Episode 040 - Andy: 0 / EV: 1 image

Episode 040 - Andy: 0 / EV: 1

S1 E40 ยท Just Shillin'
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This week, we have a lighter episode that discusses visitors, some things we've been consuming, travel stories, and a little bit of consumerism.

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!

Hello, and welcome to episode number 40 of Just Shillin. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I'm your other host, Andy Bell. Hello, mate. How are you? I'm good. I'm good. Hopefully hopefully are both of our internet like internet connections hold out for this ah for this week's episode. I know we're both kind of dealing with some some uh, moody weather and uh, but other than that, dude, I'm good. It's been crazy. It's been busy. Um, we've had, we've had like guests like visiting, not like staying with us necessarily, but we've had a lot of people like visiting in town. So it's been like chaotic evenings, yada, yada, yada, like lots of, like not a lot of downtime. So it's, it feels very like frenetic in ways. Um, but like, I think that's the end of it. Cause we got like two days.
And then we, then we, then we leave for Vegas on Friday. Uh, we got a concert there this weekend that I'm really, really, really looking forward to. And the weather's not going to be 110 degrees there this weekend, apparently, uh, which is very exciting. It's supposed to be like mid seventies, eighties, which is very comfortable ah for Vegas. Uh, so yeah, we're doing that. And then we're.
Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, we'll just i' we'll know later this evening, maybe I'll be able to visit a special a special friend of ours next week, might be doing that. um If we can work out the details as we make our way to Indiana after Vegas, because we're going to Indiana. So Madison can go to her very first Taylor Swift concert.
no probably Probably her only one, too. ah like She's not a huge Swifty, but she's always wanted to go. But we found we we we're able to make it work. um So that'll be interesting. I'm i'm going to. like i made I've learned that that is now a huge mistake that I did that. I thought it was going to be like a regular concert. I didn't realize that I was going to need to go and be there like all day. um thats So that's news to me.
um interesting when we see I'll do some live reporting from the scene. um Excellent. I'm sure that'll be exciting. that's But that's in a couple of weeks. but Other than that, man, um I did besides visitors besides this upcoming stuff, I did a little update. I did update get return flights from Japan.
um I know that was a ah stressful ah stressful thing that I was worried about. So for context for the people, because I know that people are like, oh, what do you consider expensive? So when we were looking at return flights, they were upwards of $4,000 to $5,000 a person to return from Japan. ah So yeah, that's not that's not money I have. So that's why I was joking about living there. But we were able to get return flights
for very reasonable prices, right around $700 a person, still still pricey, but very, very reasonable. And we were able to achieve that by laying over in Hawaii, um right which neither one of us have been, so we were like- 700 is good though. Yeah, it's very good. like we' need Neither one of us has been to Hawaii. 700 is amazing. You know I've put it off for quite a while now, and unfortunately,
um I'm getting to a point now where I'm starting to get that anxiety of, oh God, I've got ah i've got to i've got to commit, I've got to commit. So two things I've got to do this weekend, the first being my taxes, and the second thing is I've got to book tickets for Japan. And at the moment, I'm looking at i'm looking around the 2000 mark for me to get a to get a return. it's It's not cheap from the UK. And it's the return like you, it's the return flight, which is crazy prices.
Yeah. I think it's the golden week stuff. That's what everybody keeps telling us. They're like, Oh, it's because it's, we're kind of leaving close, like right as we're approaching golden week. So there's a lot of people leaving a lot of Japanese residents leaving as well. Um, which is weird because you'd think a lot of them maybe would go to, I think they, uh, there's a big Exodus that could, we'll go to Hawaii. So you think that would be more expensive since I'm laying over in Hawaii to make it so cheap, but.
Yeah, that sucks. We'll have a three hour layover in Hawaii. Neither one of us have ever been there. So it's going to be kind of like bittersweet, but also it's better than paying five grand. Yes, absolutely. that's that's insane Yeah. Cool, man. Oh, I forget one. I did forget one thing. I forgot to put them on before we started. But ah do you like my new sunglasses or my new glasses?
They look, they're amazing, man. They're delicious. They're absolutely delicious. A buddy of mine, one of the buddies who came and visited brought me this. These are real D 3D glasses for the original Force Awakens release. Oh, wow. They're Stormtrooper like polarized lenses. Nice. From the Force Awakens. He brought me these. I don't remember. I think he got them from Japan when he was over there recently. And he also got me. I like it a lot. Or is it?
also got be best He likes to get me these like little trinkets. He got me Disney racers. Boba Fett Hot Wheels car. Nice. So it's like a hot rod and in mint mint in package. yeah Nice. If Kev was here, I'd rip that beast open. I was gonna say you be it would be yeah it would be a ah delight to see his face. but i'll But I'll save it. I'll save it for the next time. Next time they're on. But speaking of which,
Speaking of which, I want to thank those two for for last week's episode. It was a really cool time. ah Thank you, Kevin, Chris. I had a blast. um i'm I'm sure Andy will we add some some of his thoughts too, but no, that was a lot of fun. and I know we've got a lot of positive feedback about that episode too, but yeah, it was really cool. Yeah, that's that was nice. i mean like i Like you said, you know we've had some good feedback from people whose opinion I really i really i really i really take note of. I think they're you know that they're important. um So getting good feedback from people like that is really, really nice. um But i won't i won't you know I won't go into it too much. but Well, I won't go into it until I talk about my last week. But um I got a chance to see the boys as well this weekend, as as you already know. And I'll talk a little bit about that in a second. But um they were also stoked by the whole thing. And one of the one of the things that Kev said was, um
you'll know when I'm not engaged. I you know i won't i won't say an awful lot and we and it'll be a relatively quick session. The fact that we were nearly going for three hours, I mean, I was exhausted. i mean yeah the guy The guy that can't shut the fuck up was exhausted and I was trying to get these guys to shut the fuck up. But the facts they had but the the but the fact is that they had such a good time and we and we we were going for nearly three hours with so much more to talk about yeah scratch surface was brilliant. So yeah, I mean, I mean it's i don't think it will come as any surprise that we're planning
you know, a planning session round two, ah which we're hoping will coincide with some good news from from those guys or from Chris in particular, as well. So yeah, watch the space folks. It was really, really good fun. But yeah, dude, that's my week. That's my that's my week. And now you can just you can roll straight into what you were going to talk about. So perfectly perfect segue.
