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Wildebeest Man and the Sociopathic Stern Clam image

Wildebeest Man and the Sociopathic Stern Clam

S2 E10 ยท On Second Watch
356 Plays1 year ago

The hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. Join us as we look back on the classic 1989 superhero film, Batman.

Our original review can be found here:


Movie featured in today's Plot Summary Mad Libs: Batman

  • 1989 Superhero film
  • Directed by Tim Burton
  • Screenplay by Sam Hamm and Warren Skaaren
  • Music by Danny Elfman and Prince (RIP)
  • Starring Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson, Kim Basinger, and Billie Dee Williams
  • Budget of $40mil, made roughly $411mil in the box office
  • Currently a 7.5 on IMDb

Introduction to Season 2 and Mad Libs Game

from the award-winning second highest rated podcast in the world according to some guy named Phil making your grandmother blush since 2020 and on second watch production you're now listening to season two let's make a movie a plot summary Mad Libs podcast let's have some fun with Nikki as our guest so let's see how this works out we have six people and we're gonna play some Mad Libs
And I have a handy dandy Excel document now. It's going to auto-populate this thing. So let's see if it works. It's going to iterate over it. Shut up. Oh no. That one was kind of deliberate. Yes, it was. All right. So Nikki,

Setting the Stage: Picking Numbers and Game Start

since you are our guest, you get to choose a number one through six to place your name first. Um, four. Let's go with Carrie since she's always
It doesn't matter. Honestly, I'm just going to pick the wrong number. Uh, two. All right. Um, let's go to Dana. Three. And Chris. Dana stole my number. So, uh... I'm sorry. Five. Spaz. Sixer.
Did I hear a niner in there? It was courtless. All right. I need the name of a city. Flint. Sure. Let's go with an adjective. Sneaky. I need two things. Two nouns? Yeah, that are like objects. Okay. Remote.
Racket. Like a tennis racket, yes. Like a tennis racket, yes. It's funny because when you said remote, I was thinking like far away, not like a remote control. There's one on my desk, so I was like, oh, whoa. It's funny. All right, let's go with another adjective. Zippy. A verb. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Eh, it can be. Just let them, okay. Sure. A verb. Harass.
Alright. I need an adjective again. Magnificent. Ooh, that's a good one. An

Adding Humor with Adjectives and Nouns

animal. Wildebeest. Yes. Yes. Yes. That was quick. That was awesome. And a body part. Toe. Yep, that's what I was just saying. As long as you didn't say Wildebeest again, I'm okay.
What kind of part is that? I'm not talking about it. All right. Two adjectives. Red. Dull. And two verbs. I want Carrie to say something. She's been awfully quiet. I know I'm muting myself so I stopped talking. I'm having one of these moments where I'm like, Oh my God, what is a verb? Like legitimately that's how tired I am.

The Verb Struggle and Laughter

Oh my gosh. Swat. Swat. Okay.
Okay, we'll give Spass SWAT, Carrie. Another verb. Ignite. Nice. You pondered that one, didn't you? No. She googled it real quick. No. Give me verbs. Ignite, perfect. Example verb. Yeah, ignite, perfect, take it. All right. Another animal, please. Squirrel.
I like it. Common, yet different. And adjective again? Round. You're thinking about fat little squirrels at Camp Round. Yes, absolutely. Little college campus squirrels. So a ton, they can't even move. Eating breadsticks. Yup. Grab some pizza. They're so cute.
And they're not shy, because everyone feeds them. A little fluffy tails. That's the only reason they're cute, the fluffy tail. Sorry, had to be said. Probably. It's cute when they eat food. They're just a little... Yeah. It's a bit better when they chew my cable line to my house. Yeah, perfect. Wrinkle.
Announced. Is that a noun? That is a noun. I guess it is. I like how Spaz is picking the multi-use words today. I'm just throwing words on. I don't even know if it's an outration. Let's just do this. He has a list of words that are multi-use so we can't get a wrong answer.
see math english math english uh religion all that stuff it would never my good subjects nothing you mean life that's why i hate it that's right music class was good for you no wasn't i failed music class
You can't fail music class. No. You can't if you make the music teacher cry. No, you can't. You can't fail music class because our music teachers always quit halfway through the semester so they never quit. Who do you think made them quit? Me.
They're just like, this child is unable to be taught. I was a terrible fucking student. I made everybody quit in. Just play the goddamn recorder. Art. Drop those sick beats. I didn't take that because I don't know how to draw. I don't even know how to do a stick figure. But art is all subjective, so can't fail. Dance work is just abstract. Pretty much if I couldn't copy off somebody, I didn't take the class. Can I copy your art?

