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Episode 13 - Chit Chat #2 image

Episode 13 - Chit Chat #2

The Shallow End
28 Plays8 months ago

After a few weeks off, we're back with another chit chat episode! Topics include Taylor Swift, molecular modeling, the spectrum of sexual identity, and golf! Put your arm floaties on and dive into the shallow end with us :)


Podcast Introduction

good evening rebecca but Good evening, dad. And good evening, shallow friends.
Again, all 24 of you. oh That seems high. Yeah, probably. All four of you.
um so we
we actually spoke it out into the universe that we had a schedule record every Tuesday and publish every Monday and we had planned out topics we had topics and guests and and well how long has it been since we recorded couple weeks couple weeks couple weeks Yeah.

Chit-Chat & Motivation Struggles

um What's tonight's topic? Not yet. As your mother would say, who can say? Who can say? Whole bunch of nothing is the real answer. Whole bunch of nothing. Yeah. So strap in for this ride, shallow friends. We're doing another random chit chat episode, but this time we're in the same spot. Yes, that's true. That makes it different, more exciting, unique. Yep.
i don't know not that unique
we're there's We're definitely not unique. ah We're butre kind of struggling at this point to maintain motivation. and It's not necessarily maintaining motivation. It's just there are some topics where I feel like I have to be in a certain vibe to be able to get across everything I want to. And sometimes I'm like at the end of a long day. A long day.
Sometimes I don't want to talk about mental health. You know? I want to watch Love Island. Oh gosh, which is really detrimental to your mental health. Yeah, but it's so fun. Um, yeah, I get that. And like we like this particular version of recording was delayed a couple of times because you were trying to wrap up in an exam. Oh yeah. That's legit. I'm not trying to say like we're losing motivation because We suck at life. We're sick of this already. real world We made 12 episodes and we're done. That's all we had to say. I think we put the the me magnum opus. is What is the word? yep I think you got it. opus like First time? I think that you struggled over that in an earlier episode too, I feel. Maybe. Just call me Joe Biden.
topic Too soon, too soon.

Current Events & Personal Reflections

We're recording ah ah towards towards the tail end of June in 2024 and we don't talk about politics no on this podcast, but there was a debate for the presidential election last night and it did not go well for certain candidates. or even all or for our entire nation all of us our entire nation was poorly served by that yeah anyway when you have to explain the reference in the joke it's probably not a good i would agree with that but we never said we made good jokes yeah
Well, yeah, we're just comfortable enough to just throw them out there and see what sticks. We have the confidence and the bravery to exist loudly. And I think we should be proud of that. Okay, I'll try that. Try it. try Let me know how it goes, what you think, how you feel. good Let's let's exist loudly, bravely and proudly. Now I'm a ah Yeah, Lin-Manuel, you can take that line. Yeah, write that down.
And see where our chit chat takes us. You know, we've we've finished. OK, I'm going to just ask a question okay because it

Seasonal Changes & Family Dynamics

occurred to me. And so because I'm a boy, as soon as it comes into my brain, I say it. um
It's the end of June. It is the end of June. Summer time. What do you think of... Do you think summer is a third of the way over now? Or do you think... I I've never liked summer. Yeah, that's true. Other than going up to the cottage, you like going... i love I do love going up to the cottage. That's the only good thing about summer. Everything else sucks. It throws off my routine. yeah I've never existed without school. in my life. so Well COVID kind of fucked you over on that too. fucked all of us over But like every summer hits and I'm like everything that I've done and created and scheduled is thrown off now because yeah it just freaks me out I don't like it also I hate hot weather.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're a chilly kind of person. By the way, our three legged friend Fred just noticed that I put stuff on his chair and he can no longer sit there and he's very distraught. He's hopping back and forth. Oh, no, he's chirping about it. Fred, so go find another chair. You're okay.
I'm so impressed. I remember when you guys told me that he had to get his leg amputated and I was like oh that's horrible like what's the quality of life for him gonna be like after that like do they know do you just have to euthanize him instead and they were like no they're They're totally fine. They just figured out. They don't even really notice it's gone. Yeah. I mean, sometimes you see his little stump twitching. Yeah. He tries to itch his ear with his missing leg. It's like really cute. But let's think about what his life really is. Yeah. It's just laying around and eating. Yell at us. You sit around, sleep, eat. He doesn't really use it. Eventually he goes somewhere in poops. Um,
But he's i he's also growing at an alarming rate. Is he? Yeah, he's kidding. I just picked him up. he's it's a it's It's impressive. I remember after my surgery, they told me, don't lift anything heavier than

Academic & Career Discussions

10 pounds. And I was like, I can't lift Fred. No, you can't lift your boys either. Well, one of them I could. Oh, okay. The other one I could not. He was 10.4 pounds. So that was a big no, no. Yeah. That 0.4 was going to totally screw you up. So I've always back to the summer thing. I've always wondered.
Like, I wish that they would stop screwing around with what the summer schedule is. Because I used to think, I don't know, I was indoctrinated in the idea that July 4th was the middle of summer. And you were as far into it as you had left and like, and nowadays July 4th is like the beginning of summer. Yeah. Yeah. And summer is truncated because it used to be Memorial Day to Labor Day was summer. That was the summer season. And now it's like school doesn't end until after Memorial Day and school starts before Labor Day. And yeah I don't even I don't. It's to the point where Labor Day is like a nice break. Like we've been going at this. for Yeah. Can we can we stop school now. we a day off
Can we have a snow day on Labor Day? Right. Anyway. Yeah, I remember the first time, I think I was in like late high school, the first time we had summer start, or we still had school during the month of June. Like we got out of school like June 10th or something like that. And that was the first time that we had gone all the way into June and I was like, this feels wrong and illegal. All of June is summertime. Yeah, so I'm gonna, so my my rant has always been like, okay, I don't mind school leaking over into June, because where we are, June is still kind of sketchy weather. yes really yeah But quit stealing time at the end because August and September are great. Yes.
And I hate the idea that everybody has to come back and like the registration is like the third week in August. It's crazy. Get the fuck away. Stop it. Oh, yeah. did Registration for the high school. Yeah, for the high school. My youngest brother is starting high school next year. He turns 14 soon. Next week? Maggie and I had tiny breakdowns about that at the dinner. Oh yeah? Yeah. When we realized that he was turning 14. Yeah. We both lost it a little. Wouldn't it be cool if he was like the size of a 14 year old? It's not his fault. I'm not blaming him. He's built little. If anyone's to blame, it's me and your mother. It's your genes that

