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Episode 15 - Chit Chat #3 image

Episode 15 - Chit Chat #3

The Shallow End
31 Plays7 months ago

Another chit chat episode, hooray!! Join us to discuss a plethora of topics such as DIY home repair, medical shows, and kitties loose in the woods of Northern Michigan. Enjoy,  Shallow Frenz!


Introduction & Surprise Guest

Good evening, Rebecca. Good evening, Dad. And good evening, shallow friends. And welcome to our next episode of The Shallow End. Welcome back, guys. As I think most of our loyal listeners are accustomed to now, we have absolutely nothing prepared. No, we don't. We super don't. Not even a topic. No topic, no topic, no. So in order to save face, We do have a surprise. We do have a surprise. It's me. It's Maggie. Maggie's back. I need a surprise. We have a guest. We have a surprise guest. It's Maggie. You might recognize her voice from our pets episode. She's our first ever guest. And she's our first ever second time. Repeat guest. Yes. I have a couple of things to kick off the episode with that I'd like to
What? Sorry, I just took a sip of our wine that we're working on right now. And it is too fun. Maggie has Coke. Maggie has Coca-Cola. Well, hey, we're on air. I'm not going to address the other one. We're on air. We're on air.

Wine Tasting Adventure

OK, so we're drinking courtesy of not Polly on wine, however, but Polly's um wine, wine cellar and cafe. Yeah. I thought it was cellar. Yeah. Um, anyway, Polly, uh, has graciously donated the Eola Hills 2019 Pinot Noir. Oh, it's a Pinot Noir. That's why it's weird. That's why it's weird. Yeah. It's weird. I thought the pause was because you really liked it. I do like it because it is weird.
Usually I don't like Pinot Noir's because they are, they're the ones, correct me if I'm wrong, they're the ones that kind of smell like barnyard. Sometimes. Sometimes. I think he's, he said this might have like a, an old world kind of take on a Pinot no Noir. So that's probably what you're. So it's more barnyard? No, you smell it. Ew. It's not barnyard. Don't say ew. Sorry. It's not barnyard, but it is weird. Let me sniff it again. Yeah, it's a lot. I have to deal with my eye issues. All right.

Editing Challenges & Recording Chaos

and So outside of the wine, yeah the last episode we recorded... Sorry, I'm the one that had to edit it. and it was say It was rough. It was a multi-day long editing. like it I had to put it away and come back.
and yeah Were we the problem, or were our impromptu guests the problem? No, it was our guests. It was our guests. But also, we were really good for the first 40 minutes, and then guests showed up. I felt like we were doing well, yeah. And at first, the guests were great, but then we just started talking. We lost a lot. We just sunk into having conversations, but then at points, you were having a conversation with two people on that side, and I was having a conversation. Oh, excellent. This side, and I was like. Really?
Like this is really good content at the same time. It was not easy to parse out. Then and somebody tried to die across the street. Oh yeah, that happened. Oh, what? yes Yeah. Yeah. and we had last okay And we had, and we had creepy, uh, Creepy. People wandering around. Military age men in overly casual clothing and backpacks. Giant backpacks. Bringing your backpacks to boaters? No, no, no. Walking past. Oh, okay. Anyway. That's crazy.
Well, thanks to all of our impromptu guests. I'm not sure any of them are ever going to listen, but they are not listening. I can almost guarantee you, but it was fun. And it was, I think it's like the ideal of what we could have had for an on location. Yeah. Yeah. Like it was good. We got some good stuff out of it. It was cute. It was, and i I do, I did like the topic too. I did too. And I liked the way that it devolved into like the core of what we were actually saying. Right. Yeah. Without us even realizing it. Yeah. Well, so. Yeah. Yay, Austin. Thank you for editing for so long. And maybe we'll try it again and somewhere else. Well. Or maybe same place.

Family Cottage Memories

I don't know.
i I've threatened that once Polly's place opens, we're going to use the VIP seller room as our podcast studio. Very important podcast. yep
But the topic last week, or last week, not last week, wow like two weeks, two and a half weeks ago now, was originally like places, the value of places, and it kind of turned into home, right? So I wanted to ask, like, you guys have both been up to the cottage recently. Oh, yeah. How was it? It was great. I was actually, that's kind of funny, because on our way out, I was thinking about how the cottage, now that I've been going to the cottage longer than I've lived in the house that I live in, it feels more like home to me. Oh, really? Than this house does. Well, that's because this house is a pit.
It's a perfectly fine house. It is. It is. It's a perfectly fine house. It has its faults. So did our last one. The ghost? Well, this one doesn't have a ghost. It just has a hole in the ceiling. No, it doesn't. It's covered up. You covered it up. Now it has several holes in the ceiling. You did a great job making it look aesthetic. I used all of the skills I possess. You did that? Mom and I did that. I didn't know. Mostly me. Yeah. Come on, let's be honest. Well, I came down and I saw her standing on a chair.
with her hands in the ceiling i was like mean do you need me to help with this yeah and yes was the answer very much so it involved two types of saw and two types of drill and several drill bits we tried out about four screws slash nails and it was just to attach two vents to our ceiling. I would like to suggest that it may have involved all those tools, but it probably didn't actually require all those tools. No, definitely not. True. Well, one of the tools we took out, used it it was a ah hacksaw that we used for one pull, and then we were like, nope, let's use the jigsaw. Well, I figured that that was a better alternative than when I saw her pulling out when I got into the garage by the tools.
I went in there and she was pulling out her mini chainsaw. Oh, not in our ceiling. Oh, no. No, no, no. It wasn't for use in the ceiling. it was We had to cut a piece of wood to fit into the ceiling so that we could put so that it had something to screw into instead of just like half an inch of drywall. This was a multi-step process. Oh, yeah. It was a lot of steps. My goodness. Wow. We drilled into the ceiling. Well, thank goodness you did because now there's not a hole in the ceiling anymore. There's also that water dripping from the ceiling anymore, so that's helpful too. That was a plumber, no. No, I didn't fix that one. I arguably made it worse. Really? Well, I do take long showers. You do. I miss hour in the shower. Hey, not anymore. It's only half hour in the shower. Oh gosh. Yeah, I've changed. Okay. Speaking of hours,
hourss is Are you ready? can i This is just going to be a little nugget eyedrop because I did math. Did you? I did math.

