Introduction and Hosts Introduction
What's up, wrestling fans? It is episode 95 of the Chick Foley show. This is Seth Phelps. To my left is the world famous Chick Foley. What's going on, peeps? And up in Massachusetts, we got everybody's favorite mass hole, the MVP, Marco Denton. What's up, Marco? What's going on, my favorite people?
Remembering Road Warrior Animal
Alright guys we will cut right to the chase we got a lot of wrestling action to talk about as always we gotta get through our clash of champions preview but I would be remiss if I didn't start the show by saying you know thoughts and prayers from everybody at the chick foley show and the foley fam to road warrior animal and his family obviously the news came out of nowhere this morning that animal the legendary tag team wrestler passed away at the age of 60
We'll get into the details a little bit more on our thoughts on that and some different topics we're going to discuss to reflect on the life of this legend. But I just want to start the show by giving thoughts and prayers to his family.
Social Media and Patreon Info
So let's talk about where you can find us on social media. Sheena, where can you be found at? At Chick Foley on Instagram. That's the original, the number one source for wrestling news, nostalgia picks, pretty much anything you want in the world of wrestling, you can find it there. And then Marco, tell us where they can find you at on Twitter.
at Chick Foley Show. That's where all the slapstick and hijinks come available in the Twitter world. The lighter side of Chick Foley. All right, Sheena, tell the listeners about the Chick Foley Show Patreon.
Yeah, guys, so you can go to and sign up for our Patreon. Not only will you get bonus content, unboxing videos, articles on our Patreon feed, you're also getting access to our exclusive Facebook community. It's a wonderful group of people. We really are a family in there. We look out for each other. We buy, sell, trade, figs. It's all retail plus shipping. It restarts at a dollar a month. And honestly, right now,
the way the distribution is and everything, the dollar is so worth it. Definitely check us out. Like I said, you can go to and we do monthly giveaways and they're exclusive for our Patreon.
Kyle Peterson's Collectible Spotlight
We do have a brand new Patreon member this week, so I want to recognize Jeremy Waybright for joining the Foley fam.
Welcome Jeremy. I hope you enjoy and you know, enjoy all the perks and benefits of being part of our exclusive fam So speaking of the benefits we had to give away last week I hit the Virginia Beach antique mall a couple weeks ago and found just a super minty Yoko Zuna Bendom from 1996 had to have it and figured what better way to show love for the Foley fam than to give it away to you guys So we ran it on the Facebook page that again like Sheena mentioned you can get access to for $1 a month or $10 for the entire year and
And the winner of it was, give me a drum roll. All right, I'm sorry, I was drinking my beer. Kyle Peterson. All right, so if you guys are familiar with Kyle at all, this dude has one of the sickest figure collections out there. Just go check him out on his... Insane. Yeah, check out his YouTube page. Just seeing his figure room, it blows my mind.
Gauntlet Eliminator Match Review
I'm really jealous because space is kind of the biggest limiter for me right now. I'm growing my collection where I want it to be. So this guy's got an awesome setup.
And he runs he has some really sweet videos on YouTube. So Kyle will be getting that figure out your way He said he's gonna show it off on a video So you guys get to see exactly what I'm talking about But congrats Kyle and then also I sheena just threw it up today. She's got the latest episode of unbox of mania with the Musical mutagens aka the coming out of their shell to her ninja turtles from necklace. So those figures are awesome
I'd really been getting kind of itchy to open those up and finally talk Sheena into recording a video on them last night. They definitely don't disappoint. Awesome detail. And that can knock another one out of the park. And if you want to see Sheena's take on them and some really high quality video and photos, head over to the Patreon page.
Also want to give a shout out to everybody who's been posting pictures of their figures in the fig t-shirts Again, Marco is working on the series two of getting those out to everybody, but they look great Thank you guys for sharing those just promoting the show in that way and last But definitely not least probably the most important thing here on our housekeeping segment I'd like to be the first to wish Sheena a happy birthday
We will put her age out, but here in about an hour and a half, Sheena is celebrating one more trip around the sun. We got a big day planned for tomorrow. And yeah, I just want to wish you happy birthdays. And I encourage everybody out there in the Chick-Foli fam and the extended Chick-Foli universe to reach out to Sheena tomorrow.
All right, so we will move into the chicks top six inside the square circle. Remember, this segment is brought to you by Pro Wrestling Tees. If you guys search Chick Foley show at Pro Wrestling, you can see all the awesome designs we have. So next time you're there picking up something from one of your favorite legends or AW, take a look at the Chick Foley show shirts.
AEW Championship Match Discussion
and pick one up. So we'll start off with number six. So I just concluded about 20 minutes ago, the first ever Gauntlet Eliminator match is in the books. Marco, this was the first time that we ever saw this sort of gimmick match. It was kind of like a hybrid of a Gauntlet match and a Royal Rumble and the Elimination Chamber. What were your thoughts on the match overall as a concept?
I actually liked it. I had a really good pace to it. Maybe because it was like a half hour left and they had to get everyone out there, but I really enjoyed it. I was definitely expecting someone to last the whole time, which it came to fruition. Spoiler alert if you haven't seen it yet. Kyle O'Reilly.
Came out on top and I think he put on a great performance In that match as well. They had a great mix of different styles to in that match, which I much I was looking for as well Just just to keep the match going you don't have the same type of people out there My favorite part of that match was definitely Timothy Thatcher and Kyle O'Reilly just kicking the crap out of each other I definitely need to see them too again at some point down the line
go one-on-one. Oh, yeah. A lot of hard hitters. The work rate was off the charts in that match. I was glad that they, you know, Bronson Reed definitely looked tough. It took a hell of a beating to get him out of there because he would definitely look like the favorite for a little bit. I was surprised to see Kushida get eliminated so early. He was one of my picks to possibly win it. But, you know, obviously, Velveteen Dream made his presence felt.
Cody Rhodes' AEW Return Debate
Sheena, what'd you think of the Eliminator Gauntlet?
I thought it was good. I mean, you know, rules being kind of convoluted. I was just like, well, it's not really, it's not really a gauntlet match because, you know, obviously they're coming in regardless of whether the person gets eliminated or not. But I mean, yeah, like you said, the work rate was high. I'm excited to see, you know, Finn and Kyle O'Reilly. I mean, this is really Kyle O'Reilly, Kyle O'Reilly's first like kind of like singles push in NXT. So I'm excited to see how this kind of shakes out and how Adam Cole kind of
you know, feels about it, whether he's like, you know, gets a little bit jealous that, you know, Kyle's getting his shot. But I really thought Cameron Grimes was going to win. So I was a little bit surprised to see Kyle O'Reilly come out on top.
Marco, do you think this is going to cause some dissension within undisputed era, or do you think Adam Cole is going to be supportive? We saw him come out and give the big bear hug after Kyle O'Reilly won, but I was telling Sheena it wouldn't be the first time we've seen somebody be supportive at first just to put the knife in their back. So how do you think this plays out for the undisputed era? I think it still goes where there is still a unit.
If he wins the title, that's where you'll see the dissension, if anything, or the backstabbing. But I think right now, they're a unified firm. They're not going anywhere. I think it was a genuine hug that he gave him. I felt like it was, too. Yeah, until the... Like I said, until... But we never get work, do we, Marco? No, we never. Yeah, definitely not. That was a real genuine hug. He loves Kyle O'Reilly. He would never stab his brother in the back. He would never, ever, ever stab his brother in the back.
I'm not really familiar with, uh, Kyle O'Reilly's work before he came to NXT, but, you know, I know on, uh, the mass man show last week, uh, David Shoemaker was talking about, you know, how he had a hell of a, uh, a baby face singles run in ring of honor. So maybe we're seeing the start of something big here. I know him and Finn, they're definitely going to tear the house down in, uh, in ring. I'll just be interested. I'll be interested to see how the, uh,
Critique of WWE's Retribution Debut
plays out. I like the gauntlet eliminator as a match. One thing I would like to see is I think they should just expand it. I think that was my problem. I think that was a really good point you made Marco about the quick pace of it really kind of helped it just for entertainment value. But I think it'd be dope if they, you know,
make it about an hour long. Give me 10 people in there. You know, I want to see more guys in the match and kind of let it just progress because, you know, really this one kind of just turned into a run of the mill fatal four way after, after she got eliminated. It wasn't too long before we saw all four guys in there, but still pretty cool. It's definitely something that WWE has gotten the vault now. You know, it won't be quite as difficult to explain the rules next time they come up with this and I'll be, I'll be pumped when we get the second gauntlet eliminator. If this thing ever comes back.
So on the other channel, the other half of the Wednesday Night Wars, we saw Mox defend the AEW Championship against Eddie Kingston. So this was an impromptu match, kind of booked on the fly. For whatever reason, Lance Archer was not able to compete tonight, so we didn't get the scheduled six-man tag we were supposed to have, and they kind of shotgunned this match to us. Sheen, what'd you think of the match?
I thought it was okay. I thought it looked a little indie-rific, to be quite honest with you. I like Eddie Kingston, and obviously I love Mox, but I just thought that this was kind of... I didn't enjoy them working together for some reason. It just didn't keep me engaged. We were watching both matches at the same time, and I just felt like I always kept looking back at the Gauntlet Eliminator match. They were just doing a lot of chopping. It was kind of slow-paced. Also,
Eddie Kingston, like I like his vibe. I like him as a wrestler. His ring gear though, he's got to change it. That ring gear looks awful. It's like he's got these like baggy wind pants like tucked into, you know, ankle like shin, shin high boots. And this like singlet that's just, it just looks ridiculous. So yeah, he definitely needs a new look.
