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WWE Mattel Figure Reveals!!!

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays4 years ago
Wow what a day! Sheena, Phil, and Marco discuss the reveals of the Legends Elite lineup, Decade of Domination, The Fiend, and much more!!!! Use code CHICKFOLEY for 10% off your order! Join the Foley Family!

Introduction and Episode Overview

as we proceed to give you what you need. Two episodes this week, you lucky mofos. It's a Chick Foley show. What's up? Four beers in now? Fuck it.

Live from Virginia and WrestleMania Talk

I am here live in the Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios. I have the lovely Sheena Phelps on the line from Virginia. What's up Sheena? How are you?
I'm good man. I'm coming off an awesome WrestleMania episode and I'm super pumped to talk about all the freaking figures.

WrestleMania Access and Figure Previews

that we saw just being blasted into our social media feeds today. There's some serious heat up in here. Yes. We missed out on access before WrestleMania, but we're getting a bunch. And I guess we're going to preview all of those and recap them all right now. And then we'll get into, we're supposed to get one on unvalings tomorrow and Saturday and Sunday from Zach and Kurt. So I love it, man. I can't wait. Marco, how are you doing? I'm doing swell this fine.
cold evening here in Boston Massachusetts so it's like cold and rainy so just trying to stay away from the aches and pains that come with cold and rainy weather.
Yeah, that's not fun. But what is fun is talking about wrestling figures and we have a lot to talk about.

Shoutouts to Wrestling Figure Contributors

I want to give a shout out to a couple Twitter accounts you should follow that we're going to use for the basis of this is at WWE retro stars is a favorite of mine and also the wrestling figure news source. It's at wrestle fake news who posted a bunch of pictures. I tried to post a bunch to during the day as these unveillings came along but
There's a lot. So we got a lot to go through here and props to our buddies over at the major wrestling figure podcast, Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins, who got to unveil all of these.

Exclusive Edge Figure Details

And I guess we should start with the number one thing for them. We get a ringside exclusive edge with three heads. What's better than one head and three heads? We get a Zach Ryder head, a Curt Hawkins head and an edge head. Yeah.
And it's a pretty cool and if you watch the video, if you haven't watched the video, you definitely should. It's on the WWE YouTube page, but I don't think they knew that they were getting these figures at all. So there was this shock to them. So it was pretty cool to see them react to it real time. Yeah, they looked surprised. I think they might have known that there was going to be an edge coming out. And then when it like popped up on the screen, I couldn't really tell how they were like watching or what kind of screen they were watching or what kind of setup they had. But when it popped up, they were both like,
wait is that us you know and they look genuinely surprised so either they really worked me because it really felt like they didn't know that they were they were getting this reveal or you know they're just that good at you know uh working the eyes or was just a surprise but yeah it's
Super, super cool. There's a rubber cloak with the gray cloak underneath. And then he's got the black pants with the R, the rated R belt buckle. And then you get some two-sweet fingers. They're obviously not meant to be two-sweet hands. I think it's just supposed to be the rocker hand. But from what I can tell in the picture, it does look like it's a two-sweet hand. But yeah, then you get the additional Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins
Hit scans the only I'm gonna nitpick because this is actually pretty cool And the sad thing is like let's be real like for most people we're gonna buy a three figures Just because like you got to have all three set up as a faction, right? Especially loose collectors I guess if you're an inbox collector and you get off the hook because you get everything all all yeah all in your one box but for us Lucy Goosies, we're gonna have to get three because I
You gotta have them all together, but if you display it without the coat, they don't have the proper tattoos. You know what I mean? I don't think there's any tattoos on the body skin. You know, like they used to wear those big like fake, you know, bro 98 degrees style tattoos. I don't think there's any tattoos on the actual figure. I haven't seen it without the coat on.
That's why you get some t-shirts made up from our buddy. What's his name? The mix of the t-shirts? Custom. Custom figure shirts. There you go. Yeah, that's what you do. So yeah, that's a cool ringside exclusive.

