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Royal Rumble 1995 Watchalong

The Chick Foley Show
8 Plays3 years ago
It's Royal Rumble Season and we celebrate by watching 1995's Royal Rumble! Plus, LISTENER MAIL! Become a Premium Foley Fam Member at Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% on all your wrestling figures at Ringside Collectibles. Use code PF10 to save 10% at Check out the Pod Foundation

Introduction to Chick Foley Show and Royal Rumble 1995

What is up, Foley fam? No, you have not tuned in to the wrong podcast. This is the Chick Foley show and you are hearing the interest music from the 1995 Royal Rumble. So yeah, anytime you want to complain about some of the some of the jams they use for the modern premium live events, go back and take a listen to some of the stuff from the new generation because that is horrible. It's like some some sad Johnny B. Good ripoff. But
It's a special edition of the Chick Foley Show this

Sheena's Parental Challenges

week. We are doing a Royal Rumble 1995 watch along. Going to get into some listener mail and a live review of Elite Series 92. But before any of that, let's introduce the stars of the show. Sheena, how you doing?
I've been better. I'm elbow deep in a two year sleep regression with my daughter, the future women's champion. So yeah, we actually had to delay the start of this podcast tonight because she, I mean, she was doing a run in and it was not fun for anybody. She literally got out of her sleep sack, climbed out of the crib in the pitch dark and just came downstairs all casual, like, you know, like, hey, you know, like no big deal. Where's the party at? Yeah, where's the party at? She's, you know, two years old. And so yeah.
It happened with our son, but I was hoping maybe the second kid, we would just skip it, but it's here, man. So hopefully it's not for a long time. Yeah. So we went through some extra difficulty to bring you guys the show

Marco's Home Improvement Tales

this week. So we hope you appreciate it. Marco, how's life up in Massachusetts?
Going good, man. I feel your pain on that. Only one of my daughters did that, the sleep regression thing. It wasn't for too long, but it's been a while, so I just got my roof redone, redid the whole roof, put some new gutters in. That's adulting 101 right there. Yeah, big time adulting. What do they call it? Big boy purchase? Yeah, a roof was a big deal.
Especially in 2021, construction is not cheap. What is this year? What year is it? It doesn't matter. No, it's funny. Actually, earlier when we were chatting on our group chat, I did say I lost all track of time.
I mean, I don't even know a day or a week or a year. It doesn't really matter. And I feel like January has been the longest month. Do you guys feel that way? Like I feel like November and December just kind of like cruised by. And I feel like we're only half like, you know, two thirds the way through January. And I'm like, what the hell? It's been like three months that we've been in January. Yeah, really playoff football is really the only thing we got to keep us going at this point.
It would not be a watch-a-long show without our main man from the Midwest, the Fig God himself, Jordan Wells. Jordan, what's up, man? What's up, guys? Definitely agree with you guys. This has been a long month. This has been a hell of a long week for me, so ready to unwind, watch some wrestling, and drink some beers. Hell, yeah. Sheena, remind the listeners they can find you guys on social

Pod Foundation Updates

You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley, Marco running the Twitter machine at Chick Foley show, and you can join our fully fam and all the fun over on Facebook at Chick Foley All right. And Marco, what's some of the highlights with the pot foundation this week? Oh man. Of course. It's like, I mean, obviously the greatest wrestling minds known to man come together in one group and one faction. Um,
I mean, not, not much. I mean, there was a, the big news was there was a big delay on the, uh, turnbuckle tavern side. Uh, so you didn't get your, uh, 70 episodes, right? I think they said 85 links or something like that. So they went a little bit, a little bit longer than Eric Bischoff on that, on that one.
But yeah, so they ended up, instead of doing a Thursday show, you know, today was the debut of the AEW recap. So definitely check that out. And obviously coming down the aisle, coming down the aisle drop today as well. For those that don't know, and if you haven't heard,
I'm on the raw down. So I'm on the turnbuckle feed as well. Represent the, uh, the chick Foley show to its fullest. Just keeping the name alive. And, uh, there was a lot of crossover. Matt from extra cooler was on, uh, the coming down the aisle podcast this week. You're on the raw down. Uh, yeah, it's what the five foundations all about, man. It's the foundation of collaboration.
Foundation of collaboration. I love it. Extra Cooler did their Jeopardy episode. Did you guys get a chance for that? It was super fun. So if you haven't listened to that yet, make sure you check it out and follow all of our Pod Foundation brethren over at Pod Foundation on Instagram.
All right, before we get into the meat of the show, we want to remind you guys to support ringside collectibles for all your wrestling figure purchases.

Watch-Along Preparations and Drinks

Use code CHICKFOLY to save 10%. And you can head over to ChalkLine if you need some vintage swag. Use code PF10 to save 10%, courtesy of the POD Foundation. So before we get into Royal Rumble 1995, let's take a check on what everybody is drinking this week.
All right. I've hit the fresh beat since it's a watch a long show, Sheena get us started. What are you sipping this week? This is neon rainbows IPA. Um, I don't know where it's out of. Let me see. Oh yeah. Cooperstown, New York. So yeah, 6.7, uh, ABB and, uh,
It's, yeah, got a bunch of damn hops in here. So the hop god would be proud. So I've never had this before. The can is super psychedelic. I'm about to crack it open right now. I haven't even had a sip, so. I'm drinking an IPA as well. It's founder centennial. I think I've had it before on here, but it's kind of just your standard IPA. Definitely more piney than like the West Coast like citrusy. Jordan, what are you drinking?