Well, well, first of all, before we go, it was your birthday last week. And unfortunately, my, my career had let me down. And I said there was more things to come. So there's just a couple of things that I just want to show you ah that is also kept also coming your way. So I know you collect them.
Pardon? This is acceptable. This is acceptable. Okay, fine. So, talk to myself. Talk to myself. No, I got them at hand. I got them on hand, so it's all good. um ah So, first things first. um You and I have spoken about this in our collecting. um Not that we collect this stuff. We got we definitely do not. Well, we don't collect mainstream.
as much mainstream stuff as we used to. But there is there are certain niche things that some people absolutely hate, but we think it's quite fun. And so a while ago, you sent me a list of of some of the holiday black series yeah because you don't have. And I picked one out for you that I don't think you've got. And I hope you can see that. um Let me just turn my light around. I see some colors. I see some pixels. Oh, nice. He is the It's the holiday scout trooper with the he's read he's got a ah Grogu Christmas sweater on and he comes with the Grogu backpack No, I do not have that one and I don't know if I've ever seen that one that one. Okay
Okay, so that's coming to you. And then secondly, I was inspired by um was inspired by some of these um makers that we and creators that we see on YouTube that we talk an awful lot about. And um i've i've already I already bought one of these for myself approaching a year ago.
um And I got one for you as well because I saw somebody weather it recently and it looked dope. It looked really, really dope. And I thought, who do I know that's really into, not not so much the, sorry, there's the making stuff, which you really, really enjoy, but is really, really good at dry brushing and and weathering and everything. So I got for a very, very good deal, I bought another another one of these for you to just mess around with. And it is Lola from Kenobi.
I'm looking. The screen is loading. I heard Lola. Oh, sorry. Oh, the droid. Oh, dude, y'all was like, Lola, who is that? That's the droid. Dude, hell yeah. Sick. So you've got, you've got a Lola and and the reason why I will share with you the video that I was watching and I thought, oh, Sean could do that. Sean could do that. Sean could do that. And it's basically, yeah as I said, it is basically um weathering it. So it looks like it's in the universe because it's too, it's too scale. um And it's the, the full interactive animatronic
Lola, not the not the poor man's version. So this should be this should be um reasonably good fun Um marty i'm already getting ideas Well, because to be clear that's the that's the perfect gift because you know what there's there's times where i'm like I don't like I I enjoy building I like enjoy the whole process But if if it was possible for me to just do the weathering Yeah, like somebody just hand me shit. Yeah Like I that that is what I would do like I just love taking the clean ship and just making it not clean. so yeah That's why it takes me forever to build them. um
it's like well we i'm hoping this were I'm hoping this will take some space in my hand luggage um on the flight to Tokyo so that I can refill it on for the way back. um But yeah, this is coming out to you. This is all coming out to you very soon. Well, in a few months.
um Yeah, as I said, really, really getting anxiety now. Now I'm seeing people actually make plans and organize themselves. um I need to sort my flights out. So that is a job for me at the weekend, which I am going to commit to because I said I would to myself and others as well. So that's going to happen the weekend. um And then Goodness me, we had a visitor, so Mr. ad ho mr Ed Bossart from the US s contingent of the Scruffy Looking Podcast. um He came over on Thursday of last week and spent just under a week in the UK. So I unfortunately was working away Monday, Tuesday, so I could only see him for a couple of days. um But I went to pick him up.
I went to pick him up um from the airport. um from the airport this is quite a big This is actually going to be quite a long story because we we there were quite a few challenges along the way, but um which I'll go into. I'll explain later. But I picked him up from the airport, everything fine. Drove all the way to um drove all the way to um Puzzlewood, which is in Wales. it's actually Sorry, it's it's it's it's it's very close to Wales. So I live on the other side of the UK, but it's actually even further than when i eat where I live. So if you consider that London's in the east, I live in the west. This was the far west. And in fact, we had to go into Wales, a separate country, but part of the UK, in order to in order to go get to this forest. And we went to a place called Puzzlewood,
which I've told you before is where and a heck of a lot of different um productions are made. um One of them being The Force Awakens and it was the it was the place where um they filmed Takadana. So where Rey is escaping from the First Order, shooting a few stormtroopers up and then bumps into into um into Kylo Ren, that's in this wood. Unfortunately the weather hasn't been great, so while it was dry it extremely muddy because we're talking about a forest and a forest that is built into, yeah but like I said, growing out of an and ah an old mine. or ah um ah yeah an old mine and it was It was very slippy, very muddy, and I think it was a little bit of a longer walk than than Ed expected, but we got through it.
We did pretty well. um Then we grabbed some food ah to try and delay getting back home because Lucy was still working. um So we we we we chewed the fat over some lunch, made it back home, introduced her to him to Lucy, um and she she immediately loved him, which is great because um you know if my wife likes you, everything's groovy as far as I'm concerned.
um And then we went out for dinner that night. So we went out for a nice Italian, a local Italian that's recently opened in our village. And it's some good food. It's some really good food. He seemed to be happy. No ass sausages? No ass sausages. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. He ordered for himself. So he was all good.
um And that was fine. And then um the plan was to then go up to see the boys the next day. So we were going to we were we were part of my job was to pick him up from the airport, keep him busy for a day, and then head up north the following day so that we could um he could spend some time with with Kevin and Chris. Unfortunately, I have an electric car. And this is where my stress for the weekend started. So I have an electric car, which
Most of the time, it suits me perfectly down to the ground. If I fucking charge it. So, um woke up the following day, jumped in the car. Oh no.
<unk> Got to charge it or or the charging didn't work properly overnight. It tripped a switch or something Ah, okay. So okay. No, no worries. We've got a pretty pretty good infrastructure in the uk We'll we'll go, you know, let's go an hour up the road and we'll charge from somewhere Just to get out of Lucy's head because she is working today. Anyway, so, um Yeah, we we we got in the car packed, you know pack the car up got in the car headed up north found a um Found a place to to stop for lunch and at the same time for me to charge the car. Again, really good infrastructure in the UK. And the fucking charging thing was messing me around because it was like, oh, it's not charging. It's not charging. But my car was saying, yeah, I'm charging. Yeah, I'm charging.
