EP 52: Building Your Baby Registry image

EP 52: Building Your Baby Registry

Mom Group Chat
1.3k Plays3 months ago

In this week's episode of Mom Group Chat, we're diving into the essentials of building your baby registry! Whether you're a first-time mom feeling overwhelmed by all the options or a seasoned parent looking to streamline your list, we've got you covered. We'll share our top must-haves, the items you can skip, and tips for making the most out of your registry experience. Tune in for practical advice, personal anecdotes, and a few laughs along the way as we help you create a registry that fits your family's unique needs.

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There's no right way to do it.
Oh, we're going to get into it. What up new moms? I'm Whitney Williams and I'm here with my best friend Candice and we're the mom group chat podcast. Congratulations. If you're you're a new mom, you did it. We're all moms here. You're doing it currently, not necessarily that you've done it. We have sex trophies. Crotch goblins. Welcome everybody. New and old. Uterus turds. Okay. Oh my god. I can't take credit for that one.
That is ah my friend Jackie calls them uterus turds lovingly. like Well, my my bestie in Rhode Island was the one that came up. Well, maybe it was one of her friends, but she's the one that said, hey, you got a sex trophy like we know you did it because you have at least one kid. And so now I have two. I'm like, hello, I got two trophies now. Like, let's go. It actually is funny to I mean, I am not shy about sex. We all know so like I'm not like it doesn't really freak me out but for but for people who are like really shy or like reserved about that kind of thing. It is kind of weird to think about that like when you have kids or if you're like
actively trying and you like kind of talk about it like oh yeah we're trying to have a baby it's like literally under the table saying like we're we're having lots of sex over here well i don't know when you think about it it's like everyone in the world does it and it's so weird if you sit down and think about it and you're like i can't you're like my coworkers What? I don't know. It's like it's going to sound so weird. And if I might cut this out, if it's too weird, but like, have you ever really sat down and thought about like a friend or like a family member or something like what they would be like having sex?
Yeah. And like, it's so strange to think about. Like, and and of course there are moments where I'm like, why am I doing that? Well, yeah. wait wait i mean There are like unconscious thoughts. You're like, huh? Yeah. Okay. Well, yeah. You'd be good. and there're I don't know. And then there are some people that in my head, I'm like, yeah, I could see they're probably good. And then yeah yeah there are other people in my head. I'm like, I I don't know what they're doing in there, but it's not good. It's not good. Which makes me curious, like, where do I fall? Don't tell me.
Okay, we know you're good, okay? That really was not me fishing for a compliment, genuinely, but it does make me aware that like some people have probably had that thought about me, and I'm like, oh wait, that makes me self-conscious all of a sudden. No, I've had that thought, and I'd say you're like one of the top three performers of my friends. Oh my god, in your imagination? Wow. yeah Yeah, that's what I think. Wow, what a compliment. I genuinely was not trying to fish for that in that moment, but I will take it. I feel like, I don't know, maybe it's just because you've talked about it, or I just know of your experiences. Whitney is watching me have sex, so I'm joking. Joking. I'm just like, you know, next morning heard about things, are ah but I don't know. I'm just like, oh yeah, she's probably like awesome. I'm assuming. I mean, I think you're good too, for sure.
You got moves. I feel like I feel like anyone maybe this is like not the a right correlation, but like I feel like anyone who has a little bit of rhythm and can dance already has like a couple points above other people. Yes, yes, yes. For sure. Anyone that can dance, you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, exactly. like If someone is really like awkward in movement and like not... and that's That's where you lose me in my imagination. I'm like, mm-hmm.
yeah That's when you're people watching at a wedding and you're like, ah, yikes. I don't know. I feel bad for her.
Oh my God. Candice and I were like talking before this. We're like, what little story should we tell today? And I was like, well, you did mention that you were going to like rag on me for something in our past. And she was like, I don't have anything. I go, well, I got 10 stories on you.
