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Holiday Rewind 2024: THANKSGIVING IS TERRIFYING image


FriGay the 13th Horror Podcast
719 Plays3 months ago

The holidays are officially kicked off! To celebrate, we're re-releasing one of our favorite episodes, from way back when— our 44th episode in 2020, to be exact!


1987’s BLOOD RAGE and 2015’s KRISTY are unconventional picks for this holiday episode… but they taste JUST RIGHT!


Tune in to hear everyone’s favorite segment!


How can we queer up BLOOD RAGE and KRISTY? Tune in to find out!

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Thanksgiving Horror and Reflections

Hello, my little fry gaze. It's co-host Andrew here. It's been a rough couple of weeks, as you can imagine, as we look towards our inevitable future. um But you know that's not why we're not recording. um Maddie was you know the nicest friend ever, and he came all the way over to Chicago for my birthday.
And so we just didn't get a chance to record this week. But you know, I thought we got to give him something. And so I thought, hey, let's do um Thanksgiving horror. And then I thought about it. And we had a perfect episode. Episode 44. Thanksgiving is terrifying.
It was right after the last election, so should make for some interesting commentary on where we were at just four years ago. So please enjoy episode 44. Thanksgiving is terrifying. And we'll be back in your ear holes real soon.

Thankfulness and Humor in 2020

Okay, Matty, we're sitting down for our Thanksgiving feast. You know, past the stuffing, past the green bean casserole, the dinner rolls and all. Matty, what are you most thankful for this year?
Um, you know, I'm thankful, uh, I guess first that, um, I'm alive. That's a good one, especially in 2020. Um, thankful that I've had more than enough this whole year. I haven't had to struggle, which is good. Very grateful for that. Very thankful.
I'm very grateful that Zac Efron is still doing well. He's okay. Shawn Mendes is doing okay too. He just released a video. Yeah, yeah. um I'm grateful that Josh O'Connor was still cute in the new season of The Crown. um And that's that's the bulk of it.
Yeah, I think I'm thankful for um you know the people that I've been able to surround myself with. um They've gotten me through, so ah obviously, a very hard year. I'm thankful for health and wellness, of course, um and try to continue to get healthier and better yeah um because I think we all did a little damage when all this thing went down. I did. but um Yeah, I'm just thankful for being here, still being able to you know have all of the stuff that you know all humans should have, which is you know health and wellness and housing and food. um But yeah, I think I'm going to keep it simple this year. Well, isn't that nice? Pass the gravy, Dad. Pass the gravy over. No, Maddie, I have a challenge for you. Oh, God.
I want you to do your best turkey impersonation. I want you to do yours first. oh um I have to even think about what a turkey sounds like in my head right now. I'm going to do it and it's going to be ah solely solely based off of probably the South Park turkeys. okay So it's kind of something along these lines.
That's actually not bad. um oh wait let me see i'm trying to figure out how this how ah how i could do it in my mouth so that's more like a war cry is that a turkey it's like a war cry i see i cannot do it gobble a law That's pretty good. How are you doing that? I don't know. which was your I guess I have, I guess I have a God given who God given. That's one of my, own you know what? I'm putting it on the resume. That's fine. Turkey noises. Listen, everybody. It's episode 44. Thanksgiving is terrified.
Don't be afraid. Be very afraid. We have some bad hombres here and we're going to get them out.
bo you won Bing, bing, bong, bong, bing, bing, bing. I love China.
This year, Lisa Tyrone's Thanksgiving dinner will have a few new trimmings. Everything will be disposable that we'll be using this year. We have hand sanitizer. I have the disinfectant spray. I also have hand wipes as well. Trying to keep COVID away as she hosts 14 family members at her New Jersey home. Even as public health officials warn that any large gathering puts everyone at risk.
Welcome back everyone to another episode of Frage the 13th Horror Podcast. My name is Matty. And I'm Andrew. And we're back with another great episode full of scary things, full of happy things, full of things that we're thankful for because it's episode 44. Thanksgiving is terrifying. And we've got a great show lined up for you, two films that um you know maybe don't come right to your mind when you think about Thanksgiving, but they did for us and they're a lot of fun. We'll talk about those in our second half. And in our first half today, we've got some real stories. We've got some history stories or history, whatever you want to call it, some correct history, some corrected history. And so we're going to talk a bit about that.

COVID-19 Impact and Thanksgiving Plans

We've been starting off our shows during the pandemic, though, with me always asking Andrew first, how are you? But I want to change it. I actually want to know, Andrew, how are you taking care of yourself?
Tell me about that. Cause I think it's really important. Uh, taking care of myself in, um, terms of whatever way you want to talk about. I just think it's important to talk about. I mean, early on and I say early on, I think we got it delivered in July. we We did invest in, in a Peloton. Yeah. So regularly doing exercises on that. They've actually done a really good job of, um, kind of expanding their, their stuff yeah to where we can do like, floor exercises now and everything. So trying to keep myself, you know, in, in relative good shape. I don't think i'd I'd ever say that I'm in like the best shape of my life or anything, but just trying to keep moving. I think that's like a big thing. And honestly, just trying to, and this, I mean, this sounds stupid, but just trying to stay home as much as possible to be totally honest. Yeah. I'm not one of those people that is, um,
craving this like life back to normal. I'm, I'm very much a realist in this sense that I realized that this is going to take time and that we have to kind of take it seriously. Otherwise it's going to be really shitty. And guess what? It's really shitty. It's really, it's a talk about horror in real life. It's horror in real life right now. Today is we're filming, we're filming this. We're we're recording this for our Thanksgiving episode, of course. Um, but it is November 21st. So it's just, it's the weekend before Thanksgiving.
And, um you know, things are incredibly bad. We are at 200,000 cases a day of COVID. We live in one of the biggest cities in the world. It's really crazy here. So, yeah, thankfully, I mean, thankfully, in you know, maybe people disagree on this, but I really do think that our government has done a good job of stepping up and saying, like, no, this is closed. You mean the Illinois government? Yeah. yeah Not sorry. Yes. Illinois government is going to say.
But just saying like, no, things are closed. Like these are the restrictions, like abide by them because we do see in other states where things are getting crazy. Like in Texas where they can't, they literally can't take any other patients, but COVID patients. Yeah. I mean, if I'm being honest, I hope that Illinois goes, goes way further. You know, ah it is, it is my hope right now that there is a mandatory lockdown, which we actually don't have right now. We have an advisory. We have an advisory.
And I hope that we lock down. I hope we locked down so hard that it feels like Soviet fucking Russia. I mean, like lock it the fuck down. Give people serious fines and punishments if you are caught out of the house with out a permit or whatever like other countries are doing. Yeah, no that's what's happening in Ireland. It's what it's what's happening in free countries around the world. The one thing that I'm really surprised that we haven't seen yet is um like state border lockdowns. I wish we would.
Yeah, I think I said this very early on and I was just very surprised that we were still allowing people to travel state to state. Yeah, me too. But, you know, live free or die hard, you know what I mean? Yeah, I guess so. As for me, I am taking care of myself by making healthier choices these days. A lot of people, me included, really It's pandemic. We can kind of do whatever we want. I can eat whatever I want. I can drink whatever I want. Yeah, same. And for me, I really pulled that back, which has been good. And I've been same been running a lot more lately while we do have this unseasonably good weather. So that's that's been helpful for me. because guess what people in midwest welcome to winter yeah mean it's it's it's happening and this is yay it's not it's not good and i'm worried about where we're going but okay anyways all of that all of that being said anyway gobble gobble i mean honestly the reason why i do bring that up is you know look it's good to check in take care of yourselves out there too like let this be a reminder to you it's cool to take care of yourself isn't that neat
And just to let you know, take care of yourself, just let our listeners know our Thanksgiving plans is that, you know, we have our our five to six person quarantine that only see each other. We literally only see each other um and we're going to hang her down and have a little meal together.
Um, but we're, none of us are going to get to see our families this year. Yeah. And listen, if you're honestly thinking about going to someone's house, that you're not part of their pod or going to your families, don't do it. I don't know why you're thinking that that's a good idea, but you can hear it from me. And if you don't want to listen to us ever again, that's fine. You shouldn't do that. Traditions are fine unless they're not. Do you want to, do you want to have Thanksgiving next year? Cause you're not dead. yeah Maybe that's something to think about and anyway.
Thanksgiving that's our five-minute riff on what's going on in the

