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Clash Of Champions Review + Takeover Preview

The Chick Foley Show
7 Plays4 years ago
Sheena, Marco, and Seth break down Clash Of Champions and preview Takeover 31. PLUS, what figures are they most excited for from Mattel's upcoming releases. Plus, Marco and Seth give some scorching hot takes on the always controversial topic of candy corn. LISTEN, SUBSCRIBE, RATE, and REVIEW!

Introduction and Listener Engagement

All right, welcome back, wrestling fans. Clash of Champions is in the books and we got TakeOver coming up this weekend. We're going to run you through everything else that happened in this past week of professional wrestling. I'm here. I got the world famous Chick Foley to my left. What's going on, guys? And we got the MVP Marco Denton up in Massachusetts. How you doing, Marco? I'm doing fine over here.
So as always, I'm going to start out by thanking you guys for supporting the show. You know, we're seeing the following grow a little bit each week. It gives us the boost to keep this thing going. What you guys can do to support us is leave us that five star that Dave Meltzer five star review on iTunes and make sure you guys are hitting that subscribe button. All right. So stuff like that's going to promote us up when people just search, you know, pro wrestling or wrestling figures and help us be one of the top results to help
the people who aren't already card carrying members of the Foley fam just kind of stumble upon the show and find the awesomeness that we got going on over here.

Social Media and Promotions

So, Sheena, tell them where they can find you on social media. So you can find me at Chick Foley on Instagram, or you can go to and you can join our Foley fam there. We have Patreon exclusive content. You can join our Facebook group, our Facebook community and interact with us over there. And you can find Marco on Twitter at Chick Foley show.
That's right. So Sheena mentioned the Patreon. You can find that at It starts at $1 a month. You get access to an awesome, awesome Facebook group. That's really, you know, it's worth the price alone. You know, like I said, $1 a month, we could spend 10 bucks for the year. Lots of buying, selling, and trading of wrestling figures. Plus we use some awesome, you know, communal
fig hunting to help out getting, getting all the figures that you need during these tough times. It's not even just wrestlers, you know, we got people that are into NECA, GI Joes, all kinds of stuff. Turtles. Yeah, we'll help you out finding those figures and getting them out to you for retail. We got a lot of unboxed mania videos coming up. We're going to do Elite 79. I'm going to take a look at the AEW unrivaled series one Chris Jericho, and I'm going to bust out some of the various Mattel elites
to really do some in depth comparisons between the elites and the unrivaled figures to see how they stack up.

Discounts and Special Offers

Speaking of figures want to plug ringside collectibles one of our partners making sure you use code chick Foley to get 10% off of all of your purchases there. The Halloween sales and full force and you know speaking of spooky things.
the ringside exclusive Bray Wyatt with all the Firefly fun house puppets just came in stock this week so if that's something you're interested in go and place that order and use code chick Foley to get 10% off with that we will move to inside the squared circle and take a look at our top six
Stories of the week in pro wrestling.

Clash of Champions: Roman Reigns vs. Jay Uso

So one thing to note this week the the orders kind of scattered around So we're gonna start with class of champions just because it's kind of the biggest thing We need to get out of the way before we move forward Mark up What were your overall thoughts on the main event between Roman and Jay? That was that was the biggest story going in and I think everybody was really intrigued to see how it played out What'd you think of it?
I thought it was the, for me it was a match of the night. Just see all the elements of that match was...
Um, hard to describe. It's just, it's just as a wrestling fan, sit back and watch that. Do you have it? I haven't personally had that feeling of, uh, just like excitement and satisfaction for a match in a while. Um, not only not because Roman Reigns is in it, but I'm on the range train, uh, mainly because the, uh, the storyline, um, the, what was happening during the match, the dialogue. Um, I think I mentioned in our discord chat that we have.
You pretty much every pay-per-view that I pretty much. I'm pretty sure they turn the bikes up around the ring so you can hear like Yeah, you can hear all the dialogue. Yeah, Roman you had a running monologue going throughout the match Yeah, so like it was almost like watching like a almost like a show or a movie or something like that It's like just like the elements It was like a beginning middle and an end to it like that. You didn't even see comment. It was like a
Um, spoiler alert, uh, if you haven't seen the match, but he adds, it was, I think it was a five star. I don't like to use that, but it was a five star match in my opinion, just from, from the, uh, from top to bottom, just storytelling alone. Uh, I'm giving it a five star. Shane, did it live up to your expectations? Oh yeah. I, I loved everything about it. I feel like Roman is right where he needs to be. Um, at this point in his career, I just think this heel term.
I love what he's doing with it. I love Paul Heyman. I am so here for shirtless Roman Reigns. He looked like a freaking million bucks. I don't know if he's always looked like that or that time off that he took for the past few months has really just done him good. He's been able to hit the gym, but man, he looked amazing.
that in scene with him standing there with the title and the lay on with it six pack and just the sweat just looking like a freaking certified superhero like it was just awesome dude he just looked amazing
He looked dominant. I thought it was a really good touch having Jimmy come out at the end. We haven't seen Jimmy in so long. Really kind of just tugged at the heartstrings. Seeing him trying to protect his brother. I like that they let the door open for the Usos and Roman to still team up down the road because, you know, at the end of the night, you know, Roman kind of just did what he said he was gonna do. He said he was gonna beat down Jay and show that he, you know, had the rightful place at the head of the table.
True, but I don't think we, I don't think we knew like, you know, is he going to take it that far? Is he going to like legit just like beat him? Like beyond what was the call of duty? You know what I mean? And he took it there, which caused Jimmy to have to come out and I wasn't like when Jimmy first came out, I wasn't a huge fan of like, I was like, Oh God, like here we go. Like he's going to like throw in the towel. Like when did that become an option? Like somebody can just come out of the back and just throw in a towel on behalf of the talent in the ring, you know? Um, but.
After the fact, once he threw it in and kind of went in and consoled Jay and everything, I just loved the dynamic there in the ring where he was like, you know, we're family. Like, what are you doing? You know, just kind of just like so confused as to why Roman like took it there.
Yeah. I hope Roman keeps the lay too. That gives him a little bit of a visual flair on the entrance. If he's going to stick with just the shield pants and boots and losing the vest, he needs a little bit something else to complete the look. What if he gets like a full light headdress? He's the tribal chief. He's going to have like a Hawaiian. We already saw that with Rocky Maivia in 1996.

Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton Analysis

It didn't work out. True. Do that.
So the other big match of the night was Drew McIntyre defending the WWE Championship against Randy Orton in an ambulance match. These type of gimmicks matches are always a little hit or miss, but this one was definitely well received. Shane, do you think it was the best ambulance match we've ever had?
I mean, ever. I don't know if it's the best one ever. I really, really, really enjoyed it. I love the cameo appearances like from all it was like it was like taken through the Christmas story, you know, or what's the story with Scrooge where he goes that's called the Christmas story. Yeah, where you saw like all the ghosts of Randy Orton's past, you know, from this past summer, like everybody that he had wronged.
I love that aspect of it. The only thing that I didn't really love about that is that they were going to let Drew win. I felt like that because he barely pulled off the win anyway and then he had like four people helping him. So I just feel like it kind of made him look a little bit light, you know? Yeah, they did give him an out on Raw on Monday night when the ledges came out and said that he had no idea that they were going to help him out, you know, so it was a surprise.
True, it's still a surprise, but I mean, it was still like, you know, they took some big shots on him, you know what I mean? I mean, Big Show slammed in through the announce table. Shawn Michaels pushed him off the freaking stage. I mean, he took some big bumps from those legends and still Drew just barely squeaked out the win, you know? Right. Yeah, I think it was just to set it up so that way they could still have one more match at Hell in the Cell. Marco, what did you think of the match?
I thought it was probably one of the best aimless matches in recent memory, only because I have a bad memory and I don't remember. A lot of the- About Ray and Dean Ambrose. Yeah, that was actually really good too. Yeah, I didn't mind the legends coming out and helping.
Maybe because I almost likened it to the movies Scrooged, as opposed to A Christmas Story, if you've ever seen that with Bill Murray. It's kind of like a darker version of that. Where Randy Orton had a comment to him, it's Karma. They were going to get him at some point. I was more surprised at the Christian appearance than anything. Him kicking the crap out of Randy Orton. Yeah, that was cool. But yeah, he took a super kick and he got pushed off.
of the event was such as Michael's can get up there still. So I don't know what bar it was fun. I like how they, uh, I like how they worked them in. They, they hadn't spaced out enough to where it was a surprise every time they popped up. And I just thought it was a fun story that they told. I was still waiting for, uh, I was, I was paranoid that Rick flair is going to come out at the end and join back up with Randy Orton and up costing drew the match, but you know, we got to see the nature boy.
The other big high profile ambulance match I was thinking of was Roman and Braun in 2017 when Roman basically tried to murder Braun. But this one was good. They really lived up to the hype. They did a good job using the venue going backstage and then bringing it back out.
Yeah, I'm hyped to see these guys in the cell. What's your thoughts on that, Marco? Are you ready? Because it looks like that's where we're heading. Do you think they're going to be able to top what they did at Clash of Champions when they face off at Hell in the Cell? I think so, mainly because it will just be them two. You won't see the legends again, hopefully. They don't just rip through the mat there and enter the ring. But yeah, I think they'll live up to it.
I'm not sure if it'll be better because all the outside stuff that they had going on there they like the surprises and stuff like that but who knows a Randy he comes out with some pretty crazy stuff in his matches so I'm thinking of the Jeff Hardy with the screwdriver in his arrow
So who knows? We're not even going to touch on that, but freaking Jeff Hardy, like they love using his ear as a prop dude, but who knew when he gauged out his ears like that, that that was going to be like one of his defining features for people who would just attack. We saw Sammy Zane put a freaking handcuff through it. Oh my God.
The one good thing about having all the legends help out like Sheena said is it really adds some intrigue into this rematch at Hell in a Cell, you know, because now it's really going to be Drew and Randy one on one, nowhere to go, you know, because Drew's two wins so far. He got him on a backslide at SummerSlam, which, you know, is a legit win, but it kind of just came out of nowhere.
And then again, he won on Sunday night with the help of four different legends. So it'll be interesting to see how they played out with him and Randy, just one-on-one in the cell with no one there to help out. Yeah, no one's ever broken through a cage in WWE. True. In theory, it'll be just the two of them.
All right, next story. At the end of Raw, we saw Randy Orton go full Splinter Cell for all the gamer fans out there. Shane, what did you think of the scene when he came in with the Night Vision goggles and took out the Legends? I mean, it was a little bit corny, but I mean, I was kind of here for it. I thought it was good. And I just thought it was weird that they all like it took him so long to get the glasses down and get the light off. I'm like, shouldn't somebody be getting up by now and like attacking him? But I liked when he kind of like walked off and like pointed toward the door and he had his hood up and everything. I thought that was I thought it was pretty funny.
Marco, how'd you like it? I loved it. I didn't think it was going to be that fast of a revenge for Randy Orr. And I thought it was going to be, you know, something maybe next week or the week after. But what better time to attack a bunch of old dudes while they're playing cards?
Did you notice that nobody yelled or screamed or went, oh, ow. It was just literally the banging of a chair. Nobody had made any noise at all during the scene. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, I didn't notice. They probably knew it was coming. He told them he's going to get his revenge. I enjoyed it. Obviously, you couldn't see it.
It was, uh, it was entertaining. I loved it. No raw underground. You got to throw something in there to fill that void. So speaking of, uh, you know, new people showing up on raw, we did see Bobby rude, uh, make his return. He's been out for a long time.
We saw him come out in the main event. You know, Dolph kind of teased it that he had somebody in mind for the open challenge for Drew McIntyre. Sheen, what did you think of Bobby Roode's return? And do you think he's actually going to get a shot to become the main eventer that we never really saw when he came up from NXT?
I liked it. I've always liked Bobby Roode and you know, I've, I've always thought he had main event potential. Obviously he was in the main event scene at NXT and was just amazing. But, um, I feel like they just dropped the ball with him in WWE. They kind of just like stripped away all the things that made him great in NXT. Um, you know, he just had this over the top entrance. Um, he was a heel talk, talk so much shit to all the fans. Um, just really, really leaned into his heel persona. Um, and then, you know,
won some freaking high profile matches along the way. So when he got to WWE, they just kind of like made him a face and pulled all that away, put him in tag teams. And I just feel like they kind of like didn't know what to do with them. So I'm excited for, I mean, it's not really a repackage, but maybe it's just like a reboot to get Bobby in the main event scene.
Yeah, I think you could do with a good change of scenery. Head over to either SmackDown or maybe even back to NXT and give them another run down there. They could definitely use a little bit more star power than NXT because he's awesome in the ring. You know, a very smooth performer. He looks like a star, but it just has not clicked since he's been on the main roster. Is there anybody else that's been on the sidelines last few months that you'd like to see come back and get a little bit of a push, Marco? I'm trying to think.
Not really. I mean, the only one I could think of that I haven't seen in a while that did the King's Ransom was Chad Gable. He read my mind. That's exactly what I was thinking. Yeah. I'd like to see him get, like, obviously take him a little bit more seriously because he is a super athletic, super talented individual. So yeah, definitely get to see him in some type of title picture. Maybe even if he's on SmackDown, let's say move him to Raw.
put him in like the US title picture or the IC picture, or even move him down to NXT and have him go for the cruiserweight or something like that. I definitely think he needs to be in some type of title program because that dude's strong as hell. I mean, he tossed around Matt Roder like he was nothing. He put him in a suplex city with no problem. He can wrestle anybody. He has that kind of like current angle factor.
Yeah, exactly. He that's he reminds me of the most because he's really, really funny. If you saw his stuff when he was, you know, first started on NXT, he's got some he's got some awesome comedy chops, but then he can just go in the ring. So, yeah, he really reminds me of a smaller version of Kurt Angle. And I think if they ever use him right, he could really be a huge star for them.
So up next, our fourth story is the CFO theme songs continue to change. Most notably, we saw Alistair Black debut a new entrance and new music on Monday night. For those that haven't been tracking on this, CFO, the group that's been behind basically 90% of the WWE themes over the last four or five years,
They had a weird deal with their record company before they started licensing their music to WWE and basically WWE is having to pay a lot more money than they normally would to license these themes week to week and the word from backstage is that they're not necessarily forcing anyone to change their music but they're
they're highly encouraging it. So I think we're going to see more and more of this over the next six to 12 months, some of these iconic themes from the last few years getting swapped out. Shane, what'd you think about Alistair's new music? Hated it. Hated it. It is not it at all. I mean, and his theme song was one of my favorites. Him and Champa
and Rollins like they have like some of my favorite theme music and I mean if they if they like give Champa's music the the acts I'm gonna be so so sad but yeah the root of all evil is just like I mean you can literally just like sing along to it it gets you freaking hype dude and then they had this weird new music that was like it was just generic rock music and it was like you know Alistair Black and I'm like we know who it is you know you don't got to say his name um they changed this whole entrance up and everything so
I just hate it for them. I mean, I understand like the business dealings and all that. I mean, but they got they got to find somebody better because these new theme songs are not not doing it. The three biggest themes we've seen change in the last eight months or so has been Seth Rollins, Keith Lee and Aleister Black's Marco, which one of those you think you're going to miss the most?
I'm kind of scared that I'm not sure if the feed if his was a CFO.
No, I think his was before CFO. His was from an actual band. Yeah, they actually got the rights from that band to use. And that's the first time they've done that in a really, really long time. They did that specifically for Bray Wyatt. I can't remember what the name of his song is, but yeah, they got the actual rights for that. But yeah, Alistair Black. And it just fits so well with his gimmick and his persona and everything. And it just really sets you up for what you were about to see with Alistair Black. But yeah, the new music has just dropped the ball for sure. Yeah.
I don't know who they've got doing their music now, but I mentioned it a few times I still think they need to go back and get Jim Johnson, you know, he was the guy that
did a lot of the most popular themes from the late 80s and the 90s all the way up through the attitude era. I think he was actually under contract with them all the way up to 2015 before they parted ways. So I don't know if they had a ugly split or whatever, but he hasn't gotten snapped up by AEW or anything else. So I'm not sure what Jim's up to now, but I'd love to see him bring him back just so we get back to getting some good theme music. Because it's a downtime right now for themes in WWE and AEW.
There's like maybe two or three songs I even recognize for the AEW themes. And there haven't been any good new ones in WWF or WWE in a while either. So we got to do something to shake it up because the theme songs are a huge part of every wrestler's presentation and really getting over, especially once we get live crowds back. I think it's going to be even more important then.
So another big thing from this week, there was no raw underground for the first time since it debuted.

