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Ringside Fest Reveals + Is Charlotte leaving WWE?!? image

Ringside Fest Reveals + Is Charlotte leaving WWE?!?

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays3 years ago
We discuss all the controversy around Charlotte Flair's recent backstage drama. In the Royal Rumble, we review Halloween Havoc, talk about Ring Of Honor possibly going under, and Seth Rollins new spot as #1 Contender on Raw. In Figure 4, we discuss all the reveals at Ringside Fest and show off our Weekly Purchases. We give some horror picks in Keeping It Tranquilo and answer your listener mail! Video Version of The Chick Foley Show Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% on all your wrestling figures at Ringside Collectibles. Check out the Pod Foundation Chick Foley Show Pint Glasses Try Verb energy bars!

Introduction & Milestone Celebration

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up Foley

New Era & Halloween Features

fam? We are back. Last week we celebrated episode 150. We celebrated the three-year anniversary of the Chick Foley show and now we are on the road to episode 300 and the six-year anniversary. A little Russell math for you guys to get us kicked off. Let's start the new era of the Chick Foley show by introducing the stars. Sheena, how you doing?
Yeah, I'm doing good. Sorry. I wish I had a better macho man impersonation I feel like the definitive macho man impersonations already happened on this show when we had J bone on the on the podcast But uh, we Marco and I if you're watching this on YouTube we came in full costume. I'm rocking my macho man my macho man robe and my chick Foley show macho man and
uh, glasses and you know, we got Marco rocking the, uh, the negative zero as

Halloween Weekend Plans & Social Media

he likes to call himself. Look, so super stoked to be here. It's Halloween weekend. Um, you know, we have some fun topics to talk about tonight. Hell yeah. And we have the newest member of the dark order, the MVP Marco. What's going on, man?
It's going. Like I said, I joined Dark Order since the last time we spoke. It's been going good. Life has been great. I'm not sure if you go to the website and sign up. They're really good people. If you had asked me in early 2020, if I would approve of you joining the Dark Order, I would have kicked you off the show. But now I'm like, you know what? I don't mind Marco representing the Dark Order. They've come a long way.
yeah it could be a lot worse yeah it could be a lot worse so i mean i'm hearing you know like i said they treat me they treat me good in a dark order so that's good give it a say for a little bit don't tony conne cut you a big check um we won't i don't divulge any uh any financial any financial discussion yeah so we'll keep that under wraps hell yeah man uh she never mind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media
You can find me on Instagram, at Chick Foley. You can find Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley Show. Most importantly, you can join our Foley fam. So much fun in there. We talk about it every single week, so I'm not going to deep dive on all the reasons you need to join, but you need to join.

Halloween Havoc Watch-Alongs

Other than that, we do have two. That's at
You have two Halloween Havoc watch-alongs to round out our Halloween Havoc series. It was a lot of fun. I think you guys are really going to enjoy these last two bonus episodes. So make sure you get in and you will be able to take advantage of all of those plus all of our previous bonus content. Yep. We're going to do a double drop to celebrate Halloween. So first thing Sunday morning, we're going to drop Halloween Havoc 1995.
where it was man versus man and machine versus machine with Hulk Hogan versus the giant. The series finale, we'll drop it around lunchtime. It's going to be a Hulk Hogan, once again, going up against the ultimate warrior at Halloween, having 98 for rematch from their classic at WrestleMania six. The less said, the better. You guys can hear our thoughts. Tune in on this Sunday. Marco, what's going on with the pot foundation this week?

WWE Updates & Giveaway Announcement

Lots of things. One of the notes of the week is on the Turnbuckle sessions, the OG Fig Kid gives his thoughts on how to fix the WWE. I'm not sure if you guys have listened to that episode. I haven't gotten to listen to it, but I'm curious. I always like when Tom gets heated and gets on his roles about how WWE can be better.
Yeah i probably said that's the highlight of the week i'm beside the other shows that they have you turnbuckle debate i'm obviously the regular show where they recap i a w and all things indy as well and on fridays there are interview sessions drop as well we also have extra cooler drop it like i said he you know he he kept his word you know that they drop it every week so i know it's great to have worked this fall did they know they
It took it easy over the summer. You know, they were on summer break doing all the family stuff and they came back this fall for even hard hitting. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. So yeah, definitely check us out where I mean, pot foundation greatest collection of wrestling minds since the NWO. Like I always say so. No lies detected. Too sweet. Sheen, you ready to give away some figures? Let's go.
All right, so we're going to be giving away Damien Priest basic. This is the first time in the line. It comes with the coveted, coveted rib tape accessory. We don't know what it's for, but it looks cool. And you really needed to complete your elite diamond Dallas page, if nothing else. So we'll hit the drum roll. In your Seth Rollins WrestleMania. You know what I mean? Like you need, you need it for that moment as well. Yeah. We'll hit the drum roll and Sheena will announce the winner.
The winner of Damien Priest is at Tony Wingdog 72. It's our man, Tony Barker, fully fan member. Congrats, dude. Make sure you give Tony a follow on his Instagram. Just overall, good dude. If you get, he gets a co-sign. He's a classic superstar member of the, uh, of the fully fam for sure. That's right. So, uh, Tony hit us up, let us know you listened and, uh, we will get Damien headed your way. And show the listeners what we're going to be giving away next week.
We're going to be giving away this retro Rey Mysterio, beautiful figure, super toyetic as most Rey figures are. This is the Motu Rey Mysterio for those listening. Oh, sorry. That's right. You're right. Sorry. I totally miss Motu. And you might have watched it on YouTube. It's like, what the hell? There was a retro Rey Mysterio, and they're giving it away on the show.
You're so right. I don't know why I said retro. You probably could have upped the listener count by about 2000, just kayfabing it. We have the retro prototype mysterious. We're going to give it away next week. It was a ringside reveal today. We got it in already. We just wanted to let you guys know. We're going to be giving it away on the Chick-Fully show.
No, sorry. Totally botched that. I don't know why I have retros on the brain, but yeah. There's enough lines out right now. It's understandable. It's hard to keep all the individuals laying the lines out. I'm thinking you were thinking Remco and you mixed it with retro. That's what I'm thinking. You were thinking, because it is Remco style. That's exactly. You're right.
You know, it's funny. There's an interesting tidbit that that came out today for Rainbow Stereo. Did you guys know that he and Triple H never had a televised singles match ever in their whole time? They were together. Wow. That's pretty interesting. Yeah, that's right. That's pretty crazy. Never ever step in the ring one on one, which is pretty insane. Pretty crazy that those two never locked horns. Yeah. Yeah, that's

Charlotte Flair Drama & Rumors

kind of weird.
All right, and we're going to remind you guys to use code CHICKFULLY to save 10% on all your purchases at Ringside Collectibles. Did you tell them how they're supposed to win this figure? Yeah, so it's a standard giveaway. Just shoot Sheena or Marco a screenshot showing that you listened to this week's episode and you'll be entered to win MoTo, Rey Mysterio. You guys are doing the story of the week? Easy peasy. Let's go.
So right around the time we were finishing up recording the episode last week, the Internet Wrestling community was buzzing about some backstage drama with Charlotte Flair. It was kind of it was stemming from the the Belt Exchange segment with her and Becky Lynch at the end of SmackDown last week. But it seemed like all the reports coming out, that was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back. And this has been something that's building for a few months. You know, we talked about her issues.
with Nia Jax from about two months ago when it seemed like they were starting to basically fight in the ring during a match. So all this is leading to speculation that Charlotte's time in WWE may be coming to an end sooner rather than later. Marco, you kind of been Johnny on the spot with this story. Kind of give us your take on the recent events with Charlotte over the past couple of months. I was going to say, I told you. I told you it wasn't a work. We'll get to that one in a little bit. I still got some thoughts on that.
So that awkward exchange that, uh, you know, Naya and Charlotte had a few, what was it a month ago, maybe a couple of months ago, um, where they were just like shoot slapping each other. Um, so, so obviously more and more stories are coming out. Um, you know, obviously this is all rumor and dirt sheet stuff, but.
They are saying that there has been like since that has happened like even before that that Monday Night Raw match like there's always there's been an issue with Charlotte and the rest of the the ladies in the locker room essentially and a few notable people that have like you know that don't want you know they're not gonna like take her crap essentially has been Naya and obviously the returning Becky like
They're the ones that have, besides all, they're the only two that have stood up to her so far. Obviously, I guess that this is all hearsay. But then as you hear that stuff and now you're hearing it again, now Becky has an issue with her.
You're hearing all these stories of her behind the scenes, not getting along with the rest of the locker room and having creative type of things too. Arguments about her character and all that stuff and how she's being portrayed. Hence that, what happened on SmackDown, where she thought she's gonna look weak if she just handed her title over. But she's not handing it over to like to get away. She's gonna look worse than weak, sadly.
it's a legit swap like if you remember the stupid though like the whole the whole concept of the title swap is stupid first of all they should just rename they shouldn't have a raw and smackdown women's title they don't have a raw and smackdown men's title it's the world title wwe title and it's a universal title i note you know historically they've been on specific shows but it doesn't matter you know what i mean like though it would make it way more interchangeable and way more flexible if they would just call the women's titles the women's universal and the women's wwe title for
And granted they're color coded, which I also think is a mistake because it also limits them a little bit to where they can

