EP 63: Fall Vibes Only image

EP 63: Fall Vibes Only

E63 · Mom Group Chat
1.5k Plays18 days ago

Welcome to our inaugural fall episode of Mom Group Chat! 🍂 This week, we’re diving headfirst into the season of crisp air, cozy sweaters, and pumpkin-flavored everything. Join us as we share our ultimate fall bucket lists, filled with fun activities, seasonal must-dos, and a few surprises along the way. From family traditions to new adventures, we’re all about embracing those fall vibes and making the most of this beautiful season.

Grab your favorite fall drink, snuggle up, and get ready to be inspired by our seasonal plans and ideas! Whether you're looking for new ways to celebrate autumn with your family or simply want to get into the fall spirit, this episode has something for you. 🍎🎃

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There's no right way to do it.
Oh, we're going to get into it. What up my fall festival mommies? I'm Whitney Williams and I'm here with my best friend Candice and we are the mom group chat podcast. Happy fall y'all. Oh, that was the name of our episode last time. It's fall y'all. I'm throwing it back. I'm throwing it back.
I am so excited. I've got my warm cup of coffee here. I'm just pretending i' like it's a crisp 60 degrees outside, even though it is still the devil's butt crack here in Florida. Are y'all getting a cold front this weekend? I have not checked. I have no idea. We had the craziest storm in the middle of the night last night.
And I got up this morning, I was just explaining to Whitney before we got on like today's grandparents day. So I like got up at 5.30 and like got all ready. So I was ready for the day, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But I curled my hair and like my hair looked so good. And then I left the house and it was so humid and disgusting from the storm that I got home and I looked in the mirror and I was like, so it looked like I didn't even do my hair. It was so crazy. That's how I felt on 4th of July when we were there and it had rained. And that was the night that we like went out as just the four of us. And the second I went outside, my top lip was wet. I was sweating immediately. And I was like, Oh my God, it is so hot here.
um But it's so hot. It's supposed to get like kind of like how it was the weekend you were here, like crispy. So a girl can dream. Let me check my little thing here and see if it will tell me. Yeah, it's supposed to speak. I don't know. ba um I don't know where my phone is, so. But I'm going to be in Michigan. So hu what's it like there? Have you looked the high sweater weather? The high on Saturdays, 56.
It's like, that's a little, that's a little like dramatic of a drop though. It's like, okay. Like it needed to be like 70. I know, but like right now in this moment I would like give anything to wear a cute sweater. Yeah. And I'm definitely taking sweaters and like that's like shorts and sweatshirt weather. Um, the best, but I think it's, it's supposed to go up the rest of the week, like 70s. So, but yeah, that first day we're there.
Sweater can't wait. Okay. So this is for Whitney's 10-year anniversary. Yay Are you doing anything spicy? Like are you preparing anything spicy? I wasn't should I?
Are you like bringing any lingerie or anything? I was and you're an orrary is' not going to for real. Oh my god, you should I would okay. Well, that's No, I'm stressed. I mean, I have some laying around around here somewhere, but.
I guess I could. I i don't know. ah Just, you know, don't, don't put any pressure on. Don't tell Chris about it. Just throw it in your bag. That's funny. And after you come back after a couple drinks from the hotel bar and you you just go in the bathroom and throw it on and surprise him, you guys will have a great time. Oh my God. That's funny. Okay. I'll do it. Um, yeah, just, just throw it in the bag.
oh I was like, I thought you were going to say like, do you have any fun plans? I'm like, yeah, we plan dinner every night. Like, no, I wanted to know about the spice. I wanted to know. Um, but I do want to hear about your plans. Yeah. Chris and I are going to have to relax because whenever, you know, when you're alone for the first time, you feel like you have to go and do because you finally have the time. And it's like, I'm going to have to slow down because I know if I try and pack everything in the first day, we're going to be bored. Be like, what are we going to do?
Luckily, the place we're staying, I got nervous that they like closed the pool over Labor Day and I was like, oh shit, like what are we gonna do? But they didn't. So yeah, we're gonna have the pool and drinks by the pool and hot tubs. So I'm like, okay, I can at least do that every day. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Honestly, I love a chili pool situation. Me too. I love a hang by the pool in a sweatshirt, read a book or magazine.
Oh, I haven't done that in so long. I can work as I'm thinking about it. Honestly, it's all fall vibes. I love like going up there when it's already cold there and it's still like warm here and you're in September and you're like, I just want to kickstart fall. And so this trip feels like that. I'm excited.
So nice. I um my kick starting fall is just doing this episode. That's all I have. Actually, I do go to North Carolina next weekend. or Yeah, that would be great. And I'm hoping. I mean, I'm not expecting like super chilly vibes, but I'm hoping there's ah a little crisp. It'll be reprieve for you either way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's kind of what I what I'm thinking. So.
