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Episode 16 - New and Improved! image

Episode 16 - New and Improved!

The Shallow End
28 Plays6 months ago

Hello Shallow Frenz! It's been a while - we missed you guys :)

We're back and better than ever with a new structure for the pod. Let us know what you think!

(Apologies for the jank audio, blame Scott for his old man handling of technology)


Podcast Reunion

Well, hello, Rebecca. Oh, hey, Dad. How you doing? And hello, shallow friends. Welcome to the, I guess it's the long lost episode of the shallow end. It's been a long time. Do we even remember how to do this? No. We're like Colby relearning how to walk.

Summer Adventures and Audience

Good thing we have so many shallow friends to help us. Yeah, shallow friends, we were gone for a little bit. and We had a a busy summer. Yeah. We had a brat summer guide. Brat summer. The youth will get that. It's a youth reference. Yeah, because we got a bunch of them listening. um Maggie at least. Yeah. Yeah. how
um ah Yeah. You want to share a little bit about what what we've been up to over the summer? Because if I do, I'm going to cry, you know.
Yeah. we Well, we talked about it. Yeah, we talked. and We teased it. But on the show, we teased it. We had our two week performance at our cottage up north, which was very time consuming and also It's difficult to record so far away and in the middle of the woods. Yeah. So. But the show. That's why we missed. But the show.

Family Stage Performances

The show was amazing. The show was really good. The show was fun. The show was, the second half of the rehearsal for the show was fun. Okay. The first week was not fun.
I enjoyed it, but I wasn't there for those those those moments. No, it was fun. we got to I got to sing on stage with my mom and my sister for the first time ever. Well, I've sung on stage with my mom before. but like This was just the three of us and that was really special. It was a cool man. I gave this part of it. and Yeah, that was a cool piece Your mom like crushed a bunch of like multiple dance pieces yeah, like they Rocking it like I I mean, I know she knows how to dance but I
They have a choreographer that they brought in again this year. They brought her in for the first time last last year. And she is a woman who clearly is like used to teaching people who know how to dance. And this is a situation where you're you have a group of people that are majority elderly and the rest of them don't talk about your mother like that.
um okay refined yeah No, Like a nice swine or a cheese. What? What? Okay, you said wine, not swine, right? I'm sure you did. I'm sure you did. You meant wine, not swine. I said wine. I said nice wine. Sounded like nice swine. No. i didn't Okay. Nope, not that. Well,
Yeah, but she keeps assigning these like really intricate, very like jumping, leaping, heavy, prancing, spinning dances for these people that don't know how to dance.
and She had my mom in one of these last year, and she grabbed my mom for it again this year, and tried to get me to do it again, too. But now you had to sing during that song. The song that had the intricate dance was the one that they gave me the female solo for, so I got out of having to dance at all. Yeah. A relief for me. Well, you would also don't know how to dance. Well, you would have been fine. You would have you would have been able to do that. I would have you survived. It would have been taxing, though.
Yes, for