Myths and Truths of Thanksgiving

world. What's going on in the world? standing race um So thing I want to talk about today is I like to go into a bit of the history of Thanksgiving This is very interesting because I did read a bunch of different articles that and I decided to let you kind of take the helm on this um but that Pretty much all of the scholastic ah books that we grew up with, learning in school, really gave us the wrong idea about Thanksgiving. And you know, of the stuff that I'm about to tell you, I bet a lot of you have already sort of heard in an ancillary way. Yeah, or like alluded to. Right. yeah But that this there's a well, I'll just go into it. So, you know, really, I think that Thanksgiving is just one of our major holidays in America because it it is an American holiday, don't forget. This isn't like a worldwide thing.
Um, and it's a great example. It's a prime example of mythology and Americans love mythology. We love the myth of the American dream. We love the myth of work hard and prosper. You'll get whatever you need. Like it's just, you know, it's it's always about work and that's the reason why you get things or the reason why you didn't get things because you were lazy basically.
And, you know, the the myths of Thanksgiving all fit into a narrative of family and prayer and thankfulness for what you have, obviously, and sacrifice and food. Yeah. Well, and food, too. but well And that really buys into like consumerism.
But we we we do all of this and we buy into the false narrative of the settlers who were so they they were kind and they were seeking a new world for survival and they somehow just did it all on their own with just a little bit of help from Native Americans like oh yeah they taught us how to plant corn anybody like like that kind of yeah.
But there's a great article called The Invention of Thanksgiving. I actually posted it today on our networks and and encourage people to to read it. It's from the November 2019 issue of The New Yorker by by Philip Deloria. And I'm going to read you a little bit here, so bear with me. But I think it's really good, and I really couldn't say it better. So let me just, let me spin this off to you. So autumn is the season for Native America.
There are the cool nights and warm days of Indian summer, and the genial query, what's Indian about this weather? More wearisome is the annual fight over the legacy of Christopher Columbus, a bold explorer dear to Italian-American communities, but someone who brought to this continent forms of slavery that would devastate indigenous populations for centuries.
Football season is in full swing, we're just watching the iu ohio state football game right now actually and the team in the nation's capital, the Redskins, revels each week in a racist performance passed off as just good fun. As baseball season has closed, one praise at Atlanta will not advance into the World Series,
Next up was Halloween, typically featuring Native American brave and sexy Indian princess costumes. November brings Native American Heritage Month, and tracks a smooth countdown to Thanksgiving. And in the elementary school curriculum, the holiday traditionally meant a pageant, with students in construction paper headdresses and pilgrim hats reenacting the original celebration.
If today's teachers aim for less pageantry in a slightly more complicated history, many students still complete an American education unsure about the place of Native people in the nation's past or in its present. Cap the season off with Thanksgiving, a turkey dinner, and a fable of interracial harmony. Is it any wonder that by the time the holiday arrives, a lot of American Indian people are thankful that autumn is nearly over?
And that's just really it. When it comes down to it, Thanksgiving and this American myth that we have about it right is really all about continuing to decimate the American Indian population. And just to be clear, like,
American Indian is not a race, right right? Native Americans, that's a race of people. American Indian is ah is a political designation in this country. and And it is because that's how our government actually recognizes Native Americans. we don't We don't even call them Native Americans in our government. We call them American Indians. And so like it's this continuous like poke in their eye yeah of how we've colonized and really ruined their populations. Taken over. All right, sure. And so you know this myth that has been you know supposedly going on since November of 1621 is just really not true. And some of the biggest myths that get debunked by Deloria in this article, I'll just rattle off a few of them here. Number one, Thanksgiving was actually not a Thanksgiving at all. English settlers celebrated Thanksgivings, I'm doing that in air quotes, people, sure in the autumn and the spring I can I can attest to these virtual quotes thank you but thanksgivings were actually periods of fasting silence and prayer rejoicing were different and that's what happened in 1621 that's very interesting And so in 1621, when this first fabled dinner happened, right, Native Americans actually weren't invited to the celebration. Go figure. Instead, the Wampanoag Indians in Massachusetts, of course, they arrived at Plymouth after they heard gunshots. And the reason why they came was because they had already put a pack together with the the English settlers because a lot of stuff had happened that I'll go over soon. um But they thought that they were like under attack and they pledged to protect the white settlers that were there. So the the the the the chief Osamuquin, who is also called Massasoit, he showed up at Plymouth with 90 men. It was actually like like an army that came with him.
And when they got there, because fucking Americans, all we want to do is blow shit up. seems like So, so when, when Osama Quinn and and his 90 men got there, like the settlers were like, holy shit, are you going to attack us? And it took some time, but then eventually they, they understood finally like, oh, they're not here to attack us. They're actually being friendly. Guess what? Probably didn't speak the same language. And so then they actually got along and they had, they did have a three day feast in, in, um, in Plymouth, but the feast was like full of like military drills and shooting and cannons and you know, you fucking name it all that stuff. Um, they also didn't eat Turkey. Um, they they were right by Cape Cod actually. So what they ate were eels, fish,
And shellfish. Yeah, that makes sense. And also, of course, much to my chagrin, they didn't have any pies. Pies are my favorite thing. There was no wheat. There was no sugar. There was no butter. So no pies. Sorry, people. Deloria in the article also describes Osama Quinn as an experienced diplomat. He was engaged in a challenging game of regional geopolitics. And Deloria was right. Disease had wiped out pretty much of a very big the amount of of the Wampano tribe. I can't remember how much I did have it in my head earlier today. um But also his society was totally breaking apart. Belief systems were breaking down. People were sick all over the place and he was losing control over what was happening. And also he was facing attacks from from the French and from other Indian tribes. Yeah, I was going to say I read a lot about how there were a lot of um warring tribes in that area at that time. And so a pact with the white settlers who were pretty much like pathetic. Yeah. Like they didn't know what they were doing. The only good thing was this. They had guns. Yeah. And so weapons. Right. Making a pact with them actually seemed like a really good political thing to do. And it made sense at the time.
um And so that this pact that they all had together was eventually going to turn against them. um In future thanksgivings, and I do mean real thanksgivings, in 1637 and 1676, after the Plymouth settlers waged bloody battles against the Wampanoag, the latter one in 1676 was memorialized by the people mounting the head of Osama Quinn's son Pumetakam on a spike. Jesus. Right outside the town. I'm guessing he was not alive at that time. Who knows? um They also, they kept the head there for 20 fucking years. They kept the head on a pike. So eventually it would have been it just a fucking skull, but it stayed there for that long. They never even buried his body. Jesus. I mean, it's just insane. So like ah all of the help that the Native Americans brought to the white settlers from England
Completely turned against them. yeah It turned against them in wars, in battles, in disease. And then it continued to turn against them. Completely. And then they would do these really backhanded things like convincing the Native Americans that they had a debt.
and then they would steal their land and recompense for that debt. yep So just so much land was stolen from these people until they were eventually just completely decimated. yeah And the myth of it is like, just to continue it even further, the myth of it is the Indians helped us and then they sort of just faded away. yeah They just like went back into the woods and were like, ah, here is the land that was always meant for you.
And that's not it. And Deloria really finishes it off saying that we we falsely remember a Thanksgiving of intercultural harmony. Perhaps we we should recall instead how English settlers cheated, abused, killed, and eventually drove Wampanoags into a conflict known as King Philip's War that exploded across the region in 1675 and was one of the most devastating wars in the history of the North American settlement.
Oh, and interesting to note that I've never heard of that war. of course not Why would you? Yeah, exactly. And so, you know, all of that to say, like, that is the history behind the myth of the holiday. And of course, it became more of an American holiday when Abraham Lincoln designated it as a holiday that particular

Thanksgiving's Historical Context

day. Was it Lincoln or Washington? it it No, it was Lincoln. Okay. Lincoln. And then it was FDR who made it a federal one out of federal. Got it. Like a more of a national. like tick time off of work. Exactly. I think that FDR, he may be the one ah in his administration where they said it's going to be the third Thursday of every November. Oh, interesting. That's how that happened. So, you know, all of that to say, like, that's the history behind it. And it sucks because, like, you know, our we had a little silly thing at the start of the episode, right, about what we're thankful for. The thing is, for me,
Like, I really do love Thanksgiving. Yeah, i me too. It's a great day to come together with people that you love, whether that's your family, your friends, or your family and friends. Are you chosen family? Yeah, and like, it's you really understanding. Like, yeah, I'm really thankful for like, the people around me, the things in my life. It's a great day to reflect and to think about the future at the same time. And there's also this dark side of it that I wish just wasn't a part of it because I think what we're told yeah I think what we're told in school is basically like oh yeah the Indians and settlers came together and they had a meal the end yeah I mean it's just the thing it's like we don't have to have this stupid myth we don't have to have even religion behind it yeah We could just really, as a society, understand, you know what? It's good to take not just one day in the year, but to take time, maybe every day if you can, or maybe once a week, maybe once a month, maybe once a quarter, where you really do look ah what what you have in comparison to those around you and understand, like, I'm grateful for this. Maybe you're grateful to a higher power. Maybe you're just grateful to the universe. Maybe you're grateful to the friends around you the people who have helped you like whatever that gratefulness is like That's something that we should treasure and it just sucks when it gets tied to this dumb thing That for some reason teachers still tell kids about I don't understand it. Yeah, I mean they're they're given a curriculum They can't they don't have much to say around it. I don't know about that I think in today's pedagogy, I think teachers could actually say a lot. I think what happens, and this isn't to like you know bunk you or anything, but I think what happens is that teachers too often play into what parents want.
Yeah. And if they don't get their Thanksgiving pageant with like Timmy and a fucking pilgrim hat, they're like, Oh, you suck as a teacher. And it's like, actually, what if from an early age we were honest with our kids yeah and said, like, you know what? You're going to hear things like this and like other shit. That's really bad. Yeah, I think it's important to let our kids know that there's a lot of joy in the world, but there's also a lot of horrible shit in the world that they should watch out for. Bingo. And and I also just want to expand upon your gratefulness in Thanksgiving is I think in in definitely the year 2020, where we've had so much devastation. In the year of our Lord, 2020. Take that day after Thanksgiving, that that Black Friday that is so driven by greed and consumerism. And by everything. No. And, and, and and maybe, you know, donate, donate you to, you know, either someone that, you know, that's going through a hardship or, or through a charity or like anything that you can do, uh, instead of buying your kids a fucking, I don't know, play other chin like poor or or even buying yourself another thing. Yeah. Or like, you know, if you don't have a bunch of people to donate to for whatever reason, which I'm sure you don't, but like.
buy from a small business. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Right by you, you know, like you do something that's going to be a little closer to home that might have a bigger impact. I agree. You know, it's just, I don't know. It it it pisses me off to think about how that stuff still goes on and it it makes me doubly angry this year.