Championship Swap Criticism

go on the shows. But yeah, it just is ridiculous to me because they wouldn't have done that with the... Can you imagine Roman Reigns going out and swapping titles with Biggie? No, it wouldn't have happened. It wouldn't have happened. They would not have booked it that way, but it was just lazy. And I thought, I mean, granted this is completely
ignoring all the stuff that went down, but I think it is BS that they made the women switch titles like that. It was just garbage booking and there was gonna be no good way for the women to come out of that.
Right. Remember this all started back at WrestleMania timeframe. I remember shortly before WrestleMania, there was that weird story where WWE's medical team had kind of diagnosed Charlotte as being pregnant and then she got pulled out of storylines. And then once they realized that they, you know, they messed it up, she didn't have any interest in coming back. She ended up just taking some time off. Remember? So they, they would, so she had the, um, she had the pregnancy thing where it was like, you know, misdiagnosed pregnancy. She, she proved that she did it, but she had already been taken off all the shows, right? Cause they weren't going to risk that.
Then she got diagnosed with COVID and got pulled off, you know, so it was just, and then by that time, Rhea Ripley, and she was cleared for WrestleMania, from what I understand, she was cleared for WrestleMania, but they had already went forward with Rhea Ripley coming in and doing that storyline with Asuka. And it really, I mean, she wasn't even on the raw before WrestleMania, so it would have been really kind of crazy to kind of book her into WrestleMania after that, you know? So yeah, that whole thing was just a freaking mess.
I feel like if things were hunky dory between her and WWE, they would have found a way to get Charlotte on the card for WrestleMania. She's not the kind of person you leave off just because of bad timing. So I think there's definitely some stuff going on behind the scenes and on top of everything else that we've discussed so far.
WWE has also released her fiance and her dad within the past year. So there's gotta be a lot of tension backstage. There's just no way there couldn't be. In addition to- Wasn't he already on to something else? He was moving on to something else. WWE let him go, but wasn't he already like-
I think that wasn't even the big thing. He was amicable about it, but he was definitely released. He didn't make a big stink about it publicly, but he was definitely released from his contract. He didn't quit and his contract wasn't up. He still had time left on it when WWE let him go.
However you want to frame it, he was a paid employee at WWE and then he wasn't. So that's got to lend to a little bit of bad blood between her and the WWE as well. Speculation's already going around. If this was a work or a shoot, Sheena, we'll start with you. What's your take on this situation?
I think it's a shoot, man. I think, you know, for me, I feel like maybe Charlotte, from what I understand, has over a year left on her contract, right? So it's not like it's coming up anytime soon. And I don't foresee any situation where WWE is just going to let Charlotte out of her contract, right? And if she expresses interest in getting out of her contract, I can totally see a situation in which they like put her back and like just take her off of TV. And maybe all of this, something else that's a little suspect about all this is that
that all these rumors came out and there's all this detail which almost makes you feel like WWE maybe released all this info to make her look bad and kind of paint her in a bad light before she like because she's trying to get out of there you know what I mean like make her less likable to people I don't know you know I mean clearly we we don't know what's going on we don't have any insider information but
I think it's I think it's a work is it like what are I sorry I think it's a shoot because there's no way that they're doing this to try to make either person look better because nobody's coming out of this looking better like I said earlier like it's making everybody look worse yeah definitely and I like you like you say just a piggyback off of what you said with like her you know kind of like I don't use it like assassinating her character so to speak like
what better way to do that and say she's like, she has a toxic personality. She doesn't get along with anyone. Just put those things out there makes another cover. And they can see yeah, and they can totally say like, Oh, we've given her every opportunity. She's had every she's done everything there is to do in WWE. She's you know, won the Royal Rumble. She's had multiple titles like you know, she's been in part of these like historic matches. But she's just not happy. So I mean, I don't know what more we could do to make her happy.
And yeah, I can totally see them trying to plant that seed. Not that I think for one second that any of that is gonna be a deterrent for any company that comes knocking on Charlotte Flair's door. I can't imagine Tony Khan's like, you know what, maybe I don't want Charlotte Flair. There's absolutely no way. It doesn't matter what WWE could say about her outside of her being something horrible to get her canceled. They're not just gonna not hire her because she's, quote unquote, hard to work with.
For me, I still say it's a work. Unless it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, I consider everything in pro wrestling to be a work. I think they're just trying to work the smarks, get Charlotte some real good heel heat, make everybody hate her to set up some big baby face to take her down, come WrestleMania season. Shane, what do you think it would mean if this is a shoot and she ends up heading down to AEW in Jacksonville?

Charlotte Flair's Contract & Future

What would that mean for AEW's women's division?
Oh my gosh, dude. That would, I mean, that would be big. I know that there has been some big things happening in AEW right now, but if the women's division needs a lot of help, and I think that would be something that would just like,
Set the bar, move the needle, whatever you want to say. Like she would go down there and can you imagine like her having matches with like Thunder Rosa and Rio and freaking Hikaru Shida and Stat Lander. I mean, it would just be, yeah, Serena Deeb and Jay Cargill. Like dude, it would be unbelievable. And I think, I think Charlotte.
would go down there and raise the, I mean, maybe she's hard to work with, I don't know, but I feel like she would raise the bar down there and like, she would like the expectation of what the women's division would be would be higher than what it is right now, you know, because they're gonna know like Charlotte players not messing around like she's been on the biggest stage that there is in women's wrestling, you know, she's done WrestleMania.
Yeah. She's main event at WrestleMania. She's literally like been a part of WrestleMania every time, every, ever since she's been on the main roster. You know what I mean? Like she's a, she is a draw. She's a freaking certified star. And I just feel like it would, I mean, WWE would be in trouble. I think if they let Charlotte Flair get to AW, which I mean, I feel like may be inevitable at this point.
Yeah. I don't know if WWE would be in trouble. I feel like they're just a machine right now. I don't know. I think anybody sort of Roman leaving. I think they could. But I mean, if Charlotte Flair can leave, Roman can freaking leave. Like let's be, let's be real now. Charlotte's making seven figures. You know what I mean? If she's willing to leave that and go to AEW, which I'm sure she would get paid, you know, comparable in AEW, but
Dude, if Charlotte Flair can leave, if Bray Wyatt can leave, then Roman Reigns could freaking leave. I don't put it past anybody to leave WWE at this point. I think Roman's the only one I would put a cut above. But yeah, anybody can leave. Daniel Bryan was getting paid the money, and he was on the creative team, and he walked away from it. He was on the creative team at WWE his last few months, and he walked away from it. So yeah, anybody could definitely bounce. Marco, I'm going to put you on the spot.
WrestleMania 38 is approximately five months away. Will Charlotte be on the WWE roster?
Oh yeah, she'll definitely be there. I mean, she's contracted to be on the roster. She'll definitely be at WrestleMania in what position and where she's going to be in a storyline. Who knows? You know the story with WWE or the rumors are when someone's on their way out, they started booking them and compromising storylines and all that stuff. So maybe she's going to be in a cry baby match like a one, two, three kid on his way out the door.
Yeah, something like that. Yeah. Maybe, uh, bring back the, uh, like it was like, uh, maybe you said those like mud wrestling type of magic, something like that back to kiddie pools full of chocolate pudding. Yeah. Put on the pre-show of wrestling. Who knows? But, uh, no, I definitely make Charlotte like the host of WrestleMania. Oh yeah. I mean that, that could possibly happen too as well. Who knows?
Yeah, I think she'll speak there though. Alright, she's not going definitely something interesting. We'll be keeping her eye on it and discussing it all the way through. Let's hear from the two bad chads at the turnbuckle Tavern.