Community and Rehearsals

sure. I don't think it was a good idea to have you dancing as well as doing the solo. But I think, yeah, it was just a cool thing. This is always a fun thing, like watching your kids on stage or your wife on stage. like um Also, the little guy had a solo and he just crushed it. Killed it.
Um, which was really fun to see too. He's fearless. It's crazy. Like I can't, I can't get on stage and do anything other than maybe piddle down my leg. cry Um, but yeah, so it's cool to see you guys up there and just performing crushing it, like making people
stand up and shout. It was, it's it's always, I always love it. It was fun. It was, this year was especially unique for me because, and for a lot of us, because there, there's a regular crew that like does these shows every year. So we see a lot of the same people back and it's a really tight rehearsal schedule for the show. It's only technically like eight or nine days of rehearsal. Right. Um, and usually by like Tuesday or Wednesday of the second week, like our opening night is two days away, everybody's panicking. And we're all like, there's no way this is happening. We're all gonna get up there and look ridiculous. But for this year, it was like Monday of the second week and we were all sitting around looking at each other like, guys, this is good already. let's go We'll be fine. But that had never happened before. yeah Like even the vocal director and our producer were like,
This is going really smoothly. Something bad is going to happen. Nope.
No. Yeah. I mean, I remember you saying like they they said early in the second week, like we've got a show here. Let's let's do it. at ah That's got to be fun, too. the The overall quality of every piece this year was so much it was like everything was elevated. It seemed like it was a lot of really talented people. I mean, yeah.
you It's a like the way that this happened was a review it's kind of a review show and it's not like you're putting on a a narrative you're putting on a review show and so sometimes you understand like people need to have their moment and so sometimes there are some weaker elements and that there's some stronger elements and this one There were a lot of kids in it and that's not normal either. Like normally it's this this is the adult one. The kids have their own thing. But you know the kids were really confident and put it out there. It was kind of cool to see like. Yeah. They're a good little group. Yeah. Yeah. It would.
It was a lot of a lot of people audition this year. We don't usually get that many auditions and a lot more locals audition instead of just like.
the summering CSA people. Right. It was a lot of local talent. that funny Interesting. Yeah. Never thought about that. Well, so I mean, it's been a long time.

Podcast Format Changes

We're not sure we really know what we're doing anymore.
um But thinking about the formats, like you yeah you just talked about like this, this was a little bit of a different format from this but the show you were just in. And now you're moving on to um back to school. um What about the shallow end?
Well, we, during our little hiatus, we'll call it a hiatus, yeah like it was intentional. um As if. we thought of a little bit of a restructuring of our show so that we could still have these like fun free to flowing talks, but about things that are maybe more narrowed in than the topics we've been giving ourselves previously. So we're going to test today. We each brought
um Like a piece of, I don't want to call it literature, but that's what we call it in science. Like a piece, like an article finds a scientific article, not scientific article, but an article about science and yours is an article about, um, I mean, technically, I guess it's an article about a TV show.