Family Genetics & Traditions

did this to us. We're all short.
Like, why did we have a child at such an old age? He's a little, he's the runt of the litter. He really is, poor kid. Although Colby's kind of the runt of the litter too. i don't know His body's actively trying to murder him. That's true, but he's got broad shoulders and he like can do stuff. Patrick is just so like, like wispy little thing. I still think he's gonna get there. I think he'll have a growth spurt height-wise, but I don't think he'll ever bulk up.
You think he will? The oldest brother did. The oldest brother's in the army. I don't think that means he's out there like lifting like a... Yeah, they just pick up big rocks and put them back down. Is that what they do? That's what they do. Sometimes they use tanks to blow up the rocks first. Oh, and then so then they're easily more easily liftable rocks. Easier to pick up, yeah. That makes sense. I'm glad they're out there doing that for us. Thank you. To serve and protect. Oh wait, that's the police. Thank you to our men in arms, men and women in arms.
Plenty of women. Picking up and putting down rocks. Plenty of women? There are plenty of women. They're serving in combat duty now. Do you have a stat for that? or do you or you just I'm just saying that since since they lifted the restriction on women in combat roles, yeah they have become like a significant portion of it, especially in the officer corps. They are leading combat units and flying jets. They're murdering people just as effectively as the meatheads were. That's feminism, guys. There you go. See? Let women murder. You finally won. We did it. We did it, girls. And by that, I mean we finally convinced you that the only way to win was to be like us. Yeah, exactly.
That's kind of the same argument where you fight a man who doesn't believe in feminism, and they're like, well, if you're a feminist, does that mean I can hit you? And it's like, well, why do you assume that when we're equal, you're allowed to hit me? Why is that the first thing you think of? Because you're pretty screwed up. Are you going to run hitting all of your male friends? That's so weird. Yeah, it's like that never happened. That's not one tip I hit.
Yeah. Wow. Okay. Well, thanks for bringing us down. No worries.
So how how did the how did your class wrap up or is it wrapped up? it's done That was the final. where it We're done. Are there two sessions? you you know ah i Two summer sessions, I mean. I don't think there's another session of this class. I thought, I asked my advisor when I had a meeting with her, um which is why I took this summer class because she said, I think you should take this during the summer years. Fall schedule looks really packed. And she was nervous for me. And I said, is it the whole summer? And she said, yes. And I was like, okay, that's fine. Kind of a bummer, but whatever. And then this class was moving so quickly. And I was like, damn.
This is gonna kill me. This is all summer. It was a lot of content. And then my professor was like, okay, so test number two, which is, I guess, also the final, but I'm just calling it test number two. And I was like, the what? The final? He was like, yeah, we're done with the semester next week. It's like, oh, dang. Oh, that's perfect because you're gonna spend a significant chunk of time at the cottage to be preparing for your... Big show. You don't even know that reference, but that's okay. What is it? Nothing. Oh, okay. No one. Well, some might. Do you think grandma will know? Yes. Shout out to grandma. Yeah. You can, we'll let her tell you what that's. Yeah. She'll tell me with her feedback text. I'm looking forward to it. Um, yeah, no, that's actually, it actually works out yeah it does way better. I'm glad.
Also, i I told you I mentioned this earlier tonight, but I got a new project at the lab. that i Oh, you yeah, I didn't actually hear the story. I was really excited. he he The guy that runs the lab messaged me and he said, oh my gosh, an amazing opportunity that I think would be perfect for you just popped up. Can you come in and meet me today or can we zoom today? And I was like, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. please. Because I've been waiting for a while and pushing him for a while to give me something like to actually do. And I'm really excited. So this the project basically is this guy that he,
did his postdoc at Harvard with, made a company where they are developing this program that uses coding languages to like submit 3D modeling of molecules and it runs through the different 3D structures that that each molecule can make and shows you like the energy levels of each um so that you can take that information and apply it like practically in the lab without having to do all of those tests in an expensive and time consuming manner. so Like taking you off the bench and into a computer. Yes. Also, the way that it runs is that it
takes your input of the molecule and then runs all of the calculations and stuff in the cloud on computers that are through his company instead of through where you are so he can do it much much much faster than if you were at like an institution with a bunch of people submitting jobs all at the same time like it's gonna take forever So he's making it much faster and simpler. Like you don't have to know any code, which is rare for these kinds of like right molecular modeling like programs. So basically he hasn't technically launched yet because he's still in like the beta stage of it. But where he's at now is he's at the point where he's going to start testing these different like programs with some very simple molecules that he like knows the behaviors of. Right.
And my job is to run those through a bunch of different like, so the way they do it is they have, they run it one way, which is like this the industry standard, which is like pretty expensive, pretty time consuming, but extremely accurate. And then there are a lot of like smaller level tests that you can do to get kind of like a guess at some of this information. And it's a lot faster, but it's less reliable. So what he's doing is he's, running it through his program, seeing the results there, then running it through all these less expensive models, right and seeing what matches up with what he's doing, and then he runs it through the expensive, time-consuming, reliable model, and he sees what lines up. And it's really interesting. yeah And my job is to do that with like some base, easy molecules that we already know basically what they're gonna show up as. Sure. but what which Which version are you doing? All of them.
You're doing all the all the different levels? So it's like four molecules, but they can be structured in 3D space in like a bunch of different ways. So we're doing 50 different variations of each molecule. of each molecule So it's 200 total. so And then running it through a bunch of tests. maybe and Maybe a job opportunity afterwards. He said he's going to present to his group. um
the opportunity to help with this job because this job, one of the goals of it is to finish all of this testing and submit it in a publication to a paper within eight weeks. And if you're somebody who's helping, that's fast. You're your first or second author on a publication. That's a big deal for grad students. But you're an undergrad. So he came to me and he was like, I'm presenting you this opportunity first, but I can't just give it to you because that's basically giving you a publication. Yeah. So I have to present it as an equal opportunity to everybody else to make sure it's, you know, but they don't know how to do this stuff. Like you're the only one that got trained on that. But, um, you, you do know that runs in the family, right? What? Your, your mother was a, was published as an undergrad in the research lab she worked in and actually is credited
with a discovery that's really cool do you know what hers her discovery was something something about um uh it's like a moth i think okay where it was this sexual development where they they showed that there was an intermediate period where there was sexual expression of both sexes. male That's very interesting. And it was the first time it it had been documented. That's really cool. I don't know that it was like new science of that that exists. People do that. But they made the record of it. But they they actually documented it, which is cool.
Wow, i I knew she worked with like mice and snakes. I didn't know she worked with moths. She worked in the lab as a full-time job. doing that She was basically in the the resource lab oh but that was host delivering products to the actual research labs. but um The actual research she did was really undergrad. Yeah. Yeah, she's much more Yeah, she was much more biology But wait, yeah, she was only she was biology biology pre-med I'm much more chemistry because the lab that I work in is technically an organic chemistry lab Yeah, yeah, no chemistry lab. So there's almost no bio It's all carbon That's okay. It's okay. I mean, so am I I'm all carbon. So am I
Well, lots of water too, but... yeah you Yeah, you have other bits in there also. Some. We got nitrogens. I mean, today you were telling me that maybe I didn't have enough water in. Yeah, well you peed two times total. Well, that's because I drank a bunch of water, but I was also out on a golf course and so... Sweating it out. like it Using it immediately. It works. Okay. Pretty good. i'm ah I'm a big proponent of drinking water. I am too. It's a last
I don't know, what is it, five or six years is when I've gotten into drinking a lot of water. Yeah, you and I are the only people in the family who have like designated water bottles that we carry around. Uh-huh. Nobody else does that. It's wild too because I feel like mom would be the one that would be like chugging water all the time. She doesn't drink water. She doesn't drink water very much. She drinks, sometimes she just heats up water like it's tea and drinks that. But hot water. It's really weird. But like at restaurants, she doesn't get water. She would have been so good in the depression. I think she thinks she's doing that. Oh my gosh. As I said today, we're pretty good at rapidly becoming