Ringside Discounts and Legends Lineup

And also all of these figures that are available on ringside, you can get 10% off if you use our code at a Chick Foley show. No, just Chick Foley. Sorry, just Chick Foley. I'm already ahead of myself here.
Marco's going to run down Marco's going to run down some of the sets here and then we will give our thoughts on the figures. Go ahead, Marco. Do what you do. So I figure we start with the with the legends. OK, but they that they will go with the first one, which is we have Bobby Heenan, Razor Ramone, Sting and Greg, the Hammer Valentine.
Yeah, and Greg the Hammer Valentine actually has a chase figure too. So he's got the original standard release is going to be in black trunks with yellow boots. And then there is a chase that's got yellow trunks in yellow boots. I don't know which one. I mean, obviously we got to add one to the collection because Mage, we've been waiting for this for a long time, but I don't know which one I like better. Which one do you like?
I like the black. I think I like the black trunks too. Yeah, but do you get the robe though with the non-chase? Yes. I think the robe comes with both. Okay, that's good. It's always weird when I like the regular better than the chase, but in this case I definitely do.

Collector Excitement for New Figures

A lot of the figures here, I like a lot of the ones that we're going to talk about here.
Obviously I have a mint on a card collection of current day wrestlers and I have my loose collection of new generation and I think every figure that was announced today falls to other genres other than what I collect.
So I really won't be buying too many of these, but a lot of these are cool. And this Greg Valentine, the Hammer Valentine is cool. The Bobby Heen is cool. If you're an old school collector, this has been a great day for you because there's a lot of cool stuff that we'll get into here. But we've seen all four of these already. The Razor Ramon is kind of a remake of the defining moments, but that's one of my favorite figures of all time.
This raised Ramon is awesome. The vest is cool. I love the extra hands. You can do the Scott Hall walk as you go into your toy room. Yeah. Pretty cool stuff, man. So yeah. Yeah. He's got the thumbs and the gold chain. So yeah, that figure is going to be awesome. Then we get the bokehina in the weasel suit.
And then underneath the weasel suit you have an actual Like Andre the giant style singlet, so that's gonna be yeah That's gonna be a super super cool fig in the end the weasel suit is soft good So it's like it looks literally like a Ralphie Christmas story Weasel suit yeah, that's pretty cool All right keep it going. What's the next let's go into the second legend lines, which we haven't never seen before Yeah, so the second legend line you have the ultimate warrior
Eddie Guerrero, Paul Orndorff, and Jake the Snake, who is a chase variant. Yeah, I don't know. I like both of these Jakes. I like this younger variation of Jake with the Jerry Curl style hair and the, I don't know, I think I like the turquoise pants better than the actual red pants. I do too. I do too, because that's what I think of when I think of him.
Mm-hmm. Yeah for sure and I like then the ultimate warrior. It's actually it's I mean, it's awesome that we're getting this figure I like to call it the pin ultimate warrior because it was literally the day before He he passed away when he came back to raw did his did his speech and then passed away the next day So I'm gonna be I don't know what they're referring to this. I've seen like, you know warriors last breath like people calling it different things I'm like
I'm going to call it Pin Ultimate Warrior. That's going to be my name for this Legends figure. He's wearing the gray suit. He doesn't have the black coat, because I think that night he was wearing a black duster coat over his suit. But he does come with the removable mask and an extra set of pointing hands. So that's a must-have figure. The Eddie Guerrero looks really good, too, with the Justin Timberlake style frosted hair. I'm really, really into this.
Yeah, I'm into this. Eddie, we got going on here. Blame type. I'm not sure about this Paul Orndorff. It looks like I don't know if this is the actual rendering. It looks like basically they scotch taped like a picture of his face onto like the figure. It's like almost almost too real looking like.
Yes, I agree. It does look the prototype in another prototype, but like the rendering image looks really, really strange. But man, can we just talk about Paul Orndorf's like striations and his muscles? Jesus, I don't know. I don't even know that there's an action figure with this much muscle. I don't even think like Rick Rood has this much muscle. Bobby Lashley, he might be close to that.
Yeah, but you're right if you go back and watch old-school Paul Orndorf, I mean he was like freaking he's gassed up dude He was a big dude out of this I might grab that Jake the snake even though I have no reason to put it in my collection just because It's just so awesome. It's perfect like a perfect depiction of him with the stash. Yeah It looks really good. Yeah, he's got snakeskin boots and
And then, is that, Damien's the OG snake, right? Damien, and then there was like, oh my god, I forget. Revelation is his other snake, right? That's when he came back and lost Austin. All right, so yeah, I love having the Legends line back.

