EP 59: Making New Friends image

EP 59: Making New Friends

E59 · Mom Group Chat
1.4k Plays1 month ago

In this episode of Mom Group Chat, Whitney and Candace take you along for a recap of their fun-filled weekend together in Nashville! From shooting new brand photos for Mom Group Chat to experiencing Whitney’s fun neighborhood vibes, Candace was inspired to shake things up in her own life—starting with making new friends.

Tune in as we dive into the often-overcomplicated process of building new friendships as moms. We get real about our past struggles, the misconceptions we had, and how we're now embracing a more casual approach to connecting with other moms. Whether you're looking to expand your social circle or just want to hear about our latest adventures, this episode is packed with laughs, insights, and a fresh perspective on friendship.

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There's no right way to do it.
Oh, we're gonna get into it. What up moms? My name is Candice and I'm here with my best friend Whitney and this is the Mom Group Chat podcast. Don't stop never give up hold your head high and reach the top. Do you know what song or who sings that?
S Club 7, obviously. Yes! Who do you think I am? I saw on ninety s yeah i saw on Instagram a picture of Hannah, a girl in that group, and I was like instantly taken back to S Club 7. That show was my everything growing up. S Club. They ain't nobody like an S Club party.
um and literally Literally so good. I wanted to be Hannah and my best, best friend in elementary school, her name was Hannah. So she always got to be her when we were pretending. And I was so mad because ah she was the coolest one. In my opinion, she had like the bleach blonde, stick straight short hair. And I was like, oh, she's cool, but I never got to be her.
I can't remember their names off the top. I mean, I remember there was a Hannah, but I don't remember like all of them. I don't know anyone else. I don't know anyone else. It's just Hannah. OK. Isn't it funny how growing up there was always like these situations where like you claim like a character or whatever, you know? Yes. So something that I remember is the Power Rangers. um I don't know if they're going to say Powerpuff Girls. And I was like, oh, that too. that Yeah. Yeah. But.
We like the Power Rangers were big and I think because I had brothers like he was really into the Power Rangers and I remember like as little as like pre-k and kindergarten on the playground playing Power Rangers with girls and we would fight over who got to be the pink Power Ranger, but it was never it was never me. It was never me I was always yellow or honestly they would give me one of them guy ones like I was red or blue and I'm like I just want to be the pink one. I always wanted to be the pink one, mostly because the yellow, which now is like she was Asian, which, wow, racist. Yeah, that's inappropriate. Yeah. And so I was like, OK, we looked most like the pink. So we wanted to be the pink. Same thing with Powerpuff Girls. I always wanted to be Bubbles the Blue. Bubbles. And I liked
um Oh, my God. What is her name? Blossom Buttercup Blossom. She was. Wait, wait, wait. Not the dark one. That's not the dark green. OK, OK. Yeah, I wanted to be blossom. Buttercup was a badass blossom was the leader. Yeah. That's what I always wanted to be. How embarrassing that I still know all the characters.
names. Your memory is a steel trap. It's always Vinny. Vinny has the craziest memory of anyone I've ever met. like um We just talked about this recently because we were watching Inside Out and if you've seen Inside Out, you know when they're in long-term memory, they're like going through all of these memories that started to fade. you know yeah and it's like They're like all the names of all the buttercup dolls or whatever. And they like suck them up. Like they're not needed anymore. I swear to God, Vinny never forgets anything. Like he knows every teacher he's ever had. He can name people that he's met once in second grade. I'm just like, I know. So like he can go into, you don't remember every teacher. No.
Oh, I do. It's yeah. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. You guys have similar memories. Like, OK. Let's see. you i got know it I was like, are you going to test me? and You're going to be like, who's your first grade teacher? Well, I was trying to think. I think my first grade teacher was Miss Barroto. I do remember that. I know not Miss White, Miss Stone, but like kindergarten. It's escaped me. She was. I don't know. old She had. Yeah, mine was old to gray white puffy hair. Like what you doing here still?
but But now, was she 45? I don't know. So true. So true. like age is like It's actually funny because um I think it was fifth grade or sixth grade. We had a young teacher, like she was brand new. like And looking back now, i remember she was like the cool teacher because she was so young and she was hot. like No, should be ours. I agree. Like she was hot. She was hot. And I also remember you could see what long. Yes. Oh my God. I had this exact same experience and it was a string thong. Uh-huh. She bent over and and you know, low rise jeans were like all the rage.
