Chick Foley Show Introduction
Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up Foley fam? We are back with a very special edition of the Chick
Hosts and Episode Delay
Foley Show. It is the fifth annual Chickie Awards. We got a ton of a ton of awards to discuss tonight to go through all of our favorites from 2023, but we can't get started without introducing the stars of the show. So Sheena, how you doing?
I'm doing good. We wanted to do this episode a little earlier, but things have been a little crazy around here. I know you've heard all of your wrap-up episodes and New Year's hoopla, but we're here with the official Chick Foley chickies finally, so I'm stoked. Yeah, we wanted to let the smoke clear a little bit before we dropped ours. Actually, everybody in our house has been a little under the weather last week, so we had to postpone it, but I think it helped. It's going to make for a better product. Marco, what's happening up in Boston?
Marco and Jordan's Travel Stories
Nothing much, man. It seems like it's been forever since we all got together and did a show. I think it was the last one, like World's End or before that. Yeah. We did it. Yeah. And we didn't even have the Fig God with us during that one. Yeah. Insane. Yeah, he ditched us. He big timed us. Yeah, he big timed us for Colorado. Jordan, you got to tell us, man, how was the Foley fam hasn't heard yet. How was the Colorado trip? It was good.
If you ever go to Colorado and you want to go during the winter, Estes park is the place to go because it's not, it's not a ski town. So it's not like super busy during the winter. Uh, if you go during the summer, they said there's like 250,000 people there a day. If you go during the winter, 15,000. So it's, it's definitely, I was just picturing Jordan on the slopes.
Oh, yeah, absolutely. I got I got up there and shredded some gnar or whatever they say. Yeah, I really got after it. But no, it was it was really good. It was relaxing. It's always nice going up into the mountains, especially when there's really pretty. So yeah, it was really fun. I've always swore to myself if I ever go to Colorado, I'm staying in Crested, but it's a good choice. Good choice. She would. All right.
Special Guest: Thomas Montato
Let's turn it over to our very special guest, man. He
He had a cameo on the Pod Warriors during our San Diego Comic Con episode last summer, but he's here for his first time on the Mothership, the Chick Foley Show, the OG Fig Kid, Thomas Montato, all the way from the Turnbuckle Tavern. What's going on, man? Not much. I'm happy to finally be here. Thank you guys for having me.
Yeah, you've been on every every chick fully spin off that there is. You've partaken and you know, you're officially you officially made it to the five years. Yeah. Triple crown. Not by any intention. We love Tom. But yeah, finally, the schedule is lined up. The stars align. All the planets are, you know, in a row. And Tom is here with us.
And it's a good one to be on. This is typically like this and the, uh, the San Diego Comic Con episode is usually our, our two biggest, uh, that and like the WrestleMania review. That's like our three like tent pole, uh, episodes for the year, man. So Tom's only comes out for the shows are Tom only comes out for the, uh, the big shows, man, but he's here tonight and we're
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looking forward. We got 11 different categories of award to bring you guys.
We're going to also let the Foley fam chime in with some of their picks. They pitched in with some choices on these and it's going to be fun. Before we go any further, Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find us on social media. You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show.
You can join all the fun over on Facebook at our private Facebook group, um, at chick We do lots of cool stuff in there and you can find the links to all of our pod foundation brethren as there as well. We got coming down the aisle turnbuckle tavern and the guys over at the extra cooler show. So make sure you're following all of our pod foundation friends to get all the wrestling content that you need for the week. Yeah. Tom is a proud member of the pod foundation and we'll let the OG fit kid do his plugs right now also.
Thank you. You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at the OGFitKid. But we have the brand new Patreon for the Turnbuckle Tavern, so if you haven't joined yet, it's only $2.99 a month, head on over to Come join us today.
All right. Yeah, super fun group in there. We highly support the guys over the term vocal tavern. They're putting out high quality content, just hand over fist. Is that the expression hand over fist? Yes. Yeah. I'm not exactly, I've never really understood what it means, but yeah, that is. I started to think, is it hand over foot? And then I was like, no, it's hand over fist. But they're putting out a ton of good content, regardless of what the expression is. So yeah, definitely get in there and check it out. And if you're not subscribed to term vocal tavern, I don't know what you're waiting for. All right, without further ado, it's time.
2023 Chicky Awards Begin
Welcome to the 2023 Chicky Awards. Yeah, screw the Golden Globes. Who needs that? Yeah, this is the the premier award show in sports entertainment and sports entertainment. All right, so let's just dive right into it, man. Tom's our guest. We're going to let him go first. And the first category of the night is breakout wrestler of the year.
I did a lot of debating over this one when I found out I had to go first. I was like, all right, I got to do some research. And after debating, looking at WWE, looking at AEW, looking at everything in wrestling, I had to pick Swerve Strickland. That guy is so far above where he was coming into this year.
Like, I don't know how you could not pick him. That guy is probably going to win the AEW title this year. He had some banger matches that match the, uh, at the last, was it the last pay-per-view against Hangman, the death match? Oh. Yeah. Texas death match. Full gear. Full gear. What, what, that guy to me, like what a year he's had. Like he was kind of like lost when the year started, right? Like he was.
with keys kind of toiling away. Yeah. Yeah. And for him to bounce back the way he does, I don't know how you could pick anybody but Swerve. Yeah, I agree. That was my breakout pick was Swerve.
Jordan. Yeah, mine was Swerve as well. I just, I'm going to echo what Tom said, man. Uh, beginning of the year Swerve looked like he was just going to, uh, toil away and obscurity. And, um, yeah, man, it just, he finished the year so strong and he's definitely going to win the title this year. I just don't know when it's going to be, but it's definitely coming. And yeah, Swerve is the, he's the man he's presented like a million bucks. He's got Prince Nana on his corner. Like his entrance is the best. I mean,
I honestly don't know. He's got Brett doing the little swerve dance, you know. Every time swerve comes out, Brett's over there like, you know, just doing the Prince Nana. Yeah. Yeah. So I think that was a pretty easy one for me. I didn't even have a second on this one. I just, I thought he easily ran away with this.
Marco? Yeah, I mean, I had an honorable mention, definitely swerve. But the honorable mention for me is Eddie Kingston. That's a good one. Commenting at the end of the year, you know, becoming a triple crown champion. And just like during last year, just like ascending.
just growing throughout the year. It was almost like a perfect story. He starts off kind of slow at the beginning, middle of it starts to ramp up, and at the end, he caps it off with a big win against Jon Moxley in winning that title. You can definitely make an argument for him. There's a ton of other people, too. There's plenty of people in WWE that could
get that crown as a breakout star. But yeah, it's definitely, definitely Swerve kind of took over everything pretty much.
So I guess I'll be the lone dissenting voice,
Wrestling Blunders of the Year
man. I made this choice definitely a little bit just to be a contrarian. I knew that it was going to be heavy for Swerve. But then also, I kind of held Swerve in really high esteem before the year even started, man. I thought this dude's been awesome for a while. I thought Hit Row really kind of worked in WWE while he was a part of it, man. He was great during this time at NXT. So stick with the NXT. I'm going Trick Williams, man, just because.
Trick Williams was nothing to me at the start of the year, man. Like he was, you know, he was like the sidekicks in hit row. He was like, you know, maximum male models. He was, you know, take your pick of low card going nowhere. WWE act just a basic sidekick. That's where I had trick at at the start of 2023. And, you know, today, dude, I just forked over a couple hundred bucks for me and the whole family to go to go and watch him main event vengeance day next month in Clarksville, Tennessee, man. He's got the crowd behind him.
He's got a way of, even though he looks like he should be a freaking first round draft pick as a wide receiver in the NFL, man, he's got a way of just getting the sympathy from the crowd. And I think Trix is the man. I'm really excited to see what he does this year.
Yeah, that's a good shot. Nobody picked LA Knight, which is kind of shocking. I think LA Knight had, he definitely had a big year for LA Knight, dude. Like there is no denying that LA Knight had, you know, just some standout moments. And the crowd was super behind him. You know, his whole, his whole shtick got way over.
But I don't know. I was never really fully on board with LA Knight. I never took him serious, I guess I should say. That's bad to say. No shade to him, but I just never took him as a serious competitor for the world title or anything.
We'll go with some of the listener picks. Jamie Willis of Three Points of Articulation podcast. He had Julia Hart. Good pick. We had four different people pick Swerve Strickland. David Brooks said, Logan Paul. I don't know if that's tongue in cheek or what. I mean, he had a good year. I don't know if he had a breakout year.
A couple of people picked LA Knight and then Matt Carlos, he picked Rick Williams as well. Like I said, a lot of good picks across the board, but yeah, I think Swerve's definitely going to be pretty much the damn near unanimous choice across the IWC. All right, let's get to... This should be a fun one. The blunder of the year. I'm passing this one to Jordan first. Blunder of the year.
This one took me a while to come up with, but I still think to me, this is the biggest blender, AEW letting Jade walk. I know that they don't focus a ton on the women's division, but she's just an absolute star. I know we haven't got to see her wrestling yet in WWE, but it's coming sooner than later. Probably Royal Rumble, I would imagine. I just, I feel like them letting her walk was
I mean, it's pretty high up there on the list of people I would not have let leave my company. I get it. That's what she wanted to do. But I mean, in the end, when you're under contract and they should have re-signed her way before this happened. So I think they're going to regret that one for a while.
