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Winds Of Change

The Chick Foley Show
91 Plays3 days ago

We catch you guys up on some crazy events around the backyard farm before diving into the week of wrestling. Plus some live reactions and reviews to new wrestling figures and listener mail!

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The Chick-Foley Show Returns

Welcome to the Chick-Foley Show.
What is up, Foley fam? We are back after a kind of unplanned two-week hiatus from the Chick-Foley Show, man.

Life Updates and Travel Mishaps

But we got some fun stuff to get caught up on. Sheena, we'll catch you guys up on what's been going on life-wise while we had to end up taking a little bit of a ah break from the show. But we are back and better than ever. We're here with a Sunday afternoon recording.
Sheena, what's going on? um Nothing. You sound a little sad. so You're making it sound like something really bad happened. No, it was nothing bad. It was sad. Your voice was just kind of like very ah solemn there. Nothing bad. we're all Everybody is well and good over here at ah you know at the Chick-fil-A fam. But yeah, Seth has been traveling like mad. Like he went from Honolulu to Washington, D.C.,
came home and had a wicked case of the flu. That was pretty solemn event. Yeah. it's True. Yeah. He, uh, he had a, a wicked case of flu, a, um, and, uh, with bronchitis, you I had to nurse him, nurse him back to health with all my witchcraft and wizardry, um, all my herbs and, you know, all of that kind of stuff. So I did say, did I do a good job or not? You did a great job. dear Do you believe, do you believe in the the power

Weather Woes in Tennessee

of plants now? Are you, uh, you know, always, always,
um But then, so then he, after we he finally got well, we had planned on recording and then he left for another trip to Texas. Well, no, the day we were going record fence blew out. Oh, totally, I totally, yeah. We kind blew over on life update and what's new on the farm. Yeah. So, you know, our fence, you know, we live in a suburban backyard. We have a, we live in the suburbs and we have like a little backyard fence situation. What do count? Penny Acre Backyard Farm. You can go there and see. I actually think I posted a picture of the fence. I can't remember, but.
um the fence blew down. we know We've talked about it on this podcast before here in Tennessee. I don't know if it's just this part of Tennessee or if all of Tennessee is like this, but we have some wicked weather around here. The wind specifically is just insane. like It comes out of nowhere and Especially in like through the spring, man. Yeah. in the The early parts of the spring, it's just like, you know, hold on to your panties, dude, because, you know, the the wind is going to whip them off. But it did blow down our fence.
And thankfully, it wasn't the part of the fence that contains the goat yard because that would have been a massive event if we had to find a way to contain the goats. Yeah. Anyway, then Seth traveled again, came back. We've been dog sitting. So just a lot of life stuff. Nothing bad and other than the fence and flu A. But love has been a little bit of a holding pattern for the most part. Yeah. We haven't had any major development since ah since seeing this heel turn, you know, kind of just connecting the dots and stuff we were already expecting to happen on the the road to WrestleMania. Did we discuss seeing this heel turn on our last episode? We did. OK, we did the elimination. It was right after. Oh, right after elimination chamber. OK, but we didn't we haven't talked about the raw promo. Right.
Right. OK, that's right. So we'll get into

Ringside Collectibles Promotion

it. want to remind you guys, this show is brought to you by Ringside Collectibles. Use code Chick-fil-A to save 10%. They have their WrestleMania sale that's going to be going um now. I'm assuming we'll probably see a couple iterations of it with between now and the actual event. But definitely hit it up. a lot of great stuff is brand new in stock over there as well. And want to remind you, go to You can find all things Chick-fil-A there.
And most importantly, you can sign up for our... um Patreon exclusive

Wrestling T-Shirts Tournament

Facebook group. A lot of fun in there. You to tell them about the Merch Madness tournament we got going on? Yeah. So Seth has, i don't even I didn't even know this was like in the works. He just kind of like sprung this out of nowhere. And, um you know, for March, we typically do some sort of like tournament bracket. Like, you know, we here at the Phelps family, we love a good tournament bracket. and We've done our serial episode. We've done a lot of different special ah special events, you know, for March Madness.
This time, Seth went out and just put together a list of all of the absolute worst wrestling T-shirts of all time. Like super cringe, just absolutely horrible design. Who would buy this type would buy more importantly? Who would wear this out and Who would wear this out in public? Most of these are bad to even wear to like a wrestling event, much less to wear to look at the grocery Some of these I would be embarrassed to wear like, yeah, to a wrestling event where everybody knows. who it is and what it is and the references and whatnot but um he put together a list we've been voting on it in the in the facebook group um you know so it's our merch madness is what we're calling it and um yeah get in there and yeah still plenty we're still in the first we're still in the first round plenty of time to jump in and have your voice heard there are some humdingers towards the worst shirt of all time yeah right uh anything else she before we get into the wrestling i say let's go
So let's do a little weekly rewind. We'll hit all three of the big shows. We'll start um Monday night.