Podcast Milestone Celebration

yeah With last episode, yes we have now released out into the universe over a thousand minutes of podcasting. Whoa. That sounds like so much, but then I realized how much I hear you guys talk outside of what's recorded. And I'm like, all right, that's nothing. But those are rookie numbers. yeah But a thousand for anybody to listen to that's true is is very different from a thousand that I say to my sister.
A thousand people. I have not listened to a thousand minutes of our own stuff. I've only listened to like two. I have. Two thousand? Because, well, you're editing. No, I am. But, but I also listen to us because I like hearing myself speak. Clearly. I think I'm funny. Yeah. You should marry into the Trump family. Or I could just marry myself like Sue Sylvester in Glee. How do you? Or Meredith. How do you marry yourself? I don't know, but Sue Sylvester did it. You just don't get married and wear a ring. I already do that. Wear two rings. Put two of one on each hand. I already do that. No, no, no, no. Stack two on one hand. Oh. Then you're what? Isn't the right hand engaged? And then left hand is married. Am I going to? Maggie you're kidding me. No, you got that wrong girl. I already had a world shaking I'm wrong about something experience last night Share with the class. I wasn't wrong first of all. Oh, it's correct. But why was it world shaking? Oh Okay, so this requires very, very short backstory for how it first came to my attention.

Maggie's Maple Sugar Story

So I was walking to a bonfire a few months ago at college, like college students do, and the group of us, we were all talking about candy, and I said, you know, which candy I really like is those little maple sugar candies, but I can only get those part of the year.
And the maple sugar candies, aren't they just maple sugar? They're maple sugar, yeah. Just maple sugar. Yeah. They're just like denser sugar. It's turned into a caramel though, right? Isn't it heated? No. No, I don't think it's just sugar. I don't think there's any other ingredient. Literally. No, no it's just sugar. I think it's just sugar. It is. I used to eat a pound of it a day. Thank you, Lonesome. What it really is is maple tree scab. No.
No. Do you know what? Do you know? Yeah, what? What? Do you know? Never mind. The difference between the sap and the maple sugar. That's what I'm saying. The scab, like the maple sugar is kind of like it's the evaporated thing on the outside of the tree after you tap it. Hang on. I don't know. You might be right about that. Well, it's not scabbed then because that's platelets. It would be dry light shit anyway but getting us just blood. dried blood. OK. I'm going to go ahead and allow that one. We're getting off topic. This is a moment where you have to realize that marrying the woman that you did
It's gonna come back to bite you with the offspring that you make with her or a little bit shitty about make get sad like It's just dried blood it's not a scab not so yeah plate there Other things are required for it to be a scab and it's only good blood let me point out Only one of us is majoring in a science yeah it's not me it was well that was being And I have I have a of course a higher degree and you are science technically a scientist He's an ma he's a mage all these um Anyways, in no way backing I said I love these maple sugar candies, yes and we started talking about tapping maple trees. Maple trees. the real weird girl sorry And I mentioned that the school I went to in sixth grade had a full Sugarbush festival, and everybody said they had a what festival? Yeah, what what is Sugarbush?
Don't make me do this again. Do it. Please, God. Do it. You brought it up. Okay. Sugarbush is a... It's from, um I don't remember which native tribe it was, but we don't have to look it up. I don't have to look it up, but it was the time of year when they went and tapped all the trees and it was this whole multi-day like festival thing where they would boil the maple sap and turn it into syrup and sugar. Why was it sugar bush?
um I don't know why, maybe it's because it's a bush that produces sugar. I guess that's probably it, but it's not a bush though. I know, whatever. whatever um um it Do you think it's maybe more like a reference to like going

Golf Course Miscount Mishap

into the bush? Like you go into the wild to tap trees? Yeah, maybe. and Maybe, but if it's a native Additionally, okay sorry it has now been, um, now when people have, uh, like a plantation of maple trees, that's called a sugar bush. Oh really? Okay. And I checked last night, I confirmed, despite Colby trying his darnedest to prove me wrong, I was trying even harder to prove myself right.
Because he likes proving people wrong. Doing a little bit less than I like being right. The only power stronger than Colby wanting to prove somebody wrong. It's Maggie proving herself right. And I did, but he still wouldn't believe me. Of course not. But I've given up. What were you right about? I was right about the fact that Sugarbush isn't just my brain being stupid or... He thought you made that up? Well, he thought Blanford School made it up. Okay. And I was like... Shh, don't. What? no what no No, it's a real thing, it's a real word, and it means what we used it as, which is all I was trying to prove. Yes. Okay. I'm glad you worked your way through that trauma. We're proud of you. And we support you. Yesterday, it reminds me of the arguments between people, like very stubborn people who have to be right.
Yesterday I was on a golf course and It was just a dumb thing it was literally the the topic was how many holes do we have left to play? And One of the other people I was with Kept saying we've we've got five holes left and he kept counting it out on his fingers and And getting to his second hand and saying, we have five holes left. No. And we all were kind of like staring at him and go like, dude, what's going on with you? I know you're a smart person. Did you check that he wasn't missing a finger? He was he was not missing a finger.
um And actually, I think, whatever, it doesn't matter. the the yeah The guys that won one of the pair is missing a finger. So this is a funny little weird thing. So was the new accompanist at the CSA. There's another new one? He's really good. He, no, it's a man. He's good. His last name is Kunrod.
but that's great yeah wait he's a penis missing a finger yes and he must be good he's so good once once again we've come up with a great band name from the podcast god and you'd have to have a really angry raccoon on all your gear well we got the insider scoop mom and i did um and apparently he's such a good pianist that you can um you can give him a song and tell him actually this is in the wrong key can you play this in the key of d and he can just that's change it yeah that's pretty well standard for pianists for accompanists but could rosemary rosemary cannot woman that we had last year could
Oh really? Who did we have last year? Cause I don't remember her, but she even a little. I do. I worked with her a lot and she was, she was awesome. I was really looking forward to seeing her again this year. You guys are talking about the

