Introduction and Fan Feedback
Well, good evening. Hello, shallow friends. Welcome back. This is episode 12 of the shallow end. That's crazy. I'm feeling very motivated after such quality feedback from um from our super fans in North Carolina. Yeah, our biggest fan. Yeah, that was that was cool.
Introduction of Guest Colby
Tonight is a an extra special opportunity to have another guest. I promise I won't be as mean to this guest as I was the last one. Yeah. Our last guest was a special situation where we got to be as mean as we wanted. Yeah. And he loved it. Yeah. Um, uh, yeah. Um,
I'm not even going to bring up sponsors anymore. No, we lost all of our sponsors after our Finch episode because it was so bad. I'm kidding. It wasn't that bad. I mean, I thought we might be able to land the the creationist museum thing yeah you think so but then matt just kind of bailed out on his whole philosophy so i don't know of course he did maybe maybe down the road we'll figure out it depends on future uh guests
Yeah. yeah wo You're saying we should get people that they have to pay us to be on the pad. Each new guest we bring on has to come with a sponsor already set up. I'm in. Except not this one because we didn't give them forewarning. But
Meet Colby: The Podcast's New Voice
Mr. Guest, do you want to introduce yourself?
Hello. I am finally appearing on the podcast in voice. I'm Colby. I am the son of Scott, or dad, and the younger brother of Rebecca. So here I am, finally adding a voice to the sound of a beer being cracked open. Yes, he's played the sound effects engineer. A couple different episodes. By just opening his beer. Colby is my other middle child. We're both the dead center middle of the six. You guys are the meat in the sandwich, is that what you're saying? That's why we're the best. That's what you buy the sandwich for.
Yeah, so if you were me, which me? And that's the subject of this episode. No, not not at all the subject of this episode. No, what is the subject of this episode, dad?
Favorite Podcasts Discussion
Well, i I think that this I think that Colby should tell us the subject of this episode because I think that we kind of covered some of this in in our initial intro. And I'm pretty sure I credited Colby. And so I think we should let him introduce the concept of what we're going to talk about tonight.
cool Okay, so the pitch that I well got told after I said I couldn't think of anything is that we're going to talk about podcasts because I listen to too many of them at my job that lets me wear headphones. but so Yeah, so we're doing a podcast rather than a podcast. um because The podcasts that we listen to are what inspired us to start one, I think. and Along with our favorite bar. Along with our favorite bar. And I've gotten some good recommendations from Colby that I listen to weekly now. And Dad, you have also. I have as well. I'm pretty sure they're different ones. Yep. So that will be fun. And then there were also some, well I think just one, maybe two, that you and I listen to that I don't think Colby does.
So, what you talk about the one, I think you mentioned this in our first episode, Apocryphal's. Yeah, Apocryphal's. Which is the one I don't listen to, but mom listens to, right? Yeah, mom's listened to it. colby Yeah, he introduced us to the whole thing. Why don't you tell, what what was what is Apocryphal's about?
Exploring Apocryphal: A Humorous Bible Podcast
Okay, so Apocryphal's is a podcast. where two guys that grew up in the very Christian areas of the South, so most of it, they are re-approaching the Bible and with a sort of retrospective and they're doing episodes based on each book, sometimes split up into parts.
But yeah, they try to cover the theology, the history, and then the sort of progression of its reading throughout the church history, while making some funny jokes along the way, and it's trying to remain respectful. right um So yeah, I found it very entertaining, but funnily enough, I got recommended it by another podcast. oh really The Magnus Archives. oh I was listening to their Q and&A episode on one of their mid-seasons. I don't remember which one. And their producer, Martin.
martin He's also a character, right? Yeah. He recommended this show. so That's interesting. i never i don't know i Maybe you told me, but I didn't remember that it was actually that you got it from Magnus Archives. The Magnus Archives, though, I feel like is it like the black sheep of the collection of podcasts that we're going to talk about because it's like a story. yeah It's like a fiction podcast. It's more like an audio book in long form. And that one I listened to, not the whole thing, not all the way through, but I listened to that one a while ago. So it's funny to hear you talk about it now because I listened to it so many years ago when nobody else in the family knew about it. And now you and Maggie and David like is it. is Is it ongoing?
They're done they're releasing the sequel as we speak so it's the sequel called The Magnus protocol and it only makes sense if you listen to the end of the first series so so no spoiler spoilers I will say that it's pretty optional like the original series ends pretty definitively It so the sequel is I think it's a sort of, I don't know how to describe it. It's like a kind of a what if, kind of a sequel, a whole new cast. So
The Magnus Archives: Fiction and Nostalgia
that's why it's very different. But so I think of um the Magnus archives because I listened to a couple. I remember listening to David wanted me to listen to a couple. This was back Covid times. And what it reminded me of is like
the old, oldie-timey radio serials where you would get, you know, tune in next week, kids. That kind of stuff. But they're they're fairly short episodes too, right? Yeah, they're, I think the longest ones are only like 30 minutes. Yeah. Um, yeah. And it's just, it's kind of just a trippy story. It is. It's fun. I enjoy it. It definitely gets more trippy and more character focused as it goes a along. Oh, okay. It was a little dark for me. Yeah. It's pretty, it's pretty dark. Yeah. or i Yeah. Okay. But back to Apocryphals.