Marco, what are your thoughts on Eddie Kingston overall? Are you buying this guy as a main event or a threat to win the biggest prize in AEW? I guess Lance Archer actually got his COVID positive. I'm not sure if he has heard them talk about that on
on commentary. Something happened where a family member was with a friend of the family and that friend of the family was COVID positive. He doesn't have it. He was just exposed. No, he hasn't. He had it. He's sick.
He actually mentioned it on, he's on Twitter too, he actually mentioned it there as well. Said he's doing fine, he got sick, and he's feeling a lot better, but he'll be back. So yeah, this match was technically impromptu. My thoughts on it were, if they gave, obviously it had to happen right away, but if you build them up in a certain way, like when you give them the promo time that they need and all that stuff, I think you could be a main event person.
definitely with Moxley. Their styles complement each other very well. Because Moxley has faced all the people that don't want to do that type of style that he does, except for Lance Archer. But Eddie Kingston is that same type of promo. Maybe a little bit better, some may say. Same type of ring style, not afraid to get Moxley's name down. Yeah, I like his promos.
Yeah, I'm not, Seth's not the biggest fan of Eddie Kingston. He's like, he's not, he's not, you know, buying it or whatever. I wouldn't say I'm not the biggest fan. I'd say I'm not a fan at all. Yeah.
I like him. I thought he was going to win, um, the freaking, uh, Oh my gosh, what was there? What was their match at all out? Uh, the, uh, battle royal. Yes. The casino battle royal. I thought he was going to win that. I like him. I like his promos. I think I, I, he feels very authentic when he's speaking, which I really like. Um, again, I just, I'm not super familiar with his like work at like impact and like ring of honor and stuff. Um, I just think he needs to like,
WWE Clash of Champions Predictions
notch or something. And like I said, he needs, he needs a new look for sure. He needs more street style. I don't, I don't, I don't like his like, he just looked, and they were trying to explain his ring gear, like what the significance of it was tonight, but I don't care what the significance of it is. It looks silly.
All right, so we will move on from Eddie Kingston just because I don't really have a whole lot of positive things to say. And again, I try not to be a critic. I'm going to save that for our story we got coming up. So the number four story of the week is Cody's back. So I think he's been gone, you know, maybe five or six weeks. It hasn't been that long.
Definitely has been long enough for us to really miss him and definitely not to earn the the dramatics we had tonight But you know after after Brody Lee Got rid of Orange Cassidy. We saw the lights go out some dramatic music hit and then Of course that it turns into Cody's music and Cody comes back out with his hair is back dark again Looks like we're setting up a dog collar match in the next couple weeks with Brody Lee Marco. What did you think of Cody's return? I
Um, I enjoyed it. I thought it was, I definitely didn't think it was kind of a fast return, uh, maybe another week or so. Um, bring him back. Oh, but, um, I w I mean, I always enjoy seeing, uh, Cody, he's like, kind of like the face of AW. Um, it was kind of weird not seeing him on, on the show every week where he was, um, uh, putting his title up pretty much every single Wednesday. Um, and then have him just gone was kind of weird, but, uh, now I enjoyed it. And hopefully we get the, uh, dashing.
Dashing Cody back with the ad with a dark hair baby girls a mustache. Oh my gosh I just felt like for him to only have been gone like, you know, like I said I thought it was like four or five weeks I didn't even think he'd been that long like six weeks. Um, I
I felt like it was like a lot of theatrics and a lot of like, over the top. I mean, you would have thought this was like, you know, John Cena's return at the rumble or something, you know, like it was like, you know, I felt like if him running in, I would be like, Oh crap, Cody's back, like holy crap, you know, but with the whole like, you know, pyro and the music and all that kind of stuff, I was just like, Okay, this is a little much, you know, like, just because you changed your hair color doesn't mean you need
all of this. Seth had a pretty hot take on Cody. I'm going to let him share it with you guys. This is something, it's a hot take, but this one's been simmering for a while. It's been over four years now since Cody left WWE shortly after WrestleMania 32. Over and over again, just the presentation and
The the dramatics they try to have with anything he's involved in they want us to They want us to think that Cody is a main eventer. You know, we see it We see all the dramatic angles the big entrance, you know, he looks so so focused and intense when he comes out We hear him on the mic and I'm just telling you I don't buy it. All right, the Cody he's you know, he's got a solid mid Carter and
he's entertaining, but the guy is just not a main event level talent. Everything he's done since he's been gone, none of it's excited me as much as when he was stardust. I would be more excited to see stardust than I would to see the Cody Rhodes that we've seen
since he's been gone. I know that's a hot take because Cody's, you know, worshiped by a lot of the, the indie fans. And I'm talking strictly about just Cody as an onscreen and ring performer. I got all the respect in the world for what he's done along with the Bucks to get AEW off the ground. It really is revolutionary. Nothing short of that, but I'm talking about in the ring. I just say, you know, he thinks he's Triple H and he's just not, you know, he's constantly the one taking shots at WWE on social media.
He had the big thing where he wrecked the throne at, uh, at double or nothing. And it just comes off as, as just a want to be me. You know, he just, just be, be yourself, Cody, be comfortable what you are, but stop trying so hard, man. That that's my advice to Cody, the wrestler on screen.
You know, outside of his match with Nick Aldis at the first all-in, there's just been nothing that's really got me that excited. I know I'll probably catch some flack for that, but yeah, I'm just not a big Cody fan, and I'm giving up hope of him ever being, you know, the main event headliner. Marco, thoughts?
Uh, how do you follow that? There's a lot of heat. There's a lot of heat off of that. No, for that matter. I know, I know. I mean, yeah, I agree with some of the things you said there. Yeah. Um, I definitely wouldn't discount any of the stuff he's done while he's been out of the WWE, especially like his new Japan, uh, stuff. Um, a lot of those matches like the match here with Kenny Omega was really, I mean, obviously any match where Kenny Omega is going to be really good, but, uh, um,
Yeah, I mean, I would agree with most of the stuff you said there with him in an in-ring performing, not like the end-all, be-all when it comes in.
to wrestlers and stuff like that. But yeah, I totally get what you're saying. I mean, I want to go definitely going to be a champion at some point. I mean, I know, I know, like the angle says that he's like he's never allowed to, you know, be the champion, but he will be he will be the top of the mountain at some point, whether we whether we like it or not. Yeah. And I think that that that stipulation that making that and them having that match kind of like
halted any type of momentum for him as well. Maybe if he did win the title back then maybe the staff would have a different take on that. To me, that was the biggest thing that they all did. All the elite came into AEW and they halted their own progress instead of pushing themselves. We've talked about this on the show countless times. We bought into AEW because we were like, holy shit, the Bucks and Kenny Omega and Hangman and Chris.
Uh, Jericho and Cody, like all these people are like starting this freaking, you know, awesome, um, you know, new company. And then they all kind of just like put the brakes on themselves and started pushing these like, you know, no neighbors. Um, which I think was a huge mistake from the beginning. And it's really, it's really hard to come back from that. You know, you can't make yourself look like a mid Carter for like, you know, a year or a year and a half. And then all of a sudden be like, you know, Noah, I'm one of the best wrestlers in the world. You know?
Yeah, be taken seriously. So I feel like that's always been a big mistake. And I think Cody really could have shown himself as like, the guy, if he had just come out and, you know, pushed himself from day one. Yeah, I think what they should have done was come in with all the titles, right? And then build other people up.
in those programs. The Young Bucks have the tag titles. Maybe Kenny has a world title. I don't know how that stuff went, but that's how you build up the younger talent. Have those guys go after those titles. Now we're looking at MJF. He's one of the stars because he actually went for a title shot against Moxley. Maybe earlier in AW's infancy would have happened.
But my other part before we end this is, do you think if the Click ended up creating their own wrestling organization, they were going to give all the titles to everyone else in the company? Hell no. Hell no. No, definitely not. No. Shawn Michaels is a champ. They would have all the gold. They would have all the gold, exactly. All the gold. And they would build everyone else up. They would definitely do that. But no, if they're starting a company, they're all winning the titles. 100%. Yeah.
All right, so to cap it off, bring back Stardust. All right, moving on. Story number three. So we've been seeing them for feels like months now. They've broke down windows. They've cut ring ropes. They've stomped around. They've screamed. But we finally saw the proper debut and reveal of retribution. Sheena, what did you think of
you know, their kind of their proper debut and just the overall presentation of retribution on Monday night. So, you know, they were wearing the ski masks and all that and then they unveiled their faces and they were wearing, well, the two chicks, Mercedes Martinez and Mia Yem were wearing these Hannibal Lecter style face masks and then Dio Madden and freaking, what's his name? Shane? Shane Thorne. Shane Thorne, yeah, Shane Thorne.
They just looked ridiculous. Sorry if I'm sniffling you guys. I have a little bit of a cold. So if I sound different this week, that's what's going on. But I thought it was just ridiculous. And then they announced their names and I just could not take it seriously for the life of me. I mean, I think the idea of them is great, but they drug it on so long that the expectation had to be really high. They set the bar really high.
They came out and just like delivered a freaking comedy bomb with their with their names. What'd you think about? What'd you think about the lineup of their names, Marco? T-Bar, Mace and Slapjack. Slapjack. I was like Grand Theft Auto like characters come across in like the first couple of levels, man, like. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Don't go on an urban dictionary and look up Slapjack by the way, because that's an actual term. Not even joking. It's an actual like.
Oh my God. You guys look it up. You Google it. Get on your Google machines. Use a private browser FBI work, though. But anyway, but yeah.
Yeah, the names, I mean, so at least we got one name. I'm not sure if you guys seen this. So, Dominic Dajakovic, who is T-Bar, he actually changed his Twitter handle to T-Bar Retribution. It's not even Dominic Dajakovic anymore. But it's an acronym, T-Bar. Do you know what that, know what it stands for?