Promotion for Turnbuckle Tavern Podcast

Drop by and visit the Turnbuckle Tavern, where every Thursday, we give you the most in-depth analysis of all things AEW, as well as dive into impact wrestling, NWA, and all things NDE. If you like heated debates, compelling interviews, and a shot of nostalgia, you'll love the Turnbuckle Tavern, available on Apple and Spotify. Drink it in. It always goes down smooth.

Elite's Halloween Costumes

All right, it is time for the Royal Rumble segment. We're going to be starting it off with Sheena. So anybody that watched the main event of Dynamite this week, we saw the Elite come out dressed up as the Ghostbusters. Very cool. Perfect for Halloween, even though Stay Puft kind of ruined their night. Sheena, what should the Elite be next Halloween?
I think it would definitely be cool if they were like the Ninja Turtles, you know what I mean? I think it would be so fitting. Kenny could be like Raphael, because he's kind of like the alpha and the oldest and the biggest of all the bunch. And Matt Leonardo, he's like the coolest, I think. And then Nick is Michelangelo. He's like the goofy jokester younger brother. And then you got Adam Cole as Donatello, who Donatello loves all of his gadgets and gizmos.
Adam Cole's like a gamer nerd. So I think it all fits. I think it could be really cool because they have very distinct personalities. Yeah, and that little finisher that they did where they all did the running back bump could work with the turtle shells. The turtle shells. Yeah, exactly. I like that. All right, Marco, you're up next.

Ring of Honor Roster Release

So big news in Ring of Honor this week, they actually released every single wrestler on their roster and said that they are going on hiatus until April. Obviously, that's
That's some pretty dicey news. You know, we'll see if they actually if they actually make it back or not. But it's not good for the state of wrestling in the United States. I'm asking you, what does this mean for the world of wrestling that Ring of Honor is going under? I mean, obviously they've been like kind of, you know, financial distress for a while now, since obviously since, you know, AEW started up. But I mean, it's I mean, the state of wrestling in the US is it's still good. You still have AEW.
You still have WWE, obviously. You still have tons of different independent companies. Literally, I think pretty much every state in the United States has its own local independent wrestling. I support most of that stuff. We're in good hands with AEW and WWE.
Yeah. And I think game changer wrestling, their descendants over the last year, I think they're really kind of filling up that next spot up behind, uh, behind AWW and impact. All right. It's a totally different product too. Not to like, you know, ruin the war rumble segment, but the thing about GCW is it stands out as its own thing. Kind of like, you know, WWE has its own look and feel, um, AWW has its own look and feel, and then GCW has its own look and feel. So you kind of get all those, uh, you know, you can hit all interest points, you know? Yep.

Seth Rollins & WWE Championship Speculation

yeah. All right. Our man, Seth Rollins, see him right here behind me. He is back as the number one contender to the WWE championship. Sheena, will Seth Rollins take the belt off of Big E? So I've notoriously been labeled as a fence rider on this show. And I feel like this is really tough because he had a hell of a performance at crown jewel and the ladder match was really great.
He's definitely deserving of the opportunity, but I feel like this whole Big E feud was a little bit hot-shotted. I feel like this deserves a bigger stage, maybe like the Royal Rumble or WrestleMania. I feel like Big E, like this would have been a better fit for Finn or Kevin Owens. I feel like this first starting match, you know, and then he'd hold up to Seth Rollins. That being said, if Seth the throne's Big E, I hope Big E wins the Rumble and then he can go against Roman. But yeah, I don't wanna see
biggie lose and I don't want to see Seth Rollins lose so sorry. I think Seth's getting that belt. He's on arguably the best run of his career character wise and he's been putting on fire performances in the ring. I know just sad for biggies. Biggies firmly establishes and made a winner now and WWE always likes to put the baby face in chase mode. So I think that's what we're going to see whether it ends up going after Roman
Or or going back after seth, but I think that's probably the primary reason why seth was put over to raw I think they felt like you know, this guy needs to have a world championship around his waist But we're not ready to do seth in roman yet. So yeah, i'm calling right now I stand by my point because I made that point with bianca belair and all y'all I think even in the pod foundation chat everybody was like, you know, no, this is terrible blah blah blah You know, I think I talked about it on instagram, too
and when Bianca Belair lost and I was like, dude, she's gonna be so much more interesting and so much more intriguing and so much more mage if she's on the chase for the title. And dude, she owned Becky, right? And I feel like she, to me, that's the perfect role for her and she's exactly where I said she would be when she lost that title. I said she's gonna be just fine. I mean, you guys are forgetting who else is on Raw along with Seth Rollins.
Because he has a person that he's been pretty much fighting forever for a while now. And that's Edge. Edge is still lurking around, man. So he can put a stop to that championship run for South Carolina. I don't know, dude. I think they put a nice little bow on their fuse at Hill in a Cell. I don't feel like, dude, there's nothing more to do there right now.
I don't think we're gonna see Edge again until WrestleMania season. I think Hell in the Cell was kind of his send-off for a couple months, but we'll see. Yeah, could come back. We could see Edge and Seth for the belt back at WrestleMania, heat it back up. All right, Marco, we saw the second iteration of NXT's Halloween Havoc on Tuesday night.

NXT Halloween Havoc Review

Give us a 30-second review on Halloween Havoc 2021. I thought it was really good, actually. For anyone that's seen it, obviously, let me know.
It did have quite the flair that it had last year with Shotzi being the host of it. I thought, obviously, last year was better overall with the production and stuff, but the actual wrestling itself was really awesome. All the matches are great. Some shocking wins. Obviously, Mandy Rose winning the Women's NXT Championship was shocking to a lot of people.
A lot of people thought Braun was at a win and uh, he did not obviously not Braun Strowman, but uh, he had a little, hit a little botch. I'm not sure if you guys got to see the match. It was almost like Finn baller's turnbuckle break. It was the same thing kind of like face planted. He went to go like do a dive off the middle turnbuckle and he kind of just fell flat. So other than that, other than that little thing, it was, it was actually really entertaining.
Halloween habit was good. My picks for the fully picks league were garbage though, man. I just, I don't know what happened to me. There were no obvious winners. Yeah, it was tough. All right.

