is funny to me. What I like about it is it's got permission to poke fun at the franchise as well. I mean, some of the some of the the very blatant rib tickling on on perhaps some of the plot points of the of the the franchise is is blatant in the in the in the trailer. And I think that's kind of cool, the fact that they're kind of allowed to get away with it.
I think it's cool that the whole theory about Darth Jar Jar from the internet is making its way to Lego sets and shows. So yeah, that's interesting. So what about anything else during D23? I mean, I don't know if you guys saw some of the Patekam stuff for Marvel, the Marvel
stuff and Turbo, I really don't know how you feel about the Marvel stuff. I kind of graze. I pick and choose what I like. I don't know about yourself. I've watched everything once. I generally don't rewatch anything. So my older son's pretty much into Marvel, so we've watched every TV series. But as I said, it's once. It's a great watch, but it's not something that I'll pick apart or theorize or
It's just an entertaining romp most of the time. But no, I did not see any of the potato camp footage of D23 at all. What about you, Sean?
For me, it's less about some of the stuff that we saw and more about the direction, stuff that I'm excited about, not just for Marvel, but hopefully for everything kind of under the Disney umbrella. It makes me happy to see that maybe we've, collectively, we've learned from past large initiatives like this, and it's nice to see them kind of be able to pivot away from the Kang Dynasty
shenanigans and all of that that was going on before everything happened. And now they've they've got a different plan and that seems to be in motion now. It gives me it kind of gives me hope that like we the studios are able to roll with the punches more when it comes to like real life events or whatever. And maybe some of the issues that we saw come up with the the Star Wars sequels, maybe stuff like that could be handled differently in the future.
And seeing this kind of with Marvel of like, Hey, we did have an original path and we invested a lot in it. Like, and that's, that's fresh top of mind right now. Cause I'm watching lowkey season two where it's like, Oh, this is still pretty heavy in the Kang, a Kang path. Um,
And it's nice to see them like, hey, yeah, we're not doing that anymore. We're doing we're doing this and it's going to be all right. I think that's cool. It gives me hope for for all of these franchises going forward instead of just kind of letting it flounder or doubling down. So I did get to watch the potato cam. I thought they're all they're all cool. I'll watch them all one time. I don't read the comics, but I like to learn about them from our friends in the summer versions. So it's yeah, it's.
It's nice popcorn flick for me. Reason to get up and go to the movie theater. Yeah, that's cool. I mean, I mean, the one I'm probably the most so. So what I picked up on was obviously we got to see there was more footage of Captain America Brave New World. And I'll just give my top line because Turbo all hats off, you know, hats off to you for actually going to every I have not. I've seen.
I haven't seen quite a few of the, should we say, I don't know whether it's Way 4 or Way 5 or whatever way that is, essentially after No Way Home, I haven't seen an awful lot of Marvel films at all. And in fact, Sean and I have spoken before, excuse me, about the fact that I also haven't followed an awful lot of the
the second seasons of an awful lot of the, or even, sorry, the latter TV series that have been on Disney Plus either, but, and I'm kind of cherry picking what I'm watching these days, but still interested. So what I picked up on what I heard was Captain America Brave New World is very much a return to the kind of espionage kind of
Scalduggery, Secret Service, theme and vibe of Winter Soldier, which is cool because that's a personal fav of mine.
We saw two TV series Daredevil which I thought Charlie did an amazing job in the old Netflix production and I'm glad that he's getting his chance to breathe within the MCU which is great because I think he's a great actor as well.
Ironheart I don't know enough about because again I never got to see Black Panther 2 so I did Wakanda Forever sorry and I still haven't seen that so I don't know what to feel about that at the moment but it looks exciting.
But the most thing I'm hyped about, and I talked a lot about it last week, so I'll be very, very quick, is Fantastic Four. We've had two iterations in recent decades of folk trying to modernize Fantastic Four and make it a little bit gritty, a little bit more edgy, to be
in line with, shall we say, what our expectations are for modern superhero movies. But the whole take that they seem to be following for Fantastic Four First Steps is right up my alley. The idea of a different type of past, the idea of a retro
a future past as it were, really, really is right up my alley. I love the way it looks. I love the whole 1950s and 60s vibe with a little bit of Flash Gordoness type of aesthetic design to it really, really appeals to me. And I think it's exactly the right bet that they've made.
when it comes down to what is probably a very very difficult franchise to to bring to the silver screen. So yeah that's all I picked up on and I'm just like I said I'm just really kind of reaffirming my excitement for the Fantastic Four.
Okay, guys, anything else that you might've picked up outside of all of that stuff for D23? I mean, it's huge. I mean, the subject matter is expansive. It's insanely huge. I mean, I must admit, I didn't go out looking for anything else. What about yourselves? Anything? I was going to say the thing that picked my interest was the Indiana Jones ride or the expansion. Maybe Sean has more details on that.
being the Disney Fox fan that he is, but that, that, yeah.
I don't want to say it was authority, but the way that I interpreted that was so currently in Disneyland, California, and the one in California, there is an Indiana Jones ride where you are in a giant vehicle and you kind of bounce it around. You kind of go through this narrative there. And it's an adventure land. It's kind of tropical jungle kind of jungle themed in Florida, where the new Indiana Jones ride, the new unique Indiana Jones ride is going to be built.
There is a park called Animal Kingdom, which has always been about preservation. It's kind of like a super zoo, but then over the years, they've kind of been building up. That's where Avatar land and blah, blah, blah, all that crap is. There is a, to give you the TLDR version, when it was first, shortly after it was opened, their budget cuts happened and they built like a dino land USA area, which is like dinosaur theme, but it's all very kind of cheap and carnival looking.
What they are doing is they are converting that to, I can't remember what the name of it is, but it's kind of like the Americas, like Central, South, Tropical, they're going to convert it all to that. And there is a ride there called Dinosaur, which is a clone of the Indiana Jones, California ride. Same kind of vehicles, but there's a big dinosaur and all this other crap in there. I believe that they are converting Dinosaur
into a similar Indiana Jones ride that's in California. But since they're saying it's going to be an all new one, they're just going to change the theming and change the animatronics and stuff like that. But I I believe it's going to be the same thing. That's already there. They're just going to rework that ride system. So it's similar to that, but it's going to be a new theme. That's what I believe it is. I don't believe it. And it's going to fit that kind of like central tropical America's theme. That's my interpretation of what is
going to be done. I could be a million percent wrong now. So it sounds cool. I mean, I did enjoy the Indiana Jones ride. I think I had a ride with Chris and Christine. All right. Just before the park closed, I think we were kicked off the ride and said, out you go out of the park. But that was fun. So.