Frugality & Nostalgia

poor. Oh my gosh. You want to know the moment I realized that mom had really sunk her claws into my brain with her like rationing mentality was when I was running out of hair gel and I was like, oh, I have to get more hair gel. And then I looked at my pretty much empty bottle and I was like,
No, I don't. I don't have to get more hair gel. I'm just going to cut this. Oh, you didn't cut the end of it off. And I was scraping. Yeah. Hair gel. You got in there. cut out You got in there and got some more. Like another week I made it last. And then I was like, this is insane. I'm just going to get this. is ah This is a woman who. Yeah. Her shampoo is a bar. She has a bar shampoo. She has a bar shampoo in
You want to know what she gave me for Christmas in my stocking? What? um A bar of like the shaving cream that people use, like menus and like those traditional like stray raisins. Oh yeah, like yeah with the the like the horse bristles and everything. She just gave me like the soap that they use, just that. And she's like, this is how you don't have to keep buying shaving cream. And I was like, geez.
Wow. Yeah. I love her. She's so nostalgic. Yeah. Yearning for the Depression era. Yearning for it? Yeah, she's yearning. I'm not sure she is, but... Hey, wait. What? Is that part of the era's tour? The Depression era? I know. That's her newest album is kind of the Depression era. Is it like the emo Taylor? Yeah, it's really sad. oh i still haven't warmed up to that album i really thought i would like eventually be like okay they're not that bad or they're catchy enough that i can ignore how bad the lyrics are but i still don't like them most of them it's okay you don't have to like everything i know you can still recognize that she's a boss i do still listen to her old music i like her old music a lot it's great i know somebody that's going to the era's tour in november

Entertainment Value & Experiences

Where? I thought, oh, there that's when it's ending, right? like december December is, she's finishing it, yeah. I don't know where. Oh, I think it's one of the Canada stops, is where they're going. But I can't go to Canada. I learned, if why not? I can't talk about it. You can't talk about it? I don't think so. Oh, NDA or?
No, more like NSA.
But I learned today how much one ticket costs. Oh, God. Do you want to guess? like I will try to guess if you want me to. Make ah make a real guess. What do you think one ticket costs? Canadian dollars? No, American dollars. Real dollars. 450.
No. What is it? $1,500. What? No. Yes. No. $1,500. Sorry, Tay-Tay. The answer's no. That's That's insane. I'm going to go get me a new MacBook Pro and not go to Taylor Swift. That's crazy. Just watch the movie. She has a movie for this. Yeah. yeahp we've i We've watched it. We watched it on Christmas. It was great. It was great. I thought it was a a time well spent. And you know how much we paid for it? $15. Yeah, not $1,500. And we got to sit on our couch.
and not um be around other people. Didn't we drink eggnog or something like that? I think so. I don't know. Oh, you were doing Legos. Oh, yeah, I was doing my my um um your empires empire. saying Wait, statue the Statue of Liberty. Yeah. It was fun. That was a gift from you and Maggie. Yeah, this is they're so cool. By the way, I wore the shirt you got me for my birthday i for the last golf outing I did. It made me feel really good. ah
This is my daughter. She didn't make me play very good though. Oh, no. Well, neither of us know how to play golf. So that's probably why. But I do it so many times.

Golf Adventures

You think I would get better. You know how to play golf. the I don't really know. No, no, clearly. No, the answer is no. and we looked your last couple of times sometimes I sometimes I can play golf a little bit but I was what seeing that there were highlights of one of the golf tournaments on TV that just started like well it's day two it's but it was all the old people it's the senior that I'm sorry the champions tour oh they called it used to be the senior tour now it's the check they changed it they changed it because we don't want to
Let's not have any reference to the elderly here, but if you're 50 or older you can qualify for that tour. Wait, you're a senior? I'm definitely a senior. I don't think you're a senior. Well, I could play on the senior tour if I had no the good games. ah the champions to I could play there if I had game but I don't just anyone well I mean you have to qualify so in certain like places you can like yeah you can go qualify and it's pretty cool and there but anyway this one guy didn't have a great day I think he wound up seven over par not a great round probably not making the cut but what he did do
Uh, is hit back to back hole in one. Wait, what? Yeah. He had two aces in a row. He used all of his luck up on two holes. And then the rest of me just like, just dry. so Yeah. guys but also weird that they're normally on a golf course, there are not two par threes in a row. And there were in this, I don't, they're in Rhode Island or something like that. And he hit it in from the tee twice in a row. Can you imagine? I wouldn't, I would just walk off and be like, no, my, I'm done golfing.
I would immediately think like, okay, either this is a weirdly realistic dream. Yes. list into a parallel universe right Or a confirmation that we do live in a simulation and somebody yeah somebody's somebody's yeah somebody's's wrong. Somebody's boosting me. yeah I don't know. it a I hope he's got enough bankroll to pay all the drinks that he has to pay. Like like when you hit get a hole in one, you cover the tab at the bar. oh
That's like one of the rules. Wow, that kind of sucks. So I don't know whether that means he has to pay tomorrow as well because he got two. But I would still be celebrating. Yeah, I would hope that that high would like make up for having a bad overall score. I think he bogeyed like.
six of the next seven holes because he was just still yeah yeah he's like yeah whatever this doesn't matter hitting like crap now yeah yeah well i've only tried to play golf once and i couldn't even hit the ball like it wasn't just it wasn't hit it well it was hit it at all so i don't think golf is in the cards for me yeah i think that if you If you had instruction from someone who understood how to give instruction, ah then basic setup and stuff like that. You can get to the point where you're like, okay, now work on that and then feel good when you feel good about it. If you want another lesson, then you go back. but
I'm not the person to give instructions. Right? Like I, I suck. I've been golfing once recently and it was not with people that knew really how to golf. I mean, they could hit the ball, which was they had the shirt impressive to me. they did have the shirt But also that golf outing got to the point where people were just like not, not hitting in the correct form, like really just whipping it. Happy Gilmore. Happy Gilmore. Yeah. Um, but that's fun. It made me think of that because today you talked about how you're with people on the golf course who kept taking shots of fireball. Yeah. And I had my first shot of fireball out of a little shooter on that golf course while it was like snowing almost. Oh, nice. It was like raining, but it was so cold that it was mostly sleet.
Well, I want you to know that we, we not mean not we, they were taking shots of Fireball out of plastic salsa containers that's on the golf course because there's there's no shot glasses on a beverage cart on a golf course. right When you said they were taking shots of Fireball, I assumed they got a bunch of little shooters. I didn't know they had a... No, it's a bottle on the cart and then the the the beverage cart person is pouring into a tiny little plastic ramekin thing. That's so embarrassing. They have plastic shot glasses with dignity. Yeah, but do you want to have it's just another inventory item that would get lost in the shuffle. yeah So no, they don't have those plus to go sauce cup or dead dinosaurs. don' It doesn't matter. It's
It's just a weird thing to drink booze out of. Yeah, it's like shallow and wide. And they're also like, if you think about it, what's the normal volume of a shot? A true shot is supposed to be an ounce and a half, right? Yeah. Well, pouring fireball to the rim on one of those things, that's not an ounce and a half. That's probably three ounces. And she was all the way to the tip, just below the ribbon. I was not imagining them full. I was imagining them like kind of sadly shallow. I looked at it. I was like, these are bad ideas. in much And then they did. I did lose count. It was either four or five is what they did um on the course. And then they stayed. We finished it. Six, 45.
And they stayed until eleven thirty. Oh my gosh. Drinking more and more and more. That is crazy. I'm good with this. It's scary also. Yeah. I would love to know what they're. Very very fatty. Yeah. Very unhappy. Throwing as I pour more wine. Their livers. Their livers are awful. From our ivory tower. This is not a shot of fireballs. So, you know. It's a red blend Portugal. the It's okay. It's serviceable. It's, yeah, it's Portuguese table red. It's good. I like it. It's not.
The Cabernet I saw last night. The $3,400 cab. $3,700 cab. I witnessed in person a 2011 Screaming Eagle Napa Cab.