Cena vs Cody Post-Elimination Chamber Discussion

We had Cena and Cody finally in the ring face to face for the first time since Elimination Chamber.
Cena cuts a long promo, basically just healing off on the fans. um What did you think? Because this was our first time really hearing from Cena. Well, at first, like I was listening, you know, I was like, I was locked in, right? Because I just wanted to know what this was. What was he going to say about The Rock? Why he joined forces with The Rock? What was the reason for turning heel? Yada, yada.
And at first, I was just kind of like, okay, cool. And then it felt a little rambly. And then I kind of came around on it again. um i don't know. I've been kind of hot and cold on this John Cena um angle. I mean, he's not lying. I do feel like it's a valid angle. Like if you go back in the history books...
um I do feel like it makes sense, right? Like what he's what he's saying and you know this story, it's not just like it came out of nowhere. um It does make sense, but it did feel a little bit kind of like Warren. I feel like we've seen this storyline so many times, like the fans didn't appreciate me. You guys didn't love me. and you know All I wanted was love and you didn't love me. And I mean, I do think Cena's kind of keyed up for like the all time best version of that just because he had such a weird relationship with the fans where he had for, I i mean, his is legitimate. Yeah, it's absolutely well legitimate.
The hardcore fans booed him until until they missed him and started cheering him unironically. um ah To me, I just felt like they turned the temperature down on this big time, right? Like at Elimination Chamber, it seemed evil. You know, he's joining up with The Rock and Travis Scott, beating the hell out of Cody.
And this just seemed more like silly, like almost like they were playing it for laughs, you know? You didn't even mention The Rock Monday, right? not at No, because I was waiting. There was no follow-up on that whatsoever. Because I remember asking you after the fact, I was like, so what did this have to do with the rock? Like, why was the rock involved in this? Was he just the catalyst to create this situation for, you know, and what if Cody, like what would have happened if Cody agreed?
Right. I mean, like if Cody would have agreed, then where does that put Cena? Yeah, there were definitely some plot holes in that, uh, the whole thing that the way that went down. But I, like I said to me, man, it felt like they walked it back, turned the heat down on this.
And that kind of feeds into some of my critique from last episode that I felt like the big problem with doing the Cena heel turn now is that, you know you got to have it walked back by the end of the year, right? He's not getting booed when he leaves on that final match, whatever it may be, dude. We got to get this guy circled back around to being a baby face.

