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FriGay the 13th Horror Podcast
806 Plays7 months ago

What do athletes, bakers, drag queens, housewives, chefs, singers, dancers, and single people all have in common? They’re all on reality television! Join us as we welcome special guest, legendary drag queen, star of RuPaul’s Drag Race, and one of our very first fans and friends Loosey LaDuca to chat all about it!




Listen in to hear what we’ve been watchin’... bitch!

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Introduction to Frage the 13th Horror Podcast

Frage the 13th Horror Podcast is a proud, independent podcast. To learn more about the show, visit
This is the true

Social Media and Reality TV: A Terrifying Insight?

story. True story of two friends who started a podcast, picked to live in a social media dumpster fire, who slay together, and have their lives virtually recorded. Find out what happens when gays stop being polite. Bitch, please. Can't start getting real. Okurrr! It's the queer world. It's episode 125. Reality TV is terrifying.

Power Dynamics and Justice: Real Life vs Movies

am the writing on the wall, the whisper in the classroom. I'm Marjorie Greene, and I approve this message to save America, stop socialism, and stop China. Thank you all and we honor thee from life to death's horizon! Woo-hoo! Power in real life. Doubters, the doomsday, the gloomsters, they are going to get it wrong. Power in the movies.
Where are you gonna hide? Nowhere. Because there's no one like you left. What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now! Let's go! What are you waiting for, huh? What are you waiting for? I want you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning.

Interpersonal Conflicts and the 'Mean Girl' Concept

Sometimes. is what Have you ever once checked in on me? No. Have I come to you, check in to make sure you're okay? Absolutely. So I am so done. No, I'm actually so done. I'm so done with the mean girl. I'm so done with like people calling me out. What? I don't know. You want to see mean girl? I'll show you a mean girl.

Reality TV and Special Guest Appearance from RuPaul's Drag Race

Welcome to Frage the 13th Horror Podcast. My name is Andrew. And I'm Matty. And this is the podcast where we talk all about horror, horror in real life and horror in the movies. And today we are talking all about reality TV, the good, the bad, and That's sometimes ugly. ah Maddie, you know I could not but could not do an episode of reality TV without talking to someone who's actually been on reality TV. What about you? I think that's that's a really good idea. And I hear, Andrew, that you may have arranged a special guest. Is this true?
Yes. Can I can I can I bring her in? Yes, please. All right. Joining us for the first time, most importantly, a patron of art. So Patreon dot com slash Friday. But also a chart topping diva, the enigmatic spooky drag superstar of season 15 of RuPaul's Drag Race. Welcome Lucy LaDuca. Oh, my God. Hi, gay people. um How are you guys? This is so bizarre to hear your voices in my ears because I've been listening to you guys for since the very beginning of the pod. You've been a favorite favorite of mine. I used to listen to you guys when I was building in-ground swimming pools during the day and then doing drag at night. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I've been around for a long time. Long time. I'm so excited to be here. Oh my God. This is crazy.
It's honestly crazy that our world's like just kind of bisected. like It's just so insane and then your meteorocle rise on on reality TV was just so, I was so happy to see it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was a Patreon before I had a little fame. I just got to point that out. The little people can help these pods too. All I did was I i think I bumped up from a dollar to five. And you know what? that That was that dollar went a long way. That five bucks went a long way. you've You've helped to make this pot even better. But just knowing that you're one of the people who found us, especially in the beginning days, um when, frankly, Andrew and I sounded like shit, to be honest. um And then we back when you guys were drinking on the pot. That was fun. That was fun. for people, especially for for the newer listeners who like haven't gone back to like, I don't know, Andrew, like the first 25 episodes probably. I mean, like but basically like we would just get together, me, Andrew and Michael, and just start drinking and then recording. And like, it was a ton of fun, but eventually we realized like, maybe we're better if we're not drunk while while we're recording. and So we gave that up and now now we just drink water and tea while we're, while

Reality TV as Society's Mirror: Impact and Addiction?

we're recording. And then after where we get fucking wasted, not really, just joking.
I'm hammered now, so we'll see what happens. Listen, our guests are allowed to be drunk, so that's OK. No, i'm I'm good. I'm just drinking copious amounts of coffee because that's what ah that's a gay people run on, you know? yeah Yeah. All right. Well, here today, we are here to talk about that demon or that joyous thing that is reality TV. Or maybe. Andrew, just the mirror of how America actually is. I mean, like, Jesus Christ, my God. All right, so I want to start off with some general questions just kind of about ah like the consumerism that you have with reality TV. So I'll speak first and that I am a kind of a reality TV junkie. I grew up on Survivor. um You know, I grew up in this like landscape of consuming so much reality TV. um i'm over I'm almost at a saturation point. I will say that just because humanity is awful, but Well, Andrew, didn't you, you like auditioned, didn't you? I have auditioned for Survivor three times. Andrew, oh my God, I'm learning so much about you. Wow. Yeah, I i tried. Andrew, you would be awesome on Survivor. You really would because you would, you would like,
you're You're not Machiavellian. You're not that. I'm not saying. But I am manipulative. you Yes. And you and you would you would find a way to win that fucking game. You would. You absolutely would. I'll try. here's and why Here's my theory. I think that if Andrew got on Survivor, he would make it towards the end. But he would be his allegiance would be to some daddy. and he would just And he would let him have whatever vote or whatever. And and you'd give it up. You'd give it up. In knowing myself, you're not wrong. That is true. Same goes for you, Maddie, and it would be some twink for you. Oh, completely, totally. yeah yeah yeah i I give them whatever they want. That's my problem in life. it's it's i have to I have to fix it. All right. So, Lucy, what what was your relationship with reality TV, honestly, before you were on it? Before I was on. You know, I was a teenager during the like amazing sort of golden era of reality TV, which was like the VH1 celeb reality of it all.
the surreal life and ah which then turned into Flavor of Love and Rock of Love and gave us like the amazing character of Tiffany Pollard, who's New York from Flavor of Love. Like all of that was very sort of formative for me. um I don't really watch any reality TV right now. um But oop that was my dog. Um, but, uh, but yeah, as a teenager, I loved that stuff. And I, I still will go back and watch the train wreck that is flavor of love and rock of love pretty often. I mean, they're like, I would say the word disgusting is probably the way to describe them. If I remember correct, there was poop on a stair. So yes, that was season three of flavor of love, I believe.
Oh, gosh. and and And famously, Maddie, I don't think that you're a huge consumer of reality TV, but maybe give us a little bit of slice of life from you. Well, I mean, if you think about but if you think about the way that I like horror, right, a long time listeners will know that I'm not really into like found footage either, you know, and so it kind of naturally like connects together almost. And so like, you know, I've i've gone in like dribs and drabs with reality TV, like, I think, um like like, same as you, Lucy. when When I was a teenager, it was the same kind of VH1 stuff, MTV stuff, real world, that kind of thing. And like, I remember, like, because when I was growing up too, in high school, I didn't have cable. And so like, there wasn't a lot of reality TV that I could actually watch. When I went to college, there was cable. And so I started to watch the real world here and there.
Of course, when Danny was on the New Orleans edition, I was obsessed with it. because Oh, he was so cute. Oh, my God. He was so fucking cute. He's still fucking cute. My God. um So like I got a little bit of a I don't know, like a ah um um exposure to it. And I remember when when I was about to be a freshman in college, like I think like the day that like I moved down to IU to start school, um that was like the day that the first season of Survivor ended, if I if I'm remembering correctly. And like I did watch that like religiously with my mom and my brother. and like We loved it. We thought it was so much fun. And like it was you know it was it was a blast to watch. And like somewhere in there, I just kind of lost it after that. I'm not entirely sure why. And so like you know I've watched a bit more here and there, a bit a bit of this, a bit of that. you know I still find them fun to watch now and then. like Andrew, you mentioned the mole in the last episode. I'm going to watch that because it sounds like something different and fun to do for me. But I've never been like a huge consumer of it, I would say.

Exploring Diverse Reality TV Shows

Cool. And you know speaking of the mole, I'm not going to give anything away. And I did not say who I thought was the mole. Is it over now? Yeah, it's it literally happened yesterday. Oh, no way. I wrapped up this week. um i i i I called the mole from episode one. Just saying it. Not saying who it is, yeah but I called it. So the moles on now, there's like a current season of the mall. There are two seasons of the mall on Netflix that you can imagine right now. Damn. It is. It's a renaissance, people. I'm telling you yesterday. Yesterday was momentous. We had three crazy, wonderful people die. We had an assassination attempt and the more season to end it like what what a day. All justice and going on.
ah all right so I have one other question kind of about our personal lives with reality TV. and um I'll start with Lucy on this one. If you could go back and you were not on RuPaul's Drag Race, what would have what would been the TV show that would have called to you like to go on? like What would have you have tried to get on? Ooh, um, you know what? I adore baking. It's a hobby that I just really, really enjoy. So probably like the British Bake Off. Cool. Something like that. Something like nice and calm and supportive and, you know, ah something like that. um Or maybe, maybe like a face off.
Ooh, like that a lot. i I miss face off so much. I loved face off for years and years and years. Maddie, what about you? So nerd that I am, um, there is a reality show that some of you may not have heard of before. It was a BBC show and it it aired on PBS in America, of course. And it was called manner house. Did either of you see this? No, absolutely not. Tell me everything. Okay, so manor house was like they got all these people together. This is so fucking nerdy. They got all these people together at this like actual like manor house in England. And it was like an upstairs downstairs. So when you got signed on to be on the show, you were assigned, you're either going to be part of the family, or you're going to be part of the downstairs like kitchen crew, basically like or or like or like a servant. And so they I think it was like maybe nine or 10 episodes.
and they were so good and and like they had to like function in this house and like the family that that lived upstairs had to like do events and do this and the dad had to like run the estate and this thing and that thing and downstairs, your ass had to cook, your ass had to clean, you had to like be a butler or some shit. I it's like it hooked me right away. So like if if I was obsessed with any reality show, this is so typical of me. It was it was fucking Manner House. And I if if I could, I know exactly. I know. I know if I could be on that one. Holy shit. I would be on that in a heartbeat. Are you kidding me? Absolutely. Right. So which part would you want to be upstairs or downstairs?
That's a great question. i I really, I could do either one because like you want to be upstairs. You've been downstairs your whole life. You know what, Andrew, that that's a good point. I am a top after all too. So listen, I'll be on the top. I'm going to be in the family. I'm going to be one of the rich people that just sounds like fun. Here's the thing though, as an avid listener, I feel like what would happen, Maddie, is you would be a part of the family, but you would like change the structure of the like socioeconomic, whatever, whatever, and you would like lead a liberation to like give the people who live downstairs like the rights that they deserve. That's that's what I'm getting from you.
buts Yeah, I mean, what why can't you have a more equitable manor house? I mean, come on, we can run this state together. That's what I'm talking about. They kick you off immediately. They'd be like, listen, that's not part of the script. kid Like what are we doing here? now you know
Uh, and I think if I was to go on a modern day, I mean, obviously I have already talked about how I have done survivor, but, um, I think that like nowadays I think it'd be really fun to do the traders. I think the traders is a really that's a good one. what is that one Uh, you don't know the traders. How have you escaped this? So the traders. Um, so it depends on what it depends on which one you watch. Uh, the st structure. window Is it the trade tours or the traders, trade tours? Okay. Gotcha. Trade tours with the tea. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And so the American one has now evolved into, they bring a bunch of reality stars on and it's kind of a mafia type of game. where Was it in England first and then America?
those actually started in america but there is a uk season and two australian seasons the uk and the australian seasons are all normal people so it's all just like people that it's far better far yeah if you're gonna watch one watch season one of australian traders it is great tv OK, but it is kind of like a mafia set up. So there is basically like two or three people that are chosen to be traders. And it's up to the rest of the people to figure out who the traders are. And if there are if there is a trader at the end, the trader wins the money. But if there is a no trader at the end, the common people win the money. I'll tell you what, put Michael on that fucking show. He going to win. Well, he'll he'll narrate the whole thing, but it's true.
All right, so let's ah let's go into a little bit about the evolution of reality TV. I've kind of put together a an outline of how we got to where we are today. And I kind of want to get your guys's thoughts on, you know, how we got here and where we're going with reality TV. um So I think I'm going to start kind of where I'm going to leave the game shows out of it for now, because I think we could do a whole episode on game shows. Oh, definitely. Yeah, so I think kind of where we start with reality TV, in my opinion, is kind of the candid camera, America's funniest home videos type of show, like where we get a slice of life from people at home. Is that fair to say? I think it's a really interesting place to start. I've never thought of it that way before, actually, but like having
it's It's not like cameras in the house, but it's submissions from real people from their real lives of like wacky and often just like, you know, if we're being honest, kind of like cringy moments and like that's a real I've never thought about that before. Yeah, I think that that's kind of where we start. And then I think when I think about reality TV, I think the next evolution is really cops. And i I mean the show cops on, I think Fox at the time. And we started seeing kind of at the job reality TV. Cops was sinister. Cops was sinister. Like when I, when I look back at how
When I look back at how, and there was never like really like super into watching cops, but I think like everybody else, you like sometimes you would just put it on because there was nothing else to watch back in the day. you know And so like you know thinking about how we watched like real people in like some of the worst moments of their lives on like national television just being used for this fucking stupid show, That is like America's had a lot of creepy moments That is yet again another one of them like what a weird fucking thing to be honest
Yeah, cops was really weird. It sort of it just took advantage of, ah you know, people at the worst time in their life. And then also, like, since the show, there's been some numbers where, like, if cops is shooting in a certain city, it's like, oh, there's like eight times the amount of arrests that week or whatever. And do you guys know the queen of Melrose?