CRISPR and Methane Emissions

Okay. But if we're going to be technical, yeah, technically, but, um, it, yeah.
So, and and and then the format. So, yeah. So we both picked an article and read them on our own time. And now we are going to tell each other the story of what we learned and chat about it a little bit and how cool it is or how weird it is. I just, I got to set this up though, because I shared this article that I read with you weeks ago. Yeah, I didn't read it. You didn't read it.
And you didn't share your article with me at all. No. So this is probably just going to be a shit show. No, this is how I thought we were going to do it. Oh, without sharing any information with each other. Yeah. You're just going to spring it on me. Yeah. We like pitch like we share. It's like a little read and present. Oh, okay. I didn't oh think of it. I thought you understood that. I didn't think of it as homework.
I did. I wrote it in my planner. I actually did. Rebecca, is this the first time you've done notes about the show? And no, no, no. i've done this Okay. but I didn't even write anything. I just highlighted stuff. who It's fine. I don't know. I was in like the academic mindset. Yeah, I know. and that that That kind of intimidates me. I'm not sure I can keep up.
Let's get deep. No kidding. All right. okay So do you want to go first or do you want me to go? No, I'm dying to hear about yours because we might not ever get to mine. Okay. Mine is not that long. It's only three pages. Sounds long to me. I'm going to tell you about cows. Cows.
how Okay. They fart a lot. I know that. they Actually, that is a misconception. Well, Greta is very upset about it. Well, that's actually kind of what I'm going to be talking about. Oh, very good. Let's go. Yeah. So this is an article from the Washington Post. It was published August 25. We refer to that as WAPO.
This is an article from WIPO. Very good. Thank you. It was published two days ago. So this is fresh news. Yeah, you're so current. I'm so current. OK, Dad, first I have ah a trivia question. for you It's not a trivia question. It's an it's an opinion question. OK. If you had a four week old calf. it's okay Wait, if I had a what? A four week old calf, baby calf.
Oh, okay. Come on. Stick with me here. What would you name it?
Toby. Toby. Toby, the cow. Yeah. Okay. Well, do you want to know what this farm named theirs? I would like to know that. Sushi. Ooh. What do you think about that one? I don't like that. Bad. Raw meat.
i I like Toby better. I like Toby. Okay, so Sushi, our four-week-old baby cow, is contributing to a research project. So this is a research project performed by the University of California at the genomics Innovative Genomics Institute. And it's a project looking into how to reduce methane emissions from cows using DNA manipulation and splicing. So do you know what CRISPR is? Yeah, I do. I actually do know that one. Dad, what is CRISPR? It's um the technology that has been developed to insert um changes into a genome to um
accomplish something or or learn something about those adaptations. Like it's it's basically yeah accelerating ah genetic evolution, but with specific knowledge behind it. So CRISPR is clustered interspaced short palindromic, dromic repeats. So it's repeated dna sequences that they've found in bacteria and archaea that they're using to basically, the way that this article describes it is like, like as precise as using scissors to snip bits of DNA out and replace them with other things. Yeah, yeah. It's like, that's, that's, yeah, it's. Their idea. Copy paste. Copy paste, yeah, yeah, exactly. Their idea here is, okay, so the reason that cows produce methane is because there are
microbiomes in their stomach, one of the larger chambers of their stomachs, called archaea, that when they consume, I think oxygen,
No, hydrogen. They consume H2, and what they burp out, what they produce is oxygen, CO2, and methane. And that's why they're burping out methane all the time, is because instead of having the microbiome that we have in our stomachs, theirs works more like like brewing beer. They work off of like a yeast microbiome to break stuff down. Interesting. Okay. And that's why they have so many stomachs to contain all of it. Yeah. Because they eat weird stuff, but we don't have to. Well, they I mean, they're just constantly eating hard stuff to digest too, right? So you have to almost like ferment it for a little bit before you can, I don't know. but I might be making that up. But I also learned they,
If you feed a cow seaweed, oregano or garlic, it can cut their methane emissions sometimes by up to 80%. What? Isn't that crazy?
that why why I don't know it doesn't explain it here but they use that in the science okay so the the problem is though like only about 10% of cows in the US are hand-fed like most of them are just like um the yeah right they're eating so Instead what they're doing is remember sushi our four-week-old calf Toby and fed Toby sorry He had been fed Since he was born a few grams of oil Distilled from red seaweed which is one of the most tried and true methods to reduce the production of methane in cow stomachs and so they fed him this and
every day for the first four weeks of his life and then came and stuck a tube in his throat and pulled out this like stuff in his stomach called rumen, which is basically like his stomach microbiome. They took that out and they're basically, what is the word I'm looking for?
purifying the pieces of DNA from that, that, that are like the decreased methane emissions. Yeah, right. does That makes sense. And they're trying to replicate that in the lab and crisp and then crisper it in to other they're going to take CRISPR and use it. Okay, so basically, the way that they're, they explained it here is like, it's difficult to alter the DNA of the actual archaeo that's doing, right, the H2 consumption and methane production, because there's just so much of it, it's hard to make sure that you're getting all that. Sure. So instead, what they do is they
increase a competitor's success rate of consuming H2. So there's another type of bacteria in the cow stomach that instead of producing methane or CO2 or O2 from consuming hydrogen, it gives the cow energy instead when it consumes hydrogen. So what they did is they took the DNA from the baby cow and they're going to try to crisper it into this other bacteria to make it better at eating hydrogen so that it outcompetes the archaea. Damn. Okay. Isn't that cool? I mean, it's very cool, but I feel like I'm sliding into the deep end right now. That's not good that deep.
ah you You talked about CRISPR. You talked about a lot of different elements on the periodic table that I like. I only said three, I think. Yeah, that's true. They were. they It was fairly elemental. um I
All right. What? What am I supposed to take away from that?