The Future of Raw Underground

So if you search on the internet, there's a few different stories out there speculating on reasons why it may be on a one-week hiatus. But if this is the end of the line and there's no more raw underground, Marco, what was your favorite memory from this wild new presentation for raw?
A couple of favorite memories, two of it just like people just going and destroying everyone. First and foremost of her business, when they first appeared, I think on Raw Underground, they just like kicked the crap out of everyone there.
The second one is definitely Braun Strowman, him showing up because that was, I got expected, I wasn't expecting to see Braun Strowman out raw on the ground and him pretty much doing the same thing, just taking on all cameras and just destroying everyone. Honorable mention goes to Dolph Ziggler.
Um, cause he was pretty bad-ass on, uh, Rhonda God. I can't, I can't front on that. He was, uh, he was handling his business on, uh, on that front. So yeah. Yeah, I agree. For me, it was probably Dolph just cause I'm a huge Dolph fan. And yeah, he definitely, he looked really legit in there, uh, doing his thing. And then the other was probably just the debut of Raw Underground, just cause they kind of got it fine tuned to something that was half-ass entertaining, but
That first time Raw Underground came on, I think collectively, the WWE Universe was just like, what the hell are we watching right now? It's like one of the producers just went and binged Def Jam Underground for a week straight and came back and was like, I got an awesome idea for a new segment, guys. Didn't connect. Sheena, how much are you going to miss Raw Underground if it doesn't come back?
Um, not so much. Um, it was okay. I like, it started to grow on me toward the end. Like, you know, I liked the change of pace and I liked the change of scenery, but I mean, I'm not going to miss raw underground if it just goes away forever. I mean, where was it even going? I mean, that's the thing with raw underground is, I mean, I don't even know what the, like it, where is it building to? What, what's the point of these, you know, just to get these guys a little bit of, you know, momentum before they go have an actual storyline on the roster. It was just a way to, yeah, exactly. Just.
get a bunch of quick matches in and give people a little bit of momentum before they go do something bigger.

NXT TakeOver 31 Preview

All right. So with that, we would go to our number one story of the week. And that is that we have NXT take over 31 going down. So for those who've been keeping score at home, Sheena is now going to be the chick Foley show prediction champion for two weeks in a row. I think Harry Marco ended up in a tie.
Class champions, but the pro wrestling rules if it's a tie the champion retains the title So Marco you got a chance to take the strap back At this this Saturday Excuse me this Sunday. We'll see how you do. So we'll get right into it with the first match So just a straight-up grudge match we will be seeing kashita take on velveteen dream Marco. What is your prediction?
I'm going with Kashida. It's his first NXT takeover. Most people go with Velveteen because he's like the takeover guy. But I know Kashida, he has a vendetta. He wants to kick the crap out of Velveteen. And it's Kashida's time to shine. So I'm going with him. Yeah, I gotta go with Kashida too, just because I feel like this is gonna kind of launch him into the cruiserweight scene and just kind of get him on the map. And I mean,
Yeah. Velveteen dream. I mean, he has really nothing to like win or lose in this match. So I think he'll, I think it'll be a good, a good match between these guys, but I think she does come out on top. Yeah, I agree. It seems like Velveteen dreams kind of lost a lot of momentum since he failed to, to take the belt from Adam Cole earlier this year and, and cause she does on his way up to, to bigger things. So up next, we will have the cruiser weight championship match. Santo Escobar defending against Isaiah swerve Scott. She know what your thoughts on this one.
Um, I have not been tracking on these guys. So I'm going to say, I think Santino, what is his name? Escobar. I think Escobar is going to, is going to win this one. Marko. Uh, we're going to have to split on this one. I'm going to go Isaiah Scott Swerve at Swerve's house. So I think he's going to take it.
Yeah, I agree. It does seem like Escobar has been doing a lot with the belt since he won it. Swerve is definitely somebody that they put a little bit of marketing behind. I think they see some potential in him. He's definitely got more main roster potential and I think he's going to take the belt. Now we have the North American Championship match. Damien Priest is going to be defending his newly won title against Johnny Gargano. Johnny's going to be trying to make history by becoming the first ever two time North American champion. Marco, do you think Gargano will pull it off?
This is a hard one because it'd be pretty cool if he does become the first ever two-time. But I think Damian Priest is retaining. Same thing with Isaiah Scott. There's a lot of push behind Damian Priest. And I don't think he's losing it that fast. Maybe if they do another, they have like a second match or a third maybe, he'll lose it. But definitely not this one. So Damian Priest, the archer of infamy is who I'm going with.
Yeah, I got to go with Damien priests because that is, I mean, unless there's going to be a situation where, um, Candace beats EO, which I don't see happening in like both Garganos like leave with the belts, you know, and they got, they both have gold. Um, I don't, I don't see Johnny Gargano beaten Damien priest. So I'm going to go with priests too.
Yeah, the one thing that it seems like Priest should probably win this coming off his big win at the last takeover. But like Sheena mentioned, you know, Candice is going for the belt also. So Johnny's definitely be going hard. So I could see this one going either way. But yeah, I think at the end, Priest is going to retain. So next we'll have Johnny's wife Candice LeRae fighting for the NXT Women's Championship against Io Shirai. Sheena, how do you see this one playing out?
Um, I'm going to go with Io Shirai. I mean, she's one of the best women's wrestlers ever. Um, and I just, I don't think Candace is the one that's going to take the, take the title from her. So I'm going to go with my girl, Io.
Yeah, definitely EEO. I don't see Candace winning that. If Johnny Gargano is facing like Finn Balor and going for the main title and he won, I'd probably pick Candace LeRae, but other than that, I'm definitely going to EOSHA right on this one. Yeah, unless they each get involved in each other's matches, I can't see them winning. It's got to be some sort of like, you know, smarmy heel tactics going on for them to get the win. All right, and now it's time for the main event.
The NXT Championship match we saw the the up close personal interview tonight with Shawn Michaels kind of hosting Finn Balor defending the NXT title Against Kyle O'Reilly of the undisputed era Marco. How do you see this one?
Oh man, it's gonna be a brutal back and forth banger of a match. But I'm going with the Prince Finn Balor on this one. He's way too determined winning that title as well as keeping it, it looks like. So yeah, he's not losing any time soon.
Yeah. I mean, I hate to just like, you know, have we had anybody, have we had any titles change hands? I don't think they're in this, they're in this predictions. We've had any, any titles. Marco picked a swear. Oh yeah. You pick swear. That's right. Um, so yeah, I'm going to, I'm going to go with Finn Balor too. I don't think, I think he's going to carry the title for a while. I think they're going to really make this a really important run for Finn. And I mean, I think Kyle Raleigh is going to give it all he's got and he's going to give him hell and it's going to be an awesome match, but I just don't think he's got, got it to get over the Prince.