And she bent over and you could see her string thong and everyone freaked the fuck out in like fifth or sixth grade. And all the guys were like in love with her. And so crazy. Have I told this before that she told because she they were um we had two new sixth grade teachers and they were fresh out of college. Like they were twenty to twenty three years old. And um my teacher, her name was Miss Langbein.
She had blonde like Farrah Fawcett hair that flayed out and she told us how much she weighed. Did I tell you this already? and she weighed 115 pounds. And I weighde i weighed in sixth grade. And I specifically remember thinking, I weigh more than my fucking teacher. This is dramatic. Why the fuck would she tell you guys that? I don't, I just remember it being shocking because I was like, I'm fucking 12 and I weigh more than my teacher.
Okay, wait, this is so, the the universe has brought us here on purpose. So you know Alice started school this past week and you know I did her little sign that has her height on it. And my friend Morgan, who I'm not, I think she listens, Morgan, hello. She messaged me and she was like the amount of signs I've seen, like back to school signs I've seen that has weight on them for like middle schoolers and high schoolers. And she sent me a screenshot of these like seventh and eighth grade, one as a girl, one as a boy, and it had their height and their weight on their back to school sign board.
i i will The way I would kill myself, like truly, and also just opening the door for everyone to compare each other. Like that is so messed up. Like that, if you, if you're listening to this and you own a company that sells back to school signs, please don't ever put weight on there. It's inappropriate. Yeah. i I know that we talk about children's weight, like when they're young and toddlers all the time. So.
freely, but I feel like that needs to stop at like age three or four. like I know that's early, but like we don't need to talk about your child's weight anymore. Mm hmm. I agree. Oh, because, yeah, that I mean, what I would. Well, I don't know. I'd be like a rail if I weighed one eighteen right now, but right um I don't think I'll ever see that number again in my life. No, I'm not for sure. And um yeah, I remember in third grade, they would send us two by two to go get weighed at the nurses station. And I weighed more than the girl with me. And I looked at her at her and begged her. I was like, please don't tell anyone.
And I was so upset. So crazy. see Like not not you crazy, but crazy that they like. Why were we why were we being way so much? Probably because they didn't think it mattered when we were. Third grade, like nine. That shit. That shit sticks with you. Oh, I'm so messed up. oh Traumatized because I was the chubby kid. That's so crazy. I've seen pictures of you as a child. You were not a chubby kid.
I'll find one whenever I go home next I'll I Just remember you being very tall. Well, I was massive like just I was a massive child Like the picture of you next to is a Chelsea or son and you look like a giant child like you were so tall it was fun taking pictures with her because so Chelsea and For y'all that don't know she was what is and was she's my next door neighbor growing up my whole life so and we're a year apart in school and um literally my best friend, and um because we've known each other since we were like three years old.
But she was in the grade below me and she was just the shortest in her class. And I was a grade above and the tallest in my class. So it was like we were just so different from each other. And I love taking pictures of us with her because she was like my little minion.
And I treated her, but I mean, we're like such sisters. i ah ah We treated each other like that too, so. Yeah, yeah. Well, this is also funny. So one of the moms in my due date group is a teacher and she's back to school now, obviously. It's the first week of school here in Florida. And she is a seventh grade teacher, ah which I'm like, that is scary to me. like I don't think I can think of anything scarier than being in a room of seventh graders.
That's my niece. She's in seventh grade. So she sent to a picture of this note she said she found in on the desk. I clean up at the end of the day.
And she sent this photo with the caption. ah What a like feels so good to be back with seventh grade. And this is what the Post-it note says. Big booty black men pouring milk down their butt cheeks.
That is what the Post-it note says. I'll post this. and Did I write that? Because that's something I would write. I was like, wow. ah Like, what? What? are oh You know, what are they even saying? OK.
I've done this with you, where we would write insane things during chapter to try and make each other laugh, and then we pass it back and forth. We've done that. That's probably what they were doing. Yeah, they you write down insane things, pass the note, and you have to write something insane back and pass it back. And so maybe they were just trying to make someone laugh.