Cottage's Emotional Significance

cottage. yeah yes yes um uh this very special place in northern michigan that you guys love and i'm mad about well okay here's that the context of it is it's the context is that it's a spot that we've been going to since we were born right our mother has been going to since she was born her mother has been going to
Since she was born so it's I think her grandmother has also been going to yeah, since she was born it's Pat it's a place that's passed down through the maternal line and it's also most loved at least in our family, yeah through the women. The boys are a little bit ambivalent. They're lukewarm. lukewarm But Patrick seems to like it. Patrick is so young enough to enjoy the freedom of it. Patrick likes it, but apparently he doesn't like swimming. He doesn't like swimming? Nope. I've read it several times this week, just in general. I think he's traumatized by a swimmer's itch. No, he's just bored.
board yeah he's bored he goes in the water while he was complaining about it a couple nights ago he was like i get in the water and there's nothing to do oh come on i don't have a screen what do i do with this yeah that might be the generation but but it is it it at least in our family it has been like other the boys in our family have appreciated it at times but maggie and i have like a Yeah, you've always loved it. A longing in our hearts. Yeah, like it gets to the point in the fall where we haven't been there for a couple months and it's like a depression. Yeah. Like it's bad. It's pretty rough. That's just Michigan as the days get shorter. No.
No, because I'm absolutely elated that it's fall and it's beautiful and I can drink chai and be all aesthetic. And the sun is still out it's pretty and I still miss the cottage. Like I i can say as for myself because this year has been the first summer where in a long time where I haven't just gone up as soon as ah it's available in the state as long as I can because I have stuff you actually have adult's abilities to do. Yeah, there's life going on. There's life going on and I have been struggling. Well, so that brings me to the next question about the cottage which was when so
Again, to bring folks up to speed, there's there are two shows every summer that the Cottage Association that we're a part of puts on. One's for the kiddies and one's for the adults. Not like adult entertainment, but like a real show. a real show and the the Kid one was just this past weekend. And so the adult one is going to be coming up in three weeks. The rehearsals start in a week.

Maggie's Cabaret Debut

Okay. That was going to be my question. So have had has.
your little group of people figured out what you're doing. Yes. Yes. So this is the first year that Maggie has agreed to do a song. So it's very exciting. Okay. So the show this year, not fake news, the show this year, they alternate usually between like a cabaret like sort of thing and an actual musical. Right. So this year they're doing another cabaret. So people can just show up with like a song that they might want to sing and audition with it. And then the directors will be like, is this good enough? Is it not good enough? And then they decide.
And Maggie has never participated, even though she has a beautiful voice of an angel, but she's never had the confidence enough in her voice of an angel to get on the stage and sing with me or anyone or even by herself. And I'd say especially by herself. And she has decided to do it this year. yeah yeah I even suggested it. You did. I wasn't dragged into it. You did suggest it. I did suggest it. That's true. She has built confidence. She's had plenty of stage times. Well I haven't sung on stage. No not sung on stage. have you which is Have you ever sung on stage ever? Once and it was in seventh grade and I hated it. I had one i had a one line solo.
in the children's operetta at the csa i was the mayor's wife in the emperor's new clothes oh yeah yep i hated my husband okay and my dress it was not great but in those line maggie came up with an idea um for her, me, and our mommy to do a song together this year. Yes. What song is that? And it's called A Soft Place to Land from Waitress, which is my favorite show. So she came in one of my favorite shows. She said, do you want it? And I was like, yes. Yes. Now please. You want to say anything? Yes. Yes. And we've rehearsed it a good couple of times now. Oh yeah. And it sounds good.
That was really good. That was really good. Maggie and I have this point where our vocal parts have this beautiful harmony together. It's right at the end. It is. But every time we rehearse it together and we get to that point and we nail it, we both, we both while we were rehearsing, we we close our eyes in our own zone. We hit this harmony and we both just, it's so good. with It's just amazing. It's so fun to do. So and are you doing anything solo? I am. Oh, absolutely. um It's called, in parentheses, Audition, Fools Who Dream. It's from La La Land. And it's a song in the scene of the movie where the actress is auditioning for something. yeah And she goes into the audition room and they say, tell us a story. And she's like, um okay. And she tells them a story about her aunt who used to live in Paris. And then it's a song about like,
art and artists and it's beautiful. I bet mom's gonna love that one. Our mother hates artists. She hates artists. Art is dumb. Music is dumb too by the way. hey That's what she thinks. So also these again like it's this isn't like a dirty dancing review show. It's like some of some of the acts will be kind of wolf. A lot, but most of the cast is above 60. Yes, but my point is there are some Talents that show up at this random cottage association in northern, Michigan. middle and nowhere So crazy that have like Hollywood or TV talent or or Broadway Yeah, yeah, and so it's like every once in a while you get
it One of my favorite stories is when you were on stage, which which one did you sing? It was from Les Mis. On my own, from Les Mis. And the like the family of one of the people from Broadway turned around to us afterwards and were like, so where is she going for musical theater? And we're like, um, she's at Michigan State, right at the time you were at Grand Valley. I'm like, uh, she's just... No, on my own was last year, I was at Michigan State. Yeah, it was just last year. You were at Michigan State? No, okay, so this was prior to that. Oh, was this the popular one? When she sang the one from Wicked? Oh, you sang the one from Wicked? From Wicked, yes. There it is, that's right. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. No, that's right, because last year...
I recorded the whole thing. Last year was Waterworks. Last year I had the this was the first time it's ever happened obviously I don't know why else it would happen but it was a big moment for me and I think about it a lot. I did this song and afterward there's like everybody all of the performers come and mingle with everybody right and a woman that I didn't know came up to me and she said are you Rebecca and I said yes and she grabbed my hand in both of hers and she said That's how you sing that song. And I was like, I'm gonna cry. Well, I did. And she was like, I just need to come and shake your hand. That was amazing. It was. it was ah It was a fantastic performance. So I am very much looking forward to that. And hopefully seeing other all all three important women
Who would have lived in my home? I was going to say your stepmother is an avid listener of this. Well, no, I'm saying, I'm saying in the nuclear family, like all three of my girls. Your three girls. I mean, like my stepmom and my mom are both very important women in my life as well. I thought you were just going to leave it at the three very important women in my life. The only, the only women. It's only three. ah care about any other woman and there's there's a couple people I guess your management at my company that I should probably call out i mean i got start going down the list yeah we when we
Like the first time we sang it through together, the three of us afterwards, I was like, oh, dad's going to cry. Oh, yeah. You know, I'm going to cry anyway. dad cry Yeah. i Okay. Anybody who listens to a good performance of that song and doesn't cry dead on my list as a suspect robot. Yeah. Oh, okay. So when are, when are the auditions for it? Um, next Monday. Yeah, Monday. I mean, it's... Oh, a week from tomorrow. It's quote-unquote auditions. I know. It's like... You just have to come in and sing what you're gonna sing for the show. Yeah, but the thing is...
They also emailed us and said, email us with songs you would like to sing. And i they already know that you and mom and I are doing this song. So I don't know if you and mom have to audition unless you want to do something on your own, in which case you would sing that. But I'm going to sing my hopeful solo one as my audition. So I don't know what you would know there. Oh, I don't know. Or even if you have to. Yeah, we could probably ask. We're phone number. We're close with everybody in charge. Everybody's close with everybody. Yeah, but the for me, I've been auditioning for these things for a long time. Oh, and now we're close? And have not been close. Okay, and now we're close.
well Well, there's been a little turnover, right? Like there's a younger generation that's leading it now. That's true. That's true. And old I started coming in as stage manager, which means I have everybody's phone number. And you have these relationships, coworker relationships with the directors and vocal directors now. And a key to the building. Don't say that. No! Actually, when you... stop I'm so sorry. and When you gave it to me, I didn't even need it. The door was open. Yeah, it usually is. yeah during During the season it's usually open. Off season 50-50. Dude, it was amazing. I got to hear saxophone in that building. Oh my gosh. That's beautiful. I laid down on my back and just stared at the ceiling and I was like, I could die here. When I still played, that's why I would go and play in the pool room, is because the acoustics were so heavenly in there.
We're still talking about places. Well, it's hard to have a conversation without nouns.
Whoa! why Why you gotta burn me like that?
I mean, it's crazy. We usually try to pull our punches on the podcast, but you just pull follow through. Dang. T-K-O. My goodness. I've got to make use of my time.

