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Axxess Figure Reveals + Wrestlemania Weekend Recap image

Axxess Figure Reveals + Wrestlemania Weekend Recap

The Chick Foley Show
8 Plays2 years ago
We discuss all the exciting figure reveals from Axxess and recap the highs and lows from the most stupendous Wrestlemania ever! Plus LISTENER MAIL Become a Premium Foley Fam Member at Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% on all your wrestling figures at Ringside Collectibles. Use code PF10 to save 10% at

Introduction and WrestleMania Reflections

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up Foley fam? We are back. We're coming off of WrestleMania weekend. It's a new wrestling year and we are ready to go with a new year of the Chick Foley show. Before we get into all the action over the weekend, all the amazing figure reveals, let's start as always by introducing the stars of the show. Sheena, how you doing?
I'm doing good. Surprisingly, if you listen to last week's episode, I was kind of down on WrestleMania, but I'm sitting here on Tuesday night, thoroughly sports entertained.

WrestleMania Weekend Highlights and Promotions

So I had a good weekend. It was a full weekend of wrestling, but man, they showed out. So I'm stoked to talk about it. Yeah. Well, we'll get into the nitty gritty in a little bit, but it's definitely the best WrestleMania probably the last five years, maybe longer. It was a fun weekend of wrestling for sure. Marco, how did you enjoy all the festivities?
Awesome. I hung out with one of my buddies over the weekend. It's his birthday weekend, so hung out with him, watched night one, and then spent night two with the fam. So yeah, had a pretty festive mania weekend. Jordan, what's going on out in the Midwest? Things are good. Just like you guys, I was definitely sports entertained this weekend. I will admit Sunday dragged on a little bit, but we'll get into that a little later.
All right. And you can find me on Instagram at chick Foley Marco running the Twitter machine over at chick Foley show. And then you can find all of our pod foundation brothers at pod foundation. You got the extra cooler show at turnbuckle tavern and coming down the aisle podcast. Most importantly, you can join our fully fam at chick Foley show.
We're going to start a new picks league. WrestleMania was a one-off event, but we have a new picks league starting. So if you want to get in on that, we do our picks. We create like a whole season and it's so much fun. So definitely worth joining our Foley fam just for that. Yeah. The, uh, the WrestleMania challenge ended up being a little bit of a, uh, a mess. We had 15 people were in it and seven ended up tied for the win.
crazy. We did NXT and WrestleMania. I want to say there was a total of 33 predictions you had to make, and we somehow ended up in a seven-way tie. Hats off to Jordan and Marco. They were both part of the winner's circle. The prize ended up being 10 bucks. I think most people just opted to roll that into their entry fee for the next season of Fully Picks League.
Yeah, that was, uh, that's pretty crazy. Uh, so yeah, we're getting the plugs out of the way early cause we got so much stuff to discuss this week. We also want to remind you guys to sponsor, to support our presenting sponsors, ringside collectibles, use code chick Foley to save 10% and, uh, at chalk line use code PF 10 to save 10% courtesy of the pod foundation.

Surprises and Performances at WrestleMania

You guys ready to get into WrestleMania weekend?
Let's go, everybody take a swig. It's gonna be a full segment for sure. Yeah, so we'll start it off right. Gina, what were some of your highlights of the weekend? I mean, there were so many different highlights for so many different reasons, but man, I loved the Pat McAfee segment. I loved his match. I loved the aftermath with Vince coming out and having his first, you know, his big mania moment, actually having a match, which was just like, holy shit, you know? I don't think anybody saw that one.
No, nobody saw that coming. So that was super fun. And I thought it was pretty crazy that in that same segment, we had two of the best sold stunners of all time, like right alongside one of the worst stunners of all time with Vince McMahon. So I thought it was great, even though Vince took the worst stunner of all time. It was so funny. I laughed stone cold Steve Austin was laughing, which was just the best. It was so great to see him out there having so much fun. I actually liked his night two appearance.
just as good, if not better, than his night one appearance. Yeah, I don't really know what happened with Vince there. It looked like maybe Vince got cold feet and wanted to know, he chickened out and took the stutter at the last second. I think he just oversold the kick, dude, and lost his balance. I think he just had a little bit of vertigo or something, because that's what really happened. In Stone Cold, I'd describe him by the noggin and pull him back in. Yeah.
Yeah, I know what happened. He's almost 80 years old. That's what pretty much happened. You bend over too fast when you're 80 years old, you're going to lose a little bit of your equilibrium for sure. Yeah, we know he's a Vince McManan. He's the almighty god of sports entertainment, but he's getting up there in age. So yeah, that was a fail on his end. I don't blame Stone Cold at all for that.
Yeah, for me, the highlight was definitely a night one main event, Austin and KO. I thought that was just perfectly, perfectly executed. KO did a great job hyping it up and it was a great job overall by WWE of kind of under promising and over-delivering. I think it still would have been just as good if we would have known from the start, it was going to be a match, but just the way it was presented just seemed really electric and
You know, to quote Michael Cole, it was definitely a moment seeing, hearing the bell ring with Austin in the ring once again. Yeah, I think if we would have known it was a match, we would have built it up too much in our head or either got too down on it. I just feel like just not, the not knowing was what made it super cool. And you know, what made us like just enjoy what we were getting, you know, because we didn't know what we were getting. So I thought it just really kind of put us in the moment and we were really present to just kind of be like, all right, well, what the hell is going to happen here? And Stone Coldz took a freaking suplex
Onto the concrete. Onto the concrete. I was like, I could, I was stunned. No, no play on words intended, but I was like stunned. Yeah. Take a pretty good look to the rain post also. Yeah. Oh yeah. I thought he was going to knock his ass out there. Yeah. He was taking a lot of like suplexes and
He was taking some bumps during that. That match was what, like 20 minutes almost? Yeah. Yeah. I'm surprised he went 20 minutes and he proved a lot of people wrong. The best moment of that match was when KO got on the ATV and couldn't figure out how to start it and then a stone cold came up and just drove him right up to the top of the ramp. I thought that was just so funny. What are we talking about?
Yeah, someone already, uh, you know, put over the, um, the Celine Dion. Um, my heart will go on with that. Uh, with that clip. Driving them up the ramp. It's pretty funny. I thought that a close runner up to Austin and KO was Becky Lynch and Bianca Belair. If you listen to the preview, our preview last week, we were all kind of down on the bill to that match and thought maybe the story just kind of played out, but I thought both ladies showed out. It was the best Becky Lynch has looked in probably years, honestly.
Um, she, she did a great job putting Bianca over. It was an awesome match. I love the start, the call back to their match from summer slam, uh, for a split second there. I thought Becky was going to get the win again in short order just to kind of troll the fans, but, but Bianca showed out. It was an awesome moment. And, uh, I'm really excited to see what she does with, uh, with her rain the second time around, uh, Jordan, what were some of your lowlights of the weekend? Um,
I mean, that new day and, uh, chemists and whatever match was, uh, I mean, they had to move it from Saturday to Sunday, first of all. And then it was just a straight up squash when they did it. Um, why didn't the new day win? They came out with all this big E tribute and then they still lost. Like, I felt like that was such BS completely disrespect in the new day.
So that could have stayed on the cutting room floor for sure. Yeah. The biggest, the biggest low light though, we have to talk about it. Dude, they have got to stop with all the video packages and commercials. That was like an hour and a half each night. That was ridiculous. Yeah. So we found out all the so the excessive video packages and then on night to the recaps.
That's because if you're not a peacock, uh, premium subscriber, you get commercials during that. So the people that are, I'm assuming you guys are also on the premium peacock where it's ad free. Yeah. Uh, but the people that weren't on that, they were getting commercial. So we were seeing a recap of like drew McIntyre and happy. They're seeing two or three minutes of commercial. Yeah.
Yeah. So that's not on WWE. That's on Peacock. That's part of the deal. I agree. It got excessive. I felt like that was about half the show was video recaps. But in their defense, I will say what it costs for about six months of Peacock is what it used to cost for like one WrestleMania pay-per-view. And honestly, I would take watching those video recaps that WWE does over a bunch of commercials and ads anyway.

