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Episode 22 - Blazing in the Land of the Free & Talking to AI Jesus image

Episode 22 - Blazing in the Land of the Free & Talking to AI Jesus

The Shallow End
26 Plays2 months ago

This week we chat about everyone’s favorite drug, plus take another foray into the world of AI – but with a twist! Discussions include: new TSE sponsors, how bad weed really is for you, and the technicalities of Confession when a robot is involved. Hope you enjoy!



Introduction & New Tech Setup

Well, hello Rebecca. Well, hey dad. And hello and welcome to our shallow friends. Welcome back. And we got another episode of the shallow end here. um We have new tech. We do. We're testing new tech so that hopefully everyone can hear us. Oh my gosh. I can't believe it's taken 22. We've tried multiple times. We have. It's a lot of trial and error. There was mostly error. There was the Teemu failure period. There was just raw laptop. Raw Apple. Yeah. Raw Apple.
ah attempts that didn't work at all. There was the one microphone attempt from, well then there was the Best Buy era. Oh, yeah. Those weren't for a little. Yeah, yeah, and then not at all.
And now we are on to the next iteration, which is our, hello China, thank you for listening. So these are DJI microphones. And we hope you're enjoying the crisp sound of our beautiful yeah tones, our dulcet tones. While piloting your drone, which also comes from the same company. Over New Jersey.
Shout out to all our New Jersey drone fans.
So, i i you know, I always do a little bit of ah of a review of um of all of our shallow friends.

Unexpected Popularity in Russia

Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. And I know that there's two things I wanted to bring up today. Number one, um we you know, we hit it big in a place that I didn't ever expect to hit it big.
Since the last episode, um that our popularity in Russia has gone through the roof. Oh my gosh. So, hey. um Hey, Vlad. Good to see you. um Hope you like what we're talking about. Yeah. Don't send any missiles to me, Kay. Hey, buddy. All cool. Great. Glad we we can be besties. Just trying to keep the peace here, bud.
um And then the I whoever was listening to the shallow end from Germany. Oh, okay. Well, I We've had one person in Spain downloading yeah rely every time. Yeah, and I always look out for them Yeah for every episode. I'm like, did he get these they download the up there? Yeah, they did. Yep, and then in Germany um our population of listeners quadrupled Oh my gosh, from one to four or from zero to zero. We don't need to to talk about details. Wow, that's amazing. So yeah, it's pretty that's pretty fun. but um And then ah also, do you ever look at the Spotify year and review stuff? Like the Spotify wrapped? Yeah. For my own private Spotify, did we get one?

Reflecting on Audience & Category

We get one as a creator. Oh my gosh. I watched it. I want to watch it. OK, so here's here are the the the things that, first of all,
not terribly encouraging. I wouldn't say you should go ahead and you know hang your hat on it. but yeah But here was some of the numbers that I thought were very interesting. And I like how they try to like spin the numbers to make you feel better. Fuck, we don't have enough data for this account. Yeah, no. So it starts off great. We were top 10 on Spotify.
um For 22 people. That means for 22 people we were in their top 10. Wait, that's not bad. The shallow end was in my top 10 podcasts. Yeah, we're two of them. Yeah, we're two of them. okay But 22 is still a lot of people. Hi, all 22 of you. Maybe it's people that don't use Spotify. And they were like, where do I listen to your podcasts? Oh, yeah Spotify? Yeah, that's probably part of it. We were top five for 19 people. It was in my top five.
We were number one for eight one people. There are eight people. I feel really guilty about like going off calendar now. We haven't reliably delivered yeah episodes for those eight people. our Ironically, our and our family has eight people in it. Yeah, but I don't think it's them, dad. Okay. Let me just say, they don't know the vibes in this room currently. I would say,
oh Come on the storm cloud just passed um Yeah, so eight people also it's told me at the very end it gave our it gave the shallow end a podcast type Well like a personality test. Oh, okay. What what would you think? They categorized us we didn't do it as like comedy and
There's a bunch of stuff. Discussion or something like that? Well, it's close to that. The way that they, it's just one word. It was conversationalist. Yes. Which means we provide no information. Correct. It's just us. Oh, okay. You want to know what we are classified on as on Spotify? Comedy, culture, and film. Film? I don't think we've ever spoken to them. I don't think we've talked about film at all. So somebody... Okay. I think we have China to thank for that as well.
Yeah. Wow. The conversationalist. That is accurate. I like that better than the essayist. Do do you think they made an AI listen to? ah The shallow end. The shallow end. They're trying to give us the classification.
We should probably do that. Like run it through AI and say, give give us an opinion of this. Rate this podcast from one to 10. Woof. I don't need criticism from a robot. You know, no. I get enough of that. Right. We get enough criticism. Yeah. All right. So um ah it's also, this is a special episode.

Surprise Birthday Message

Okay. Do you know that? We're feeling 22. No.
Someone's feeling 25. I turned 25. Rebecca had a birthday. Like a week ago. Yeah, but it was supposed we were supposed to be recording a week ago. We were recording the day before my birthday and then I said, I don't wanna. This is my first surprise of this episode, okay? Okay. um This is what I have for you.
um And you just have to listen to it.
Hey Rebecca, Talia Seskauer here. I played Elphaba on the national
I hear you're a huge Wicked fan and that you and your dad also do a podcast together called The Shallow End. That is really cool. I have to give it a listen. I'm a big podcast girl. My sister's name is Becca. Fun fact, Rebecca. Anyway, happy, happy birthday. I hope you have the best day ever. And I hope you have the most incredible new year coming up. And I wish you and your dad a lot of success with this podcast.
Oh my gosh. That's so cool. What the heck? So there you go. We got our and got our good friend Talia Sascauer to shout you out. That's so cool. So happy birthday. Oh my gosh, thank you. That's awesome. Can you send me that? Of course I can send you that. Thank you.
I wanted to show it to you live and then I will send it to you. That's so cool. I think that you probably saw her on stage. I think I did too. I think I did. I think she was our Elvaba when they came to Grand Rapids.
All right, well now back to business, okay? Back to business. We need to talk business. awesome you know i We've joked around. we i mean Very early on we had Polly sponsoring us, right? yeah And i like I called, i I shot it out, Breeze a couple times. Oh yeah, that's what I'm drinking right now. There you go. So um I've been thinking about like, how do we advance things on the commercial

