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A Support Group for "Can't Get a Boner" image

A Support Group for "Can't Get a Boner"

S2 E6 ยท On Second Watch
148 Plays1 year ago

Every time I think about 1999's Fight Club, I am reminded of the late Meat Loaf about how he almost ran me and Derek over in a motorized cart at the Motor City Comic Con. Well, that and our Plot Summary Mad Libs where I got a new nickname.

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Movie featured in today's Plot Summary Mad Libs: Fight Club

  • 1999 American Drama
  • Novel Written by Chuck Palahniuk
  • Screenplay by Jim Uhls
  • Directed by David Fincher
  • Starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Helena Bonham Carter, the Bat out of Hell himself, Meat Loaf, and surprisingly Jared Leto, which makes this the second time we're reviewing a movie I completely forgot he was in
  • Budget of $63mil, made over $100mil in the box office
  • Currently an 8.8 on IMDb

Podcast Introduction

from the award winning second highest rated podcast in the world. According to some guy named Phil making your grandmother blush since 2020 and on second watch production. You're now listening to season two.

Concept of Mad Libs Plot Summary

Let's make a movie a plot summary Mad Libs podcast. I created ourselves a little plot summary Mad Libs that we're going to run through here. I wrote it myself again, just like jingle all the way. So
bear with me to brush ourselves off here.

Role Selection for Summary

So to start, I decided I'm going to have you guys select a random number, just a random order of the numbers one through five. I'm not having you pick the names. I already picked the names and assigned a number to them. How you picked your numbers is going to be how I place each of us into this summary. So just start spouting out some numbers and we'll see where this lands. Four. All right. Two. Three.
I heard two first, so four, two, three. I guess I get one. And five. Five, yeah. There you go. All right. So that, oh boy. All right. So, let's kick us off here.

Filling Mad Libs with Humor

So I need a job title. Garbage truck. We already did that, dude. It's been too long, I don't remember it. Scientists there. Scientist. How about a company name? Datacore.
That of course, that's fine. Yeah. Let's go with an adjective used to describe somebody. It's very specific. Vayne. All right. What is an issue somebody might have? Like a general? Yeah, just a general. Could be anything. Can't get a boulder. No, it's got a spin. Cool. Impedance. Neat. Next.
No, it's called can't get a boner club. Oh, he's suffering from can't get a boneritis. That was terrible. It's the worst. I feel like I'm watching one of those commercials like in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday when you're in the middle of watching like a rerun of like Colombo. Do you suffer from can't get a boneritis? Do you have trouble performing? Boy, do we have news for you.
That's a scientific term right there. Yeah, buddy All right, let's go with a descriptive noun or just an a noun to describe somebody is fine pervert
Can't get a boneritis pervert.

More Wacky Inputs

A method of transportation. Wagged. Like it. That radio flyer going. Awesome. Yeah. Let's go with another job title. Mime.
Yes. This is perfect. This is amazing. I can't get a arthritis. That mind's gonna be mine real hard. Well, no, not really. Nevermind. Yeah. It's gonna be a lot. It's so soft. Like a Nimbus cloud. How about a hobby?
I'm so terrified to answer this. Right? I just went for spaz, and then said the vulgar. Badminton. Oh, I was going to say pen collecting. Oh, that's way better than what I was going to go with. Badminton without your shuttlecock. What? That's what it's called. I know, I know. It's the shuttlecock. I know. Or the birdie. Your call. Shuttlecock is funnier. Yeah, it is.
It makes me chuckle. You are both seven. Seriously, though, I mean, yes, yeah, I mean, yeah, that's true. How about an adjective?

Choosing Adjectives and Verbs

Zesty. I'm done. How about a verb ending in ed? Snooped. Oh, snooped. I thought you said snoot. I think we used snooped in one of the recent ones. Did we?
I could have spent too long, man. Yeah, right. Yeah, it was a couple weeks ago. I think we used it in fog, but... I can't remember what happened last week. Danny, you got a verb? Trampled? Kind of like this conversation's going. Yep. All right, how about yet another issue somebody might have?

Adding Humorous Elements

Small hands. Yes, I always hate having small hands.
I really want to know your thought process one of these days. Small hands. I've been cursed with tiny hands. What's your name? I just say. Yeah. What's his name over there? Oh, he goes by tiny paws. He's got cat scratch fever. Hey man, Jerry Goss got tiny hands, but he's an okay quarterback. Well, might be why his thumb is injured.
I can think about all of Spaz's answers he's given so far. I feel like he's thinking about Trump, but anyway, moving on. How about an adjective? Abnoxious. Hey. Hey, what? I feel like it's targeted. Yeah. Well, no, but okay. That's so much backtracking happening right here. No, no, no. It actually was a very recent comment that caused that word to come out. Sorry.
There's a lot of subtle context about this podcast right now. Two nouns. Fork and goat. What was the second? I'm sorry, goat. Goat? Oh, nice. Well played. That sounds like a great restaurant for you. Yeah, a fork and goat. Yes, it does. I'd go there. I could eat some goat.
Alright, let's uh... Say hi to your mother for me. Let's go with an adjective. Sensual. Ooh, saucy. No, sensual, not saucy. Alright, and um... Adjective? Well, saucy. I mean, it fits. Alright, saucy it is. A verb. This will end us out.
Moonwalk. What? Do you get something better over there? Soft soap. Based on our topic, I was going to say beaten or beating or however you wanted to go with that. I mean, fine. We can go with not beating. I like Moonwalk. No, no. Why don't you just jazzercise it into it? Jazzercise. Yeah, we can do jazzercise. Does anyone want to swap them? Anybody? That's a good question. Jazzercise works for me.
Cool, unanimous. Right, cool, awkward silence. Good talk, everybody. Oh my god, all right. So that is it. Let's see what we got here.

Unveiling the Story

So, Chris is a scientist for Datacore and hates his job, his vain boss spazz, and life itself. That fits perfectly. Chris actually hates me. This is so far true.
well wait there's more it is while attending a support group for can't get a boner he meets Kerry who is both a nihilist and a pervert I do it
That carries such a nihilist. Oh, while returning home from a business trip on a wagon, Chris meets Dana, a mime who introduces Chris to the world of badminton and the old fight club. Oh man, aggressive badminton.

Sharing the Mad Libs Story

That's the only way to play. Their first member is Zesty Timm, who Chris trampled at a support group for small hands.
Well, I'm definitely calling you Zesty Tim from now on. There it is. Chris and Dana have an obnoxious rivalry for Fork and Goat. When Chris explodes Dana's sensual agenda for Fight Club, he must accept the saucy truth that Dana may not be who she says she is. Will Chris jazzercise Dana before it's too late?
This is really, really weird. Yeah, I feel uncomfortable. I'm a nihilist pervert. It's okay. Apparently I can't get a boner. I hate everything about this. I believe I was also at the flaccid. I need like a witty acronym for this board group now. I like flaccid. We'll have to make it work.
Yeah, we can definitely make that work. Yeah. I said fan club. All right. So that's that. Well, it's one of the more uncomfortable MadLabs we've done. Yeah. Very. Well done. Just, uh, yeah. Zesty Tim coming at you. Watch out. Coming at you, man. Doesn't get any spicier than that. No, no, no, no.