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19. Authenticity: The Most Powerful Form of Protest image

19. Authenticity: The Most Powerful Form of Protest

E19 · Soul Pod: The Podcast
15 Plays1 month ago

We need to get Mercury out of the microwave.

Retrograde is doin it’s thing so we are eternally grateful for your patience! In this delayed-A-F episode, we get into the dirt about authenticity and self-love as tactics for banding together to survive the coming years.

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Molly does tarot readings online and locally in Massachusetts:

Christina sells delicious microgreens in the greater Detroit area:

Hosts: Christina Bell & Molly Wilde

Music: The Confrontation, by Jonathan Boyle, licensed from Premium Beats by Shutterstock

Editing: Molly Wilde

Disclaimer: The purpose of this podcast is for entertainment and enjoyment. We are not professionals in any regard. We do not have professional knowledge, training, or education in physical health, mental health, or spiritual matters. Any suggestions or recommendations made during our episodes should be independently researched by the listener before considering implementation, or better yet, listeners should ignore everything we say. We cannot be held responsible or liable for anything we say, or any actions taken by any persons as a result of listening to our podcast episodes. Stay safe, stay informed, stay smart.


Humor and Light Topics

ah see there they're there you I don't see mine. No, I see yours. Yours are bigger than mine again. No, for me, it's opposite. Yours are huge, mine are like, barely noticeable. Well, clearly, one of us can't be trusted.
Clearly, something's trying to fuck with us. Before we actually dive in, though, I do have a soup. Yeah? Are you? that Munching some soup. I haven't even gotten to start it. Oh good. It's perfectly not hot. Oh my God. What kind did you get? Campbell's pot roast.

Exploring ASMR

oh So what the fuck are we talking about today? As I get all in the microphone.
but's say as s i my r Let's ASMR this bitch up. There's like a, there's like a specific subcategory of. Mouth noises. the mouth It's not just the mouth noises though. It's like specifically food eating. um And I think it was like a, I can't remember which part of Asia it was a popular trend for, but it got all over the internet in like.
mukbang that's the one um yeah yeah don't ask me how i remembered that because i usually we're not trying to we're not trying to do that we're just unintentionally doing that because we're trying to nourish our bodies they're also not videoing well we can see each other but yeah i don't know how much of the mukbang i don't know how much of mukbang was the visual of watching people eat versus the sounds that's a good question i don't know yeah none of it is appealing to me so i have no opinion um
ASMR is appealing to me, but I don't like food eating sounds and I don't like watching people eat. There's an awkward there's a certain type of ASMR that I can get behind, but mouth noises is not one of them. um Yeah, it just, it doesn't bother, mouth noises without food doesn't bother me, but it doesn't do anything for me either.
Like when people are like whispering into the microphone and you can hear the like tongue saliva noises and whatnot. I don't like that. But I like the ASMR where people are playing with magnetic beads and building different things. And it's all clicky. Yeah. I like it. Yeah. Remember when you made fun of me for like ASMR? I used to, well, I would i would rant about the mouth noises. I was just like, it's all I can hear. It's all I can focus on and I hate it. I couldn't understand why you would like it. You never, you never specified that to me. You were always just like, it's so weird. Why do you like this? No, no, I definitely did specify it to you. You just don't remember. I remember like questioning you like, how come this doesn't bother you? Because it bothers me so much. Hearing that like, well, that's not the part of it of ASMR that does anything for me.

Self-Love and Community Support

Right. you know And I think that was your answer back then too. I was like, I don't know how you can focus on anything else because it's so prevalent. Well, pre or I think it it depends on who it is that's doing it because there are some people who ham that stuff up and there are some people who really don't. And when they're not, and the focus is more on like external from the body sounds, it's a lot more appealing. It does more for me. It does more for my brain tinglies.
Cool. Yeah. And it's like partly visual too, you know? So yeah, I have certain YouTubers that I follow with a ASMR. What are we talking about today? We have somewhat of an amorphous topic, I think, because it's something that's been at the very least on my mind lately with the election results that we have seen and thinking about the future.
Um, and I, you know, brought it up to you yesterday and you sounded on board with it. And what would that topic be? Oh, let's see, because it's amorphous. Let me see if I can figure out the way that I want to phrase it. Um, self-love in particular in preparation for, uh, the work ahead, you know? Yeah. When there's not, there's not going to be a let up.
to the bullshit and we're going to have to lean on each other yeah to get through things. Like we have to be making sure we take care of ourselves to the best of our ability if we're going to be able to take care of each other. Like a put an on your own oxygen mask before helping anyone else, honestly. I am getting those those messages are coming through in various platforms that I've been watching.
There's two clear, very clear messages that I'm getting a lot. And I'm not saying psychically. I mean, like literally I'm hearing people say these things and yeah it's really interesting. Yeah, that you're getting from like the collective. Yeah. yeah It's very interesting that more, and you know, that so many people are using the same terminology and stuff. Yeah.
So what I'm hearing is community, of course.