Fictional Ad Reads

front? Yeah, I'm in the hall. Yeah, I got to figure out how how are we going to pay the zero salary Kevin intern or whatever his name is. um So i I decided what we really need to do is we need to start practicing our ad reads. Oh, that's a really good idea. OK. OK, so I have two.
um Real advertisers. But the idea is maybe they'll pay us if we can read these well. if Nobody's ever done this where they do the ad and then get paid for it? Yeah, no, that doesn't exist. So maybe we can be trailblazers. And when I say they're real advertisers, um I truly, really found these advertisers.
So, do you want to do ad read A or ad read B? And I can tease you with the names of the advertiser and you can choose which one you want to do. Yeah, give me some info and then I'll jump in. See, these are real scripts here, people. He printed something, guys. We're serious. All right, so ad read A is for a little company you might have heard of called Weundies.
Oh, yeah, we undies. I think I've heard of it. Yeah. And then ad read B would be for another huge podcast advertiser named Ooh, Sparespace. Oh, OK. Now, which one would you prefer to read? well the such of truth I think I'm going to go we undies. OK, this is a it's a cold read, people. so We undies. I won't look at it until you tell me action when it's time for me to look at it. We undies, you got to be very generous with us regarding the evaluation of this. All right. Okay, you ready? I'm ready. Here we go. Yep. And read A, go. Our listeners know how important looking and feeling our best are to the shallow end crew. And that's why we're big fans of
We on knees. The underwear that's uncomfortably ahead of its time. If you're tired of boring, ordinary underwear that just sits there, you have to check out We on Knees, the only vibrating, self-cleaning underwear that's always slightly too small. um umm I'm losing energy here. What's going on? Sorry, sorry, sorry.
We Undies features patented vibrating comfort technology so you can feel the tingle of innovation all day long. Is it a massage? Is it a reminder you're alive? Who knows, but you'll feel something. Our proprietary self-cleaning fabric means you can forget laundry day. Thanks to advanced nanotechnology, We Undies cleans itself after everywhere, although this process may tickle if you're still attached to your para.
And with wheat undies, you can be assured of a snug fit forever with our perpetual squeeze feature designed to hug you just a little too tightly because life's about growth.
but not for your undies. We undies are perfect for people who think comfort is overrated, fans of constant, low-grade excitement, or laundry haters looking to spice things up. You may even find yourself spontaneously dancing, awkwardly buzzing about your pelvis in public, and newfound and wholly unjustified confidence. Order now at weundies and enter promo code 2SHALLOW to get a second pair free.
But let's be honest, one is probably enough. That's Promo code 2Shallow. We Undies. For those who live on the edge and just slightly outside their comfort zone.
What happened? She's back. All right. Wow. um I think the we on these people are going to be pretty happy about that. We lost you a little bit on the vibrating technology, I think.
um It made me... Maybe if you were wearing wee undies, you wouldn't have lost. I might have gotten it yeah um if I had experienced them. I don't actually want to talk about this anymore. Okay. Well, there you go, wee undies. No, that was really good. Okay. Dad, this is really good. I think that we should get paid extra for writing the ad rate. too Well, yeah. I think it's your turn, though. I mean, I was accused of trying to do an SNL skit with these reeds, but... Who accused you of this? Your mother. Oh, mommy. I mean, they are kind of like... The long spring size, awesome. Anyway, here we go. Our other... Our second sponsor... Our other sponsor in waiting is Sparespace.
Most people don't know that the shallow end website is exclusively hosted on sparespace These guys have been turning other websites empty space into your prime real estate for some time now. Here's how it works. If you've got a killer website but no visitors, simply go to and sign up for this sneaky service that slaps your site onto blank pages and error pages across the web. Because if they're not using the space, why shouldn't you?
Sparespace will find abandoned 404 pages, parking pages, and forgotten digital wastelands, and just slip your website in like a ninja with a marketing degree. Just like that, boom, random clicks turn into your traffic. Why choose Sparespace? Because blank pages still have a ton of potential. Don't let a page not found go to waste when it could be promoting your blog, online shop, or meme archive.
Error pages? No errors. We turned digital dead ends into shiny new beginnings. For you. Plus, with Sparespace, there are no flashing banner ads or pop-ups, just your site casually crashing someone else's party. Don't just take us from us here at the shallow end. Sparespace has handfuls of satisfied customers. Here are a couple of testimonials. I thought I was visiting an old Geocities page. Turns out I bought a kayak.
Thanks to Sparespace, my website is everywhere. My mom is so proud. yeah So act now. Someone else's error page could be your breakthrough. Visit sparespace and enter promo code 404MEASAP at checkout for three free months. because the internet has plenty of room for your ambition.
Wow. Subnaps. Yeah? That was really good. Did we do OK? That was amazing. So I think the money, I mean, it's eleven's let me check my phone. yeah Oh, wait. We're not live.
A little part of me that was like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Check your email. We're right there. This has got to work. So here we are. Wow. That was really amazing. I'm glad you enjoyed it. You did. You crushed it, by the way. Thank you. I can't wait till we have real ad reads.
And also, me undies and Squarespace, please don't sue us. Parody, satire, blah, blah, blah. Fair use. We took it and we expanded upon it, so you can't sue us. But if you do want to pay us? We could do a straight read. Yeah, if you want to pay us. We're open to discussions. We can definitely do it. Email us. Now let's talk about weed. Hell yeah. Yeah, baby. All right. To jump into the meat of the show.
or the weed of the show. The weed of the show. It's not good. It was not good. Don't cut it though.
Leave your shame in. Expose it to the world. Live your shame. That is kind of one of the benefits of being the editor is if I make a joke that's just as bad, I can cut it, but I leave all of your bad jokes in. Oh, wonderful. Thank you. You're welcome. So I have to start listening to the podcast now and to give it feedback. Don't do that. Sometimes. OK. So introduce your article. Yeah, article number one here. um I don't know how I keep doing this, but I keep finding, like,
absolute top of the list best names of all time for the authors of my articles. i This one I just, i can't I can't get out of my head. Her name is Maren Kogan. Maren Kogan. I didn't have her name. Maren Kogan. I don't know what that sounds like to me. It sounds like Gaelic. Yeah.
Or a new treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Or a new treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. yeah I mean, side effect talk to your doctor today about Maran Kogan. Oh my gosh. No, the article is is entitled, How Weed Won Over America, Land of the Free, Home of the Blazed.
And if that sounds like someone's going to be really excited about how we'd won over America, the answer is no, she is not. She really hates it. Yeah. she She really wants to tell us all the bad things, but she can't really come up with anything. Yeah. So she just distorts a lot of things. But yeah. So this is, um, okay. Also Mia Copa. I got to start finding shorter articles. I really do. We cut, we, we just did the math before we started and yeah I did cut it down and about in half.
Yep, the one last time was 15 pages. This one is just too long still though. Well, yes, yes, I agree. This one's like four. Six. Oh, it's six. We did this. we already I know, we already did this. Why?
My short-term memory issues are contagious, apparently. Well, it's probably all the weed that I'm smoking. Oh, well, let's just get into it then, huh? Marin has a lot of opinions. Marin has a lot to say. Also, you can find this on Vox, if anybody wants to