Art Class Anecdotes and School Memories

I can. Yep.
Alright. Actually, if you could copy someone's art, then you would be a great artist, right? Sorry, I didn't cross. I would be a great artist, yes. You ready for this verb, Tim? Enumerate.
I hate everything about that. You're getting this put back in your face. What? Enumerate? What the fuck is that? I mean, is that a word? It means to iterate over. It could be iterate to whatever you want. It's iterate. Is iterate a word? Yes. Jesus Christ. I Google it enumerate and iterate.
No. Adjective. Nah, it's too much. Honey and I don't know how to sput later, right? Ambicious. Fuzz? Fuzz? Okay. I couldn't get it out. Suck ass. What? Um, verb. Um, I'm, I'm spent, so. Spent? Trip. Trip. Or spend. Either or. Is that, is that a verb? Oh my god. Uh, Spaz, here's a one for you. I need another animal.
Don't put them on a spot like that. A koala bear. All right. Sure. I like animals. They're so much better than people. They don't talk. Yeah. Fuck you, Tim. Run a podcast, dude. Fuck you, Tim. Noun. Stern clam.
Dude, I'm telling you, dude, you guys gotta watch it. It's really good. Why, so we love about stir clams? They don't catch clams, they catch tuna.
Also there's more than one kind of clam. What? If you're not catching a stern or eating a stern clam, don't do it. I don't like to be that stern. Maybe I want funny clams. Slightly amused clam. Damn it. That's right. You use that bitch. I don't know if I want it. I want to know where you found stern clam. That's what I'm confused about. All right. All right. I don't need his Google history. Verb.
Yeah. Watch. Oh, sorry. Would you say Chris? Go with Chris. No, I didn't have anything else. I stumbled over it. Okay. Stumble. There's another one. Here's one not for spaz. I need a liquid. Ooh, I got one. No, you don't. Sperm. Oh, come on. You added to it. Actually, sperm are not a liquid, just to be clear.
I know it's not a liquid, Gary. I don't know if you did, so I just want to make sure. You take that doctorate and you stay over there. I know it's not a liquid. I'm just making a funny beer. I also sat next to you in a health class and know that you weren't paying attention, so I'm a little concerned. Which one is the humorous?

Mad Libs Madness and Side Comments

It's in your arm, man. God damn it.
I fucking hate you I'm not the one that starts this I just finish it. I need another body part boner
No! It's the penis. Dana's got something to say. Did we come up with a real liquid? I put beer. I said isopropyl alcohol. Okay. Purple drink. Oh man, they gotta get that scissor. I'm changing the purple drink. Leech, because that's what I get to drink right now. Well, that's better than what I was gonna give you, so... Dana, give us a body part. Dana, what's your liquid, by the way?
Uh, chlorophyll? Dude, go with that. Go with that. Yes, please change that. Go with that. Dana, you're awesome. That was fantastic. Ah, the old nighty-night juice. Yes. That's chloroform, Chris. Yeah. Either tomato or tomato.
Chlorophyll is a fighter. I know. More like Borophyll. That's all I could think of. Thank you. I can't get it out of my head. I honestly mis-sook that. Yeah, Chlorophyll's the plants, though. I thought she said chloroform. I was like, this is getting dark and hilarious. Oh my god, I almost died there, Tim. Thank you. I've changed it to chloroform. That's the last time I'm changing it. Yes. Thank you.
My god that was a group effort I'm like I'm not gonna say it all I can think of is Billy Madison Please please get a body part up in this bitch
I heard thigh and groin. Yeah, the pelvic region apparently is always pelvis. Yeah, it's the new rage right now. Yeah. Oh, wow. I don't know. What are we all five? Cocksick. How's that? That's the butt bone. Yeah, that's your butt bone. Thank you, Chris.
I remember my anatomy physiology. Yeah, because you were like, haha, boobs. I didn't enjoy that part. Yeah, I know. I took the class with you. I know. Dude, I took it in college too, asshole. He had adult crayons that time.
I'm just imagining Dan in my class as I'm lecturing about this and I don't know if I could keep a straight face. You couldn't carry, I would be fucking with you the entire time. Oh my god. They're coloring the shit out of his diagrams with his adult crayons. Dude, those crayons, it wasn't the 15 box, it was like the 30 box. I had a whole lot of crayons to work with, it was awesome.
Was this, did you get to label the seminiferous tubes? Did you get to label everything? Oh, I labeled everything. I colored everything. It was beautiful. Lovely. Only reason why I got a D. You got a D all right.
I could do this from a movie or something, right? Where they do it multiple times. I can hear it, Carrie. I hear it. Oh, God. I am going to isolate that audio. Turn it into a sound, like a sound, but you can repeat. And like, map it to a key. So when we need an air horn, we just get Donald Duck. You're welcome. That was awesome, Carrie. Thank you. You're welcome. You're amazing.
You have no idea.
All right, last one, a verb. Cry. Chuckle. Ooh. Ooh, I like that. Chuckle's good. Cry is good. Ah, Chuckle's better. Go with Chuckle. Ah, the old laugh cry. Cry is bad. There we go. All right, are we ready for this? No. I'm not. I am not. No, no. This was off the rails. Tim, give me a second. I got a bathroom.
Oh, what all means? Nah, this spear is running through me. Something fierce, dude. Speakin' of anatomy. I'm gonna leave that one alone. Just go. Just go, Dan. Go do your business. Jesus Christ. Don't hurt yourself. Let's take a moment to hear from our sponsors. We've been blacklisted. What? Yeah, yeah.
It's too late for this.
I hurt on the inside. I'm so hungry. You can totally eat. No, I can't crunch into the microphone. This is Carrie's M.O. She like waits and waits and waits and then she gets like borderline angry. Oh, yeah. I'm like, I'm kidding. I legit just ate some pizza, guys. Did you hear it? No. I was like, my kids left over crust. I'm like, this is good shit.
I know this is not going to waste I'm buying these fruit snacks for the kids I swear to God
Pirate booty is for the kids, duh. Right. Pirate booty is like a national treasure. That shit's delicious. So my daughter is so smart. She's like, she just calls it Cheetos. And it wasn't until she said that that I was like, oh my God, that's why I like them so much. You're right. It's just Cheetos. It's white cheddar Cheetos. It is. But somehow, whatever they use to make the Cheeto is slightly different than Cheetos and it makes it so much different.
It's so much better, though. Yes. And I really hate that you can only find it in Costco. In the most giant bags ever. I actually saw it recently. I take that back. I saw it at Kroger, but it was so highly marked up. I was like, you know. Cool. Wow. Right in my fucking ear. I don't think we need another. Yeah, seriously. That's awesome, though. Well, that's a triple IPA right for you. Crazy. We were all curious.
It sounded like an IPA from over here. It's from Alaska. Oh. Where they catch tuna. There's a tuna in Alaska. Yeah. Anus. Not yet.