So I am I think I'm 27 episodes deep on apocryphal now, and I think they have a hundred and eighteen And I don't think they're making new ones anymore either are they I don't believe so no it was already Close to finishing. I think when the Magnus archives filmed their Q&A okay four or five years ago, so how many books do they cover so they cover the entire Bible and Oh, I thought it was just the ones that are in the canon. No, but they do... It's not... Our three-legged cat just made a very interesting attempt to jump up on the sofa. Really struggled to get out there. He looked like Wily Coyote on the side of the cliff. Yeah, he was. He was very comic.
but um There's a cloud of dust behind him as he tries to scramble up. Hi. So one of the things I like about Apocryphal is that they talk about these non-canonical books, right? So you get, um well, they're both coming from Protestant backgrounds. So like I just finished two episodes on Maccabees, which to them is Apocrypha. It's not canonical, but to Catholics and Orthodox, it there they're in our Bible.
Are they currently religious? No. no they The whole thing is they're non-believers, but they try not to be jerks about. Wow. Okay. That's interesting. They both are in the like comic book graphic novel kind of community. And so they have too many inside jokes or jokes that only people who are comic nerds would understand. But outside of that, they're also, so I think, if Colia feeds you because and me because it's like historical contextualizing things and then there's the one guy has a true knowledge of language and so he pulls apart different things and shows you like well this is what that name actually means which means this is probably not a real person it's just the idea of you know yeah
God's favored one or whatever. And so it's I I think they do a good job of giving you information That church doesn't give you About these books. Okay, that's what I like about it interesting Yeah, that's one that I haven't listened to Rebecca. Do you
Behind the Bastards: Dark History
want to talk about the one that you did listen to? on mar Oh, yeah Which this one behind the bastards? Oh, I really really really like that one. Oh cynical and anti-capitalist. I don't like them. mean, I think there's good storytellers in their funny episode. like They're funny.
Yeah, I do have to be in the correct mood for it because as the name implies it is just deep dives into like just horrible things So I have to be in the right mood where I'm like the world sucks. Let me know more about it and Instead of the world sucks. I need to not think about it, right? Right, but I think they're really interesting I think they do a good job of doing like some hard hitters that are Really just horrible stuff and then like the one I listened to most recently was about forensic science and that one is still kind of rough but not like Loss of faith in humanity. Yeah, right you know It's very much graded on a curve though with that that one. What do you mean? Well, even the light stuff is like and this person was behind Mars for 50 years Yeah, and the heavy hitters are like and they found 25 dead children. Yeah or even worse if they're covering like
the British Empire and like yeah yeah like currently currently they're covering Thomas Jefferson which is that's a good one it's gonna be interesting how many episodes are they using for that one four yes yeah So just as a, people don't necessarily, the again, the two dozen people that listen don't necessarily understand what this is about. So this podcast is about, it's it's kind of a, it is a deep dive. yeah They're not allowed to use that because then deep dive TM, shallow and TM, but they they they go pretty in depth on yeah
The people who, a lot of people who have been influential in development of Western culture and things like that, but are absolutely despicable human beings. that start inside yeah And then sometimes I think they go too far. you think what What do you mean you think they go too far? Well, like I think, um, so they, I listened to, I think it was just one, one episode on Sam bankman freed. Yeah. And I like, I listened to it and then I, I just finished reading the Michael Lewis book about, about him. And, uh, you know, I kind of read news stories about his trial and everything. And in the end,
I don't think he's an evil person. I think that he's just, he he he wrote his own story and believed it. And he's so socially unplugged that he, and he leaned into that. Like I don't need to learn emotion. I don't need to learn what what the impact of my behavior is on others. I think he's just a broken, I think he's a really smart guy who's really broken and doesn't understand consequences because he never lived in an environment with consequences. yeah And so I don't think he's an evil bastard. That's my point. I would argue that plenty of our most influential bastards fit that description yeah for humanity. So I would say ignorance is not an excuse of especially ignorance of morality and cause and effect. Absolutely. those like Ignorance of the law, I can be like, well, if you didn't know, that's fine, but ignorance of morality and your actions affect on others is like, you have a duty to you know fix that ignorance and when you're dealing with money on the scales in the billions, you better not goof up. Well, so then the other piece of it is knowing now what we know is that he didn't steal money.