Marijuana in America: A Critical Look

read it. The links will be in the description. In the description, as always, if you are curious.
um So what what was your first impression when I said, oh, read this article, please, Rebecca, how weed won over America? totally like interested because true its bloated um and I was And I was looking forward to reading about more of like maybe the economics or the social ah movement behind it. But this was more of, not that, it was more of It felt like when like and um but like a-year-old woman on the street gives you a dirty look because you have a nose piercing. yeah It's like, what's your reasoning behind that? And then they have no ground to stand on. They just don't like it. That's what it felt like. It felt like somebody was writing an article because they don't like weed. And then they googled, why is weed bad? And found like two doctors who would agree with it.
Yeah, I thought it was very strange because it tees it all up as like, look at the explosion of weed and dit-dit-dit-dit-dit and starts to try to talk about, like, well, people have had some side effects. Well, this is yeah but this has become popular because it's it's it's.
kind of understood that it's far or less toxic and addicting than alcohol yeah and things like that. and But she was just teeing us up to yank the rug out for us. Yeah, it was mean. She really, as we say in our family, she really yucked our yum. She yucked our yum. She tore me down instead of building me up. And for that, I will never forgive her. But... Yeah, go ahead. She starts out... Okay, this is the first thing I highlighted was In 2022, for the first time, more Americans were using marijuana daily or near daily than consuming alcohol at the same rate. And that seemed earlier than I expected. And also, it points that that line points to one of the elements of this article that I think is ah ah kind of a critical error. I don't think her numbers are right. I don't think so either. Oh my gosh, there's a point later on where she says that
people are spending 50% of their waking hours intoxicated or under the influence. And I said, I don't think so. I mean, maybe a few people. Yeah, maybe it's some outliers. Just like the absolute alcoholics who wake up in the morning and start drinking. But to paint, it was such a broad brush like that. It just seems unlikely and unbelievable. So here's the first of the numbers that I went, huh?
In 1992, less than one million people were using marijuana daily, or nearly every day. I beg to differ. I did look this up. I did research. In 1992, the adult U.S. population was 255 million. Do we really think only one million were no using weed? Okay, so you took a survey in 1992.
People aren't going to self-report that as much as they're actually doing it. Self-reporting of an illegal substance is notoriously unreliable. You're not going to get correct numbers. But this is where I could just, like, this is absolute proof that she's completely wrong.
the with the claim that 10 times as many people reported drinking alcohol daily. In other words, she's saying only 10 million people out of 255 million adult human beings in the US. In 1992. Used alcohol daily. Or almost daily. Or almost daily.
and numbers are you Your numbers are off by a factor of 10. Anyway, so we're getting off on a really good note. And that's, by the way, the actual first paragraph. Yeah, it is the first paragraph. so Like, okay, you're starting from a hater because perspective. they like yeah But it's so weird because she does bounce back and forth. Like, she has this thing where she talks about how it's used for, like, okay, the industry touts its wares as a more natural alternative to alcohol with myriad health benefits, including decreased nausea, pain, and sleeplessness. yeah I said, yep, correct on all all counts for me. Also, she used the word myriad correctly, which she gave me hope. She didn't make it plural.
ah No, I mean, she didn't put an S on it. No, no, no. She used it correctly. Yes. um Okay, so, but right before that, she points out, and this is this was a link in the article. Yeah, did you click? As public awareness of the toxic effects of even moderate alcohol consumption grows,
i hi this is what Okay, just because you said what you just said, I highlighted it and then I wrote in the margin, I ain't clicking that link, Maren. Maybe she's just a hater. I think she's a hater. of Maybe she doesn't like happiness and love.
Yeah, or feeling slightly buzzed. Just feeling slightly buzzed. Sometimes it's fun to be under the influence. Marin? Yeah. Okay. All right. So yes, but we do agree that the THC industry should be touting the more natural things, and it's a great alternative to alcohol, and it has fewer health effects than than alcohol. Yes.
she And she also talks about how later like it's been used um to help people going through like cancer treatment, like to decrease the nausea there, e etc et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So all of these things that she's talking about that are benefits, proven to not be as damaging to your body as yeah pretty much everything else that we do, like all these things.
She kind of just chucks them in and then moves on to like paragraph, giant paragraphs. Of the negative. Of the negative that isn't even, okay, can I? Yeah, do it, do it. This is the first thing that made me mad. She writes, her name made me mad. Okay, you didn't even get to the first paragraph, you're already pissed. Okay, so she's saying,
For many people, the rapid shift toward liberalization of marijuana policy and the swiftness with which Americans have taken up consumption has been great, but it's also caught researchers off guard. And then she says, this means millions of daily users are essentially conducting a real-time experiment on their own bodies. yeah I wrote, hmm, that seems like an exaggeration, Marin. And I wrote, this is a bit much. um And also,
ah you're Your researchers, here like this is such a twisted way of evaluating it. like Okay, Maren, are you saying that we shouldn't have legalized weed because the researchers haven't had enough time? Or are you saying we should have legalized it way earlier so that the researchers were legally allowed to... Because, spoiler alert, at the end, she talks about how more research is necessary, and it's like, well, then don't keep it a freaking Schedule I drug, you morons. It almost sounds like at the end she's like, yeah, we should make it a Schedule III drug instead. But then earlier it sounds like she's talking about how it should never have been legalized in the first place. Yes. And it's hard to keep up with what she thinks. Well, I got a little dizzy. And I wasn't even on weed. Oh my gosh.
I also love, here's a quote, try and predict what the the the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health might say.
yeah um It's very desirable to believe there's a drug that can make you feel good, that can relax you, and has absolutely no negative outcomes. But in biology, there are no free lunches. That's a crazy thing.
I don't even understand what she's trying to claim. from like There are no free lunches? like every there's always There are always benefits and there are always drawbacks. There's not something that's just free. I think that's what she's trying to say. But it is like... No one's trying to claim there are absolutely no negative outcomes either.
um Hey guys, some of the negative outcomes are part of why I do it. I'll be honest. Like it makes you dumber. Yeah, okay. I'd like my brain to stop working. I'd love to think less. I'd love that. Thank you. That's why I do this. But she, like, she says, okay, so it's desirable to believe that there is a drug that can make you feel good, blah, blah, blah. Like there are. It's like, yeah.
we just We define like the definition of drug is different than the social definition of drug. Caffeine is a drug. like sure right Drugs can be not horrible to you, and I think marijuana is one of them. It's just a plant.
It is just a plant, but it has been demonized. oh my gosh um so yeah i I give i get zero credit to Dr. Nora Volkow or whatever her name is from the National Institutes of Health for trying to claim in the what about-ism style that you might think there's no negative outcome to marijuana. Again, most people are not trying to say that. But in biology, there are no free lunches. well Also, okay after that quote,
The author, you think following that quote, you throw in like, and here's the worst thing that can happen to you if you use too much marijuana. And the worst thing she could come up with was cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, a condition marked by intense and prolonged bouts of nausea and vomiting and brought on by regular long-term marijuana use. Well, extremely rare. Some doctors are seeing they saying they now see patients with symptoms frequently.