Crafting the Mad Libs Story: Wildebeest Man's Tale

The water's too cold. I'm going to watch the tuna. I'm going to watch wicket tuna, Alaska edition. They catch all crabs up there. Not stirring clams.
No, no, no, no. No, no, no, Klaios is too cold water up there, man. I have a little warmer cold. I'm not, I'm not a nerd. I don't do nerd things. Proceeds to explain that like, yeah, the climate conditions of different, not like aquatic life. That's literally my job, so. It's not my fault that I go to aquariums, you anus. How do you like, just like a- I like animals. Again, they don't talk.
So Tim, why don't you... Why don't we... Why don't we just try to have bad lips. Yeah, I'm gonna try to read this one back now. Yeah. Oh, wait. I thought you did that when I was peeing. No, you have to be here for this. It's a group effort, Spaz. I was part of it. We created this shit. You must lay in this bed. I don't want to. We dug this grave. Let's all play in it. Let's go back to whatever we did before bad lips. But I didn't have to choose boards.
I'm just gonna say over under. Over under. I like Madlibs like tenfold. Yeah, I do too because I spend eight hours less time putting it together. I don't have to research shit. And it gets real weird. I have to research words. You literally just say boner. How hard is it to figure out? You say dirty words for your downstairs mix up. It's a different thing every time.
Alright, here we go. The city of Flint is in turmoil as sneaky criminals are stealing remotes and selling tennis rackets.
fucking assholes. The Zippy Commissioner Tim is tasked by the mayor to harass the city. However, there is a magnificent vigilante called Wildebeest Man. Dana, did we lose you?
Who? Dana. Oh, she laughs so hard she left. Dana! No! Oh, hey, wait. Aww. I still hear her. Her headset, I think, just died. I'm back now. My headset came back. Alright. That happens every time we record. Fuck your headset, Dana. I like Tim. He bought it. Oh, anyway. Oh, fuck you, Tim. Cool.
I think Vinny missed the line, so however, there is a magnificent vigilante called Wildebeest Man that is taking matters into their own toes. Oh god. Ew. Ah. Toe Germaner, alright. There's a throwback for you. I got that reference. Yay, second video games! Yeah!
Red reporter Carrie and doll photojournalist Dana are on the hunt to learn more about this masked vigilante, though Carrie is more interested in swatting with Dana. They both attend a fundraiser called Ignite the Squirrel.
Isn't that just called a barbecue? Oh, no. Yes. Yes. That is so fluffy. Hosted. Not as bad as that. Okay, dinosaurs, the ice age. Oh, no. Oh, no. Hosted by round wrinkle billionaire Nikki. Oh, God. Who is secretly wildebeest man? Oh, no.
Where'd it go, Nicky? You were the Beastman. Nicky is immediately enumerated by Dana, leading Chris, who is Nicky's ambitious butler who tripped him since he was a child, to encourage their relationship to make Nicky more koala bear-like. Yes! Yes! They grow up so fast, pushes kid.
I don't know what it is. I like it. Oh, here we go, Spaz. Oh. Meanwhile, the sociopathic stern clam Spaz. Oh, wow, that fits perfectly. It does. That sounds creepy. Is watching the city after surviving a tragic accident, where he fell into a vat of chloroform, permanently disfiguring his coccyx. Yes! It's totally chicks out. Got a tail.
I like it. I like it. Now known as the Joker, Spaz plans to chuckle every citizen of Flint, and only wildebeest beastman Nicky can stop them. Kiss my ass Nicky, you ain't gonna stop me. Watch me. You got nothing, wildebeest man. Wildebeest killed Mufasa, okay? I think I can handle you. That's right, my kakshika is falling asleep right now.
don't mind me i'm just over here tripping children i'm just trying to hook up with data so that's good you know what that's kind of hot ew and now it's mine yep did i take it too far yeah sorry yeah about an hour before we started this recording you're welcome