So the T is terrorize, the B is brutalize, A is annihilation, and R is retribution. I already hate it. That's horrible. That is horrible. That is something that like a seven-year-old boy would come up with and be like, you know, annihilate retribution.
But I, it is really bad. Slapjack. I mean, they could, the commentary couldn't even say it without like, like you could hear them trying to hold back laughter, you know? And apparently backstage they were like, everybody was making fun of their names too. My big problem with this, you guys know I'm Mr. kayfabe only, but I'll break kayfabe for just a little bit to speak on
Retribution Storyline Viability Discussion
this. Everything I was saying about Cody, that was all kayfabe also. Like I said, behind the scenes, he's the man. I'm talking about him as a wrestler.
But for this, I just feel like it's really pushing my suspension of disbelief to the brink. And I'm totally cool with when I sit down to watch wrestling, I just want to be entertained. I'm not trying to think about my job or anything else I got going on, any of the bullshit that's going on out in the world. I'm trying to just be entertained. And I'm totally cool with letting them entertain me and just embracing some of the more out there elements of pro wrestling. But they're calling these guys T-Bar, Mace, Slapjack.
It's not like these guys are still under mask anymore. You can tell who they are. You can clearly tell it's Dominant Nijikovic, Dio Madden, and Shane Thorne. Jerry Lawler was on commentary with Dio Madden less than a year ago on Raw. All he's got to say is, hey, this is Dio Madden. I wonder what's caused him to join up with this group. Give me one line. Exactly. Give me a throwaway line just to at least acknowledge
that yeah, we do see how these guys are. You know, Tom Phillips is called, he's called NXT here in the past few months. He knows who Dominik Dijakovic is. And you know, Dijakovic's been on takeover matches. He's had several matches. He's been a big player in NXT. So just give us, hey, you know, what is Dominik Dijakovic? Why is he going by this new name? Why is he aligned with these guys? Give us something like that. And that's all we need. And the other thing is they started off raw by, I guess, just to make it where we could understand why these guys are allowed to go to the mic by saying these guys now have contracts.
with the WWE. So it just really pushed me to the brink and I think it's kind of insulting for adult bands who are still watching. If you're a kid, yeah, I guess you're just going to watch it and not really question it. But there's so many plot holes in this storyline.
from the jump now the one thing they could save it is if it comes out that there is somebody that's behind behind this whole thing you know if it's not the if DJ Kovac isn't the leaders appears right now there is some you know higher power to go back to the ministry of darkness days that's pulling the strings on this but but that remains to be seen
This just goes back to what we talked about a couple weeks ago, where even though NXT is literally WWE's third brand, nothing that you do in NXT matters when you come to the main roster. It's literally its own separate universe.
Legacy of Road Warrior Animal
And it's funny how some people will come up and they'll, Keith Lee came up, obviously they changed his look and stuff like that, but he was still Keith Lee, right? But they don't ever mention accolades or any of that kind of stuff. And then again, they try to pull the wool over our eyes.
Um, and just be like, Oh my God, it's T-bar. And we're like, actually that's Dominique, you know? Um, so yeah, I, and what Seth said about them saying that they had contracts. And then like last week when they were like, Oh, now we're going to be exclusive to raw. I'm like, this is like, goes against everything that this gimmick is actually supposed to stand for, which is just like he said, it just kills your suspension of disbelief. Like if they're just supposed to come in and wreak havoc, like they, I'm supposed to believe they went to Vince's office and like inked some contracts down. Like what'd they do with their chainsaws? Like, I don't, I don't understand. So.
Yeah, I don't know how far this is going to go or how long lasting this is going to be, but it makes me feel really bad for these people because I like Mia Yim, I like Mercedes Martinez. I like all these guys. Yeah, they're all great, but they're getting caught up in this just horrible, horrible angle that is literally doomed from day one.
I'm still holding out hope there is another card to play. And we see, you know, CM Punk's actually been tweeting a lot about this thing online. Can't totally rule it out. Never seen ever in wrestling. That would be cool if he somehow comes out and he's involved with this. That's more of a long shot. I think Triple H is still in play. We haven't seen Triple H in an on-screen role in a long time. You know, we're a couple months away from kicking off WrestleMania season. And they've definitely mentioned that they're tied in with NXT and stuff. So maybe we see some sort of Triple H.
tie in on this to kind of be the ringleader of this whole gang. That could be cool, but as of right now, it's not doing it for me.
All right, so that we will move on to our number two story of the week. Again, like we mentioned at the top of the show, Road Warrior Animal tragically passed away at the age of 60. This was really kind of stunning because we know how hard of a life it is for these pro wrestlers. A lot of these guys look aged well behind their ears, but Road Warrior Animal seemed to be in great shape. He was at double or nothing.
And he was at all out he was he was tied with a w kind of before they were on tnt you know showing up some of their events. Always showed up with a face pin on the shoulder pads and you seem really healthy and like he had a lot of years left ahead of him and then wake up this morning and see that he's gone it's just really stunning.
Sheena, what was your reaction when you saw the news? I mean, I couldn't believe it. You know, the first thing I saw was Hulk Hogan's tweet. And I was just thinking like, I mean, wouldn't be the first time that Hulk Hogan's got his wires crossed and maybe like, you know, maybe he's freaking mistaken. But I mean, he literally like said, you know, the passing of my friend. So I can't imagine that he would have tweeted that unless he had like confirmation, but nothing. I literally googled it. Nothing was coming up about him passing away. I checked, you know, the social feeds. Nothing was coming up. And so I was just like shocked.
Excuse me. And, um, like, like Seth said, you know, we, we know wrestlers, they freaking, they go hard and they have hard lives and all that kind of stuff.
Personal Stories of Meeting Legends
And it's not stunning. Like it's not shocking to us when wrestlers pass away at an early age, which is, you know, which is sad to say and unfortunate, but
Like we said, by all accounts, Animal was in good health and doing well and didn't have any crazy issues or anything like that. I mean, literally, I was just reading an article yesterday about him talking about retribution and how it's crazy. He did a podcast with sports media and then he just passed away. I think it just goes to show, first of all, with all the craziness that's going on in the world, you just have to live each day
Make the most of each day and tell people how you feel about them for good or bad. No, I'm just kidding. Don't tell people how you feel about them negatively, but tell the people that you love them. Hang out with your friends. I know there's so much going on in the world and we're also separated and disconnected, but make sure you're keeping those connections. Also, on a wrestling front, make sure when these guys come to your town or
They're doing signings and stuff like that. Like don't miss out like on getting to meet your heroes and you know, you're all these legends because literally you don't know. I mean, you don't know when, when their day is going to come. And you know, if you miss that opportunity to meet them, you know, and it's gone, it's just, it's super, super sad. I mean, we met Vader like literally, I mean, within a year of him passing away, the same with anvil.
And Mean Gene, you know, yeah, we were having like a, you know, a really lighthearted fun conversation with Mean Gene at WrestleCon and then, you know, boom, he was gone. So we were really, really fortunate that we got to meet him and some other legends, you know, shortly before they passed. But yeah, it's super, super sad. You know, I was really bummed to see it and I could see by the outpouring from the WWE Universe and all the fans how much the Road Warriors and specifically Road Warrior Animal meant to so many people.
Marco, were you a big Road Warriors, Legion of Doom fan as a kid? Oh, of course. Yeah, definitely. Definitely, like I said, father grew up in the South, born and raised in the South and stuff like that. So I was definitely in touch with the southern region when it came to wrestling and stuff like that. So, yeah, Road Warriors were... I always call them the Road Warriors. I never call them Legion of Doom because, I mean, they do
say Legion of Doom, the Road Warriors, but I always say Road Warriors, and yeah, I was a huge fan of them. Obviously with the face paint, you know, the face paint guy, obviously the Road Warrior. But yeah, definitely that. So yeah, it's definitely them staying. Yeah, the Road Warriors are, I mean, you can arguably say they're like one of the best, if not like the best, like they have that term called the Road Warrior pop.
Um, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So like, that's, I mean, that tells you right there. They're like, you're looking for that road warrior pop when you're, when you're walking out there. So then they have a term for their own, their own pop that they get when they come out. So, and it's just so sad. We saw dark side of the ring, you know, and then we saw, um, you know, animal just kind of like, you know, reliving all of like, you know, Hawks, demons and all that kind of stuff and how, you know, Hawk passed away.
Tragically and stuff and then you know, like we said he just you just never know, you know, it's like soup super super sad Yeah, we were actually talking tonight about a
how cool it'd be if they could use, you know, actual like license, like real world music for wrestlers. And you may be thinking about when you talked about watching the Road Warriors back when they were working down south back in the 80s, when they used to come out to Iron Man. That was about as cool as they get. Yeah, seeing Hawk and Animal come out to Iron Man by Black Sabbath. So that won't be the last time we talk about Animal on this episode. We got a couple of segments where we're going to talk about Animal specifically and the Road Warriors in general.
Clash of Champions Event Preview
We'll go back to a little bit more the lighter side of wrestling and we'll get into the number one story of the week and that's we got a pay-per-view this Sunday it's class of champions and what that means is it's time for Sheena to defend her newly won prediction championship.
Marco had been holding the crown for a while, but Sheena took it back at all out. I know, I took down the AEW correspondent at his own pay-per-view. Yes, you did. And now let's see if you can make it two straight shows. So we'll run through these. We got nine matches, all championship matches, every title is on the line.
The only title we don't, the only main roster belt that we aren't seeing defended is the 24-7 title, but I got a feeling that they'll find a way to shoehorn that one in there somewhere, but we'll start off. So as of now, it looks like this is the complete card. If anything, if any matches get added or if, you know, something crazy happens on SmackDown and we change up, the lineup gets changed. We'll either do a chick quick and get another episode out or Sheena will get her and Marco's predictions out and get a post up on IG.