I agree. Yeah. So, you know, you mentioned you think she debuts at a rumble. You think she wins it or do you think she's in like the, the diesel, like Kane spotted just coming in and wrecking shop for a while before getting tossed? I don't think she wins. I just don't think she's there yet. I don't think her winning either the Smackdown or raw title is imminent. I do think she'll still end up in NXT for a little while and when that belt
That would be something though, if she did win the rumble and then challenge for the NXT title. That'd be cool. I guess that'd be different. Get her on the WrestleMania stage. Yeah. Yeah. I, uh, I'd like that. All right, Marco, what's your blender of the year? Man, I don't even, that's actually a really good one. Um, yeah. I mean,
There's a ton of things that happen. Do we have to relegate it to like wrestling or can we go a little bit outside if we need to? Sure, whatever you want. It's your award to give. I'm really interested to see where this goes.
i'm just i'm just i'm just asking mark is gonna award it to some obscure film that came out at sundance oh no i was um i'm hoping i'm not mixing because my years start to merge but it would have to be
the WCW Nitro Mattel Creations thing that never transpired. Was that last year? That one hurts, man. That one went cut tonight. That was this year. That was right. We were on WrestleMania time. Two years ago, for sure. I had to check and I was like, it was last year. I thought it was a year before. This has been a big crazy year in wrestling.
I think back to like, you know, all the way back to WrestleMania and all that's happened even just from like the rumble to WrestleMania. Like it's freaking it's it's crazy. But yeah, that's my that was that was a total botch from the start, man. I still say if they just would have extended it to like that Monday morning because it's fired on a Friday night at midnight. I think they would have extended it through that Monday morning. It would have hit because it did have some momentum. I was I was playing a game of Madden and basically refreshing after every play. And it was taken up pretty steady, but it just ran out of time, man, before I hit the
I mean, we kind of talked about a little bit on Rawdown last night where you can take that Amazon Ultimate Hogan and kind of do like a mock-up version of the WCW Hogan with the other Hogan's that are out nowadays. So if you want to relive that, the glory days of what could have been.
Uh, you can definitely do that. But yeah, that was, I was thinking back and I was like, man, I was like, definitely Jay Cargill was that, that was a huge, uh, you know, a flop on their end. But yeah, that, that Mattel creations, um, that, that really, uh, that really did a number on, um, on a lot of collectors and stuff like that. Cause now we get a,
see what's going to happen this year if there, if there's going to be a, you know, a big thing happening. So we'll see. But yeah, that was like a, that was a huge, that was a huge mess for everybody in the wrestling community.
I feel like if I did it now, I feel like if they did it now, it would work because they're finally mentioning Mattel and the figures on TV. Yes. And they mentioned it like on SmackDown two days before it was going to end. It's like now you know, like they actually filled this up and put it front and center like it would have absolutely sold if they did it the right way. I think now that they're focusing on the figures more, I feel like it would have passed because they would have featured it more on Raw and SmackDown and everywhere else.
Yeah, I agree. I think it could have...
I think it definitely could have worked, but even though what they had there could have worked, I just think the strategy was just off, man. I went with Brock's shorts exploding at SummerSlam, dude. He's got this big, even though we never got an explanation whatsoever about why it happened, but it had been a pretty damn good feud between him and Cody. They have a badass match at SummerSlam, super dramatic, and we hit the home stretch and Brock's just wrestling in a loincloth, dude. I know.
The shorts are shattered. Thank God he had on some compression tights underneath. And then he did something he almost never does, man. He straight up just put over Cody afterwards. Dave raised his hand, gave him a hug. But the whole time, he's got to have one hand on his crotch. He's got a freaking dandelion just waiting to get blown, Dave, with his little pieces of fabric hanging on that waistband. I know we got a Brock coming up in Elite 108, man. I've almost got my fingers crossed that
Yeah, they find a way to execute that man.
But yeah, I got to get just for the comedy of Brock shorts dude getting freaking erect by Cody Yeah, and it just kind of happened all at once. It wasn't like we saw like oh man. There's like a hole in bro Yeah, his shorts are just like in a million pieces like he had like the ultimate Warriors arm tassels like tied around his waist Yeah, I think I think he was so excited that he was in the ring with Cody Rhodes that he couldn't contain himself And he just his pants that's exploded. That's what I that's what I like anyway
That's what happened to you. You got Cody's respect, man. I mean, he got Brock's respect, so I always say, dude, you gotta wreck his attire, dude, if you want it to. Yeah, if you blow Brock's shorts off, you're gonna get a handshake after him. You get like the Paul Hollywood handshake. Shane, what do you got?
Um, mine is, uh, my, I mean, Brock, I think that's at the top of the list. Uh, but CM punk returning to WWE with that simple Jack haircut, dude. He hasn't been in WWE, you know, in 10 years, we're supposed to pretend like we never, we never saw this dude in AW, right? Like they, like, it's just like completely unmentioned. Like he's just been gone out of history. And then he shows up looking like that, dude. I was like,
He's had so many different varieties of hairstyle that have always worked for him. He's a handsome guy, dude. He's got good facial features. Longer hair. He's got medium hair. He's got Don Draper look. He's got the buzz cut. It looked like somebody who was right at a boot camp. He went to his mom and was like, oh shit, I got to be on freaking WWE tonight. Go get the flowbie. Go get the flowbie.
The suck cut. Simple jack. What a deep cut. Simple jack. Millennials will know. Millennials will know. Tom, what do you got, man? All right, so I hate to speak ill of the dead.
Oh boy, oh boy. Oh no, Tom, Tom, we said not to go all in on this show. I had to pick the Mountain Dew Lights Out match. Like, oh yeah. See, I feel like that's aged pretty well, man. It was kind of what the hell at the time, but it was unique, man. I thought that was a good, if you got to do a product tie-in match,
I thought that was pretty cool. We're going to end up getting like the most badass Bray Wyatt figure ever off of it, man. I agree. Watching at the time, I was like, what the hell? But I've gone back and watched that match a couple of times since then. And there's not a whole lot of stuff I've gone back and watched this year.
Uh, maybe I'll go back and watch it again. I just remember cringing the whole time and before it and after it. But oof, I don't want to see any more sponsored matches like that. Nowhere, anywhere, please. Oh, that it's dude, it's, it's going to be a thing. They've, they've actually like fine tuned it now. Like they've, they've got to where now, like, I feel like everything is going to be sponsored, man.
I feel like if you could just kind of like, you know, block it out of your mind that it's a Mountain Dew match, I think it works, man. I think it's pretty cool. At the end of the day, it's Bray's last ever match, man.
I'll bring a little levity. I think honor we'll mention is just just for the irony of it is when Shane returns at WrestleMania 39 and you know tears is McQuad I'm like the man's have the most weak quad muscles of all time This torn quad that's what happened to him. Yeah Tourist quad muscle do so it's just like dude that history history repeating itself, you know, I
Yeah, yeah, two of our listeners pick Shane McMahon as WrestleMania botch. Oh, I didn't even I'm sorry. Sorry. Yeah, we had under Brett Sharrow. He picked flopped all of that infamous flop. Oh, my God. He was actually he was actually at Memphis Wrestling last week, man. I was almost tempted to go and check it out, dude. Jamie Willis put Rey Mysterio almost breaking his neck at Crown Jewel. Oh, David Brooks had a W choosing Jungle Boy over CM Punk. I don't think that was exactly how I laid out. Yeah, that's what I was just saying.
And Brian Vermeer, I can definitely agree with his. He says Dolph Ziggler released. That probably should have been the unanimous choice because we all know the show off should have been at the top of the card in WWE the last five years instead of, you know, showing up on Wrestle Kingdom. Yeah. All right. Let's get into tag team
Tag Team of the Year 2023
of the year. Marco, you're up first on this one. Oh, man. Yeah. When you sent me that text, I was like, damn it. Why would you let me kick this off?
Um, but yeah, there's obviously tons of great tag teams across all, you know, all the organizations. Um, but I'm going to go with a sort of a non-tag team, um, only because, you know, they brought, you know, relevancy to WrestleMania with their main event. And that would be.
Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Yeah, they're my tag team of the year. Like I said, just bringing that feeling back with the tag team championships. Obviously afterwards, it wasn't that great. But leading up to WrestleMania,
It was just a moment that I don't think anyone could even imagine that two tag teams would be main eventing night one of a WrestleMania. And that hasn't happened since why WrestleMania one, if I recall.
Yeah. So yeah, I mean, the tag team, yeah, 40 wrestle me or 39 WrestleMania is in the can. WrestleMania 40 comes along and you know, tag team wrestling is back in the forefront for, uh, for WWE anyway. I shouldn't, I shouldn't relegate it to all organizations. So, but yeah, that that's my, um, that's my tag team of the year is Sammy and KO. Yeah, I feel that man. They had a, uh,
They had a really good match in the main event of Crown Jewel, or no, it was Night of Champions also. And then the match where they lost the belts to the Judgment Day was damn good material. They're like Pittsburgh Street Fight or whatever. I'm going with the other half of the WrestleMania main event with the Usos, man. I know it's kind of an awkward pick since they've really been broken up since the end of July.
I think that achievement of having, you know, for the first time in WWE, WWF history, having the tag team championships, main event WrestleMania was huge. They went on to play a huge part in, you know, the hottest angle of the first half of the year with the bloodline.
It was a straight up banger. They had money in the bank main event against Roman and Solo. And they actually got the pin on the Tribal Chief, man. So for that reason, I go USO's. I do think this is a really, really weak year for tag teams, though, across all of American wrestling. I haven't really kept up with the Japanese scene as much as I should this year. But I think even across AEW, man, their tag division has been a little bit weaker than usual. So, Shina, I'll pass it to you for your tag team of the year.
Yeah, I'm going to co-sign with you. I picked the Usos. He said that, excuse me, they had such a big part in all of the Bloodline storyline. It was just like, this was the roller coaster year. We saw the Bloodline coasting and doing their thing together. Then this is the year where it all just fell apart. Some of it's come back together. Jimmy freaking kicked Roman and just so much has happened. Yeah, I'm going with the Usos. All right, Tom.