Do you guys think we see Undisputed Era get involved in this? Most likely. Yeah, I think so. Sheena, what makes you most excited for out of the five we got set up for Sunday night? I mean, definitely Finn Balor and Kyle O'Reilly, I think. Because I'm excited to just see Kyle O'Reilly give it all he's got as a singles competitor. Because I didn't really follow him before when he was not part of Undisputed Era. So I'm excited to see what he's got. Marco, how about you?
Same hair. Yeah, definitely a Kyle O'Reilly just just based off of that a gauntlet match His performance there definitely looking at this Finn Balor matches like his has this coming out party as well. So Yeah, definitely interested if if if shots he was facing Io Shirai probably picked that as my Like my pick but um, yeah, definitely the Kyle O'Reilly Finn Balor match
Yeah, I'm intrigued by this one too. It really kind of came out of nowhere with the Kyle O'Reilly is, you know, being one of the top, top baby faces now in NXT. You know, the undisputed error just been such heels ever since they debuted. And then we saw Adam Cole, basically in the face roll against
against Pat McAfee at the last takeover. And now Kyle O'Reilly against Finn. So I'm really wondering how it's going to play out. And like I said, what the participation from undisputed error is going to be, whether Kyle wins or loses. So should be a pretty good one. That being said, this definitely feels like one of the more low key takeovers that we've had in a while. Kind of just snuck up on us. You know, it doesn't feel like it's got any real buzz going on it.
they didn't really bother giving it a name. I think it's just NXT 31 is the takeover 31 is the name of this one. How are you guys feeling? Sheen, does this feel like a traditional takeover to you? Not at all. I mean, it just feels, I mean, it looks, I mean, if you just look at the card, it just looks like a stacked episode of NXT on a regular Wednesday night. I don't know. I feel like
I feel like we've mentioned this before on the show, but NXT is definitely taking the biggest hit in the non fan era, you know, they definitely need that fan base because like some of these guys, you know, that they need that crowd behind them, because that's the cool thing about NXT is like that crowd latches on to people and like boost them to the moon, you know, and without that, it's just kind of like, it feels a little bit empty. So I feel like
they're suffering the most. And NXT was like my favorite program before, well, really before they went to two hours, that was like when it was like at its peak, but then when it went, you know, on TV, I feel like it started to take a little bit of a, little bit of a hit. And then when the COVID era hit, it was just kind of like, wah, wah.
Yeah, between expanding to two hours and then again, having to move to just a performance center with no crowd. It's definitely been a rough year for NXT. The good thing is though, with Triple H and HBK running things down there, I'm sure they'll get it. They'll get it turned around, get it heated back up in no time. Marco, what's your thoughts on the show? You pumped for this one?
I am just off of the main event alone. It didn't seem like it was kind of like, eh, we're just going to throw it out there. In my own conspiracy brain, I think Triple H wants to number-wise catch up to WrestleMania, so next year they can have an NXT 37 right along with a WrestleMania 37. I didn't even think about that. For some weird reason, that's why they're like,
This so that you might see a lot more just change them to the numbers instead of being where they got five months to Book six of them. Yeah, I mean which they can't they can if they just do like these one-off shows like like these like these like not like huge event versions of them But yeah, I think it's mainly just to get back like next year if there are live live crowds able to do it like you have this one weekend where it's NXT take over 37 and WrestleMania 37 so like
I can see that. Like you said, it's easy to do it this way because you don't have to sell tickets. You don't have to do any of that. You know what I mean? You can just literally book a takeover anytime, any place, wherever you want to. So I could totally see that. All right. So that wraps up inside the Squared Circle for this week. Again, there's definitely a little bit of a light week outside of class of champions and takeover. With that, we'll move on to everybody's favorite segment of the show. Go figure. Here comes the money. Here we go.
All right. Go figure is sponsored by ringside collectibles. Again, make sure you guys are using code chick Foley. Anytime you guys place an order there to get 10% off your figures. This is where we discuss all the latest and resting figure news and go over our weekly purchases. So Marco, take us away with figure news.
All right, so speaking of next year, speaking of WrestleMania 37, we had some news on the New Japan Pro Wrestling Series 1 figures from Super 7. They will now be delayed till January of next year. These are according to email sent out by Ringside. If I got it.
I was, I had the Michael Jordan crying face on when I saw that email coming to my inbox. Yeah, I mean, yeah. So I mean, the question is, um, will we actually see these before WrestleMania 37 or even after? No, no way. I'm skeptical. We're going on.
You know, I think it's going to be in over a year of delays by the time these things release. You know, my concern now is that if the contracts run out, some of these guys aren't even with New Japan by the time they get ready to release them. You know, I'm not sure what the agreement is if Super 7 reached out to the wrestlers individually to make the deals or if it's actually with New Japan. But yeah, you know, I'm worried if these things keep getting pushed back, but they end up just getting canceled.
Yeah, it's pretty uh It's pretty telling even though like, you know, you have the the major bros they have their their powers And uh, I think them basing it off of what's happening with new japan I think that's why they did like a made to order type of thing so they can actually it's not like a mass production. It's like As many people that order them those are the ones that are going out those are those are the people that are gonna get them It's not gonna be like
We just made a bunch of these and now we're just waiting to fill the ship or however they do. How do you prioritize production on such a small batch whenever it's like you're trying to get out these multiple series of New Japan figures and whatever else they got going on. These are just the New Japan figures that we're talking about. Those aren't the only figures that they make.
Cause I have series two pre-ordered also, man. So I'm thinking like, this is gonna be like a high school graduation gift for my three year old by the time they end up coming out. So I really hope, I hope again that the protos and like the pictures look freaking awesome. They really look like they're going to be some of the best wrestling figures we've ever seen. I'm not even super familiar with some of the guys in the series, but the figures look so great that I'm just getting them.
So hopefully we get them eventually that that's my hope right now is they just don't end up getting cancelled But i'm sorry to get a little skeptical with all these continued delays. Yeah Yeah, they they I mean for the first two series They pretty much picked all like pretty much every single superstar that you could think of so pretty much all those guys in the lines and both those uh Both those series are the main guys over there. So you're not getting any uh
any bench warmers or anything like that. They're all frontline main event people in there. It's that term, it's worth the wait. If they're really that good, then just wait it out and see where they show up. If it's 2021, 2022, who knows?
I think people will just forget about them and why they would just have a box on their porch and be like, oh, what is this? They're here. Yeah, so we have some more news with the WWE decade of domination.

