EP 62: How Well Do We Know Each Other? image

EP 62: How Well Do We Know Each Other?

Mom Group Chat
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In this week’s episode of Mom Group Chat, Candace and Whitney take on the ultimate friendship test! Join us for a hilarious and heartwarming quiz as they challenge each other to see just how well they really know one another. From funny confessions to unexpected surprises, this episode is full of laughter and friendly banter that every mom can relate to.

Tune in to hear their wild answers, unexpected insights, and maybe even learn something new about your best friends along the way!

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There's no right way to do it.
Oh, we're going to get into it. What up moms? I'm Whitney Williams and I'm here with my best friend Candice and we are the Mom Group Chat Podcast. Well, today we're going to actually find out if we're best friends. We're doing a repeat. We're doing a rap repeat because our first one wasn't great. it It never saw the light. It never saw the light of day and it never will. Yeah. So we are retrying the how well do we know each other thing and having to come up with all new questions that are like probably a little more bizarre and random. So it's probably gonna be hard actually.
It probably will be hard, but some of these questions are fun, or at least some of the ones I chose I think are funny. And I'm excited. We test each other to each come up with 10 a piece. So I have no idea what's coming down the pipe. My question is like, are you like, I'm asking you this about my answer, but am I also guessing your answer for my questions? I think we both need to like have in mind my answer and your answer.
Okay, cool. I'm nervous. So can I just preface that Candice killed it for me when we were in person? You mean in our first round of this? Yeah. Yeah. And I knew nothing. I knew nothing.
Which, okay. Well, number one, I don't know what that says about me other than like, I haven't changed a bit. So it was like all the answers were like still the same from college. Like nothing's changed about me. And I feel like you have evolved. So you've had different things. so I feel like I fucked up.
I don't know. Okay, I think part of it though, I was thinking about this after we recorded, I have spent so much time with you and your family. And in Tennessee, like over the years, like, yes, we came to Florida, but like, we were always in Sarasota. And like, I don't know. And you know, you know my family. But I feel like when it comes to like,
getting to understand your childhood, which a lot of our questions were like about childhood. like i know And I know a lot more of your like high school friends. like Obviously you knew Shannon, but like yeah you know what I mean? yeah I've spent more time with your like family and friends from your childhood than you have with mine. So I feel like I had a leg up.
you know why didn't we go to your house more far? I think it we just were all yeah we were always going to Alina's and I mean she lives on the water like she had a boat I would well I wanted to go there too like at a pool yeah yeah that was fun but I mean like we just still never just like went like we would go up to my house like for a little right but it was only like what four hours whereas like mine's like 11 yeah I made the drive with you one time. You did? I don't even remember that. That was enough for me. You're like, I'm never doing that again. That was long. It was with Kirby. That was a fun spring break, actually. It was different. That was like junior year. Uh-huh. Yeah. So we went to senior year for spring break. I went to New York City.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. So freshman, sophomore year was Sarasota. Junior year was Tampa. My senior year I went to Destin, Florida. Right. Which classic Alabama, like, yeah who did I kind of go with? glad i got katie yeah I'm kind of glad I got to do that because that's where everyone went. And like, we were always like,
Oh, yeah we're going to set a soda, you know? Yeah, we were always a little bit against the grain. Like we didn't go to like the full. Yeah, like actual like where everyone else went. So it was kind of I mean, that was fun. It was it was what they say. A college spring break like the the beaches were packed flags of everyone's school or everywhere. Like you ran them everywhere. And you were dating Chris, right? Yeah. Did everyone you I dated him in every sophomore, junior and senior too though. I just feel like that would be like the ultimate hookup like scene there during spring break. But it did everyone you go without a boyfriend?
um Yeah, probably. Like we weren't on the prowl, you know. And I don't remember like, honestly, I probably got hit on more in Sarasota. That's so funny.
Yeah, like I feel like I got hit on more Sarasota than than Tampa and senior year. Yeah. I don't know. That's funny. All right. Well, shall we dive in? OK. OK. Let's go back and forth like one of your questions. One of my questions. OK. But I'm going to phrase it like I'm asking you about myself, but we have to answer for both. Right. Yeah. OK. First kiss. OK. Devin.
Nope. Damn. You're going to die. Oh, it's Nathan.