That was like that 42 minute long best 203 falls, right? Yeah, that was amazing And they they're just capable of putting on a banger at any time. I love I love FTR They're my favorite tag team right now probably my favorite tag team ever really close with the road warriors I don't know if anybody could ever top the road warriors, but FTR is right there their match quality their work ethic. I love what they do. I love everything about them. I
All right, Jordan, I went FTR as well. Um, I just to go with Tom said, I just felt like they had a ton of really good matches this year. Um, the young bucks match at Wembley was awesome. Uh, their matches with the guns were really good. Uh, the Aussie open matches were good.
And then, I mean, they even made the most out of wrestling Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal. I thought those matches were even at least passable for a tag team match. And then obviously that ended with a, with old big bill, but I really enjoyed FTR. So I felt like they had a really good year and kind of went under the radar, honestly.
All right, some of our listener choices. Jamie Will's Johnny JB both had the acclaimed two choices for FTR one vote for usos. Better than you, baby. I think that's a pretty good pick, man. As David Brooks came in with that one, they were really kind of the center of, you know, the AW main event scene over the last half of the year.
They really only tagged together a handful of times with good pick. A couple of picks for KO and Sammy and then Matt Carlos came in with the Motor City machine guns, David showing some TNA impact love. So I like that one, man.
All right. Next up worst figure of the year. So I'm kicking off this one. I kind of went a little off script on this. This isn't just, this isn't like the straight up worst figure of the year. I kind of balanced this against like expectations, right? Because I think, I think that Rush Collectibles, Larry Zabisco is without a shadow of a doubt the worst figure made this year. But
As far as expectations go, man, when I heard we were getting Andre the Giant Ultimate Edition, I was thinking sky high. Mattel has always done a really good job with Andre. And I was so underwhelmed with the way that one was executed, man, just with the with the Ultimate Edition articulation, just did not freaking work with
just didn't work with it with the way that, you know, the single strap singlet that Andre works man. It just looked awkward. I didn't like to figure it all. I much prefer the old elite or the legends pick that had the cloth singlet to it. I thought it was way better. And yeah, for that reason, I think that was, you know, it's not the, probably not the overall worst figure there, but I think it was definitely my most disappointing. How about you, Tom?
Uh, I was, I mean, I love that Andre figure. I don't have a problem with it as much as other people do. Uh, I know people wanted to soft good singlet, but I think it worked for that figure. If I had to pick, I have to pick the FTR figures from jazzwares, the one with little connect on it. Like those, those figures, what the hell are those? Those are some of the worst figures I've ever seen. They should have never been put out. They're just terrible. I'm talking about the ones in the white gear. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You got X with the screaming face. It's just.
Oh, terrible. Absolutely terrible. Yeah, I had to have them just because I really liked completing the pinnacle in the all white look, but I agree, man. Not not a big fan of those. Those are among some of the lowlights from from jazzwares. Jordan, how about you?
Okay, I just want to preface this by saying we're not ripping on this particular company, but just this figure as a whole. The ringside Owen Hart to me was just an abomination. Good choice, dude. That's another one, huge letdown.
It took me until the Christmas sale to finally get it because it was I think I only paid like 15 bucks for it at that point. I thought it was worth it. But man, the pictures of it. Wow. Yeah. The pictures of it do it no justice of how awful it is. Like I don't even know who that person is. Like the face is just.
I don't know, man. I think it's some paint on it, dude. I feel like the sculpt is OK, but it's like the way it's painted. He just he looks psychotic, man. I do. He just looks like a lady you see at the grocery store getting their groceries for kids. I just I don't get it, man. It's so bad. And Seth told me how bad it was. And I mean, obviously you can only take what you can take from pictures. But yeah, when I got it in hand, I was like, Jesus, this is this is definitely my worst figure by far.
Yeah, they owe us a good omen. It's been too long. So, you know, what do you got?
I'm probably going to have to go with Ultimate Edition Jimmy Uso. I mean, if we want to call it a Jimmy Uso figure because- Jamie Uso. Jamie Uso. Excuse me. Yeah. They had Jay on the box and then like the figure, just the whole thing was jacked out there. If it just had a half decent head scope, like the gear and everything, like the figures were awesome, but it's just, yeah, it's all, even Jimmy said it himself, dude. When they did that, they did that reveal on, Jimmy was like, that's Jay.
Like, I mean, what more do you need to hear? And I know they're twins, too, but they're not identical twins, though. They're fraternal twins. Yeah, there's distinct differences between them. You can clearly tell Jimmy and Jay apart if they're standing next to each other. Yeah. I mean, they righted the wrongs a little bit with those newer Usos.
The ultimate addition, they should be perfect. That's why I picked Andre, dude. Because they've done such a good job with that line, my expectations are just sky high for those figures, man. So it's always a letdown when one doesn't hit. Marco, what do you got for your worst figure of the year? Yes, I had two pretty much Jordans and yours, Seth. But I'm going to lean towards the Andre the Giant figure. I think I was one of the... When we were commenting on it when it didn't release, I was one of the people just like,
the singlet. It should have been a Klaus singlet. It's an ultimate addition. There's no reason why it shouldn't have been. Klaus singlet, you take it off, he's wearing the other trunks, whatever. That's all they really need to do. Not a big
not a big issue there. It doesn't take that much to do that material. But yeah, for the first in line, Ultimate Edition, Andre, the giant figure that everyone was clamoring for, there's definitely a miss on my end with that. I mean, the t-shirt, we could have done without the t-shirt and just won with the singlet, personally.
All right, the listeners, we had two people chime in with that Rush Collectibles, Larry Zabisco. Yeah, like I said, I think if you take the expectations out of it, that was objectively the worst wrestling figure released this past year. It looked horrible. It falls apart if you like you so much as look at it. So yeah, very bad. Zach Hurster said the Ultimate Edition target, Bret Hart. He was kind of just talking about all of the Bret Hart head sculpts, man. Yeah. I really feel like it's just a practical joke. Mattel's playing on us now, like, how crappy can we make these Bret head sculpts? And people will still buy the figures.
Tom, you're the OG Fig Kid, man. What's up with Mattel's Bret Hart faces? Dude, they just can't nail it. He looks nothing. Are they trying? I mean, if you look at their figure, it sure doesn't feel like they are. They finally look like they got the sunglasses right with the WCW figure that's coming out. Yeah. That figure looks amazing, except for the face, dude. You're not going to be able to take the sunglasses off of them. It's like they took one of Bret Hart's doodles of Bret Hart and made it into an action figure.
Yeah. It's just crazy. I just, I know. I feel like that Monday night wars line, Bret Hart actually has one of the better faces from the pictures, but I need to see it in here.
It looked all like he was kind of bloated on those pictures to me, dude. I feel like the old defining moments, that's the only one that's been half decent. And that one wasn't even like super, that one wasn't even like super like realistic, like look like Brett, but it just wasn't like offensive. They always like over accentuate the cheekbones and like make them way too big. The nose is always way too pointy. Like it's just
Yeah. The hair is always off. And they always give him a five o'clock shadow. I never really remember Brett having a five o'clock shadow. It was like that Jax figure that literally had a beard on it. Yeah, he did for a little bit. Like if he was coming out for like a promo or something maybe, but I feel like he was always clean-shaven for his matches. He always, he always either looks like Gene Simmons or Howard Stern. That's what his head's also like.
Exactly. All right. Tony Barker also said Ultimate Edition Jimmy Uso like Sheena. Johnny JP said Smoke Train from Grapplers and Gimmicks. What a turnaround for Mitch, dude, because I got to agree, man, that first Smoke Train, aka the Godfather, like that figure sucked, dude. But I've loved everything Mitch has put out since then, man. Where are you guys at on Mitch's line? That fell apart while Cardona was playing with it on the live, right? Yeah, I don't think that flip came off on that one.
Ahmed fell apart. The foot came off on the, I knew there was something that happened. Yeah. But, uh, but yeah, dude, I feel like since then Mitch has been killing it, man. What about you guys? Are you guys in on grapplers and gimmicks? Uh, I bought the God wins and then the men on a mission and yeah, they're both really good. I don't have any.
you don't have them Tom I thought you are you in on like Hasbro and like all the like that the foreign scale figures I have the zombie and I have the Mattels but it's like I buy so much stuff I have to cut off somewhere and I wasn't kid I was an LJN kid has made me get out of collecting when I was a kid
Yeah, I forgot about that. He's a size queen. How old am I? I was just born. No, you weren't. You were after. It was March 85. I was four months old. I was thinking 85, but yeah, it was March. So yeah, I was born. I was in my mother's womb. I thought your birthday's in May, Jordan. When's your birthday? God, what a friend you are.
I thought you were my best friend. You don't even know my birthday as you fuck. I don't know anybody's birthday. Yeah, don't take offense. I had to double check Brett's birthday their name. I'll sign him up for soccer, dude. So it's not just you. I just burnt birthdays have just never been something I'd spend mental bandwidth on. But I thought you were born in May, dude. No, March 4th. I started with an M.A. He was close. Yeah, I knew I was close, bro. Yeah, that was a very good. He would have remembered it like 12 days after my birthday when she was like, hey, do you wish Jordan a happy birthday last week, by the way?
Look on Facebook, dude. I never wish people happy birthday, man. I just don't, dude. I've never been a birthday guy. That goes for me too. I've never been somebody who makes a big deal about my birthday also. But yeah, okay. And then last one, Rob Virginia, he picked Austin Theory Elite 102. That was a pretty horrible figure also. It's just got those super cartoony head scopes. All right, Sheena's gonna be up first for this one, Female Wrestler of the Year.
