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Episode 20 - Chit Chat #4 image

Episode 20 - Chit Chat #4

The Shallow End
25 Plays4 months ago

Return to form this week with a quick chit chat ep to give you your TSE fix while we get our lives together. Apologies for the bad audio quality, we are apparently still amateurs.


Episode 20 Milestone

Well, hello, Rebecca. Well, hi, Dad. And hello, shallow friends. Welcome back. And welcome to episode 20. 20. Wow. We keep saying it. We made it. We made it to still double digits.

Unscripted Catch-Up

That part doesn't change. No.
I, so remember the, the message I sent you or by the way, everybody, this is not an organized, uh, version this week. We're just, we're just catching up. It's a return to form. oh Yeah. Um. should yeah yeah um
lots of generally overwhelming times in various lives. And so we didn't do a whole lot of preparation, but look, look, Rebecca.

Fan Shoutout and Listener Reflection

Oh, my God. A piece of paper. He has notes. He can't resist.
ah Remember that email I sent you last week? Yes. About the shallow end? Yes, I do. It made my day. um It made my day too, and I talked with him afterwards. So I just need to start off by just doing that. A good old shout out to our our shallow friend, Steve. Thank you, shallow Steve. thanks Thanks for listening and thanks for caring. And the way that he just described how every time he listens, he hears, hello Rebecca, hello dad. And it just warms his heart. and It's so cute. They love us. They really love us. Our fans.
Yeah, I guess. It's so weird to, like again, like we don't really do this for other people, but then to hear that people are actually listening. Yeah, yeah that's what i like I reflected on it. um And I was like, that's it's just weird to think that anybody other than Maggie is listening. Hi, Maggie. Hi, Maggie. Miss you. So every time you tell me about somebody who told you that they listened, it's like, what?
Why? How did you get it?

Family Mysteries and Podcast Stats

Why? Oh, speaking of Maggie, shout out to Maggie. Maggie, thank you for calling me 13 times today until I picked up. um Why? Well, we'll get into that. Oh gosh. What did the afternoon have in store? I would love to know. Yeah.
I got a scary text. Well, I didn't get it. I saw a scary text in the family group chat today with no context. So ah we'll get there. yeah'll get that Yeah, we'll get there. We'll get there. But first I want to go back and circle back to episode 20. I don't think um just this is going to be an anticipatory kind of thing.
Do you know what percentage of podcasts get past the third episode? No, I don't. Ten percent. Ten percent? Ten percent. So when they say there are two million podcasts out there, we're in the top ten percent. Yes. If and when we record number 21. Ready? Yeah.

Podcast Fame Expectations

Top 1%. Dad, 110, 100. Well, we're not going to get to 100. And it maybe it was 110, 1. True. Yeah. That's crazy. um So it just tells me that everybody's doing these podcast things for the wrong reasons. Because they think they're going to become yeah podcast superstars. They think it's almost the first episode and launch into fame. Right. We know that it takes the 21st episode to launch into fame. Yeah, we going viral on 21. Hell yeah. we Yeah. I don't think so. It's OK. We're nothing if not stubborn, Rebecca.
Yeah, we're persistent, even in our failures. Yes.
Oh, yes.

David's Accident and Safety Lessons

So, so you tell me why my sister called you 13 times today.
Um, well, because your mother called me twice and then was like, I've got to, I've got to take care of this. And, and said, Maggie, call your dad and keep calling him until he answers. Wow. Mom was dealing with the David scooter accident. The David scooter accident 2024.
So um i the glass one for this one. Yeah, do it. and Poor kid, not kid, full adult, poor guy, uh, riding his big boss like electric scooter back from his new job that he loves. Uh, and he's run this route now for two weeks going and no issues. Well, all of a sudden at 20 miles an hour.
There is a big cord strung across the sidewalk at waist level about. It hit the neck of his scooter, stopped the scooter, and flung him 15 feet in the air. And he landed,