Personal Stories and Thanksgiving Crimes

that in the year when we shouldn't be gathering for Thanksgiving to people that we can't that we know we can't ethically be with, yeah that a lot of the people that are going to do that, that they're going to gather, they're the people who continue this myth. They are the people who keep doing it. And like to be honest, it pisses me off even more. I'm just going to go off for another moment here.
Because we haven't even gotten to my story. Well, well here's here's the thing. Like ah my my mom has COVID right now. She's almost out of it. Thank God. And I'm very grateful for that. She lives in Northwest Indiana and it's full of people who are fucking idiots about COVID period. It's just it's just how it fucking is. And, you know, thankfully my mom caught some kind of mild strain. I'm very grateful for that.
But all these other people have caught a mild strain too. You know who didn't catch mild strains? People in Chicago who are actually taking care of themselves. yeah And who took this seriously. People who died. People who, like like my friend Christina, she had COVID really bad. Her heart, she can't get it above a certain heart rate. Her lungs are still not working weeks on after this, in the right way. yeah Our friend Courtney had had a bad run of it. like It sucks that the people want, as always, the people who take it seriously are the ones who suffer. They suffer the most. They suffer the most. Yeah, I totally agree with you. um Well, I have some horror stories coming out of. Tell us about them. Thanksgiving. um I'll start with the more. Wait, tell us what kind of horror stories these are. I have one that involves classify them. I have one that involves a murder and then I have one that involves a plane hijacking.
Okay. I think I should start with the murder because it's a little more grim. um Yeah, do it. Okay. How grim is it? Give us a scale. Let's just set the stage. We all get together on Thanksgiving usually with family. That's usually how it goes. yeah um Even you know that family that you might not get along with or you might have plenty of them differences an opinion on certain things, but you get together anyway, and you hope you don't drink too much wine and you hope you don't bring up the wrong subject. Impossible for me, Andrew, sorry. So on November 26th of 2009, South Florida resident Paul Michael, I'm going to pronounce his name, Marije? Marije? Looks like marriage to me. Honestly, yeah. I think that's probably what it is. I'm just not going to say his last name. We're just going to call him Paul.
um That works too. um he ah He basically went to a normal Thanksgiving. He had a meal with his family and friends. He was known for conversing and joking during this time. There was even a family sing along at this Thanksgiving.
um That's where things turned grim. After dinner, ah Paul decided to whip out a handgun, and he executed four relatives, including his cousin-in-law, his twin sisters, one of whom was pregnant, and his cousin's six-year-old daughter.
um After the shooting, he disappeared. He fled into the Florida Keys, where he reported ah reportedly planned to commit suicide. and um After a five-week manhunt, ah Paul was finally taken into custody on January 2nd on Long Key. ah Basically, he was with another family that took him in at a resort. um And then they saw his face on the local news and recognized him as a customer and turned him in.
This is the crazy part. Afterward, he was reportedly said to have basically said, um quote, I've waited 20 years to do this. So he held a grudge for 20 years against these people, um eventually cut a plea deal ah for seven consecutive life sentence sentences to avoid the death penalty.
What I will say about Paul is upon further reading, I do understand that he does have a mental disability. So that may have played into the hostility towards these people. So not downplaying the mental disability portion of the story. I mean, what I'm asking is what do they do to deserve it? I don't know. yeah Don't kill me, people. I'm joking. I mean, but looking at the the the types of relatives here, it must have been a grudge against his sister. Sisters. Yeah, that's what it seems to be. I i can't wait.
two sisters died yeah twins okay so then it was a cousin two sisters and a daughter pregnant and then also a daughter so that's like five people died yes five people yes so that's that was you know what they shouldn't have made that shitty uh fucking uh 20 years ago Well, I'm just saying, you know, look, I'm just saying, listen, ah you should know this because if if you make a shitty dish, someone, and someone's going to remember that. People will always remember, you know, if you got crazy uncle Bill or, you know, cousin Freddie, you know, whatever, you better make sure that sauce is right. Cause that motherfucker going to kill you in about 10 years, but he's going to hold on that grudge first. This is, this is going into deep territory. I'm just saying this is actually maybe a good lesson for all of us. I'm just kidding people. Come on. But but for real though, no, I'm just kidding.
Is he keep going we don't know um Okay, my next one is and I I had never ever heard of this and the way that it is Wait, I don't know the question though. Okay about marriage about about Paul marriage So do you think that he waited for them to clean up the dishes first? Probably you know what I mean? Like was like or did he order that motherfucker like leave it was like, okay We're done eating and now No, he probably waited wow because that's sing-along. That's what leads. You don't have a sing-along at dinner. Did he do it at the sing-along? I don't know. i got I have a lot of questions about this. Well, maybe you should call him. No, we're going to talk more about this later. Keep going. Okay, so this is a story that I found that I had never ever heard of and it actually oh i've heard this one impacts the way that we travel to this day.
Um, well, not right now, but this, this this is a big one. this is So, uh, this is the tale of DB Cooper. Um, this is the only unsolved case of hijacking and air piracy in the U S history. And it happened the night before Thanksgiving in 1971, a guy calling himself Dan Cooper, but is later referred to as DB by the media for really unknown reasons.
ah He boarded a Northwest Airlines flight 305 in Portland bound for Seattle. Mid-flight he revealed to the flight attendant that he had a bomb in his carry-on that he showed to her and promptly conducted the politest hijacking ever ah part of me miss miss um first off can i have a whiskey and number two i have a but i have a bomb no wait no don't freak out i have a bomb yeah just look okay no big deal okay once again don't freak out look in this bag though i have a plan okay are you okay all right yes that was a bomb are you okay okay great all right i'm hijacking this yes i have a plan so he got he got the plane to land in seattle and demanded two hundred thousand dollars in cash as well as two sets of parachutes
After these demands were met by the airline and the FBI, Cooper released the passengers and instructed the flight crew to take off and head for Mexico City. Shortly after the flight began, Cooper sent the flight attendant to the cockpit for safety. hi I love this guy. I'm sorry. I do. I love him. And then strapped on one of the parachute sets, opened the plane's rear stairs and jumped out basically into somewhere in like Washington or something. And he ain't never been found. No, then and that's what happened. No trace of Cooper was ever found. some of his money Some of the money he stole was recovered from a forest outside of Portland many years later, but the man himself and his true identity, because really they don't know because of the way that they took on passengers at the time through airlines, you could basically just fake your identity, to be honest. ah So his true identity remains a mystery to this day. I think the article that I looked up marked about 16 different people that they investigated for this.
um Cooper became a legend and a folk hero because of his boldness and polite demeanor. I mean, yeah, i mean he's he's kind of cool. And actually the FBI gave up looking for him altogether, closing its case on Cooper in 2009 without ever having solved it. um Many FBI agents are of the opinion that Cooper probably did not survive his high risk jump, but his remains have never been recovered. Seems a little sus to me. Wow.
um The FBI maintained an active investigation for 45 years. yeah yeah um Despite the case, file had grown to over 60 volumes at that period. No defensive conclusion has ever been reached. um Numerous theories. A young boy discovered a small cache of ransom bullets.
ah in the Columbia River in 1980, but really nothing ever has come of this. So this is what's interesting that came to be because of this. This is literally why you get searched the way you get searched now hu at the airport, um because there was a series of people in 1972 and 1973 that tried to hijack planes in similar fashion, but were not successful.
um And the FAA began requiring airlines to search all passengers and their bags amid multiple lawsuits charging that such searchs searches violated the Fourth Amendment. Here's that damn constitution again.
Um, so basically, uh, the federal courts ruled that they were acceptable when applied universally so that everyone had to do it. Exactly. So that's kind of why, you know, you're going through your metal detectors, you're getting your bags searched and everything now to this day, which is very interesting to me. Not always. Well, you know what I mean? I mean, there's definitely profile. I mean, like in the last,
In the last several years, I've had the opportunity to fly a lot because I was traveling a lot for work in various respects. And I will definitely say, and I'm sure people out there will agree with me on this, if you're white, you get through a lot. And if you're a white guy, especially, you get through a lot. Let me give you an example. Yeah.
um i have I am married to producer Michael and he is Mexican American and um he at one time grew his beard a little bigger because he always has like stubble but he kind of grew it out a little bit one year and we were traveling I forget to wear But in both cases, when we went through security, I got through just fine. sure He got pulled into further, you know, look at your bag or whatever we call that. I'm not sure what you call that at the airport anymore, but like basically question it further. yeah So that's just to show you the racial profiling ah short of the FAA. Yeah, airport it's I mean, that's what happens all the time. Like there is a deference to white businessmen. Yeah. Because like, for example, when I would travel to Hawaii, and I had to bring a suit to Hawaii. I know that sounds ridiculous. But I would always wear my suit on the plane because I just don't like packing my suit. And then I would get to the hotel and like immediately change. right Yeah. So like I would wear my suit and like you get treated in a very different way if you are wearing a suit in the airport and like you're carrying like a nice bag, which I was. So like I got treated way differently than most of my colleagues, or like i got I got treated differently on my way into Hilo than my sister did, sure who is like my sister. We look kind of alike, but like Rebecca has an olive complexion. She has you know long sort of dark brown hair.
she could look Persian if you looked at her in a certain way. okay And so there's just, I mean, we're going on a new tangent here, but you know why not? It's our show. and ah Just to say, like it's not as universal as we would like it to be. yeah Sometimes I'm like, even if it meant we took longer, could you just do it? Because there are also times, I don't know if you felt this way too, but like the stuff that I have in my bag, I'm like, you didn't catch that?
Yeah, no, I definitely had a, um, and this is not by me wanting it to be in there. It just was left over from a previous trip. but was it Um, it was one of those kind of corkscrews that is the just kind of like tube. yeah yeah you You pull it out and you kind of shake it and it's like a manual corkscrew, but that got through like three trips until it got caught. Exactly. I mean, and it's other stuff, too. Like, I mean, like, let's face it, I bought I brought plenty of drugs before on on in bags that I've had. I've brought lighters that I probably shouldn't have had or this or that or whatever. Like, you know, that stuff gets through pretty easily. Sorry, FAA.
Yeah, well, I think that that will kind of wrap us up on our Thanksgiving. Not even kind of. It didn't. Hold on, I have one more thing. What? What now? One more Thanksgiving um question for you specifically. Listeners, this is honestly a surprise I don't know what it's going to do. What is your favorite Thanksgiving side dish? Oh. I know that's tough because there's a lot of good ones.
And I'm even probably gonna give a tie, but. This, okay, this is obviously tough. um I can do a tie. Yeah, you can do a tie. So, Andrew and I were actually talking about this earlier. um And our our friend Casey, if you listen to this, I love you, I promise I love you. But and when it comes to stuff, I really like stuffing. Yeah. But I am very much into just like traditional stuffing. I don't like it.
I don't like it wild. I don't like it experimental. I just like like seriously a box of stovetop. I am good to go. But that really ties up with me with honestly cranberry sauce. I don't know why but cranberry sauce in conjunction with the rest of the food on your plate is just the right amount of tart that I'm like ah So are you a are you a canned cranberry sauce or homemade person? To be honest, I could do either. okay and if i Because I know there's a strong divide in the world between this. For me, I'm ACDC on this. and I never bottom. But I'll tell you what, I would bottom for cranberry sauce. okay and I don't know what that means. I don't believe either. If I had my druthers, though, I would have both at the table. And in fact, for our Thanksgiving, I might bring a can just for fun. OK.
I know there's a lot of people out there that are very purist about their cranberry sauce. So hear me out about the can. The great thing about the can is that if you like it on a sandwich, like later on the with my leftover, you can slice it and put it on there. It's nice. Yeah, I get that. What are yours? um So there's a lot that I really love. um I think I'm going to have to go with um an unpopular choice. Oh, God, what? I really love green bean casserole.