the they ah they had Like they lost a bunch of money on different things, but the money is all there. No one's going to lose any money. All the creditors are getting fully repaid. So it's sort of like we went on a witch hunt to to to to figure out how to put put the crypto crash on someone. And he was so sloppy and so out of touch with the real world that he became an easy pariah and now he's in jail. And I don't, it's like, I don't think he deserves to be in jail. ah Like but don't don't let him run any businesses anymore. He's clearly not good at it. He's trying to operate multi-billion dollar organization on spreadsheets and memory. It's not a good thing, but I don't like whatever. I guess that's what I mean when I say there's a pretty good, I think a pretty good range between really horrible, like genuinely
inarguable evil right versus just a bastard. you know yeah like i I feel like if you met this dude in real life, you'd be like, yeah, that guy's a bastard. like he would bit like yeah okay just the two yeah the energy fair enough i think that's probably true yeah you' right let's take an exit from this topic back to the what we're supposed to be doing we're talking about a podcast well we should swear if we're on the politics or else i'll go on until it's midnight yeah we don't want to we don't want to get colby and dad started on politics what was it we will never
Come to a conclusion. So let's detour from Behind the Basterds to my other contemporary political podcasts that I listen to. Oh, here we go. Great. The other ones I listen to are the the Pod Johns, as they're called, or the Pod Save Blank people. So, you know, Pod Save America, a Pod Save the World, these are the people that were in the Obama administration, then they left and now they're talking to like world leaders on a podcast. Is one of their,
Pod Save America: News and Politics
one of one of their name is Podesta? No, no, it's John Tommy and Dan. That would have been really funny. john Yeah, they're the pod johns. Is it for white dudes? ah Sure is. back um Yeah, so they're, they're pretty, they're pretty interesting. They have a, well, they don't share the same politics as I do. But they do have a grounding and
Real policy happening because they were you know, obviously in the White House working there So it it's sort of my counterweight to my more lefty stuff I was gonna say they're not but they're not full-on They worked in the Obama administration. communist but like you They got hired by Obama. So suffice to say that I am lefter of them, but just like I'm writer of Behind the Bastards hosts. Oh, really? I think that's the first time I've ever heard you say you're writer of anything. Me too. Well, yeah. That's interesting to me. I thought you, I mean, again, we don't have to dive into politics here because this doesn't seem like a good path to go down. no
Interesting. Okay, this is one that I haven't listened to. But it is, I mean it's kind of inherently a political thing, like he's talking about, what do these guys talk about? They talk about current events, right? So they're talking about all the stuff that's hitting the news and they're covering it better than cable news, better than news websites. Better than TikTok? Yeah, they can do it better in an hour and a half than a minute and a half. How's their trial coverage? hey it's intermittent but they don't they only go back to it when it actually matters or to clarify that something that hit the news doesn't matter a little interesting okay yeah so they're my they're my news podcasts yeah I like those ones and my final politics one is
My strict scrutiny the the court one,
Strict Scrutiny: Supreme Court Insights
right? Yes, they're covering its three women ah like law professors and they all They cover the Supreme Court And their decisions and when they want to break from Supreme Court decisions They talk about Supreme Court justice like shenanigans like upside down flags. Yeah wait why So they have a court culture segment where they talk about the stuff, the stuff to you. What's this? I don't know anything about this. You're probably gonna be happier if you stay ignorant. I'm kind of a fair politics and kind of like to an extent I very much stick my head in the sand. and
You're probably better off. Choose happiness. but So these like the political podcasts that you listen to they are definitely not my kind of thing. I can't do it. But I'm curious because it seems like to you podcasts are like a form of entertainment but mostly a form of information. ah Yeah. Transfer of information. Yeah that sounds right. Whereas for me it's definitely a form of like entertainment and escapism. Oh, oh well that's why you don't do behind the best. It's very often, huh? No, not very often. I have to be in a very specific mood for it. Yeah. Like working through your rage? Like working through my rage. Which I'm getting over, by the way, for all those who care. I'm doing better.
Well, I guess the reason that I use it for news is more that I feel like someone is just being the dumbest and lying to my face when I try to look at cable news. It's it's very disappointing, is how I describe it in every every way that you can interpret disappointing. Yeah, that makes sense. And print paper websites are just like... annoying. They're just all pop ups. Sorry. Sorry. New York post. Sorry. Like your times Washington post, they're all they are all street journal. They all just have subscribed now. yeah Yeah, right. It's like paywall, paywall stuff. And yeah I think it's interesting because, um, in general, the idea of a podcast, um, it, you know, there's no preset time limit and there's no like
You can go for an hour and a half, but you can all, and you know they do dynamic add insertions or all that kind of stuff. but If you sit there and you listen, and you you wind up becoming engaged with the people that are hosting, right? like yeah And then you build trust. Like, oh, I i trust like their perspective is generally kind of in line with mine, or I can at least understand it because I've got the time to absorb what they're sharing. And I think it's a pretty unique form now. You don't really get it anywhere else.
Yeah. I mean, the stuff that I'm listening to is kind of like a very, very long radio segment. Yeah. That's, I think probably the closests closest. like Like an NPR kind of a thing, but yeah without even the limits that they would have. Yeah. Although they have their own podcast. So they do. Oh yeah. Why? Because I guess they have all the stuff already set up. Right. That's the answer to that one. If they go out and interview somebody that They chop it up for a 20 minute segment and then they got another hour and a half. You might as well put it out on a podcast. yeah
Okay, so either of you two should probably get some more words in about this, because I am... I want to talk more politics. No, I don't. well Let's keep that off the podcast. Yeah, I know. We've we've made up we've made a commitment to not talk about it. Oh, that we did both Trump bash on the... I feel like that's not really politics. I agree. Also, anybody I feel like anybody who's listening to this, I should hope they're in agreement with us. that he sucks. Yeah. Taking exit two back to the podcast. It's a podcast about podcasts.