Female Wrestler of the Year
I don't think this is going to come as any surprise or big shock to anybody, but I'm going with Rhea Ripley for a female wrestler of 2023. We've always, especially on this show, been very big fans of Rhea Ripley. I feel like this was the year that she finally came into her own and figured out who she is.
freaking badass dude. She started the year with that awesome match against Charlotte and then she's been a fighting champion since then and I mean honestly like I know she's not like quote unquote like the leader of the Judgment Day but like let's be real like the judgment day wouldn't be anything without Rhea Ripley dude and she and she arguably made Dom the the hottest heel in wrestling so I mean it's mommy all the way dude mommy 2023 for me and
Mommy's always right. Tom. I got to agree with Sheena. Rhea Ripley this year, that main event match, well, the match she had at Mania was just amazing. She did it all year round. I'm looking forward to see her fight Jade and who she has this year. It should be some more amazing stuff from Mommy. Oh, yeah. Jordan.
Jesus hearing Tom say, mommy just like broke me. I'm like, my brain is just awful. More amazing stuff from mommy. He's Mr. Onlyfancy. He's living the gimmick. Yeah, Tom's just saying, mommy, please. Oh, my god.
Uh, anyway, got a mommy fetish. It's definitely Rhea. Like there's, uh, I don't even, I mean, hopefully one of you guys pick somebody else, but I don't know who it could be. She was by far the standout for, uh, women's wrestling this year. And like you guys said, she's leading one of the biggest groups in wrestling. So yeah, it was really easily Marko.
I'm going to stray away a little bit from this one. I'm going to go with EO, EO Sky. It's not a bad pick. For my wrestler of the year, she kind of had same like kind of like Katie Kingston. Katie Kingston, Eddie Kingston.
Yeah, Eddie Kingston. Eddie Kingston, a fact where at the beginning of the year, not so much going on mid-year. You come into backlash. The crowd is just all for her, just going crazy. And then obviously money in the bank win, cash-in, and has been champ ever since.
And you can't deny that. She wrestles every week, pretty much. Not a shot against Rhea Ripley, but she's out there every week defending her title or in a tag match or in a singles match. And I think it was just due anyway for EO Sky. I think she was due for a championship win.
And I always say this, I say this all the time on Rawdown. If there's any conspiracy people out there that still think that Vince McMahon is running WWE somehow, look at who the champions are. They're literally all NXT people. If you want to go that route. But yeah, Io Sky is my pick.
Good pick, good pick. So I think Rhea Ripley was the undisputed best female sports entertainer of the year. But after the Rumble and after Mania, I feel like she didn't do a whole lot of wrestling, man. I didn't have really trouble picking out matches she had. For that reason, I kind of, I swerved a little bit on you guys on this one also. I picked Athena.
She's been doing it pretty much anonymously down in Ring of Honor. But she's been, I don't know why they don't have her on the AEW main roster, dude. I guess because they need somebody on ROH to get people to pay for those Honor Club subscriptions. But she's been freaking awesome, man. Putting on awesome matches. She's main evented to the last two Ring of Honor pay-per-views and just putting on a banger match after banger match with a lot of, if not straight up unknown, a lot of lesser known talent.
She's been doing her thing, man. Always been a big fan of hers, even back to the Ember Moon days. Yeah, I give her the nod just slightly over Rhea, just off the work rate, man. That's my pick. To the listeners, it was damn near unanimous. Everybody picked Rhea that wrote in, and David Brooks was the lone dissenter. He picked EO Sky.
Not a whole lot of variety at the top of the women's wrestling scene this year. Jordan, you're our women's wrestling expert, man. Go ahead and give us an early prediction, dude. Who's going to win this award next year? I'll go Jade. I just think she's going to have a really big year. Like I said, I don't like your idea of her going to NXT, man. I think they got a really nice women's division down there right now, and I think she would crush it.
I think the NXT women's division is way better than the WWE women's division. If I'm being completely honest, I've seen way more bangers of NXT women's matches and I barely watch NXT. So that should tell you something.
Yeah, I mean, they do awesome matches and they also do just a ton of fun stuff, you know what I mean? Like they got the whole Tiffany Stratton being a ranch hand thing right now. They do a really good job of having women's matches and storylines that don't just revolve around the belt. I feel like a lot of times with AEW and WWE and like, you know, Raw and SmackDown, you're either like just doing nothing or you're going for a belt. That's like the only story that they seem to really have most of the time. I think Trish and Becky was one of the few
A few exceptions to that, yeah. We're about halfway through with our awards. Let's take our weekly beverage break. All right, the beverage break is where we tell you guys what we're sipping on as we pod. Tom, you're our guest man. What are you drinking tonight? Oh, boy, I'm going to let you down as I have just a fancy bottle of some H2O.
Oh my gosh, Bobby Boucher over here. Is it at least, like, you know... What is it, dude? What kind of... Are we talking about, like, you know, Aquafina? Are we going, like... New Jersey tap? Like, what do we got? New Jersey tap. It is the famous Sam's purified drinking water. Okay. He's in the club. He's in the club. It's my favorite water. I go to Walmart and buy it all the time.
Nice. Well, I'll follow that up since I'm also enjoying a non-alcoholic beverage this evening. I'm drinking a daily wellness tea blend from Forest Green Farm in Virginia. It's awesome. It is a mix of nettle, raspberry leaf, oat straw, red clover, peppermint, and horsetail. The fuck is nettle? Horsetail? What the fuck?
Not like legit horsetail, it's a plant, okay? So yes. I feel like every time we do a beverage break, you just let me down more and more every time. I feel like you've been on dry January since like July. It's not even that. I think you guys are so boring. You're like, I'm drinking a Miller Lite.
But yeah, it's like, you know, you guys are like, you know, acting like you're so, you know, proper with your Miller lights. And I'm actually bringing some like culture. I'm drinking like either milk kafir or like a warm raw milk. And I do have some local raw honey from Fayette County up in this,
hot tea that I'm sipping on, but if you can't tell, I'm a little bit congested, Seth's got a little bit of respiratory stuff going on, so you got to take care of yourself, man. You know what I mean? You can't just be chasing that respiratory junk with dough ball. I'm not going to lie to you. I have never met a cold that wasn't solved by drinking heavily with whiskey and things like that.
Say what you want. Because your bio just flush everything out. Yeah, say what you want. But those, those alcohols have a real good effect on your immune system. Yeah, that's grandpa's old cough syrup. Exactly. Why do you think your grandpa lived to 112?
I'll restore some order, man. I'm drinking the unofficial official beer of the Chick-fil-A show, a Miller Lite. What did I tell you? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you sound like sitting right here. It ain't like your freaking Nostradamus or nothing. Actually, I didn't, because you have a Corona bottle sitting there. You got a little trash pile starting over here with your freaking cans and bottles. Marco, what are you drinking, man? Marco, I think you got your mic on mute, dog.
All right, moving on, Jordan, what are you drinking? I am actually going to bring up the team this week. I am drinking a Broken Skull IPA. I have 12 of these in the fridge that I was keeping for special days, and we'll count the chickies on a special day.
Awesome, dude. Yeah, I was, so you know, I go down to Texas like once every three months for work, man. I went down December and they were, Total Wine was completely sold out of all three varieties of Broken Skulls. That was a major bummer. Dude told me that they were getting another shipment in on Tuesday or on Thursday. Unfortunately, I was sitting the road on Wednesday. So I just missed out. Marco, are you back with us? Yes, I am back.
What are you drinking, man? I am sipping on Lord Hobo. It's from Uber, Massachusetts. It's Galactic Vagabond. It's a double IPA, 9% alcohol. I'm actually going to send you the picture because the character is wearing kind of like Bret Hart shades on the front of the can, which is pretty cool. Nice. Sweet. Yeah. Well, hopefully I make it through the end of the show, being at 9%.
All right, let's get back
Moment of the Year: CM Punk's Return
into it. We got the big ones now, man. Starting off moment of the year and, Tom, you're up first.
Well, there's only one moment for me that I gotta pick and I know you're all gonna hate it. And it happened at the end of Survivor Series when CM Punk came home to WWE. Never thought we would see it. I mean, I cringed when he said I came home. I'm not gonna lie, but I love the guy. I love that he's back. I love that we get to see him on our TV again. And just a reaction, when you hear a crowd pop like that, the goosebumps, it's so much fun. It's what makes being a wrestling fan
so amazing is that you get it is fun dude i hate cm punk but it was it was very well executed every yeah every time cm punk has like made a return all that like it always is a moment and it like like i don't know i mean as much as i hate the guy i think
You do get those goosebumps, and that is what makes wrestling fun. But after the goosebumps were off, you're like, oh, shit. And this one worked, too, because they swerved the dirt sheet so hard. Sean Ross Sapp had a pinned tweet at the top of his feed for four days about how this was not going to happen, and the talks were dead. So it just really made a hit even harder, because it just seemed like one of those things that wasn't going to happen. And the way they did,
The way they did Randy Orton's return earlier that night, it was done in a way to still kind of be like a little bit of a surprise. So like, I know me as like a smart, I was thinking like, oh, so they're doing this. That way the fans still get a little bit of a surprise pop for Randy coming back since I guess, you know, they could get punk. So I was definitely surprised when Cult of Personality hit. Yeah, good choice, man. And that was damn near unanimous with the listeners as well. Jordan, what's yours, man?
Mine is also CM Punk, but it's when CM Punk got fired from AEW. Talk about glory days for AEW. Get this turd out of here and let him crawl back to the place he bitched about for the last 10 years. The place that made him sick. Yeah, I'm really glad. We're all talking about CM Punk here. Let me tell you, this is really making my night.