Royal Rumble 1995 Begins

So I started off with an old fashioned, like I said, this has been a, this has been a week, man. And I was going to be drinking that when we started, but the delay killed that. So I downed that. And finally I got broken school IPA in the Midwest. Really quick. Do you got the cans there in front of you? Yeah, it's Virginia beach.
Wow. No way. Wow. That's crazy that it came all the way from Hampton Roads to Omaha. That is pretty well. Marco, how about you, man? What are you drinking? Oh, man. So I'm not, no beers tonight. Had a broken skull earlier, but I added a new, I'm going to, I'm adding a new mixed drink to the, to the check fully show mixed drink. We shouldn't, we have to come up with a list of mixed drinks for, for the show. So this is called the, the Brett, the hit man heart teeny.
It's a martini. So it's a, uh, so it's a new Amsterdam, uh, the pink pink vodka that they have, uh, triple sec and some lemon, some lemon juice. And it's a, it's pretty, pretty tasty. I'll tell you that much.
I didn't know you were a martini man, Marco. I love martinis. Martini Marco. When we go to restaurants, I'm a martini guy, so. And I'm not afraid to admit it at all. Fancy. When you're eating at the Cheesecake Factory. Yeah, maybe that fine establishment. Your favorite fine establishment. All right, so we're following up on our previously Patreon-exclusive World War One Watch Along series. This is from 1995. Jordan, you got any memories of the show?
Uh, just how bad it sucked, but that's not really it. Oh man, geez. Yeah. This is definitely like, I don't, I don't know if you would, I guess it's not really the peak. It's kind of like the Valley of the new generation era. This is kind of like where it hit rock bottom before it started building up towards, uh, towards late 95 and then 96 and 97. Uh, I think this is arguably the most shallow talent pool for a Royal Rumble.
When I think about the show I think about the Brett diesel match. Yeah, it was really really good I have one the all-time fuck finishes with you know It got stopped twice for interference and restarted and then finally they were like fuck it and they just threw the match out on a no contest But it is really good Brett always brought out the best and Kevin Nash So we're gonna watch the rumble But if you want another recommendation from this show then go back and check this one out the timestamp for this Marco set them up What do they need to be at on peacock?
You need to be at exactly one hour, 53 minutes, sorry, in 25 seconds.
There we go. If you did it right, have it paused, you should be on a black screen. Yep. All right. Again, that's one hour, 53 minutes, 25 seconds. I'm going to say three, two, one, play, and we will kick it off. So feel free to get everything set up. Pause the podcast if you need to to get everything set. And let's watch this show together. So is everybody all set? Yeah. Let's go. All right, here we go. Three, two, one, play. All right, so kicking off with some highlights of that classic, where I run with 94.
Diesel went beast mode in that one. And of course he would be the world champ within 10 months. Mullet in all his glory right there. Beautiful mullet. Diesel's got the best mullet, yeah.
Finally feathered in the front too as well. Yeah, he's got the perfect feathering. And he's got the fringe pants. I think it really accents the hairstyle, you know? You know what the other thing too, it didn't go out of place either. The whole time it would like fix itself. Yeah, I don't know what kind of aqua net he was using, but. The premium. Yeah. Premium aqua net. It was like the turquoise can, you know?
Another bit of foreshadowing the breakup here. He saw HBK kind of helping, you know, sucker and diesel into a handshake to really set up him being eliminated. Then son of a bitch gives the last push here to throw him over the top rope. God damn HBK. Started his back on everyone. Yeah, see HBK's mullet is not my kind of mullet. No.
It's a little too short on top. There's not enough blending from the business in the front party in the back.
I'm not calling that a mullet. I'm a mullet professional. That's not a full blown mullet. What would you call it? Yeah, he was already shifting out of the mullet here. His mullet kind of was really like 93 and this started to grow out. There was times in 95 that it kind of looked like he had a mullet. I think WrestleMania 11, he kind of hadn't styled that way, but he was definitely transitioning out of the mullet. No, but 94, you didn't see that 94 rumble. That was mullet. That was straight up mullet. Yeah. I mean, that's not a mullet. No, this looks like he's growing it out.
The dangly earrings really add a lot to the look. Yeah. I'm not going to lie. I love HBK's look. I love classic finish right here. Hitman and Lex Luger. Yeah. I love this, this Hitman gear too.
Yeah, that's my most wanted hitman figure at this point. That has to come at some point, I think. I didn't take this or that battle pack that they did a couple of years with him and the anvil and the blue, maybe get elites of that. But if I could pick, I'd probably like, if he got another ultimate edition, I would want it to be the 94 gear. Solid. There's Sean on the outside, him and Fatu were the other two members of the final four along with Brett and Lex.
Definitely hit the archives to check out the rest of the- Look how much of a professional Brett is, dude. He locked his legs around Lex Luger's leg just to make sure that they hit at the same time. Yeah, when he says he's the excellence of execution, he's not joking at all. Yeah, he was not going to allow there to be some sort of like bumbling stumble over the ropes. He went over with great form. Jack Tunney on the scene, you knew some shit's going down.
still makes no sense. Like if, uh, this really was the most convoluted thing where Brett had to fight Owen just in basically an exhibition match while Luger and Yoko had a title match. Like nowadays you're just booking a triple threat, right? Yeah. They were doing those triple threats. Yeah. Well nowadays, I guess you can just split them and one person go for the WWE championship and the other go for the universal. Yep.
Luger's definitely on the way down. He's about eight months away from debuting on the first ever episode of Nitro at this point. With his pirate shirt from Seinfeld. Yeah, the puppy shirt. That would be a cool figure if they ever wanted to make like, if they ever want to go down there like the wrestle crap figures again, like they were doing a while back with, uh, with like shark and Isaac Jacob, a Nitro debut Lex Luger.
We get the kangen and Vince McMahon on a commentary for this one. Finks hang out in the background. Uh, yeah, Vince McMahon. Actually, if you, when you hear the audio, he's talking about how, uh, basically how was a travesty that, uh, bam, bam, put his hands on LT just before this, uh, this match happened. He wasn't too happy about that. Oh boy.
Total Smoke Show. Pam Anderson. Actually in the news this week for divorcing her fifth husband. What'd you say? She's actually in the news this week for getting a divorce from her fifth husband. This is before she married Tommy Lee. This was before she became boat famous. Yeah, that movie's coming out to the biography on that. Absolutely stunning. Total Smoke Show. I think that's probably her second pair of
knockers They're not they're not quite at peak yet. I actually yeah, I mean better bright lights on on the way down the down the aisle Yeah, we're not doing like she had her high beams on on the way down the aisle Yeah, if you guys get a chance definitely watch the the dark side of the ring guys They have a new show on Vice called dark side of the 90s and they do a whole episode on a like Baywatch and
and how it impacted, obviously, this bad stuff that happens, obviously, in the background. But yeah, they talk a lot about Pam Landesen and her enhancement that she had during the show, essentially. Nah. Was it botched? She had some botched boobs.
All right, now it's quickly downhill from here, guys. Oh, no, it's got to be, don't worry. Yeah, you saw Pam Anderson, that was the highlight of the- The talent has left the ring. We'll try to make it as entertaining as we can, everyone out there. I mean, she's wearing the Hitman colors, though. I mean- Adidas has never looked so good. Black and pink, I mean, come on. She's a Hitman fan. I don't think she's ever watched a day of wrestling in her life before this. No, she got everybody on. There we go, number one.
Number one, HBK. HB Kizzle. This would be a figure that you guys with the TK was for. Yeah, I think so. I mean, foreshadowing, who knows? Yeah. Rhetorical