The Impact of Commercials and Cody Rhodes' Return

This was in the beginning and it's still going. If you're an Xfinity subscriber, you actually get Peacock for free. They add it and you don't have to pay for it at all, premium actually. I think you pay like $5 more for premium. That's worth it if you don't want to sit through those crazy long commercials. I didn't even know that was a thing. That kind of sucks.
Anybody else got any lowlights they want to discuss? I was entertained. I don't know. I wasn't really looking for a lot of bad things. Not really a low, but we talk about this not even a little bit, but just like mentioned it, Stephanie walking out.
like Gable Stevenson for no reason. And then walking back. Yeah. That was like, well, I think that was just, uh, I think that was to set the table for night two. So that way you knew who this guy was. I think they wanted to have him with that in-ring moment that he had with a street profits and Chad Gable. And I think they were just worried that maybe he'd get the who treatment from the crowd. And he just popped up on night two like that. For me, I was definitely let down by the main event. You guys know, I'm a big acknowledging of the tribal chief.
Not that it was a bad match, but it was just a whatever match. I was expecting them to break out all the stops. We actually watched their, uh, their crown jewel match, um, from back in October during the pre-show. And that match was awesome. Roman did his top rope dive. Brock was busting out some new moves. He doesn't normally do. This one was like paint by numbers. This was like watching a match on, uh, on WWE 2k or something. It was, there was no imagination to it.
Yeah, there was just nothing, you know, I don't know if this was one of those days that Brock showed up at the office and just didn't have his working boots on him. Well, there's been since it happened, you know, they kind of cut the match kind of short, right? Like there was still a lot of time left. But so apparently, Roman's shoulder got dislocated out of the socket.
I heard that, but then none of the dirt sheets picked up on that. There's been no backstage. There's been no follow up reporting on that. And people were just going off a picture. He literally said to Paul Heyman, or granted, it could be anything. He said, it's out, dude. And of course, Paul Heyman's like, oh, my tribal chief. Yeah, exactly. I think that was part of the match. I think that's how they booked the finish. I don't think he actually dislocated his shoulder. Because he sold it at first, that first time he held the belt up.
But why would they cut the show a little bit? What do you mean cut the show short? How do you feel they cut the show short? That match was awfully short. It wasn't even like... Yeah. It was way shorter than like... Yeah. But their match... So it was... And Roman typically has a build where he's like... He always starts a little bit slow, but then in the last...
10 minutes of the match. He's all, he's like, it's like all freaking balls. We didn't really go there. My theory is it's one of those days where Brock just showed up and didn't feel like doing a bunch of extra stuff in the ring. That's what I think. You think he showed up to wrestle freaking mania and it's not like he just showed up at Monday night raw. He was like at WrestleMania 32. I mean that this just, I'm not saying for sure. I definitely, I don't think that Roman actually got hurt. I think, well, there's a, they also, when I was reading these, yeah, he had a tricep tear.
That's why it was kind of swollen, his tricep was swollen like that. Before the match started? No, no, no, during the match. After that, that Kimura lock that he had on him. And then there's another video of them laying next to each other. And Brock kind of puts his hand under Roman's neck and kind of squeezes and asks if he's all right.
So, I mean, it's possible to me, it's Tuesday night as we record this. Um, you guys have been following the rest long enough to know if there was something to this, we would have heard about it by now, but it's been silent. I don't know though, dude. I don't know, but it's Roman. It's different. It's not like he's been the champ for so long and he's the, he's now the unified champion. So it's like,
I don't think they're just going to be like, oh, well, Roman's going to relinquish the title because he's not going to be able to wrestle for the next few months or whatever. That's what I was thinking. Yeah. I think you guys have worked yourselves into a shoot. I mean, Marco and I have a tendency. We enjoy getting worked. You know what I mean? It's just kind of who are. Jordan, you want to weigh in on this? What's your theory on what happened with the main event?
That dude is not hurt. They just, I don't think Brock didn't want to work. Cause I mean, he looked fine. I don't know, man. It was just a weird match to me. I mean, it literally was, they each did their normal three moves five times. And that was the match. Like it just, it was just there. There wasn't really anything to it. I don't really think he got hurt. I mean, I mean, you can't build something as a biggest match or the biggest match of all time. And it's a dud.
Like they had to, they build yesterday as the biggest raw of the year and look what they did with it. Well, that's for every raw though. Every raw after mania is the biggest raw.
So that's not like a thing. They labeled this match as the biggest WrestleMania match of all time. Yeah. So I'll be interested to see, uh, there's definitely a story to be had because the match did not come again, not that it was a bad mess, but I don't think it came anywhere close to delivering on the hype or the potential. Yeah. You could have put, you could have put Bianca and Becky in that slot online too.
You know what I mean? And it would have been a better main event. Yeah. And think about that match. Both ladies were busting out moves if we don't normally see them do. Becky did a freaking moonsault of all things. Yeah. I don't know what happened. Something was definitely up. I'm putting my chips down though that Roman is not injured. I don't think Roman got hurt. I hope you're right. I don't want my travel chief to be hurt, but I don't know. Not good for business, as they say.
Another little light for me was Ronda in Charlotte. I felt like that match was just kind of meh. Very, very meh. It picked up close to the end. I thought the ending was kind of weak. Like Ronda after being basically indestructible, you know, Becky caught her on a roll up, but other than that, she's been unbeatable for, you know, the year plus that she's been in WWE and then she gets pinned after a big boot.
Um, that was kind of weird. Yeah. The big boot. Why the big boot? I don't understand how that was like the, the finish of the match, dude, started to get her Mojo back towards, uh, towards the end of it though. I was digging. I was starting to feel the last half of that match. So, but yeah, it definitely seemed like they were, uh, just trying to see who could be the most mid, uh, to quote MJF for the first 10 minutes or so of the match.
Speaking of things that weren't mid, Logan Paul showed out. What did you guys think of the... I thought the celebrity appearances this year did good. Johnny Knoxville was great. Logan Paul was great. Yeah, Logan Paul definitely surprised me during that match. Then I seen a video. I wasn't sure if he trained as much as Bad Bunny did and stuff like that, but there's backstage stuff where he's training with The Miz and I think MSK he trained with as well.
So yeah, he took it seriously and he, I mean, he showed, showed him proof. If you're going to walk out with a $6 million Pokemon card around your neck, dude, you got, you got to like, you know, prove yourself. Yeah. No, it was, it was good. Um, Johnny Knoxville. That was, that was probably the highlight of the weekend for me. It was that match.
I wonder if it hit other people the same as it hit us, you know, cause we grew up in the jackass area. So for us, like, you know, party boy and we man and all that coming out, like, I mean, that just hits you right in the freaking nostalgia fields and they did it so well. I thought it was so much fun.
KB Wrestling Reviews, that's like the main site I go to for my reviews and stuff. He was actually at Mania and he said the crowd was just electric for that entire match. He said people were laughing their asses off and cheering the entire time. He said, as far as live response goes, he said that was arguably the biggest match of the weekend. Yeah, they should have put that as the main event on Sunday. Everyone would have went home happy because that match was insane. Yeah, it was so much fun.
Yeah, definitely. So I'll kick it off then. It's a good segue for our most wanted figure of mania. I'm going to say we need a ringside exclusive Johnny Knoxville from WrestleMania coming with all the weapons. You know, he needs the giant mouse trap, the table covered in mouse traps.
Wee man needs to be an accessory. We already got, you know, build a figure dominant coming so you could just use that body and put a different head sculpt on there. Yeah, I think he's definitely my most wanted of the weekend. What about you? What figure do you want most?
Um, I like, I would like a Ria and live two pack in their entrance gear with like, uh, you know, they're, I don't know, whatever you call it. They're, uh, dominate, dominate. Yeah. Um, they look, they looked awesome. So I thought their entrance gear was really great. Jordan.
Um, definitely not Seth Rollins. I don't, I don't want that figure. That was not good. Everybody was hating on Seth. I liked everything except for like the lace insets. The painos made it a little weird. Like it kind of looked like, yeah, it kind of looked like, you know, stockings or pantyhose. I mean, the obvious choice, right? Is another Cody Rhodes ringside exclusive, right? Of course.
You know, when you say that you're going to get a response from me, right? It's not, I mean, of course. He's the Supreme figure that's coming out from AEW is very, very similar to his gear. He had the exact same entrance jacket and the pants are pretty close. So yeah.
Good timing there by our you know, Jeremy Padour on getting that figure out. Yeah, it's still gonna it's gonna be very relevant Once that drops, you know Cody Cody's just we I think he needs to cool down for a bit He was on like an all-timer of a figure run there He had what like 28 figures in a year and a half span of the jazzwares line. Don't stop. Don't stop with those figures but I'll say mine I think you have to go with Logan Paul. I think we need a The entrance jacket that he had on you could do like a the the Pokemon
He had like a Pokemon headpiece too, right? Like it was like a headband that had like a Pokeball on it, I think. Yeah, so yeah, no, I say definitely his gear. Or maybe a two-pack with the Miz, but I would say focus on him. Because we definitely need, we still haven't gotten a bad bunny from WrestleMania. I'm surprised they haven't made that yet.
Yeah. You got all the old like shield stuff and everything. It seems like it'd be pretty easy to make up a bad buddy figure. We do need a McAfee elite too. I love Pat McAfee. I like him more and more every time I see him with a football accessory.
No. I feel like you could do a two in one also, dude. Give him like a jacket to go over his tank tops. You could have like an announcer of Pat and rest with me all in one figure. It's a good idea. Yeah, it's a lot of ways you could do it. All right, let's have a drink and then we'll get back in with some more mania talk.
All right, I'll get the beverage break kicked off. I am drinking the beer of the weekend. Probably one of the hottest beers in the country right now, Broken Skull Lager by El Segundo Brewing. This thing is really tasty. It's nothing crazy, right? It's not like their IPA, which is one of the first IPAs that I really learned to love.
This is just straight up, you know, in the same vein. I told Sheena, if it was a blind taste test, I think, I'm not sure if I'd be able to tell the difference between this or Miller White, but Miller White's my favorite beer, so that's definitely a compliment. And if you're looking for something a little bit easier to drink and want to support Steve Austin and Brooklyn Skull beer, this is definitely the way to go. Sheena, what are you drinking?
I'm drinking a local brew from O'Connor Brewing Company. It's their new drop. It's called It's Like Hurting Cats. The can's got an Andy Warhol inspired cat print on the front, but it's a fruit smoothie sour with lactose, 6% ABV, and it's got notes of
mango, pineapple, tangerine, and vanilla. So it is delicious. Which notes are you picking up as you drank it? All of it. All of it. It's all up in my sinuses. It's just delicious. Is it sour? Yeah, it's sour. It's not like super, super tart. It's actually like, you know. Like a smoothie? It's like a smoothie. Yeah. They definitely nailed it on that. Yeah. Fruit smoothie. And the lactose gives it a nice like creamy, creamy base. So I am here for this. This is good. This is the first time I've had this. I picked it up on Saturday. Saturday was that Saturday. Yeah. I picked it up on Saturday. So good stuff.
Marco, what are you drinking, man? Sticking with the Loco, sticking with the Lord Hobo. This is a newer beer. It's Mexican-style chocolate stout. It's called Hacho. It actually has some cayenne pepper, like a pinch of it, and some warm cinnamon in it as well. It's actually really good. Kind of spicy, but I mean, I haven't had a stout like this before.
Yeah, I'm actually really digging it. It's actually pretty good. I had the lager over the weekend as well. I still didn't drink one. We had a bunch, and I didn't even drink one, so I will definitely have to crack open a Steve Weiser. Definitely. Yeah. Spicy beers are interesting. I had the Habanero Sculpin by Stone Brewing a few years back. It's pretty good. Or no, by Ballast Point, not Stone Ballast Point. Jordan, what are you drinking, man?
I am drinking, it's called Get a Little Hazy. It's a hazy IPA. It's from Peachtree Brewing Company in Knoxville, Iowa. Pretty good. Nothing too special, but pretty good beer. Yeah, I love any hazy IPA I'm down for, man. It's probably my favorite kind of beer. Let's hear from our friends at the Extra Cool Wish Show.
Hey everyone, it's Nick, otherwise known as Extra Cooler. If diving back into the Wrestling Archives and watching classic matches from the past, while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice cold beverages sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my podcast, The Extra Cooler Show. Each episode of my Survivor Series team and I review an old school match chosen by you, the listeners. The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow for new episodes every Thursday morning.
All right.