Self-Care vs. Self-Love

Community, meaning we need to like start rallying together yeah and like being more supportive of each other and using each other's resources in order to help other people and and help the community, you have to take care of yourself. And self-love is and an aspect of that. yeah So we were recently talking about self-care and this is semi-related to that, but not really entirely. So self-love in the way that I think you wanted to talk about it is about getting to a point in your life where you love yourself so much that I think everything else becomes easier. Yeah. Yeah. yeah And not to mention like having like a strong sense of self and a strong sense of like
you are who you are and no like nothing, no laws, no policies, no discourse, no cultural backlash can influence it. Right. Something I keep seeing seeing and I feel like it does tie you in, although I'm not going to dive in 100% to it ah today, is making sure that we are not complying in advance. Yep. Because I feel like that but I see people kind of trying to do that or feeling like that's what we need to do already when it's really just giving ground because they're you know at a point where they're seeing how far they can take things. huh um Do not comply in advance. Yeah. Don't sit there and nod your head and act like you agree with things. yeah and That looks like compliance. Yeah. Don't put your head down and like delete your existence.
You know, or pretend you don't hear. Yeah. or Or pretend, or pretend like you don't exist or pretend like there are, there are aspects of you that don't exist simply because that is what the far right is out to attack or to undermine or anything like that. Like for sure, keep yourself safe, be as smart as you possibly can, but do not erase your existence before they are like basically forcing you to. Hmm.
like do not get ahead of it because that's what they're hoping for. That's what they're banking on. yeah yeah And yeah, so like i I know that it's a very hard line to walk between staying safe and still staying visible. And honoring yourself. And honoring yourself. But like this is a part of what I feel like is important to to talk about right now is like the ways in which being ourselves, being our authentic selves,
And also expressing and practicing self-care and self-love are our greatest forms of protest. They want to beat us down. They want us to be exhausted. They want us to be terrified. Like this is quite frankly, this was applicable before the election happened as well. Like you can't fight anything when you're exhausted.
yep you can't question anyone when you're burnt out. You can't advocate for yourself when the only thing you're capable of at the end of a long workday is falling onto the couch and staring at the TV for five hours. Exactly. And so it's going to look different for everybody. But the best thing you can do is optimize the way that you take care of yourself on a day-to-day basis in order to survive, make the money that you need to make to be able to live
and support your community in fighting back. So yeah, it will look different for everyone. But and that is, it's like absolutely critical. I was just gonna say,
The point about, you know, collapsing on the couch and and absorbing yourself into television for five hours, there's a place for that for sure. Like when things get to be too much and you need to unplug, like get away from social media, get away from the rhetoric that's online and come in from every which way. If you need to take a break, that's good. Do it because that's self-care as well. So. Yeah, there are times, there's a time and a place for, you know,
just binge watching a TV show or, you know, losing yourself in a video game. There's a time and a place for it too. But also like, now is the time to consider how constructive those things are for you in a in a very real way. Because what else could you be doing with your time? That's that's filling your bank. That's filling your energetic well. Like TV.
I have never wanted or never tried to be the kind of person who's just like, TV will rot your brain because that's boomer mentality that I don't subscribe to. But but also, there is a certain point at which it doesn't actually serve you anymore to just get lost in it. Right 24 seven outside of work. So that's, that's one thing that I'm not going to make anybody do. But I would challenge you to think about it and think it through and see what else is it that you could be spending your time on? Could you be doing?
like a craft or a hobby or, you know. um Bettering yourself in terms of an education. I mean, and yeah it doesn't even mean reading. It doesn't even mean school. Yeah. It means read and be curious, ask questions all the time. Yeah. Do research. And it doesn't even have to be like relevant research to anything going on in the world right now. Exactly. Do research about like your favorite historical era or like, you know, just like you never know what it is that you're going to come across that like,
might teach you something about life and the world that had nothing to do with what's going on in the world until you made the connection. Yeah, and again, we understand that like sometimes you're even too too burned out to try to do any of that stuff, you know, that the only thing that you feel like you're capable of is doom scrolling or or binge watching, you know, whatever.
your favorite TV show is, but like, yeah, again, I just would ask you to to think about it and consider if even one night a week, there's something else that you could be doing that might fill your well in a way that might help you feel more capable of giving more of your time and energy to that.