WWE Merchandise Delays

So Walmart shipped some Randy Orton figures, while many orders have been delayed to 1030, so next month, actually a month from today.
So yeah, the stadium would be 930. They may surface in some stores prior to release. Obviously, that can always change.
What do you guys think? I'm hoping they come out because my concern is that it's going to end up being like the flashback series three, the infamous Harley race set where you only end up having a few stores get them. And these things end up being sky high. I just I don't understand because we've seen pictures of them in box months ago. So it seems like they're ready to go. They're just sitting in a warehouse somewhere. So, you know, obviously, we probably need to get in touch with action figure attack or somebody like that to to figure out exactly what what the deal is with these. But
They were meant to commemorate Mattel's 10-year anniversary with the line. And tomorrow's going to be October 1st. So we're down to three months left in 2020, where these things are basically going to be irrelevant by the time they hit store shelves. So we'll see. I really want that Mark Henry, but I got a bad feeling that Nation of Domination Mark Henry is going to end up costing me $100 plus, because I actually got lucky on that Flashback Series 3 set. One of my friends on Instagram got him.
right after they came out before anybody had really realized how rare they were going to be. And he sold them to me for basically retail plus shipping. I think he may have made like 10 bucks profit off the deal. But I ended up scoring that whole set for retail without even leaving my house. And looking back now, it's crazy because those four figures together are like 550 bucks plus. So I'm worried about this one. Luckily, the only ones I'm really looking forward to this set is probably the Nation of Domination, Mark Henry, and that cane.
and maybe the Beth Phoenix. Which ones are you looking to get from this set, Marco? Yeah, definitely the Mark Henry, definitely the Beth Phoenix, and obviously, since I'm a Randy Orton fan, definitely the Randy Orton. When you were away, I'm not sure if she even brought this up to you, but on eBay, there are actually boxes, like factory sale boxes of the Legend Series 3 being sold on eBay.
Like there was just one seller that had like multiple boxes of them. Multiple cases. Yeah. I know you're talking about him. And he's been selling, he's had been selling Harley race. Like basically one gets sold and he posts another one up. So he's probably made, you know, over 30,000 bucks selling these figures there. Definitely.
Yeah, so that's why you know, I still got a feeling that you know a year or you know two years from now We're gonna see a shitload of those figures show up in like big lots or five below And it's gonna be what the hell because they I can't imagine that they didn't make as many of them as the other sets I think they just made them and for whatever reason Walmart, you know canceled their orders and they're just setting somewhere Yeah, but yeah, like I said, you know who would have known that freaking heart King Harley race would end up being the most valuable Mattel figure
True. So we haven't had this talk in a while, our girl. I know. We've been slacking. Yeah, we've been slacking on our Brandy Rhoades talk on this show. I feel bad now. I know. We had to bring it back. He dominated the show for like three weeks in a row. Yes, she did. Wow.
Yeah, so, uh, so a little brand brand, um, the AW figure is showing up at, at Walmart's as well as, um, I seen earlier today. Yeah. There's a lot of, there's some Chase figures popping up too. That's a Walmart. Uh, they're showing some, some, uh, collectors out there are posting pictures of, uh,
the cody roads and had jericho chase figures so i think this is like the basically the second round of a w figures starting at walmart's cuz i i've seen a bunch more of them i'm popping up on the figure finding forms online and like you said brandy showing up now and some of the chase figure so i it seems like there was no brandy's or chases in any of those first sets that went out.
Yeah, I know. Yeah, I checked in my area. There's still still a lot of stock. I have it. Yeah, I haven't seen. I've seen the ring. Our local Walmart right up the road here has the ring in stock, but yeah, no, no action. I've seen the ring in the belt, but I've yet to see an AWW figure in the wild, in the wild. Are you chasing any of the chase figures, Marco? Are you going for any of those?
I mean, if, if, if I'm out and about and I find one, yeah, definitely, but I'm not going to like go too crazy with it. Cause just finding the first wave and even the second wave now it's still, it's still kind of hard. So we'll see. I mean, it's, if it's attainable, I'll definitely go for it, but, uh, I'm not going to, you're not going to seriously chase throw my eggs in a basket, as they like to say. Yeah, I'm the same. I'll grab it if I see him, but I'm not actively hunting either one of those chase figures.
Yeah, definitely. So on some lighter news, if you're a Funko collector, the Undertaker Pop, there's a Glow in the Dark one. It's exclusive to Amazon, which is pretty awesome. Actually, I have the Undertaker Funko Pop. It looks kind of like the same one, but obviously it's a Glow in the Dark version.
Is it like purple or green? It's purple. Okay, that's what I thought. I knew it was purple. Yeah, it's a purple. It kind of looks like the Ghostbusters Undertaker figure that they had out there. But yeah, that's pretty awesome. I always think of the Series 2 Jack's bone-crunching action Undertaker. Remember that one? It glow in the dark. I'm always down for some glow-in-the-dark Undertaker figures. We're big in all the WWE pops, so I'll definitely be adding this one to the collection.
Yeah, so what do you guys when he was looking at for like the new so there's I posted some pictures. Yeah, where do those graphics come from? So there's a yeah. Yeah, there's a guy that we follow on a on Twitter. His name is WWE Retro Stars. OK, he has a side graphic that he updates a lot. And this is the most recent before, but I was never I've seen like various people sharing those, but I wasn't sure who was actually the creator. Those things are super helpful.
Yeah, like you said, he keeps it up to date. And if something happens, he'll update it and post it again. But yeah, he has pretty much the complete Legends line, the Decade of Domination, both rosters out, the fan takeovers, the two-packs. The only one he didn't add, which he did update, was the exclusive. There's something exclusive from Ringside that he didn't add on there.
The Charlotte? Not the Charlotte. Mr. Dean Roddy Piper? Yes,

