Yeah, the AEW belt is huge. I don't know how... I feel like I've not seen a lot of chatter on that. Nobody's mentioned it on the show. think it would I don't even think it would fit in like the Money in the Bank briefcase, dude. The AW belt big. Yes. And the only thing's got to be heavy, too. The way they're yeeting around that briefcase. Yeah. like I don't think the belt is in there I don't know how anybody else hasn't like called that out. I know. I mean, I know we're, so you know, suspension of disbelief is like literally the name of the game, but come on guys. Like where are the prop guys? Where are the prop guys that are like, you know, and I feel like at some point we need to like, you know, hit the, hit the briefcase and the, um the belt just go flying out. You know what i mean? Like it just needs to like make an appearance. Like, I I don't know. that Yeah, that's, that's true. We still got this intriguing briefcase thing. It feels like they haven't played up as much, but yeah, if it's, if we're supposed to believe that the belt is in there, like just quietly swap briefcases next week. Nobody will say anything. It's wrestling. We'll, we'll forgive it as just a little, you know, error in prop design. But yeah, that briefcase is way too tiny. Yeah. I can't get over it. It's like one of those things that you, when you see it, you can't unsee, especially since it's like the, the prize, right? Like all eyes are on the prize and the prize is supposed to be in this micro case, you know, explod they shrunk the belt.