Campus Gas Leak Drama

smashed his back,
oh My gosh it His helmet is all dented on the back good thing. He was wearing a helmet thing Smashes skull Also good thing he actually had like co-worker a co-worker was getting the ride home and Was riding by and saw it happen. So they pulled over and took pictures and everything and made sure he was okay I don't know who called 911, but ambulance came and checked him out, said, you should go to the hospital. No point. He was like, well, we'll see. We'll see about that. So he is sore and sitting, but we believe no permanent damages. Wow. It's lucky. That's very lucky. Yes. I mean, very unlucky first. Well, right. Exactly.
When I got the call from or Maggie, so I was just just like, I hadn't looked at my phone in 10 minutes and over 10 minutes I had 15 missed calls, two from mom and 13 from Maggie. So I called Maggie back and she was like, this is what's happening. Meet, look at life 360, meet mom there. I'm like, okay. And all she knew was scooter accident. So we were thinking car. car but I don't know, but some, I don't know how that happens. Like some jack hole just like strung something across cause he wants to hurt people. What was it? Like the wire was kind of a thick cord. just He said it was attached to a power pole and then it was attached to like a tree or something. I think it's someone but doing evil.
hu It said that there was a there was a DTE sign, but it was like further up And there was no like work going on so huh, I don't know very weird His co-workers got yeah, his co-workers got pictures. So we're gonna look at the pictures of the whole thing. Yes and Obviously in the moment, I don't think David was thinking I need justice. Yeah, he was more thinking I o you Am I okay? Yeah, yeah this is what this is the text I received, well, the family received in the family group chat at five o'clock today. My mom says, looks okay. Dad says, you have him? Mom says, he is in my car now released from ambulance. And I was like, who's he? What's going on?
And then, I mean, I got filled in and stuff, but that was like, I was in the bus on the way home and I was like, what's going on? Who's dying? Cone to me. Cone to me. Wow. What drama? Yeah. It was not fun, especially for David. Done with that. I'm fine.

Halloween Costume Mix-Up

But yeah, he just like settles into the the chair like a recliner after he got a little food in him and stuff. And he's like, well, the good news is I love my job. Like, oh, that's awesome. He's going to to take some time off. um his He called in and said he's probably not going to be in tomorrow. We'll see how he feels.
the Speaking of terrifying things in family group chat, that you did you pay any attention to last night's terrifying family group chat? Actually, I saw it this morning, like the first thing that I saw this morning, which very it was quite a rude awakening. ah why don't yeah Why don't you describe what you saw? um Well, I saw the first one that she sent first, which is a very short video. and and Let's tee this up.
we are recording the day before halloween yeah it's the day before halloween and it's a video of you just really weirdly lit by the light of the bathroom coming in behind you bear legs bear toes toes not unsafe toes not unsafe dress in a bloke jack-o'-lantern costume with a little cap on your head that's the stem of the pumpkin doing a weird little jig and saying i'm a great pumpkin in a weird voice so that's what i woke up to this morning basically at least you didn't go to bed with that and they on there mom had to do that did you sleep in the yeahfi
no Heck no. So the outfit, I was testing it out because that was David's Halloween costume for his new job. And he brought it to work today and I'm like, did you wear the costume at