Mid-Match Nostalgia and Entries

question. Will he go the distance from the number one spot? Stay tuned to find out. Stay tuned. Yeah, this will make for a sick figure. Yeah, I like the zebra print. I think it's a.
Good look. Very, very of the moment. Very a 95. This would be a great ultimate edition. Yeah, it would. Mattel's never given us the gay biker hat, you know? I'm like a YMCA. The Judas Priest biker hat. Look, Pam Anderson's enjoying. I mean, she's digging Sean Michaels a little bit.
That's, that's a party in the back. That's definitely like, the thing is you have to keep it all together. Like you can't let the back grow out too much from away from the mullet. You know what I mean? Like at some point you got to just keep it kind of contained. Yeah. I mean, he was, he was always extra anyway. So like, of course that, that mullet's going to be extra in the back. So Bulldogs coming out looking all business or as much as all business, you can look with a rhinestone jacket. Well, pyro for the bulldog. I don't remember the bulldog having pyro.
I don't know guys, this might be a mullet. We were discussing, this is pretty mullet-y right here. That's a super mullet.
I mean, I even, uh, HBK didn't have a pyro on his entrance. I love how, I love how, uh, HBK comes out in the, you know, the little newsy hat and the freaking zebra print all over and says like bulldog came out and rhinestones. I don't know what that, you know? HBK made it tough.
I like Bulldog coming out in like the little like baseball tee and the long tights back in the 80s or down to my kid. Yeah, that was the best. Wow. The power machine gives a quick check. We know HBK is a Hall of Famer. What about the Bulldog?
Bulldog is, yeah, he just went in. So yeah, he is a Hall of Famer. Did they technically put everybody in from that year, the 2020? I believe so. They went ahead and put everybody in. Everybody's in. They did. Last year. I think we need to do a debtor alive check on this one, Jordan. Obviously Bulldog is long deceased.
He's still alive and kick and running NXT. His hair is not alive and well though. For now anyway. He's running NXT for now. So the fun thing about this rumble is this one, it was one minute intervals. And I think they may have actually even kayfaved it and sped it up a little bit. So this thing is going to be fast and furious. And there's going to be some names you only hear probably once in the entire watch the long series. Here comes one of the Harris brothers. So I don't know which one this is. Eli Blue. Also known as Don Harris.
One of the probably all time tough guys in wrestling. But as far as on screen, never really got much of a push. I mean, he's huge, though. I mean, you could think this guy would like have it. But I mean, he's he's got the size. I don't think these guys ever had a figure either, unless I'm mistaken. Jordan, you know of any figure the Harris Brothers ever had? Might have been a TNA figure if they got one. I'm googling it right now. Both both the Harris Brothers still alive, right, Jordan? Correct. Yeah. Harris Brothers wrestling figure.
I don't see either one of them making it in the Hall of Fame anytime soon. No. If ever. So they did. So they had DOA figures. Remember they were skull and I think eight ball. Yup. Skull and eight ball. What was it like 1992?
Knowing Jax, both figures may be the exact same. Yeah. Now this is a dude, speaking of figures, I really want to figure out Duke, the freaking dumpster droids. Jordan wants this guy too. This dude would be, I mean, this look right here. So you could do, the only, the only accessory he needs is the garbage can and you could do two head scans. You could do the long hair like this and then do the bald head from when he lost that hair versus hair match against Triple H, man.
That's it. That's the only deep, the dumpster, Josie figure we ever need. They should love it. He's got like the blue collar black back brace on, you know, like the, Oh yeah. This is deep in the air when every single wrestler had an occupation. Yeah. They should do it. Uh, they should do an occupation line where it's like all the occupation, uh, give X in one. Yeah. And they could do it. They could do it. Um, they can do it then now and forever, you know, cause now they got NXT 2.0 where everybody's got an occupation again. Pretty much. Yeah. He had like a mafia guy.
Um, do you have a former submarine? Uh, you have a teacher, like a university professor. Yep. It looks like there has never been a, uh, a Duke the Dumpster Drosie figure. Pretty wild. So here's Doug Furnace. Is this it? Jimmy Del Rey. Yeah. We got Jimmy Del Rey coming in all hot. All right, Jordan, Jimmy Del Rey dead or alive. He is dead as a doornail. Jeez.
I'm gonna spit out my IPA. What year did he, what year did he jiggle-o Jimmy Del Ray pass away, man? 2014. Oh, dang. All right, Sheena, step it all over your gimmick, bro. Whoa. Whoa. Listen. Classic Sheena move. Yeah. Only thing I'm mad about, we didn't get to see his dance at the beginning of his matches when he did the hip gyration thing, that biggie soul pretty much from him.
pretty upset about that area. I am definitely upset about that. I mean, that was his gimmick. Number six is. Oh, it's the barbarian. I think he was going by Sione Sione. Yeah, this is the barbarian.
Another guy needed in the Mattel one. All right, so I got one for you guys, Jordan and Marco. If you could pick, not this version, you could pick either version of Barbarian you want from Powers of Pain or a solo run. Would you rather have him or Duke the Dumpster Drozy in elite form? Ooh, Powers of Pain Barbarian. Dang. I'm about to go Duke the Dumpster, man.
Yeah, I'm biased because I just got a I got a pretty sweet custom barbarian a couple months back. So I'd go deep to Dr. Drozi. But if not for that, I would agree with Jordan that need that powers of pain barbarian. So there went Jigolo Jimmy Delray for anybody that was betting on him to win. And sorry for all the Jigolo Jimmy Delray fans out there. So it definitely has been maybe 35 seconds. It's barbarian came out. We got our next entrant. Yeah, no, this is definitely going fast and furious. It's a wearable.
And you guys see what I mean about the talent pool so far. It's about to get better. Is that Dr. Tom? That's Dr. Tom. There we go. That's a great piece. Brother loves Brother. He has some great hair. Like, is it? It's really nice. Yeah. There's a lot of hair flying around this one. Same with Bruce. Bruce always had a glorious mullet going, too, back in the day. Yeah.
Look at like HBK, Duke the Dumpster. Everyone has like glorious hair in this. Even the Bulldog, man. The Bulldog's like throwing locks. Bulldog's about eight months away from a heel turn and a haircut. He went to the... He had to do it for that main event push though. You noticed in this rumble, we don't have any entrance music either, so no. This was the last year with no entrance music. No entrance music. Yeah, good catching. Yeah, starting with our next watch along. Well, here goes awesome, awesome 90s interest themes with everybody.
Yeah. Bruce was, was talking about how, um, you know, the entrance music was, was made it way better because you get that pop, you get the pop from everybody. Yeah. Cause most people couldn't see cause they didn't have the screens and stuff. Oh boy. This is Brett would be so happy right now. He loves doing, he loves doing it. It's funny because, excuse me.
The little boy I used to nanny for, he was about Brett's age and he loved Doink and Dink too. He just, every time we would go into the wrestling figure room, he would just, he would always pick them to play with or pick Doink to play with. I have to, uh, I have to trick my kids into watching, uh, some Doink matches and see if they, uh,
I don't know. Terrifying. Terrifying clowns. Driver series 93 where the, I believe, or 94, that was where it was a doing in the midgets against Jerry the King Waller and his midgets or a little people, if you will. Yeah. My son's not really, he's not afraid of a, it's a girl's, well, one of the girls is afraid of the fiend. So she'd probably be afraid of doing, but
She's definitely afraid of Luchasaurus too. She's not like that figure at all. She freaks out every time she sees it. Here goes Sheena's main man, Quang. This caused the controversy last episode when I didn't believe her that she randomly knew that Quang was also Savio Vega.
I know I like it. I haven't listened to freaking new generation podcast three times through. I know right. It was just surprising. I think there's a lot of wrestling fans out there. They would not know that a claim was sobbing. There was a lot of Quang references in a new gen project because he was all playing actually made it. Yeah. Quang actually made it in a video game. Surprisingly enough, he was in the, uh, the Royal Rumble video game on, it was either the Sega or super Nintendo version. He was an unlockable character.
I know he was, I want to say it was a Sega version. I think on Super Nintendo, Hulk Hogan was the unlockable and then on Sega we got Quank. So the only dead person we got since we last talked is Doink.
Well, that's good that seems like this one definitely the lives outweigh the dead so that's good I think a lot of these guys Didn't have the prestigious in-ring careers that some of their predecessors did