Oh my God, that is so funny. I i like cackled. I sent it to Vinny too. I was like, oh my God, look at this post-it note. That's something I would have done. Like I did that shit all the time in school and like I would draw weird things. Like I draw ah drew this guy and I named him Dr. Icegate and it was just a doctor's head on his body was an icegate. Like I did some weird things.
but this is like very on brand with like your like Halloween obsession it's like and like all of your weird trinkets of like oh dr. ice skate was a staple in my life growing up and um Yeah, just all kinds of stuff I used to draw. I don't know. That is so funny. Imagination back then. I love it. It's made you who you are today and I love who you are today. So real, dude. Well, we are coming off of a such a fun weekend together. It was great. It was so fun. Like I best weekend we've had in a while, I would say.
Yeah, it was quite the like a bender in a good way. like I never felt hungover. like We did such fun little cutesy things. We had lots of childcare, which I think also made it for sure. Yeah, because we had adult time.
ah yeah Yeah, because if you listen to our last recap, when we were together after 4th of July, I was like, I wish we had had more like connected. It was family heavy. Yeah. yeah pampa hu And this time I felt like we got to connect as friends and that was so nice. And we just had the best.
Yeah, so she came in Thursday and there is a hotel here in Nashville called, I mean, it's the graduate, but it's like very Dolly Parton heavy. um and They decorate it. It's all, it's like the girliest hotel ever. um So cute you guys. Oh my gosh. Correct. And I've always wanted to stay there. And so when Candace was like, let's do our photo shoot somewhere, I was like, well,
I know the place that we should go. yeah um And so we yeah, we booked a hotel room and got to spend the night there Thursday, which I felt like, wow, am I on vacation in Nashville, even though I live here? And we got to go out to eat and have some drinks and then photo shoot was Friday, which was well, we when we got back from drinks on Thursday night, we attempted to record an episode.
Yeah, it just that will never see the light. Yeah, yeah I'm sorry. y'all That will never see the light of day. We were half drunk. And then I pulled up the audio yesterday to like see if it is usable because we were having lots of technical difficulties. Only one of the mics was working. The lighting on the video was so bad. It was like 10 o'clock at night. So it was just.
Like, yeah, we could have put it out, but it would have been like amateur hour shit. Like you guys would have been like, what is this? And it was fun because it was how well do you know each other, which we can't ask again because now we did them. I know. That's what sucks about that episode is that we can't really like redo it in a better setting because.
Now we know the answers to everything. So we'd have to get like rule out there with questions if we wanted to do it again. Although it's funny in the car this morning on my way on my drive back home, I was thinking like if I remembered all the answers and some of them, I feel like I don't even remember what we asked. Yeah, I mean, true. I don't know. Well, we'll toy with the idea. Later, um but we did that, though, because we were like,
We were having a good time. We were some drinking some cocktails, and so it kind of like sobered us up. but Totally. So it was a good thing that we stopped and did that for an hour, and then woke up and had our photo shoot day, which which was really fun. So fun. ah So fun. like I mean it like I think everyone should book a photo shoot with their best friend like nothing makes you feel like a celebrity more than like having a professional photo shoot and like make it fun like we
had outfits coordinated and sets and like we really planned ahead to make it like exactly what we wanted. Obviously, like you guys know we're going through like a little tiny rebrand um and these photos are really going to be such a fun addition to all of the content we create and um I'm just so excited to show you guys. so Yeah. and going into it. So the last time we did photos, I was 17 weeks pregnant and I was just not feeling like my best confident self. Candace and Shannon are two amazingly gorgeous girls. So I was like, Oh my God, I have to be up against these two. Like great. So I was not feeling great. They turned out fine. They are what they are. So I mean, I was going into this one nervous, like almost like I still had the same mindset. Like,
I don't know. I'm postpartum still. I'm not where I want to be. like you know you You overthink everything, but nothing gave me more of a confidence boost than that photo shoot.
like Y'all, i went I had a crush on Whitney in the photo shoot. like I'm not kidding. She was gorgeous. I was freaking out. like The amount of behind the scenes videos and photos I took of Whitney is insane. And then the whole rest of the day, I was like watching them back. like I was like, I'm literally obsessed with you. You're the most gorgeous human that's ever existed.