Right? Yes. I knew that. Damn. Nathan's my ex-boyfriend for anyone listening. We're Eskimo sisters. We claimed one together. We claimed one. ya Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I ended up. But I was in the eighth freaking grade, OK? Like, whatever. Yeah.
My first kiss was much later in life. I I didn't get my first kiss till I was 15. OK, well, I'm going to say I don't know who it is, but. i kind i'd Like the only boy that you ever talked about was, what's his name? What's his name? Mason, God, I almost said Miles. yeah Mason was the only one that you really brought up, I think. Yeah, no, it wasn't him, but um it was my first boyfriend, James.
ah I should have said that. Common name. I know. you You probably could have gotten there eventually. 15. I'm shocked. I don't know if I knew that. yeah Especially knowing you. Believe me, I made up for it later in life. You're like, I got i got that taste and I was ah ah hitting the road.
Oh my God, that's funny. I, um yeah, he was like my first boyfriend. And if you really think about that time, like that was I had quit. I had like started to quit gymnastics like I was phasing out and I like was really bursting onto the social scene. You know, I didn't quite quit yet, but that's when I like I.
low-key blame him for the reason I like really quit gymnastics is because I just like wanted to be with my boyfriend. And he was a cockadoodle and a half. but That's how I was with soccer because I played, I mean, I obviously played in high school, but then my freshman year, I was still on like the competitive team.
um outside of high school. So I played on two. And after freshman year, I was like, I'm done. Like I can only do one season of soccer. Like I can't keep doing competitive. So I quit. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, it was later in life. Well, I think, I mean, I was 14. Yeah, it really wasn't that great. But I remember feeling at that time, like all my friends had kissed a boy except for me.
Well, I didn't like it. And so I was scared. I was like, oh, I loved it immediately. I hated it. Like my first kiss, I was like, am I a lesbian? Honest? Like, I didn't like it.
And I was very worried. And then I dated my next boyfriend and I was like, oh, I like it. Thank God. No, I remember my first kiss, he was a really good kisser and he told me I was a really good kisser and he was more experienced than I was. And I was like, okay. That's where your confidence blossomed, Candice. You needed that. I did.
OK, but yeah, OK, but that was a good one. Yeah, yeah. OK, mine's like less fun and exciting. But um what is a food that I despise that I hate? OK, well, let me think of mine, too. So, OK, I guess for you, I'll just say like peas. No, I like peas. Shit. But I do feel like it is a commonly hated food. That actually you see quite often, but I can't stand.
Do you want me to guess again? Yeah. Yeah. Give it, give it one more go. Okay. Well, I know you, I just like know your least favorite word is moist. So I'm trying to think of things that like, it's not moist. It's not moist food. Oh, it could be.
Oh no. Um, here, I'll give you a hint. Although this is okay like a very obvious hint. It's a fungus. Oh, mushroom. Okay. Yeah. I can't. I hate mushrooms. Oh, I don't mind them. Yeah. Okay. What's mine?
I mean lettuce.
You're all like, well, let me pull up the list. Broccoli, vegetables. Broccoli was in my head. Yeah. Do you like cucumbers? No, Candace. Oh, OK. Don't be ridiculous.
Whitney is a very picky eater, guys. oh You've gotten a lot better. You've gotten a lot better. This actually was brought up recently, and someone was like, I don't think I knew that about you. I'm like, it's not something I'm proud of. I don't want to be that pick-me-girl that's like, oh, I don't like that. like I used to like be so embarrassed to go to people's like houses for dinner, especially boyfriends in high school, and they were making dinner. And I was terrified that I would look rude if I didn't eat something.
like if they had salad and like oh we're having eggplant parm I'd be like fuck me you know like that would be like yeah yeah put a gun to my head please moment for me um yeah so the list goes on all right all okay your turn your favorite place to visit in the world ooh Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm for you.
Can I get a hint? Is it in Florida? Yeah. It is. Okay. I was going to say like Annemarie or something. That's it. My favorite place. I should have just went for it. Yeah. Annemarie Island. Oh, so good. It's like so cute and yeah the beaches are beautiful. It's got a lot of nostalgia. Like Shannon and I went together all throughout high school, like It's like everything. It just seems very, very you. And I feel like you always pick that as like your little weekend getaway. Yeah, totally. Yay. OK, yours is yours is Rhode Island. Nope. Oh, but close. Oh, Boston. No.