Debate on WrestleMania Format and Post-Event Critiques

So one big development from the weekend. Um, I'm not sure if it's like the Mandela effect and I'm just misremembering this, but I could have swore that they had already announced, uh, WrestleMania 39 in Hollywood as being a one night mania once again. Uh, but no, when they, they did the, you know, announcement commercial and stuff on mania, it is going to be April 1st and April 2nd of next year. So it looks like until further notice, uh, two night manias are here to stay. Uh, Jordan, what's your thoughts on that?
So I mean it is nice to have it broken up so you don't have to sit there for seven hours on the same hand like I said about and I get the whole peacock thing with commercials like both those nights could have been slimmed down to three hours I mean I'm still not a huge fan of Saturday Night Mania because it doesn't feel the same like
I always just remember getting up on Sunday morning a mania and be like, Oh my God, it's mania Sunday. It's time to go. It just, I don't know, man. Sunday didn't feel the same this year to me. Like Saturday was so good that I just had a bad feeling they wouldn't follow it as good with Sunday. So it's just a weird feeling. I mean, if this is what they're going to do, it's what they're going to do. I'll watch it, but I prefer the one night mania, honestly.
Yeah, Saturday was so perfect that there was really nowhere to go but down, even if Sunday would have been tremendous, which I think it was a little bit below that. I think it still would have been a let down. Sheena, I know you got some thoughts on Two Nights at Mania. I just don't like it. I don't like having the whole weekend because you also have NXT and I mean, we don't even, you know, there's like other shows out there that people are watching that we don't even watch. So we typically watch NXT and WrestleMania. But think about everybody who's like watching all the independent shows.
there's like weekend freaking packed with wrestling and uh which sounds great but uh man it's a lot and i feel like when they when they have two nights they feel like they have to like stretch the show so you end up actually watching like 10 hours of mania versus like if you were doing it one night you have seven hours you know
Yeah, I'd have to go back and check the time. I feel like last year it was two, three-hour shows, which kind of worked. These were four hours. And this is after a two-hour pre-show that there's no matches on, right? There is no reason to have a two-hour pre-show. I don't know why we needed a two-hour kickoff show other than to just drive up that ad revenue. I do like it, though. I'm a fan of the two-night mania. I still wish that they would do a little bit more to experiment with the
with the format, you know what I mean? Have some have more stuff that happens on night one that leads into night two. We've seen New Japan do that a lot with Wrestle Kingdom, where you'll have like a number one contenders match on night one and then, you know, to go to the main event on night two. I know Vince McMahon doesn't like to do that because he likes to be able to advertise that main event to get ticket sales and stuff. But I just think there's a lot of fun that you could have with the with the two night format.
Yeah, and I just feel like when you have two main events, it just kind of weakens the whole thing. I feel like, I mean, this year was kind of an exception because we had KO versus Austin, so it wasn't like somebody was leaving night one with a title held above their head, you know what I mean? It was just kind of like a really fun nostalgia match. It's probably a different feel between the two main events. Yeah, between the two main events. But if you had the universal title on one night and then the WWE title or the women's title on the next night, I just feel like it kind of waters down what it means to be in
the main event at Mania. One other thing that we didn't mention last week that is straight up disgraceful. We had two nights at WrestleMania and the Intercontinental and United States Championship did not make it on either one. How does that happen, man? That's insane. Yeah.
Yeah, it just goes to show you, you know, like we've talked about before, I know Marco's mentioned this before, it's just like they are, they are an entertainment first company, dude. And if it meant that they had to have the, you know, all the celebrity appearances and all of the promos and, you know, trotting
you know, Gable Steveson out there and doing all that kind of fanfare. Having the Undertaker come out again. Yeah, twice. That's what they're there for. Yeah. So it's not, you know, they're not even thinking about, you know, what the titles, which titles are on the show other than just like the main ones, you know? Yeah. And then I'm going to kick this one over to Jordan. I know he's got some strong opinions. He was texting last night. Jordan, I got a question for you, man. What is wrong with the raw after mania?
so i know a lot of people think that the roftermania like the big thing is the crowd i get it there's a ton of fans there and stuff dude these shows used to always like leave you like wondering what they were going to do to end the weekend right i mean when we went to it like we knew something was going to happen that night i mean something exciting was going to happen
I didn't think it started off horribly. Like the Cody interview was what it was. You knew who's going to cry. I mean, Cody's a bit of a crier, but ending it the way they did, man.
I don't know, man. How do you end WrestleMania weekend where Roman just had what could be considered the biggest win in wrestling history, right? He unified the titles and then you haven't come out for five minutes. He talks for three minutes and nobody even comes out.
I don't know, man. I feel like it needs to be more surprises. Everybody knew Veer was coming out that night. That was one of the surprises they blew. Elias came out as Ezekiel, which that's for another day. You are captivated by Ezekiel? No.
Dude, it's just piggybacking off what you said. They didn't put the US title or the Intercontinental title on WrestleMania. And then they have Finn get pinned clean the next night by Austin Theory. I don't get it. And then the... I know this is going on kind of long, but the Braun and Dolph thing made no sense at all to me.
Like, you just had what's considered your biggest NXT show of the year on Saturday. You got people to tune in, Braun loses, and then you run it back two days later and then he wins. Like, I don't know, man. It just, it felt like they tried to force everything last night and nothing stuck just to me. I, I just didn't feel last night at all. I just wasn't hidden.
Yeah, Cody's interview was cool. Interested to see what that means for him and Seth going forward. They had that kind of awkward handshake. I thought Veer connected, bro. I low-key thought Veer was on point, man. I like the explosiveness he was moving around with. I like the look. What did you think, Marco? What do you think of Veer? I mean, I wasn't as enamored as you were with Veer arriving at all. I thought it was just...
I'm with Jordan on that. Even Veer couldn't save that episode of Raw. I mean, it's a big guy laying waste of Rey Mysterio and his son. It wasn't anything exciting for me at all. But I mean, the Raw off-domain is used to mean... I think we were talking about this a little bit before, was an NXT call up or an appearance of like... Yeah, none of that is happening, obviously.
What media was it where the Rock and Hulk Hogan teamed up to face? It was almost like a tail end of media.
That's how they treated the raw after mania. It was supposed to happen on mania. It didn't even happen. Roman Reigns was going to come out and talk. And he just was like, hey, watch SmackDown. Yeah, it's basically just an ad. He just came out and did a commercial with SmackDown. What the hell was that? He cut a promo to watch SmackDown. I just knew either Brock or The Rock or Seth or Cody or even Drew McIntyre was going to come out and confront him.
And it just ended, man. Like, I was just blown away that that's how they ended the Rob Germany. Yeah, the crowd was awful. That was the other thing, too. Like, the crowd wasn't even into anything, really. I mean, at the beginning of it, when, like, Cody was out there doing his promo, they were like, they were engaged. But it seemed like after that, it was like, it was like hit or miss.