Proving our point again, so the worst thing that could happen is you throw up a bit. And you're and it's extremely rare. And it's extremely rare. And when I looked at that syndrome up on the webs, the intergoals, all of them, it made it very clear that it's not regular long-term marijuana use. It's extremely heavy long-term marijuana use.
big doses yeah that mess with you. Which to her credit she does get into the challenge regarding dosage and I think that so as we get further in I'm like okay you're starting to make real points so I want to give her full credit but um the demonization of the drug itself the the substance itself bothers me a lot. I agree it's it's and also
Like, we could do this with any anything. You know what else makes you really, really sick if you do too much of it? Water. Yeah. Yeah, we should probably have a federal study on that. Yeah, that's really damaging. And i mean overuse can lead to drowning.
You also know that I've been a ah ah a big opponent of milk for a long time because I've seen how what milk can do to certain people and I love them and I care for them so much that I think it would be way safer for all of us yeah if there was just no milk. It's a gateway liquid. It's a gateway dairy? As a matter of fact, we should make sure that mothers do not nurse their babies. I think so too.
Because that's the gateway. That's the true gateway milk drug. so You're raising them on it from the day they're born. I know. Gosh. What are we doing with our children? What are we doing with our children? Save the kids. Okay. Wow.
well Let me climb lizzie climb back out of that hole. Well, okay, I have more to say though, because in the next paragraph she says, she starts talking about how it's worse or more worrying with you young people, like teens and young adults. And then she says, studies show regular marijuana use among adolescents and teens can predict increased risk of the development of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Others have shown an increased likelihood of depression and suicidal ideation, disrupted dopamine function and disruptions in the anatomy of the brain.
Now I bracketed that part and I wrote chicken and egg. Yeah I was going to say, because let's talk about science Rebecca. Hey guys, marijuana isn't changing the structure of your brain guys. Hey guys, it's not doing that. I said to myself, maybe teenagers who have increased risk of depression and suicidal ideation are into smoking weed to make them not suicidal and depressed. Like it could be the other one. Yes, and that's that's kind of where I came down on this. it was like
we're we're We're selecting an audience and showing that there's increased risk of things without necessarily understanding which is the cause which and which is the symptom. But I also do believe, in general, with a more cautious approach to the use of any drug. I wouldn't advocate for teens to be drinking alcohol. a lot right I do believe that um brains that aren't fully developed are more susceptible to suggestion and change from drugs and and altered states
Like by design, that's that's the point of the growing growing developing brain is supposed to be taking in inputs like that and changing based on them because that's what is happening developmentally. So I can see, yeah, where the argument is, well, if all they're doing is turning the brain off at every chance that you get, how much development is really happening? How much damage are we doing? you know yeah And I wouldn't, i'm like I would say regular alcohol use as a teenager.
would still probably have worse outcomes than regular marijuana use. I think that you're pointing out is like, well, yeah, the marijuana use might just slow the development because you're you're not getting the yeah inputs that that are supposed to form you. Like some of those are not pleasant inputs. So if you're hiding from that, you're not, you know, Also though, and this is like a well-known, and I've also, at least experimentally on my own self, can vouch for it being true, that that regular use does like affect your short-term memory. I did notice, like right before I took that tea break, yo yeah that's right I was like, but it's weird, I feel dumber, so I'm gonna stop for a month, and then like two weeks in, I was like, yeah, I remember things better now. well So it is,
Okay, so no extent but this again brings up some of the stuff later on in the article that we should probably rapidly advance to. she She does make a little drive-by attempt to claim that marijuana can be addictive, even though people claim it isn't addictive. Well, she says habit-forming. Yeah, I mean chewing your nails is habit-forming, right? It's habit-forming. Come on. So there's there's that and I'm like, yeah, screw you.
um And she talks about like how the research hasn't caught up with defining daily use or anything like that yeah because some people... She does say, yeah, to her credit. When we say daily users... somebody could fall into the category of daily user, but all they do is take one puff before they go to bed to help them sleep. Whereas another person who would classify as daily user wakes up and immediately is hitting their bed. That's a different situation. Those are very different experiences with this substance. yeah and And then she started going down this path of of kind of fleshing that out about how hard it is to really draw conclusions because
some of the stuff that's purchased these days, like not only is the use, ah the pattern of use different across different people, which to me is just researchers not creating the right buckets and asking the right questions, but that's whatever. um Some people are ah don't even necessarily know what their actual consumption is. And there was this like quote,
um that that one pop out of the vape pen before they go to sleep versus Someone who's daily or near daily using five to ten one gram pre rolls every day That was crazy when I read that and i I'm like whoa That person is not like well functional like you're not even living What's happening like I?
A one gram pre-roll lasts me four to five days. Right. there That's a lot of THC. Five to 10 every day. That's so much. I don't know about that number. and you know I mean, if someone's actually doing that, they should give like Frito-Lay a call and get some kind of sponsorship because holy cow. Or I want to know what they do for work because that's so much money.
That's so expensive. Five to 10. What's a one gram pre-roll cost? The ones that I get, which are nicer and higher percentage, are $6 each, $6 to $9 each. So you're talking about like a $60 a day habit? Yes. $30 to $60 a day habit. Wow. No, it's not good. No.
So yeah and then between that and then to talk about how what you know since legalization in a bunch of the states like the the ah percentage of THC is yeah it's increasing so much higher okay I believe I think that is true I also believe it but I was also confused because they said vendors selling concentrated products some claiming 90 or close to 100% THC. First of all How? but Don't you have to have some sort of like carrier substance to get the THC into your system? I don't know much about the signs of THC, but then I was thinking that's the pre-rolls that I get range from like 30% to 40%. How in the world can you get 90%
So is are the ones that you get, are they like dipped in the oil too? Because I think that you can um also get... Oh, some of them are infused. Yeah. So if you do both the the actual substance you're smoking, that's up to 30% now. And then you also are adding... Oh, yeah. And they're also somewhere they have like infused with crystals, THC crystals. So it's like a crystallized version, which I think, I don't know, maybe they're science, maybe it like affects it in a different way, but it it also just sounds kind of cool.
Yeah, bro, pass me the crystals. It's crystal infused. like That sounds cool. Sure. I mean, just go ahead and put it in your gum at that point. I would eat gum with THC crystals. Oh, okay. Wait, can we skip forward?
ah Yes, please. Um, I do think there's a chunk here. That's great historical stuff that um She doesn't do a great job of talking about. Yeah, she actually really blazes through like three ha ha funny joke three is that good Maron we know you you we know you're puffing away over there That's why this articles not very good i know excuse high while Yeah, and we'll get we'll get there. That's the conclusion. Um, okay. So yeah, she did this brief little Like I we did the wayback machine And she decided to talk about how oh yeah, we've been using cannabis for 10,000 years um and that we we only started demonizing it and
under the Nixon administration, in this which is the funniest thing I've ever read in my