The Exploitative Nature of Shows like 'Cops' and 'The Swan'

no She like, so it's this guy named ah Cosmo and he recently sort of became like a, like an internet personality. He's absolutely hilarious. um And, but he, he like owns these boutiques in Melrose. He's this crazy character, but he was on cops when he was in his twenties to And he said, basically they caught him trying to score some drugs and they said, all right, well, if you sign this waiver,
where we can show your face, we'll let you go. Uh-huh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're going, listen, we won't throw you in jail, but we want to use your, your face on this thing. So like your family will have to see you being arrested in like the not great part of LA, but you won't go to jail. Pretty sinister. That is just, yeah you know what? Honestly, its it's like I said earlier, that's just America for you. Like, that's it. This is all just a mirror of what America actually is, showing how ugly we really can be. And that is just that is so fucked up. My God. Jesus. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's not nasty.
Yeah, that's crazy. And then so and then we kind of get into like the boom of reality TV. So we start with the documentary style, like the real world. Let's be honest, the real world kind of started at all. I mean, we were we were in New York, and we were watching people live, and they were from all over, from different walks of life, and we got to see them mostly unproduced, which is kind of crazy to think about in in in modern day. ah Unprompted, unsolicited, that they were just existing as like 20-somethings, and I don't know about you, but early 20s Andrew was a lot different than late 20s Andrew, so I could have gotten in a lot of trouble being on something like the real world. And that started in 1992. Isn't that crazy to think about? My goodness. I mean, is that 32 years ago? Is that what it? Yeah. 32. Yeah. yeah yeah my god That's so long ago. It's absolutely crazy. It's crazy though. Like yeah you we think back to the early nineties, it just seems like such an innocent.
Just such an innocent time. You know what I mean? I was 10 years old when that happened. It's like, of course, I've got like those those those kid gloves and those kid you know glasses on. But like it is it is interesting to think about how how that started then. And that was so fucking revolutionary, so different, so like so raw. this It's just that's that's wild. Really is. Yeah. Yeah. ah Lucy, did you have any ah did you have any relationship with the real world? Yeah, definitely. I mean, I was when it first aren premiered I was only two. I was born in 90. But I have much older siblings. And so I feel like even though I was you know five or six or whatever when when the show was going on, I was more tuned into it because they were watching it. sure sure And I do remember just thinking, oh my God, these people are nuts. You know you later learned that they're pumped full of alcohol the entire time.
ah But um you know the real world actually, when it first started, dealt with some some pretty um touchy subjects. you know they were It was like you were seeing, because in the 90s, gay people on TV was so crazy. It was like you weren't seeing ah gay couples on sitcoms, but you were seeing them on these reality shows. and there was um you know One of the people on real world was one of the first people to openly have HIV on a television show. and um
And we've since lost them to that. So it really dealt with a lot of stuff um because you're taking people who clearly are not going to get along, putting them in a house. And there was they dealt with racism and homophobia and classism and all of this crazy stuff. So real world was pretty revolutionary at the time. Yeah, ah Pedro was was his name. on Yeah. yeah um And then so then we get into the early 2000s and there's kind of three different tiers of reality TV that we are confronted with. We kind of have the competition slash elimination based games like Survivor and Big Brother. And then we have the talent based reality shows like American Idol, America's Next Top Model, those type of things.
And then finally, we have the dating slash relationship based ones like The Bachelors slash Bachelorette. And that's kind of the like where we've lived for a long time. and The only thing I'll say ah kind of beyond the those three is that Bravo really has come along and brought back this kind of and I'm going to put this in air quotes documentary style. Yeah, sure um ah TV show because it is more produced than than than what we were that like the real world, for instance. And we've kind of lived in this reality TV landscape where we're even getting now. And it's it's kind of amazing to me because it happened a little bit early on in reality TV, but we're getting like quote unquote like celebrities out of these shows. How do you guys feel about like
the celebrizing of like the bravo celebrities. Maddie, I'll start with you. Uh, I hate it. i I think like, I mean, I'll just be honest. Like I think like I've, I've, I've watched like some episodes of Real Housewives before and like, you know, I've got friends that really like it and like my sisters are obsessed with it. And like when I, when I was home last month, actually, well not home, but i went when I was in Indiana with my family, um, and we were hanging out, like my sisters were just like talking fucking at length about Real Housewives. And like as they were talking about it, I really was thinking like, I mean, and also, i did you know, as usual, like, like whatever you want, there's nothing wrong with that. You know, I'm fully aware that for some people it really is just fun. And I just want to be clear, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But one thing that I did think about was, you know, like my sisters, you know, they're both, they're, you know, ones about to turn 50 and ones and in her sixties. And like, they're just, they're spending their time talking about how awful these people are.
And like i mean they were talking about it for like two hours because we were in the car going to my brother's house. And like I was just thinking to myself, like why do we do this? like what is What's the point of it? And like at it's at some point for me, I'm like, it's just a waste of time. And like there's there's nothing on on as far as I know. Maybe maybe maybe somebody can fill me in if if there is. There's nothing redeeming about Real Housewives in the end except just like people who who like pretend to like each other but they don't. And like I don't know. i i just I don't think that's what we need anymore. And I think current events are really fucking showing that over and over again.
And the more that we pump these people up, the more money we give them, the more we make them influencers. And, you know, like you said, like sort of like the celebratization of these people. I just don't see how that's good for us.

Talent-Based vs Personality-Based Fame

I think it's fun. I think it's fun to laugh at. I think, you know, whatever. But like there are people who are obsessed with this stuff. And I i wonder, I do wonder how that bleeds over into how we act with people and how we interact with with with others and how we think about our own lives, how we think about you know consumerism, how we think about materialism, how we think about marriage, or how we think about relationships, or how we think about friendships. and that That stuff will rub off on you eventually. and you know Look, you're around that shit long enough. You're going to become part of it too.
Maddie, it's called entertainment. Leave us alone. Listen, I'm fulfilling my role on this podcast. Everyone knows that. um No, there's there's a reason why like, quote unquote, main character energy happens nowadays. um Lucy, as someone who kind of benefited from this a little bit, to be honest, how do you feel about kind of like the the Bravo Lebodys or even maybe like the Drag Race celebrities? Like, how do you feel? like Do you feel like that's a good thing? Do you feel like it's kind of like, you know, heads or tails like? I think it's it's comparing two different things. So, you know, with the with the Bravo liberties and the bachelorette and like the 90 day fiance and all that kind of trash, um it's your you're making a celebrity out of someone simply because of their personality. It's not talent based.
So at the very least, with Drag Race, like I got to where I am. I got to you know being on Drag Race after doing Drag for 13 years. And you have to have talent to be on that show. um So at the very least, I look at it as like it's it's giving someone a bigger platform based on the talent that they already have. That's a very good point. Yeah, you know there's there's a little bit of a difference there. um I think that... someone being famous for being on The Bachelor and, ah you know, maybe like you said, like taking a shit on on some marble stairs or something like that. And then, you know, they get to have three hundred thousand followers on Instagram and make a ton of money by like, guys, try this water bottle. Yeah, sure. You know, it's a little that that's a little bit different. I think with Bravo in particular,
that I would never categorize that as reality TV because you have it's fully scripted. And not every word that these women are saying is scripted, but they're they're spending hours to get into full glam. ah They're being put in scenarios where it's like, all right, ladies, we're going to go to this resort today and you're going to sit there and you're going to sit there and you're going to sit there and we're going to talk about these topics. And so, I mean, it is kind of fully scripted. What I kind of love for those women is that they're laughing all the way to the bank because they are their talent. So they're negotiating their contracts where they're making a lot of money to do these reality shows where a lot of these other reality shows, the people on screen are the ones who are making no money.
Right. Interesting. So I'm like, hey, make your bag, baby. Taste that check. Lucy, can I ask you a question about about Drag Race really quick? Because I i honestly don't have the answer here. Like I know that, you know, contestants win, you know, there's there's different prizes that you win throughout the entire competition. Then, of course, if you make it all the way to the end, you win you win the big money. But do do other contestants get paid just for being on the show? You're paid per episode that you appear on. I see. Okay. That makes sense. Which I think is a a pretty standard reality TV thing. That makes sense. Absolutely. Yeah. You know, the the thing that's that's wild about Drag Race in particular is that you have to spend so much money before even going. Right. You know what i mean I mean? Every single thing that we wear are hair, nails, jewelry, custom outfits, shoes, tights, makeup, everything. We pay for all of that ourselves. Oh my God.
So, you know, I spent over $20,000 just to, just to be on the show. Well, and especially, because especially because you're going on to drag race, like, I mean, you're probably going to buy like the better things. You're going to buy more of this. You're going to buy a lot of that thing. You're spending a lot more than you would usually spend for your drag career. Oh, absolutely. I mean, before doing the show, I was making everything myself. I sewed every single outfit and, i you know, ah saved and scrimped and everything like that. But once you get that call, it's like, you know, you have less than four weeks to get ready for the show and you need like 30 custom outfits. You just got to spend the money. Yeah. You know, and luckily I had I had some savings, spent it all. But um
ah It's worth it in the end, depending. Like I did well on the show, and so i you know it's been good for me. But it's ah it's a big cost. Where these other shows, it doesn't cost you anything to be on 90 Day Fiance. Right. Maybe. maybe new Maybe just your dignity. Yeah. Jinx Jinx. Perfect. All right. So let's get into. ah So going back to kind of reality TV in a bubble. So like think of like time periods of reality TV. There were some crazy premises out there. And I want to talk about some of the crazier ones.
Um, so let's talk first about the swan. Does anyone remember the swan? i do yeah this so fucked up So the swan basically was a beauty competition where women would use extreme measures to achieve the, uh, the beauty of the time. So think about early 2000s, whatever you want to standardize beauty as. And then at the end, they would have to compete in a beauty pageant yeah against each other only to be rewarded as the swan, which is obviously a a thing about the ugly duckling to the swan. And when I talk about extreme measures, I'm talking about extreme plastic surgery, extreme weight loss, extreme everything.
um This was something at the time that I remember getting really wrapped up into and not understanding the repercussions of what was actually happening on my screen. Lucy, did you watch the show when when it was on? I did. I did watch this one. ah It was pretty horrific. I mean, your talk about signing up for like having no dignity. It's they were basically just picking these women apart. from their forehead all the way down to their toes and they're going literally but body part by body part going. Here's the problem here. Here's the problem here. Here's the problem here. um And I think wasn't that the same show where they weren't allowed to look in a mirror during the entire process? Oh my God, Jesus. that Yes, absolutely. Bonkers. They're like, we're gonna change your I mean, they were giving these women
very extreme plastic surgeries. They would give them a brow lift and a rhinoplasty and a lip augmentation and a jaw augmentation and they shave down their brow bone and give them liposuction and a tummy tuck and a breast implants and like they did everything. And these women just had to be like, okay, as long as I get to feel beautiful. And I want to say it was in like a six month period. Like it was insane. Oh, yeah. They would do like all of these surgeries at the same time. Yeah. Which is like the same as getting hit by a fucking truck. I'm sorry. Am I allowed to swear? Yes. Oh my God. we i fuck Okay. All the time. All the time. Yeah. I literally listened to you guys mother fuck everyone. so
ah Yeah, it's that shit was fucking crazy and and you're also you're telling every woman who is watching if you look like this you need surgery to let it literally preying on the body dysmorphia that everyone in America Oh yeah. how How terrible is that? I mean, come on. and Speaking of, the height of capitalism speaking of body dysformia, let's talk about, am I hot? The show, uh, Lorenzo Lamas and two other judges sit on a panel and have hot people come out and
When was this? When was this? This was around the same time as the swan, I think. This was 2022. No, I'm joking. No, he would have people come out on stage shirtless and or in a bikini and he had a laser pointer and he would laser point their problem areas. Oh my god. I'm gonna laser point his fucking head and say you have got no fucking brain in there, you asshole. Who the fuck do you think you are? um So I'm guessing we watched Am I Hot? but ok No! let me ah Do you know, Andrew, how long did that show? like Was it just a one season thing or like did it go on for a while? I think it was only two seasons if I'm being honest. Thank god. That gives me a little hope for humanity. Jesus Christ. jesus That is absolutely horrendous. Like, I was afraid to be on a TV show because I was afraid to see, like, what I look like in profile. Because I, like, have never seen my head from that way. Let alone have, like, someone with a laser pointer go, yeah, you know, you kind of have love handles. So what are we gonna do about that?
And it's Lorenzo Lamas. Like, okay, you had a non-speaking role and on Grease. Girl, get out of here. Get out of here. Like, what? That's crazy. I'm looking at his Instagram right now, actually. And the first part of his bio is Golden Globe nominated.
yeah Followed followed by martial arts pilot like fuck you, dude. You are so arts. Wow. I mean, that's that's pretty rough. And then what would they do after telling them that they look awful? Well, it ultimately was just a beauty pageant at the end because then you would come back and try to improve those those awful parts so that you can get further in the show. How wonderful. i yeah Wait, let's I mean, we can't we can't go through this horrific reality TV segment without talking about on America's Next Top Model, which did you guys watch? Yes, I did watch earlier seasons. I didn't hang on for the um the men, female cast.
yeah yeah Yeah, that was that was sort of much later, but I devoured the first couple. I mean, I still watch them all the time because I just loved American sex model because I am a faggot. But to go back and look at the girls that were deemed plus sized. Oh my God, awful. i like ah Like women who are like a size six. It was like, well, you know, you would be considered plus size. So how do you feel about that? It was terrible. There was this one girl, her name is Kenya. They would just like play all of the footage that they had of her eating.
Oh, my God. ah And then they would like, you know, go back to panel and be like, well, you know, you have gained some weight since the show. I mean, you had to do a lot of retouching, girl. So I mean, it was horrible. And then I always remember every single year when they would do the makeover challenge, they would always try to give someone with like the longest hair, a Mia Farrow. Sure. Like if they go. have you ever seen rosemary's baby and they never thank you thank you and then they would just cut her hair and they'd put a camera right in her face and just be like cry cry yeah all right a a couple of other ones sorry oh no no no that is that's a deep cut and i love it so Oh, yaka but yeah. A couple of the other ones that have kind of come up in more recent years, ah Milf Manor. Is anyone familiar with this this gem of a show? No. So not enough.
So MILF Manor is on um what I like to call Terrible Life Choices, which is also TLC. So this is a competition show where older women come on to exclusively date younger men. and Not that bad of an idea, kind of novel in our day and age, but here's the kicker. The younger contestants' moms are the contestants. Wait, what? So wait, wait. it's so it's all So it's all the sons and all the moms. that That's what you're fucking telling me right now. And they date each other. Oh, holy shit. Horrific.
But also kind of enthralling at the same time. Like matt he's fully like googling it right now. He's yeah putting in his cue. This might be one that I actually want to watch. That sounds so fucked up that I'm going into it. And to add on in season two, guess who they bring in the dads to also date and their sons. The dads the sons and the moms wait wait are the dads dating the sons of the dads dating the moms the dads are dating the moms um let's not oh god Yeah, Maddie's like older men not interested yeah that is a wild premise for a reality that is that is and Wait, wait, wait, when was that one Andrew? It's literally happening right now. Oh Wow Jesus. Oh God, life is crazy. Who even says MILF anymore? That's not even a word that we use. Mom, I'd like to fuck. Oh my God. that's actually yeah that's like yeah That's a fun little connection because in a Halloween resurrection, one of the kids from American Pie is in the movie, whatever his fucking name is.