Creative Descriptions & Talent Surprises

That's true. Yeah. I mean, I was done with that. Yeah, you should make use of it, because it's probably going to be the last time. Well, I'll have to double down. yeah tell that The Shadowland will now be hosted by Rebecca and Maggie because dad has been you I have been slayed. What were you telling dad at dinner?
that I've been coming up with these really crazy phrases recently without using like phrases that are actually real ones in the English lexicon. I've been coming up with my own. Okay. Because I feel like it just needs a little spice and also I can't think of the other ones in the moment. Can I tell you what I heard? Go ahead. That was made up on the spot. Okay. You gotta look in the mirror to realize you have a zit. No you don't. I feel it before I see it. Well, yeah, you can feel it. Not me. You can feel the pressure. I don't. But that's actually such a banger line. Hang on. Don't say anything else. Let me turn that one down. That was amazing. Yeah. Got a look in the mirror to realize who that is. Yeah. I think it's a little bit less phrases for me and more like really vivid descriptors.
like like book-level descriptions of things that are, give me an example, that just, had well. She can't, because she was saying at dinner. No, no, no, it's things that I remember. Words have left her tonight. Words have left me right today. Oh, no. It's beginning. um this is biden's america no well here's one sorry we're recording this the day that he oh yeah it's kamala's america now um well i was watching our show with mom house i was watching a house with mom you got me hooked on that by the
Really? Oh my god, yes. I've been watching it. Oh my god, that's so good. I don't know if you had just been seeing what I'd been posting. No dude, I've been watching. Yeah, we'll talk about this off air. So welcome, welcome everybody. Our family has just discovered this show that's been around since 2005. Yes, four. No 2005, it came out in 2005. I thought it was four, I locked it up. Okay. What? I think it's set in 2004, because that's when they were filming it. But anyways, no, you you're probably right. I think I'm right. I um i think it matters.
so So we just discovered this show House MD I Actually recommended it to our mother without ever having seen a single minute No, I've seen minutes on tiktok in various clips But I haven't ever I hadn't ever seen a full episode all the way through I'm curious about what you think What about this show made you think our mom would want it? Well, she was watching The Good Doctor and she said I I was started watching this show for the autism, but there's too much of it. I said, hey, do you want a different medical drama that has autism, but isn't that much? But he isn't that autistic? And she said, give some context about us talking about autism so freely. All of us have it. We're all autistic. Didn't we introduce tism points on? I don't know. did we I feel like I took it.
We freely discuss this in a way that is very blase. Yeah, yeah. You don't know the content. Let's just say clearly, we're part of the community. Yes. We're on the spectrum. I don't know if you picked up on that one. We're a whole rainbow in this home. Yeah, and so she started watching it.

Rebecca's Lab Leadership Experience

She got through the first three episodes before I started watching it, because I joined her for the fourth episode, and I was like, oh my god. I'm in. This is so good. What? No, but what was your, what was your, this is like your word. Oh, my descriptor that I used, I will admit there were 10 milligrams involved, but we were watching a couple. Deliver 10 milligrams stat. A couple nights, you know, push 10 milligrams actually. Push 10 milligrams, yes, thanks. Actually, as a scientist, well, I was picturing an IV. CCS. It's mix. We don't say milligrams. Well. Mix. Yeah, 10 mix.
Or CCs. Or CCs. That's a different unit of effort. Well, a MIG is also a type of fighter jet, so we can keep them over it. So deliver 10 of them, I guess. 10 MIGs. Anyways, I was watching an episode that I had already seen. because I was too tired to watch any new episodes, but mom was watching, so I just went down and joined her when she was watching it new for the first time. And at one point, they cut to a shot of somebody who's actively having surgery, and they're open on the table. And I looked at it, and that image was so viscerally burned into my brain. The first thing I could think to say was, that looks like cranberry jelly and a soup bone.
And mom had to pause the show because it was so jarring. How many MiGs did she have? I bet it did look like cranberry jelly. It didn't look like cranberry. Which episode are you on? Oh, more than four. Well, it was an episode four. We watched like three episodes. This was a different instance. I'm still in season one. I'm halfway through season two. You're cruising? I'm cruising. Wait, which one? Never mind. Never mind. Actually, we'll talk later. We'll talk later. We need to talk later. OK.
well if we've been i just finished episode 16 oh my god wait which one is that okay let me look how many episodes per season there are 2022 you don't need to cut this this is fine this is regular conversation we're just talking like talking does oh episode 16 is about the obese girl oh yeah yeah we're Dr. J is so shitty. I hate that guy. I don't like him because he's pretty, but he is pretty and I liked him at first even though he was back into recommendation shitty at first. I was like, you're not a shitty, but you're really pretty. And then his shittiness passed the prettiness. And I was like- Sing me that song. Okay. All of the characters are shitty. You're kind of shitty, but you're really pretty. That's a country song. It's kind of me actually. It's a country song. Well, none of the characters are
role models. I'd say even the character that is considered to be the best person of all of them is still a terrible person. Which one is supposed to be the best person to play with you about this? Who? I think Dr. Wilson. Okay, so yeah so for context, this show, it's it i saw one it's a medical drama, but it is one of those shows that they make that's like, it's kind of Sherlock, you know? So the main character, Dr. House, is based on Sherlock Holmes. And then Dr. Wilson is his Watson, right? House and Wilson are Holmes and Watson. We talked about this, yeah. Wilson is not in a lot of the episodes. Not yet. I mean, he's in the episodes, but he doesn't, there's a cat outside. Oh my God. Sorry. I had to think for a minute about if I had brought my cats because
Oh, is it the black cat? yeah Okay, it just lives nearby. I'm changing the subject. Part outdoor cat. Off of house. oh I need to talk about an extremely traumatic experience. Okay guys, we're giving up on house and talking about trauma. <unk> I think we're gonna talk about the cottage again, aren't we? We are. So what's your traumatic