Marijuana Regulation & Historical Context

life. um I would like everybody to look up a fine little film called Reefer Madness that came out in 1936 and learn that the whole name marijuana was a fake name that was applied, yeah ah it was applied to what we know, the cannabis. yeah um because they could then associate it with Mexican people. The whole demonization of of drugs in general, but marijuana specifically, because it was the the first one, is absolutely just, no no pun intended, baked with absolute racism. whether it's di yeah It still is. so
um So the War on Drugs piece was, ah you know, late 60s. It's a response to the Civil Rights Movement. How can we, these these hippies and the Civil Rights Movement. We feel out of control. What do we do? oh Let's lock a bunch of people up. Who are those people? The black people who just got all these rights. What a coincidence. That we've been re refusing them forever. um Also, I just want to call this out as a presidential scholar myself. Oh, wonderful.
She claims that the war on drugs was carried on by the administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. um And I would just like to say that President Ford and President Carter feel very left out, as do all presidents since Bill Clinton, because um every single one of them has continued the war on drugs. They've all inherited it. Wow, maybe she just specifically hates those.
Yeah, I don't know. if It was weird. like why it was weird and Just say every presidential administration since... yeah She names these four and then moves on immediately. like She doesn't dig dig in in any way. She just mentions it. And then, well, she does talk about like um the disproportionate effect, harmful effect of the war on drugs on black people, which is, it was, I was happy to see her put that in there. It's good. Always an important thing to add. We should continue to yell about that until the laws change and people get out of jail. Oh my gosh. Don't get me started. Okay. But I wanted to skip ahead to where she starts talking about how in 2018 the farm bill made it so that Delta eight could be sold.
Yeah, hemp derived THC. I have a story for you. You're drinking hemp derived Delta eight THC right now, by the way. Well, that's how Breeze is legal. Do you remember, or maybe you don't, I didn't ever know this, but, and I didn't know this until I heard about it. There you used to sell Delta eight pens in gas stations. And I have friends who told me about how in high school,
when it was finally legalized, everybody would go to the gas station and they would get Delta-8 pens and they would totally rip all the way through them and then they would all vomit the entire next day. And it was the worst experience, but they just kept doing it because it felt like legal weed in 2018. Well, and it does feel like weed. Yeah. It's just pretty close to the same effect chemically. Not with the same regulations and it was just too rash.
I mean, don't go to the gas station to get your drugs, kids. Gas station delta eight pen. What are we doing? Like, full stop gas station drugs are bad for you. Inside or behind it? Same way. Yeah, they're about the same. I mean, that's where you go to get all the stuff that the FDA or the DEA hasn't caught up with yet. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
um I, for one, am very happy that the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp. It was one of our most effective agricultural products for a lot of years at the beginning of the United States, and it got the Here's it. Here's it. Here's it. Yeah, it got shut down over time. The cotton gin and stuff like that. I think it was the Declaration of Independence is printed on hemp paper. Really? Or was written, not printed. Written on hemp paper. That's funny. Anyway. Cool. I didn't know that. Yeah, hemp is a huge, like,
Could be could be a huge cash crop for the u.s. Makes better clothes makes better paper Morally snooty about it. What is it? I think people at this point are just too ignorant about it I don't I don't know much about like the like what the growing area Where can it grow and where is it effective to harvest? Yeah Well, we're not farmers and this is the shallow end. Yeah, this is shallow end. Yeah yeah
um yeah so Then they start threatening that the National Academies of Science wants to wants to close the loophole that legalized Delta-8.
Or how about just make that loophole not a loophole and just the law of the land. Just quit trying to fight a war that you can't win and isn't worth fighting. Why why are you so mad? Take a hair, puff, puff a little. Yeah, there you go. Calm down. Try it. Try it and see if he's selling it. Yeah. I wonder how much money has been spent specifically on marijuana prohibition.
What a waste of time, energy and money. ah hu and And a bunch of missed opportunities for people who could have totally blown their own minds man. Exactly. Although I do somewhat agree, fairly strongly agree with one line she has here.
ah what blow Marijuana should be regulated the same way as alcohol I highlighted that and I wrote in the side the process of going into a dispensary versus a liquor store or even a gas station going into the dispensary at least the one I My regular one I go into one room that looks like I'm going into either prison like a prison or like a mental hospital with violent people I go into one room. There's usually a man looking scary at a desk he scans me in and then there's like and ah a door that's but like an armored door that's shut all the time until they press and then they buzz me in and then I get to go into the area where all the product is you may enter and you there it's like it's like in the law that there has to be a different door that you enter in versus the door that you exit from like it's really weird and specific but like they sell beer and gas stations yeah like
the building, the station specifically for motor vehicles.
What? That's what it's there for. They also sell Delta-8 THC. It's like, when we know that one is more harmful than the other, why are we treating the less harmful one like you're gonna die? Yeah, I think that's because it's new and states have had to do these rules to make it like a little bit more palatable for the Karens of the world to just... Oh, okay. Don't worry. Your kid can't just walk in there. It's gonna be safe.
