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FriGay the 13th Horror Podcast
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The new era of terror gripping America in the Trump Age is giving people new reason to consider how they will resist fascism… but this isn’t humanity’s first time at the rodeo. Listen in for stories of LGBTQ resistance fighters, missed opportunities in America… and a big ol’ rant about how awful it all is right now.


SNOWPIERCER and THE OMEN III will have you ready to get out in the streets!


Listen in to hear what we’ve been watchin’... bitch!

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Introduction and Surreal Conversation

Fri-Gay the 13th Horror Podcast is a proud independent podcast. To learn more about the show, visit
what Where am i Welcome. All are welcome here. Well, kind of. I don't understand. i went to bed. I went to sleep in my bed and now I'm here. Don't worry.
All is good here. No problems here. I'm kind of feeling a little funny. do you have any Advil or something? Sorry, medicine doesn't exist anymore.
Research was defunded. Research? I thought medicine was just like available. Well, everything, even Advil, started as a clinical trial.
ah Okay, well, what are we supposed to do here? Nothing. You don't have a job here. No job? Well, what am I supposed to do about money? Money? You don't have that.
Only certain people have money. We call them the ones. The ones? so So we don't have to worry about money? That's great. Oh, no.
You still have bills and obligations. Just no way to pay them. So does that mean i have to go back to school, learn a new trade? Silly person. There is no more education.
I demand to know where I am. Don't panic.

Episode 139: Resistance is Terrifying

You're in America in 2025. Ah!
Oh, phew. It was only a dream. Or was it? It's episode 139, Resistance is Terrifying. i am the writing on the wall the whisper in the
Stay the time we honor thee, from life to death to rise! Horror in real life. Doubters, the doomsters, the gloomsters, they are going to get it wrong.
Horror in the movies. Where are you going go? Where are you going to run? Where are you going to hide? Nowhere.
Sometimes. you to know that the movement we started is only just beginning sometimes that is matter You're gambling with World War III. You're gambling with World War III.
And what you're doing is very disreful disrespectful to the country, this country, that's backed you far more than a lot of people said they should have. have you said thank you once this entire meeting? No, in this entire meeting, have you said thank you. today You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October.
Offer some words of appreciation for the United States of America and the president who's trying to save your country. Please, you think that if you will speak very loudly about the war, you can... He's not speaking loudly. He's not speaking loudly.

Horror and Politics: Themes of Resistance

Welcome to episode 139 of Fragge, the 13th Horror Podcast. My name is Andrew. And my name is Matty. And it's if this is your first time on this lovely little podcast, well, you've picked a great one because we're going to be talking all about horror in real life and horror in the movies. Today, we have a great lineup for you today. We're going to be talking about but The Omen 3, The Final Conflict, and Snowpiercer.
So what does those two things have in common? Hmm. I think they they both have in common a world that is pretty fucked up.
and And what else? Who else is living in that in that fucked up world? Oh, that's us. Well, whoops, whoops. So we're going to be talking, you know, a lot of about the state of affairs right now. You know, we thought it would be good timing now that we're about, you know, three months into the year.
we've We've settled into a new regime, if you will, and we thought it would be a good idea just to talk about what's going on right now and talk about our feelings about it and how we feel maybe people can do something if they're feeling a little powerless.
And so those movies worked out great. I think after watching them, um now I'm even more stopped in my, in my, in my thing for picking them because they were perfect in two different, completely different ways.
um But yeah, I i think, Do you have anything to add on to that, Matty? I mean, guess that we just wanted we just wanted to talk about shit. like Yeah, no, I think that's it. I mean, look, this is this is a topic like ah anything else. We're calling this resistance is terrifying, and it's it's we we couldn't have done it at a better time, quite frankly.
I wish we didn't have to talk about this, but we do. And um you know look, if the the the state of affairs, if you're listening to us, but we're probably already preaching to the choir, I would imagine, in a lot of ways.
But... There are probably some people who are listening who are not fully singing in that choir. And i hope oh you mean, oh, you mean that like the Democrats when they sang in the. Well, there's that. Yeah. yeah But I mean, like there there are probably some people who who do listen to our show who maybe don't agree fully politically with us. And you know what?
great Good for you. they they they Thank you for the listen. I'm just not as plugged in. Yeah. well and And I do hope that you get something out of this. But but really, like we are preaching to the choir today.
And the reason why I want to do that is because, ah look, my my general take on everything right now is this. America is in deep, deep danger right now.
And i think we can, we that we you and I can agree on that for sure, Andrew. And I think a lot of our listeners would agree too. And how do we know it's in danger? It's in danger because we have a new president but a new old president who is ah who is coalescing all power into the executive.
What does that mean when I say that? It means that he is making himself a king. that that's That's what it is, making himself a dictator, making himself an autocrat. What he says goes, his word is fiat, his word is law.
And that is not democracy. Last time I checked. Last time I checked, democracy is the the the the the representation of the people ah that is executed through elections. And those representatives then go forward and create laws and do things to administer the country's business and to protect people and to blah, blah, blah, blah.
And at the same time, there are a bunch of other administrative arms of that democracy that make it all happen. Well, all of those arms are literally being dismantled right now.
Every single one of them.

Comparisons to Historical Events and Call for Action

So you have a Supreme Court that is packed with Trump's appointees. You have both halls of Congress completely controlled by Republicans who are not going to play fair, who are not going to be bipartisan on anything.
You have an executive who thinks he is literally the king. He's even called himself a king recently. He literally called himself a king. And then you've got all these other little minions around him, like Elon Musk and the doze little fucking teenagers who are are are just destroying things as they go.
So, you know, all of it is happening at such a fast pace that it's almost hard to keep track of, but it's also going so slow that you you you're not really sure how bad it is, you know?
And like, I imagine, and I'm not trying to be hyperbolic here. I don't think it's hyperbolic. I imagine that this is what it felt like in Germany in like 1937. That would be my guess, right?
And so all of us ah all of us right now, if we've ever wondered like, hmm, what would I have done during the Holocaust? Or what would I have done during the civil rights era if we weren't you know born then?
Or what would I have done at this crazy time and um in in history? Now is kind of when you're finding that out for yourself, right? the The actions that you decide to take now, that's that's the stuff that you would have done back then too.
And so that's what we're talking about today is what are those actions that we're taking And what does that look like in in a couple of episodes from history that we'll talk about? And then, you know, what are you going to do about it?
Like, what is the thing that you're going to do about it? And look, none of it's easy. um i i think I really do think that people and America.
are going to be challenged to do things that are really out of their comfort zone. Right. And like, you know, I think about like France, for example, and in France, people get up and they get out and they protest and they just fucking do it.
You know what i mean? Fires in the street. Yeah. And like, they the and like, you know, whether you agree with that or not, I'll tell you what the politicians know that like, look, you don't fuck with that. And if they, if they're pissed, they're pissed and you better make a change real fucking quick.
Right. So like that is one way of doing things. And then you've got America. Where, and like, you know, like i'm I'm going to be, I'm going to be gracious on this because people do have jobs that they're worried about.
They don't have free healthcare. Like you get in France and ah and, and, and in many parts of Europe. So like, there is this like danger of, well, if I, if I get out and protest or if I get out and like take a day off of work, I might lose my job.
There's absolutely that fear. I get it. But Americans, and this is what I think. And let me know what you think about this, Andrew. And I'm not trying to be insulting because I am an American. I might not live there anymore, but I am one.
Americans are so addicted to convenience that they won't do a whole lot. And what I mean by this is like, for example, are you really going to do a boycott against Amazon?
I kind of doubt it. Instead, you're going to keep ordering from them because it's easy and because it is convenient. Are you really going to like get out and stop traffic? No, because you don't want traffic stopped on you.
Are you really going to get out there and protest for for long periods of time? Honestly, probably not, because it would be an inconvenience. And look, I'm not being insulting, I promise you.
It's just a factual observation. Americans are very content with what they have because they have so much. But it will be interesting to see what happens when you start to have much, much less. you know You've got a bunch of, and I know I'm talking forever right now, and I'm probably going hand over the mic to you in a moment.
But like with all the with all the things happening in the economy right now, with the tariffs going crazy, the stock market continues to fucking nosedive, prices are going up on everything, your wages are not going up.
I do wonder, like, is that going to finally shift things? Will people finally get out there in the street? I don't know. We'll see. Yeah. I mean, wholeheartedly agree with what you're talking about is just because we've never, and i'm not I'm not saying never, in in our in our lifetime, there has been not a lot of not a lot of reason to heavily protest or Like we've had things pretty good. There's been bad times.
Sure. And there's been stuff that we've had to fight for. Sure. But we got it. Like yeah we, we literally fought and got it. And so like, it's not an ongoing fight to where,
A lot of these like European or ah Asian countries or even African countries who are fighting continuously for years and years and years. America just fights for what it wants and then it gets it's It's so weird. It's like ah it's like a thing that we don't understand of like continue. We don't understand continued suffrage. I don't think I think the the only counterpoint that I might have, though, would be like Black Lives Matter stuff.
Yeah, yeah. No, I think there's ongoing stuff, but like it's not... and i don't i i think that I think American politics runs on chaos. I think that it's just chaos all the time, and as long as you maintain chaos, people can't focus.
People can't focus on things that matter. For instance, let's just let's just think about a just a few examples in the last couple of months. The Gulf of Mexico. Now we're calling it the Gulf of America.
The $100 bill being wanting put Trump's face on it. um like ah The Marriage Act being challenged by ah by a Protestant in Michigan. like These are the things that like you got to just you got to just let these things play out because you're those are the chaos things that they want you to focus on.
Those are the things that they want you to... be distracted by and to click on on the internet and to think about instead of like the big things like what you were talking about, like the economy or like healthcare or like ah just like these bigger things, like the people, like the thousands of people that are losing their jobs on an everyday basis and then being rehired the next week. What the fuck are we doing? Like, stop it.
Like, it's it's all whatever this

American Resistance and Political Critiques

little titty baby thinks at the top is goingnna iss going to, like, whatever hurts his feelings today is going to be the topic of conversation. And I'm so sick of concentrating on this little fucking guy when there are supposed to be hundreds of people that are supposed to be advocating for us.
and Yeah, I'm so sick of it. I'm so sick of it. It's it's disgusting, and and I'm sick of it, too. And it's like... you know the the the those institutions are gone you know like i mentioned earlier because they're being dismantled but then also like the people that are supposed to protect us are not doing it like the democrats like you know i i didn't even watch the state of the union or or whatever they call it either the the address but i i did like see a couple of clips though of course like like the one guy that stood up and whatever um but like the democrats didn't do anything like they didn't do anything yeah and like to cut to uh the uh state of the union by biden where marjorie taylor john was fucking yelling the entire time like you know what like like look if that's what she wants to do fine like i hate it but like like if if that it speaks to her people you go right ahead Well, what I'm what i'm trying to highlight there is the the the the fallout from the Democrats not doing anything was everyone saying, well, they couldn't even support a kid with brain cancer. Meanwhile, I'm dismantling cancer research. What are these awful people? But like it's ah it's just the point that like Democrats
The Democrats are so entrenched in what their idea of like being proper is that that anything outside of that is is complete unorthodoxy to them.
It's the same reason why democrats don't like like mainstream Democrats don't like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is arguably one of the most popular representatives in the last 30 years. right It's the same reason why they didn't like Bernie Sanders. when he was talking about things that actually mattered to people.
And now we see all this time later, he was fucking right about shit. It's the same reason why i it could keep going on and on and on. Instead, they're going to sit there. They're going to be polite during the state of the union. They're going to hold up some fucking paddles that say like lie or like Elon Musk was a liar or whatever. like who gives a fuck? No one, no one cares about that. What if that is all you have to protest with holding up a fucking paddle,
But what the fucking what are you fucking doing? You're doing nothing. And so like that's that that's part of this whole discussion, too, is like, what does resistance really mean for you?
And if if all it means is just staying comfortable like all of those senators and Congress people who just sat there in their fancy suits doing nothing the entire time, when frankly, they could have raised hell.
You know what? All of you get censored. Get loud. don't Don't allow the Nazi in front of you to keep speaking. Don't allow him to be heard. Because if we're really going to say he's a Nazi, if we're really going to keep comparing him to Hitler, why do you keep letting him do whatever he wants to do?
And pretending, literally pretending like you have no power. Come on. That's absolutely fucking ridiculous. It's so strange to me that we let one person dictate all of this.
Yes. It is so crazy to me because it's mind boggling. it it No one like, okay. So all these people that say, oh we want, we want to run the country like a business.
Like that's like the, that was like the, that was like the 2016, like round one. It's not a business. It's not a fucking business. Okay. But I want you to think about this for a second. People that are thinking like things listening and thinking, oh, yeah, we should run like a business.
Do you think your job cares about you? doesn't. It doesn't. It really doesn't. It wants you to do a function and get paid for it and and go home. Yeah. And if you want the government ran that way, you're you could be killed tomorrow and nobody would care.
That's just it. Because if if all you want it to be is dollars and cents, that you're you're really not thinking very clearly. And if any of the people that voted for Donald Trump think that he actually cares about you, if that's what you really fucking think, you're a fucking idiot because he doesn't. and He doesn't even care about his own relatives. all All he's doing is laughing at you while he steals your money.
Like, do you understand? Like, for example, the tariffs. Everyone, if you don't get that he's literally just purposefully shorting the market every single time that he does this, you're fucking, you are you are a lunatic.