Maggie's Cat Escape Drama

situation? My traumatic situation was that I went, like you mentioned, I went up to our cottage in northern Michigan and I brought my two little cats with me. Not little cats. Well they're little in comparison to everything else that's in the forest. They are normal sized cats. I think they're large cats. Not fat, but large. They're big fit cats. They're big boned.
The frames that they have grown into are large ones. Yes. But they are not chubby. no No, not at all. Well, no, Jay has actually slimmed down. Oh, he really slimmed down. Jay has slimmed down and Basil has kind of chunked up a little. So they've evened out. They have. OK. But they're usually very good up there. They know, like they love it up there because they can sniff. There's like a nice screened in back porch that they could go out on. I mean, that was the first place you took them. Almost immediately after. They were here for like a couple days and then they went to the cottage for like a couple months. Almost immediately after I adopted them when they were seven months old. They were, yeah. So they love it there, but it's almost every door is a screen door.
so we have to block them off when we leave and one of them is push themselves in one of them is kind of naughty yes one of them a show that we can even say oh yes i didn't want to go there i i left one evening and i closed the screen door and put a like our welcome mat up against it so the welcome mat is heavy so they couldn't push out of it right that's like I I did my due diligence like don't let these cats escape into the woods of northern Michigan and they're black bla black black cats so they will hide and there's been confirmed cougars and black bears there yeah so I was like keep these cats inside I don't want them to be a snack we come back
at like 11.30 p.m., the mat is still up against the door. So I'm like, okay, all's well. We go in there. My one cat comes running up. He's excited that we're back. And also probably wants to say something to you. so How's it going? Love you so much. Good to see you. And then I go looking for his brother to say hi and let him know that we're home. And I look throughout the entire cottage and I can't find him. And I'm like, okay, this has happened before where he disappeared because he's very good at hiding. Let me do another sweep and let me look in like the weirdest spots. On top of the fridge. Right, stuff like that. Yeah, in the closet. Exactly. Yeah. I do another sweep and I'm like, interesting. Still not here. And his brother's kind of being weird and just screaming out the front door, like looking out the front door and yelling. And I was like,
telling you that his brother is outside. Okay, don't panic yet though. Let me do a third sweep. So now I'm sweeping the house. The other person with me is sweeping the house. We're looking. No sign. Again, the mat was against the door when we got back. It looked untouched. Yep. Cat is nowhere to be seen. So now I'm starting to panic. Again, it's nearing midnight. It's dark. My cat is black. I don't know where he is. We go out into the woods with flashlights and I'm like
i'm gonna lose my mind so we're we're going we're looking we're yelling for his name i'm trying not to be too like too much of a disturbance because there are still people like that are in the woods in their cottages so i'm not being too loud but i am definitely like being pretty loud you're projecting i'm projecting we're out there for 30 to 45 minutes oh who And I have just collapsed into like a panic attack. I'm in a full panic attack. I'm sobbing, like trying to breathe. Like what I'm imagining is either I find him tonight and he's a smear on the side of the road or I find him tomorrow and it's his corpse because he's been attacked by a raccoon or something. So my two options here were either find his body tonight or find his body tomorrow. Like honestly, at this point I thought he was dead. And so I was panicking.
And somebody we see somebody walking down the road, we see a flashlight walking down the road, we run up to them and we're like, have you seen a black and white cat? And they go, actually, yeah, he was walking that way. And we're like, okay. And I'm beelining it for that way. And I look around that way and it was toward the big road. So I'm like looking all along these roads. i At one point I find a splatter. And I'm looking closely and I like, No, black squirrel. I picked up a tuft of fur and like felt it. Oh, just to make sure. And it was raccoon fur. It was not him. No, because he's got sooky soft fur. Yes. So like I'm going back and forth. I walk back to the cottage at one point to like get it like just take a fucking breath. Yeah. And he's motherfucker has sat his little ass on the welcome mat.
in front of the fucking door. What's up, mom? I walk up the stairs and he's sitting there. He sees me and he runs away. Oh, what a dick. And I'm like, oh, and my panic and sadness evaporates. Now you're in mom mode. It's fucking rage, dude. You little piece of shit. I would snatch that bitch up. I have some scratches. This is from him. He scratched the fuck out of me, but I threw him into the cottage. He tasted freedom. He's about to taste false. The other person with me walks in. He goes, is he here? I was like, yeah.
fucking cat who who just i threw threw him into the house he sat down he's totally fine he looks untouched unruffled untouched he sits and looks at me and i'm like You're dealing with like a little 13-year-old male. I think everything is different. Our relationship... I don't know why you're so pissed off, Mom. I was fine. Our relationship as fundamentally changed. We packed a bag. Jesus. We packed all his favorite comics in a change of clothes. The next morning he tries to wake me up in his cute little way that he usually does in the morning. Oh my gosh.
I'm like, get the fuck off of me. You have lost waking up privilege. We are not cool, dude. We are not cool. Oh, that beast. Dude, it was horrible. Yeah, that's. But of all of the outcomes, that was the best thing that could happen. Well, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I had to contend with all-consuming rage at this motherfucker. Bitch-ass cat. And also just. relief and gratitude that this was how it happened. I do want to point out that I agree that it's dangerous for a domesticated cat to be out in that environment. but
Not every animal is murdered every night. You know that, right? No, but like the squirrels are in the trees. Yes. There's, you know what the squirrels had done lived there all their lives. Right? No, I know. You know what Basil hasn't lived there ever. He actually has not had outside privileges ever. He does have kind of like the unjustified privilege and confidence of a white male. Well, that's what I was saying afterwards when he was fine and safe. I was like, thank god it was Basil and not Jay. Oh my gosh. Jay would have... Jay would not have made it back. No. No. Jay would for sure have... gotten lost for sure. Yeah. oh
Well, anyway, I'm glad that story and it the way it it ended well with your maternal rage. He's alive and well and still being a shithead probably. Absolutely is. Totally. He hasn't grown out of it yet. He's never stopped being a shithead. Will he ever grow out of it? No, it's who he is. no And I love him for that sometimes. He's always been. Hey guys, how much time do you have do you spend on LinkedIn? This sounds like the beginning of a sponsorship. We're not sponsored. We're not sponsored by