Luxury & Privilege

A bottle getting opened. Just casually. Casually, yeah, like we gotta we gotta check to see whether this one is ruined because the the seller lost its Temperature and so we think it might be baked and it might not be good. So we got to open it just make sure You couldn't have tested with a different bottle no that one specifically That's a good point. like you you like had the whole celler You had bottles in that cellar. Why would you pick the most expensive one to test? I think there was more intentionality behind it than... You know you got a $3,700 bottle of wine. you You probably are making excuses to open it. Oh, yeah, for sure. so If somebody has the type of money to
to choose to spend that much on one bottle of wine. Yeah. Well, I don't think they're really savoring. So here's the thing. Let's talk about let' talk because the money to spend on like for that person, number one, he didn't spend that much on that bottle of wine, right? Because he has enough money that he had the opportunity to buy it.
back when it wasn't worth that much. And then put it in a cellar. and like The fact that he's already so wealthy. I didn't realize that he he was the one that had it this whole time with him. I thought you just meant he was like acquired this amazing problem. No, no, no. He's the owner of the whole thing. He's the one that had it and put it there. oh among a bunch of other things. And the only reason he had the opportunity to buy it is because he was already successful. right And so it wasn't that it for plebes like us, it would be $3,700.
yeah For him, he probably paid, I don't know what it was when it was first released, like probably seven or eight hundred bucks, you know, for one bottle of wine. Oh, only that much? Yeah, way more than I would ever spend on a bottle of wine. But it's it's just the fact that you have the money gives you the opportunity yeah to do things that turn out to be way more valuable. But in the moment, it's just like, no, it's just what I do because that's what I have access to. Yeah. I see what you're saying. It's privilege all the way through. Oh, it's surface level. So much privilege. So much privilege.
That's a really bad Trump impression. I don't even know that. Was that a Trump impression? I didn't even talk about that. There you go. See? That's how bad it was. I thought you were just doing the silly little voice. Yeah. Yes. To both of those. Also, yes. Okay. I have a question for you. Okay. Go. Something that my mother has told me for a while that I'm curious to see if you agree with, because Maggie tonight basically told me that she agrees with it, is this.

Connecting Across Differences

She said, it's hard to relate to people that have a different upbringing than you and you shouldn't even really invest in those relationships because you won't really ever really connect.
She said that in much harsher language than I just did. But... Of course she did. Maggie tonight was like, yeah, I struggled like... She's talking about something. She's like, I struggled like feeling understood by him and feeling like I understood him because we were brought up in such different environments and ways that we didn't ever get each other. But I feel like I've been able to form very close relationships with people that have had insanely different upbringings. Yeah, and I would agree with that. i I would agree that I feel like I can do that as well. I would say I think that there's a difference between meeting somebody and having empathy and understanding, like wanting to truly ah know someone and knowing that they come from a different background.
I think that's very possible. I think it's more challenging if it becomes a romantic relationship. I agree with that. But I also think it's still you can still overcome it. I don't think you this is going to sound horrible. But to say that, you know, you should restrict your relationships to the people who are in your socioeconomic, like you have to have relationships with people who had similar upbringings and stuff like that. To me, that's just lazy. Yeah.
Like if you don't have the emotional bandwidth to try to understand other human beings and what you really want is to be friends with people just like you to look in a mirror all the time and be like, yeah, we're good like that. Yeah, that's not fun to me, which is why I have always been able to have like I i I've always been able to have relationships with people both above and below my socioeconomic status at any given moment. yeah Maybe not when I was like in high school or anything like that, but but since college times and and now to 51, I have friendships, good friendships, well above where I am. and
below where I am. Um, what I failed at is really being able to authentically connect with people who aren't my, um,
like my race and sexual identity. That's the thing that I've had a struggle with. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I don't haven't been able to... Just the circles that you run in are populated by straight white men. yeah so But i I wish I was better at it. I really do. i wish because i I see value in the like the overall culture that I see in those different realms and I wish I had more. I mean, your mother's ah always said, you you always wished you were a black man. I'm like, me well, that's just because I want to dunk, but that's the most racist thing I will ever say. horrible um No, I mean, <unk> I've had...
friendships with people but I've never been I Don't feel like I do it. Well, I feel like I don't I feel like I get in my own way I feel like it's a it's and it's not about them. It's about me. too hard a little Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, don't know I've just I've been thinking about it lately because Like along the same vein I have found that I struggle forming actual genuine connections with people that didn't have some sort of like major mental health struggle okay at one point. yeah Like if I meet somebody who is like, no, I'm never totally normal, never felt like that ever. It's just my brain can't comprehend it. I'm like, I don't think I can ever get you. Do you do do you have resentment for them? like
maybe a little dumb shit you you should have some struggle come on right okay there's a little bit of that where i'm like seriously how do you live in this like i feel like everybody that is living in the same world as me and paying attention should have some of that a little concerned right at this point but also it's like i find in this oh my gosh this is gonna sound so cliche and cringy but i have found that some Some of the smartest people I know are also the saddest people I know. And I feel like, if somebody's like, no, I've been pretty pleased with everything so far. I'm like, okay, you're just not, you're not examining your life then. Because life sucks a lot. We're paying attention to your world. Life sucks a lot of the time. And if, like, it's just like a, and that might be horrible that I'm like, if somebody's happy, that's a red flag. You know, like, it sounds crazy.
but it's it continues to prove itself true to me. Yeah, but I think what you what you're really looking for is someone to, I think, somebody to balance you by being maybe on the other side, but still a realist.