Legends Figure Packaging Speculation

Do you think, have we seen any packaging for these at all? Because I'm wondering if they're gonna go back to the old school packaging, because Action Figure Attack posted a,
like a somebody mocked it up it was like all of the artwork that looks like the old legends boxes of all of the new legends figures and i'm like oh my god that would be so mage because i love those boxes granted i'm a loose collector and i always hated ripping the bubbles off of those things i would have loved to keep the artwork from those yeah
from those boxes. Those boxes were pretty pretty damn awesome. So I don't know what they'll be packaged in. I'm assuming it'll be similar to the how the packages now just like kind of like a different like look, but the same style with the the diagonal cut to it. So what's the next line we want to talk about here, Marco? Let's just continue on with the kind of like legends or semi legends. I will go to the the domination of the decade of domination line.

Decade of Domination Series Introduction

There's two that they announced. We've seen a couple of them already. We'll just do the first one. So that's John Cena, Mark Henry, Undertaker, Randy Oran, and Natalia.
Yeah, I'm loving, first of all, I'm loving having a Nation of Domination Mark Henry. Like that's, that's long overdue. You know, we have, we have so many different Mark Henry's, but we we've never gotten this version of Mark Henry. So that's super exciting. I do not remember this version of Natalia. I don't know if this was during my dark period of wrestling, but I do not ever remember her having.
red hair. Um, I don't know what year this is. This is around. Do you remember in Natalia having red hair and like wearing this gear because I do not. But why would she have the, the, the diva's title? I don't, yeah, I don't know at all. We just got a, we just got a, uh, Natalia. So it seems kind of odd. Um, I guess they had to throw some, I mean, what other woman has been in the company for this entire year?
Decade, you know, I guess she was one of the I don't know I mean they they we have a we have a Beth Phoenix in wave two You know what I mean? So it's like well, I don't know maybe cuz you know Beth and Beth and Natty they're like homegirl So maybe you know, maybe they work that that deal out. But yeah, I don't know why they picked Natty of but yeah I guess she's been there probably the longest maybe Alicia Fox would have been there if she hadn't
Retired already, but yeah that would we would have gotten another Alicia Fox figure But I'm also loving the ruthless aggression Randy era Randy era Randy Orton with the slaying and like the long hair I'm so cool looking figure even though we've gotten so many Randy Orton's it is a cool era that we haven't gotten from and with that ruthless aggression Documentary coming out recently. It's a prime time for that
Yeah, for sure. And I love the shaggy hair. I think if I get this figure, I'm definitely going to display it with the shaggy hair, because the shaggy hair just looks so, so freaking good. Yeah, it's cool that you get those two heads are so different. You could really do two different, like that's two different eras. Yeah, it's like evolution. Yeah, evolution style Randy. And then the Randy news segment, whatever that was called, like Randy breaking news or whatever.
All right, let's get into the Decade of Domination Series 2, which we had never seen before, Marco. What's in this one? We have the one and only big show, Triple H, Kofi Kingston, old school, Kane, the reveal Kane, where he like took his mask off and he like the burnt face, and then Beth Phoenix.
Women's title. Yeah Beth. Yeah, did she was her was her last figure? Was it a basic or an elite because we have a Beth Phoenix, but it's not I can't remember if it was an elite I don't think it's an elite. I think it's a basic had it been a while ago though, right? I mean, it was a lot It was a long time. We we just got it not we got it before we left Hawaii. He'll husband Ordered it from eBay from somebody and it was a Lucy, but I can't remember what series that was Beth Phoenix
basic. Let me look that up real quick. But yeah, she's long overdue. Was it 2012? That's it. That's the one. He's wearing the pink. It's like, is it black and pink? Like black with like pink, like the collar has like the. Yeah. Yeah. That's yeah. This is yeah. 49 basic. I believe it's basic 49. Wow.
It could be wrong. It says basic 49.
Especially now that she's involved with the edge angle. I mean, I love the old school women's belt. It's not been a long time since we had one of those come in. I love the cane. I mean, that cane is awesome with the burnt face. Then you have like the bald head with the mask. So you can use it in kind of two different ways. That's an awesome figure. We got the Jamaican Kofi, which is a cool looking figure we haven't gotten in a long time. Not too high in the Triple H. I feel like we've had that one
This is like the biker never had one with it. Yeah, I've never had one with the biker shorts. How long did you wear those? I don't remember. This is I mean, that's like during like evolution time period right when he was Yeah, that's the evolution Triple H
Yeah, but we've gotten some really mage canes in the last this last year in 2019. And then obviously this one coming out. I mean, the one was Undertaker as cane, but it was literally the definitive cane figure whenever you used the cane mask like double sleeved cane. So this one is dope. I love, love, love that burnt face scan.
Yeah, it's really cool. I'm glad they're coming out with that big show. The big show with the chair is pretty cool. When I think that was when he fought Floyd Miller there, maybe that chair is the WrestleMania chair, right? Yeah. So I can't go wrong with the big show. So some good lines there. What else we got, Marco? Let's see. Now we'll, we'll see this one. We'll see that one for last.
And so it looks like the next sets are like a part of the elite series, like Elite 77, Elite 78. Yeah, we can go Elite 77. We have Viscera, Elizabeth. Yeah, Elizabeth. You rise and listen for Elizabeth. Oh, you're wearing me. That was pretty good. Thank you. Ronda Rousey, The Fiend.