Political Age Limit Debate

LinkedIn. I spend zero amount of time on LinkedIn. I don't, I'm not sure I okay have it. I'll say 10% because I look at a lot of jobs on there, but I don't like do stuff on there. I just received the a little viral funny and it's a picture of Joe Biden with the the LinkedIn profile photo with the the hashtag open to work.
Which, I'm like, I'm okay with that. That's cute. That's pretty good. No, I think the point of him stepping down is that he is hashtag not open to work. Not open to work. Yeah. He probably hasn't been for a while. He's open to retire? What about 81? He's 81. He is 81. Good Lord. That's too many. We also talked about this at dinner. Yes, Nancy Pelosi's 84 and still. 83, right? 84 and still. Oh my God. up and In Congress, not the speaker any anymore, but still in Congress. you yeah Maggie had a really interesting thought experiment. ken I don't remember what it was. Here's the real thought experiment is me trying to remember what my thought was. You said, I wonder how many people oh would not be in... Let me finish it. go ahead If we were to remove every single American politician over the age of, what did I say? 70? 70.
how many would be left? Like what percentage of our politicians would be left? My guess was 50% of the Senate and 30% of the House of Representatives would not be eligible to serve. And how many governors? That's my guess. how many well yeah Yeah, I think that's a pretty good guess. And then you do the same thing for the Supreme Court and pretty soon yeah pretty soon you pretty soon you have we don't have government well pretty soon you wind up with people serving in offices who actually understand the issues of the day.
Or about that we'll be affected by the decisions that they make. Yeah, that too. That would be great. That would be ideal. That'd be great. I love that. Okay, hang on. We're getting into the deep end, I feel. We've approached and actually walked inside of politics, which we promised we would never do. But we're not being partisan right now. We're talking about politics from a... We're hovering over politics. yeah we're hovering And politics we have different political views, so I don't think we can get into all three of us. Oh, yeah, I think all three of us do have have different political views. We're going to back our little butts right out of the deep end there. Yep. OK, let's kick, kick, pedal. Kettle? Kick pedal? No, that's a drum. Back pedal. Yeah, back pedal. The kick, kick pedal drum. Dad, did you have anything else in your little sticky note that you had to hit on or did we move past? I mean, the only other thing that I wanted to make sure that we talked about and
Um, put out into the universe is another conversation about topics. Yes. Where we can just sit and brainstorm topics. I think that's a really good idea, because I am going to have to let it dry. Because I think we've been struggling. And I mean, I really like our Fourth of July episode. Yes, I did too. I can probably help brainstorm. I think that's what that is. I'm good at ideas. What I would love is topics that I feel inspired by, because I am looking at our list, and I'm like, I could talk about that. Right. No, I agree with you.
Yeah, and I don't think I think what we've been doing is I think we've hidden we've been hitting two Topics that are all too broad because then we feel a little bit stagnated. I think we need to have more of like a Thing to talk about, you know, well sometimes I'm out like last time I was okay with the idea that it was a very broad topic and then it evolved into What it what we should have known it would be Yes, but I think that was a unique situation. and i don't know yeah well im just I'm just not sure that we're gonna come up with the perfect, concise topic.
Well, here's one that might take take you guys back some years. um High school culture and the value of bullying. i like yeah you've already you The family is anti-anti-bullying. I don't know if we can say the family. Oh, true. Some of us are anti-anti-bullying.
Like, high school. You kind of spoiled the reveal there. Yeah. Well, I mean, I called it the value of bullying. You did. That's what I mean. You spoiled it. Yeah. In the title alone. Yeah. I like the topic. How many minutes, how many seconds into the episode would you have also spoiled that? Not many. Pretty quick. Yeah. So is it really a spoiler or is it just like the blurb on the back of the book? Interesting, though, because my opinion on this has shifted a little bit in recent years. Oh, really? Oh, yeah. Don't want to well that's both too much not okay, but I do think that that would be I think high school could be an interesting thing to talk about And I also think bullying could be a separate thing that we talk about it's hard to talk about high school without talking about bullying and vice versa I disagree at least for us to because I was never bullied in high school neither was the bully and She could just look at people in the hallway and they'd be like, oh! Well, i you were intimidating, but you weren't a bully. I was not the bully. I was of the group of kids that were bullied, but to dad's point, I was not a bully-able person. No, i was sure um I was a person that gave off danger signals in every part of me. Yeah. so
Rebecca was the icon of resting bitchface. It wasn't even resting. active a gra all yeah come at me hey come aty let's go Let's see how you fare. Yeah, but I think high school could be a conversation between because we could talk about our different experiences in high school. I think it'd be interesting because your relationship with our mother began in high school, I think we could compare. Yeah, high school is a good one. I think it would be a good one. And then I also think bullying could be a completely separate thing because we could talk about, I don't know your experience with bullying. Don't tell me because it would be fun to talk about. Like we could dive into it. Yeah, we could talk about that. Yeah, I think it'd be fun. We could talk about it all kind of in the same realm, just kind of
We did talk about growing up, but that that turned into what is the definition of being a grown up, right? We talked about growing up as a verb rather than a point in