Well, I was thinking in my head, I'm like, what is my like embarrassing Whitney stories? But I think I already told it and is when you almost pooped off the boat. Like, that's all I got. That's not even that's not even embarrassing to me. That's just like every day of life in my life. Have you ever shit your pants? No, you know, I would tell you if I did, but I know you have. I know I have. haven't we all? No, I'm just just kidding. Actually, this is a very relatable, or I hope it's relatable. I don't know. When I, at the end of my pregnancy with Evie, maybe I said this to you and in a, I know I said it to my Q1 moms, but okay. Have you ever heard that like your bowels and stuff get looser when you get closer to labor? It's like your body getting
you getting ready for labor. And so i like a lot of it's a lot of the times like diarrhea or going to the bathroom more frequently is a sign that your body is like excavating like getting ready for labor. Okay. that This is not a full poop story. I just need to say, but towards the end of my pregnancy, you know, you're going to the doctor every week. And you know, you have to like pee in a cup and like whatever. I every time I like. <unk>t believe I believe I'm fucking saying this on this podcast. Every time I wiped at the end of my pregnancy, I had ah I had a poop smear on my toilet paper.
Like no matter what I did and I would use wipes and I would wipe and wipe and be like clean. I would end the bathroom clean. And I would, I need to, I need to note that this is not, I'm not talking about a poop smear like after I poop. It's like, no, I would just go pee and wipe myself. And i I literally texted my Q1 moms and I was like, is my butthole just like leaking poop all the time? And so a couple of them were like, no, that literally happens when your body is getting ready for labor. Like it will. Everything just gets loosey goosey down there. I don't know. It freaked me out, though. And then I felt dirty all the time and I wanted to shower like five times a day. I'm a clean person. OK, pregnancy just like does something to your body that like everything just gets a little.
Messy, I don't know. It made me think of the parks and rec. Have you seen that? I mean, shows slash tick tock. It's like a marker. Yeah, it's like I just wipe and wipe and and you can see Audrey like trying not to laugh in the background. And he's like, it's just poop and poop. And I wipe and wipe and it's um like a marker. So that's um one of my favorite like blooper reels. Like they had to shoot that so many times. It was so that one in the comeback story or whatever. Oh, my God. So funny. Well, today's episode is for the pregnant mama, so I'm so sorry if you have a leaky butthole and you're listening to this. Just knowing that you're not alone. Yeah, Candace did too. Damn, I really was hoping you were going to say you did too, just so I feel. I mean, sometimes it happens like.
I don't know, Chris, I'm happy. We're like, I didn't wipe good. Like, it's itchy. Yeah, yeah, totally. I'm happy to note that it's not still happening after pregnancy. So that's good. That's all that matters to me. Sure, it's not. Now you're just embarrassed. So you're covering it up. No, Whitney. You got poop. Oh, no, I really don't. Yeah, you do. I promise you got them doodoo streaks on your thong. I'm sorry. I'm just kidding. Everyone put what wipes in your registry. Yeah. Well, that's what today's episode is about. We are going to do an episode for the pregnant mamas, the new mamas about your baby registry, creating your baby registry, when you should do it, what you should put on it, which
That's a loaded question, a very subjective question. but um we I feel like the bulk of our episodes and content are for like people who are already mamas, but we know new people are getting pregnant every day. And we hope that every episode provides some sort of value, whether it's just a laugh about a poop smear or some real insight in teaching you something. But um we thought maybe we'd do a specific episode for the baby registry and, you know, creating all the good stuff. The baby registry for me, when you're pregnant, is like the most exciting thing ever in the world.
Like yeah you find out the gender and you're like, oh my God, let's go. And you do all this research, finding all the cute things and you get to find out your style that you're going to have with the baby. And it's like almost like you're playing with a little baby doll or something. And oh oh my God, it's just like the most fun thing ever to me to do. You know what I relate it to is like a Christmas list that you get to make for like months. Yes. so You know, when you were little and making your Christmas list was like the most exciting thing. I mean, this is going to age me here, but we used to get the big like catalogs from like Macy's. Toys R Us. um Yeah. Toys R Us or Nordstrom.