Thanksgiving Side Dishes and Film Reviews

And I know a lot of people don't. I'm not a huge fan. No, I know. And I understand a lot of people don't. um It's usually between green bean casserole and stuffing for me. Well, but how do you make the green bean casserole? So I usually do it pretty traditional. Sometimes I'll make my own roux if I'm feeling fancy. Yeah. um But I will put like sage and salt and pepper and like, you know, Thanksgiving spices in it. I think one of the reasons why I haven't liked it for so long. And specifically French style green beans. Well, OK, that's the thing.
I have a sister-in-law that's allergic to like everything, and she would always make it, and I would be like, oh, it's great. She's allergic to garlic. Oh, no. You gotta have garlic. And it was always like the stubby green beans that I hate. I hate those. And most people use frozen green beans, and I hate frozen green beans. I will only use canned or fresh. yeah like i just look just but Can you make something good and tasty? Yes. See mine? No? I have another question for you, actually.
This is what you like to eat, but what do you like to make? Because that can be different. My favorite thing to make is mashed potatoes. My favorite thing is the pie. You know that about me. I love making pies. I know how much people love mashed potatoes, and I feel like I have the perfection on me. You've got a good mashed potato. It's pretty good. Take a mashed potato, and you can do the twist. Anyway, this wraps up our food segment of Friday the 13th. Hope you're ready to lick that wishbone, everybody.
Uh, I do miss my, my aunt's cheesy potatoes. We have to stop. you We have to stop. It's over. Listen, this segment is over. I also have an a meal today. Shut up. We're going to go. You should have eaten. It is three o'clock. I heard forget. Listen, everybody, we're going to take a break and then we're going to have a snack apparently. And then we're going to come back with the next one. What you've been watching, you bitch.
let's all go to the lobby let's all go to the lobby let's all go to the lobby to get ourselves a treat gobble gobble it's time for what you've been watching bitch what you've been watching what i didn't have anything else are you not gonna finish it nope uh no that's all i wanted to do today was just that was just that part Always is keeping me on my toes. I just wanted to see what would happen if I only did that part. So this is the portion of the show where we literally talking about what we've been watching. Yeah. So why don't you go first, Manny? Sure. I want to start with something really, really great. A Leap of Faith on Shutter. It is a documentary that is just
nothing more than an interview with ah Billy Friedkin, of course, the director of The Exorcist, among many other things, but it's specifically about The Exorcist. It is an in-depth, incredible conversation.
with with him. it's I mean I really I can't tell you how good this discussion is. It's so good. He tells you everything about the movie. um It goes in depth on like every single nook and cranny you could possibly imagine. Answers you know really incredible questions that you don't really hear but like he just like he you can tell he's responding to something.
and he tells you stories and it tells you about the actors and it tells you about what they had to go through the things they had to do to get this part in that part in this part in that part it's incredible ah if you if i mean listen if you don't like the exorcist don't watch it i i don't really care if you don't to be honest like don't watch it then if you like the exorcist then watch it it's a fantastic thing I'm really glad that Shutter had it on. Um, I loved it. It was wonderful. is it Does it have like clips from the movie? Oh yeah. Yeah. Okay. i So it's like a full fledged. Yeah. It's not just his face talking. Well, the way you phrase it was like a conversation with William Friedkin. Yeah. And that's, that's what it is. But then also like they, they produce it in a really smart way and they show you the parts that he's talking to. Okay. Yeah. And it's fantastic. You should watch it. Okay. Uh, my first one is a movie that I missed.
and okay And it's actually an A24 movie. It's called Slice. And it is all about a um town where murders are happening that um they're killing pizza delivery people. It's got Chance the Rapper and um in I have not heard of this. Listen, um I watched this movie because it came up on my on-demand as free to me. So it must be like on HBO or Showtime or something. yeah um So i gave it ah I gave it a chat.
chat a shot I actually really enjoyed it, but it was definitely not a 24 caliber that you'd come to expect if you're watching. That's weird. You know, the witch or, you know, some of the, or anything by age, yeah four it's definitely more like, um, uh, kitschy and like more like over the top. Uh, it, it. It's set in a world where there are clearly witches and werewolves and like vampire, like those things just exist. Like there's no um myth around them or anything and it all around surrounds like when Chance the Rapper comes back to town, he's a werewolf. So they all think that he's the one committing the murders when there's something more nefarious happening because a pizza delivery place is on top of what I can only amount to as a hell mouth.
So it's a lot. That sounds like a lot, but I really enjoyed watching it. I'm not gonna lie. That's probably one that's not gonna be on my list. Yeah, no, it's not for you for sure. But I'm glad you had fun watching it. Yeah, that's exactly what I got out of it, is I just had fun watching it. Sure. My next one is a show called Cobra. It's a BBC show. Not to be confused with Cobra Kai. Not Cobra Kai, no.
um Cobra is a BBC limited limited series like every BBC thing. um It's basically about like England um in the very near future. A solar flare happens and knocks out all of the power everywhere. OK, so this is different than what I was thinking.
Yeah, it's it's not what you're thinking. Well, no, I was thinking of the one that came out. I forget what platform it was on where if Africa had colonized England. No, it is not. that do't Do you know what I'm talking about, though? I don't actually i think it's on Peacock, to be honest. I'm not sure. But this is it was actually pretty good. yeah it was It was a very BBC miniseries, but um it was good. It held my attention. I watched it all in one night, to be honest with you. So six hours of.
just watching a thing. um It was good, I would suggest it. itll It also is interesting to think about you know what would really happen in society if the internet went down and there was no more communication and there was and there wasn't power. like What would happen in today's world? I don't think we should speak that in a being right now. Well, I mean, you never know. Sunflares are real. So that's Cobra on BBC. ah You can watch that on on PBS if you have PBS. If you're paying for an extra subscription, you can watch it. Any notable people in it? Oh, tons. like robert More like England. I mean, Robert robert Carlyle's in it, who's a big actor. OK. Yeah. I don't know about that. Ravenous, the main character. Oh, OK. Yeah, I know that. And Robert Carlyle has been in a lot of movies. so he's He's pretty big.
So the next one that I have is one that is... i don't know how I don't know how often you listen to NPR, but this movie for some reason still gets played on NPR that it is still in theaters. huh Even though it came out like a year and a half ago. That makes no sense. They always have the commercial for the dead don't die. That's so weird. On NPR saying... the The one with Bill Murray. Yeah, saying that it's in theaters now. um It's not. It's not. um um But The Dead Don't Die. This is a stacked cast of like Adam Driver and Bill Murray and Tilda Swinton. Jim Jarmusch, right? Yeah. And um it's it's it sets itself off to be a kind of straightforward um small town going through a zombie apocalypse type of movie.
If you're going to go into it with that mentality, you're not going to enjoy the movie. yeah If you go into that with this movie is just going to kind of um go its own route, yeah then you'll probably enjoy it more. So that's what I would give listeners to. yeah I actually I still haven't seen it yet and i and I want to. It's just I haven't gotten around to it yet. i I will say I had fun with the movie. It does have a lot. It does have some flaws, including um kind of just like a really weird off kilter ending. um But I did enjoy what I watched. I just I kind of had a couple of moments where I'd kind of like tilt my head and be like, huh? I mean, anything with Bill Murray, I'm going to watch it. Yeah. And i I do know I'm not as familiar with the director of the movie, but I guess he is pretty famous for directing these types of movies that kind of like take you like out of it, out of your element. yeah Um, so I think if you watch the trailer and that's the movie you're expecting, you probably won't enjoy yourself. But if you just kind of go into it with an open mind, I think you probably have some fun with it. Okay. My next one is the crown, the new season on Netflix season four now. Um, so now we're in the time period of Margaret Thatcher played by Jillian Anderson, who is just.
Really good as Margaret Thatcher. We have Princess Diana has now entered the scene. um And I forget the actress's name, but her last name is Corinne. She's fantastic. ah Josh O'Connor plays Prince Charles. Josh O'Connor is really, really good.
um ah You might have seen him in the the very gay-centric movie called God's Own Country. It came out a couple years ago. Fantastic movie. I mean, truly a beautiful, lovely film about... uh a lot of things but ah he was he was dependence in it and he's great as prince charles um this season is good and you know what's great about this season is this um i get it people like don't like royalty people don't want the royal family people like to say that they don't care although they actually do um
I don't care if you don't like the royal family or not, this season of the crown is about like being a human, and it really explores that. And it explores that through this extraordinary circumstance of a family who happens to be the royal family.
And it's incredible. And it's well worth everyone's time to sort of weave in and out of that. Because this is not like, it's not about like planning a royal wedding. This is about like poor people in England who don't have anything. In contrast to people who have everything. It's about Maggie Thatcher and the awful policies that she had that ruined poor people in England for a very long time. It's an incredible show in general, but this season I think really knocked it out of the park. I loved it. Cool. It was awesome. I'm glad you liked it. Yeah. um My next one is ah it came out about this time last year and I just never got around to it ah because we lived lives back then. Yeah. But I finally got around to it is Zhiyuan Origins on Netflix. This is kind of the prequel to the film that we know as The Grudge. Yeah.
this shit you you should watch it yeah um it's it's uh let me preface that with if you're not if you're uncomfortable with like brutality and gore maybe don't watch it um because it is very brutal and it does not pull any punches yeah um but it essentially takes you know ah three or four different characters or character arcs or character, what's the word I'm looking for? Like groups of people that have come into contact with the house that the grudge exists within yeah um and kind of shows what happens to them and how they get to kind of what you know of as the grudge modern day. sure ah I really enjoyed it. um If you're turned off by subtitles, there is a dubbed version. um The dubbing is actually pretty good. or yeah yeah yeah it is It is because i'm I'm usually turned off by dubbing, but sometimes i I don't want to think so hard in my brain. I know. So I just turn on the dubbing and this one I didn't really find um to be.