Marco? I'm with Tom, man. For feel good moment of the year, even though it is CM Punk and everyone hates his guts. Yeah, you can't get any better than ending the year off with the return of that magnitude. Obviously, there was, if you watch the aftermath with Seth Rollins not super happy with that, which is very entertaining as well.
It was it was just that it was all encompassing that that return. So yeah, CM Punk.
Mine, similar to Jordan, it's not that exact moment, but it's one tied to it. I think this was like the butterfly flapping its wings that leads to the chain reaction that causes the stampede or whatever. It was Jungle Boy slamming hook through that windshield, knocking on the glass, saying, real glass, cry me a river man. I mean, that's going to go down. I mean, if he doesn't do that and doesn't set punk off,
You know, maybe none of this happens and maybe we avoid this whole situation out. I think, truth be told, I think it's going to come out when they have, you know, the dark side of the ring on this 10 years from now that I think seeing punk when he came, I think he came back and that was gonna be all cool and I think he just did not like.
what he was seeing at AEW probably from the jump you know at least at least after that first year or so dude it seemed like he had soured and was wanting to go back to WWE and I think he was just looking for a way to get fired man but yeah I picked that moment just because and who even knew man like
It seemed like such a nothing moment, dude. I understood what he was referencing when he did it, but I was just like, oh, that's funny. And then you see Twitter just blowing up within minutes after that match ends about this big altercation backstage. So yeah, to me, I think that's going to end up being one of the, from this past year, going to be one of the top four or five most historically significant moments. So I got to give the award to Jungle Boy, Sheena.
Mine wasn't an onscreen moment, but it's definitely like not just a moment of the year, but it's like a moment of our lifetime, like a once in a lifetime moment, like freaking Vince. John Cena and The Rock, WrestleMania 28. Yeah, no. Vince comes back to WWE to facilitate a sale of the company to Endeavor.
for $9 billion. So no longer is Vince McMahon in charge of WWE, which again, this is the first for any of us in our lifetime that a McMahon has not been at the helm of WWE. So
This was like some real succession type
WWE's Sale to Endeavor
stuff. It seemed like when he came back and then sold it to Endeavor, he was going to be back in the company and have more say. Within months afterwards, Endeavor was like, no, Triple H is in charge. Vince has been more on the sideline than he's ever been at this point.
It's wild how it all went down. The dude bought the company and all the shares for what, a million dollars back when he bought it and then sold it. That's a glow up dude, $9 billion. The whole thing was weird, all the allegations with Vince and then he was gone. Then he came back and then there was all the rumors like, oh shit, they sold it to Saudi Arabia. Then it was like, no, that's not true. Then they actually did sell it to Endeavor.
Do you guys remember that like 24-hour period where we thought that they were gonna get sold to the Saudi government last January It was like it wasn't just we didn't just think like it was like written in stone people were like, oh my god It's happening, you know, like the announcement is coming. So yeah people people legit thought that I mean, I thought I was like, oh shit, dude Like if this is real like wow Yeah, wish it would have happened seeing punk would have never came back Give it a walk his hands off at the entrance
The, uh, the listeners, they, uh, they were heavy on CM Punk's return to survivors. She's had a ton of people coming in with that. Uh, one person had WWE selling to endeavor. Like Sheena said, uh, Ralph Virginia had bad bunnies entrance at backlash. That was pretty epic. I think that's probably interest of the year, right? Yeah, for sure. Yeah.
It's not even. Yeah, that was awesome, man. Everybody's singing the song, dude. And then this, I feel like it's almost got forgotten, dude, but it was just straight up cinema in a wrestling ring. Matt Carlos had when Sami Zayn turned on the bloodline at the World Rumble last year. Yeah.
For sure. That was so awesome, dude. You rarely see that, man. You know, Roman and KO was the main event of the show, but really the main event was just a bloodline segment right there to close out a pay-per-view, man. And that pop when Sammy hit Roman in the back with the chair was just insane. Yeah. So good. Oh, wish we could go back to those moments. Yeah. Yeah, the bloodline when they were all at full strength was pretty dang cool. All right, let's go to promotion of
Promotion of the Year: WWE
the year. Jordan, you're up first.
I want to hear the mental gymnastics, man. Have you not given this to WWE? No, it is WWE. There's no mental gymnastics here. Let's be honest. They sold the company for $9 billion. Triple H is in control of WWE. Shawn Michaels is in control of NXT. Vince is no longer running the parade.
I mean, just those things alone to me make the promotion of the year. Like I don't even need to go into anything else. Like that alone sells it for me. I mean, I would love to pick AEW, but AEW had a lot more bad moments than they had good moments this year, to be completely honest.
Yeah, it's WWE. They just crushed it business-wise, man. Like, nothing else. The creative has been... I don't think the creative has been quite as good as people hyped it up to be. Like, we're still in the honeymoon era of Triple H's WWE, right? People have been... It was like that with AEW, the first two and a half years of AEW, dude. There's this period of time where
wrestling fans are just super, they eat up all the good stuff and they're super forgiving on the stuff that's mid or the stuff that's just kind of shitty. They're forgiving and they can just kind of wipe it away. I think eventually the Triple H backlash will come up. Just wait until Roman rocks away at Mania with the belt still. That's when the sour, it's going to flip.
The realest thing Daniel Bryan ever said was when he called wrestling fans fickle man. Like he was just, that was just fucking pimp. It's between that and when, you know, Mox went off on CM Punk and said, you know, weak mind, weak body, fragile ego, fragile spirit, man. Like, yeah, it was between that, him and Daniel Bryan calling the fans fickle, two real things that wrestling fans ever said. Did anybody have a non WWE pick for this one?
No. All right. Yeah. We had Johnny JB. He was the one listener waving the AW flag. I don't think AW is nearly as bad a shape as people make it out to be, man. They're still crushing it. They're still miles ahead of where, you know, TNA at its high point, they're ahead of where they were just from a
irrelevant and quality. I think once they shake off the CM Punk stank in 2024, they're going to be fine. Yeah. You know what I mean? CM Punk definitely brought them down a notch in my opinion. So I think once they get past that, they're going to be fine.
And with no matches announced, their next pay per view is already sold out. They're having to add more seats. They're changing the configuration of the stage and stuff for Revolution to allow more people into the humble Greensboro Coliseum for that show. So yeah, I think AW is going to have a nice bounce back here, man.
Their storytelling in the second half of the year was much better than the first half of the year. We actually saw stories. We saw Julia Hart with the story. And the MJF stuff, dude. Exactly. MJF. I feel like sometimes Tony tries too hard to be like,
an exact alternative to WWE because I feel like a lot of like the most successful stuff they've done has been the most WWE like stuff, right? Like the super sports entertainment type stuff. Like everything MJF was doing the last half of the year was straight up sports entertainment. It wasn't like, you know, it wasn't New Japan, hardcore work, great stuff. It was it was storyline, you know, it was entertainment segments outside the ring. And, you know, I don't want to say like campy, but it was it was like, you know, old school wrestling type stuff.
Yeah. Oh yeah. I think they, I mean, they are relevant there. I mean, you know, they are about to make General Hall the world heavyweight champion. You can't take that away from, uh, from, uh, they're going to see how guests like General Hall is more guests up than he's been since 2017 when he was the champion with all this
with all the, you know, the, his, which his name's been out there deal. Like he, I felt like he's going to get a huge, I don't know. Do we know where, can you look up real quick? She knew where raw's at on Monday. If we're in front of a smart crowd on Monday, I think gender is going to get a, a really big baby faced reception. Okay. No offense, Jordan, but it's typically not the smart. Don't worry. Smackdowns and Lincoln next week, which is 45 minutes. I'm not going to pass on that.
Yeah, you know the dude I'm honest as a hardcore Seth fan I'm a little bit nervous that they might put this belt on gender because you still got the briefcase out there man I feel like you'd have gender when it let Damien priest cash in get that out of the way and then you know Seth could get the belt back easily and no harm would be done long-term but yeah, I I feel like if they really wanted to troll Tony they could have gender when this belt What do you think Tom? Do you think gender has a chance against Seth Monday night?
No, I don't think Triple H is playing those games. He's going to do what he needs to do. He doesn't get involved in these pissing wars with other people. He's just there putting out the best part. You don't think so? Dude, what about when they went head to head with AEW on NXT? You're telling me Triple H didn't have a hand in having the freaking Undertaker and John Cena on a regular episode of NXT? That's just bringing guys into his show. That's not putting your belt on a guy that has something significant in how long?
Yeah, I think if anything, he's going to they're going to use this to an advantage to get like a huge rating on raw to see if he does actually win the title, which he isn't. Yeah, that's also raw is in Little Rock, Arkansas, so you can attend on Monday night. Oh, that's close. And it's it's kind of close. It's not close enough for me to go to raw, dude. Raw needs to be in my city, man, like.
Yeah, unless it's like some crazy hyped up match, I just got to see. It's two hours and 45 minutes. I can honestly live without ever going to episode of Raw or SmackDown again, man. Give me a house show all day over a TV taping. Yeah, I agree.
How show her pay per view. All right, let's move on to so we got our four big ones left, man. These are the kind of like the the premier awards right here. Marco, you're going to kick us off match of the year and do this to me. Don't do this to me. There's so many good matches. I was actually looking at. Yeah, I was looking at like, you know, different lists and stuff like that, like they're all they're all pretty much consistent across the board.