Scientific Integrity and Academic Pressures

least? And he's like, uh, no, I was actually supposed to dress up tomorrow for Halloween. So he might miss it and not be able to dress up. That sucks. That's actually kind of funny. Do you think that they think that he called out so he could get stayed drunk on Halloween?
No. I don't think that. and maybe that's oh that's not That's not the style of person that gets day drunk on Halloween. Really? Your second oldest brother? No. By the way, did you like the second video what's the second video? Maybe. I don't think I watched all of them. There were like 10.
No, there well okay, yeah, the last one. One, two, three, four, five, six. Okay, six permutations of this. I didn't do it. I know, I'm just saying. I was just playing a role. Oh, you were blown up in this one. and Oh, it's scary. You kind of look like Baymax from Big Hero 6.
Did you ever see Big Hero 6? Yes, I did. I know I saw it, but I don't remember. You want a big white robot that's puffy? Oh, okay. Well... That's famous. Yeah. You kind of look like him. The climax of that last video is me slowly creeping up to Mom, who's laying in bed, going, that big, a great pumpkin loves you, and then getting... I don't like it. I don't like it.
No, it's bad. This is the most embarrassing thing I've ever done in my life. That's saying something. Okay. Well, do you want to hear about my eventful? Not today, but yesterday it was eventful. Oh, you're yes. You had a bunch of trauma too. No, not trauma. Actually, it worked out really nicely for me because I didn't have to go to lab.
um But I was waiting at the bus stop about to bus on to campus and Actually, I was driving to the bus stop and we all i got a notification that said gas leak on campus, please avoid this intersection." And it's like the main intersection of campus. That's the only โ€“ And your lab is like โ€“ Like right next to it. Half a block, right? Yeah. And I was like, oh, okay, weird. I'm just going to go to campus anyway and see what's up and maybe go in the back door or something. I don't know. And so we're all standing there at the bus stop waiting.
and we're like looking around at each other like where the heck is the bus and then a guy drives past in a little cat um car like he just works for the for the business and it leans out the window and he goes uh guys they shut down all the buses and we're not going to be running for the next couple of hours at least And we were like, why? And he goes, the gas leak. It was a gas leak. We were like, oh, OK. So we all just kind of stood around and looked at each other and then started going back to our cars. We all drove away. And I got to just go home. And I emailed my professor. And I said, I know we're not supposed to miss this class, but I hope you understand due to this unique circumstance. And he was like, yeah, you're fine.
Yeah, the whole building was shut down, right? Yeah. like the there There's oxygen and nitrogen used in the light. That's dangerous. Yeah, bad idea. Let's go into a chemistry building when there's a gas leak outside.
I've seen these videos online. i don't want I don't want you in the middle of it. No. Well, turns out they got it cleared up within like the next hour. So technically, I could have been there for like an hour and a half of the lab, but I was like, no, I'm just going to take the excuse. dad Let's go home. Yeah. Let's not be so technical. It's like, I did. I didn't feel safe. Yeah. I was scared. I have gas trauma. Right. Right. Yeah. Well, I'm glad that it was a leak without anything more explosive. Yeah. Happening.
Okay, so I know we didn't do any real prep for this, but I do have an interesting thing that I read that I would love to hear your perspective on. Okay, cool. So I read this article.
about an effort by a bunch of researchers, scientific researchers, across a broad spectrum of ah sciences who were working together to try to um like root out fraud in science and scientific publishing.
and they were basically saying, we need to we need to establish very specific and rigorous standards for the structuring of a of a research project and then the data collection and everything. so that you it's the old like Let's make sure we're controlling for all the variables. but yeah So they did this and it was like a 12 year process and they they kind of used it as sort of like a meta study where they looked at a bunch of different studies and pulled out like and then they published. And then their paper got flagged for fraud. That's so funny. like That's so embarrassing.
I'm like, what are we doing? So I will ah afterwards, i'll I'll send you the link to the study. But it was like, they they actually had to retract the paper. And there was this quote from one of the authors who was just like, well, we weren't trying to do anything wrong. We just screwed up. Wait,
you're saying oopsies are bad? but on a paper about how you can't be oopsie. That's crazy. I thought you would really appreciate that. I don't know if this is the same story but retold in a different way because I didn't read the paper about it. I just heard about it. But there is one paper that was about like and published a while ago that was about
like the way that people respond to surveys based on the way the way that you treat them or something. Like that the topic doesn't have to do with the story, but this paper recently they retracted it because they were like, oops, they made up all of that data. They just like made it up. Here's the real data. And they submitted a new set of data and that's that set was also completely made up. Like somebody ran it through like a check if this is like,
generally okay looking data or not and the computer spit back like a Lot of this is copied and pasted exactly like over and over and over again. Oh No, just to like look like you have a larger sample set embarrassing Crazy. Yeah, that's awful Yeah, why are people doing this? Okay, so I was actually I had a conversation with the PhD student that I work with Um, recently where we were talking about our disdain for like how academia has this outlook on publish or perish kind of like research where you're, you're just publishing to publish, not because you have anything interesting to add or even anything
real to add because I was asking him what he wanted to do with his PhD and he said he wanted to teach, but not at a big institution because it seems to be mostly politics and publishing and not a lot of teaching. I thought that was very interesting. Yeah. So he's going to spend 12 years in higher education and hundreds of thousands of dollars. okay To teach. To teach in a tiny school. To teach. Yeah. Off the beaten path. I thought, like, he's a really good teacher, so I'm sure he'll be great at it. Yeah, right. But I also have the reaction, like, oh, OK. I mean, good for you. We need more teachers like you. Sure. Well-educated and passionate about what they're doing, but look could never be me. Could never be me. Yeah, that's a mission. that Yeah, you have to have the heart for it. And I don't. and I don't, really.
Well, um, it reminds me of a, uh, I was listening to a guy talk about, um, the, like people's expectations of science versus what science is really supposed to be. yeah And, uh, I remember learning this phrase way back when, um,
And he repeated it and it struck me because it seems like it's so out of fashion to use it. And the phrase is, science is best guess. yeah And and as a scientist you should be really excited to be proven wrong Because you've learned something you've you've advanced something because you've said nope this guess we now know is incorrect and when we wind up Sort of turning it into wizardry or pseudo religion like well that like you you
The scientists shouldn't wind up becoming so entrenched in their theories that they aren't doing real science anymore. I thought it was interesting. I saw a TikTok, actually, by this dude whose whole account is like chronicling his path through medical school.