super distracting or anything. So, um, I would definitely recommend if you are a fan of kind of that, um, in that kind of like ghost story or whatever, sure um, I would definitely recommend you on origins. Okay. And then my last one, cause I have one more that I wanted to do. He brought four.
He slipped it in there at the end, I might add. I wanted to do a follow-up because of our last episode. All right, make it snappy, come on. Our last episode we reviewed The Omen. So as many listeners may have known, I just bought the whole series of The Omen. So I have one through four and the remake. I have not watched the remake yet because I saw it in theaters and I don't really think that fondly of it. I don't think you're missing anything. But I did watch for the first time, and as a horror fan, I'm ashamed to kind of say that I had not seen these, but I watched Damien the Omen 2, the Omen 3, the Final Conflict, and the Omen 4, The Awakening. I don't think that this series gets enough credit. I honestly, Damien the Omen 2 was just as good as the first one.
I get that. I think that if, you know, if I'm being honest, like, you know that the extras, we know how I don't like exorcist. I don't like exorcist too. And I really don't like exorcist three. even I know a lot of people like exorcist three. I don't. Even given the the caliber of actors that are in that film, I really, I have some strong opinions about it. I do think that the series of the Omen,
i I talked about how how I feel about the Omen versus the Exorcist episode, but i but all that aside, I think that the Omen series does a better job than the Exorcist series, i was to be honest. i was i All I'll say is I was pleasantly surprised. yeah Sure. um And even in the Omen 3 where we get Sam Neill, like he's young Sam Neill. I actually I love Sam Neill. So and then, you know, the Omen 4 The Awakening is a made for TV movie, so it does suffer some of those kind of things. oh Also, so I love that part in Omen 2 where he's like, well, actually, the word raptor means bird of prey.
Oh no, that's Jurassic Park. Wait, never mind, I lied. Bad joke, bad joke. Keep going, I lied. But anyway, if you've ever thought to yourself, man, I've never seen those Omen sequels, I would, I would say go for it. Listen, what the fuck else are you doing right now?
like Give yourself a day where you're like, oh, wait, I'm not doing it literally anything else. I'll watch all the elements. Yeah, why not? Give yourself an omen. Anyway, I think that will take us to a close on what you've been watching, bitch. No, it's not. It isn't. No, because we have two. Oh, my God. I totally forgot. I so totally forgot how you are. Listen, I know you're baton. We're going to get you later. um So listen, you know, that we have a Patreon.
It's Patreon slash Friday 13, right? So you can become a Patreon for as little as how much, Andrew? A dollar. A dollar. Literally a dollar. That's like nothing. It's 12 bucks a year. And so at a certain level, what level do we watch movies? Five dollars. At five dollars. So if you donate five dollars a month to us, which every single dollar gets pumped right back into the show, we will watch a movie in your honor and talk about it. Yeah. So we have two new Patreons actually, ah which is awesome.
So, um, Andrew, you watched a one called house hunting. Yes. This was recommended by our patron Natalie, uh, house hunting. You can, if you care to watch it, it is on Amazon prime right now. So if you have prime membership, it's also called the wrong house.
On, on Amazon, it's called house hunting, but it does have alternate titles likes in other places. But, um, that's what you can find it on Amazon. Tell us all about house hunting. House hunting is about two families that are going to, they're both looking for a house, obviously house hunting. Um, but they kind of get to this house at the same time and they're both led there by like this guy who kind of like just comes up to them and says like, Oh, you're looking for a house. Come see this one and hands them like that flyer or whatever you call that little pamphlet.
Um, and they both go and they accidentally go at kind of like the same time. So they're overlapping and there's this weird voice box. the the The door is open and there's this weird voice box outside that they press the button and it kind of gives you like an introduction to the move to the, uh, house. They're like, it's 1646 West pine street. Come inside and see the thing.
and then they kind of get weirded out that there's nobody there so they try to leave and it turns out that they can't leave like every time they drive away they just drive right back like there's no way to leave and it's all about these two families navigating kind of I mean, in this this is not giving away anything, but like like la in the first 15 minutes, there's a title card that says, like, a month later. So they're trapped in this house for a month. Holy shit. So it's them kind of navigating what's going on and trying to figure it out. um It's weird because there's always a cupboard that always has seven pieces of seven cans of stew.
And I told Michael last night we were watching this, I'm like, oh yeah, like Dinty Morris do. And he was like, what, what is that? I'm like, you don't know what Dinty Morris? He was giving me more like chunky brands. But you know, what Dinty Morris, right? Yeah, for sure. But it was like, yeah, Dinty Morris. I mean, we didn't, we didn't really eat it that often, but like I can see a can in my head right now.
Um, but anyway, it's kind of like them just kind of figuring it out. Obviously things are growing with tension, um, that comes to a part where the house kind of demands blood and it keeps going from there. Kind of says like only one family can survive this. And so it was The only thing I'll say about it is that it's definitely like low budget. Yeah, like so if you can forgive some of the um The acting well, I mean mark singer was in it. I mean he's he's he's like the one guy. Yeah sure so um I would say I had a good time watching it. It had a pretty satisfying ending yeah um If you can forgive some of the acting I think that you'll really enjoy it. So you can watch it on Amazon Prime.
What about you? Well, uh, for our patron Brandon, Brandon, thank you very much for joining up with us. Yes. And Brandon, I was very afraid when you joined because I have a mortal enemy that has your very similar name, but it's just two letters switched erupt and I was very nervous.
um So Brandon suggested that we watch Black Box also on Amazon Prime. And this is part of that Blumhouse. It's part of the Blumhouse series. And I have some things to say about that. But um ah this one came out in October. So really, it just came out. um And it was it was it was good. You know, I i watched this last night. I i enjoyed it. um Mama do at the or maybe at the I think his name, his last name might be he plays the main character of Nolan.
Um, Felicia fucking Rashad isn't no he's talking about Claire Huxtable is in the house today. nice Um, and listen, I love Felicia Rashad. I got some news for you. like I grew up watching the Cosby is, I thought Lisa Bonet was the coolest girl in the world.
And I also loved Claire Huxtable, and I also love Felicia Rashad, of course, who played her. Anyways, this movie is about Nolan, um who, ah after losing his wife in a car accident, also has amnesia. And so he's a single father now. I forget his daughter's name. But he decides to go through this treatment with a device called the black box.
And the black box is run by this doctor who was played by Felicia Rashad. And so um it's it's like this. It's it looks sort of like a virtual reality headset. looks okay It looks kind of like an Oculus that's just like really big. OK. And so when you go into this black box treatment, it basically takes you into your subconscious and it um takes you deep into your memories.
And when you first go into it, she teaches you that, like, OK, you're in your safe room now. This is like where you go to be safe. Obviously, you can't leave this room if you leave this room. I can't get you back.
And also like um you have an analog watch. So this watch is like how you get around basically. If you turn the crown forward, you'll go forward in your memories. If you turn the crown back, you'll go back in your memories. And so it becomes this like basically this journey of his dude trying to get his memory back.
And like, I don't want to give a lot away because there are a lot of twists and turns. like I got to be kind of careful with that. But yeah, I mean, I enjoyed it. What this feels like to me is sort of like.
Bloomhouse's and maybe Amazon's Black Mirror. That's what it feels like to me. And I think that's what the whole In the Dark series has kind of been. Well, no, that's Hulu. Into the Dark is Hulu. Oh, no, no, I'm sorry. I don't mean that. I mean the Bloomhouse stuff on Amazon. Yeah, the Bloomhouse thing. Sorry. Yeah, I've watched two of them. I've watched The Lie. And you watch Nocturne. And I watch Nocturne. Yeah.
and i felt very similarly um not that they use technology like black mirror does but it feels like a honestly if i'm being totally honest both movies that i watched in this series kind of just feel like movies that were not good enough for theaters, but Blumhouse produced them. And now that we're in pandemic times, they sold them to Amazon. that makes And I'm not I'm not trying to like downplay them because I mean, give them a watch if you want. But like I felt like both had like grandiose ideas that just never really paid off. Yeah. I mean, I would say with Black Box, I don't think you're too far off with that either. I think that's I think first off, like it's it's it's pretty good performances from from of a really. Oh, yeah. All of the movies that I've watched have all had good acting. But this one specifically has has pretty good performances from a cadre of black actors. And that's really great to see because it's great to have a movie with black people in it. um And especially like like a horror movie. um you know Producers from Get Out obviously worked on this too. um So it does kind of have a little bit of a Get Out feeling too to it, I noticed. There are some commonalities that you'll see when you watch it. In general, yeah, it was good. I just sort of wish like,
They would every part that I wanted them to go further. They didn't go further. Gotcha. That that was a thing for me. And I was like, just just make this fucking crazy right now. yeah Make it make it way scarier right now. And I'm not usually like that, as you know. So like, I don't know. I enjoyed it. Probably not going to watch it again. Do I think that you should watch it? Absolutely. i I think it was an enjoyable watch, especially during quarantine when you're not watching a lot else. Yeah. So watch it, it was good. And also the lead actor, I i don't think I've seen him in anything else. um And he was good. He also has a really interesting voice. like okay It's hard to explain. The timbre of his voice was really compelling and that's that kind of stuff really sticks out to me as somebody who studied voice. um i just I really enjoyed hearing him speak. okay And also once again, did I mention Felicia Rashad?
Well thank you Natalie and Brandon for your patronage. Thank you. And we really really really do appreciate it. Thank you for supporting independent podcasts.