Podcast Boom Post-COVID
Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's a the reason I find this the subject interesting is because podcasts kind of exploded recently, like within like since COVID. Yeah, for sure. Freaking everybody has a podcast now, even idiots. That's why we're doing this.
But it's like a whole thing on TikTok now that that sometimes I'll get like just two white dudes who have high tech podcast equipment like a whole studio. I don't know where they're getting. Thank you. I don't know where they're getting these things. che i know Oh my gosh. the face there' They're just talking their shit and saying useless stuff. So, funny you should mention that, because the Apocryphal's have something in their zeroth episode where they talk about how they're two milk jugs with holes in them spilling their milk because they're just too whitey, just like, let them loose. I got to episode 26 of Apocryphal's and then one of the guys finally sounds like he's not in an echo chamber.
And he's like, I hope I sound better this episode. I've got some new high tech equipment. It's like, oh, you just got yourself a mic, dude. it's Good job. That's also kind of us. Yeah, no for sure. yeah We would like to put out an apology for last episode's audio for my audio. It sounds like it's a Rebecca's problem, but it's really mine. Yeah, that's OK. We'll do better. we'll We're listening and we're learning next time. Change my diapers first. That's the real message. yeah anyway but i just think it's interesting that like the podcasting form of media is is so flooded with nonsense but also like somebody who i think is very smart and who i respect is using it as a form of news sir yeah right so it's like such a uniquely flexible
Yeah, you know, i I remember years ago, it was like everybody started their own blog because they thought that their their thoughts were so important and the world needed to see them. And the reality is just like like we we decided we want to do this for us. And if people want to listen, that's cool. but Lots of people think I'm God's gift to the world and they think that they're gonna become internet famous overnight. And so it used to be blogs, now it's podcasts. There's like five million podcasts out there now. I think that was like five million just on Spotify. That's crazy. How many of them get zero?
action. Like most of them. It's got to be a lot. Well shouting into the void of the internet is kind of a it's the tradition. Taylor's oldest time. yeah As old as what? The 70s. I mean not the internet necessarily hasn't been. I don't think the internet has been the way it is well since the 70s. I'd say 90s. Ever since AOL chat rooms. Oh my gosh.
Everybody thinks the world needs to know what I have to say because it's unique and nobody's ever said it before. Well, I think we can give some charity to these people and say that maybe they have the same reasons that you guys do. Hopefully. That's true like true. I'm sure that people blogging, we're just thinking of it as sort of a journal that they had on the Internet. So, you know, there's there's the charitable and the uncharitable
Positive Historical Figures Podcast
interpretations. but I want to see the be ah behind the bastards. blogging five million episodes on failed podcasters and all the damage they do to the No, no, that's not gonna work. It would never Yeah, you know, what's funny about behind the bastards sometimes they have one of their deaths I believe she hosts a podcast called cool people who did cool things. Oh really? So it's the sort of inverse to them. Yeah, yeah, so I
Oh. who What is going on over there? Oh! Bless you. Oh my gosh. That was the weirdest look. I was trying to stifle it, but then you both went silent to let me have my floor, so. Yeah, yeah, do it. I just had to let it loose. Hold on, we gotta clean the mic now. No, don't touch the mic. Oh my gosh. We only have one functioning mic at this point. I think we have two functioning mics. We only have one functioning laptop that doesn't go clicky click. That's true. That's true. Well, Colby, would you ever start a podcast? No. never Why not? Never because it's a hassle and the people who I think need to hear what I have to say are very few compared to the same people that I think need to hear what other people have to say.
oh So I'll share my dumb opinions at family dinner. And I'll share my my joking takes while I'm cleaning the dishes. And I'll goof around with my siblings and my parents. but I don't think my political takes are especially hot or new, and I don't think my takes on other subjects are even anywhere close to warm. I'm very milk toast, I'm very vanilla ice cream. so Milk jug with a hole in it. Milk jug with a hole in it. So I'll keep that hole patched up. My milk will remain in the jug.
we're We're happy that you're you're dribbling a little milk on us. Yeah, thank you for the trickle.
