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Episode 031 - Wiener Whistlers image

Episode 031 - Wiener Whistlers

S1 E31 · Just Shillin'
47 Plays6 months ago

This week, we chat about things!

  • Our weeks and future plans
  • Trailers galore
  • Alien Romulus
  • Wiener whistles
  • Bears 🐻
  • Work sucks
  • Not Sunny
  • Rebel Moon Part 1++
  • SupaCell
  • The Acolyte Season 2
  • and MORE!

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Thank you to our good friend Chris Hall for the amazing cover artwork!


Introduction and Humor

Hello and welcome to episode number 31 of Just Shillin. I am one of your hosts, Sean Hoffman. And I am one of your hosts, Andy Bell. Oh man, I almost forgot. Wait, wait, wait. I forgot the forgot to do our, maybe maybe like an intro theme song here. ago There we go. there there's ah There's a little intro for us.
courtesy of my Oscar Meyer wiener whistle. Excellent. Love it. Excellent. excellent Don't worry. i I got you one too. Dude, dude. I've got a sausage. we I've got a sausage whistle. You got a wiener whistle. My my my my life is complete. There is nothing. I'm done. I'm i'm done. good Good night, everyone.

Wiener Mobile and Technical Apologies

I'm um i'm complete.
I cannot wait for your misses to see your box of goodies that you're going to come home with after the next time we see each other. She's like, Oh, those are, those are all gifts. Nice. That's all. That's cool. Yeah. It looks as my wiener whistle. The what now? Yeah. I blow, I blow my wiener whistle. Would you like to blow my wiener whistle? She's like, if you say wiener whistle one more time, if you say it one more time, we're going to have a problem.
How you doing, buddy? How's your week been? It's been good. It's been good. um and i Obviously, so for some updates, um I got to see the Wiener Mobile. I know everybody was just really waiting with bated breath to find out if I made it there or not. And we did. And it was the full-size Wiener Mobile 2. Oh, good. It's amazing. It was amazing. um And I got to talk to the guy who drove it in it. like it's It's almost like an internship kind of contract thing. It's crazy. it's it's and like Apparently, it's like a 12-month contract, and they get like two weeks off the whole year. In the other 50 weeks, they're just driving with a partner the whole year to different things. It's like, that is nuts in this like big hot dog-shaped RV. It's quiet it's crazy. and it's I hope they get paid well, but it's all that. That was fun.
um I'm doing my order of operations wrong. First, I'd like to apologize. I make an apology this week. I want to apologize to Andy and Turbo both. First of all, Turbo, thank you for coming on. That was awesome. Really appreciate it. But I listened to the podcast and I could and i could tell that whenever I have technical difficulties, it is so hard to come back from it. like it just I feel like it just kicks my whole vibe off. And so then I'm just like continuously thinking about the like
Like, oh, am I cutting out again? So it's like being very aware of what you're saying and like the, instead of just being in the moment. And so I feel like it affected. my my presence after that. And now theyall I just would say, you know what? I apologize, you guys. It wasn't anything you guys did. It was my stupid computer and internet. You had you had nothing to, put honestly, seriously, um we were down for what? Three, maybe four minutes? It felt like four hours in my world. Yeah, no, no, no, no. It's three three, four minutes. We put the whole thing on pause. You stuck on some nice tunes in the meantime. I had a nice chat with Turbo. It was absolutely fine. And you came back absolutely strong. It was no problem.
I mean, it was the weiner that broke the internet. It wasn't you, mate. It was. It was. so so don't i I certainly, and you know how self-critical I am, I certainly didn't notice anything at all wrong with your engagement or your rep, you know your shtick when we got back. So, dude, don't worry about it at all. but But I will say, thank you, Turbo. That was good fun. Really, really good fun. I mean, what a dude. He's ah he's such a...
Honestly, I wish I was that cool in life. I really do. He is younger than me, but not that much younger than me, and I just wish I was that cool. The guy's good looking, got a full head of hair, ridiculously fit. Yeah, he's got a nice... He's got a nice deck too.
I had to get it in there. He's got a lovely deck. You underhanded it to me, and I just had to knock it over the fence. like it was It's a well-oiled deck. I don't know if you've seen his pictures in recent days, but he's got a very, very well-oiled deck, and um respect I would not mine respect I would not mind sitting on that deck. I would not mind it sitting on that deck. Oh, I'd love to sit on that. it looks It looks really, really good. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's a good deck. Good deck. tur Thank you. Anyways, besides that, um I got to go.

Local Events and Bear Encounters

I don't know if you know who like Mayor Pete is over here and he's like a politician. He ran for president and you think he's like our ah secretary of transportation.
But he used to be a mayor in Indiana. But I really like the guy. And he was actually in the area for a like a summit like for like politicians and got to see him speak like on the lake. And it was all this whole thing is like Madison and I like dress in normal clothes and all these like want to be politicians. So it was weird. We got to go to that. That was fun.
and got some like free water bottles and stuff like that. Just talking about funding and public transportation. And so it's cool. It's all fun. Yeah, there's a fun little fun little venture off into the on to the beach. um I'm not going to talk about my grape incident. I will.
I'll kick that one off. I ate too many grapes. that's all That's all there were at that farmer's market. That's all I'll say. But the thing that I wasn't going to talk about because i didn't I didn't think it was good, but then Madison's like, no, you got to tell people. You got to tell people. So the other day, when was it? What was it? Saturday? So last Saturday, um Madison went and did some trail work. She volunteered for like the trail organizations to go do some trail work. um And we're doing it again this week. I'm going this time this weekend. So you go go out to these like trails and you like use big crosscut saw, like hand saws to like cut up fell on trees and move them off and do all this cleanup and shit. Because you can't use chainsaws because of blah, blah, blah, fire hazard, yada, yada, yada. So when she left early in the morning, she didn't quite close the front door all the way. Like it didn't latch. Like it was closed, but it didn't latch.
which is probably my fault in some by some roundabout way because i the door should latch easier. um But this led to at about six or seven in the morning, like i happen I just happened to be awake. I don't know what time she left, but I just happened to wake up.
And you ever have that, like you wake up, you're like, something's going on. like there's There's a reason I need to be awake, and I shouldn't be awake right now. And next thing you know, I heard like the front door like open, like kind of open hard. Not really hard, not slamming, but like that sounds like somebody opened the door aggressively. um And I was like, that's weird. She shouldn't be here. She should be gone by now. So I get up and like walk out of the bedroom, walk in the hallway and see the front door. And I am...
looking at a bear that is looking at me ah that a bear is standing with its two paws and face looking at me and I'm looking at it and the cats are on the couch between us and the cats are sitting on top of the couch going what the hell is going on yeah like like not processing and I just like going I think I probably made a noise of some kind I don't remember what it was and it turned around and fucked off into the driveway. And so then I'm like, you know, like panic mode, you're like, I'm gonna go walk somewhere and like check something. and It's like, no, wait, what am I doing? I need to make sure that bear is like gone. So I go back out into the driveway and yell at it, get out of here. And it ran off, but that was fun. So then I messaged her, I'm like, hey, just so you know, bear got in the house. No, I called her. I'm like, hey, a bear got in the house. And she's like, I'm about to lose service. What what what are you talking about? I'm like, yeah, a bear got in. You didn't close the door all the way.
And I kind of let it linger cause I'm a jerk. I'm like, you know, I gotta to make them pay for it a little bit. It's like a bear got it. I did it, tear anything up. It's like, no, it didn't. It didn't. It just kind of came in and I heard it and happened to be awake and I came up with like, you are not supposed to be here. The cats were, uh,
like walking around like deer in headlights the rest of the day but it was fun it was a good old time that same bear i don't know i don't know if i told you about this yesterday we were on our morning walk and i don't know if you saw the picture i posted in discord but we walked and we saw this house and there's this the bear inside the house but like up in the window sill like with it doesn the same bear It is the same bear. It is the exact same bear because they they usually kind of linger on the same areas and it's it is the exact same bear that is. So that's a mama. that that That's a big old bear. That's not that's not a baby.
He's not a baby. He's a it's he's about a teenager. Is he like he's not. OK, OK, it's ah it's mean that he that I assume it's a he because it look it's got the the bear, the boy bear build. um But it's like a teenager. It's not full full grown male or mama bear. That's massive. um So we have the mama and the three babies that wander around quite a bit. And then we have this new teenager guy who's getting ready to go into hibernation and breaking into people's houses. But no, he's sitting up in the window sill, like on an arm propped up on the ledge with just his head out the window, just kind of looking around, not just sitting there. We walk by and it's like, what do you, but then he went inside, we call the Bear League, the Bear League came out and got him out. Yeah. So who's that? Whose house is that? Is it someone's house?
It's it was somebody's house. um We I believe it's somebody's second home or like a vacation home because they're there sometimes sometimes they're not. um And so that's what we so when you have bears in home stuff and there's nobody home.
We you kind of like look around neighbors like, do you have there? We couldn't. It was early in the morning. It was like seven in the morning. So nobody was up. Yeah. um and So we have this thing called the Tahoe Bear League that you can call ah that will intervene and and really quick it's like they're kind of they're kind of like a nonprofit kind of thing. That's like, don't don't call like the police because they're just going to call the Bear League because the bear like has like the means and the training to like get a bear out of a house and like and make sure like they're tagged and make sure that, like oh, this is a problematic one. um We need to like pick him up and move him. like We had one called ah hank Hank the Tank. A couple years ago, that was that was a big boy and he was tearing stuff up in some of the community and other communities. but so they So that guy came out and he's like, you just don't corner him and he goes and he's like, ah getting him out and the bear jumps out of the window and runs off. and
awesome But yeah, lots of bear activities. But yeah, a bear broke a bear got in my house. It didn't break in. It pushed the door open. It didn't leave claw marks or anything, but he just came up sniffing, went, push on the door, popped it open. stuff That's exciting stuff though. I mean, the the the the most I get is the is the random hedgehog in the back garden that I've got to look out for because the yeah the dog will try and attack it. But um yeah, we we don't have anything like bears, certainly not where quite over at the moment anyway. And in fact, I'm pretty sure we don't have any bears at all in the UK apart from... um No, we don't have any bears in the UK at so all. We have the occasional wolf, we have the occasional
um Wildcat. But, it you know, apart from, you know, we're pretty much a self-sustained country of. Of idiots, whereby the humans are the most, most aggressive people yeah on the island. You know, I'm just glad we don't I'm just glad we don't have grizzly bears here. I mean, there's no right. away Yeah. I'm kind of it's kind of weird to say, but I am glad that like over 100 years ago, they decided to just.
get rid of them here um by means but so it does have its it sucks but it has its benefits in ways so They're relatively, with all the stuff you send me as well, all the pictures and videos and stuff, they're really quite, I wouldn't say domesticated, but we've spoken about it before in that you don't hassle them, they don't hassle you. They get in the way, you kind of shoo them and they do as a told. It's not- Oh, they're dumb as hell. It doesn't seem to be, okay. They're not dumb, but they are just like,
They don't give a shit, like they just don't. like they are they and they're they're They're almost like a small creature, but they're just huge. So like you see them, you're like, oh, that's gonna get me. and And they're like, ha ha ha, and I'm gonna dope across the road and all the cars stop and everybody's pulling off, taking photos. And then it's, yeah, they're just they're just big,
dumb oblivious They're oblivious. That's me. That's what I'm looking for. Not dumb. They're oblivious. They just don't care. They're just like, yeah, I'm going to go jump this bench. Oh, I i broke the fence. Oops. Sorry about your fence. Carry on. I'd love that. I'd love that. Way to go. I really would. Cool. Cool. Other than that, that's all in the news I had, man. What's what's what's new in your neck of the woods?