Willem Arondius: A Heroic Resistance

He is making, him and his cronies are making a shitload of money basically doing insider trading by doing these tariffs back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. They're making billions off of it right now. and What do you think that they're doing? Do you think they're just sitting idly by while the stock market goes up and down Or do you think they're maybe taking advantage of that? i don't know. Think about it for a second. So listen, Andrew, you know i always bring you know some kind of story, and you do too, to the episode. So what I wanted to find for this one was an example of someone from our community who stood up in an absolutely terrifying time and did something about it.
Cool. And so this is from ah this is an article from the Philadelphia Gay News, which I didn't even know existed. um but um It's from it's from September of 2021. So not too long ago.
And this was written by Victoria Ebner. And the title of this is Dutch Gay Man Defied the Nazis and Saved Thousands. This is such a cool story. I've never heard this before.
So I'm going to read it to you now. Here we go. So in the final days before his execution in July 1943 at the hands of the Nazi party, Willem Arondius, I think that's how you pronounce but i'm not sure, um asked his lawyer for one last request to spread a message after he was gone.
And this is it. Let it be known, he said, homosexuals are not cowards. a battle cry of defiance and a bold assertion of his strength, Aron Dias lived his life by these words.
An openly gay man and a tireless member of the Dutch resistance against the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, he willingly sacrificed his life for a mission that ultimately protected hundreds of thousands of Jewish lives.
From an early age, he was no stranger to the concept of defiance. Born in 1894, the youngest of six siblings in Amsterdam, Arrondius began to have constant fights with his parents over his sexuality.
Often deemed the birthplace of LGBT rights, although I'm not really sure about that, um Amsterdam decriminalized homosexuality in 1811, but restrictive rules still barred homosexuality in the early twentieth century.
In 1911, the beliefs of the ruling political parties led to the age of consent for homosexuality to be changed to 21 in the Netherlands, despite the age for heterosexuality remaining at 16.
Despite the first gay bar opening its doors during this time, these restricted age rulings, along with other laws against public indecency, were used to unfairly target gay men. But these rulings did not intimidate Arondias. I'm going to call him Willem. It's much much easier. Yeah, yeah. Word to say they did not intimidate Willem.
He refused to suppress his identity as a gay man, leaving home that year at age 17, severing ties with his family. Picking up work where he could find it, Willem struggled financially but continued to pursue his passion for writing and painting for the next three decades, going on to complete a mural for the Rotterdam Town Hall and later writing the biography of a Dutch painter in 1938.
During that time, he also met his partner, Jan Thiessen, who he lived with for seven years. Willem quickly learned, though, that persistent discrimination of LGBT citizens made life difficult.
Alongside living in poverty, he also struggled to find housing due to his refusal to hide his sexuality. Willem, as an exception, lived as openly as he could. Klaus Mueller, the European representative for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, that was a lot to say, said during a hol ah Holocaust Museum virtual event ah in July of 2021.
In his diaries, he wrote about being kicked out of apartments because he was gay. There was no protection. While Willem had many artistic talents, he is much more recognized for his courageous acts of rebellion as a member of the Dutch resistance during World War II, which he joined in 1940 and where he truly found his voice as an activist.
When you read his diary, you see an insecure artist even doubting his own success. He always felt like an outsider, said Mueller. But when he joined the resistance, he found his own voice.
You see a man who is determined, who knows the risks, but doesn't feel like an outsider anymore. Though Willem was focused on defending the safety of Dutch Jews, he and other LGBT citizens also saw the imminent threat of the Nazis to their community.
Upon the occupation of Netherlands at the start of the 1940s, the Germans brought with them paragraph 175, a law first introduced by Hitler in Germany in an effort to cleanse the country of homosexual activity.
The ruling, which first began by expelling any gay and lesbian organizations in Germany, was revised to make homosexuality between men punishable by imprisonment. Even the slightest bit of suggested evidence could send them behind bars.
And as a result, over 100,000 German men were arrested and 50,000 were imprisoned. Further, over the course of the Nazi rule, it's estimated that between 5,000 and 15,000 gay men were sent to concentration camps marked by pink triangle badges.
They were brutally abused and many underwent experimental medical treatments aimed at curing their sexuality. Cognizant of this dire threat, Willem sprang into action right at the start of the Nazi occupation.
Along with publishing anti-Nazi information, he and other members of the resistance created about 70,000 false identification cards for Dutch Jews, preventing them from being tracked down by the Nazis.
Over time, the Nazis began to catch on more and more to the forged documents, which could be double-checked at the Amsterdam Registry Building. Willem and the rest of his unit constructed their riskiest plan yet.
They would blow up the facility, along with hundreds of thousands of documents inside. Frida Belafonte, an openly gay woman who fought alongside Willem in the resistance and participated in the plan,
said that while both of them knew the danger that would come if they were caught, each knew it was necessary to carry out their mission. He said, do you think that we will see the end of this war? And I said, i don't think so.
And he said, i don't think so either. Belafonte recalled in a conversation that they had about the danger of their plan. And then he said, do you mind? And I said, no, I don't. And he said, i don't either.
And so on March 27th, 1943, a group of resistance fighter led by Willem entered the facility disguised as Dutch police, drugged the guards and blew up 800,000 identity cards.
Yet several days later on April 1st, anonymous source informed authorities a bit of the attack and Willem was arrested. and Though he attempted to take full responsibility for the attack and refused to give the names of his team, his notebook was found and many of the contributors were were revealed.
Some were able to escape and flee the country, but exactly three months later, Willem and 12 others, including two other gay men, were bought were brought before a firing squad and were executed.
ah Though the bombing of the Amsterdam registry building was widely regarded after the Holocaust as a life-saving moment in history, of course, education about the heroic moment omitted Willem's leadership due to the fact that he was a gay man. Go figure, right? and So while his family did receive a medal of honor for his sacrifices in the years following his death, homophobia that persisted in the 50s and 60s prevented LGBT war heroes like Willem from getting the recognition they deserved.
This went against Willem's final message to his lawyer for the public to be informed of LGBT participation in the mission. It was only in 1984 that he was awarded the Resistance Memorial Cross.
And in 1986, he was posthumously declared a righteous among the nation's honor given to those during the Holocaust who were not Jewish, but protected the rights of Jewish citizens in need. In 1990, he finally got his wish to be recognized not only as a hero, but as a member of the LGBT community.
His sexuality was revealed in a TV program, and the Dutch public finally learned the true extent of his bra of his bravery, forever cementing his efforts as a symbol of heroism in the LGBT community for years to come.
He was a great hero who was most willing to give his life for the cause, Belafonte said. So that's about William Arondias had never heard that story before. neither. But I love a hearing about gay people getting up and getting angry because it's what we do.
yeah and you know, like what a what an amazing person who knew all the danger. who knew what he was up against. And he also knew that if he didn't do anything, nobody else would.
And so he got up and he fucking did something. And yeah, he faced a consequence. Yeah. Something terrible happened to him. He was killed by a fucking firing squad.

Modern Activism vs. Past Resistance Efforts

But like, how amazing is that, that that his idea of resistance was not just to sit there and do nothing.
His idea of resistance was not fucking putting a post on fucking Twitter. His idea of resistance was getting up, getting some people together, finding something that they could do, one thing that they could go do, and then they fucking did it.
And it was huge, and it saved hundreds of thousands of lives. That's fucking incredible. And he's fucking gay. And he's also kind of cute, too, I'm not going lie. Yeah. Well, and isn't it crazy that like even today, lay where we have unlimited capacity to connect on the internet, and we k still can't even put together any sort of resistance. like it's It's mind boggling to me that we can't utilize.
We can utilize the power of the internet to solve the cat killer of Canada. yeah and I forgot about that. But we can't. But we can't get together just You know what? oligarchs. Andrew, i I almost think it might be because of the Internet.
That might be the reason why is because, you know, social media is such a prison for us. We act like it's freeing us. We act like we have access to all this information, all these things we get to see around the world and interact. It's contrived. It's contrived.
it just is controlling you. It's controlling you that that's what it's doing. And it's making you not want to do anything. Instead, it makes you want to sit in that chair or or even better when you get in bed and you've got your phone with you and you just sit there scrolling and scrolling and scrolling for hours before you finally fall asleep.
It's exactly where they want us, baby. That's where they want us. And they got you. You gotta fucking stop, man. You gotta fucking stop, dude. Yep. Yep. Yep. Well, I want to talk about an example um of of of one guy who we didn't stop and who swindled millions of people out of millions of dollars and is still leading to this Yeah.
No, I'm not talking. um I'm not talking about Donald Trump. no we're going to talk a little bit about somebody else. um So um I'm going to I'm going to save his name until the end. Okay. um Just so we can kind of craft a story here.