Exploitation in Reality TV: Scandals and Controversial Shows

And MILF came to, you know, common parlance after American Pie part one.
Yeah. Yes. Well, it all makes sense. All right. A couple of other crazy ones that I could not not mention. There are two dating shows that I want to talk about. Both the premise of tricking are the contestants. The first one is Joe Millionaire, kind of famous one from the early 2000s where everyone thought that they were coming on to date a millionaire. And then at the end, they learned he's just a construction worker. God, everyone's. I remember he was hot, though. Yeah, he was gonna, I'm not gonna lie. He had like that like early 2000s curly hair thing going on. He was good. All dark features. type I don't know about y'all, but I've always found in relationships that if I trick people into liking me, that always works the best. you know so like Start with deception ah immediately, yeah and then and then you can only go up. Yeah, i mean it just it gets it out of the way. Exactly. It's gonna happen eventually.
Speaking of just of that specifically, ah did anyone watch I Want to Marry Harry? No. When was this? This was 2015. 2015 women went on a bachelor type of reality shows where they were going to date Prince Harry. The kicker is they hired a look-alike. Yeah, but I look like Prince Harry wouldn't be that bad of like a consolation prize, to be honest, like that's OK. I mean, as long as he's like kind of cool still, I don't know. Uh huh. OK.
All right. And then the last one I want to talk about is the one that all Republicans love to forget about, and that is toddlers and tiaras. This follows the lives of young children as they compete in beauty pageants. And by I mean young children, I literally mean toddlers. So we parade them around. And I think most famously, um a ah ah A hooker outfit is one of the most famous. you know ah from what i've been hearing From what I've been hearing these days, it's really wrong and bad to sexualize children. How insane that all those people were doing it. That's absolutely crazy. Isn't that nuts? I mean, it's almost like drag queens are not the problem.
is that funny? How like, you know, going to ah a pride celebration and reading to children dresses a mermaid. That's awful. Oh, that we can't expose them to that. But we can give them fake teeth and a spray tan and put eyeliner on a baby. and dress them up like ah Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. That actually happened on that television show. yeah truly Truly, truly heinous what those people were doing to their children. Like truly traumatizing to those kids, ruining their future lives and and their adulthoods. But like you said, Lucy, you're the problem. Gotcha. Yes, I am the issue because I wear a wig. Mm hmm. Perfect. Got it.
All right. Some of the biggest scandals in reality TV I'll go through really quick and then we can kind of react to them because I do want to ask Lucy a couple of questions specifically around reality TV, but I can't go without saying a couple of these. So tax evasion, number one, both Richard Hatch and Mike, the situations are both have gone to prison for tax evasion. I forgot about Richard Hatch. That's right. Yeah. John and Kate plus eight, they both cheated on each other and split, leaving their family fragmented. Yay. The biggest loser, Jillian Michaels reportedly gave her contestants caffeine pills to help them lose weight. I never heard of that. Yep. That's why she wasn't on it for a couple of years. That scondolo. Famously, the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, Jen Shaw, sentenced to six and a half years after her money laundering scheme was exposed on camera. Wow. Never forget watching that episode and having
they were getting ready to go on like a cast trip and she got on a bus, got a phone call from sources. ah And they basically said that the feds were coming for her and she immediately got off that bus and ran. So it is insane to watch if you have never seen it. And then um I'm going to leave this one because there is a what you've been watching bitch that we'll talk about. But one of the most famous ones is the molestation and child pornography case of Josh Duggar. Ah, yes. I know that we'll talk about that in a little bit here. um so I have one more to add to that. Yeah, absolutely. Sorry. During the whole VH1 celebrity thing, there was a spinoff of Rock of Love um with this girl named Megan and that it was called Megan Wants a Millionaire.
And it was just a girl who was, she only wore a bikini. She was always, always, always in the bikini and she had a little dog. And um I think there was only two episodes or something. It was pulled from the air because one of the contestants, it later came out, had murdered his wife, disnumbered her and put her in a suitcase. Oh my God. Oh my God. And they were like, huh? Okay. Yeah. We can't like keep this on television with this man who murdered his wife and chopped her up. This is some that is very fucked up. whole This is some crazy. This is some Paris is burning bullshit over here. ah It's very that very that.
All right, so moving on, I have some questions to get you a little loose, if you will, Lucy Laduca. I will, I will. So what ultimately, obviously, you know, it's a big goal to make anything of anything when we're driving towards a career, but like as a drag performer, what made you want to go on reality TV in the first place? You know, I had gotten to a point in my drag career where, like I said, I had done it for, I think, 13 years before I got on the show. um And i was I was actually kind of ready to quit drag because I had done it for so long. I had gotten i had reached the pinnacle of where I could get in the state of Connecticut. I was you know working a lot. I was hosting a lot of shows and everything.
And I just got to the point where I was working so hard for not enough money. And so I was like, all right, let me let me give it kind of one last shot, decided very last minute to audition. And ah and when I got on, it was like, all right, I guess I'll stick with this drag thing. And it really is just for an opportunity. It's sits the the ultimate opportunity for someone who does drag to um become a lot more mainstream and to make money that's an actual living wage. sure yeah totally um
Yeah, I think when we when it was funny, because when we talked to Peaches Christ, we've talked to her a couple of times. Actually, she's been on the show a number of times. I adore her. Yeah. And just to hear the story of how much you don't make yeah as these performers in the traditional sense is just insane. Well, and and especially, especially with what you were saying earlier, i just about like how much the overhead is. I mean, like ah anyone, anyone who's been to a drag show, let alone a great drag show, you can see like the artistry and the craft that goes into it. That that doesn't fucking come out of thin air. like is Someone has to pay for it, and it's you. You are the one that pays. Yeah, exactly. It's a very independent art form where you're you know you're producing everything yourself. You're paying for everything yourself. And then now, you know with with the Drag Race fandom, you've got people who've never been to a drag show before saying to local girls, oh my god, I already saw you in that outfit.
Well, so you know what? Well, how about you pay for another outfit, you asshole? So yeah, it's it's crazy. It's a it's a it's an art form that has a lot of overhead. Yeah. Yeah. um Speaking of great like being on reality TV, what do you what do you kind of think were the hardest parts and what do you think were the best parts of being kind of thrust into that spotlight?