But what were they supposed to get into? What were they supposed to get into? I was watching it at home. We're about to fall asleep. No, no, exactly. That's what I mean. That's what I'm saying. Like after, you know, they were really engaged with like what he was saying in his promo and stuff like that. But then after that, it was like they had nothing. They had nothing planned.
I thought brought in Dolph's match was pretty good. And the crowd started to come alive there at the very end of it. But yeah, you would think if there was a crowd that that match was going to get hype or it would be the rougher mania crowd for any championship match. And even that didn't connect. One thing I think it may have just been exhaustion. You had Friday night Smackdown in the Hall of Fame, two nights of mania. I'm sure 90% of people in the crowd there were probably at all three of those shows, plus whatever other stuff you were doing throughout the weekend.
When we went to Mania 33 in Orlando, we did everything. We did NXT, Mania, Raw, and SmackDown. And SmackDown was on Tuesday. By the time we got to that Tuesday SmackDown show, collectively the crowd was kind of just exhausted. The crowd wasn't digging the stuff that was in the ring, but it was just a much more laid back feel throughout the arena. Yeah, you just hung over, dude.
Like even Shinsuke debuted that night and it was, he got a good reaction, but it wasn't like the explosion like it would have been if he was on raw the night before. So I think that played into it. But yeah, WWE, if they're going to still hype this thing up as much as they do, they got to do a better job of giving us some stuff to sink our teeth into for the night after, after Mania. Anybody got any closing thoughts on Mania weekend for this year before we go into some figure talk?
I just want to know what everybody thought about Cody's return. Did it deliver? Did it stand and deliver the way that you guys thought? We kind of skimmed over it. Didn't really talk about Cody's match, but the match was fine, but I'm just curious. The match was great. The overall presentation, I still stick by it. He's an eight who presents himself as a 10, which makes him come off as a seven, man.
I thought it was cool. I popped for it. Granted, there was all the rumors out there that it could be someone else. If it would have been anybody but Cody, I would have been pissed. As crazy as that sounds for me to say, because we always give Cody shit on the show. If it would have been anybody but Cody, I would have been like, this is garbage. Why did they bring Shane out here? Why did they bring whoever? The crowd was into it too. He was engaging with the crowd and stuff like that.
And, uh, I mean, obviously, uh, Seth Rollins gear was repug. So I'm glad he had a loss at match. I think, I think he, but Cody's gear is always for fun. I feel, I feel like Cody's gear is just always like, you know, ridiculous. I mean, it's, he was the same thing all the time. It was just pants and like a jacket. Seth Rollins always has to like, Oh, do it every, every time he goes in. Yeah. And, and you know, what else I'm not looking forward to is now, um, Cody's got this big giant.
his neck tattoo, Chris, that's going to be his digital like, you know, the, yeah, the augmented reality graphics. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, just to, you know, end off with this, like what I was looking for last night and that's like, I'm sure you guys were too, like when the crowd was going to turn on him.
I'm not sure if you guys are listening for that, but there was no, people were, like right when he said I'm going for that title, I was like, when he said that, I was like, oh, here it comes, boo, not even, not even a boo. And he's like, he's kissing WWE's ass so hard right now. It is like, it is so crazy to me to hear him to say, oh, it was the easiest decision of my life. You know, I'd done everything I wanted to do in AEW. And I'm like, but did you though? Because,
Yeah. Now there's some, I'm telling you, there's some, there's some, uh, there's some stuff that, you know, he doesn't want to out of, out of respect. He said it was a personal, he said it was a personal issue with Tony Khan, which makes me, I'm like, maybe, maybe he doesn't appreciate the way Tony Khan booked Brandi with all of her dreams. I'm telling you, man, I think in his mind, he was going to be the Triple H to Tony Khan's Vince. And Tony Khan was like, no, you're just another wrestler, man. Like, you know, I appreciate you starting this.
I think that's what it came to. That's not wrong. He's not better than anyone that's been heavyweight champion in AEW. Like, let's be honest, he's not.
Like, I'm sorry, he's not better than, he's not better than Mox, he's not better than Jericho, he's not better than Hangman. Like, dude, he is what he is. And I don't know, after all the shit he said when he left WWE for him to come out and act like, oh man, this has always been home to me and stuff. It's like, dude, that sounds so fake now after all the shit you said about WWE when you left and Vince treating you wrong with the Stardust thing. And then you come back and you're like, oh, everything's good, this never happened.
Yeah, we're just going to be pals again. In his credit, he did admit that he acted out and he was angry. He admitted that the things that he did were kind of shitty. And whether people think they were or not, I do appreciate the fact that he did acknowledge that he's kind of going back on all the things that he said.
Hey, it's a tale as old as time. Money talks, bullshit walks, right? I mean, they gave him his own bus for his family to travel. He's got like the John Cena treatment. You know what I mean? Yeah. Let's be honest. How many times... Well, hopefully people can relate, but how many times in your life have you broken up with someone, talked crap about them with a new person, and then ended up going back with their ex at some point? Are you talking about people on the show? Because I can gladly say I've
that zero of those things happen. Yeah. I think the people on the show, this is the, we're bad examples. Cause we're a, I totally get the, I get the sentiment though. Yeah. I I'm still, I'm calling it right now though. We're going to be in the house for summer slam. Cody is going to be wrestling Ricochet on the pre-show. Yeah.
No, he's gonna main event against Roman the next couple paper views Yeah, and then he's going tumbling down the card the push to sorrow got right after mania last year. Yeah, that's what code I don't think he's facing Roman right away. That's the thing I think he's gonna have a he's gonna have a storyline with Seth Rollins. That's gonna go on for a while I don't think for some reason I don't think when if
I'm going to say when Cody wins the title, Roman's not going to be holding that title. It's going to be like Seth Rollins or someone else. I think they're going to do the long game with him and Seth Rollins. Imagine we're at SummerSlam and Marco's right and Seth does somehow in the title before SummerSlam and Cody pins Seth at the end of that show. I think the person to beat, well, I think the person that can beat Roman Reigns and that's like, you know, you know,
Like true enough is Seth Rollins. Like he's the one that always had his number. I'm already, I'm already seeing this storyline. Cody's going to be crying. It's going to be like total daddy issues, dude. Seth Rollins more than he liked you. You know, he saw me get to the mountain top and all this stuff and you never could. So that's why he, that's why he put his faith in me. Uh, yeah. Mark my words tonight that he's winning that title.
I want you to listen to this episode again. You don't do a speech like that last night and not end up winning the title.
That's a, that's a telltale sign right there. Before we polished off WrestleMania weekend, we have to talk about the best match of the weekend real quick, dude. Briscoe's and FTR on Friday night was the best weekend. That was a banger. I love the brisket match of the year. Front runner already. I'm just, I'm really hoping that we get to see the briskos in AWW to mix it up with some of the other awesome tag teams there. And the briskos there. I want the briskos in the new cells at some point that has to happen.
Yeah, for sure. Yeah, that match is out there on YouTube. If you want to go find it right now, you're too cheap to pony up the money to watch a replay on pay per view. But yeah, tremendous stuff from both teams. Let's hear from the two bad chads.
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All right, it's time for some figure talk. We had some tremendous, tremendous figure reveals at the Access Superstore. Before we get into that though, we do got to give an update on Operation Bring Chief Home.