Um, so I'm just, I can't wait for y'all to see the photos. They turned out so good. And it was great. You look amazing. you yeah We look amazing. It was really fun. The photographer was amazing. Candace knew her and she's like in Kentucky. So I'm like, damn it. I would love to have her come down more, but Yeah, her name's Melissa G. We'll definitely tag her ah once we do post everything because she did such a good job and is a ma just a cool human too. Like she's so fun. um But it was just such a fun weekend. I got to spend even more time with Graydon and Margo, which was so sweet. I love them both so much. um And then I also really got to experience like your neighborhood.
yeah This time around just kind of what we're getting into right? Yeah. Yeah, it's changed my life That sounds dramatic but I think it just like do you know when you like have a feeling about something and then you like experience Something and it like clarifies the vision. Yeah, know what I mean like I feel like I've been in like I've known for a while that there's like something missing from our like home life, I think. And I think just my friendships in general, like something is missing. And I went to Whitney's, obviously, this weekend. And like her neighborhood clarified what was missing out of my life. And it is that like neighborhood, friends, children playing outside like feeling.
Like guys, I cannot stress to you how nice and amazing Whitney's neighborhood is. Like every evening, every afternoon, like the kids were getting home from school or daycare, whatever. And everyone would come outside and like sit in lawn chairs and like have drinks. Like everyone would just like bring a glass of wine out or a beer and the kids were all playing outside. It was just like, to be honest,
very rare reminiscent of my childhood like in the 90s. And I just was like, this is what I want for my kids. like I want neighborhood friends. I want them to get home and want to like die to go outside. like i I don't have that here in South Tampa. like Don't get me wrong, our neighborhood is great and we live in a good ah great neighborhood, but it doesn't have that like suburban like yeah feel.
It's a little bit more like in the city, I guess I would say, which feels weird because it's not like there's like buildings around, but it's like more urban. Yeah. Urban? I don't know. Well, you got that somewhere your your neighborhood reminds me of like where I lived in Providence. like You're still in the city, but you're just like in the neighborhood of that city. and yeah um Yeah. But it I will say the neighborhood is great having friends. And I brought this up a lot, I think, in the beginning when we used to record how this neighborhood saved my life. like
I don't know, whenever you're feeling down or you're stuck in the house for a long time and maybe you're four months postpartum and you're just like, I want to get out, but also making plans kind of feels daunting, like just having being able to step outside your door.
You have the monitor on your phone. You can put the kids to bed and still be 20 steps away from the front door is like such a game changer. And yeah you get to have adult conversations. You get to enjoy your wine. You make friends. I mean, it changed my postpartum experience just having all that. And Graydon now is like at that age where I don't have to entertain him. He plays and runs around and they go in each other's garages. They go each in each other's backyards and it's not weird. You know, it's yeah, it's great. It's like very casual and open door policy type thing, which is like what I want. Like, yeah. And this kind of part of the reason I wanted to like talk about this in depth today was that question we got from our motherly advice episode about like the pressures of
making play date plans and like the pressures of making friends as moms. Sometimes we can like put too many guidelines on it or put too much pressure. or yeah and What I loved about your neighborhood is like how casual and free flowing it was. No one got dressed or put on ... I mean, okay.
makes sound like everyone was naked
Everyone was clothed but like no one like got dressed up or had makeup on or like literally everyone was outside in there like leggings and t-shirts or shorts and t-shirts like enjoying a beverage and like the kids didn't weren't in like perfect outfits. like No one really like provided snacks for it. If any of the kids wanted a snack, like obviously- You go in your house and grab it. Yeah, you go in your house, grab a snack, but there wasn't the pressure of like entertaining.
you know yeah and there's no like You can leave when you want to. like Exactly. It's like, it's time to go inside, guys. and they Yeah, you're done. yeah I know. And sometimes I kind of like fall into like, oh, we'll just hang out with them sometime and so instead of making plans because I know it's an option. Even now it's like pluses and minuses. like I rely on them a lot.
to do things without even meaning to, because we don't make plans. everyone like We joke that the garage door opening is like the caca to like everybody coming home. Or like the beer pop tab is like, come on. That's the call to come outside. But it's really been so fun. And all the kids are different ages. like They don't have to be perfectly two years old or three years old.
the same age, like there's nine-year-olds in the cul-de-sac and they're so good with the babies because we have two little babies in our cul-de-sac and they're all different ages. Some are in kindergarten, first grade, and then Graydon and Margo are the youngest. So it's just been like a big old blessing having them. I've never experienced anything like it. I only had Chelsea growing up. Yeah.