Anticipation for The Fiend Figure

AJ Styles, it says, but I don't think they showed the AJ Styles. I haven't seen the AJ. And then Rick Roode. And Rick Roode is a chase as well. I am really into this series. I think there is like
Several from this series that i'm gonna get I oh no, we did see the aj. He's wearing black black pants red Yeah, the black and black and red he's eoc black and red. Yeah He's got he's got the oc rubber shirt and then the the vest and the red the red gloves It's a it's an aj wearing black pants with red accidents, you know Oh, yeah, that's that do it right that they've never released. That's we've never seen anything. Yeah
All right, we have to talk about this fiend figure. This is going to be the hardest figure to get in the most sought after figure, maybe in wrestling figure history. Yeah, it's not an exclusive, right? It's not a store exclusive. Oh, it's a regular series. Yeah, I think it'll be hard to find, but I don't I mean. I don't know. It's going to sell out. Yeah, but it's going to sell out on ringside. I feel like it's going to be. Oh, yeah.
I mean, I'm gonna buy three. It looks incredible. I mean, I don't know if they're waiting for some other series to have like a jacket, but I mean, if it had a jacket, it would be like almost absolutely perfect. It comes with the lantern. It comes with the gloves hands. I mean, the mask looks really incredible. The hair sculpt looks really incredible. It looks like Bray Wyatt's build when he first came back as the fiend, not his current build. But yeah, it looks really great.
Yeah, I'm super excited for that. I guess I'm gonna get one for me, one for my son, and then one to open and to have loose because it's so good. I mean, the Ronda and the AJ, bleh, we've seen them a thousand times. There's only so much you can do with AJ Styles. I do love the Rick Rude chase. It's like kind of that same era, that WrestleMania and a kind of title match against
It's Jake the Snake, so I love that. The Vistra is cool. He's wearing like the warrior pants. I mean, I am super excited about the Rick Rude. I think that figure looks so freaking mage, especially with the warrior pants. It's funny that the chase is the yellow with the title belt around the trunks area, because I feel like the warrior one looks like so much sicker. I don't know which one. Yeah, it's way better.
I guess I'm gonna get the warrior pants because I do like that other Rick Rube, but if I only had to have one and they both come with the robe, I'm going with the warrior pants. Yeah, you better go with the warrior pants. There's no second guess on that one. And we got Miss Elizabeth. That's super cool. Oh my gosh. This might open the doors to have a two... Imagine how sick a two-pack Mega Power's Elite two-pack would be. My three-pack.
Yeah. Well, once we get Elizabeth, we don't really need a, you know, we don't need the three pack. We already have her. Yeah. True. True. And this this set, the Elite 77 will have a Walmart exclusive of Classy Freddy Blasty, which I've gone on record as saying is one of the best looking wrestling figures of all time. It looks like a tiny little old man shrunk down to a wrestling toy size. And so Elite 78 is up next. Marco, what do we got for that one?
Yeah, so Elite 78 we finally get the the truth our truth and it's 24 seven championship Kofi Kingston with the I believe tag team titles and some pancakes Randy Orton with the cut off hoodie and Drake Maverick actually an Elite Drake Drake Maverick, which is pretty cool Elite Matt Riddle the future Universal Champion and with slides and slides Yeah call back to the previous episode
and AOB and not AOB is also a chase. Gloat AOB will call her as the chase. Oh, actually, exclusive Walmart exclusive, Billy Graham, who could be mistaken for Hulk Hogan. Oh, Billy Graham is the Walmart exclusive. No, Walmart, sorry, Target exclusive. Wow, that seems like a strange store exclusive, doesn't it?