Wrestling Lifestyles and Careers

you know? And I think that really shortened the lifespan that you know the more the more your bumps you get on your bump card I feel like
You know really really puts a hurting on the old ticker. He knows the lifestyle. These guys are like in the biz for you know 46 years they were at the lifers. Yeah, we saw a lot before this a lot of those guys were coming in in the 70s and wrestling till the freaking late 90s All right, they don't have the life on the road the bumps in the juice to the gills for 25 years That's the truth. That's the triple threat dude right there is the downers the booze the coke the women the in-betweeners and
You said we're here. Yeah, not everybody has the ability to helicopter, you know what I mean? Helicopter their way to success. I get it. Told you I'd do some things to get some things. Oh, baby. Here we go. Don't get used to it. Yeah. Spoiler alert. Boom. Oh, baby. Got that bitch ass.
Britt is just a fine looking specimen. For those that don't know, Owen Cost, Owen, Jeff Jarrett, and HBK, kind of all team. Look at these kids just throwing punches at Owen. They all kind of teamed up to basically fuck up the Bret Harten Diesel World Championship match and just get it thrown out and do a no contest. He's going to town on Owen right there. He's wearing them out. Owen's selling it like a million bucks. What a hero.
There's Joe Briscoe. I think Pat Patterson's out here in the mix too, trying to break this thing up. Yeah, there's Pat. Oh, Brit. I mean, I wouldn't mind that Brett should have like, wrestled without the elbow pads. It's not a bad look. That's a tough look, yeah. Maybe bust that out for like the no DQ or like street fights or something. Yeah, he looked a little badass without the elbow pads. Mm-hmm. Oh, here we go. Is that a thong? Oh, yeah, I think Brian's riding up his butt crack. Do him a few well.
Wow. He is. Oh, there went Duke, the dumpster Drosie took out baby or old head. Oh no. Timothy. Well, he's definitely doing a thong. What was it? It was Timothy. Well, and Peter Dunn. What is he? He was Dunn's names. He is no longer with us either way. Yeah. He's, he's in later on. Stephen Dunn. Yeah. They're doing his right. Pete. They went the model and they went to Jigolo or no. That was Dr. Tom. I mean, yeah, this is definitely the most.
He deserved to be. I mean, the good news is they're keeping it moving. I feel like we haven't had any like just long drawn out guy sitting in the corner. Oh, no. Yeah, it's been filled up. This has been more akin to like a regular battle royal. Yeah, traditional world. A lot more fast. Oh, well, I just dropped on that. Kids got your shirt on the Survivor Series. I saw that. Yeah, there's a kid in the front row with the Survivor Series 94 shirt, which we're with. Oh, we're back down to number one and number two. Dang.
We're starting, oh, we're back with the first two of the Royal Rumble. Yeah, Sean's the Iron Man in this match so far. If you notice, the quality people are the only two left in the match. Yes. Yeah. The ones that could actually like kind of last. You know, I'm sure they just wanted to keep Bret Hart in the spotlight, but you would think with as low as the talent is in this Rumble, you would want Owen in there for an extended amount of time. Oh yeah, 100%.
Would you say the HBK British Bulldog is kind of one of the low-key awesome feuds that WWF had going back in the day?
It was, I would say that it, uh, they always had really good matches, but dude, it's one of the most one-sided rivalries ever. Like APK beat him for the intercontinental championship after Bulldog won it in 92. He beat him in the UK for the European title in 1997. And then, uh, when Sean was the world champion, 96, he dominated the Bulldog and those matches too, but it was always really, really good matches. They had good chemistry, but
For a brief moment, I was like, why is he back? And then I realized, brothers got a hug. Trust me, I do that with my, uh, my twin girls all the time. I'm like, did you just, did you just ask me for a drink? Like, no, sorry. I can't, I can't imagine dealing with twin magic every day. Oh, you couldn't. Yeah. No, it happens literally every day. Like, were you just out here? Why, why are you asking me for food again? Like what?
It wasn't me. Oh, I always wonder if parents like actually know when, especially when they're babies, if they know which one ends up being which one, like they're like, Oh, we're going to name these kids, you know, Brett and Owen. And then like, as our babies, they kind of get switched up. Like, you know, it's so weird. One of them ends up with the other name, you know, it's weird. Cause some days they like, they look, we could, you could tell the difference, but then some days you can't, I don't know what it is.
When they're older, I feel like twins always, there's always some distinction in twins when they're older, but when they're babies, dude, it's like, yeah, I mean, a lot of babies look alike anyway, but twin babies, that's just too much.
King Kong Bundy in the ring. I think this is his first ever Royal Rumble appearance. He was gone for like seven years from the WWF. I think he actually had a job selling computers and stuff before getting back in the mix. Didn't this Sean's first appearance back on TV? Didn't he have like surgery before this or something?
Um, I think he had hand surgery and I think he was at summer slam 94. I can't remember off the top of my head him doing anything at survivor series 94. I don't know. He wasn't survivor series 94 because that's where him and diesel broke up. So he was, he was, he was definitely on the last pay-per-view. Here we go. Man on a mission. Mo, here we go. Man on a mission. Well,
He's on his way to a little bit of a push here He's to be facing the Undertaker at WrestleMania 11 right after this So just update everyone King Kong Bundy obviously gone mo is still with us. Not in this real rumble though When did a King Kong Bundy pass was that 2018 or oh, no, it's been a lot of 2019. Oh, wow Yeah, good call Jordan. See you've been longer than that. Oh
Oh man, he died on my birthday in 2019. That's unfortunate. Wow. That's really sad. Well. Happy birthday, Jordan. Do you guys see a discount Rick Rude in the crowd, like straight behind King Kong Bundy and the members only jacket? He's got the mullet and the stash. No. It's a hero. All right. King Mabel. Big Daddy V.
Viscera this Agra. Oh yeah, I see. I see. Yeah. Dime store. Rick Rude. Yeah. With the teal members only. Yeah. Yeah. He's pumping his fist. He's a Mabel Mark. He's been getting hype for everybody. Yeah. I mean, speaking of birthdays, you know, Betty White passed away on my birthday. So, uh, yeah, that's much worse. That's much worse.
It's like, no, but, uh, yeah. And also, uh, King Kong, Bundy, he's, he was doing, uh, they used to do like cameos on married with children at the time too. And he was like away from the ring as well. He was part of pigs bunch. Yeah. I'm married with children. He was, uh, he was in the movie movie with Richard Pryor. Really charismatic guy.
Main event at WrestleMania two against Hulk Hogan and steel cage. King Kong Bundy was officially the, we're at the halfway mark. So, uh, so we're, what's Bushwacker, which is number 17. This is, oh, no, sorry. This is 18. I forgot, uh, Mabel came in. Yeah. That's what I buy really fast. Geez. Yeah. We're at number 18. So bulldog, you could maybe buy it. Oh, there goes King Kong Bundy. HBK. Definitely. You could buy it. Bushwacker. No chance. Mabel. No chance. Yeah.
We said you need at least you need to have a solid like four or five guys. They got a realistic chance of main event in mania. I feel like going into this one, it was really like HBK and Lex was the only two you could really buy.