Figure Releases and Collectors' Excitement

The operation took a devastating blow last week. You know, it was really perfect timing because I shared the story about what happened with my Chief Jay Strongbow Elite that we had in our hands under this roof in this house. And the very next day news came out that he's been discontinued. Now,
Discontinued to me means that they stopped the production run early. It's still been radio silence from Intel. We haven't got a clear explanation. All the indications are that this was a PC cultural appropriation issue that we kind of discussed last week. Jay Scarpa was an Italian guy.
playing a, you know, a native American. And even though he didn't, it wasn't really a comedy act. It definitely played on some like native American stereotypes. I think we could all agree on, but it could have just been a demand issue as well. You know, a lot of those collectors, edition figures have ended up warming on the pegs to some extent. And I think he probably would have, he was definitely in the running for probably the biggest peg warmer out of all those that have come out. The demand wasn't really there for it.
I'm still, I still got a theory that these things are going to pop up on ringside one day I don't think there's going to be any advertising no Instagram posts it's just going to be, hey, there's, you know, Jay strong was able for order on ringside today. But in the meantime I just got my eBay save search on none of popped up in the week since and I figured somebody would want to be going for a quick cash in.
But they haven't showed up yet, but they're definitely out there, man, because it was at least a couple of dozen that were already out, which leads me to believe that, you know, there's hundreds that are still at least already made. I don't know. What do you think, Jordan? Is this thing eventually going to see the light of day in some form or another?
I hope so because this is a sad story now, Seth. It's like you've lost a member of your family over the last week and they told you there's no way to recreate it. I don't know, man. I don't have a good feeling about this. Usually when they drop a whole discontinued thing, it's usually not good. I don't think we're going to see it.
Yeah. I do. I do. I do got to argue with one point she made about there's no way to replace it. We have already commissioned the man, the myth, the legend, Mad Reaper. And he is on record as saying that he is about to make the greatest chief dressed stronger figure ever made. So you guys are familiar with the work of the Mad Reaper. I do not doubt him. It's, you know, it won't be a hundred percent the same as having the actual Mattel release, but I still think there's going to be a pretty sweet big chief
setting in our collection. All right, so let's get into the access store reveals. If you guys want to go on ringside collectibles Instagram account, that's pretty much we're going to be kind of just running down if you want to follow along at home as we go through some of the
more more noteworthy reveals. Start off with that. This is the first time this chick is at a figure in almost five years. We're getting a new Tamina in the basic line. Jordan, you're the women's wrestling expert. What do you think of Tamina's not just one, but two new figures?
And the crowd goes mild. Yeah, pass. I kind of like this figure, man. This is only her third figure, which is crazy, because she's been around the entire time that Mattel's had the line. She had an early, early basic and a red singlet type deal. And then she actually had a team bad figure, that short-lived, horrible, horrible faction with Tamina.
Naomi and Sasha Banks. So I kind of dig this one, man. I think I'm getting that black and blue and it's a little bit, a little bit thicker. You know, she's got a little bit more meat on her bones than the previous two Tamina figures. And you got to have one. I think it's definitely the best Tamina figures so far. All right. Well, okay. I like the green top one. I think that one. I like the blue one. The blue one is more true. Yeah, the blue one is more true to what she normally wears, like, you know, pretty predominantly black with, you know, some pops of color. But I kind of love the colorway on that.
that gear that she's wearing in that other one. All right, so I'm just going to kind of call out the reveals and you guys feel free to just jump in Battle Royale style and give me your thoughts. So up next, we'll take a look at the reveal for the MSK Elite.
These are great other than I don't like rubber vests. I told you the other day, if these were soft, good vests, I think they'd be like some of the better figures of the weekend. But I just, I mean, they look great. It's just, I don't like rubber vests. Yeah. Yeah. They're rubber vests and the enclosures are on the front of it also. They look a lot better if they have like the fasteners or whatever on the back. I'm not sure. That's pretty interesting design choice, but yeah, that Nash Carter is ridiculous. It's awesome. Ridiculous, meaning good. I love it. I think it's pretty awesome.
The figures look great, man. Yeah, the figures look really, really good. I'm hyped to get them. But yeah, the accessories leave a little bit something to be desired. Let's fast forward up the feed a little bit to Ponytail Brock.
Mm-hmm. I love it. How do you know? How do you not love? I'll in smiley bro. Yes Yeah, like that's that's amazing. We I don't think we we don't have a smiling head sculpt, bro There's somewhat kind of like like kind of like psycho smile on him Yeah, I like happy Brock I'm here for it
I'm holding out judgment on this figure until I see the accessories, man. I got a bad feeling it's going to be a straight SummerSlam figure where he's just got the black tank top. But yeah, if he comes with the tank top and the flannel cowboy hat, that would be awesome. Either way, I'm definitely getting it because I'm probably going to do a head swap and just throw this head on the Ultimate Edition figure to create Ponytail Brock.
But yeah, pretty cool that we got it in the line this quick. Up next, SummerSlam92, Sherry. She looks amazing, dude. Love it. The gear, the cutouts, everything is just primo on this figure. I absolutely love Sherry, so I'm 100% here for a new Sherry family.
She definitely needs to come with a mirror accessory. If you guys want to go back, it's a really fun match. That whole show is great. But the max this is taken from is when it was the rare heel versus heel match from back then. The heartbreak kid, Shawn Michaels, who Sherry was managing at the time, was feuding with Rick the model Martel. Yep.
And they had a match you know was the model in the heartbreak kid the rule the stipulation was there were no punches to the face you know and Sherry was just torn in between them, because she liked both men so much. So she definitely needs a mirror. I do have some bad news I know this one's going to hit Marco and Jordan right in the field spot. And a lot of the, the guys who were kind of coming up in the early 90s if you remember, there was a very noteworthy aspect of this attire that the ass cheeks were cut out of it.
Yeah. But talk to people who are on the floor at Access Superstore, and her butt cheeks are in fact painted white. So we do not get the bare ass. Man, they were on this figure. Yeah. So another, you know, Woke Mattel is hurting us again on this one, man. So I don't know if this one's going to be able to be fixed by a customizer or not. But yeah, that was like the most noteworthy thing about that whole attire, man, was the butt cheeks out. Wow.
That's definitely a bummer. Wow, that was a good one, Seth. A bummer, I get it. See what I did there? We also have from the SummerSlam line, SummerSlam 2005 Shawn Michaels. I like this figure a lot. I mean, dude, Shawn's got some iconic gears. This is not my favorite gear ever of his, but I mean, it's still a really good thing and I'll definitely get it.
Yeah, this is probably the biggest compliment I can give is that I hate chaps, Shawn Michaels. I really prefer my Shawn Michaels figures from when he was in the tights, like basically pre 2005. The only chaps Shawn Michaels figure I even have in my collection is the Ghostbusters figure. But something about this one just pops, man. I don't know if it's just the chaps look cool.
So, I think the entrance gear just really sets it off with it. And we got the 2005 Hulk Hogan earlier this year in the Elite Line. So, this is from that hilarious comedy match. Another one to go back and watch. Shawn Michaels versus Hulk Hogan from SummerSlam in 2005. Shawn's just off the chain. But this is a really, really beautiful figure, man. I think Mattel knocked it out of the park on this one. So, yeah, definitely on this one, the collection. Are we unanimous on this one? Yes. Yeah, definitely.
And you're going to have to get it anyways, regardless, because you got to have him to make build a figure Dominic. Yeah. Yes. Already in the mix for best build a figure of all time. We're getting childhood Dominic. Like this thing is awesome. It's perfect, dude. It is like just a little, it was like a wine print, but the little like printed button up that was really cool back in. Yeah. And like the little baggy jeans with like the, the cuff at the bottom, like in the hair, everything about this figure is just adorable.
And this figure would be an awesome base to make a custom we-man, which we already mentioned, you definitely need after this weekend with Sami Zane. Is everybody all in on childhood dominant? Of course, yes. That was a highlight of the weekend for me. Who's your daddy Dom is a win. Especially if you're going to get the Rave of Stereo too as well from that match. If you have the
You have the Eddie Guerrero, the Avia Poppy legends. You get to do like a nice little family photo with all three of them.