Long-term Impact of Cena's Heel Turn

So I think that prevents you from going all in on the evilness. It kind of felt like we were getting an a elimination chamber. And now I think it's just going to be โ€“ I mean, he can make this right with the fans next week. Say, you know what, I was tripping, I was in my feelings, whatever, dude. Like you could โ€“ you could get back on the good side where yeah there's a chance. i Obviously, you know, in wrestling, you can always kind of flip flop back and forth, but You can, if you take it too far, you're not going to able they just got a lot of track they got to cover in the next nine months storyline. Well, I mean, we've we've seen with wwe WWE time and time again. I mean, they can literally just men in black mind erase us and just pretend like certain things didn't happen. Right. Especially when the rock's involved. Yeah.
Especially when the rock's involved. I mean, and Travis Scott hasn't been mentioned. You know what i mean? Like there's been no other mention of Travis Scott on television or anything other than just like showing the recaps and stuff. So it was just kind of like, It was very odd. I'm still excited for it. I'm here for it. I love something different. I'm glad they finally did it, dude. I feel like it would have been one of those things that, like, you know, if John Cena just retired as a white meat baby face, um you would have always wondered what if, right? And I feel like we're getting the... You know, we're getting what we ask for, so I'm along for the and Cena, they're both talented enough that I think this is going to be fine, right? Yes. think we're going get, you know...
We're definitely going to get something good, but it feels... i't It feels like they're kind of building a roller coaster as it's going with this whole storyline. I feel like Mania's felt like that for the last few years, dude, where it's like were just kind of like pull in this or you know writing the script as it goes. You know what i mean? and like I think it's really anything with The Rock, dude. I think The Rock's got a little bit of the old school Attitude Era, like Vince McMahon vibes of like, we'll make something up the afternoon what we're going to do that night. You know what I mean? Yeah. Figure it out. I don't think you're getting the...
It's kind of in contrast to everything else Triple H is booking that's like you know methodical and like planned out piece by piece. But I feel like it's worth. They'll plant seeds for stuff much. Yeah, it's worth. Yeah, I mean, the last few years, i mean, eventually you're going to run into a situation where it's just an absolute flop, right? like I feel like it's inevitable that one day you're going to do something and you're going to be like, yeah, that was decision. It has worked because the people that's been involved is you know the Rocks. literally the top of the top of the top Seth Rollins yeah all super talented people and it's it's always been compelling it's it's and it definitely does lend that little bit of air of unpredictability right and I feel like sometimes there's maybe something that's missing right now in WWE it does for as great as it is right now it uh
it can feel overly predictable at times, you know? Yeah. But, um but no, I was, I'm, I'm not, after seeing Monday night, I'm like a couple, my excitement is toned down a little bit for what we're going to get the next couple months.
Yeah, it is toned down. I, I, um, I just don't like the whininess. You know what I mean? Like, I feel like it's just, it goes against everything that we've ever known about Cena being just kind of like a little whiny cry baby.
um So, you know, again, I'm not, I'm not trying to like pick it all apart. I hope it's awesome. And I'm here for the, for the journey. All right. Do you want to go in chronological order for the week or do you want to stick with WWE and jump right over to SmackDown?
Let's go to WWE. Let's keep WWE. So the big thing for SmackDown, what I'm assuming is going to be the night one main event. ah We finally saw CM Punk, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns all together in the ring, you know, facing and off planned segment.
What'd you think of it, Shane? I thought it was awesome. I think, I mean, I didn't want it. i Originally, I didn't want it to be a triple threat. I either wanted it to just be Sina or um ah Seth and Punk or Seth and raw or Roman.
But I think it's going to be great. I think there's there's so much history and there's so many ties and there's so many things that haven't even really been mentioned, like CM Punk's ties with the shield and all that kind of stuff. I feel like you know There's plenty of room to play all that into it and um really kind of tease that out. because that's it i mean That hasn't even been mentioned, that like the debut of The Shield was like closely tied to CM Punk. right and like Yeah, and they kind of retconned that a little bit back in the day when it happened. But like like you said before, WWE, they control the history, right? So they can always change up the narrative of what they need to be. But yeah, they got...
that I think that may be why they haven't played up on that as much because the whole CM Punk was behind them showing up kind of got yeah kind of got like whitewashed a little bit. um I thought the segment was whatever, you know, lots of sign pointing.
It was another pull apart brawl. I feel like both companies have really been leaning on the pull apart brawls a lot the last couple months. It seems for whatever reason, that's been like the flavor of the week. Because it does always work, right? You separate them, then you let them break out and fight again. it just For whatever reason, that that always gets wrestling crowds fired up. But the segment was definitely a little bit paid by numbers. Who do you see right now winning this thing?
um I see Punk winning, dude. I feel like it's just, you know, I don't know. i feel like Roman can take the loss. Seth has proven that he's not going to lose anything, dude. But I feel like if Punk loses... You got Paul Heyman there as a wild card. Feels like he's going to have Roman outcome. Yeah, we still have a favor o to CM Punk, dude. We don't know how that's going to play out. um And we don't mean know CM Punk is the original Paul Heyman guy, so...
You know, anything is possible. i I'm picking Roman right now. I think we could see a Paul Heyman turn. Maybe it backfires. I think Roman wins. I just, I can't see them having Roman lose two Manias in a row, man.
You know, he i mean he lost last year. I just can't see it. There's still a pretty decent chunk of the audience that literally only tunes in for WrestleMania. I just don't think from year to year you want to see Roman taking the pin in the main event back to back.
True, but i would say i would say that is spot on if it were anybody other than CM Punk, dude. As much as um as much as people are you know hardcore, like turning in to watch Roman Reigns, um there's a there's a portion of the audience that is like, they're diehard CM Punk. like No matter what he does, he- And it's his first Mania match back. And it's his first Mania match back. And it's going to be a main event, which is like, you know, his whole freaking crux of his storyline. think storyline wise, that's probably the most compelling thing they could do is having Punk win with a little Paul Heyman, you know, maybe intentional or was it intentional? Was it not intentional assist?