Anyway, we're going for some lunch, i had some lunch, came out again and I was probably 50% charged by that. It's like, that'll do, that'll get us there and I'll work it out on the way back. At which point I found out that actually my car has been charging and somehow we got away with electricity for free, which was a result. And I'm not and i'm not going to admit to that one.
um and then um Yeah, we made it up to ah the boys up in Nottingham. um Hooked up with Kev first. The plan was we'll have a cup of tea with Kev because Chris is still working. He's doing stuff around the house. So I had a quick cup of tea with Kev and then Kev jumped to the back of my car and then we merrily made our way to Chris, Chris's place.
spent the evening at chris i'm sorry spent the evening at Chris's place playing board games. Just playing board games, drinking beer, eating eating takeout Chinese. It was really, really good fun. Really, really good fun.
and um ah Yeah, so so how ah how how but had a great had a great night. um The plan for the Saturday, the following day was we're going to go to Warhammer World. So Ed Bossart is a massive tabletop gaming fan, hence his desire you know hence his interest in um in painting miniatures and the rest of it. So there's a place, Warhammer World, which is part of the... I think it's Game Workshop Group or whatever it is. but anyway Yeah, essentially it's based up in Nottingham. So the factory's there and there's a fucking huge museum there as well. Like um there's a massive shop there so you can get every single paint under the sun. But not only that, there is a um ah museum there with life-size models of orcs and space marines and everything you can possibly think of. And so the plan was Saturday morning, we'll go in,
go to Warhammer Wilfered so that he can get his his rocks off there, and then go into town and grab some lunch. Anyway, we got there. and Sorry, and I chose to drive. The reason why I chose to drive was, guys, I've got to head back home tonight. I need to charge my car. I don't have enough charge to get halfway, let alone a part of the way. Sorry, all the way home.
And so i I'll drive us in so we can but find a charger in town. Good idea at the time, wasn't it, Andy? Yeah. Anyway, got to got to Warhammer World. It was close. There's some sort of refurbishment going on or they're changing the exhibits or whatever it was. We were absolutely denied and it wasn't going to open until the following Tuesday, which of course, Ed staying up there, he could have made, but I i didn't get to see his little delightful cheery face unfortunately ah this time round and we'll have to do it next time he visits. So that was a bit of a bummer, that was the first thing that went wrong. Then we went into town and I could not find a place to charge my car because it was all full.
It was Saturday. It was a very busy town in Nottingham city center and I could not find it. And it ended up being a laugh because I'm starting to, well, for everyone else. Cause I'm starting to shit myself because I've got, I've got absolutely zero charge to the end. It's like, boys, I'm going to have to, I'm going to have to leave you here. Um, you know, thanks for looking after me. Thanks for having me. I'm going to have to go. Lo and behold, I dumped them off so that they can enjoy the city and they'll make their own way back. They're not too far away from Nottingham.
yeah Lo and behold, I find a place that's finally available for me to charge at a premium, but it's it's free. And it's like, guys, I rang them. I'm going to find you. Where are you? We're in this bar. Okay. I'm on my way. And then we I spent a couple of hours with them. Only to find out when I got back to my car that there's a limit on how long you can charge it for. So they basically had locked the cable, the tether to my car.
um And I wasn't allowed to, I couldn't, there's no way I could have physically removed it from the car because I'd exceeded the time I was meant to be there. So then spent half an hour talking to the the the place and working out with them. And in the end, I think the the manager of the place was so tired with me on his back that he essentially flipped the switch and switched off the entire, ah all of the charging bays that he had going on there. So I could uncouple my car and and um get on my way away.
And then I got home and then the rest is history, you know, back to work on Monday, all that kind of stuff, yada, yada, yada. But it was quite the event. But it was in the in the time it was worth every single moment of pain that I was feeling, that i was getting an anxiety that I was going through, simply to spend three days, sorry, three days, two days, not even two days, one day, one night with Ed and some more time with the with the boys. And Ed, bless him,
Bless him, I love Ed. He'd, again, Black Series. He painted a raincoat. No, no, did he now? No, this was easier for him. No, bless Ed. He was ah lovely, absolutely lovely. And he said, you know, and I know you're not collecting much of Black Series these days, but this is one of this is one that I've been holding on to as as being something a bit special.
I thought you might like it. So he gave me the 40th anniversary Boba Fett. For Empire Strikes Back, my favorite film. Boba Fett in Carbonized. The Carbonized Boba Fett. I don't know if you can see that. Very shiny. Lighting again. Yeah, no, it is actually very, very stunning. It really is stunning.
um And when he told me about the selection that he's got, it's the only one I would have wanted. The rest are all troopers, the rest are all sequel trilogy, or a lot of it is sequel trilogy stuff, which I'm not going to hate on the sequels, but if I was to collect something,
It would be OT and it would be Chewbacca, of course, but this in the Empire Strikes Back collection is really, really nice. And it's in mint. I don't know how he got it over to me. It's in mint condition. Absolutely mint. So that, that, don't tell Kev I said this, that is staying in the box. Just don't tell Kev.
Um, as far as he's concerned, I'm ripping it open and demolishing it with my teeth. Um, but yeah, no, it's really, really good. So that was cool. it opened <unk>s my dr Yeah.
Excellent. Excellent. It's ripped open. See, see, there you go. If it all goes wrong, you could be a Foley artist. Yep. I'm an ASM artist. That's it.
And that's it, and that's it, mate. So um that was my that was my week, but a lot of fun, a little bit of stress, um but really, really good to spend time with them. Andy zero, EV one. Yeah. scor Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly.
And I walked away from ed giving him a big manly bear hug as he was leaving. I said, because we were talking about electric cars on the way up because he was he quite enjoyed the ride. yeah And as I left him, I would give him a big hug and said, no, don't buy one. ah yeah don't Just don't buy one. with the mark with With where you live in proximity to to to the rest of the world, just just just don't get one, dude. None of them are human. That's why we have a plug-in hybrid like because our our infrastructure here in the mountains isn't great. It does great for local stuff. but a full EV would be, I don't want to go sit in a casino parking lot charging my car. No, right. No, no, no, right. And then that's almost what we did. And that's all, Oh my God. Oh, sorry. There was another story. It's funny. Really, really funny. This stop off that we made on the way up to Nottingham, which was in the at the facility that seemed to give me free electricity because
their monitor seemed to be broken, but it was still feeding electricity to my car. yeah um We're about to leave, we're about to get in the car, you know it's charged, that's enough, we can get up there, jump in the car, and all of a sudden, this um this very small, very, very, very small car just slams its brake on and in front of us and stops. It's like, okay, because we can't get out of our parking bay, what's going on here? And then the passenger door opens, and this very, very old lady,
starts slowly getting herself out of the car out of the out of the out of the driver's seat uh out of the driver's door sorry this very very old man uh is getting out and they've literally parked in front of a parking base he does it is impossible to yeah and they're stopping from other cars passing them because they've taken up the road space and um yeah All of a sudden, I noticed the car rolling backwards. So the handbrake's not on, it cut yeah and this woman is getting out of the car. It's like, she's gonna be killed. She's gonna be killed. simply I mean, literally, as soon as she gets out, the car door is going to hit her as it rolls back and and roll out. So I start shouting, and the old boy's looking at me as if i'm saying yeah as if I'm trying to mug him. It's like, yeah no, no, no, to don't blame me. I've said, no, no, no, dude.