Work-Life Balance and Entertainment

You seem bright and chipper, and I'm excited to hear about it.
ah Well, well you yeah i know i know that's you you and I have spoken before we we started recording, so you know that's a lie. No, it's been a tough week at work. it's um Those deadlines, deadlines, deadlines keep getting closer, closer, closer and and ah certain things working out really well and then new blockers come in the way or new prop challenges come in a way that weren't foreseen and you kind of kind of, it's typical, isn't it? you you yeah your Your to-do list or your yeah your list of things your list of milestones, you get it down to a decent and manageable level and then it ends up building up again to
to extreme measures. so yeah it's been It's been a really weird week again where I've had another week of of of working till relatively late most nights, which hasn't been fun. and um Because we are getting tight on deadlines, let's just say One or two people are using that as a reason to get a little bit emotional and and angry, um ah which isn't helping the situation that we're in at the moment. It'll all be fine. It always is fine. It's only work, um but some people, I guess, just need to um vent every now and again, which isn't which isn't fun.
So there's been that, and that's pretty much been my my weekend. and we We did go out with some friends on Friday evening for dinner, which was really, really nice. um But it was really, it's really low key, a very, very mellow evening. I wasn't necessarily in the right frame of mind going out, but I'm so goddamn glad.
that I did go out because quite frankly, it was really, really nice. Bunch of friends that I was a lot closer to. a few years back and they don't live too far away. It's always the case, isn't it? Life gets in the way and work gets in the way. I hadn't seen them for a good 12 months and we went out. It's a really nice Italian that's um set itself up recently that's getting really good reviews because they are very, very good. Always helps when the yeah
it's owned by and staffed by um by Italians, um by Italian nationals, so the food was was delicious. But it was nice, and it was just nice not to so feel relaxed enough that I didn't feel as if I had entertained, I didn't have to engage in conversation, and and they kind of helped me, sorry, that they kind of ran the narrative for the evening. And as such, I found myself getting engaged after I kind of switched off.
my mindset or my mind from from from thinking about work, which so it did me an awful lot of good. But yeah, good God, it's it's it's busy as heck at the moment. Apart from that, um Monday evening I did go and see Alien Romulus, which I'll talk to you about later on when we'll get into the media stuff. And that, again, was a nice break. And again, one of those things that was like, oh, can I afford to do this? can i Can I do this? And I'm thinking to myself,
Shit, it's ah it's eight o'clock at night. I should be able to go out with a buddy to go to see a film. What the hell am I thinking about? still you know Why should I still be thinking about work this time of night? And again, you know having those pre-arranged breaks from the work The workload at the moment is is is doing me some good because it it won't last forever. It's good you know we we're we're it's it's shit or bust by by the first couple of weeks in September. so um and We're on track for delivering, but in the meantime, is it's going to be a tough couple of weeks um getting there. We do have an extended weekend in the UK this weekend coming up. so um
It's one of those you know what we call a bank holiday, which means that Monday is a day off. So we're going to go down to to to the coast in the UK again, down to Devon, the Cottage in Devon, and just just must mess about with the dog on the beach for a couple of days, taking a few nice restaurants and try and switch off a little bit. So yeah, it's been you know I've been thankful for the the moments I've had the last week to get away from work, and then we've got something to look forward to this weekend. and then and it's gonna just it's gonna I'm just going to have to knuckle down, toughen up and get on with it until, like I said, the first couple of weeks in September and by which time we should be clear.
but So that's kind of my week, really. It's not it's not particularly interesting and or anything. And I'm sorry if i you know a half a dozen of people have got half a dozen people. Can you much imagine that? often Our entire listener base. Our entire listener base. I'm switching them off now. But but yeah, that's kind of been it. um But I tell you, what I have done is I've caught up in a lot of stuff, watching and reading, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And i've I've done some research this week in between in between work efforts, sorry, to on some news. um Did you pick up anything? Let's talk about news. What about news? I think it's gonna take a while to use this section. About to say, I think this is awesome because you know what?