Well, okay, are there any podcasts that you listen to for entertainment purposes solely? Yeah, the sequel to the Magnus Archives. Oh, okay. So, I guess we can talk about Magnus Archives before we talk about the sequel, because neither of you have listened to the s sequel. No. Well, so also, you I won't. Yeah, that's fine that's fine, but I was more saying that let's tee up the original pitch before we try to approach the sequel. So, Rebecca, if you would introduce the early seasons. Well, okay. I listened to this forever ago. Like when I was in high school, I was listening to it as it was coming out. I think boy, that is a long time ago. That's fine. I'm a young beautiful woman. Um, but it's like a horror podcast where it's, you're supposedly listening to the recorded tapes of a, an archivist who is recording the written stories of people who have experienced some sort of supernatural
trauma thing Trauma. It's always a bad experience. It's always a bad experience. Always. so Yeah, I know that it evolves into something bigger than that that I never got to though. Are you comfortable with me just spoiling it? okay so the Spoilers ahead. as yeah i mean as As the story goes along, you you learn that he's working in this institute. And they're the sort of cliched British intelligentsia. But he inherited the very, very disorganized archives. And like Rebecca said, it is
filled with people's, like I suppose, reports to the Institute about what happened to them, transcripts or recordings of other things. um And as this person reads these transcripts, he sort of slips from a very smart, snobby British person into storyteller and then sort of slides back out of it at the end of the episode. gives his disparaging remarks, and then you get a little snippet of office trauma in the archive. um And generally this sort of builds up through season one into an attack on the archive by this lady made of bugs.
um Oh, wow. so Yeah, and so then from that sort of inciting incident there, though it's revealed later that there was a previous, even more inciting incident in the past before the show starts, but you learn about that later. But the the whole pitch is mostly that basically supernatural things are real, but only the things that make us sad and traumatized. And these British people are sorting through the mess of people trying to coherently recall what happened to them. and then you know what why why are you why do you want this in your head so interesting it's interesting it very very much is like the sort of horror of literature stuff it's not sort of like jump scare horror it's yeah or like gore
yeah it's not gory either yeah when it verges into like body horror it's not gory it's just like unsettling um even more unsettling because it's said with such like removed like yeah clinical reporting that like when you think about it it's like oh why is it being reported like this is a normal thing it makes it so much creepier yeah so I mean the the big the big reveal sort of I don't know season three or something out of five is that like the whole world has sort of these big fear semi-conscious entities that like
can sort of reach their fingers into reality and you know make people into big horror movie monsters or just like locations or objects and stuff and that's the source of this and then the final climax of the show is the big bad who i will not reveal who it is is trying to do this big magic fear ritual and things as is obvious go poorly but in order to accomplish something like yeah i mean there's the big the big magic ritual is to do something and you will not know about it um i mean it's okay i think i i think i can keep it vague enough yeah that'll still be interesting because if i started explaining the climax of the show it would not go over well
So if you want to listen, send me a spoil. There it is. And that is the bare bones explanation without boring you because you wouldn't get background details. It's the the few that I've listened to for that one. It's very clearly ah really well written. Like it's fascinating. but I think of it a lot like a really well done cop show on a streaming service like I don't I get you can do it well I don't I just I don't want to put more negative crap in my brain yeah just not yeah that is something that I think you've said previously is you don't
choose to watch things or listen to things that are just going to make you sad, right? When life is already pretty good enough. Yeah. So, but I do remember it being like pretty fascinating, like production quality and the storytelling and the writing is, these are not just random hacks putting this together. These are some yeah pretty serious storytellers, but that's the same way. Like even though it's not like a fiction podcast. this is I feel the same way about Behind the Bastards and also like, um shoot, ologies. oh yeah Where it's so clearly, there's so much work and research and intellect put into these productions that then we sit down to make these. And I feel like we're like it's just a completely different like oh for sure league.
Yeah, they're those are professionals and we're just hobbyists. well It seems even weird to call what they do podcasts. I feel like they're like...
show not just a podcast you know yeah i agree you say that but I mean it's it's still very personal compared to like other forms of like show media that's true so like there are they they like talk to each other as in behind the bastards the producer is there in the recording studio talking to these people So it's it's like, it's a different sort of, I guess, environment. Yeah, it's just more casual. It's still a group of friends doing this. Right. um And I sort of get the feeling that they kind of started from nowhere. Because I know the behind the bastards people are not people of means. in ah they're not like wasn't the one Isn't the main guy like, a wasn't he a reporter?
I think he's a writer. He writes books. Yeah, he writes books. I mean, he's definitely a journalist because he's been to the, like, he's been in the Middle East before. Yeah, that's what I thought. But he's not like a news media journalist. No, no, no. But then a lot of the people that, like, he move, he rotates through, like, guests, right? Like, yeah and they're like, some of them are comedians. and Yeah. Yeah, so they're they're people of media in the entertainment sense or in the news sense. right But they definitely are just a group of friends that kind of just yeah yeah talk to each other on the internet. This is going to be interesting because at the end of this podcast we're going to ask you
when your next show dates are and when you're going to be, because that's what yeah all podcasts do. It's like, what do you want to plug? Yeah. What do we plug in? do you have to plug You want to share your socials? Well, my non-existent socials will not be mentioned and my shows, which I have never run, will never okay never be mentioned. So yeah, I mean, unless someone wants to go watch me log business transactions. move That would be fascinating. Though i didwitch yeah I did sign an NDA so I can't. yeah It'll just be Colby in front of a computer with the whole screen black blacked out. and Me signing every once in a while. Searching which store this is and which state. Why is it in the business transitions? I think honestly so the lives that I get recommended to me on TikTok
I think that yours might fit in with them. With the nonsense that is coming up on my. yeah There's one that I keep seeing. I don't know how to get them to stop recommending it to me. Because even if I don't tap on it to enter the live, I see like a brief split second of it before I scroll away from it because it disturbs me so much. But it's like some Asian dude laying on the ground outside with a giant like water balloon above him and his whole thing is that he looks at the camera and cries in fear, and people give him money. And he just does that. And it's really creepy. Who knew it was this easy? So you might be able to make some money, actually. As long as you cry in fear a couple of times. Well, I famously do cry in front of other people all the time. Yeah, so maybe I'll set myself up with that. Maybe you'll look into it. Yeah. But you would never make your own podcast.