Royal Rumble Commentary and Surprises

They were the only two that got pre-match promos also. I mean, now no one like the like, like, like Bruce Prichard, you know, talking about how
Like high, uh, maybe it was on for Vince. I mean, it's a possibility. He could have, he definitely could have won the rumble. Yeah. I mean, we're in this same calendar year that we're watching this right now, maybe we'll turn heel when king of the ring and get a monster push. I mean, he may have ended summer slam against diesel and then had a really high profile feud with, uh, with the undertaker. Here comes the Lex speaking of Lex grease up like a freaking yep. Sexy Lexi coming through Turkey on Thanksgiving, dude.
Oh, he just don't make easily like a shit. Like a second. Shit. We're about a month away from Lex and the Bulldog forming a tag team is the Allied Powers. They have that awesome theme that mashed up Lex's music with the like the British national anthem or whatever it is that the Bulldog uses. It's a it's Pamela. It's so out there. Did they just like she? Yeah, she's ringside sleeping. Yeah, she's like, why did I agree to this?
Yeah, it was 1985. She's probably like some somos or something. I'm sure she's having a ball like that. Check cleared, right?
Yeah, these these three here are definitely contenders. So when the this was kind of the yeah, yeah, definitely. This is like you're really the only people left. I believe that we'd have a shot to win. WrestleMania 11 would follow up this rumble. I think it was like the last one that they went heavy on the. This suit always made me laugh, man. He's from Nebraska. He's from Omaha, dude. I've met this dude like 20 times. Oh.
Mantaar he always made me like giggle every time I see you know, even when I was like, yeah, they're watching him I don't know what it was. Maybe his hair like his hairstyle. This has been a super meaty rumble dude big meaty man slapping meats Yeah, big dude season. Yeah big dude season for sure here for it Here we go
Typical Lex Luger. He's already tired. He's been in the ring five minutes. He's already taken a nap in the corner. He has been there five minutes. He's been in there less than two minutes. Yeah, exactly. He just came in like literally a minute ago. The premium gas really weighs you down. Oh no. Just incredible. Jockstrap Mantoya.
I never understood that mask. I'm like, what the fuck? It literally looks like a jock. Yeah, it's pretty bad. Do you remember when your old co-host was super hyped to get Justin credible on the show and you were just like, no. Yeah, I shut it down. Well, how would we want to talk to him?
Yeah. Not that he's probably not a nice guy, but who gives a fuck. You know what I mean? I don't think he's a nice guy. You see what happened the last like 10 or 15 years of his life. He just didn't seem like the kind of character you really want to interact with. Yeah. I was like, no, bro. We're going to interview Jess incredible now. Yeah. How about, how about now?
Look at this dude in the brave shirt with the survivor series 94 shirt, man, trying to get the crowd fired up. This is, that's my guy. Here we go. Come on guys. Henry Godwin. Great look. Great. As far as like the occupation gimmicks go, his was definitely one of the best rocking the, uh, the guests coveralls. You see the, uh, the patent. Oh, I would wear that today.
If I had that, yeah, I would wear those guest coveralls. Dude, Brock Lesnar stole this guy's gimmick, man. Brock Lesnar and overalls and cut off flannels. That is a vibe. I am here for 24-7, 365. Henry Godwin is the man. They had classic, classic bone crunches of him and Phineas. I love the look, the gimmick, and he could go in the ring, man. He was pretty good as far as the Haas style goes.
He had a sweet reverse DDT. You know, he had the scorpion death drop before Sting was using it. Good man, Tar hanging tough. He's probably going to win.
I think so. If I remember correctly, I think Mantar goes. This guy is still on your TV every single week. Insane. How insane is that? Somehow he looks, he's more ripped now than he was back then, man. The juice has gotten better in, you know, the 30 years since this happened. I mean, even his whole frameless figure, like he looks like low key, like, he's not a cruiserweight, but he's definitely a lightweight right here. Yeah. He's like the biggest guy in AEW now. It's like him in Wardlow. Wardlow.
Billy freaking gun. I mean, some of our newer listeners or I mean, some of our younger like fans or something, they probably, uh, they probably didn't recognize that as the same guy that's on dynamite. The fact that we were watching this from 1995 and there's anybody that's actually still wrestling on any promotion was like wild.