Authenticity and Empowerment

And then, you know, to your community, to your friends, to your people who are relying on you. So help me distinguish the difference between self-care and self-love because, I mean, I know they they they definitely, they can blur, like the line can blur between the two, but self-love and self-respect and all of the all of those and honoring yourself and all that, like, how can we do those things?
But it's tough because you know one of the first things I thought was how self-care was more of an action-oriented thing. um But at the same time, like like the John Mayer song, I'm fully of the belief that love is a verb, and so love is also an action-oriented thing. right But it's also, I would say that self-care is, I guess, more of an outward expression of the feeling of self-love. And part of the reason that I say it that way is because self-care has been my own very dimly lit path toward trying to find self-love. When I don't know how to love myself, I take the steps to care for myself, and then over time I find those little glimmers of
Like, oh, even if it's not all the time, today I can look in the mirror and say, you're all right. um I'm okay with you, you know? And it's very, very hard. It feels very much like pulling my own teeth out.
oh But, you know, authenticity factors in in a really big way, I think. And it's hard, I think that I struggle a little bit still as well.
with viewing authenticity in deeper ways, maybe because of the fact that I was always so suppressed in my external expression of myself, whereas internally I never had an issue. um I mean, I, you know, had damage because of the suppression, but certainly I don't struggle as much, I find, with a personal authenticity, like internal.
but it's the external and it's the it's the things that, I mean, it it is the external that I struggle with the most. And I know I went into this a little bit when we were doing the chronic shame episode and talking about the struggles that I've had with my own weight and appearance where that has gotten in the way of me feeling like I am who I want to be. And I'm working on that specific issue. I feel like it's a much bigger, deeper problem than I even know how to talk about. But when it comes to things that I do have certain control over, you know, it's part of the reason that I've started to get a ton of tattoos or piercings, you know, working to like bring myself in alignment with who I understand myself to be internally and expressing that in the world. Because for sure, tattoos and piercings make you look like a goddamn hoodlum. And it makes, it scares the boomers.
But also, I can't even describe the level of confidence I walk around with when I got a fresh tattoo that everybody can see. It changes my entire vibe. And like it's that energetic output, that frequency that affects the people around you. Honoring your true authentic self yeah outwardly. And it expresses a lot of confidence, and it definitely can.
scare people, but probably for the best reasons. Yeah, I was gonna say like, it it either attracts people to you or pushes them away. Yeah. And if they're attracted to you, they're meant to be there. If they're pushed away, they're meant to be there. They're meant to be where they end up. And I just, I don't ever like again okay i struggled because even this summer when i learned a whole lot about my own astrology and learned a lot about myself and the things that are inherently important to me that were extremely validating to hear about i am still struggling with some of it in particular aesthetics because we're all taught that like
aesthetics are such a shallow thing to care about and to focus on. But like, this, I think is the point. The way it makes you feel is the point. Can you be more specific about the aesthetic? That's what I'm trying to say. Okay, what what is again an aesthetics? ah What do you mean? Do you not know what the word means? Yes, but what aesthetics? Which ones? The way you look? The way you present yourself. Okay.
And the, you know, your environment. Okay. And the way you want to decorate your environment. Particularly your home environment. Okay. Like, so like that's, you know, cause that's really the thing that we have the control over. Like it's not like we can go out and just decorate everybody else's spaces as much as I wish that I could sometimes. But like what I'm realizing is that like, holy shit, once again, uh, unintentionally we're tying this into manifestation to lean into your own authentic self.
to lean into the authenticity of who you are deep down. You're going to have a much easier time exuding that vibration when you do whatever it is that you need to do to your person, to your wardrobe, to your home environment to reinforce that confidence. And you're going to have a whole lot of an easier time manifesting that confidence, manifesting the crowd of people that you want around you, manifesting the life you want to be living when you don't have to pretend to be the person that you know that you are. When you start to transform visually and energetically into that person, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. I hope that that's making sense.
um But really. I mean, the happier you are with the way you look and the way you present yourself, the higher the vibration is that you will have, I think. Absolutely. Exactly. Exactly. And like when it comes to the need for people who don't feel scared, beaten down, burnt out, drained to get through becoming years, as silly as some may believe this to be or sound.
It starts with all of that. you know And maybe it is that aesthetics don't matter as much to you as they do to me or some other people. But to me, when I can't dress the way that I want to, do the makeup that I want to be able to do, or have the haircut that I want, when I can't present myself the way that I know that I am, I'm never more powerless that's, that's how I spent the majority of my youth was feeling that way. It was feeling like, not only that like I was not allowed to present myself externally the way that I wanted to, but that it was wrong or less than or evil or whatever, because being a goth is fucking evil when you're a Christian, I guess.
And if I know anything, I know that like, Living my life in the vibration that I had to grow up in is not worth living. Like, that that life is not worth living. It just makes me so much more angry about what you went through. It just really pisses me off. Well, I guess that's never gonna go away, huh? Nah. Nope. So the point is that I don't have to live that way anymore.
Yeah. And I'm tired of hating myself. I've said this for a while, and it's part of the reason I've made the efforts I have to go down this road. But I hope that hearing this message is helpful to anybody else out there who might be in the same boat as me. Because it's it it is, yes,
taking care of your physical body, meeting your physical needs, food, water, sunlight, and, you know, rest and entertainment and, you know, enjoyment and all the things that we went over in those self-care tips for the end of the world. But it is also anything you can do to build that love and confidence that will sustain you through through the lean times, through the challenging times where we're going to be met with a constant barrage of bullshit from the government. When the government can't take care of us, it's too easy to slip into feeling completely hopeless.