No listener is doubled up every every single lister that wrote in had a different one. That's how good matches of the year So is so specific to your taste in wrestling too. I think you know what I mean? Yeah, there's no wrong answer. It's all subjective
But subjective, there might be Brock versus Omos at WrestleMania. No, I mean, yeah, if you get it. All right. If you're going to go that route, like, I mean, you're going crazy, but like, you know, you had, um, you had, uh, what was it? Uh, dragon off and die. Jack was a great, really great match. If you haven't seen that in NXT, that match was awesome. You can, that's like an honorable mention for me anyway. Um,
We haven't mentioned New Japan much, but Naito and Osprey was pretty great as well if you haven't gone back and watched that. And if you haven't, actually the little cheap plug, if you haven't signed up to New Japan World, they actually updated it so it's like an actual app. Because before it was just like a streaming app where you just like kind of sling your app to your big screen, but now it's like a full blown like,
WWE Network type of app. So definitely, uh, if, I mean, if you have the money to do so, definitely sign up to new Japan world and watch those matches and stuff like that. But yeah, they too. And, um, Osprey was really good. Um, but enough of all that, I'm going to go with probably something that nobody picked. Um, which I think drew McIntyre actually just said, could have headline WrestleMania was the triple threat match between him, goother and Seamus.
Match of the Year: WrestleMania Triple Threat
That's what I picked. That is my match of the year. Yeah, Sheena and Marco are syncing up. Yeah, we synch up from time to time. Yeah, we have the, what did we do last time? We did the, what the hell, Frozen, the Frozen song. But yeah, no, it's basically, you know, that match was, you know, if you want to highlight, because everyone was watching to see if Gouta was going to lose. Obviously, he retained, but like,
That was one of the best performances from all three of them. Yeah. I mean, there was no way that that was going to be bad, dude. Gunther and Seamus had a freaking banger at Clash at the Castle, dude. So then you throw Drew McIntyre into the mix. There's just no way that that's going to be bad. And I just love seeing those freaking behemoths just beat the shit out of each other, dude. Hard hitting, just no bullshit. It was awesome.
Yeah, no technical, no flips, nothing like that. Just raw. Yeah, no flips, just fists. Just big meaty men slapping meat as Big E used to say. Just raw, just like you said, just beat the shit out of each other. The last man standing is going to be the one that walks out the winner. Yeah, that match right there, man.
Yeah, definitely go back and watch it if you haven't seen it recently. It's, it's, it's pretty entertaining. And I agree with Drew McIntyre definitely could have, you know, made evented one of the nights on WrestleMania.
Yeah, good pick, man. That was it. And it's great to see the Intercontinental Championship featured in so many big matches, if nothing else, man. I got to go down to NXT. This this one beat out just by a cut here. Another match day, which I'm pretty sure at least one of my, you know, fellow fellow Chiki award givers are going to pick. So I won't mention it. But for me, it was the men's Iron Survivor match on NXT deadline this year. That was fun, dude.
I thought that match just rocked, dude. All five guys showed out. And at the beginning, we were like, what the hell is? Yeah, it's the second year they've had it. Wasn't really a huge fan of this gimmick, but now I am, dude. I can't wait to see more of these types of matches. But Sean Michaels, HBK, he was just in his bag laying this one out, dude.
Braun Breaker looked like an absolute beast, man. He somehow looked even more impressive than he did when he was holding the NXT Championship for a year straight. And then Trick Williams was the 2016 Cavs, dude, down 3-1 with almost no time left and somehow comes back to win the match. I think they absolutely made Trick Williams a main event level star in NXT in one match. So yeah, for me, it's that Iron Survivor match. And if you haven't had a chance yet, definitely go back and check that one out. It's from NXT deadline.
I know Sheena had agreed with the triple threat for the icy belt at mania. Tom, you're up next man. What's your match?
After giving it a lot of thought, I had to go back with the match that set the bar for the year for me back to last January at Wrestle Kingdom. Osprey and Omega won. And me, that match was amazing. I didn't see a better match. I saw great matches, but that match to me, I could still sit, watch it with my mouth open, draw a drop. That match just was amazing. And I didn't see another match that topped it this year, in my opinion. Absolutely one of my favorite matches ever.
Awesome. Um, yeah, I mean, that's, that's a solid pick. I mean, I think a lot, a lot of lists that I saw cause I was just giving lists for the, you know, when we were making our, uh, our lists and stuff. And yeah, that was listed on every single freaking match. So, you know, excellent pick. Uh, what about you, Jordan? What's your, uh, match of the year? This one was tough. Um, Tom's was on my short list. Seth's was on my short list, but, uh, I ended up going with hanging man and swerve. I know it was the low hanging fruit, but
dude, that was one of the matches first time in a long time that I was disgusted with a match. Like, and it takes a lot to discuss me like, yeah, that when, when swerve is drinking hangman's blood with his head above hangman or above swerve's mouth, I just, I looked at Ari and she was barely paying attention. And I like,
Kind of nudged her. I was like, what the fuck are my watching right now? And it just that that match just elevated both those guys so much. I mean, swerve stock has never been higher than it is right now. And that match is a big reason why. And I feel like that brought hangman way, way higher back to the top of the car and back to his peak, man. Yeah, I just I feel like that that match elevated both of those guys so much. And yeah, it was a
towards the end of the year. So like, it's just so fresh in my memory. And I've watched it a couple times now. It's just it was it was a poetry. I had said it's what I'll refer to it as is perfect.
Yeah, that was my honorable mention. If I wasn't going to go with a triple threat, that was on my mind. That's the one I referenced also, dude. I thought Iron Survivor beat it by just a little bit. I feel like I see myself going back and watching that Iron Survivor match a little bit more in the future, dude. Yeah, Hangman Swerve was awesome, dude. You nailed it, Jordan. It was the rare match where both guys level up afterwards. Big Bret Hart, Steve Austin, WrestleMania 13 energy on that one, man. Because Hangman was like a beast, dude. I mean, Swerve.
It was a Texas death match, you know, so you can't really, you can't hold it against him. But, you know, he had to have the help to beat Hangman. Like, Hangman seemed like he was absolutely unstoppable and it took, you know, a shitload of weapons, interference, and everything. But Swerve's the heel. That's what he's supposed to do, man. And I just thought both guys looked freaking incredible. And it looks like we're gonna get a triple threat with them and Joe at Revolution, which should be pretty badass.
I think the other reason why that match stands out to me is I didn't expect that from Swerve and Hangar. Yeah. And my wife, who watches wrestling with me, she couldn't take her eyes off of the TV just watching that match. She couldn't believe it. She's like, what's going on here? And she's like, I can't watch this. But at the same time, she was staring at the TV and she couldn't stop. Yeah, same with my son was up.
at the time. He doesn't get to watch AEW much, but he's familiar with most of the people. I fell back and Kevin asked me, why is there so much blood? I don't see this in WWE, but there's so much blood in AEW.
I'm like, it's like it's a little bit, it's a little bit different. It's an alternative to WWE. So I was like, I was like, you don't have to watch it. But yeah, he was kind of he wasn't mortified by he was just shocked at the amount of a bloody scene I was like, a nice introduction to a
to a match there. Like I say, I made the joke when we first talked about this match and we reviewed it. I'm like, hangman's invited to the barbecue, as we like to say nowadays, because I mean, he did the deed. He drank the blood. Did the deed. The blood brothers.
I uh, I remember being amazed when I was like reading up after the show was over on like the you know Some of the results of analysis that that match only lasted, you know, just under 30 minutes It was so epic like I thought that was like a 45 almost 50 minute match, dude Yeah Not in a bad way not that it plied along but there was just so much shit that happened and it built to such a level It felt like one of those old like Triple H main events that you know goes 35 40 minutes, man Yeah, you just didn't know how it was gonna end either
My god, yeah, you know, I wait you I basically for one of these guys like plot a gun and shoot the other way Nothing else is gonna work
Quick sidebar too, since Seth brought up the fact there's going to be a triple threat match. Samoa Joe makes the AWW title look major again. Coming out there looking like a member of evolution tonight. Like dude, I love Samoa Joe and I just, I'm so happy he's getting this. Even if it's a short reign, that's fine. It's just, it's awesome to see him on top of a wrestling company again. Yeah,
Royal Rumble and New Championship Belt
That new belt looks clean to do looks like they made you know They added custom side plates and made a few minor tweaks on some of the finishes dude like it's I gave why he did it but I was never a fan of MJF's belt man with like the Burberry print on the strap like the Triple D that belt looks freakin fresh tonight, dude Yeah, yeah, he looked like Samoan Joseph tonight Joe
All right, some of the listener picks, man. Jamie Willis had the men's Royal Rumble. I thought that was an interesting one. Hey, I'm never going to yelp somebody else's yum. But I thought the Rumble this year was actually super underwhelming. I agree.
Yeah. Oh yeah. That was fun. It was fun, but it definitely wasn't. Yeah. And then him and Gunther went for like, or Gunther went for like 15 minutes afterwards. There were no big surprises, right? Like there was not really, I think Booker T was the only like nostalgia pop in there, man. You know, we were thinking Austin might be there with it in Texas. It just being Triple H's first rumble, I think.
The expectations are just unreasonably sky high. But remember Jordan, me and you were seriously batting around driving down for the show because I had to be in Dallas that morning for work anyways. We considered possibly racing down to San Antonio for the show, but we didn't want to risk it if I got held up with the work thing I was doing.
Yeah, an interesting pick. Zach Hertzer also picked Hanging Manisaur from Full Gear. Brett Cherro picked Kenny Omega and Will Osprecht at Wrestle Kingston. Sorry. I moved on from, we'll do a bonus beverage break. I moved on from the Miller Lite and I'm now drinking a Victory Brewing Juicy Monkey Hazy Imperial IPA and it's a 9.5%. Yeah, buddy. Yeah, make it a little bit slurred as we get going through here.