Controversial Political Figures and Unity

So this guy grew up in Florida and he created the of course he did. Of course he did, Andrew. Yeah. He created the HCA. Now, if you don't know what the HCA is, it is the um Hospital Corporation of America, which is the single largest for-profit hospital system in the U.S., or at least it was when it was created 1987 and then in again.
but basically when you think about when you think about healthcare care Healthcare should never be for profit. If you are going to a for profit hospital or for profit, whatever, you need to rethink that because all they're going to do is try to penny and dime you out of every single thing you have.
And so that's what the. Uh, the, the hospital corporation of America did, um, basically what happened is they went on for about and a decade before anything was reported. But on March 19th of 1997, investigators from the FBI.
um And the IRS and the Department of Health and Human Services serve search warrants for the HCA facilities in El Paso on dozens of doctors suspected to um to ties with the company.
Eight days after the initial raid, ah this man signed the SEC report as a hospital executive. Four months later, the board of directors pressured pressured him to re resign as chairman and CEO. So he took full responsibility for all of this.
ah Basically what happened in his 2000 deposition, he pleaded the Fifth Amendment 75 times in settlements reached in 2000 and 2002. The HCA, however, pled guilty to 14 felonies and agreed to $600 million dollars in fines. Wow. In what would be at the time the largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history.
So when people are talking about Medicare and Medicaid and how we are abusing the system and how it's so bad for America, remember this fucking guy. Okay. Yep.
So basically what happened is that he also admitted to fraudulently billing Medicare and other health programs by inflating the seriousness of diagnoses and of giving doctors partnerships in company hospitals and kickbacks for the doctors were referring to patients at the HCA.
It filed false cost reports, fraudulently billed Medicare for home health care workers, and paid kickbacks for the sale of home health agencies and to doctors to refer patients. In addition, it gave doctors, quote unquote, loans, never intending to be repaid, but free rent, free office furniture, and free drugs from hospital pharmacies. course they did.
In late 2002, the HCA agreed to pay the United States government $631 million dollars plus interest and $17.5 million dollars to state Medicaid agencies, in addition to the $250 million dollars paid up to the point of resolve outstanding Medicare expense claims.
Then what happened to this guy? you know Surely the American people said no more. No more. Right? Yeah. Then he went on to become the governor of Florida.
Let's talk about some of his highlights during his gubernatorial run. During Hurricane Irma, he signed the repeal of Florida's 1985 growth management laws, reducing funding for water management districts, reducing oversight at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Yes, that happened during Hurricane Irma, ah the the cleanup.
In June 2011, he signed a bill requiring those seeking welfare under the Federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program. Yes, that's the title of the program. To submit to drug screenings. Applicants who failed drug tests may ah may name another person to receive benefits for their children.
So he denied children. Children, all the people that you guys love to fucking protect. He denied them ah assistance just because maybe their parents were going through a bit of a hard time.
They didn't punish the parents. They punished the children. Yeah, they they they weren't asking for the kids to take drug tests, right? Mm hmm. Mm hmm.
Also on education, during the summer of 2017, he signed a bill that would allow any Florida resident to, quote unquote, challenge the use or adoption of instructional materials in public schools.
So he said to parents, you can tell schools what to so what to say. You can tell them what to teach and what to do. um Opponents of the bill argue that it will allow more censorship, especially for scientific topics like global warning and evolution.
So people that are not educated can control education. Great. what Under weather, he rejects the scientific consensus on climate change, saying, I'm not a scientist.
The quote or paraphrases thereof that became talking points for some of the Republican political candidates in 2014. Yeah. When questioned by the press in 2015, he did not say whether he believes global warming is a problem or whether Florida's Department of Environmental Protection has made or is making preparations for any potential consequences.
And then on guns, as of 2018, he has an A-plus rating from the NRA, that great place that that's falling apart. I'm indicating a record of supporting gun rights.
The NRA endorsed him in 2010 and 2014, stating that he had signed more pro gun bills into law in one term than any other governor in Florida history. where Of course. he So, so surely after this run, the American people would say, we've had it.
We gotta be done with this crazy, crazy guy. Then we elected him to Senate. Yep. Where he now sits. the ah the the that The great guy, Rick Scott.
Rick Scott, you're such a fucking hero, man. We couldn't have done it without you. That's all I have to say. Well, I mean, yeah. I mean, i mean look, you it's... you You've got a bunch of people in Florida who are so complacent, yeah once again, with what they have. that that They hardly even care about this stuff.
like they they they They almost let it happen. So, I mean, where is the resistance to somebody like him? It doesn't really exist. it is It is crazy to me when you sit through that story and then you go, and now he's in charge.
Like, what the fuck, man? Yeah, I mean, insane. I mean, look, but yeah and here's the other part of it is like edd anyone, okay, this is my prediction for America in, what is it, 2025, in three years, right? when When the next election is supposed to happen, the next the next general election with but where you would like ah elect a president, right?
It's not going to happen. i've got I've got news for you. It won't happen. Or if it does happen, i guarantee you it will be fucking rigged. You can guarantee yourself that right now.
The midterms coming up next year in 2026, maybe they'll happen. i'm I'm not going to say that they won't. But i I also would say that something will occur. Something will happen with this administration.
They will impose martial law. they will They will manufacture a crisis. They will manufacture a terrorist event. I don't put any of that past them. Your vote doesn't really matter anymore.
I've got news for you. That's it. I'm sorry. That's the fucking truth moving forward. We're cooked, people. Yeah. So so ah once again, and i'm I'm not asking you this, Andrew. I'm asking our listeners, what are you going to do about it?
What are the things that you're going to do now? You're probably sitting there going, Maddie, you don't even live in America anymore. You get to live in Ireland, 4,000 miles away. What are you squawking at us about? Yeah, fair question. I i completely understand where you're coming from.
I will tell you this. The guilt that I have as an American that does get to be away from it is honestly kind of excruciating. And it's so much so that I'm literally over here doing my own little bits of resistance, trying to figure out what I can do.
know, like, for example, one of the things I'm thinking about is transgender people. but that's that's It's on my mind all the time. I'm trying to think of how can I set up a company here where I can literally hire people to come over here?
How can I help people get out of the country? How can I, how can I help them get the permits that they need? How can I help them go through the processes that they need to go through? I'm somebody who's gone through all this process before I can help people do that.
That's something that I'm starting to do right now. Right? So like, ah but also like I come from a background of activism, right? So I've been in the streets, I've been doing shit. When nobody else who wanted to get in the streets before marriage equality was even a fucking thing, I was out there for fucking years doing it, giving speeches, talking about this, doing sit-ins at at at politicians' offices, you'll be getting loud, getting crazy, you taking over buildings sometimes. That's the kind of shit that we did back then. and And now, like unless you're willing to do that shit again now, i don't know what the fuck you think is going to happen.
you know what I mean? Well, yeah, it's it's it's different now because law isn't real anymore. Yeah, none of it's real. It's not.
I mean, i think at at one point, especially, you know, when we were growing up, we were told that we are a nation of law and we are a nation of, you know, bullshit. It's it. But it but it was people were persecuted. People were like, but it's not like that anymore. We have a felon for a president.
Yeah, it I don't know. I don't know what you don't know what you need to hear to understand that. Like it's. true The fact that in the fact that I like I posted this on our our blue sky account. So i I apologize if this is repeated, but I just have to say it again.
But when these fucking guys go after 1% of the population, because as of right now, transgender people make up 1% of the United States population when they go after them and they demonize and scrutinize those people and they're not concentrated on the other 99% of people that could benefit from Anything that they do. Exactly. There's a problem there.
You got to understand that there is a problem when we are using transgender people to to execute laws that harm everyone. They're they're doing that because because they are easy targets.
and yeah And and because because i'm I'm putting this in gigantic air quotes, you you will know what I mean, people. Normal people still don't really understand transgender people.
They don't. And that's just the way that it is. And like i i that's not transgender people's fault. Not at all. I think it's us as allies. I think it's more our fault. We haven't done a a good enough.
We haven't done good enough. in helping people understand our are trans siblings in ways that they that they should. And like, yeah, you know fix your hearts or die. I totally get it. But like we need to work harder for our trans siblings.
But back to the main point, they're doing it because they're easy targets. yeah And if they keep hitting the easy targets like this in the culture war, it it it keeps the big lie going. And the big lie is that is that is that we're all different.
That's the big lie. Seriously. they hear and But but here here's the big truth. The big truth is that we are all pretty much the same unless you're a billionaire. I really mean that. Unless you're a fucking billionaire, we are all pretty much the same.
But we have been taught... over, over two, over well over almost three centuries of of American history, that there are only two ways of doing things, Republicans and Democrats, and that's it.
And you can't be anything else in between and you can't think any other way. And this is all that you get. And that goes through everything that we do as Americans, including how we think about class.

Engagement in Resistance Efforts

Right. So at the end of the day, this is the big truth. Class wise, we are all the same if we are in this bracket together. And most of America is in that bracket. It's the 99 percent of us. so We are the ones who are really the same.
We're the same. And they're trying to tear us apart. And it's working over and over and over again by hitting on things like transgender people. That's what they fucking do. But they make you forget that. Oh, right.
99% of this country, 99% of the people, we are all the same. if if if is If six months of bad things happen to us, we'd be out on the street, right? you are You are never...
You are six bad months away from being homeless. You are never six good months away from being a billionaire. That's the fucking truth. You will never be one ever.
You won't be like them. And you know what? Thank God you won't be like them because billionaires shouldn't even exist. They shouldn't exist. No one should have that much money.
The only way that you get that much money is if you are stealing it. if If you are fucking stealing it out of the mouths of the children that you were just talking about earlier, out of the hands of people like you and me, that's how they fucking get it.
That's it. How do you, they didn't get it because they're fucking smart. Rich people are not smart. They're not. They're just lucky. They're just taking advantage. Exactly. They're taking advantage. They're lucky people at the right place at the right time who learned how to steal and call it legitimate.
That's what they are.
Bam. we We solve the world's problems today. Look, but yeah but what I would say is this for all of our listeners, you know, you know, we like to get fired up on the show. Yeah, of course. And I, hope and honestly, I hope it fires you up to tell us what you're going to do.
Tell us what ideas you have. Tell us how we can help you get us involved. um Andrew and I, Andrew, you're probably looking for things to do. i need more things to do. Let's get busy on this. Let's find some ways that even just this little tiny community of people that listen to Fry K the 13th horror of fucking podcast,
What can we do together? There's going to be something. There will be something. Let's think about it and let's fucking do something. Come on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think we did it. That's it.
I think we got, i think we released these demons that have been building up that we've been. Oh no. There's silent about, but oh i mean and no there's definitely more, but like, i felt like this, um this rant session had to happen.
Yeah, of course. Like it it, we had to talk about it. but and you know maybe And maybe next episode we'll do something dumb, but like we had to do this. No, no, no, no. But here's the thing. We, we don't, we don't have to justify that. I want to be really clear. Like we, we talk about serious shit on the show. And if you don't like that, go, go fuck yourself because the world is in a really bad place right now. And if, if,
We have said this for ages. Horror is not an escape. It's not an escape. It is a mirror to the reality that we are facing all the time. it's the It is the very thesis behind our show that there is horror in real life and there horror in the movies and let's talk about how they intersect.
And so like if if if if y'all can't get on that boat, Man, you're going to sink. You're going to sink, dude.

