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Sister Chats are my favorite!  image

Sister Chats are my favorite!

E147 · Girl, I Slept in My Makeup
142 Plays10 months ago

The sisters are here today catching up on the latest, talking through all things mindset and growing to think more like Jesus! Join in as if you are in the room with them, and send them a message on Instagram to connect! 

Check out Voss Coaching Co. mentioned in the episode. 


Introduction of the hosts and their diverse lives

Hello and welcome to the girl I slept in my makeup podcast by three sisters who live in three different cities are at three different life stages and have three different perspectives. They are excited to learn and grow alongside of you. This is a space full of love and acceptance. No judgment because let's face it. We all sleep in our makeup. Please welcome Lauren, Megan and Kristen.
Hey sisters. Hi. How are you? Hi. Good. Yes. How are you? Good. I know we all had busy weekends. Lauren, you, Kai had a basketball tournament, right? Yes. We drove two hours away for a basketball tournament. And so that was a really long day because we decided not to go the night before and just wake up super early. Oh, wow. That made for a really long day, but it was good.

Family adventures and milestones

Our girls had their first, well, our older two had their first father-daughter dance. It was so cute. It was at the high school here. So the Prosper Talanets, the drill team, which they also, they have a babysitter that's on there. They got to see her.
Aww. Yeah, they put it on and it sounded really cool. I was kind of like, well, why isn't there mom daughter dances? I want to go. They had all these like, there was like neon lights and you know, they went with some friends and they went to a pizza place afterwards. It was like a whole date night. It was really cute.
Do they do mother-son dances? I'm like, because I only have one. Yeah, I've seen mother-son dances too. Okay. But yeah, I know like mother-daughter or father-son dances. Yeah.
That's really cute. Absolutely. No. I know. I know. I was like, can we do a family dance? I want to go. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we're trying to work on rolling over and sitting up in this house. The whole family. I'm just kidding. Yeah. We're all trying, you know.
No, just a little five month old who will be six months on May

Celebrations and special occasions

6. And because I don't think you can start feeding them until they're like sitting upright on their own people. It depends on like your pediatrician and what you want to do. Like some people start doing the baby oatmeal four months old.
I never started till six months. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's really like personal preference, I think. Right. Yeah. So I'm going to wait till six months too, but we're very excited because we leave for Texas on Friday and we're going to have a fun week with family next week. So you jam packed. Yeah.
I don't go to so excited. I can't believe it. My best friend from growing up is getting married and she planned this wedding in a month. I'm so impressed. And I went and got my dress altered last week. I just had to get it shortened. It actually fit perfect. So I'm really excited.