But for now we're going to roll with what we got with the clash of champions 2020 card first up is
Bobby Lashley defending his United States Championship in a rematch against Apollo Crews. Sheena, you're up first on this one. Who's going to win? This is the match that lost me the title in the first place. Marco and I were all in alignment and then we went separate ways. This is your payback. Payback, yeah. He chose Bobby Lashley, I chose Apollo Crews, and obviously Bobby Lashley got the freaking win.
You know what, I'm gonna stick with, I mean, the hurt business is booming. It's really, really hard. Business is good. Yeah, business is good. It's really hard to pick against the hurt business, but I think maybe Ricochet is gonna come into play here, so I think Apollo Crews is gonna take it. I'm gonna put my money on Apollo Crews one more time. All right, Marco, what are you thinking? Oh, it's gonna come down to this match again, I think. Because the business is booming.
And it's not going out of business. So I think Bobby Lashley retains. I think something does happen where Ricochet gets involved.
They could add in a new member, so it could be Ricochet or what Paul Cruz might see the light. Who knows? Definitely Bobby Lashley. Smooth Bobby. Come on, you can't go against Smooth Bobby. Smooth Bobby. I agree. I think Bobby Lashley is going to win too. Her business is rolling. They stood up against Retribution. I just think they got a ton of momentum. I think Bobby Lashley, as much as I really can't stand to see him come on my TV, I definitely think that
He's going to solidify the momentum of the hurt business guy going and he's going to beat Apollo and I think he's going to do it pretty easily. You touched on it, Marco. Who do you guys think should be the next person to join the hurt business? You know who you got? I don't know. Maybe they will indoctrinate freaking Apollo Crews and they'll beat him in like they did. Oh, what's his freaking name? Cedric.
Cedric, yes, I came for the life we think of his name. Yeah, so they beat him down and he was like, you know what, if you can't beat him, join him. So maybe they'll beat down Apollo Crews and he like, Marco said he'll see the light. Marco, what do you got? Who would you like to see be the next one to join the hurt business? So you know what? I'm going to go back a few weeks and say, I kind of want to see Ali because he hasn't been on TV and MVP did try to get him to join the hurt business on his MVP lounge. I think it was like
maybe like a month ago. Obviously, Ali politely declined the offer, but that'd be pretty cool if he came out of nowhere and joined the hurt business just to smooth things out a little bit, but we'll see. I'm going to go off the wall on my pick.
In the Nation of Domination, when they were at their peak, for some reason, Owen Hart joined. You remember that, Marco, when Owen was a member of the nation? Of course. For absolutely no reason. Somehow, this white dude joined up with the Nation of Domination. I'm doing a throwback to that. I want to see Dolph join up with the Hurt Business. Oh, that would be awesome, I think. Dolph's been kicking some ass in raw underground here lately. He's got the swag. We know he can go in the ring. Why the hell not? I think that would just be awesome to see Dolph join up with these guys. That'd be great.
And it would be great. I'm here for that. In honor of Owen Hart, we need the random white guy to join up with the Hurt Business and really solidify them as an all-timer of a faction. So we'll go on to match number two. So this is going to be for the Raw Women's Championship. It's going to be on the kickoff show. Asuka is going to be defending against the new number one contender, Zelina Vega. Marco, who do you got?
I wish I wasn't going first on this one. I feel like they want to swerve us for some reason.
It gives Selena Vega the title. I don't know why, I just have this weird... Oh my gosh, are you really making this pic right now? No, I'm not making the pic. Is that your final answer? No, final answer. I said I want to pick Selena Vega because I feel like I got it. I don't know why. That is a weird, strange feeling that something's going to happen. But I'm going with Asuka. Asuka retains.
Yeah. Oscar's going to just murder Selena Vega. Like I like Selena Vega, but there's just no way. I mean, I feel bad that Oscar's on the, the kickoff. I feel like Oscar always gets like the kickoff treatment, but, um, yeah, I think she's going to murder Selena Vega. Selena Vega is a great performer. I actually think she's really underrated as an in-ring talent because we've, we've mostly just seen her as a, as a manager in WWE, but she has
Next to no chance against Oscar. All right, so she's not ready. So it's clean sweep. Everybody's thinking Oscar is going to win. All right. We're going back to the main roster or the main show for match number three. Street Profits defending the raw tag team championship against Andrade and Angel. Sheena, who do you got? I got it. I think the Street Profits are going to
They're going to go over on this one. I think something's going to happen. I mean, because Andrade and Angel have to implode at some point, right? So I think Street Profits are going to win. I think this could be the moment where it's like the final straw that broke the camel's back and they're going to split. Marco, what are you thinking? I mean, they kind of already had like a brawl. They kind of kicked the crap out of each other on Raw. Not this past month, but the week before.
They are newly separated from Zelina Vega. So with my pick, I think I'm going to go in Andrade in Angel.
Wow, a newly formed tag team. Um, I think it's, I don't know, stranger things have happened. So yeah, let's go. I'm going to go with, with the, uh, with the double A street profits have had these belts for a really long time. That's true. That's my only drawback is that they've literally had them forever. I'm a big fan of tag team wrestling. And if it's a significant run like this, I want to see it go to a, to a team that.
You know, a real tag team and as much as I like Andrade and Angel, I just, you know, I'd rather see it go to a more traditional tag team, but yeah, it's a big pick. That would be pretty shocking to see Andrade and Angel take the straps. All right, so up next, we have definitely a candidate to steal the whole damn show. Triple Threat ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship. Jeff Hardy is going to be defending against
AJ Styles and Sami Zayn. Marco, who are you picking? Oh, I hate that I'm picking this first, because this one's really hard. Yeah, that's what she said. Yeah, she did say that. But let me see. I want to go with Sami Zayn because I feel like he's been doing this whole I'm the real intercontinental champion thing going on. So I think he might win.
You know what, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna go with Sammy. He's in a weasel his way. I want to win for some reason. Yeah. I have to go with Sammy too. I think, um, I think it's going to be like, Jeff is going to knock AJ out of the picture. You know what I'm saying? Like, I think it's going to be a situation where Jeff is like, he's almost got the win. And then instead of just going for the win, he decides to get to take AJ out. And then somehow same, he's going to freaking weasel his way up the ladder.
Um, and, and get that, get that wind kind of like back-handedly. So yeah, I'm going with Sammy Zane on this one.
I'm interested to see what kind of chances Jeff Hardy takes in this match after seeing Matt Hardy basically get his skull caved in at the last AEW event, but Jeff Hardy is always good to do some crazy stuff in a ladder match.
Wrestling Matches and Storylines Analysis
I don't really have any strong feelings on who I want to see or who I think is going to win this match, but my one request is just that Sami Zayn brings out his Intercontinental Championship too, and we have both belts hanging there a la WrestleMania 10 when Razor Ramon.
Shawn Michaels had the first big ladder match in WWF to crown the undisputed Intercontinental Champion. So hopefully we get that visual. It always looks cool. And I definitely think that this is going to be a very, very strong candidate for match of the night. So next match is going to be the SmackDown Tag Team Championship.
Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura will be defending their belts against the Lucha House Party. Not sure which two guys for Lucha House Party are going to be in there. Maybe Lucha House Party rules or all three of them can get in. Sheena, how do you see this match playing out? I'm going to have to go with Cesaro and Shinsuke. I don't know what it is. I mean, I like Lucha House Party, but for whatever reason, I just can't see them as like legitimate champions and taking down Cesaro and Shinsuke at this point. Marco, what do you think?
Yeah, same here. Shinsuke and Asus are definitely retaining. So the last couple of weeks, you've actually seen some dissension within the ranks of Lucha House Party with Kalisto not getting along with Linsei Dorado and Grand Metalik. Marco, do you think we see Lucha House Party actually break up this week? Yeah, this is probably... See, this is a team that's probably gonna break up. I don't think Angel and Andrade are gonna break.
I think these guys are definitely going to go their own separate ways. Yeah, this is going to be the, once they lose, it's going to be an all out, probably an all out brawl.
I think any three or possibly all three of those guys would be much better served, uh, to take some time down at NXT, you know, they could compete for the, the cruiser weight championship. And then, uh, you know, Callisto, I think he would be awesome in the main event scene of NXT. A dude can, he's as good as it gets as far as in ring goes. And you know, Mike skills aren't necessarily, uh, as important down at NXT as there are in raw or smack down. So I love to see Callisto go down and get a run in NXT and.
take on some of the heavy hitters down there. All right, so we'll keep it in the tag team ranks. The women's tag team championship match will be up next. As we see Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler defend the women's tag belts against the newly reformed Riot squad, Ruby Riot and Liv Morgan. Marco, who's your pick? I'm gonna stick with the unlikely duo of Nia and Shayna Baszler to retain their titles.
Yeah, I think as much as I was like down on Naya and Shayna, I think they're going to retain here. I think Ruby and Liv still have a lot of like, a lot of like underlying hurt to work out. You know what I mean? They're still, they're still not on.
Yeah, it's true. I was not expecting to hear the phrase underlying hurt. There's some hurt business happening there, you know? The real hurt business. Yeah, this is the real hurt business. So yeah, I think something's going to happen and their friendship's going to come into play and Naya and Shayna are going to get one over on them.
So I'll give you guys some more kayfabe 101. I told you guys when Naya and Shayna were first fighting for the belts against Bailey and Sasha, that if you don't get along with your partner, you get an automatic 15% XP boost when you go to win the belts. But you also get a 15% XP reduction anytime you defend them. These teams are notorious for winning the belts and losing them on their first defense.