Future Podcast Topics Brainstorm

time. Yeah. So I would say something about like current the current culture slash climate around.
So um the things I'm thinking about are the over infatuation with youth sports that become all encompassing and tribalization in groups, in schools and things like that. And like i like things that are not really healthy. yes but absolutely exist. It's most of it is adults being shitty about their kids. But yeah I also don't know a lot about your childhood. So well, that would be just like high school. like Yeah, like we could dig into something. We better do that now because I'm going to forget about it. Like that. I think that'd be fun. Yeah. Okay. Anything else, man? See, already who you've helped them. Yeah. What else? What are your other ideas?
I don't know. You guys are open to whatever, anything. Okay. I'm just going to start spitting out ideas. Um, Maggie, Disney adults, Disney in general, Disney adults slash adults that take obsessions too far. We did, we did kind of, we, we, well, no, not, you're talking about Disney adults in a different way then. Yes. We did talk about what's her name. I always forget her name. The Disney star. We talked about her um in conspiracy theories. We did. Because she's a time traveler. Because she's a time traveler. yeah in the couch I saw a time traveler video in my social feed. How?
It was a security camp, definitely totally altered, not real, but it was kind of funny. It was a black and white security camera video of a shoe store, because that's where time travelers would go. Well, I don't know, I wouldn't have any shoes. It was an easy shoe. anyway it's It's like a couple of people walking out from like the cashier and there's a mirror there where people get to look at themselves with their shoes on and somebody walks by and they're in the mirror and then the next person walks by and they don't show up in the mirror. great You didn't see time travelers, you saw a va vampire.
I'm sorry. on Wrestling World labeled it a time travel video. Oh, Wrestling World isn't really credible. It's definitely Chinese or Russian, so it doesn't really matter. Did you see Hulk Hogan was at that one? So was some porn star. Really? Wow. who who Yeah, now we're getting back into politics, but some porn star who who um apparently Yeah, she she like was one of the founders of the slot walk or something like that. I don't know what I don't know what this is. I think it's in my San Francisco. I do know where a bunch of likes ultra feminist. They walk. Don't tell me what to do with my body. Letty little outfits in my gosh. Yeah.
She spoke at the RNC convention. What? Interesting. What bizarro world are we living in right now? Wow. These worlds and laughing is crazy. Oh. Wow. Interesting. I wouldn't think that the people attending the RNC... Well, back to Maggie's point about certain apps crashing in Milwaukee that week. That's true, that's true. Pornhub was not able to be pulled up that week. There was a lot of, a lot of horn dogs in Milwaukee last week or two weeks ago. I mean what else are you gonna do in Wisconsin? Milwaukee's a cool city. I know, we've actually been there and I really enjoyed it. We went and saw one of our podcasts. We did, which I would love to see again before they die because they're dying.
you mean their podcast oh my god I thought you meant the people. No. They're youngsters. Are any of their podcasts doing okay? They're all doing okay. But they're not top of the top. And also they're tired. Come on, they've been doing this for 10 years. Yeah, there's only so much you can talk about. Keep that in mind, guys. Yeah, well, that's true. I mean... That's true. Well, you have a thousand minutes out. I did hear that most podcasts, there are five million podcasts out there. Most of them never make it to double digits.
We did it! This is 15th. We've arrived. Oh my gosh. We're well into double digits. That's cray. That means we're that reflect well on you or does it reflect poorly on you? I can't tell. okay yeah Anyways, here's another idea. o um Interior decoration along with um restoring old houses slash painting everything millennial gray. Or wow that sounds like a podcast you want to do Maggie you sound like you have very strong opinions about something that makes me want to go kill me it off my thumb All these are things that I could definitely talk about
Yeah, I don't know. if You have an are working your way into taking my spot, aren't you? ah No, I'm just drawing from only my own brain for this. So it's going to be only things that I would think of as podcast topics. We do need to come up with a ah plan for a semi-live show with Kathleen. Okay. We still need to do that. It's probably in the fall. What are we talking about with Kathleen? It's gonna be like a chitchat episode. I would love that. We could do i just some science. I just wanna ask her about herself. Yeah. I would love that. We're gonna practice our interviewing skills with Kathleen. Yes, but I don't know i don't want it to be an interview. I want it to be a conversation. Yeah, of course. Interviews are supposed to be conversations. But they never are. The good ones are. Okay, I've never experienced
Okay. Okay. Wow. Oprah's done it. Has she? Okay, I'm not open. I mean, she i admit turned herself into a billionaire by doing it. So true. Yeah. Well, okay. Once we get Oprah on the podcast in the no, just as a fan listening regularly. time is running out god Hey, don't be given our death wishes for Libra. Why? Mortality? Because most of the year I'm away from my family and I've realized over the past year that I'm not gonna be with my family for my whole life and they're gonna
go eventually. ah And I can't stop thinking about it. Like anytime any of my family members are in a car that I'm not in, yep I'm anxiously watching my phone to see if I get a notification that they've crashed. oh Okay, well there's counseling for that that's not healthy no, it's no I know but that thiss coming From the same person who envisions the headline of her death every time she feels unsafe so Hmm, I don't envision the headline, but I do envision what I'm gonna do like oh, yeah No, I do that too. Yeah, I know but if it's for women if it's in a car and I'm I can't really do much and I picture like 19 year old girl crushed to death in horrible accident. Well, I think about what song her family is bereft I think about what song we'll be playing if I don't me too. in Sometimes I skip also types of only when I'm driving on the highway I skip a song because I'm like I can't have this be the last song I ever hear this I Can do better than this
Is this the modern version of parents telling their kids, make sure you have clean underwear on so that in case you die, you're not embarrassing? I think so. Hey, I think about that when I'm on my period is what if I get in a crash and they think that um the blood is from like an injury. I think that they know. I think that they're trained that if you've got a pad or a tampon, is you're not bleeding from that. that's it but
What if a boat falls on you in Holland? Then you die, dude. That's already been checked off. I don't think anybody else can claim that anymore. That happened today. That happened. Wait, what? i when i was in holland michigan yes we talked When I was in Holland, Michigan golfing today, we saw Aeromed. We heard a bunch of sirens for like 10 minutes straight. And then we saw Aeromed come in 20 minutes later and land. And I'm like, Oh, that's, that's on the, that's on the main road. We know where that is. And, um, then I wound up finding the story afterwards and it's a truck pulling a boat on a trailer.