put your handbrake on your car is rolling back over your wife and he looked at me and ed ed seems to think there's something sinister there like he actually you know he he checked out his insurance recently or something but he kept looking at me as if i was a nutter so of course i run out of like my car get behind start getting behind this car so i can at least stop some of the progress of this of this rolling car yeah and this woman this woman just shouts at me i need a pee i need a pee And I'm like, okay, but you're about to die. No problem at all. Anyway, that guy puts his handbrake on, he says, oh, that's why we're here. She desperately needs a toilet. I said, I'm sure she does. But thank goodness she's still alive, right? And they just looked to me as if I'm the idiot, as if I'm the idiot. They had no no clue. they They had no clue. None whatsoever, none whatsoever. Anyway, she hobbles off, and then he finally parks the car. But yeah, it was bizarre, absolutely bizarre.
Why was he getting out of the car? I have no idea, mate. I have no idea. I have no idea. I can imagine him, you know, screeching to a halt because we're near the entrance of the facility. So screeching to the halt, letting her out and then finding a parking space. But no, he was getting out as well. um Or he was trying to kill her, I don't know. It was one of the other. Anyway, Ed in the meantime is in hysterics. So yeah, that that was that was a fun story as well.
ah Yeah, but so so good. Oh, and then lastly, sorry, I will stop then lastly Cards against so one of the ball game we played a few ball games and I bought I to say thank you for having me I bought Chris and his family a board game because I did that last time and it seemed to land quite well. So I thought, oh, family-born games, I'll get another one. Anyway, we were playing family-born games for the majority of the evening because um Chris's youngest son Jackson was with us. And then when he went to bed, out came Cards Against Star Wars. So this is cart this is the Star Wars takes on Cards Against Humanity. Well, it was hilarious. And at some point, I will ask Chris, who took lots and lots of photographs of the
of the question and the answer that we gave and asked him to compile it somewhere because I haven't laughed so hard in in quite a while. um Downside was some of the ah spelling, like the the obvious spelling. I'm not talking about Star Wars characters, I'm talking about the English language was atrocious. So I'm getting the feeling it wasn't, may not have been um ah produced in a- A bit bootleg. It's a bit bootleg, but it's meant to be an official game, but it's a bit bootleg, but a lot of good fun, a lot of good fun. Sorry, I've digressed. News mate, news, have you picked up on any news this week? The only news that I picked up on is that they've released the Star Wars Celebration badge art ah by an artist named Takumi. Oh, yeah. Oh, dude, it is.
They haven't released all of them, but they've released some. yeah it's It is like right up the alley of like, I hope they do Japanese themed Star Wars art. And it's like, yep, that's what they're doing. That's what they've done. There it is. So that's the only news I've picked up on because I have been swamped. But other than that, yeah. yeah I picked up on a few things. um I saw that there was some gorilla behind the same pics of Spider-Man Noir. So I knew they were doing, yeah, I knew they were doing a spider-man noir spinoff of um um i spiderverse movies by the bit it's the Spider yeah. I didn't realise it was live action though. So there's pictures of um
um Nicolas Cage in like the whole trench coat and, and, yeah and fedora, you know, that, that kind of arrangement, which, which looks interesting. I didn't really read into it because it seemed to be, like I said, a dodgy, a dodgy
a dodgy phone pick from behind the scenes. But yeah, the fact that that's being made, I'm very, very interested. Silo season two. So Silo was the program or the series on Apple TV that I really, really rated with Rebecca Ferguson as the lead. Really, really good story. Like a very different, similar but very different take on fallout. In fact, a very different take on fallout.
in that they're kind of, I wouldn't say punished, rather than feeling lucky that they're in the in the you know in the vault. They're kind of, or the silo in this case, they're kind of, it's there's ah there's a class system um that the that isn't quite fair. um So that's good. The season two trailer coming out for that looks tight. And then lastly, ah one of my favorite games that we talked to, I think it was an honorable mention, but nonetheless, one of my favorite games
of the console eras was Alien Isolation. And um on the back of a good result of Romulus, the guys that ah originally created Isolation are looking to do a sequel. So that it's it's in the works, which is which is great because they um that game knows how to put the shits up you. So yeah, very, very good and very, very excited about that.
Um, that's the only news I picked up on, mate, to be honest with you. I did see this morning that, uh, shrinking, the Apple TV show shrinking has two new episodes out and I was like, Oh, I didn't even know it was coming, but I'm excited. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I need to talk to you about that because I haven't started yet, but, um, you haven't started season one or season two. No, season two, I've seen season one and loved it. Loved every minute. and i watch think i Was it?
Was it when we were talking with Kev and Chris, or was it someone else we were talking about? Oh, no, it was... um When we were on the Sith list with Arash and he asked, you have you have you seen shrinking? Yeah, I mean, it's for me, it's um I'm a Harrison Ford fan like most people, but I do, you know like I said to you before, i Harrison Ford is Harrison Ford. yeah So it's like, you know this is the movie, it's Harrison Ford, playing Harrison Ford. Whereas in shrinking, I think his repertoire is is really, really good.