Yeah, I think Ruby lives gonna pull it off. I think somehow they're gonna steal these belts and we're gonna see riot squad finally get the shine they deserve because they were a pretty cool little faction. You know, I'm bummed Sarah Logan's not with him anymore. You know, I was really high on Sarah Logan coming out of NXT and I wish she could be there to see this because I think we're gonna see the riot squad get some gold on Sunday night.
she's having a viking baby did you know that i don't think you were here whenever um that that got announced yeah and i think there's kind of uh it sounded like there was a little bit of a handshake agreement that when she got released that when when she's ready there's going to be a contract waiting for when she comes back so i'd be excited to see that because she's you know she didn't get a lot of chance to show it on the main roster and she got called up for nxt so soon yeah but she's got a lot of charisma um she's from kentucky you know someone's a big supporter of anybody from our home state
And I think she's got a ton of untapped potential that we didn't get to see. So hopefully if the stars align and she does make her way back to WWE, we get to see Sarah Logan get a little bit more opportunity. So up next, we're moving to our final three matches of the night. We're gonna have the SmackDown Women's Championship. Bailey defending against Nikki Cross. Sheena, who's your pick? I mean, Bailey is on,
A freaking run, the run of her career, to be quite honest. Um, I, I feel like there's going to be some sort of hijinks here with Nikki and Alexa and the fiend or something is going to happen or Sasha for that matter. I mean, there's just too many like missing parts to this storyline for it to just go over smoothly. Which kind of, you know, it makes me halt a little bit in picking Bailey, but I think it would be stupid at this point not to go with Bailey considering the, the run that she's having right now. So I'm going to, I'm going to go with Bailey.
Marco, what are your thoughts on this one? Same. I think Bailey's retaining. There are going to be some outside in appearances. Maybe maybe Sasha. Oh, my gosh. She just said maybe that Alexa Bliss sighting with the feed and all that stuff. There will be like a disqualification or something like that unless right. Bailey gets to it's definitely going to be some outside interference that happens where Bailey keeps the title. If not, she's just going to cleanly be Nikki.
The one thing, again, to break kayfabe for a moment, I really like this match because it addresses something that's been a criticism of ours on WWE for really the past five years where all the different stories kind of exist on their own little island and they never cross. But this match is cool because Baylee and Nikki really don't have a storyline against each other. You know, Baylee's story right now is with her and Sasha and how this thing is going to play out. And then Nikki is with her.
her friendship with Alexa, but now Alexa's being influenced by the Fiend more and more every week. So it'd be really cool seeing all these stuff, all this stuff kind of just cross paths and co-mingle on Sunday night and see how it plays out. So Sheena, do you think we're actually going to see the Fiend?
Um, no, I don't think we will see the actual Fiend. I think we will see maybe a further evolution of Alexa Bliss into the female version of the Fiend. You mean Blister Abigail? Blister Abigail, yes. Marco, what about you? What are you saying? Will we see the Fiend? This will be the tiebreaker in case you guys end up in a tie. Sheena's saying no. Marco, what do you think? Is the Fiend going to show up on Clash of Champions? Um, hmm.
Like in person or just like on the screen or via satellite. You see him on screen that counts. Yeah, I think he might show up because somewhere, I'm hoping they do something where he takes over like the little monitors and his face is on like every single Thunderdome. Oh, yeah, that would be cool. That would be rad. I'm not sure what's going to happen during like the Bayley match, but.
be pretty cool to happen during like the Roman match. Um, cause he has his title technically and he didn't mention, uh, Robin coming in and taking the title away. So who knows? But yeah, I think, I think we'll get to see the feed, uh, show up. All right. So we're now on with our, uh, our double main event. First up, the universal championship match. Roman reigns defended against his cousin, Jay Uso Marco. Who's going to win?
The big dog, come on. The Rains Train is running right through everybody until it can't go no more. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, he's definitely taking it. It's going to be a really good match. I don't think he's going to completely destroy it. A lot of people think that he's just going to run through, was it Jay or Jimmy Jay, right?
But yeah, a lot of people say that it's just gonna be like a squash match. I don't think it is. I think it's gonna be a really entertaining match. If you watch any Uso match, they're all entertaining, so. Yeah, they're awesome. Yeah, definitely Roman retains. It's gonna be a good battle, but yeah, the big dog is coming on top.
Yeah, I cannot pick against Roman Reigns right now. The dude is on fire. He comes in, wrecks stuff, leaves. He's wreck it Roman. Thunderdome. Thunderdome Rome. I definitely think that...
that it's gonna be a good match. I don't see this being a squash at all. I mean, you know, if anything, what do you think as far as, like, do you think this is gonna be a turning point? Like, do we see Roman just go in and, like, completely annihilate Jey Uso and, like, heal off and just, like, sever any family ties that they have? Or do we see Jey Uso, like, kind of like, you know, the show respect and kind of join Roman on this dark path that he's on?
Yeah, I think, uh, I don't think he's gonna do that. I think it's gonna be, I think he's gonna win. And if anything, he'll probably destroy him afterwards, not like destroy him during the match, but like, just kick the crap out of him after the match and just show him that like, he hasn't belonged on his level.
only because he kind of took a shot at The Rock and Jay on his Twitter because I'm not sure if you guys seen The Rock said he would, if he was to come back, obviously. This is all, yeah, this is all leading to Roman and The Rock. Oh, yeah, yeah. If Roman said something to the faculty, I thought he's like, yeah, I have to face The Rock at WrestleMania and my cousin at Clash of Champions. He was like, I'm the only one that's keeping this family name
basically irrelevant right now or something like that, pretty much in the wrestling world, which is true. Yeah. If you want to look at it that way. Obviously, The Rock is keeping the name alive in other areas of entertainment. But The Rock gave like a huge spoiler. He's like, oh, yeah, I would I would put Roman over. I'm like, dude, you're not supposed to say that. Like you're supposed to just say like, yeah, I would I would show up and, you know, give you guys the freaking fight of fight of my life. Well, he's just saying that he would be I think he was just saying he would be gracious and defeat. Yeah. Yeah.
He didn't say he wanted to lose, but he said he was, he actually broke down like the fourth wall and said, you know, Oh, you know, those conversations go like, you know, yeah, you'll put Roman over this time, but then, you know, the next WrestleMania, you know, like, yeah. And so then he said, you know, but I said, I would be happy to have his hand raised. So he did, he did allude to the fact that everything is predetermined. So it wasn't like he was just saying like, Oh yeah, I would just, you know, lay there and you know,
bask in his glory as his, you know, his hand is raised over me. Like that's not what he meant. Yeah, when this storyline first kicked off, I thought it may be leading towards the Usos and Roman joining up, but it's definitely Roman show a little bit of his darker side. I think he's definitely going to destroy Jay. About the Roman and rock stuff, you know, before Roman's cancer came back, that was rumored to be the
direction they were heading for WrestleMania 35. There were some early rumblings. It didn't really get too far because Roman ended up leaving in October that year, but there was some talk about the Rock possibly coming back to win the
Wrestling Figure News and Collectibles
Rumble to set up the Roman versus the Rock in New York for WrestleMania 35. So WrestleMania 37 is going to be in the new SoFi Stadium out in LA.
uh assuming fans can be back it's going to be a huge event probably it'll be the first you know really huge event that would be as had uh with fans back in uh you know in the building
And what better match could you have to sell it out than Roman versus the rocks? That might be worth the risk of getting COVID to go see that Roman versus the rock dude. That's going to be a killer match. So Roman also today in the media was talking about that he's going to be debuting a new look on Sunday, shirtless, losing the vest. So our friend Jordan Wells, he's a chick Foley.
Patreon he's in the Facebook group Yeah, he claims he doesn't remember this happening. But at WrestleMania 31, you know, we drank a lot the night before him and we pounded a lot of years that day he He was going on and on about how he couldn't stand that Roman Was still wearing the vest even though he wasn't in the shield. Yeah, they need to take his shirt off and he even got a take your shirt off and
Yeah, going trying to get it going. He claims that he does not remember this. But Jordan, if you're listening, you know what happened to you. She remembers it. Yes, I remember it. So don't try to deny it. So his dreams will be coming true. Apparently, this Sunday, we'll finally see shirtless Roman. All of our dreams. All of our dreams. Yeah, I want to I want to see this, you know, the teeth, the teeth and the chest and the hole. I just want to see it all with the whole package.
Yes, it's a big deal. Yeah, so it's only been six years, but Roman's finally getting rid of the the shield look and supposedly in due time He's gonna be getting new music also Yeah with that we will go to the final match of the card ambulance match for the WWE championship Drew McIntyre defending against Randy Orton Sheena. How do you see this one playing out man? Oh
It's hard to pick against Randy Orton. I know offense to Drew. I feel bad that Drew has had to carry the torch in the COVID era because I feel like he deserves so much more than that. And I have no idea how mage he would be if there was able to be fans in the building and all this stuff, right? But he's just kind of
With without the crowd, I feel like he's just kind of stalling out on the things to say and like, you know, ways to be creative and stuff like that. And I just feel like it's kind of just falling flat as of late. He's still an amazing wrestler, still looks amazing, like, you know, super charming, but it is falling a little flat for me. So I mean, I'm going to think I'll probably get a little heat for this, but I got to go for Andy Orton. Wow. Yeah. Marco, what's your thoughts? Oh, man.
same sentiments when it comes, uh, Drew, I think it's, I think it's, uh, his momentum slowed a little bit during this, during this time. And, uh, he's definitely due for another run, but with a live crowd, um, I think the best thing for them to do right now would be, would be to, you know, have Randy have the title on him because he can carry it during this time. So my pick will also be the Viper.
Yeah. Wow. So both of you guys are picking Drew to lose the title he won at WrestleMania. Very interesting. That would definitely shake things up on Raw. So Keith Lee has kind of been in and around this feud ever since he debuted after the last takeover. Do you think Keith Lee gets involved in this match at all, Sheena?