Halloween Costumes & Wrestling Antics

Last entry and the more one for this week, Sheena, what are you being for Halloween?
So historically, I've put a lot of time and love and effort into my Halloween costumes. A lot of times they're like homemade and pieced together and thrifted and everything. Um, you know, mom of two, busy with, you know, a husband that, you know, works daylight to dark. I haven't had the opportunity to, uh, to put anything together. So I'll probably wear my skeleton Kigurumi, which is like a onesie type thing. You know, um, I did want to get a Stay Puft costume because the kids are going to be post busters.
I just slipped, it slipped my mind and then, you know, I was afraid the kids would want to be like, no, I want to be stay puffed. So I didn't even really go down that road because, you know, with toddlers and cute little kids, like they'll be pissed. They won't want to wear their Ghostbusters costumes. We got them. They want to be stay puffed. You could, uh, you could get the stay puffed costume and then you could be hangman as stay puffed, you know, you can wear a costume half the night and then the second half of the night, just pull it down around your feet and walk around with it like that for, uh,
That was so funny. I don't know if you guys know, I know Seth did, uh, cause he would, but Marco, like he was so funny trying, he, you know, he was in that inflatable stay puff costume and he took it off and he looked all bad-ass. He had his, you know, regular clothes underneath and then it got stuck around his feet and he couldn't get it off. And he was like walking around with like this, like stay puff costume wrapped around his feet. It was pretty messy like three times. Then he was like, you know what? Fuck it. I'm just going with it. And he just kind of duck walked around the ring. The rest of the, uh, he kind of, he kind of made it work with, yeah.
Yeah, when you like, when he took the like the head off, it was like he, you know, he's still kind of tough. He made, he made say puff look tough. Oh yeah. Angry look, but he still, it was kind of funny that he saw the safe. It was hilarious. Stay puffs like stand on the middle rope and like get the crowd hype, you know.
Yeah, it was awesome. I think it was funny because it was like stay puffs revenge. You know what I mean? Like in the, in the movie, they, the Ghostbusters got the best of stay puffs and then stay puff finally got his revenge. He was like, screw y'all, man. Try to set me on fire. Like you good, Shane. I'm sorry. What? I said, are you good? I'm straight.
All right. We didn't know you had that much thoughts on the Stay Puft segment. You really put a lot of deep analysis on it. Do you understand that my day is pretty much consumed, like 75% Ghostbusters content around here? I have to pretend, we literally build Stay Puft's house every day with blocks and knock it down and the Ghostbusters set Stay Puft on fire. My mom brain is loaded with Ghostbusters content. All right. Let's drink to that.
All right, Mark, are we sipping on this week, man? Sipping on the, I think I showed this last week of the week before, the timber yard. Oh yeah. You see death knocking on a, you know, the label kind of like doesn't do it justice. You'd think with a label like this would be like a quadruple IPA or something like that, but it's 6%, not bad. The ABV just has the infinity symbol next to it.
Yeah. Oh my God, jeez. That wouldn't even, you'd probably just see me disappear from the little square of me. You'd just be looking at my fireplace back here. I mean, knocked down cold if that was the case, but yeah, definitely enjoying this. It's kind of like, it's like almost like a dark, a dark ale, which is really good.
Nice. I'm sipping on one of our standards here, the Dogfish Head Sequential. That's one of our kind of never out in the beer fridge. So very tasty. It looks like it's going to be around year round. I was a little bit worried that it was going to be a summer seasonal, but it looks like they're keeping it stocked up year round because it was so popular. I want a few like beer of the year lists this year. So definitely check it out. Sheena, what are you drinking? I'm drinking Children of the Gourd. I think this is my first time drinking it on the show. I know Seth has had this on the show before.
Um, but it is by a local Norfolk brewing company. I think it is O'Connor brewing company. Yep. Um, they had a beautiful setup at their brewery too. If anybody listening to the Virginia area wants a place to go, uh, get some lunch and have some good beer. Yeah. It says pumpkin Berliner vice. I think that's how you say that. I don't know. I'm not the, I'm not the best at that, but it's just a fancy way of saying a wheat beer.
Yeah, it's a wheat beer. It's got vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, so all the false spices that you need. It's delicious. I don't go in depth as our friend Matt, the hop god from the Extra Cooler show, always joke with him that he's always ranking his favorite hops. It's a delicious beer and I highly recommend it. It's not too pumpkin-y. Sometimes they try to go overboard and slap you in the face with the pumpkin. It's more spicy.
Yeah, it's got yeah, it's way it's more spicy and the vanilla like kind of keeps it super chill and super smooth So highly recommend if you can get your hands on children of the gourd Get you some All right, let's get into the figure four
All right, so Ringside Fest wrapped up today. We got a ton of reveals. Let's dive into it. Marco, what were you most excited to see from Ringside Fest?
I have like a list here not like a huge list but that legends the legends edge was pretty awesome both both variants of it with the red pants and with the white pants and the soft good almost like a leathery leather jacket and now I want every single leather jacket from anyone that has kind of like a leathery looking jacket they should they should have that soft goods the road dog have you guys seen the picture of the road dog like up close
The head is insane like the head scan looks like it's crazy. Yes, I would do like an up close pit It looks like a like a still of him like it literally looks like Road Dogg like in figure form. It's insane The V mark house is awesome. Yeah mark house is cool, dude. I think that's my favorite. I got that
Yeah, that that one of the there was a they added both Robin dams that they I mean, they weren't in figure form, but they were just just the renders of it. They showed the last the last maybe last year they they showed those during SDCC. I was kind of bummed. I was hoping the the Tiger Stripe RVD was going to be a an ultimate edition. Yeah, that would be pretty pretty awesome. But the the WrestleMania line
Obviously looks awesome. You get to round out the the boneyard match with you know AJ styles and the boneyard gear So because they already have the boneyard undertaker Obviously build a figure Vince McMahon not not too impressed with that one because it's literally kind of like the same Same head as the what elite series was that which were like 72 or something like that? Yeah, I think it's just basically just a tuxedo instead of the blue suit. I
Yeah, same head. You get the three hand. He's doing the WrestleMania three. Um, yeah, I mean, I mean, too many Hogan's for me personally. Um, yeah, stop trying to make Hogan happen. Yes. It's, I mean, there's another Hogan coming out with the, you know, the long tights, um, with the bow is and all that stuff. But yeah, I wasn't too impressed with the, with the Hogan. I know people flip out with a new Hogan figure.
is popping up and I just don't see the appeal to it. He's just the nostalgia man hit that. I really I doubt we get it just because I can't see a Paul Orndorf Ultimate Edition being made but the fact that we're getting Mr. T and Hogan from WrestleMania one I'd love to see a Piper and Orndorf Ultimate Edition set also to to kind of correspond with that that would be really great. Shane what's that catching your eye from the reveals?
I mean, I can't believe you guys didn't mention these retribution figures. We're getting Mace T-Bar and- They are cool, man. They're gonna be in like the Ascension category as like, you know, they kind of sucked on TV, but they're gonna be human figures because the new Mustafa Ali is in his retribution gear also. So we're getting- Oh yeah, he sure is. Yeah. Mace and T-Bar and him. The only one we're missing is Slapjack. I don't know if he's gonna end up getting in a lead or not, but
Slapjack is a Jason mask, right? Yeah. Yeah. And I'm a sucker for, you know, having a faction of figures, even if they're kind of jabronis. I think these guys are pretty cool. Yeah, they are. That mace figure looks super toyetic. The mace figure looks awesome with the braids and the dreads. Like, yeah, he looks cool, dude. Again, if we didn't know this faction was such an abomination, like these figures would be so cool. Speaking of abomination real quick,
the the scarlet elite um the the ring gear and the actual like sculpting and molding on the figure looks awesome and she comes with like the little sand timer but what's up with her face man i mean hopefully it looks better in person but her face does not look good i think it's true effects her basic the face game looked really good but it wasn't true effects so you know true effects can be hit or miss they
We're about 30 series deep since they've been doing it and it's gotten. It has gotten a lot better but sometimes you still have kind of just weird weird head skulls with the true effects and maybe that's all it is I wonder how hard it'd be to do a head swap and if that accessory would work on the basic head because basically great.
the basic did look great this war games figure of tomasso champa looks awesome exclusive with the two different head pieces like that looks awesome he actually he posted about it on his um on his instagram um the the uh that
that figure as well. And we definitely need a God of War, Tabaso Ciampa from Halloween Havoc as well. That definitely has to be made up somehow. But I was actually thinking, when you actually brought up Ultimate Editions, know who definitely needs an Ultimate Edition? Asta.
Yeah, he was trying to remember there was that uh Yeah, there was that figure that was revealed a few years back that ended up getting canceled It was a it was basically a deluxe oscar With the with the robe fully detailed stuff It was going to be a wrestlemania access exclusive and it ended up getting scrapped and the ultimate editions were announced shortly after that So I feel like that figure was maybe kind of like the genesis for going with a premium line But yeah, that'd be that would be cool if it came full circle We know bigshot bill is a fan of oscar. So I don't think it's out of the question that it happens but
we need also to get another another big time run you know she's kind of cooled off a little bit since since 2019 so yeah yeah i'm still not a fan of chick foley i checked today i was like maybe he heard our last episode and gave me the unblock uh but i checked today during the ringside reveals i think you need to uh still blocked