You know what was fun though? Yesterday I was like, ah I didn't really, I didn't, I have not packed, but I was trying on sweaters and like last year I was so postpartum at this time. Like, yeah you know, I was like, uh, I didn't really dress up. And so I finally got to put on all my sweaters and I was like feeling so good in them. It's just like,
my favorite thing to wear anyway. So putting them on and my jeans fit again and my leggings don't feel like I'm going to suffocate and bust out of them. So I was like, I'm back, baby. I'm in my mode. It's great. I haven't I haven't had a good fall wardrobe in four or five years, like genuinely because I was pregnant in the fall with Alice. I was pregnant in the fall with Evie. And then that year in between,
I don't know. No, I don't think I bought anything new. No, I I need a new fall wardrobe. I've been trying to keep an eye out for like trends. I struggle hardcore with fall shoes like. Yeah.
Oh, they're so hard. I feel like especially with the like, bag your jeans trend, what can someone tell me? What the fuck shoes are we wearing? Oh, they all look weird. I wear sneakers. I'm like, I don't know. It's so hard. I need a stylist. If you're a stylist and you're listening to this, please.
I'm not good at shoes anyway. like I feel like I want to be a fall girly. I think living in Florida has made it harder for me because like like I love summer. like summer i've Summer and spring I've got on lock.
fall and winter are harder for me because I'm like, I don't live in a place where we do this all the time. I know. And and i I specifically remember because I was on maternity leave this time last year, um the Real Housewives of New York came out the new cast. It was good.
It was just their clothes. I remember like sitting there in my diaper, Margo sleeping on me, and I was just so inspired by everything. And I remember Bren had on this like checker jacket and I looked it up immediately. I was like, I want that. I want all these new clothes. And Oh, it was just so good. um Didn't the new season is coming out or it did come out? Oh, I don't know. I'm it's it's soon. I saw trailers and stuff where I'm excited because I actually really like that new the new cast. I know it's gotten so many mixed reviews and I loved it. That's the only one I knew it felt a lot fresh. Yeah, it felt good. Yeah, it inspired me for sure last year.
ah Well, I was thinking when I was like preparing for this episode, I was thinking about like what fall means or what fall feels like to me. And it's funny, like I feel like a lot of people associate fall with like cozy inside fires, blah, blah, blah. But for me living in Florida, like fall for me means like more finally more time outside.
And so it's funny like I was making my little like fall checklist of all the things I wanted to do and like all of my or a lot of my activities on there are like stuff that is outside just because it's like finally some like livable temperatures. Yes.
But I mean, there's definitely room for like cozy stuff inside too. It's just like, I'm the like, I think this year, especially, I don't know what it is about this year. It feeling so much warmer than it has in the past. But like my number one thing I'm excited for this fall is just.
like cooler temperatures like that is it just being able to be in our backyard and be outside and go for a walk and not want to die like it was a hot a hot summer um for sure and like I don't know I just feel like fall is supreme Sorry, it's the best. um And I don't know, you just want to be outside. The leaves have kind of started falling at my house and I'm like, probably because they're dried out from the frickin sun. But I don't know, it's already feeling like it's the turn is coming. The only sucky thing is it gets darker earlier and you're like, no. Yeah.
I do hate that. But I also like we have string lights up in our backyard. Like I love to turn that like even those string lights being on like remind me of fall. Oh, that's cool. And we'll still hang in the backyard with the string lights. And I'm like, oh, it feels like it's so fall is so nostalgic. I don't know. Like it's such a good vibes. Yeah, agreed. Have you had a pumpkin spice latte yet? No, I or are you a pumpkin girly? I can't remember.
I mean, I love cinnamon. I put that in my coffee year round, but I don't go to Starbucks very much. Like now that I have my machine at home, I just don't go. um But maybe I'll get one at the airport. I don't know. Oh, yeah. yeah I mean, that's a classic airport thing right there. It's a coffee, especially yeah flying in the morning. Yeah. So I mean, maybe I'll get one or like maybe I'll find a cute place on the island and get something. But I don't know. We'll see. Yeah. Have you had yours? I, I did um like the day it came out only because I didn't have coffee that day. Like we were out of it and I was waiting for it to arrive from Amazon or whatever. And so I was like, well, today's the day let's do it. I got a, but I got a cold, like a pumpkin cold brew from Starbucks. it was So yeah, me.
um If ever we're out of coffee at my house, there's a little place near their daycare. It's local and they have this oatmeal iced cookie latte and I get it like half sweet. It is so yummy and freaking good. I'm obsessed with it. I'm like, delicious. It's so good and.
Yeah, it's made with oat milk. Oh, I just, every time I'm out of coffee, I'm like, oh darn, I have to go. It's called like a flower shop. they have They sell like bouquets of flowers with coffee. It's so cute. That is so weird that you say that. Wow. That's like so sim because I literally just saw a video this morning of this new coffee shop that just opened here in Tampa and it's like flower shop slash coffee shop slash wine shop. There's wine involved. Nice. Yeah.