The boat wasn't secured. They were trying to go around a turn. The boat fell off the trailer and landed on two people who were pedestrians just on the corner. Holy shit. Are they okay? No, they're very much not okay. One of them is dead. The other one has been... One of them was helicoptering to the hospital in Grand Rapids and the other one was not able to make it. Yeah. What a crazy thing to have. Super dumb. Yep. And if you believe in anything, like, is it really your time to die if a fucking boat lands on you? Oh my gosh. What's in our religion episode?
Which I think would, okay, would be fun to revisit. Religion? religion part two I think there's more to- Religion Redux. I think there's more, yeah or to be, It's not there. Just call it re-religion. We're going back to church. Or re-hyphen-legion. Ooh, look. Marketing. You should be in marketing. Should I? Wow. Re-hyphen-legion is really good. That's what I'm putting it in my notepads. Well.
we We also do a thinker do still need to get scheduled David's episode. I think we need to sit down and schedule is what I think we need. Yeah, but we we tried to do that and then we got really bad at it because we did but it was still good to have it written down and I think if we at least have A plan written down, I'm okay with us moving it around. But having but summer is summer is tough because like you're dealing with a lot of stuff right now, yeah trying to get organized. and You want to share more about your life? I want to share a little bit about it and then and then we can sign off. but i
The thought that this project that I was gonna work on in the lab was gonna be something that I was working on with the lab, but turns out it's- I'm in charge of it? What? And the people who are joining in the lab are like, reporting to me? No shit. Yes shit. Okay. Yes shit. Brief reminder, Rebecca is the only undergraduate in the lab. Everybody else is like masters and PhD students. PhD students. all um Multiple of them have masters already, but they're the rest, like they're all there to get their PhD in organic synthesis, which is not my thing at all. And I mean, it's great to finally have like,
responsibility and feel like I'm doing something for the lab because I've been doing like odd jobs for a while but I think that Dr. Gare has more confidence in my ability or at least my proficiency in these programs than I really have because a lot of what I'm doing is people coming to me and being like this through an error in the code and I'm like I didn't write this code let's figure it out I guess so I'm like I keep going into the lab and I just sit in the in the grad student lounge with like three or four PhD students around me with their just like taking turns shoving their computers in my faces and being like, this is what it said to me. Can you fix this? And then I fix it and then I move on. And then they run their job and another error comes up and they give it back to me. It's exhausting. But it sounds like you're playing a guy. It sounds like Dr. Gear's confidence in you is well warranted because the PhD students don't have a fucking clue and you're fixing shit. I'm fixing about
60 to 70 percent of what they give to you. Okay. Well, I mean, they're still coming to you. It means you're doing well enough. The rest of it I'm like, take a screenshot of that and that group meeting will talk to Dr. Kaira. But like it's again, it's stressful because this is not my stuff. It's not what I'm learning. It's it's mostly quantum mechanics in quantum molecular modeling which is something that people go to school for and then also get PhDs for yeah to do this stuff and I haven't done either of those things and you're in charge and I'm kind of in charge so I'm also learning on the job like I'm doing a lot of googling and like reading of articles. Everybody learns on the job it's great yeah that's fair yeah it's it's I'm having a lot of fun with it good but I'm also very stressed out high stress yeah
Because there are people that are now depending on me. It's not just me. Uh-oh. No. And there's some hope that it could turn into something else. There's at least a publication in the future that my name will be on. Publication? I hope because I'm doing a lot of stuff. My name better be on that page. Dude. Following in your mother's footsteps. Yes. She also yeah as an undergrad was published and that was very rare and Yeah, yeah it's fun. It's it is fun. I'm having fun good, but I am overwhelmed Yeah,
this last week was very overwhelming So so ah well sometimes overwhelming is fun. too Yeah, it is nice to to get home and be like oh Damn, I like did yeah like a lot of stuff today. Worked my ass off today. But in like stuff that matters, you know, not just homework, but like, I guess matters, but like this stuff is like, yeah like it matters, you know? So it's fun. Hi bud. Me too, Floyd. We had the three-legged Fred try to jump up on the table, and then suddenly realized that he didn't want to be a part of the podcast. You don't want to be part of the podcast. You might chit chat, though. He's a chit chat KitKat. All right. Have we accomplished all we've chitted? We have chitted. And we have sure chatted.
I mean, i gotta go shit shitting I've got to go check my pants now. We've been chitting this whole time. I for sure if i am in trouble. I don't know about you guys. My pants are fully chitted. I've been sticking to chatting. The good news is I have an American political leader diaper on. Oh, and so i i just put little generic American political leader. i mean Both of those main guys, probably. Dude, as we were just saying, 50 to 30 percent. Anyways. All right. All right. I'm pouring myself another... Pinot Noir. Another Pinot Noir. And we're going to sign up. And we're going to...
We're going to meet and talk about a schedule and topics and we hope to do better for everybody. They just love to hear our voices. They don't care what we talk about. All two of them. That's true. Hey, there's 22 to 24 of them. Yeah, that's actually true. we We had some good downloads last episode. Shocked downloads. That's what they call oh like places. Streams, downloads, yeah. I was like, who? cause it I'd be worried if people are downloading the episode. Well, they are if you subscribe, I think it auto-downloads, right? It saves into your, like at least on Spotify. Oh, yeah. Okay, it does save to your library.
he's He's a biter. Watch out. He doesn't like when I touch his stump. Well, yeah, because he doesn't have claws. All right. Well, thanks for joining us again. We hope you've enjoyed, what is this, Chit Chat 3? Three, yeah. Chit Chat 3 featuring Maggie. There will be fewer Chit Chats once I think summer is over and we're in like a... and I do think that we would... Like I'll have more of a schedule. I like, I just do like just going with no agenda and having conversation. I think it's very us. Yeah, I agree. So, I mean, maybe...
It's just the norm and we just turn to topics every once in a while when we really feel motivated. Maybe we are just like a chitchat show like stick with it for the personalities of us or the latest breaking political news. Oh wait. Because Biden is open for work on LinkedIn. All right, well thank you to Mim. Maggie, you're welcome from Mim. And we hope to see all of our shallow friends back for our next episode. Peace out. Bye guys!