Um, yeah, Omega Osprey Wrestle Kingdom, uh, had two people pick MJF and Brian Danielson's Iron Man matching revolution. That was a good one. That's a really good match. Uh, David Brooks picked Chad Gable versus Gunther for the IC belt on Raw. That was probably the best TV match on WWE television this year. Brian Vermeer had the WrestleMania, the male tag team showcase. I love that pick because that was a fun match, man. That match was better than it had any right to be, but it was just so pointless.
You know what I mean? It was totally fine, dude. But if you're strictly off just pure wrestling enjoyment, that's a totally fine pick. Matt Carlos picked that Trish Becky Cage match from Payback. And Rob Virginia picked Ria and Charlotte from WrestleMania. So all good picks. And I think just the wide variety just goes to illustrate what a great year for wrestling it was. Yeah.
So I'm up first for this next one. We're down to the big three now. First off, event of the year. I gotta go backlash, man. I thought backlash rocked this year, dude. Down in Puerto Rico, the atmosphere was insane. I thought every single match over-delivered, man.
Cody and Brock was awesome in the main event. I was actually surprised nobody picked Bad Bunny and Damian Priest for match of the year. That was a hell of a match.
Favorite Wrestling Events of the Year
We had to see Seth bust out the first ever top rope curb stomp on Omos. Yeah, just great, great show, dude. To me, that was my favorite show. I don't know if it was the best show, but that was my favorite show of 2023. How about you, Sheen?
I got WrestleMania 39. I think it was just a fun show, specifically Night One. I think Night One just really, really packed a punch and then you finish the, finish the event with freaking, you know, like the shock of all shocks that Roman Reigns defeated Cody. And yeah, the whole of it was shocking to some.
I picked Roman Roman to win. I believed in Roman to win Seth was very Vocal, although he didn't pick it in the pixley. He was always my bet. Yeah, he was very well. I set up a win-win for myself
Yeah, about Roman defeating Cody. But man, you know, Jordan and Ari were here and, you know, we were just kind of sitting around and Cody comes out and, you know, puts the glasses like, or the, sorry, the weight belt, like, you know, Bret Hart style around negative. Yeah. When he gave the belt to negative one, that's the moment where I was like, well, fuck it. Romans went in, dude.
No, Cody's winning. Oh, yeah. Cody's winning. I thought Roman's losing for sure after that point. And then when it happened, I mean, I was just like stunned. And Cody came out just looking like a million bucks. Yeah. Those dark blue tights he had on that jacket with the fucking angel wings on it. It's like, I mean, it was a ball. Whether it was Vince or Triple H, whoever it was, dude, that was a ballsy decision to have Cody lose. Yeah. But you had freaking
The match, the triple threat match that I just talked about, you had Rhea versus Charlotte, you got freaking... Fin and Edge in the Cell was pretty cool. Yeah, Fin and Edge in the Cell, Bianca and Asuka. Yeah, Roman and Cody. So yeah, the whole event was awesome. So yeah, WrestleMania 39 was definitely my event of the year for 2023.
I got to go with all in. I felt like AEW finally found their WrestleMania. They never had their show that felt like the show of the year for me. So seeing that atmosphere for them, they put on a great card from top to bottom. All in for me.
Yeah, that was a hell of a show, man. I just love being back in in Wembley. You know, I know it's a different building, but it's still just had big SummerSlam 92 vibe. So I dug that one. And Adam Cole and MJF gave us something really special in the main event there. Jordan. Just to kind of be different, I went with Forbidden Door.
Um, I know that this show was kind of led down to some people, but, um, I think if you go back and watch it, just watch it from the opener of the actual pay-per-view and skip the pre-show matches, even though the pre-show matches were fine. I just, I feel like by the end of this, we were all kind of worn down because it had almost been almost six hours. So I feel like that was part of it. Me and Seth talked about it too. A couple of days later, um, cause Seth was pretty low on a lot of this show. And then a couple of days later, we just talked about it and I was like, I think it was cause it was so long.
Like, and the crazy stuff gets lost, you know, when you, when you're just so, like you said, you're just exhausted from watching that much wrestling. The craziest thing is though, is I'm just scrolling through the card now and like the results, there was only three matches that were over 15 minutes on that card. So, I mean, I guess you could say MJF and, um, Hiroshi was over 50, it was 15 30. I'm not really counting that. I mean, that's just a 15 minute match to me, but
I mean, the 10 minute tag went 21 minutes. Osprey and Omega, which was absolutely outstanding, went 40 minutes and then Danielson and Okada went 27. I think my biggest thing with this show is how shocked I was at the end when Brian Danielson actually pinned Okada.
I remember texting back and forth with Seth and I'm just like, Holy shit. He actually pinned him clean. Like there was no interference. He just straight up pinned him in the middle of the ring and it was just kind of shocking. He tapped him out, dude. Oh yeah. He tapped him out. You're right. You're right. Yeah. But I mean, either way, like just the fact that he won clean and
New Japan's been so, I mean, Okada, like for those listeners that don't know, Okada is basically the Roman Reigns of New Japan, right? Like as far as how protected and how much prestige like the company puts on him. So it's crazy that they'd let him get, you know, have him tap out, which is like the, you know, the ultimate way to lose on another company show is really kind of wild.
Yeah, but I just, I enjoyed that show so much overall. I was going to go WrestleMania, but I just felt like night one was what I really enjoyed about WrestleMania this year. I mean, like, like Sheena said, we were at the Phillips house and I think we all were in agreement.
I mean, outside of the main event of night two, like night one just completely outshined everything. Night one was like, yeah, one of the best manies ever. Night two was weird. Like, you know, and we saw him, we got the full story on it. There was some, some rumors and stuff batting around that, you know, Vince had a heavy hand in night two and some of the, you know, the layout of the matches and, uh, some of the finishes got changed, which may have been why the vibe was so off on night two on mania.
Personal Wrestling Experiences and Weather Challenges
But yeah, I know for me, for forbidden door dude, the thing on it back there, there's like a literal,
And I figured a black cloud over that event. That was the one where we had like a damn near tornado blow through our yard right as the show was starting. Me and Stella had gone up to Kentucky for the weekend. And we got back like 30 minutes before the show was going live. And I went to go get us some good food for the vet show. We had set up to watch the Redneck Riviera on the back porch. She and Edwin got us some awesome local barbecue. We're sitting down to throw down. And it wasn't even in the forecast. This was literally just out of nowhere. Did crazy damage all over.
Western, Tennessee D this huge storm blows to blew the fucking doors off our greenhouse literally I'm one second I'm sitting down to I'm watching the pre-show forbidden or next second like the doors of my greenhouse my backyard You know, it's like 50 bucks worth of barbecue blowing all over the back porch Fucking a hellscape dude and it blew out the cell service. So yeah, the only way I could watch I watched on your phone Yeah, it came back for I was able to watch the main event on TV, but the
It blew out the internet, I mean, not cell service, but it blew out our internet service. So yeah, I was able to watch the main event on TV, but the rest of that show, I had to stream on my phone, man. That was literally the only way I could get it to work because Bleacher Report and their infinite wisdom, which I fucking hate that app. I'd give anything for AW to move on.
They don't allow you to hook up a phone to a TV. It blocks it out, dude. So I don't know why. For whatever reason, it cock blocked me trying to stream from my phone to the TV on the bleach report app. So yeah, for Ben door was not a good, not a good experience for me, even though there was some bad ass matches. I mean, to be fair, WrestleMania weekend wasn't a great experience either. Like the day we get there, I killed the rooster and then we all thought we were going to die that night while we were watching. Oh yeah.
We were under tornado watching it's coming to end of town Yeah, the town that I went and got the booze before we got to your house three hours later I'm telling you guys right now. I don't know how many of our listeners are in like Tennessee specifically West Tennessee But bro, I've lived on freakin islands. I've lived on the coastline I like I've never experienced freakin weather like we have here
You know we're on a fault line, dude. Supposedly, there's going to be a major earthquake here in Western Tennessee at some point. I remember when I lived here as a kid, they were talking about it, dude. We're due for a straight up 9.0 on the Richter scale. It's not like California. It's like an active fault line. I'm not a geologist, but it's some sort of
Dormant and active like giant fault line that runs through That runs through like West Tennessee heading down south and they say we're due for a huge earthquake at some point I think that might be what's generating all this fucking wild-ass weather. Yeah, there's some serious freaking weather energy here like and it just like the cold the wind it just comes out of nowhere like we live like a
We're on I don't know we're like in the middle of a freaking neighborhood and our shit gets blood the wind that comes through here I'm like you would think we were like out on the damn prairie, you know, like it is it is wild So yeah, West Tennessee has shown me like I said, I've been through like her big a part of my life as it is Yeah, a hundred percent a hundred percent like I'm always just waiting for the fucking power to go out. You know what I mean? Thanks. Never had that problem. Thanks. A semen geologist Phelps for the
the weather and thought line report, I'll be sure to never come back to Tennessee again. So that way when your house is in a tinkle, you can't blame me. Yeah, we just, yeah, exactly. Dude, I guarantee when it does happen, Jordan will be here. But you know, he'll be there to put the pieces back together.
Yeah. You'll be cutting us a check from the insurance company. Sorry for the sidebar, but yeah, Forbidden Door. That will probably be my most memorable show of the year. Five years from now, that'll be one of the very few wrestling pay-per-views from this year that I actually remember because of that storm. You don't remember
dancing as soon as, as soon as Roman pin Cody, like jumping up and down and dancing and watching watching Jordan's face just like melt into a puddle. It was just Jordan. It was the whole pod foundation group chat, dude. I was like, I was like 97 sting going up against the NWO single handily. Everybody's like, Roman sucks. Cody's going to whoop his ass. I was like the only person who was like,
beating the drum for freaking Roman to get the win, man, and he pulled it off. I mean, I was in disbelief, dude. As much as I was marking out and just gloating, I really wasn't in disbelief, dude. I just could not. I was really confident because of the thousand day thing, dude. I just know how WWE works. That's too big of a marketing opportunity for them to just pass it by. Yeah, exactly, dude. That was just such a catchphrase, a thousand day reign. Okay, let's move on.