And I would literally gather all those catalogs and I would sit down and I would like flip through them and write down exactly what I wanted. This is like that for adulthood. Yes. Oh my gosh. Um, and I loved it. And it's like I said, so fun. Some people might not know their gender. Like my good friend that's having her baby in July is like doing a surprise gender and, um, just decorating nursery. Yeah. She's not, they're not finding out. Oh, I didn't know that. I know. I think it's a boy. Please be right. I just see them having so they're big skiers and I just see them like having a little boy and he's like skiing by the age one or something. Yeah, and that's so cool. A girl would to be badass, but um just because they are. But yeah, I feel like I'm just creating that. It it makes everything real.
that and like i agree and doing the nursery you're like oh my god this is actually freaking happening and yeah people are buying things for my baby all crazy i loved making my registry especially with alice like i feel like it's a little different with the second which we'll get to in a little i think but it was so fun and it really does open your eyes to all of the stuff that is available for kids or for babies. And I think that's like my first thing I want to talk about is like how overwhelming it can feel when you start to create it and where to start and what to look at and maybe even just like the places that are possible.
um So, I mean, I'm just going to dive in here. Obviously, we are big fans of Baby List. I used Baby List. Did you use Baby List? yeah And I love Baby List because you can link things from any website. It doesn't have to be like a specific store or a specific like place. I don't know. um So Baby List is great. i The other thing I love about Baby List is it takes a little bit of the overwhelm out of it because they they section everything by like type and it gives you like suggestions of like things you really need. It'll be like bottles, diapers,
like Noise machine like whatever and it needs sleep play Nursery like it's all good and then everything you would need within that list, but then you get to pick based on Your your yeah, whatever type so right like it'll show you all the different products under that like umbrella So it's so great because it you know, I just love checking off a checklist, you know, but so it kind of takes the overwhelm out of it and I feel like when we got married, maybe not you, but back when I got married, you had to do the individual stores. And so having something like this where it was all in one where you could do Target, you could find little niche clothing stores and put that on the registry. Like it just was so much fun. When I got married, we did use Zola for our registry, but oh yeah, you did. can't We can't link everything. Like you can't link anything to Zola. Like Zola does have partnerships with a lot of like bigger brands, but there were like random things that I wish we could have had on there. But yeah baby list is great about that. There's a browser button and this is not sponsored by baby lists. Like we do not have any affiliation with them other than we're fans. There's a browser button. It's funny. I'm looking at it in my browser right now. It says add to baby lists. You can be on any website and just click that browser button and it will add it to your registry and you can
like categorize it in your registry correctly so that you, when it does give you those categories, it like shows up correctly, which is very satisfying. Yeah. It makes everything so beautiful and pleasing to the eye. But yeah, I, I enjoyed doing both registries. Um, maybe because when I was like all blue and then next was all pink. So it was like, we, this is great. Yeah, I think that was that what what was different for me because I was having another girl. It was kind of like I don't have much to add here other than like I needed a new bathtub like we had tossed our other one like anything that got gross or like there also have been some advancements like a baby braza like that wasn't even around. I mean, maybe it was, but we didn't have that the first time around. That was my favorite. Y'all already know that was my favorite. Yeah, I mean.
That is my number one thing that you should add onto your registry I think a lot of people go into it only thinking about like breastfeeding stuff because it's kind of what's like shoved down your throat of like Breastfeed, but I gotta get your pump. Yeah, I would say I to go ahead and put the Brezza on your registry because Baby List or any, a lot of places, Amazon, whatever sells it, they're pretty good with returns. If for some reason your baby comes out and is a barracuda baby and is so good at breastfeeding, like you probably could return it and you know exchange it for something else. But I feel like the likelihood of
You supplementing with formula is a lot higher than a lot of people would think. So you probably will end up using it. Yeah. I think I was scared. It was around for the first kid because I remember Barb and Andrew had it and I was like, Oh, and they were like, it's amazing. Blah, blah, blah. And I remember being scared to put it on my registry the first time because it is what I consider a big ticket item. It was expensive. And I was like, I don't want to add another thing on top of like the other things I know I need. Like big ticket items being strollers, stroller, car seat.
bassinet, the mattress for your crib, maybe even putting the crib on there. Like I know I needed those things. so I was like, Oh my God, am I going to put another $250 machine on there? I don't even know if I'm going to use it. I don't know my journey. Having it this time, the second time was good because I, that was my big ticket item. Like I already had everything else. So it was like, yeah, I want this life changing thing. And guess what? It was life changing. because your baby doesn't have to sit there and wait for bottles to warm up. It was, bam, it ready in two seconds. It is as life changing as Whitney says. It really is. And no, you're so right about the big ticket items. That's probably why I didn't put it on there either. like I was so concerned about like getting the monitor and getting the stroller. Yeah, the monitor is another big thing. They're yeah expensive and you're just like, look, I expensive i know I need these things. like
ah I got to pick and choose here and I'll get it myself if I if I really need it but I really just sucked it up the whole first year because you know babies. really only do formula for a year, maybe plus two months or so. um And then they switched to whole milk, but man, I'm so glad I had it this time. I think that one of the other great things about Baby List that a lot of other places don't offer is the ability to do like a group item.