Ethics of CRISPR

other than I wasn't trying. No, no, I'm just like, I think it's cool. But like, it was just like, something I found that I thought was cool and exciting.
Because in the article, it mentioned like, people, the doors that crispers opened in terms of like, what we can do with
human wellness is very exciting and has already been discussed to death, basically. Yeah. Like with stuff like we, we already have like results with sickle cell and how much that's helping there. So that's already been discussed, but then like this kind of stuff people deem as a little bit smaller scale and they don't realize how much of a benefit this could be. Right.
the environment as a whole like oh I forgot to tell you the way that it's administered their plan is that the way that they'll administer this is as like a single pill basically like a probiotic that each calf gets when it's born because most, most cows already get like ah at least one vaccine when they're born. So they would just get a pill at the beginning of their life. That kind of resets the biome, the gut biome, superhuman, superhuman superhero, like bacteria in it that like completely changes the but microbiome so that there's decreased nothing eventually. So
Okay. So you think if this actually works out, that's a good thing, right?
it's i mean like i think Fundamentally, you think that the that that you agree that this is a it a clever thing that we've figured out that we can use to help mitigate some of the issues going on in the world? um Yeah, i think I think it's a smart idea. I think it's a clever use of like a technology that is still young enough that we're still able to have these like exciting discoveries and things we can do with it. Also, they said,
In the article, there's like incentive for farmers and homesteaders to give this pill to their cows because instead of them producing methane, it's producing energy for the cow that can go to its own production of whatever goods the farmer is owning it for. us right like you so yeah To me, so far, it seems like it's all positive, it's all around.
Well, that's the other thing I was going to ask is what what do you think? Like there are plenty of people who are very suspicious of doing genetic modifications and um like GMO in general, some people just avoid it entirely. But if you're doing ah like a CRISPR modification, this actually doesn't even feel like a CRISPR. modder It's a CRISPR modification to the something small, right? It's not like changing the cow. It's changing the gut biome. So the bacteria, the bacteria yeah bacteria. Yeah. So it's like, to me, that seems way less risky than the idea of the changing of higher level mammal um yeah genetic. like You can't just put give a cow a pill and change their whole
that's one of the we actually we have done that before but we using the crisper hang on wait i'm it's in this article there's a part where it talks about how they they took a a cow's horns off at one point and made a glow in the dark rabbit wait what why did you bury the lead sorry not not these people but this is You made a glow in the dark rabbit? I don't know. Since CRISPR was discovered in 2012, the technology or its variants has been used to engineer glow in the dark rabbits, caffeine-free coffee beans, and even the embryos of two twin girls to allegedly make them immune to HIV. Note, the Chinese researcher responsible for that last experiment was jailed for illegally using CRISPR in humans.
Okay. Well, interesting. Well, I think that it's, yeah it's, it's interesting because like, um, CRISPR is just a tool, right? I mean, it's literally a and a tool that was invented by humans to, but it's a tool that is applied at a level.
in our code that ah can be disturbing sometimes in terms of what it could yeah result in. um And the so the the real question is,
is how often do we wind up going to a certain extent with things like, oh, we want cows to make less methane. But in the end, we do something five times worse because of that. Yeah, like that's the danger. It's like a Jurassic Park situation, right? Like, how far do we go? Well, it's interesting you bring up like the moral questions because I got this article from my class this semester, which is ah moral the morals and ethics of biotechnology and agriculture. So that's like what the class is all about is how to use moral reasoning to explore this like
ever expanding. Yeah. like We can do a lot of stuff. Ocean. Yeah. But should we? Should we? Yeah. Yeah. That's great. But also, like, today we talked about a case where there was this baby that was born with hydrocephaly and microcephaly and spina bifida in like 1984 or something like that. And at that time, the prognosis for a baby born with that is like,
She's not going to make it very long or if she does, her quality of life is like she won't be able to talk, she won't be able to recognize you, she won't be able to walk. She'll need major care all of her life. And usually spina bifida, like you have a surgery really early on to help correct some of it. And one doctor said,
don't get the surgery. She's like, just let her go in peace. You know, that's only going to extend a life that isn't going to be like worth it for her. Like quality of life is not going to be there. right And the other doctor said, no, she's not a hopeless case. Get the surgery. And then the parents had to decide and they decided not to get the surgery. But then 20 years later, the girl was like,
walking and talking and going to school and like, whoa. And because more research later came out to like say that the prognosis for babies born with the conditions that she had actually had, like the prognosis was way better than we originally thought. But the question we were talking about was like, do we judge the parents for deciding not to get her this surgery early on?
i mean not Because they were working off of the fact that they were given at the time. The prognosis at that time was what it was. like yeah you can't The the the flip side no ah flip side of that is like parents holding on to hope. that in the future, there will be some miraculous cure for something. And in the meantime, you're extending a life that is suffering. Yeah. It's just a life of suffering. So I would, yeah, I think it's, those moral calls are really hard because. Yeah.
yeah I mean, you're also at such a heightened emotional state trying to make the decision like, Oh my gosh, I can't even imagine how awful that is. But yeah.
But it is interesting, like sometimes the science advances, but sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it's just like, no, we never figured out how to deal with that. And so that we're still pretty clear with that poor person is still, you know, not in a great spot. I don't know. I felt like I just dove a little deeper than I was comfortable.
Maybe that's the whole point. No, maybe that's the whole point though. I mean, my original like in intention with this new structure was like, well, it's still the shallow end because we're not like becoming experts in these fields.

