Desires and Stories and Fears-Oh My! (Part 2) image
S1 E14 · The "Surviving Saturday" Podcast
Desires and Stories and Fears-Oh My! (Part 2)
Desires and Stories and Fears-Oh My! (Part 2)

Chris and Wendy are back with Part 2 of their effort to untangle the thorny threads of a recent conflict. (Wait, how can "threads" be "thorny"?  Can we maybe pick one metaphor and stick with it here, people, alliteration be darned?)

Anyway, you'll want to listen in to get the REAL story of what happened-- er, um, I mean... Chris' perspective on the conflict. :-)  It's often quite surprising, and yet incredibly helpful, to gain a better understanding of the deeper longings and vulnerable places that get stirred up in the heat of what might seem like a simple disagreement.  

It's hard work to have such conversations. And sometimes we need a little help to see what we couldn't see as it all unfolded.  But it's good work, well worth doing. 

In fact, thinking through those thorny thematic threads thoughtfully might just be the thruway around getting throttled and thrashed in the throes of another thoroughly exhausting conflict.   (Okay, someone make him stop... please?)  

59 Plays
5 months ago

Chris and Wendy are back with Part 2 of their effort to untangle the thorny threads of a recent conflict. (Wait, how can "threads" be "thorny"?  Can we maybe pick one metaphor and stick with it here, people, alliteration be darned?)

Anyway, you'll want to listen in to get the REAL story of what happened-- er, um, I mean... Chris' perspective on the conflict. :-)  It's often quite surprising, and yet incredibly helpful, to gain a better understanding of the deeper longings and vulnerable places that get stirred up in the heat of what might seem like a simple disagreement.  

It's hard work to have such conversations. And sometimes we need a little help to see what we couldn't see as it all unfolded.  But it's good work, well worth doing. 

In fact, thinking through those thorny thematic threads thoughtfully might just be the thruway around getting throttled and thrashed in the throes of another thoroughly exhausting conflict.   (Okay, someone make him stop... please?)  
