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Open Mic 9: The OG Fig Kid image

Open Mic 9: The OG Fig Kid

The Chick Foley Show
7 Plays2 years ago
It’s “The Staple” meets “The MVP” as Tom Montalto aka “The OG Fig Kid” from the Turnbuckle Tavern stops by on Open Mic! This episode is hard to pin down for topics because we went everywhere from talking about dogs, Jeremy Padawer, what todays youth will never experience, Soap Operas, and much more. Enjoy! Find all things Chick at Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% at

Introduction and Podcast Excitement

Welcome back everybody to another episode of open mic I'm the MVP Marco if you don't know by now my name's attached to the
to the show name, but you should know this already. Yeah, I can't wait. This episode's going to be exciting because this is the first time this person, I believe, actually grazed the Chick-Fully airwaves, if I'm not mistaken. We'll get to that a little bit later. But obviously, like I always say, the show's brought to you by the Pod Foundation.
I mean, if you don't know the Pop Foundation by now, you're never going to know. I mean, I'll just rattle off the names like I do. Turmbuckle Tavern, the extra cooler show coming down the aisle, and of course, the Chick Foley show. And I'm on pretty much all those things. So I'm on Turmbuckle Tavern, on Chick Foley. You've heard my voice probably countless times during the week, and you're probably sick of it. I know I am. But let's get right to it.

Guest Introduction and Show Feedback

This gentleman that I have on tonight is
He's kind of like a friend of the stars, if you would say so. He's a well-known man. I feel kind of scared actually interviewing him because I don't want my name being blackballed or something like that if this goes wrong because the amount of people this guy knows in the relationships he's cultivated along the way.
Yeah, we're just going to jump in. We have the OG fake kid, Tom, from the Turnbuckle Tavern. How are you doing tonight? Dude, I'm awesome. I'm so frigging excited to be on this show. I'm listening to the first episode. You're knocking it out of the park. I'm really, really happy to be here. Thanks for having me.
Thank you, Tom. I mean, I like to hear good feedback. I want to say I've never, you know, I never toot my own horn on things. I don't think I'm the greatest at this. But you know, I just I just try my best. And it seems like it's working so far. So so far, so good. I mean, I pass that. If you listen to this show, I'm going to keep this recurrent theme. Sheena and I spoke about the the three episode curse where Mo shows us
just die off after the third episode. They don't even do a fourth or fifth. I'm on episode nine. You're episode nine. We're chugging along here. We're making it happen so far. Are you jumping the shark by having me on? Is that what it bumps? No, no, no, no. I hope not

Podcasting Milestones and Guest Appearances

anyway. Oh, I'm totally joking. No, I'm trying to.
go for the people that I do know and I know that I'll have a good conversation with. Obviously, I was on your show before, the early iterations of the Sessions show, and we wanted this whole fantastic conversation about wrestling. And then I remember after we started talking a little bit, you're like, damn it, I didn't even ask you about how you started on the show. We went through this whole thing about
What's your favorite match? And like, when you get into wrestling and all this stuff, we had this great conversation. There was, we totally forgot to go like into the history of how I like, you know, met, met with Sheena and you know, ended up on the show and all that stuff. But we'll, we'll, we'll get to that stuff. I mean, we can kind of pick up where that last, last episode left off.
Yeah, and I'm also excited, as you mentioned earlier, I'm finally appearing on a chick's fully show feed because I've been planning to get on that show, but Sheena's like, no, we don't want him. No, I'm just kidding. Yeah, I mean, it would seem like it. I mean, I'm hoping I'm not stepping on any toes with the Phelps's with this, but I mean, they seem okay. I told them, hey, every Corwin Thomas, I didn't get any
Any angry emojis or anything like that? As long as you're on the feed, that's all that matters. You're here. We're all wiener dogs, so come on. Yeah. When you guys see the show debuts, I believe it's going to be later this week, the cover art, the picture of Tom is part of the most adorable picture you'll ever see. Thank you.
I mean, I mean both. I mean, if you're having a bad day, just save that photo. Just copy paste and make it a wallpaper to something and it'll make you smile once you look at it. I've kind of hyped up this cover art and we haven't even done the show yet. Hopefully the show's good along with it. But you know what? While we started with it, your doggy there, how long have you had that dog for?

Personal Stories and Career Highlights

two years and three months now, we got him, uh, yeah, we got him two years ago, like the day before Halloween, we got him because my other darshan had passed away during COVID, um, which actually, you know, COVID was terrible for all of us, but I like to look at the, the good things that come out of bad things. And, uh, I got to be home with my other darshan for the last like year of his life before he passed. So.
And then I got to be home with Dash for the first six months of his life. And I've always loved Doshan. So Dash is my third Doshan. When I was living at my parents' house, I got my first one named Frisco. And named yes, if people are wondering, if they watch General Hospital, he was named after Frisco from General Hospital. Because everybody's like, oh, there was Frisco on General Hospital. I'm like, yes, I thought the name was cool. So that's what we named him. And then we have, yeah, and now we have Dash.
Yeah, that's, uh, I was actually, no, it's funny. I kind of share the same sentiment. My, uh, my mother was a huge fan of, uh, there was a character, I'm not sure it was on general hospital or young and the rest was one of those shows. His name was Marco dane. Uh, general life to live and the general hospital.
Yeah, his name is Marco Dane. And that's where she, you know, my, my full name is Marcello, but she wanted to call me Marco for sure. And that was her favorite character on, on the soap opera. So now you know the background of my nickname, Marco. So I don't even know if you know this, but since I love one of the things I love about your show is how it goes all over the place. But
what i did before as you know i'm a poker dealer now i work in a casino but what i did before that i was a photographer for soap opera magazines so i was uh for 10 years i would travel back and forth between new york and california and hang out on the sets of soap operas because i i just fell into that work because i love soap operas and would go to like these fan club events and take photos and the right person saw my photos and sent it to soap opera digest and the next thing you knew i was making a living for 10 years taking pictures of beautiful people was it was
the friggin job you could ever have. That's amazing. That's probably like the most like, I don't know if I don't want to use the word odd, but that's like a, that's a crazy story. That's like one of the craziest stories so far on this show that you're actually a, so did you be like, well, obviously you met like all the different like soap stars and stuff like that. Do you remember any that like you like that come to mind? We're any mean, we're any nice to you or well, I mean,
people on this show but I will say I mean I know if people watch Days of Our Lives but probably a lot of people have heard of Deidre Hall. Yes. She played like she was a possessed on a show and let's just say she's possessed in real life. So she was basically just playing herself on the show.
You have like Susan Lucci, who everybody's heard of, who is the sweetest frigging person in the world. Oh my God, dude. I said this before we actually record the show.
I have to get into all these relationships. You're kind of like Forrest Gump. You end up in different parts of history and stuff like that. You're like, oh my God, I actually used to do this. I used to play baseball with Michael Jordan when he was in all these crazy stories.
But I was actually looking it up. He was from the One Life to Live, you're right. So One Life to Live, Marco Dain, his name was Gerald Anthony, was the actor. And you don't ask me on soap opera trivia because I grew up loving soap operas, which is also probably why I love wrestling because it's a male soap opera.
And actually, like, I mentioned my Doshan being named after Frisco, who was played by Jack Wagner. I worked with him for years. So I made a lot of relationships that I still maintain with some of these actors from daytime televisions and some, you know, it was fun to see the ones who would go on and make it in prime time and stuff. So, you know, it was a whole other life ago, but I love it. We still watch, me and my wife still watch Three Soul Poppers. So you still talk to, you have like friendships with
Some of these actors and stuff like that, that's pretty cool. Yeah, some of them I still do touch with. As a matter of fact, it was kind of funny. Me and Sneed from the Turmbical Tavern. I used to shoot photos of a guy and all my children. His name was Justin Bruning. You might know him. He went on to play Michael Knight's son in a spin-off of Knight Rider.
Well, oh, wow. Yes. So apparently he was a big wrestling fan. I didn't know this at the time, but Sneed knew him from when they lived in Manhattan and worked at Tower Records because he would come in and buy the latest WWE DVDs all the time.
Wow. How crazy is that? What a small world. That's insane. Like the other thing too is like a lot of, you know, you'd be surprised as to how many like celebrities and stuff out there are, are into like wrestling and stuff like that. Like obviously back then it was like, you know,
I hate to use the word taboo, but it was just like, you didn't want to admit to it that you were watching it. But nowadays, it's everywhere. You can't admit to it. We have the biggest musical acts freaking performing at WrestleMania now for admitting their love for wrestling and stuff like that. It's come far as far as the admiration for it. It's the only sport I love. I do love other sports. We'll definitely get into that because I know you're
a fan of other sports as well. But, yeah, I mean, wrestling is just, you know, it's that escape that you need from this crazy, crazy world that we're living in right now. I mean... I'm gonna tie it all up with a little ribbon now, because I remember when I was a kid, and this is how old I am, Hulk Hogan and Don Morocco did a run on Search for Tomorrow, I believe it was, to soap opera.
And I had those videotapes for years saved and I probably still have them somewhere, but they did like a two week story arc with them on there leading up to our match in Madison Square Garden. That's that's pretty impressive. That was like one of the early iterations of like actually like.
like, interweaving, you know, outside stuff into actual, like, you know, a wrestling storyline, which is pretty cool. I believe Mr. Fuji was on with Tom Morocco, so it was such a lot. You know, I haven't thought about this in years, but I also think, and I could be wrong, but I think Lori Loughlin was on the show at the time before she went on to bigger and better things. That's insane. Yeah.
I have to Google back check myself, honestly, to see if it was on there. Man, that's pretty interesting. As Gorilla Monsoon would say, I'm a fountain of useless information.
No, it's not even useless information. I mean, even now, the way you can tie things up, too. Is it like someone just triggers your memory and then you start... Do you automatically remember this stuff? Because if you listen to, obviously, The Trickfully Show, Seth is like... He knows everything. You can say something and he'll be like, oh, that was this date at this time, and stuff like that. Do you need that extra...
has a trigger word,