Shawn Michaels' Victory and Its Impact

He's the first one. Henry O Godwin.
Yeah, my dad used to like, my dad loved him because they built him from Bitters, Arkansas. My father grew up in Arkansas, so he was obviously for it. And Bart. And Bart. Yeah. The knockout champion, Bart. Yeah. If it was a shoot, he'd knock every motherfucker out that's in there.
Let's let her being comes in. Just ruined. Dr. Desseron and WWF. Oh yeah, he's so pissed. Yeah, that's why they booked him against Butterball and make him the way he is. Butterbean. Butterbean. He was supposed to, I mean, Dr. Desseron have a program with Stone Cold.
at one point pretty much killed that when you get knocked out by a part gun oh yeah he buckled the shit out of that dude's knees i mean look at him dude he's a brick shit house man i mean look like he's living the gimmick right now you can you not see that guy on the back of a tractor like hauling hay and like slinging bales and you know roger death was a bad dude too though it was it was legit stunning like when you saw when they threw those brackets up when brafrost started you're like all right
Dr. Best definitely winning this. Yeah. Nope. Here comes former world champion. Here comes old double B. How crazy that this guy was the WWF champion, like about two months prior to this. Still alive. Still alive and kicking. Yeah, he had an appearance on that lost treasure show last year. Here's Brett again. Yeah. Fuck him up, Brett.
This would lead to what bread is described as his worst match ever. They're a WrestleMania 11. I quit match. Mmm. That's pretty pretty bad. Even, even Brett could now.
And all his skill set couldn't save that match. I mean, the work wasn't great. They did like this, like super, like just ground base, like grappling stuff, but Piper just killed it. Man. He made all about himself. Is this sell the Steven done? The other half of a well done.
Yeah, he's well done as well. He has no longer with us either. Oh, geez. I just got that. He's well done. Wow, that's awful.
I'm just like pretty normal.
the first time they did it i was like oh my gosh how can you guys be doing this in front of me and i'm just like okay whatever whatever jordan you loved it i remember you told seth you're like i don't i'm just glad that you guys felt comfortable enough to have an argument yeah i mean that's it i mean that's that's how you know you're like really that's a true friend
That's how you know you're in. Seth and I never fight in front of anybody. If we ever break kayfabe in front of anybody, you know you're in the inner circle. I've never heard you guys argue before any of the shows at all. Never. Did they dig up Dick Murdock for this match yet? Keyword dig up because he's also dead. Wow.
I wonder when this guy's last match was before He should have been hitting leg day, bro, he's got he's carrying that K around on them little toothpicks Look how old he is. He's probably 56 right here
He didn't make it to 56. He died in 96 and he was 50. Yeah. Family guy did like a thing about like in shape, out of shape guys. He's kind of like that. Like the barrel chest, like they look like they're in shape, but they're really out of shape. That's what pretty much he looks like. He's like big barrel chest, but skinny legs at the top. A lot of the older generation wrestlers look like that.
Right here his last his last match was June 6th of 1996 and he passed away June 15th of 1996 This guy's making this guy right here is making kind of resurgence to the in the collector realm
Adam bomb. Yeah, this guy, uh, he's one of the all time, like, I just felt like missed opportunities. I don't know how promoters or bookers really got behind this guy. Even like ECW, I feel like they could have latched on and really made something out of him because he had the look. I always thought his in-ring work was really crisp and he had charisma, man. I mean, you saw this from the entrance right there, even though he never really got any kind of push at all and David WF, the crowd popped.
And they were feeling it when he came out just now. Yeah, I think he kind of got kind of put on the back burner because of diesel because they kind of like similar size, similar kind of look, except for obviously he didn't have a bullet. But I think he just kind of I don't think it was like his skill set or anything. I can totally see the click in 94, 95. We know how much political influence they wielded kind of shutting down his push. Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah, that dude's money.
Oh baby. We got Rikishi coming in. He did it for the rock. Before he did it for the rock. He's in shape right here. He's still two gimmicks away from Rikishi because he had this and then he went to making a difference for the kids. That's terrible.
Definitely pre-order that retro atom bomb figure. I can't wait for that. This'll be pretty sick. Yeah. Yeah, big day and everything Chella's doing. We get Sean season over in the corner. Yeah, he's covering right now. Sean is the Iron Man for the- Here comes number 30.
Crush like for number 30 No shade to crush I just don't feel like he's worthy of The number 30 spot. Alright, so both the gun brothers just got dumped. You're watching 1995
I really feel like I would be like, all right, yeah, Shawn Michaels is definitely winning this. Maybe Lex could win, but back then they really didn't do face versus face very often. And Shawn and Diesel had the storyline. They had been best friends and tag team partners for about two years. Wow. Great shot at Pamela Anderson here.
So, I don't know Jordan, how about you man? 1995, who are you thinking has got a shot to win this? Honestly, probably at this time, the only person I thought had a shot with Shawn Michaels, and that's probably because I was rooting for him. Even Bulldog, Bulldog was just like the beloved mid Carter. You know what I mean? He was like, he was not a main eventer at all. It would have been absolutely stunning for Bulldog to win it, even though he did have a hell of a performance in this, in this match.
This is always the worst part of the rumble to me. What's number 30 comes out when you still got like eight to 10 people hanging out. But it's pretty crazy that we have number one and number two still in the...
still in the rumble, dude. Yeah, they went back to that same storyline last year. Remember, Edge and Randy Orton made it all the way through. If I'm going adolescent, Marco, the MVP, when I'm little, I want Crush and Adam Bomb to be the last two in the ring, because I was into gimmicks back then. So that would be my final two to go at it. But obviously, that would definitely not happen at all. I've got some bad news.
Yeah. If it was me and 95, I'd somehow be hoping that Bret Hart found a way to like get back in the match. Maybe we'll never enter the ring. Maybe Bret can come out and take his spot. Dude, imagine a crush at a bomb feud. Just like, I mean, I'm marking out right now. Just thinking about it. Made event of media.
Crush had so many gimmicks, man. He had demolition, Kona Crush, the Japanese sympathizer. Yep. And he was DO, first he was a prisoner for, you know, the ex-convict, he kind of recycled nails gimmick. Yeah. And then it was a DOA, and they just went to WCW and kind of rotted away. Yeah, we got number one, number two, and the next closest is Lex at number 19, so. Wow.