All right, up next, we're gonna talk about what I believe is the best figure that was revealed this weekend, the Ringside exclusive Cameron Grimes. Yes. The money accessory, yeah, the money accessories dope, love the vest, the top hat, just perfection. Million dollar belt as well. I feel like I wanna take that money accessory and throw it with my million dollar man figures. How great would that be? Like how are we just now getting this accessory 12 years in the line? Yeah, seriously.
They got one thing over Mero, chest hair. They got the chest hair on there. Strong chest hair. He's very hairy. He's got Sherwood Forest, man. Yeah, Jasmine. Take note. Yeah, that is a luscious pelt. Yeah. Yeah, you can't. If you do this figure without chest hair, you're definitely doing it in justice.
The dude's a, he has a sweater. He looks like he's wearing a sweater under that vest. That's how much hair is there. He does kind of have a little bit of a Bushwacker's facial expression, which isn't my favorite, but, um, you know, I think it kind of captures in pretty well. Cameron Grimes being crazy. You know, I see what you mean. It looks like the tongue is like slightly outside a little bit, but
I dig it. Let's move to NWO Booker T. I actually have a custom NWO Booker T that I scored for pretty cheap off of eBay, like maybe a year and a half ago. So I'm really excited to get, you know, the customs, it was the cheap O2, so I'm always worried about like the paint getting messed up or it just falling apart. I think this is a really cool figure, even though, what was Booker T even in NWO, like two weeks or something like that? Yeah.
Yeah, this does give me hope. The fact that they're revisiting this, you know, late era in W.O. I hope we get an N.W. Shawn Michaels man with the jeans, the T-shirt and that little beret that he was wearing at the time. Yeah. They already gave us they gave us X-Pac from this area, this era of N.W.O. And Kevin Nash, you could kind of use any Kevin Nash with this. But yeah, we need we need N.W. Shawn Michaels next to kind of complete this faction.
Let's talk about Molly Holly not getting just not not just one but two figures coming up in the legends line She's gonna have a chase
I do not love her face skin. I like her face skin. Yeah, me either. Yeah. It looks like a little bit of Daphne cross between Molly Holly, so not a huge fan of that. It looks OK with the tiara. If you take the tiara off, though, the forehead's way too big. Yeah. Yeah, it just doesn't look great. I'm definitely, are we all getting the pink and black one? Oh, yeah. Yeah, the pink and black. That's great.
Yeah, the superhero want to go great with Hurricane. I don't know, unless you really are, you know, a Molly Holly completed. I don't know why you would need the blue one. But yeah, the pink one looks really great. Very cool figure. The acolytes. I am so glad we got these. Yes, we got the APA all the way back in Elite 38, which APA was cool and they came with some really cool accessories. They had the whole backstage door and poker table, but
To me, I always prefer the proper acolytes over the APA, man. I thought they had a really cool look and they're helping us build out the ministry. We already got Paul Bearer, we got Kane, we got Ministry Taker, we have Visura, now we got these guys. So I got to feel like we got to get Midian next, right? Only if it's naked Midian though. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. It has to be.
naked minions. Yeah, we got, we got the brew because we got a custom gang girl from mad Reaper. So yeah, we're damn near getting close to having the whole ministry of darkness. I got to go back and look and see some of the, uh, the C level players in that faction were, but, uh, very cool. These figures look great too, man. I think Bradshaw could be a little bit bigger. I remember Brad shopping a little bit more bulkier. This is like Bradshaw slimmed down a little bit, but figures look great and I'm really excited to be getting those
Let's move on. The Ultimate Edition New World Order Macho Man. Yes. That's all I really need to say about this. Dude, they can keep pumping out Macho Man and Ultimate Warrior Ultimate Editions that I'm going to keep buying them. They have the best gears and everything you can put with them, I'm going to keep buying them.
I have the, I have the original ringside exclusive nw macho man, I'm probably gonna grab this and do some mixing and matching on the accessories I don't love the soft goods on this. I think I might take this figure and put the shirt that came it was a rubber shirt but it looked really cool with like the fringe and stuff that came with the original nw macho man.
I don't know, I may get a little bit, but this figure does look pretty good. I feel like I need to have it in hand though, before I commit to like straight up adding it to the collection. This could end up being a little bit of a mashup situation with me where I'd take like the best parts of both of those figures and put them together. But yeah, you're right, Jordan, there's been so many awesome, Macho Man's got so many awesome attires that yeah, you could have a sub line of just like HBK, Brett, Macho Man and Ultimate Warrior, Ultimate Edition, and just keep that going year round. Like give us one every three months, drop one of them, you know.
Yeah, definitely 100%. I think I'm the next most wanted macho I want. It's never been done in figure form is that brief period before he joined the NWO when he was rolling with Sting in the rafters and he was rocking like it was like a leather jacket that had lightning print on it and he just had the black pants with lightning print on them. I thought that was a really cool look.
I don't know, man. This is great. Hopefully these things aren't a pain in the ass to get. It's looking like Batista, maybe a little bit tricky because pre-orders already sold out online on for him. So we'll see how the distribution is on these. Let's take a look at Ultimate Edition Roman Reigns.
Yeah, this is cool. It's got a new hitscan with, uh, you know, you can snap it on and he's doing the, Ooh, ah, you know, full, fully engaged. Like all the way. Yeah, dude. Yeah. That was weak. Give us another one. Yeah. Yeah.
There you go. Way to put some bass in your voice. Well, I'm trying not to wake up my babies, you know what I mean? I acknowledge a travel cheap, but I got to do it on a low level right now at past bedtime. This is a good looking figure. Obviously, it's going to be the best body of Roman that we've got because it's got all the additional articulation, but it comes with this little
Yeah, bloodline. Sure. I think it's called the lua lulu. I can't remember the way that he wears. Yeah. Yeah. And it looks like that red wristband slides off. So you could take one of the more recent Roman elites and take the parts off and you could do, you know, red glove, Roman or gold glove, this guy, easy peasy, but he's got, he's got the tape, right? I just said, it looks like that slides off on the gold one. It slides off. So yeah.
Yeah, so you could make, you know, you could do what we do. Consolidate your collection a little bit, you know, you don't need to have separate ones. You could have Gold Globe Ultimate Roman right there. Because you know Mattel try to double dip us and drop a Gold Globe Ultimate Edition Roman down the line too. It's called an ulefala, just so we're all clear. That's the type of lay. And that's like the tribal leaders of, you know, that's what they wear, you know. So obviously that's why Roman Reigns has it. The head scan in person. So
the only thing i'm concerned about is the one that's got like the the ooh ah face uh he's got the uh there's there's a seam that runs across it's just a prototype too this guy's still a ways away yeah still yeah hopefully they'll get that smooth they've never released a figure looks like that i think that's just straight yeah type i see what you're talking about you think there's only those two heads though not like long hair regular no he does come with uh he comes with three heads if you look on the picture of the rendering this little bit up he's got like he's got ponytail standard hair down and then the say it again sheen
A couple other items to discuss before we move to the big ticket item for this one, the new retros with the Hart Foundation, Nikolai Volkov, Tugboat Thomas, and Lex Luger, Jimmy Hart. What did you guys think of those?
I liked all of them. I mean, the Brett's not as good as the Hasbro, which I guess that's the standard, but I mean, they're still, I like all of them. I mean, I'm going to collect all these, so you don't really have to convince me on these, I guess.
I'm all in on all of them, except for the Brett. Yeah, like I said, not that that figure is necessarily a bad one, but I feel like the first, the OG Hasbro Brett is so perfect. And it could fit right along with that, that Jim D'Amel Nighthart, no problem. And glad we're getting tugboat and USA Lex Luger. Cause I love that they're like piecing in the missing pieces from the original Hasbro line. So hopefully eventually we get the entire orange card series.
That'd be really great. But yeah, I'll support I'm saying with you Jordan, I think even if there's a set that I'm not necessarily all in on I'm still going to buy it just because I want to support this line and keep it going as long as possible. Not sure what do you think of the breath. It looks good. Yeah, like you said it's not as good as the Hasbro, but it looks really good. I like the tugboat.
Yeah, tugboat's very cool. And then the superstars line, we saw the reveals of Papa Shango, we saw Ultimate Warrior, which was in those four, Mankind, The Undertaker. Was there one more of the new superstars? I thought there was one more new superstars.