Podcasting Journey and Inspirations

it automatically just opens up a Pandora's box of information that you thought you forgot, but then it starts spilling out. Is that how it usually works with you? Honestly, I can't even explain it because I shot soap opera stars for how many years? I've loved wrestling for so many years. This is the first time I just went and put that all together. I don't know how the hell that happened, but it's a fun memory.
It's crazy. And I believe it was supposed to be Piper in a role, but he couldn't make it for some reason. I do that to people. That's my thing on the show, I guess. I just started to bring it up. That's why I love the show. Listen to that, people. It's spark things. And I love listening to Seth talk. Seth amazes me. And he's just one of those amazing people to have a wrestling conversation with. But I sit there listening to the Chick Foley show.
And I'm in my car, usually going to work when I listen to it. And I'm like, I'm having a conversation with the podcast. And I'm like, oh, wait, they're not listening back. They're not talking. Yeah, yeah, no. And that's, I think we, I think we spoke about this before, like, not, not me and you, but like, Jesse, it sounds like you're in the conversation with, with, with us. Like, that's how we, you know, there's no editing, there's no crazy, like, we're not, it's whatever you hear is whatever you're hearing. Like, if we belt out laughing at something for like two minutes,
And then we have to go back and say while we were laughing, that's what you get. It's not like we took that part out or anything. So I think that's where that feeling comes in. We all have different personalities. And I love hearing that when I listen to radio shows that I love or podcasts, that little banter where you get to know the personalities. And I know you talked about this on the Chick-fil-A show recently. I wish you would just start the show with that banter because it makes you connect to the host. And I love you guys anyway. I'm already connecting to you.
But something like when when Chad and Sneetard started doing it and they were talking about the Milly's Chad had a drink like you just get to know their personality. I think that brings something out in it and like I don't know. I just love that.
Yeah, I totally agree with that. And we I actually when I when they were on the show, and I spoke to them about that, like how, you know, how you guys Joe, I thought I always thought you like you all knew each other, like you were like, you know, childhood friends, essentially, and you and you know, obviously, they do they don't know, Tom came in like a little bit later and stuff like that. And I did. I want to ask you about that. Like, how did like, how did that start out? Like, how did you get involved with first of all, how'd you get involved with podcasting?
Well, it's funny, I'll stop. How this started with like, like Sne told the story, I just started messaging him.
through the major pod group because he had a problem. I had some information about it. I told him a great book to read that would help his problem. And we had a couple of phone call conversations where we wound up talking for like an hour and a half and we really didn't know each other. But the conversations just flowed. There were easy conversations and I'm like, damn. And that's when they invited me to call into the show. And I was so nervous back then.
And if you go back and you listen to the early version of me on podcasts, oof, I don't think it's good. I feel like I'm much more in front of the microphone now. Yeah. Yeah. So that's basically how it just started with those conversations on a phone. And I would message him through Facebook every few days, hey, man, how you doing? Just to check in, just to support people. I'm just a people person. I like to help people. I like to make people happy. I love to make people laugh.
Yeah, I mean, you can definitely tell as far as when you listen to those shows. I mean, pretty much you with anybody or just any iteration of the Terbuckle Tavern crew. It all just sounds like everyone's known each other since birth, essentially. And it doesn't sound strange at all. I can even speak from experience, jumping on the raw down with
you know, Anthony and J-Bone. Like, we've never met each other. Like, we literally just jumped into a show, all three of us from different backgrounds, different age ranges. And like, if you listen to that show, it's like, I mean, I'm told it's good. I don't know.
I listened back to it it is it is fun like you wouldn't know that we didn't like we've never known each other you think we just it's really dudes I like love wrestling and we grew up together it's so crazy because now I've met a lot of the people from the tavern and it was weird like I know I heard the chats talking about it when I went down to West Virginia like that first minute before I actually walked over to Snead I'm like I feel I've known this guy for like a couple years now and now I'm meeting him like why does this feel so freaking weird yeah
It was fine. It's just such a weird world we live in today. You see the chemistry. We have chemistry. I get along with everybody. If you want to talk about wrestling with me, we're going to get along and we're going to have chemistry. That's just the bottom line.
I love working with everybody at the tavern. I love working with you. I love working with the people over at Extra Cooler. Like the Pop Foundation, man, it's just such a passionate group of wrestling fans. And like really kudos to Seth and Sheena for putting it together.
because really it's just amazing podcasts all around with J-Bone. I love working with J-Bone. Me and him have a different type of chemistry together. I love everything. Like it's just so much fun. And honestly, for me, I'm fulfilling a dream because when I was a kid, I wanted to go to broadcast in school. My dream was to have like a morning radio show. And I just remember my parents like, you can't do that. You're never going to make it. Like, no, you have to go to school for something else. So I went to school. I got a computer degree.
I worked at Verizon as a network administrator for like nine months in Manhattan and just one day up and quipped because I hated it and I was miserable. So it's like now it's come full circle and now I'm back around to doing podcasting and this is what I always wanted to do. I love it. I absolutely love it.
Yeah, no, it's it's it's fun. And like, especially if, like you said, if you're passionate about something, like it makes it even more fun. And then when you find a group of people around you that are, you know, the same, they share the same passion as you. It's not not just in wrestling, but just, you know,
in general, just like in podcasting and creating content, that makes it even more worthwhile. Like, you know, there's a lot of, you know, a lot of additions that have happened, like Jordan, obviously, you know, Seth and Sheena and Jordan have been friends for like, over, I think, over 10 years or something like that, but like, just adding him to the
show me and bring a different like, and I've never met Jordan in real life personally, but you wouldn't know that. That's one of the show. We all bounced off of each other really well. He's like that last piece to the puzzle there. I think that's all you need sometimes. He's a freaking dude. I want to meet all of you guys.
I really do. I can't wait to meet Seth and Sheena. Jordan, I could just see us all cracking up. It would be a great, great time. I already told Matt, and I don't know if you'd be interested, but I'm going to have a WrestleMania night one party this year. And even night two, if people want to stay, people are welcome to drive down to stay at my house. I got plenty of room for people to crash. And then next year, when it's in Philly, if people come in, we're having a Pod Foundation party at my house, one of the nights.
Yeah, that'd be fine. Because I'm only 45 minutes from Philly. So, you know, let's go.
Yeah, my buddy, he definitely wants to go to Philadelphia for WrestleMania. We're in the early planning stages on that, so yeah, that's probably going to be a definite. I mean, the wife doesn't know this already, but she's probably going to end up going, and it's an easier drive to Philly. It's not anything crazy. I mean, we're in Massachusetts.
a crazy drive down there. But yeah, that definitely needs to happen. I've never met Sheena, Seth, or Jordan in person. And like I said, that's just another magic of the chemistry we have is you wouldn't even know that. You would think we live next door to each other pretty much. We do have the Quad Foundation party at my house. We need to hire a film crew.
to edit it and put a show together or how to make a documentary or something. Yeah, that'd be cool. Like, yeah, that'd be actually pretty sick. We did something like that. Almost fun. But really,