Movie Trailers and Industry Talk

I came prepared. I actually sat after last week's episode, I was like, you know what? I need to start.
being a little prepared. I'm not going to say all the way prepared. and I'm not, you know, I am myself. I want to be, you know, who I am and just I'm going to come with notes, not all the notes, but some. So um sorry I got a couple pieces of news. One, I think ah is the low hanging fruit that I'll save. I'm sure we'll talk about it.
Yeah, my news is my news is mostly trailers that I kind of every once in a while I'll go on this like kick of like just going to YouTube and typing in trailers or trailer and just seeing what has come out recently because just to really mess with my algorithm, just like really make it about scam for spam for a while. So I saw a couple. um One of them was Craven, the the Craven DC trailer.
ah I am not, I'll be blatantly honest, I am not a DC movie, like the DCU fan, normal like the normal DCU stuff. Not. I like the the Batman. I thought that was good. I like some of the other weird edge case ones, but like their cinematic universe is just not, it has not hit fire for me. But I thought this looked interesting. I probably won't go see it day one. I may not go see it in theaters at all. I don't know. But it does seem to be of a differing quality than I think some of the other other DC films appear to be. Or is it DC or am I thinking more? It's Marvel, right? Wait a minute. I just go to a whole rant.
it's It's Sony it's sony sony Marvel. that that's um so it's it's it's It's not MCU. Yeah. That's more what I mean. so I'm still not a fan of DC, but it's the Sony Marvel. Yeah. yes The Smooshu. Smarval. The Smarval. Yeah, the Smarval universe. Yeah, but it looks it looks better than some of their other stuff that they've done. It still has that tinge of like,
Sony on it, like that Sony tint. But it looks good. what did you Did you get a chance to watch it? I know you've been swamped. Yeah, I did. And they don't forget, they have done some good stuff. I mean, Venom is... Venom... I've got to be careful what I say, because there's some friends of ours that really like Venom. The first Venom film I thought was really, really good. Really, really good. So they do do some good stuff. And don't let's not forget, you know, we wouldn't have... I mean, Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield... Yeah.
Spider-Man 2 and the Amazing Spider-Man 1, I thought were really solid films. So they yeah they they do have they they have done some good stuff. Spider-Man 2 in particular, you know, with Doc Ock, I thought was a phenomenal piece of work. Say I'm about three, but there you go. um But yeah, no, no, no, they have done some good stuff and they're what they've done with with Venom, I thought was good, especially one. um I'm not a fan of Mobius, but there's other reasons on top of the subject subject matter as to why i don't I don't particularly like it. But yeah, um I think it might be okay. And is it Aaron Taylor? Who's the actor?
dar ten you I think Johnson Johnson kick ass. It's the guy from kick ass. I could always yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, he's a good actor. He's, I mean, he, I don't know if you saw him in bullet train, but but bullet train in recent years has been my kind of has, has, has quenched my thirst for that kind of move. You know, that kind of, I'd say Tarantino esque, but I'm sure people will My thoughts on him are, he needs a new agent. ah like he He is a much better actor than the roles that he gets, in my opinion. I don't know the guy personally, but it just seems like- Well, he's being touted for Bond, isn't he? He's being touted for Bond as well. Whether something will happen from that um or not is another thing, but I need to get this guy's name right. Otherwise, I'm going to kill myself. Sorry, I'm going to kick myself because um
Yeah. Oh, right. Oh, cool. Aaron Teletop Johnson. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah, no, no, he, he's he's a, he's a good guy. He's a, he's a, he's a really, really good actor. Um, and take, you know, he's, he's kind of of the same ilk, shall we say, as, uh, other visits of it others of his kind or be a little bit younger than the likes of, um,
Tom Hardy and the rest that that, you know, that take their craft quite seriously. And I, I really rate him. And like I said, I thought bullet train was, was amazing. And I was, that came out just the right time. I think we were in COVID when that came out, but, um, that came out just the right time because I thought, um, you know, none of us had seen anything like, um, that kind of film that kind of spoof crime, horror, horror, pulp.
vibe for quite a while and that came out at the right time straight after What's Upon a Time in Hollywood, which I thought was cool as well. Anyway, you know I'm i'm looking looking forward to it. What else did you did you watch? See? So there's a couple more trailers. First of all, I forgot my leading point of, you know what trend I think should stop.
The the trailers that start with starting now is a trailer and here's a couple of previews and then it then it kicks into the trailer. That can stop that. You know, I'm talking about yeah that's the worst. I saw a trailer for a movie called Y2K. Have you have you seen this?
If not, I think you should. It's at first glance, it looks it it it reminds me. There's a reason I'm bringing this up. It reminds me of a it's like based in like 1999, the Y2K bug. And it's like it's like it's like super. It reminds me of like super bad, like a coming of age teenage flick. But it takes a hard right, a hard right turn. And it reminds me of your favorite movie of all time. Hardware, because it's got no way.
It's got, I mean, minus all of like the, the edgelord grittiness of hardware. um But it's like, oh, the, the Y2K machines are trying to like, for this is from the trailer. It's like, they're trying to like kill people. They're like become evil and sentient. And so it's from like the guy or the producer who made her- Oh my God, that looks amazing. For who made hereditary. So it's like, okay, this could actually be Like Hereditary, and I think Jonah Hill's like an executive producer or something on it too. So it's like, this is gonna be bizarro, but ah i thought you I thought you'd appreciate that because I know how much of a hardware fan you are. The R-rated film starring Rachel Zegler, Jayden Martel, and Julian Dennison, or Julian Dennison, sorry, envisions a world where the Y2K computer virus
Predictive for the year 2000 actually unfolds. Brilliant. Brilliant. It's going to get like a four on Rotten Tomatoes, but it looked interesting. Oh, of course it is. Yeah, of course it is, but it looks amazing. It looks absolutely amazing.
Oh, man, I'm so up for that. That's right up my alley. Oh, brilliant. Thank you, mate. Speaking of Rachel Zegler, I did see the Snow White trailer, the live action Snow White one, which I will keep it brief on this, but I know there is a lot of hate for the live action ah Disney movies and a lot of like, oh, yeah they're not creative. But like, and I used to like, I'm not a huge fan of them. Like, I like my originals. But think at the same time, like, the more I talk to my like, my nieces and nephews and stuff and like, the kids, kids, not all kids, I'm not i meant mean to generalize all children. um They like them.
They dig him like they don't like the cartoon cartoon stuff as much. They like the live action stuff. So it's like, but this one seems funny because to see that they're leaning hard into the no, we're just going to make a live action version of the literal story. Like it's not trying to be a live action. It's kind of like a watered down version. It's like, no, it's going to be Snow White. She's wearing the same dress and everything. But I don't know. I thought it was interesting. but I'll pricey it. We as people were quite selfish because we you know we We think that everything is created for us. We think that everything is has been created for ah for our entertainment and not somebody else's. and so yeah You look at the original Snow White, it's a work of art and it's beautiful, but it's only beautiful in in the context of
the art form that I can now appreciate that has dated extremely yeah a heck of a lot. And that cartoon style in particular would be really, really hard to to get a younger mind, you know, the younger mind, does it appreciate the arts? I would suggest not. It appreciates the story and appreciates the messages that it's trying to get over. And so, you know, a lot of these folk that hate either remakes or indeed live action versions of them, um I say, ah let them do it. Because if it's not your entry point, because you're an adult,
yeah And you need to behave like an adult. Um, it might be the entry point for somebody else, um, and that's significantly younger younger than you. And it's, it's kind of like, um, just get over it. To your point about like, uh, like, uh, people being everything's for them. It's like, and we also, we're also not great at like acknowledging our growth, like in our tastes and also aging. Like we are.
are not great about, like, real like Star Wars is the perfect example of, like, ah, Star Wars is stupid. It's like, you'd think maybe we're in a different headspace than we were, some of us, in the 70s, or the first time we saw it as kids or whatever. And it's like, and now it's adults. Surely not. Our tastes are different and, like, yada, yada, yada. So, I don't know. I thought it was neat. um I don't know if I'll go see it in theaters or not. It just depends. But I think that'll look cool. I will watch it. I think that stuff's good. and there is um you know Unashamedly, that I thought one of my favorite Disney um ah cartoons of all time, or animation of all time was Mulan. They did the live action Mulan and it got a load of
Shit. um and i And don't get me wrong, I understand right why. They took out the best song. They took out the best song. Well, no, no, no, no. Because of because of where where where it was filmed and what was going on at that moment in time. That's fair. ah the location the the The location at the moment in time was was was was not ideal.
um But the film itself, I thought, was cracking. It really was. And, you know, members of my family, and my daughters, for example, that were the right age where Mulan, the cartoon,
um came out, didn't didn't warm to it, because their entry point was the cartoon, or sorry, the animated feature. yeah um But I really, really enjoyed it, and I thought it was great. And you know Aladdin recently, in recent years, um I thought that was a good yarn. I mean, I i didn't... I don't know. deb The Will Smith genie,
was was serviceable, um but it's really difficult. It's really difficult when, you you know, the the the the bar is set so high, not just the animation, but the, you know, Robin Williams is is, his genie was phenomenal. Robin Williams is the genie, like that that that's hard. You can't match that. But the story itself, I thought i thought was awesome. I thought it was really, really well done. And it's like, well, it's the same story why you do it again. It's like, because There are probably two generations between you and the target audience that these guys are going for. So, um, yeah, no, I'm, I'm not gonna, I'm not going to knock it because it works. You know, it, it does, it does work. Um, anyway, anything else you picked up in the the last trailer as one that we've kind of seen, but I think a new one came out and that I, I really enjoyed like,
ah for Megalopolis, the... Yeah. I watched that this morning and it's like, oh, dude, this, I don't know, did you see the one where it's like the first two minutes is just like the critics reviews of all of his old films and how they're just garbage. And it's like, and then it goes into like Adam Driver. It's like, dude, this movie looks insane. I think it's honestly batshit crazy. I'm so looking forward to it. It was so, it was so... um I was so worried. I was really, really worried because it hasn't had a great, it didn't get a great response.
And I think a couple of weeks back, I talked about a podcast i listen i that that Josh i be josh got me involved in, which was um The Weekly Planet. And they had a guest on last week's episode. I wasn't even going to bring this in, but I'll tell you anyway. And he's ah he's ah he's a he's a friend of theirs that's also his own content creator as well.
yeah i And he's seen an early preview of the whole thing um or been involved in the preview. I won't give any spoilers away, but there's already almost audience participation in this movie that's kept coming up. And he says it's fantastic. He loved every minute of it because it is so mental. It is so out there and insane. And to have someone you know a smart guy with an objective mind telling or or telling me with my ear pods in that don't worry, don't listen to the naysayers, don't listen to the haters. You may not get this film, but I tell you what, it is an experience that you need to see and this in the cinema, excuse me. um So I'm really looking forward to it. And I'll say know i'll i'll i' i'll worry about it later. if is if
if it ends up being a pile of trash, but I can't believe a guy would put $100 million dollars of his own money into something for it to be a load of rubbish. I've spent $15 on worst things. I think I can sacrifice a movie ticket, even if it's bad or not. I'm not going to take that to my grave. But that's all the trailers and news besides is the low-hanging fruit that I'm sure we're going to talk about. that's that's Yeah, yeah. What news do you have? I'll be quick. so I'll be quick because yeah I've just picked up a bunch of stuff that i that sparked my interest and I'm sure I haven't, you know, we I should do a lot more research, but I don't. It's just stuff that I come across. So um Star Wars Outlaws is coming out in the next couple of weeks, in fact.
It's coming out in ah nine days time, which I'm really looking forward to. um And there's apparently a cosmetic tail wrap for Nix for Disney Plus customers in the US only. Now, I don't know what that means. And I've actually looked at what it means. And it's not that particularly impressive. But if you are based in the US, you have bought the the game or you have pre-ordered the game.
Apparently if you're a Disney plus customer in the US you can get some aesthetics or some cosmetic stuff for your, for Nix, which I believe is the the little pet that you end up with. I'm intrigued in how that's going to work. some Submitting a code of some sorts. I picked that up. That's more of a PSA than actually something that really interested me. But Shogun Series 2, so I'm going to butcher the guy's name again.
Hirouki Sanada, Sanada, Sanada, Sanada, was interviewed recently and he really, really hinted that they they're gonna do a season two of Shogun. Of course it's not clarified yet. Rumors, rumors, rumors, but you've got the main, you know what i consider that I consider one of the three main leads saying, you know of course they're considering it and of course there will be a story after the book because of course season one finishes with the the end of the book.