Reality TV Fame: Supportive Fans vs Online Hate

um I always say that the the best part and the worst part are the fans. That's a great way to put it. The fans are so incredible and inspiring and they really put into perspective how much um you can mean to someone.
i get really, really amazing messages from people all over the world. And I get, um i people send me handmade gifts. People send me ah gifts for my dog, which is the one that really gets me. I mean, Rocco gets stuff all the time. And um he even gets fan art, which is pretty wild. And that's amazing and incredible. And and and you can mean a lot more to people than you even know.
um But then ah then you have the other side of the fandom, which is these people who have been basically taught that their opinion has to be put out there into the world and it has to be sent directly to the person who you have the opinion about. And so we all get really awful messages, a lot of hate online. I in particular got you know got quite a bit, um but all of us, even Sasha who was like a beautiful, perfect angel on this planet, um we all get really nasty, hateful messages because people just want attention and they want to feel like they're being heard.
So they have to message you when you're eliminated that they're happy that you left and they celebrated when you're eliminated um and things like that. so The fandom both builds you up, but then can be really, really awful. I mean, there were times during the show airing that I fully considered just flat out quitting. Like, hey, i you know what? I had a good run, but ah it's it's time for me to go because people can be absolutely ruthless. Absolutely ruthless. but
You have to learn very quickly to only pay attention to the voices that are there for you, that are positive. um You find your audience. And for me, it's a it's ah particularly different type of audience. ah But i've I've really found the weirdos who understand the type of stuff that I love. And those are the people who I have to focus on, you know? You know, Lucy found us. i You know, Lucy, straight straight to that point, I was I read this article this morning that was in Paper Magazine and Sandra Song wrote it last year. And the the title of it was Lucy Laduca Wants to Build Bridges, which I think was a great title. um And Sandra says this, i'm just talking about like some of some of the hate that you got from from, you know, she's she calls it the unflinching glare of the camera.
And she said a a prime example was the response to her breakdown at the beginning of the season, which elicited comments like, why is she crying? This isn't that big of a deal. What's going on? But Leduca explains that it was a reaction to quote, looking at this huge opportunity, maybe ending after the massive amount of personal money that I put into doing the show. And you continued saying, And I was so this is the important part and I was so disheartened to see that people saw someone crying and they thought oh this person is weak that really bothered me because it's the complete opposite. It takes a very strong person to show themselves emotionally.
And I'm so happy that I'm at that point in my life now. I just want to encourage people to know that emotion is not weakness. It's actually a very strong thing to be raw and show people how you really feel. So I was really sad to see that happen. I just thought that was a really strong quote from you. And and you know really speaking to, you know obviously, i you know not to use the word again, but the emotional depth of what it's like to be on a show like that, you know it's fully exposed with your art out there, but also just your very person. Yeah, you know it's I very much stand by that quote. it's When I was younger, I did not think that way. There were years when I would actually say to other human beings, I don't i don't cry because I think weak people cry. I used to say that, which is so wild. and
and it's really sad that people look at that and go, oh, get over it. When all I'm doing is showing reality, which is what we're supposed to be doing, showing actual raw emotion. And and then even with all of that, I was constantly accused of not being genuine. And I was like, what is going on here? Like, it's such a mind fuck to be on a television show like that because it's, ah you know, you have you have one person saying one thing and you have the other person saying the complete opposite. So I've gotten to the point where I had to accept that no matter what I do or say, it is going to be critiqued.
Um, which is really bizarre because I can even, uh, there was a time when I was, I was trying to like help my little nieces, uh, uh, sell Girl Scout cookies and somehow, some way someone found a way to criticize that online. It's like, wow, I really can't do anything right. So it it's awful. I, I'd love to encourage people out there. Anyone who you're watching on a television show, you're watching a highly, highly edited portion of a very small period in someone's life. so to send them you could You could say whatever you want to your friends. you could You could hate me, which a lot of people do. You could do that in the privacy of your own home, and you could even put that out on Twitter. You don't have to tag me in it.
you know And it's not just me. don't Don't do that to anybody who you see on television because we're human beings. And I don't like to wake up in the morning and and read something nasty about myself on my phone. So just be kind to people and try to put yourself in my shoes. man Yeah, we we had a lot of stuff very early on in the pod where people would criticize us for certain things or Hate on us online and you know what's happened as soon as we stopped reacting to it. It stopped. Yeah, oh exactly
And that's a tough thing to have to get used to because we're thrust into this fame overnight. um ah you know I didn't even have Twitter before the show, but I got it because you kind of have to. sure and And people expect you to know how to deal with criticism right off the bat. And I did react to it when the show first started airing because I was like, guys, that's not how it happened. What are you talking about? And that just makes it worse. And then you're criticized for reacting. If you if you if you feed the beast, that beast just gets stronger and stronger. Exactly. So, you know what? Kathy Griffin always says go where you're welcome. And I love that. I love that quote. You got to go where you're welcome. Find your audience and just pay attention to them because the people who hate you are going to hate you no matter what.
Well, Kathy Griffin, you're welcome here. So come on over to Beyond the Pop. I would love that. All right. Well, Maddie, I don't know if you have anything else. ah you know i I do have one question for you, Lucia, because i've i've I've wondered about this. You obviously, you've you've been in the the top echelons of drag now for for you know a good long while. In your opinion, who's the kindest drag queen out there? Ooh, the kindest drag queen.
um I would, I mean, I know many kind of drag queens. i ah It's actually pretty rare that you find one that's really nasty. That's just kind of how we're portrayed on TV. um But I mean, really, truly Sasha Colby is, is one of the kindest people I've really ever met in my life. um She has this energy about her that's really motherly. It's very calming. um She just has a sort of zen about her that I think you can only get from being through from from going through a lot of hardship in your life.
and to come out on the other side and be a kind person, I think says so much about her character. And so I'm so thrilled to be able to call her my friend. no And um I feel really honored that I get to have her in my life at all. So, you know, I just love her so much. I love you Sasha Kobe. Well, Lucy, thank you so much for being with us on the show. And of course, you're staying with us for the rest of this episode, everybody. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Get ready to hear some picks on what you've been watching, bitch. Get ready to hear Lucy on the movies that we're watching

Media Reviews: Horror Films and Documentaries

today. And Andrew, what movies are we watching today?
Today, we will be reviewing Halloween Resurrection and Wrong Turn Two. And let me tell you, if you have not watched Wrong Turn Two, holy fucking shit, that movie is absolutely bonkers. Absolutely bonkers. It really is. All right. Well, we will take a quick break and we'll be right back with what you've been watching, bitch.
Let's all go to the lobby. Let's all go to the lobby. Let's all go to the lobby to get ourselves a treat. And we're back with whatcha been watchin', bitch. bitch. um Folks, if this is your first time with us on Friday the 13th Horror Podcast, this is the segment on the show where we talk about what we've been watching, looking at, listening to, whatever. um And because we have a special guest with us today, we're each going to do two choices. So Lucy, I'd like to give you the honor of going first. So what do you got for us?
Oh my God, thank you so much. So my first what you've been watching, in bitch, I love that I get to say that, yeah is is The Rage, Carrie 2. I recently watched this, um i believe on I believe I rented it on Amazon Prime, um and it is a wild ride. I'm a big, big fan of the original Carrie. I'm a big fan of Carrie the Musical. If you're not ah familiar, go and find it, it's incredible. um it's um It's pretty crazy. It was made in the 90s and ah you could tell that it is a script that was fully written and then someone said, you know what? Let's make this a carry sequel.
just threw in a couple little things to tie it back to the original movie. It's extremely, extremely 90s. There are magic tattoos, there are flashbacks, and there is a very, very satisfying ah destruction scene at the end. It's basically a modern take on Carrie, but I highly recommend it. Yeah, what I remember about this movie is CDs cutting people. Yes, me too. Totally. I love it. Oh, yeah, it's iconic. Andrew, what's yours? My first one is Bratz on Disney Plus. This is a documentary all about the Brat Pack. So it's led by Andrew McCarthy and it kind of goes through um their their rise and fall as the Brat Packs. And um it's just it's it's honestly so fascinating to see it from the actual perspective of these people that went through it. And how destructing like how um
I don't know, in human, this article was to these people and it destroyed a lot of careers and really like stopped a lot of people from getting you know the kind of fame that they maybe deserve. A lot of these people didn't make it out of the Brat Pack. like I think the biggest one is Demi Moore and she got you know really far out of the Brat Pack, but there are people like Andrew McCarthy who just kind of never got anything again. And, you know, we've seen some of these people come back. Like, I know that Emilio Estevez has kind of come back a little bit here and there, but if you think about his rise and fall, it all happened, you know, due to kind of the labeling of the Brat Pack.
So if you haven't watched this yet, I would highly recommend it. Um, it's good to hear from the people that actually went through it and not just conjecture from like, um, you know, people that are we know wrote about it or you know didn't just live it. So I would highly recommend brass on Disney plus. This is, this is definitely on my list. I can't wait to watch it. And also as a person from Chicago, whenever I see that word written down on paper, I just think brats right away. Like I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking, Oh, this is about sausage, right? Okay. I fully thought that he was going to recommend a and like an animated brass doll movie. And I was like, what do you want? Why are you watching this shit? kid Like, what's going on here? Well, I did. I did. I did start watching this to the show Sausage Party Food Topia, which is a God.
based on the movie Sausage Party, which is like a pornographic cartoon about food. I mean, look, like Andrew, everyone's got their kinks. It's OK, honey. It's all right. My my my first one for this special edition of what you've been watching, bitch, is one that is the talk of the town in a horrorville. It is long legs. um My dudes long legs was awesome. What a cool. Oh, I'm happy to hear that. Oh, I really loved it. And i've ah so I saw it in the theater at Lighthouse Cinema um and ah like right from the beginning, this movie just does it right.
And like it's I'm not I'm not going to give anything away. Of course, we we never do. um But ah with this one, like I'm just going to tell you the casting is just perfect. And like, you know, walking away from the movie, I really did. I mean, number one, it's it's a very fucked up movie. Like I walked out of the theater like a little slack jawed and like, what the fuck did I just see? And like, you know, Nicholas Cage is in it. And it's not going to ruin anything to tell you that he plays long legs and long legs as a serial killer. And ah he is fucking incredible. I mean, he's very fucking good. And I just walked away thinking, God.
He really is one of the most versatile actors in American history. That dude has played a little bit of fucking everything, including starring in my favorite movie of all time, Moonstruck. It's wild that he played this role. And like when you see the movie, you will see how fucked up that role is. It is absolutely crazy. um Beyond him, though, Michael Monroe plays the main FBI agent in the movie. Um, ah you know, a little bit clary starling a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Um, and she does, she, she's honestly just, she's fucking phenomenal. The movie is scary. Um, it's stylized in just the right way. Um, and I just, I absolutely adored it. I, this is one you should absolutely go see in the theater. So, you know, go catch it while you can. You know, I saw it with pretty much a packed house. It was nearly full in the theater where I was.
Um, and you know, that really did add to the fun, except people constantly getting up to use the fucking bathroom, but whatever. Um, like it was, it was fun because you're just around all these people reacting to this movie that is fucked up. So highly recommend seeing long legs. Cool. I can't wait to see it. I'm excited. All right, Lucy, what is your second to pick for what you've been watching? Bitch. So my second pick is a docu-series and it is Happy Shiny People Duggar Family Secrets. Oh my God. I just discovered it. I think it was actually produced last year, um but I just discovered it on Amazon Prime and it is a docu-series including one of the daughters from the Duggar family. Oh wow, Jesus.
how they came to have a television show about how they lead a very, very violent fundamentalist Christian lifestyle, which highly um encourages beating your children. And this I just had no idea how crazy their belief system actually was and how they basically are a part of a national Christian cult. ah It's some pretty crazy stuff, and ah it's very revealing, and I'm happy that I never watched a second of that stupid show. yeah i think That 19 kids and counting show never interested in that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Once again, on Terrible Life Choices, at the channel. me i Yeah, there's some crazy stuff that happens. I don't want to give too much away, but there is one member of that family that is in jail. so
Oh, yeah. how How it's it's it's terrible because just so many lives were ruined and and it's just. Oh, terrible. It's absolutely awful. It really is. All right. My second one is the other talk of the town, Maxine. ah This is the third movie in the trilogy of X, Pearl, and now Maxine. It is a continuation of Maxine from X, if you've seen the movie. um no and yeah Andrew, is this the last one now?
Yeah, I think Ty West did pose this as a trilogy. So I think it's over. But you know what, Maxine said they could go into another decade. I don't know. um This is very 80s stylized because ah the famously X took place in the 70s. So this is now in the 80s. And it's the continuation of Maxine's story and her her kind of trying to break it. She she's trying to break out of porn and become a legitimate movie star and that's kind of the premise but then there's also a killer on the loose and it's Mysteriously killing people that are close to Maxine and all will be revealed by the end of the movie um this is definitely for those people that love movies like opera and Suspiria and like those Giallo movies maybe and some diploma movies like Dressed to Kill, like those kind of movies. So if you like those kind, hit Ty West. Listen, this guy pulled off something really magnificent by pulling together three very genre-specific movies and tied them together. So whether you like them or not, he still made really
The fact that he but made it is kind of like a ah ah tour de force, in my my opinion, whether you like them or not. But I highly enjoyed Maxine. um You get to see some you get to see some balls splatter on the screen. So there you go. Oh, wow. Wait, you just say balls? Yeah. You mean like you mean like testicles balls? Yeah, I don't want to give it away, but Really I've been thinking more about testicles lately. So this is actually interesting I'm looking forward and look at I just have Do you don't want to elaborate on that at all? or
know like I Don't you just think like we're we're a little too cock-focused in a lot of things? you know And so like I don't know. I see what you're saying. I think balls are actually kind of cool. like they're They're interesting. like but We have fucking balls. like That is so weird. you know It's just fucking strange. And like they're there. And like you know I don't think they get talked about enough. I think balls are kind of sexy. Um, you know what? We're all just a different page in God's coloring book and, um, uh, everything is beautiful. That's what I have to say about that subject. i think I agree. Um, and my, my final one for what you've been watching bitch is, um, a special one. So have you folks heard of the, um, the podcast? It's a BBC podcast, um but obviously it's available everywhere. It's called uncanny. Have you heard of this before?
No. OK, so Uncanny is from um from pretty famous radio host Danny Roberts in the UK. And he's been doing it. He's been doing this for a while now. I think Uncanny has four seasons. um And and basically what Uncanny does, they're about like half hour episodes. and uncanny gets like a real person from the uk and they talk about a ah really spooky experience that they've had and then danny brings on a believer and a skeptic and the believer and the skeptic sort of like parse about a parse apart the story and talk about like here's why it might be true and here's why it might you know just be because they're imagining it or like this thing happened
So it's it's a really good show. my My friend Warren turned me on to it and I've listened to every episode. He just did a series of Uncanny in the U.S. and it's just called Uncanny U.S. So if you haven't listened before, give it a listen. um And he was also featured in Haunted. If you don't So subscribe to Haunted Magazine, by the way. Let me just also give that recommendation, everybody. Haunted Magazine is very cool. He was just featured in there. Anyways, Danny Roberts wrote a play called 2-22, as in the time, 2 colon 22, right? And so it is a play. Oh, I saw that in London last year. Yep, there you go. Oh, so you've seen it. Yes, awesome. Yes, yeah.
So they there's a touring castle. but When I was in London last year, actually, I saw a poster for it and I was like, oh, that looks fucking cool. And I didn't get a chance to see it. But then they they just started the the the tour here in Dublin last month. And I had to give up the the original tickets that I had because I i was traveling to America. um But I got to go yesterday and it was really, really good. And Lucy, I'm glad that you've seen it so we we can talk about it together. Yeah. um So 222 is basically um the story of this couple. They buy a new house in England, like like in in London, um and or not a new house. they buy they It's new to them. they They buy a house and they're renovating it and in the midst of their renovation, they are having um these two friends over for dinner.
But like the night before, and the nights previous to that, um the um the the wife in this couple has experienced some really spooky shit. And the spooky shit happens at 2.22. And it happens to occur in the room where their new baby is sleeping. So of course, as a mother, she is very affected by this. And so throughout the course of the play, and of course, I'm not going to give anything away to you, but throughout the course of the play, it's sort of like an uncanny episode being played out. So like the the mom is telling these stories about what's occurred. And then the other three people are basically trying to be like, well, maybe this is true. Maybe it's not true. And here, this might be the reason why throughout the course of the play, the they're they're getting the the one thing I will say about this is like,
um I don't know how it was ah and during the London production, but in the Dublin production, and maybe this just fits Dublin, quite frankly. In the Dublin production, with how much they're drinking on stage, how much wine and whiskey they're drinking, and like they frankly, they should be in the hospital dead themselves because I don't know how they could possibly drink that much wine and actually still be standing, but that's a whole other discussion. um And it was it's it's it's a great show though. The ending, um is a it's it's a great twist ending. And honestly, like I started crying. I started crying and I was like, holy shit, why am I crying right now? But it really hit me. So like I don't know what's gonna happen with like the tour of it. I would imagine that the success of it will eventually bring it over to America. I think Americans would really love this.
So, um, if you're, if you happen to be in London and it's, it's touring kind of around, like it's, it'll be in Scotland and some other places too. If you happen to be in Dublin, um, you know, this month at all, go check it out. It's absolutely worth it. You can get a ticket for like 40 Euro or something. You will, you'll really, really love it. I had a great time and Lucy, I think you did too. oh I had a wonderful time. I thought it was incredible. And it was ah a theater experience I had not really had before. So highly recommend. Super, super cool. Especially if you're listening to this podcast, you probably like spooky stuff. so Yeah, you you're going to love it. Well, folks, um Andrew, why don't you tell us what Lucy brought us?
So on this episode of what you've been watching, bitch, Lucy brought us the rage carry to where once again, a penis is knocked off. So, you know, and shiny, happy people. And Maddie brought us long legs and two 22. And Andrew brought us Bratz, not the animated version um and Maxine. So, folks, that is another edition of what you've been watching, bitch. Hope you enjoyed it.