Community and Event Plans

I hope it does happen where people come in and we could get everybody here and all just hang out and have fun.
Oh, yeah, definitely wanted. Yeah, definitely want to be Mike. I mean, if Nick Storm can travel across across the world, that'd be fun to meet Nick Storm, if anything, like just just just everybody. Like, yeah, it's like I said, just I can't even imagine like the the level of like hypeness it would happen if we'd all like gone to a room together. I mean,
be a lot of, probably a lot of drinking. I'm going to say that we'll put that out there. Tom would have to make his first appearance in Chicago. I think actually it was the first time in my life I got drunk on back to back nights. Really? Yeah, I'm 47 years old and I'd never gotten drunk on back to back nights before.
Wow. Yeah. I've definitely had those weekends, back-to-back weekends and stuff like that, or back-to-back days like Saturday and Sunday, or Friday, Saturday, and Sunday too. That's not fun, back of the day. But yeah, we'll move on from that. That's a whole other episode we can get into.
So you hooked up with Sneed. I spoke to them about bringing Mike in and bringing out... So in that dynamic, what do you think makes it so successful with all of you guys? How do you think it works? We went into the weeds a little bit when I had both chats on the show. This is the point.
But for you, I wanted to know how you feel about the dynamic and why you guys think, why do you think you're successful in this? I think it was honestly given Chad all the credit for the idea of bringing guests in on a debate show. Because that's when it started because we had Mike on and after we're done and Mike leaves and me, Chad, and Sneeter there, we were talking and like,
We have to steal that guy. I won't go into more details. That guy's good. We gotta get him here. Same thing like we had Young Anthony on and I had already started the Raw recap show with J-Bone. And we didn't have a SmackDown recap show but as soon as Young Anthony left the debate show for the first time,
Me and Chad, we're like, we got to get that guy. And Chad's like, hey, what about doing a SmackDown recap show with him? And within minutes, I was messaging him. And Chad's like, how great would it be to have a young kid's perspective? And you're an old fart, as he pointed out in your show and told me many, many times. He's like, how about, wouldn't that be a great idea? And that's how we got young Anthony. And it's just we have people on and certain people we clicked with.
You know, and that's like, we loved you. It's like, hey, you know, you came on the raw recap show even before it was the raw down and yeah, filled in. So like, it's just, we're passionate people. We, we, we just love this. And when you share that passion and you work with someone, like you were on a debate show, we felt the chemistry there. Yep. Then on there three times, I think actually so far, um, once, once, once with you, I think the next time it was, were you, were you on that one with me and Seth?
No, I think I was working that night. Yeah. And then I did the triple threat match with the two on one handicap match with the Chads on that, the last one I did. But yeah, the debate show is like, obviously, you want to say the flagship show is the flagship show for the tavern. But for me, it's a debate show, I think, is the flagship show for the tavern.
The Thursday show was the first show so that's gotta be but I get so many people who like write me and tell me how much they love the debate show and I love listening to the debate show when I'm not on it like like it's just a fun show especially when you get people with different opinions like then it gets really fun and you got Sam Roberts calling me out on shit and yeah yeah so uh let's let's get into that a little bit so like like you said we spoke about this a little bit earlier obviously you know you had your endeavor in the uh
in the soap opera realm. So how did this like, how did you, how did you become like this like guy that just like interacts with everybody? Like, like, do you have a, are you like, are you blackmailing people? Like these, these people that you have on the show, like, uh, like, uh, the Bill McKenna and action figure attack and, and Sam Roberts, like, how did you cultivate these, these relationships with these, uh, with these gentlemen? I mean, Sam Roberts and I have started figure trading years ago.
Like, like before he was on Jim and Sam, we just, I knew him from Opie and Anthony. I used to listen to Opie and Anthony years and years ago. And he has the internet loves wrestling and, you know, following him on social media, we just started chatting and it's just, Hey, you need this figure? I got this figure. And we just started trading figures.
So that's how I met up with Sam and started talking to Sam. And it turned out, what's funny is when I worked at my last casino, one of the guys I worked with there was actually an intern on an Opie and Anthony show and knew Sam from working with him. So it's a small frigging world we live in.
do you just like like you said you just like kind of like get into these like relationships with like people that are connected to people then you become you become friends with them it's like it's insane uh you just reach out to people you send dns you talk to people
You know, people could tell when you have a positive passion for things. And I know like Steve Ozer, he just loves the positivity that, you know, we put on wrestling figures and we don't, you know, dwell on a negativity on anything really. Um, yeah, actually like we don't talk about the leaks. We might talk about them in private, but we try not to glorify the stuff that shouldn't be out there on there. So.
Oh, yeah, definitely. We have them on and I think, you know, we have Steve on and we've had so many different people on, but they see the respect we have for them. It's not just like, hey, let's get them on and ask them when you're releasing this figure. We try and make up fun. Like the last interview with Steve Ozer, we based it around a Colosseum collection, but we based it also around talking about wrestling from that time and how we grew up with that and how it was different from now. Like we want the guys to have fun coming on so they want to come back. Yeah, I totally agree. You guys do
definitely a great job. I actually thought a few times I was like, I wonder if I could ask Tom and Mike if I could jump on an episode when they're interviewing one of these guys. Then I'm like, I kind of want to, but obviously I'm not scared to interview people. Pretty much my week is just doing my regular job, my day job.
than just reaching out to random people that I find interesting. So I'm not scared in that sense, but it is kind of intimidating. The only one I kind of wanted to jump on was when you had Jeremy Padawa on. Oh, yeah. Fun. In that episode, I think I watched that whole thing, only because I watched the Steve Ozer. I watched those episodes. But Jeremy Padawa, that dude,
He's, you can tell he's like, obviously you guys talked a little bit more about, you talk more about collecting and all those different types of passions and stuff like that. It's just like that guy dropped so many like, like jewels and gems. Especially if you follow him on Twitter and stuff like that, like the stuff that he puts out there as far as like, you know,
anything going on in the financial world, anything going on collecting and value for collectible items and stuff like that. He's like a one-stop shop for a lot of that stuff. I would definitely love to get him on here at some point if I could. Probably later on in my
in the show's life, I'll do it. Was that intimidating, interviewing him? Was that the first time you've ever met him or did you have a relationship with him before? I had messaged him during the pandemic. That's when he joined social media and got really active because we're all sitting at home with nothing to do.
I had sent him a bunch of messages and he would always talk in the messages. But the truth is it was when Mike went out to Las Vegas last year for double or nothing. He rubbed elbows with him and got him to come on on fig night with us. And man, I could listen to that guy talk all day long. Like you said, his Twitter, his Instagram, his TikTok, he's always educating. He's giving you little tidbits like the way he explained a recession and why he didn't think it's going to last. Like he breaks it down into a way that like
Oh wow, that makes sense. And like you said, just listening to that guy, you could learn so much from just one little line that he drops. And he's a fun, down-to-earth, normal human. I was super nervous to interview him, but it was a hell of a lot of fun.
Yeah, it seems like he's not intimidating at all. I think it's just his wealth of knowledge on this stuff since he's been around the business for so long. I think that's what it... That's what kind of scares you a little bit. You're like, oh man, am I going to say something stupid and be like, oh, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. But at the same time, you don't want to go in thinking you know everything. Exactly. That's in any situation. Me and him are like... We don't know everything. The same age. He's a year older than me.
our views are, we viewed everything the same timeline is what I should say. He loved the Dukes of Hazzard. I loved the Dukes of Hazzard. It was just amazing. The only thing different about me and him is he's got millions and I'm still dealing poker in Philadelphia. I love what I do so.