I like that ride system where it's like I'm in a I'm in a big Jeep thing and it is just I'm waving my hands all over the place for those. It's not a visual podcast. I'm I'm bouncing flopping all over the place. Well, I've never been so I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm very jealous. Well, I've been to Euro Disney, but that's a very, very different experience or was a very different experience. It's it's like watching a movie in D box is like kind of what it's like like they had the teacups when I went.
I can't stop thinking about that Hondo and the Falcon thing that you mentioned earlier. Like that has literally been like a brain worm since you mentioned that. I'm like, will you mention you?
I mentioned Honda, but now it's like, oh my God, are we going to see the Falcon? You brought it up last week. You brought it up last week. You know, are we going to see Honda in Skeleton Crew? And if that's the case, then fine. He's a good guy to have there. He's a lot of fun. And to your point, if Jim Cummings is doing the voice, it will be absolutely fantastic.
I look for the new merch, new Falcons being sold with a Hondo figure instead of a Ray or a Han Solo. Now we get version three, Orlando. Now we get version four. I think it wasn't the last... You know the Super Falcon, you know the Super, you know the 3.75 inch Falcon you can get, but the...
the BFG, whatever it's called, BFF, the big fucking Falcon, that they did in the early 2000s, and then they re-released it for Galaxy's Edge. I think that came with the Hondo. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know. Right, moving on, moving on. Now normally what we'd do, because normally what we'd do now is we'd kind of go in,
discuss what we've been watching, what we've been finishing watching, what we're looking forward to watching, what we've been listening to in terms of podcasts and what we've been reading in terms of literature, which is usually the quickest part of the entire podcast. But because we've got Turbo on this week, I wanted to make a big effort to focus on something that we've kind of changed our, we agreed to start watching last week. So for context, for those folks that weren't able to join us last week,
Sean and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching a program together.
and talking about the latest episode week on week. And that has recently has been the acolyte on Disney Plus. Now the acolyte has finished. We've been looking for something new to look at. Now, we tried something recently that doesn't lend itself to, isn't it particularly rich and deep to talk about? So Turbo, a buddy here, I am me and say, hey, have you tried this program on Apple TV called Sunny? And Turbo is already guilty of recommending some really, really good stuff to me already.
I've talked about Dark Matter before and one day I probably, you know, we need to get Turbo back and I would love to talk to you about Dark Matter because I found the series harrowing him at times, at fact a lot of times. And then I found the ending absolutely beautifully put together with a nice bow on top. But he recommended Sunny. And so as a result of that, it transpired that
we invited Turbo on this week. And so rather than just watch a couple of episodes over the last week that Sean and I could talk about, we decided to binge watch as much of the series as we possibly could, in fact, right up to the episode that came out today.
I don't think last week, I think last week, because we were looking to, we were still mulling around in our minds as to what we're going to do about it. We didn't give a particularly detailed synopsis, but I can do that now. And if you want to fast forward, I don't know, 10, 15 minutes or so, and you don't want to hear what the synopsis is, then please feel free to do so. But the long and short of it, the story is about a woman, a woman from the West, in this case, the US.
Living in Tokyo, her husband and her son are supposedly or seemingly lost on an airplane flight, which has gone down. The airplane that they were meant to be flying on has been in a crash, and she's left with the trauma of potentially losing her family.
She is given a gift from the company that her husband used to work for in the guise of a robot, a homebot, a utility robot that basically is a companion but also does an awful lot of chores around the house on behalf of their owner. And what seems to be a very cutesy, a very amiable
a piece of technology that's there to help our heroine or our hero, sorry. There's a sinister side to it as well in that this robot has mood swings or should we say develops characteristics which aren't quite part of its baseline programming. And the long and the short of it is that as a result of this robot that was developed by the company
In fact, the company that her husband worked for, she finds out that actually her husband was a big part of the development of this type of robot. It starts a journey whereby she looks into her husband, his past, what he really was doing for a living. It leaves the question, well,
is her husband actually dead? Is her son actually dead? And she goes on this rather frenzied journey throughout the lengths and breadth of modern day Tokyo to try and find out what's going on and is there a conspiracy. And it involves things like the
uh, Yakuza and, and, and other nefarious folk. And, uh, yeah, it's good fun. Is that pretty much the synopsis guys? Is that pretty much it without giving the rest, the actual answers away? No. Yeah. Well, I guess that's set up in the first two episodes, what you've said, roughly. Good. Good. It's not too spoilery. Um, I will correct you that she's living in Kyoto, not to Tokyo. Oh, it's not Tokyo. Sorry.
No, it's Kyoto. And one of the things I really like about the show is the aesthetic. Um, it's got, it's got this, it is set in the future, obviously, or the near future possibly, but the aesthetic of the streets of Kyoto and, um, Japanese architecture. And, and I really liked the fact that the music, the aesthetic gives you these, the title sequences for me, sort of this 50s, 60s lounge music vibe, but in Japanese.
So yeah, I'm loving those parts of it. Can I comment on that? I love that as well. I love that as well. And as a result of what I've seen so far of this series, I've ordered the book. So the book is obviously the TV series is based off a book called The Dark Manual. Well, the TV series is named Sonny after the robot.
And I bought the book because of a review of the book quite a few years ago, actually, from a very, very prolific UK book reviewer. And he was saying that the writer, he writes as if he's singing or playing jazz, or singing or playing jazz.
freeform, you know, monosyllabic, and then extremely complex and then monosyllabic again, and that's his writing form. And I then read a review of the TV TV series, which then
basically gave a little bit of background as to why things like the the design of the things like the credits as you say but also the way it's shot sometimes and then it slows down and then it's very very it's very very it's very frenzied again is supposedly from the director meant to be similar to the way that the original author wrote which i found fascinating which is the reason why i bought the book but yeah no i'm with you man i i love it
Absolutely love it. And I did say to Sean last week that the first 10 minutes or so, I really didn't know whether I'd like it or not because this robot is very cutesy. It's very, you know, it's very, very cutesy. And I thought this is a, it will be some, it will be fun, but maybe this is quite a, how can I put this?