And I mean, I think, um, freaking Rick flair is the only one that's gone from position earlier than this, right? Like the number three, 92, he was number three. So he was previously at the record for the early Sandra to win it. Uh, Jordan, if you could have any, uh, one of these guys in the ring right now made into a figure by Mattel, who would you go with? Dick Murdock.
Really? No. Honestly, and this is not a joke, I would honestly go all the Montoya just because we don't have it. Yeah. I think I would go, I'd be torn between Japanese sympathizer crush, but I'd probably go with Henry O'Godwin just because we don't have him yet. Yeah. That's about it. I'm definitely going to Adam Bob for an elite form. Good pick, Sheena.
I want the bulldog with the rhinestone jacket. I want the full gimmick. All right, Chris, just dumped Adam Bomb. I believe this is the last pay-per-view appearance we're ever going to see of the big man from Three Mile Island. Again, 1995 World War One, but we're down to Fatu. He's kind of on a run now. He was in the Final Four last year.
Oh, he hangs on. Yeah. You got crushed Dick Murdock of all people. Lex Luger, the British Bulldog. Portuguese man wore out on Montoya and HB shizzle. Quite the murderer's row. And there goes the Portuguese man wore Dick Murdock. Somebody put this dude out of his misery trying to get rid of HBK. Come on, bro. I don't know what Henry Godwin just went for. He just went for a running clothesline to kind of just end up sliding across the ring.
Hbk to his credit. He's gone over the ropes probably like 45 times at this At this point in this rumble. Yeah, keep that in mind the best is yet to come. Yeah There goes far two all right, we're down to the final six This is some final six yeah, it is told you guys 95 was rough I'm the next one that we do the next one of these we do is pretty cracking 96 is pretty awesome
And 97 is probably my second favorite ever.
This is a low point, but this one's still got a soft spot for me, man. This one hits right in that nostalgia sweet spot. Like I was 10 years old when this rumble happened. I remember watching on pay-per-view and then for whatever reason, I think it was honestly just because of the brand name I showed. Oh, Henry O. Thanks. Come on, dude. Henry O. Doing his best HBK impersonation. I just remember writing the VHS on this man with my friend RC and watching this all the time. This was like our go-to for a couple of months there. We would just rent this tape every time from our local video store.
Like to me, this isn't a bad, like last, like five in the rank. Henry Godwin's a mid Carter, but he was still like, he was still fresh. He's pretty over two. And he was just interesting. He was an interesting character. The hog farming, HVK working together to get rid of Lex.
I think I just love the audience and these old paper views. Cause it's like, it's before all the signs came out and obviously it's before like, you know, technology where everybody has cell phones and stuff. So everybody's just locked in to the action and the ring and you know, taking pictures with their 35 millimeters. But they pull the right cameras. Exactly. Those are the days when people are actually watching the wrestling.
Yeah, and not trying to be in it for themselves, you know, not trying to not pick it apart. I mean, they probably were. They're probably picking apart everything, but they didn't have the ability to do so. I mean, Meltzer's newsletter was out at this time, but you had to get it through the mail. Like, yeah, you know, it was just a few clicks away on your smartphone. Like you had to like actually subscribe to and get it. Can you imagine like social media during this like rumble? Oh, I think they were always trying to push on Michaels. What the hell?
still get a wrestling newsletter in the mail, dude. Like you're really trying to go like keep it kayfabe dude, like, uh, you know, stay off social media and just get your wrestling news in a, you know, weekly or monthly newsletter. I think that would be awesome.
Me and my friends had a newsletter in middle school, so if you ever, if anybody out there from Ingleside Middle School circa 96 through 98 has got any of the old print editions of The Lowdown out there, please send them my way. I'd love to have that.
I remember you say you like use all your mom's printer ink. Yeah. We do all like all the news from all like the internet dirt sheets and stuff. And then any new figures that were out on, we would print out color pictures of them. I remember just like blowing my friend's mind. Oh, there goes Lex. He said it was dumb.
I think it was like the Buried Alive set. It was the first time we got a figure of Paul Bearer and the executioner. I remember showing my friends that and like, I mean, their heads like just could have exploded. They were so like, oh my God, we're getting a Paul Bearer figure. We're excited collectibles.
I know who even remembers that I was talking, you know, in our, in our group chat about your, uh, ridiculously encyclopedic memory. We should have a pod foundation Jeopardy, you know, cause they just did their rum, rumble Jeopardy show. And I was like, that would be so much fun. I was like, but I would never want to compete against Seth. Like that makes it not fun.
Dude, I did. I mean, I've been on ringside collectibles for the longest. I remember it used to be like, it used to look like a Geocities website. If you guys remember those, it was so basic. But they still, even back in the mid 90s, when Jax was first starting up, they had pictures of all the figures coming out like the next six or seven months. It was awesome. Did it kind of look like a message board?
No, it didn't look like a message board. It was just like really, really basic colors. Yeah. I mean, the layout actually wasn't that different to what it is right now, but it just looks really, really low-fi. Crush. It goes purple and black crush. And now here it is. I mean, this was mind blowing back in the day for as kind of crappy as this rumble was from a talent standpoint. And we know it was shorter intervals, like scene number one and number two. Yeah, the audience is into it now. It was crazy.
Yeah, we've never seen this before. Yeah, I was into it. The energy in the arena just just ramped up, dude. And the Bulldog was always such an awesome babyface. He's one of those guys that was always over. So I feel like, you know, the fans are really starting to believe now, like, oh, yeah, I was going to go to the main event of WrestleMania. Like I said, they I think he would have geared over Diesel as well if that would end up coming to pass. Oh, yeah. No, like I said, they definitely have like the best, like low viewed
out of like, like you said, it was one sided, but if it was a little bit more even, I think they would had probably one of the best feeds, I think. Oh yeah. Great matches, man. Always great matches. Dropped him right on the twig and berries. Yeah. All right. Here we go. Oh, I put this in HBK's top three or four best moves ever.
Guys we're really fucked in man. Yeah, like well, let's let this play out for a minute But we'll go back to the the sound got really fucked over the bulldog here. I Mean the thing yeah, oh no
The thing about it is, is they shot the camera angle from the far side. So we didn't even see Sean only one foot here. That's the thing that's so shitty is because we're just like, what? It wasn't even just that one foot hit. Like he does like this little like tapping routine. Like he gets so close without his other foot ever touching. But yeah, I really think it was the nip still hard as a rocker. She's excited about that. Oh, geez.