Guest Insights and Social Media Impact

I mean, the millions are coming, don't worry. Let's put that in the positivity. I'll start with the thousands.
Yeah, we'll do the thousands and then the millions. When he was talking about the Harry Potter book, the first print and all that stuff, the ones that kind of disappeared essentially. Yeah, my wife is a huge Harry Potter fan. She has all the books probably displayed. We have our bookshelf right when you walk into our house.
have our bookshelf there and all the books we've read and stuff like that. She has a Harry Potter section with all her Harry Potter books. And I know I couldn't engage around who Jeremy was, and she probably wouldn't care at all. But as soon as I brought that up, she was like, Oh my God, that's so interesting. That's insane, because I regurgitate the story that he told about it. And she was like, Oh my God. She was like, Imagine how much that thing's worth. And I'm like, yeah, it's
I mean, I can definitely imagine he actually said how much it's worth. And he like just have like taken you through the whole story of him actually like acquiring it and stuff like that was actually pretty cool. So yeah, his stories and the way he tells them I can listen to him talk about anything all day long. A good like and he's just got such a beautiful heart. And you could see it in him the way he talks and he's just a people person. I can't wait to meet him in person.
Yeah, yeah, he he did. He's a he he helped out the was was it 2020? Yeah, I think it was during the pandemic. I think we did the the chick fully toy drive. And he actually helped out a lot with the with jazz. Whereas he, you know, we partnered up with Sheena donated toys and stuff like that, which is pretty cool. Yeah, he's definitely he's definitely a real good guy. Yeah, he's a he's a fan of the chick Foley brand and stuff like that. He follows a Twitter account, stuff like that.
I interact with them here and there and stuff like that. He's actually, he's really cool. He's so approachable.
Yeah, I mean, I mean, I guess he seems like it, like it's like, especially from that the interview you guys did, I mean, he seems really awesome. And it's so funny, because if you think back before the pandemic, anytime you heard like, about Jeremy Padaor, it was like the elusive Jeremy Padaor. The first thing I think was the interview he did with the major pod. And they made it seem like, oh my god, this is such a hard guy to talk to.
And then they spoke to him and he's like, this guy sounds like such a nice guy. And then he joined social media and he just talks to everybody. It's like, wow. He trolls. The internet is funny. He just trolls people. He chose. I love it. I just love it. And then he just questions like what a guy. Yeah. Yeah. He does like a lot of interacting and stuff like that on Twitter and stuff like that tries to make it fun. I mean, obviously if you're on Twitter, you know, there's a lot of, uh,
Not so nice things going on in the Twitter world. It is good to have that fun interaction because especially if you're following any wrestling related stuff on Twitter, it's usually not the best. It's not the positive stuff you see. I want to ask you about this too. You go on Twitter or any social media platform and
There's a say there's like an event on and you know you're watching it and you know the first thing you see is you know people commenting on you know two minutes into a match or something like that or maybe five minutes into a match or how bad it is or like it's like
First of all, you're not even sitting there watching the match. You're on your phone, not even paying attention. So you're probably missing something that was really cool that happened or some small nuance that they did in a storyline that they're doing. How do you feel about that? As far as social media influencing
Because I brought this up on a way early way in the archives before I was on the Chick-Fully show. I asked him, do you think social media influences what wrestling is now? How it's portrayed and how it's looked at? Because when we were young, we would just watch wrestling and we would just be in awe of the characters and the storylines and just enamored by it. And nowadays, it's like,
you can still kind of have that magic. I mean, I guess as a kid, but as you get older, you watch it, it's like, you know, you're on social media and you see, you know, negative comments and that stuff kind of influences how people look at, you know, a certain, you know, can be a certain wrestler or an organization, whatever, whatever the case may be. How do you feel about like, about that, about like how social media has kind of like influenced or changed the way we watch wrestling or or take in wrestling?
Dude, it's changed so much. Just think about this. When I was a kid, you didn't know what was going to happen. Now you pretty much know everything that's going to happen before it's going to happen because you hear this person has spoken to WWE. You're anticipating returns now and debuts. The Cody Rhodes debut at WrestleMania, we all knew it was happening.
Like you didn't know all this stuff. Imagine like when Malachi Black showed up at AEW is the closest thing we've seen in the last 10 to 15 years, not knowing somebody was going to debut because we all didn't at home expecting him to have a 90 day no compete clause. So the fact that they pulled that off, like that reminded me of the old days when there was no internet.
And it was nobody ruining things for us. And the dirt sheets, you had to go and get a newsletter in the mail. I was a kid in New York. I used to call, there was a hotline, Coach Kurt. And it was like 976-1111. I'd have to call up and I could get some scoops and spoilers on there. They would have the results of what was going to happen on superstars that week or whatever. So I guess it's always been there. But now it's just at your fingertips. And it's so frigging easy.
Yeah, no you you you find the stuff on Twitter without even trying like you don't even if you don't want to see this stuff Like you're gonna see it like even survivor series like I had a work tonight a survivor series I literally had a not look at my phone From Saturday night until Sunday when I woke up and me and my wife got the chance to watch it because idea I don't want to ruin it for myself yeah, yeah stuff like that, especially like you know, if you didn't watch it like if you I
you did the right thing, stayed away from film, because that's what I do, especially if there's like a if I'm out somewhere during the weekend. And, you know, there's a there's a event on and I don't want to hear about or see it. I'll, I'll stay away from my phone. But obviously you get that like tech where you just, you know, grab your phone and open it up. And, you know, you try not to do it, but you do it anyway, that type of thing.
And you don't want to ruin any surprises. And I think that's maybe just an old school mentality for us, because we're older. And we want to be surprised by things where, obviously, younger kids nowadays might not want to be surprised by a new...
a new person that joins. I'll give you an example today, the stuff with The Rock, the rumors of him coming back at Royal Rumble. If that news never happened, wouldn't it be cool to watch and you see the countdown clock happen and you hear, if you're smelling, how crazy would the crowd go if you didn't know that was going to happen?
You know, nowadays I also feel like the wrestling companies leaked us a little bit too. So that way they get better views because they know who the rock is going to be here. Let's use this. Let's let the people know.
Yeah. I mean, it feels the way you can allude to it without spilling the beans, essentially. I feel that it created enough to do that. I mean, judging from the Bray Wyatt stuff that they did recently with the QR codes and all that stuff and this huge mystery, I feel like they can figure out a way to announce something without announcing a name.
I mean, that's just me. I mean, it was like AEW last year with Darby Allen before CM Punk came back saying, you know, it doesn't matter if you're the best in the world and all of a sudden they sold out the whatever. I mean, that's a speculation. It's like, oh, why would he say that? Then, you know, people are going to, you know, deep dive into, you know, you know, check every nook and cranny of social media.
you know, figure out and put pieces together and all this stuff. So you're going to have some on run say, hey, you might want to check out the Royal Rumble if you smell what I'm cooking. Yeah, that's. Oh, man, you know, that'll probably happen as far as, you know, the toxic community of the IWC. Yeah, there's always been study groups. It's basically just a much wider study group. If you check out social media,
of what's working and what's not working when you when you come down to it. Now, are there idiots that are toxic and don't know how to express themselves? Yeah, sure. But you know, it's a it's a good way for the companies to get an idea of who's popular, what's working, what's not working. You know, so I mean, does it have its cons? Yes. Are people mean? Yes. But there's also pros.
Yeah, the good thing about it is with social media, like you said, a lot of the relationships you can cultivate too. That's a good thing. That's what I got out of it anyway, as far as interacting with different people. That's pretty much where the show is based off of.
the people that I've interacted with over the past few years on social media that share the same passion that I do, or different passions. It doesn't have to be wrestling. You could be collecting. It could be sports. It could be anything. Just interacting with these people and going back and forth, just messaging and stuff like that. That's a good part of social media for me anyway. I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for an interaction.
or something like that on social media. I wouldn't have reached out to Sheena or messaged on one of her posts or something like that. So that's a good thing about it. If you listen to that first episode with Sheena, when she started the Chick Foley page, she wanted to use that when she gained her following to go back and help other people. Put people over if you want to use that term, the wrestling term there. You have Extra Cooler, which was an early
in early pickup for the Chick-Fully brand, because they've been friends since the inception of the Chick-Fully IG page.
And now, look at Nick now, he's the artist of the celebrities. Now he does logos, literally, for everybody. I don't know what the word is, but he had dropped a little video clip last week, where it's like, some of the newest work I've done, and he's showing wrestlers work, and all of a sudden, the OG Fit Kid thing popped up in it. Yeah, I see that.
What am I doing in there? But I'm like, I popped for that. Like that was so awesome that he included it in there. And I love Nick. Like Nick is such a genuine good dude too. Like I said, everybody here is. I love, I love the extra cooler show. It's a fun show. Like I love working with Matt. There's nobody I don't love working with. Listen, me, listen to me and Jaybone go at it. When we do our shows, our jokes, we crack, we crack each other up. I love working with Jaybone.
And, and coming down the aisle, like, like all of our shows have a unique twist. Like, like, do you come in down the aisle watching the match and he did it with Sam Roberts? Like he had Sam Roberts watch a match with him? Like it's crazy. Like, like the shows we have here, like, and how everybody does something like different like that. But yet, you know, we all, we all round up and we all go back in the Instagram group and we're all just here to support each other and help each other. We possibly can. So.
Yeah. And that's definitely the way it should be. And that's, you know, that's what we try to cultivate is, you know, support as much as you can. Like I said, I'm not, you know, with this show anyway, like I reach out to people that aren't a part of the Power Foundation just to, you know, bring them on and, you know, get their stories and stuff like that. And, you know, if how they got into wrestling, that's why like one of the main things is if you're a wrestling fan, I want to know your story. I want to know what brought you in. And, you know, just hearing like, you know,
just having over the moon salt on the show and hearing her story. Great interview as well. That was a fun one. Yeah. Same thing with the
Tia, the pretty fig collector here in her story, how she got into wrestling by collecting, not even by watching wrestling, by collecting figures, which is pretty unique in that sense. I can't watch it, but I'm going to go purchase these figures that I'm forbidden to see. And then obviously later on, you're able to put the pieces together and stuff like that.
Yeah, it's it's it's just awesome. And I kind of want to transition because I just just popped into my head. So I had Aaron, Mayor Aaron, as we as we know him from Weber, Jill Billville.