Um, I think he's going to show up. Yeah, for sure. Because he, he's, he's been woven into this, um, you know, every week on raw. Um, I don't know in what capacity, um, obviously I picked Randy to win, so it's not going to be, uh, he's obviously not going to be able to help, help Drew get the, get the win in my opinion. But I do think we see Keith Lee at some point. Marco, what do you think is Keith Lee going to show up?
I think so. I think he is gonna show up. That's probably what's gonna cause Drew to lose his title. Not inadvertently, but, you know, he's just gonna get in the way somehow and, you know, he's gonna be the cause for Drew. But that'll save Drew. It's like he didn't lose it on his own merit. He lost it because someone got involved at the wrong time. So Sheena's got the tally here. What matches did you guys pick different, Sheena?
We went different on Bobby and Apollo. I chose Street Profits. He chose Andrade and Angel Garza. And we picked different on, yep, Randy, yep, that's it. All right, so again, the pivotal match-ups are gonna be Bobby and Apollo. Bobby Lashley and Apollo. And Street Profits and Andrade and Angel Garza. All right, so that's the two matches to watch Feli Vam if you really invested in this rivalry between Sheena
and Marco for the prediction championship. We need to reach out and get us a belt made for for this and you guys can mail it back and forth. All right, so that wraps up inside the score circle for this week. No honorable mentions because we had so much to cover with the the class of champions preview. So if there's something we left out that you wanted to get Sheena or Marco's thoughts on, make sure to just reach out and we will definitely respond. But now it's time for everybody's favorite segment. Go figure. Here comes the money.
Go figures where we discuss everything in the world of wrestling figure news It is sponsored by our good friends at ringside collectibles Remember to use code chick Foley anytime you order from them to get 10% off Marco, what do we have in figure news this week?
So for Ringside, we have the Ultimate Edition Series 7, Hulk Hogan and The Fiend available for pre-order. Did you guys actually go on a pre-order or did you pre-order both, one of them, the whole set? Oh yeah, we'll definitely be getting both of those. The Ultimate Edition, they've just knocked it out of the park on every release and this Hogan figure, it's five years in the making. This thing was due to be released at the end of 2015 before Hulk went on his
you know, his racist tirade came to life and this thing's been on the shelf. So it's a long time coming. Storm Collectibles had their Hollywood Hogan that came out in 2017, which at the time, you know, I thought was probably arguably the best wrestling figure ever made. And Mattel's gonna have their work cut out for him to try to top it. But I'm very interested to see what they do. But yeah, definitely getting both of these. Yeah, I always felt the
The Storm Collectibles one was great, but I always felt like everyone always wanted the Mattel, the Mattel Hulk Hogan. Obviously, they're going to get it at some point. Next, actually, Ringside is running their Halloween sale already.
There's a lot of cool deals on there. If you click on the link on their page, you'll see it's like right at the forefront. There's a lot of cool figures on sale as well as they have a free ship code. If you had free ship or type it in at your order, you get free shipping on your order, which is pretty awesome. These sales are a great time to go back and catch up on figures that you may have been on the fence on. Some of the elites from the past few sets and some of the cooler basics, definitely a time to go back and get them because they have some serious discounts on these figures. Yeah, definitely.
Next up to bat, so the UFC toy belt and Conor McGregor toy plush is in stock. Are you guys either buying one of these items at all? Or I was thinking actually get the belt, but what do you guys thoughts of these? The belt's cool. The plush, it's not quite close enough to wrestling buddy scale. To me, if it could fit in with my wrestling buddies, I'd probably grab it.
I'm not a huge fan of the plush, but if you're a Conor McGregor fan, I think it's definitely a must-have for your collection. It talks. I wonder what it says. Someone apologized to absolutely nobody. Yodu fookin' nuttin'. Fookin' nuttin'. Fookin' Mayweathers. Fookin' Mayweathers.
Oh my God, that'd be hilarious if we did that. So some news on the WWE Survivor Series elites that are usually hit in stores. Ringside will be actually carrying them very soon.
Keep an eye out for those. I know that's a sigh of relief for a lot of collectors out there that want to get their hands on the Subvirus series. Those have been Walmart exclusives the past couple of years and Walmart's a little bit hit or miss. I know that Walmart's having a ton of trouble getting this decade of domination set out right now. It was supposed to release over the summer and it's still on the shelf. I know people who got their pre-orders in.
They've been getting emails saying that they've just delayed. So hopefully the set gets out. We know they've been made because I know Sam Roberts and our buddies over at Major WF, they already got there. So hopefully these things get released because we got to get that Nation of Domination Mark Henry. That's a must-have for the collection. I'm not really looking at my chops for any of the other nine, but got to get that Nation of Domination Mark Henry. That's essential.
Oh yeah, definitely. Next up would be the WrestleMania 37 series is up for pre-order on ringside as well. Is that something you guys gonna pick those ones up to? Or is that a pad nearby? Probably wait for the the basics or I mean excuse me for the elites. So these are the the WrestleMania 37 basics. Probably wait and pick up the WrestleMania 37 elites that come out.
Yeah, same here. I mean, I'm not a basic person at all, so I'd probably definitely pass on those figures. Yeah, I really only get the basics if it's... I get a lot of the female basics because sometimes that's the only version of them we get or if it's a first time in the line guy or if it's just like a really unique look of someone, I may pick it up, but yeah, same. I'm not a huge fan of the basics. Yeah.
I think, I mean, for me, they're just like more like, I feel like those are like the toys that are meant to be played with like hardcore, you know, like I would buy the base. I've always bought basics for the Bretman, you know what I mean? Because he's just going to like smash them all together. And he doesn't really care about figure photography and stuff like that. There's a Jimmy Uso basic that's been in our backyard for at least a year. Yeah. I found it the other day when I was like mowing the grass, it was like halfway buried. And it just, you know, it looked like one of the old zombie figures from a few years back. Yeah.
That's where Jimmy is. He's in your backyard, see? Now we know when Jimmy Uso has cracked the case. Most important, a lot of people are waiting for this one here, mainly because of the accessory that it comes with. The WrestleMania 37 Celebration, Andre the Giant and Macho Man Randy Savage, up for pre-owner at Ringside Collectibles. I know a lot of people will probably be pre-ordering these because of the
the ring card. The figures do look pretty cool. You get Andre the Giant, a macho man, and their respective gear as well. They're some really nice basics. Yeah.
I feel like this set would have done better if they just want to market it as ring carts and then have the figures the accessory because that's really what people are buying. I feel like I need this for my collection just because I remember you know WrestleMania 3 and WrestleMania 6 when they used these it was just I don't know it just really hits me right in the nostalgia feel spot but in our figure arena right now we got more of a
more kind of like a bread box arena going, you know, it's a tight entrance way and stuff. It's a little bit more of an indie type setup. We don't get the huge entrance way like we had at our house. So it's like AEW style. Yeah, it's kind of like AEW style instead of our house like we had in Hawaii. So I don't really know what I'd do with the ring cards, but they would be cool to have. So kind of on the fence. I'll probably wait until I see these in person and see if I just can't resist adding them. Definitely a really cool release. You know all the people who, all the 3D printers out there that are cranking these things out for like 50 bucks a pop are just like, shit.
Yeah, there's a lot of them too. Yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing with the you know, I'm I'm a amateur at best on my figure photography I'm looking forward to seeing what guys like figure King your kingdom dark rain square circle photography the type of stuff that they crank out with Once they get these gonna be really cool
So, next up, last but not least, I believe, the Roddy Piper and Mr. T Elite Two Pack up for pre-order. I know this is like a- And for this boxing match at WrestleMania. Oh, yeah. With the extra sets of hands and the gear looks really good with the- The boxing gloves are mage. I can't. Yeah. I mean, I love the boxing gloves. Because it definitely must have for anybody, especially if you grew up watching that stuff back in the day. Or if you're a fan of the Golden Era, you definitely want to
Who would have thought 2020 would be the year of Mr. T?
Oh, yeah, he's making a comeback. Yeah, definitely some cool figures. I don't know. I don't know how much we need in our collection, but I remember that match. You know, it was just it was a disaster of a match. You know, Roddy Piper was just trying to carry Mr. T through it. I don't think Mr. T really understood what he was supposed to be doing. If you supposed to be boxing or just putting on a show and you could see Roddy Piper, you know, supposedly is a little bit of a shoot to it there towards the end when they really started getting into it. But yeah.
Definitely some cool figures. And I'm always glad anytime we get a more obscure release like this. Oh, yeah, definitely. Speaking of obscure releases, you know, jazzwares are starting to show some love and our friend Jeremy over there showing some love to our idea of making a Suze van into action figure form. So for all the all the figure fans out there, keep keep you know, Adam, keep mentioning them on Instagram. Well, no, we want this thing and we will support
if they release it. Yeah, we talked about it last week on the show and literally the next morning there was like a mock-up somebody had done like this like little mock-up of Sue's van and like the washable spray thing. Yeah, their graffiti audit and everything and like it said it comes with Trent's mom and it was just so awesome and we posted it and Jeremy showed it some love. So yeah, make sure you continue to put these little bugs in his ear because we want these play sets. Yeah, Marco, what'd you get for weekly purchases this week?
Nothing crazy. I just got my pro wrestling crate this week. It was a pretty cool set. It had a Orange Cassidy t-shirt, which is pretty awesome. Don't own one. Roddy Piper T, a Cassius Ohno micro brawler, as well as a Stomp and Paradise comic book, which is pretty rad.
Nice. So they actually have a whole comic book for Stompin' Paradise now? Yeah, it was pretty good. It's like a series of comic books that they do do pro wrestling, create a few wrestlers have different comics. They're not storylines or anything like that. They're like one-offs. They did one with Crime Time as well after Shad passed away. That was actually in the pro wrestling create that month. I'm not sure if it was coinciding with that or something they were working on before.