Think you need to hit up action figure attack to kind of be like a peacemaker He'd be the mediator to go in between and try to cool with him work out for you guys if you listen an action figure definitely an Oscar Ultimate Edition and I'm thinking different masks as well like different versions of all the different versions not all of them because she has so many different types of masks, but like Cloth robe
You know, she had to basically hand her belt over because, you know, she's moving on to the main roster as well as, uh, um, yeah, that belt as well as like the, the raw, see the, the other thing too, about the raw women's championship, that's the definitive women's championship. That was the one that was actually revealed at WrestleMania. They revamped the diva's title. So I always look at the raw women's championship. Yeah. So she definitely needs that too. And it's, uh, if you listen to an action figure, definitely start that.
Yeah. I have to jump ahead real quick. I saw that our buddy Justin Frank, also known as in-ring art on Instagram, sent in a listener mail saying, you know, he said, I don't have a question, but I did have to say like, you know, putting it out into the Chick-Fully verse about a new Sammy figure worked because we did get to see a new Sammy figure. That's right. He's got his little Sammy award and a new pants.
Yeah. And the new, uh, the new beard and everything. So yeah. Uh, in ring art, you know, he made it happen by, uh, speaking it into, into existence on the chick Foley show. Oh, yeah. We didn't talk about that. Evan Owens and, uh, Sammy Zane to take the place to Adam Cole and the crispy fiend that we're supposed to be in elite 91. Yeah. Um, but yeah, we also forgot that, uh, there was another, uh, ringside exclusive that they announced yesterday.
And that was The Undertaker. Did you see it? Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of that figure. It's cool that you're going to be able to drop the straps. I like to see that application on some other figures, but I was never a big fan of kind of American Badass or Biker Taker. I have the Elite 18 figure of that, which is pretty cool, but I'm probably passing on this one.
So is it cloth? So how does it drop the straps? There's some pictures. If you go on the Wrestle Fix forums, you can see it's, I don't know if it's something that, I don't know if it's like a soft rubber and it clips on the back of it. I don't know exactly what the mechanism is, but you can definitely drop the straps on it and make it look like you don't take it when you get down to business.
It's a great side exclusive. Oh, no, they show it. Yeah, they show it actually in the next shot. It says pull down straps. It looks okay, but I think it definitely should have been a soft goods shirt for that feature to work. And the problem is that they rolled this feature out after Kurt Angle is no longer with WWE. I mean, he's the most iconic strap dropper that there is. Yeah.
The other big news this week in Wrestling Figures is that Mattel and WWE have renewed their contract for a few more years, which is awesome because I did not want to have to deal with having to decide where to start up with a new brand or just stick with Mattel and just go all customs route or what. So I hope Mattel and WWE stay together forever.
What I want to do right now is let's go around. They've had such an incredible run over the last 12 years now, but there's still some people that are missing. Sheena, we'll start with you. Name two wrestlers that Mattel has not done that you want to see them get figures out of in the next few years.
Well, I'm going to go with the chicks. I'm going to go with Luna and Marlena. I think those would be two. We definitely need those, dude. They're like huge missing holes in the collection, dude. They're definitely noticeably absent. Oh yeah. And we got the perfect bam, bam, and gold dust figures to go along with those. And Luna could go with Shawn Michaels too. We got Shawn Michaels from 93, 94 when Luna was with him as well. So great choices. Marco, how about you?
I think we mentioned this last week, but the oddities, we definitely need some oddities figures to pop up in the Mattel line. It doesn't have to be the whole group. Obviously, if they do the Luna Vachon, that would be great because she's a part of it. But yeah, we definitely need the oddities. I think you need Golga, you need the Giant Silva, Luna, and I think the ICP. I think that's what you need for your oddities figure set. For me, I'll stick with the oddball characters. I think Giant Gonzales, I would just love to see what Mattel
could do with him. I got a pretty solid custom. I don't know, dude. All the crappy gimmicks, he definitely freaking hits the spot for me. I love that dude, man. It was so awe inspiring seeing him come out and take the undertaker down, even though the matches ended up being total crap. Giant Gonzales would be my pick for one. And two, I'm going barbarian. Until it happens, I'm speaking with the existence that we need to barbarian a complete
the powers of pain we're going to spend since 1989 we're going on over 30 years that we were getting. We're getting warlord figures with no barbarian a match you know between LJ and and Mattel Jackson powers of pain set but it didn't really hit the way we needed it to so we need that definitive barbarian figure to come out to go along with that awesome warlord
Sorry, Seth doesn't have his headphones on. This is basically the definitive cane figure we've gotten so far. It's debut cane. Looks incredible, right? Just totally awesome. But here's the issue. You start to do a little bit of fig photography. You want to check out that double jointed articulation. It's unpainted, man. He's got a hole in his gear. It looks awful. It's a problem.
that they just dropped. So that's my picks.
Yeah, so action figure tat came out on the forums this week on wrestle figs and said that anybody that got this cane can email in Mattel, I don't know what the proof of purchase is going to be I don't know if you just need to send a picture of it or what if they're making enough where they're just going to go on our system, and they're going to send you a replacement arm that is casted in red so that way it'll be read all the way through.
That's awesome. You swap out the arm and you're good to go. People were just going nuts. It was annoying. It definitely looks bad, but I didn't really think it was that big of a deal. People in the forums were going off like somebody walked in their house and kicked their dog or something. I think it's a big deal. That's a premium figure. That's Mattel's premium figure line. You know what I mean? There should be no detail left unturned on those figures. Again, I'm not a person who allows something like that to get me so worked up.
I can see how people would be upset especially figure photographers you know like that are gonna be taking shots and i guess i can edit it but i mean why should they have to pay that much for a premium figure then it should you know it should have the quality of a premium figure.
Yeah, you're right. But Mattel is making it right for the consumers. And they're going to be hooking up with some new cane arms. So there's going to be a ton of people with extra cane arms here in the next few years. We'll be interested to see what they can come up with to do with those. We saw the reveal of WWE Superstars Wave 2. So again, this is the Remco style figures that are going to be Walmart exclusives. They're the follow up to the Motu line. It's classic HBK from 1992 timeframe. Big Daddy Cool.
Big Sexy, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall from the Outsiders. I loved all three of these. Marco, are you a fan of these figures?
Oh yeah, definitely. I think they, I think we obviously, we need my nemesis to be made so we can round out the clique and that'd be the one, two, three kid. We definitely need a, a Remco version of him. So we can round out the original clique with the, with those guys there. So that'd be pretty awesome. But yeah, I'm pretty excited with these ones. The first, the series was, it was okay for me anyway, but no, this, the second time around is, I think it's pretty awesome.
These ones are coming with belts too. It looks like it's going to be the elite belts from what I can tell. But it's pretty cool that they're dropping belts with these guys. You know, they're the big thing with these is soft goods because Remco was really ahead of their time with all the soft goods that they had in their line. So I'm thinking they could do one, two, three kid and then drop Triple H is the Greenwich Snop. You know, you could do the red hunting jacket that you used to wear. That would be awesome. That would be that'd be pretty dang sweet. Let's get into weekly purchases. You know, we'll kick it off. Show them what we got this week.
All right. So we have, well, I guess I shouldn't have started. I shouldn't have started this big, but, uh, we have blown our load on the first fig chase Darby Allen from the unmatched series looks just freaking amazing. The box is in incredible shape. Unlike our, uh, John Moxley chase figure. Uh, we will still be unboxing him though, because that's just what we do.
I can't wait. I think we're going to do it in one fell swoop. I think we're just going to unbox the Chase John Moxley and the Chase Darby Allen together. We're going to unbox some care for you there. We're ripping into these things. We're going to lose a lot of listeners. If you're a masochist or a sadist, you definitely want to check out this episode of Unbox-a-Mania. Yeah, we'll call it a house of whores. It'll be Unbox-a-Mania house of whores, you know? I can hear the listeners just dropping like flies right now because of the MOC. Sorry, MOC people.
But it's happening. And then we got this Ultimate Edition Jeff Hardy from the Fan Takeover series. So awesome. I like it. Looks incredible. You guys like the red packaging? Yeah, I was about to say we had such a big debate going whenever this series was announced about what the packaging is going to look like. Packaging? I'm a fan. I was expecting it to be the standard Ultimate Edition with maybe just some Fan Takeover branding, but I like the kind of reverse color way to set them off.
I said it was going to be different. I can't remember who. Somebody on the show, one of you two said it was going to be the same. I said it was definitely going to be different. I will say it was going to be the same. You and Marco say it was going to be different. I think we're both right. It's the same but different. The thing I love about the Ultimate Editions is just how open the windows are. The new Elite packaging is just too much. There's just too much going on on the new Elite packaging. I just feel like... Yeah, these are clean designs.
Super clean design, love the big window in the front of the box. Yeah, these are way better than the Elite packaging. She is a fan of the BBW, the big beautiful window. Big beautiful window. What's your thoughts on the figure, Shane? We got to get a quick live review of that Jeff Hardy Ultimate Edition. That's a new one, brand new on the streets.