It's, it's targeted a younger demographic, but oh no, oh no, it's, it's, it's got quite, uh, it's got quite bloody actually in places. Well, I think that's, I think that's one of the things that you go, go ahead. No, you go ahead. Nope. I was going to say, yeah, I was mentioning the Yakuza. So like the thing about Japan is it seems very modern. Um, everyone seems very nice and polite, but there's always this underlying sense of, um,
darkness underneath. And in this show, really, really highlights that, you know, you've got the Yakuza, you got the, you know, the gangs and those sort of things. But on the surface, everything looks picture perfect and fine. All right. Well, they're emotionally the way Japanese present to the world is everything's very polite, honorable. But there's always this sort of seedy underbelly, which is this show represents pretty well. Sean, you were gonna say something.
Yeah, I think that's spot on too. The two main things that I like about the show is one, along those lines of chaos and the aesthetic of each episode that I watch, I feel like I come away with a different understanding or sentiment of the show. It's like, where are we going to go next? We still have three episodes left, so I think that might change by the time we get some resolution of some things.
Each episode does kind of give you a different feel and a different vibe. And that kind of touches on the main thing that I've liked about the show so far is when you're first introduced, like, Sunny is this robot, it's this cutesy robot. And then you feel like you can predict it. Like, I feel like when I first episode, I'm like, oh, we're going to get like another kind of I robot.
or similar kind of story, but what's nice is that it's not foundationally built on the robot or the robots themselves. It's not a robot centric show of like, oh, what are the nefarious, creepy robots doing now? They are foundational to the story, but it's really about the people and then everything that just kind of seemingly keeps growing and growing and growing from there.
the robots are a part of it and they're always in the background and sunny is always kind of there and just kind of the the emotional play between the robots and the characters and things like that but it's not one of those
a carbon copy like robots are gonna AI is gonna be evil robots are gonna take over the earth kind of trope and I I feel like after the first episode I thought that's what it was gonna be and I like that it's like deviated from that a little bit they're still there but they're just a character in the story and it's not this big overarching
Oh, technology bad, end of the world kind of thing. It's, it's a, it's a fun, fresh take on it. I think that's now, I really like that. Yeah. I was, I also liked the, I also liked the, the character. I was about to say it's character development, but this, the retrospective, um, retrospective.
understanding of the characters that we've got. I wouldn't say that it's forward looking, it's more backwards looking. So for example, despite the trauma that Susie's going through, who's the obviously the hero of the show is that what we find out certainly by this episode is that
despite the trauma of potentially losing her husband and, well, her family, sorry. She wasn't a great person to know. She comes with a pass. She comes with a troubled pass anyway. There's some baggage there. She kind of sucks.
She's reaching out to her friend called Dee in the hardest of times, and her friend Dee has text back to her, just don't be in touch. You're not a good friend. I can't be your friend after what you've done. There's some history prior to this trauma that establishes our hero as not being the best of people.
Yeah. The other thing, the whole thing with, with her and her husband and not knowing where her husband has worked. She just assumed he worked at a, what was it? It was not dishwasher. It was like refrigerated company. And just, just the intrigue of like understanding or try and understand that your life is a bit of a lie. You always thought that.
your husband did this and he's involved in far more interesting things, you know, potentially with the Yakuza. But then at first I thought it was going to be more about her loss and her grief. And then it's the fact that she still thinks that they're alive kind of gives this edginess to it. So I think that in the recent episodes, they sort of they're using these trackers to find
both Sunny the Robot and there may be another tracker that they don't know about trying to think about, well, is that my husband and my son? And they go on this sort of wild goose chase to do that. So it kind of adds a bit of chaos to it. I really like that. The fact that your loved ones could be
be either dead or you know missing or or have some sort of alternate life possibly um hidden away from you is uh yeah it's very intriguing well i think it's on that note i think it's interesting because like without watching the show it's easy to assume that she was maybe like an ostrich she had like her head in the sand and she's just oh you know she just wasn't very observant and didn't know what her husband was up to but it's
It's very interesting how they tied in the fact that maybe she wasn't the best person and what we don't have the whole picture of who she was or why she came to be there. They kind of kind of explained some of it like, oh, you know, she really liked certain pieces of culture, but
uh the they kind of touch on some of the isolation like forced individual isolation pieces so it's like it's almost like an entrenched entrenched self isolation and self naivete that's kind of like she put her own blinders up a little bit of like
I'm dealing with my own problem. So I'm kind of being naive and like see not really seeing fully what's around. I think that's very interesting. It's not like she's dumb. Like like some movies or some shows would do where it's like, oh my gosh, I had no idea my my husband was a mafia killer. It's like, no, that's not what it is. And I like that that's
different and complex as well. Like we don't fully we don't fully know why she and how she ended up to where she was. We just know that she's got a lot of lot she had a lot going on still does. And I'm hoping we fill in some of that backstory as well to maybe explain to how she got there. I agree. I'd agree with that. I think she's I think she's and I it sounds derogatory, but it's the only way I can explain it. She's very self absorbed, which is the reason why she couldn't see the wood for the trees with her husband.
She's got a lot going on. There's history there to your point, you know, her reasons for coming to Japan in the first place. We're relatively weak as her new buddy has, you know, pointed at, is it Mixie? Yeah, points out to her. You didn't, in the 10 years you've been here, you haven't bothered to learn any Japanese whatsoever. So what, you know, you're speaking half-truths here. And I think that honestly,
her husband turned up at the right time at the right place while she was going through something, which gave her the ability to be able to, if you like,
deal with whatever she was going through and as such she couldn't see what was going on outside including what was going on with her husband. I mean the fact that he was developing robots of potentially of
that are quite dangerous, um, when she thought he was developing refrigerators is, uh, for 10 years is insane. No, I'm loving it. I'm really, really loving it. And sorry. On the topic of, um, her not learning any Japanese, I think this is an interesting take in that. I think it was the latest episode. Um, she was getting interrogated and, and she does pick up on a lot of words, right? So, um, you know, they have the ear translator, the
Yeah. I don't know why it's called the, the Babel fish, you know, the hitchhiker's got to the galaxy kind of. Yeah. Um, so they put, which is getting interrogated. They put that on and off so she can get that translated. Um, but when that comes off, she's picking up on a few things and it may be that she knows more than she's leaning on in terms of learning Japanese, right? Maybe she's deliberately tricking people into things she doesn't understand. Um,
I think that's, it's genius, dude, because I actually have a note on here that says I like the use of the translators, those ear things, or the use of them or not, to convey emotion, like especially in those early episodes. They, it's a storytelling device I haven't really seen used very often of like,
It's not just that there's translation missing between two different cultures, but then now there's this third piece that also kind of connects everybody and it's its way of communicating like whether I have them in or whether I don't is very interesting how they use it to kind of like spend the narrative with her and her.