No, ever. So when I do eventually, you can come back and call me for this. or or or we'll just Or we'll just keep you for ourselves and you can just be a guest um yeah on our podcast as often as you want. Yeah. Well, maybe every once in a while. Well, we there was another subject that you suggested first. So I'm sure that you have multiple other things that you would be willing to talk about. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, I feel like of my siblings you have a lot of opinions Yeah, but I don't well. I am willing to share my opinions, but I'm not willing to I guess I'm not willing to say that
These are my opinions forever. Or these are my... We don't have to say that. Like write them in stone by putting them out on the internet in the moment that you have them. Yeah, I'm not so dumb as to think I'm never going to be wrong about my opinions. So... Well, that's okay. But so what you're really afraid of is when you eventually run for office. You don't want your from when you were 21 to pop up and be your big Monica Lewinsky moment. Or Justin Trudeau. what what happened with him oh he he had a halloween costume
oh what well i think the I don't remember if you're calling this correctly, but I think that the drama ended up being that it had like dark face paint in it, but I don't think it was supposed to be blackface. I don't remember though, okay but I just remember that he got like shouted at over the internet for this. Yeah, he did. I remember that. I remember that. school Whatever. I'm not going to address them through those things. I don't remember that. I can confidently say I've never done that. I remember one year. That was a couple of years ago. Was it? Yeah. Oh, okay.
Do you remember when mom used to have the family have like family themes for Halloween? There were like three or four years when she did that. yep One year we did circus You want to know what I dressed up as for circus? What did you dress up as? Asian lady. Oh, yeah. And I put the white face paint on. Oh, no. Stop the recording. Rebecca is canceled. I know. i Oh, no. And your old Rebecca going to jail for circus. That doesn't even make sense. How about the one when I got the big foam costume of of a rapper?
um And I had the fake gold chain and I put a bottle in a paper bag You want to talk about being canceled? That's canceled. I was so that like holy crap. What were we thinking? Canceled yep, so hopefully I'll never be canceled for my what what's the worst thing I dressed up as? I don't know I was kind of off the streets for Halloween as soon as you could be. As soon as you were possibly allowed to be. Yeah, the idea of going door-to-door begging human beings, you probably... Too cold. That's too cold. Too many times in middle school when I was like, I'm never doing this again. It was cold and rainy. I think the last year I did it. And I was there to, I think, mostly help mom with
Patrick, because... Yep, it sounds about right. She was, you know, tugging him along in the wagon, and then I was just there to... to wrangle. And I think I actually went home before they did, so... That's the sort of... Happy Halloween. Yeah. I don't think I'm a very adventurous sort of person if Halloween in the eight blocks that I lived in for the first half of my life. It was too much. Yeah. Yeah.
Well, tell me to talk talk more about ologies though, because we we brought it up but like episode zero or
Ologies: Mixed Reviews and Critiques
whatever. But that is one that I think you would like. I think so too, because it's informational, but it also might be a little bit too, um too much of a scratching of the surface for you, because that's kind of what I get. Like sometimes. I'll kind of hit my limit with ologies and then I have to leave it alone for a little bit and come back to it because I always am like, these questions are too simple.
right Like they're asking questions about things that I already know about because it just seems like common sense to me. And I want them to dig deep. Yeah, I can see that. They're ologist. But if you're just looking for something to learn for an hour, Yeah, it's an interesting one. i I like it because I get to pick and choose. like There's plenty of them that I'm like, not interested, not interested. yeah And then a few of them, I'm like, oh, I'll um i'll give that a try. And I'm more likely to want to listen to it if I can see it's like, oh, this one goes an hour and 28 minutes. Yeah. So I think part of that that I didn't jump into it is that ah the ologies episodes, I think there were two of them that I got introduced to it with where the
moon rocks one this uh yeah this astronomer lady that was doing moon rocks stuff but i like you said it felt very surface level like a sort of discover magazine interview yes and i was like can i get you have this expert you have an hour and a half times two because it's two episodes right i want less of this lady's like education and background and more of her current work and what What are they learning from moon rocks? What are they learning? yeah like why Why does this matter to me? What's the coolest thing they've done? like well yeah what is what you You should have a podcast. No, no. Other people have thought of those things before.