TV Shows and Industry Dynamics

um The fact that he's confident that there is, or sorry, should we say a little bit cryptic, that there's ah there's um a a second season coming, that warms my heart.
when I'm feeling a bit shit about other things. um Dark Matter season two confirmed. Our buddy Turbo again, thank you Turbo, ah confirmed that Dark Matter season two is confirmed. So this is the program that I've been talking wax lyrical about over recent weeks and if not months, um that I thought had been tied up with a nice bow.
Um, season two is confirmed. I would like to think that the season one story is over and that that they were, but they did leave it for other members of the cast to have their own story. So I hope they go down that line rather than disrupt the the good vibes that I got from the main, the main story, um, closing up. Um, but we'll see. Um,
If you remember when we first started talking about Alien, um the film I saw on Monday, I got confused between it being a TV series or or indeed being a movie. And yes the Alien Earth tv series had sorry the alien TV series has been confirmed for 2025.
It's currently under under production at the moment and it's it it's being called it's called Alien Earth. I believe it's set 100 years or so prior to the original um incident on the Nostromo.
Exciting I'll take any I'll take anything from that franchise whatsoever. I really will Tomb Raider I don't know if you're a Tomb Raider fan of the of the game or the or the films but I picked up that there is an animated um Cartoon series coming out on Netflix in October called Tomb Raider the legend of Lara Croft I Must admit I I'm pretty ambivalent to the whole thing. i'm not I'm not really that bothered about it, but it's interesting. um ne Netflix is really, really hit or miss with some of their animation stuff. Like some of them I really enjoy, like the Masters of the Universe shows that I, yeah for some reason, always watch at the same time and get really confused with each other when I think about them in yeah retrospect. But like those are really good, but some other things are just like dog water. So I'll probably,
like give it a shot, let's see what it looks like, but yeah um I'm not like, let's go. So I did like, um I mean, being an old retro, old fart that I am, I did enjoy Tomb Raider on the PS1 and then two, um but mainly the one but because, and then obviously Angelina Joni comes in and takes over and I must admit I didn't enjoy that interpretation of Lara Croft and then obviously the new
they They introduced in the gaming world the Tomb Raider, the Back to Basics, Lara's first mission. She's stranded, she doesn't have pistols, she's got to fashion her own. um her own crossbow, sorry, um bow and arrow set up. And I really enjoyed that creationism. And and and they the the the the film in recent years kind of reflected that back to basics stripped down. She doesn't have a fortune. She doesn't have her wealth. She doesn't have all the equipment. And I really, really enjoyed that. And then of course, it didn't make the money that it needed to do in the box office. And they kind of closed all that down. I thought it was a shame. So we'll see where this goes. I mean, I'm not
I'm not actively going to look at it, but like yourself, I'll check it out. Then that leaves the last bit of news that I think both of us are alluding from the beginning is that Star Wars Acolyte, the series that we've both enjoyed talking about together for, what was it, eight weeks,
um Seems to be cancelled. I say seems to be cancelled because i so I think this information is coming from from the press and not from Disney themselves. but Coming from deadline. Yeah. Talk about it, man. i mean What's your thoughts?
I'm trying to think like how to put it. Frankly, it's like I don't I'm not losing sleep over it. Like that's a weird way to say it. But like I'm not upset because I think one until like it's business and it's it's the way things are. It's like it wasn't renewed. That doesn't mean it's gone forever. Like hell, they brought back Clone Wars, a cartoon years later for like a partial thing and then made Bad Batch after it's like I'm It does suck from like and from my side things of like, yeah, it would be nice to get that but then like my I was going to like that analytical side of things of like, okay, we do have the mando verse stuff really starting to kind of like get frothy and start being interconnected. We got the movie coming out. We got the culmination of that mando Ahsoka
Skeleton crew all that kind of stuff coming to a head in the next couple years. We also have the start and push of a ray ray movie plus anything else and it's like I think we've seen historically with Star Wars that like Yes, we as the hardcore fans love all new content, but they're they're they do need to be strategic about it otherwise we're gonna get a a a Solo a solo release where people the normies are even not Not everybody go into it like, what, when is this? Who is, is that like, Oh, is rogue one is the Jen Ray? Like what is happening? So I, I think my optimistic side of things is saying like, maybe it's not renewed immediately for next year or whatever immediate development, but I don't truly don't believe that it's shelved. It's truly like this thing was terrible.
remove it from the masses and pretend it never happened. It feels more like a, we've got too many irons in the fire right now and we need to be focused instead of trying to do, ah create a billion different pieces of Star Wars content. Like, I'm sure some people are gonna laugh, look at them and go, that's dumb. Like, we need more content. Like, they hi have a lot of people they could figure it out. But I think there is a and ah strategic element there. it it would It would be nice to see season two. um um'm hoping yeah I do think the stories will get told, but I don't know when. Yeah, I think that the whole... Disney confuses me. They do confuse me because it's not about what they have said often, it's about what they haven't said often.
and or what they allow to be said often, which is typically off the record or whatever it is. But my point being is that it's really odd because the acolyte I felt was a good story every single week. i I think one of the things I said both to you and to the guys I've spelled out was um it yeah what I like about it is that It just creates questions. It creates an environment where we can speculate week on week. And sometimes the speculation isn't worth it because it it landed the obvious, the the narrative or sort the story or the plot landed um um the way that we was was quite obvious. And sometimes it took ah it took a tangent.
um but it But again, I respected it for what it was, and I certainly respect it for the demographic that it may well have intentionally, but certainly did appeal to. And I really, really love that. I genuinely, genuinely love that. But for me, you know I just respect it for what it tried to do, which was outside of that restrictive Skywalker saga,
shtick and all of the assumptions and the preconceptions and the expectations that come with that. It could have been something fresh and bright. um But I must admit, when you when in the early in the early days of learning about it, I kind of assumed the way it was being spoken about was it was a ah one and done exercise. It was kind of like, this is an experiment. We're going to dab away here and see what happens. And then during the airing of the pro... Yeah. Yeah. And and then and then during the airings of the of the of the the
the the the season, week on week, you know we got an awful lot of information directly from from from from Leslie and her team and her support team, which I thought was lovely. But what came with that was, i am I wouldn't say some pretty bad expectation management because that wouldn't be fair on Leslie, but some an awful lot of politicking maybe yeah you know to try to kind of muster this this this this kind of, I mean, she talked about openly about there being two, three, four seasons in her mind that will take it forward. And of course, without it being green lit, that's not fair on her in particular, yeah because the bro boys that wanted the thing canceled feel as if they're vindicated because they've you know that they've they've they've they've been able to stop her having a second, third and fourth.
um season that it also It's really disappointing for people. that really, really enjoyed it, us because we enjoyed it, but also friends of ours that actually really, really connected to it and perhaps felt that some of the other content they couldn't connect to. And it's just like nobody wins. Nobody wins, actually. It's not a case of one side winning and one side losing. yeah Nobody wins because it's just, especially the creators don't win because
I just, yeah I don't understand the logic sometimes of the of the PR machine or thee the the social media machine or the media machine in general that is Lucasfilm and Disney because they don't do themselves any favors whatsoever. Had it been a standalone position as a standalone um season and like other properties, left it to the public to create the excitement and the demand for it. um They could plan around that accordingly, but because they kind of set expectations that there was another second season in the in the works, it's just bloody unfair. it's really Like I said, it's really unfair on the creators because
They have to face a bunch of fucking idiots, quite frankly, online saying, yeah, we stopped you. Well, really, well, they haven't stopped anything because there was they didn't stop, sorry to interrupt, but they but they didn't stop anything because nothing was actually confirmed. So it's really unfair on those people. on on those people and there's I'm glad and i you said that. And those cynic in particular can go and fuck go and fuck off because they haven't won a damn thing. And like like I said, more most importantly is the people that the season connected to um the most that, you know, somehow may well feel disheartened now. And to your point, going back to your point, sorry, I will finish, like I promise you,
There's no news. There is no news. So there's a good chance that we still may wear get season two in three years time or in two years time or whenever it will be, or it may well be called something else. But the point being is that the story that we grew to start to love which which ended so abruptly at the end of season one, may well carry on. But the point being is that everyone's already jumping to conclusion yeah that it that it's done and that we've lost or those guys have won. And it's like, come on, guys. Sorry, mate.
No, no, no worries. I mean, i'm glad I'm glad you said that because I think that's like the connective tissue for a thought that I've had that you saying that first will make my my beliefs make more sense. that you're You're giving me the words there that I think that's the hardest part, the most disappointing part about all of this is that I know that the immediate reaction and thoughts are like in the social consciousness is that, oh, it was canceled because of its reception and because of the backlash.
and Yeah, bullshit. ive And I know I've said this a million times before. It's like, I am a firm believer that that is just complete horseshit. like it's it's a like they They are looking at the discourse on Twitter in the in the depths of the the the the bowels of the internet and being like, well, we've really upset the you know the comments on Instagram every time Star Wars posts something are just absolutely vile. We should cancel this show. It's like, no.
like The viewership numbers probably have something to do with it but it's like i I think that's the other leg is what you said of like it sucks because the expectations that were communicated. Purposefully or not about oh it could be continued.
Leads like the the the the mingling of business decisions and like the social consciousness like to mere too connected It's like oh it said everybody's expectations are like oh, there's gonna be a second season And so then when they don't renew it or at least reportedly don't renew it that leads the social consciousness to believe that like oh the people who hated it won and And not just because as they that they won and there's that belief, but its now it's just going to fuel that fire even more when there's something else that people perceive they do not like. when did i this this is ah This is a ah pop culture element that I have only really switched on to in the last, let's say, five years. When did when did
a season, and there there are websites, that ah there is there is social media um content that's focused on this, but when did season renewals be an annual thing? so For example, I'll go to a particular website, I'm not going to mention any names, and they say, what's been renewed and cancelled this year? um There's a huge site, you know there's a huge role of eyes roll of eyess across the um pop culture fan base about, oh, this has been renewed, this hasn't been renewed. It's like, when did it become a thing that confirmation of whether a season is renewed or cancelled, when did that become an annual event?