I've never had a big neighborhood. I've never lived anywhere like this. So it's amazing. And i and you said that you reached out. I did. so i was like So I was going on and on to Vinny via text while I was there. like I was sending him pictures of videos. I was like this like, this is what I want. This is what i like this is what I'm missing, but bla blah, blah, blah.
and like It's not going to happen organically on my street because we don't live in a cul-de-sac. My neighborhood is a mix of super old homes, my house, and then super new homes that are built within the past like five years.
so we there's There's a mix of ages. like therere older people there're There are some people with kids my age, but like It doesn't as happen as organically in this neighborhood. like i It has to take effort from me and I think it would be... Which initially, that's what happened though. Yeah. we met one We met one person and we had had Graydon in October 1st and he said, hey, are cul-de-sacs really big into Halloween? Do you like it? And I was like, mm-hmm.
Hello. and You're like, you don't even know, sir. And he's like, well, we serve Jello shots and we all hang out. Like that's when you can meet everybody. And I mean, I was like 29 days postpartum or whatever 30.
But like I was like, well, this is my one shot. And that's when I met everyone. So someone did initially invite us to hang out. So I'm glad that you took the step. Yeah. So I think seeing your neighborhood is like the little kick in the pants I needed. like It made it so clear that like that's what I want. And I'm going to have to go and create it if I want it. you know So we have a neighborhood Facebook group that I've been a part of for a while. Like since we moved in here, I had seen that it like, cause I'm in like a bigger South Tampa moms group. And then I had seen in there, like people were talking about specific like neighborhood groups. So I went into my neighborhood group and I'll read you my post because I'm so proud of you.
Well, thanks, but I I'm so I'm telling you this so that if you are feeling the same way, like hopefully you will do the same thing. I said I'm not going to say the neighborhood name like for yeah privacy reasons, but because you're famous.
but come Come visit me. but um Hi moms, I went to visit a friend in Nashville this past weekend and her neighborhood had such a fun vibe. Every evening, everyone was outside with their kiddos, sitting in chairs, having drinks and chatting.
The kids were playing outside for hours every day, but and I want that life. I feel like sometimes we miss the more, in quotes, suburban feel here in South Tampa. I want my kids to get home from school and can't wait to get outside. Anyways, experiencing that for a couple days has made me determined to make more friends in the neighborhood.
Does anyone in here have a two year old and or six six month old but also down to hang with other moms and couples even if our kids aren't the same age? I said, does anyone else feel this way? How desperate am I sounding? Please be my friend. I'm fun. I promise. You sound like me anytime I meet someone someone like I'm not weird. I'm fun. I swear. Yeah. It's like I need to tell them that. And the I cannot tell you guys the response has been so amazing. Like every, not every mom, that's dramatic, but a lot of moms like over, I got over 30 messages of people being like, I've been feeling the same way. Like I want this for my kids, like blah, blah, blah. And then there's also some messages in there from moms who are older who don't have kids or their kids are in high school, like, or their kids are in college. And they have chimed in saying, Oh,
our neighborhood used to be like this, but and like now all of our kids are in high school and there are newer families here and they have chimed in saying like this was life changing for us when when our kids were young. Y'all should start it again. like This neighborhood used to be filled with younger kids, but it's just kind of like a new generation now, yeah which I thought was such a cool slash interesting like take that other older moms were chiming in. And also a lot of them were like, my kids are in high school, but I'd be down to come. They're probably the most fun ones because yeah they're so free. Well, yeah, they're, you're going to have their undivided attention. Yeah.
So, um, we've already started like planning some like neighborhood happy hours for the next couple of weeks and families. Cause like I said, we don't have a call to sack or anything like that. And, but everyone is like within a couple of streets, like ah yeah within a five minute walk.
So we've started to like plan signups to where a certain street will like host a happy hour. Cool. Yeah. And I'm kind of hoping to have, cause we did Halloween last year and it was kind of like a wah wah. Like you kind of need to like make it a thing. So I'm going to do what I'm going to be the the house that does the jealous shots. That's the plan. And how it brings everyone in.
Yeah. And like just set up our front yard to just be like a Halloween station. And I think it would be so fun. So that gives me chills because or I don't know, and brought tears to my eyes a little bit because I'm so happy for you because it it is kind of life changing. Having friends like that um so close around, not just for your kids, but like for your mental health, yeah honestly. um And hopefully after this first meet and greet, it's just gonna become like more organic and you won't have to plan it. like
A lot of times, I mean, I can see everyone from out my window. I'm like a stalker. um But, you know, maybe you're like taking that afternoon walk on a Friday right at 5 p.m. And you're like, anybody out? Like, what's up? And yeah you see someone pull up from work and you're like, should I get the chairs? And they're like, hell yeah. And so then that's what happens. And that's what you want to happen.