I don't know. It just seems a little bit out there for the store exclusive. I mean, those are the ones they think are not going to sell super well, so they make it high in demand, and people want it. Oh, true. True. I think. Yeah, it's a very collector item. Do both? OK. Have we heard, do both Naomi's glow, or does only the Chase glow? Because I can tell the belt looks like it's got glow features on it. It looks like only the Chase is the glow version, which I
I don't think they should do it on both because that takes away from the Chase part of it. For sure. Yeah, I love that figure. I think that's going to be, I must buy the Chase Naomi for the woman. Yeah, we've wanted it for a very long time and they freaking canceled it and we were so pissed because I was like, we're never going to get that glow belt.
We got it, yeah, it's supposed to be a Walgreens figure, so we got it. They showed us the Elite two-pack, the Triple H in China, which we haven't seen before. That looks pretty damn cool. I'm still really... Yeah, both figures look awesome, and she's got both belts, you know, like she's carrying for Triple H and Shawn, but...
I still have a little bit of, I'm still a little bit butthurt that her, her figure, they put it in a two pack instead of just like doing the right thing and giving her her own like standalone figure. Like I don't know why they had to throw her in there with Triple H. Like the set is cool. And if they were going to do this set, I feel like they should have included Sean too. You know what I mean? Like if they were going to do like a set like this.
They should have included Sean, but I feel like if they were just going to put Triple H and then have the two belts, they should have just let her have her own damn figure like Triple H. Stop trying to get up in there. You know what I mean? Yeah, I'm going to wait until we get to China's solo elite figure because I don't want this in my life. I want this just so China by herself. The China is pretty generic to it.
doesn't have like, I love, I love this figure. I love this version of China. Like this is the one that I wanted. Um, you know, obviously she's got like her, her, was it purple or blue gear? I can't remember what she won the title in and it was like,
You know, it was very bright. I remember it was like purple or something, but I think that's going to be the her next figure. And so I feel like if you're if you're wanting this version of China, you're going to have to get this two pack because I feel like her next figure, which I think they'll inevitably make, it's going to be her like iconic like purple gear that she won the title in.
We, uh, we saw photos of the, uh, ultimate edition series five, which is going to be John Cena with the thugonomics and the man Becky Lynch. So, uh, we had seen some renderings of them. Now we have the actual photos of those. Those figures are pretty damn dope. Yeah. Um, let's not, let's, let's save the best for last, but did you guys see the other two figures that they, that they previewed?
The other two, there's two other ladies that have figures that are coming out. Which one of Sheena's favorites? And the other one is my favorite, which is Maria Ripley. Oh, yes. I saw, yeah. It was like the prototypes. Yes, the Sasha Banks looks so good. Yeah, let's see how it turned. Yeah, for all the botched Sashas that we've had in the past.
Yeah, they they really really did a number like bringing her back and like getting the face scan right getting the gear right now Blue hair love love love Ripley elite, which is pretty awesome It has two separate photos one with the vest on one with the vest off I don't know if it maybe just an accessory or what but
Yeah, I haven't heard anything on that. But yeah, it definitely looks like, you know, it could be it could be two different figures if it's just like with the sports bra or maybe that's just the accessory that comes with it, you know, the the interest entrance best.
Yeah. Yeah. Ripley's going to be the lead 84. Sasha's going to be like Christmas 2021 or something. If there is, if there is a Christmas, we'll see. Yeah. There's always going to be a Christmas. Santa is immune. Okay. Um, so the main event, what everyone's been waiting for.