Vastness of the Universe and Personal Anxieties

And he was talking about how he was in a lecture about the history of science, which sounds really cool. And his like professor, his instructor, said something like, everything we know about science has been built on the backs of people who were proven wrong.
So don't be afraid of being wrong about something. Just try something. And he said, right like i I hope that when I'm at the point where I have enough of a stance on something that people are trying to prove me wrong, I take that with grace instead of with stubbornness. And I thought that was very like beautiful and like very at the core of it. Science you take. Absolutely. I hope to be proven wrong.
You know, yeah, I mean, and also the fact that people are out there trying to prove you wrong or are working on the the things you're advancing to try to poke holes in it or or, you know, like beat it up yeah means you're relevant. Yeah. I mean, you're doing something cool and interesting and you're pushing the the edge of science. So yeah.
This guy was also talking about
aliens and intelligent life and how many how many worlds and like galaxies and da da da da da da there are out there and he was just throwing numbers out there and I'm like conceptualize like I can't possible I can't do it I can't I think he said that the current estimate is there are something like two trillion galaxies in the universe Like, what am I supposed to do with that? Like, okay. I have no idea. I can just... Each galaxy could have hundreds of billions of stars. Okay. The numbers don't even mean anything anymore. I don't know. That's a big number. That's a lot. Yeah, that's why you work on small things, not big things. I can't. I can't look up. I'm like your mother. I can't look up.
Yeah, she was always that way too. Like I want to work on the small things on the bench and not, no I don't want to stare through the telescope. and I took one astronomy class at community college only because the same professor taught me physics and I loved her so much that I took her one other class that she taught. And she was that rock star, right? She was freaking awesome. She was really cool. The class though,
Not so cool. i We got about a third of the way in and I was like, actually, fuck this. and Actually, I hate this. scary It's scary. scary. I don't think about that. It's interesting because I don't equate these in like the way I respond to them. like I love thinking about the stars and deep space and all that kind of stuff.
And I hate thinking about deep ocean. oh you're But they're basically the same thing. You're just like Maggie. Well, they're not basically the same thing. it's oh Because one is very much closer to us. Oh, that's true. I don't know. I mean, if I go eight miles under the surface of the ocean, I'm pretty much pink mist. And if I go eight miles above the surface of the planet, I'm also not doing hot.
which Or are you doing too hot, maybe? Doing too hot, rapidly descending into pink mist. Oh boy. Yeah, I saw, okay, I'm back on TikTok, I guess, because I saw another person who made a TikTok about the ocean.
And they're like, people that swim in the ocean, I'll never understand. Because you say those are shark infested waters. That's their house. They live there. We don't. We're the infestation. Can you imagine if a shark came up on land and said it was human infested? It doesn't work.
Yeah. Yeah. Those sharks, they belong there. We'll thank them for staying there. Yeah, exactly. That's why i'm ah I'm a lake swimmer. Amen. I'm not an ocean swimmer. Preach. Yeah. Right. And the Michigander through and through. Yeah.

Living Preferences and Retirement Aspirations

The the big oceans can just piss straight off. I don't care about care for them at all. I don't care for them either. i I like to look at them.
I can look at them. you know Your mother and I were talking about, aspirationally, about retirement kind of locations. good and It was really cool because she brought this up. I've always known her as someone who wants to be around water.
And she said, I do want to be around water, but I don't want to be on a big lake or an ocean because it's the noise of the waves all the time is stressful. Yes. I'm like, thank you. I agree 100%. That's so true. I don't want the constant crash. And you know what that is? Very also, it's very autistic of the two of you.
Thank you very much. Tism points all around. Tism points. And I guess me too, because I agree. That was my immediate thought. It's like I could never live on the ocean. Yeah, too loud. Plus sometimes it creeps up on you and tries to eat you. And tries to eat you. Sorry, Florida. You have a hurricane and then it's just like the ocean says, this is mine now. Munch, munch, munch. And you can't do anything. I do. It's the ocean.
She's so big. Right. you And she's, you can't push, you can't really push her back. She just goes where she wants. She goes around you. Yeah. Through you, swamps you. Stop. I'm going to have a nightmare about that tonight.
and No, yep. Yeah. I don't think I'll ever, honestly, the idea of living somewhere that's not Michigan is weird to me. But also the idea of living in Michigan for the rest of my life. and Also weird. Also doesn't sound fun. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Okay. I think that could just be because you haven't had the opportunity to spend sufficient amounts of time in other places to say, oh, I could picture this. That's very true. Yeah. And I'm a nester. Some weeks ago. Yeah.
A couple weeks ago, you said you could see yourself living in the UP. Yes, I still believe that. I've been thinking about it. I keep talking to people but about um Sugarloaf Mountain. I actually talked about it today.
yeah It's pretty amazing. It's so beautiful. I really would live in the UP, but I have to think about
soon i want to do a phd because it's not i don't think it's that soon yeah heard yeah so go ahead No, go ahead. I want to stay on this topic. Okay. I asked um my the PhD student I work with if he went right from undergrad into his PhD and he said, yeah. And I said, why'd you say it like that? And he goes, I regret it. So, and that's what everybody's telling me. So. Okay. There you go. All right. So remember at the top of Sugarloaf Mountain when you were
envisioning PhD work in the UP. yeah And there were butter or butterflies, ladybugs, ladybugs all over the place. yeah So yesterday I golfed in this little tiny town, ah almost an hour like southwest of us. And this golf course had so oh many ladybugs.
It was like if you stayed still for 10 seconds, you would have at least a half dozen ladybugs on your body. No, that's gross. I got bit probably 30 times. hi Why are there so many ladybugs? Because it was 80 degrees on October 29th. That pisses me off. when i When I was like sweating, walking to class in a t-shirt, I was pissed.
Yeah, I know. feeling like This is my time. yeah
ah Well, it's people, people are saying I've heard the rumor that it's going to be a lot of snow this winter. So I've heard that rumor too. I think that's just like hopeful.
I think that's like like Uncle Tom's alk and almanac, or what is it? Uncle Ben, or uncle