You know, you're going to be mad at yourself. Like when when you say close, like it's close in vicinity. Yeah. I'm just going to say it. Nantucket. Oh, oh, aren't they the same? Oh, my God. How dare you? Us Rhode Islanders that have lived there, it it' it's a forgotten place. But yeah, I just Nantucket has the same kind of aesthetic, I think, as like Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it's similar vibes. OK, damn. I should have. That should have been my second guess, at least. Hey, Boston and all I mean, all those places. Yes, love. But anyway. Yeah, yeah. Mm hmm. OK. This one's fun, I think. What year or years would I consider my prime? Like the years I look back on like like day of my life was so cool and fun.
And yeah when when I asked this, it could be like ages or it could be like the actual year. I think of the year in New York when you got the stomach bug. Yeah. Yeah. It's really like 20, 20, 16. Yeah. I was going to say 2015, 15, really the year of 2015, like is where that I hit my prime, like 25, 24 to 25.
I was, you guys, I was half the size that I am now. And that's actually really not what like the only reason it was my prime. And it actually wasn't the stomach bug that started. It was hand, foot and mouth. Remember? Oh, disgusting. Yeah. But to but yes, I caught hand, foot and mouth from the girl I nannied and it I lost 12 pounds and then just continued to lose weight and be super healthy. And I was literally a size four. I'm not kidding.
you also were like kind of new to New York. You had just lived there for a little while. You were hitting your stride. You were like, I just remember visiting you and it was like a whole new person. Not like you were that different, but like so independent. Like you were having fun and meeting so many people. Like you're going on dates. Like you just seemed like very sex in the city growing up. And yeah, I don't know. And you look so good.
yeah Yeah, it was definitely like it was it was a vibe. It was like I was single. I was dating a lot. I definitely was like not making a lot of money, but it didn't matter. Like I was still having fun and like doing lots of cool like New York things. Yeah.
I feel like I had gained a new confidence with like my style after living in New York for a year. yeah like I was like trying new things and like I don't know. i And you cut your hair. Yeah, I cut my hair short. Wow. I have goosebumps.
Like that was just such a, like I want to encourage my daughters when they get older to like move somewhere completely new and different for like a year or two. yeah And then they need to come home to me, but I want them to go and like do and, you know, Oh, I encourage everyone to do that. It was so fun. Okay. Now your answer to this is.
Let me think. is 2018 to 2019. Yep. Yeah. When you were like living in Rhode Island, yeah you had- Yeah, I had a good stride. Well, I had been in Chattanooga. Chris finally graduated from school. I i got so fit living in Chattanooga. If you want to get fit in there because everyone's active AF,
And then we hit our stride together in Rhode Island. So made new friends, exploring. Yeah, it was just some of the best times. Yeah. That was a fun question, wasn't it? Yes. I was proud of that one.
and it was like
Yeah, move somewhere. You're gonna have the best year of your life. Totally. Okay, okay. So think of this both ways. where like yeah Where did we meet each other's significant other? Like, do you remember the first place I met Vinny and do I know the first place you met Chris? Yes.
I know. Oh, well, hmm, this is interesting. I know the place you met Vinny. It was on spring break in Sarasota. And what? honor
the green pear. yeah it was it was well Well, yeah, but we called it green pear, but it was really daiquiri deck. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But we called it green pear because of the drink green pear, but yeah, which is an yeah inside joke because I passed out on the beach and I woke up out of a drunken stupor and just screamed that out loud in front of a crowd.
So that's why we say that. So funny. So, yes, that was the first time you met Vinny. And then, OK, do you want to guess? So I think the first time you met Chris was like at a fraternity party. Mm hmm. It's true. But I don't like which one.
It was, I know exactly which one it was. It was Sigma Pi, which like, yeah, I know so random, but it was during like summer session. Like either I was there for like, I can't remember. their No, it was before Rush, which was like very brave of me. Like Bama days or something? Yeah, I think it was Bama bound and bound. Yeah. Yeah. One of my friends from here in Tampa was a Sigma Pi. He's here older than us. So he was there. And that's the reason I went because I knew someone and John was there.