What do you think if assuming, you know, it plays out how it is, it's just a straight up triple threat match. for the main event at Mania, dude. Like, the like no title involved, no nothing. Like, what what' what's your thoughts on that? Like, there's no, if there's if it is just a grudge match and there's no real stakes.
with the I think with the level of talent you're working with, like it's going to be awesome either way. um I could absolutely see them putting some sort of stipulation on this. I don't know exactly what, but... I think, dude, these guys are big enough stars, and it's not that far away. i think, dude, have when the winner gets the title shot at SummerSlam, dude. You know what I mean? SummerSlam is basically...
WrestleMania-wide at this point. let's look at True, but I feel like this is like... like this This kind of match is just such a grudge, like like a hate match, right? like All three of these guys hate each other, right? it's not I feel like adding like a title contingency into this is just...
I think it kind of waters it down a little bit. You know what i mean? Like none of these guys are out here fighting because they want the title right now. They're fighting because they hate each other and they're trying to just prove their dominance over the other. Yeah, I get that. I just feel like it needs added stakes, man. I so i don't feel like you could, if it was one-on-one, right? If it was any of these guys one-on-one, feel like you could do a one-on-one grudge match for the main event, but a triple threat grudge match is just kind of messy anyways, right? It's like convoluted. Like, you know, how do you make it? Maybe winner gets the wise man.
Yeah, but then what if Rollins wins? It's true. and this I think it's tough because in something like this for it to really work, You got to kind of keep all three plates at the same temperature. You know what i mean? You got to keep Punk, Rollins, Rollins, Roman, Roman, Punk. All three got kind of be burning at the same heat. because what you don't want to turn into is where people are super excited to see Seth and Roman tangle.
And you got Punk kind of thrown in. Or you're super excited see Roman and Punk. And you got Seth sprinkled in. You're going to keep all three feuds going. And you got to kind of keep all three of those guys apart for the next month, dude. Yeah, yeah. i just I feel like adding a title shot in there would would give it some sort of, you know, kayfabe stakes.
I think that'd be cool if like we knew, like, okay, three months out, we know who's fighting at SummerSlam. Because remember, we got two nights at SummerSlam this year. They got to sell out MetLife in New York. So I think if you got three months, if you know the night after WrestleMania, hey, CM Punk won, and, you know, three months from now, he's fighting for the championship in the main event at SummerSlam.
I think that's compelling because then that adds a little bit, you know, you got, like, CM Punk shadow over the entire world title picture for the next couple months. Yeah. so i wouldn't be I wouldn't be mad at i i don't think it. yeah I don't think it needs it. It definitely doesn't need it. It'll be fine without it. Once the bell rings, it'll be fine without it. but I just think that'd be something cool to kind of kind of crank it up a couple notches.
Excuse me. All right, let's move to Wednesday night, AEW in Omaha. We had three Foley fan members in the front row. We had Kyle Peterson, and then we had the Fig God and Tony Biangelo, Tony Barker sitting front row. to I saw Kyle Peterson a couple times, man. Jordan was on screen all night. Yeah, I totally missed Kyle Peterson, and he sent a screenshot with โ€“ I mean, it was like Mox and Cope and him right there. I was like, how did miss It was like he a manager or something. Yeah, no, I mean, at first I was like โ€“ At first I thought, cause I had posted that picture of Jordan and Tony.
I thought maybe he had just like Photoshopped that. Cause it kind of looked Photoshop for a moment. then perfect It was so perfect. I mean, it was like, he was like front and center with his arms out and everything. ah But yeah, Kyle, Kyle was in attendance confirmed. Yeah.
Yeah. um Pretty good episode of Dynamite. Shout out to all the Omaha fans. like they They had the place filled up. There was actual blizzard going down there that day. I know Mox couldn't fly in. Mox, again, adding his legend, he drove 11 hours to get to that show. you know it would have been very easy for him to just say, I can't make it.
But no, say what you want about him He's always there for the fans. Nebraskans ain't scared of the snow, dude. There's one thing. that yeah The snow don't faze them at all. Yeah. um But the big thing was, you know, we had the street fight between Mox and Cope. We thought, you know, maybe this is a knee jerk reaction to the outcry coming out after um after Revolution, you know, that we're so upset that that Mox retained.
So we're thinking, ah oh, they're going to the title change here on TV. It basically turned into bloodline rules. We had about eight different people running in and interfering. But it ended up with with Mox choking out Cope once again, man, and and keeping the belt, dude. i I was happy. Mox is my favorite in AEW. I was rooting for it But i know a lot of people have really soured on this Deathrider storyline. What about you, Sheen?
I don't have my finger on the pulse quite as ah tightly as you do with AEW. However, I have been following this Deathrider storyline. And to me, it's just, it's played out. I feel like there was a point in the storyline where, like, it could have...
um been good and they could have just done the right thing and let, uh, you know, the title change hands. But instead they, they took a left turn and here we are in no man's land, you know? And like, then then on, on, uh, Wednesday they had the opportunity to correct it and they still, they like dug their heels in and they were like, no, we're going to show you guys like,
we're we're sticking with this. So I don't know. I'm not sure this reigns in it anytime soon, man. You saw Ospreay came out, cut a really, really spirited promo week before last saying that he's entering the Owen Hart Cup and he wants to fight for the championship at All In. You know, that's going to be AW's big stadium show this year. It's going to be the first time they've done a stadium show in the States down in ah down in Texas, where i just came from there in Arlington.
on that Globe Life field. And they say, Will Ospreay already called his shot. So we know the next challenger at Dynasty is Swerve. Swerve's on a hot streak right now. Super popular.