It looks awesome, man. The head scan looks great. The paint on the face looks awesome. It's kind of like, it's, it's like matted and airbrushed looking, which is super cool. Got the soft goods top, um, all the paint detailing that you want from a Jeff Hardy figure, the towel on the side. Um, yeah, it's a,
It's an A plus figure. I love it. My only gripe is, I feel like the torso is a little bit too big. That's just the nature of the Ultimate Edition figures, the articulation and stuff. I don't really feel like Jeff Hardy had like the Superman chest like that. He's always a little bit more slim, but that's a nitpick. It's a great figure. I'm not normally a fan.
Yeah, I'm not normally a fan of the open mouth yelling face scans, but I really like this one that came with the Jeff Hardy figure. I think they just kind of nailed his expression. These Ultimate Editions are so much fun. I've been fidgeting with this Ultimate Edition cane since I grabbed it off the shelf, man. They are just so much fun to play with. I'm envious of kids nowadays that they're going to have these to play with and do their matches. Marco, you remember back in the day, we had freaking Hasbros who
You could do real moves, man. Before that, you had LJNs, which were even worse than Hasbro's. To articulate it whatsoever. Think about how much imagination that fostered for you. Yeah. Yeah, true. Do we have anything else? Sheena, was that it for us this week?
There's a viscera figure over here in the pile. Yeah, so we went back and got viscera. I had actually, I can't remember if we gave it away on the show. Yeah, we did. Or maybe we shipped it up to Marco or Jordan. Or maybe it was like the Chick-Fully Rumble Prizes. Passing that figure, because I already had King Mabel and was never a huge viscera fan. But the upcoming Legends series lineups leaked. And I think series 15, we're getting the acolytes. So Bradshaw and Farooq were there in the Ministry of Darkness.
Well, shit, I got to get those, which means I got to go ahead and put together my Ministry of Darkness and figure for him. So I went back and grabbed Viscera. Luckily, he had skyrocketed in the last couple of years. I do got another figure to show off. We actually got this a couple of weeks ago, but I got the final piece today. So this is from Alex Pierce Customs, the one man gang. This guy was supposed to be in the original Legends line and was canceled. Figure looks great. You can see the shades, got the mohawk. He's got the tattoos on the side of the head for anybody watching on YouTube right now.
And then I got the last piece from our dear friend Sabotage Wrestling in the Philippines, the denim vest for the one man gang. So hopefully we get a proper one. But in the meantime, I got this really sweet custom to kind of fill in the blanks. Marco, what did you get this week?
I also got the Jeff Hardy, so I'm not gonna show it because she already showed it. Just waiting, waiting on the Hulk Hogan, supposed to be showing up at some point. Ultimate Warrior supposedly showing up on Wednesday. I think a lot of people put that notification. Let me open up Amazon right now and see if we got shipped yet. I was just saying Wednesday too, but have we even seen actual MOC? Yeah, they actually have. They revealed some of that today too as well.
There are pictures of the fan takeover Ultimate Warrior. I think I'm not sure if it's on ringside, but if you've already seen it. But there are some MOC pictures of him in the box. Still don't have ships. Mine is saying Arriving Wednesday, but it is not shipped yet. I'm skeptical, man. Let's place our bets right now. Will we have this figure when we record next week? I'm saying no. No. I think so.
Right Marco everything there's actually packaging and the figure is like a like photos of it floating around and stuff like that So I think it's coming and it's gonna happen. I think they're trying to appease of people that I missed out on the whole good figure So they're moving that up faster, but um, but besides the Jeff Hardy so obviously 2800 studios is the as a go-to for the
If you want the original pay-per-view or WWF pay-per-view, even WCW, but they've been doing a lot of the WWF pay-per-view t-shirts and stuff like that with the logo on the front and the match card on the back. So this one here, I forgot, I ordered like a while ago.
Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, dude, that is sick. That is a killer T-shirt. Mind games. One of the best matches of all time. September 22. Yeah. Did you look at the back here? Wow. Yeah, so you can't sleep on 2800 studios. They kill it with the T-shirts. Yeah, that's done. I think they got a lot of the fully famined in grabbing T-shirts from 2800 studios as well. They just did a all over print.
about your man Slim Jim that I miss out on. It's all over. It's all the electric bolts all over it. And then about your man on the front with the Slim Jim logo to the side. It was pretty awesome. But I messaged him. I was like, damn, he's like, he's like, yeah, I did like last weekend. I was like, Oh, that's the worst. I forgot. I got this too. This is from WCW worldwide on
on instagram so on the front it's got the classic wcw worldwide logo you remember that was wcw's kind of like syndication show came on late night saturday nights taped at disney roll and on the back big gold will never die it's got a beautiful graphic of the uh big gold plate so
Yeah, we're big and a Foley fan. We're definitely good about supporting our local bootleggers. So a lot of great shirts out there. You really got to kind of put some control in there because it's just like it's a money pig one there. I basically put a limit the same way I did with the Chalk Line shorts with my wrestling shirt. So the only way I get a new wrestling shirt now is if another one is getting a boot out of the collection because it's people are just killing it right now on with the IG sales. Let's hear from. Yeah. Go ahead, Marco.
I was going to say, the cool thing about 2800 Studios, they do like limited. So once they make them, they have out for a week and they're gone. They never recert them or anything like that. Some of these boots are going for decent money on eBay as well, man. So there is a resale market out there for the bootlegs, especially the people at 2800 Studios who are doing the limited drops. Let's hear from the Survivor Series team at the Extra Cooler Show.
Hey everyone, it's Nick, better known as Extra Cooler. Is there anything better than diving back into the wrestling archives and watching classic matches from the past?
Yes, there is. It's doing that with your buddies while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice-cold beverages. If that sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my new podcast, The Extra Cooler Show, where each episode, my Survivor Series team and I review an old-school match chosen by you, the listeners. The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for new episodes every other Thursday morning. Hey, everyone.
Keeping a Tranquilo is where we give you some entertainment recommendations for something outside of the ring and sometimes completely outside of the world of professional wrestling. This segment is brought to you by Verb Energy because sometimes keeping a Tranquilo can be exhausting. Verb is your delicious 90-calorie snack bar to help you get through your favorite binge-watching sesh. Hit the link in our show notes to save some money and get your Verb Starter Pack for only $12. Now, let's get Tranquilo.
I forgot to mention when we were talking about Ring of Honor, potentially going under earlier. It's two guys I want to see in AEW. I'm rocking the shirt right now, the Briscoes man. Huge fans of these guys. I think it would be awesome. I love those guys in AEW. So I'll go first for keeping it Tranquilo. This is where we give you guys a recommendation for something outside the squared circle to watch. Me and Sheena watched Halloween Kills last weekend and I was
pleasantly surprised by how good it was. I'd seen some mixed reviews online, so I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it was good, man. Michael Myers freaking, he ate his Wheaties before that one. It was some of the best kills. They definitely upped the violence. Halloween has kind of always been one of those series that's more about the dread than the actual straight up violence. But nah, this one brought me as far as the kills go. There were some cool
violent, unique kills in it. And I was a big fan. So if you haven't checked it out yet, you know, you could watch it after Halloween, but you know, it's not going to be the same. You need to watch it this weekend. So that big about the Halloween kills on Peacock. Marco, what's your pick? Yeah, definitely. Definitely watch both Halloween movies, the one before it as well. If you want to have like a like nice little refresher because the first one actually has a really good kills it as well.
But my pick is another kind of it's not really I mean there are some Halloween elements to it I'd say it's a series of movies called VHS. Have you ever heard of this? Oh, yeah We've seen all of them except the newest one that dropped yeah, so Scary if you want if you want to scare the crap buddies, I made the mistake of watching the first one by myself. Mm-hmm Obviously, it's so basically the you know the overarching
Uh, story on the first one is, you know, a group of like, you know, thieves break into this house and you know, they're directed to look for this like VHS tape and, uh, you know, kind of like they're always creepy. If you're ever looking for a VHS tape, just know some bad shit's about to happen. Cause it's about to get all creepy. There's nothing, um, you know, fun and you know, glittery about finding a freaking crazy VHS and abandoned house.
It's a it's kind of like a found footage movie. So like, you know, they're, you know, they're recording their, you know, breaking up the house and stuff like that. And then as you're watching this tape, when they pop the tape in and they're watching it, you're watching other found footage in there. And all these different stories are, you know, they have different directors. So they're all literally different stories. Yeah. Yeah. They all tied together. I'm not obviously not going to explain everything, but like, they all tie in some way. But yeah, even the movies after that VHS two was awesome.
I think VHS, the third one is viral where it's more of like it's a newer so it's like social media and all that stuff. Yeah. And then to do was like you said, I haven't seen that one yet. But yeah, definitely watch the first one. You don't have to watch the whole series. The first one will scare the crap out. There was one, I don't know which one you're about to say, but there was, I'm not going to give it all away. But there was one that happened in a hotel room and it just like gave me the complete one.
Yeah. Somebody creeping in and just filming the people sleeping. Oh yeah. That one and then the one that was in the Asian cult, I think those are probably the two scariest stuff. Yeah, the first one, I think that's the last story and it's these guys going to a Halloween party at this old mansion.