mother-in-law with the interrogators. What Japanese does she or does she not know? It kind of adds like an additional layer of like human communication over the top of it and how we interpret what is being said. I think it's very interesting. And along with that, that kind of like
it's how things are interpreted. The show also uses an interesting like, like Shutter Island kind of effect of like, there's times I think I need to rewatch them episodes because they'll show like flashbacks, but they use this kind of device where it's, it's almost her remembering something, but she's there but then she's like speaking
her current thoughts into that memory. So it's like, what is one of those flashbacks are actually real? Or are the some of them just imaginations that she had of something that her husband did? And so I think it's we're kind of being led on this goose chase a little bit of what what really happened? Like, is her husband a bad guy? Or is he just caught up in something else? And like, like, there's the more episodes I watch, the more I'm just like, I have no idea.
Who's good or who's bad? Like, am I rooting for the mother-in-law? Am I rooting? Is Mixie bad? Is Sunny bad? Is the mother-in-law bad? Is the guy in the laundry room bad? Is Susie bad? Like, who, it's all such chaos and there's so kind of like misdirection. It's very, very interesting and it's very fresh take on it as well. It's not this like linear storyline but it's also
Not like the acolyte where you're looking back at the past, a past event. It's very mixed, interwoven and mixed with each other. I think that's very kind of cool. So with that in, so with that in mind, we've got three episodes left. Turbo, do you reckon this is a one and done season? Do you reckon we'll see a wrap up with only three episodes left? Seems like a one and done, but okay. Yeah. It seems like a one and done. Okay.
And sometimes like you said, like a lot of the times I sometimes doesn't, you don't need season twos. No, no, no, no. We, we spoke about this on I am about dark matter. Yeah. Uh, I thought they beautifully wrapped it up. You know, it was, it was great. And if this is a one and done great, I'd love to see more of. I'd love to see more media like this though. I find it fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. I think I'll notice so well.
I don't know whether A24 produced this or distributed it, but I find lately a lot of the films that I'm liking are always somehow associated with A24. You know, everywhere all at once. There's a lot of good stuff coming out of that. And I've got to say, I don't think we've even mentioned
Rashida Jones as Susie is phenomenal. Like I think she's the perfect actress for this. Yeah, she does screwed up head case really, really well, doesn't she? I mean, she is phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal. Like she's kind of quirky. You want to like her so bad. It's like, I want to like her so bad, even though there's times, like she doesn't do anything outrageously terrible.
But it's just like, if you just get out of your own way, like she does that. I want to give you so many chances, but you just keep saying and doing stupid stuff or just things that are like, why? Why did you do that? Nailing it like you actually feel like it's a real person or you can relate it to people that you know. And it's hard to remember that's like, oh, yeah, she's
She's been in a million other things that I've seen and playing completely different characters. Like it's not a typecast. Like she's just acting her ass off in this and it's fantastic. I love it. I think the all are. I think the all are is one of the things that I mean, even, you know, even, even, even an awful lot of the actors that are obviously, obviously Japanese actors, I think they're all doing a really, really good job. I mean, the, um, the ladies that join, um,
her mother-in-law in prison, I thought were phenomenal. Absolutely phenomenal. I mean, they scared the crap out of me. I wouldn't want to be thrown into prison with those ladies. What do you think is going on there with that whole getting put? She got the mother-in-law got for like purposely got caught shoplifting and got put in jail with these other people that she knows. It's like, what? Where is that whole thing going?
I think she stole a convenient egg sandwich, but yeah, you're right. I think I first thought it was just her trying to hide from the Yakuza in jail, but there could be something else going on, right? Maybe she needs to communicate with someone else she knows that's in jail. But yeah, it's intriguing. Yes, I did like the, this is random. I did like the Red Dead Redemption that all the older ladies were playing.
Shout out to our buddy Eric while they're playing that on the couch after the funeral service or the remembrance thing. They're playing Red Dead on the couch. I thought that was pretty neat. It's Christmas time as well. They're really into the KFC. That's a Christmas tradition over in Japan is KFC. Have a bucket meal.
Um, so yeah, they were doing that at the same time as well, which I thought was, you know, it's cool. Back to the aesthetic. I, I, I'm fascinated by Susie's house. Like I, I need that as an Airbnb. Like I know a lot of us are traveling to Japan, but just the, the, the furniture, like everything's like this Brown tan kind of vibe. I love it. Um, and also the bar that
The bar that Mixie works at. Um, I want to go to that bar, have a drink there. Is that a real place? If it is, I would love to go there. There are places like that. I've seen, I've seen, you know, I'm following a lot of things cause I'm obviously traveling to Japan soon. I'm following a lot of things on Instagram, but there's all these bars. I'll just, I'll save that. And, you know, I probably won't ever get there, but there's so many things to do in, in Japan. That's not enough time.
No, no, exactly. Especially during a celebration because it's going to be a quick in and out. Thank you, gents. That was cool. And thank you for the recommendation, Turbo, because I'm really stoked. We should do more of this. You're definitely coming back. One of the things I wanted to talk to you about in traditional
In typical, just chilling fashion, I mean, because we've been going for so long now. When we have a guest on, we'd also like to have a topic we want to talk about. And that's particular to that individual or how we perceive that individual. And amongst myself, and certainly with Sean and myself, we see you as a seasoned, well-traveled man, a globeshotter, as it were, because your job necessitates that.
And I quite often catch up with you when you're in the most exotic of places some more than others in various parts of the world and so I wouldn't mind spending 10 15 if you still if we still okay for time just really talking about kind of Where you might in your travels where you might have been that are recognizable or
recognisable locations that we might have seen in the movies. And then maybe an idea of, give us an idea of where you'd love to go. So if there were, if money was no object and you could even wangle it through work where you'd love to go and kind of visit. So Sean, are you cool with this as well?
Yeah, absolutely. At the end of the day, it doesn't have to necessarily be a movie location. But because we're talking about pop culture, maybe just even a location that you've been to that is iconic for various reasons. So it doesn't have to be a movie location. I've chosen movie locations because I've been fortunate to have gone to a couple of them because I live in the UK. But yeah, I mean, let's just start off with our guests.