Diving into 'Halloween Resurrection'

Take a little break and we'll be right back with our first film of the episode, the Oscar-winning Halloween resurrection. Tomorrow night, you will enter the childhood home of our most brutal mass murderer. The home has been rigged up with several cameras, but for the most part, the audience will see only what you see. Are you sure they're not just putting us in some house with hidden cameras in the shower? This is gonna be fun. The windows will be boarded up and all the doors will be locked shut behind them. No one will be allowed to leave until the show is over. Let the danger-tainment begin! You think this is the one that he used to, you know, do his thing? One flash and you could light up a thousand computer screens. You are like this close to getting voted off the island. Wait, what just happened?
We just lost Bill's camera. There's somebody in the hall.
Michael's here! How many please help us? Hello, Michael. I need to come sooner or later. What took you so long? It's like the truth, motherf***er.
Trick or treat, motherfucker. It's time to talk all about Halloween resurrection. Lucy, tell us all about Halloween resurrection. Gladly, evil finds its way home. Serial killer Michael Myers, heard of him, is not finished with Laurie Strode, and their rivalry finally comes to an end. But is this the last we see of Myers? I assume probably not. Freddie Harris and Nora Winston are reality programmers at Dangertainment and are planning to send a group of six thrill-seeking teenagers into the childhood home of Myers. Cameras are placed all over the house,
and no one can get out of the house. And then, Michael arrives home. Directed by Rick Rosenthal, written by Larry Brand and Sean Hood. Production and distribution by Nightfall Productions and Trancus International Films, Dimension Films. Laurie Strode, obviously, is played by Jamie Lee Curtis. Michael Myers, by Brad Laurie. Freddie, played by The Amazing Buster Brimes. Sarah, played by Bianca Kajelich, maybe. Rudy, played by Sean Patrick Thomas. Donna, by Daisy McCracken. Jen, by Katie Sakoff. Jim, by Luke Kirby. Bill, by Thomas Ian Nicholas Miles, played by Ryan Merriman. And Nora, played by America's Next Top Model creator and hostess Tyra Banks.
The film is rated R. It was released on July 12, 2002. It is a gorgeous 90 minutes. It was filmed in l LA and Vancouver, and the budget was $15 million, bringing in $37.6 million dollars in profit. Wow, I want to know where 14 million dollars went because I don't know, girl, I want to tell you what. Also, I just want to shout out to you as part of the Croatian diaspora, ah Bianca Kojlic. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome, my fellow Croatian. You are you are here. Hey, girl, what's up? Yeah, look, I don't think this was a first time watch for any of us, was it? No, no, no. OK. You know, like
i am a I am a fan of the Halloween franchise. i Michael Myers is by far my favorite killer of all time, um favorite horror villain. He's just something about him from the very beginning. When I first saw Halloween, I just was very into it. And like even with some of the poorer you entries in the franchise, you know i I can kind of get into it here and there. And even with this one, I can find some positive things. Don't get me wrong. But in general, this is you know not a great entry. um And there's a lot of reasons for it. But let me tell you one reason it is not bad. Busta Rhymes.
Busta Rhymes is actually fucking great in this movie. And, you know, Andrew, you said the line when you brought in the film trick or treat, motherfucker, like there's just there's so much good that he does in this movie um and also literally playing Michael Myers for a moment. um And like, you know, true at the very end, there is a monologue that's a little bit weird, which actually John Carpenter talked about. John Carpenter in 2018, he said um he he first revealed that he had even seen Halloween Resurrection. And he said, I watched that one in that house with all the cameras. Oh, my God. Oh, Lord God. And then the guy gives the speech at the end about violence. What the hell? Oh, my Lord, I couldn't believe. So John Carpenter did not like this movie. But once a wow um i I stand by Busta's performance in this, I think it was actually really fun. You know, I think it's
the The one thing that i that I will give this movie besides Busta is this. It did try something really different in the franchise. And it it didn't go off on like a ah a wild tangent about like the origin of Michael Myers or like the origin of evil or this thing or that thing, which kind of works, kind of doesn't work. And like it's like when I watched The Curse of Michael Myers the first time, I was really into it, but I was also like young. like Now when I watch it, I'm like, actually, this I don't know if this really holds up, to be honest. It's kind of silly. So like, i I think it tried something different. I just don't think it really pulled it off. What do you guys think?
Yeah, i can I can go first and then I'll hand it over to you, Lucy. um I feel like there is a nugget of good in this movie. yeah I think that the whole um kid at the party communicating with the girl on the internet and kind of instructing her on like where to go or where Michael Myers is, there's some good in that. I kind of dug that aspect of the movie. And it also brought me back to Yahoo chat rooms, which Jesus Christ. Totally. Men seeking men. Yes. Well, yes, I am 18. No, I'm just.
Oh, that part. Yeah. But um listen, I think where this movie doesn't do itself justice is like, let's be honest, to for this to be the end of it all is just not. No, it's yeah it's it's not. the No way. It's not. It's not the dance girl. Sorry. you But um and then There is something interesting about, and we'll talk about this too in wrong turn too, is like just like how placed in time this movie is because of all like the references. There's a part where somebody says, oh, you're going to get voted off the island. like that kind of like That kind of dialogue where I'm just like, oh, gosh. I was also welcomed back to, I don't know if any of you watched this show, but it really reminded me of MTV's Fear. I don't know if you've watched that at all.
i read i i didn't watch it but I remember it. Yeah. Yeah. It's like basically where they put these kind of cameras on people and put them in spooky situations like they like ah buried people alive at one point like that kind of a thing. But it just brought me back to that time period. And so like, in times past, I really hated this movie. And I got to be honest, I didn't think it was that bad this time. It gets fair enough. It's not the horrible, horrible thing that I once remember remembered it as. Is it really sloppy? Yes. Is it sometimes not viewable because it is so dark? Yes. Does the type does the sound go from deafening stings to dialogue that you can barely hear? Yes. Yeah. I thought that was my TV. I was like, no. going
The amount of times I had to turn this movie up and down, I came to tell you. That was their grip, actually. um So listen, for all those fault for all those faults, I think I still kind of had a little bit of fun with it. But overall, is it a great movie? No. But can I find some things in it like Katie Sackhoff doing her best Brittany Murphy impersonation? Yes. Also, also Katie Sackhoff. And, you know, of this shout out to the Battlestar Galactica nerds out there. um But like I noticed, because I love Katie Sackhoff, that she spelled her name differently back then, too, with an H instead of a K, which was weird. That was a very strange thing to say. So, Lucy, what were your initial thoughts on Halloween resurrection?
I think I feel really ah similarly. is Is it the best in the franchise? Certainly not. um I think the main problem that I have with this movie is that it doesn't feel like a Halloween movie. It doesn't feel like it's part of the franchise. um But if I can take that away and just look at it as a standalone movie, it's at least fun to watch. And you know there's like you said, there's some interesting things. I think it's interesting that there's two Michael Myers at one point and and things like that. So it's not absolute garbage, but it it it certainly is not one that I go back to watching every season.
Yeah, even I found even the credits were kind of lackluster, whereas like even in the worst Halloween movies, the credits are at least interesting. Whereas this one, it's just names on a screen like I don't know. Yeah, I agree with that. and I feel like this one, it's just like like they of somewhere I can't find it right now, but somewhere in my notes, I was like, it's just kind of boring, isn't it? Like there's not a lot of like big energy behind it. It doesn't like it doesn't like like plot forward like like a Halloween movie should. And it just sort of like, I don't know. There there was an urgency throughout all of it missing, and even though there's a killer in this house with you about to kill you. It just didn't feel like it was like the energy wasn't correct for me.
Excuse me, Maddie. ah Michael Myers Kool-Aid mans through a door. How much and more energy do you like i yeah like even that is like he's like kind of half doing it. You know what I mean? It's like like the the first kill that he does, he kills like ah like us, like ah ah one of the camera guys or something. this um Oh, you're talking about it in the actual with the tripod. Yeah. Yeah. And like. you know Yeah, like look it was a a neat kill and all. like Tyra's making her big old 90s coffee there at the same time with like as much like whipped cream on it as you can possibly put on it, um so she's not seeing it happen. But like it's just even that, to me, just felt kind of boring if I'm being honest. Why doesn't that guy move? Yeah, I mean, that's it. It's just like, what's what's going on? I did like though like that guy gets killed and then Tyra comes back with her giant coffee that she's just made and she goes, Look at you, Charlie. That's a nice angle, boy. I was laughing. It was so good. it' So Tyra. I loved it.
I feel like I've watched enough Tyra Banks footage to know that I think the coffee thing was Tyra Banks idea. I really, really do. I think she was like, no, it would be funny. Like I'm a supermodel, but how about I make a coffee and I put a lot of stuff in it? Cause like I'm a skinny girl, but like, you know, like I'm going to show, like she eats, like she likes, she loves whipped cream. That is so Tyra Banks. That's so Tyra Banks trying to act like a normal human being, but it's like, you're coming off more like an alien. Like no one, no one acts like that girl. Yeah. um I also want to point out some of the fashion in this movie and and specifically of all the women, they have plucked those eyebrows to death like they are so skinny. Yeah, that's one of the first things I noticed.
Yeah, I was like, oh, yeah, this is of that time. I'm surprised we didn't get like a ah like a weird bejeweled headband or something. But I don't know if you guys notice this. And I'm wondering if anybody has any um perspective on this. But in the credits, Sean Patrick Thomas is is casted as special appearance by Sean Patrick Thomas. Do any of us know why he's credited that way? Why? No, but I had the same question I was watching and I was like, first of all, he's in the whole goddamn movie. So it's not a special appear like it's not like a fun little cameo or something. But also, I don't think that he was any more famous than anybody else in the movie. i Certainly not more famous than Tyra Banks or or even like to be fair, like us rhymes like come on.
Not at all. The only thing I could think of is like, you know, I i do work in the in the world of entertainment. All I could think of is that that was some weirdly specific thing that his his representation got into a contract. That's the only thing I could think of. Like, okay, we'll do it for this much, but we need a special credit to give it the illusion that he is this, you know, special thing. It's like, you know, entertainment is all about optics. That's the only, that's an assumption. I base that on nothing, but I was really curious about that too. It's really, it's not even doing much.