so yeah Yeah, you can ask so I think I might have gotten introduced to it in probably the wrong episodes for me So I could be I'll scroll through the the feed and see if there's more stuff that I'm more interested in Yeah, they're fun. I also do um I think it's called science today It's an Australian woman. I think oh really women actually that dude just like short little like 20 minute 30 minute and it's just sometimes they have guests on actually I think maybe always and it's much more produced it really feels like a radio yeah segment or like something I would watch on TV where they just
Unpack different science myths. Oh cool really cool like I listen to one about caffeine Because it was like a big thing a couple months ago that all of a sudden coffee's bad for you And you shouldn't drink it you should cut off all caffeine in your diet rabbi And so they interviewed somebody that did caffeine scientists And they were like nope actually if you drink it in the way that most people drink it. It's good for you So cool. I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing. Yeah, so that's validating for both of you i would say Yeah, the best news to hear is the news that what you're doing right now is good and you can continue. It's perfect. It's good for you. Don't change anything. That's my favorite type of news to hear. So that'll be fun. Me too. yeah So my final thought on ologies, back to all of us getting canceled.
um Ali, is her name right? allie
She's a little too woke for me. She just leads with it and pushes it a little too much. Like, just do your podcasts. You don't have to make everything about, like, her apology tour on, oh, I accidentally said this last episode and I didn't mean to, like, I've heard that four or five times in the episodes I've listened to and I was like, eh. Quit it. okay Quit apologizing for, saying what you said in the podcast like it's not like you offended anybody well my perspective on stuff like that is that there are people that are going to be very opposed on sort of social issues so as somebody who's already aware of that I should be pushing on the frontier rather than staying in the middle just to try to keep moment momentum going because that's that's sort of my perspective on it so if someone's overly polite about stuff I'm just like yeah
Whatever. I mean, maybe maybe someone just joined in on this episode and they're like, oh, I never thought that would hurt someone's feelings. So that's just my my sprinkling of of of opinion in
Discussing 'Woke' Culture
there. Yeah. Also, my pour of milk. I listened to my pour of milk. I feel like I listened to this podcast more than you do and I have never like... You haven't noticed it. I haven't noticed it. So I think it might be a you problem. oh i'm I'm pretty sure it's a me problem. It's clearly a me problem, but Yeah, like it just seems weird for you to be like annoyed by somebody trying to be respectful to others. Okay Okay, it's not a matter of being respectful. It's more it it comes across to me as performative not as like like she's being overly
deferential to the concept that she may have I'm so sorry possibly offended somebody at some point in the past because I used this term instead of the more Blah blah blah term blah blah blah blah blah. I don't know. It's just it was like so over the top and I just find I just find it a little ironic when people like I've had this conversation with another adult who I won't name drop but It's just In my experience, in in these kinds of everyday situations where people are like maybe a little bit different in their political leanings or social issues leanings, I at least have experienced that the people
getting most upset about that stuff for the people least affected by it. So it's like, why is this bothering you so much? Why is this getting so deeply under your skin? Just don't ignore it if it doesn't have to. Well, that's what I'm saying. That's fine. I can ignore it. But my point is when it was being brought up, it came across to me as inauthentic. And that bothered me because she's not that way normally. She does all these cool little drops in the middle of the podcast that are funny or adding more context and all that kind of stuff. And then all of a sudden there's this like very drawn out, almost.
injured puppy tone to her. I'm so sorry. I might have offended. so It's like stop. Just call it. If you if you misspoke and you want to apologize, go for it. I don't care about that. But they like turn it into a performance. It seems a lot. Anyway, we don't have to belabor that because I think what she does is really good. It's a good shot. Yeah, I think so too. Yeah. yeah
Well, do we have any more thoughts to to pour into the milk cup? Are you quitting on us, Colby? No, I just... We're closing in on 50 minutes and I think that's pretty normal for this podcast. Yeah, we've actually gone a little long for the last couple of them. So it might be nice to have a quick little one. Well, I'm not saying we need to end now, but... Well, I feel like we we've kind of Exhausted ourselves not exhausted ourselves, but I think we've said What we have to say don't think we should try to course it if we know hit the national conclusion but Although I do want to ask you about pets because you have very unique relationship with pets.
Colby and Blair: Unusual Pet Dynamics
Oh, yeah does no Look at his hand. Oh So one of our cats Blair
is spiky spiky we call her spiky yeah um she alternates in interactions with me between trying to get me to fight her so she can chew on my hand but not multiple of my hands only one if there's two she'll run away and that's too many and it's scary oh And when she's not doing that, she's crawling all over me and giving me kitty kisses and rubbing her pheromone cheeks all over my body and trying to sit on me as much as possible. All of you. She wants all of you. But if she's sitting on you and you start petting her, it's the worst possible thing you've ever done. And she will give the most wounded, offended look over her shoulder at you.