Oh yes, yes. Million dollar man. Yeah. Yeah. I already got, it's cool seeing that I was at Walmart today. I saw that they had Bray Wyatt and honky talk man were on the peg. So those are starting to hit again. Same with the retros. I want this line to keep pulling as long as Mattel has the license. The cloth goods look great on these. It's such an awesome love letter to the rimcos. I'm hoping, you know, they did two rings for the Motu line. I'm hoping we get some sort of ring specifically for the superstar series. You got to feel like that's got to be in the work soon.
sooner rather than later right oh yeah yeah they know what to do when they when they get a series that people like they'll they'll strike while they're inside and release everything they can so speaking of striking while the iron is hot we
have not gotten, we've not heard what the next crowdfunding project is gonna be, but they had on display a scale, fully featured, just incredible, 96, 97 raw is war set. What did you guys think of this piece? I mean, doesn't it like smoke and everything? Or is that, was that just like part of the display? It smokes. Yeah. Dude, I mean, that is absolute money. It's got stage lights too. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. That's incredible.
I would give anything for this thing to be made. So one issue is just the overall scale, because it is in scale, it's gigantic, right? I don't know how many people would have space to really have this thing on display at their house. I mean, I'm thinking even here, in our house we have here, we have a whole wrestling room, and I'd still have to rearrange some stuff. But it's so incredible that I would find a way to make it work. And then price, man.
something like this to me probably looking at what maybe 400 bucks well yeah because you know they're gonna include some figs in it like yeah and you gotta have some things so they're gonna do a couple uh raw as war um
Who would you put in there? So I think you could do like a late 96, early 97 Vince. We've never really got, we had that network spotlight of Vince and his wrestling gear, but I'm thinking you could do like Vince in, I would say Vince and JR, but obviously JR's with AW now. I'm thinking you could do like Vince and JR. You remember like the Jax, Vince McMahon figure guys with the like the red and black like Letterman jacket. So I think you could do something like that.
I mean, I feel like I want to say Austin in the Rock, but they've been done to death. You know, I don't really know. I don't know what rest of figures I'm thinking like, you know, maybe like Jerry to King Lawler and his announcer gear with that jacket he would always wear and stuff. I don't know what really move. I mean, I don't know. What do you guys think for figures? What figures would you have? You can always do like another take or a tire to people of their figures.
Maybe like some of the lesser known people that we're not getting figs of like, um, just from that era. I mean, like Steve Blackman, something like that. Yeah. I mean, I think that'd be cool. Yeah. Yeah. And you could do guys that have been released before, but as ultimate additions, you know what I mean? Like really like the old, like, you know, maybe ultimate China, you know, something like that. Yeah, you can do an ultimate edition, uh, like razor Ramone.
as well, maybe one, two, three kid. He was a staple back in that in the early raw era. Yeah, I'm thinking more attitude error. I'm thinking you could do like Shawn Michaels right when DX was forming. Remember he used to come out with the little belly shirt and stuff. Like they weren't DX yet, but they were already kind of doing their thing.
You said yeah, I don't know you said Vince in the denim jacket right the denim raw jacket or no Yeah, like the the one he got stunned in the one he was wearing the first time I'm Austin gave him the stunner Like a denim jacket, that'd be pretty cool Maybe do like Commissioner slaughter JR would be cool to a classic JR if they still there I see him girl about some pretty good romance soon You do ultimate Vader, you know Vader wars around in this time frame. That'd be awesome. Yep
Yeah, I'm thinking 400 bucks man could get this thing done, dude. And maybe even if they scaled this down like 20% from what it was just on the size of it, you know what I mean? If that would make it a little bit more cost effective to do, but... So is it this whole rig right here, the black curtains and everything like the scaffolding and everything? You got the whole black backdrop with the tight and drawn look, stage lights, scaffolding on the side, you got the ramp, like...
Oh yeah, the scaffolding on the sides. Yeah. Wow. It's incredible, man. I mean, I know they could, but I just feel like they can't tease us with something like this and then not release it, Dave.
It's beautiful. Yeah. You could have different models where you had another ring, or for the people that already bought it, you could just have a set of ropes and ring aprons and stuff to swap out on your ring. Yeah. Like you said though, man, that's a small niche population that would have
the space for something like that. I mean, I know a lot of people probably just keep it in the box. Yeah, that's exactly what Mattel Creations is for, and that's why it's a little bit more expensive, right? Because they're not going to hit that scale of economy where it makes sense to mass produce this thing and make a profit. But I don't know, it's pretty cool. It would definitely be a dream item of mine. If action figure attacks slid in the DMs and offered this to us,
I think I dropped a thousand man. If I knew there was no other way to go out, I think I'd pay a thousand for this thing. So I had the only one. It's just it's beautiful, man. It's perfect. Like tell me that's not one of the best action figure displays you've ever seen. Oh, it's phenomenal. Oh, it's awesome. Definitely. All right. So we've seen a big round of reveals from WWE. We've seen a big round from jazzwares back at revolution. I'll ask you guys, who's who are you guys more excited for the rest of the year? Jazzwear or Mattel? Hmm.
I don't know. I have to go back and look and see what jazzwares was dropping. I can't even remember. I'm excited for all of it, dude. I think it's all going to be good. If I have to choose probably Mattel right now, just obviously off of recent memory, I definitely have to go back and look at what jazzwares are dropping later in the year, but right now it's Mattel.
hit them pretty hard when we were talking about their reveals, like the, the Jericho figure. And, you know, I think we kind of just shit off in a little bit. So I'm going to go Mattel. Yeah. I liked, I liked jazz. We're just like the breath of characters. They're giving us, we're getting a lot of new wrestlers and stuff, but Mattel is just, they're on such a roll right now, man. They're knocking it at the park. Like almost every single elite series that comes out has one or two figures that are just straight up jaw droppers. Um, once you get them in hand. So I go Mattel also. How about you, Jordan?
I go Mattel for quality, but as far as like you were saying, getting new wrestlers and things like that, I'll go jazzwares just because we are getting a lot of first time in the line people with jazzwares, right? Right. So that excites me a lot. I'm not going to lie to you, dude, when you see a fresh case of jazzwares on the pegs, it's pretty exciting.
Yeah, it is exciting, dude. That's one thing when you do see AW figs on the pegs, it is a little bit more exciting, but yeah. It's the packaging, man. I love the AW packaging. Yeah, the Malachi Black, the Andrade, all, yeah. I don't know, man. The whole Pinnacle set. The whole Pinnacle set, yeah. You know what's crazy, man?
I wasn't even a huge Pinnacle fan and like Wardlow is really the only one of those guys that I really love. But like we talked about last week, we had that brief, that brief period where we thought we were downsizing the collection. One of the things, one of the specific releases that kept like gnawing at me was like, dude, I'm never going to own that Pinnacle set. You know what I mean? Because if my collection is only 100 figures, Pinnacle is not making that
But I remember that all white and lavender clinical set that's coming out. Looks so freaking cool. I can't wait to have all those guys out and displayed and stuff, man. That was one of the big motivators, aside from Jordan, just telling me, dude, don't be a fucking idiot, man. Keep your figures. That was something that was kind of gnawing at me. Yeah, that Thunderosa's dope too, dude. I don't know. Like I said, there's some good ones coming from Mattel, but like you said, I think it's just exciting because
Jazzwares is such a new, like AEW figures are so new that we're getting so many first time, first time figures that it is exciting. This freaking Jay Cargill. That's cool for collectors like us because we do have one of everybody. There'll be some Mattel Elite sets where there's really only two or maybe three that are making the cut for the collection, whereas Jazzwares, it's almost all of them most times. We're getting Brody and negative one as well.
Oh yeah, that's gonna be dope. Mattel figures are like your steady girlfriend in high school. You're like, man, I got the best looking girl in school. And then all of a sudden midway through the year, some foreign exchange student comes in and you're like, holy shit.
Man, all the relationship analogies tonight. Are you guys okay? Everything going all right? I was thinking you were going somewhere different with that dude. I was thinking Jazzverse was more like the exotic lady that gets around me a little bit more. She doesn't look as good, and some of them you'd be embarrassed to show your friends, but it's something new and fresh. It's still exciting. Wow. The ladies of the night.
Yeah, so Mattel Mattel is a little bit more promiscuous No, no, no, we're same. No, Mattel is white material. Oh, Jazzwear is more a little bit more promiscuous. Mattel is white material. Jazzwear is like a really fun one-night stand. Yeah, everyone saw you're like, ooh, do I really want to take this girl to see my parents? Nah, I'm good.