Women, Emotions, and Empowerment

No, that's just when we have to start taking care of each other. And that's exactly the point. You know, it's part of why I wanted to say like, if we want to have community,
we have to focus on ourselves and every aspect of ourselves. Yes, meet your basic needs, but also learn to love yourself. Learn to love yourself. And and and I'm never gonna be the kind of person who's just like, you can't love anyone else if you don't love yourself first, because I don't think that that is, you know, yeah at least not universally true. But like, you sure as hell are gonna have an easier time taking care of everybody else when you feel like you have a full well to give from. i am Oh, I wanted to ask you to take a wild guess at what podcast I happened to listen to this afternoon. Was it The Financial Feminist? It sure was. Ooh, what episode was it? Ooh, take a wild guess about that one. I don't have a clue. I haven't looked at it recently. One of the ones that you recently told me to to listen to, with The Seven Deadly Sins 1.
oh Oh, that was such a good one. Yeah. And I think that there is a tie in here. um I got to look at the title of that one because I remember it was about the seven deadly sins, but I think there was a different title because I want to be able to refer people listening to that one specifically, but continue talking. Yeah, no, it's okay. um It was, it was talking about how women are judged by a completely different standard all the time, constantly than men are. yeah And, um, there, you know, I have the title. Can I read it off? Yeah. The title of this episode of the financial feminist is the good girl trap and how to break the patriarchy's rules with Elise Lawton. 10 out of 10, please listen to this episode. I am actually going to re-listen.
yeah when I get a chance, but yes. Anyway, continue. Yeah. So um she gives a lot of really good examples of how women, words subvert now.
submit I don't know, like squash themselves down ah yeah and like make themselves small based on all of those basic seven deadly sins and how, you know, women are taught like, you know, you shouldn't be envious. You shouldn't be you know jealous of other people's things and whatever. You shouldn't be proud and you shouldn't be angry. Like you can't, you know, you're not allowed to express anger.
sloth, all the things, you know, gloamy, all the things. Yeah, be as silent and small as possible, while also doing all of the work for the patriarchy. Yep. Absolutely. And there there were just so many good points about it. And it was like, holy crap.
I don't know if there was some kind of survey done or some kind of study done or whatever, but it was like, women can absolutely relate to every single one of those feelings and quote unquote sins and how they've affected them. But men can't at all. Right. They're not even on men's radars at all. Yeah. Because it's so far from their lived experience, they can't even conceive of how Like, even if they attempted, even the most empathetic man attempted to understand what it feels like to live within those rules and restrictions, like, they can't, they can't conceive of it. Right. Because they they've not had the same um expectations is not the word I was looking for. But like,
I don't know. They haven't had the same things imposed on them, like the same... Yeah. Expectations, I think, are the right word. There was another word I was thinking, but... Social expectation, yeah. Yeah. And so they have no clue. And and that's such bullshit. I mean, it's it's it's not a bad thing that they haven't, but it's a horrible thing that we have and that they don't understand it.
Yeah. And that like really, like when, if you want to talk about taking care of each other and taking care of society, like our communities, as we're going through all of this stuff, women have to learn to be more proud. We need to be able to embrace our anger. We need to be able to do all of those things.
Yeah. In public, visually, loud like outwardly. Don't hide it. Yeah. Like don't just, you know, rage when you're alone at home or like with your spouse at home, like rage where people can see you. Rage so that those who are afraid to express that way see other people doing it and can feel more safe in not only like feeling what they feel, but expressing when they need to express. right When it becomes unsafe for them to continue to stay silent, they'll be able to find their voice because they saw it happen with other people. Absolutely. And and then even though, even even deeper still,
it's about women not being afraid to feel anger. And so you have to get there first. You have to be allow allowing yourself to feel the anger yeah and rage, and then you can become comfortable expressing it.
um and those are the ways that you can practice self-love and honoring yourself and like being a better representative of humanity in in the general like world. you know yeah um We all have to learn to be more fully who we are and express ourselves better and I don't know, like be be willing to accept how other people are and how they feel and how they express themselves because not everyone is the same. So, but yeah we have to be able to accept it, understand it, embrace it and like function side by side with the other people around us who are also feeling all the weird feelings and like, yeah you know, without it being weird, without it being like taboo, you know?
Yeah, 100%. And like learning the ways in which we need to, or not learning, but like, or yeah, no, yes, learning, learning how to discern when it is that you need to hold space for somebody else to express and feel what they need to feel. And when you need someone to hold that space for you, like, because expressing goes beyond beyond just expressing the emotion, but also expressing the need for support. right And so like that's one of the things that I feel is extraordinarily beautiful about the community that we have through our Anahata's friends, who where we are already in such a good place of like knowing how to hold that space for each other and knowing
you know hey, if somebody needs that, like you can show up. Or if if you need that, someone will show up for you. But it needs to happen on a much larger scale with far more regularity if we're going to get through this. Yep. And so, yeah, that goddamn it, that fucking episode was so good. That was such a good episode. I'm so glad that you mentioned that. Thank you so much. um Yeah.
Um, yeah I think one of the next conversations we need to have is, is why women need to rule the world. I think I might've, that might be on our list, but this goes all along with it. It's, women are so much more capable of so much more than men are generally speaking.