Hollywood Hogan Figure Reveal

Uh-oh. Drum roll.
hokogan hollywood hokogan finally finally yeah i wasn't anticipating it being an ultimate edition but i'm super i'm super stoked like we've been waiting for this figure they teased us with it hogan did what he did they canceled it we were all heartbroken storm collectibles
swooped in and like fixed all of our, mended all of our hearts, but now Mattel has actually like filled the hole in our hearts. Like opened it back up and like actually filled the hole. So I'm super pumped to see what this looks like. I'm pretty pumped for this. Yeah, this is going to be awesome. And just the renderings aren't going to do it justice, but I mean, it's a cool start to what we're going to get. I love the boa. I mean, this is going to open the door for a ton of new
Hulk Hogan figures and it's going to be pretty awesome. So yeah, this is probably, this is my favorite review. I'm glad you saved it for last. So I don't know if this will be the next, you know, elite edition six or what. So we will see. Well, this isn't last. We, we, we have the, we have the other ultimate additions that we saw. Um, John Cena and Becky Lynch. Did we talk? We didn't talk about those, did we? Yeah, he brought those up. Oh, okay. Well I'm four beers in. I missed that. Okay.
I probably haven't had four beers in like over a year. Oh, damn. Yeah, I know. I'm on my fifth or sixth right now. What happens when you're two shows back to back, too many beers. I can't even hear all the figures that came out today. Is that all for today? Is that all the reveals we have today? Yeah, we went through that pretty much. Yeah, we had every single one that came out.
We didn't speak too much on the Kofi Kingston's and those ones and stuff. But yeah, I know we had a very single one. FCW Kofi Kingston was in what, like Elite 70? Or no, he's in the Decade of Domination. Yeah. He has two. He has the Decade of Domination. And then he's in the regular Elite Series line. Yeah, I love that. I love that cotton candy look with the tag titles and the pink and blue. I love, love, love that look.
Then a little stack of pancakes. I mean, that's just like the freaking icing on the cake. I don't know what kind of clogged shoes he's wearing. Those shoes are are no bueno. Hopefully that's like a mistake on the on the rendering. I don't know why. Yeah, they usually have like dope kicks. That's kind of weird that they have. Yeah, he's he's wearing like he's wearing like dad shoes. Yeah. So my question would be to you guys. Hulk Hogan Ultimate Edition line. Is he by himself or is there another Ultimate Ultimate Edition?
Cause if I'm a Hulk Hogan, I want my own ultimate edition line. I don't want anyone else next to me. Oh, he doesn't freaking know. We have reveals. Um, uh, well I think it's Friday, Saturday, and I don't even know if it's going to go up to Monday or not, but I think it's Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So what the hell, but how could you, but how could you beat that though? Like that's the ultimate ultimate edition right there is like, that's what everyone's been waiting for. Why would you put another figure in that line with him?
Does it have to be better? I mean, it's it doesn't have to be better. I mean, obviously, like we've seen like, you know, I mean, the the Rhonda wasn't better than the ultimate warrior. They came out at the same time. You know what I mean? It's just it's just another option. I don't know who's going to be the other. Have we heard any speculation on who's going to be the new or the like modern super superstar? Almost a superhero. I haven't heard anything. No, I would. I bet we get the reveal this weekend.
Money, money, money, money, money.
Yeah, if the retros come back this weekend, I am going to be just, I'm going to strip down naked. I'm going to go live on Facebook. No, no, I'm just going to go into the streets. No, we're going to lose all of our patrons. Don't do that. We're game patrons.
Yeah, there you go. A lot of different patrons. Yeah, we'll have a big dude season. We'll have the Joe Exotics of the world to win. Oh, look at Phil. Yeah. So yeah. So, you know, what do you give me your prediction for the next three days? Because they unveiled a lot today. I don't know how they're going to top that or what they're going to do. But what do you see coming out after this? Because are they going to do basics? Are they going to do some battle packs?
Yeah, I think they're probably like, it was like heavy hitting today. So I feel like this next two days, we shouldn't get our hopes like super, super high because I feel like it's gonna be things that are more geared toward like kids per se, like there's gonna be more basics, there's gonna be more like sets, maybe like a new like playset set up, I don't know. But I think the next few days is gonna be like not as heavy as what we saw today.
I mean, I'm always holding out hope for a gooker. You know what I mean? I'm never going to let that dream go. That would be totally sick. Oh my God. I'm going to say, I just want to see retros. If it's basics, whatever, if it's battle packs, whatever, I'm not too interested in either of those. But, you know, we'll see what happens. We'll see what's coming down the peg. I'm sure maybe another set, we have the third or fourth set of the
Master the universe may be coming out. So maybe we'll get those soon So yeah, maybe we'll get a poon job in prison. There you go. Maybe we'll get a Firefly fun house set Oh
They teased that on April. Uh, yeah. Ringside teased that on April fool's day. Um, the, the firefly fun house playset, but maybe that was the ultimate April fool's joke is to like do it on April fools and make us all think that, Oh no, we're not getting it. And then it can be like psych. You actually are getting it. Marco, I just topped the Hollywood Hogan ultimate. What about a CM punk ultimate edition? Now that he's back, can he sign a figure deal? Right?
I mean, he's technically signed to Fox. He's not signed to WWE, so I'm not sure. There's a 50-50 chance that you will have a 50-50 chance. 50-50 chance we're going to get a CM Punk. You heard it here first in the Chick Foley show. 50-50 chance.