I like seeing his range. Yeah, this range is really nice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, that's just what I'm trying to say. Sorry. Yeah. But yeah, all good. um What about consuming,
consuming watching, listening, reading, playing? So you know so do have i've i've I've watched a couple of things. So the first one is i have a I've had some time to think about megalopolis since then. I still haven't really watched anything or like read anything about it like i think it's just really been sitting in the back of my mind um and it's like i've had some time to kind of digest it and be like all right is it is it bad or is it misunderstood or whatever am i just not smart um i'm i'm now mostly leading towards like it's just not it's not good like it's just it's
like it's still Like I'm sure there's there's some there's some pieces in there that are like moments of potential brilliance, but it is it is it's not as bad as everybody's making it out to be, but i just don't I'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel that's like, oh, I get it. like Yeah, it's it's it's not getting the positivity. I mean, yeah after 21 years in development, wherever it was, you kind of think that
the product would be universally embraced. And it's, I'm happy. and um What is funded by somebody's own money. It's yeah like, you would, you think that like they'd watch it at the end and go like, it's almost like nobody watched it before they released it. That's what I feel like. It's like, oh yeah, it's all great. We filmed it. but It's like, did you see the if final edit? Like did, did you, did you watch it? Like if you did, I almost wonder like, do you need to be like evaluated?
or something, like what happens? Well, I'm going to watch it anyway because I'm fascinated. Yeah, it is worth a watch for sure. There is stus stuff out there. Like I said, I mean, I've given examples before, late you know, naked lunch. um There's a heck of a lot of, you know, a razor head. There's a whole bunch of surreal stuff out there that I'm glad I've watched for the experience. And and I don't revisit it.
try to recognize the qualities he's got because that's you know, let's it's got let's face it by no by no means is it the worst movie i've ever seen i've watched i've spent more money watching way worse movies than i've seen more than once so it is by no means like a oh i'm gonna go gouge my eyeballs out or anything like that or like oh go start a picket line it's just it's just different like i haven't had a bizarro like It's worth watching, I recommend it. So I'd love to talk about it with you at some point. um okay I won't watch it again, probably not. Unless there's a director's commentary, that I would watch. um But I don't think that's coming. But anyways.
Anything else? Some other things I watched. ah Like I kind of mentioned last week, ah we did watch Inside Out 2. Highly recommend it. it's really It's really good for... Like, I do think Inside Out 1 is... You can't really beat that because it is what it is. Like, it was what it was and it's hard to kind of...
topla But this is a a good logical sequel that expands on it, makes it deeper. um But it's hard to kind of beat that original one. But it's it's really good. There's some really good stuff. And I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't seen it. But if you've ever dealt with anything mental health related, like it's a it's a good it's a good watch. um The other thing I watched, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice. I've watched. Oh, wow. I watched that. um And?
It is, it is, it is a Beetlejuice movie. um Like, I wanna say it's like, it's it's it's silly, like it's it's silly like what the original, like it it kind of captures the vibe of the original.
um It's as's not winning any awards, but I thought it was fun. I thought it was neat. I liked, I thought it was gonna be, I'm glad it wasn't kind of like that typical sequel where it maybe focuses too much on the younger characters and like the original characters to kind of take a backseat. I thought some of the stuff that they did with the original cast was really, really clever, really neat. It's just funny. This is a funny, goofy popcorn flick. Do you know what? i didn't I didn't know. I didn't know.
that the original dad wasn't in it, who was the teacher in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. yeah he and i he's not yeah yeah no i didn I did not know anything about that until I looked up why he wasn't in the movie. And it was like, oh, I don't think I should have opened this can of worms. But um yeah i it's it's what it's what it's one of those things that just passed me by without me even
and understanding or or taking notice of it. The thing that's interesting is how much his character is in it. like it's It's not like an, oh, they died and they're just never mentioned again. It's like, no, they're it's a pretty active role like in this in this new movie. And what's even weirder is they show the original actor's likeness a lot, like in photographs and stuff like that. And so it's like, how does that work? like I'm pretty sure he's in prison still.
And so it's like, how does that work with like, do you work with the estate and like, oh, we'd like to use the likeness of this actor? Like, does he get paid? Or do you have to? Or do you have to? Did the original Beetlejuice come out at a time where they were thinking about, you know, we have the right to use your like likeness if you're in this film, you know? Yeah. I don't know, man. But I, again, I had no idea. I was, I was, you know, what you know, yeah I don't know about you, but I feel a real kidney punch when, um,
when people when When you hear about people that you kind of like, yeah and you realize that they're wrong ones in the end, and it's like, oh, not you as well. yeah Not you as well. Especially when it's it's not like, oh, they there's infidelity or or stuff like that. yeah when it When it's stuff where it's like, oh, holy holy crap. like yeah You're really not great. That's where it's like, whoa.
that's that Yeah, it's not not not fun. not Not a good feeling. But yeah, I saw that. That was fun. It's it's a good popcorn flick. Let's play the weekend around it kind of thing.
we we we We always knew we were going to miss it because because of the last couple of weeks. Not only me, but Baluti as well has also been extraordinarily busy at the moment. um So we've got you know we in couple of weeks we've got we got a week off work and we're going to take in some sun for a week, but um we'll get back to normal service after that. So we knew that we weren't going to watch it until it comes out when it starts streaming, in which case, um she'll want to watch that. That's that's right up her alley. Switch your brain off.
in her In her world, another thing that reminded me of it in her world you know she can have she can have she can have a film streaming in the background while she's also on our um her Switch. Ed, by the way, thought it was really cool. that ah tried to I made it very, very clear, actually, um on the way to on the way back from picking him up at the airport. I said, listen, dude, um Lucy will come over as being quite sensible, quite ah quite a demure lady that you know that is sensible. and i'm And I'm the geek in the family, but don't but don't let the don't kid yourself. This woman watches
She loves dinosaur movies. She loves monster movies. She loves Godzilla. She loves Jaws. She watchs she watches the Meg at least once every other month or so. So don't believe that. And she's also... And I didn't tell him about the switch. And of course, when she's on the switch and... um He just leaped off his seat and said, this is amazing. This is brilliant. I love it. You're such a geek. So yeah, that that went down quite well. And she said, you watch your mouth at Boss Heart. You watch your mouth. Don't you be telling me what you're talking about. No, actually, she's type she's she's got of the but she's type of person that she'd say, yeah, you're probably right. You're probably right. Anyway, that was good fun. We're not going to have to kill you. Yeah, I went off that tangent. Sorry about that.