NXT Updates and Critiques of Nostalgia Acts

Yeah, I don't, I don't, I'm not sure if you guys, did you guys watch NXT at all? Oh, no. No. I know we talked about, you know, Braun Breaker winning his title back on Raw, but there was another, uh,
Um, title switch. He wrestled Gunther. Didn't he? Uh, no. Um, so there was, there was newly crowned breaking news on the bar. Yeah. There was newly crowned women tag team champions on stand and deliver. And now they are no longer tag team champions. It is now toxic attraction. Wow.
That is weird. So that's back to back nights. They've just straight up gone back on a match that happened. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I feel like Mandy was good for her time, but I was ready for a new, um, a new faction in town. You know what I mean? I was ready for it. Mandy can hold that belt as low as she wants. Wait. So you're, you're saying Braun, Pinn, Gunther clean tonight. Cause they wrestled tonight for the title. Oh no. I didn't see that. I just see the, uh, the women's tag team. He definitely did.
What up? Let me get on here. I just looked. He did. He pinned a point. Wow. Damn. Bron's the man, dude. Bron is the man. I mean. Do we got listener mail? Yes, we do. All right. Let's hear from J-Bone, and then we'll get into that.
you want to feel the roar of the crowd? Well strap on those spandex honeys and listen to the Coming Down the Isle podcast hosted by me, Jay Bum. Each week I have a guest ranging from wrestlers, podcasters, and even some family members. The guests pick the match and we talk about it along with their fandom. Also, each week I provide my analysis of the wide world of wrestling and some figure talk. So get on it up and subscribe to the Coming Down the Isle podcast.
on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get podcasts today. Ooh yeah, dig it!
All right, first question comes in from our buddy Justin Frank at N-Ring Art on Instagram. He said, don't get me wrong, I was entertained by mania, but I'd rather see guys like Sammy and KO actually have real matches. It just doesn't do them any favors to get beat up by old guys like Austin and outsiders like Johnny Knoxville to come in and beat up current talent and make them look like the Keystone Cops.
The NFL would not let 93 Cowboys come in and beat the shit out of the current LA Rams. Perhaps I'm taking it too seriously? Probably. I don't think you're taking it too seriously. I agree with the sentiment. I feel it at a certain level. But, you know, in kayfabe terms,
KO kind of beat himself, right? He hit Austin with a stunner. And the only reason he didn't beat Austin is it was really on a fluke, you know? He went for the chair shot, chair bounced off the rope, hit him in the head, and he ate a stunner from arguably the greatest wrestler of all time. And Sammy Zane.
It was basically a one-on-five handicap match, and it took every bag of tricks. Sammy Zane tried to wrestle his match, whereas Johnny Knoxville was busting out every single trick in the book, and all his friends helped him out. So I think they were both protected. But I do agree, man. I think that's why you have AEW. You're not going to see stuff like this as much on AEW. It's going to be straight-up professional wrestling sports entertainment. I would say this, too. If you definitely have the time, listen to OVP.
the Our Vantage Twin podcast this week. They had a viewer question about, do you like to be sports entertained or do you like to watch wrestling? And it's pretty much like it's subjective. So if you're not into the wacky stuff, you're not gonna like it.
And like I said earlier, yeah, WWE is an entertainment company first. They're gonna pull out, I was listening, I can't remember what I was listening to today or yesterday. It was talking about how the reason why Pat McAfee had to win that match too, cuz even though Austin Theory's been the golden child for WWE events right now. Pat McAfee is gonna go on to all these other shows that he's gonna be on and stuff. And he's gonna say, hey, I won at WrestleMania.
He's gonna go on to promote WrestleMania on ESPN and all these other podcasts that he does and all this. Whereas if he lost, it would be like, why would he go back and say, hey, watch this Mania match where I lost? But now, Pat McAfee is like a promotion machine. So he's gonna go around telling everybody that he had a Mania moment and all this kind of stuff. So they're going to do what they can to promote the product. And just like Johnny Knoxville, he came in and promoted the hell out of freaking WrestleMania.
At the end of the day, they're going to do what it takes to put butts in seats. Like Seth said, I agree with you to a certain point because I would love to see those guys have five-star classics, but they're going to put on a show. They're going to put on what we consider sports entertainment.
Yep, great question, Justin. Zach Hertzler says, as we all know and saw this weekend, the return of Cody to WWE after six years. But I wanna know if you guys think if Cody never joined the Bullet Club slash the Elite, do you think he would have got over enough to the point to return back to WWE as a main eventer? Or do you guys think he needed to join them to get where he is today? I'm gonna throw this one to Jordan first. I already know what Seth's opinion of this is, so I'm gonna hear Jordan and Marco kinda hash this one out.
I think Cody definitely benefited a lot from, like he said, the bullet club, the elite, just being around guys like those guys. Um, cause I mean, let's be honest, he was not main event when he left WWE. I'm still not sure if I would consider him main event now. Um, but I mean, being around the elite and bullet club definitely helps you a lot. And I wasn't even main event in AWW.
And like I said, I don't care who wants to admit this or not. AEW helped Cody a ton. We obviously don't know all the things he did behind the scenes, but AEW boosted Cody's career up to a point where he could do this again, right? I mean, if Cody was stardust in AEW, would WWE have really wanted him back? I mean, I think both people have benefited from it. But yeah, I think Cody definitely is at a different level. I still don't think he's a main event, but he's definitely an upper midcard now.
Yeah, and I think to kind of counter what Sheena thought I was going to say, I think the Bullet Club needed Cody just as much as he needed them. They needed him for different reasons. Cody needed Bullet Club because that gave him the cool factor, right? When he joined the Bullet Club there in 2000, was that late 2016 or early 2017, when he joined, that gave him the cosign from what was at the time the coolest brand in wrestling, like the coolest faction, the coolest gimmick in wrestling. They were basically the NWO in 96.
DX in 97. That is what the Bullet Club was back in 2016, 2017. And what it gave the Bullet Club was an established name in America because you had the hardcore fans, new Kenny Omega, and they knew the Young Bucks, they knew Marty Skrull, they knew Hangman.
But it was, Cody was known to all the fans in America. So people who may not have noticed before really kind of took a look at, hey, what's this Bullet Club thing? And it really started to gain even more momentum in the States leading up to all in in 2018, which ultimately led to the formation of AEW. So I'm not sure AEW happens if Cody didn't join the Bullet Club. I think the Bucks and Kenny would either stayed in New Japan or there's definitely a timeline out there where they end up in WWE.
around that same timeframe. So I think it was mutually beneficial for different reasons for both of them. All right. Real quick, Johnny JB, did you guys think anyone else was going to debut at WrestleMania against Seth? Did any of you guys think anybody but Cody was coming out? No.
I didn't, I thought it was going to be good. I thought we were going to get a troll job with Shane. I thought Shane was going to come out and then Shane was going to introduce Cody or someone like beer, maybe even Elias, AKA or Elias' brother Ezekiel. I thought we were going to get, I thought there was going to be a little bit more to it. I do like the way they did it though, just no nonsense. Let's cut to it. I think it made it seem like a much bigger deal. They didn't delay it. They knew everybody was expecting it and they gave us what we wanted. But yeah, I was expecting somebody to come out and troll.
All right, honorable mention real quick to our good buddy Phil Dunn. He said, you know, he wanted to know if what we thought about two nights of mania and whether they should just cut all the video packages. But we already talked about that at the top of the show, but I want to go ahead and give our buddy Phil a shout out. Also shout out to Phil, the creator, the originator of the Foley Pix League. There were like 35 predictions to be made across the three shows from WWE this weekend. And I think Phil got like four predictions right.
for somebody who started this whole enterprise. I don't know how he is so horrible, man. If there was a solo match out there with just one first competing in it, somehow he would find a way to get the prediction right. Well, I'm going to show Phil some love, though, because Phil, his picks may be absolutely terrible, but his recaps of the show and write-ups and- He does a great job. He does a great job writing the articles after the fact. Keeping up with all the various rivalries and stuff in the league. Yeah.
Yeah, I always find myself laughing the morning after a big event when. He finds a way to sprinkle in the British language and slang. Yeah, a little British language, a little, a little, you know, he's like poking people and ribbing people a little bit. And yeah, I absolutely love it. So thank you. Thank you for all you do for the fully Pix League, Phil.
And that wraps up our listener mail for tonight.

Social Media and Collaboration Promotions

You guys know where you can find us. You can find me on Instagram, at Chick Foley, Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley. Oh, what'd you almost say? I love you. The starting cast got me a little feisty. Yeah, you can find Marco on Twitter at Chick Foley.
show. And most importantly, join our fully fam at chick fully Go show all of our guys some love over at pod foundation. Make sure you go in and individually follow all of those shows and keep up with what's going on because it'll complete your entire week of all you need for wrestling content.
I will remind you guys to support ringside collectibles using code chick Foley and use code PF 10 at chalk line for all your chalk line swag. All right. It's time for the trivia question of the week. She has got one dialed up for me. I'm going to try to get a streak going to break my own record of four consecutive questions. All right. At WrestleMania eight, what possession of to tankas did Rick Martell have?
I want to say it was just a feather. I don't think it was the whole headdress. I think it was a feather out of the headdress. You may have to go to the judges on this one. I'm going to give it to you. It says his feathers. It was plural, so it wasn't a single feather, but the fact that you said it was his feathers, I'm going to go ahead and give it to you. I can distinctly remember Rick Martell coming out with that. That was good. I actually watched WrestleMania 8 as kind of a come down off of Night 2 of Mania the other night. Wow.
It's a little wind down actually, you know, Brett and Roddy Piper is one of my favorite matches ever. All right, so that is a wrap for episode 168 of the Chick Foley Show. We're gonna hit you guys a little bit of Foo Fighters and tribute to Taylor Hawkins on the way out. She can give us some closing thoughts with another WrestleMania weekend in the books. Hey, when WWE, when the build sucks, just know that they are going to stand and deliver. Oh, wow. Good God.
To the night, I'll throw myself into the blue And out of the red, out of the heterogeneous