So yeah those bigger ticket items, I mean, like my up a baby stroller thing, I got, I had the one that came with the bassinet and the car seat. Like it was a bundle. It was like $1,300. It was fricking expensive. And I do love that stroller actually. That is still what we use the most to this day. And we use it as a double. It's a workhorse and a Cadillac, but it, I don't use it anymore at all. I'm like the opposite. That's so funny. That's, what that's what everyone says. A lot of people say they don't use it like that. That it's huge.
I just love all of- It's because you don't have anything else, I bet. Yeah, I know. I really do want it to know me. Once you switch to a travel stroller, you're like, what the heck? Was that pushing around this 800-pound stroller? So it is so big. It really is. I love all the storage in it, though. Like, I kind of like having all of my things, you know, your storage and other ones that exist. I mean, I'll be a convert. No, no, no. I probably will be. And Zoe Stroller is definitely on the horizon. As soon as Evie gets old enough, we're probably going to get a Zoe double. That's what we got when we went to Rhode Island. Yep.
I love it. In fact, looking back, I should have put that on my registry for Eevee. I just thought we were going to use the UPPA baby, which we are and it's fine, but I don't know. But yeah, sorry. Back to the group items. It allows people like if it marks an item as must have and people can like gift money towards an item. So for example, like that stroller was thirteen hundred dollars, but people can gift $100, $200 or whatever, and you'll get and a bigger ticket item without someone having to shell out like $1,300 for you, which I think is really nice. Yeah, so nice. um I had my friends in Rhode Island did that for um God, what's it freaking called that they eat in?
High chair. High chair. Whoo. Yeah. Whoo. Yeah, that they all went in on the high chair through Baby List, which was so nice. So that's another big ticket item potentially. I know. Which I hate mine, but. Oh, do you do this? Trip trap. Mm hmm. I have the Stoke trip trap. um It's whatever. Don't I like mine a lot. I have that. I have this Stoke click. The other one. I'm going to be probably.
switching her sooner to the table and chairs because I just kept grading in the high chair for a long time because I didn't know any different. But now that I have a ah table and chairs and they switch them in daycare like pretty quickly, I'll probably just get rid of it as soon as possible. So. That makes sense. Yeah, I probably will. I mean, yeah, if he's not even there yet, she's not even in a high chair. So I do have a whole new one, though, for her that someone did gift me. Yeah, so if you're thinking about the categories and how you were talking about how overwhelming things are, like when you're a first time mom, you're like, okay, bottles, cool. Okay, there's 10 different kinds of bottles. Oh my God. And then you're like, well, what if they do well with this bottle or don't do well with this bottle? And then you're testing out all kinds of different ones. So,
I really had to reach out a lot like word of mouth from other moms and I'm like, so what did you use? And really it was like maybe asking one or two people just because it was so overwhelming. I had a really good friend in Rhode Island because I was living there at the time. She, she just handed over a list of things that worked well for her. So I was like, thank you so much. Like that was the best gift you could ever give me. Um, she basically built out the registry for me and was like, Dr. Brown is what I use. So I was like, cool. I'll just go with Dr. Brown. yeahp Um, and things like that. And then you can kind of get niche with like, Oh, I'll pick pretty burp cloths or whatever. So, but yeah, everything can be so overwhelming. I'd say like feeding.
You need the bottles, the burp cross, the high chair. Yeah. It is one of those things where I think we've talked about this before and it is that you really sometimes don't know what is going to work and what is going to, or what your baby's going to prefer until they are here. So especially with things like bottles, like it's really dependent on like their latch and like, I, I don't know. I highly recommend, I think this is what I did. We bought the, or um I put the bottle sampler that Babyless has on my ah registry. And I think one pack of, like small pack of but Dr. Brown's bottles. I went with Dr. Brown. That is, and honestly, it's just one of those things that I was familiar with them. I knew Whitney used them.