He makes sense though. Jamie Lee Curtis, for God's sake. Jesus. Right? yeah Jamie Lee Curtis, who, by the way, I just think was so wasted. Yeah. well I mean, oh do we go over the whole plot? Are we doing that? Well, I mean, we can, but does it really matter? No. i But yeah i just I just think that's oh, sorry, go ahead. No, I do. I do know that Jamie Lee Curtis, she did this movie and she told the director, if I do this movie, you have to kill me off at the beginning. And so that was kind of her stipulation for doing the movie. Well, I think it's a shame because, you know, like H2O is for me is one of the better entries in the franchise. Like I agree thoroughly enjoy H2O. So for I think for the follow up to be resurrection,
is just a disappointment. like there's there's just There's no way around it. And I wonder if that is just part and parcel of of the essential nature of the film, that it's a follow-up on one of the really, really good ones. and so like How can you really match up to it? you know Yeah, I think that's probably a factor in why it's not really the best one in the world. Because I think the same thing happens in the Friday the 13th franchise, which like I'm a total nerd about. yeah But ah the fourth one is absolutely incredible. And then the fifth one is shit. And then the sixth one is amazing. But um this one, it just I think it starts off like really trying to shoehorn in that, no, no, no, guys, no, no, no.
It was the EMT who had the Halloween mask on, the Michael Myers mask, and he got his head cut off, guys. But, but, but, but, he couldn't say, don't cut my head off, because, you know, Michael had crushed his larynx. So, like, this all... Excuse me, Lucy, the father of three EMT. Had to put that in there. Oh, my God. So, it starts off with a real loose plot, in my in my opinion. and Yeah. But I do like the idea of like putting these people in like a reality TV situation and putting them into the Michael Myers house. And like, so I do think that there's a good idea there. I don't know how many guys feel about that. but I feel the exact same. You know, of that like like I said earlier, like I feel like they were at least trying something new, something very different and something very much of the zeitgeist. So like it, it made sense what they were going for. I i do sort of like hasten to wonder, like,
ah you know, what what would have made this movie better for me? um And I'm not really sure. I don't know. I think, you know, like I was saying, for me, for whatever reason, like the energy just didn't hit me right. And like, yeah that's just, you know, for different people, it's gonna hit them in different ways. I wonder, like, if just I don't know a better director might might have been usually if if the energy is down it's not because of the actors usually it's usually I mean it can be of course but it's usually because the director isn't telling the story in the right way and so you know I i wonder if if the director here I don't I don't know that much about Rick Rosenthal would be honest do you guys know no no no
So, like I mean, i yeah, I don't know, like, if he's, oh, well, he directed Halloween 2. Interesting. I'm looking at that now. Wow. But I mean, to be fair, like, how, actually, that kind of makes sense. Halloween 2 wasn't one of my favorites either, even though it's a continuation of. Like, I mean, Halloween 2 lacked that, and that energy that I was looking for from Halloween 1 once again. It was a certain urgency, just a certain like vibrance to it. This one should have been vibrant as hell, especially with all these people that they had casted. It's a wonderful cast of people, um especially like in the prime of their youth. And it just, I don't know, the energy just wasn't there for me.
Yeah, I think it it does not come off as a thriller. Yeah, that's a way to put it. That's the essence of Halloween. like I always think of ah sort of ah you know the very opening of the first film, the sort of famous ah point of view shot of looking into the house and all that. like that You don't get that from this one. you just I think it also sort of is an issue that they only that they stay in one house. You don't get the Michael Myers like prowling the whole neighborhood thing, which I think is very um kind of a key factor in those Halloween films. And it's just in the one house and you're kind of going, all right, this one's screaming in this room. How do we not hear it in this other room? How is Michael still in this house? How does nobody know what's going on? like He's Kool-Aid manning through every wall yeah in the entire house. What's going on here?
That's such a good point to make because one of one of the best parts of the original Halloween and is the very ending sequence where, you know, all the business of the movie is done. And then John Carpenter just shows us this empty space and this empty space and that empty space. And you can hear him breathing the whole time. And it's just creepy as hell, especially to an audience in, you know, whatever year that was, 1978. So, I mean, like, there that that could have been done here, especially because, like, the the essential nature of the film is that there's cameras everywhere, you know? Like, the creepy and the thrill factor could have been upped in such big ways, but I don't know. Rick Rosenthal just chose not to... He chose not to be subtle, I think, might might be what it is.
Yeah. Yeah. a couple A couple of things that don't really go anywhere that I wanted to ask you guys about. So there's a part at the very beginning where we're in the kind of like casting area and um they're doing interviews like in camera interviews and you know, we get all the different people and we kind of learn their little shtick and whatnot. And then we get our main character of Sarah and a light breaks behind her and she screams so loud that it glass breaks. Yeah. Yeah. And then we never, this never comes to true fruition because I thought surely that scream is going to come back and maybe either confuse Michael Myers or he's going to like hold his ears and be like, ah, I can't handle it. And like, I just, I was like, where's this going? Did you guys have any thoughts about this part? wacky part By the way, a little note about that. Bianca Kajlich apparently like can't scream. Like she couldn't get her voice to go loud enough to make it happen. So they had to dub in those screams. so
Wow. Okay. Yeah, I found that really weird. Really bizarre because like, it just, it just was, it made no sense. And and then Busta Rhymes was like, that's what we need. is like this bloodiring ah And then you're right, it's never used again. And it's just crazy. It's just crazy. And ah I would like to have seen that come back, shatter a window or or or something or an ear drama. Anything. Yeah, I just I just I just don't see the point of it. Like, you know, when you're making anything, whether you're whether you're making an outfit for drag or whether you're making a scene for a movie, it's all about the choices that you make as the creator. And so if you're if you're choosing to have this happen, there has to be a fucking point to it. Like, what the fuck? Come on. And the other thing that kind of never was explained is why there's fresh fennel.
in the house, they make a point. Was like, what the fuck Michael cooking an omelet for himself? Like, what are we, what do we say with the fresh spices? But I didn't know if that was supposed to be like, okay, so the production team put it there, but why would they? Or like it Michael Myers bought it to season his dogs or his rats or whatever. I was like, what is happening? Why is this in the movie? That was so that was a really weird one. that And then he pulls ah a knife out of the drawer that is like the biggest butcher knife I've ever seen in my life. I'm like, it's half of the size of like a human body. I was like, no one makes knives this big. I would love to get a knife that big. But this is it looks cartoony. Well, it does cut off Brady. I mean, Katie Sackhoff's head with ease. I was like, what are you sharpening these knives with? I need it. Is it like a KitchenAid tool or something?
You guys, you guys know that I love to read the letterbox reviews because they're just always so fucking funny. Oh, yes. yes The one that has the most like one that has the most likes right now is from a person named Cole. um And ah they said they gave it one and a half stars, which is generous. And they said Busta Rhymes Kung Fu kicks Michael Myers out a window. That is a thing that happens. Fuck this movie. um david David Sims says, look, if Busta Rhymes actually had a website called Dangertainment, I'd subscribe.
Absolutely. And then finally, Matt, great name. Matt says, you bastard. This is for Jen. This is for Ray. This is for all of them. Diarrhea in a bottle. Busta Rhymes. Busta Rhymes doing windmill kicks and screaming. Hi. Yeah. Can only carry the shit can so far. Maybe the worst of the mainstream slasher sequels. A staggeringly impressive achievement. Peace out, Mike. Peace sign. wow that's a lot and and finally there's a there's a very famous line in this movie that nobody I'm sure listen to except for me but there's a girl at the party but sudden in the in the midst of all this chaos she just goes this isn't funny anymore you guys
just but no You know, it's funny. One of the things that that I wrote down in my notes was, is this, I had to really think about it. I was like, is that really authentic that like all these kids at a party would stop to watch this thing? And I i had to put myself back to, two that because they filmed this in 2001. So I had to put myself back to 2001. And I was like, actually, yeah. Like that would have absolutely happened at like one of my parties at in college. Like something crazy is going on. We all gather on a fucking computer to watch it. I think that would have happened. Felt very authentic. Yeah. Yeah. It was just a weird element though in in the movie. I felt like I know Andrew, you said that you liked that there was like people watching on the computer, like messaging her on her and what I assume is like a Palm pilot or whatever.
I hated that part. That was stupid. I was like, what are we doing here? watching Watching the letters pop up one by one, I was like, oh, wow, that's how it used to be. I wrote down, damn, they need FaceTime right now, don't they? Oh, yeah, that would have been really, really helpful. I'll tell you another device that I hated to see and this was a chainsaw. I i just nothing i mean like look if if it's Texas Chainsaw Massacre great I'm i'm into it but like in or if it's or if it's Evil Dead but like other than that I don't need a chainsaw in a fucking movie they loud they stupid they never work there's always a fucking problem get the chainsaw the fuck out of here I don't need it.
inefficient killing machine. terrible So here at Friday, the 13th horror podcast, we grade on a seven stripe scale for the seven stripes of that gay old rainbow. Maddie, what do you give Halloween resurrection? I give it a three and a half. um And to be fair, I think that if Busta wasn't in this, I would have given it a three. um And I said that, you know, I'm a huge fan of them of Michael Myers and the franchise, but this is one of the duds, though it does try to do something very different. And Lucy, what do you give Halloween Resurrection? um I gave Halloween Resurrection a 3.75. I don't know if that's allowed on this pod, but you know I'm still in here. We'll allow it for you, Lucy. Thank you so much. um I said Halloween Resurrection is a perfectly average 2000s movie that has some fun kills and some wild casting choices. ah As a part of the Halloween franchise, it's very weak and it doesn't have the same spirit as the majority of the other beloved films.
That said, we've got Tyra Banks overacting like she's eating a lobster with a shell on, and Busta Rhymes giving his best Bruce Lee impression. Add onto that a pom pilot and pencil-thin eyebrows, and this film acts as a time capsule sponsored by MTV Spring Break. It's not the worst in the franchise, but baby, it's sure as hell trying. yeah Perfect. And then I also gave it a three and a half. i'm i'm I'm inclined to give it a three, but I'm going to be generous and say a