Whatcha Been Watching: Lighter Segment

Please don't do You're going to be like Titanic.
Exactly. Right. Now, listen, enough of this one. Let's go on and talk about what do we do next? What you've been watching, bitch. that sound good, Andrew? Should we do that? Yeah, let's do what you've been watching, bitch.
Let's all go to the lobby. Let's all go to the lobby. Let's all go to the lobby to get ourselves a treat.
And we're back with everyone's favorite segment, Whatcha Been Watching, Bitch? Whatcha Been Watching, you scrolling bitch? Yeah, okay, yeah, that was good. um i'm I'm the worst at those, Andrew. it's better that It's better that you just do them all the time, I think. And I want i want to be clear, i never have them planned. No, I know you don't, but like i just you have a special gift for those that I don't, because every time that i do one, it's like...
oh yeah good one maddie wonderful um okay listen this is the segment of the show where we just talk about what we've been watching or reading or listening to or whatever um but we we each bring four things that we have consumed since our last uh recording and so andrew tell us about what you've been watching bitch sure my first one is called babes um it is stars alana glazier from broad city fame and it's basically about her Her friend just gives birth to a baby and she is kind of like, you know, what am I doing in my life? She lives in New York City, but she's like very independent. And she is like, she's on her way home on the train. She meets this guy on the train. They hit it off and she ends up having a one night stand with him.
And then she finds out later on that she's pregnant and she's got to figure out what she's going to do with the pregnancy. She's trying to she's been trying to reach back out to this guy because they really did hit it off like that. It's like she's like, I want to connect with him, but he won't text me back and he won't do the thing. And so she finds like a backwards way of like trying to find him.
And she finds out that he died the next day. And so now she's got to figure out what is she going to do? And listen, this sounds like a serious movie. It's not. It's a very comedic movie, but it deals with like real world pressures single of single mothers and of of aging women and what they are sport what they are, quote unquote, are supposed to do.
And I thought it was a really good and funny fucking movie. um i i think I watched this on Hulu. I put on the sheet that it was on on demand just because I don't really remember exactly where I watched it. But that happens to me very often.
yeah but um But if you like Alana Glazier and you were a big fan of Broad City, it's that humor. it's not it's It's very like dry humor. It's New York City. it's But it does deal with some very adult issues that I think are very compelling for what we're going through right now with ah with ah a lens of comedic.
timing so okay um i this one i had not heard anybody talk about i came across it randomly because she was on the cover and i was like oh i like her i'll give it it's kind like aubrey plaza like i'll kind of give anything aubrey plaza's in a chance you know so i i wanted to watch this and i really enjoyed it it's called babes you can search for it and find it on your own nice ah So I watched finally the winner of the Oscar for best picture, Anora.
um I had not seen it until the day after the Oscars. And I don't always see all the films before the the actual thing happens. But um i I like to get at least give it a try. Right. I just didn't get right to it this year, though.
um So, Nora, look, the first thing I'll say is I had a chip on my shoulder because Demi Moore did not win the Oscar, much in the same way that Toni Collette did not win the Oscar. Much mirroring.
Right. Mirroring the substance. Exactly. Much in the same way that other horror genius performances have not won Oscars when they should have won them. And um it really pissed me off. i yeah I'm sorry.
And I will talk about Nora in a minute. I promise. But I'm sorry. If you saw the substance and you watched Demi Moore fucking give that performance and you don't think that's the best fucking performance of the year from an actress, I don't think you can see.
I don't think you can hear. i think there must be something wrong with your senses because she was impeccable in that fucking role. Absolutely impeccable in the same way that Tony Collette was impeccable in Hereditary.
But I digress. Now, all that being said, i wanted to watch Enora and give it a fair shot. And look, it is a it's it's it's a good movie. I enjoyed watching it as much as you can enjoy a movie like this.
um And, you know, it was good. it wasn't great, though. I'm sorry, but it wasn't. It was not this great movie that you're going to remember. forever and ever like like a best picture winner should be it's not and and it's a shame because look i sean baker who directed it i think is a great director if you've never seen tangerine before have you seen tangerine i I so. Oh, Tangerine is fucking fan fantastic. And the Florida project.
I was just looking at his, uh, at his film. ah He's awesome. I have not seen much of it. So yeah he's, he's, he's really good. And I, and look, I've only seen, uh, the Florida project and Tangerine. I haven't seen red rocket and and some of the other ones that i that I've heard are really good.
Um, but those two I know are outstanding. They're a tangerine blew me away when I saw it and it was filmed on a fucking iPhone. Like that's how they fucking made the movie. Yeah. I'm pretty sure I saw that movie. yeah I'm just trying to remember.
But Anora, Anora is predictable. Anora is, and ah but let let me start with the positives. Anora is, can be very charming. Anora can be very funny at times.
And Anora can be thrilling even at times. But it's also predictable. It's also ah completely told from like this man's point of view, which I think is weird for a movie about ah about a sex worker like this. Mm-hmm.
And i don't know, like I just it it was while I enjoyed it, I just can't walk away from this going, ah, that's the genius masterpiece everyone has been talking about. I'm sorry it's not.
Now, all that being said, is it Mickey Madison or Mikey Madison? I believe it's Mikey. It's Mikey. Okay. So Mikey Madison, she's great. Don't get me wrong. She did a fantastic job. loved walking Loved watching her on screen. She's just she's she is really good.
And look at everything else that she's done too. She's great. I mean, like um the the whatever the Tarantino film is, the Hollywood, I think of the name right now. She's so she's one of our masked killers. Yeah, she's so she's so good in the movie and in scream. She's so good. I mean, look, she's she's wonderful lover.
And then ah there's this this Russian actor named Yura Borisov, who plays a character called Igor in Anora. He's splendid, very understated, lovely performance. It's it's so good. Like I, I i was in awe of his performance, truly.
But once again, was this best picture material? In my opinion, it just wasn't. What was the substance, bitch? Who should have won best actress? Demi Moore. That's it. all going to say.
There you go. Yeah, I did hear a theory that um the way that they switched how they vote for um the Oscars and now that they rank the movies. Oh, yeah. It's it's kind of like ah it it gets movies like Nora a little bit more of a because like, let's say like leg up.
Yeah, because like let's say you know people voted for you know Wicked to be first, and then they put Anora as second. but then like okay but then like But then 17 people put Wicked as their worst movie because they don't like musicals. Now Anora looks bad. Does that make sense? I see. Interesting. Interesting.
So it just, just a theory, but you know, I i can kind of, I kind of called it early very early on yeah in this, in this race because so anyways, yeah, that's a Nora. I'll see it eventually. i you got I'm sure you'll like it. it's It's not a bad movie. It's just, you know, that's all.
Yeah. I gotta be honest. so
um that I want to see before. that's just It looks like a very generic movie to me. I don't know why. I'll see it. Kind of not wrong. Yeah. All right. My next one is Dexter Original Sin. Yes. Dexter continues on.
How is this? Listen, I'm going to tell you the reason why I'm watching this. I'm watching this because Sarah Michelle Gellar's on it. That's why all yeah I didn't realize that. um You know, ah that that Patrick Gibson is in it.
um i've I've seen him in the airport a couple times in Dublin. He's really cute. Oh, really? Yeah. He plays Dexter, correct? Uh-huh. He does. Okay. ah Listen, so this is the origin story of Dexter, which is kind of weird, right? Because we kind of got the origin story of Dexter in Dexter. so yeah kind of Think about that.
Good point. it's it's So it's kind of a weird watch, but it it takes place. It's not really like, quote unquote, the or the origin story. Like it says, original sin. It's kind of like when he first joins the police force and first starts to...
enact his his thing. You know what i mean? his dark His dark passenger. His dark passenger, yes. And so, listen, first two episodes, I was like, i don't know.
This seems just kind of like a retread. Like, I don't i don't really care. And it's so funny because... the first I think these actors needed to like get into like what they were doing because especially the girl who plays Deb, the younger version, yeah is so over the top crazy. It's like, okay, like we get it. We all know Deb was kind of the that unfunctioning one in the family, but we don't need to like overplay it. This is little Yeah, fair enough. I think by like the third episode, I think they settle into the story and settle into the characters a bit more.
And it's starting to get interesting. There's a killer on the loose during this season who abducts a um ah Florida senator's kid and is like holding him hostage and actually ends up, spoiler alert, killing him.
yeah So there's like a child killer on the loose, and we still don't know who it is. And so it is interesting. um However... The acting is just not that great, if I'm being totally honest. um I think Sarah Michelle Gellar, who plays basically his like ah boss and who is like the senior investigator doing his job, is doing great job. But like everyone else kind of just feels like they're mimicking and not acting, if that makes any sense. Yeah, sure. Okay.
Yeah. um But the story is pretty good. And so i'm going to keep watching. i'm I'm not as excited that they just announced Dexter resurrection. oh come on, man. ah How many of these things do we need? And because like, listen, did Dexter have one of the worst ending endings of all time and one of the worst seasons of all time? Yes.
Did it come back and make a good comeback? Yes, but that also had an ending. So I don't know why we can't just let this die. i don't know if this is what Showtime is like putting its, you know, how it fills its pockets or whatever. But like, we got to let this story wrap up at some point and starting to get a little bit frustrating, but I'm still watching.
So that's Dexter, Original Sin. um Patrick Gibson was in the OA and he is naked in it. And he is very good looking.
That's all I have. I have kind of an obsession with him. But when I saw him in the airport the first time, it was in the the Starbucks line. The Dublin airport has arguably the smallest Starbucks in the entire world. um And it's in an airport, which makes it really, really fun to deal with. Right.
um And so i was ah waiting for my coffee and I saw him in line. I was like, oh, my God, it's Patrick. Gibson. And and like I kind of like i looked at him and like he saw me look at him and I was like, oh my God, and I had to turn away. And then did it again. I was like, I just have to walk away as fast as I can. It was it was ridiculous.
He's very good looking. Anyways, my next thing, Andrew, is a book. Yes, I read book. Look, I used to read a lot, a lot, a lot all the time. And I've said this before, as you get older and as your job gets more and more stressful, you just lose some of the faculty for reading quickly. It's it's one of my One of my biggest regrets right now. Anyways, I'm trying to read a lot more and I just read a book called imminent inside the Pentagon's hunt for UFOs by Lou Elizondo.
um Look, I gotta tell you, you know, I'm a UFO fanatic. This book kicks ass. It's so good. So what this, what this is basically is Lou Elizondo is somebody who has been in the Pentagon. Well, he's no longer there, but he was in the Pentagon for a long time.
And he was also a soldier for a long time. So like he has true cred. He has a real credibility. he's he He's been around. He's not some whack job. In fact, he's the exact opposite. like He's the kind of person that you would actually want to be looking into this because he would be a skeptic and because he would keep an open mind.
But he would also verify everything back and forth. And he would do everything by the rules, every single thing by the rules. And so that's what this book is about. It's about him being brought into a program called ATIP by head honchos of the Pentagon.
And they trusted him enough. He had worked on this project, worked on that project. They brought him in to look UAPs, Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon. um or unidentified anomalous phenomenon, as they now call it because it also includes things that go and go into into the water.
So this book brings you through as much of the evidence that he can tell you without breaking the law. And so there there are parts of of the text that are actually blacked out here and there.