Mindset coaching and its impact

I feel like I haven't had time to have like the anticipation of excitement for this.
But it's going to be so fun. I feel like coming together and then we're celebrating Bobby's 40th birthday the next night. So fun. A bit busy schedule. I know. And then Michael and I just planned our six year wedding anniversary where actually I'm taking him to Lubbock, Texas.
And yeah, so Michael and I actually have never been to Lauren and Chris's house in Lubbock. So we're so excited to like be there and actually like see it. We're kind of dropping Kinder off so Michael and I can go to Vegas.
Yeah, so Lawrence is so kind. I'm going to watch our baby for a couple nights. We'll be our first time away from him. Oh my goodness. Yeah, I'm so excited. But he'll be what, 10 months then?
Yeah, he'll be 10 months. No, that'll be fine. Yeah. And he's only three months younger than my neighbor's little boy. So I can maybe have some play dates with him. Oh, that's a good idea. Yeah. He was like, Kai will get to see what it's like being an older brother. And I told Lauren, he is probably gonna be like, okay, yeah, I don't like having a sibling.
Yeah, I think he'll love it because it's temporary, you know, he'll be like, yeah, yeah, he will. So cute. It's Kai Jr. So you know, exactly, exactly. KJ love it. Oh my gosh. I can't believe it's April time is just flying by this.
I know. It's really crazy. Already like having to do all the planning for summer too. Yeah. I know that is so crazy. I can't believe Guy's going to be a proper teenager this summer. It's weird. That was so British of you or English. Well, he says he's a teenager already and he's not, he's 12. So I'm like the summer 13. 13. That's the teenage years. Always in a hurry. I know.
It's so cute. Well, listeners, we have a quick episode for you today. We don't have our full corners, but we wanted to pop in and say hello. The last few weeks we've had some amazing guests and I wanted to kind of just follow up after our interview with Dr. Jenna. I hope y'all love that. If you haven't listened to that, go back and listen to it. It was so informative about women's health, specifically with menopause, but honestly just health in general. I found it
super informational and helpful and her programs are really, really cool. If you haven't checked them out, one thing that I wanted to mention in relation to that because my corner is always mindset corner.
And I think it's so cool that Dr. Jena now does purely mindset coaching as well. I believe in mindset coaching so much, but I don't know that everybody understands the importance of it and why you would want a coach. And I'm not even saying that to sell me as a coach. It has helped me so much and to see a doctor
doing mindset coaching I just found that really cool and I wanted to touch on that because what she has seen is she will do health programs with people but if they don't believe in themselves or they don't have the right mindset before going into a program then typically they're going to fall off and it's not going to work
And so everything starts with our mindsets and how we see ourselves, what stories are we living from? And there's so much to it and it's really helped me in my life. And so I just wanted to mention that cause I was like, wow, that's, I feel like they, we touched on it at the very end of the episode that she did mindset coaching. So wanted to make sure I reiterated that and also just how she said, if there's anywhere in your life that you're looking to upgrade,
It's so powerful to lock arms with somebody that's doing it better than you are. So if that's a mentor or a coach or even just somebody in your life, if there's somewhere that you want to improve upon, why not get help, you know? And so I just love that thought process too, because I think a lot of times we try to do everything alone.
And I think COVID kind of forced us into that. I don't like to blame things on COVID, but I think it did isolate us a little bit. So getting back into the mode of community and whether that's at your church or in your environment, but looking for people that are doing things at a level that you would like to be doing things and you're not there yet and that's okay. But like, how are they doing it and what are they doing and learn from them? I think it's so powerful.
And yeah, I just wanted to share that that's my quick little mindset run down. I can actually attest to that just being someone who's, you know, struggled with my health and done programs where the last program I did, I just wasn't there mentally just because it's been, you know, almost 10 years of struggling with my condition.
I think mindset wise, I just feel like nothing's going to work because nothing has worked. And so when you go into something with your mindset, not there, it really does make such a huge difference. And I've been in it both ways where I've seen results, but it all has to do with where my mindset is at from the get go. And, um, so yeah, I personally, and I'm doing Megan's mindset coaching program and it's been really great.
So far, we're only two weeks in. But I'm really enjoying it. And just leveling up, like you said, and getting to a place where you can take on hard things, if that makes sense. And speaking of that, my corner is usually real estate, but there are a few people who listen to us who also have IC, my condition interstitial cystitis, and have asked me for updates. So I just wanted to give a quick one real quick.
You know, I went completely symptom free. I was symptom free about for a total of about nine weeks postpartum. But unfortunately, as soon as my cycle returned, all of my symptoms returned in full force. So it's like I'm having to get used to that again in a weird way. It sucks, but you know, I knew that was, you know, definitely most likely what would happen once my cycle returned. So just figuring