And the baby that I nannied for, she used Dr. Brown's bottles. So I like i i was like, they feel like home to me. I know what they are. I know, you know, I know how they work like, but it's kind of hard to say what your baby's going to like. So that's why it's so like, it's so hard. There are so many things I got off of my registry that I ended up returning or didn't use. Um, and I think I'll get into specifics of those later, but it is so hard to know like what your baby is going to prefer. I didn't know that you had to switch nipple sizes.
Graydon was like, Graydon was like seven months old and I was like, he's not finishing his bottle or he's like being so weird about it and crying and frustrated. And my mom was like, well, did you switch the nipple? And I was like, excuse me, what? Who? What do you mean? And I was like two months behind on switching. i I had to skip over the size two nipple, went straight to three. He was fine. And I'm like, okay. Had no idea. Oh my God. He was probably sucking so fast. He was probably like.
like trying so hard to get it out. Oh, my God. Yeah. honey Yeah. I had no idea. So that's that's a good hot tip, honestly, is to whatever bottles you think you're going to use, if you have like already decided, add some extra nipples like in different sizes on your tier registry um because they do go up in size. Yeah. Had no idea. ah Yeah. Same thing with sleep sacks. Like, oh my gosh, overwhelming. And, you know, I thought I was going to be like, miss mom and wrap my baby in a swaddle and all this. Hell no. I got the Velcro halo sleep sack. I was like, game changer. Thank you.
Oh, my gosh, I am a huge Velcro ah swaddle girl. I tried all of the regular rap ones, the like they just still get out of it. They still get out of it. I know Shannon loved um the. Oh, my God. Ali was. Maybe. Oh, I think it is. I think it is. She loves that Ollie swaddle. She gifted me to those and those are good too. But I just love the actually my favorite brand I think is called Swaddle Me. Oh yeah, I like that one too. Swaddles. um Highly recommend those.
I would say my advice is to put like one version, like one thing of each version. Like if you're doing swaddles, maybe do like a pack of regular swaddles, one Velcro swaddle, one like, I don't know if there's another one sleep sack, whatever, because then you can kind of test it out. Like I, I wish Um, Alice liked her hands up. I wished I had added some different options of like the swaddles that allow her hands to be like up. Great. Yeah. Great. in And Maro liked the swaddle me ones that did that as well. That's all they liked. So yeah.
And it's so easy when you're making this registry to only think about, uh, like newborn to think about when they're super baby. But my advice to you is to like, think a little bit further. Cause I think that's what happened to me with Alice. Like I had so much stuff for like till six months. And then after that, I was like, Oh wait, I need actually like a lot of stuff. I need new swaddles, new bigger swaddles. I need, you know, cups. I need plates. I need things that they needed when they were older. And I wish I would have had like the site to like order things for when they are older. So when do you start your registry? Let's talk about that. I think this is a different journey for everyone.
I feel like some people like really wait until that 12, 13, 15 week mark. If you're like me and super fucking excited, I feel like as soon as I found out my registry, I had a baby list account like the next day. Like I was so excited to create this registry. So I don't know, when did you create yours? Do you remember? ah Probably as soon as possible as well. And then like I can't remember. may It was probably after I got that list of things from my friend, to be honest, which was like maybe in like May, I got pregnant in January. So I waited a while, I bet. Oh, wow. OK. Well, now I'm lying. I'm I bet I created it early and added like
boy clothes to it, and then it's like I got that list from her and then added the little nuances that you need, like the bottles, blah, blah, blah, blah. So yeah. With Margo, it was like right away just because I already knew what I needed and I just threw some pink shit at it. So yeah. Well, the girl stuff is so fun. I mean, I'm a girl mom, so I don't know. I'm just always like girl stuff. Yay. But it was great because I like blues, my favorite color. So I really got into grading stuff, too. It was a little hard. I remember.
looking at boy versus girl stuff. And I had to stop because I was disappointed. And I was like, this is like the boy options. Like I remember seeing lots of dinosaur stuff, trucks. And I thought, no, like I'm having a little baby. Like I want them to have cutesy little blue gingham. Right. stuff and it was forcing me to think of him as a toddler. And I was like, I'm not there yet. Like yeah I want this little cute baby blue thing. Now I totally get it because he is into dinosaurs and trucks. And like, I'm so into that for him. But at the time I thought, oh, girls have pink bows and ribbons and scalloped edges. And I was like, what the
fuck I was so na sad. i I totally could see that. I feel like I would be the same way, but you just have to dig a little more for boys, boy stuff like I found it. I just had to look a little further than Target and Old Navy and, you know, the yeah the easy basic stop stops. I was like, OK, now. And so it taught me to like really lean into like stitchy fish and like the smock flamingo like things like that were You have to dig a little deeper, um but I found it, so it made it just as fun. Well, I know that, okay, I don't know if you've noticed this. This is probably just what your personal Instagram is like too, Whitney, but on our mom group chat Instagram, which obviously we're both logged into, like all of the ads on that Instagram are like the cutest baby boutiques that I have never seen, ever.