I think Chris was like taking classes already. Like he took. Yeah, he probably went for a summer session because he went he was going to do doctor. Like that was his path. And then he like I think did that summer and was like, hell no. Yeah, yeah. How much school? So. So, yeah, I met John and then John introduced me to his. I think I knew it was that early. Like I thought it was during like rush.
No, it was that early, but we didn't really hang out. like That was the first time I met them. I met them at that party. And I think John and I exchanged numbers because he was from Florida. I was from Florida. We just like you know yeah hit it off and became friends. And then when we came back like for Rush, that was when i like we would I would go to their dorm and we like hung out and we like actually like went out together type thing. That is fucking crazy that you hung out with him all freshman year without my knowing. I know, right?
Like, what is that? He did a backflip in the dorm. Like, the first time I met him, I was like, okay. That is his party trick. He still can do it. He did it in the yard the other day. Wow. That's impressive because my joints say no, thank you. Well, he's very scared to do it, but he he can still do it. Damn, that's good. OK.
Um, I feel like this one's kind of boring, but you know, whatever. Um, if I could instantly become an expert in any hobby or skill, what would I choose? Okay.
okay Okay. Okay. Okay. Go for you. I'm thinking it's something musical. Okay.
I'm just gonna say pianist. Okay, you were close. I was gonna say singing. like I wish I could just be a perfect singer. I almost said that, but I was like, you already can. So I was like, what's another skill you could add to it? Yeah, that's true. I almost also answered cooking. like I wish I was like super good. I mean, i'm I'm a pretty good cook, but I wish I was better. Yeah. Okay, yours, I think,
Oh, I don't know. I'm having a hit of something else like that I think it could be. It's definitely creative. Yes. Okay. I'm going to tell you my initial answer and then I'm going to tell you the answer that just popped in my head because I feel like it's one of the two. Okay. the My first answer is like interior design. Okay. And then my second answer is like painting. Like it was painting. I like an artist. I wish I was doing it because I would. You are good at it because you you've painted those wine bottles and stuff or the champagne. Imagine if I like took it another level. Like I would paint on
Everything like I think your loss would be a mural Oh, I think I would literally decorate my walls if I could Like I think that would be so fun if I was like super good and confident in doing that but Yeah, um we do know each other. We're doing i knowre way better than last time. Maybe the last time was like alcohol, like fog. yeah That's true. OK, so name every immediate family member and our children. OK.
Okay. And by immediate, you mean like your brothers and sisters. Yeah. and Okay. yeah Well, you have Becky and Bill, your parents, and your mom's main name is Hunter. Wow. Wow. i i Well, that was almost a question I asked, but I was like, there's no way Whitney knows my maiden my mom's main name.
um It's not on her Facebook. oh No, no, no. um And then your sister is Ashley. Your brother is Hunter. ye um Hunter's wife is... um Hold on. Give me a second. You don't have the name. Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Tina. do yeah Sorry. It escaped me for a second.
Um, his kids are Addison and Zach. Yep. And then Ashley is divorced. I'll cut that part out. You can keep it. It's live. It's live. Uh, and hurricanes are Beckett and Landon. She killed it. Yay.
That's funny. That was correct. Lucky for me, your brothers don't have them. I know. Yours is easier. Yeah. um Karen and Bob. Ryan and Robert. Okay. What's Ryan's wife's name? She's new. New new to the clan.
Why do I want it to start with an S? Fuck. OK.
Oh, I really don't know. And I saw pictures. But it's not forming. Caitlin. Ryan and Caitlin. Shit. Well, now you know. but I thought that one was kind of funny. That is good. OK.
What are three items that I could not survive without on a trip? I'm going to do like weekend trip, like somewhere. Okay. Okay. I'm going to say like makeup. Yeah. Yeah. That's yes. Hmm.
Water. ah Okay, come on now. Let's just assume that I get all of the basic necessities, okay? Okay. A good bra.
Yes. and That's a good one. That's a good one. Well, it makes or breaks your outfits specifically. Yeah. Like if I, if I left somewhere and didn't have a bra, like I'd be so distraught. Like I wouldn't know what to do. I would have to find somewhere to purchase a bra. Yeah. You have to have different types for your outfits because of how massive they are. yeah Yeah. That's a good one. Okay. Makeup bra. And I'd say like a good playlist.