Family Influences and Hobbies

And he mentioned that he was a he used to you work for the MLB. He was a he's a baseball trainer, if you listen to that episode, which is pretty, pretty cool. I was like, holy, holy crap. That was his job there. So and I know, obviously, you're a big baseball
big baseball guy. I'll give this little tip. My father, he was a huge baseball fan. That was his favorite sport, mainly because it's not fast paced in the sense where... My father was a very patient man. He didn't rush to do things, very calm, very cool under pressure and stuff like that. I think that's why he loved baseball.
is because that kind of translated to his, the way he lived was just basically, you know what, wait for the right pitch. There's no rush. There's no Russian swinging, that type of stuff. So what brought you into baseball? How did you get into, you know,
I'm not sure if you ever talked about this or just want to know the story. I don't think I ever have, but some of my uncle used to come and bring my brothers to the Yankee game when I was just a little kid. I had two older brothers. I still have two older brothers. I remember a little kid, them leaving, and I just wanted to go to Yankee Stadium with them because they were packing sandwiches.
And when you're the kid and you have to stay home, it sucks. So finally when I got old enough, my uncle would take me to Yankee games. It was just like my brother stopped going, but me and him kept up that tradition. And we went to Yankee games forever, and that's how I became a Yankee fan. So all thanks to him. And he passed away, I think it was nine years ago now.
I still love the Yankees, and I have all of his memorabilia that he had in his house. I got it, and I have a chair from the old Yankee Stadium, a second base from the last game played at the old Yankee Stadium. Yeah, so it kind of bums me out when I watch Yankee games, because a lot of times I would call him to talk about when something would happen. And something happens, and to this day, nine years later, I still want to call him. And it's like, oh, man, he never got to see Aaron Judge.
It's a weird thing, but it's because of him. I'm a Yankee fan, and I'm thinking about getting back into maybe starting. He used to run a website and a newsletter. He called Behind the Barmers for the Yankees, and it was for the fans, by the fans. And I'm thinking of bringing out back the website and maybe starting a Yankee podcast with some of our fellow Pod Foundation members.
Yeah, I was actually going to bring that up. That was going to be not my next question, but like another topic. But yeah, that'd be awesome. That's actually, I was going to say like, you know, there's already a football, you have the long balls on the turnbuckle tavern. You have obviously, you know, if you want to, you know, movies, broken VCR, there's so many different aspects of turnbuckle tavern. I was wondering when, you know,
baseball or even basketball with the NBA. UFC, MMA, something popped up, popping up. We seem to be commentating for them, so maybe you'll start that podcast. What for? For UFC. We'll see. I have some knowledge on it. I'm not as into it as I was way back in the day. You're doing the commentating.
Oh, yeah, no, definitely. Yeah, I mean, that's, you know, I mean, yeah, I mean, that's my that's my my twin brother, DC. I couldn't believe the resemblance. Yeah, that was so so quick story. We are a few actually maybe a month ago, me and my wife, we were out on a technically a quadruple date with a
couple other couples, my friends anyway. And we went to dinner and then there was like a bar around the corner that we went to. So, you know, we come in last, they got there for us. So we're walking in.
And the guy at the door is checking IDs. And I show him my ID. He looks at it. He looks at me. He goes, dude. He's like, I'm not going to lie. I thought you were Daniel Cormier, dude. He's like, you were approaching him. You were walking across the park a lot. He's like, and I was staring at you. He's like, in my mind, I'm like, holy shit, that's Daniel Cormier. I'm like, oh, sorry to disappoint, dude. So it's not just, I thought it was a thing amongst friends that we're joking about.
Strange people that I've never met before actually think I'm like Daniel Cormier, so it must be true now. How about just strangers? He might necessarily be a strange person.
Well, yes, we'll say strangers. Sorry. Sorry, dude. If you listen to the show, you're not a strange person. He's actually really cool. I just love the show. I was like, oh, everyone's actually pretty chill today. He was like, yeah, he's like, they probably think you're... He's like, they probably think what I think is I thought you were Daniel Cormier, so no one's acting a fool now. I was like, yeah. I was like, just tell him I am, and maybe you don't have to beat anyone up tonight or whatever. But I was actually, in my mind, I was actually thinking of a
I think I actually joke I think I said this on the show or maybe I said this to Jordan somewhere also, you know You you're into gambling Jordan's into gambling. So I was thinking you guys should do a gambling a podcast and he quickly denied that Well, not like jokingly denied it but I was like dude I think I think it'd be pretty cool if you guys talk about like, you know, I
uh, different sports and like how things are, you know, however the, how the bets go and stuff like that. I think that, I mean, I said it as a joke, but I think it'd be a cool idea if you guys did something like that. I'm not gonna lie, as we're talking right now, I have my phone open and I was just sweating the, uh, the saints cause I had the swains, the saints plus three tonight. And, um, I had the Mavericks with the month with, uh, to win two. So I went two out of my three bets tonight. So I'm good.
There you go. I mean, see, he's on the long balls now, he's talking football, so that's not too far of a- That was so good now. When they added that chemistry, the four of them had, so good. Yeah, when you have the amalgamation of the Chick-Fully folks on the Turbuckle Tavern, it's just, I mean,
I mean, I proved it was PR gold just by being on the raw down. I mean, I think I proved that point. I mean, I don't want to do my own whole, like I said, but I think, uh, I think I kept the forbidden Doran on the, uh, on the, uh, turnbuckle Tavern. I did that kind of like first like crossover type of show. If you think about it. Good point. I mean, I mean, I'm a trendsetter for, uh, for the pot foundation. You're welcome everyone. But, um,
Yeah. So the, yeah. So the other part of that too, like you said, you, you definitely, you want to do that, uh, like a baseball podcast, which is pretty cool. Who do you, who do you have, uh, like what, I mean, I don't want to get into like the details cause you probably don't have details yet, but, um, who do you, we'll say, who do you have in mind to join you on this, uh, from extra cooler text baseball all the time. Me and J-bone text baseball all the time. He's an Astros fan, so he likes to cheat, but, um, we don't know.
And Steve also, he's a big baseball fan, and he does some writing for some websites for baseball. So it's something I think if we do that, we don't have to be the same exact people every week. It'll make it a little easier on everybody. But I sit here spewing my shit and yelling about baseball facts all the time. And I'm usually right. I need to start letting my voice be heard in baseball. Move over, Mad Dog, because baseball's coming for you.
I know it might be, uh, I mean, I've thought big in the, like the, you know, MLB podcasts, like genre, but I mean, I mean, it's not, it's not in my rotation, but I'm assuming it might not be like a, it might not be a bad idea to jump into that. It might be, uh, yeah.
might be a good calling for you. Maybe you'll spark it up a little bit better than what's going on now. I actually know Michael K a little bit, who's the Yankee announcer and he has a radio show on ESPN. Who do you not know? Because I think young Anthony told me a story about when you guys were all together and you knew
at the AEW show. What was it? Q from Impractical Jokers. No, not even that. It was someone that sits ring side, I guess. Oh, the timekeeper for AEW. Yeah. How do you know the timekeeper for AEW? Okay, this is a really weird freaking story.
I went to Dynamite with my friend when we sat in the third row when I was on TV with CM Punk last year. And my friend was mesmerized by her. He absolutely loved her. So one day I saw Justin Roberts posted a picture of her on his social media on Instagram. So I just started following her that day. And it's like, oh, OK. And then she just posts interesting photos. And then we're at the lounge before the show starts, and here she comes walking in.
And it was, uh, I was like, Oh my gosh, you're Brooklyn, the ring girl. And she's like, Oh yeah. And she like does all the props for the shows and everything. So if you paint her, she's the one who does all that stuff. And, uh, yeah. And then like, after that, I posted the picture on my Instagram and tagged her in it. And then like, she's messaged me a couple of times. I'm trying to get her to come do one of our podcasts. So I think it would be nice. Did you, uh, did you have, did you help your buddy out at least? Like, Oh, no, I wouldn't do that.
You weren't even like a good wingman? I took the picture of me and her together, but no, I mean, I don't know if she didn't do anything wrong. I wouldn't do that to her. Man, let's mess up.
That's a bad friend right there. If you didn't even give the keys to the door to open it up a little bit, at least get the conversation going. That's messed up, dude. I guess I'm not a good wingman. You're like, oh, I just want to be friends with her. I don't care about what your intentions are. I just want to be close friends with her. I want to go into motivation.
What motivates you, Tom, to do this? Because I think you talk about this on every single show. Everyone has different motivations.
on why they like to podcast, why they like to watch wrestling. I want to hear what motivates you to continue to do this because it is a full-time job. It's not an easy thing to do. We talk about this time in and time out. Podcasting content creation is not an easy job. What motivates you to do this?
Like I said, I always wanted to have a radio show, a talk show. I always loved listening to radio talk shows as a kid. And it's just so much fun to do. I love what we do, and I love getting better at it. And it's just fun. We get to talk wrestling. Let's be honest, in our real lives, how many of us have... How many friends do we have that we discuss wrestling with?
And now we have a group of guys that us and our, you know, we're adults and we could have adult conversations about wrestling and make it fun and interesting and crack each other up. Like, look at me and Ace, we'll go. Like, I love Ace because we could debate and we could like go at each other, but we know we're just like, people can't debate today because they get offended so easily. But me and Ace go at each other. We don't hold back and it's fun.
Like I love that we could have a good spirited debate and you don't have to worry about somebody's feelings getting hurt. No, we're just talking about our opinions. That's it. Yeah. No insults being hurled at each other. It's weird for me. It's harder for me now because during the pandemic, we were just home doing nothing, but now that I work, I work nights. So the nights I am home, only home with nights a week. So it's like, I got to tell the wife, I'm going downstairs and leaving you again to go do some more pottery.
And that's why I was like, Hey, can you do 10 o'clock? So this way, uh, I could do, uh, I have to go do a podcast and you're like, yeah, so that's why I didn't want to go down and she goes to bed about 10. So that worked out perfect.
So, because I, you can accept the time because I have the best wife in the world. She supports every single thing I do from the podcasting to the gambling, to the figure collected, and she'll run to me like, shout out to my wife because she truly is amazing. And in just like six weeks or maybe eight weeks, she'll be retiring. So she'll be home all the time and welding for how hard she works. So.
Yeah, I mean, I have to do the same thing. Yeah, definitely shout out to my wife. She does the same thing. She, you know, supports all this stuff. You know, she listens to literally like every show that I do and stuff like that. She even told me about how crappy I sounded on those last few episodes.
No, which is good. She does listen. She is one of my biggest supporters. That's awesome. Obviously, she's not the biggest wrestling fan at all. She's kind of sucked into that attitude-ever wave back in the day where literally everyone was watching it. It didn't matter who you were. You didn't have to be a wrestling fan. It was appointment television at that time. She has the knowledge of obviously Triple H and
the pilot episode. We talked about that, her meeting, Vic Foley and stuff like that. So we could like, she'll watch the paper views of me. My kids are getting into it, stuff like that. I took my son to the Survivor Series this past weekend. Oh, that's awesome. She supported it. She loved it. Obviously, we were cautious of
He, uh, you know, it's super loud. It's not like it, like we try to explain to him, you know, it's not like it is on TV. Like, you know, it's not as, you know, we have a surround sound and stuff like that, but it's not, it's gonna be way louder. Like the fireworks are gonna, you're gonna hear them. You're gonna actually feel it and see the fire. So yeah, so yeah, just like.
When I met my wife, she's like, oh, and I told like, she knew I liked wrestling. She's like, I love wrestling. I'm like, stop lying to me. She's like, no, no, I always watched it with my dad and I still watch. I'm like, you do not. So I started asking her trivia questions and she was getting them right. And I'm like, damn, this is meant to be, I've met.