Yeah, yeah You know they go there, you know, they're you know, they hear stuff going on, but they don't see anyone on the first floor So I don't give it away. It's but yeah, that one was that was one that like I tapped out I was like, yeah, it's really scary. Yeah, it's just it just you just don't sleep well that Netflix a couple years ago whenever we watched it because we watched them all at one time So I'm not sure once I don't see me right now, but I'm sure she's you know, so Gina what's your pick?
So I'm going to go with, um, there, you guys know, like, you know, the toys that made us, the movies that made us, you know, all that kind of stuff. Uh, the, the movies that made us had a little addition for Halloween season. So they went and did some classic horror movies. So they went and did the, um, Friday, the 13th series, the nightmare on Elm street series. And I think, um, Oh my gosh, there's another one. There was three different movies, but, um, yeah, they went and covered those. And those are always super fun watches. Um, Oh, and the Halloween series. Yeah. So it was Halloween.
friday the 13th and nightmare on elm street they covered all of those um and that you just kind of like gets you in the mood and makes you like gives you all the behind the scenes stuff that was going on with with those three films uh so yeah and i guess i should say those film series but yeah i always enjoy everything that you know that made us series puts out oh yeah and that's on netflix as well uh seen we got listener mail this week we sure do
All right, our first question comes in from Kyle Peterson. He says, where do you sit on pumpkin seeds? Do you make them when doing a pumpkin or do you straight up just go to the garbage with them?
Hard task making deal with pumpkin seeds. Yeah, there's nothing like saving. There is absolutely stuff we're saving. Dude, pumpkin seeds are extremely nutritionally dense. They help fight bacteria and viruses. They're full of vitamins and minerals. Look up the health benefits of pumpkin seeds. They're good stuff. That being said, typically when I'm carving a pumpkin, I haven't carved a pumpkin in the last couple of years.
Sadly enough, but if you haven't carved a pumpkin recently, if you're trying to do it right, it's kind of a pain in the ass. I have all these fun memories of being a little kid and carving pumpkins, but once you start to get into it and scraping all the strings and the slime and the seeds and everything out, it's just like by the time you get to the carving part, you're like, dude, what was I thinking doing this? Especially with little kids who are going to sling all the slime and seeds and stuff everywhere.
I like to roast the pumpkin seeds, but I would have to say sometimes I just go straight to the garbage because it's not worth the effort and you can buy already pre-roasted pumpkin seeds, save yourself the trouble. But if you're out there and you do save your pumpkin seeds, just know that if you roast them up with a little sea salt, they have a ton of health benefits for you.
Great question. Johnny J. B., is there any country in the world that you would want to visit most? His is Switzerland. Marco, anywhere you want to go, says our resident world traveler here. So where would you like to go in the world?
I always want to go to Japan. Just soak in the culture there. Just walking around Tokyo. Just seeing pictures of it and just seeing videos of the... It just looks awesome there. There's a lot of crazy anime stuff too. I was in anime back in the day as well. Not so much into it now. Just to be able to experience that whole culture.
I think it would be awesome. Visually, it just looks amazing, just from what I see. I had a friend that was a transfer student over there, and he said it was awesome. He was the tallest person there. I think he's 6'2", 6'3". He said he would get on the subways and he'd have to kind of hunch down inside the subways, because obviously they're not built for tall people. But yeah, that definitely would want to go to Japan.
Seth, anywhere that you have not been that you would like to go. Uh, it's not super exotic, but I like to go to Canada. There's some, uh, Canadian islands that I'd love to go visit to, uh, really do some fishing and just experience the outdoors and really beautiful spots out there. And yeah, again, there's some legendary, uh, salmon fishing and stuff in Canada that I'd like to like to check out.
Yeah, I think I would want to go to New Zealand. Um, it's just super beautiful. Um, lots of like, you know, organic pasture raised grass fed animals over there. Um, that's where a lot of like, if you buy like desiccated organs and stuff, um, a lot of it comes from New Zealand because it's just so pure. Um, so amazing over there. And I would like to take like the middle earth tour. You know what I mean? Like go to the Hobbit houses and you know, Lord of the rings stuff. So I think that would be really cool. So I think New Zealand would be.
would be my pick. Mike Lanham says, rank your top five. Jason, Freddie, Michael, Chucky, Ghostface, Leatherface, Pennywise, Jigsaw, Pinhead, etc. So I guess you can pick any one, but who are your top five?
slashers. I will go first. This is really tough for me because there's, there's, you know, depending on how I want to rank these, um, whether it's, you know, nostalgia or the way that I love them the most, um, it could line up a little bit differently, but I'm going to go Freddy. Freddy was my first introduction to slashers. Um, you know, I watched him every single Freddy Krueger nightmare on Elm street movie that there was. Um,
probably next I'm gonna have to go with Michael Myers just because dude the dude is like so scary and he was he kind of was the intro to all the slashers right he kind of like sit like blaze the path for all the slashers that were to come and he just like Jason he kind of got like a little bit out there right like he just was killing for he was just a killing machine right and it was just all about gore and like you know softcore porn when Jason was around so I'm gonna go Freddie Michael
Then probably Ghostface because he's another Wes Craven creation and I love Ghostface. Then Jason and probably Chucky would be my five. And then honorable mention to Leatherface because my son Brett was born on Texas Chainsaw Massacre Day, so. Awesome.
Any you guys have any any thoughts how you want to rank your your top five? Yeah, I think pretty much nailed it with the exception that I think freddy's just whack dude like Bro, he just gets you your dreams man. Like if you just don't go to sleep, you can't get you know Well, okay. So first of all mike meyers can only get you one day out of the year So if you know if you don't go out on halloween, you you probably gonna miss mike meyers, you know what I mean? You go to sleep every single night going out on halloween though You're not gonna miss going out on halloween, you know, that's even creepier and yeah
I feel like Freddy's were corny, man. I don't know. To me, Freddy Krueger was always corny. He was never scary to me. I go Mike Myers all the way. He's the best. Chuckie's my sentimental favorite, but Michael Myers is the best.
So Chucky's not Chucky's not a little bit corny when he says, you know, the original child's play. No. The original child's play. Chucky is Chucky is scary as fuck in the original child's play. You could say the same thing about Freddy. Freddy in the first one was way more serious. He wasn't like horror comedy. He wasn't doing all that. Like he was. He was just like this boogie. But it was just.
Yeah, it just seemed really like B movie and like, I don't know, Freddie was always cheesy to me, man. Maybe that's just my personal taste. Freddie was never scary. Even as a kid, when I saw it, I was just like, all right, whatever, like Freddie. It was very it was cartoonish, I guess I should say, you know, it was it was it was so unrealistic. That's the thing.
I can't argue with the campiness or any of it is unrealistic. I mean, I can't argue with the campiness of it. I would say Ghostface. Yeah, Ghostface is probably the most probable because it was just literally like crazy people that like, you know, used movies to inspire their crimes, you know, like they were real people. Um, but yeah, um, I think just my sentimental favorite is Freddie Marco, who, who's your favorite slasher of all time? Um,
See, I always go with the first one is always Freddy for me, just because they're just a childhood. And he said the first the first movie was not he didn't get till he didn't get comedy until like.
To like part three, part four, three four, like the first two. Yeah. Part two was kind of an abomination. Like we're not even going to really talk about part two, but part three dream warriors. And then there was like, um, Oh my gosh, I forget the name of the dream masters. Um, yeah, that's what he's getting like franchisee and, you know, doing all the stupid.
There was nobody bigger than Freddie if you talk about his his impact on cultural significance like he was on every late-night talk show He did all the rounds for everything. He was on the cover of every magazine like he was so so so important Yeah, it's definitely I'm strictly talking my personal taste when I'm dogging Freddie. There's no denying that he's definitely
Definitely, I can definitely see you being more of a Mike Myers, just kind of like a silent killer. You know what I mean? Just emotionless. You don't like the Flash. You don't like the shit talkers. Yeah, it's not economical. You know what I mean? Yeah, Michael Myers is never the type that when he's got the hero or whatever ready for the final kill, he's going to stop and give a five minute monologue to give him a chance to come back.
I mean I second but probably still like my first to be Freddie my second would be Jason because I just I don't know like I said I think my favorite Friday the 13th movie is six for some reason I that's when I watch on repeat because it's I think it's probably the most the goofiest out of all of them But the first few are again with Jason the first the first ones are like scary like they were yeah, they were creepy with the bag with the one eye and
His mom was the first killer. There was an evolution of Jason for sure. Three would probably be Michael Myers, obviously. We didn't mention this Hellraiser. How can we forget Hellraiser? He's not really a slasher. Pinhead. Yeah, that's Pinhead.
He he's dude those movies are very graphic if you if you haven't watched those movies in a while I saw pinhead not too long ago and I I had watched it as a child. You know what I mean? I mean, I sound so crazy. I had watched it as a child um, but um, I have watched it when I was younger and then I went back and watched it a few years ago and we lived in hawaii and I was like good god this movie is so um, you know is so uh graphic like I just totally you know forgot how horrible it was
Yeah, to round it out, definitely Ghostface. I mean, another iconic character from Wes Craven. Yeah, you got to love Ghostface.