New Podcast Structure

We're just dipping our toes in these articles and like chatting about these. But maybe it's also like the shallow end is um we know that the shallow end is our safe spot. And sometimes you got to get a little bit outside the shallow end and then run back to the shallow end.
yeah Yeah, you swim back to your mommy who's sitting on the steps. right
So um I feel like my topic is going to be like really lame now. What? Why?
Because it's doesn't it's not even remotely as interesting as yours. Yours might be more fun than mine. OK. Well, let's let's talk about it. OK. I did really like that. um like You turned cow farts into 25 minutes of content. Yeah, baby. Good work. down i right Yeah. put it on
um one so hiy So you referenced WAPO. ah The Washington Post. Mine comes from the BBC. ah Yeah. So ah my little topic is um is about a collection of stories written in the 1300s.
um that has now turned into a Netflix series. ah and it's it's I think the collection itself is called the Decameron.
And there's a bunch of interesting, to me, there's a bunch of interesting stuff about this. So the Decameron is, um it's basically just a bunch of stories being told. It's sort of like if people know um ah Canterbury Tales, like you put a loose structure around a group of people that get together and start telling each other stories.
um But this one is an interesting set of stories because it is um people it's especially interesting we're a few years out from COVID and um the idea is that these people got stuck together during the plague and over time became more and more familiar with each other and shared. Yeah, well, just got Yeah, more and more raw about the stories they would tell each other just to entertain each other. i think And um so
I don't know a whole lot about these stories. I didn't read into like what the, um, that the camera is really like what the plot lines are or anything like that. I just, it, it occurred to me that it was really interesting to think about how we get stuck in small groups.
and suddenly start to have real conversations that you would never have had um in a different setting. and The Decameron is one, like the way that we interacted during COVID, ah the way a bunch of people had They're kind of created their own little groups around COVID. um I think it it just made me start to think about what is the role of storytelling or sharing stories in groups and how they how that creates the group, but it also defines the group. it's like
In the the article that in and the BBC that was talking about this, it was like, I think it's seven men and three women. And they they're telling, they tell I think it's they tell 10 stories a day for 10 days. So it's like the wow like, each of them has to tell a story every day. What would what would our stories be like if I had to tell a story?
every day. No. How like what kind of how personal were they? They didn't look it got awful personal. it But did they jump right in? Like, I feel like I like I wouldn't be the first person to go and I would just go off to the vibe of everybody else's story. Right. And be like, how deep? Okay, not that deep. An easy one. Right. A funny one, I guess.
Well, would you be? Would you be the person that would would you be the person that would try to tell a story to bring everybody together? I don't know if I have a story. i Like, I don't know what I probably not. No, I don't think I'd try to be like, guys,
You know? We can do it. Let's do this together. No, but it reminds me of, do you remember the senior retreat that we had to go on in a high school? There was, it's like a week, weekend long retreat where they take all of the seniors and just put them out of camp and. And force you to be friends. Partly, it's like just regular camp and then partly it's like,
Oh, we're graduating. We'll never see each other again after this year. Hopefully together and unite as one, one senior class, despite all of our differences. And it was always like, you know, yeah but there was the last night was like, I think each cabin did like a little performance on the stage. right yeah And then they just left the microphone on the stage and said, if anybody has anything they'd like to share,