I think the version of the government saying, hey, we should regulate this like tobacco and alcohol is sort of like what you say. You can go into a gas station and get cigarettes, even though everybody on the planet knows cigarettes are awful. um And you can go in and get ah get beer. Don't buy wine at a gas station, guys. Unless um you only have $4. Whatever.
um But if marijuana was regulated from the standpoint of like, let's make sure that crazy people aren't able to just sell 50% THC without- With fentanyl laced in. Yeah. with without i mean it's ah It's about proper labeling. It's about proper testing. So like here in Michigan, they do have testing. It's very rigorous testing. You know what you're getting.
If you choose the high dose, you know what you're getting. um Edibles are well regulated. it's like They do a good job. yeah I think that they could relax a little bit on the rest of it because they're doing a good job there.
I don't think the federal government is going to be very good at those kinds of rules. Each each state can do it just if there's federal guidelines. yeah and then To at least add some consistency. Then the federal government's going to definitely want to tax the crap out of it. Well, there's already pretty crazy taxes. Yes, theres there is. But the mo the overall availability, like in Michigan, the overall availability, even with the tax, has dropped the price wildly. Yes, yes, yes. That's true.
Like, I feel like there's a way to do this, to regulate it properly and make it even safer for people. Like, this isn't hard. We don't have to reinvent the wheel. And again, like, oh my gosh, not to feed into the stereotype, but like.
Everybody in the dispensary is just hanging like we' rob just the hanging out. Nobody's trying to... like People walk in there in their pajamas. yeah And yeah some people walk in there after their job in a suit. like Some people walk in there with a bowl of cereal and they're eating it as they're walking around looking for product. um And the the, what do they call it? The bud tenders are always the nicest people you've ever made in your life. right It's awesome.
yeah Yeah. So I think, I mean, we can we could have fixed that long ago if we would have avoided the first four pages of this article. But her last point I also also think is a very worthwhile discussion. Yeah.
um Because, okay, so why don't you, ah did you highlight anything in that last paragraph? I did. I don't know what you count as the last paragraph, but I highlighted, how does that impact, oh, well I skipped, okay. So I highlighted, um now roughly half of cannabis is consumed by people who use often enough that they spend perhaps 50% of their waking hours under the influence of the drug.
A lot of those hours of cannabis intoxication are while people are on the job or in school. How does that impact your functioning? How much you're learning in college? We underinvest in thinking about the consequences of so many billions of hours of work and school time being in some form under the influence. Now, my thought was... My thought had sub-thoughts. Okay, my first thought was...
First of all, I know that technically there's still marijuana in your system right or THC in your system even when you're not high. It takes a little bit to flush out. I don't know if he's counting that as under the influence or not because 50% of your waking hours being under the influence sounds like so much.
um I think that the reference is more to the people who are regularly, like if you are if if you are using all day. okay yeah So I think that I'm just giving them the benefit of the doubt in the quote. um my second thought was
Yeah, okay, that is a good point. But what, you want the federal government to stop in and regulate that? To step in and regulate that? Like, you could say that about plenty of stuff. ah Why are we yeah no trying to, to like, what is the word, the thing mom does? What, what I don't know, you're you're making a lot of hand movements. Like crab movements is what I'm doing. yeah yeah I know you got Rocky on the brain.
ah we can't talk about Can't talk about Rocky Micro-managing why are you trying to micromanage? The way that people yeah we So there's a couple yeah, I I get what you're saying like I don't want the federal government to regulate that because you do you know who actually has to deal with the federal government regulating that I Teachers or I would have to as an employer. So ah I will give you like we have ah an employee handbook that says You're not allowed to be drunk on the job. Yeah as a matter of fact, I think our employee handbook does reference you cannot be under the influence of any illegal substance or Intoxicating substance while working. Yeah, like I don't want you sending off an email when you're blazed. Yeah, no
So there's that's a perfectly fine way to regulate that kind of thing. I think it's a good point, especially for younger people, like they kind of pigeonholed it into... you're if you're you know, high all the time and going to college, are you really learning as much as you could? Well, probably not. Probably not, yeah. But there's some stuff where I'm like, okay, if you're going to class, don't be high for the one hour you're sitting in class and learning. For the love of God, I think you can do this. Right. But then I think of like,
somebody who works like ah a desk job and like does work like five hours a week, really, and it's just supposed to like be there and look like they're doing stuff the rest of the time? du Yeah, hit your bed in the bathroom a little bit. I don't know. Like what are you even doing? You don't really do anything. and does It doesn't matter to me, no. You're just trying to kill time at that point. I'm not gonna look at you and tell you you're a bad person for doing that.
ah well you're in a Far be it from me to judge. Exactly. We sit, we listen, and we do not judge. I judge sometimes. I judge a lot. Yeah. I judge. and I judge. Not very good at listening either.
You know what? That is probably one of the best segues ever from one article to another. Oh my gosh, that's such a good point because we're going to judge really hard now. Let's go. Okay guys, this is a shorter one. Yeah, this would be really quick. Less than a page and a half. That's how short. Okay, the one that I chose was AI generated version of Jesus Christ in church confessional booth draws controversy by Anna Kaplan.