Misunderstandings and Family Visits

that's the rice. um Uncle Ben. I don't think it is. I don't know. Whatever the almanac is, the old farmer's almanac that Tommy Jeff started.
Can you trust it? I don't know how they think. No, no. You trust it. What are they going to do? Also, what are they going to do? like not plant stuff they have to yeah I think they would just you know lay a little extra aside if they know it's gonna be a hard winter you know I see slaughter that extra piggy oh i thought
You saying slaughter made me think of religion, which reminded me. Excellent. excellent Which reminded me that I taught ah my group mates today about the Jesus fish. They didn't know about it.
but They didn't know about the fish as a symbol for Jesus? They didn't know. They said, wow, that looks like a fish. And I said, yes.
it was used actually as a zone. I started talking about it and they like looked at me all weird and I was like, no, look, I googled it and proved it to them and they were like, oh, okay. Interesting. Yeah. They all also, I said something about it being a Greek letter and then somebody else at the table was like, oh, are you in a sorority? And I was like, no.
but know dear letter
Then you have to just immediately jump to I was homeschooled for a while I try not to tell people i know but That's the only difference that's the the only explanation Rebecca no that's not You're either in a sorority or you're homeschooled. That's it there are two types of Girls in the world girls who are in a sorority and girls who are homeschooled No, there are two types of girls in the world who know Greek letters. know No, mathematicians. Okay, limited. okay i miss use streetletter I don't really want to be distracted by facts.
and Oh sorry. don't hear it It's goofs over me. Facts get in the way of a good narrative. Facts leave the room. Goofs come back in.
yeah Well dad you're going on a fun little country trip. You're going out into the wilds of the world.
i am um well we're gonna i i was I actually was talking to the the home base in Raleigh earlier today. And I put this into into context, like this little jaunt that we're doing for the weekend. The one-way drive is about an hour less than the trip to Raleigh.
So it's almost like going to Raleigh for a long weekend.
We'll have fun. Why are you doing this again? Because your oldest brother yes said, hey,
Uh, you guys haven't visited me here and I'm leaving here. Oh, yeah. And so it would be great if you came and visited before I have to fly away because I think you guys would really like it. okay And so I'm like, you know what? He's right. Yeah.
So he just found us a weekend and, and it actually works out well timing wise because like Patrick's ramping up into his show

Sibling Activities and Social Plans

week, uh, for crewing for that fall show a little bit after that. We'll be back in time for that. And there's nothing like athletics. And so he works out. Okay. things still go What the supper season is still going.
No, soccer has been done. Soccer was done before we went to Marquette. the short season Well, they pack a lot in. I mean, he started playing games the week after tryouts in August. And I think they played 13 games.
So it was full enough. yeah I guess that know i'm used to like his life just being soccer all the time, like year round. Well, he he did. Yes, this is a little bit of a change, but he did. He decided he wanted to play foots all with the soccer team over. That's good. He's always loved foots all. So that's good. It's a little like he is.
Yes, right, exactly.
yeah he's um Anyway, so yeah, and Colby's coming with us on the trip this weekend now. um So yeah, just gonna go we're gonna go hang out in Kansas City and see what we learn. Fine, maybe I'll see Taylor Swift. I hope so. Or maybe um her boyf. Maybe you'll see her boyf. Maybe.
Maybe. Maybe. Well. I don't even know. Are they playing? Is Kansas City playing at home this year? I don't know. Come on. Oh, wait. No. I don't pay attention. Keep up on your NFL. Actually, I think Tay Tay has. um She's back on her tour. Isn't she overseas, though? No, she's in the U.S., I'm pretty sure. Oh, she is in the U.S., OK. I think so. Or she was. She started in Florida.
Holy cow. How many years has she been on the Aeris tour? I think it's been like two years and she took like a month off. But it's almost done. It ends this December. What a slacker. I know, right? Lazy. Taking a month off. Yeah, but it ends in December. Did you know she was born the day before me? I did not know that. No. Taylor Swift and I almost share a birthday.
Yeah, but she's way older than you. Yeah, she is. She's like 33. That's the same age Jesus was when he died. Don't. What are you saying about Tay-Tay? But she will rise again. Oh, the old Taylor can't come. Don't put that in the universe. The old Taylor can't come to the phone right now. Why? Because she's dead.
Wow. I'm just saying it fits with her lore. Taylor is jealous. I know. No, I gave that back. That's blast for me. Sorry. Well, you're either a murderer or a blast femur at this point. In my coding class today, we had to do you like a... Do you hear that? What was that?