No, I will say the thing the thing I like, it's not a spoiler, it's Beetlejuice Mini. The thing that I like, I i do appreciate about Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice is that unlike most movies these days or sequels, they didn't try to humanize or make Beetlejuice a good guy. He's still a piece of shit. And that is what I like. I like that it's like he is still a demon, still an asshole, yeah still gross, and it's just like,
perfect. that That's because that's what it's what he is. ah So that was cool. The other thing i like I did mention, so it's not consuming yet, but I am going to that concert this weekend. It's gonna be fun. It's gonna be good old time. Lots of old music, not old music, older music. ah when i was growing I grew up with big, big festival thing and in Vegas. So it'll be fun doing that. It's gonna be nuts.
probably gonna kill me. um And the other thing I watched that I'm very excited about that I know I mentioned to you previously is I've watched episodes three and four of The Penguin. I have an update of my My sentiment towards the show, I know in the beginning I was, I made i made comments about like, criticizing not criticizing, but just like, cautiously optimistic when the first episode came out and air everybody's like, that's the greatest television ever. It's like, you know, we'll see, let's see what happens. um Episode three and four, it is it is stepping into a world of its own, a kind of like,
I ah was hopeful. like i it's it's it's it's It's exceeding expectations. like It is stepping into prestige kind of television, not just riddled with superhero. It's not a Gotham. It's not a it's not some of these other things where it just can't help itself, but be like overly namedroppy, overly fantastical. ah but Episode four, I have not been that anxious of watching an episode of television in a very long time.
like just the acting, the story. I mean, it's uncomfortable, not in a Game of Thrones, ah not a House of the Dragon season one, episode one kind of way. Gratuitous, not a gratuitous way. Not in a gratuitous way, but like it toes that line of like, we know how to make you feel things and make you feel uncomfortable without being excessive. Like it's not a,
It's not a rotten calm kind of thing. It's very well acted like that. I think our our buddy Chris posted in the in the memes in the memes channel of like where's like ah from one of the actors like where's Miami? It's like, oh, they they deserve it from yeah just that one episode alone. It's fantastic. I'm very interested to see where it goes. so I am.
like i'm trying i'm not I'm not talking about spoilers or anything like that because we all know the story of Batman and stuff, but like that whole universe. I need to watch it, man. I mean, my list is getting, it's crazy. I need to watch it so I can talk to you about it. And you don't have to feel as if you don't need to get any spoilers. No, it's it's like I can't really spoil anything anyway. It's like it's four episodes. Not a lot has happened. Like it's just I, it's not the, the, the story of like, Oh, what are the, the, the M night Shyamalama ding dong twists and stuff that are happening. Like it's nothing like that. Like it's not really spoilery. It's like just the quality of television that we're getting is so.
good and i'm I'm hopeful that like they will see this season through in a way that is like meaningful because it feels like it's building up to this. it just It's such a good show. I hope it doesn't get into that like fantastical stuff. like I know it's gonna have to eventually. like You're gonna have people other people involved.
Like Batman's not in it at all. Like that's what's awesome. like yeah I don't think he's not even mentioned or any of that stuff. It's just like this is an isolated story kind of these things and like, it's just so good. You need to watch it. So I think Lucy, from what you say, I think she'd like it. um Yeah, I think so. I think so. She loved, she loved um she tolerates my my Star Wars, but she loved Andor. Yeah. I mean, I coined the phrase all the time.
Andra was an amazing drama that just so happens to be set in the Star Wars universe. That's from her. That's not from me. that I mean, yeah I stole that from Lucy. that that's that's um That's her take. um yeah Yeah, no, I need to watch it, man. What about Agatha? Have you have you been watching that still? I've been keeping up with a Agatha. um I have an updated kind of advice and stuff for that.
Um, up until now it's been like what I said, it's been a witch show about witchy witchiness. Like it's, which it's witch shit. Um, and it still is, but like the last episode took a, a hard right turn and it is now.
this this week it's like it's a guess what it's a marvel show it's a marvel show okay okay okay and it's still it's still witchy but if you have not seen wandivision like i i push even harder on what i said originally it's like watch wandivision and dr strange like this dr strange too it's like it is okay Okay. It is what it is. Okay. Cause otherwise you could be like. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's this damn list of mine. It's, it's getting, it's getting longer and longer, but like I said, I've got a week off coming up soon. So, um, if I can get this on my, um, on my, um, Giganta phone before I, uh, before I leave, um, I'm going to be busy. So all good. One of, one of my buddies who visited had your same Giganta phone and I just, my eyes rolled so hard. I got a headache. No.
Well, the guy's got a good taste. Guy's got a good taste. but that mean that's on yeah that's all you He obviously thinks practically as well, I'm traveling, I take a phone with me, I take ah take an iPad with me, I take a Kindle with me. With this phone, that sounds like I'm marrying it. With this phone, iy wordd no with this phone i'm ah I can take everything with me in one handy, convenient, and not at all bulky handset. He's got that VDU phone.
What about anything else, mate? That's a throwback. i haven't watched I haven't watched anything else, man. I'm just sitting in my room. pretty good letter i mean I've been i haveve been pretty busy, but but all at the wrong all at the right time at the wrong with yeah the the the wrong things at the wrong time. um So ah listen I'll start with listening. Listening. So I am going to mention her again this week. Psych Off Show. um This week is Jonathan Frakes.
And it's a good yarn. It's a really good yarn because he's such a nice top bloke, but most importantly the previous week it was Eman Esfandi Who is known obviously for being the actor that played Aladdin? um But in our world um played Ezra Bridger in um in Ahsoka and I have to say that What a dude. What a really, really mellow dude with his with such a balanced and solid outlook on life. For such a young guy, he knows exactly what he wants, and he's a very spiritual guy. I never, ever saw it coming, but very, very spiritual spiritual guy. Really impressed that he he'll he'll go
He'll go in the middle of nowhere and just ah you know just just just do yoga for yeah a week or so, just to just ah center to himself. I'm really, really, really respecting that. I wish I could follow that kind of ah lifestyle myself, ah ah but unfortunately I can't. But yeah, it was a really, really good yarn.
um thank the maker ah think the maker is um ah I listened to it this week and it was very, very relevant to our chat with Chris and Kev last week in that they dedicated nearly two hours on posters, on movie posters, on Star Wars movie posters. um And they've got a really, really cool guy um as a guest that's an expert in kind of the history of of posters in general, um but also kind of some of the independent
the independent and um underground type of art styles. And I really, really enjoyed it and it seems so relevant um based on the conversation that we had last week. It just so happened to be, you know, on this week.
um Ed introduced me to, when we were going on the way up to ah Nottingham, Ed introduced me to a pod called Smartless, which I'm sure you already know about, um but it was new to me. And it was basically, and I even didn't even know, I mean, they'd been going for 223 episodes. And we're talking about, um basically talking about Jason Bateman, ah Sean Hayes, and Will Arnett every week.
they they do a podcast. Again, I had no idea at all. And it's really, really good. Really good and very, very funny. um the I mean, three guys are relatively funny in the themselves anyway, but they get some when they get hosts that really, really engage, um it's really quite funny. So i'm i'm not not only was I introduced to that podcast, but I'm also making my way through their back catalogue.