Generational Gaps & Identity

Like, you gotta to be a realist. yeah You have to yeah just can't be Pollyanna, like, oh, everything's great, it's all wonderful. There's the, okay. Now you're just a marshmallow bouncing through the world. What's frustrating is when I, like, I feel like at this point where I'm at, I'm not a pessimist, but I am very aware of my situation. I would say, I think I make pretty good calls most of the time about what could be threatening to happen. If that makes sense. Like I'm not being pessimistic. I'm just being realistic about what might be a consequence to this, you know?
Yeah, I wonder though. But also, like I also think I'm at the point where I'm pretty confident and aware of my own abilities and who I am. So when I'm like admitting that there's something that I'm not good at or I'm like not confident with and somebody's like, no, you are the best at that. I'm like, no, I'm not. I promise you I'm not. And I fully absorb that and I'm okay with it because you know what? I'm a badass at other things. And I'm fine with not being good at this, but when somebody's like so seriously trying to convince me that I am good at it, I'm like, okay, well, that's just bullshit. You're not clued into the world. Yeah. Or they're just trying to say nice things. Or that either way, that. like Which is kind of cringy, right? like Yeah. Okay. You don't have to say,
bad things to me. There are plenty of actually true good things you could say. yeah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like why are we? I know I'm good at shit. Let's talk about that. But no, I'm not a good golfer. Don't try to tell me I'm a good golfer. oh You could be so good. at Oh my gosh. ah And now I want to hate you. But that's back to you. know No, we don't hit people. We don't. yeah We just don't hit people. Don't do a hit. You're an adult. Don't throw hands.
um Dad's hip with the youth. That's what I am. Can you tell me what hip with the youth means? I don't know. Let's call down my 14 year old brother. Oh i oh my gosh. We have to call him up. He's in the basement. I've never felt so old. i thought You know what? You've never been so old as you are today. Than I have in like the last year with Patrick like starting to walk into like the internet lingo. oh He'll say stuff and I like get like psychic damage i know from it. Well, and because it's a lot of like brotastic stuff. It's like, dude, you can't you yeah
But it's language that I don't know anymore. Like he says words and I'm like, what'd you say? And I feel so old. Well, I mean, I feel like we should that I feel like this is a great transition into something that we've talked about before, but um is I think it's worth talking about. Okay.
um This like the spectrum of sexual identity. OK, how does I know this is a chitchat thing and this is a pretty like I love talking about it. It's like trigger warning. where're We're putting it put on your swimmies. We're heading towards the deep end and we're all going to be nice. But we're going to be. Oh, we're totally going to be nice. But i you know I know that we've had many conversations about sexual identity and what it
how language has needed to evolve around expressions in our in our modern day. And I get that, I'm okay with that. I just think that, I think we're kind of like leaking into absurdity with some of the expressions. okay um And i i I think the reason I thought it was worth bringing up right in that moment was I Feel like you as you've gotten older have also been like as someone who does identify in some of these ways
Yeah, some of these folks are ah look not necessarily my people. They're kind of off the rails. I have a friend who's also bisexual and we, well, we both kind of are like, we're bisexual, I guess, you know? Like, I guess that's the closest way. It's the easiest, simplest, most digestible way to describe it. Bisexual, I guess. But... Does that mean we have to add... B-I-G yeah to the end of the flag and they all go end of the whole thing? like Just put a question mark. L-B-G-T-I-Q, big. Big. Yeah. Well, I also enjoy, I think this is a fun thing that's evolved within like the last five years is the queer community is like a very, like you can just say, oh yeah, I'm queer. And that just kind of encompasses, it's like people get it.
Okay, cool. That would be very helpful. It's very helpful. For many of us. Yeah, I like it. I identify as queer. Yes. And you don't need to know the details. Exactly. Why am I like giving you all my info? Yeah, you don't need to know the details. And also, I've never enjoyed the LGBTQIA. You know, like all of that stuff. I can just say the queer community and it's just easier. And I also like the word queer. It's fun to say. i And it sounds happy. It sounds happy. But also, it sounds like I'm ready to be different from you. Yes. and But I'm good with it. I'm happy with it. And that's weird. I love it. But what me and this other person say is we're we're queer, but we're not like the gay straight alliance club in high school.
Which, that was all just bullshit, wasn't it? Wasn't it popular kids is trying to... It's a little bit of both. At least at the high school I went to, it was not popular kids. It was all like the... like
I thought the straight part of the alliance was a bunch of popular kids. Oh, it might have been named something different. It might have just been like a, I don't know, LGBT club or something like that. Oh, okay. The gay straight alliance, I thought was like, we're going to help these poor children not get bullied. Yeah, that was the original intention. And we're going to put football players and cheerleaders in there to make sure it happens. Right. just put Solve that! like poloum rules yeah like like put them together as soon as possible like like an i now this This was adults trying to solve the problem that just didn't understand what the problem was. Absolutely clueless. But yeah okay to your point yes I agree like I I've always loved loved loved being a part of the queer community and I've always loved to my community however I've always
had a little bit of distaste for the fringe groups that make it... I don't care if you're making it in your whole personality, whatever, that's fun. I don't like when you make it your whole personality and centered around victimhood the whole time. Where it's like, I'm gay and this is how much it has made my life horrible. Or this is how much people hate me for it. It's like, why are you... Get out of that, isn it like, That might be action that may be your experience, but you should be around other people and be a part of a group to be celebrated. Come on, man. Yeah. That's where it but happy pride month it's almost over. Thank you. It's almost over. Thank you for telling me that. ah Yeah. I mean, it's going to be shame for the rest of the year. It's shame month. Yeah. 11 out of 12. Yeah. One pride. But the way that you describe it,
is also, it's like, it's why I'm not a Republican anymore.