Elections and Coping Strategies

That was basil. That was like a... I was like, oh my gosh, impending cat attack. yeah They sit by the... screen door and scream out into the parking lot. yeah And I can hear them sometimes when I'm coming home and I'm like, you guys, you're embarrassing me. People are going to think like I abuse you because they just sit there and yell. Is this,
um, Is this the one that's trying to eliminate trees from the planet? I think so, yeah. Or I had the thought it could have been the wind, but... Yeah? Would it use? Yeah, he says yes. when and When I got that... From being gone for that stretch during fall break. Yeah. They, like, the following week would...
not leave me alone like would not shut up we're always screaming at me if i stopped petting them or looking at them for like one second they would start losing their minds they thought i'd let them forever they didn't really they did they were so scared and lonely they know better okay such a free
So what when does how how much longer do you have in your semester, like a month? Yeah. about Maybe a little more. Well, it's less than a month until my final report in my lab is due. But then that's due, I think, probably before finals week. i know Oh, I know finals week ends.
the day before my birthday, I think. Like this is one of those rare years where my birthday comes after finals week instead of in the middle. Yay. Yay. So. And it's your, um, it'd be your silver birthday, right? I don't want to talk about it.
so you know isn it well but silk about it so What's What's silver?
Isn't that 25? It isn't half a century. I mean, half a century. Quarter century. No, quarter century. Half century is gold, I thought. Oh, I don't know. I didn't know that things had names.
think Yes, I feel very old. Today? and Oh, my God. I wasn't trying to go there. Today, one of the girls in my coding group like looked at me and then said, how old are you? And I was like,
Okay, I'm 24 and then they all gasped really dramatically which felt good for me Because yeah like well guys one of them is 19 and like two of them are 21 and like it's not that much younger than me No But I guess I'm old enough to not gasp when someone says their age It's crazy and then later on in the class another one of them was like I keep forgetting that you're 24 and What does that even mean? Leave me alone. A girl that sits next to me goes, oh, you just you look a lot younger. Nice try. Yeah, right. Good save. No, I'm going to say it a different way. I think that it means they think of you with such authority now because they know you are both competent and older. Older, not old.
no Yeah, whatever. It doesn't matter like I just keep looking at them as like Maggie little Maggie Maggie's 19. So I'm like you're not like babies. I hang out with Maggie, but they just feel so young Yeah, but Maggie doesn't do things like gasp at someone's age. That's true Maggie's a smarty so She's mature Yeah
I have a baby. Hello. So what are you doing for Halloween? um Nothing. Well, I'm not doing anything for the day of. Well, no, it's a Thursday night. You're a grown ass adult. That's true. You don't do crazy things. My lab partner was telling me about how she went out Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night this past weekend.
And then this weekend, she's going out Thursday, Friday, and Saturday for Halloween. like That's seven whole nights of Halloween. What's going on? Okay. Well, okay. For a college student, I'm going to give a pass on Thursday, Friday, Saturday of Halloween, like Halloween and then the weekend. yeah Last weekend, I have questions about Sunday.
Why are we going out Sunday? I don't know. And she said that she got back Sunday and or actually Monday morning, I guess, at five in the morning. I was like, what are you doing? You're going to die. Making bad choices. got Yeah, but I actually, I was, well, I wasn't, but my boyfriend was invited to a Halloween party and I'm tagging along come on on Saturday.
Oh, I was going to say the Halloween spooktacular mega eighties is Saturday. yeah and um Everyone's good friend has VIP. Oh, I'm sure he does. I'm sure he does. um that's And it's always the most fun one. I wouldn't choose that as like my first choice. Yep.
I would say probably ever.
oh No, when we went it was fun, but I don't think I would want to go and have to brave that social situation without you there. Yeah, understood.
hundred yeah Well, the good news is that after the big Halloween week, there's there's nothing really on the calendar for a while. You know, I mean, like next week, there's nothing happening. Right. Do you mean socially? Or in our nation.
I'm trying not to think about it. I know. I'm now I'm going to make you think about it because I already I did my part. I already voted.
There's literally nothing else I can do now, so I just have to control what I can control. What is that Alcoholics Anonymous like thing that they say at the beginning? like Grant me the... Oh,