Social Media and Community Shoutouts

50-50. Make sure you follow us on social media if you aren't already. It's at Chick Foley show on Twitter. And Sheena is just Chick Foley on Instagram. Some great places there. Marco is at IngloriousGent on Twitter.
Twitter and we will be tweeting I think it's every day at 1030 so check your WWE YouTube page for the link and props to Kurt and Zach Excuse me for you know bringing our cool hobby into the mainstream and they've done an awesome job with their podcasts they've given us multiple shout outs before in the past that we really appreciate and
I recognize real man because they work hard. I'm a Patreon subscriber of their podcast and they do a ton of cool stuff as well. It's nothing but love for those guys, so keep up the good work. Thank you guys for listening. We hope this was entertaining for you.
And again, you can pre-order, we talked about this on the other episode, but we can pre-order the Decade of Domination series one with Antalya, Undertaker, Cena, Mark Henry, and Randy Orton on Right now, it'll ship, as of right now, August 18th, which is Brett's birthday.
Then I learned but 1999 it will charge your card immediately, but if you want these figures I would pre-order them now get them. You know I'm sure they'll come up Come to your house beat the shit because it's Walmart, but hey, whatever. We'll see what happens, but Anything else Marco and Sheena before we sign off and go to bed. Oh Hello
Oh, I'm here. Yeah, I have nothing. Okay. Oh, I was talking, but I was on mute. Oh shit, you guys are slacking, man. Okay. We're like 10 beers in all of us. So thank you guys for listening. We appreciate it. And check out our discord chat this weekend, watching WrestleMania on our Patreon pages, slash chick Foley show.
Stay classy Marx, enjoy the new figures and stay in touch with us on social media. We'll be unveiling a bunch of new shit. We love you guys. Thank you for listening. We'll talk to you soon.
Baby, keep on turning me up Baby, keep on turning me up
Some time it makes people sing
Baby, keep on turning me on