Tell us, have you been to any movie locations or any memorable locations? I definitely have. I guess the most recent one, as you guys probably know, we hooked up at Celebration London. We had a good time. I saw this beautiful friendship blossoming between you two guys and it's always good to see.
Um, but, uh, yeah, so celebration, I took off with my family. Um, we didn't go to the last day of celebration, but we, we took up off, up, up, up north, um, to Scotland. We had a bit of a road trip around Scotland. And of course, as you do, when I ever go to a new country, I'll plot in Google maps, places of interest and usually associated with filming locations or something.
Something like that, record stores, all that sort of stuff. But, you know, going to Scotland, um, I really, really wanted to see where Aldani was filmed from Andor. So, um, there's a region up there called Argyll and Butte, I think it's called. Um, so the Aldani, um, I guess it's an Imperial outpost, would you call it? Um, in the, uh, Aldani arc.
Um, there's a real life place called crew it, Christian dam, curriculum dam. Um, so it's a, it's a working dam. Um, so hydroelectric pump station, um, up in the, up in the highlands. And, um, as we were driving past, I kind of planned our route with the family that to go past this place and.
And as I was driving by, I just said to the family, can we just stop here for a minute? And they said, what are you doing? And I said, well, Andrew was filmed here. And so I went to the visitor center. There's a visitor center down the bottom. And I said, how do I get to the actual dam up there? And they're like, I don't have a Scottish accent, so I can't do this. But basically, they said, basically, we're at river level or almost sea level. And they said, you can either crawl up that
Monroe, they call it a Monroe and there's a reason for that. Um, and you basically scrambling up a hill directly up the hill or really steep, or you can take a long way, which is about, I think it's the long way is about nine kilometers and the short way is three or four kilometers straight up. So I took the straight up option and I left my family because my, um, none of my kids wanted to go. They just said, dad, you're stupid. I'll just say here, have a cup of tea down there.
down in the visitor center, but I did it. And, um, luckily I had good shoes on cause there was a lot of cash and sorry, sheep shit everywhere. Um, no Harry Coos, um, to, to report, but, um, yeah, it took about a two hour round trip possibly. Um, but it was, it was phenomenal. Like in, it was one of those things you start down low and you get really cold and you know, Scotland's very cold.
towards the top I had a t-shirt on and you know it was sunny day and my sunnies on and I got to this outpost of all the old Danny outpost and it was just it was like literally here in the movies like if I've recently rewatched Andor and I thought they haven't done much to this location they've put a few like gun turrets here and I
Um, a few other bits and pieces, but everything down to the railings, you know, think Star Wars is famous for having no railings, but the railings that are there are the real life railings around the dam. Um, yeah, it was just, it was just phenomenal. I just wanted to stay up there and hang out. Was your family still there when you, when you, when you walked back?
Yes, they were. They were waiting for you. It took longer than I first thought, but no, it was, it was one of those things. And I did take a few photos and you might've seen money on my Instagram, but yeah, that was, that was a highlight for me of that particular trip. And look, it's not too far from you, Andy. I think it's, it's, if you head up that way,
Really reason. Yeah. That's the Australian brain in you. That's, that's the way you think. I mean, that's at least a, that's a good eight to 12 hour drive for me. Um, I guess it's a little bit shorter if I could, if I take a flight up to Edinburgh Glasgow, but yeah. Yeah. The thing is I love road trips. I like, when I was younger, I'd always visit just the cities and. Yeah.
In the end, a lot of cities become just very generic. Like you get a lot of the same things in cities. Once you get out there and you hit the road and like, as you saw, we did quite a few miles or case around Scotland, um, up to the Isle of sky, but it was just one of those things I, I love doing is just hitting the road. And, uh, yeah, especially in a country that you haven't been to before. Well, certainly for me anyway, first time in Scotland. Um,
Yeah, I highly recommend that if you are in the area by chance. Yeah, next time I'm dropping by. Okay, we're gonna do a round robin, so I'll come back to you in a second. Sean, what about yourself? Anywhere noteworthy that you've been, or even if it's not a movie location, anything that kind of blew your socks off?
There's two of them that I'll do with the ones that are probably the most sentimental first. I'll just kind of combine them. And one of those is Death Valley National Park, and the other one is Redwood National Park and State Parks. Death Valley obviously had a lot of the Tatooine scenes filmed there, like with R2 and Luke and things like that, and just kind of getting to go to those different locations, like Artist Palette, Dante's View, Desolation Canyon, things like that.
Um, it's just kind of weird because a lot of it's still the same and you could see Where some of the like you just recognize some stuff. I thought that was really cool And then I mean redwood national park is where a lot of the indoor the indoor scenes were filmed um all of those kind of being in california getting to go see those just on a road trip driving up there and I mean just going to the redwoods in general is the coastal redwoods are pretty pretty amazing and getting to see all that as it was has always been
sentimental, I think. So like the area where like the indoor base and stuff was actually filmed has been pretty clear cut, but it's all pretty much the same look and feel throughout the entire Redwood National Park. So that's always just been kind of a special piece as well. Like definite stops I wanted to take when I went through those areas. Like, oh, that was cool. Like just being in the same area and that same aesthetic was really fun.
Let me get my UK Star Wars out of the way in one go because this is accessible to me. So green and common. So the air bases that are there, the bunkers that are there that we used as the resistance base in Force Awakens.
Canary Wharf, Rogue One, pretty much everyone's been to Canary Wharf if you've been in London and use the tube system. Clearwell Caves and Puzzlewood. So Clearwell Caves and Puzzlewood is actually on my doorstep. It's actually 25 to 30 minutes away from where I live now. I live in the far west of the UK.
and puzzle wood. Clearwell Caves is a movie location for a heck of a lot of stuff. It's basically an old mine built in. It's an old slate mine and it's filled with stalactites, a lot of flooding that's been going on and it's created this amazing
luminescent and ambient caves where they've done an awful lot of filming of various different things but the most across the road from there and probably more famous is Puzzlewood and Puzzlewood was essentially Takodana in The Force Awakens and it's a very, very, very weird place. It's quite a small wood, comparatively speaking, but it's very, very old. So you get this amazing amount of
tree roots that literally break out of the soil and create their own paths and their own kind of architecture in their own right. And within that, in the old days, again, as part of the mining function of the area, there are these very ancient steps that are built into these
pathways that are created by these very, very strange and very, very old trees. And it makes a very, very fantastical location. And I'm hoping we're going to get some visitors later on this year from other parts of the world that may well be coming to visit. And I'm hoping to take them there because it really is
a quick, but extremely bizarre experience. So that's, that's kind of my, my local, my local stuff out the way. Um, back on you, back on you, uh, turbo, um, anything else? Yeah, I got a lot. No, no. Um, keep it going. Keep going. I might have talked to you on chat, Andy. Um, let me, let me, let me, let me frame this. Cause the next round after the next round, I'm going to ask you,
Where would you like to go if money was no object? Okay. Okay. This one was, um, back in 2003, I believe ish. So this was, you know, prequel era. My wife and I were not married at the time. We had a holiday. Uh, I think we had six or seven weeks. We had half of it in Ireland where she's wife has some relatives.