'Blood Rage' Film Discussion

So we will take another break and we will be back with our first movie and it is entitled Blood Rage. Blood Rage. Looks like you're gonna get a chance to meet the rest of the family. My psychotic brother just escaped.
I just don't want to spoil things. We all sleep more turkey? No, I'm pretty good, thanks. I don't like to talk about my brother and give him the nightmare. I mean, he's Thanksgiving. You know, somebody ought to tell him to get inside. Nobody should be out with my brother around. They looked exactly like Terry, except he had this really wild, crazy look in his eyes.
sweetheart. You know that? A real sweetheart.
Not cranberry sauce, Artie. It's not cranberry sauce. Get ready. It's time for horror in the media. Maddie, tell us all about our first ah sacrifice in this Thanksgiving. Oh. yeah the The movie that is Blood Rage. Blood Rage from 1987, also known as Nightmare at Cheddar Woods, Slasher, and Complex.
It had a lot of names. We'll talk more about that. um Not All Evil is on Elm Street. In 1974, Terry commits a murder and pins it on his twin brother in a really funny way um to his twin brother named Todd. 10 years later,
Todd escapes from a mental institution on the same day as Terry's murderous instincts resurface. Blood Rage was directed by John Grissmer, written by Bruce Rubin, who had a pen name of Richard Lambden for some reason. It was produced by the Film Concept Group and some other companies. so um Todd and Terry were played by Mark Soper.
Maddie, the mother, was played by Louise Lasser. Karen, by Julie Gordon. Julie was played by Jane Benson. And Dr. Berman was played by Mary Ann Cantor. Rated R, a great 82 minutes, thank God. Country was USA, naturally. ah Released in May of 1987. Filmed mostly in Jacksonville, where it also takes place. um But the drive-in sequence, where the murder happened, was filmed in New Jersey.
could not find budget information for this thing literally anywhere. And I searched. It was not there. I'm guessing the budget was probably $20,000, mind you. Worldwide gross was $10. Anyways, that is a little bit about blood rage.
Blood rage, this was my suggestion for our Thanksgiving Day dinner. Why did you choose it for Thanksgiving? Because it takes place on Thanksgiving. There you go. um No, there's ah there's a very notable sequence of people ah laughing at a table while they carved the turkey. and love they it's just like They cut to them being like, ha, ha, ha. Literally, it was like, OK, everybody, start laughing. We're going to start filming you. haven't i I haven't heard that one before. Oh, watermelon, watermelon.
I'm telling you, um this is not a good movie, but it is a fun, stupid movie. Yeah. You know, this is my first time seeing it. And I couldn't wait for you to watch it. Yeah. there's There's a lot of great zingers and a lot of great moments. Like you just want to get out your phone and record the video because it's just it's so dumb. um And it was a lot of fun to watch. It really was.
um the the tour de force acting of our mother character oh my god it's so awful uh you see her again in the i'm sure in other things like don't get me wrong but she was also in black xmas which was the uh first remake of black christmas she played the uh the murderous, sun-raping mother wow in that movie. Well, she just keeps playing the mother. um There are so many things about this movie that I just absolutely love. I love that when you open on the drive-in theater, they're going to see the house that cried murder. And the version that we watched on Shudder, which everyone can go ahead and go and watch on Shudder, is actually, ah the title screen is Slasher. Yeah, right.
um It starts with a very cute boy. If we were going to do um a hottie this episode. The one in the the one that that the one in the sleeveless sweater. we yeah and And that goes to the concession booth. Oh yeah, he's so he's so he smoking. And gets the ah condoms from Ted Raimi of all people.
Um, you know, that this movie starts with a kind of, uh, a ah ah weird situation that I don't, well, a lot of us might be getting reused to, uh, being at the, uh, drive-in theater. I know that I used to go to the drive-in theater. We used to go to the cherry bowl drive-in. We used to go to the Y and W. And, um, because Y and W or the 49er, we had that one too. And because kids 10 and under were free, my parents would often ask us to put a blanket over us and shrink down so that we'd look younger so we could get in for free. Jesus. Um, they even went as so far as to put my teenage stepbrother in the trunk. Did you have these speakers on the window or did you have radio? We had both. Okay. ah Yeah. too
Um, but we did have a time where we knew someone that if you sat on their roof, it was kind of like, um, God, what's that movie with Demi Moore and oh God, why am I blanking on this? No, no, no, no, no. Uh, with like Rosie O'Donnell. Oh God, I don't know. Where they played kids and then they played older versions of themselves.
I know what you're talking about. Anyway, it people are going to be screaming at the thing right now. But um my had I had ah an acquaintance that if you sat on their roof, you could see the drive in and then you could tune in your radio to kind of like get to the station. um But anyway, um we start with the now and then, now and then. Thank you. and and Thank you. um I don't know why I forgot that. I did too. It makes you feel any better. But we open with the drive-in, we get t ah Todd and Terry, and they i they find that their mom's at it again, as they say. Yeah, mom's at it again. Come on. And they go, and um Terry picks up a hatchet from one of the trunks. Just from a truck. It's just open. There's a hatchet. He takes it. And he kills the then cute the boy. The cute guy. Who's having some canoodling time. Yeah.
Puttin' those condoms to use. And she she runs bare bootied out of there. There's so much weird nakedness. and why We should have seen his booty, even if it was dead. Yeah. Well, we get to see what's his Greg's booty later on.
Thanks, Greg. um But some of the things that I thought were funny about this is that the voiceover of the doctor is like very um underrepresented. like i was I was having a hard time like understanding, is this a voiceover or is this in the movie? I don't understand like what's happening because they're also having a conversation behind the voiceover. The voiceover is so cheesy. I know. It's so cheesy.
The whole movie's cheesy, but this was cheesy. The thing that I find funny about the voiceover is that she says, yes, Todd is catatonic. And then in the next in the next frame, nick he's talking. Yeah, he's not catatonic at all. He's actually, to be honest, he seems kind of fine yeah the whole time. Totally. he just has It reminded me of Mean Girls where like one has their push forward and one has their push back. It was ridiculous.
heless um i I have not seen this short of shorts in a movie since sleepaway camp Yeah, cuz we do get a nice football segment because you know, you got to play football on Thanksgiving You gotta have one. I did enjoy it though. I'm not gonna lie. I Enjoy the short shorts The laughter on the table. I love the pop collar with a tie. I know I know Some of the good but who yeah it's actually kind of maybe you want to do it too a little bit. Yeah you know You never know. Some of the mom's lines are just so good when she's like, ah dig in. And they all kind of look at her like, you haven't carved the turkey yet. And she's like, to the other stuff. ah My favorite line in the movie is when Julie is going out to talk to, is it Alfie? I can't remember his name now. It doesn't matter. Which is going out to talk to like this guy she's dating. And she's got her baby in the other room, like the perfect class for Jacksonville, Florida. And she tells her baby.
mama's gonna go get you a rich daddy yeah and then goes back out there to him in her negligee yeah totally where he's having a feast of liqueurs because there's like a coconut liqueur a banana liqueur he had never had any of these liqueurs before ever he's also like like literally the dorkiest person in the world Not to bring it back to the mom, but um I'm going to because I think she's hilarious. um I love when she's just sitting on the ground eating corn. she ah She is a trip. Even at the end of the movie, what does she keep exclaiming?
I'm Todd. So what she says? No, she's just like, Oh, she's saying at the end, like, Oh, I love you so much. We're in this together. We're in this together. And then she's like, Terry. And he's like, I'm Todd. That's what Todd says. But she says something to at the end. I don't remember. I'm pretty sure she keeps repeating. I'm Todd. I'm Todd this shoots her brains out. Yeah. and And like, it's, it's very it's all very dramatic and very art house at the end, of course, was ridiculous.
Um, one of the, one of the little throwaway lines that I thought was just funny is like, when, um, the step, the soon to be stepdad and Terry are in the kitchen and they're kind of cleaning up and, um, the soon to be stepdad kind of says like, Oh honey, I'll take care of the dishes and you just go relax because Todd's on the loose and you know, I want, I don't want you to worry. And she basically says she, as she walks away, she's like, the Turkey was perfect. Yeah.
It was just so stupid. And every time we see blood in this movie, what does he say? It's not cranberry sauce. It's not cranberry sauce. I mean, like it's that's the thing, iss right? you know like And you guys know for me, this sort of thing is usually truly not, this is not my thing.
um i like I like the more dramatic. I like the things that are frankly more depressing. This one is fun. I mean, it's not meant to be fun, but it is so much fun to watch. I kept texting Michael and Andrew videos that I was taking from my own screen. And and I just had to because it was so funny. yeah So much of it was funny. yeah And I just kept laughing. I like how when Karen is getting ready to go um perpass s profess her love to Terry, she basically has like a pump up moment where she's like, she's like, she's like, okay, okay, Karen, this is it. two more of my favorite ah Two more of my favorite lines were, I'll say this big bird is ready for carving and that one really got me.
And then another one, too, is when Terry sits down. And this is when, like, you know, the mom and the and the brow is his name, the dad guy who's not the dad yet. Yeah. Like, I just refer to him as soon to be accepted when they're like, OK, don't tell anybody else what's going on. And Terry sits down and goes, Well, my psychotic brother, Justice. Yeah. and Everyone's like, What the fuck? It was hilarious.
um I like how when Karen goes to profess her love to Terry and she's basically saying like, I know we haven't talked and I know we haven't sent letters and I know we haven't talked on the phone and I know we haven't seen each other in a while, but I think you should make love to me. Yes, totally. I mean, honestly, thats that's kind of I don't know. I might think about doing that, too. Another thing that I really love is when Terry is chasing one of the girls. I can't remember which one, but she's like going around because like where they are is in this like apartment complex complex, basically um in Jacksonville, which is the worst place in the world. And so um she's running around trying to get help and she's banging on doors and she banged on this one door and there's this little girl.
But it's the payoff to an earlier scene where we see the little girl earlier. So the little girl is is like, no, you said not to let let any stranger in. And then she goes, you're going to hurt my kitty. It was so funny. Well, I nearly died laughing right. early on in the movie that same girl is out looking for her kitty cats and she stumbled upon Todd who Todd is the good one and he basically says like don't open the door for anybody well and he says cats have a way of finding their way home yeah Just like that, too. It's a very odd sequence in a very odd movie. Yeah. Because it literally happens out of nowhere. A movie featuring the song, the hit song, I'm going to get you, I'm going to find you. Yeah, it's really good. But then also, he finds Dr. Berman, his psychologist, a little earlier. He tries to put her back together. She's in Two Pieces, which I wrote down, followed by LOL. That's how funny it was to see somebody.
into pieces and then also one more thing is right after that scene it cuts back to the house where the mom is vacuuming the floor and she is drinking this gigantic glass of wine. It's huge and I clearly she's very nervous so like like they're trying to get across oh she's just she's like just got nervous energy so she's just cleaning and like shakily drinking this giant glass of wine It's it's funnier if you see it. Yeah, me you got to see it. I died and I have it on video to the other big quote that I love is when it comes from the mom where she's basically telling Terry like be careful out there Todd's on the loose like ah's it's everything's gonna be okay but just be really careful and also it's cold outside so please put on a sweater and then she's literally says no the blue one the blue one yeah yeah be sure to use the blue one there um I also like at the end well we already kind of talked about it
where the the mom and and Todd are finally together, Terry's you know done for now. And she says, it's just us, Terry. yeah And he says, I'm Todd, I'm Todd! And then she does start saying I'm Todd there. Also, at the very end of my notes, I just wrote, honestly, dot, dot, dot, very Florida.
This makes sense. yeah And honestly, I think it's it's a very Florida horror film. I just I thought it was funny that the mom basically gets so drunk that she passes out standing up, but then gets up, gets put into bed, mistakes Todd for Terry and then gets up and drinks more wine. Yeah. But then also has the mental capability to get a gun and go and shoot the wrong guy. I mean, that's the thing. it's It's almost hard to talk about this movie because it's just a funny movie in the end. Yeah. Like there's there is literally no substance to this. and there I mean, there's literally all there's literally a character that in the scene prior to his death, he's having a conversation with Karen where he says, I'm a survivor. yeah And then he dies in the next scene. Which is actually how um that one band made that song called. I'm a survivor? Who was that? Destiny's Child? Destiny's Child, yeah. Destiny's Child actually got the inspiration from Blood Rage. Oh, interesting. Now you know.
um A little bit of trivia about this, I did tell you that there were a bunch of other titles originally. So the film was shot in 1983 given of a limited release, surprised theatrically, by film concept group under the title Nightmare at Shadow Woods.
um and Is that the name of the complex? I think it is. I think I remember a sign. It must be. yeah It must be. Yeah. Let's see here. It was heavily edited, abbreviating much of the gore, ah contained a swimming pool scene not found in the 1987 VHS called Blood Rage. That was the version by Prism Entertainment. um the That contains all of the gore. Also includes an early scene missing from Nightmare at Shadow Woods.
where Maddie visits Todd at the mental hospital. So so that might be the one we watched. We saw the whole one. What's interesting, though, is that the title ah card was still slasher. I know. I didn't understand that either. I couldn't find, and this is not a surprise because this movie's all over the place, like I couldn't find why that was so. You know, it's very interesting because another movie on shutter that I've watched recently, The Mutilator, also has an alternate title. Really? What is it? Fall Break.
Yeah, it's just very interesting. And it literally comes up like on the screen, but just like this movie. I guess it it was kind of a another good lesson. like we I love discovering things about films when we do do shows for the podcast. Like, oh yeah, different production companies that are going to produce it for a different release will create a different title. like That just makes total sense. And what I will say about this movie is that if you are a fan of practical effects, all the effects are pretty, pretty good. Like, they're yeah, they're not bad. I mean, there's some like dummy heads and stuff that don't look great, but that was pretty.
like Upon watching it this time, especially the drive-in kill where you get some in the face with the hatchet Looks pretty good. They look pretty real. Yeah, so I will say I will give it that I wish he would have slashed him on his butt or something because see his butt I agree this I think this might be the first time where we are agreeing on a hottie of a movie. I mean it's cute Yeah, it's true. Also, there's actually a lot of cute guys listen Andrew, I haven't had sex in eight months. It's true. So like literally your beer bottle right now is looking kind of sexy to me. So like, you know, whatever. I get it. Um, so give me that beer bottle. Give me that beer bottle on Friday, the 13th or podcast we green on a seven stripe scale because there are seven stripes in the rainbow. Uh, Maddie, what do you give blood rate? Four and a half.
Okay. Um, for me, I realized that this might not be the what most well-made movie. Will I watch it over and over and over again? Absolutely. So I'm going to give it a five. Congratulations. That's blood rage from 1987. Friends, refill your drink, but only half. You just need to have one for this. We're taking care of ourselves. Remember?