I Really think it was that sound guy that fucked over the bulldog. Yeah, why wouldn't have been on the top rope? Otherwise, you know Well Because we'll watch the replay for we I mean I didn't even I wasn't paying attention did the ref did the bell ring No, the no didn't ring but the music started playing. Yeah
If the bell would have rang, it would have been it. We would have had to have something happen on money. So here we go. And I kind of think they did that on purpose so you could watch the replay of it. Yeah. And I think also in case Sean fucked it up, they never would have had to show us the left foot comes so freaking really playing with fire here. Yeah. That's a professional guy. Yeah. They kind of, you know, they kind of
Yeah, they kind of did this. They kind of re-enacted this with Rhea Ripley and Bianca Belair. Yeah. They came pretty close too. A lot of people thought Bianca touched, but she didn't actually. But yeah.
There, there she is. Spoiler, HBK or Pamela Anderson would end up, uh, kind of turning baby face on this and she would go with diesel and Sean had Jeanie McCarthy. So, you know, 10 year old boys from 94, 95, that was an epic debate between the two of those, but they were both coming out for the, uh, the main event there at mania. What was the name of Jeanie McCarthy show? Singled out, singled out, of course. He used to love single down.
Yeah, Pam's like, what am I doing here? I got it out of here. See you later. Oh, she knows what she's doing. Sean's taking a crack at that afterwards. Oh yeah, of course. Come on. Dude lasted longer than most dudes, so of course she took note of that. Wow. He's a real Iron Man. He's a real Iron Man. All right, so Gene, what's your thoughts on the 95 Royal Rumble?
I mean, I think I just echo kind of what we talked about throughout the show. It was just a lot of, um, really kooky guys with kooky gimmicks. Uh, and again, you just never thought, never took anybody seriously except for like two or three guys could possibly win that thing. But I mean, it was fun. Wasn't, it wasn't a debacle. I liked the way that the pacing was again. I think it was just.
If you're running low on talent, maybe they should think about doing that in the women's rumble this year. The women's roster has definitely been depleted with all the cuts and stuff, so it might not be a bad idea to do that for the women. We got some listener mail for this week, Shane. We do. Let's hit it.
All right, Phil Dunnett all the way from across the pond says, what retro four pack do you lot think will be next? My money is on in WO.
Yeah, I could see that. They definitely, they didn't get a chance to do whole code in the, uh, the previous round of retro. So that would be cool. Um, hmm. I don't know, Jordan and Marco, you guys got thoughts on this one? Huh? I have one. The next four pack I really want is a ministry of darkness four pack, like a taker Brad, Sean Farooq can either immediate or visceral. Like I'm buying that day one, if they ever come out with that.
Yeah, that would be pretty sweet. Yeah, I mean, I would guess like, since they did it in the Legends line, kind of like a DX for a pack two would probably be something that they would consider doing. I'd love to see a Heart Foundation. Obviously, minus Owen, but do Bulldog and Bull Pillman. Yeah. Right. I think that'd be pretty sweet.
All right. Derris Johnson says, let's say you have control with Mattel to create the next crowdfunding. A DX tank Jeep slash Jeep is already confirmed to be a part of it. What else would you add to it? I would do a fully in scale version of the Norfolk. I knew you were going to say that. I absolutely knew you were going to say that. That's the only answer. What else? Yeah, true. Oh, dang. That's hard. That's a hard one. She said, yeah.
Yeah, we need, we need a full blown, we need a full blown scope. Um, that would be made. I mean, it's just a killer looking like architecture anyway. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Alright, Johnny JB, better movie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2. So better movie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles the original that was super up to the comic books and everything dark gritty. Great movie, which one do I like better is part two for sure it was just brighter. More going on much more cartoonish Yeah, part two is like if I was going back to watch like
Watch one tomorrow. I would watch part two, but I, I recognize part one is the superior film. Yeah, definitely. Uh, Francis Marino says, well, how do you, uh, how do you guys feel about Malcolm Bivens as a manager? Um, and he says he doesn't meet him with the diamond mind, but just kind of in general, what do you guys think about Malcolm? Malcolm Bivens. And if you could put him with somebody who needs a good mouthpiece, huh?
in NXT or just anyone? It could be anyone, Ross, SmackDown, NXT, if you could just put him with anyone. I loved him with Diamond Mine. I thought he was on freaking fire with Diamond Mine. Obviously, we saw how Diamond Mine kind of dissolved. Yeah, I think it'd be kind of cool if he, with Alpha Academy, I think they'd be pretty
like weird mix up, but I think you'd pretty much make them a success if it used to be the mouthpiece for Alpha Academy, even though they can speak obviously, but I think it'd be pretty cool just to see that dynamic. Interesting. Jordan, any thoughts?
I know if John Swallow from coming down the aisle left a comment on who said, I stepped in some Gunther. How do I get rid of it? Yeah, we all stepped in some Gunther. All you have to do to get rid of it is just you go to the main roster. That's how you get rid of Gunther. That wraps up our listener mail for this week.
All right. That is it for another episode of the Chick Foley Show. Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley, Marco running the Twitter machine at Chick Foley show. Um, and then you can join our Foley fam at any time at Chick Foley and follow all the goodness that's going on with the pod foundation at pod foundation on Instagram. And remember to support our sponsors, ringside collectibles and chalk line. It's time for the trivia question of the week. I'm going for two straight.
Oh boy. Right. At the 1993 Survivor Series, who was the guest ring announcer? Was it Ray Combs from Family Feud? Oh my God, yes. What is wrong with you?
Because it was a problem. I know that the reason I know that is because that 93 survivor series was where it was odd. He was only the guest announcer for one match and it was the hearts because it was the family feud, right? It was supposed to be, uh,
Brett Hart and the Hart Foundation versus Shawn Michaels and his quote unquote family. It ended up being Jerry Waller taking this place. But yeah, that's how I just remember it. I remember it was Brett's family and was the host of Family Feud.
Well, there you have it folks. To me, that was a gamey. I knew it was the host of family feud. I just couldn't remember if I remember the guy's name or not. So yeah, here you are. Got it right on the nose. Yeah. All right. No, no, even hesitation. Didn't even have to hit him with a Jeopardy music. So next week I will be going for a record time three straight. We'll see if I can do it. So there's the hook. Sheena, give us some closing thoughts for this week.
I want to tell everybody to join our fully fam because we have our fully fam fitness challenge going on and I want it to see everyone have a healthy, happy 2022. So my final words are joining us at Perfect.