Um, and then like just being able to take your eye off the kid for a little bit, the older one and chef's kiss. Oh my God. And now that Evie is sitting up pretty much unassisted, like we're very, very close, like.
she's 90% there it'll be so nice to like bring my little pop-up tent or put out a blanket in the grass and she can sit and like have some toys there or whatever and it's also crazy like how many moms reached out to me and they were they had kids the exact same age and they're like a street over for me and I had no idea it's like So it's like you just kind of have to put yourself out there in order to like get create the life you want, I guess. um And I don't know. It just was so inspiring to like.
be there and see how casual it can be. Like it was truly, it uncomplicated it in my brain. Do you know what I mean? Like my brain has a tendency to just like overcomplicate it and like create this like idea of what that would look like and seeing it in real life in your neighborhood made it so much easier and more uncomplicated. It was like, oh,
I literally just need to introduce myself to these people and then one afternoon be like, hey, do y'all want to come over and have the kids play in the backyard? Like, yep it's so, it's that easy. Done. And like, really, like we never hang out in the backyards, which is kind of crazy because that's like what we did growing up. But we all just like stay in the cul-de-sac. So I don't know. Everyone has their eyes on them. And we're not like really invading on anyone's houses, but I just had an idea. It's so funny that we we never do that. I just had an idea. So literally Caddy Corner from my house, I'm like really giving away where I live if you know Dampa, but there is a Mormon church right there with a big empty parking lot that no one is ever in.
And it's kind of central in the neighborhood that I'm talking about. I should just be like, let's meet in the Mormon parking lot and I'll drink chairs and drink in the Mormon parking lot. the people driving by is probably like, these Mormons are wild. Is this the show, the new show that's coming out? We're going to put a pin in that. We got to talk about that at the end of this. um These are the Mormon wives. Literally, Mormon wives of South Tampa. oh Um, but, and I'll just bring like the bikes and the little cars and stuff and they can like run around. I'll bring chalk and like, sweet would twenty yeah, whenever Margo was like still little, we, I don't have a pop-up tent and kind of regret because wow. um But we used to just like literally carry that.
Gip hop standing one that has like, oh, yeah, we would just take that outside and she'd play with that the whole time. I was like, huh this is great. Now she's on the move. We have to hold her. Yeah, she's all lot she's in that age where it's like, oh, she's like, she can't quite move, but she's so squirmy that holding her is hard. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So we pass her back and forth, but she's almost walking and then I'm really going to have to keep my eye on her. human Yeah. The age. I know that is here I go. I I already am like kind of nervous about how quickly Evie is like starting to move. Like she's what she went from sitting up to like yesterday while sitting up. She was trying to pull herself up on Alice's little like stare thing. yeah I was like, wow. OK, we're already doing this, huh? You are just now six months. is They pull up and then all of a sudden
I don't know. They start crawling or scooting around. You're like, ah, she's already starting to. She'll get up on like if she's on her belly, she'll put her booty in the air and get on her knees and and she is starting. Yeah, she's starting to push up on her arms. I was like, here we go. You have about two months and then it's over.
Oh, it's scary. My favorite age was the six month sit up, but still a potato. can a Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's where we're at right now. It's good. we're We're but we're on the end of it, honestly, like she's already moving and grooving, but she's sitting up and she's still.
I used to be able to plop her in front of the TV and walk away. Now she could give a rip about it. I don't give a rip. I don't give a rip about his show. That's so funny. So if you are over complicating friendships or mom friends in your head, this is your sign to just and okay hold on The other thing I'm going to say is I feel like people will match your energy. like If you approach a friend or a potential friend or a potential neighbor with like too much too many plans, too many things, they're going to match it back. and like If you approach it with a really casual approach of like, hey, do you want to come over and have a glass of wine?
or Do you want to meet out front and have the kids play in the yard or something? like They're going to match that energy back to you. And that's like my goal with this. It's like, yes, I'm going to take initiative here to like bring people together, but I want to approach it casually.