Exploring 'Wrong Turn 2: Dead End'

three and a half. And I said, there is a nugget of a good movie in here, but it just never quite sticks the landing. So that will do it for Halloween resurrection. We'll take a quick break and we'll be right back to review. Wrong turn to dead end in the middle of nowhere.
Eight strangers... Hello? ...are about to realize... We shouldn't be here. ...they're not alone. ah
The hunt is more terrifying than ever before. Wrong turn two. Dead end. Unrated.
is that a Is that a Michigan left coming up? Oh, no, no, no, it's a wrong turn. Maddie, tell us all about Wrong Turn 2, Dead End. That was very clever, you little Michigandas, very clever. um Evil awaits. Retired military commander Colonel Dale Murphy hosts the simulated post-apocalyptic reality show where participants are challenged to survive a remote West Virginia wasteland. But the show turns into a nightmarish showdown when each realizes they are being hunted by an inbred family of cannibals, determined to make them all dinner. Wrong Turn 2, Dead End, directed by Joe Lynch, written by Turi Meyer and Al Seftin, produced by Summit Entertainment and Constantine Film, distributed by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. Nina, played by Erika Larryhazen,
deal played by the immaculate Henry Rollins fucking Jake played by Texas battle what a name Mara played by Alexa paladino Amber played by Daniela Alonzo Jonesy played by Steve Braun M played by Matthew Curry Holmes and Elena, played by Jan K. Kristoloe, what a name, and Kimberly, played by Kimberly Caldwell. Wrong Turn 2, Dead End, is rated R. It is 97 minutes long. It is a film out of three countries. Look at that threesome. USA, Germany, and Canada. ah it's like ah It's like a light World War II right there.
ah really ah Born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The budget was $4 million and it brought in... so I think this is a... We don't usually get the um the DVD sales gross, but I was able to find it. It made $9 million in in DVD sales. So that's a good little thing to to know. And frankly, with how... Go to be honest, how much I love this movie, that motherfucker could have made $18 million on this. So it's going to be fun to talk about this one. um First watch for me, what about you two?
This was a second watch. I remember I watched this when it came out on DVD because I loved the first wrong turn so much, but I had not watched it since. What about you, Lucy? ah This was a very much a first watch for me. Excellent. So who wants to share their opinions first here? I can go first if you like. Go ahead. Yes, ladies first. All right. um This this movie, I got to tell you, um it's crazy. um But it's funny because we've seen almost every single person in this movie in another movie we reviewed on this show, because these are these are like the
horror movie aficionados of the early 2000s. We have Erica Lier, Hazen, who was in Blair Witch 2, Book of Shadows. ah We have, um I think it's ah Elena, who is Elena and um Jonesy, or not Jonesy, Jake, Jake, Jake and Elena are both in Final Destination 3, which is funny because the kid from Final Destination 3 is also in Halloween Resurrection, so cast. I just a cast for the ages and you know what I'll say about this movie is it's sleazy, it's gross, it's gushy and it's kind of filmed in a way to where you know it definitely looks direct to DVD but you know what for some reason I still dug it so much. so I don't know what to say. But um there was just so much in this that I think that they just knew how to ride the line of comedy and gross out horror. And it just kind of worked for me. But um there's definitely things I have to say that are not so great about the movie. But that's my initial impression. Lucy, what about you?
um I feel bad saying I did not like this roommate. This was this is good. yeah Yeah, you know, it's good to have differing opinions. That's what that's what this podcast is about. Um, I hate it. yeah i was It was certainly not my favorite. this is To be fair, this is probably from the period in ah the time period of horror films that i I like the least. I find almost nothing charming about ah like the 2000s as far as horror films.
It just it just didn't hit the mark for me almost anywhere. there But there's fun stuff. There's absolutely fun stuff that I really enjoyed watching. um I just couldn't get past the script. The script for me was rough. Yeah. so Tell us about what you hated the most. Um, well, I really hated the dialogue. I thought that the dialogue was just absolutely horrible. I needed, like, I need the camp dial to be one, one notch higher so that they're really leaning into the fact that, like, there's one character who only speaks in sex strokes.
And then, like, there's, you know, the the hot girl who just, like, leads with her breasts the entire time. And, ah you know, there's the girl with the Terry Nunn hair who's, like, dark and mysterious. And I don't know. It was just a little... It was a little broad for me. A little broad. You look, I think that that that honestly tracks like, I mean, to I agree with you. The script here is except for like some good zingers here and there from Henry Rollins. It's not a great script. I think what what what for me makes makes the movie a bit of a winner is a couple of things. Number one, obviously, Henry Rollins. I'm i'm i'm a Henry Rollins fan. He was incredible in this movie.
and And he's, he's just so good. And like, I mean, I was, I was telling you, you both before we started recording, like, I mean, I wrote in my notes, fuck yeah, Henry Rollins over and over and over again. because like Every time that he's on the screen, he has just this amazing energy about him. And when he is on that screen, you are paying attention to what the fuck he is doing. So I think that's definitely one of them. But then, you know, beyond that, This movie is just fucking intense. And like it it it gets I mean, it gets going almost right from the beginning when when when Kimberly is in that fucking Mustang convertible. And I i love how her she's talking to her agent at the same time. And she's like, you didn't get me in first class. And he's like, well, what about that ride? You know, you're in a cool car. And I'm like,
and Like motherfucker, like everyone rents Mustang convertible. It's not that big of a deal. um But like, you know, she's driving and then she hits one of the inbred people and like immediately. And that's not too like far into the movie. That's like that's like a minute and a half in. Bam, it's happening. And then like fucking like she gets up, she goes, go see it. And then, you know, within a few minutes, she is literally chopped in half down the middle with a hot And like I was not expecting that at all at at fucking all. And like I'm not really in I say this every episode that we have something gory. I'm not really in the gore all that much. And even I was like, holy shit. Like I was freaking out watching it. So I think it's like it's a combination for me of Henry Rollins intense shit. But also like I agree with you, Lucy. The script can be fucking weird. And if I'm being honest, Nina,
I was like, you know what, you can kill Nina all day long as far as I'm concerned. I'm i'm tired of watching her on screen. She drove me up the wall. um But even she wasn't enough to bring me over to the dark side on this one. Yeah, I mean that that first kill really is a Highlight for sure because the whole thing that is very campy I loved how campy that was like you said the convertible and like this is a girl who was on American Idol So it's like we're supposed to believe that she now is a very very famous person because she was on American Idol some place
but And, you know, but its it's very much also a time capsule. with She's got the flip phone and she has like a bleached Paige Davis haircut. Yes. And ah I didn't expect her to be cut in half. That was and that was one of the better effects, too. That looked like a ah a body cut in half. Yeah. Yeah. They put some budget into that. Fun fact about that scene. Do you know who played her the voice of her ah producer ah producer? What would you call that guy? Agent? I guess the agent. Yeah.
um That was Patton Oswald. That was Patton Oswald? No way! I thought it sounded familiar, too! Yeah, that's what the fun little fact. um And yeah, and yes, she is playing herself in this movie because she was indeed an American Idol. um um But yeah, that kill scene when he bites her lips off and then I was like, oh, my God, we are in for something because I did see this movie back in the day. I remembered zero of it, though. So it was like watching it with fresh eyes. A couple of fun things that I noticed, um the director is wearing a battle royale t-shirt. I don't know if nice noticed that.
Um, let's talk a little bit about our cast of characters. So we definitely have, um, some people that are very in their roles. We got like the sex kitten. We got the innocent girl. We got like the sexed up frat guy. We got all these like, stereotypes and they all kind of play into themselves. But I do think that there are a couple of characters that reach beyond their stereotype. I'm namely thinking of the of the um the relationship between the lesbian and the like pacifist frat bro. Yeah. Yeah. I think they actually have kind of a cute little relationship by the time they get brutally killed together. well and like Even even you know at the at the end, there's sort of you know there there are two birds, one arrow kill there. um It was actually kind of touching, which was because he says he's like, I'm scared. And she's like, OK, like, I don't know. There's something weird about it. I don't know. Well, and I mean, also like I was maybe just like sort of pre-delected towards him anyway, because I just I thought he was I broke down. It's like, oh, he's kind of cute, isn't he? um Jonesy, also a complete fucking idiot, which also he's played by Steve Braun, whose other films include um he's he's been in some gay movies. It's a gay movie called Queerin Teen, which I have not seen, but I have to say. Oh, my God. You got to do that one. Right. He was in he was in the skulls. Part three. We've done the skulls before. Love the skulls. Harold and Kumar go to White Castle and he was in very surprisingly conversations with God. um So what a what a revenue of films he has behind him. um But no, that that death that that was it was honestly touching, um you know, a little bit of like ah ah an aberration in the script, which is kind of crazy. But it's an aberration that works, I think.
I'm thinking about like some other like just cringy moments. Like um what is what's like the the girl who gives the blowjob? What's her and Elena God, what what what a what a character um like that. that are the The actress that's required to be topless in every movie she's in. Yeah. got you God love her. I love her. Look at her. She wants to do it. Let her do it. I say whatever. um You know, the the whole blowjob scene was a little little ridiculous, to be honest. And it was just that that was maybe a little bit just like if it felt super 90s, even though this is 2007, you know, but i mean it didn't go anywhere. It didn't like, ah you know, the the the producer seeing that and finding out, oh, no, he cheated on me. And then like nothing really comes of it. Well, especially nothing comes of it because she dies shortly thereafter.
And so I wasn't expecting her to die. I was expecting if she's not going to take care of that now, that might be taken care of later. So I was actually kind of surprised that she got the axe in the fucking head. That was crazy. I actually think that that's a good twist that the movie pulls off is I think that you are you're kind of as a horror fan predetermined to the to think that she's going to be the final girl and to kind of kill her off almost first was kind of Interesting to say the least. I agree with you. That was actually one of the higher points of of this movie for me is that i it did keep keep me guessing. It certainly did. There were a couple of people who I thought were going to be um you know the final girl and then they just would kill them, which I thought was kind of cool. But then it did kind of like cut the storyline.
and half because I was hoping that the camera guy or whatever who got the blowjob, like they would be an opportunity for her to save him and that she doesn't or something. yeah Like that would have been really, really cool. Also, speaking of the lesbian, Amber, um my favorite one of my favorite lines in the movie is when she's doing like the introduction to herself for for for the apocalypse. And she goes, they call me La Conquistadora. yeah i I might actually I might say that at work tomorrow to somebody and like it's like I live in Ireland. No one's going to get it. so It'll be funny. My favorite intro is Elena, where she goes, I'm like a fox, slender, sleek, and I always get what I want.
I was like, oh my God. It sounded like they were doing intros to like that reality show, the dating show on MTV next. Do you know what that was? It was very that. And also when when Jonesy came on to do his, I was like, listen, skaters, i'm I am always going to have a deep love in my heart for skaters. Like they were, they were my first crushes when I was young and they are still my crushes right now. That's just the truth of it. ah But you could tell that that guy had never been on a skateboard in his entire life. A hundred percent. But Lucy, all he has to do is hold that skateboard and I'm going to jack off to it. You know what I mean? i You hear that, everybody? You hear that, Dublin? Just buy a skateboard. Yeah, that's how it's going to work. Put a put a puka shell on it and he's going to do it. Oh, no, not a puka shell. It's giving like helix studios. Jesus Christ.
um So some of the effects that I saw that I thought were pretty strong. I mean, when there's the there's the conversation between Henry Rollins and I think the guy is just credited as old timer because that's all he is. Yes. But I liked that he was a little bit of a twist in the plot. And then when Henry Rollins straps dynamite to him. Oh, my God. God love him. He explodes in the most fantastical way. I was like, OK, movie, I see you like I got do that. You got to give it a little bit of credit that the the the the visual effects are pretty good for being a low budget movie. 100 percent. And it's it's actually it's because what what was the budget again? It was four million four. I mean, four million and for a movie is it's not that much money. Like it's it's not especially when you have to do. Yeah. When you have to do a lot of shit, you got it. You have to pay your cash, but also you have to pay, you know, all of your crew and everybody else and buy this and buy that. That it gets eaten up pretty quickly.
So they whoever did the effects, whoever made that shit happen, they were watching that money well, and they they knew what they were doing. They were being very efficient, very well done. Yeah. So I have to ask you guys a question because I was questioning it the entire time I'm watching the movie. Is Henry Rollins sexy? The answer is yes. Of course, yes. What do you mean when you're questioning it? And like Andrew, you know that he's not even my type, for God's sake. But even I would be like, Daddy, what you want? I'm going to do what you want to do.
Oh, fully not my type either at all. But like, he's as definitely also I mean, knowing that he is like a huge ally to the LGBT community. like He's been a ah guest judge on Drag Race, I think twice. yeah Like he's he loves the gays. So that makes him even sexier. and And like and also like feel viic like his his energy is like his energy is like the drill sergeant kind of dude. It just works. Like when he when he goes after Jonesy for saying like he like like these hillbilly pig fuckers or whatever he says, when he launches into him and he's like, I grew up two colors away from here. butpa papa but I was like, damn, he good at that. Like that was really good. Yeah. um I also have to give a little bit of credit to the female hillbillies in this movie because they were cracking me up.
that like that laugh The laugh that that one had too was creepy. The one yeah was unnerving for sure yeah the one that finds um her boyfriend jacking off to the Elena character. And then when she beats him up and then goes out and just stabs Elena to death, I was cracking up because she is. Well, I mean, even if if you're inbred, it doesn't mean that jealousy got bred out of you. You know what I mean? It may mean that more jealousy is in you. Inbred folks might be more jealous. I don't know. I don't. i don't ah I'm not a scientist, you know? But all I know is is that that could be true.
um I can I can I also so we have a character in this played by Texas Battle, which I thought was the most interesting name. So I had to look him up. Would you like to hear the first line of his IMDB biography, please? Yes. As the song states, the stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas. That's what Texas Battle has. Oh, a heart and desire for acting. oh Oh, God. That's a lot. And wait, what character was he? He was the main guy that lives at the end. OK, OK, OK. That is um you know you know what that sounds like. It sounds like somebody who's still in undergrad getting their their bachelor's in theater. That's what that sounds like. us um Definitely, definitely.
um I did like the line, oh, they they're going through like ah the people that they are and they're like, oh, we're the red state cast from hell because they're all like pacifists and like lesbian. Oh my God. Yeah, that is true. I was really sad when Henry Rollins died because I thought he was going to live till the end because he was ah like being in the badass. I did like his death, though, because he goes, he gets shot by two arrows and then he goes, is that all you got? And then the mom hillbilly comes in and throws that. but thing at him and it just get goes right around his neck. And it's just like more those of those things where he's just like, nope, we we got more. so Can we can we talk about the mom to like, OK, the baby scene was full on disturbing. Like why? Yeah, I agree. That was very disturbing. Her winter breaks black.
Oh God, like it's not good. And then when they show that baby, ah even I was like, oh, holy shit. Like, oh, and like look, I mean, come on. we we We like horror movies. We run a fucking horror movie podcast. We've seen a lot of disturbing shit by this point. Like that was genuinely disturbing to see. It was very, very fucked up. Yeah, that was really effective, I thought. That was really effective. And it was kind of funny watching the movie. It's like you see all of these, you know, the hillbillies, for the lack of a better term, are not supposed to be the most attractive people in the world, but you watch it long enough and you're going, oh, that's like the hot one. Like that's like the best. um Like the mom, the mom, I was like, you look okay. Like you're looking pretty good. You know, your hairline's not the worst of them all.
That's so good. That's so funny. Also, the baby, just to skip to the very end really quick, just thinking about the baby. and The stinger ending. you Oh my God. When they get when like they try to give the baby the bottle of green and black chemical goo and the baby's like, no, I don't want that. And then they give it a finger. Oh, my God, a finger to suck on. I was like, holy shit. My God deranged, deranged. So I don't know if you guys know this, but there are six wrong turn movies, including a remake. um So if you're if you're in, if you're in, if you're into this, keep going buddies. Are they all the same? Like, is it the same story on the rest of them? I think it's the same hillbillies, for lack of a better term. I see i would.
I think it would be fun if if wrong turn was, ah was ah what's the word I'm looking for, when was was was an anthology where it's different situations every time. I'm not sure that I would want to keep watching The Hillbillies for that long. Yeah, true. I totally agree. Yeah, that would be interesting. um Does anyone have anything else? i think um yeah they same i just I think through this conversation, I'm realizing that the Hillbillies actually did such a better job of establishing relationships between each other.
The actual people. that The people who could speak because like you saw like genuine emotion. like One of them is killed and I think is supposed to be like the son and you see the mom get pissed and like you see her get angry and and mournful and they did a great job. The people who could speak and use their you know their voice as an emotion did nothing for me. That's a very good point. Yeah. I also have to ah wonder why they need biochemical waste for a paper factory. Didn't anyone else wonder that? Well, I mean, to be fair, like you do like, like in the creation of paper, I mean, i look, I'm not a papermaking expert, but I'm about to sound like one, aren't I? Like you know in order to like, in order to like, in order to like process like, like the wood pulp down, you do have to use chemicals to get there. And so like, I mean, like independent, like if you're making colored paper or like the texture of paper or whatever, like it it kind of makes sense. I don't think it would be,
quite as bad as this, but like you know they had to make up something for the story. Never did I think that you were a paper expert. Thank you for that. I like to write on good paper. you know I do. I can't help it. All right. Well, that brings us to our grading scale. um Maddie, let's start with you. What did you give wrong turn to dead end? I gave it a five and I said, oh, holy shit is all I have to say. Henry Rollins forever. And Lucy? All right, so I wrote an absolutely scathing review, I'm gonna be honest. Please, go for it. But, but, but, but, I think that I've actually changed my tune a little bit because I'm realizing that I, through this conversation, I had a lot of fun watching it. I'm having even more fun talking about it. So I originally gave it a 2.5. Whoa. But I know, I know, don't don't cancel me, please. um I'm gonna bump it up though to a 3.5. Okay. It's still just a touch under a Halloween resurrection for me, but I'm going to read the skating review anyways, because I think it's funny.
I said the only thing Wrong Turn 2 Dead End has going for it is a couple creative kills and a shirtly hand a shirtless Henry Rollins. This movie takes a classic horotrope and buries it under lazy writing and really bad acting. I couldn't wait for the majority of the characters to die. The one accolade I will give it was the surprising death of several characters who I assumed to be the final girl. I'll recommend giving it a watch for fun, but I encourage watching with several drinks and your funniest friend. That's a good. That's a good recommend. Yeah. andrew How about you?