And people already say, like oh, Swerve will take the belt from Mox. Dude, to me... If you're really going in all in on Ospreay as your number one baby face, I don't think you want a split crowd at all. in now Because if it's whether it's, you know, between now and then, if Swerve takes the belt from Mox or somehow Hangman gets it, you're going to have a little bit of a muddled audience, dude. I think when you cry if if they are going to go all in, pardon the pun, and crown Will Ospreay at all in, I think you want that crowd 100 million percent behind him. you don't want And that's the one thing Mox gives you, dude, being a hated heel like that.
Whatever babyface he's going up against is going to be beloved and get the huge, it's going to be the moment, you know, when they actually dethrone him. So I don't know. That's why I feel like Mox is holding this belt until all in. The other card to drop, dude, you know, Osprey already called a shot, but we know Darby Allen's still out there, man. This thing was originally kicking off and the Death Riders were looking like they were going to be the more violent version.
of the NWO, Darby was kind of being framed as like the sting of the storyline. You know, that's how this whole thing got started. Mox convinced Darby to put his number one contendership on the line and Mox beat him for it and then beat Daniel Bryan or Bryan Damerson to get the belt.
um So you got Darby out there too, you know, if he ever gets done or if he survives this climbing Mount Everest thing that he's got to come back. So I don't know. Who who do you think it's going be? Do you think it's going be Ospreay or do you think it's, they're going to go see the storyline through and have Darby be the one to take the belt off of Mox? I agree with you. I think it's i think all roads lead to Ospreay.
I feel like it's time. He's the most over guy. Yeah, he's the most over guy. i feel like, you know, and don't want to say most deserving, but I feel like it's time, right? Like, how much longer are we going to go without... ah Feels like anything. If he's not fighting for the belt, he's just wasting his time at this point. He's just so good, man. you know um've I've definitely had some critiques on this the actual layout of some of his matches, but the actual work, the fire that he brings, the the character work, like...
He's the best AEW he's got right now. He really might be the best wrestler in the world, but he's definitely the best AEW has at the moment. So, yeah, I don't know. It'll be a test, man. We know Tony Khan really gets his heels dug in and he's got his idea for a story. So if we actually do see Mox going to beat Ospreay to just go on to lose it to Darby, we'll know that like nothing has changed. And like whatever he gets in his mind, he is going to see it through. Yeah. To the end.
Yeah. I wouldn't put it past him, dude. Obviously, mox' Mox is kind of like the, you know, he's the ace of AEW. Like, he could win literally any match. Yeah. He's always the break glass in case an emergency. No matter what's going on, kayfabe, whatever, dude, Mox could still end up winning any match. So, mean, maybe he does beat Ospreay as well, dude. And then we see... ah Can you imagine? We see Darby be the one.
But I needed to see Darby have the full sting run, dude. I need to see Darby, like I need to see the Death Riders become somehow even more dominant and like Darby's up in the bleachers, you know? Yeah. Maybe they just run back the whole NWO. Maybe we have a fake Darby interfere to cost Will Ospreay the match, dude. Wow. then, you know, the real Darby can go emo up in the crowd, man.
Yeah. I don't know, man. I think, um, I don't think they'll do it. I mean, I think, I think they're going to give it Ospreay. don't think they'll beat Ospreay? Yeah. There might be riots, dude. That's what, I mean, that's just what I mean. Like if they, if they have Ospreay take the fall freaking, um, the stadium show you know i mean? That's just going to be.
and will say this, see as this, as they're getting more and more heat for this death writer storyline, continuing on and on and on with seemingly no big, big plot twist or development or whatever. um TV ratings aren't everything, but it is really the only kind of like hardline metric we have to go off of to determine how successful these companies are really doing nowadays.
And ratings have gone up five straight weeks for AW with Mox on top and continuing to continue. Yeah. Maybe everybody's just waiting. Like, who is it going to be? Yeah. You know, I'm wanting to see this guy beat. So they, and you know, the money's always in the chase. don't We'll see. it I'm, I'm intrigued, man, just cause I get it. Dude, the death rider storyline is definitely kind of falling flat from where it started off as, but I still love Mox, dude. I think Mox is super compelling in ring and,
He's just see's my dude in AEW, so I'm not going to complain about his run continuing on. Something that makes this even more of a heel storyline is that that briefcase is absolutely visually too small to be carrying the title belt. Yeah, that's the other thing, dude. I mean, that's like a work briefcase that you carry your documents in, dude. That's not even like your main briefcase. That's like, when hey, I'm not taking my main when I got my little compact briefcase I'm just taking for a couple meetings across town. Yeah, every time I'm just like, what?
Yeah, the AEW belt is huge. I don't know how... I feel like I've not seen a lot of chatter on that. Nobody's mentioned it on the show. think it would I don't even think it would fit in like the Money in the Bank briefcase, dude. The AW belt big. Yes. And the only thing's got to be heavy, too. The way they're yeeting around that briefcase. Yeah. like I don't think the belt is in there I don't know how anybody else hasn't like called that out. I know. I mean, I know we're, so you know, suspension of disbelief is like literally the name of the game, but come on guys. Like where are the prop guys? Where are the prop guys that are like, you know, and I feel like at some point we need to like, you know, hit the, hit the briefcase and the, um the belt just go flying out. You know what i mean? Like it just needs to like make an appearance. Like, I I don't know. that Yeah, that's, that's true. We still got this intriguing briefcase thing. It feels like they haven't played up as much, but yeah, if it's, if we're supposed to believe that the belt is in there, like just quietly swap briefcases next week. Nobody will say anything. It's wrestling. We'll, we'll forgive it as just a little, you know, error in prop design. But yeah, that briefcase is way too tiny. Yeah. I can't get over it. It's like one of those things that you, when you see it, you can't unsee, especially since it's like the, the prize, right? Like all eyes are on the prize and the prize is supposed to be in this micro case, you know, explod they shrunk the belt.
Yeah. That's true. It could happen. All right. um You ready to get into some wrestling figure news? Yep.
All right, want to remind you guys, the figure four segment and this entire podcast is brought to you by Ringside Collectibles. Use code CHICK to save 10% on all your purchases there. Chick Foley. Oh, yeah, my bad, yeah. what's yeah you got the I think the flu is creeping back into your brain. Yeah, use code Chick Foley.