And he leaves them in there because the Pentagon actually did a review of the book and they and they redacted certain things from it. But like look, if you think back a few years now, when when the first videos came out from the Pentagon, right?
And if you're into UFOs, you know what these are. They are the gimbal video and they are the Tic Tac video. And so you've got like the it's like a black and white video. It's it's from ah a fighter jet. And you have like the the pilots like freaking out because they're seeing this thing that's going so fast and doing these turns that are absolutely impossible for any sort of thing that we could ever create.
and they're And they're doing it and it doesn't make any sense. And so they're like laughing and they're hollering and they're like, oh, my God, this is going so fast. And we're watching it. And we're going, holy shit, that's a fucking UFO right there on camera right now. yeah And so, you know, of course, he talks about that stuff, but he talks about the whole history of it and all this evidence that even like me, who's a UFO, absolute fanatic, I hadn't heard a lot of this shit before.
It's so well done. It's a great book. I really, really enjoyed it. um And, you know, Lou Elizondo, he's a bit of an American hero. I'm not going to lie. Like this dude risked his entire career, everything to write this book and to and to get the information out there because he really believes that, like, look, the American people, but also just like the people of the world deserve to know what is being covered up by the government.
And it's important that we know because it could be a danger. This could be something really bad. And instead of keeping us all in the dark, we should all know about this. It's absolutely, it's criminal that we don't know about this.
So look, if you're into this shit, um I would highly recommend the book. It was a great read. Really glad that I finally got it done. And that's it. Imminent by Lou Elizondo. Okay, nerd. no'm stretch Shut up.
It's true, though, I am. All right. No, it sounds interesting. um My next one is ah School Spirits Season 2. This is also on Paramount+. plus um Listen, this show is very charming, and it has but literally stolen my life away. Okay.
but So if you forget, I talked about school spirits last year when it was on param. I think it was on Netflix at the time. Cause I had not caught up on Paramount plus cause there's too many streaming services, but this follows um our main character who is, who has died and is now trapped at her high school with all the other ghosts of kids that have died at that high school.
And, and she But she finds out, I'm not dead. Just another ghost took over my body. What? And so now she's trying to find her body so that they can switch back. But she's also but she's also dealing in season two with making friends and ties with the ghosts. And so now she now she finds herself in a conundrum of, do I go back to my real life? Or do I stay here with people that I've really grown to care about um in in the ghost life? And so that's kind of the premise of season two.
And let me tell you, this show has gaslit me very hard because let you but because there is a character on the show.
um His name is Wally and he's played by Milo Manheim. Okay. Son of Cameron Manheim. Okay. And he plays a football jock who was ah mean in the 80s and now is super nice and is super good friends with the gay character on the show.
And it has led me to believe that my high school bullies may also be nice to me. And so I feel very taken advantage of. Oh, boy. so for this, and and it has made me fall in love with a another high school jock bully.
Shame on you, school spirits. Shame on you. But I am watching every episode. you You and I have discussed this before. We're kind of attracted to that. Yep. Don't watch it, Matty, because you will too fall in love with Wally Clark.
Well, you know what? I'm always looking for new masturbation material. So maybe I will watch it anyway, Andrew. We'll see. Yeah. So that's that's my new, I'm not going to call it a hate watch because I really do love it.
It's crazy. My next one is one on Disney Plus that you can watch. It is called The Gorge. ah The Gorge stars Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy, two people that I like quite a bit.
um But also Sigourney Weaver is in this movie. Hello, Sigourney Weaver. um So this is a weird movie. It's really weird, but I really enjoyed it. um So once again, it's on. It's on. um oh Is it on Disney Plus?
God, I always forget what I watch shit on. Maybe it's on Apple TV. plus It's okay. People can Google it. I think it's Apple TV plus now that I'm talking about it. I'm sorry, people. Look, I don't. My memory is not great anymore. Anyways, the gorge. ah Here's the blurb. Two highly trained operatives grow close from a distance after being sent to guard opposite sides of a mysterious gorge.
when and When an evil below emerges, they must work together to survive what lies within. them So here's. So you've got that. What's interesting? You've got Miles Teller, who's an American. You've got a Taylor joy, who I think is ah basically a Russian, but she could be Ukrainian for that matter. Who knows?
Anyways, they are sent to this gorge, right? As, as the thing said, and they have to guard the two sides of it. And they're being sent there because what the Western governments send a person and the Eastern governments send a person. You learn this pretty early in the movie. So I'm not giving too much away.
um And basically like they just have to sit there for a long time in their big tower, make sure all the weapons around them work, make sure that their guns work, you know, keeping a watchful eye.
That's it because out of the gorge stuff starts to come out of it. Hmm. And I'm not going to tell you what it is. I'll leave it right there for you. All I will tell you is this is a movie that is not only like fun and thrilling to watch.
It is also literally funny. And it's also, believe it or not, really charming. like It's a really charming. It was it it really delightfully surprised me that it was like this cute little story in there, too, which doesn't make any sense. But it was. um And Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy, they're both really great actors and they do a great job in this.
um And Sigourney Weaver comes back to play. Well, you'll find out. um But she was really good, too. So I really enjoyed the movie. It's on and Apple TV+. plus Highly recommend watching it. Go watch it. The Gorge.
Cool. And I just want to say for people that ah that that are like, oh, looked up this thing and Maddie said it was on Apple TV+, plus and I don't see it. I have a great app for you. It's called Just Watch.
And you can look up literally any movie and it will tell you where it is. That's how I... And also if we can rent movies or not. um like So Letterboxd, of which I am a patron, Letterboxd is integrated with Just Watch. So equal if you have Letterboxd, any movie that you see, there will be a little Just Watch like widget that tells you where you can watch it, which is how I just saw that I watched it on Apple TV Plus, not on Disney Plus. There you go.
Perfect. You can sponsor us by going to frag a There you go. all right. My last one is the new movie in theaters inspired by yet another Stephen King yeah a story called the monkey.
This movie is crazy. It is. I can't. And the amount of people that show up in this movie is insane. um Adam Scott, um Elijah Wood.
wow Yeah. ah It's, it's sprinkled with so many people. It's crazy. But basically the premise, the premise is, is that these two brothers, these two twin brothers, when they were children,
Um, there, they have a, their, their father ran away. Like he was a pilot and he, he basically got a, um, flight attendant knocked up. okay She had the children. He ran away, but they have this closet in their house that has like all this stuff from their dad. Like basically the mom said, you know, I'm not going to deny you from, you know, for you figure out who your dad was, but here's all this stuff. I'm regurgating it to this closet only do what you want with it.
And they're going through all this stuff and they find a box. and And inside of it is a toy monkey. And it's basically one of those toys that like, it's like a little drummer monkey. you know I'm talking about? Like sure drum, drum, drum. um And they quickly find out that every time you um you wind up the monkey, someone dies. Oh no.
And each one of these kids is very different. The two twins are very, very different. One is more of a bully and one is more of kind of a a shy, you know, shy little guy. Sure. And that they figure out like, what are we going to do with the monkey? And then it kind of goes into their adulthood and what that what that kind of means for their adulthood. And I don't want to get any more away beyond that. okay um Very interesting story told very slowly. Like this. This is a this is a.
Listen, this is in the preview, so it's not going to spoil anything. But this this is the kind of movie that I want to set this up as. There is a part in the movie where he is talking on the phone with his brother, and they're saying, we need to do something about the monkey. And the brother says, i'm not i don't want anything to do with this. Leave me alone. I'm living my life.
but bla Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile, they're at a hotel and a ah final destination style thing happens where a ah air conditioner falls off of this off of the roof goes into a puddle of water, which goes into a swimming pool, woman which a woman dives into the swimming pool and explodes.
oh Okay, my goodness. All right. This is ah this is by the same guy who did long legs Oz Perkins. Yeah. um And it is a completely different movie than he's ever done. Okay. um But still with his like kind of satirical style. Okay. um I would recommend going and seeing this in the theater because the audacity that this movie looks out there is is suitable for the big screen.
um But yeah, it's, I, I'm not going to say it's like the best movie, but just for sheer audacity sakes, it's kind of a spectacle to watch. So fun. I would, I would, I would think it's a for, for gore hounds and for horror movie people there. You're going to like this.
So I shall see it. I shall see it. um Fantastic. Good. And my last one is the white Lotus season three. I'm also watching this, yeah which is three episodes in. I'm pretty sure.
i think it's three yeah you know yeah yeah yeah so um white lotus season three is welcome back to the white lotus but in thailand this time so we've been in hawaii we've been in sicily and now we are in thailand um great cast just right off the bat parker posey's in this motherfucker parker yeah fucking posey is in this who i am absolutely obsessed with um and then a bunch of other great people too carrie coon who is one of my favorite actresses of all time, also from Chicago and also married to somebody at the Steppenwolf Theater for God's sake.
um What's his goddamn name? wait What's, what's his fucking name? ah The guy, the guy who wrote, he wrote bug. And I, i'm i as usual, I'm going down a Tracy Letts. That's his name. um she's so fantastic walter goggins is in this so good jason isaacs is in this um uh patrick schwarzenegger is in this and michelle monahan michelle monahan yeah i mean so many great people um and sam nivelo just a little sweet cutie is in this um it's and it's you know look it's getting a little bit of flack online which is you know not a surprise uh because people
are forgetting that it's a series and maybe there's more to the story that you haven't seen yet i hate people like everyone's like oh this season sucks it's so slow but but i'm like because they're telling a fucking story you fucking jackass once again social media ruins everything you're not gonna get everything right away you fuck it's not movie exactly let it go and in the meantime like this is some cool shit playing out right now And, um you know, the the the opener, the the very first thing that happens, like like like like all of the the White Lotus seasons, um it begins with a big murder. And so there's going to be this will culminate in some kind of mass shooting at the at the hotel. We don't know what it's going to be yet, but there are lots of little guesses on what might happen here. So I'm really having a great time with it. I think it's really good. i love that.
Well, i mean, look, if if if you haven't watched it yet, you're you're you're whatever. Like Greg is back now. um Yeah. But he's Gary now, which is crazy. And like in the next episode, like, Andrew, what's going to happen on the boat? I don't know. We're going to find out, though. So, yeah, I'm having a good time with it. I love the White Lotus. I'm obsessed with it. And this season is is pretty good so far. It's not my favorite season, um but I'm still having a great time with it. And I'm looking forward to seeing how the story plays out.
Yeah, i'm I'm really liking it. like I think I go on record of saying is I really didn't like the first season and I really loved the second season. So I kind of just let this play out and see how I feel about it. But so far, I'm really into it. i'm good One little tidbit that I thought was hilarious is that, did you know that Mike White, the creator of the White Lotus, he told the family, so that the you know the the the Parker Posey, yeah Jason Isaac's family, he told them to watch Southern Charm on Bravo. to model themselves after those characters and now i can't and now i can't unsee it and it's just so crazy that's so great of an avid watcher of southern charm on bravo in now seeing it depicted on the white lotus it's i i crack up every time any of them are on screen i just can't even it's so funny that is fantastic