Collecting and Media Nostalgia

a woman that actually knows wrestling and loves wrestling. And that's why we watch all the shows together now. I mean, we've done it for 20 years. We just celebrated our 15th anniversary last week. But yeah, we watch all the paper views together. We watch Dynamite every week together. We watch Raw and SmackDown when I'm not working. And if I'm not home, she'll watch it without me. The only thing she won't do is she doesn't watch any of my streaming shows on here.
I mean, she sees you every day. She's not going to want to... She used to tune in there, but now it's like, yeah, whatever. She's like, yeah. No. Watching Murder, she wrote. I'm like, oh, okay. I kind of want to have my wife do a watch-along because watching wrestling with her, it's like,
It's just like honest, casual viewer feelings on stuff. It's just funny. The stuff that she comes up with. The stuff I love, I think it's funny and hilarious. Maximum male models, I thought that was one of the funniest things that they were doing. Totally hated it. She's like, what the hell is this? What are you watching? This is awful. That type of stuff.
This is when Vince was still in charge of WWE. We were watching, I don't even remember what was happening on Dynamite, and then it was like the night Xavier Woods got coronated King. She goes, this is why I like AEW better because they don't do this stupid shit.
See, you get the end filtered. The wires give you the unfiltered opinions on wrestling, because they're the outside looking in. They're not in it as deep as we are. They're just seeing it for what the product looks like. The good thing is that's what they're engaging the viewer on. Obviously, they're targeting towards the wrestling fans.
But at the same time, those casual fans, that product is supposed to be for them too. And if a fan's going, this is awful, what the hell is, what are you watching? This is the dumbest thing ever.
Like she doesn't, like my wife totally doesn't get Orange Cassidy at all. Like his whole, gave a guy to explain it to her. Like, you know, like his whole, what he's supposed to be. She's just like, I don't, I don't understand. What is he doing? It's just funny. Just like, so I kind of want to do something like a watch along one night. Just record it and just get her reactions on things.
But same thing, our wives, the collecting, that's another huge thing. And obviously, you are a collector. Do you collect other things besides figures? Do you have any other collections?
Besides the baseball stuff? I had up until about a year ago. I have to update my collection. I had every WWE DVD Blu-ray release. I collect a lot of TV shows on DVDs and Blu-ray. I love having TV shows, especially 80 shows when I grew up because I'm old. It doesn't mean something. I want to mention it more times than Chad did that I'm old. I don't even think I'm as close.
And I realized, I started collecting as a kid, because I would always buy the full preview TV guide. I'd buy two, one to read and one to keep in a box somewhere. Or if there was a TV show that was on the cover of the TV guide I loved, I would keep one in the box. I have all my toys from when I was a kid. I never let my parents get rid of them. I think I was just born with the collecting gene. And I think that's another reason why I have no money. Dude, your legit, uh, George Constance is, uh,
father collected the TV guides. Have you ever seen that episode? I have all the old WWF magazines and programs that I used to go to. It's crazy. I don't throw anything away. I used to keep the empty boxes of the figures I unboxed, and then I realized how much room they would have taken up in my basement. It took me like two months before I could finally fit them in all the garbage to get rid of them.
Oh my God. My mother used to collect TV guides as well. I was like, I don't get, I could see like the collector ones. Like he said, like kind of like with the, you know, WCW and WWF at the time where like, you know, they were on the covers of those. They have those like limited covers. Different ones and stuff like that. Like I could see collecting that, but I think it'd be pretty cool to see now. Like just to see, like there's just show like,
the younger generation on how we used to find out what a TV show was on pretty much. It seems so primitive at the time. It's so bad if you think about it now, geez. But other than that, do you like
Movies, music. I need to watch more movies. And this is like, you remember that day in the... Oh my God. I think everyone wanted to do a Mootoo out of the group that day. He'll never seen a Will Smith movie. I did have an episode of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
Before you answer, let's let's let's get this. Let's clear the air right now. Because I think, you know, this is probably more of an inside thing than an outside thing. I think people want to know, is it a gimmick? Have you like when we say these movies like that literally pretty much everyone in the world has seen and you say you've never seen it? Is this are you are you are you doing a gimmick with us? No, no, no. Or is this an actual thing like you've never seen like some of these like famous movies? I have there's a lot of movies I really need to catch up on.
And it's funny cuz i have to surround sand system in my basement with a seventy five inch tv and if you look at all my dvds like you'll see it's all tv shows wrestling concerts and i have like two shelves of movies.
Oh, wow. Yeah, I always thought I thought I thought you were like a high level because one of my friends is like the like one of the highest level of trolls like ever like oh, he's he's just like, I just know because I'm on the inside. I know what he's doing. No, like on the outside when you go it's just like oh my god, this dude's genius. But then I'm like watching like your interaction with everyone. I'm like, is he
I was like, this dude's either the greatest troll ever and he's just living the gimmick hardcore or he's never seen any of these movies. I thought you were just pissing everyone off pretty much. I thought it was entertaining as hell. I was like, oh my God, this is great. Me and my wife are both terrible at movies. I don't know why. She was never big into movies before me and there's so many. I need the list of the 20
definitive movies that I need to see. Because my favorite movie, the one movie I could watch every day and never get old is E.T. Love E.T. Oh, E.T. is great. E.T.'s best movie ever. So have you seen, let me spell some movies from that time. Okay. Have you seen Gremlin? Have you seen Gremlin? Yeah. Okay. Let's see. Try to think. Let me see, like The Breakfast Club? Have you seen that? No, I've never seen that.
All right. You get, you gotta lose a lot of people now. Uh, let me, let me think another famous movie. Have you seen like, I don't know, like, have you seen Goodwill Hunting? No. With Robin Williams and Matt Damon? No, but I didn't watch a movie that Robin Williams filmed right before he, he died about wanting to commit suicide in Brooklyn. It was a great movie. I forgot the name now. It's worth checking out. Is it, uh, is it the movie where he said dad? Is it? Let me find the name of it real quick now because like, and then
There's a movie, it's like a dark comedy where his son commits suicide. No, no, no, no. It's basically like he's trying to deal with his son's death and stuff like that. It's like a dark... It's called The Angriest Man in Brooklyn. Okay. It is worth checking out. And again, this was filmed not too long before he died. This movie just hit me. I loved it. And I love Robin Williams from Mork and Mindy.
Oh yeah, so I'll take you into another tidbit. My mother was like, she introduced me to all different comedians and stuff like that. She was way big into comedy. She actually wanted to do it when she was like,
like younger, she actually wanted to do stand up at one point, but she never did. But she introduced me to like, obviously, you know, Ron Williams has been someone that's been like, you know, a part of your life, like, you know, forever, especially if you go up in the 80s and stuff like that, into the 90s, where he was like really huge, even in the late 2000s. Did you see that movie when he was puppy?
Yes. Yep. Yep. Seeing that. So I was like, huge fans. Obviously when he passed, I was like, that was like one of the, like, usually I don't get sad when celebrities pass. Um, that right there was like one of the ones that really made me sad. Um, only because maybe obviously because of like the connection with like, you know, my mom introducing me to him and then like, you know, him pretty much being like that go to comedian throughout my life. Like, I mean, you know, obviously, you know, he kind of like, you know, you pass the reins on to like the Jim Carrey.
Jim Carrey when he came along that like kind of cartoony, you know, but then he when he transitioned into that like being a dramatic actor that even that that I still connected with him like he has definitely if you want to definitely see another movie that he's and it's called one hour photo. Have you ever heard of this movie? I've heard of it. I've seen it.
Yeah, so it's basically he's this guy that works at a Photoshop in a pharmacy, and he becomes really obsessed with this family that comes in and gets their pictures developed. Kids, if you're listening to this, pictures used to be developed. They had to go into a red room. You'd have to actually put film into this liquid and all this stuff. It was a huge deal.
you just snap a photo on your phone and it appeared it was there's a lot of work into it but yeah that movie right there that if you want to see a creepy movie that that he's really good at that like he he can he can play anything that guy you can play dramatic you can play creepy
You just reminded me of that feeling when you used to go somewhere and you would take pictures and you would have to get the film developed and you would have to like waiting period. You couldn't wait to go pick up the photos. Kids today will never know that. It's that instant gratification. You just made me miss that feeling.
You know, like, if you think about it, like a lot of the stuff, like actually going to do something, kids will never know, like actually, you know, with music, actually going to a record store to buy like the CD that released or the tape that released that day, a movie.
actually going to like, you know, blockbuster or going into like one of those movie stores where they saw movies actually going in and actually buying it and getting a physical copy of something is like, that's definitely like a lost thing, you know, obviously, they you kind of brought it back with, you know, like a lot of musicians are doing like, you know, records and stuff like that, obviously, you have recently with Taylor Swift, you know, doing like the different, you know,
different versions of her album, different album covers and different colors of the actual record. That can bring you in as a collector. That intrigues me because I collect them. That'd be pretty cool. But yeah, they'll never know the feeling of actually going to a place and actually buying something on the day it was released. That's insane. How old are you?
I am 42. I'm going to be 42 at the end of the year, actually. Oh, wow. So you're a little older than I thought. Yeah. Okay. So I was going to ask if you remembered rotary phones. Yes, of course. Because you remember the kind of bile and then up to the sixth number and your freaking finger would slip out and you'd have to redo the whole damn thing? Oh yeah. Oh my God, awful. Yeah. The worst thing ever. I mean- Oh, it's just like, hey Siri, call somebody.
We should do it in a podcast called Old Man Talk where we just pick a topic from back in the day and we talk about how it used to be. Dude, we should so do that. Oh, yeah. We'll have to talk offline because that might be actually a good idea. I think it's a good idea.
Definitely traveled down memory lane, but like, even with a, you know, we'll take it back. We'll take a current broken VCR. Yeah. Like how many people know what that is? Like an actual VCR. Oh my God. You're having to fix the tracking. Oh my God. Yes. Like even, you know, recording over something on accident. Oh my God. That type of stuff. That story. Nevermind. Sorry.
Oh, no, yeah, I mean, that's that's happened to me plenty of times. I used to like, you know, I said, like, you know, so back in the day, I feel like you have to explain now because, you know, there's there are younger people listening. So you had a VHS tape and they would have like, you know, a two hour
Max tape but then you'd be able to you know some of the players you'd be able to do like slow it down and make it six hours you can like record like you know. Three movies on one like vcr tape vhs cassette tape so i would do i would do that all the time i had a library of movies that i had. There was one time i recorded over something.
I think it was like, I recall like raw episodes too. Like I would watch WCW and record raw because I wanted to keep the library of raw. I really didn't want to keep the library of WCW for some reason. But I remember I recorded over, I was recording some movies and I remember I recorded over, I think it was the episode of raw where Stone Cold tried to break into Brian Pillman's house. Oh, yeah.
Dude, I recorded over it. I was like, I don't even know. I was just mad at myself for like, I don't know how long. Because that was like a pivotal turning point in TV history. And I recorded over it like an idiot.
But it's, yeah, it pissed me off so much. But yeah, that's, like I said, there's this old head talk we're talking about. But yeah, I mean, just, yeah, just back in the day stuff is like... Back in the name of our podcast, back in the day, there you go. Boom. Back in my day, we could talk like old guys. Good bye, David. We'd have these fancy snowblowers. We had to...
We need to build old shovels. That type of stuff, I don't know. So yeah, so you said you're definitely into like, so not really movies, obviously. We could definitely, I mean, I think, you know, if anyone's listening to the show, send Tom some movie recommendations that you, you know, that you think he'll, you know, he'll gain a passion for movie watching. Because, you know, they are two different mediums, like TV shows. Sure.
If you think about it now, it's actually reversed. Back in the day, movies were the thing to do. It's now TV shows because a lot of these Hollywood writers are going into TV series because they can tell a longer story. They don't have to wrap it up as one thing. You would never see a movie star show up on a TV show like Kiefer Sutherland did with 24. That was the first time. What the hell is this guy doing? 24 turns out to be one of the frigging best shows ever, especially the first season.
But yeah, now you see like you're starting to see it a lot with like, you know, obviously with Netflix and Hulu and stuff like that, like, it, you know, a long form story, I think is probably the better of the two, like if they were ever to do like, like,
If they were to do a biography, we'll bring it back to wrestling, Vince McMahon. I don't think you could do a movie, a biopic. You'd have to do a series. It'd have to be a Vince McMahon season one, season two, season three. There's so much story to tell. You're trying to take 50 plus years into two hours.
You can't do it. You got to do it long for me anyway. It'll be called the story of Vince McMahon.
probably be called something else if it's still happening. Like The Rock, he has a young rock show where he's bringing him through his childhood and all that stuff. He could easily make a rock movie and people would go watch it, but it's better that he could do it in a way he could do it in a story form. He could tell these stories because all the experiences he had with wrestling being in and around it.
Essentially like all these cast of characters that you get to you know, see and stuff like that It's you know, I mean that's that's why I think like usually people like TV shows and long-form storytelling as opposed to uh as opposed to movies. Yeah My other you know, I usually like I did off with a uh, but they a question about wrestling
a match, for instance, one, one particular match.