Political Ideals & Historical Reflections

Like, guys, stop. The fringe took over. You guys all sound stupid and crazy. we had a We had a good idea that I could stand in front of people and defend and now now you've taken over the message and you sound like fools. I feel like that's both sides, all sides, everybody right now. What happens? The loudest people are the craziest people. The weird takes over. It's such a shame. I used to be proud of being weird. And now it's like, I don't want to be the weird one.
No, it's weird, but it it's weird being the most normal one in a room now. Seriously. I used to be so fucked up. And and now I'm in a room, I'm like, why am I the most stable person here? What's going on? It's all sound crazy. Oh my gosh. I can't help any of you. I was listening to The Behind the Bastards. Listen to our last episode about podcasts if you want to know more. But there I was listening to their Thomas Jefferson series. Oh, yeah. and He was a totally cool dude. Yeah. Everything was very chill with him. Totally kosher and perfect, 10 out of 10. But they were talking about how he had this like... Shout out to the founding fathers. Shout out, guys. They call him TJ a lot throughout the episodes, which I find very fun. Yep, yep.
um But they're talking about how he had this mentor when he was at, I think, law school or maybe regular school. But he had this mentor who he called um his Cato. And Cato, like like he was a TJ, had this like weird obsession with Greco-Roman writings and philosophers and scholars and stuff. And his favorite was Cato, the elder, I think. Okay. Because there are two. One's the younger, one's the elder. But his favorite was the elder, apparently. But he's talking about how... That's weird, because I thought that he kind of liked... The younger. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Too soon, probably. Still too soon. Even now.
but he was talking about how um a lot of Thomas Jefferson's like political ideologies and like visions that he had for America like as a young country came from Cato's writings yeah about that all London did so well right but but it was all like the the farmer like citizen the independent yeah right right right what is it um the noble Noble farmer, I don't know something like that. Yeah, it's something like that But the theory was like a society where every person is a farmer and every person is independent and the entire society is self Fulfilled and self-regulated like it doesn't import anything like they make everything they consume everything there and I
Everybody's individuals. There is no government basically. It sounds really boring by the way, doesn't it and also Crazy like it's never gonna happen stupid idealism. Yeah But like TJ really adopted a lot of that into his like well slavery help. Well exactly that' some point It's like this theory that they had about these like societies that they were gonna build they just brushed under the rug the fact that ah cheap labor makes it all possible we're being oppressed yeah our southern genteel kind of spirit can can we can really envision a future yeah but look how pretty this house is yeah it's so built built eye built
Isn't T.J. Monticello. isn't it Yeah. and they In the episode they pronounce it Monticello. OK fine. You can. But Hamilton pronounces it Monticello. OK. I believe St. Lin Manuel. And also.
Wow. What a weird time that it's it's it's a bunch of people trying to be gentlemen. okay in the hinterlands of what Western civilization, right? I mean, civilization been around in North America for a long time. quote unquote Yeah. um And then it was just like, it was like a bunch of guys going out into the woods and being like, let's build a club together. gosh there was
So this this is one of the podcasts that I listened to that we didn't talk about because I'm not allowed to talk about it Okay, you can talk about it. You can name drop. Yeah, we talked about it in our first step I know there was um there they were I don't know why they were talking about I remember which episode it was but Joe Rogan was they were talking about the founding fathers and how we have this idealistic right personification of what these founding fathers were. Oh my gosh, they were willing to die. They were ready for freedom and they were really they were just
they They were mobsters, they were tax dodgers. They were annoyed that they had to pay taxes. They were annoyed that their civil administration was saying, no, this is how it works. where You pay us and we're, by the way, we're... We do nothing for you. our well Our army is here protecting you, sort of. and from the people who actually have been living here for thousands of years. Anyway, invaders, sat they're invaders. Yeah, something like that. um And they the the point they were making was like, we've got this image of who these guys that signed the Declaration of Independence were. yeah But the reality is that they're all a bunch of kind of
sketchy dudes and like most of the... Did you know that one of the signers of the... declaration I don't remember the name, but one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence was 18 years old. Okay. I was just about to say, I saw a TikTok of somebody going through this, the people that signed and like the ages of age and the oldest was like 32. Well, no, no. TJ signed and he was old. But it was mostly like, no, they're there was. Yeah, they were super young, really young, like early 20s. It was crazy, which makes it really cool that my. Hey, hey, kids, go back to Facebook. um Don't go back to Facebook. My Facebook feed has ads all the time for t-shirts with
the, you know, George Washington face that says, it's only treason if you lose. That's pretty amazing. And also just I know the problem is the problem is I'm like kind of like go America. Fuck. Yeah. When I see that, but I'm also a little bit like, Oh shit. If Trump wins. again like i'm sorry to make it political again we're not supposed to do that but i'm like it doesn't feel so political when it's like looming like a like a scary dark mountain we're about to have to climb but i have lots of friends that are very pro-trump no i just mean the election in general i know i don't even know i don't think what just give us a fucking option anyway how about mass suicide no that's not an option okay fine
We'll just storm the Capitol again. My news app informed me that a bunch of people got off. of like No, not really. There was a Supreme Court ruling that said that one of the things the Justice Department was charging people with Which was something like, Colby should be here for this because he listens to that podcast, the Supreme Court podcast. But one of the things that they were charged with, like 250 people that stormed the Capitol on January 6th, they were charged with obstruction of an official proceeding or something like that. Oh yeah, because they interrupted like the session. And the idea was,
they were trying to certify the election in congress that day and so you yeah that but the the actual law that makes it a crime to obstruct oh an official proceeding wasn't intended to the Supreme Court said it wasn't intended to be that broad. It was be much more specific. at the session No, it was more about falsifying records or doing something to make an act of the government. Okay, so when they say obstruction, they don't mean somebody physically walking in and obstructing, right? They mean something around with the
The reason the Justice Department went that way is because that specific law allowed them to charge a bunch of these people with 20-year felonies. Oh, gee. Okay. I didn't realize it was that crazy. And they went down that road because it's like, well, this and this and this and this and this are like we can only get them for a little bit but that's a 20-year felony it's really leveraged to get a plea deal yeah and get a guilty plea and you know you plea it down but nobody's actually going to jail no no one's gonna most of these people most of the january six people who have been convicted have been convicted for like they get
They're not going to jail, right? No, they do. They do? Yeah, they go. that Like, depending on what they did, right like 12 to like one year to five years, call it is about what they're getting. Unless you did something truly violent, but Like if you if they've got video evidence of you abusing a cop, yeah a Capitol police officer, you're in trouble. You're yeah you're gonna be kind of...
yeah That's just felony assault of a law officer. And then that's probably a 10 year felony. But anyway, that's how we get here. We got here because we were talking about, you know, and our great nation. is why i don't do it this we Oh, we have so much hope for the future. Okay. Can I tell you something? I learned that from this. from which part? From the episode that I was listening to about Thomas Jefferson. And I knew that this was something that happened, but I didn't realize it was to this extent. He had a an enslaved boy that was raised alongside him, same age, that was raised to be his companion. like They lived the same life except for one was enslaved the whole time as his like
companion All his life named Jupiter, which is pretty cool And like some of the ratings show that that TJ like gave him like Money to go do jobs and would sometimes borrow money from him when he was like poor while he was out like in college like there was just like this was a a job and that they had. Okay. To just be like the personal gopher and butler for just a white dude. Yeah. I didn't realize that. Oh, that was, so yeah, his valet basically. Basically. Yeah. But also like close friend. But also like more, but it became like more, I wonder, I wonder about that. I mean, I, I don't, I don't, I've never understood that. I guess we can't peek into the brains of like.
did Did you know people in servant status, in olden timeys, did they frequently become good like confidants and friends? Even though there's a vast difference in rank or whatever you want to call it, where one's a slave and you know one's like one ah presumably owns the other. of the gingtry like weird
yeah But I don't know. I would imagine if anybody who was in a privileged position um and had a heart and and had a good conscience, they would grow up knowing like that's a human being how do like like i i yeah you build a relationship and you're like this that's like That's that's and Jupiter's my best friend they're raised alongside you they go yeah everywhere you go like that's my best friend how would that like also he he would write about how like the his first memory as a child teacher was riding the like 50-mile journey to his new home through the wilderness on the lap of his like a
nursemaid who was an enslaved woman. So like, how, like, how do you have these people carrying for you and taking care of you like and not have that connection? I don't get it. Yeah. Yeah. So I think that in some cases they probably did get it. Didn't necessarily have the ability to fix it. That's true. But they did get it. Yeah. And in some cases they didn't. And they were just assholes. Just terrible people. Well, TJ's one of those situations. In a lot of cases. Yeah. There's this story that they told in the episode about how Thomas Jefferson's actual, like, his best friend that he would write about, like, as his best friend died, and he went to the funeral and watched these
enslaved people digging the grave of his friend and watched how long it took them to dig the grave and at the funeral was making calculations in his head about how long it would take one person to turn over one acre of soil based on on how long it took them to dig the grave of his best friend. Like this dude is like crazy. There's a little touch of the tism in there.
that's That's our founding father right there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. One of the more elderly ones. Yeah. Wow. weird We're touching a lot of third rails right now. Yeah. Well, um how do you want to, how do you want to like, let's, let's find, um, let's find a full circle ending. Well, let's find a, let's find a happy, like, okay.