Well, I think because i think it maybe it was, but streaming has what's really thrown a wrench in that in right in the last 10, 15 years. Because it's like, you look at you look at shows like Stranger Things that release a season once every fucking 20 years feels like. yeah And like, nobody's flipping the gourd on that, but it's like, it's one article that come out. Like to me, I don't know the business, but it feels like, it's like, hey, we're doing budgets for the next round of two, one year, two years or whatever. It's like, yes, we are not renewing the acolyte for an immediate renewal for the next set of production timelines. Like, like you've done budget. Yeah, that's my point. Yeah, that's my point. it's like Because you want to you want you want to you want to be a you want to be able to I mean, the pre production, production and post production process needs a a decent time amount of time. And prior to that, there's something called planning, which I'm assuming yeah I'm assuming that they all do. So I mean, it's kind of like,
Well, we've got no plans at the moment. we we you know we we we want to we want to we've We've just finished. We want to let this thing hold this whole thing gestate for a while, and then we're going to work out what to do next and just leave it as that. i mean the put it I don't get this. even with sorry Sorry to interrupt, but even with strange things, we get told that season five is renewed and it's the last one. it's like just why you need do that what Why do you Is it for investors? Is it for us? Is it for... is it for is it for so It's for clicks. It's for clicks. It's for clicks on these dumb ass websites where they want to leak this stuff because it gets eyes on it and it creates. It's the middlemen who are driving it. like To put it briefly for my side of things, it made me kind of summarize it briefly. like
To me, it's not a no, it's just a not right now. You can't look and plan plan forever. like I know that they have these things like these big budget things that are movies like 2026, 2027, 2028, and whatever. But to me, a lot of those are still in early planning. And when it's a movie, you those have a lot bigger runway than a television series, especially like with the volume and streaming and yada, yada, yada, and $180 million. dollars like It's more of a, no, you're not getting immediately renewed. We're not going to invest that in for an immediate season. Let's revisit whatever what the frequency of these things are. and that's how i don't i just don't I guess I don't understand why studios aren't taking some ownership about managing expectations and not allowing
Should we say, um, battle lines to be drawn between factions across the, the fan base. And they can manage, they could manage expectations relatively easy by saying, Hey, I'm really glad you enjoyed it. We haven't got any plans for the future because we put our entire or into this, into this, into this season. Um, but we like, we, you know, we love the feedback that we've been given so far. We're certainly, you know, never say never leave it as that.
in the meantime look out for these new the problem they've got actually no sorry the problem i'm the problem they've got is that they have promised a slate of content for so long and half of it has been cancelled the rest has gone into development limbo or development hell and we and we don't have i'm sure an awful lot of this would be
a lot more palatable had we known. you know if If you and I could see a year and or maybe two years ahead as to what the content looked like, then this would just be a rumor.
I think that's the thing. that's I think it's- But we've got nothing else, that's the problem. And again, we yeah that sound to sum that's not down to That's not down to, sorry to interrupt the again, that's not down to these shitty creators that want to stir up trouble.
Yes, that's what they do, and yes, they are stirring up trouble, but it could all be put to bed if we had a relatively decent slate plan as to what the years ahead looked looks like, which would which would kind of almost vindicate these Disney not having any plans at this moment for season two. Sorry, I went after one. I think that's the thing. i think it's I think we as consumers tend to look in that direction of like, oh my God, I can't believe all these projects have been canceled. ah Shit changes production, though whatever, whatever. But it's like, i'm I'm of the other stance of like, I just wish they'd stop telling us stuff.
like that far in advance. I go back to I feel like how it used to be at least from my perspective I could be wrong but it's like we have such a window like we we are too far behind the curtain but yes it is exciting it is exciting to keep it in the conscious I'm not a marketer I'm not a PR person but I'm sure there's an element of like hey if you tell people stuff far enough bats it keeps it in their consciousness it keeps them engaged even if like bad PR is even good PR like at the end of the day But I wish we would like rain that in and go back to how it was of like, hey, this movie is coming out in two years and like it's being filmed now. It's like, holy shit. Not this like we think we're we've got a producer and we've got an idea. And there's no dates and no they like rain that back in. And then it did it. I mean, less like i I don't need to know about shit coming out six years from now. It's exciting. But if I don't know about it, it doesn't hurt me. Like ah what was like then I'm not disappointed about
Exactly. And what was great about the prequels, for example, was that they gave an awful lot away. I don't know if you remember, especially during the Clone Wars, when Clone Wars was being filmed, they would show an awful lot of behind the scenes as it's being filmed. And then on top of that, they'd also introduce the merch before the film came out as well.
But that was for content that was for content that was being that was locked, that was done. it was it's it's It's being filmed, it's being produced at this moment in time. And then things like the merch and me and and and the figure the figures and all that kind of stuff gave you the opportunity to speculate as to who that individual was. Sometimes that individual ended up being relatively nobody obsolete yeah nobody yeah obsolete. But it allowed you, it gave you that excitement towards it. So they they at that moment in time, they gave you that excitement. They gave you that um they generated that excitement despite the film being one to two and a half years away. um But to your point, they're sharing less of the
they're closing down or that that they've got tightly locked the the production side of a movie of the movie and they're sharing the the a lot earlier in the production process when it hasn't even been baked yet, which I think is crazy, which is the reason why the likes of you and I, and certainly people like, people like, you know, none of this merchandise is now available at launch anymore because of this whole thing around locking down the content itself. And I think that whoever manages their
that ah their socials or whoever manages their their whole PR needs to really think about what works and what doesn't and what will get folk excited. Because at the moment, I don't know about you, but you hear about something that's planned two, three, four years away from now.
I keep thinking to myself, well, is it? you know Is it? i um've It's a bit like The Boy That Cried Wolf. i but I've been told this so many times now. Is it really? Oh, we've got another producer now, to your point. We've got another director now, to your point. It's like, is this one going to turn out? Where's Gareth Edwards? you know where Not Gareth Edwards, sorry. where's um Where's Ryan's trilogy? whereas um you know what's what's What's going on, guys? can i know like i'm not I'm not naive. like i know that it's i'm I'm aware that it's incredibly complicated. like We live in different times now. we have we have On one hand, we have like shareholder capitalism where we have massive amounts of money going into these projects.
and they want return at all costs because all of our 401ks or retirements are dependent on the line going up. Like as much as we want to pretend we're not the bad guys, we're all invested in some way when we shape a form. But some, the billionaires more than others. So it's like the line has to go up, but at the same time with the social connectivity of like social networks and like are our collective need to be in the loop and like the desire to know, like opened that can of worms to be fed information.
But like now we've peeked behind the curtain. Like and also there's a a whole media industry who is making like it's their livelihood to get clicks to to get this information, push it out. And it's it's an industry now. And so but that assume but now we are too far behind the curtain to say like, oh, hey, wait, sometimes projects like don't pan out. Like this is I mean, I could only imagine if if people like like customers or users had a peek at like my engineering roadmap, like truly, to the level that we do with movies. It's like, hey, we're building this feature in four years. And i like I'm sitting here going, I don't know what I'm doing in three weeks. like There's a belief that the business has, but like as an individual contributor, it's like, this is some bull crap. like there is like We're all saying nine different things. And so the fact that the movie industry or media industry is like this, it's
Like how do you unring the bell or how do you pull it back? I feel like we are approaching that time now that kind of like social media seems to kind of be swinging in both directions of like hyper extreme, but also people are kind of wanting less connection. So maybe this is an opportunity for these companies to be like, let's give them less Like, and that's, and that's kind of where the the leaks thing cracks down. It's like, we can't give Hasbro the story or the, the molds or the models years in advance to have them available on time because we don't have a story. Like we've taken these eight year windows for like the prequels to get made and stories to be baked. And we've crammed them down into like a year and a half from like previous story writing to like.
like principal photography and like wrapping shooting like all those timelines have been smashed together so it's like I get it from all sides like I just wish to me like one of the biggest things that would help is like just stop announcing things like we're not going anywhere yeah yeah star wars fans are gonna stick around yeah like like I feel like that's why I'm saying job at doing it that's why I'm saying And I'm in 100% agreement. And you know just to close this out, I'm i'm i'm saying exactly the same youth thing you are. Stop announcing things that are speculative at the moment. And and I would say until you start shooting, everything is speculative. And and start and divert your fan base's interest into what's in production at the moment.
And that includes the merch as well because that will sustain like the hype by making it accessible before. I mean, you'd have to put the whole hope premise of the character on the back of the packaging, for God's sake. You can just leave it. This this this character is called.
Nana Lubaba. And that's it. And that's it. And then we can spend the next year or so speculating as to who that that that that that that person is. yeah I 100% agree with you. And I just think that it's such a shame the way it's turned out because I can't believe ah can't believe that we live in a world where folk felt very connected to the Acolyte.
And the those folk that hated the acolyte will get their way, because it connected with way, way too many people. Anyway, I live in a world of hope, I guess, and maybe through road skills, spectacles. but um i I did just have an epiphany about something. That's my final point that I'll make, I promise, and I'll move on.
I think if they if they did that, because I think it has an effect that they maybe I'm sure they know somebody knows, like, if they pulled back on the announcements and the promises, then I think that would help drive engagement in other ways. Like I had the epiphany while talking about this. It's like, that is the reason why I have pulled back on the books and comics, because I don't have a need.
I am being fed in other ways with promises of future content years out that I can get excited about yeah and talk about. But it it has it comes to zero tangible outcomes. But what that is doing is that it's making me not read because I'm not craving more star leading up to The Force Awakens. i read everything up through those things. yeah because it's like But then it got to the point where it's like, we got Mando come, we got a soak, we got this, this. It's like, oh my God, I don't even need... I can't... Now, like I think that's been to the detriment of the high republic books. It's like, I don't need to get invested in high republic because, well, one, there's a billion books now. But it's also like, no, I got all this TV content. It's like, let it be a multimedia thing of like TV, movies,