And it looked so cute. And I was like, Oh, I got to go there. I had the best round. There's also a liquor store by their daycare. And I like ran in there the other week. I was going to my boss's boss's house. So I was like, Oh, I'll pick up some wine for him to host hosting or whatever. And I'd never been in there. And I ran in there.
and um and showed him my ID. I still have my Rhode Island ID. And he's like, oh, Rhode Island. Like, I was just up there. Oh, my God. We talked for 20 minutes. Like, I'm in love with this guy. um He was like. Watch out. He yeah he's a 70 year old man. Yeah, he. Well, I don't know. No, I was joking. I don't know.
I'm pretty sure he was gay, but I don't want to assume, but I'm pretty sure. um But it was so nice. He was up there for two weeks and like did the whole New England tour. He was pulling out like all of the New England brand stuff he had bought up there. And he's like, oh, if you're from New England, you're like this. And he pulled out this vodka, which we have already at our house. Oh, and it's like a ah salty, briny,
vodka. It's like there's oysters on it. It's super cute. I would like that. Yes. And you pulled that out and I was like, Oh my God, I have to take a picture that you sell this here because our friends shipped it down to us um because you can't get it. I didn't think you could get it here.
And then I was like, oh, you need to get Cisco beer from Nantucket. And he's like, I've been trying. They're so hard to get. But he was like, I'm going to keep trying. You just re-inspired me. And I was like, oh my god, I love this guy. He was so nice. Oh my gosh. It was such a great combo. I was like, I'm never leaving. I love this wine store. We're switching to this place. It was great. It was so nice. Yeah, it was good times, good vibes.
Uh, I, there's something about fall too that like, like really makes me want to host. Like I want to host a dinner party. I want to host a football gathering. I want to host a girls night. I wanted, I don't know. Like I just, it reignites that itch for me. Yeah. Yeah. and Agreed. Um, maybe it's just cause you can hang outside and like,
I don't know, everyone's chilling. I think that's what it is. Football's on, it's just so great. You have all the dibs. I just texted our like my like group of girlfriends here in Tampa, and I was like, hi, now the football's back, can we all like, because we've been talking about girls dinners, we've been planning those, but I was like, I want like a football hang like with everyone, with the husbands. And one of the girls was like,
Listen, I'm not going to watch football, but I'll come for the dips. And I was like literally saying like that is all I care about. Really, I just want chats and dips like that's what I mean. I'll watch football here and there, but like, but what's bigger in Tampa? Is it Saturday football or Sunday football? I'm going to say it's truly equal. It really is. Yeah. Because you have to like Florida and Florida State fans are pretty. They're like, that's so they're pretty intense. I mean, I have Florida neighbors, so.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So like last Saturday, I was so sick. I mean, this is such a long fucking story, but um and I'm going to I'll give you the TLDR. Well, isn't that what it's called, TLDR? You are talking in riddles, baby.
The Too Long Didn't Read version, TLDR. That's me all the time. Yeah, yeah. I hit a pothole and got a flat tire with both girls in the car. I was super sick. I pulled over on a side street in front of a beautiful house. And Evie was screaming. I had to call AAA and get a tow truck. It was like a whole thing. But it was like a Florida. They were having a Florida football party. I love that you hit a pothole.
I'm sorry. You guys, the potholes in Tampa, Florida, like truly, i'm about to I'm about to storm the capital of our like local government to get all the potholes filled. like That's going to be my platform. I'm going to run for mayor. I don't know. but um So we pulled in front of this house. They were having a Florida football party. And it was so nice. There was like this grandma who came out with her two little girls that looked like they were probably four and two.
and they were in Florida cheerleaders outfits. and She was like, what's wrong, sweetie? I was like, I have a flat tire. She was like, there's a bunch of strong men inside. Do you want me to get them? They can help. I was like, there's something that for them to do. like I don't have a spare tire. like Please don't bother these men in their football. I don't want to be the reason. like you know Anyways, but it was so to answer your question, the football is even. Sundays are huge, obviously, because of the Bucks, but Saturdays are big, too. And yeah, I mean, so what do the girls wear Alabama? Like, what are we? Will the girls be wearing? OK, that's a good question. It's because I always wonder, like Cassie, they let
Emma wear UT stuff all the time. I'm like, she went to Auburn. Like, I would be so mad. Oh, you're talking about my girls like my daughters. Yeah, yeah. Oh, okay. It's Alabama 100%. Like Vinnie is not I mean, he loves for he loves Florida State, but he is not he does not want our girls to go there.
It's not a place. It's not a place for them. This is not for them. um um So he's like never fought me on that or been like, oh, if anything, the rest of our family who are like my uncles and Ryan's. ah Beyonce or sorry, wife now. Hello. um And Vinnie's sisters, they both went to UF. So if anything, they push Florida stuff on us, yeah which is fine with me. I grew up like a Florida fan. So I'm it's fine if they want to wear that. But Alabama is what they wear the most. I know my whole family has like taught green go vols govalls and
i don't I don't really care because whatever, we live in Tennessee, but yeah they be wearing Alabama stuff. I always like wonder how the house is divided because Chris and I both obviously went to Alabama, so it's easy.
yeah um Yeah, I always wondered, because Cassie gives in, man. She lets Josh put her in the UT stuff, which is cool. Wow. Yeah. So nice of her. I think i think it's like it also depends. like If Florida State were really, really good, which they are not. If you saw their past two games, woof.