I think a bit in France, but then a lot of the time, I think we had three weeks in Italy. Um, so 2003, we, um, you know, as you do, you go through all the lovely regions. There's, I grew up in a suburb of, um, uh, Sydney called Lugano. Um, not sure if you know, Andy, there's a place in Switzerland called Lake Lugano. Um, so it's very kind of similar to where like, I know now why they, they did that.
right near where I was growing up in Sydney, there's a place called Como. And also I went to Lake Como, Lago di Como. And so yeah, we went to Lake Como in Italy. And as you know, the famous episode two Anakin and Padme scene where
on the water where he says, I hate sand. So we went to a place called Villa Balbianello, I think it's called. So it's a villa on the lake there. So yeah, episode two filming location. But the thing about this was I, during this holiday it was, I'm not a planning guy, I'll take this step back.
wife and I weren't married and I kind of loosely kind of thought about asking my now wife to marry her on this trip but I didn't have a ring or anything I didn't I just I just had it in the back of my mind right and I thought I want to be spontaneous but
It has to be the right time. So we're here and I had in the back of my mind, I'm thinking, should I do it here? Like this, this place where Anakin said, I hate sand and that would be kind of wild. Um, so, and, and, you know, it was always in the back of my mind. Uh, and I thought, no, I can't, I can't do this. I can't, I can't have this moment associated with that. Cause it just be kind of.
So anyway, I didn't do that. But later on in that trip, I think a week later, I popped the question to her in Capri, the blue grotto. So in the blue grotto. And I thought, yeah, this is the right time. So yeah, I think that version of the proposal was much better than the I Hate Sand one.
Yeah. Did you know each other enough by then that she would have actually made the association? How dare you? Yeah, no, she would have said, how dare you. I think we were together two or three years before that. Right. By that time, she already knew what she was getting herself into. She was well in.
She came to the midnight session of the Phantom Menace in 99. I think that was when we got together, 99. Um, yeah, she knows that she's still with me 20, 20 years in October. So she knows what she got into. And, uh, yeah.
That's perfect, dude. That's my engagement story slightly related to Star Wars. Not only is it perfect, I'm actually very, very jealous and somewhat kicking myself because that combo is not that far away from me and I still have not been. My kids have been and I've not been.
I know it's just, I could do a quick dog leg when I get to, when I, when I get to Scotland, you know, do it a day. Everything's too far for you, but you just pop over to Portugal. No problem. Like in the UK, you know, you're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. And it is on my bucket list. If we have more time, I've got a massive bucket list to share with you guys.
Um, I'm Sean. I'll just, I'll just, I'm just going to tack on one more from that trip just to keep it a nice, neat thing. This is, I don't know whether this actually happened, but I, we also went to Sicily on that trip. Um, so we were sort of walking around Mount Etna. So, you know, volcanic. I believe that was, um, I don't believe the actors were there for that, but that was used for some of the scenes from the staff are in, in Venge of the Sith. So the volcanic planet.
I think you're right. Yeah. I don't know whether the fights were held there or the actual actors were there, but I think some of the, maybe the second AD kind of stuff was shot in Mount Etna. So that was pretty cool. I don't really like the smell of sulfur, but that was kind of interesting to walk around that volcano. Excellent. Nice.
Sean, anything else? Anywhere else?
I have two. One of them holds a special place in my heart, and that is, so when we used to live in the San Francisco Bay Area, there is a town called Woodside that has a place called Filoli, which is an old property that has become like a nonprofit now, where they have all these luxurious gardens and just endless stuff that you can go do. We used to be like members there because we used to love there.
see all their flowers and all that stuff. But there's a couple of films that were filmed there, including the TV show Dynasty and this movie called The Game. And it's all like preserved really well. And it's just it's a really cool place to go, especially like given like the hustle and bustle of like Silicon Valley and all of that stuff like you can go across a major highway towards the coast, like still on the inland side of the mountains. But there's just this kind of
a huge piece of property with like a mansion on it and just all of these grounds with flowers and rows and I was gonna say it's very it's very green and very very
I mean, it's beautiful, beautiful gardens. Yeah, it's it's pretty it's pretty incredible. It's like it gets a lot of the water from so like a lot of fog comes over from the Pacific Coast. But then it like it's very foggy on. But then you have like a foothill. And so fog will roll up over the top of it and then roll down into the valley where this where this house is. And it's just it's it's really like I hate these word magical because it feels like cliche and hokey. But like it is it's a pretty cool place to be. And
just like even no matter how many times we've been like you just go and you could walk around like that the inside of the house or they do special events where they'll have like
Holiday themed and they'll have like concerts and stuff like like choirs and stuff singing like the main the big ballroom and stuff But I don't know they've used it for a lot of like I think the wedding planner and a bunch of other stuff other movies as well because it's got that Stereotypical just like lush gardens Kind of look and feel and it's but it's cool. It's like a nonprofit and does all this cool stuff. So that's like
There's that one, but then there's the another one that I'll just kind of button up, button up all of mine, where like City of Angels was filmed, The Bodyguard, Godfather Part II, and Top Gun Maverick, and that is Lake Tahoe, California, right outside my front door. Nice.
So like Godfather part two, like the big monster house that's in that it's just like just up the road. City of Angels like at the end, we're like the bike. She's riding the bike down and gets hit by the big old dump truck. That's like.
two miles down the road from me and that's actually a very scary place to drive. Not because of that movie, but because of it's just you're driving along this like spine ridge that just goes sheer off the edge and did either two lakes. And Top Gun Maverick, the enemy airfield, the enemy base is actually our local airport.