WWE Elite Series 84 Speculation

yes, Roddy Piper two-pack there. He didn't add to it, but he mentioned it. I like that he's got the store exclusives on there because that's been the most confusing thing over the last year, keeping track of all the upcoming individual store exclusives. Luckily, Ringside has been getting those. Hopefully, our buddies at Ringside keep on stocking the store exclusives to save us some time and trouble.
Yeah, especially like the Survivor Series, a lot of that's coming out. That'll be definitely helpful. But yeah, I like how it's set up where he has the exclusives and then just based off of the series.
He kind of puts the pieces together, whatever you see in it at SDCC as far as like reveals and stuff like that. He kind of puts them in order for you to like to gauge on what series to go for, which is pretty awesome. Pretty interested in our Series 84, not going to lie, that has so far Rhea, Ripley, Koshida and Garza. With his Koshida, it looks like it's going to be great.
Yeah, there's three spots left. So who knows who those are going to be. We know where the Sasha is in a land. The Sasha elite that they also pictured along with Rhea is going to be in 83. So the series before. I think it was originally going to be a ringside exclusive. So I don't know what made her get bumped to the main elite line, but
Hopefully we get somebody a little bit more interested in maybe somebody we haven't seen before with the ringside release. Yeah. I think that Retro Bulldog's probably the one I'm most excited for coming up. Oh, yeah, definitely. It looks like Walmart has a lot of the exclusives over Target for now. So Target obviously has Billy Graham and Rocky Johnson. But then Walmart has May Young Bulldog.
as well as Undertaker. Actually, Undertaker has been spotted too in the wild, as well as... Yeah, I think he's showing up. It seems like he's been somewhat easy to find in the UK. I've seen a lot of our UK followers posting up in from Smiths, I think, in the UK, has been getting their Elite 79 Undertakers in. The packaging's awesome. I love the packaging on that, but the figure just didn't really do a lot for me. But yeah, going back to the Bulldog, I think I'm gonna go ahead and take matters in my own hand and get a...
get a custom dynamite kid put together. I probably hit up the Warsman. If you guys check him out on Instagram, he's got a lot of awesome 3D printed head scopes for older wrestlers that we haven't gotten the leads of. So I'm thinking I'll hit up him and then probably hit up our good friend Lane, the Mad Reaper.
To get a you know, a little paint job and do some part swaps to get a get it down to my kid put together I just I'm really skeptical on Mattel ever ever getting a figure of him just because he's got such a troubled past. Yeah Yes, it's possible better do that now better be safe than sorry as they like to say so right? Yeah, other than that. I'll just jump into the weekly purchases and
Yeah, what did you get this week, Marco? So nothing, nothing wrestling related. I did pick up the because I mean, there's another thing of a huge Terminator 2 fan. So when I was little, when that movie was out, I would watch that movie religiously. I made my parents buy it and I watch it like literally every day. Don't know why. I was just fascinated by it. So NECA recently released the Sarah Connor, John Connor two pack.
I'm not sure if you guys see that at Target phone around, but a few of my targets headed. So yeah, the the the cover art is it's it's it's it's artists drawn. So it's not just like a picture of them from the movie. It's actually like it looks like it like a like a like a gonzo type of like movie poster cover art for the it's like a flip open one. So you flip it open and it's them two in it.
It has a couple of head scopes for Sarah. It has one head scope for John Connor. His accessories are the backpack. And if you watch the movie, that thing he used to plug into to break into stuff and take money out of ATM machines. So that's with it as well. You could put it in his hands.
Yeah, it's pretty sick. I was just walking by, I was like, holy crap. And then obviously the T800, I already had that, the NECA version that they came out with. So yeah, I did know that actually existed. That's why you got to be careful with NECA. You got to set boundaries now, Marco. I'm telling you right now, because they're going to just keep expanding and getting into things that you love and that you're interested in, and you're just going to find yourself in this deep wormhole.
Yeah, the I had the old figures with the extra figures that came out like when that movie was in theaters I the Arnold Schwarzenegger from Terminator 2 he was the I want to I can't refuse the world champ or the intercontinental champ in my figure Federation, but Anything goes Federation when I when I was a kid with you know, I had X-Men figures Terminator everything makes then I just remember giving him a big push. So yeah, I got a little soft spot for it for T2 also
Our weekly purchases, the only figure we picked up this week was the green suit million dollar man Hasbro. Like I said, I'm still slowly but surely piecing together Hasbro collection. It was kind of a pain in the ass finding one with the green suit that came with the belt as well. But finally, you know, save searches are your friend on eBay and one finally popped up for
a halfway decent price, so I added him. She hadn't posted it on the account yet, but she got an awesome tumbler. Tell them where you can get that from, Shane. Tell them a little bit about it. Yeah, so Brian Parrish in the group posted this awesome tumbler. It's got all the Hasbros, illustrations of all the Hasbro figures on it, even the mailaways and everything. And when he posted it, I was like, oh my god, it's like a stainless steel insulated tumbler. And I was like, I have to have that. So you can go. I can post a link.
you know, on Instagram and stuff like that. And it's the link is in the group, but I'll repost it for all you guys who are listening here. But it's print print And if you look up WWF stainless steel insulated tumbler, there's two different sizes. There's like a 30 ounce and I think like a 24 ounce or something like that. But I got the 30 ounce and it looks so good. I love it. So I'm super, super stoked. I can't wait to post pictures of this thing. But yeah, it's just such a random piece of merch. But yeah, like you never know what you're going to find. The Foley fam just like digs things up out of nowhere.
The only other thing we got was we picked up the two dudes with attitude shorts from Chalk Line. I think they still have a few sizes available of those if anybody wants to go hit them up. And then also our friends at Chalk Line released the Wrestlefest shorts tonight. And I checked right before we went on air. All sizes are still available of those. So you guys know that goes with Chalk Line. Their stuff sells out quick. So if you want something, jump on it. But yeah, they had...
The WCW nitro shorts, the two dudes with attitudes and the wrestlefest shorts all dropped this week in addition to some other really awesome stuff on chalk line. So now we will move in to quarantine and chill.
All right, Quarantine and Chill is our segment where we give you guys a recommendation, something to check out aside from just watching wrestling. So for today, it just so happened to be International Podcast Day. So again, we want to thank everybody listening to this podcast right now, continuing to give us your support. And we're going to go around and just talk about our favorite podcast. We're going to do one wrestling and one non-wrestling to give you guys some recommendations for some new stuff to listen to as you're looking to pass some time. So Sheena, get us started.
So this isn't necessarily like an ongoing podcast. I mean, I have tons of favorite podcasts, but since you'll be listening to this in the month of October, most of you will be listening on October 1st. I definitely want to kick off spooky season. I've talked about this podcast when it first came out, but we have so many new listeners now that I want to just like,
bring new life back to it. It's by the ringer. You guys know I'm a sucker for all ringer podcasts. They just have the best crew. I just love all of their content. Last year they came out with this podcast called Halloween Unmasked. They literally go through the history of the Halloween movie franchise. You get all the behind the scenes goodness. You got Danny McBride because he's involved with the new Halloween movie. It's so in my wheelhouse. I love it so much.
The thing about the ringer podcast, obviously the tech part of it is like, you know, above my pay grade, I'm not sure how all the, you know, RSS codes or whatever work. But the way the ringer does it sometimes is if it's like a short series, they'll like lump it in with something else after it's gone off, you know, after it's like, quit airing.
Um, and so you will find it if you type in Halloween unmask in your podcast app, it'll come up, but it's going to have the artwork for Quentin Tarantino feature presentation. So don't be thrown off by that. If you go to Quentin Tarantino feature presentation and you scroll back to season one, you'll see all the Halloween unmasked episodes.
You got a wrestling-related recommendation for us? Yeah, well, I'm going to obviously recommend you guys go listen to our friends over at Fully Poseable. I mean, they were the original Wrestling Figure podcast, good guys over there, Jeff and Scott. Celeste is a friend of mine. They put out awesome content every week. They're kind of dabbling in new other toy lines too, which is super cool to see from them. They got some GI Joe action and stuff like that going on in their show. But yeah, definitely check out the Fully Poseable Wrestling Figure podcast with Jeff and Scott.
Yeah, I definitely cosigned both of those. Halloween Unmasked was great and fully posable. It was just a really great podcast done by even better people. So definitely subscribe to both of those. Marco, what's your podcast picks?
Um, so for non-wrestling, um, I want to recommend listening to the, um, it's a podcast called drink champs. It's, um, it's again, it's another, uh, hip hop oriented, um, podcasts. It's hosted by, uh, Noriega. Yeah.
in a DJ effin so basically what they do is a Have guests on There's a video version of it as well. You can listen to audio or video So you can actually see this while it's happening. It's literally just a giant table with liquor everywhere They'll have like
They'll have athletes on, they'll have rappers, they'll have entrepreneurs, everyone on. And they'll just sit there, drink and talk and talk about, I would say they interview and stuff like that. But it becomes a conversation. It's almost like you're a part of this really cool conversation that these guys are having. So they usually run a little long, some of like three to four hours, because it's a legit conversation between people. So it's really good. Obviously, they're drinking, so they get drunk during it.
and some crazy stories happen that you never thought would have happened. So if you're like a 90s hip hop guy and you want to hear like Fat Joe talk about like...
the 90's stuff, him and Noriega running through that stuff back in the 90's and stuff like that. It's pretty interesting, the things that they ran into and the things they were a part of. For my wrestling one, always is going to be OVP, our Vantage Point podcast. I've spoken about them a few times on this show. Really great.
If you like the ARN podcast and something to wrestle, it's in that vein, but it's from a fan's perspective. Basically, two guys, they go back and look at 80s, 90s wrestling, but they look at it from a fan's perspective, all the stuff that was going on. What they did was they started from 1980.
and they're all the way up to I believe 1990 now. So they went through like, they'll go through the whole year of wrestling. So like all of 1980, so all the shows, if they're in 1989, they go through all the shows and all the paper views and all that type of stuff. They're really witty, they're really funny.
They do great impressions of pretty much all the rest of it. There's a Bret Hart impression. That's probably one of the best ones I've ever heard. The guy that produces it, he does effects too. When he does his Bret Hart impression, it will sound like it's an actual video of him talking, audio of him talking, but it's not. It's actually just him in a canned voice.
But yeah, definitely, definitely OVP. I shout them all the time. We're always interacting back and forth too on our Twitter and stuff like that. They're really good guys. So definitely give those guys a listen.
OK, for me, for my non-wrestling, I picked This American