Oh, my God, they're so bad. um I think if Florida State were like going to win the championship, I might bend and be like, I'm going to be a bandwagon fan for this season to just like, you know. Yeah, but um I think it helps. You know, Vinny only went to Florida State for a year. So he went to Purdue for three and a half years and swam there and then transferred to Florida State. So that's where he graduated from. So I think in Purdue is like not a football school, you know. Yeah. so Yeah.
ah His his allegiances are split and he lets me control the girl's allegiance. You know, nice. I know. yeah I feel like I'm lucky because Chris's little sister still goes there. And so she buys the kids like all their Alabama outfits for the.
year. Cute. Yeah, like Margot got a ton of, she got a cheerleading outfit and two dresses that are freaking cute. And then Graydon, like every Friday, he's wearing his Alabama gear. He rolls up, he'll wear a sweater vest, like he is a frat daddy. Oh, he's a little man. Yeah, it's so funny. Wow.
Oh yeah. If you're listening to this and you have a cute place that sells college, like collegiate baby gear, please send me a DM. and you like he's not walked southerny well yeah um I I'm not super into that.
Yeah. I liked, um, I messaged them. Your friend Brittany posted that. Oh yeah. am That is, it just has the, like the pennant and it says Bama. I liked that yeah with a bow. I thought that would be cute. And so I messaged them, but they're sold out, but apparently it's being restocked on Wednesday. So I'm going to keep an eye out. Perfect. But if you sell like collegiate gear, that's cute. That's like not, I'm some of the Southern stuff is cute. Don't get me wrong. Like I just am not like super yeah into the smocked.
stuff. I don't know. Makes sense. It's not like, I feel like Florida is its own entity. It is. It's like different. There's a mix though. Like there are people who are super into the smocked thing. Yeah. I don't know. It's a mix. Um, I'm like in and out. I like some stuff too. Some of them I'm like, there's no way I could, I don't know.
Like a lot of um people I see like are still putting their like three year olds and like the John Johns. And I'm just like, he's too old now. I can't, which is fine for whoever's into that. But I'm like, oh, he's a t-shirt and shorts kind of guy now.
Yeah, I just prefer that vibe. I mean, no shade to anyone who does that. You do. You can dress your kids however you want. Truly. Yeah. Oh, sure. Like I. Yeah. I I put Graydon and I just he was like like one of the people who like dress their little boys as if they are like.
ah Like royalty, like Prince. Yes. Yes. The princes. I like I I had Graydon in like the Peter Pan collared stuff and he wore bubbles and like And he's worn that, I have literally pictures of hanging of him in a Peter Pan collar shirt. And I'm like- No, I like that stuff, but I think there's like an age thing. Yeah. I said, I yeah think yeah yeah yeah until he was about 16 months, like- Yeah, I was going to say 18 months for me is like, okay, we're hitting that threshold of like getting out of the like super-
I don't know. I feel like I'm treading a, yeah I don't want to, I don't want to yuck anyone's yums, you know, a show. When we think about last year, obviously like I was super pregnant. Yeah. I mean, I don't know. It's funny. Like I still had so much long to go going into fall. Well, when you're in your second pregnancy and you're like six months plus a long, like,
I remember people will be like, how far along are you? And I wanted to say nine months because I felt yeah already at nine months. And I'm like, I'm just, I'm there. Like don't ask me. I'm exhausted. um Totally. But yeah, this year compared to last year.
Like I said, I was what, six days postpartum at this point? like I was going to say you were like you couldn't even ah you couldn't put on your true fall Whitney witch hat. No, because you were like a zombie and oh rightly so.
Yeah, I was exhausted. I was planning for Green's second birthday. And I like that took everything out of me. I was like, oh, my God, I cannot believe I'm hosting people at my house. um They've started the trunk retreat at his school and like I didn't even participate. What? Yeah, that is not like me. You know, I know. So this year it's on batch. It's on.
I feel the same way. I feel like I have the fall bug, like for real, for real this time. I'm not pregnant. I'm moving freely yeah and swiftly. yeah And I already ordered the, actually they already came in. I have the floating candles that I talked about. um you got him I got them. I also got, so I went on a, honestly, me being sick and being like bedridden for two days without my kids.
Y'all, I went on a serious Pinterest. like i know I think I've probably talked about this before on this podcast, but Pinterest is such an enjoyable platform. like Why do I not spend more time on Pinterest? I mean the um i probably spent six hours on Pinterest ah over the course of two days looking at fall outfits.
fall foods and recipes and like dinner party shit. And then front porch yeah decor. Okay. Halloween specific fall and Halloween specific. So I ordered.