Gender Norms and Leadership

And in large part because of the, the oppression that we have experienced. Yep. Um.
Yep. Yeah. But we're so much stronger, so much more capable, so much more resilient. Intelligent. intelligence yeah So much more like more stamina. I mean, like all these things. Yeah. um And we are, we're, oh my God. Just that episode is so good. It just is really, it like opens the door to like,
Yes. It makes you think. It really makes you think. This society needs to just be turned upside down on its head. like Really? Yeah. We need a matriarchy and not just a family matriarchy, like the typical like way you hear about matriarchy. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Like, it's so weird because when you talk about patriarchy, everybody knows that you're talking about like the way this that society is being ran, like your government is being ran. And like, when you talk about
matriarchy, they automatically assume you're talking about like your strong grandmother. right You know what I mean? my god Your strong mother, your strong grandmother, or your strong aunts, the aunts that you have in your family. you know that's That's what matriarchy is in most people's minds. It's like on such a small scale compared to what the patriarchy is. And we need to like redefine that in general terms like matriarchy in terms of running the country or running the world.
like everything will be so much better. Everything. Absolutely. Absolutely. You know what really bothers in my mind? Sorry. Sorry. I'll just finish this one little line. As you thought, mom i have I have to end cap that with. I was thinking how funny it is.
You know, generally speaking, men are just really, really lazy. and I don't want to be a bitch about it. But like, men are really lazy. But men want all the power. But if they could just realize that they could literally just be even more lazy if they let us have the power. Right. And they can just sit on their asses and let women run everything. Their lives will be so much cushier and happier.
And they could do whatever the fuck they want, basically. They may become the housewives. They may be the ones staying home being Mr. Mom. But it's still like, if they think about it. There's still so much work that goes into that. Yeah, yeah, there is. But if you think about it, it's like, they wouldn't have the stress.
not that they are super stressed about yeah and and that they're super stressed about it as it is because men don't get stressed out like the same way women do. But but you know if we were in control of everything and ran everything, we wouldn't be as stressed out because things would be much better than they are now. So anyhow, go ahead. Honestly, and like this, this honestly, what i so what came to mind, which I just did a very quick Google to make sure that I was going to be accurately attributing this quote. But its it ties in to this conversation and into when we do have the conversation about why women need to rule the world. What came to mind to me was our dear departed Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who, and I have the quote right here, so I'm gonna read it, who, you know,
while serving on the Supreme Court, she was quoted saying, people ask me sometimes, when do you think it will be enough? When will there be enough women on the court? And my answer is when there are nine. If there can be nine men on the court, why can't there be nine women? yeah And so that might be the perfect spot to end on.
Go listen to that episode of the Financial Feminist, you guys. Yep. There's so much good shit in it. and We didn't even barely scratch the surface on that. For reference, again, it's called the Good Girl Trap and How to Break the Patriarchy's Rules. It was released on October 28th this year.