we I don't know why we didn't make it code Chick whenever we set that up all those years ago. Yeah. But, yeah, use code Chick Foley. No going back now. Yeah, no going back. Use code Chick Foley to save 10% at Ringside. We'll start off with brand new in stock. We got it this week, Elite 116.
Um, there's some cool figures in here. We got first time in the lines for Jade Cargill and Lexus King. And you get the neat fun fact of Lexus King and, uh, Brian Pillman. Yeah. if you If you're up on the lore, then, uh, yeah, you put the connection. I thought it was cool that we got flying Brian and Lexus King in the, in the same set. Yeah. If I, our buddy, Alex Pierce had actually made us a, uh, almost like note for note version of that Brian Pillman figure we got back when we got the, uh, the Hollywood blonde, Steve Austin. And then I think 2020, 2021 timeframe.
um If it wasn't for that, i would have been over the moon for this figure. Like I said, I already kinda have the kind of This figure already existed for me, but I love this Brian Pillman to finally go with that stunning Steve Austin Hollywood Blondes figure from, I think, Elite 86. Yeah.
The Lexus King looks really good. I love just like the over-the-top hair and all like you know the beard design and whatnot. um Otherwise, I mean, obviously Jade. Jade looks fantastic. I do prefer her Jazzwares figure over the Mattel. Jazzwares is still lot...
better job making her stand out compared to the other females. I feel like this, you know, the she she looks too similar to like Bianca or like Charlotte. Well, this is like, yeah. And it's just like, you know, she's got the white hair and the gray suit. Like all of it is just very monotone. I feel like, you know, we're just so used to Jade just being electric, right? Like just, I feel like there was a better color way out there to have her first time in the line. Well, you know Mattel's classic strategy too. They'd never give you the best figure for the first time in the line. True. Because you know the first time in line is going to sell no matter what. So they're going to come with the bangers after this. i wouldn't be surprised if we see her in an upcoming Ultimate Edition.
Yeah, I could see ah an... up or and up Wow. Easy for me to say. I can see an Ultimate Edition in the near future for her. Otherwise, I was a little underwhelmed by the set. We got another KO. Got another Randy Orton. The cool because he comes with a cloth shirt and he's got his WrestleMania shirt underneath. i always like the KO shirt. love the KO Mania shirts.
Yeah. So that's kind of part of a set. But yeah, the rest of them, this seemed like they'd maybe been over budget for a quarter or something, they had to catch up. A lot of black in this set. A lot of black. A lot of low deco figures. And I mean, just like, I mean, another AJ Styles figure. know what I mean? Well, this AJ in that horrible attire. Well, I mean, right. This was a unique AJ, but it was when his absolute most horrid ring. don't know. I feel like we could have gone without memorializing that. Could have been a basic dude. Yeah, definitely could have been a basic. You needed one, but it definitely could have been basic. Yeah, this was like during, I was like, what are you wearing AJ?
um But yeah, I mean, overall, I mean, in solid set, but I feel like compared to what we've seen as of late, it's kind of a, on the weaker end. Yeah, definitely. the bri I think that the Pillman and the Lexus King are the two MVPs.
For sure. You got some other new stuff that, uh, want to remind you guys just came in stock is the better than you, baby, two pack, Adam Cole, and, uh, MJF with some really good soft goods. And then the latest, um, unrivaled set is in stock at ringside as well. You got a Willow Nightingale's first time in the line figure on that one. That's a nice one. And you got kill switch. So first time we've seen Luchasaurus figure in about, about four years now.
Um, So yeah, some really good stuff in stock. We have we have some um some phony Hounds of Justice here. And ah I don't know, they just heard something going on. They're like the faction in NXT right now. They're not the Shield. They're just whatever they're called, Dark Knight or whatever the group's called. Yeah. um Do you got some new figures in? We had some, some stuff come in the mail. Don't to get Sheena's live reactions to.
First off, we finally got the all in Will Osprey figure. This is one of 3000. It was on shop AEW last summer during all in. So ordered this back in, in August finally came in.
I'll tell you guys, I, open I opened this figure up, man. And you know, it was kind of painful cause that, that packaging was really, really cool. This would look great to to have autographed. I kind of wish I would've got two of these, but This figure is a stunner, dude. like I think as of right now, it's my it's still early, but it's my figure of the year so far. like This thing is just, for the MLC collectors, you really need to open this thing up, dude. It is the the gear, the sculpting, the soft goods. like It's a masterpiece, man. Yeah. Yeah, everything looks spectacular. I mean, there's literally no detail spared on this. Like the floral, like they have like, you know this beige floral print in the middle of the tights. And then that same pattern goes underneath. Like they could have totally cheaped out and just did red and blue on the sides.
They followed that ah floral pattern all the way to the both legs on the knee pads. um And the jacket, all the patches on the jacket have individual like, um,
like symbols and graphics and stuff. The jacket looks great. It's got the union Jack flying off the back. Um, got the furry hood. I just, and and this face scope looks great. I think everything about this figure is stellar.
And a jazz wears has been killing it on their soft goods, dude. Like that's one thing they definitely got Mattel beat on. Like just the, they have like a weight to them. Like you can actually kind of put the hood down on his jacket and it stays down. they feel well Yeah. It just, they're whoever they got doing their soft goods for him.
is doing an incredible job right now between this, like that. Think about that jacket that came with Sting, you know, his Supreme figure. Yeah, if this would have been Mattel, the whole jacket would have been that satin material. They would have just like, yeah, just printed on some stuff onto the satin instead of making like the bottom look like the leather. And yeah, excellent looking figure.
So another company we've been fond of over the years. This is the latest from Boss Fight Studios and Master Public's Legends of Lucha Libre. We finally got the Elite-style Vampiro, which is really, really cool figure. And I'm a big fan of this line. If you haven't given them a shot, I would definitely recommend it. These are super nice figures of guys that we aren't getting in the big lines.