But yeah, they're just one of those comics are pretty cool because obviously what I said collect comic books myself So just owning like wrestler oriented comics is Pretty sick. I know you guys have that awesome collection that you're trying to get rid of to with the other WWE comics. Oh, yeah, studios comics. Yeah, there's still bum that series ended. No, that was such a good series. I
Yeah, everybody's seen the SmackDown anniversary comic. I thought they ended this, but I think that was a one-off comic that they did to commemorate SmackDown's anniversary. Yeah, I don't know if sales were bad or what the deal was. They said they may still do some more special editions in the future, but as far as the actual monthly series, yeah.
It's done, but always glad to see some Stompin Paradise merch. I'm really excited. I hope the initial Super Seven figures do good enough that we get the Stompin Paradise versions of Matt and Brian. It was a slow week for us also. The only things that we got was the Hasbro, British Bulldog, and the Hasbro Typhoon. Still piece together the Hasbro collection one by one.
it'll be complete here and probably know another year and a half or so at the rate I'm going and then I ended up picking up basic 111 Nikki cross the regular version not the chase I passed on that figure at first but then I was you know started thinking to myself like yeah I think I need bliss cross in my in my figure collection so I think that the basic 111 Nikki will go great with
with Elite 53, Alexa Bliss with the blue and pink. So we ended up picking her up too. So that was it for us for weekly purchases. Again, kind of a slow week. Did we get some shorts in this week or no? I feel like we get shorts every week. That was last week. We got the screw job pack with the HBK and Bret Hart shorts and then
She scored the two dudes with attitude shorts from Chalk Line today. I think I checked a few hours ago and there were still some jackets and shorts left for two dudes with attitude.
Quarantine and Chill Segment
So if you guys were diesel or HBK fans, definitely hit up Chalk Line and grab some shorts and a jacket. So with that, we will move on to quarantine and chill.
All right, quarantine and chills where we keep a Tranquilo, even though everybody's kind of stuck inside for for the foreseeable future. So the big thing for this week was WWE Battleground was released. So that's going to be the big WWE video game for this year. You guys all remember the debacle that was WWE 2K20. That one really hit me right in the field spot because anybody that you know, following on Instagram knows how much of a hardcore
2k player I am so basically they decided just take a year off from making a simulation style game and said Battlegrounds is gonna be what we get it's more of a Super Smash Brothers type game more arcadey gameplay and it came out this week to a little bit of a mixed reaction Marco What were some of the reaction that you saw out there for people that had battlegrounds? I think a lot of people like the other roster and
and stuff like that. You had to play like Yoga Zuna and stuff like that, which is pretty cool. That's what kind of drew me into it. Because you don't see Yoga Zuna in video games that much anymore at all. So that was pretty cool. But yeah, definitely a mixed reaction of like, you know, I'm not sure if people were expecting more of like a 2K type of gameplay, because they're used to, you know, the years past, essentially.
But yeah, it's a repetitive game. It's not like a game that you're going to go in scientifically and beat someone. It's made as a family friendly fun game where you just go in and just button mash pretty much. And I think people are expecting the technical aspect of the original 2K games being incorporated into this arcade.
type of game. And I think that's where the, uh, the miscommunication came in, in my opinion anyway. But yeah, mixed reviews, um, mostly most bad, not really positive ones. I think people turned off by the, uh, the microtransactions. Now I think that I saw you have Seth Rollins isn't available as a box. I think you had to pay to get Seth Rollins and that's always going to turn people off. I'm cool with paying for some of the more obscure characters, but you got to have all the main guys. They got to be ready to go right from the jump. Exactly.
Xbox Series X Pre-order Challenges
So yeah, so if you if you got battleground as you've been playing it let us let us know what you think I think it definitely wasn't the The hit that 2k games was planning for it to be the other big news this week was the Xbox Series X So we got people on both sides of the fence Marco talk about your experience trying to get the Xbox Series X
Um, there was, there was, there was no experience. I didn't get it. Just like dead, just dead pages of, uh, just waiting in a queue and then it, then it says it's like unavailable or come back. Where did you try to score it at? Uh, target. Yeah. I was saying where that like game stop target, you know, I didn't know. Yeah. Targeted it out best buy as well. And they both.
done. I got lucky. I started off on GameStop because our buddy Mike Lanham kind of gave me the info on how it was going to go down. And I thought it might be my best bet, but they immediately crapped out like 1059. I hit refresh and it just put me in a digital queue. And I could just tell from looking at it that like it wasn't going to work. I just I didn't get the warm and fuzzy. So
I went to Microsoft next, the same thing. Their website just kept crashing. I knew shit was getting real when I went to Amazon's link and Amazon even crapped out. I got an error when I went to Amazon's Xbox series experience. For anybody that knows a little bit about the technical side of the internet, Amazon hosts most of your favorite websites with their server services and everything, or Amazon web services.
If they're crapping out, you know the traffic is getting serious. So I end up want to target somehow another target had the most stable servers of Any of the sites that had the Xbox which is like insane, right? Yeah, I got to the page. The pre-order button was there You know
I had to click it about 50 times. It just wasn't doing anything. You know, it wasn't anything at first. I'm clicking the pre-order button. Nothing's happening. Then I had a handful of times where it would, it would add it to my cart, but when I would go to check out, suddenly my cart was stripped. And I don't know what, for whatever reason, the stars finally aligned. I got it to my cart and then checked out and
I'm surprised my phone didn't start smoking as fast as I was clicking the checkout button. I ended up checking out and got the email confirmation and we're going to be able to get an Xbox Series X on release day. I hope so. Target is notorious for their...
Cancellation e-mails in there to delay the e-mails and stuff so you know sending sending thoughts and prayers out to our Xbox but i can only imagine the traffic i mean one because you know this is the first new system that's come out and like you know freaking forever.
But with everything that's going on, you know, these systems, it's just like we saw with the the freaking Nintendo switch, like the people are buying these things up because their kids are in the house, you know, their kids are home with them. This is going to be like the big the big present for the holidays and stuff like that, I feel like. So I can only imagine that like everybody was trying to get their hands on these new systems that launched.
So reach out and let us know what you guys' experience was if you were able to score the Xbox Series X or if you got the PlayStation 5 last week and you're all set for this new generation of consoles for Christmas season. So next up will be our random merch of the week.
Introduction of WWE Wines
Random merch of the week is where we find some random bit of pro wrestling merchandise. If you guys have been a fan for any length of time, you know that there's just all kinds of stuff out there. A damn near anything you could think of has had a pro wrestler license it and had a product and we'll discuss it and we'll share a link on the Facebook group. And this week is something that just dropped. So this is WWE Wines. You know, it's the last thing I was expecting to see this week, but suddenly
WWE has its own line of wines out. Sheena, tell us a little bit about the Ultimate Warrior and Undertaker wine. So yeah, so this is a two pack. These are both licensed. There's two different superstars. We have an Undertaker licensed wine, and then we also have an Ultimate Warrior. So the Undertaker is a 2018 Cabernet Sauvignon.
It says, you know, it's a limited edition 30 barrel series to honor the Phenom's 30th 30 year career. Each Undertaker bottle is marked with an individual bottle number number as well as the barrel it came from. And then the ultimate warrior is a 2019 Zinfandel.
So each limited edition, again, oh, oh, the cool thing about this market was actually telling me about this earlier. There are three different corks in the bottle. So when you pre-order, you're not going to know which cork you get. So, you know, you pop the bottle, there's different corks. It's got images and like different quotes from the Ultimate Warrior, which are super cool. Again, like Seth said, I was definitely not expecting to see like WWE drop a line of wines of some fine wines here. And they're not cheap either. Like, you know,
I haven't drank wine in a while. I used to be a wine mom. Actually, I stopped drinking wine before I became a mom. I don't know. I used to drink wine all the time. But I mean like a $20 bottle of wine. I'm like, oh yeah, I'm getting that good stuff, you know. But these are like 50 bucks a piece. So you can get the two pack for $100 plus $25 shipping. So they're on pre-order right now. And it also looks like the bottles, I can't tell if they're like dipped. They almost have like a maker's mark style like dipped.
wax look up at the top. But yeah, they each have like the pictures of, excuse me, Undertaker and Ultimate Warrior on them. The bottles look freaking sick, but. This would be a very cool thing to collect if you were in a wine. Yeah, if you're a wino, I think this would be an awesome. I mean, I'm tempted myself. I mean, I haven't drank wine in forever, but yeah, they do look
Wrestler-themed Alcohol Products
pretty mage. What about you, Marco? Do you like to sip on some wine after the kids go to bed and watch some trash TV?
Yes, I do actually. This is right up my alley. I'm really interested obviously because the bottles look really cool. They could be obviously great display pieces and stuff like that. But if you really want to bottle out, they do have the six mixed bottle package where it's three of the warrior and three of the undertaker. It's only $275 with $30 shipping. If you really want to bottle out. You save 25 bucks by getting them all that way.
Yeah, exactly. It's a $25 savings. I'm interested in it only because it's wrestling related and weird things like this that we would never expect.
To happen is happening right now. So it'd be pretty cool to own it. It seems like it's gonna be like a one-time deal I was gonna say I wonder if this is just gonna be like once they sell the batch that it's like done You know like you're not gonna be able to get the undertaker wine anymore or the the ultimate warrior wine They're gonna move on to to someone else. This is these are gonna ship late October or early November But yeah, like if these are gonna be like a one-time run like I think these could literally like these could be really collectible and
but I mean, you want to drink the wine, right? You got to get something loose and you got to get MOC. Pretty crazy. I'm definitely interested. I hope somebody that I know, Marco, can you please buy these and tell me what they taste like? Of course, yes. I mean, I was planning on doing it. I mean, my birthday's at the end of there. What better way to celebrate your birthday is to just pop some warrior champagne
just spraying all over the place and I'll shake it crazy like warrior. Shake it like the ropes. Yeah. Now we've seen Undertaker and Ultimate Warrior Juan. We had Chris Jericho, Bubbly, and we've had Stone Cold's Broken Skull IPA. Marco, what wrestler and alcohol collaboration do you want to see next? Oh, man. That's hard. I'm thinking that New Day should do some type of alcoholic beverage.