Elias's Future in Wrestling

All right, Ryan Ferguson says, where in the Blue Hill has Elias been? And we've seen the Elias is dead promo, but where is he? What comes next? So Seth is in a resident Elias guy.
Yeah, those promos went away. So I think they were working on a repackage and it got abandoned. So I don't know. Hopefully they bring it back someday. I'm still I still think the guy's really talented. And I think the problem was that they they got kind of pigeonholed him. He was doing some cool stuff because he was the rare person that got better when he went to the main roster after leaving NXT. And that first year he was doing some really cool stuff. But then they kind of just
It feels like they kind of made him a comedy act, you know, it never really evolved past that and it actually kind of devolved in a way and Simplified so I don't know I think the dude's super talented and would love to see him get just I don't think he needs a full repackage Just give him something a little bit different to come back with and he could still be a big star

Potential WWE Tag Team Tournament?

Um, Zach Hertzler says we've seen a king of the ring and the queen of the ring tournaments. Um, do you think we will ever do a tag team king of the ring Marco? And would you have any interest in a tag team king of the ring? Uh, I mean, I'm not sure if WWE could pull it off since we know their, their history with tag teams. It'll never happen.
In like Roman Reigns and Jey Uso when it'd be like to be like the king's court, you know a circle
To the squared circle something like that. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, it would be something corny. Just one who's the funniest all comedy acts. Our truth definitely wins that. I mean, who's reading our truth in a jester tournament.
I would give that tag team tournament. I think to AEW, they would definitely be way better at it. They have better tag teams.

Best Costume Stories

100%. Kevin Eugene says, what's the best costume you've ever pulled off? I'll start this. I will have to say my mankind costume because I thrifted every piece of that, like the boots and everything, and I made the mask. I was actually going to wear it for my little costume that I have on for the YouTube audience tonight. But some of the snaps and stuff have come
done, undone over the years. So unfortunately, um, it was not wearable tonight, but yeah, I made, I made the mask. I made my little, you know, Mr. Socko. Uh, and, uh, I would say that was probably my best, my best costume that I, that I ever pulled off. Marco, favorite costume. The end. Uh,
There's like, I mean, there's a couple. I probably, I'm going to go with... Just one. Just one. We got some other mail we got to get through. Just what's your favorite costume? Me and the wife went as Icy and Coco one year. They actually, she posted it to Twitter and they actually both retweeted our photo together. That's pretty awesome. That's pretty funny.
It was a success. Tomorrow's going to be an even better success. I can't wait for you guys to see what we have planned. I can't wait. You've been teasing this the last three weeks, so it better be some good shit, Marco. I'm going to be disappointed. You've built this up. I'll let you down.

The Nostalgic Appeal of Wrestling

All right. Our good buddy, Brian Vermeer, says, what makes wrestling so important to you? Seth, I'll kick this one to you.
It's just the best man. There's just nothing. I don't know. I really can't put my finger on it. It's just, it's something that drew me in as a kid, the larger than life characters. I think it's, even though obviously we know that it's entertainment now, it's still, you're allowed to suspend that disbelief and you think you're just seeing this awesome combat between two people.
and just the connection between the characters. It's much closer than you're going to get on any other TV show or movie or something. And all the rest of the stuff that goes along with it, the nostalgia, all the callbacks to the rich history of professional wrestling, all the merch and the figures are a huge part of it. It's just the best. I think it is the absolute best form entertainment out there and I love it and I always will.
Yeah. I think, I mean, you, you pretty much said everything that needed to be said. I just think it's like for me, wrestling, when I was like a peak of my wrestling fan, I'm like, that was just such a good carefree time in my life. You know, like middle school and early high school, I think it's just like, you're just so, you know, you're a kid, you're living your best life most of the time. And I just feel like, uh, you know, I'm really nostalgic to that, that part of my childhood. Um, and wrestling was a, was a huge part of that.
Kurt Kilburg says, will Dakota's elite ever see the light of day? Yeah, why wouldn't it?
I don't know. He said, you said whatever. She just got debuted on a huge angle on NXT. I don't know why we won't see it. She's definitely an elite, whether it's at the end, the one that was already revealed, or if we see a modified version with whatever her new look is going to be, yeah, we're definitely going to Dakota Kai elite there. She's been around so long. Like, and like I said, again, they just gave her another repackage. She helped cost, uh, you know, Raquel Gonzalez, the, uh, the belt. So yeah, Dakota Kai has definitely got big things in the future.
All right. And that wraps up our listener mail segment for this show. All right. Thanks everybody for listening. Once again, Sheena remind them where they can find you guys on social media.

Social Media Handles & Promo Code

You can find us on Instagram at Chick Foley. Mark a run in the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show and then join our Foley fam. Chick Foley
Hell yeah, and remember to use code Chick Foley to save 10% on all your purchases at Ringside Collectibles. Go ahead and pre-order all those awesome reveals from Ringside Fest. And remember to shoot Sheena and Marco a screenshot to enter to win Motu Rey Mysterio. Now I'm in the hot seat. It's time for the trivia question of the week from Sheena. Sheena, what we got? All right, who was the first man out of the 1993 Royal Rumble?
We're about to kick off our Royal Rumble series again, so I thought I would throw in a Royal Rumble question. Just to guess, I'm going to say the repo man. No. Marco, do you have any idea you can steal? The 93 Royal Rumble? Yeah, 1993. Who was the first man eliminated in the 1993 Royal Rumble? Uh...
Let's see. I don't know. All right. Well, you guys both fail. It was Papa Shango. Wow. Yeah. Yep. The, uh, the, the multiple choice were max moon Papa Shango and Skinner. So.
Yeah, I probably would have I would have been torn between Papa Shango and Skinner on that one. But yeah, anyway, good question. So again, nobody we've yet to have anybody get too straight on here. That's it for Episode 151. Everybody have a happy Halloween. And don't forget, we got two Patreon exclusive episodes dropping on Sunday.