The funny story about that and all the mountains that they're flying over, those are that's like the Sierra Nevada Tahoe Mountains, like where I live. That's all that. That's what all that stuff was. So we are the enemy, apparently. Funny story about the Top Gun Maverick thing is they the airport was actually getting ready to repave their runway, like redo the runway anyway to accommodate larger, larger aircraft. So they actually let them blow up
Like the runway, like in the scenes from the film, like where they're blowing it up. Like they actually did that to our airport runway. And it's pretty wild. It's just part of the construction efforts. But yeah, like Tahoe, lots of films here. Nice. I did not know that. I'll be quick before I go on to round three.
Sioux City, Gran Canaria. Basically, it's the most bizarre and messed up place I've ever been to. I love it. I absolutely love it. You remember the time of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s where the age of the Spaghetti Western, where an awful lot of Westerns were coined Spaghetti Westerns because they were being filmed over in Italy. Well, an awful lot of them, I didn't realize this, were actually filmed also in the Canary Islands, just off the north
west coast of Africa. And one of them was, I can't remember, sorry, I don't remember the film, but there's a location, a live film set there, which has now become an amusement park, basically called Sioux City. And it's a mock western town, perfectly preserved after the film production, now run by this big
community of folk that are actors as well that corral horses and have gunfights in the middle of, I mean, it's something straight out of what I'd expect a trip to the US to be, but it's based in a small island in the Atlantic.
Fort Aventura been there, actually went to the beach or the cliffside where part of Solo was made. So when they go to the refinery to refine the quaxium, that's in Fort Aventura. Mount Etna, like yourself, have been there as well.
And a place called Chotel Jarad, or Jarid, sorry, in Tunisia, when Lucy and I were, when we were first dating, actually, it's before we got married. I found out that an awful lot of the filming locations for New Hope were out in Tunisia, so I paid way too much money to go and see the Lars Homestead.
However, I went to the wrong location. So if you look at all of the information you can get on the New Hope and the filming locations, there are two locations. One is the Lars Homestead, as in the bowl, where the recess, which is now a hotel, which is where the majority of the original set is, where all there's basically
bubble the bubble of the house with the steps down to it I went to that one and there's nothing to see there so if you are going to Tunisia at some point don't go to that one go to the hotel which is called Hotel Sidi Idris go to that one because that's where in fact they reused it for Rise of Skywalker didn't they right at the end I don't know if they used did they actually go inside
the Lars Homestead in Obi-Wan. I don't know if they did or not. They were down in the bowl. Yeah, they were down in the bowl. Oh, yeah. They were. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Okay. I can't remember. I can't remember. But yeah, go to that one, not the one I went to, which is basically the exterior of the entrance, basically the igloo type of shape with a moisture evaporator right next to it. And that is a
about a, depending on where you set off from, it's about a two and a half hour journey and that's all there is. So don't recommend that one, but

Dream Travel Destinations and Aspirations

that's what I've done. Going on to the last one, I've got to be really mindful of your time turbo. Last section, money, no object. We've talked about some amazing places you've been and they have some amazing memories for you. Money, no object, where would you go? Where would you aim for?
I hadn't thought about this. Um, obviously the one that first comes to mind is, um, Skelling Michael off West coast of, uh, Ireland. Um, the other one be, I'd never been to Norway. So I'm an big fan of, um, Hoth Empire Strikes Back. I think it was Norway. I don't know the actual town off the top of my head, but, um, obviously there's probably not much to see there, but, uh, you know,
You got to tick these things off your bucket list, but I think that one would be, uh, cause I understand Norway and that sort of region is fairly expensive, um, to go to. Very expensive. Scandinavia is very expensive. Cost of living is very high out there. I have not yet been to any of the Scandinavian countries. So that would probably be outside of Skelling Michael. Um, just to tick the Norway off half of the bucket list would be that. Yeah. What about you, Sean? The menu object.
I mean the money no obviously obviously you're going to take the same ferry as turbo to get over to scalid michael but outside of scalid michael well i mean my my first answer was going to be well space i'd love to go to space if money is no option that would be obviously the the moon i don't know can i go there not by not via space x though yeah let's look at it
I'll pay for the whatever the upgrade NASA. But yeah, Skelec Michael was going to be like my my real my real picks. I just think that's I don't know. I think it'd be really cool. I wasn't prepared with a backup. But.
Yeah, just any Scandinavian countries would be cool. Going up near the Arctic would be neat. I don't know what movies are filmed out there, but I like that aesthetic of kind of like the northern regions of Canada or the northern regions of Alaska kind of along those areas. I think that would be fun. Money, no option. And to do it right, to do like an excursion, like backpacking, multi-day, maybe multi-week kind of thing would be fun.
Slay sledge, sledge pulled by huskies, all that stuff. Oh, that'd make it even easier. Hell yeah. Then I don't have to walk. Use my own power. Heck yeah. Even better. So for me, um, I think I said to both you, I mean, both of you guys already know this offline, but it's, it's, it's my wedding, 30th wedding anniversary next year with, with Lucy. And, um, it's a big year for us and it's going to get expensive. And so, um,
Lucy will never listen to she never listens to this stuff anyway, so I think I think I've convinced Lucy's the type of Sean you already know this Lucy's the type of person that wants would love to go on holiday somewhere hot where the sea is clear and it's extremely warm and the idea of a
a place to stay on the shore itself, absolutely beautiful. So as you've probably guessed, I think I might have convinced that we should go to the Maldives next year, which of course, then the one, the place I'm looking at the moment, of course, is the, I think it's the called the Lamu or the Lamu Atoll, which of course is where Rogue One was filmed.
best and expensive if I'm perfectly honest with you. But if I can kill two birds with one stone and sustain a happy marriage, then it's money well spent. And the other place that we're trying for next year just so happens to be another filming location from Star Wars is we're looking to have just a long weekend in Dubrovnik. I've never been.
And that really is a stone's throw away for us and very, very accessible for us from local airports, not even London. We don't have to cross the country and get to London to get a decent flight out there. So that's our plans for next year. It's on my bucket list is where I want to go. And it just so happens to be already being organized for next year. So yeah, not the cheapest of trips, but looking forward to it.
I thought you were going to say when you said Island or beach, I thought you were going to say Madeira, which is sort of, I guess it's technically Portugal, but it's off the coast of Africa, but that Madeira was where Acolyte, the unknown planet was filmed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. When I looked at it, I was like, Oh, Portugal, but it's, it's part of the Portuguese, you know, country, but it's off, off the coast of.