you can come up the microphone and share and The entire senior class was sitting in this auditorium and people started going up and just fully trauma dumping on the entire class. Like explicit stuff. Cringy, cringy, cringy. hi People were crying and like hugging each other and it was a lot. Was it worth it? Was it good or was it bad? and Maybe it was worth it to the people that that shared, I don't know.
Because I was 17 and jaded. So I was like, this is stupid. don I hate all of you. So it wasn't worth it. Well, don't use that tone of voice about the ah hate all of you. i mean that That was an authentic.
that That's a true emotion that you've had. Yeah, I know. Okay. I'm just saying don't don't make it sound like you're just mocking and like being dumb. I'm just a dumb teenager. No, you authentically i really felt that way. Yeah. I didn't like those people.
sorry guys
But to bring it back to the value of storytelling. um You know, the, the, the idea that there's this, there's an element of human experience that values sharing experience, right? Value sharing, um, emotional, um, are you, you may even call it trauma, like, yeah.
There's it's like if I have to go through crap But then I learned that someone else has gone through crap then I feel like oh We're just on the same team Yes, it's like You know when cats when they trust you they start sitting with their back to you to show you that like they trust that you're not gonna attack them you mean like the cat that's on my lap right now and Yeah, she trusts you. She knows that you're not going to get her. I mean, like I might get her anyway, but like dogs showing their bellies. Right. Yes. house Showing their bellies. It's like a sign that they love and and trust you. I feel like sharing little stories like personal stories is the same kind of thing. Like I'm I'm making myself vulnerable here to you in this moment. Yes. And I trust that you're not going to use that against me. And so that creates like a bonding moment.
I like that, that way of... Thank you. When we share those stories, we're just showing our bellies. Yeah, we're showing showing our underbellies. Being vulnerable. Or, like, you know how Mom says that one way that she shows us love is that when we stretch with our arms above our head, she doesn't tickle us in our armpits? Even though she really, really wants to.
She says it's because she loves us, that she won't strike us when we're vulnerable. Yeah, she's just trying to claim credit for something that you just shouldn't do as a normal human being. Don't tickle me just because I'm stretching. One time she came up to me Instead, like almost nose to nose with me and said, very softly, I won't do it because I love you. But sometimes I really want to kiss your eyelids.
Wow. and like that's so tender and so weird It's adorable and creepy at the same time. ah I think you should just let her kiss your eyelids. I don't want her to. Oh, OK. All right. Would you let her kiss your eyelids? I would. I would think that that's such a tender, beautiful, wonderful thing. I don't think she's going to. You should offer. I don't think she's. I bet that would make her really happy. I don't think she's going to do that though. Maybe if you offer. Maybe she wouldn't ask, but she would appreciate it or offer.
Maybe. Yeah. This could be a bonding moment for you too, dad. Okay. ah we'll We'll check in on that next time. ah Okay. Yeah. You'll update us on how that one goes. Yeah. There's been any eyelid kissing. So if you were to get stuck during a plague. Oh, boy. How big of a group would you want to be stuck with?
i ah I'm asking this because I know it's a particular thing for you because your instinct will be just me, everybody else F off. Yeah. But also once you start thinking about it, you'll be like, well, no, I want some help. I want to like, how big would the group be? Because 10 is too many. Can we agree? 10 is too many. I'm going to be really real with you.
There are seven other people in my family, not all so seven of them are making my list. Well, I know we're going to be virtual the whole time. I get it. Okay. I would want my sister, my best friend, my, both my parents.