Reflections and Gratitude

And give yourself a little think about what it is. What are the small things that you could be doing that are going to fill your well so that you can make it and feel certain and confident in your ability to make it through the coming years. I think another little thing to have is like a little homework assignment, if you will. um If you find yourself in a position where you are feeling uncomfortable about something, pause and ask yourself, why? Ask yourself, why am I feeling uncomfortable right now? And
If you can dig down and get to the surface layer of that, and there's yet still more questions, ask yourself why again. And just keep going because we need to get in touch with our own feelings of discomfort in whatever situation. But the more we understand ourselves, the more self-respect we will have, the more self- authenticity, the more self-love. I think that just digging down and really asking yourself why certain things are, or you feel certain ways or whatever. Yeah. And that is the beginning of shadow work, my friends. Yeah. That is, yeah, that's true. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Well, this has been a great episode. I'm glad you think so. I feel really, really good about it.
I hope that we didn't like miss some big obvious glaring thing. Well, that's the beauty of what we do is that we can and will revisit this in the future. For sure. So if something occurs to us later on that we're like, ah, I should have said that, we'll be able to, we'll have the opportunity. And hey, if something occurred to you that you feel like we should bring to the table and discuss, please email us about it.
You can find all of our contact info in the description of the podcast episode. We're here. We want to hear from you. We love you so much. I'm so grateful. I have one more little weird thing to add because I was re-listening. I told you I was re-listening to the outtakes episode of ours because I was real curious what kind of shit you put in there. And a whole bunch of it was stuff I told you to edit out.
with the intention of not being put into a different episode instead. But anyhow, um I had one big fat faux pas in that one where I was talking about the farmer's market in Detroit.
And I called it the English market. I went, what the fuck? It's not called the English market. It's called Eastern market. Okay. I didn't even realize that that was something that was not correct. You wouldn't have known because you don't live here. Right. But like, but you didn't want use it didn't sound like you realized it in the moment either. No, I didn't. I didn't. I didn't even know that I said English market because we were talking about English tea and all that stuff. And that was what the conversation was at the time.
And I was like, you know, we were talking about, sorry, if we've offended any of our, you know, UK listeners or whatever, like not knowing shit about tea. But then I was telling you about tea that I bought at the Eastern market and I called it the English market and I didn't even realize it until I was listening today and I went, oh my God. I feel like an idiot.
But, um, yeah, so I'm sorry for my native Detroiters and, you know, Southeast Michiganders, but like, it's the Eastern market in Detroit and I'm not really that stupid. I promise.
ah it's stupid you're good you're good it's It's really huge and famous. It's amazing. It's an amazing market, but anyhow. All right. That's it for me. I'm good. Cool. Well, thank you guys so much for listening.
We really truly are so grateful for you and we hope you have a beautiful day. Love ya! We'll see you next week. Take care of yourselves.