The floating candles and I really am going to lean into like lights a little bit, which is, I know people would think Christmas, but I bought these orange battery powered, uh, twinkle lights. So my front door is glass, you know, that has, um, yeah like shade.
I'm going to hang the Twinkle Lights behind the glass, like in between the shade and the glass, so that it the door looks like it's glowing. And then I'm going to hang the candles. I bought a black stool and some lanterns. and Oh, I can't wait to see. I'm excited. I know. I'm going to film a ah video. I'm going to film me decorating and I'll link everything that like I use. But y'all, I went ham on Pinterest and I got so many ideas. So I am a fall girl this year. I'm claiming it. I'm usually a Christmas girlie. And I'm going to be a Christmas girlie too, because that was really taken from me last year. Yeah. Not OK. um but Oh, I decorated for Christmas.
early because I was like, this is the only thing that's gonna bring me joy right now. Like, yeah I think I decorated for it on like November 14th. I was like, I'm putting the fucking tree up. Yeah. I was like, I'm sad. Put the tree up for real. Last year, last the holidays last year were diarrhea. Yeah. Um, so this year I'm just excited to like, it's going to sound so morbid, but I'm just excited to like feel happy about fall and the holidays. Like I feel like I haven't last year was just a shit show and I'm just excited to like decorate and like lean into it and have fun. you know I will say I graze on Pinterest a little every day. I take a little bit of time and I i get inspired every day. like A lot of mine shows still like margaret like birthday inspiration because that's all I did for a while. but
Oh my god, the way I get home in Spo, like no other on that batch. It's so good. Mine is still very heavy right now with like branding and picture photo shoots stuff from our rebrand. like It's always like these like editorial girly like photo shoots. I'm like, all right, we're past that. Can you show me some more outfits, please?
Mine's all like floral tablescapes, which honestly is still kind of slaps like that. That works. But yeah, my neighbors were making me like they're like, so I ordered this like they go hard. I thought I liked Halloween, but like they go super hard on Halloween. And like I honestly don't have a ton of like outdoor decor. Like I just every year that I feel like I had the time to do it in this new house, like I was pregnant. So then I was like, I'm not going to buy anything.
So I feel like this year I really need to get my head together. I have the front yard for it. I need to decorate for Halloween. Well, um if you're gonna have a lot of relaxing downtime on this trip, it could be a time for you to dive into Pinterest and order some shit, because that's what I did. yeah Nothing like spending extra money while you're on vacation. You're like, hi, I'm here spending money, let's just sprinkle a little extra. yeah Useless things can I have at my home when I arrive.
So funny. Oh my God. I'll have to so show you the picture. So all of the decor I ordered arrived, like I purposely did it to where it was like less shipments. And so more like it would be a bigger, it arrived yesterday at like three 30 and Vinny usually gets home these days around three 34. And I heard the dogs were barking, barking, barking, like way longer than normal. And I was like, damn, is someone at the door? And I went outside the, um, the stack of packages. Oh no. It was because some, of a lot of the stuff was bigger. I ordered a whole new outdoor small rug to go under our mat.
Do you know? So that was there, folded up. I ordered new lanterns. I mean, I really went ham. And so the stack of packages there, I was like, Oh my God, I gotta get, I've never unpacked things so quickly because I was like, I gotta get this, I gotta get this inside and unboxed before Vinny can even notice they're here. Like I am that girl that hides shit from cause Vinny will lecture me. Yeah. I'm sure. I hate that. but Chris would too there's like I don't know I want I've always wanted those um I don't know if they're like from front gate or whatever but they're like the witches in a circle yeah those are so cute and I have like I have ghouls from when I was younger my dad and I went to Opry Mills
And when I was in fourth grade and my dad's obviously like very into Halloween too. And we went to Spencer's and you know, Spencer's is kind of scandalous. They're kind of scary. Like it's not cutesy Halloween up in there. It's scary. No. yeah they're um And my dad was like, let's buy these ghouls. And I remember them being like $300 a piece, like expensive. But ah my dad was all in and I was thrilled because he never like buys anything or this was back when he didn't.
And he buys them and I was like, Oh my God, we got this huge Halloween haul. Anyway, I've ended up with them and Graydon is scared to death. Wait, I want to see a pig. You'll have to send it. Okay. I'll send it. But yeah, we used to hang them up at my house and I want to hang them in the tree. They're literally like, they do this. They like hang from a tree. They're scary. Um, but yeah, he's really scared of them. Um, we had to hide them in like our garage attic. Like we can't have them out.
So I'm going to we're going to pull them down and see if he'll tolerate them this year. OK, do you have memories of trick or treating as a kid where you would get scared of certain houses and certain things? Hmm. I don't think I was ever really scared. Really, i I definitely do. There were there were houses in my neighborhood that like went all out. Like I remember this guy he used to like.