The power of kindness and care

where to go to from here, what steps I want to take, I think, but it's really good that I'm focused on my mindset first to take me into whatever steps I go into next, if that makes sense. And knowledge is power. And doesn't that, didn't you say before that that kind of tells you that it is related to your hormones or to your period?
Yeah, it's definitely my symptoms are definitely hormone correlated. So that's really good to know and informational. So yeah, the next thing I do, I'll be able to take that information and hopefully, you know, bring that to the experts and they can figure out okay, knowing that they want to go this direction or that direction. So I love that. And I'm so proud of you for like focusing on your mindset because I think when you have
I'm speaking from non-experience, so tell me if I'm wrong. But when you have something that's chronic, it's really hard to get out of the mindset that it's ever going to end because you've been dealing with it for so long. So I can't imagine how hard that is. I feel like you have another
level that you'll have to go through on your mindset. But I truly believe that it's 100% possible to be in full healing just like you're the doctor that you worked with is in full, you know, remission, I guess you would call it for I see. So it's just a matter of getting your mindset right before you step into, you know, the next
Yeah, because it's hard work. It's really getting healthy, like, and really focusing on your health is really hard. And it's a lot of work. And it's stuff that you don't or personally, I don't like looking at, like, it's stressful, it's mentally exhausting. So yeah, it's it's hard.
So I know, but I think working through some of that even thought process is going to be super powerful for you not to get into like a coaching session here. But I think having the mindset that it's going to be hard, it's going to be hard, you know, so having to figure out, okay,
How can I look at this with a new perspective? Because I think a lot of people think discipline is extremely hard. They don't like it. But once they're actually fully into discipline and force themselves into that, they feel, oh, wow, it's actually freedom here. But you have to get over a hump to get to that point. So I'm excited to see what will come. And are your symptoms just as bad as they were before? I thought they were.
Oh man, I'm sorry. You haven't told us that. Yeah, I'm a little bit in denial, you know, I think it's because I got used to not having my symptoms too. So it almost feels worse right now. Because I kind of got used to like not dealing with it for, you know, almost 10 weeks. So bummer. Okay, I'll be praying about that. I'm sorry.
Oh, that's okay. And then I would be remiss without saying to talking about mindset coaching, where I get my mindset coaching, I think I've mentioned it a bunch of times on here, but I just want to make sure where I was kind of trained, they're called boss coaching co. And they're amazing coaches, you can do personal coaching with them. And you can also if you want to become a coach, they train coaches too. So they do some amazing stuff. So just want to make sure I mentioned them.
Yeah, yeah. Cool. So I typically do the Bible study corner and
Today, since we're keeping it short, I just wanted to leave us all more with just some thought provoking questions that we can carry on for the next week or until we meet again. And there's a quote that says something along the lines of people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. I think I like to sometimes pull myself back and just think about life as a really simple big picture.
And whenever I do that for me, it's to become more and more like Jesus every day for the days that I have left here on earth and obviously never attaining Jesus because he's perfect. But one of those is just, I think sometimes if we let ourselves, we can get a bit overwhelmed with just the idea of spreading God's, what does that look like for me kind of, of spreading love and spreading God and
I think that sharing the gospel or sharing our testimony, that's all very important. But also, I think too, in just our daily life, wherever we find ourselves, I think that maybe this week we go out and just ask ourselves, who can we truly love on and show them that we care, whether it's somebody else's child that might be in our presence or
anybody, you know, wherever you find yourself, where can you pour in to that to really show or is there a neighbor that is just widowed or somebody that you know, who lives alone that you could maybe just drop off a meal to or just something to show that person that you actually do care because I think sometimes it's easy for us to forget that there's a lot of people out here that
might not feel loved in a day, you know, by anybody. And so anyways, it's just simple little things that we can do to make a difference that technically is making a difference without, you know, getting out there and preaching the word on the corner or whatever, you know? Yeah.
Yeah, so I just thought that and I think that we can discount the impact that things like that can have. And sometimes that's what a child needs to hear, you know, maybe or child or adult, maybe they're somebody who they're not a Christian, or maybe they are, but they're just really struggling with something that got allowed to happen in their life, and they're just kind of angry, or whatever, you never know where somebody's at. And
maybe hearing what God's done in your life. That's not what they need to hear right now because they're just pissed off. And so maybe just loving on them is exactly what they need in that moment. And so just a reminder that it can just look a lot of different ways and to challenge yourself to figure out this week where you can show up in that way.
It's so good. It's so funny how you say we don't talk before we do these. Yeah. I literally just read a devotional today about this exactly. Oh, really? It was one of Paul Tripp's. I was catching up on his devotionals and I just pulled it up because this is so funny. He said, and you don't need to go far, literally next door. There are people around you every day crying out for gospel love.
They probably don't know it yet, but they're looking for what you have been sent to give them and they will respond to that love. So as you are generous, hospitable, intentional, kind, they will wonder why is this person loving me the way they are. That reminder that it doesn't have to be this great commission where, you know, it talks about the great commission in the Bible where you're going across the country, which that's great too. Missionaries are amazing.
But also, like you're saying, it's the person next door or your family who's right in front of you. Like I think our families are our first, the most important part that we, you know, great commission, I guess you could say. So I love that. Yeah. Yeah. So good.

Spiritual reflections and gratitude

Well, I hope everybody has an amazing week. We have a fun busy week with wedding and birthdays. I'm excited for it. I'm going to get a spray tan for the first time in a long time. Yeah.
That's fancy. I'm excited. I love a good spray tan. Yes. We'll be doing, it's my husband's birthday as well this weekend, so. Yeah. What are y'all going to do? Well, we don't have any big plans, but I have a couple little surprises at my sleeve, so. Ooh, look at you. We'll see. I'll let you know what ends up happening. He doesn't like surprises, so. But I don't think he'll mind these. Okay. I was like, uh-oh. Yeah. So fine.
Okay. Lauren, do you want to pray? Sure. Thanks again listeners for being with us. We're so grateful for y'all for continuing to show up and listen to us talk. And we'd love to hear from you as always. So send us a message on Instagram at girl. I slept in my makeup. Heavenly butter, father. Can you edit that out? That was too good. We got to keep it. Oh my gosh. Y'all I'm so tired.
Jesus, thank you for loving us just the way we are. Thank you for meeting us exactly where we're at, and we love you so much. And I pray that each and every person listening to this feels your overwhelming love
and your overwhelming peace. And I pray that with the Holy Spirit in us that we spend this next week just really focused on a heart of gratitude because when we're in gratitude, there is no space for anything else negative. So help us with that. And I just pray that we have open hearts and open ears and minds to be guided by you to where we can show up in other people's lives to spread your light and your love and
just lead the way for us so that we can be prompted to say the things that you want us to say and show up where we need to be shown up at. Thank you for loving us unconditionally, just the way we are. And I just pray that we have the courage to continue to show up every day and just be completely vulnerable with you and everyone around us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Amen. Amen. Thank y'all. Love y'all. Have a great week. Yes. Love y'all. Bye. Yay. Thank you for listening to another week of girl I slept in my makeup. If you like us, rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
And if you want to learn more about us or get in touch with us, go to our website, girl, I slept in my, where you'll also find links to our Instagram and Facebook. Thank you so much for listening. We really appreciate it and make it a great week. God bless.