Books and comics make them maybe not first-class citizens but second-class citizens again and like let that content live and breathe a little bit Yeah, I agree. I agree. I agree. it Yeah Let it let it Let it Germinate. Yeah, you're right. You're right That's another thing is that I saw this as a gateway from you know, the the High Republic of You know, our buddy Rick talks about it, works lyrical. yeah And it's so interesting listening to him talking about what's happening in that universe or in that in that timeline. And then we get the acolyte. It's like, so are you really going to put that much investment, that much marketing effort into, we're not just talking about the acolyte here, we're talking about the high republic. Are you really going to let that go?
after one attempt, bearing in mind the collateral that you've got, that you've built, um and the emotional, how can I put it? The emotional well-being that you have, or positivity, sorry, that you have generated with with with with fans of the high republic.
What does that say about the entire multimedia experience that we were building? Did they have a project? Oh, 100%. A project? Luminous, whatever it was? Yeah, yeah, yeah. The point being is, I mean, this is... I cannot believe this is the end. I just refuse to believe this is the end. Yeah, same. I think that the way that they could have, again, expectation management on their part,
really, really important times like this, especially when it comes down to dealing with assholes that just want to hate and everything. Anyway, my hope, my hope, I'm hopeful, too, that it's not a no, it's a focusing on priorities and a maybe even a collective effort to re realign more things in line with that same that same story. That'd be cool if we had an acolyte verse. That would be cool. Multiple series.
But I'm hopeful to my own detriment at times. But anyways, that we talked about that for a lot longer than I thought we would. Holy cow. Well, it's a big, you know, it's a big, deal yeah it's a big deal. And it's it's a big deal. It's so it's more of a big deal for some than more than others. And you and I enjoyed it every week. And we spent a lot of time talking about it, actually. And um and yeah over over the weeks, we've discovered just how important it is to some of our friends and I just, it's just sad. It's just saddening. Anyway, what are you watching? What are you listening to? What have you been reading in the last week, mate? Let's, let's, let's talk about something positive. I finished Loki season two. I finally, let's just do, let's do it. Let's do it. I've been totally trickling along for a while. Finally. I just like buckled down and got those last three hours yeah episodes out of the way. And you know what? It was,
It was a rocky start at the beginning. The first couple of episodes are like, what? Like it's kind of me debating. I'm like, am I half awake when I watch them? Cause it's just, it's like, yeah. Full throttle. But then by the end of that series into that season, it is different than season one. It's a different feeling, but like I really enjoyed it. it's it's You have to pay attention. It's like those other shows we were talking about. like you kind of have to like You can't have it on in the background and be like, oh, kind of watching. You really need to be like, what in the heck is going on? But I liked how it ended. I get why it doesn't get the fanfare because of all the Kang stuff.
and his like removal from MCU. So I get that it's like not, but it was a good series. Like I enjoyed it. Um, wild ending. I do recommend if you've started it, if you're invested in Loki, watch it. I also started watching for all mankind. I finally started it. Oh, go ahead. go look oh sorry i Can I ask you about Loki? Um, is I didn't, I didn't start or finish season two, but obviously Deadpool and Wolverine um feature an awful lot of the TVA. Time variants authority. yeah do i Is it worth watching Loki season two to get some connective understanding with what's going on in Deadpool and Wolverine or is it not necessary?
I don't think it's gonna, I don't feel like it's necessary for Deadpool and Wolverine, but I have a strong feeling that it is going to be critical to everything that comes after this. Cause it just seems like all the upcoming movies and shows are really heavily leaning into the TVA multiverse kind of concept. And I think there's just one, I think that it's a good season. I think it has some good,
lore, like with a TVA and it gives you some satisfying bits for Loki, like Loki and the characters in Loki and like, I enjoyed it. Like it was hard at first. I'm like, I just can't get into it. But it is, it's definitely like a binge kind of season. Like if I had to watch this week to week, I'd probably be like, but I'd probably be pretty pissed. But like if you can make it through those first couple episodes without going like, what in the world is going on?
Like just get through and it's like, oh, those last handful are like just kind of like masters of the air, a little bit of like, but minus like the dragging out repetitiveness is more of like a, yeah what is happening? And the next thing you know, it's like rampant. It's just full bore. Okay. Blazing through it. I enjoy it. So. So.
Moving on to For All Mankind. What do you think yes so far? i I'm two episodes in and I'm liking it so far. Good, good, good, good, good. I literally just started it. um I was debating between like that and Dark Matter. I'm like, I know everybody talks about For All Mankind. Let's let's plug and chug on this. And I keep forgetting, sidebar, um I'm gonna make a note. There's a new animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show that hit streaming and I need to watch it and I haven't watched it yet.
like TMNT, I need to make a note, because I need to watch it. For all mankind, very good. I've got Cyberpunk as well. So Cyberpunk on Netflix, I've got it in my... what it's It's the only... it's the only it's the It's the last remaining thing I've got on my phone, my big humongous phone that you laugh at me for. um Your Microsoft service. Shut up, not that bad. Sorry, I've downloaded... Sorry, I downloaded your shit back, obviously.
Anyway, um yeah, I downloaded Cyberpunk to my phone and and I still haven't watched it. I still haven't watched it. I really want to finish that because I hear from a lot of people that I, so it's it's it's in my notes.
from Do you ever? To to watch it. But um for all mankind, you're going to love it, mate. yeah um the the Don't forget it's made for TV. So sometimes the effects will feel a bit um cheap. um if you It reminds me of the Expanse a lot. It's like very kind of cheap effects. Yeah, exactly. It's gots got a good i got a good story to it. Exactly. exact Thank you. Yeah. i'm I'm glad you can see through that because, OK, a little bit of stick, actually, for the effects. It's like, guys, it's a TV series. And it was done on the budget. no We're not talking about other productions. We're not talking about How's the Dragon here. We're talking about a regular TV program kind of budget with a little bit of SFX of it. No, I'm really glad. And when you get to, I don't know, end of season one, we'll talk more about it. But I'm glad you get stuck in. Such a good series, it really is.
Do you ever have it when you're like sitting down? I assume you sit down to watch television or whatever. Do you ever have it when you sit down and you're like, what should I watch? And you pull it up and you're looking at all of this stuff that we talked about, like Cyberpunk or TMNT or all these other things that are like on your watch list. And it's like they all just look.
Like you've never seen them before. It's like, this is all garbage. But then like, as soon as you're not sitting down, it's like, God, I have like nine things I want to watch. But when I sit down and look at them, it's like, it all looks like I'm looking at a different language. I'm like, what is, what is this turtle? Is that like, why would I watch that? But then I'm not, but it's also, but it's also the back of my mind saying to myself, okay, if you jump in, you're going to have to commit. Yeah. And sometimes I don't make you, but I'm sitting down at the end of the day and I'm like,
I can't be able to commit. I mean, for me, for me, I'm sure I've told you this before. For me, at the end of the day, and if I want to switch my brain off, I stick on Blade Runner 2049 because I know I'll be asleep in 15 minutes. And that's not because I don't love that film. It's because I love that film. It's because I love that film. What do you think I put on when I want to go to sleep? If you had to guess. No wrong answers. I'm just curious. Putting you on the spot.
Muppets. It's going to be the Muppets, right? How it's made on YouTube. Oh, okay, fine. All right, fine. Fuck, I love that show. God, I love that show. So you want to know how aluminum baseball bats are made? I can tell you. No, no. Anyway, the point I'm trying to get to is is that, you know, no, I understand. So when you, when you look at the, con you know, I look at my list on Netflix or I look at my saved list on on Prime and it's like, uh,
That means I'm going to commit. And if I commit now, I'm going to forget about it and have to go back and and rewatch it. So no, I'm with you, mate. But please, please take your time with For All Mankind. We've got an eternity to be able to talk about this together because I love it. Absolutely love it. Nice. Anything else, mate?
Well, I did watch the latest episode of Sunny, but one of us, not gonna name names, didn't. So we will talk about that next next week. I didn't. I'm saying this to the listeners. I'm really sorry, man. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. It gives me time to process it because you know what? It's a banger.
Um, you can tell that like Rashida Jones posted on her Instagram recently like, Hey, season's coming to a close. You should watch Sunny. And it's like, Ooh, that feels like they're ramping up like the marketing of like, Hey, it's like getting good, but they're not really saying that it's, it's getting It's getting good. And I'm excited to talk to you about it. it's getting I mean, it's already good, but it's like, ooh, ooh, it's getting good. So new episodes come out on a Wednesday. And when they come out on a Wednesday, I typically try and use my my lunch hour to catch up so that we can talk in the evening. um I've had a lunch hour today, mate. And I've gone straight into i've got straight into recording. So my humble apologies for not catching up. I promise you I will use. It's totally fine, buddy.
my extended weekend and we will catch up next week. I'm getting set in high expectations. Um, I don't think so. I think that's all I've been watching. I believe. Okay. So I have been busy. I have been busy. I have been busy.
um ah Apart from Sunny, which is timing, because I was up to date last week, so I had between last week and today to fill my to fill my week. and um We've burned through the Umbrella Academy season, the final season, season four. It's a short season, it's only six episodes. don i don't know if you've if you if you Have you watched the other three seasons? I have not, no.
Okay, fine. Okay, so um I won't ruin it for you. you could but But no, you can talk about it. It's pretty low on my list right now, unless you're like... yeah No, no, no, I'll be honest with you because I want i want to crack on with with with my what I thought about Alien. So, no, it's great. The Umbrella Academy is like its graphic novel as an alternative to take on.
on superheroes. They're a bunch of um children that are have been mutated by their adopted father for nefarious reasons. Well, no, sorry, for two becomes to be trained as children as superheroes. um ah their Their father is relatively nefarious in in his reasons behind it and his is his own background. um And they ended up and it's just fun. It's funny and It's funny and serious in a series. I'd like it's more of a i would say it's more of a meaningful version of The Boys. if that
sorry more of a
How can of can I compare it to the boys? I can compare it to the boys in the context of it being an alternative take on superheroes, number one. yeah But number two, it's all about this found family. So these are all adopted children that have been mutated um to be superheroes.
And there's an awful lot of beauty and in in in that in that story, um in that they are this found family that fight one minute and fight as a family the next. And pretty much the entire series has been about that about one of them by hook or by crook ending the universe, basically causing so much disrupt destruction either inadvertently or on purpose because they're in a bad mood.
um and the rest of them trying to save them from save the universe from that from that moment. um It's really, really cleverly done. It's really, really well done. I'm not sure how close to the source material it is, um because and I never read the graphic novel. But it's really, really good. And season four, which is every six episodes, has just concluded. And the story ends.
But it's a very, very, all I say is a very, very bittersweet ending. um What had to happen in order for the universe to stop going through this season by season threat of apocalypse and destruction meant an awful lot of sacrifices. And it was beautifully done. Really, really well done. Bearing in mind half the time, it's a comedy.
Um, the ending to it, you know, I'm ah'm not, I'm not ashamed to say there was a tear in my eye. So that was really, really good to, to burn through that with again, with Lucy. nice Um, I did my job, um, and I've watched.