Balancing Responsibilities and Passion

So say you have someone that say, you know, actually, you know what, we'll, we'll move that to last. I want to ask you one more question before we get to that last question. So how do you manage like your different, like, so you obviously have your job, like your regular job, you know, you have your wife, you talked, we spoke about this a little bit, you know, you know, taking that time to like be with her and then, you know, do the show and stuff like that. How do you like juggle all these,
different responsibilities you personally. What do you do to make this happen? Because there's a lot of people that want to do this stuff. They want to be content creators. They want to do a podcast. They just go, I don't have the time to do it. How do I do this? Since you're doing it, what do you do to juggle all these different day-to-day things, these different relationships that you have?
Oh, that's a good question. I basically, you know, I work, usually my scheduled days are Thursday, Friday, Saturday at work and it's two to 10, three to 11, four to 12. Um, and so luckily we, we record the debate show on Wednesday. So I'm usually off. We do fig net on Tuesdays. They're starting to schedule me at work on Tuesdays and I'm telling them I can't work Tuesdays. I have another job I have to do. And that's basically what I told them. And, uh, like, yeah, I just, I don't know, like,
that I just do it now because it's become routine. And like, it's funny, because if I want to have a night out between the nights I work and then the nights I podcast, it's like, Oh, shit, I don't have the time to do anything for myself. It's so true. So I have to quit my job. I just got to figure out a way to have money just keep coming in without having to work.
Yeah, that's, that's, that's, that's the, yeah, that's the plan anyways. So, uh, she left me through it all. So I don't, I don't, you know, I never really thought of that. I guess it's just become so routine at what I do. So you just, so I would probably say like, you know, it's just like, it's just basically just scheduling and finding the time. Yeah. So like, if you really want to do it, like if you really want to do like this or whatever, whatever you're looking to do, like you'll definitely find the time to do so. I mean, yes. Um,
With me, for instance, with this show, I try to message you and I say, hey, what time works for you? I'm working on someone else's time. I'm not working on my time. I know what I can record. Some people can't record. They can only record on the weekends. I think the episode I did with Mayor Aaron was on, I think, a Saturday or a Sunday or something like that, which I normally don't record on the weekend. That's family time essentially.
If I'm not doing anything, I know we're not out for the night, which we rarely do, because obviously, kids get in the way. But if I am home that night and we don't have anything planned, I mean, obviously, I let the wife know ahead of time, hey, I might be doing an interview. That's why I check up earlier in the day, like, hey, you still on for tonight. And if not, we could move it over. But yeah, if you really want to do something, you'll definitely find the time to do so. And that's with anything. That's not just with
you like your passion. It's with your relationships. Like, if you want to talk to somebody, you want to talk to your friends, you know, you got to reach out to them. You're not just not going to do it. So yeah, I think like I said, you can put that with anything I think you just said it just becomes routine. Yeah.
And that's what it's become with me. Like when I got the new job, cause I wasn't working when we started Thursday, Friday, Saturday, I'm thinking, Oh, this is perfect. Cause I could still do, you know, fig night on Tuesdays. I could do the debate show on Wednesdays. If I had to like start working Wednesday nights, that would kill me to miss the debate show every single week. So just stick to what I'm doing. And you have to work around stuff sometimes too. Like you know, with us, with the raw down moving to
You know, Thursday, that, that kind of changed my schedule up a little bit because of you. So like, you know, going on at 10 o'clock on Tuesday, no problems. Um, so there's no, you know, no, the kids aren't up, you know, the whites, they usually get ready to go to bed or something like that. So it's, you know, easy night, but now.
You know, we moved it to Thursday at eight o'clock. So that's kind of like, you know, almost ending the day, like ending like the, uh, like the nightly duties, essentially. So like, you know, real, real teamwork comes into play. Um, you definitely get a given. But I'm giving Anthony and changed the night for him because he has school.
Yeah. You know what? The good thing is, with him, he's young. He's pursuing his dreams. Yes. He's going to help us out in the long run as well. He's so talented. He's so great. He does so. He's awesome. He has great voice for what he's doing. He puts up with me in J-Bone every week.
I mean, if anyone has to like, you know, if he needs to bulk up his resume, just have them, you know, listen to, have that person listen to any raw down episodes and see how he navigates between me and J-Bone and he'll get any job in the world. I mean, who would deny him a job at all?