Yeah, and it's very cute. Yeah, it was fun because we went up North This past weekend and I got there a day early and mom had brought her up earlier in the week So I saw her there before Colby arrived but with mom who's kind of like her person and she was happy but nervous and then Colby arrived and she was just playful little minx little yeah naughty excited tail with her tail up bouncing around so cute like her personality just flipped it was so adorable she is my favorite cat we have yeah good so it's mutual but also
as I get reminded by the people around me. they Better to not have a scar riddled hand from the hard work I've never done with my hands. So I just don't like that it's you your immune system is already taxed. You are not necessarily a vision of health in that regard. And when you get when you let her just tear up your hands and I can see big red welts. Yeah, it looks really bad. like It's just not good for you. It can't be good. Well, the upside is that cat scratches and cat bites are way less dangerous than human scratches and human bites. That's true. So fun fact about that. I learned that because I got concerned because of mom. So I learned that from this cat indirectly.
um But yeah, so I'm not concerned overly that I'm gonna lose a hand to this cat But I am concerned that when I'm working to keep my nails nice and clean and my skin moisturized that having red welts all over me Might look it's also just so bad like jarring to see that I don't know if that's the message you want to be giving to this public when you're walking around that's true horrible injured puffy and puffy red scratches all over the six pound five pound creature mostly fluff yeah you literally just need
put your hand out towards and let her do like so it's not like it hurts right is she does it not hurt no it hurts she's she's not yeah
put she has learned over the past maybe three years not your to go all out on me and recently she's even dialed it back even more like hand before all these things in my hand would have blood in the center of each line right but now it's just like raised in red yeah she she has learned to be more gentle she learned soft paws yeah she did She still doesn't know how to retract her claws. She gets stuck in the carpet all the time. That's what I mean by soft paws. Oh, she has not learned that. She's still a savage, but I have some sympathy for her. She doesn't get the stimulation that is good for her from the other cats, I think. The playing that they do is not calming to her or fun to her.
Yeah, she also lived her kitten hood the first like two or three years. In chaos. In chaos and also without another cat. So she never learned how to play gently with another cat. Yeah. So yeah so i I let her get her energy out, and then she climbs on my lap and sticks her face into my arm yep and it falls asleep. So she's one part feral, one part lovey-dovey cat. That's a great way of describing it. And it switches so quickly. It does. I'll be petting her sweetly, and then I'll start walking away, and she'll spit at me. Yeah, she does that. What? with Yeah, she it's crazy.
She's a special one. She also owls. Oh, yeah, and Which is she just decides she needs to look at around look behind her and she just tips her head straight up and then backwards And then she'll we call it blaring where she'll lay down and somehow managed to tip her forehead onto the ground or the bed or whatever she said that her whole face is buried and And she sleeps like that for hours. And she sleeps like that. It's very funny. She's a special cat, yeah, for sure. Hey, rescue cats. What you gonna do? Adopt on shop, y'all. There you
Episode Wrap-Up and Reflections
go. Well, thank you Colby for joining us. Yeah, it was a pleasure. Oh, we hope to have you back.
Your rookie episode was, was enlightening. enlightening i like he I particularly like how you danced around politics. no thank you for having that i don't want I'm not ready to put that into the world with all of the feelings attached to them nor i because i don't or am i I don't want to indulge those feelings because I feel it will be useless um on a podcast. Hey, how are we going to change the world? If not through podcasts. If not through podcasts. So I can tell you guys how to change the world. Change the world by being nice. Solve that. Oh wait. Solve that. Solve that. Solve that.
There's the weird callback to something that is not not a attached to this show. Officially not attached to this show. right but ah Solve that. just
by all means, avoid being on Behind the Bastards and you're probably doing okay. As the topic, yeah. Yeah. You don't want to be the topic. Yeah. Don't be the topic. It would be fun to be a guest because they don't really do much. They literally just get to sit there and listen and make funny comments. Yeah. They just talk to you. It's funny. It's fun. It's the best. Hey, that's kind of like us. Yeah, a little. Just hang out. We're all the guests. and Nobody's. There is there's nobody running the show. Yep. All right. Well, I will, put together and things, and I'll put all of the recommendations from today on our Instagram, which is at the shallow end crew. You're not going to include the number one podcast that I listened to, are you? We didn't talk about it. I know. Let's not talk about it. Let's not talk about it. Because my feelings on that are too strong to put on this podcast. Yeah, that would be another hour.
But I'll put that on our Instagram, so if you're curious, go check it out. And if you have any topic ideas, please share. Please message us on that Instagram and let us know because we might talk about it and we'll shout you out if we do. And we have a tentative topic for next week. I don't remember what it is. We also had a tentative guest for, but we've not coordinated with said guest. For next week? Next week was supposed to be Science in everyday life. Really? Yeah. Okay. I don't know if we'll be able to coordinate. I don't think we're gonna be able to do that. But also, yeah. But we'll figure something out and next week you're just gonna be surprised by what we decide to talk about. And maybe we will be too. We will probably also be surprised. Maybe we'll do chit chat episode two. Maybe. Yeah. Depending on, depending on situations.
All right. Thanks for joining us. Thank you for coming back and listening to us. We love each and every one of you. Thank you to Colby. Thanks Colby for joining us. No problem. It was fun. All right. Bye, guys. See you. Bye.