Rebel Moon Review and Franchise Potential

Um, part one of rebel moon director's cut. I found some time. I found three hours that I'll never get back in my life, three and a half hours. Sorry. I'll never get back in my life to watch, um, rebel moon Epps, uh, part one, uh, this, this, did this, the Snyder cut. Um, how do I explain this?
um Does it make the film better? Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, it makes the film a little bit better in that the bits that he's added on adds context to um two people's stories in particular in in the in the in the in in across both films. that
are either meaningless, one one of them is is so incidental, such an incidental character that you don't even know why they're there. And the other one is is so, their background is so bizarre that you don't understand how they transitioned through the movie.
or the the two movies, sorry, to to to to be where they are in the end. so there's an or i mean It's not a secret. It's an android in the in the or robot in the in both movies. It's played by Anthony Hopkins or voiced by Anthony Hopkins.
and He turns into this kind of very spiritual, very nomadic character that's in touch with himself, his spirituality, his self of worth, and and most importantly, nature um throughout both films. um without the And the original take of the films, it didn't make any sense because it'd go from the the progression was so out of context to the story itself that it didn't make any sense at all. So having that extra extra dialogue and that extra narrative there was was a good thing. um The rest of it is basically further explanation, which I thought was quite good in that it kind of, especially at the beginning, the the opening of the of the of the film, it provides context to
the bad guys. it It really underlines why they're so nasty rather than being a moustache twirling ah bad guy that turns up at the beginning of the movie and just starts wreaking havoc on everything. It it establishes the establishes them with a lot more context as to why they're just nasty bastards.
And then the rest of the other changes are, is that originally it was a PG um and he's made it, made made this a a rated 15 movie or ah I think it's rated 15. So basically where you had shooty shooty zappy zappy, um you still have shooty shooty zappy zappy, but people's heads explode and there's a load of blood. I mean, there's blood everywhere. There's blood absolutely everywhere. And then the last thing, sorry, is that there's an awful lot of, um nudity.
um um Snyder's loving his his sex scenes, very protracted sex scenes. I mean, I was quite impressed actually, but but but these very protracted sex scenes in in this in in in this this this more adult themed version. um does it make it Does it make the story any better?
Yes. Does it make it massively better? No. Does it make it good?
considering the ah time investment too, like, is it a recommended? I think it's, if you remember my first review, the first time around I said, watch it, because it's it's a televisual, I mean, it is spectacular, it is spectacular, absolutely spectacular, ah in terms of visual effects, in terms of some of the stuff, you know, if you switch your brain off and don't think about the don't think about it too hard, um yeah I definitely would recommend this version over the original,
the original PG-13 version because ah it didn't make sense. But you do have that extra hour and a half or that extra hour, sorry, to have to invest into into into into watching it. um if you're not If you're not bothered about... um it's It's not going to be a franchise. It's not going to be... i know I know it was his take on Star Wars. I know it it was... it was it with The intention was going to be a... um a new franchise that will take us into the future.
no that's i's go to ask you it's like what is but what is the It's not going to do that because there are so many tropes and I said this the first time I reviewed the first the first time um or thought about the the PG-13 the first time. um yeah It's not, it it lends too many, it borrows so many tropes from other sci-fi.
that it can't be its own thing. It just it physically cannot be its own thing. It's not. It's not. It doesn't. It's not original enough to do that. But if you're OK with that, then I'd say, yeah, watch it. Well, that's what I was going to ask you. It's like, what is what do you feel like the purpose of this was? like Was it to create a new franchise, to be the next Avatar, to be the next Star Wars, whatever? Or is it just like some I don't remember who wrote it, but like, is it just they're like,
They're megalopolis. It's like, oh, i'm I have this vision and I'm going to see it through. Gosh, darn it. And I'm going to make something huge. I've no idea, man. I've no idea. i have no I've no idea. i thought I thought he actually wrote it as well. I thought this has been his brainchild. I think this is what he proposed to Disney. um ah This is what he proposed to Disney as being his his Star Wars. And they said, thanks, but no thanks.
and he
ah Yeah, from a screenplay he co-wrote with Kurt Johnstad and Shay Hatton. So it's it's his it's his baby. It's his baby. So um it can't it can't be, wow, hey, listen, stranger things have happened. um If it becomes its own thing, then fine. um Will there be a part two is the question. Well, there already is a part two. I haven't watched that yet. Oh, okay.
So so so so this this this this this movie is part one and part two. and And I've seen both of them. And the director's cut is part one and part two. And I haven't watched part two of the director's cut yet. So you're talking around about seven hours. Seven hours. Oh my God.
Yeah. There's a lot there. It's a lot there. Um, it would have been, it probably would have been a really cracking series if I'm actually, if I'm perfectly honest with you, if that had cut this up into 30, 40 minute bites would have been a good series to watch. The older I get, the more I understand why like Gen Z and Gen Alpha like love TikTok or YouTube, like short content. It's like, I just feel, I just feel like it's like seven hours, like dude,
What? Where am I going to find that time? cool a day Over the next year. Right. The other thing I've seen um this week and I'm halfway through, so don't, don't, don't, don't, um don't shoot me for this because as I said, I was up to date on sunny until today because it only lands today. But also, um, we're halfway through a, uh, a very short, um, series on Netflix called supercell and it's spelled S U P A C E double L. And to give you the premise of what it is, it's, um, it's a British made, it's a UK made, um,
TV short TV series um that tells the story of um And it does it does steal a lot of tropes from other other productions. If you think of, if you've ever seen Attack the Block, so the idea of you know the the suburbs of London, the rough suburbs of London with gangs, et cetera, et cetera, meets Heroes. So if you remember Heroes, the old TV series, yeah whereby whereby whereby something's going to happen in the future,
And the idea is that one one or two of them are trying to prevent the incident from happening in the future it's basically that so think of the environment from attack the blood the kind of.
grounded British gangland type of narrative from Attack the Block, but put it around a storyline that's very similar to Heroes, whereby an awful lot of these London kids and people find out that they are they have special abilities.
And that they are required, there is an event that happens in the future that they're required to team together to use those abilities. And they don't they don't truly know what's going on. Now I'm only halfway through the season at the moment. And there are six episodes in the season. So um I'll keep you updated on it. Is is it original? Yes.
Are the tropes original? No. But is it original? Yes. Because it's um for me, it's it's ah it's another it's a return to kind of the London the london um or the British take on what superhero should be. And i i'm I'm up for that because it's usually with an awful lot of tongue in cheek.
um with a bit of grounded reality of what life's really like living in in the yeah in the yeah in the cities of of the UK. But yeah, so I do recommend it. It's good fun. Good fun. Quick question for you. Speaking of heroes, did Heroes season one have an absolute chokehold culturally on the on On your u okay your area on the UK. Yeah as well Yeah, like that when you mentioned heroes, I was like, oh Peter Petrelli the cheerleader, you know, ah yeah Yeah, it's like yeah, it's like protect dang man. How do I still remember that? Oh Mate, it was it was brilliant. And in fact, um I think it was season three.
that we started dropping off. And then didn't they bring it back about 10 years later or something? Because it wasn't the writer's strike or something that like really tanked it or something. Really, really, really messed up season two or season three. But either way, it was, I mean, you think about the people that have come out of this, in particularly in particular Zachary Guinto came out of this. Yeah, I knew you were talking about the bad guy. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hayden Paneter and- Yeah, it's Cyla. Cyla, yeah, Zachary Kinto. um so He was in that. i mean I mean, it birthed an awful lot of talent from that, especially him in particular. ah But yeah, loved it. I mean, you've got Hero in there as well. Masayoka, amazing. Greg Grunberg, JJ's good buddy is Matt Parkman. I mean, i love I love that shit. Absolutely love that shit. And and it just yeah and then season two, kind of we still had the same momentum, but it was it landed. Again, it's one of those things that landed at the right time. So it landed in 2006, it came out and it landed at the right time. So so our eldest was eight.
Our youngest was six um at that moment in time, so we weren't going out. Date night was not a thing. you know we we were we were We were young young parents you know itching for good stuff to kind of consume on TV, so heroes at the time landed at completely the right time. a it was ABC prime time over here. i don't know what is it I don't know what it was over there, but that prime time evening,
might mean I I think it was on BBC. If I'm perfectly honest, I think it was BBC. i think I think it took the slot... If memory says it took the lot it took the slot that... Oh, good God. X-Files took. so we have so say All of the the the kind of popular art or popular programs typically were on BBC two. So you have BBC one, which is the mainstream stuff, which typically, when, when it was there it would be the news, it would be, you know, all the current affairs stuff and everything. You know, BBC two, where all of the kind of all cool stuff was landing, which was the good comedy and the really good drama at that moment in time. And, um, I think it was on BBC two and I think it took place of,
the X-Files slot in between their seasons as well. I could be completely wrong. Certainly the same slot that um Twin Peaks used to do is what it used to run as well. so i mean That was ah was massive over here. Twin Peaks was huge, huge, huge over here.
Anyway, I digress. um Yeah, good times, man. Really good times. So yeah, Supercell. Check it out. Check it out. um