Wine Tasting & AI Interactions

Cotton candy, unicorns. Let me think. Hmm. The rainbow, like what how do we how do we want to like land the plane? I don't know. How do you like this Portuguese red blend? I like it. I mean, we've had it before. I know. um I like it. I'm never mad at it. It's all of $9 a bottle. It's exactly what I'm looking for if I'm just like like some red wine. Yeah. Please don't make it special. Yeah, I don't need to have to go through stuff mentally to understand it.
I also like that they were very bold about it. it It's a beautiful label. Yeah. I mean, it's it's it's like there's some nice art. Is it a chicken? It's like a partridge or something like that. Partridge? I don't know what it is. What is that? I don't know. With some flowers. Yeah, I don't know. It just looks like a bird. The name of it is just Red Blend Portugal. It's telling you only the important information. Red Blend Portugal. What is it? And where is it from? Yeah, by Casa Santos Lima.
The House of the Saints of Lima. Lima's a spot. Yeah, Lima is a city. so capital yeah is Is Lima like... ah It's also a type of bean. Lima. Lima bean. Lima bean. Please don't make those Lima beans with liver. Hey Siri. What does Lima mean?
Lima means the capital of Peru. Yeah, I get that. In Portuguese. what What is... Is there a Spanish definition? No, Portuguese. It's a different language. Oh, Portuguese. But what is it? Is there a Spanish definition for Lima? No. Hey, thanks. The way you talk to Siri is making me break out in time. No, no, hey Siri. it Hey Siri, can you check in with your AI friend and tell me the Portuguese definition of Lima?
okay for No, no, you can shut up now, thanks. Dismiss her. we don't This is really good content. You did a good job. Really good content. I'm so good at managing AI. I have a certificate in AI from
Hi Cassie. You just have a certificate in AI? No I don't. That's so fake. I was just gonna make some shit up. I don't know if you can trust that certificate. That's basically what they're doing. They're making shit up. Okay I've noticed that old people, sorry, talk to Siri like she's a person and I talk to Siri like she's a robot yeah and then Patrick's age people talk to her like she's a person again. Oh, weird. It's interesting. It skips. See, it's back to like how different, like where are the generations? Um, I talked to Siri like I'm in an SNL skit. You're like, um, actually no, Siri. Um, so Siri,
and it's like don't stop talking to her like that don't she's not like you can't hem and haul out with siri she doesn't it doesn't work what's the what who's what's the guy the the guy with the great snl skit uh about samantha tell me what i don't know Is it Andy Samberg? No, it's the chubbier black guy. Oh, I know. he's He's been there for a while. He's an OG dude. And this is this is it's such a great bit because he... He was in psych. Was he? He did a guest episode once.
I think he's amazing. i like Let him go and and build the new generation of SNL around him and they're going to be just fine. Yeah, I don't know. He might be a little old now. His humor is a little millennial. gosh You are so judgy. Yep. I don't know. Millennial humor is more than Michaels is still running it. I know he is. How old is he? Like five bazillion years old. He's older than the T-Rex. He's I'm ancient. He's way older than me. SNL has kind of fallen off. a lot Well, no shit.
That's what I'm saying. I'm saying maybe it's like, I mean, it's ah it is a like this. OK. An establishment. It's like a like a pillar of American culture. However. Yes, I would agree that it has fallen off. But it is also it has also gone up and down over the course of its history. Sometimes they hit they hit like a ah really good guest. And then I see clips of it on TikTok and I'm like, Oh yeah, SNL exists. And then other times it doesn't exist at all and to me.

