stand up and shout. It was, it's it's always, I always love it. It was fun. It was, this year was especially unique for me because, and for a lot of us, because there, there's a regular crew that like does these shows every year. So we see a lot of the same people back and it's a really tight rehearsal schedule for the show. It's only technically like eight or nine days of rehearsal. Right. Um, and usually by like Tuesday or Wednesday of the second week, like our opening night is two days away, everybody's panicking. And we're all like, there's no way this is happening. We're all gonna get up there and look ridiculous. But for this year, it was like Monday of the second week and we were all sitting around looking at each other like, guys, this is good already. let's go We'll be fine. But that had never happened before. yeah Like even the vocal director and our producer were like,