Alien Franchise Discussion

Really good fun. And then lastly, I saw Alien. I saw Alien Romulus. And it's a good film. it's It is is a good film and it it deserves its place in between. it's so It's set in between Alien and Aliens, plural. um It deserves its place there.
um I really, really enjoyed an awful lot of it. I'm really glad I got to see it at the cinema. It wasn't great for me though and I'm and i'm almost gutted to be transparent and honest with you um on this. It didn't I love the Alien franchise so much. And I was so disappointed, particularly with Four. um Actually, I'm actually one of the few people that actually liked Alien 3. I thought it was a... I think most people were expecting it to be a ah direct sequel to Aliens, plural. And, you know, the Marines are coming in and let's let's shoot some shit up. And they really were kind of ah fighting the the the Alien and in Alien 3 with... um
nothing more than flares and sticks. and it was it was I thought it was really, really good. I think the old take on the prison and the um um the the the religion that that that these inmates had ah created for themselves I thought was really quite perversely fat fascinating for me. But um anyway,
and because of that, This film didn't for me break the mold because it's so similar to Alien. It's so similar to Aliens that it fits in there perfectly. Best way I can describe it is Alien 1.5.
Yeah. Does that make sense? um Yeah. does it and the like not it Not a softer reboot, but it's like a a remake for the newer generation with newer effects. and Well, i was talk again again, I talked to yeah i talked ah shared thoughts with our buddy. ah God, he's getting mentions when he's not even on like on the pod. Shared some thoughts with our buddy Turbo. And he kind of said, it's a really good... What was his words? He said some little lines of, I said to him, i was he was a lot more positive about it than I am at the moment. And I hope I am coming over positive. i just and again, I thought it was good. I just didn't think it was great. You can have missed expectations without shitting on something. That is totally fine. He described it as a side quest, which I thought was perfect, actually. I thought it was perfect, absolutely perfect. It was a side quest. My biggest
It's supplemental. It's a disappointment. there's There's stuff that goes on in the film, which I won't spoil for anyone, that is um shocking for an awful lot of people, um in that they um there is something that happens um which is straight out of the first film. And you may think, well, that's either in good taste, bad taste, or what have you. I had no problem with it at all, because it served it served it served the purpose of the of the of of the plot. So that's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is the second half of the movie, where I felt towards the crescendo of the movie and the resolution of the of the plot.
um Not only was it very similar to what had come before and after it, it got to a point in the end where it was exactly the same. So it wasn't even and it wasn't even a nod. It was almost identical, which for me somehow made me think, does that undermine what's happened in those other two films um somewhat?
Um, I don't know. I don't know, but I, I, I, again, I'm really glad I went. I'm really glad I went to see it. It's a really good film. Uh, it's not a great film for me and it certainly hasn't rebooted the franchise in any, in any way, not, not at the moment. Um, do you think there's anything that can, like, do you think there's anything that can really, like, is that a franchise that need, that, that could,
get more like to get deeper. Like I know they tried with like the Prometheus and some of the other things with like all that, but it's like, or is it just a quite like quite like horror plus kind of lore franchise? I quite like the Prometheus. I quite like Prometheus because I quite like the theory. I quite like the theory.
of what is it to be human? I love that i love that introspection and I love that ah love that kind of... I don't know if you've ever... wrote There's a book from the 70s called, I think it was called... um Highway of the Gods or Path... I can't remember the book anyway, but it... without going into, you know, I'm certainly not going down the the road of Scientology, but the idea that potentially there could be, you know, we we were perhaps the product of a higher species or, you know, the that the fact that that we are
we we come from somewhere else. ive I just found fascinating from a purely science fiction point of view, not certainly not from a belief point of view. It's a Could this be real? I love that. I love that about the and the the concept of the engineers. Where it started getting a bit batshit was around you know kind of like taking that and making it even more complicated because what was so but was so deliciously, delicious about alien, alien, aliens and alien three is that the threat is, it's kind of binary, it's relatively straightforward. um and yeah and and And the story is the bit that kind of changes around what the threat is, whereas in Prometheus,
um they they tried to kind of add to the law by overcomplicating it and it kind of loses its way a little bit in terms of in terms of trying to overcomplicate it that you lose the original sight of what made Alien in particular so so scary, the fact that there wasn't an explanation.
The fact that there was that this was shrouded in mystery, a little bit like Boba Fett. The more you knew about Boba Fett, you realize the guy is actually quite a nice guy after all, right whereas the the original mystery of the guy was was what made him particularly cool.
and And so what's the pu yeah it's a popular trend anymore of like over explaining villains. It's like, they actually have a backstory and a sad history. It's like they did the same. They did the same with predator as well. Don't forget. They did the exactly the same thing with predator in that they kind of overcomplicating it by trying to create something new by adding to the story to add weight or or mass of the story. Whereas the simplicity.
of of of of the original story was what made it so damn perfect and that gave um enough room for the narrative to weave in and out of of that of that of that baseline threat. So I kind of feel the same way a little bit about this it does it pays a heck of a lot of homage to, um, the prequels as well. So it does pay some homage, uh, homage to Prometheus as well, which is, which is fine, which is absolutely fine. It's the, it's the delivery in a second half that I found a little bit, just a little bit, I don't know, strange. And I was thinking to myself,
when I left the theatre, if I was 10 years from now, if I was 20 or 30 years younger than I am at the moment and hadn't watched Alien before and I saw them in in in order, would rather than release order, if that makes sense. So if I saw, it's a bit like, you know, the seeing Star Wars from the Phantom Menace all the way through to, all the way through to Rise of Skywalker, as opposed to starting at New Hope. So if I saw them back to back in the way that the timeline, the in-universe timeline works, would I like, would the surprises of aliens be somewhat diminished by this film? And I think it would be.
I think it would be if I saw them back to back. um Anyway, that's how I felt, but I'm damn glad I went to the cinema. I went with a buddy of mine. We hadn't seen each other for a couple of months. That was good fun. And I got to eat a hot dog, which was nice, a wiener. I had a wiener.
Every time you say weiner, I'm going to get the whistle out. It probably doesn't get picked up very well on the mic, but people can use their imagination. They're not missing out on much. That looks amazing. Looks absolutely amazing. like then We should start a band.
the The I don't know. thought I thought I had something for a minute, but then it just fell flat. I was like, the weiner whistlers. There you go. So that that that that's it, mate. i mean and we' we've we've We've done our usual 145 with absolutely no no content this week, so congratulations, buddy. You're welcome. We did a good job. night I prepared this week and and we delivered. That's what we get paid to do. Don't we get paid the big bucks? Exactly. I even prepared an outro, so you're going to be amazed.
No, wrote you down I did. It's going to come across probably even more. This is why I don't write things down, because it's going to be like a high school kid reading off a PowerPoint slide. But I did it. OK. Try everything once, you know.
Well, okay then. In that case, ah all that leaves me to say is thank you. If any of you have held on until now, thank you very much for putting up with us for another week. um More fun and games this time next week. Look after yourselves, look after each other. Love you lots. Thank you for listening. Thank you for your friendship and take care.

Conclusion and Listener Engagement

Sure. All right, here we go. Here's here because of my prepared statement.
And that's a wrap for this episode of Just Chillin'. We hope you had as much fun listening as we did chatting. If you've enjoyed hanging out with us, don't forget to subscribe as you never so you may never miss an episode. And hey, if you've got something awesome to share or just want to say hi, shoot us an email at feedback at, or you can visit our website at We love hearing from you, so don't be shy. Until next time, keep chilling and chilling, and we'll catch you on the next one. Mate, that's brilliant.
No, that is, at dude, that is absolutely perfect. is but It's certainly better than, I don't care. It's a lot better than that. And don't, and do yourself a favor and restart your router every once in a while and eat your vegetables. I forgot that part. ah Take care guys. See you next week. Bye.