It's probably me it 100% is like I'm like it's very much like your Style of stuff too and I'm like, oh this is like targeted towards Whitney literally he but it's so Yeah, cute yeah well whenever I get on it and I see things I'm like, oh this is Candace's stuff it's Oh Interesting. Yeah, I'm seeing stuff from you where it's like people that I I don't follow and I'm like, who is that? Or I don't know. It's just like little random things like that. That's so funny. I get a lot of like Tampa restaurant recommendations. Oh, so funny.
The algorithm is probably super confused. It's probably like, wait a second. We live in Nashville. Oh, wait, you live in Tampa? Where do you live? Yeah. Um, the other thing I was going to say, and this kind of goes back to like style of clothing and like choosing your style on your registry. I think this is one of the hardest parts of, I don't know, shopping for a new baby and just like baby showers and people purchasing for you in general, like.
Whitney was at my baby shower. i mean I don't think anyone in their life has gotten more gifts than I got for Alice. like It was unreal. and I would say less than half of that stuff was on my registry. like So many clothes of things and things I would not pick out you know myself necessarily. and I really tried with my registry to mark the bigger, like more general things as must have. Like we talked about those bigger ticket items. I really wanted to choose the clothes myself. And it's so hard because that's what everyone wants to buy for you. That is so true. Like that is the one you're like, let me choose my baby's style. Cause it's just so.
It's personal. It is very personal. That's the word. It's so personal. And it's like, I don't want to put my daughter in my little princess, my daddy's little princess outfit. Like, you know, I'm sorry for anyone that wears that, but like, that's just not me. And I don't know. It's like when you get that stuff, you're like, okay, Doki. Uh, that's Even now no yeah even now like that Alice is older, she has started to have like character preferences. like She's really into Ariel and like the princesses and Frozen. and ah We also went through a PAW Patrol phase that thank God has like ended a little bit because if I hear that PAW Patrol,
theme one more time. I'm going to blow my, I'm going to blow my brains out. I really am. But, uh, even now, and so like she will throw a fit unless I put her little frozen character dress on. And I'm like, I really didn't want you to wear this on your first day of school. Like you're supposed to look cute. I have an outfit picked out for you. And sometimes it's fine and we can work through it, but other times I'm just like, I don't have the energy to fight you on this right now. So sure. I'll put you in this stupid character thing. And then I'm walking around thinking like all these people think I'm that stupid character mom when I'm not really, but my child won't let me put anything else on her. So I'm just, it's a struggle, but I,
For any, my advice was like any of the older people that were like attending my baby shower, when I would send them my registry, like I kind of knew that like I wasn't going to be able to control like the older generations from me. Like my grandma, my Ouela, like everyone is going to buy what they want to buy for the baby, but I would try to I feel like all of my friends that are my age are were really great about texting me and asking me, like, what do you really want or what do you really need? And it was honestly like I was always honest with them to be like, oh, I really love this sheet from. Misanet or whatever that store is, I remember, or like.
ah or i I specifically remember that sheet because it went on sale and I was like, Candice, you have to buy it right now. I think I did end up buying it myself. You did because it was from Biscuit Home, which is such a cute booty. It was so cute. I still have, yeah. um Or I would be like, listen, I really would just love a baby list gift card or a Target gift card or something. And most of the time, the girls my age were like, great, that's what I'll get you. um And that's why I always like to text people and ask what they would really like, or is there anything on your register you haven't gotten yet that you really want or you really need?
And people are always being like, like, I just did this with Caitlin and she was like, yeah, we haven't gotten our, uh, baby monitor yet and I was like, great, amazing. So I don't know. I think it's worth trying to direct the people you can direct to certain items or like a certain way. I feel like the older generation, like either thinks that's rude or they're just not very receptive of that kind of thing. I feel like the way that I started my registry was referencing other people's. Did you do that? Yeah, for sure.