Game Segment: 'Is It Real?'

I also gave it a five. I don't know. that I said this movie is so wild. Every bone in my body says that it's a bad movie, but I just dug the hell out of it. I get it. Well, folks, that does it for our second film of the episode. So hang on for just a minute. We'll be right back with our. Andrew, what's our final game today? What are we doing? Our game today is called Is It Real?
Well, folks, that does it for Episode 125 of Frygate, the 13th Horror Podcast. But before we let you go, we have a final game ready for you. And Andrew has created one called Is It Real? so Andrew, take us through the game. All right. So in this game, I'm going to read you ah shows, ah basically reality shows. You have to tell me whether you think they're real or whether I made them up. Makes sense? Oh, God. This is going to be hard. All right. The first one is Best Funeral Ever, a show about people throwing the most over the top celebrations of life possible. How do you go first? Yeah. OK. OK. So I'm going to say that it's not real, but I'm going to say I wish it was because I would absolutely watch that show. I'm going to go for I'm going to go for real. I think this one's real. This is real. It aired on.
This aired on TLC in 2013 for one season. Wait, wait, wait, Andrew. what What is it called again? Tell me. Best funeral ever. Oh, I am looking this up tonight, baby. Let's go. Cool. I love it. Oh, my God. All right. The next one is when the cow and the milk is free. Farmers can print a style show running a modern day farm with the winner taking home a fleet of farm animals. Lucy, is this real? No, I hope not. Maddie. I want to say, yeah. I made it up. and I think but andrew I think you've got a good idea here and you should follow up with it. I agree. No farmers, no food. Exactly. The next one is date my mom. and Contestants go on dates with other contestants moms to determine who they want to pick to date. Lucy.
I know this one's real. Maddie, I mean, it sounds like the other one that you that we talked about earlier called MILF. So but I mean, if Lucy knows that it's real, I'm i'm going to say real, of course. This was real. It was on MTV in 2004. Oh, back in the day. Shit. All right. The next one is buying naked. This follows a real estate agent who exclusively sells to nudists. Is it real? I'm going to say this is fake. Lucy, I'm going to agree that it's fake. This is real. It was also. Oh, my God. Holy shit. that That's what I definitely thought. Andrew was sitting around going. He did it. Yeah. The funniest thing about this show is how they had to maneuver camera placements to hide their nudity. Wow. Oh my God. Wow. All right. And then the last one is guess my orientation, a clue type game or a show where contestants compete to discover the sexual orientation of other contestants. If you are found out and guessed correctly, you are eliminated. Maddie, true or no? Oh, this sounds cringy enough that I think it might be true. And Lucy, I'm going to go with fake.
This I made up caveat. There were two dating shows, one called Playing It Straight and one called Boy Meets Boy, where there were contestants that were straight and gay and they had to try to figure them out. So why I remember those. I remember those. They were crazy. I mean, look, to to be honest, if that if that were going on today, I would lose that game in a minute. I don't know who the hell is, is, is anything anymore. And that thats you're a year up. It's even harder. Oh, my God. Yeah. I mean, it's God. Yeah. European guys, you have you have absolutely no idea what they are for God's sake, you know? They all wear capris over there. so it Who could tell? got anyone What else they wear a lot now? Jean shorts. It's very, very interesting. Lots of denim shorts here.
wow i love that Well, I hope you guys enjoyed that version of is it real Andrew we did and That was episode 125 folks. Thank you for being with us a big huge special. Thank you to Lucy LaDuca Thank you so much for being with us Lucy and Lucy I think that you have something that you'd like to talk about here as well I do. Well, first of all, thank you guys so much for having me. You really have been my favorite podcast for many years. I can't believe that I i get to do this. on So I do have a couple really fun things coming up that I think your audience in particular will be really excited about. First of all, I am coming out with an album. It will be dropping in September. um I have not decided on the title yet, but you horror lovers will be very, very thrilled with this album and I really hope that you guys like it. And then also, if you are in New England, I will be appearing at the CT Horror Fest on September 21st and 22nd at the Connecticut Convention Center. You can come meet me, take a picture with me, and there's lots of horror icons.
at this convention this year, including um the whole cast of Blair Witch Project. We've got um the original Candyman. I mean, there's like really, really big icons of horror films. So again, that is September 21st and 22nd. I'd love to see you there. Yeah, like i got I do got to say, Connecticut top five state for me. Oh, yeah. Also, that sounds incredible. Like, Andrew, I can't make it, but get your ass over to Connecticut for that. Are you kidding me? Come on. That's incredible. Maybe. i would Well, Lucy, thank you again for being with us. It was so much fun to have you as a guest today on the show. And folks, thank you, of course, for listening. um You know, listen, we've got it's it's a lot of fun to have Lucy on because Lucy like like ah like like like she said earlier,
is one of our first listeners. you know She's been a fan this whole time. And so many of you out there listening right now have also been with us for these almost seven years at this point, which is crazy to think about. um So thank you for being with us yet again for episode 125. As always, we want to remind you that there are many ways that you can support us. One of the first ways to tell you about it is you can become a patron on Patreon or you can buy merchandise from us. You can do that really easily in one place. Go to our website, slash support. Yeah. And um also, if you can't do it monetarily, do it with a review. We've been telling you for seven years. Just review us already. That's all I got to say. But, you know, at the end of every episode and Lucy, please feel free to join us um at the end of every episode. We encourage you to get slayed. Yes.