Maybe like they would have like hypnotic or something. Yeah, they would have something they would have some fruity mixed drink Yeah, maybe like a yeah like a mixer or something like that. So like a new day mixer or something with the pancake flavored mixer I think we need like a
a gang rail kianti you know like a super a super rich red wine with the vampire gang rail on there i mean it only it's only obvious right like with his little like what do you call those things like chalice uh chalice is that what it is is pimp cup yeah i'll go with that
his goblet. That would be, that would be kind of obscure. I don't know. You know, I don't, I don't know how many people would draw to, um, to, uh, gang rail. But I mean, to me, that was like the first person that popped in my mind because I just think of him like spitting, spitting the red wine everywhere. What about you? That's way too highbrow. We're marketing to wrestling fans. You need some clean branded fireball whiskey. All right. Oh yeah. I didn't know you meant like you could do any alcoholic beverage.
Marco didn't say wine. He said a new day mixer. So Not bad. Okay. All right on that note. We will move on to our retro wrestling recommendation of the week
You know what? I'm going to bust in for a wrestling recommendation real quick. I'm going to say we need the Seth Rollins Messiah wine for communion. You know? Oh, wow. Yeah. Should have stopped. Yeah. Can you see the Monday Night Messiah handing out communion with the little crackers and the bread and his own like brand of wine? I mean, come on. We got to have it. All right. Okay.
Oh my God. All right. Exactly. Marco Davis. We've talked about him a couple of times already.
Classic Road Warriors Matches Recommendation
Give us a Road Warrior Animal inspired retro wrestling recommendation of the week. All right. So my pick for the week.
is Starrcade 1989 Road Warriors. So technically, they face three different tag teams. They face Doom. They face the Steiner Brothers. And then they faced the new Wild Samoans. But the Steiner Brothers. I can't think. What was the name of the tournament there? Was the Crockett Cup what they called the tournament? Noza.
I remember they had a name, but yeah, I'm just talking about it was a round robin one night The Iron Man team and Iron Man tournament so they had a singles Iron Man tournament right tag team Iron Man Yeah, I think it was us. I think stinging great Muda was the the main event of the singles one Yeah, okay. All right. So yeah, take it away. Tell us about World Warriors and Steiner's
Yeah. So, uh, that's, that's probably the best out of the three, out of the three matches at the road warriors head, um, arguably the two best tag teams in wrestling ever. Uh, the Steiner brothers and the road warriors going head to head. Um, but an eight minute match, uh, the Steiner brothers do win. They, uh, they do defeat the road warriors, but it just seeing the, these two teams collide like at that time in 89, like if you actually, this whole show taught the bottom, like the crowds like completely into it, like.
every, every match, like up and down, like the, I don't think the crowd's like goes dead sound once during this whole, this whole, uh, event, uh, especially cool event. Cause yeah, like I said, it was, it was a tag tournament between those teams. And then it was a singles tournament between a sting let's Luger, Ric Flair and great Muda.
Yeah, so you had the Road Warriors, they ended up facing the new Wild Samoans and they defeated them. So you got to think they fought three times that night, pretty much every team did. So they're pretty gassed by that last match.
The highlight of those three tag team matches is definitely the Steiner Brothers and Road Warriors. Like I said, it's about an eight-minute match. It's really quick, so definitely got any way to watch it. It gets all this stuff in. Seven minutes, 27 seconds. Yeah, definitely. Kfabe-wise, yeah. I think it's, without a doubt, that's the two best tag teams ever. Yeah.
or as when the loss goes, they both those teams just rarely lost. So for me, you know, we discussed it this morning that we were going to do this for our retrospective recommendation of the week. It's kind of interesting because I actually had a hard time picking out a favorite like Legion Doom or Road Warriors match. You know, I remember these guys being so iconic, but I think I just remember coming out and kicking ass. There's not a whole lot of matches that really stuck out. Oh, yeah.
But one that I picked was from WrestleMania 13, the Chicago Street Fight. This is where it was a six, it wasn't even really a six man tag. It was like a three man, three on eight match, but it was the Legion of Doom and they brought Ahmed Johnston to team with him and they gave Ahmed his own set of spiked shoulder pads and they take out the whole nation of domination. This is back when it was still Farooq, Savio Vega, Crush, and just a whole bunch of goons. They had the two guys, they, you know, wrapped them to the ring and just a bunch of kind of, you know,
Faceless goons that came out and it was just an awesome match You know a lot of a lot of weapons a lot of crazy stuff really entertaining and that's probably my favorite Legion of Doom match My favorite Legion of Doom memory was SummerSlam 90 the heart foundation and demolition when LOD came out to help to help the heart foundation beat demolition and get the bells from but I
But yeah, again, once again, thoughts and prayers to Road Warrior Animals family. Again, very sad day in the world of wrestling. And I encourage everybody to go out and watch your favorite Road Warriors slash Legion of Doom match on WWE Network this week. So with that, we will move on to a few questions from our listener mail. Sheena, take it away.
Sheena's Personal Story and Collecting Journey
So our first question comes in from Joshua Mark. It says, what are your retribution names?
Marco, I think you had the name generator set up, right? What was the name for everybody? I was slap, I was slapjack on the name generator, but if I was just picking, I would be like spazbot. You were slapjack and I think it, let me see, let me see what, uh, he was machete machete Jack. Seth was machete Jack and I was like, I was like crispy something. It was like, it was a weird name, but, um, yeah, I don't know what my actual retribution name would be.
If I were to pick one. I think I'd go with Crescent Wrench. Crescent Wrench. That's a good one. That's a good one. Hmm. What would yours be? I said I was going to be spaz bot. Spaz bot? Yeah. I don't even know. Spastic around here all the time, you know? I can't even think of like... I'm just trying to think of two random words to put together and make a name out of it.
Probably something like, I don't know. I can't even think of one. It's so ridiculous that I don't even want to think of a retribution name right now. All right. This one is, it comes in from Ryan Bilal. This is like a multi-part question. I'm going to pick part of his question, then we'll answer some more further on down the line. It says, Sheena's story of how I met the heel husband and was I collecting before I met him?
So I met Seth in high school. He was sitting back in the back of the class with all of his football buddies and he wouldn't stop talking. So our Spanish teacher moved him up in front of me. I already knew who he was. He was a new kid in school. He's a military brat. So he came to this little small town and obviously got all the attention because anytime a new kid comes to a small town, it's just like, ooh. It's like when Buzz Lightyear showed up at the freaking, in Andy's room, everybody's like,
Wow, there's a new kid, right? So anyway, he sits in front of me in Spanish. We met at high school and then, you know, we just started dating and, you know, the rest, as they say, is history. I did not specifically collect like wrestling figures. I mean, I had a ton of wrestling figures because I had brothers and older cousins and things like that. I mean, they were just for play. I wasn't like what you would call a collector, but I mean, I had wrestling figures around like my whole life. But then we really ramped up the collection and
What was it? 2014? 2015. But Seth, the heel husband, if you go back in the archives of our YouTube, you can see we went to heel husband's house and we did this in heel husband's house. We unboxed like all of his childhood figures that were in totes at his house. Like we pull out some really crazy stuff. So definitely go check those out on YouTube.
You can see some of, uh, Seth's original figures, but yeah, then we really started collecting together. I've always collected other things. Um, so I've always been a collector at heart. Um, but yeah, whenever Seth and I got together, we really ramped up the wrestling figure collection. Anything to add here, husband? Nope. Did you know it? All right.
Fun Debate: Is Pizza a Sandwich?
Um, Brian Salat says, is pizza a sandwich Marco? Yes or no. Is pizza a sandwich? Yeah.
No. How is it a sandwich? Yeah. It's definitely not a sandwich. It's definitely pizza. Is that even an actual question? Is that like a real debate? I don't know. Ask Brian. Brian obviously wanted to know. It was on his mind. Let me pick. Oh, who do you think is going to win the Super Bowl?
Super Bowl Predictions
I think the Seahawks. Russell Wilson's on a tear. He definitely went up a level between last season and this one. DK Metcalf is a stud at wide receiver. I think the Seahawks are going all the way. Marco?
Yeah, I don't know. I would probably say the Seahawks. Obviously, I like the Raiders too. I mean, they're 2-0 right now, so that'd be really cool if they could make it to the Super Bowl. They almost did a few years back, but then everyone got injured. Literally, every quarterback that they had got injured, they didn't make it.
Yeah, I'd probably see Hawks. I think they're probably going to end up with the Super Bowl. I think Russell's due for another one. Yeah, at one point late in the second half of their week two game, Russell Wilson was actually at a point where he had more touchdown passes than incompletions on the season.
Yeah, they're kicking ass. I think they had a really good shot going all the way this year. So with that, we'll wrap up another episode of the Chick Foley show.
Podcast Wrap-up and Promotions
Again, remember, you can find Sheena at Chick Foley on Instagram, find Marco at Chick Foley show on Twitter.
We'll be live either on Discord or the Facebook group. We'll be live somewhere on Sunday during Clash of Champions so we can get some good conversation going and discuss all the big matches we got this Sunday. Remember, check us out on slash Chick Foley Show and you can find us at Pro Wrestling T's. Sheena, any closing thoughts for the fans? Nope. Enjoy your week. We'll be watching Clash of Champions and we will be on Discord. So if you're in our Patreon group, make sure you look for the Discord link this weekend.