TV Shows & Nostalgia

I, I just, I want to give, I want to give google credit. I want to give credit to the whatever that dude's name is. I just want to get the name right. Yeah.
We'll figure it out. No, it's gonna be a minute. Forget it. It's fine. Please, Phil. We'll cut it. I'll cut it. You won't cut it. I will cut it. You will not. This is so awkward. Guys, I'm learning how to do audio editing. Not really. I mean, all I've done so far is insert a clip at the beginning. And even that took me 45 minutes to figure out. But you did it. But I did it. And I didn't. No. That's okay. i have i My brain is stretchier than yours. It's very much so. It's easier for me to learn a new skill. Well, we're still working over here on... He's also bad at Googling. keen go Keenan Thompson. Ask Siri again. Okay, Keenan Thompson is his name. He's the guy that does that one. um Yeah, he was in Psych. Yeah, he I think he's great. Have you and mom watched Psych, by the way?
Yeah, report and we haven't watched it like front to back. You should watch it front to back. I think you guys would enjoy it. I feel like we did a little like psych. Oh, although... We did a psych thing during COVID. Did you? yeah You don't like like police shows. and No, but i do like but I do like that version. They approach it in a much this is more lighthearted way. It's lighthearted, it's comedic, and there's there's still but there's still like solid characters. I remember liking it. like
Yeah, I'm doing my billion three watch of that show. Yeah, good. It's a good time. I love that show. so I love that. I really like the way that the the main characters interact. It's like it's the other one that you what's the um the roommate. New girl. New girl. Yeah. That one was similar. it's like It's like interesting characters. I didn't like some of them, but you're not meant to like some of them, right? like yeah They're intentionally
yeah This is reality. like Some people are narcissistic and then they learn that that's not the best way to yeah live life. What I really like about Psych though and what I was noticing because i umm doing I'm almost at the end of this rewatch and I realized like They don't, I feel like a lot of shows lean on romantic mix-ups to drive a lot of the interest in their shows, but Psych does not do that. No. Like our main character settles on a girl, like season three or something.
And it's consistent for the rest of the show. How many seasons are there? Eight total. Oh, really? Yeah. What network was that on? I don't remember. Was it TNT or something? It's on Peacock right now, if you care to watch. Okay, so that's like NBC. Yeah, it's almost like the same as- Was it on NBC? The Office of Perk and stuff. Was it on a main network? It was, yeah. Okay. It was on a main network. I remember watching the finale, their series finale. They ate our old house. They didn't just get cancelled. They actually did a wrap-up. They wrapped it up. They ended it themselves. That's cool. I know. Was it? That's why I like it so much. Did it make you cry? It did make me cry and it also actually made me feel like they did a good job with that. Like they closed up all of these storylines. Buttoned it up. The way that makes me feel fulfilled. Oh. Like I followed these characters and now I feel like I'm happy with it. Why are you doing this to me? Now I have to go
fucking watch eight It's so good dad. They're 45 minutes each so I feel like it's a nice like. Yeah but there's like 23 episodes per season. It's like 28. Yeah like team is so we're only talking about like 160 hours of content. It's no big deal. It's so good dad. It's so good. Everybody will go watch Psych because I'm very much Gus.
Hey, we've already done personality tests. Are you You're Gus. Or or the or this the stupid detective. He's not stupid. I love him. That's Lassie. Okay. Lassie. Yeah. Carlton Lassiter. I call him Lassie. I love him. All of the characters are so good because they develop all of them. Yeah, I know why they do. It's so good. Yeah, it's it's that's one that I would probably take.
the recommendation because everybody should take it the time that i've spent on psych i've been like oh this is smart and funny it's so funny they poke fun at themselves the guy that plays gus played charlie in the west way that's right the west way and they why would i not love this show they make a reference to it do they episode it's and it's an episode where they're like investigating the murder of like a mayor or something so they're talking about running for office and gus goes The guy who played Charlie in the West Wing goes, I could have made it to the White House. I could have been the assistant to the president. And Sean goes, say yes, Mr. President. He goes, yes, Mr. President. uses in the show That's great. I didn't know that. It's funny.
Yeah, and i hey kids, if you haven't watched the West Wing, oh my god watch it front to back three times. It's so smart. it's It's what I wish we would be as a nation. yeah Right? Yeah. It's one of those political shows that restores your faith in politics somehow. Well, it does for me. It does, but it restores your faith in the potential of politics. It makes me hope that one day I could trust the people running currently in that building the same way I trust the fake people on my screen who are in that building. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I feel like it's based, I mean, it was also made now, like, long enough ago that yeah it's it's a little quaint yeah in the way that it operates. But it it at least shows you the human experience of
what it is to deal with big issues and have the responsibility to manage big issues and like how it can impact you. yeah like I think they did, again, like character development, like the people involved, so many great actors. um Great writing. That's Aaron Sorkin. Our Lord and Savior Aaron Sorkin. He's the best. Sometimes you gotta watch that. yeah Oh my gosh! Sometimes you gotta watch that stuff on like...
half speed or three-quarter speed just so you can keep up with all the dialogue when i watch tv shows i'm crocheting almost 100 of the time like i don't watch stuff unless i'm crocheting because i can't just sit there and watch something i have to do something at the same time right but when i watch the west wing it's like i'm sitting there i'm not moving um my eyes are glued to the screen the whole episode i'm like i can't miss a single beat All of it is important. All right. Now we have the rest of our summer planned out. It's Psych Rewatch. Newsroom, Psych, West Wing. Sorry, House of the Dragon or whatever it's called. Oh, I'm still keeping up with that. I'm not doing that. Sorry. Here we go. Here's our Bridgerton drop. Not watching that. Yeah, that was a bad one. How many episodes in a row is this? I mean, we've got to say it, right? Oh, my gosh.
til Bridgerton dies, we will continue to call it out. um How awful season is. um Yeah, whatever. Holy shit. Ooh, down with Bridgerton. Somehow we've rambled for an hour and 20 minutes for that. And we could keep doing it for another hour. i But we won't. We'll release you from our clutches. um Clutches? Our evil clutches. I don't like that. Sorry. I channeled Disney villain in that moment.
Okay, Cruella. I was feeling Ursula, but I'll take Cruella. All right, well, what are we doing next episode? Do we know? Oh my gosh, did we? Well, we've already totally fucked over the whole schedule anyway. We shook up our schedule pretty poorly. um we didn't have one We didn't have a recording scheduled for next week. Actually, I think we've done we're done with what we have we scheduled.

Podcast Conclusion

okay But we we we also didn't do a couple of the things that we had scheduled. Yeah. So we'll go back. We'll see what we didn't do. We'll see what we want to do. And I guess it'll be a mystery for y'all. It'll be another mystery. How fun. Mystery for us, mystery for you. Yay. Well, we hope you enjoyed our chit chat.
sure We did. Well, I did. yeah i did We crushed that red blend Portugal. Look it up, guys. It's good. Yeah, it's really good. it's really good all right Look up all those ah ah podcasts and all those TV tv shows to rewatch. Everybody should watch, wash like for sure. I will. Including you. Yeah. I will for sure. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna do that. all Alright all right guys. We love you. We'll see you next time. Bye!