It looked like he was hanging from his garage, like it was scary. that And every time he would walk by, he would like, you know, jump. It was scary. Like there were certain houses that I would, are like I have memories of like crying. Oh, I just remember Chelsea and I, she was dressed as Michael Jackson and she was like,
Oh, like laid on the ground and the door was like pride open and she was pretending to be dead and then kids would walk up and she go and like scare them. But like, I don't know, we were just yeah crazy, crazy kids. Oh, my gosh, that is funny. Speaking of Halloween costumes, do you have have you chosen? Have you thought about that?
oh Well, Chris took Graydon to Costco and he's very into Spider-Man and he got a Spider-Man costume. Yeah. He's been wearing it probably twice a week. So he wants to be Spider-Man.
And then for Margo, you yeah, he loves it. And then for Margo, I'm thinking Cindy Lou who cause she has her little bean sprout hair. So cute. I was like, Oh, that'll be fun. We're not going to be matchy. I wish I was that family that did the matchy matchy thing, but we're not grains too independent already.
Yeah, I think this is our last year of being able to do that. So I'm I'm doing the matchy matchy thing. Oh, you're going to do it. And we are. And I think we're going to be the inside out character. Oh, that's perfect. Yeah. So Alice is going to be joy.
And Evie, I think, I don't know, I'm torn on her. She's either going to be fear because she's in her stranger danger phase, or I think sadness would be really cute, but she's always so smiley. So I feel like it wouldn't, I don't know, wouldn't track. Vinny's going to be anger on brand, honestly. And and then I'll be discussed you know in the green dress. I was like, what if you're the new anxiety one? I know. Anxiety.
My brother kind of jumped in on this. He was like, I want to be involved. He's like, I want to be anxiety. And I was like, all right, well, don't come in on our Halloween, but I thought that'd be so cute. And then I already have the, I mean, I'm going to, I'm giving away all my secrets here, but obviously our caption for our Instagram photo will be core memories were made. Oh, wow. Wow.
I even saw this this girl who you can buy these light up balls on. Cool. um Yeah. So it's like you're holding the memories. I was like, cool. Oh, my God. Wow. That's awesome. I wish we could do that. We did that with Graydon his first year when we were when he was um Elton John and then Graydon. Yeah. Chris was the security guy and I was like a crazy fan, but.
Yeah, he's too. Well, it gets harder as they get older. I do think like my cousin Chantal, who I think, listen, sometimes she has five kids wild and um she they do a family thing every single year. And I know the way that they do it because some of her kids are like older now. They do a family thing like just for photos. But for for trick or treating him for school, like they can. Yeah.
like pick whatever they want and wear whatever they want. But they've done some really cool ones. They've done like greatest showmen and like all sorts of things. Oh, I know they did in Kanto recently, like all the Kanto characters.
I should have gone for it last year, but he was so into dinosaurs. I knew he was going to love that costume. Yeah. And he did. So I was like, uh, I'll give in. But you know, so we had a daycare like prize giveaway. If you like, it was like Disney trivia. And I was like, Oh, let's go. And I feel like i I got them all right. And so did like six other families. So they made us guess numbers and I didn't end up winning. But one of the questions was an inside out question. And I've only seen that like twice. So ah the only reason I knew it was because of you. I was like, thank God, Candice talks about this movie all the time. I love it. Yeah. So I got it. That was the bonus question. And I was like, who got it. I feel like you get all the questions, right? It was, um,
Who was the very first Disney princess? It. Oh, OK, so this is hard. It's no way. Right. Yeah, it's no way. Yeah. OK. But technically, sorry, getting like technical here. Technically, Alice in Wonderland came before, but I don't know that she's considered a Disney princess. Hmm. Yeah. I don't know. But yes, it's no way. Right. Yeah, it's no way. Um.
The inside out question was who's the name of the little girl with all the emotions? Riley. Okay. That's the one I got right. Um, from you. And then it was, what's the name of the tiger? Jasmine's tiger. oh You know, I do know this. Oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh. Give me a second. It starts with an M does start with an M. No. Whoa.
Wow, you're gonna be mad at yourself. I am. It's Raja. Raja, damn it. Damn it, I'm so pissed. Oh my God. God, I can't even, yeah there was there's one more question. I can't remember what it was, but. I was so proud of my, oh, it was who's the main character in A Bug's Life? Like what kind of insect was he?
Oh, he's an ant. Yep. A bug's life is a con. Like that's one of our favorite movies here in this house. We watch it all the time. I really got in my head about it because, you know, there is ants, the movie, right? And so I was like, am I crazy? I was like, it's an ant, but is it? And I was like, really? I know in my head about it. And I was like, I'm going to put in, I'm going to put in because I remembered that Princess Dot was.
and So cute. I know. But yeah. All right. Should we get into our ah fall bucket list, please? OK, so obviously, if you listen to our summer episode, we did a summer bucket list. Maybe we should have like done a recap on that about how many things we did.
We can do that in the next episode. Okay. And um we're also gonna do a fall bucket list. So we'll add this to our Facebook group. If you're not in our Facebook group, go join that. and the It's always linked in the show notes of these episodes. It's also on our on our Instagram page. um So let's see.