Like I asked you and Shannon and I, anyone who was willing to share it with me, I like used it as a reference of like, okay, here's what they have on here. Oh, or like, I would see something on yours, like washcloth and like, Oh, I didn't even think about that. Like I need to add those. So. If you have friends that are above you, or honestly, ask in our mom group chat Facebook group, like I bet so many people are willing to share their registries or they you know share you share what you've made already and people will look through it and be like, yeah, I think you need a bathtub. Or why do I always say bath stuff? I don't know. but Didn't you say when you were pregnant, you were like, I want to do this on the side, like create people's lists for them. I did say that. Yeah, I did say that. I loved making my registry so much that I had said I wish I could have a service where people could come to me and be like, listen, I'm having a baby boy. Here's my style. Here's what his nursery like, here's what I'm thinking for his nursery. And I could create people a registry. And then, of course, from there, they can edit and remove things or add things. But I was like, that sounds
It does sound fun. It's like basically like shopping, but like. Yeah. That sounds so fun to me. And just putting all the basics in there and then that way some people just get overwhelmed with it. But if you have a mom that's already had experience, like here's what worked for me. Here you go. Hand it over. Then they can put their little specifics. specifics specifics in there. I did this, I did it for Cassie in my, my bestie in Nashville. She was just like, I i said, give me your password. and I'm going to help you. So I just built it for her and then she took it from there and it was fun.
I will say the another thing that I wish I had thought ahead on is the weather and like the seasons. This is something that you get when you are newly pregnant and you're shopping. It's easy to like look at the like little dresses or rompers or tank tops, or maybe your baby's born in the winter and you don't even think about swimsuits or like hot weather things. um That is a tip to really think ahead about the seasons. How old are they going to be when it's hot? How old are they going to be when it's cold? like Make sure that you add sizes to your registry that correlate with the seasons.
And then if you're, if you're like me and live in a hot weather climate, like stroller fans, maybe like a beach tent, like that was something I got that I loved and we use all the time. Um, so it's good to like, think about those random things and the future seasons. I will say I jumped the gun on that with Margo. And she's so much bigger. Like I last year bought all these cute swimsuits for her and I got 12 months knowing she would only be nine months in the summer because, you know, bathing suits run small. Oh, my God. She is in size 18 to 24. So she is way bigger than I expected her to be. So I had to give all my bathing suits to Cassie. I was like, well, you're welcome. So yeah. Oh, my gosh.
I will say yeah mine, though. Yeah, I guess. But at least put one on there or something so that you're usually safe within the first year, like get some six months to nine months. But like pajamas is is. Yeah. Pajamas is a big one. Yeah. Like those types of things and maybe a coat. But man, was I wrong? So Margot has been in her Fourth of July stuff since Easter. Dude, I posted a picture of her and like I bought one of those Beaufort bonnet outfits. yeah you know Those are so nice. and I had to put her summer outfit on her in February because she was already fitting in it. and I was like, well, that's summer here in the Williams household. um She's already in her little cute bubble.
So beware.
but yeah um it It is an exciting time. It really like, I don't know. It becomes real, um like we said, and and just have fun with it. It's probably one of the more fun things you get to do. And, you know, pregnancy can be long. And you can feel like crap, but it is one of the biggest joys I think of being a pregnant person is building your registry. It just creates all the excitement around your new baby bundle. So yeah. Yeah. Have fun with it. If.
lean on other moms, we'll make a post in our Facebook group and we'll include like our registry must have type things and um feel free to ask the moms in our group what they liked or drop a registry and a post and other moms can chime in about what you're missing or what you need. um And you'll be golden, honestly. Yeah. Have so much fun. All right. Well, I feel like this episode was a full baby list ad. We honestly, she should be paid. Um, so baby list, if you're listening to this, I'll send you my address for a check. Well, I love you. All right. Love you. Congratulations again to all of you. Mama's listening and we'll see you soon. Happy shopping.
Thank you so much for being a part of our mom group chat. New episodes drop every Tuesday. And don't forget, the group chat is blowing up on our Instagram page. So make sure you're following along over there. All right, gotta to go. My toddler just put something in her mouth.