Podcast Recommendation: This American Life

Life. All right. So that was really like the first podcast that I started listening to on a regular basis. In a lot of ways, it's kind of the original podcast. It had the podcast format down before a podcast was really a thing. For those that don't know, it's an NPR-produced show, National Public Radio. And it basically just, they have just a wide ranging
uh you know number of topics the show's been around since 1995 with a new show basically every two weeks and they really just pick a slice of american life and just spend an hour examining it with you know multiple for multiple angles uh sometimes it'll be something big you know like health care in america and other times they'll just
They'll pick out a small town or something and just talk about different stuff happening in a small town. So if anybody listens to any of the NPR stuff, you know that it's super relaxing. All right. So it's always it's really chill for the most part. So it's just it's nice to listen to the year that me and Sheena ran one thousand miles in a year. Honestly, this American life is what got me here. It just relaxed me while I was running. So.
Yeah, you listen to like, you're on a 10 mile run and you just like listen to, you know, these hourglass just tell these like stories. And yeah, it's, it's amazing. And it, you know, I listen to a lot of podcasts. All right. I'm definitely like addicted to it. I have 71 different podcasts I'm currently subscribed to.
I'm a heavy, heavy podcast consumer, and I strongly believe that This American Life is still the best one, even though it's like the OG. It's got the most stories that really just stick with you. There's episodes of This American Life that I still think about seven or eight years after I've listened to them. And their storytelling is just impeccable. The way that they tell the stories is just, like he said, it's very compelling, and it just hits you in a space that a lot of podcasts and storytellers can't.
So you can subscribe to it on iTunes like normal or they actually have an app where you have access to every episode they've ever done. So I recommend downloading the app and consuming it that way. But definitely give this American life a listen. And then for my wrestling related one, I'll go with the new generation project. So we've shouted this one out.
a few times. But I just love this podcast. This was the first wrestling podcast I was listening to before I started listening to Cheap Heat, before any of the Conrad podcasts. It was New Generation Project. And what this is, it's three British guys that just happened to be friends. And two of them are really into wrestling. And one is kind of like a lapsed fan. He knows wrestling, but he's not really hardcore.
They start at WrestleMania 9 and go all the way through WrestleMania 14, just watching the pay-per-views and basically just commenting on it, cracking jokes. They have some really unique takes on the stuff. It's really well done. And they're hilarious. The guys are absolutely hilarious. Yeah, there's some really funny jokes. Jokes that we've heard on their podcast have kind of just worked its way into me and Sheena's daily vocabulary around the house.
Uh, give them a listen to sadly, you know, with a podcast like that, you do kind of run out of, um, out of stuff. So they've kind of gone dormant. But the good thing is you can listen to this entire series now. So subscribe on iTunes. All the episodes are still there and you can just start back in 93.
and go through, you know, the new generation era really hits me right in the field spot because that's when when I was it was kind of the point when I was a kid, but I was really smart on watching wrestling. You know, I'd started watching back in the 88 and 89. So I still came up during the so-called golden era. But I really started watching it and paying close attention during the new generation era. And I think that stuff's actually aged pretty well as some of the stuff seemed kind of kind of crappy at the time. But looking back, you know, there was a lot of entertaining stuff, a lot of really colorful, colorful characters.
And this podcast is a great companion if you want to go back and relive some of those events. So that's our podcast picks. You guys comment, let us know whatever podcast you guys like because we're always looking for new recommendations here. Yeah, Marco put a post in the group. So if you're in the group, everybody was shouting out their favorite podcast too. So that's a good reference for you to go to the Chick-fil-A show page and then see Marco's post about the podcast because people were giving their top podcast recommendations.
Up next, random merch of the week.
All right, random merch of the week is where we scour eBay and other dark corners of the internet to find some of the craziest wrestling merch out there for you guys to go check out. We'll always post a link to the listing or the link.
on the, on the internet for you guys in the Facebook group to take a look at. So this week is something I found on eBay. I didn't even know the WWE ever marketed this, but it's replicas of the shirt that Chris Jericho was wearing when he debuted in 1999 on Monday Night Raw. So everybody remembers that legendary segment when Chris Jericho confronted the rock. He was wearing the silver fish scale shirt. Look like something that I get zukes for those that are old enough to remember.
when Gadzooks was a store, but I didn't realize this. There was actually, WWF actually, it was WWF at the time. They actually produced some of these for sale, like at the merch stand or in the catalog. So one is on eBay. All right, again, I found this listing today. It's going for the reasonable price of 4,500 bucks.
But there is free shipping. All right. So there's that. But it's it's this, you know, the silver fish scale shirt with a WWF tag. We reached out to our resident wrestling merch expert, Wrestling Purcell. He said that he did know that he knew that this thing existed, but it's not something that pops up every once in a while. He didn't think it's quite worth forty five hundred. But if you got a hardcore Jericho fan in your life and you're looking for the perfect Christmas gift,
This could be it. Marco, do you ever remember seeing this thing in the catalogs or the merch stands? Because I definitely don't. I do not actually. I'm a hardcore Jericho fan. I'm thinking of actually buying this thing because it's pretty rad. I would definitely wear this out. Yeah, it's like holographic silver. It's so sparkly and so Jericho. I mean, it's 2020. Who cares, right? Just buy it, wear it. Who's going to tell you any different if you do?
Well you gotta rock it like Jericho, no shirt underneath and you know, open. Of course. With some leather pants too. I think he was rocking the leathers when he debuted.
The thing about this is, this is appealing to a very niche market. If you're wearing a Chris Jericho shirt, people are like, oh yeah, I remember Chris Jericho. But if you're wearing this, people are just going to think you've lost your mind and you're insane. I really feel like for $4,500, if you could track it down, you could probably buy the shirt that he was wearing when he came out on Raw that night. That's about what I would expect to pay for that.
It's a lot for a replica, but it's definitely a rare piece. You know, I'm I'm I'm checking this stuff out all the time. We're on Instagram or eBay. And this is the first time I ever saw this thing pop up. So again, for the Foley fan members in the Patreon group, we'll get a link to this on the Facebook page. Maybe we get a GoFundMe going and we get this shirt and we can all just share it. Yeah. Sisterhood of the traveling shirt. All right. It's time for our retro wrestling recommendation of the week.
All right, retro wrestling recommendation of the week. This is where just like it says in the title, we go back and pick one of our favorite matches from years gone by and give you guys something to check out for the upcoming weekend. So the rocks been in the news a little bit this week, you know, he made his
his presidential endorsement. Plus there's been continued rumblings about that. We're going to be setting up him in Roman at WrestleMania. So we want to go with a little bit of the rock Rocky, my idea flavor for this week. So Marco, what was your rock pick for your retro recommendation?
So I wanted to continue with the family feud going on circa 2000. So it was Rikishi versus The Rock, Survivor Series 2000. This was the time where
You know, Rikishi did it for the rock, you know, hit hit stone cold with the car and I did it for the rock. He took him out. So the rock and, you know, skyrocket and become a superstar that he is on the the name of Rikishi, helping him out. So they had about I think it was like about an eight or nine minute battle. It's pretty good. It's just basically just a brawling.
It's not really any technical wrestling going on. It's just lots of punches, lots of kicks, a lot of fighting on the outside and stuff like that. But one of the times you get to see the Samoan Dynasty go one-on-one. So that actually popped into my head when I was watching the Roman Reigns JU's fight. I was like, I feel like I seen this before and it was Rikishi. It was Jay's father.
fighting, fighting his, his nephew, maybe, or no, his cousin, his cousin, the rock. So and yeah, so it just said harp on that. The rock actually commented on Roman Reigns Instagram post. Did you see that he posted? Yeah, so he posted a picture of him standing with his arms up. It was the the final shot of the of the match he had with J. Uso where he has the lay.
He has his arms out, the referees hold his arms up and stuff. And he basically said, he said something like levels, his levels to this. And The Rock says, yeah, different, he's like, different levels, same game or something like that. He's like, I heard you guys killed it out there. So like, so basically saying like, for what I took from that, me being a conspiracy brain guy, hey, yes, you're on a level, but you're not on my level. There are different levels you need to get to mind. So I think The Rock was kind of throwing it out there saying,
Yeah, you have Roman Reigns, you're the big dog. You're the head of the pro wrestling world right now, but I'm still The Rock and I still run shit, basically. I'm not sure if it's going to happen or not. They're definitely continuing to stoke the fire and keep it warm. I think it's going to come down to the crowd situation. I think if they can have the full crowd at the new stadium in LA, I think we're going to see Rock and Roman
in the main event, but I don't think Rock showing up for 20,000. He wants 70,000 plus if he's going to get back in the ring with his cousin. So my pick was, it's not just one match. It's the overall show performance of Survivor Series 98. So if you guys remember, this was when the WWF championship was vacated.
And we had the tournament, the Deadly Game tournament. And The Rock had, just a couple months prior, left the nation a nomination and turned face. He was the second hottest good guy besides Steve Austin. The crowd was just loving everything he was doing.
And this is the night where we saw the ultimate twist. He turned, turned back heel and became the corporate champ with Vince McMahon and Shane. If you go back and watch it, they, you didn't really realize at the time, but they planted a lot of little seeds to, to kind of, you know, they, they, it was hiding in plain sight all night that the rock was working with the corporation. And then it ends up with him screwed over mankind.
to become champ. So I recommend going back and just watching the rock story that night, or you can watch that whole show. Because I think that's kind of one of the attitude of our finest moments, just all the storytelling and all the different angles mixing in in that tournament. Marco, are you a big fan of that show?
Oh, of course, yes. Yeah, something to wrestle. They did a whole episode on the deadly game thing. I actually went back because Bruce Pritchard recommended to go back and watch it, even the TVs leading up to that pay-per-view and just seeing the story unfold in that way. Because the Rock's battle with Vince McMahon, just like Stone Cold was. So he had this like, you had two baby faces going against Vince McMahon, but little did you know that
the underlying thing was he was going to turn his back and join the corporation and stuff like that. Bruce Pritchard actually gave a friend of the show Vince Russo credit because that was his storyline. Yeah, that was some of Vince Russo's best work for sure. Yeah. Yeah, so he had definitely a huge fan of it. I remember watching that at pay review.
in total shock at the end of the finish of the mankind match. That's why I was born shocker, that they actually taunted what had happened before. I'm not going to say what that was. I was trying to avoid that, but yeah, they actually copied exactly what happened.
Yeah, I was on that horrible sharpshooter on mankind. And yeah, and then the bell rang forever and great in my memory that that night I was like, wow, this is I was like, I can't believe it. I like the rock. I hate him again. Yeah, I remember being a little bit just mixed up because I was rooting for the rock to win, but I didn't really want to win it that way. So a little bit of a mixed bag for me, but I always love that event. Survivor Series always got a soft spot mark because my birthday is always at the end of November. So
I think it was either three or four times growing up that for my birthday party, we basically just got survivor shoes. I had a bunch of friends over watching it. And that was one of those events also. So yeah, great show. Definitely check that out. Survivor Shoes 98. So now it's time for Sheena to hit us with some listener mail.
All right, you guys, so we pulled the Chick-Bully universe and they gave us some questions for you guys. So, Ryan Blau hit us with a multi-part question a couple weeks ago, so we got to part of it. But the last part of his question is, Marco, when did you get serious about collecting and what does your wife think about it? Oh, man. I don't have everything I collected, obviously, when I was younger.
I got serious maybe about, probably say 10 years ago. Even longer than that, but it's been a journey. I've been back and forth on it, not really dedicated to it. Just here and there, not like I am now, but yeah, it's been a long journey since I was actually little, but a lot of my, obviously a lot of my stuff got either thrown away or donated somewhere else, so kind of.
Upset about that like all my ljns and my my Hasbro's and stuff like that. So still the soft spot Definitely. I like GI Joe's and all that stuff to Transformers. I was a huge fan of He man as well. I was like another huge thing had a lot of human figures But other than that Yeah, it's been from from basically like 2009 2010. I just
Did you collect wrestling figures? You said you collected wrestling figures within that time. When did you get serious about collecting wrestling figures? Oh, but yeah, probably, yeah, like I said, probably about 10 years ago, collected back then. And as well as us memorabilia as well, like sports memorabilia too. So at the same time doing both, even right now, I still collect a lot of the, a lot of like wrestling memorabilia and stuff like that. So like,
That's why I'm like a huge fan of like pro wrestling create because it was like Pretty cool things that you can collect and keep and just like recently that um that ultimate warrior Gift gift so they came up with that type of stuff, but but yeah You a garage like your buddy You know he should
Technically could I think it's kind of I don't have the time to do that He's that's been like a like a years and years like build him doing that but I have kids your buddy is not totally different ballgame
I couldn't even imagine. I have to wait until my kids are out of the house already to start doing that type of stuff. It's been a long process. I love it. Obviously, it's a lot more in the mainstream than it has been, but it led me to this point to be talking to you guys. It did something right.