OK, I was going to say I was going to say headphones. and So yeah, that's like you need um you like to be in control of the music, which I'm happy with fine with. So I feel like you you got to have the tunes that set your mood. Yeah. Yeah. OK, that's those are those. Yeah. OK, now this is harder for you for some reason. Yeah. OK.
That is something funny. A bathroom nearby. Yeah, for real. For both of us. Yeah. OK. Am I allowed to say phone or that's like basic? That's fine. Yeah. Phone. And then I'm going to say like a comfy T-shirt. Yes. Yes, for sure. I got to have my mumu. That's so funny.
Hmm. I have an answer in mind. Okay. I'm going to say extra spicy cheeses. Honestly, I have them right next to me right now.
do you yeah They're like literally over there because i' like she needs a snack. That's what she needs. I was going to say alcohol, but yeah, that's spot on too. Okay. I need, I need a little wine for That's so funny. But yeah, that's it. Funny. Perfect. OK. Nickname yeah we have for each other. Ooh. OK. OK. Mine like that you call me is Candy Mama. Yeah.
That's just, and that's just become my, my persona. Like everyone, even my Q1 moms that just met me like two years ago, everyone calls me candy mom, candy mama. That's just who I am at this point. I don't know. I don't know why we started saying it like candy. Like why do we? Yeah, I don't know that that was invented by you for sure. No, why? But that's what everyone does it now.
candy candy or like candelita yeah that was my name growing up like that's what my mom and my wellah my aunts and everyone called me which and it was also shortened to like lita yeah which is very spanish you know thing well it's funny my um my friend from rhode island she was called that Oh, really? Uh-huh. Alina. Or Alayna. Sorry. Yeah, she was called. Duh. Okay. Yours is like basic, right? Like wit. Wit? Yeah, that's all. Yeah. Yeah. Like you're just wit. That was it. Yeah. Mm-hmm. That was it. All right. Easy peasy. Okay. This is hard, I think, but maybe you'll get it. I feel like yours are kind of hard.
Okay. I have to give some credit to chat GBT because they helped me write these. It's funny. Literally. Which celebrity do I have a completely irrational dislike for? Like what's the lines fricking easy? Well, I don't know if I ever talked to you about yours. Okay. I'm going to give you a big hint. I have to, I have to, what's your hand? Okay. My hint is that In the recent media, I am feeling very vindicated for not liking this person. Okay, Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively. Blake Lively. I just have never liked her. I don't know. like I'm not a fan. And with all of everything that's going around right now, I'm like, I knew something was off. Lighten me, sir, is trying to tell us. Yeah, it's kind of crazy that all that's happening.
I know that she's not like my favorite actress. I loved her in Gossip Girl, but that's like as far as it went for me. I don't have. Yeah. An over obsession with her or anything. OK, yours is hard, although it's probably not hard, right? Is it Taylor Swift? I'll be so sad. Oh, OK.
Okay, I need a hint. Is it an act? Oh. But they're friends. Okay. Wait. Cause my other answer is this person and it would have been right either way. And mine is Selena Gomez. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God. ah Completely agree. I have always said from the beginning, the biggest issue I have with Taylor Swift is that Selena Gomez is her best friend. Like literally. I i have like a text thread with Taylor and Des and we always talk about her and we call her. She is so strange. I'm annoyed that she gets away with everything for real. She gets away with everything like it's tough fun. I don't know. OK. What is my love language?
Okay. I know your services service. Yeah. And yours is words of affirmation. Okay. That was stupid. That was easy. That was easy. But I feel like we've talked about that a lot on this pod. So which is good. We need some quick ones cause we still got like to go and we've already been. Okay. Okay.
If I were to win the lottery, what's the first ridiculous thing I would buy? So I'm not talking like big things like a house or whatever. I'm talking about like random, like little thing I would want. Oh, I was going to say a plane, but oh, oh shit. I mean, that's like shooting for the moon. This is way smaller and like, like, and it's not necessarily an item, but it's like something.
childcare service. Oh, well, no, that wasn't my answer. But honestly, I'll take that too. I know that'd be so nice.
Like it's a little thing. It's more like a service. I don't know. hair salon. I would i would go to like like a ah like a plastic surgeon, not like to get serious plastic surgery, but I would get like do all the things I want done. like I haven't had Botox in four years. How insane. You look so good. I would get Botox, maybe a little lip filler, just a little something something. I mean, I feel like that's my answer too. I didn't even think of that, but I'm on board.