Um, they have an amazing one. Um, they have an amazing one i'm trying to look at how long ago it is. Um, it was as far back as Two or three months back three months ago three months ago. They had john williams the great john williams In his 90s john williams on their podcast And they were shooting the ship with each other. It was brilliant. Absolutely brilliant the way that they got him to engage um his willingness to to take the piss out of them and for them to take the piss out of him was superb, absolutely superb. And then lastly, um
ah masks masters ah One of our buddy Hawes, one of his Patreon episodes, Masters of Harvest Carsey, which is where he talks about video games with kingink with King Tom. And they talked about their first impressions on outlaws. And I thought it was really good because I listened to it quite late. And um i I got the feeling that they... And I'll talk a little bit about outlaws in a second, or where I am at the moment with outlaws. But it was interesting because they they hadn't gone as far as I had. And typically when I listen to other people talking about games, they're a shitload, well ahead of me. And it was interesting to listen to their early thoughts and I sent them a a few DMs without actually trying to give anything away, um like persevere with this and this will happen for you and all that kind of stuff. um But it was really good. It was a really, really good episode. I really thoroughly enjoyed it because it was very, very relevant to where
to to to to where I am at the moment. So I was listening. um We are finished watching. So we finished watching Slow Horses Season 4, the Gary Oldman show that ended last week. And goodness me, um yeah, I was in pieces. Emotional roller coaster. It's a really good gritty show and you kind of you always hope that these guys that are all trouble and they all have all their problems, but they're going to make it through. And um and typically they do, but there's some heart-wrenching stuff going on at the same time. And in in particular, this this that this the ending of the of this series was lot an awful lot about loved ones and love you know what what what we do with loved ones as they get older and um and what happens when they can no longer look after themselves. And it really is an eye-opening, traumatic and and
and very, very real conclusion to to what has been a really great series. I finished Monsters as well. Monsters, the um Ryan and Eric, ah oh, could just be what they called. The two lads that killed their parents. um The Menendez brothers. Menendez brothers, sorry, thank you. Yeah, they um yeah the Menendez, I finished watching that that season of Monsters with them.
um Yeah, it leaves it open. Did they? Didn't they? Sorry, we know they did, but did they do it for this reason or was it for for for the the original reason, the defense? ah's Sorry, the prosecution presented. um We don't know, um but very, very well done.
Again, it's kind of subject matter in the way it's portrayed, especially one or two of the episodes. Not something you'd readily revisit as a light watch, um but i'm glad i'm i'm I'm really a little bit like um Baby Reindeer.
It's kind of something that the that I'm glad. i'm I'm really, really glad I saw it. um And then lastly, um before I talk about what I've been playing, Outer Range. So we started Outer Range. So um out of the long list I've got of stuff that I need to watch, I'll add Penguin to this short list. But um there was ah Outer Range. It's on Prime. It stars um Josh Brolin.
um and it is good, so far so good. We're about halfway through season one at the moment and the premise is there's some strange shit going down on this guy's farm meanwhile he's got a ah beef going on with the neighbors which are a very big powerful ah um ah ranching family um And shit goes down strange things that happen. It's a little bit like ah if you ever saw under the dome or Mix with the twilight zone and anything like that. It's it's it's some good stuff. It's it's a bit surreal in places and it's a little bit
ah There's some art house kind of directing going on but so far so good. We're both enjoying it ah Put it this way. We haven't said let's give this you know, let's give this a miss yet. So I'm hoping to at least at the very least Make a more of a decision by the end of season one, which will probably be the next couple of days or so um Playing playing outlaws. So I finished story mode um And i'm very nearly finished everything else now. Um, so since you and I since I text you and said, hey, I finished story mode. I'm very close to the end. like ah There's very few things I can do now. um i had Apart from the collecting bit, if you know what I mean. yeah So I finished all the story mode missions i've finished all the main missions outside of story mode that are still part of that first tab in terms of the the
um quest that I've got to do. I finished all the Intel missions that I can. Two of them are broken. Two of them have got bugs so that you can't finish them, so you find a treasure and it doesn't complete the mission. Or indeed, one of them is there is a um know how you can squeeze through the wall aka similar to similar to how you can with um like shimmy um jedi jedi no no no no no no no no through the gap through the yeah that's it through the gap yeah yeah so so so unfortunately there is a crack in a wall somewhere um and which i could get through the first attempt
And of course, I died, so I regress back to a particular save point. And then the second time I can't and i've revisit it, revisit it, revisit it. I can't get through there. Done some of the space stuff. In particular, there's one main mission that you've got to do, which is kind of space, but it's mainly around scavenging in space, um which has left me with um pretty much just the collecting stuff to do. So I've i've got every single outfit.
I've upgraded my weapon to everything, I've upgraded the speeder to everything, and I'm in the process of upgrading my um trail the trailblazer to everything as well. And then after that, I'm looking at, um there's some treasures that you can get for Nyx, your buddy.
yeah And then at that point, I think I'm going to have to hang up the joystick, or sorry, hang up the controller until the new DLC comes out in November. November the 21st, I believe. But yeah, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Dude, I'm okay just switching it on. At least he's like, you finished. What are you still doing on there? I'm just going somewhere and playing Sabacc. I'm cool with that. What does she play on the Switch? At the moment, the new Zelda game.
Mm-hmm Whatever that is Which is weird because it doesn't it looks it looks kind of basic The old you can't be careful. Be careful what you say. Be careful. i I'm sure no, I'm sure and and I'm sure but but I'm talking graphic when do you think about how abundant and how Graphically rich breath of the wild was for example, it's a it's a lot more more of a Isometric platform. It seems like I'm more of an asymmetric platformer than than perhaps then perhaps ah recent recent versions. Anyway, listen't no that's what she's playing at the moment. And that's kind of where I am at the moment.