Halloween Preferences Discussion

So our buddy, Mike Lanham, good buddy of the show, has actually co-hosted some podcasts with us here. He says, Halloween season, pick one, scary movies, decorations, or trick or treating.
I'll probably go with the decorations. She always kills it on the decorations at our house. Makes me smile, coming home from a long hard day at work, seeing the house all done up with all our awesome, expertly curated Halloween decorations out front. Scary movies you can watch year round. So I'll go with the decorations.
Oh, that's a good point. I, you know, I was kind of leaning towards scary, scary movies just because I love scary movies so much. But yeah, it's definitely not just for Halloween season. I definitely feel like I enjoy them a little bit more during Halloween season that just like has that, that vibe about it. And you can watch like your Halloween specific, you know, like the hocus pocus and the trick or treat and all of those that like really have Halloween vibes to them Halloween.
Um, and they feel a little bit more relevant, but I think I'm going to go with trick or treating just because I personally love, I love Halloween day. I love getting dressed up in costume. I love seeing everybody else's costumes. We, when we lived in Hawaii, we had an awesome neighborhood where trick or treating like they just went all out.
And we always had like hundreds of kids come by our house and I love to sing and we always set the mood We have music and all that so trick-or-treating is like a huge event For us. I hope we you know, I wasn't here I went home to Kentucky for Halloween last year So I this will be my first time in this neighborhood for Halloween and obviously, you know with everything going on I don't know how Halloween's gonna Halloween's gonna pop off But I'm super excited to see it and you know, we'll find some way to still celebrate celebrate the day What about you Marco?
I'd probably say the same thing. Definitely trick-or-treating, definitely getting candied.
and eating tons of candy now that I have kids. I know. It's even better now. It's three bags as opposed to one. So that's even better. That's true. Yeah, my favorite thing is like some people have candies that you totally forgot existed too that they pass out. You'll go through the bag and you'll be like, holy crap, I forgot these existed. Forgot about these six lids. These six still exist? Oh my God, I gotta eat all these. And then
But yeah, definitely trick or treat. I was going to say horror movies or scary movies, but you kind of hit the nail on the head with that. You can watch specific ones for Halloween or a specific horror movie that you like during the Halloween season.
Yeah, it's probably trick or treat is the best part. All right, this is a question that's not on the list, but it's something that we've discussed in our chat. So I just have to get a yes or no answer. Do any of you guys eat? This is for Zach Egolf, buddy of the show. Do you guys eat Halloween like the candy corn pumpkins or like the candy pumpkins? Not just no, but hell no. And anybody that eats candy corn needs an intervention. No.
See, I don't mind. We talked about this last year. I don't mind candy corn. I like a couple of handfuls of candy corn. It's not something I crave, but Zach Egoff, for those of you who don't know, you're not in our chat. He went on record to say it was the best Halloween candy in existence in the world, like those candy corn-esque Halloween pumpkins. And I mean, I just can't think of... There's no way that that's the best candy in the world. It's gotta be Reese's Pumpkins.
Yeah, he should have got a he should have been removed from the chat at that moment. I don't know why we did not just boot him right at that point. K.D. Korn's disgusting. Horrible in all forms, no matter what shape it is.
No matter what time of year it is. It's awful. Candy corn is gross. It's just straight. I would say it's straight sugar, but I could eat a teaspoon of sugar. I don't even know what it is. Yeah. I told him I'd rather chew on a traffic cone for 20 minutes than eat the candy corn. It doesn't look good. It doesn't feel good in your mouth. It doesn't taste good. Candy corn has no redeeming qualities. It's horrible.
Oh, man. Sorry. We shooting hard on candy corn around here. I'm sorry, Zach. There's so many great candy options out there. You got your chocolates. If you have Hershey's Kiss, Reese's Cups. But those are year round. You could have... It doesn't matter. You could have them at Halloween also. Yeah. They're in orange and black packaging. Yeah, exactly.
Oh man, sorry Zach. I just had to know because you know I just felt like I felt like you were really putting putting the candy pumpkins over. So now that we've settled that I'll do a poll in the group and see who else eats candy pumpkins and we'll settle it for sure.

Unusual Food Preferences Discussion

This next question comes in from Kyle Hoss. He says, what is a weird food preference that you have that is not a popular opinion? For example, I enjoy popcorn best when it's slightly burnt.
That's just like speaking of disgusting things. If there's like a burp, if there's one burnt kernel of popcorn in the bag, it ruins like the whole bag. Like it just like permeates the whole popcorn bag with that burnt ashy taste. I mean, I don't know if he's talking about like, you know, burnt to a black crisp or just, you know, a little overdone. So a little overdone is a little bit overdone. I don't know what he means. I don't really mind burnt popcorn, but
Um, I don't really know if I have any weird food preferences that aren't popular, but you eat like stale French fries. I think that's probably a weird food preference. I like my friends to be like scorching hot, like crispy. And you know, I know you eat them like that too, but Seth will like pick at some French fries that have been laying on the tray like for a little while. And I mean, to me, like I can't eat cold French fries. It's just a, it's just a no go.
Yeah, I'm probably the same with that. Yeah, I can eat stuff cold if it gets room temperature, especially. I mean, it's probably something disgusting, but even if it's fast food or something like that, I don't get to get to it right away. I can still eat it without any consequence on my head. Yeah, that stuff's loaded with preservatives and artificial flavors.
It's not that it's going bad. It's not going to like spoil, but it's just a fry texture is meant to be crispy and hot and like greasy. It's not meant to be like a little soggy flop. Well, I think we're going to be interpreting the question wrong. He's asking for a preference. He's not saying something that you will eat. I mean, yeah, obviously. Oh, that's true. Yeah, preference. Fresh fries. Yeah, he prefers. He's looking for something you would prefer. Oh. And I can't really think of anything. Me neither.
No, I'll have to, I'll have to, I'll have to sleep on that and I'll, I'll answer in the group or on Instagram or somewhere because yeah, I don't know of any preferences that I have, but yeah, there's definitely things that like, you know, I do that are, that are weird.

Marvel Legends Action Figures Discussion

Um, this one comes in from Johnny. He says,
What are your thoughts on the Marvel Legends line and have you bought any I literally know nothing about I haven't bought any of them. Just because I really kind of I'm a hardcore collector. It's a little bit of OCD. So I really got to kind of cage in exactly what I'm going to collect but I walk past them all the time in the figure out and I always stop and take a look. They're very cool figures.
My best friend in in Hawaii Jesse his son Devin has a pretty good Marvel collection I used to always like going looking at him the cool thing about those is that Similar to like Star Wars black series you have so many different form factors You know the the thing with with elites or wrestling figures for the most part like yeah They're all different scale and the guys that different looks but it's still just people in wrestling gear whereas
Marvel Legends you have just you know the whole Marvel universe at your fingertips for the different like sizes and shapes of characters So I'm a fan of the line I admire it and I if you know if if I had the space I probably would have a few of My favorite Marvel characters in my collection Marco. What about you? What's your experience with Marvel Legends?
Um, I think they look pretty cool. I probably wouldn't collect them personally or anything like that, but, uh, I'd probably do the same if I was just collect the, the, uh, the, the comic book characters that I like and the ones that are like near and dear to me, if anything. Um, I kind of like the, uh, the McFarlane, um, the Batman or the DC figures that are out. They look pretty cool as well. Um, I check on those a little bit sometimes. So, but yeah, I mean, not, not up my alley, but, uh, definitely considered it at one point.
Lots of people in the group are really hardcore into Marvel Legends. Yeah, pretty cool line of this, but they've been going for a long time too. So that'll wrap up listener mail.

Listener Mail and Closing Remarks

You guys, Shino will keep posting in the Facebook group. You guys keep the questions flowing. If we didn't get to yours this week, we'll definitely try to get to up soon and keep the new questions rolling in. It could be anything. It could be wrestling related or, you know,
action figures or just life. Let us know because we definitely love interacting with you guys. So that's a wrap for episode 96. We're far away from episode 100 at this point. Still trying to figure out exactly what we're gonna do for that milestone episode.
I didn't mention it earlier, the next Chick Foley giveaway is going to be going live here pretty soon. We're going to be giving away Elite 75 Jeff Hardy. So this is Jeff from really his first singles run. He's got the funky blue paint on his forehead. It's a cool looking figure. I really wasn't a huge fan of Jeff Hardy during this timeframe, but it does make for a nice action figure. So we'll get the details out to you guys. Just stay tuned to all the different
Chick Foley platforms Sheena Marco remind them where they can find you guys at on on social media You can find us at at chick Foley show for myself Or you can go to chick Foley show comm and join our Foley fam and Marco where can they find you? You can find me at chick Foley show on Twitter. That's why they're the fun and shenanigans happen
And remember you guys can become official foley fan members for $1 a month at chick foley so hit up pro wrestling tease take a look at the chick foley gear on there and make sure you guys are using chick foley code on ringside collectible when you order your figures and episode 96 is a wrap.