Which really is the hardest step is building up the courage to do that. And sometimes it is like having just that kick in the ass. It's like, I'm going to just do it. And and that's what I did when I made my first friend here in Nashville. I was like, um I'm tired of being lonely. I want a mom friend. I want to talk about what I'm going through. And I just like made myself vulnerable and did it. And it's like, thank God I did because now I have friends here in Nashville. but I don't know. There's a ah breaking point, kind of like what you hit. And you're like, I don't have to do this anymore. I can have friends. and And it's all in my hands, you know? Totally. Like I hold the power to create that life here in my neighborhood. I just have to go for it.
Yeah, and Candice is the most outgoing person ever. like Would I have of maybe done that? I don't know. I need someone to do that. And I'd be like, I'm in. like Yes, please. But if I had seen that your neighborhood was like that, maybe I would have. um Yeah. And it's just like you don't know what you're missing until you see it. And you're like, I want that too. Totally.
Yeah, but I'm so happy. I'll let you guys, I'll keep you guys updated yeah on my neighborhood friends journey. If you're listening to this and you live in South Tampa, shoot me a DM. You can be invited to our Halloween block party where I'm going to apparently make jealous shots. She's going to be overwhelmed then. She's like, I'm feeling friendly right now, but why the fuck did I do this?
That's like very likely like very likely very typical. It's so funny. um So we'll see. I got to start thinking of Halloween costumes, man. like I keep seeing fall things already, like in on Instagram, in stores. And I'm like, shit, it's around the corner.
o Should we record another fall episode? We definitely have to record a fall episode for sure. I know the weather. Well, that was one thing when Candace was here. though The weather felt fall like and it got me all tingly.
ah like this is This episode is basically a love letter to Tennessee. like I loved it. I was like, i've got I'm going to move. like i really When we drove out to Arrington, she was like, I could be a farm girl. yeah like I could make sourdough and breastfeed my children for two years. I could. If I lived here on this beautiful farm, I would.
Yeah, Arrington's... Make mozzarella from scratch with my breast milk. Oh my god. I'm joking. Oh my god, yeah. um The weather was so perfect while she was here. It was nice. Like literally we woke up in the morning and it was like 62 degrees. I was like... We were all like... so Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. I got i was like, I'm sorry. It's fall and it's August. Like, yeah that was is it back to being the devil's butt crack? Yeah. Same here. Actually it's funny today. They, today they are saying we're having a cool front.
Let's, let's check the temp. It's 86 and this is a cool front, which I, it is a cool front for this time of year, to be honest. No, it's 92 here and it was hot when I walked outside. I think we're supposed to have some storms. So it was like feeling kind of. Hot stormy. It's funny. You probably have, we had bad storms yesterday. I bet you you' you are now up to you. Yeah. Yeah. They're coming.
Mm hmm. Y'all always sending that shit. OK, so let's pivot. Since I put a pin in the Mormon thing, let's talk about the Mormon show because I saw the trailer. Oh, me too. I'm intrigued. I'm so intrigued, especially by the the arrest video. Did you see that part of it? I went Taylor swinging. Oh, well, yeah, me too.
Like what does that tell? Like that looks better than any Real Housewives trailer I've ever seen. I was like, holy shit, I can't wait. I think it's cause we too know like sort of the backstory things to TikTok and I am just, I mean, I'm always been fascinated with Mormon culture. Me too. Like Sister Wives watched it, like any kind of like Mormon-y thing or anything out of the norm. Like I'm very into like Mennonites and all that shit too, but Very into. Very, very into Mennonites and their baked goods. But I will say. Oh my God, that made me laugh. I just there's something about like a different way of life. Yeah. And then breaking out or realizing the world is out there that you're just fascinated watching. Like they just go wild. And you're like, you're crazy. Welcome to this crazy world.
Totally. I'm so excited for that show. Oh my gosh. Which, okay. Do you follow? Cause like, obviously you've seen them on TikTok. I don't know that I necessarily like follow. I don't. i I follow, I think, is it Emily? The blonde one or I think her name's Emily. I don't know. I don't follow anyone on TikTok. I only watch for you page.
Interesting. I never watch any of the people I follow. Wow. um I am so excited. Wow. We'll have to do a recap here once it premieres. On Hulu. On Hulu, yeah. Should that be our first ad?
And this today's episode is brought to you by the Secret Life of Mormon Wives premiering on September 6th or whatever it is. Yeah, whatever. Can't come soon enough. yeah Watch Hulu. Thank you. Oh my God. But yeah, it looks so good. I feel like though I my TV cup is full right now because a big brother. I know you don't watch big brother. I have nothing I'm watching right now.