Okay. Do you want to just like go back and forth? Do you have one? What do you want to do? You go ahead. Hit me. Okay. Some of these are pretty standard pumpkin patch. I just love the pumpkin patch in here in Nashville. They also have cheek wood, which is where Chris and I got engaged. It's so sentimental to me, um but they do like a pumpkin house where it's very artsy and like cool, but they also sell pumpkins, but it's very like, you can go listen to music and I love going to Cheekwood, but there's also like a pumpkin patch that we go to um that has like the hayride and all that cut cute, cute stuff.
So cute. that's I was gonna say another like one on here is attend a tend to fall festival type thing. Oh yeah, that's pretty much um how ah how it feels when you go to this other place. God, I can't even remember it. But like I feel like I also have a tradition where I i wear the same outfit to the pumpkin patch because that's the first place I went after Graydon was born. He was born October 1st. And we were at the pumpkin patch by October 7th. Like, was I crazy? I think I just needed to get out of the house. um But I have a picture of me in that outfit with Graydon the first year, him the second year, or him and Margo. Is it? Wow. I don't know.
Yeah. Yeah, because it was before he was two. Oh, my God. OK, when you whenever you do things i or so like talk about things like that, isn't it crazy that we had babies so close together? Like, that's when I'm like, oh, shit. Like, whoa, OK. Yeah, that's kind of. okay um and So, yes, Margot was here for the second year. And then this third year will be. Wow. Wait, maybe I'm missing one. I don't freaking remember.
this This might be his fourth one. I don't know. Anyway, I wear the same outfit and I can't wait. It can't be his fourth one because he's not been around for four years. But he yes, because the first one he was like zero. Oh, second one he was one then. Yeah. Oh, OK, OK, OK, OK. So the so the one where he was one. Margot was not here, right but the next one. But I was pregnant and by the end of the year. I was like really tripping there for a second. Yeah, you're like, wait and wait a damn minute. Yeah. So anyway, this will be his fourth. Wow. Oh my gosh. We're back. That makes sense. Sorry. We're not good at math, everyone. I was freaked out there.
Yeah. OK. Other things is just baking. Like Alice has been really in into helping me bake. We've been making like mini muffins almost every Sunday already. Oh, cute. um ah It's just like a mix. It's not anything like crazy, but they're just good to have on hand and like easy snacks. And so she's but she loves to like help me pour like if I fill up a cup, she'll pour it into the bowl. I let her eat the batter, which is controversial.
But, you know, whatever matter. You know, some people are so weird about that. But what's something like for me, you always make in the fall like mine is. It's like a Weight Watchers recipe, but it's that pumpkin puree with the spice cake and water. It's literally three ingredients and it makes like twelve muffins.
And they're so moist and yummy, but it's two point try that two points on Weight Watchers. I only know that because I was on it for like years, but and if they're so good. and Mine is honestly just the Trader Joe's pumpkin mix, like you pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffin mix. If you all have never tried that, it is so good. So that's honestly, that's it. I've never tried it. Good to know. So good.
um Okay, this one I've never done before, but I feel like Alice is at the age where she would love this. And it is a fall nature walk. Like oh cute collect leaves or acorns or pine cones or like on a stroller friendly walk. Like I feel like Alice would be into that. She's like kind of into collecting things right now.
I feel like we do that whenever we're in Clarksville because Dunbar cave is right there. Yeah. And he gets to explore the cave. And like my parents just literally took him and um they do ah cave tours and people were coming out and Graydon was like, Oh my God, this is so cool. And I mean, there's like, so it's a less than a mile loop too. And he loves it over there. So good idea.
Yeah. um And then decorate mini pumpkins with paint or stickers. Obviously, we're not quite at carving yet, but paint and stickers. I feel like Alice is the perfect age to do all of this. Evie's still she's going to watch, you know. Sorry, we're just not. We're not in there yet.
I will say that um if you have like a ah fall birthday baby, that's what we did and ah the past two of Graydon's birthdays. we had We bought mini pumpkins and got the paint out so the kids could paint on the pumpkins. And it was so cute. We are not doing it this year. We're not going to be at my home. But two years in a row, big hit.
And its it was like relatively cheap. The pumpkins were like a dollar a piece. Oh, my God. So nice. OK, the next is to watch a family friendly Halloween fall movie like it's the I do that all day or Charlie Brown. You know what I mean?
do that literally every day already. Graydon requests nightmare before Christmas. We've already watched it a few times. He loves it. um And then I have some things on here that are actually not with kid related. It's like for adults, adults only.
And that is to make a fall like cocktail, like spiked apple cider or yeah. Like have a date night where you guys make like a special, I feel like some, I don't know, like a date night after the kids go to bed where you make a fun fall cocktail and like make a fall cheese and charcuterie board and have a little date night outside. Oh.
Have I told you my um drunken apple cider story? You might know, but but I'd love to hear. because It all was from a book club party. Oh, book club will get you. I know. Oh, my God. So when we were living in New England, like apple cider is like so readily available. It is everywhere in a grocery store in the fall, whatever. But like it's just so easy to pick up. um And then you get like the Sailor Jerry's spiced rum, right? And everyone puts it in a crock pot. Yum. Well, I go to my friend Jane's book club.