Yeah. I don't know. I don't know if it's, it's, it's unusual enough to, to warrant a, do you know what I mean? To warrant a 30 year anniversary. I mean, that's, I mean, that's, that's, that's really the reason why I'm punching high. I would love to do that as well. Um, I, I have a couple more things on my list. Oh, go on. Yeah. No, it's more to do with something that I think, uh, I would like.
I encourage Sean to visit, but as you might know, I do a lot of trips to New Zealand once or twice a year. My team members out there Auckland and Wellington, so North and South Island. I've visited Weta Workshop quite a few times. It's not a filming location, but well, let's say it is because a lot of the creatures were designed there. I think they actually did a lot of filming in the studios around there. So all of Peter Jackson's.
filming locations basically all centred around Wellington but all across the islands as well but what I wanted to say was Sean would absolutely lose his shit doing a wetter workshop tour with all this crafting that you're doing and like I just I cannot recommend that country enough as well obviously on the North Island there's the Hobbiton so in a place called Matamata it's near Ropongi no not Ropongi
Um, can't think of the name. Um, but yeah, there's another few things like around Queenstown. So I've also had, had a, had a work jolly to Queenstown, um, last year. Um, so Queenstown was, um, uh, there's a place called the Kawara River. Um, a lot of the Lord of the Rings was filmed down there, uh, particularly the scene with Arwen, uh, with the horses and the, and the water. Right. So that, that river there, um, is a place where you can bungee jump over. Right. So.
Uh, Kawara River is the site of the original bungee jumping. So back in, I think 96, back in 96, I did that Kawara bridge, Kawara river bungee jump. So look. It just in general, New Zealand in terms of middle earth, it literally is like you're in Lord of the rings, like highly recommended. It's probably a bucket list for a lot of people because it's other side of the earth.
for most, but if you are in this side of the hemisphere and you're in Australia, New Zealand is a two or three hour flight. It is very high on the list. I always have a hesitation with New Zealand because that is the place that Madison wants to move to.
more than anything else in the world. And so it's like, I have a feeling if I go there, it's going to be a hard, hard to leave. And like I know, like I know she's has interest in doing the I'm going to mispronounce it. So forgive me, the Te Ararola, whatever it's the path, the trail from top to bottom of the Zealand. Like she would love to do that. So maybe if she goes and does that, I could just be there traveling the whole time. So maybe that's how I can swing it.
But no, New Zealand is very high on the list. There's a lot of stuff I really want to see there. But there's also that cautious hesitation of like, am I going to? She could because she's the kind of one she's like, oh, I filled out her immigration paperwork and we're actually staying. That's that's kind of the lack of planning that I do. And she'd be like, ah, there is no return flight. L.O.L. So it's always like, I think that's a maybe all other fears. Like, I'm afraid I'd love it to go. Maybe we should.
Just do it, man. Do it. Yeah, I know. I should. Let's do it. In a similar vein, in a similar vein, one place I've been to, but I've never actually explored Iceland. It's been one of those locations for work, but it's like fly in, fly out. And Iceland is one of those dramatic landscapes that I'd love to
I'd love to see and know obviously the right time of year because something like two thirds of the year, they get very, very little light. But wasn't, um, that opening shot of row one film there with, yeah, where, where, where he's, where he's farming. Yeah. Where, um, yeah. Yeah. When I say it's farming, but farming, it's a simple life. Well, it's an easy life. Mendo. Yes. Yeah.
Mate, I'm sorry if we've kept you over by a few minutes. I'm so sorry. This is actually pretty good for us. I promise you. This is actually pretty good with the timekeeping this week. Sean, come on. You got to give me some credit here. The concede that we've done. We've done pretty well. The brevity was so brief. It was just. Brief brevity. Excellent.
And you got D23 right. And you got D23 right. So I'm like, I'm over the moon right now. I'm just... Yeah, I didn't get Tokyo right. That's an apology for next week. Kyoto, not Tokyo. Turbo, thank you so much. There is so much to talk to you about that I'd love other people.
You and I have got to talk about Dune and our love of Dune at some point. Sorry, Dune for the Americans. We've got to talk about that at some point. I'm so fired up for this new series that's coming out. Really, really fired up for it because it's a time that I don't know anything about. It's hundreds of years prior to Paula Trades. It's the birth of the Bene Gesserit.
Really, really excited. Some really solid actors in the cast that have been part of the lineup as well. So there's lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots to talk to you about. But in the meantime, thank you very much for your time. Really appreciate it. Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for your time.

Social Media Presence and Friendship Reflection

And where can people find you? Where can people find me?
On various podcasts on every podcast. I just, I, I hang around various podcasts, you know, the usual, um, I don't use Twitter much anymore, but, um, you can find me on Instagram threads. I don't even know what my handle is on Instagram. Therbonography. I think it is something. All right. Um, but look, yeah, no, thanks guys. Anytime I really enjoy the chat. Um,
I work from home a lot and it's always good to talk to people across the pond just to have a chat about stuff other than work. Right. So as you know, working from home can be, you want to get a bit of zoom fatigue, but when you're talking good stuff like this, it's always, it's always a good time. And look, I just want to say, I really loves hooking up with you guys in London. And as I said, that friendship that you two have got, I love to hear it. And I love hearing you talk every week and.
I just think it's amazing to see, you know, random people from across the world just joining together.
and a friendship kind of coming together and just having a chat across the world, across, yeah, every week. And like, it's an unlike, it's like an odd couple. Like if you look at the two of you guys. Definitely. When would your heart ever meet other than like Star Wars? It had to be, right? That's, it's good times. Yeah. Love to see it. It was your destiny.
Um, thank you, dude. Thank you very much. And there's more good times to be had. Um, not that far, not that long away now. We've only got a matter of months before, uh, well, okay. So more than a bit matter a month, but next April seems, uh, seems relatively close now. So, uh, yeah, still good times to be had. Thank you very much, everyone. Thank you for listening. Sean, buddy, thank you for recording and putting up with my waffle as usual. Um, take us out, bud.
Thank you, Andy and Turbo both. Thank you for putting up with my technical difficulties and thank you to everybody who is still listening and Andy's brevity. I appreciate that as well. You can find us at You can find me and Andy, you know where to find us. You go to the website or don't, I don't care. Until next time. It's been fun, thank you again.
Take care, guys. Look after each other. Bye.