Like if I just had money to blow and it wasn't like it, you know, I didn't it didn't matter ah I would love to go into an office and have someone like do a full thing of my face like obviously I want to look natural I don't want to be like crazy looking yeah but I would love to be like, what do you think I should? Do here you go to a good enough doctor where they're like, this is what yeah um yeah But I feel like when you do the lottery and like something that makes you big is having the private jet like that, and just, I could come to you for the weekend, I could go to you for the day, like just having that would be so fun. Oh my God, it'd be a dream, literally. How crazy would that be? Okay, can you name all of my bridesmaids? Yes, I think.
I think. OK, well, there's Ashley. Yes. Your sister. Me. Yes. Katie. Uh huh. Sam. Yes. Morgan. Mm hmm. Rachel. Yeah. And Chelsea. Oh, and one more. Lydia. No.
Tina. Oh, my God. My sister-in-law, Tina, of course. Of course. You did good. OK, can you name mine? I feel like that's harder. I know because we weren't like lined up. So it's like, you know how you can look at it and like yeah picture it totally. Well, Shannon, me, Mackenzie. Mm hmm. And then there. God, why am I blanking on all their names? I know it's hard.
The one friend and then the one. I'm literally. I don't want them to think I'm an asshole. Jackie. Fuck. There you go. OK. And then, um.
Girl, you worked with her daughter's name is Winnie. Why do I know that? Yeah, yeah. Starts with an L. Laura. There you go. One more. No. And then your two sister-in-laws. Uh-huh.
OK. One more. Yes, Megan. Yeah. Whoo. Good job. I'm just like drawing a blank. Well, that was like me with Tina earlier. I was like, what's her name? Even though like I know her name. That was hard. OK. OK, this one I have on here, but I'm going to change it really quick after reading this, because like I don't even know my answer to this.
So instead I'm gonna ask if I could switch lives with any Disney princess Which princess would I switch lives with also I need to say that it's not
Hmm. Like I never mind. Just give me your answer. Wait, were you going to give me a clue? Well, it was more so going to be like to me, like Disney Princesses is not is like also more than like more than the classic ones. Like to me, like Moana is a Disney Princess now. You know what I mean? So it's not Moana. OK, it's not Moana, but I do love Moana. I was going to say it wasn't a classic. I was going to name.
Okay. um mirabelll Mirabelle. I do love Encanto and I also like love that. I'm going to accept that answer because like that's a close. I just feel like it, well it fits your fam. Totally. And I love that like magical universe. Yeah. So yes. I was also just going to say Rapunzel just because I love Rapunzel. I love Tangled. Really? Yeah. I love that movie. It's so good.
Not one of my faves, but I've watched it a few times. So good. We watch it. We watch a lot. of I love in Kanto. Like we me too. Oh, that stuff. We've got it for generation. Literally. I know every word. Okay. Oh, it's your turn. Oh, name my. Hmm.
Okay. See, this is.
This is hard because I know there's one Disney Princess or Disney Princess movie that you love. So I'm inclined to say that. But like, is that the one you would want to switch to lives with? but Although that universe is kind of cool. OK, I'm going to just say it's Princess and the Frog like Tiana. Oh, I wasn't thinking that, but I'm obsessed.
Oh, okay. Like you like like that New Orleans, like i don't let you have to be a frog for a little bit, you know, i accept I like animals. Okay. Yeah. I mean, I'm, I love that answer and God. Yes. I love that. life What was the other one you were thinking? Well, my, I don't know. The movie I've always liked was sleeping beauty. Um, Oh, I just want to eat that cake and like, she gets to lay down all the time, you know,
And it's kind of dark, like it's kind of- I feel like I need to rewatch it. I feel like I don't remember what happens there. Spooky Ooky Maleficent is so cool. Like, I don't know. I just always liked that movie. Yeah. Okay. That was a fun answer or question. Yay. Okay. Some of these are getting like, what is your, or my biggest pet peeve? Ooh.
Oh, oh, it's like time like yeah if someone tells you like if yeah someone's going to be there at eight thirty and then they show up at like nine, you're like and I honestly I'm with you on that. Like I get it. Oh my God. it so Nothing makes me more enraged than someone wasting my time, especially as a mother. It's worse. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's bad. I'm with you on that.