Who the hell knows what we read? um see yeah i am in They're just here for the Spike Cider. Chris drops me off and him and Corey go get cheeseburgers because they knew I'd be drinking. um I'm also in a like mock turtleneck. like It's like one of those where it's like a turtleneck, but it doesn't have sleeves, and then I was like wearing a shawl. Well, they show back up.
and I'm not home. I am drunk from the cider, like rolling around on the ground at her house, like so out of my mind. I think I had three of these. Like, I guess, wow, don't give me rum. I don't know. I was i was going to say maybe you must be like sensitive to rum or something. ru Rum is definitely not something you drink often, you know. So we get home.
This is so embarrassing. We get home. Chris gets in bed. I go to the bathroom and I roll into the room in just my mock turtleneck. And I say, and I'm leaning up against the door frame. I go, so you want to do it or something? And Chris is like, absolutely not. I want nothing to do with you. And I don't remember.
any of this. And I i also like a work from home girly. I like so happen to have like something in person the next day. I wake up at 9 45 a.m. Not like 45. Not like me. I was. Oh my God. If you all know Whitney, Whitney wakes up at like 5 30 a.m. Like I I was wasted, Candice. I had to be somewhere by 11. Like I'm scared for you.
I mean, that's the end of the story. I like show up to this like 9 45. I don't think you've ever slept to 9 45 in your life. I'm telling you, I was not well. I was that person at this like work thing that I had like 10 waters in front of me, a coffee, a Coke, like.
There's they had to have known like the fumes. you probably I was going to say you probably smelled like Spike Devil cider. on Oh, my God. Especially because a spiced rum is like a very specific scent. You know, all from book club, the club. Wow. But but clear, but clear. I'll give you all the recipe.
Wow, that's wild. OK, well, ah beware if you are having a spike devil's cider night. um Also, OK, I've made this for two friends givings in a row. We have a friends giving every year um and I've made this spiked bourbon punch. It is. Everyone raves that every year. I have to post it. It is so delicious. It's so good. So I will.
I will post that whenever we post this episode. Okay, have a bonfire. Yes. Cute standard. Don't let your kids touch the fire. I was going to say this is why this is like adults only some, you know, we're kind of in the, um, okay. I have like go to a fall market or farmers market, which I know is also on our summer list or it was on my summer list, but you know, the things change in like different things are offered. Donuts like the show notes, they offer probably hot cider.
Yeah. bring Bring a sailor Jerry's, which, you um, yeah. Nothing like having a hot coffee and like strolling the vegetables. It's so fun. now Um, let's see. I mean, some of the other stuff on here is like decorate the house for fall, which we've been talking about like nonstop, honestly.
So the other stuff is like I see on here, like visit a corn maze, which like, I don't know where one of those is in Tampa. We have that at our pumpkin fall festival thing. Yeah. So all that is kind of, that's why I like going to that one because.
They have like a petting zoo. They have the corn maze, the hay ride. They have like hay bales that are like stacked to the sky that the kids can climb on top of. And I actually saw a kid take a tumble. Like that scared me. um He literally like teddy bear it off that thing. But sorry, that's not funny. I'm sorry. No, no, it was like, it is funny now, but like at the time grain was so little and I was like such an anxious mom. I was like, if that ever happened, degraded, I don't know what I would do. And like, so unrealistic. Now I'm like, ha, that sucks. Oh my God. That is funny. It's funny how you change your tune as they get older. real All right. Anything else you can think of? That's kind of everything I have. ah i There's more. I'll post the whole list, but some of it's like, you know,
and Yeah, I mean all of that's you just got to get all your your senses involved And I know we talked about this last fall, but you got to get your candles going Oh, of course your the sense in your home is what really like brings it all together um That your decor you get your sweaters on um God nothing better than literally A long-sleeve t-shirt and shorts to me like I could live in that forever, but Yeah, just looking forward to it. It's approaching quickly. It really is. um So we will post this um bucket list in our Facebook group. If you have anything to add, please, please do in the post in our Facebook group. Go in there. Add what you think needs to be added. And I can't wait to see all of I also like genuinely love seeing everyone's like fall family photos like at the pumpkin patch like
It's just so sweet. And so like, I think some of my favorite photos of me and Alice and Vinny like are from the pumpkin patch every year. So cute. So cute. Can't wait. Everyone send it in and pictures of like your decor on us, obviously.
I feel like I've asked for a lot of things in this episode. If you ah remind her about the college football clothing, if you have that, please send it in. Yep. um Pictures of your family, um pictures of your decor. Like we want it all. We want inspo. Literally. Send it all in. All right. Well, I love you guys. I love you.
Bye Thank you so much for being a part of our mom group chat new episodes drop every Tuesday And don't forget the group chat is blowing up on our Instagram page. So make sure you're following along over there Alright gotta go my toddler just put something in her mouth