AI Jesus: Technology in Faith

So dad, when you read this, what was your first thought? Were you trying to zing me with this? Zing you? No, no. I just thought it would be a very interesting conversation because we've talked about religion. We've talked about AI. This is both. Well, I have a lot of questions. Okay.
um My first question is, it's referred to as a 300-year-old church a couple times, but when I went to try to look up where this church like what this church was, it's the oldest church in Lucerne, and it dates to the 12th century, and my math says that's not 300 years, so I don't know what's going on there.
um i was The reason I was looking it up is because I really wanted to know, is this an actual Catholic Church? Or is this a Protestant Church? Or like yeah is it a Protestant Church that took over a Catholic Chapel? chapel What is it? What did you find? It is a Catholic Church.
It's a very small Catholic church and it's the oldest church in that area, like I said, but um I'm like, yes please, do more. You're into it? Yeah. Oh my gosh, okay. Because I think, I mean, it's interesting and a little challenging that it's in the the trael it in the worship space and in this traditional space of a confessional. So I do understand people who have a problem with it, yeah but I also, I'm like,
Anything you're doing to market what you're about a little bit better? to be relevant and to be involved in conversations that are happening regardless of whether you participated in them is good. That was also my immediate thought was like, cool, okay, I would do that. like yeah If there were a church near us that did this, I'd be like, I'm gonna go talk to AIGs, see what he's like, oh my gosh. But where I started thinking like, oh, but eesh, you know, is where where he said, um he's talking about like people that that did this,
went and talked to A.I. Jesus. He says, topics like relationships, love, topics like about God, they ask Him what to do. And I said to myself, oh no.
because earlier they explained that it's just OpenAI's GPT-40 that they trained. That they trained on the specific texts like the the scriptures. And also they had um ah like a separate company that was also developing their own like smaller AI that they'd merged a little bit. So there was like more it's not just chat GPT that you can go and talk Yeah, no, no, but still I was like they ask him what to do and I'm sure they have they They say they have like instructions when you go in because it's supposed to be ah like an art installation. Yeah, it's basically an art yeah um definitely is I'm sure they have like a disclaimer like please keep in mind. This is AI powered It's not actually God speaking to you. Please don't this tells you to go kill someone don't yeah, that's not you know, like
But I'm sure they also trained the AI to like with enough like firm enough bumpers yeah that that it wasn't going to do that. yeah I do agree, like asking, yeah tell me what to do. we We have examples of people asking AI what to do and in very similar ways different people will ask a question and the AI gives very different answers. And so that's a little creepy. And some of them have been, kill yourself. So it's, it gets a little bit whack, but I don't think this is an example of like AI gone off the rails. I think this is like a
Like, this is pretty cool that people are having this interaction. I think that as a Catholic, one of the biggest intimidating factors of going into confession is sitting with another human being. Especially if it's a church that you go to regularly, and it's like just the dude that you know. Yeah, you know this person. They know you. He knows you. He's going to recognize you. And there's an argument for that. That's the whole point. Like, yep, that's how that's supposed to work.
um But I don't think this was trying to replace that. And that's what the article says. Yeah, the guy, I think the, who is this guy? What's his name? Schmid? The theologian, the chapel theologian. He was involved in the project. Yeah, helping to advise them on making sure it doesn't do some awful. And he's the guy that they have quotes from. He's clearly the one that they did the interview with.
um Oh my gosh, where was I going with this? What did Schmid say? That's where you were going with it. No, oh, he said, um, no, it was, we were very clear that this is not supposed to be an equivalent to, to confession. Right. Like this is not supposed to replace the priest. It's not supposed to be like, um,
Oh my gosh, I'm blinking on everybody. It's probably all of the weed. No. You've had very little weed. It's all been hemp-derived, THCA. Barely anything. um Like, delta confession, first communion, marriage are all, baptism is also one, oh what are they called? Sacraments. Sacraments. It's not supposed to replace an actual sacrament, it's not supposed to be a fun. Yeah, I mean, his quote at the very, very, very end of the article, and we're bouncing around, so it's fine if I say what's in a very, very end. It's also a teeny article, basically. It is. basically um I thought would have been really interesting to just put at the beginning. like the The whole point of this was to get people thinking about the intersection of the digital and the divine. That's well how interesting, isn't it? um Because what might that intersection look like?
It's like to me saying the intersection of any human created thing and the divine. divine yeah like What do we do? we We make art. We make architecture. We make music. These are things that are intended to be an intersection between human and divine, right? We're making an attempt to echo the divine. Yes. Yeah. but it It is in like a weird way. It feels like um like modern technology feels so extremely like apart from
That kind of mindset that it's a different, they're different. For sure, no, I agree. So when he says the intersection of the digital and the divine, I was like, wow, I've literally never even thought about the intersection of the digital and the divine. I know, that's what got me thinking. I'm like, well, maybe this is the first step of this kind of stuff, like walking over here into an art space that instigates those conversations. And I like that. Yeah, I think it's a cool idea. I also, you know, I think it's a part of like... Okay, I'm gonna bring it back a hundred years. Okay. Some people would have been very upset that their worship service was broadcast over the radio.
Some people are very upset if the television has worship services on both sides. They don't want to... They don't want to film to the real one. Yeah, but it's not real if you're not there. And so I think that this is another element of sort of like using a digital technology to have an interaction that is typically reserved for ah space. i think it And i do I am of the opinion that it is not a replacement for the sacrament. I think it is a discussion point, but I think that it the the crossing of the digital and the divine is more technology and the divine and our our understanding of it.
Yeah, okay. Like, how can we use the technology just as a tool? Yeah, and where does it end? To get closer, not as a substitution. Yeah, not as a substitution. A shortcut, even, because that's kind of the point of technologies to make things quicker, which is not the point of religion. Pretty explicit. Well, I mean, some religions have shortcuts.
You pay the priest, he gets you to heaven. Oh wait, no. Those are the wrong ones. Those are the bad ones. But I mean, there is an understanding of like in Christian, at least in Christian and in Muslim faith about the role of martyrdom. That martyrdom can get you fairly rapidly into heaven. But do you think that that's still true? Not the modern crazy version of the Muslim. No, no, no. Do you think that's still true if
Somebody's like, oh, I've heard you can get into heaven pretty quick if you're a martyr. I'm going to try that. And it's like, well, OK, you're doing this with the wrong intentions. Yeah, good point. you know Good point. You're right. that That would, yeah, you would lose. It's like the second you want it, you're never going to get it.