um You remember, Sheen, we got the original yeah production samples of Ray Phoenix and Penta all those years ago. And those were really cool figures. um But they've leveled up big time since then. This Vampiro is a stunner, man. Yeah. I mean, even if I didn't know who this was, like everything about this just. Super toyetic, right? Yeah, man. He just looks awesome. I mean, the vibrant color on the tattoos, it just pops right off the figure. The nice textures on like the boots and pants and stuff. Yeah. got like these like, you know, rivet style pants with like the little bumps and everything. Boots got little bit shine to them. Yeah, the jacket is like a plastic jacket, like a clamshell type jacket, but it's like nicer. It's got lots of texture, lots of detail.
He comes with two head sculpts as well. He's got the later era Vampiro, and then he's at his he also comes with an early WCW style Vampiro head sculpt. Yeah, and there's like shading and the face paint and everything. like I just think it looks awesome. Yeah, they're announcing wave four of their premium line um later on this week, so definitely keep an eye on their social media for that because they've said it's going be a...
Pretty spectacular. And then last but not least, got to give Walmart credit. You know, Walmart online notoriously is a nightmare. Ordered both these figures Thursday night while at dinner, and they came in a day. So we got the Ricky Starks Walmart exclusive. It's in the softness. Yeah, Ricky Starks in the nice blue like blue foil packaging, man. This is from that when he fought Will Hobbs on pay-per-view. was the one time...
um When he rocked the main event tights and the gloves, I don't know what made him wear this for this one night. And then he went back to just the trunks and vest and no gloves. To me, this the main event look, man. yeah Like he needs to bring this back, dude. Like, don't know I don't know if he just is way more comfortable in the, the short tights or whatever, but I feel like this look is, is so money for him and it's super toyetic.
Yeah, I mean, if you've been listening for any amount of time, you know that we prefer main event tights, dude. mean, trunks are good for some guys, but I feel like if you're going to level up and actually be a main eventer, unless you're Randy Orton, I feel like tights is the way to go. Yeah, I mean, the trunks work some people, but I feel like almost everybody looks better in the long pants than the trunks, dude. Mm-hmm.
yeah i agree feel like i feel like you can you can fall into mid card look very easily yeah with uh with with the long pants just you could always get like like think about all of seth's gear he's had over the years dude he's been absolutely killing it here lately think about hbk dude yeah like imagine if those guys wrestled in trunks instead of the the long the long pants i know but then you got guys like gunther who are just straight freaking ass kickers who you know Yeah, I guess it works gimmick. But for Ricky Starks, man, he's kind of a bright, colorful guy anyways, dude. Yeah. I mean, I remember Randy Orton. It was like an interview I heard like years and years and years ago talking about how it was just easy, dude. Like he didn't have spend a bunch of money on his ring gear, dude. He always had like the same black trunks, you know? Yeah, and Randy Orton was like he was grown in a lab. True, yeah. I mean, if you have like 25 abs, I mean, you can wear whatever the hell you want.
But yeah, ricky Ricky Saints, Ricky Starks, Fearless, then bring this look back, dude, because this is this is a yeah main event money look. Yeah, you're for that. all right. And then lastly, we talked about him ah at length earlier. What's going on in his current storyline? The Supreme Mox. I think this thing looks awesome, dude. Do you need another Mox figure at this point?
Probably not. But I feel like you could get this one and get rid of everything else. um Supreme remains the absolute best figure line out there as far as... just the value goes right. You're getting a leather, really nice. I can already tell that leather jacket's nice as hell. were just talking about jazz wear soft goods. dave The leather jacket looks money.
You're getting two. I think you get a t-shirt and a sweatshirt in there. And then you're getting the cool thing about the AW figures, you know, they're, they're super modular, dude. So you get a whole other lower half as well. So you got them with the black pants in the box and the gray. Like I think this is the best mocks slash Dean Ambrose figure ever released. Yeah. And I mean, they like took the time and attention to detail to put like the tattoos on the hands. Like he's got the R for Renee on his hands. He's got the wedding band tattooed on.
Um, so i mean, these hands are like exclusive to Mox, which is really cool. All the head sculpts look great. I love the, um, I love these like jean, whatever cargo style, style pants he's got over here, the gray ones. Um,
They look awesome too. So yeah, Supreme. And I love the packaging, the packaging on the Supremes, having all of the accessories on the side. I've said this so many times every time we get one, it's just like, that's what hate about the ultimate additions. If you're like an MOC or like, yeah I really love the ultimate edition packaging and the figures are obviously always stunning.
But like, I think if I'm like MOC and I'm getting these things signed, I hate having all the, the extra hands and the the heads floating in there, dude. I like this where you get the figure front and center with the awesome like dynamite entrance stage backdrop.
um Yeah. Just really, really cool, man. Yep. Looks great. um Definitely. 10 out of 10. Yeah. So like I said, Jazzwear's, man, they definitely have their consistency issues. i will say, though, Jazzwear's best stuff is on par with Mattel's best stuff. It's the Jazzwear's average compared to Mattel's average is where where they start to run into the critiques, man. But yeah we ready for listener mail?
Let's go.
Hopefully most of these questions aren't, uh, aren't out of date. I think it was Wednesday. No, I checked. Yeah. To make sure we didn't have anything that was just like, you know, totally irrelevant. Uh, our buddy, Johnny JV, Johnny J B. How are you guys feeling about WWE 2K25? I'm on the fence about buying it. And also just to piggyback on that, Tom Montalto, the OG fig kid said, I'm loving 2K25 so far. What are your thoughts? So like Sheena mentioned at the start between being sick and, uh, traveling, I really haven't had that much chance to play it, man. Like I, uh,
I've only played maybe a handful of matches. I've enjoyed what I've played so far. I would say if you're still having fun with 2K24 and there's nobody on the roster that you absolutely have to upgrade, I'd probably wait for a sale, man. Like,
I always buy them first day because I like them first day because, you know, I love these games. But as long as the servers are still live for 2K24 and you can access community creations and stuff, I don't think there's a huge reason to upgrade unless you're just really wanting to play the new storylines and showcase modes and stuff. If you just do universe mode or my faction, um,
I think you probably still got a little get a little bit of mileage out of at a two K 24 and and and wait for the first sale. You know, usually once all the DLC is out, they'll bundle it all back together and have a big sale where can get everything for a little bit cheaper. But it is a good game. You're not going to be disappointed with it.