Reigniting Wrestling Passion

If he has to deal with me and J-Bone every week, I think he could deal with any job that comes his way, essentially.
But yeah, so we'll end it here with my question. So, you know, I usually say, you know, say to someone in your life, they're, you know, casual wrestling fan, you know, not really into it, kind of like, you know, kind of jumped out of it at the height of the at the wrestling boom. They don't watch it now. And, you know, from the time they left, we'll say they left maybe
I don't know. 1989 they stopped watching. That far back and they haven't watched in like almost 30 something years. What match would you pick?
Um, does it, it doesn't have to be an old match. It could be a current match, whatever. What match would you pick to bring them, to bring them back into wrestling? I can give you a real life, uh, example of this. Cause a couple years ago, my brother was over with his wife and I don't remember what sparked the conversation, but the match that I showed them was, uh, the hell in a cell when, uh, Mick Foley for the undertaker. Yeah. And they were like, Oh my God. Because they couldn't believe like.
big Foley getting thrown off the top of a cage and getting chokeslammed through the cage and landing, you know, in the ring and a tooth up his nose. So that, I mean, that, that was a fun match. Um, I should have been more prepared. Consider when I listened to your show every week and I hear you and
Like I said, it could be any, it could be like, you know, what, so aside from that, that story, like what match that comes to mind, would you like, you know, put it in front of someone and say, Hey, you want to get back into wrestling? This is definitely going to, you know, kick-starting a passion again. What would that match be? I might. Oh, I just thought of another one. I thought of Dustin versus Cody. That was a good one. That was a good one. But I was also going to say, uh, Danielson versus Omega, that half hour draw.
That was actually, that's a really good one too. That was just a piece of art, that match. And the fact that Nobody won made it even better. Sorry, J-Bone. But it did. I left it open, you know? It was amazing. And I think I texted the tavern group. I think back then we had a small group. Right before it started, and when I opened the show, I'm like, half hour draw.
right before it started. And then like, holy shit. So it just made sense how you don't bury each guy. And it just told a story. It was great. Yeah. You don't see pylomic draws in WWE. They don't use that tool. It's like what I miss is a wrestling van.
Yeah. I miss that. I miss, I miss Howard Finkel doing the, uh, the, you know, given the time limit before the, uh, before the matches. Yeah. I wish I would, I wish I would kind of bring, bring that back. You know, don't be afraid. WWE is still something from AEW. Bring back the time limits. I think that'd be really interesting, especially with guys like, you know, like a Finn Balor, um, AJ Styles, freaking Seth Rollins, like those Zudes that I can, that can go for like, you know, 20 minutes or 30 minutes straight.
without anything and then coming to a draw I think it'd be pretty even like you know don't Bobby Lashley or like any one of those guys in there that is like the cardio to do so yeah like why not why not like why not have that aspect to it I mean
Even if it's like a gimmick, like bring it back as a gimmick match. You don't have to have it as like a specific rule or something like that. But yeah, that's that. I was gonna actually say, yeah, for a current match, I would probably go with Cody and Dustin. Just a storyline, man.
the passion, the stuff leading up to it. You'd have to watch the whole thing, like the whole video package and everything. How about this? I'm going to go even more recent. If you want a match that's hold a story, and I think that would get people's attention because they want to see where the story goes, what about the Survivor Series War Games match with the Bloodline? Yeah. What a story that's hold. I'm a little nitpicky with that match. I thought the match was great.
told a beautiful story. My only problem was Michael Cole trying to sell it like those two never few to before. He was his best man at his wedding. Well, Kevin Owens turned on him. I thought it's hold a great story again, but again, that part kind of did bother me just a little bit, but that's the story.

Storytelling in Wrestling

Yeah, that whole, uh, yeah, that whole, like the, like the whole bloodline thing is like, even, even with like, when it was just Roman and Jay, that whole dynamic, that whole storyline with like,
You know, yeah, like that, I thought, was it a Hell in a Cell match that they had or was it just a cage match? I forget. I think it was just a cage. Yeah, it was a cage match with, uh, Roman and Jay and you know, his, that Jimmy coming back during that match and like, you know, that whole like, you know, stop it.
And then he grabs him and puts him in a chokehold. Like, Roman's sitting there crying like, oh, what did I do to my cousin? He's my family. Why did I do this? And he's just, you know, I'm sorry. He goes to give like Jimmy a hug and just grabs him. Like that, like, just that stuff right there. Like, you know, like you, that's what I would have to show somebody if they weren't really into wrestling is like, they would have to like be pulled in by like the storytelling. I like the facial expressions by, you know, the little nuances. If you ever like watch, um,
are like Randy Oran when he talks about it. He talks about that all the time. Like, if you want to rip on, he's slow, his matches are boring, blah, blah, blah. But he, what he does is he's telling a story. He's telling a story, not just what moves with his with his facial expressions with how he actually physically moves in the ring. Like, all that stuff like is telling. That's how you tell a story with your
not just with a suplex and a headlock and takedown. If the camera's up close, if someone's in a headlock and the camera's up close to that person, you want to see them whisper in something or maybe speak it a little bit louder, saying, you're not going to get loose or something. Just something. Something little like that usually draws people in, I think. I agree. I'll say this because I know I was
a little critical, but now that the story has evolved with the bloodline, I truly think it's turning into one of the best stories we've seen in wrestling history.
Yeah, just see just how it evolved, like I said, with that one iconic shot of, you know, Paul Heyman and Roman Reigns sitting next to each other. That was literally the start of it. Yeah, that's true. But like, yeah, in a way, it just keeps evolving with the whole Sami Zayn thing. And I love it. Like it's telling such a good story. It's the best story WWE has told in forever. And it's just the it's just great. It's just absolutely long for think of how long it's gone on to.
Since the pandemic, pretty much. It's going through Triple H and it's going to continue into whoever succeeds Triple H. Yeah, and you got to think fruit and truth. That's another story. Whoever buys the company, it'll continue through there. That's the other thing too is the history of Paul Haven that he has with
with the Samoan dynasty, with Roman Reigns' father, with that whole family. He has history with that family. I love it. Solo is doing the manga. Oh, yeah, yeah. That is. Yeah, just as a wrestling fan, as an old school wrestling fan, even if people our age watching up to now,
This is a whole storyline we've been watching since we were younger. The Samoan dynasty has been around since the beginning of professional wrestling. You can literally trace aspects. It's crazy how you watch everyone from back then and you're watching their
offspring right now. We watched Rikishi in the height of the Attitude Era, him being over with Too Cool, and then him being over by himself. And now we're watching his sons, Dominique, which is insane. Yeah, the predecessors. Yeah, even before that, then obviously you have the Rock, and then his father, Rocky Johnson, and Todie Atlas being
Like the whole like, it's insane. Like I said, just being a wrestling fan is fun. So my moral of the story is stay off of social media if you're a wrestling fan. If you're a true blue wrestling fan and you don't want to be swayed and any negativity happening, just stay away from it. Just enjoy wrestling for what it is. Just some good long-form storytelling.

Conclusion and Thanks

That's all. That's all I have. Yeah, I think we'll end it here. I think you might be one of the longest interviews I had, but this is great. Thank you for coming on. Dude, I want you to... Thank you so much for having me. That intro you gave me, I'm still gloating over that. I try to do myself every week with the intro. Of course, it's bigger.
No, you definitely deserve it. They call you the staple. I mean, we're going to call you the staple for a reason. You are kind of like the staple between. We've discussed on the show, the connections that you have with everyone.
You're well-known, essentially. I feel like I've interviewed the biggest celebrities so far on my show because of the amount of people you know, and the work you've done. I'm a chick Foley show now. Thank you for coming on and plug all your socials. Oh, yeah, guys. It's the OG Fit Kid everywhere. I'm on Twitter, Instagram. I even have a TikTok.
but I haven't used it yet, or I think maybe I did post one story, but I gotta add more to it. I'm gonna start doing more. I was just talking to Extra Cooler about doing something else special for me, little tees for my Instagram. That would be something that would be continuous, so.
Oh, yes. So just, yeah. And you know, we got turnbuckle sessions dropping every Wednesday, fig night. If you collect at seven PM on Tuesday, seven PM Eastern. So stop by and watch it and say hi. And thank you guys. And thank you, Marco, so much for having me. This was really a frigging blast. Thank you.
Well, I definitely want to have you back on to talk about some, uh, some, uh, figures and stuff like that. So figure collecting all that, anything we'll definitely, uh, we'll definitely get it. We got to contact Jordan. We're going to get him on the, uh, we're going to get him on the, uh, the.
the gambling podcast train, but definitely that's definitely happening. We got the gambling podcast. And then we have the old head podcast too that could happen. So yeah, lots of fun things are coming your way. So yeah, but we'll end it here. And again, thank you, Tom. Thank you everyone for listening. If you made it this far, I thank you and I'll see you next time.