Critique of 'Omen 3': Themes and Performances

right. Well, that does it for what you've been watching, bitch. Maddie brought us a Nora, which you can rent all over the place now. Imminent, a book, the gorge on Apple TV plus and the white Lotus, which concerns currently be streamed on HBO and sky.
And Andrew brought us Babes, which is on demand. Dexter Original Sin on Paramount+. plus Also on Paramount+, plus is School Spirits Season 2. And The Monkey, which you can see in cinemas now.
So folks, that does it for What You've Been Watching, bitch. We'll be right back with our first film of the episode, Omen 3, The Final Conflict. are In 1976, the birth of evil was foretold in the omen
in the Omen. In 1978, a terrifying prophecy was fulfilled in Damien Omen 2. are um And now, you will witness the ultimate challenge to the future of mankind.
as the trinity of living terror is completed in the final conflict. Yes, Mr. President. just appointed Mr. Damien Thorne as our new ambassador to the court of St. James. Damien Thorne is 32. Attractive, brilliant, charismatic.
To the modern world, he brings a purpose, a vision, a destiny. He's one step away from the most important position on earth. Disciples of the watch, I stand before you in the name of the one who is cast out from heaven but is alive.
In me, the power of evil is no longer in the hands of a child.
are Heed the warning. Prepare for the final conflict. The concluding chapter of the Omen Trilogy.
Damien is still around and we're here to close out the Omen finally on our show. So Andrew, tell us all about Omen 3, The Final Conflict. The power of evil is no longer in the hands of a child.
Damian Thorne has helped rescue the world from a recession, appearing to be a benign corporate benefactor. When he then becomes U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom, Damian fulfills a terrifying biblical prophecy.
He also faces his own potential demise as an astronomical event brings out brings about the second coming. of christ directed by graham baker written by andrew birkin production and distribution were handled by 20th century fox damian is played by a very young sam neal kate is played by lisa harrow father de carlos played by rosanna brasi harvey dean is played by don gordon peter is played by barnaby holm and barbara is played by louine willoughby
It's rated R. It comes in at 108 minutes. It was made in London and Yorkshire, UK. It was released on March 20th of 1981 with a budget of $6 million dollars and actually brought in $21 million. dollars I didn't know that.
That seems high for this movie. Anyway, ah Maddie, was this a first-time watch? And what are your initial thoughts? You know, i honestly don't know if it was a first-time watch. I think so. Did it seem familiar? Yeah. And so, like, maybe I did watch it before, or, or like, I half-watched it before. I don't know.
um Look, the The Omen is not... Sorry, not THE Omen, just Omen, which, God, that drives me nuts that there's no article in front of of Omen, but it is what it is, whatever. Omen 3, I think, is a very solid entry in the Omen franchise.
And um like Omen 1 is definitely not one of my favorite movies. I like it because I i like to laugh at it. There's just parts of it that i think are really funny. um Like the, it's all for you, Damien. It's just, it's so over the top and it's so stylized. And like, you know, the every Omen, we just talked about Omen 2 recently.
So, you know, we've done one, two, and now we're doing three. And in in each of these, they all suffer from the same sort of just like, The score is good, but it's too big.
like it's it's like it's it's It's almost like it's corny. It's so big. and And like there's like this acting is way too over the top. And this thing is way too over the top. And like it just it it doesn't do with the story any favors, if I'm being honest. And that's just I just feel that way about it.
Now, all that being said, like, look, you know, there are great parts of of each of the Omen movies. and we You know, we both just talked about Omen two and how much we liked it. And Omen three is one that I i like quite a bit.
I think it is buoyed by a number of really cool things. Right. Sam Neill, for example, Sam Neill. I love Sam Neill. Like, how can you not? If you're if you're a horror fan, Sam Neill fucking rocks. And Sam Neill is so good in this movie and that even he.
Can make the very long monologue that he gives in front of a crucifix with Jesus butt sticking out like it's like that monologue and is I was like, is is he going to have sex with the statue? Yeah, I look.
I have i i I know an awful lot about theology and and Christianity, and I've been to church quite a bit. I've never seen a crucifix like that. So that was actually really interesting. But that whole monologue that he does there is so cheesy. It's it's it's like I hate using this word, but it's honestly cringy.
But Sam Neill somehow finds a way to make it work. And it actually kind of works. It's still cringy, but it's less so because it's Sam Neill doing it. um And so you've got Sam Neill.
You've got really cool political intrigue, right? So now Sam Neill as the Antichrist, as Damien Thorne is is ah is the U.S. ambassador to the to the United Kingdom, fulfilling part of the prophecy, but blah, blah, blah, whatever.
So like that's pretty cool. And like you know he lives in this big mansion and they're doing fucking fox hunts and this kind of shit, whatever. There you go. Cool. um And like that's that's really interesting. And like there are some crazy deaths in this one, like there are in every single Omen movie.
um So you know then like you've got some parts of the story that aren't all that great. Like, okay, Jehovah, Yahweh, Jesus, y'all are cool.
Do you really have no one better to like protect the second coming of Christ than these priests who have no idea what they're doing?
like it is It is like the fucking Keystone Cops. They are comically bad there's like tri game there's so They're so bad and that it's it's it it's honestly laughable. like like when When the guy on the horse falls off the bridge, I was laughing. I was like, the fuck?
fuck like why aren't you like the horse is going nuts motherfucker just get off the horse like run at him with the fucking dagger it's not that fucking hard um i i really love when sam neil like i have to stop calling i stop calling him that damien when damien with the other guy on the other side of the bridge just looks at the dogs and goes Wait, what does he say? He's like, take him. He just goes, yeah, take him.
And they do. And he just watches it with his head kind of cocked and he's just laughing. And it was it's such a great little scene right there. But yeah, the priests are incredibly inept and have no idea like how to actually just like execute this thing.
um So that's kind of funny. And then, you know, the fact that like um that, that Peter's mom is the one that ends up doing it. I thought that was kind of cool, but let's, I'm just going to cut straight to the end.