Well, but Big Brother's on three times a week, so it's a lot. It's a lot. Tell Me Lies is about to come back out. Okay, Whitney, did you know that that show I never finished because there was an error in my Hulu. It would never let me play the next episode. It would shut down. It was like a weird glitch. oh But now my Hulu is connected to my my Disney Plus because they merged. yeah So now it let me play the episode. So I just started to finish the last season. Finally, so good. So they I just finished the lake house episode where they went to the lake house. yeah And oh my God, I want to punch that Murphy guy or whatever the fuck his name is in the face. He is so annoying. I don't understand how anyone could ever put up with him or date anyone like him. I wanted to blow my brains out.
I'm not going to lie. A lot of that has kind of left my brain because it's been two years since I've seen it. I just remember when it, no, no, I just remember when it came out, Chris and I were like obsessed with it. It was so good. Well, it was, it's like sexy. It's like the beginning. Yeah. I was like, am I ah got me feeling this type of weight. Yeah, it's good.
Yeah. So I'm excited for that new season. In fact, I'm going to finish that today. I have, I have work to do, but I can have it on in the background. We'll enjoy. Thank you. I will. Okay. But any fun plans for the weekend before we wrap up? No, I'm just doing last minute things that I have to do before her birthday party next week. So need to get all the alcohol, finish up the backyard and we're done.
We should do a birthday, like birthday party recap after her party. For sure. For sure. What about you? Well, I didn't ask about you. i'm sorry It's OK. We don't. We like have been meaning. I don't know if this is going to happen this weekend. I don't know why. i' ah You guys, I really have a mental block about potty training. I need someone to send me a pep talk like. Oh, it's nothing else. I'll give it to you.
It's one of those things that you're you're working too hard about or thinking like kind of like that. Just do it. We've ah we've just tried. OK, we've like very loosely tried treats. We've tried cookies. We've tried that toy that's been sitting there forever. And she just has like no like she's interested in the potty. And she'll tell me she has to go poop or pee. But like as far as going on the potty, she is not that into it. So I don't know. i We've talked about.
yeah what it how but did you do to get them to want to go oh probably so he like was sort of doing it here and there and then there was like a two week like refusal and we he liked going outside so we I told you this I think oh yeah yeah where we put the potty outside so he like was would pee outside but then it was like okay we'll sit on the potty outside and then we moved the potty inside so we were just like moving it around moving it to different areas um
I took them. I mean, it took us a month. It wasn't like some people that do the three day over the weekend were done. I mean, it was a good month of trial and error. So in daycare helped. Yeah. Well, now that she's in school, they had told me that they. um They had told me that like they always have like, Oh, okay. All the potty people, like let's try and use the potty. And that usually will sometimes like intrigue other kids. They want to be a part of the potty group and they get an M and M if they use the potty. So that I think might not do it for Alice. so That happened with him too. He got a monster truck for going poop in the potty at school. yeah Hell yeah, dude. That's amazing.
We got of him like a really like a monster truck like dragon like garage thing too. So that was his like big reward. Yeah. And I i would hold it in front of him and be like, do you want it? We'll go. And he wouldn't like I had it for two weeks and he who knew and we would point at it and be like, you can't have it until you go. So I had it dangling like a carrot.
Okay. okay did it I got to do that, I think. Um, but yeah, so sorry, we don't really have any plans. We have gymnastics on Saturday, like normal. And then, um, I think we're going to really try to potty train a little more, like really give it a good go. Um, but yeah, other than that, uh, I feel like I, I need a good chill reset. Cause obviously I got back last Sunday and then went straight into the week.
So it'll be nice to just have a chill yeah weekend. Yeah, this is like the only weekend we really don't have anything. So I think we're just going to work around the house. Yeah. All right. Well, I love you. i The only thing that scares me is that we don't, when's the next time we're going to see each other? We don't have any, we've always had something coming. Oh, I don't know.
I don't know. Okay, two TBD, we're gonna have to, I know we talked a while ago about a ah January new york New York City trip. Maybe we'll have to revisit that. yeah Okay. All right, love you. Love you, bye. Thank you so much for being a part of our mom group chat. New episodes drop every Tuesday and don't forget, the group chat is blowing up on our Instagram page, so make sure you're following along over there. All right, gotta go, my toddler just put something in her mouth.