Family Dynamics During Pandemic

i think that's it yeah so it's just just it's a pretty tight crew it's it's for other people yeah i also want to point out that i wasn't asking you to name them all but thanks for doing that and making it really awkward you know you've made it oh congrats oh i will sleep well tonight you made the shortlist All right. So I'm just going to say I'm without actually having to decide who I would have in the group. I don't want to have to do that work because I think the work is pretty easy for me. Well, yeah. For me, the work of doing that decisioning is trauma in and of itself. Oh, wow yeah. Yeah. Okay.
I think I would want at least 10 people. Why? Because I'm going to get sick of some of them and I want to be able to bop around. ah like if Okay, that's an important question. How big of a location do I have to stay in with them? Because if you have the ability to pop around to different people, I thought it was like, you're stuck. You're stuck in one building but one building basically is the idea, right? So yeah, I'm just thinking even like, even in a small building, like you can make time for
Okay, one person versus another over the course of a day like I just would I would not want to have a ah group of just four people or five people. i I want because you'd get sick of them. Well, it's we would all get sick of each other. Yeah, I don't know though because we I feel like as a family operate pretty well in small spaces together because We each are like done with each other at the same time. yeah That's true. That's true. And we're able to just be like, I love you guys. We're all going to go through a separate spot and never talk for the rest of the night. Yep. Or just stuff. That's true. That is true. we We are good at that. I think we'd be good at that. But I don't know how many days in a row we could pull that off. True.
Although, like you said, we kind of experienced it during COVID and our family thrived in COVID.
In our own little miniature Great Wolf Lodge, yes. the there We had a good amount of space. We had a good amount of space. We had a lot of lot of toys. We had a lot of entertainment. yeah It was not a bad place to live out the apocalypse, you know?
That was really fun. Yeah. I mean, the world was crumbling, but it was fun. yeah I know. It's just interesting. Like i also,
okay. If you had a job in that kind of circumstance that where you knew like everybody had the obligation.
to come up with a story every day. Yeah, I'd be able to do it. You would. That would be kind of fun. Like that would be a fun challenge to do with somebody that you love. So here's my problem. I can picture our family and I can picture you, Maggie, your mother. I can picture David.
Um, and I can picture the youngest all being able to like, sure, fine. I'll come up with a story. No problem. And then I, then I look at myself and a couple of the other ones and I go, it would just be brutal. We would suck at it. Just suck. I think that.
the ones that would suck at it, quote unquote, suck at it would be the ones that would be so uncomfortable with being that vulnerable, which is the entire point of the storytelling thing.
They would be so uncomfortable with being that vulnerable that they would just turn it into like a comedy thing. oh And just like trying to make a joke of it. yeah And it just wouldn't land and everyone would be like, land, do it right.
Yeah, that's probably true. I would do that for sure. I would start. Yeah, I could see Colby doing it. This this little piggy went to market. Yeah, like something done like that. What? What are you talking about? I don't know, you know. I talked about my childhood trauma and you're talking about pigs. I'm fair.
I don't know. i um okay so let's try and pull the two things together no can't do it netflix to cameron let me try i bet i could yeah go for it crisper cow farts methane all of it is connected by something that my professor said today. See, I have two professors in this class. One is a like scientist, planet scientist, and one is a philosophy professor. So they like together and it's really cool. So the philosophy professor said ethics and moral reasoning is all about deciding like, what our job as humans is that we owe to one another.
And I think that the thing that links both is what do we owe to each other? Like the ethics of biotechnology and developing these ways to decrease methane emissions and maybe help our planet is something that we owe to ourselves and to each other and to our planet.