Substance Breaks and Health Reflections

yeah, the Serenity Prayer. yeah yeah like the Grant me the... Oh. Control what I can.
the patients who let go. But I can't and the wisdom to tell the difference or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. It's, uh, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. That's me right now. So, all right. Cool. All I'm asking is free. I'm asking for you to have the courage not to storm the Capitol next week. I don't have an honest
ah kidding i'm Just kidding. I will wait until the proper day ends. Oh, there is a proper one? yeah Tradition has told that there's an anniversary that we have to hit. ah okay right I doing my best to focus on Even day by day sounds like to like I'm not even focusing that much that far ahead. I'm focusing hour by hour of my life right now. And that's about thing you have to do it's about as much as I can do right now. I can't consider what it will be like a week from right now.
and know know Don't borrow trouble. don't borrow trouble. Exactly. The good news is my tolerance break ends on election day. so huh yeah yeah I thought it was the sixth, it's actually the fifth. My tea break ends and so that will at least... Remind me again why you were doing that? um I wanted to see if I could, number one.
i realized that my tolerance was so high that it was like not worth the money that I was spending anymore. And um give my lungs a little bit of a break because I'm just smoking now. Okay, yeah. chair How do you feel?
us Physically bad.
um I use it as pain relief a lot and so without that I'm just kind of back to a raw dog in it which is not funny but actually I have noticed that my memory has improved like within the just the last week I noticed that I was like sharper on
just Yeah, that's interesting. i yeah Before I took a break, I had started noticing like, I think weed is making me dumber. Like I feel stupid. I feel like I'm like always reaching for something in my brain that's not there. And it was starting to piss me off. So so it's there. It's just slapping back at you like a like dodging big, dumb hippie. Yeah. Um,
Well, I start my my break on Monday. Oh, you're starting a break. I'm doing an alcohol break. You said the 110, 100 thing. Well, you know, the the focus for 2024 was supposed to be like health and wealth kind of things, right? I feel like I've done okay on staying on top of the health things. Yeah, I would say you've done it okay, yes.
But one thing I haven't done is do a break from alcohol and keep everything else the same and see how my body feels that way. And so I'm going to do that starting next Monday through the beginning of December with a break during thanks good Thanksgiving. OK, that's going to be my question. Cheap, cheap, cheap days during Thanksgiving. but and just keep going and see how it feels. I think that's very interesting and I would like to hear the results because I remember when I was um first diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I did that whole 30 diet for a month and that was like no it was pretty much nothing. I couldn't really need anything but I did feel I mean I dropped a lot of weight and I felt better
But, like, I was miserable. Like, I couldn't enjoy anything. It's the joyless lifestyle. They've done a quote from Waitress, my favorite musical, where she says, my mama used to say, if you avoid eating everything that'll kill you before you're 80, you're not going to want to live until you're 80.
She's not wrong. Yep. Yeah, no, there's a old awful comedian who had a line. It was kind of making fun of how they tell you that this is bad for you, and you can't have it. And then a week later, they're telling you that something else is awful for you. And he just is this very gruff, like Italian kind of voice. And he's like, so what I've learned is you eat, you die, you don't eat, you die, I'd rather eat.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. yeah
Yeah, I when I took um my, like, maybe biochemistry lecture courses last year, one of my favorite things that that my all of my professors would talk about a lot was like, something that we as scientists need to do is like, need to be careful of doing is labeling, like putting morality on something that doesn't have morality. like This food isn't bad for you. It's not bad food. It is just graded differently in terms of nutrients. and like This type of cholesterol isn't bad cholesterol. It just does this type of function. and If it is overperforming, then it's bad for you. like
Yeah, that's a good point because weve we have gotten sucked into these like almost like the health food battles have been more marketing battles than science battles. You know, it's like ah whether it's like fat was bad for a while and so we were supposed to.
So don't eat butter, eat margarine. And now you look at like what's in margarine. It's like freaking petroleum products. It's awful. Yeah. um And like there is such a thing as healthy fats and they're so it.
We've talked about a bunch of different topics over the course of the previous 19 podcasts where my my thing is, you know don't put me in a box. don't like it's I don't want an extreme reaction to something that doesn't warrant an extreme reaction. If my house is on fire, I want an extreme reaction.
yeah If I've got a little extra, yeah but if I've got a little extra punch around my middle, I don't want an extreme reaction. I want to figure out what's the, how to dial it in. it will be okay So everything in moderation, including moderation that is sort of like what I want to go with.
yeah Because sometimes you do just want to light up and have a ah fuzzy night, right? This is true. i yeah There have been a couple of times where I'll be out in public and I'll just catch a whiff and I'll be like, damn, that'd be really nice right now. Yeah. Well, I was i was around Jason on a golf course today. My best friend.
he it He's funny because he's but almost my age and his preferred stuff is like, it smells like kid candy when he smokes it. That's super sweet and like, is it a joint though? It is. I mean, I don't know what he calls them. It's out of eight. No, it's he's smoking it. And it smells great.
It's like, what do they call them? you shame onful Yeah, it's definitely infused.