Yeah, i'm I'm still playing it. And I'm still really enjoying it. It's ah it's it's ah it's a good yarn. It's a really, really good yarn. Nice. um I must say it's quite refreshing having a shorter episode this week compared to last week. Yeah, I think it's it's interesting because it's like,
There's other stuff I have in the works like yeah that I'm like like, I've been helping some people, like but like I can't, like I don't want to talk about them yet. So it's like, there's a lot of stuff like in the pipeline. It's like, oh, I've been helping some people with some things, some maybe some crafty crafty stuff. there We got some holidays coming up. We got some other things in the pipeline. We got some other shows coming out soon. We got a lot of stuff kind of queuing up and like, I'm preparing for my flights and preparing for some like time away from home. So I'm like getting a lot of stuff downloaded or not downloaded, like re-download it in the apps. Definitely legal, a hundred percent. Yep. And just, so it's like, oh, a little short, a little bit shorter one, but queing queuing up the content and getting ready for some stuff. Good.
good Well, listen, we've got all the time in the world and we need to start queuing up our next guests. Now that once I've booked those tickets this weekend, we need to start queuing up our next guests that we've been talking about for ages. John Williams, maybe let's go. um Cool about coming on. um But we need to queue that up so that we can start talking about celebration ah amongst a few guests that we want to have on to talk about celebration and what we're but we're looking forward to. So that there's there's that coming up. We need to do season two, or sorry, the the second round of of of um toy fairs and collecting with the boys. And there's a few other irons in the fire as well that we need to um think about landing pretty soon. God, we've been going for quite a while now.
episode 40 we're 12 weeks away from doing a year mate that's insane that is absolutely insane time flies when you're having fun it does man it does and i must admit i you know this for many many you know i mean you know what's going on with the work at the moment you know the the pressure of stuff you know the last minute changes that are going on at the moment which haven't been much fun at all and all that kind of malarkey but quite frankly I love chatting to you midway through my week it keeps me sane and it kind of breaks me out of work mode because it's very easy to spend so much time in the weeds um so it very much ah breaks me out of workload so that's really really cool in the next couple of weeks we've got um
Yeah, there's a lot going on, man. A lot going on. ah As I said, next week is we are recording as normal. evening And then the following week we're recording as normal. And then that Friday, ah as I said, Lucy and I are taking a week out away from everything. No laptops, no nothing. um So we'll either kind of, we should think about maybe recording a little bit later that week when I get back, um yeah a week later.
Or, you know, maybe skip a week, which would feel weird if I'm perfectly honest with you. Or we can ask a few buddies to come join you. And if I can't find anybody, I can always vamp for two and a half hours about my manifesto or something. I could probably figure it out. Actually, actually, on the credits, yeah, exactly. On the credits of things I've been listening to,
Iraj was stuck in that position last week. Did you hear it? I did. And he did a really good job. I thought he did a really, really good job.
You're coming dangerously close to complimenting Iraj on the set list over here. like I know, it's bad. He's come full circle. but Yeah, it was really it was really good. Yeah, it was really good. I like that. And I like a prerecorded clip with like King Tom too. I thought that was fun. Yeah, I know. I thought it was it was it was really, really well done. on he was he you know He kept the...
The fact that he kept the agenda together, I thought was amazing. But yeah, all credit to him for for doing that, because I don't think I could do that. Not for an hour, anyway. You don't think you could vamp for an hour? Oh, with you? Yeah, for sure. um but i go I think if I had a vote, if I could take a voter poll right now and be like, do you think Andy could talk amongst himself by himself for an hour? I think the results would be overwhelmingly. I don't think he couldn't.
Okay. Well, we'll see, man. We'll see. And then of course we get into the silly season. We get into, you know, Thanksgiving for you guys. We get into holiday period and then yeah, then Christmas made my favorite time of year. Holidays, holidays. I think I'm, I think I'll get into, I get into candy making season and I think, I think I'm going to take on some new, I think I'm gonna try some new recipes. Well, I haven't found them yet, but I think I'm gonna take on some new recipes this year.
Yeah. Then we'll have to have i'm just cooking. Yeah, exactly. I'm having, I'm having, uh, I'm, I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year. We've got no stress, no dramas. Uh, the girls are coming back as they always do. Uh, we've got Lisa's mom and dad coming over for the day. And again, I've said the story before they turn up. We exchanged gifts.
They eat, they go home. They are the perfect guests. They are the perfect guests. And then we just slob out on the sofa for the rest of the evening and then maybe think about actually being a little bit active and playing a board game for about 10 minutes or so before the family falls apart arguing with each other. So yeah, I'm really looking forward to it because it's going to be very, very, very low key. And that's exactly what I need. Low key at the moment in my mind, exactly what I need. You got to get your inner Clark Griswold on and be like,
A little family Christmas. Yeah. But the great thing about having a family kiss Christmas without guests is that everyone can go and do their own thing. yeah the house is big you know the hat We have enough space in the house that you know we've got we've got two tv you know equivalent of two TV rooms. One's a small snug, but we've got two TV rooms. You can watch what you want, when you want. You can do whatever you want, when you want. you know If you want to be part of the conversation you can be if you want to just grab some Z's up in your bedroom or do something else you can as well. There's no pressure to entertain which is amazing for me because over recent years we've had to do an awful lot of of of entertaining. um So yeah I'm looking at it. Maybe we'll just show up at your place for Christmas because that sounds low-key. I like that. Yeah mate, more than welcome. Ah no, fuck it. and Then I've got to entertain you. No way, no way.
Anyway, no, I think if you're okay with me just sitting there in my own underpants and um um eating all the wrong food and drinking all the wrong drink um to the point where I pass out in a coat in you know in ah in a coma um on the sofa, um the family then leave me on the sofa and then go to bed and just allow me to wake myself up about three in the morning, stone cold. And where I make my weary way upstairs, then you're more than welcome to join us, no problem at all. Right, mate. Yeah, I think our networks, I think we're starting to get- It's like, you're done. You're done. A little bit. Well, no, no, no, I honestly think in the last minute or so, we're starting to get a few gremlins again in our respective networks. So, dude.
Thank you again. I needed this again. Uh, thank you for recording with me, buddy. Uh, thank you to everyone for listening. Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for your, your likes. Thank you for your advice. Thank you for your feedback that you give us. Um, and I'm, I'm glad that generally speaking, you you seem to be okay with two idiots just chatting like this. Um, thank you. And we'll see you next week. Sean, take us out, buddy. Dude, I don't have, I have no, I have no life advice besides once again, watch and inside out to, uh,
Take care of your friends and family, but yeah, I appreciate everybody who listens. I love the feedback. Even if it's not always the most positive, which we won't get positive, but I'm like okay. If you have not positive feedback, send it our way too. Oh yeah, absolutely. You can find, you can find us at just shilling dot.com where you had can find links to all of our exciting stuff like Instagram and links to good pods and blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah.
And all that, all that good stuff. Yeah. We, we love when you guys interact with us. You love, we love when you listen and you provide feedback. Um, it's going to be, it's going to be a spicy couple of weeks. So be on the lookout for, for new episodes of different guests, different things, you know, and we'll figure it out. But until then, take care everybody. Goodbye now. Bye.