Debate on 'Omen 3' Tone and Execution

I'm cutting straight to the end.
Whoever thought up that ending had clearly just watched Jesus Christ Superstar because the giant Jesus in the sky was bizarre. It was very talking about it it was very bizarre.
And like that's that's one thing like this movie that that the whole Omen series gets... it gets really strange is like, it goes so deeply religious in a corny way that it it's, it's not the same way that like the exorcist does it. For example, the exorcist ah absolutely plums into religion and explores it and has interesting things to say about religion and faith and how you think about it.
I would say that Omen is almost like a horror movie. Sometimes that is like literally made for evangelical people to watch. Sure. yeah ah And that's how I feel about it. And I think the end of this movie is so corny and the Bible quotes that they do. that they do I was like, are you are you fucking kidding me right now? Like, what is this? And like a couple of the quotes I was like, why would you pick that quote? Like, that's that's oh that's a weird quote to pick.
um But yeah, it was just if I don't know. End of it is bizarre. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm going around in circles. I still enjoyed watching this movie. I gave it a good rating, which we'll discuss later. But like every other Omen entry, there's just some fucking weird shit in it too.
Yeah, yeah. So um for me, I'm a huge defender of this trilogy. I think that this is a pretty strong trilogy when it comes to horror trilogies. like It sticks. I think that...
I think that that the, the seed, this series of movies knows what it is and it just plays into its own hand. Fair But also, yeah but it also like functions as a horror movie. Um, this is what I'll say about the final conflict.
I think Sam Neill turns in the performance that saves the movie because everyone around him is so corny. Um, yeah like his, his, his like right hand man, like at that guy, like, you know, he's, you know, he's lying from the beginning. You're like, well, like,
Come on, dude. um And like the kid who plays Peter, he's fine. His love interest, she's fine. Like everyone's just kind of like fine. Everyone yeah kind of feels like they're like, it's the third movie. Like, let's get it done. Like it kind of like feels a little bit defeated. I think I get that.
But overall, but overall like this movie, what wait what we are covering in this movie is so dark. It is so dark. It is. But you don't even realize it until you're like, holy shit, they're going for it. like what That scene where the baby is being baptized and the priest kills it?
Yeah. Are you joking me? Yeah, it's insane. this movie? Yeah. Like it's so listen, I'm going to give them credit for taking it as far as they did, because there is some wild shit in this movie. Like they killed a hundred babies in this movie is what they, you know what, Andrew? Not enough. In my opinion,
But um no, overall, I think that this is like, I think that they, I think that they wrote the middle line a little too much on this one because I feel like, what do you mean by that?
I feel like they either should have gone super serious or super campy. Oh, I see what you're saying. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Because they ride this weird line to where you get these goofball priests trying to murder and dying and like spectacular. I'm thinking of the guy who tries to murder him in the TV station. Yes. And that the fact that he gets God,
lit on fire and like just burns to death so wait wait andrew about that here's here's a a little a little a little trivia piece about that lisa harrow uh who played kate said that one of the most difficult sequences to shoot for the film was the death of the first priest in the television studio where her character kate reynolds interviews damien it took over it took over two weeks to get it right so my Stunt man Vic Armstrong performed the backwards 100 foot fall from the bridge in Guinness World Records 2005. He described it as the most frightening stunt of his career.
Most of his falls were less than 70 feet. So they're talking about two things there, but ah the the bridge fall. But then also in the studio, it took him two weeks to get that right. Jeez. God almighty. But do you know what i mean? Like there's just like the ineptness, like the first half is all about the ineptness of these priests and how they're just going to all fall victim to Damien very easily.
You know what I was thinking? i was thinking these knives, like ah in my head, I'm like, put it on like a fucking like bow and arrow kind of thing. Like, you know yeah put it it put it in a fucking bazooka. I don't fucking know.
Like throw it at him. I don't fucking care. Use the fucking dagger, dude. Kill I know. like the the the two the The one that I think of that is the most ridiculous is the two that are up at the castle. And they end and they end up stabbing their own friend, their own priest guy.
And then the lightning drives them into what I can only tell you is a dungeon? Where they just can't lift the grate back off? Honestly, that part didn't make any sense to me. I was like, why are they just sitting why are they just sitting there?
i don't they like the The grate just goes over the top. It's not locked. So I don't really understand this. i thought What I thought was going to happen is I thought it was going to start to rain. And I thought it was going to start to fill up in water. But it never...
that didn't That didn't happen, though. no and it and and what this And what this movie doesn't do well, like I think the other movies do, tell me andrew is I don't think that they really explain the extent of Damien's power in this movie. Because fair we are supposed to understand that he can he control lightning?
Or is that the devil looking out for him? Is that him that made the horse go crazy? Or is that the devil? Like, I just don't, I don't really understand like the extent of what Damien can and cannot do well as an adult.
i would I would maybe posit there that they don't either. Yeah, that's right. That could be very true. yeah and And these things are just happening. And it's like, okay, it's I guess it's that's just going to happen now.
but the um i think But then like to go back to my original point, is like the first half of this movie is like, it's almost slapstick. Like how crazy these these priests die. And then in the second half of the movie, he demands all the babies born on what, March 24th? Fourth, yeah.
To be killed. And then we have a series of of um vignettes of killing babies. Yeah. I'm just like... yeah this movie is crazy. Well, I mean, the movie the movie does have a lot going on, right? So you've got... i mean, it is two hours. Yeah, you've got Damien.
ah you You have the obvious stuff with Damien. You have him becoming the ambassador. You have the the the as the astronomers talking about the the the the star and the... the the What do you call it? of everything Everything coming together, whatever but whatever that word is called.
you've got um You've got Peter. You've got this thing. You've got that thing. You've got the daggers. You've got the priests. There's just... And then a love interest on top of that. Yeah, you got love in there. It's a lot going on at one time. It really is.
Yeah. And so, like, listen, I'm like, i'm like i don't know. When I was watching this movie, was like, I'm kind of into this. Like, I like kind of like it. Like, I i don't really i don't really fuck with the religion, but I'm kind of into this. Like, I like that they make...
um religion such a spectacle in this movie yeah sure that it that it's almost like comical like you know what i mean like what one question that i have on that too is do you think that the like his like his followers or whatever are they being controlled or are they like doing this willingly i think that they've been convinced to follow him like whatever he says is his law yeah I think, but there there there is a part of it where they could be controlled because they are all in that and that that pit. I don't know where they meet in some quarry or something. And they just all go, we hear you.
We hear you. We hear you. um i The part of the movie that doesn't quite land for me and ah it ultimately becomes the crux of the ending is the relationship between him and the reporter.
And I don't really understand why she ends up falling in love with him. But then ultimately he does the ultimate betrayal on her and kills. And actually the the one guy kills her son, but Damien puts him in front of him.
Sure. um Very, very reminiscent of the dead zone. If you don't remember that movie. Yeah. um But this just like the, the idea of this movie, watch this movie with a modern lens and tell me that's not Donald Trump.
Come on. It is crazy. Yeah. person which of course is the reason why we chose this but also because there is like a resistance, you know, a futile resistance nonetheless by the by the priest, but there is ah an actual resistance that is being formed against Damian Thorne. And it's it's i it's a shoe-in for an episode like this. But yeah, I mean, Trump, you know, I actually heard something really interesting recently, and and it was that um somebody was talking about um their their father, who's who's an evangelical, and but he's he's ah he's an Asian evangelical, which which is, um I say that like deliberately because it is ah a pretty specific branch of of like evangelicals because evangelicals and like in like South Korea and in China, it's it's a very different experience than you might have as an American evangelical.
And so this person's father was a Chinese evangelical. And he was, i think I saw this on blue sky, maybe, but he was saying that his dad was saying that he does think that God chose Donald Trump to be the president so that he could come so that he could come and destroy America.
isn't that is isn't But isn't that like an interesting perspective from that? i know it I know it sounds funny, but like, you know, put yourself into like the mindset of evangelicals. That's something really interesting. that Like there is there is like a little...
you know cadre of them who believe that he is kind of like the antichrist right now really interesting stuff yeah um some things that this movie taught me that i didn't know what did it teach you i didn't know that the name for the devil in england is old nick did you know that i mean um ah no i'm not sure like how ubiquitous that is though okay Because they have that whole scene where she's looking over the edge and he's talking about old Nick and she says to him, you know, that's the name for the devil in England, right?
um Which at at that point, I thought he was going to kill the reporter. But no, she falls into the water. He saves her and then they have sex together. But it's really rough, bad sex. But then she still falls for him.
i don't understand the i don't understand the character of the reporter because she obviously knows who he is, but then is surprised when she finds the birthmark.
And so I'm like, girl, you know this. like You know it. You just had sex with him and he hurt you. like i don't what are you What are you trying to do here? Um, so she's, she's the outlier in the movie for me that doesn't work because I don't really understand her character motivations.
Um, but other than that, I think that everyone or else around it makes sense. I think that the darkest part of the movie is where, um, the the mother sees her baby as a husk and decides to kill it. that And then that was fucking weird.
And then kill her own husband on top of that because a dog told her to do it because now we're back to dogs. If you remember correctly, we were on crows in the last movie, but now we're back to dogs.
And so listen, is this movie fucking wild? Yes. But listen, hear me out. Hear me out. It's still worth a watch because yeah, without a doubt.
I still really liked it. I think the omen is very underrated when it comes to a trilogy of movies that we don't really talk about anymore. um There is a fourth movie, but it's a made-for-TV movie, so I don't think that we'll cover it. sure um But yeah, I just think that this one's worth a watch, and I think that it is just the same as all the other ones. So I don't i don't think that it fell in in in terms of like ah that the the overall trilogy.
However... You brought it up earlier. We got to talk about this ending. Yeah, it's not good. This ending is really bad. Yeah, it's laughable. I think that that's where the omen doesn't know what to do. It doesn't know how to stick the landing.
um Yeah. Because at the end of this movie, we are facing you know the Antichrist versus the Nazarene. And he's saying, which doesn't really make sense because they killed all the babies that were born on that date. So where were they hiding this baby?
i don't know. Who um But apparently now it's a full light up statue of Jesus instead of a baby. and then it's a person holding Peter at the end. Did you understand that?
I did not understand that at the end. I did not. Because we'd see like the second coming or whatever. And it's like a bright statue and Damien falls before it and says, you win and he dies.
and But then in the next scene, we have an unnamed character carrying Peter's dead body. Makes no sense to me. that comes before the reporter yeah and they walk off together. Yeah. Makes no sense to me at all. and I don't get it.
And then we throw some Bible verses on the, on the screen and I'm just like, what? And like, and like, i once again, i think that's what bothers me the most about Omen, ah but about the Omen in general is like, it just, it doesn't really take religion seriously.
just sort of picks and chooses and like puts some stuff here and puts some stuff there because they think it looks spooky and and sounds good. Yeah. yeah like because you make because you're not making like serious choices with that it just it just comes across cringy dude and like the end i was laughing look like literally it was like the end of jesus christ superstar like that that's what it looked like to me and i i don't think that fits the omen it doesn't fit so like why would you why would you choose that and i'm sorry the bible verses
The Bible verses are terrible, terrible. And i don't I don't know who the fuck made that choice, but you made the wrong choice. Very, very stupid. Oh, one thing before we wrap things up that I forgot to mention is did you did you capture the um early transgender but joke?
I will call it a joke. No. When they're walking into the studio, the film studio for the first time, Damien and his in his little pack of people. Yes. One assistant says, oh, look, look, look.
It's a faggot dressed as a woman. Oh, my goodness. i I don't know how I missed that. Yeah, that's in this movie. So wow that's crazy. Cool. Andrew, tell me what you rated Omen 3.
Listen, at the end of it, I still enjoyed it. I said, for being a third movie in a series, I think this one feels a bit refreshing. Do I think they fumble on the finish line? Yes.
But the ride is wild. And I gave it a 4.5. Nice. I gave it a four. And I said, ah look, some of it just looks old and cheesy, but it's a solid entry in The Omen. ah Sam Neill never goes wrong, even when some of those monologues just go on and on and on and get a little bit cringey.
So, folks, that is Omen 3, the final conflict. We'll be right back with our second ah film of the episode, Snowpiercer.
This chaos. thousand people in an iron box. 18 years I've hated the train. 18 years I've waited for this moment.
This is the world. The train saved humanity. The engine lasts forever. The population must always be kept in balance. I said sit down.
um Passengers, eternal order flows from the sacred gri engine. We must occupy our preordained position.
I belong to the front. You belong to the tail. No doubt. No doubt.
you Those bastards in the front think they own us. We'll be different when we get there. What you say? We take the engine. And we control the world. When is the time?
disorder We're going to the front. Open the gate. We know you well, Mr. Curtis. We've been watching you.
Precisely, 74% of you shall die.
This is your destiny.
Do I too look menacingly into the snow all winter long? Yes, but we're not here to talk about that. We're here to talk about Snowpiercer. Maddy, tell us all about Snowpiercer.
Fight your way to the front. In a future where a failed global warming experiment kills off most life on the planet, a class system evolves aboard the Snowpiercer, a train that travels around the globe via a perpetual motion engine.
Snowpiercer is directed by Bong Joon-ho, who also wrote the movie with Kelly Masterson. It was produced by CJ Entertainment, Moho Film, Opus Pictures, and Still King? Still King Films. Yes, correct.
Curtis is played by Chris Evans. Nam-gung Min-soo is played by Song Kang-ho. Wilford is played by Ed Harris. Gilliam played by John Hurt. Minister Mason played by Tilda Swinton.
Edgar played by Jamie Bell. Tanya played by Octavia Spencer, Andrew by Ewan Bremner, and Nam Gung Yona ah by Ko Ah-sung. The film was rated R, it's 88 minutes long. It is a product of South Korea, the USA, Czech Republic, and France.
was released July 29th, 2013, filmed in Prague, Czech Republic. like The budget was $40 million dollars for this movie. Jesus Christ. And brought in 87 million.
Good investment studios. um Andrew Snowpiercer. Tell me about it. Yeah, one correction is it's actually 127 minutes. Oops, I forgot to do that. Sorry. Guess what? I was hung over this morning, folks. oh No, I just know because I was like, damn it. This is over two hours long.
No. um So Snowpiercer. This was a first time watch for me. This one. i remember it coming out, but I thought it just came out on streaming. So maybe I'm not remembering it all that well. um But I just remember being like, oh, Chris Evans, that looks fun. And then just kind of forgot about it.
And so and fun you mean hot. Yeah, yeah, Of course. Well, why do you think I noticed? Exactly. Right. Yeah. But um so I and then I remember they came out with a TV show, which I think Michael Michael dabbled in for a little bit, but lost interest. well So I was just like another one where our friend Happy Anderson was in it because he was in that show, too.
Yeah, cool. um and so i kind of just like this one just came and went so i just never went back to was excited to watch it um it is definitely we're leaning more towards sci-fi action horror but it's still horror jason so i still get it yeah yeah um but um overall i had a good time with this movie i do appreciate that we just get right into it like there's not a lot of like fodder to like figure out what's like, what's the story here and what's the history and du or we kind of just get it over time throughout the movie, which I, I think is a very, a good testament to the writing in this movie. Yeah. um
And I think all the action is really well done, especially that fucking tunnel sequence is crazy. Oh my God. amazing. And so like overall I had a good time with the movie.
Once again, I think the ending is a little bit, not my bag of groceries, if you will. um But we can talk about it when we get to it. um But the ride to get there, i really liked. I thought that the twists and turns were um handled really well, especially kind of the end twist where we figure out like what's been going on the entire time was really well handled.
I think all the acting is really well done, especially for, Tilda Swinton is that. Oh my God. I've known that woman. Like I know that woman, like you know, like and she she was having so much fun playing that you could just see it. mean, Tilda Swinton is just fucking incredible, dude. She's so good.
And, so and someone that didn't make it onto our cast list, but I have to call out is Alison Pill as that teacher amazing. Oh, yeah. True. true um But just know and overall, I really had fun watching it.
i i have a little bit of issue with the politics that it's kind of like trying to portray. What do you mean? We can get into it a little bit later when after you tell your thoughts. But like I just feel like it's not um fully realized, really. Because like...
at the end of the day, everyone dies. So like, even the people you were trying to like bring, but bring to the front, if you will, are no longer alive. So what was the point?
But we can get into that later. i want to hear your thoughts on your overall movie. And what did you think? Yeah, it's a fair question to ask. um I mean, yeah, this is also a first time watch for me. um I did watch some of the ah the TV show and I i like you. i don't know. Maybe this just skipped completely past me in 2013. I guess it did. Yeah. um Anyways, I'm so glad that we watched it because I loved this movie. I love, love, loved it. You know, it was only a dollar more to buy it than than to rent it. So I just bought it.
And um I'm so glad that I did because I'm going to watch it again and again and again. um It's it's ah it's good for so many reasons. The cast is so good. Number one, right?