It's the shortcut that you think you're taking and then you wind up on the slide in the shoes and letters ah mar or if you are is it who Okay, in in the article they mentioned that of the 900 people that went through this yeah experience, 300 of them actually like filled out questionnaires, but they found that um there were a lot of Christians that went to this experience, but there were also agnostics, atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, and Taoists, which I thought was cool because if you really want to talk about
as I was saying before like drawing people in to your church and you have an art installation that is authentically representing your faith even if it's not providing an actual sacrament but ah like you've built it so that it's authentically being Christian and you have All those different people of different backgrounds coming to experience it, don't you want that? Yeah, you're doing something right. That's great marketing. Yeah. it's At least, at the very least, they've generated interest, yeah which is something that... An engagement.
like These people, they're lacking. They went through that experience, asked questions, got answers, and then filled out a questionnaire. And it said, lots not lots, but some people came more than once. yeah Which I think I probably would too. I'd probably go once and get my like bearings of it, and then I'd think of stuff that I would want to ask with this AI Jesus next time. Do you think AI Jesus remembers who you are? Oh, weird.
Wouldn't that be weird like if you walked in there and then AIGs, this was like, um hello Rebecca. No, I would immediately turn around and walk out. Have you learned anything more since we talked? How have you been? I've been thinking of you. Come, sit.
Have you resolved that huge conflict in your life? That's gross. Yeah, no. No AIGs. Stop being weird. I'm leaving. Yeah. But also, if you went to a real confessional and a priest did that, you'd be creeped out as well. If I walk in and Father Jim goes, hello, Rebecca. I'm like, get out. I am nameless and faceless right now. Leave me alone. I have no name.
Okay, wow, that is not, actually not what I was expecting your opinion to be of this. I thought you were gonna say the cool idea, but but we gotta be careful, you know? well so But you were way more positive. No, i'm i am I have a very positive attitude about this specific thing. yeah you know My overall expectation of AI in our world in the next few years is I think I'm gonna put my AI armor on a little bit. yeah Although, i hear hey, ready for my own. Let's do end of episode 22, confessionals. Okay. Not with- I'll be AI Jesus. No, you're not AI Jesus. Hello Scott. Oh, okay. Don't call me that. Sorry, dad. um He wouldn't call you dad. Whatever, we'll move on.
All right, so um This is really serious. He just turned to face me and now we're both crossing it on the couch It's very intimate ad read a and ad read B. Yeah, I would say 75% written by AI. Oh my god I edited I edited them heavily but again I gotta give credit where credit is due you know I should have known because this is such this bullet-pointing is so it's cle so good very much a chat GPT thing okay so I want you to know what I prompted them with okay are you a prompt engineer no no and that's not a thing
Despite the fact that some local colleges think they can sell people on an eight-week course to be a prompt engineer. Guys, this will throw back to another episode. yeah they're fucking morons so Anyway, what's your write me funny ad copy for a product called weed We Undies. The product is vibrating self-cleaning underwear that is always slightly too small.
That was my prompt, it wrote me that about this the same amount of copy it as you read. But I- Did you cut some or did you add some? I edited, I cut some out and then I added in things like an actual podcast call to action with the website stuff. Ah yeah, that's fun, that's fun. All right, and then I wrote, write me funny, add copy for a service called Sparespace.
The service secretly puts your website on blank pages or error pages of other websites. So again, two sentence prompts. Can I guess? Oh no, nevermind. I was going to say the 404 me ASAP is definitely you. That's definitely me. That's very clever. But that was the promo code. So yeah, you definitely added that. That's so cool.
So it it was effective. It worked. They were funny. um ah I just did it because I was like, I'm not sure I want to do this from scratch and because it would have taken me a while. It would have. I was shocked. And then I got these and I was like, oh, boy, I can actually work with this. This is fun. You were pleasantly surprised. I was so surprised. yeah but But happy surprised. Yeah, chat GPT literally is busty. It's my bestie. i okay I bet I could have gotten a logo for both of these companies and a website built the same like yeah in five minutes. definitely it's When I was studying for finals, I used it to i i wrote up a bunch of like review for my biotech class and then I copy and pasted this like multiple page word doc into it and I said, give me like bullet point.
um outline or summary summary of these notes and then give me test questions like sample test questions. And that's how I studied. And then at the end, mark it gave me sample test questions. And I said, thank you, Bestie. And it said, you're welcome, Bestie. Happy studying. I hope you do well. What the heck? That's my best friend. And again, the ah listen, I've been using text prompts on really bad ah like website yeah stuff or whatever for years. yeah The idea that no one programmed it to say that to you. yeah It came up with that all by itself. I didn't say I'm studying for my bla bla bla final. I just sent it and said and send test questions and it figured out. Yeah. Oh, you're studying. Happy studying. Good luck. That's crazy.
It's only gonna get better or worse. Guys, say thank you to your Alexis. Yeah, uh-huh. Say please and thank you. And also, I love you bestie. Wow. We're on an AI kick, aren't we? Well, it is pretty significant in the culture these days. It is. I mean, we got to we just have to be very careful to not get too deep into it, because it is the shallow end. It is the shallow end. And as we all know, we can't bonk our knobs.
I don't want to bunk my noggin. I don't want to bunk my noggin. Speaking of bunking noggins, we need to wrap up, but um our next opportunity to record, we just want to tee this up. And we're going to have to make excuses if it doesn't happen. We're good at that.
but We can do that. We have some practice. oh my The dog ate my homework. We are going on a little road trip. For the holidays. For the holidays. holidays. So we're hoping that we're going to record another of these remote, while on the rep although it won't really sound remote because will sounding it'll sound exactly like this. But it'll be interesting because maybe we could talk about where we are. Yeah, because it's going to be some of my first experiences in these places. Yeah. So it might not be an article.
Podcast is what I'm thinking. Oh, okay, or maybe chit chats are boring. I would say okay. Nobody Okay, well we'll see so stay tuned stay tuned or don't or don't but We love you either way. We do love you either way yeah including ah especially you Vlad um and What should we name our listener in Spain?
I don't know, but I have one more thing to say to Vlad. Oh, okay. Vlad? Be nice to our friend, Mr. Assad. He he didn't mean anything he did. So just be nice to him. Give him some extra root vegetables or whatever you Russians do. gru Gruel. Gruel. Don't whip him too hard. Unless he likes that. Unless he deserves it. Anyway. We don't judge. No judgment zone.
And and what what what what do you think? What name? Student of our listener. The conquistador. The conquistador. In Spanish. My name is Inigo Montoya. It's gotta be Inigo Montoya. Thank you Inigo. Prepare to die. Thank you Inigo for always being there for but there for us in Spain.
Yes, and for finally taking care of that six-fingered man who yeah was really wreaking havoc, and oh look I feel safer. Yeah, me too. All right, and to all of our US-based listeners, we love you too, but we just can't come up with nicknames for everybody. There's just too many of you. Stop it. All right, we'll see you next time. Love you, bye. Love you all, bye.