'Christie' Movie Exploration

And then we're going to come back and do our next film called Christie.
It's weird I've never seen it so dead here before.
Overnight, police in Oregon announced they found the 21-year-old's body people out there. They're following me here. I'm going out there.
911, what's your emergency? There are people trying to kill me! I need help! um We're already here. And we're back with our final film of the episode, and this one is called Christie. Andrew, tell us all about your girlfriend. Christie, run for your life. When a college girl who's alone on campus over the Thanksgiving break is targeted by a group of outcasts, she must conquer her deepest fears to outwit them and fight back. Fight back.
This is directed by Ali Blackburn, written by Anthony Jaswinski. Production company was David Kirshner Productions, also TWC. um Justine is played by Haley Bennett. Violet is played by Ashley Green. Erin is played by Lucas Till. Wayne is played by Matthew St. Patrick of Six Feet Under fame. i remember Nicole is played by Erica ash blue hoodie is play. Oh, this is how they're titled. Yeah. Yeah. Blue hoodie is played by Chris koi. Black hoodie is played by Mike seal. Gray hoodie is played by Lucius Fallek and Scott is played by James Ranson. This is comes in at a hot 86 minutes. We had two movies under 90 minutes. love That kind of thing.
Very much into that. This was made in the USA, release date of November 5th, 2015. Filming locations were in New Orleans and ah made on the Tulane campus. ah Budget of 6.9 million, gross. this is This was a very, very limited release and it only made about 616,000. And then it kind of went to different areas like Lifetime and Netflix. Yeah, we'll talk about that.
Okay, Christy, ah Maddie, I think this is a first time watch for you. yeah Why don't you tell me what you liked about Christy? Yeah, I like i i liked Christy. I mean, there were parts of it that I definitely did not like if I'm being honest with you. um But in general, you know, like I told you when I first came over for the recording today, Christy felt a little bit like the strangers, but a little more satisfying. OK, like I i like the strangers. Also, the strangers drives me nuts because just there are things that you want to happen that don't happen. If you listen, I think episode three or episode four, you can get our thoughts on strangers. I'll tell you, I remember going to Evanston to see the strangers to to get ready for that episode way back in the day. Oh, my God. um Anywho. So, um yeah, Christy was was good. It's um um it was it was satisfying because
Kristy kills, not Kristy, because Justine kills people. Basically, the story is this. There is this fanatical group, very weird cult of people that are are in this fold. Yeah. That are in this small town around this mythical college called Birch College. Like I said, it was filmed on the Tulane campus where Justine is staying behind for Thanksgiving break. Apparently,
She is the only student staying behind at this campus. And we should say that um Justine is of meager means. Well, we'll talk about that. Because she like has a job on campus. She can't afford to fly home for chris and her Thanksgiving. Her roommate has a BMW, or her boyfriend, air quote, has has a Range Rover. like Clearly, she's the poor one in the group. so Yeah.
ah ah amidst many offers to go somewhere for Thanksgiving, over literally like a bunch of them. And like good options. Great options. like oh like One of them, for example, is going to Aspen to go skiing in a private car with a bunch of rich people. um She still decides to stay at this college, which this is one of the first problems that I have.
this this college apparently this rich kid college and there are a lot of like small colleges like that all around the country um this this campus does not look like a rich kid college that is one thing i will say right away yeah it looks like almost like community college i don't know why on earth they chose to film this in new orleans that made no sense to me This should have been filmed in the Northeast in New England. It could have been filmed in the P.N.W. There's plenty of of of small liberal arts colleges there. Fuck, it could have been filmed at Grinnell in Iowa. It could have been filmed anywhere but Tulane. I will say is that's one of my biggest problems. I will say, though, like this, ah I know that you went to a larger college. yeah I kind of went to like a middle ah middle shirt of the road as far as population goes. This felt like my college campus. Yeah, but your college campus wasn't a rich kid campus. I know and that's what I'm saying is like it it that part didn't make sense to me and it's something and I know it's very nitpicky. I get it. Yeah, but it's something that's sort because the campus is a character in the movie. Oh yeah, for sure. Where she has to go to get away from these people that I'm about to describe, because I haven't done that yet, but like where she has to go to get away from them and do things and do this and do that, whatever, there's a pool, all these things. That's all part of it. And like, it just didn't make any sense. That didn't make sense to me. But let me continue with the summary of what the movie actually is. Yeah, okay. So ah Justine is by herself.
She goes to a convenience store using her roommate's BMW that she graciously left for her to use, which was which was cool of her. So she goes like go pick up snacks and whatever. Right. So she goes there and she runs into this woman who has very bad teeth.
I have that in my notes too. And a lot of lip piercings and she is just very weird to her. And so she leaves the store. She's like, I like your hair. Yeah, there's just there was a lot. I like your car. Yeah. So she leaves and like down the road, she runs into this woman again and that same in her to her junky car.
And eventually they all head back to the campus, you know, they find her at the campus and then all hell breaks loose. And eventually too, like Justine learns from these people who are now chasing her around the campus. They have killed her. They've killed the security guard. They have killed the groundskeeper who was played by Scott Ransol. The Security Guard is played by Matthew St. Patrick, who is Keith on Six Feet Under. Remember Keith? Sweet Keith. We need to talk about Todd. Is that his name right? Todd. I think that's his name in the movie. as Scott. name Scott. Yeah.
her boyfriend's name is Erin. Okay. Oh, Scott drove me nuts. This guy, the Scott sequence. I couldn't even handle it. I kind of wanted to turn the movie off then. Yeah. That I didn't. I'm glad that I didn't. So this is a movie for me that is frustrating up till the point where it's fun again. Yeah. Because she goes through all of this thing where So apparently this is the most unsecured, secure campus there is because early on in the movie, they establish that there's a key cards like a swipe, but it never comes into play except for when she goes to do laundry. That's the only time and the rest of the film, she has unfettered access to everything.
everywhere. And not only does she, so do the killers. yeah Everyone does. But no, just to go back to the Scott sequence. So Scott is a groundskeeper, yeah basically, and he has a a house on campus, essentially. Which that makes sense. Yeah. And um she runs to him. This man does not know where anything is. He's so stoned that he doesn't know where his phone is. Even after being asked probably 30 times, where is your phone? He doesn't even respond. I know. And see, that's a problem that I have, and not to interrupt you. No, it's fine. But when directors don't know how to get actors to actually play stoned or play drunk. Right. It drives me nuts when you have drunkards who are like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like, have you ever been drunk before? Right. Have you ever been stoned before? Guess what?
You do know where your phone is. The part of that sequence that drove me the most insane, though, and this is part of kind of the overall movie, is that she never weapons up until like way later on in the movie when she has many times where she could have. Yeah. And in the Scott sequence, he literally has a butcher or a hunting knife on the wall. Yeah, I know that she could have grabbed. So I kind of blame like the set decorators for that because I don't put a giant knife in the background if you don't think I'm going to do it. Although I do wonder if that is actually part of the strategy behind the direction of these kind of films. I wonder if, for example, if somebody else out there knows this, please let us know. That'd be kind of cool to explore. But for example, when I said that the strangers, which I really like, is unsatisfying because we don't get to
hack them until the second one. Yeah. Yeah. But like maybe that is actually part of it. Maybe that may be maybe the the theory behind it is that like does that annoyance in you that adrenaline that it bring out like a certain. Yeah. Does it help propel your fear of what's happening, maybe I don't know. The other part that, and I promise I'm going to get to the parts that I liked, that the other part that annoyed me so much is that the first thing that she really picks up is a pair of goggles that she doesn't even use when she goes into the pool to hide from the killer. She uses them later on, but like I'm just like, you just picked up the goggles. I know. i know if you And it's a good sequence. it's a really good The whole pool sequence is really well done where she goes silently down into the water to hide from the killer. And waits. But why aren't you wearing the damn goggles you just picked up? She had good swimmer, girl. She knows how to keep. I mean, I couldn't do that shit. You know me. I'd be dead right away. Yeah. And then she fucking kills that dude in the pool. And that was well done. Yeah, no all all of the kill sequences are really well done when she cuz does she kills the guy with the Range Rover first, right? Yep Yeah, so basically what happens is that her boyfriend comes back to check on her so cute and he's from other stuff too yeah I couldn't he was it. He was in the new MacGyver. That's it. He was the amigo Lucas till um, so he does a cutie He is yeah, his bangs bother me in this movie. You have you have similar bangs They don't hang in the face all day long. let it let him hang um But he comes back to check on her because it is established early on in the movie that they're in a good relationship and that kind of good well then that he feels bad that she's staying behind but she doesn't want to meet his mom again. so
or is it his mom or grandma i can't remember it's it was a class issue yeah um and so he comes back and gets stabbed in the gut and killed and that's kind of what is the antithesis for her like taking charge that turns it around yeah and her like taking charge and coming after the uh assailants and um yeah she kills the first one by ramming him with a range rover We get a second when we talk about the pool sequence where she hides in the pool, and then what does she use to kill him? I can't remember. It's something small. I honestly can't remember, but she uses the bat to basically strangle him. Yeah, but she stabs him with something like a corkscrew or something like a pocket knife or something like that. I can't recall. And then falls into the pool and basically strangles him underwater in a very cool sequence that is filmed very well. It worked very, very well. It truly did. And then she finds the janitor's closet where she then steals the baseball bat from her first assailant and wraps it with a big nail kind of thing. How can you describe this material? It's basically the long metal thing with holes in it.
You know what I mean? You know what? They're just going to have to go with that. I don't. And then she puts nails in the holes. And so she basically makes a Negan that made sense. And the sequence also of that is really well done where she uses the voice recorder to distract in a shower and in like the gym locker room. And then she just comes out and fucking whaps him. No, that's a really interesting sequence. That part. I want to talk about that one.
Oh, one thing I forgot one just one second before I forget it. Yeah. Early on in the movie, I was harkened back to my college life because where you killed somebody, you know, early on in the movie, she's filling out her FAFSA. And I always remember hating filling out those. Do you mean the free application for federal student aid? Yes, that one. I just remember you always had to get like all your parents' social security information and their taxes. It was the worst because I was i was also always scared that like something was going to fuck up and I'd be fucked. right Anyway, sorry. I want to talk about that shower scene because it is interesting
um It's interesting. So the the the killers, the the blue hoodie, gray hoodie, whatever other color hoodie, um they are all wearing masks that are made of foil, basically. Is it foil or duct tape? I don't know. It was shiny. Yeah. It was shiny. So I guess it was just foil. So they're all very rustic masks. They're very easily made. that the The woman, though, is not wearing a mask, whatever. oh Her name was Violet. Her name was Violet.
I don't think they ever say in the movie, but that's why you see it in her username when she logs in. Oh, we'll talk about that. OK, but um they're all wearing these masks. This particular last kill that she does in the shower scene, she takes this guy's mask off and she observes him and sort of looks at him. It was an interesting moment. um I'm not sure that the director fully explored what that could have been. Yeah, it was interesting because Michael turned to me at that point and he was like, we're we're not supposed to know who he is, right? like And I think I was like, no. like i just I don't think that that moment was was fully planned. I don't think that it was a bad moment. I think that unfortunately, like what the director didn't maybe understand was like it makes audiences go, wait a minute, did we see him before? Yeah, or exactly as I saw i'm talking about was i was supposed to know him or what and you don't. don't Yeah, we didn't see him before at all. So there there wasn't any sort of like catharsis of what that's supposed to be. She didn't have any lines about like you're just a normal guy or yeah or you look like my brother or I know you from child. Like there was nothing there behind it beyond just sort of a blank look from her, which
isn't artsy, that's not artsy. That's just a failed moment, unfortunately. I don't think that it was necessarily- It's just confusing. Well, if it's confusing, then it's a failure. Your art is not meant to confuse you. You have to have some sort of impetus behind what that moment, what that decision is. So if that's a pretty big decision, you're gonna take off the mask, what is it for? I think another part of the failure was that we don't see her filming that.
We don't see her film the guy's face because she gets the idea of what's going on by then, right? Because she's been filmed, she's she's seen them filming her. yeah And then eventually after that scene, well, during that scene, she gets a text message on that guy's phone and it just says, you kill Christie, which actually sounds kind of funny.
And so she thinks about it and she answers why for yes. And then, you know, it's the girl texting. Yeah. Violet. Yeah. Yeah. And then she's and she's like, I've got the car ready. And she's like, I'll be right out. And so she's super smart about this. Earlier on in the movie, we were in a chemistry class. Very throwaway scene. Yeah. That foreshadow. It's like Chekhov's explosion. Totally right. But like, so we see we see in this in this class um him like doing like some very simple chemical experiment. Yeah, basically, if water hits this yeah part, this amount of chemicals or this, then then it's going to it's going to catch on fire. And so she mixes those chemicals in the lab, brings out a bag with her. She also puts on the clothes from the guy that she just killed and then walks out to that car, throw in the girl thinks it's it thinks it's the dude. She throws it on the girl in the car. It's a good scene. It's a great scene. And then when that bitch gets out of the car. girl she is ready to burn it off today and like sure as shit that girl takes one step and she's like nope and it is like it is a firestorm in here it is like it's fire starter girl it was really good yeah and then
Also so satisfying she dies. Yeah, it's great and she films her dying also great Yeah, and then it's kind of it has like a kind of ah an ending where they're exposing all of the different cult which across the country I want to see what you feel about this because it's one of your favorite horror films It, it, that particular part felt very the invitation to me. Yeah, totally. And I do wonder if the writers of the invitation saw this and were like, Hmm, I could think they both came out around the same time. We could build on this. This came out earlier. Really? Okay. This came out earlier for sure.
I mean, I guess i guess the invitation was probably in works well before. Maybe they were all cousins talking at Thanksgiving and they all have the same idea. But anyways, it did have that sort of same, the same cult feel that you get in the invitation. You get sort of the same cult feel here in that it's not just one, right it's all over the place and it's all happening at once. I'll tell you that if you're going to make that comparison, the invitation does it much better.
Well, I didn't I didn't make a comment. You know what I mean? Like, I'm just saying, like, I mean, I'm not here to judge to judge that that part of it. I'm just saying, like, the idea. It was interesting to see that. um I did think it was interesting that she chose to go that route of killing her when she had so many options because she had just killed the guy with the nail bat. He also had a knife on him so we could have gone that route, but she chose Justine as a theatrical bitch and she decided to go this route. I will say one criticism I have of the cult thing is that we don't understand the religious aspects of it enough. Well, they do a little bit at the beginning where they say Christi is Christ.
I don't know if you saw that in the opening sequence. Yeah, there's an opening sequence and it's mostly done through just like typing and like seeing the website and stuff that they kind of upload their killing videos to. And it's like, Christie is Christ, Christie is Christ like, like that kind of a thing. So it's got to be some sort of thing um in religion, but also in, um, they kind of see these upper white, white.
upper-class women. As Christ? As Christi, which is equal to Christ, I guess. but See, ah as as a, I don't know, that that that's a weird, that's a tough line to follow. Almost like an Eve, maybe, type of thing? Maybe, I guess. I don't know. They don't examine that portion enough. I just i went i mean, like they they do give you some hints, right? like When they first sent her on the hunt,
They say run to God, Christie. Right. And then and then when when it's all exposed, you hear about this and that whatever. I just sort of feel like if you're going to have a system in a film, you should probably give your audience a little bit more about what the system is. Yeah, for sure. Because it's it's just to say like it makes your film better. Like yeah it's more interesting if we know why. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's like it's like an invitation.
We don't know fully what the cult is doing. We know enough though, yeah. But we we know enough of what this doomsday cult is going for that it makes sense to us. It harkens back to like a Jonestown or to a this or two of that. This doesn't harken to really anything. Yeah. So I just wish they had gone a little bit further there. And we should have said it very early on that if you do want to watch Christie, because I do think it's criminally under seen, um, you can watch it on YouTube right now for free it's free yeah either are ads, but whatever you can skip them in five seconds. yeah It's not bad. Um, ah what I was really annoyed by is when we chose k Christie, it was free on Netflix. Guess when it left Netflix.
When? Halloween. What? It literally left Netflix on Halloween. Why? So when I picked this, I was fully in that, oh yeah, it's on Netflix, no big deal. And then I was like, if I have to rent this motherfucker, I'd be so mad. That is, that's, that's ridiculous. But also we should just speak about the curse really quick because those of you who know our curse know that we always select movies when they're free.
And then we have to rent at least one of them every episode. This is the first episode in a while in a very long time where we didn't have to rent anything where our subscription services covered it. Our Patreon picks and these. We didn't have to rent any and we were and we really appreciate that. And you know what? We were thankful. Yes, but definitely. In the season of Thanksgiving. So, Maddie, what do you give Christie out of seven stripes? I give it a four and a half.
I gave it a similar, I gave it a four and a half. Well, look at that. It was actually the same thing when you think about it. Yeah, it's it's a it's an entertaining movie. I liked it. One thing I forgot to talk about is I really do like the soundtrack. um i Do you like the soundtrack when she does the dance? I do, actually. I like that song.
So the song I don't mind that sequence I did that that is one part of a beer was like that. So I took it in stride that um if you were alone. So listen, we're in 2020. We're spending a lot of time alone. yeah Sure. So it feels different now. But like if if I were in college, I never lived on campus. But um if I would have had the run of a whole college campus yeah to myself, I probably would have done similar shit. yeah I guess I think it was fun. But I thought but both the main actors did a really good job. that this is a it's It's a good movie. I will watch it again. i absolutely And it's also like an hour and 24 minutes. it's short Honestly, this is a good like date movie. Oh yeah, for sure. When I'm gonna date people again one day in the future in 2025, this is one that maybe I can watch with a person.
It's not horror, um, it's, it's not horror too hard that the normal person can't enjoy it. Right. Yeah. so But they'll also be scared by it. that Yeah. That kind of thing. Yeah. Anyways. Well, we'll take our final break and we'll be right back with queer eye for the horror guy. Bing.
And it's time to close out episode 44 and we are so thankful that you are here to do it. We are going to play our game, Queer Eye for the Horror Guy, where we take an aspect of one of the movies that we watched and make it that much more gay. So you're going to clear up blood rage. Go ahead. So in the movie of blood rage, there is an aspect where Artie and Greg both pull up in their convertible where they're listening to. I'm going to get you. I'm going to find. Oh, yeah.
And they definitely have like a queer vibe, even though Greg ends up sleeping with one of the women later. They totally do. But I would definitely make them the gay characters where they're just kind of like hanging out outside of the group listening to come in to find you. I'm going to get you. Honestly, I'm not sure that they're not. I know. Quite frankly. Yeah. The way that they like go, Karen, you want to go play some video games? Yeah. Oh, really? Yeah, guys. Sure.
Um, for Christy, the way I want to clear it up is actually pretty simple. I'm going to clear up, um, Wayne, the security guard, also Keith from six feet under. Guess what? He's going to be a gay security guard and perfect too. And that's really it. He could be the cousin of Keith from six feet under and he just happens to work at this and he looks a lot like him. Yeah.
I like it. That's my queering it