um You've got Chris Evans. You've got Jamie Bell. if you And if you don't remember Jamie Bell, that would be Billy Elliot. Remember him? Right. And Jamie Bell is such a good actor. ah So he he he's great in this movie for the short time that he's in it, quite frankly.
um ah Ed Harris is in it. Like, come on. And Ed Harris is in it in a way that's sort of like maybe, you know, presages his role in Westworld later, I would say, you know. And then also John Hurt is, and for God's sake, who's just a a complete legend of the screen and and stage.
I need some water. One sec. And so you've got this amazing cast plus Tilda Swinton, for God's sake, um just giving it their all in this wacky fucking story that is based on a graphic novel and ah doing it so well.
And like, you know, you really got to think about the reality that these people are going through. They've been on the train for how many years have they been the train now? 18 years. 18 years. It's a train.
Like it's a train. Trains can be really cool, but also like, do you really want to be on a train for 18 years? You know what mean? And like, it's a pretty cool train. Yeah. but You know, some of the cars up in the front, of course, are very nice, but the ones where you and I would be are absolutely terrible.
So you're in a small confined space for 18 years and, That is terrifying to think about a truly terrifying, just right off the bat right away. There you go.
um So you've you've got this, this wild story happening and these people who are trying to figure it out. And like, you know, there are parts of this movie that are fucking dark as hell. When they, when they fucking put that clamp on the dude's arm yeah and they put it outside to freeze, Holy shit.
And then hammer it off. Oh my God. I i mean, if that scene was hard to watch. it I looked away and then i i had i then I came back to it. It was it was fucking tough. And so many other just complete injustices that that the people in steerage are being forced to you knows to endure by these terrible people who who are trying to you know keep this awful system of of of class warfare um in in play.
And you know, that's, that's what it's about. i mean, look, the movie is glaringly about, about class. If you don't understand that you're absolutely wild, which is why, like, if there are Republican people who like this movie, I would almost want to laugh at them. Like, how do you not understand what this movie is about? How do you not get that?
Um, I don't think that you can be Republican and be a fan of this movie. I don't think that's possible because you would have to, you would have to be rooting for minister Mason the whole time. Right.
That's what you would have to be doing. And that's and that's obviously the reason why why we chose this film for this episode and is because there is a resistance that actually does something in this, but also because it's about class at the end of the day.
And so, you know, like thinking of your question that you asked earlier, like what's the point of it all? I mean, it's a fair question, but like, what would be the point of continuing to live in this terrible system?
You know, yeah for for you know, ah over and over and over again, for what, if it's never going to change, if it's never going to actually like be better for the people there, why, why should they keep, you know, eating bars made out of like cricket jello? You know what I mean? Like what's, how is that life even?
you know Crickets are a very good source of protein. True. You watch them eat it, and then you know you see when like he he like lifts up the lid and he sees what what they're all made of.
But like it's not really until Minister Mason eats it that you really like start to almost taste it yourself. You know what yeah I mean? In my notes, I called it, are they eating polluted Jell-O? sort of it It has to be so gross. But you know you have all these people who it's the only food that they have.
They actually love it. Like they they want it. They want a lot of it. um So just, you know, just just crazy. So yeah, I mean, look, but lots more to talk about, but I think the film is fantastic. i just I just thoroughly enjoyed watching this. I think it's a great movie for right now to watch too.
And um it makes me but also want to go back and watch the TV show and like see if if that was worth going back to or not. yeah i can't who did the tv show tnt was jet jennifer lawrence was in it wasn't she well no jennifer lawrence uh jennifer connelly jennifer connelly thank you yeah jennifer lawrence can you wait as minister mason oh my god um But no. ah So ah let's talk a little bit about, um you know, some of the some of the things in this movie.
Well, one thing that I loved is that cigarettes have been extinct for 10 years. That's yeah right. I never have to fucking smell another cigarette in my life. God. ah um I also like that they they posit at one point in the movie that bullets are extinct. And I was like, how fucking Louie. Yeah, exactly. That comes back to haunt us later. um So there's like things in this. And I want to talk a little bit about the layout of this train because it's very interesting because the school, the the the ah the education chamber, if you will, you have to go through the bar to get to the school, which I think is an interesting layout. like It just is.
And then like the other thing I'm thinking about as we're making our way through this train. And it's so funny because it's, it's almost like the opposite of what you would think is that people are just like standing idly by and like letting him go through. Like, they're just like, Oh, we don't know what's going on.
Just, I guess just keep going. um Which is, which is just funny because you're like, don't you think they would try to stop him? But um they don't know what's going on, so maybe not. um The other thing I thought was, listen, ah you looking at you're looking at all these people in the back half, in the in the hold, if you will.
And they are decrepit, missing limbs, and all kinds of gross. And then there's Chris fucking Evans. And you're not you're not telling me that he wouldn't have been sold into sex slavery into that rich person's quarters?
You're telling me that? yeah ah Yeah, it's a good point. I hadn't really thought about that. But it's just funny because him and Jamie Bell are so much better looking than anybody else in that back half because that is true. It's insane.
That is absolutely true. um But yeah. And then ah I too was a little bit taken aback by when they find out what the protein bars are made out of. I was like, well, it could be humans. You know what i mean? Yeah. So it's like like some soylent green kind of shit.
That's what I so that's originally what I thought they were doing with the kids. I thought that the kids were going to end up being. Oh, ah you know, and you know what? That would have actually been pretty interesting. Dark and way darker, yeah way darker, but fucking worse than crickets, for God's sake. Jesus.
I know when he looked in there and he was so horrified, I was like, there are countries in this world that eat those every day for regular food. It's not that weird. But I mean, fair um i mean in south american countries that's like a delicacy so yeah i i was i was a little bit that threw me off but that's no neither here nor there because it doesn't really make that much difference in the movie um but uh there are a couple things that i was like i kind of even took ah took advantage of um is when they see light for the first time in 18 years and i was like holy shit i didn't even realize they don't have windows like yes
that's insane um and i i for one when they were talking about what the train is and like how it goes around the world one year at a time i was like that's awesome like i would want to do that train ride like that's pretty cool i mean obviously not in a frozen tundra world but if this was like our world now and you got on a train and you went around the world in a year that that sounds pretty fucking cool to me fuck yeah dude um But um yeah, I think the violence in this movie is really depicted well. I didn't know where they were going to go with the violence because at first it's kind of off screen. Like even when that guy's arm gets like um hacked to pieces, it's kind of off screen. So I didn't know if they were going to like go the route of like almost PG 13 in it. But then they go into the tunnel and everyone gets hacked up to pieces and there's blood everywhere. And I was like, okay, so no, we're not going to do that in this movie.
So yeah, um but yeah i'm losing my voice a little bit but um i think that it's interesting that they do this over new year's eve so that's why everyone's like partying the entire front half and maybe that's why they and don't do anything i think the idea of a new drug based off of industrial waste is pretty interesting um and like i think i think it's funny that cigarettes are extinct but we still have alcohol which is funny to me where's that coming from um but yeah and listen his end monologue where he talks about how he was the man with the knife and edgar was the baby and they were killing people to survive in the in the hold and they people cut off their limbs too because when i first saw john hurt and i saw that he was missing limbs i was limbs i was like oh obviously he's disobeyed and they got in the same treatment as putting his legs and arms outside you know and i mean exactly what i thought
And then when we get the reveal that he know he chopped off his own limbs to sit to feed his people, i was like, holy shit. And then when Chris Evans says, and I hate that I know that babies taste the best. oh that line.
insane that line is is that was difficult to listen to yeah and so like i get all that i think at the very end when they choose to blow up the and it's i know it's not chris evans's choice but he doesn't stop anybody um but when they blow up the the the the what do they call it they call it it's the door but they call it something else they the gate the gate um um and it sends the whole train off and then there's an avalanche and everyone just dies yeah i was like well i don't know like i as a person like i don't i don't need my endings to be like tied up in a bow but like a movie like this where you're rooting for this group of characters who's been systematically um killed off throughout the movie some like edgar in very like
just no fashion at all. Like the, the deaths of, of Edgar and Tanya kind of drove me insane because I was like, wait, they are the most important people to you. And you're not even stopping to like, I don't know. It was weird to me. Well, it's me that ghost stuff I mean, he, he couldn't, you're watching the, the the gears turn in his head and when he's like an Edgar and he knows Edgar's going to be killed, but he also knows if he doesn't keep moving forward,
they're going to lose. And so everything that they've been working for for so long would just be for nothing. And so, you know, it's it's a catch 22, but he, has to, he has to take it. And then of course, Edgar fucking dies, which, which was a surprise to me. I did not expect that to happen. And pretty early in the movie. it's That's like, you know, later fine, but it was early enough in the movie where I was like, Oh, okay, I guess he's gone now. Wow.
um So, I mean, like you know that that stuff didn't bother me quite as much, um but you know it was still and still shocking. i you know Thinking about the ending, like like you were saying, because it sounds like the ending didn't hit you um as well as maybe it it it could have.
I do wonder, like was there gonna be a sequel? was Is that a thing? Because, but or or maybe like it just kind of left it open in one way or another. it you mean You see the polar bear, so what do you know? You know that all life is not dead.
So life goes on. Yeah. Life went on Life found a way. And like, there it is. And so if a polar bear is alive, that means it's eating things, right? So what is it eating? It has to be eating other things that are alive. And so that means that other things are alive too, not just polar bears.
So it is possible. that there are more humans out there that are not on the train. And everyone got lied to, and they've been on this train for 18 years, and like there is still civilization in some way, somewhere.
They just don't know where it is. So it was thinking, like I wonder if they ever did think about a sequel of this, but i don't know. Like what's next? to Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. um I did think that we were going to have a bigger reveal than Ed Harris at the front of the yeah train because I thought they were going to try to pull some Wizard of Oz shit and it was going to be like, no one's in charge of the train. It's all like...
it's all like, you know, but controlled by power and and just like by control. You know what i mean? Yeah. And so when they revealed Ed Harris, i was like, oh, it's just Ed Harris. i what go no no No better man for it, though. I mean, he's perfect character actor for not dog it, not dogging him. I'm just dogging the idea of him. um And then i I swear to God, I thought that they were just going to let the children thing like yeah nothing happened with it because it is such a late reveal.
And the fact that why would that girl know? Oh, she has foresight. Nevermind. I just, it just answered. Right. Right. Yona. And ah I didn't really, the, the, the thing about the children, i kind of got it, but it was kind of a little bit anonymous. Like I kind of didn't get it, but I think it's okay.
um Especially the one kid, Andrew, who goes into the front of the train. i didn't really understand what he was doing. um And so that part was a little bit innocuous for me. So it didn't, it didn't pay off like the twist of the children. Like I thought it was going to, like, I thought it was going some wild, crazy child sex thing with Ed Harris, like something really dark just based upon what this movie, you know, posits in in this new world.
um So that didn't really hit as much for me, but but overall, I mean, the ride to get to the end is worth the payment. You know what i mean? I can completely agree with you. If I'm going to put it into like the best words possible. Yeah. Totally agree. It's just it's it's such it's such a um it's it's a crazy story. Crazy shit happens in it.
It's fun to watch. i mean It is a fun movie to watch. and like i mean It's Bong Joon-ho doing what Bong Joon-ho does so well. It's creating just these fucking insane stories and and putting them on screen for you to watch. and you're just How is this even happening right now?
He does such a great job with it. I i wish and i don't know if this is a a budget thing or whatever, but... like The front half of this train, there is not enough people on it to to to treat the back half the way that they I would agree. Yeah, think there's not enough extras on this train to posit the other people so shitty. Yes.
But that's just my my two things. Do you want to go ahead and rate this? Sure. I gave it a six. I had that much fun with it. And I said, honestly, I fucking loved this movie. Insane premise, wild characters, crazy fights, and in some way, good overcoming evil.
I gave it a five. I said it's very well made and acted. I kind of just don't get these kind of endings. Yeah, fair enough. So, folks, that does it for our second and final film of the episode. We'll be right back to close out episode 139.
Oh, God, I love this game. Fuck, kill, marry. Let's do this. Okay. I'm going to kill RuPaul right right now. No, kidding. I'm going to marry RuPaul because she has all the money.
And friends, that was episode 139 of Frygate the 13th Horror Podcast. But before we let you go, we'll do what we always do, play a little silly game. And this game is one we haven't played in a while. It's called Hookup, Hackup, or Shackup.
Andrew, tell us what the rules of this game are. So if you've played Kill Mary Fuck, you know the game. It's just horror themed this time. Exactly. And we're going to take some of our characters from our movies and maybe some of our characters from real life and say who we'd hook up with.
So who'd we have sex with? Hack up, who would we kill or shack up and who we would marry long term. Easy. So, Matty, we are going to start with our characters from Snowpiercer.
Got it. just We just talked about it. we just We just, they're fresh in our minds. So who are you hooking up with, hacking up and up with, or shacking up with between it Curtis, our main character, Edgar, played by Jamie Bell, or Gray, who was the silent assassin? Okay. Fair enough. Gray, you are dead. You are hacked up. Goodbye. and um Edgar, you are my shack up. We're going to get married, baby. Love it. Love Jimmy Bell. I think Jimmy Bell is so cute. Just right up my alley.
And Curtis, look, it's fucking Chris Evans. Absolutely hot. ah Hook up. but That's how it's going to work for me. All right. I'm going to hook up with gray because he seems like a wild man in the sheets. He's doing all those crazy martial arts and everything in the movie.
I'm going to, um hack up Jamie Bell. Unfortunately, Edgar, you're just a little too young for me. And listen, if I can wake up to, uh, to a Curtis slash Chris Evans every morning, shack up, baby. show up Michael, you better watch your ass. if Chris Evans is ever around. You better watch. He'd be there too. Whatever. Right.
Okay, Andrew, the next one is, ah let's see here, Damien Thorne, Richard Thorne, or Robert Thorne, who's played by Gregory Peck. So with this one, I'm going to hook up with Damien Thorne because that's XB looking wild. Okay. I'm going to kill or hack up Richard Thorne from Omen 2, and I'm going shack up with Robert Thorne because he's you know he's got a lot of power he's in a he's in a great position he seems like he's got a lot of money and it's gregory peck for god's sakes i have literally the same answer and i don't know i don't know how you could do that answer any differently really i think that's the only acceptable solution so i have the exact same one cool i mean richard thorn does live on a lake so i will true true all right and our last one which may be our most controversial and hardest one
Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, or Mike Johnson. Can I exercise the option to just kill myself? Can I can do that? Can I KMS here? Okay, but Andrew, I KMS. I'm dead. Goodbye. All right. um Listen, I'll hook up with Mike Johnson just because that's the most least offensive.
um I will kill J.D. Vance. I'll hack up J.D. Vance just because he's the son of a bitch. And I'll shack up with Donald Trump because he's almost dead. So maybe I'll get his money at the end. yeah edge You know what?
That was actually a good answer for that one. Thank you. thought about a lot. So look, folks, that is the end of episode 139. We hope you enjoyed it. We hope that you are fired up and ready to get out there and go do some resistance. However, you're going to do it. Remember, come and tell us what you want to do. Maybe we can help. Maybe we can do something stupid together. Let's figure the fuck out. Anyways, before we let you go, though, a couple of things. And that is, look, we are a proud independent podcast.
um We don't have a network supporting us. um So we need your help, right? Because keeping this going, it doesn't, you know, it doesn't cost an arm and a leg, but it costs enough. And so there are some ways that you can support us. The first one is by going to our website where you can become either a patron on Patreon or you can buy merchandise.
You can do either of those things at slash support. Yeah. And another way, if you can't support us monetarily, which we totally get, but listen, the last two hours of conversation is worth a ah dollar.
Yeah. that's all i'm going to say about that. um But you can also leave a free review on Apple podcasts and Spotify. Yeah. It's really 10. We're 10 away from on both platforms from getting to our next, our next, our next, come in whatever our next milestone.
So if you can help us do that, we will shout you out on the show. We'll shout you out on social media, whatever we got to do to come on, just reviews. Just do it already. um Like I said, you can do that on Apple podcasts and Spotify.
Those there's many other places where we you can leave review, but those are the two that only matter, unfortunately, but whatever. um But yeah, and tell a friend about us. yeah if you're If your friend's like, hey, going on a long car trip with, the not not the family, we're not appropriate for families, but if they're going on a long road trip by themselves, and maybe they're ah a lone trucker looking for a friend, them Fraggy13 sent you.
That's good, I like that. um And look, Andrew, i think that also what people need to remember they they need to do, and very, very quickly, is all of them need to go and... Get slayed.