I feel like that would be my incentive to be honest. like ah that Especially in this phase of my life, like it drives me nuts when someone's like... Yeah, you only have so much time to fit in like child care hours, so it's like, ah be kind. What is the thing I miss the most from my pre-children years? Sleeping in. Boom. That's it. That is it.
Yay. Okay. Hmm. Oh, this is hard. It could be something with sleep, but like, it could also just be like ah spontaneous trips, like without having to coordinate care.
That's me. That was, it was more like spontaneity in general, like yeah yeah going out to eat, like someone last minute being like, do you want to go do this? And I'd be like, hell yeah. Cause I'm, I'm always down, but I can't always be down. And I hate planning ahead and I'm having to plan ahead. So yeah.
Wow, these are so much better than our original questions. They are. say They're so much better. This is like, I'll do one quick one and then you can do your other one. What do I cook the most? Like, what is the meal I make the most at my house? Enchiladas. No. Oh. um Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
Hmm. I do like making that. Oh, this is hard because I like I associate you and like is it just you or is it you and Chris? Well, it's like I feel like there is only think one thing I knew how to cook like the whole time we've been married.
It's stuffed shells. That's Chris's. That's like. Oh, that's like what I think of. Oh, mine is meatloaf with mashed potatoes and green beans. Oh, I I knew that. I knew that. Damn.
yeah Damn. For you, I feel like you say tacos. No, I was going to say we have tacos once a week. At least like we have tacos all the time. We used to do meatloaf once a week just because it was easy. um But yeah, I'd say we probably now more so have enchiladas because it lasts longer throughout the week. So I don't make meatloaf as much anymore.
Well, it's more of like a hearty food. I was that in the summer. Yeah, it's so true. That's a winter thing. Yeah. It's so good. OK, this last one is fun. OK. OK. What is my Harry Potter house? Oh, my God. You're Hufflepuff. We've talked about this. Yes. Well, I didn't think you would get that. I think we've talked about that before.
Okay, but now I don't know that I know yours. I don't think I've ever taken the test. I'm not gonna lie. Oh, interesting. Just put me where you are. Very difficult. What does that say? yeah yeah i mean Very tricky. Wow,
wow this is tough. I think that you there's a possibility you could be a Ravenclaw, or sorry, a Hufflepuff with me. Yeah. but there's also, no, no, you're not a Ravenclaw. I think Chris is a Ravenclaw. Not a hundred percent. He wishes he was Gryffindor. Yeah. It's funny. Like my instinct is telling me Slytherin and I don't know why. I feel like I could be, maybe it's cause like I'm a Scorpio. Like that fits. Yeah. And I don't know. I don't know if it's like something about like your love of Halloween and like weird shit like makes me like it's Slytherin vibes, but you also could be a Gryffindor.
I'm not super, I don't know. We're going to need you to take the, take the quiz. I should. Okay. You're going to have to take that's your homework from this episode is to take the, take the test and let us know your results. We're all a little bit of each house, you know? Yeah. Yeah. I think I would say for me, I'm definitely like there are parts of me. I think that are more Gryffindor, but on the whole, I think I'm a Hufflepuff.
Mm hmm. Yeah, I remember. It's funny, like, I feel like they get the least amount of press in the movies, you know, so I was I remember when I first took that and I was like upset that I was an apple puff. Now I now I accept. Yeah. I mean, they're all great. You're yeah. They're all there. You're a freaking wizard, man. You're a wizard, heavy. This was so fun. and I know. I love this.
Well, this was a pleasant surprise. Not that I didn't think this episode would be good, but I wasn't sure if it would interfere. I forced it on her. I was like, we're doing it. We have nothing else planned. I loved it. You too. I loved it. I'm so happy. Maybe we'll do it again. Because I had a man, Chat GBT gave me like 30 questions. I just chose the ones that I thought were the best. I know. And added some of my own, obviously. Like the Harry Potter one was my own doing. Yeah, that was a good one.
I don't know why I remember that, but good times. Well, I love you. I love you. Thank you so much for being a part of our mom group chat. New episodes drop every Tuesday. And don't forget the group chat is blowing up on our Instagram page. So make sure you're following along over there. All right. Got to go. My toddler just put something in her mouth.