But I just think it maybe is not worth it for everybody to go ahead and and upgrade to the new one on day one or, you know, day 10. All right. ah The OG Fig Kit also says, Liv Morgan has developed into a superstar in front of our eyes. Is there anyone else you can recall that has had such an amazing story like hers?
like kind of just like a grassroots type, um, like rise to, not to the same level, but you know, similarly another, you know, petite blonde, Julia Hart over in AW has, yeah. You know, she started off with the varsity blondes working a cheerleader gimmick. And now she's this awesome, like, you know, house of black chick, dude. Like uh,
So, you know, kind of would prefer her for like the AW counterpart. Obviously nothing like Liv, dude. Liv is, you know, Liv's in the top three or four female stars on the roster right now. One of the most popular regardless of gender.
um People love Liv and she just does an absolute excellent job. I don't think she's another lady I'll throw out. I don't think she's matched the in-ring ability yet is Chelsea Green. Chelsea Green's improved just so much over the years and just...
you know I don't know if it's so much approve improved or just making sure she takes advantage of every time she gets on camera doing something entertaining. so That's kind of couple I've got there. You got anybody that's got the big glow up you want to shout out? well i'm um you know I don't know if I'm looking back on this incorrectly, but I feel like when Bianca Belair was in NXT, I feel like she kind of like she kind of really...
She could have been hit or miss, right? Yeah. could have totally just been like a mid card. She picked it up quick, but it started off rough, dude. Yeah. And I specifically remember one time listening to Sam Roberts on commentary or on the pre-show saying that she was fatal four-way.
and No, i think so I think there was a fatal four-way. I want to say it was Asuka, the iconic, and Bianca. and He said she doesn't belong. Yeah, why is she here in this yeah she doesn't belong here. Did not age well. But yeah, Bianca was not, like I said, you could always kind of see the glimmer there, but it it looked rough at first for Yeah, it looked rough. And like, again, I totally think if she wouldn't have taken advantage of the opportunities that she had, she could have absolutely just landed. I mean, she would always been a good wrestler, but she wouldn't have been like main event WrestleMania type.
um One of the biggest stars. One of the biggest stars in the company. um I feel like she's had a pretty good glow up But like Seth said, I don't think there's anybody like Liv. I feel like hers, her Right. And she could have fallen off. Go back and watch some of the early live stuff. Yes. Even when, even when she beat Rhonda, when it was like, you know, it was like, where aided it we were so excited that she beat Rhonda and then it kind of just was like, not it And then she found a way to like, get back in there and like rebuild herself and rebrand herself. And I just think it's spectacular.
Love, live. um TNT, Tyson Neal Trevino, he said, um how do you rate John Cena's heel promo from Monday? i mean, all time. I think it's not, you know. map I don't see myself ever going back and re-watching it. Yeah. I still go back and re-watch like Hollywood Hogan when he turned heel. It was just, ah I think it was kind of forgettable, man.
I do too. And I hate to say that because, I mean, again, i'm I'm in on the storyline. I hope it plays out well. I'm excited for it. But as far as just the promo, I told you at one point I was just kind of like, are we still going? Like, I feel like he just was repeating the same things that he had just said previously, just in a different way. The other thing, like not to go like Lee Greenwood on it, dude, I feel like it definitely lost a little something being in front of the international crowd.
I feel like that needed true and my dad needed to go down in front of an American audience, man. I mean, they they booed. I mean, they, you know, they crowd the Brussels crowd was intense. Yeah, they were fine. But I still thought like it it should have happened to an American audience. Yeah, I absolutely. i didn't even really consider that. But yeah, I agree with that. And we did. This would have little bit different. We did get an all timer of a meme, though. That little boy in the in the John Cena gear. Like that's one of my favorite current memes. Like it's just he'll definitely be living on the online wrestling community for years. Yeah, I thought i thought that was awesome. So Brussels gave us anything, it was it was a fantastic meme.
um Tony B. Angelo, Tony Barker says, what's the craziest travel story to get to a wrestling show? um Jordan ah chimed in and said, when Sheena almost killed us. We've talked about this story on the podcast before when I almost ended all myself, ah Jordan's beautiful wife, Ari, and Seth's life. Enjoy. We were making a trip to Music City Toys and Collectibles Summer Slam 2022 weekend and Sheena almost took us out.
Yeah. As far as crazy stories, I don't know. We flew from Hawaii for two WrestleManias. We flew from Hawaii. We didn't have super intense crazy... Yeah, not to get to a wrestling show, but i they everybody volunteered me. you know For some reason, I'm the worst driver, according to you know this this trio that travels with us to wrestling shows. so Yet, um they all volunteered me to be the one to drive them around San Francisco, which was just like one of the busiest freaking areas. and like You were still a good driver back then, though. You didn't you didn't really become a bad driver until like the last couple of years.
I mean, for how long ago was SummerSlam? That was like, well it was like three years ago. Yeah, that was a little bit iffy. But me and Jordan were drinking. We were having Van beers. Yeah, true. i had i had to drive. um But yeah, we've had some fun, though. I mean, Seth driving back from Revolution with no back windshield. With a tarp over the back windshield. Yeah. But that was coming back from the show. True.
Yeah, it's always fun. If you've never just like gathered a bunch of your friends and got on the road to go to a wrestling show, ah Yeah, it's a good time. Highly, highly recommend. And that wraps up listener mail for ah for this show. All right, so want to remind you guys, use code CHICKFULLY to save 10% at ringside and visit to find all things Chick and join the Facebook group, two bucks a month. Sheena, hit us with some closing thoughts and we'll get out of here.
So, you know, at the top of the show, i told you guys that our fence blew down. um You know, if you've been a longtime listener, you know, we have a history of putting the fig god Jordan Wells to work whenever he comes to ah comes to the backyard farm.
And so it was no it was totally not a coincidence that he had literally just booked his ticket to come out here to visit us for WrestleMania weekend. And then the fence blew down like the next day. So I was like, Jordan, you need to pack your tool belt. So everybody stay tuned. And ah Lord works in mysterious way The Lord works in mysterious ways. So Jordan, you know, you got, you got your job cut out for you.