Weed Anecdotes and Celebrity Encounters

blood it's What do they call them when they're like infused with extra THC?
then There's like THC oil oh and then you're also smoking it. Yeah. That's just an infused joint. That's what they call them.
okay he calls him something there's some name that's what i've only heard them ask maybe yeah maybe he has a special i don't know may maybe you're just not up on on the street it's true i could not be hip with it um yes before it was legalized my parents bought it for me so that's like
May we please have one of those little smoky things that make you confused? Yeah, I never had to, like, message a dude on Snapchat and, like, thank God. Yeah, thank the Lord. And you're welcome. I mean, yeah, think thank you, Dad. Not thank God. Pretty sure we just admitted it to a federal crime. Yeah, nobody's ever going to listen to us.
and listen 58 minutes into this rambling mess and they decide to report us to the federal government? That's fan behavior. yeah I'll take it. I'll take it. like Before you put me in cuffs, do you want me to sign an autograph? Do you want a picture? I can take a picture with you if you want.
but right Wait before we before we close up. I have a question for you and it's a fun thought. Okay. I Was listening to I thought you hadn't prepared for this and i just came up with it. Um, okay great i was listening to some Old episodes of my brother my brother and me And they oh hey hey hey hey hey they say it themselves they would agree with me They agree with me they would agree ah They, there was one story that Justin told. it It was a live show. And he said, something happened to me before this show. And I want to tell you guys about it because it was better than anything I had ever dreamed it could be. I had to go use the toilet before the show and I could only find the public like
front of the house facing restroom to use. So I walked in there and there were like two or three other dudes in there at the urinals who were clearly here to see me do my show in 10 minutes and they acted like they had no idea who I was and we did our business and we zipped up and we all left and it was perfect. So I have a question for you. yeah If you We're about to perform a live show of this is the show to an adoring crowd of hundreds of thousands. It's a big venue. And you had to go to pee with fans. How would you prefer them to treat you?
Um, well, I think that the, I think the chill approach is the right approach. Like ignore and pretend nothing's happening. No, I wouldn't necessarily go with ignore. I actually, my natural tendency, by the way, was to flip that question and be like, if I was in that bathroom, you saw Justin McElroy. How would I have responded? And I wouldn't have ignored him. I would have been like, Oh, Hey, they don't have bathrooms for you back there.
And it would have just struck up a conversation and you're like, nope, I gotta do this. And I would have just been like, oh, cool. Well, good to meet you. Weird way to do it, but hey, have a great show. And I would have been just like acknowledge at least. Yeah, but not been weird about it. Okay. But keep in mind that he walked in there and the men were already yeah like up at like at the, like yeah Justin McElroy walks in. You have, you are doing your business.
And he's standing next to you. He's about to whip it out, man. And you're going to be like, Oh, well, I guess it does matter whether he's like, well, and it matters. Like, is he showing some firepower or what is it? It depends on. Is there like a, is there like a masculine showdown going on? I see. I see. No, no, no. I wasn't thinking masculine showdown. I was thinking more of an invitation.
I still would have been like, if he walked up to the the middle urinal, cause you know, everybody spaces, around right? Yeah. If he walked up to the middle urinal and I'm like, elbow to elbow, that's, that's Justin. I would have been like, dude, you don't have bathrooms backstage. I still would have said something for sure. Okay. For sure. Cause my reaction was like, is it not weird that they pretended they didn't know who he was?
Agreed. Yes. A hundred percent. Yeah. That would wear me out. I'm going to put this out there and this might have been how Justin took it. Maybe they're just there with their girlfriends and they legitimately don't know who these McElroy boys are. It's not like they look like they look like any other nerd that you would just see. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's true, too. It's like, yeah.
Let's put it this way, they're not movie stars. No, they're not, they're made, madete faces made for radio, one might say. There you go.

Podcasting Dreams and Ambitions

Love you guys. Yeah, you know. So obviously you're, yeah hey, McElroy's, you guys are ugly and you suck these days. That's what Rebecca thinks. asked your problem butre But we're still happy to join your network and open for you.
we're ready we are waiting with open and open arms by the way we're not ready no yes we are we could be ready okay yeah i'll just book wealthy theater and we'll do a live show one time and the and i don't pay everybody to show up yeah come to our show we pay you and people would still leave halfway through Like we did with that improv show that one time. Oh my gosh. Guys, it was so bad. It was painful. It was bad. It was bad. It was like a mockery of like, I'm going to put and the high school improv shows I've seen are better. I was going to say it's a mockery of high school improv, which is saying something. Right. Because the high school improv shows have were better than that.
Yeah, Maggie is so funny. Like, are those people giggling? She's because she's got the brain that can crush that. I can't hear you anymore. What? I can't hear you anymore. Can you hear me now? Oh. Wait. I guess it doesn't matter. We can finish up. Anyway, we've been going for an hour. Yeah. Can you hear me now?
I mean, I can distantly hear you, like an echo. Oh, that's sad. Okay, hey. um Other reasons next week is important.
Our super fan in North Carolina has a big week next week. So we are going to give a shout out to our super fan in North Carolina. yeah Love and good wishes for next week. And on that note. On that note. Thank you. Thank you for joining us for another Chit Chat episode of the shallow end. Let's be lazy. Thank you. We'll do better next time, we promise, guys. For episode 21, one top one percent. Top one percent. All right, here we come. See you guys next time.