Podcast Journey and Audience Engagement

up. I like it. i And I kind of wish that was the case because I really do miss Six Feet Under. Definitely need to give that a rewatch now that I have HBO Max. Go. Max. Whatever. ma All of it. Yeah. So friends, that is the end of episode 44.
Um, we've got some things to go through. First up, we were runners up in the, uh, the 2020 discover pod awards. That was really cool. Yeah, it was really cool. Um, and it was all because of you guys, uh, you voted for us and out of a lot of really well-respected a lot, uh, podcasts in the LGBTQ category, we were second, which I'm actually like, I know we didn't, proud of that we didn't win, but I'm still like really proud that we even did that. Yeah. I can't remember who won, but nope. Good for you. Good for you. But we were very proud to be amongst ah a lot of, a lot of great, um, a lot of great runners. And if you look at those winners and runners up in all those different categories, honestly, we were up with people that actually people can deal that actually make money at doing this. Yeah. right So that was neat. We also want to thank Legion Podcasts, which we are a part of. Thank you, Legion Podcasts. You can always, always, always, it's always open. I think we have a couple more messages. The Frage Hotline at 872-208-3119. You can leave a sexy message.
You can leave an unsexy message. You can leave a scary message. Yeah, anything. Whatever you want. And we will likely be doing that on episode 50 to listen to your messages and react. You can also buy some merchandise from Go to slash stores slash Friday 13. That's forward slash.
It's it's a slash that you use when you're doing is it I think it's backslash. It's the same one. Oh, okay Patreon you can all become a patron if you would like We will shout you out. We'll watch movies for you We will ship you some merchandise if you get up to a certain level. Yeah our new patron Brandon Thank you so much for joining our don't worry. We've got a couple more for the next episode Oh, yeah, we still have a couple more we have to get to but we can only watch so many exactly Uh, thank you so much, Brandon. We really appreciate anything you can do for the show and welcome anybody else to go to patreon slash Friday. And you will, uh, Friday, 13, right? Patreon slash Friday 13. Sometimes think sometimes I'm a brain. Doesn't work.
And then also, friends, remember, social media and reviews. So on Instagram and Twitter, you can find us at Friday13. Search for us as Friday the 13th Horror Podcast on Facebook. Visit our website at Email us Friday13 at gmail And also reviews. Listen.
Just please leave us a review. That's all I'm going to say. We've talked about it enough. Leave a review. Seriously. We'll be very thankful if you do. And anyway, I think that brings us to the end of episode 44. Thank you so much everyone for listening in. And as always, we encourage you to get slayed.