Ethical Storytelling and Philosophy

And also we owe it to each other to be willing to open up and connect because that's like,
one of the pillars of humanity is our need and desire to connect with each other. So that's the link. Mic drop, dang. Too bad your mic doesn't work.
i I like that, I like that. Thank you. it's um By the way, you brought it right back to one of our previous episodes about social contracts.
social contract What do we owe to each other? And that's pretty pretty freaking brilliant. I don't know how we got to that. that you You did bring it together. but like
it's just We just can't help but be insightful. yeah Kathleen would say that's a that's just you, not me. Kathleen and I are bad friends. I'm just a clown.
Kathleen and I partied together.
this is true This is true. So if you if you want to be a fan of the shallow one too, maybe I'll party with you. Wow. That's a big tease. Take that back. think that so Don't take that to the bank and put it in your plate and smoke it. No.
So dad, what did you think of our first stumble through? a our Well, I do like it. I like it because I like the idea of, um, well, from my perspective, I liked learning something that you brought,
um Because I am interested in that kind of stuff like Like if we were just sitting across the table, we would nerd out on stuff like that. Yeah, that's like just like how we would have had that scene just the way you brought it up um So I like that and I like the idea that we can bring two things together at any given moment and then Challenge each other to be like, okay, and so yeah find the connection. Yeah. Is there a connection or is there not? and yeah You did tonight. That was brilliant.
So yeah, I kind of like it. I think it's worth trying again. Yeah, I like it too. I think we should try it again. Do you want to try it again the same way that we did it where I didn't read your article and you didn't read mine? Or do you want to do it where we both read both articles?
I would prefer oh ah that we both be prepared and like you can you can lead yours and I can lead mine. and then But I think that we would do better if we knew the content but a little bit ahead of time. Yeah, maybe develop opinions.
I think that like with yours, you could read that. And because of what your educational background is, you can bring more to it than I would ever bring, no matter what. But but it would be helpful for me to just be a little bit aware, a little familiar. Yeah. yeah
And yeah, I just, I think it's, but I do think it was fun to do it in the moment too. So. Yeah. I think it helped to have an actual, like, like more of a framework. Right. Yeah.
and we can also try it again yeah and we can also like now post the articles on oh true so that people can read i do you recommend people read the one that i do yeah people can read the stuff we're talking about and then yeah um yeah hopefully we i mean one of the things that it would be really nice to get out of we we know we get feedback from certain core audiences, right? um Yeah. it It would just be fun to have ah more feedback or suggestions and stuff like. Yeah. I don't know if we have enough people actually listening for for that yet. But why didn't you say I wasn't listening?
oh a Bad joke. Yeah,
yeah I definitely agree. And if you do if you are watching listening, if you are listening, and the inspiration dot strike. You can message us on our Instagram. It's the shallow and crew. If you have Anything cool that you want to share that you want to be talked about articles, on the show articles, topics, suggestions, or I mean, if you're somebody who has my number or his number, yeah, just Texas. I mean, also fashion tips. I'm very open to that too. but t Yeah. Maybe some skincare advice. Yeah. Regimes. Or if you want to, why do people call it skincare regimes? I don't know.
regime a Regime is like like a a dictator. I think he's skincare routine. Oh, maybe I'm, you know, that's, I think that might be aphasia. I think you aphasia. Just call me Bruce Willis. No. Okay. Wow. That's my father. All right. Well, we'll try this again next week and see if we still like it and maybe tweak some stuff.
yeah We're going to try and but we're going to try and get back on a more regular schedule now so that we're into a more regular schedule. Yes. So ah yeah, I'm excited for the future of the shallow end. Yay. Yay. We promise not to bonk our heads too much. We'll try. We'll try not to. All right. We'll see you next time guys. Bye everyone.