Marco man, what was your yeah, we'll go on from the Roman love Marco. What was your event of the year? I'm gonna I said this on the raw down to as well I'm gonna go a backlash for my It was the atmosphere the fans the matches everything just you know
came into alignment. And I think it kind of like, you know, springboard what you're seeing now with all these more global shows that they're doing this year. So I think which which I'm looking forward to, because when they do these global shows, the other fans are
You know, not, not, not. Yeah, the fans are hot. Yeah. The crowd are always freaking just like, you know, foaming at the mouth. Yeah. I appreciate the different start times on the shows, too. Yeah. I love a good afternoon wrestling like that is just shifts. And it's just such a different feel like when they did.
when they had Payback and then Fastlane, like those are both pretty good shows, but they felt like just standard wrestling pay-per-views compared to some of the, you know, like Marco said, the international feel we'd had. It felt like it was all either international shows or like stadium shows prior to that this year.
All right, we'll get into the listeners. Jamie Willis said Money in the Bank, which figures he's in the UK. That was the UK Pay Per View along with All In. I think he was there. Yeah, he said he was there. That was a good show too. Zach Hurster says All In, just like Tom. He had five people chime in with WrestleMania 39. You can never go wrong with WrestleMania.
I feel like if I, for some reason, ever did like fall out of like just watching wrestling, I feel like I was still tuned into WrestleMania every year, just to my yearly check in. Jordan's best bud, Tony Barker said backlash also. And then David Brooks had SummerSlam. I liked SummerSlam. I hate that fucking main event, dude. I still I gave a lot of thought to putting Jimmy Uso, Kostin J Uso, the match for my Blunder year. I thought that was just a fucking warble. That was like the probably the biggest misstep of Triple H's.
creative control so far. Yeah, it just because I think it just left us all just thinking like, you know, it just jumped the shark. It made no sense. Exactly. Jump the shark is a great, is a great. It made with the story they'd been telling. Yeah, it was just like it was basically like we need to keep the belt on Roman. Like what? Yeah. How can how can we do this with the people that we have?
All right, we got our two awards left, man. We're the big ones. We're down to like, you know, best actor of the year and like picture of the year on the Oscars. Sheena, you're up first, male wrestler of the
Male Wrestler of the Year Nominees
year. So for me, male wrestler of the year. This was tough because there were some, there was some standouts this year, but I think I'm going to have to go with Mr. Reliable, Mr. Monday Night Rawlins, Seth freaking Rawlins. I just think.
I think after after not to jump back to, you know, Roman beating Cody, but after Roman beat Cody, it was just kind of like, well, now we know that this belt isn't going anywhere for the foreseeable future. It's at the point where maybe summer slam, but really, yeah, he's got to lose the rest. Exactly. Like it's carrying on through the rest of this year, unless just something absolutely unforeseen happens. So the fact that they created a brand new title and then
you know roman be sorry seth won the title and i think he did such a good job because in another way in any other situation that could felt just like. Throw away like we were even joking on the show that felt like a participation trophy like okay will roman's got these belts so let's give art let's give you know create a new belt for other guys right but,
God, why do I keep saying Roman? I'm acknowledging Seth made that belt feel meaningful. He was a fighting champion. I mean, he beat the freaking best guys that WWE has to offer. And now he's set up to fight punk. So I think, you know.
I thought it was important that they had Seth and AJ fighting for that belt in the finals of that tournament, because that was two, there are two of the few guys that Roman hasn't beat on this run. Yeah, exactly. So I mean, look, let's see the list of names. He beat AJ Styles, Damian Priest, Brown Breaker, Finn Balor twice, Shinsuke Nakamura twice, Drew McIntyre, Sami Zayn, Jay Uso. And again, now, you know, they brought Punk back after 10 years and they, the first person they have him go up against is... Drew McIntyre twice also.
Excess Rollins, okay beat your McIntyre twice too. So yeah, dude, like I and he's going up against gender frickin Mahal Don't hinder the gender agenda
Wow. Okay. Now it's a mouthful. But yeah, like I said, there's a couple people that I was tossing around for male rest of the year, but I just couldn't put any of them above the man Seth Rollins. Good choice. Tom?
Roman Reigns' Title Reign
How'd it go with Gunther? The year he had... Gunther was on my list. What he did to bring the Intercontinental title back to Prestige. He had an amazing year. He had amazing matches. I love what he did for the Intercontinental title. Bell to Bell at the Rumble, dude. He was the most popular pick for the listeners also. Gunther was definitely... He was my honorable mention for sure. Jordan?
Uh, I'm going to go Cody. I just, okay. So here, I think it's a good pig. I'm just surprised. I figured you would have went, hold on, hold on. Let me, let me give you some reasoning behind this. Let Jordan cook. All right. So after WrestleMania, we all just assumed like, dude, this is bad. Like, I don't know how you can honestly come back from this.
I'm not going to lie, dude, I think Cody might be just as big now as he was leading into that WrestleMania like 100%. He's so over and we all just thought it was just going to die at that point. And I feel like Cody had a great year after that point. I mean, he beat Lesnar.
He'd be dirty Dom. He finally got to do a survivor series and, uh, um, go with his daddy's creation with war games. Like, I feel like Cody just had a great year. I mean, outside of the loss to Roman, which is that a huge tick against him? No, I mean, everybody's lost to Roman. So like, if that's the tick you're going against him, like,
I don't really know what other qualifications the guy needs. I mean, he's beat everybody in WWE besides Roman at this point. So I just, I feel like Cody had a fantastic year, even with him not finishing his story at WrestleMania. So it was, this was a pretty easy pick for me, honestly.
The never ending story. I love the I love the tweet that went viral last week, man. I can't remember what account it was. I think it was just some random account, but it ended up getting retweet all over the place. It was a it's a picture of Cody holding Roman's belt. Right. And it was literally right after that rock gender behalf segment where Rock talked about going to the head of the table. Somebody tweeted out that picture and said, we are not flinching. And it just got retweeted all across the web.
People who've wanted you know, they still trying to will Cody dude. I think they need to do the thing We've been fantasy booking on here for the last two years. They do rock and Roman night one and Cody and Cody and rock night to Rock and Roman for the head of the table, dude
I hate this fuck see if Seth Rollins out of the main event scene, but I mean if if CM pucks the other half of it I'm not sweating it too much dude. I do I just feel like it'd be perfect booking Rock Roman beats Rock with a you know a little bit of help from the bloodline and then on night two and the bloodlines about to interfere the Rock helps freaking you know the Rock fights them off dude, and that's how
And how much more like freaking, how many more XP points as you like to say, would that give freaking Cody if like he literally just beat the guy that beat the rock, you know? Like I just, I think it would be perfect.
I don't know. Roman is set in September of this year. He'll pass up Hulk Hogan for the second longest reign ever. I think it'd be third. I think it's still at Bob Backlund and Bruno, but Bob Backlund and Bruno are definitely part of a different era, dude. If he passes up Hulk, he's definitely not the longest reign of the WrestleMania era. I still think Roman wins. Dude, I will not be shocked this year if Roman wins.
wins and let's do calls right now. I say Roman leaves WrestleMania champ. What do you say? She, I think he, uh, yeah, Jordan. Um, I would lean. Yes. At this point, Marco. Yeah. Unfortunately, I don't think they came this far just to come this far.
Yeah. The other thing is, dude, creatively, I think it probably made a lot of sense to take it off from last year, dude. But looking at the business side of it, dude, they're still breaking records every single event. Regardless of what we as the hardcore wrestling fans and critics think of it, Roman is making money. So I feel like as long as business is booming, why change up what's at the top?
You heard, you heard, uh, well, I guess the listeners didn't hear, but before we, before we hit record on the show, we were kind of going over something and our son was saying that he was going to induct Roman into the hall of fame, dude. Like he hates Roman and he hates Roman right now. He literally said, he said for the last couple months, dude, that he's actually since last WrestleMania was when he, um,
When he beat Cody, right? Yeah. Yeah. He turned on Roman. Well, he turned on Roman when Roman beat up the Usos. That's right. Yeah. When Roman turned on the Usos. When Roman turned on the Usos, yeah. Brett loves his cousins. He adores his cousins. So that was just a point of no return for Roman. Yeah. So he totally turned his back on Roman. And even him tonight, every time Roman's on TV, he says, I will no longer acknowledge Roman Reigns. And then tonight, he was talking about how he was going to induct Roman into the Hall of Fame, dude. So it just goes to show you, man, that Roman
Roman's freaking money, dude. Yeah. I'll give you another reason why I think he's going to win is I don't think they would have created the world championship for only 10 months. Yeah. Yeah. A hundred percent. Yeah. I mean, I think that title is going to be around, but I mean, I think there's at least the outside shot. He beats Bruno's record, dude. That'd be crazy. I think he's got to go to 20, 27. I don't think it's, I mean, like, like Tom said, they've already come this far, dude. They've already come this far, man. We were talking about wrestling fans. They're going to revolt, dude.
I mean, you think so, but I still think people will pay big money to say they were in the building when he lost that belt. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know, man. We'll see. We just, I mean, honestly, none of us have seen something like this in our lifetimes, dude. Like, yeah, I mean, you know, Tom, maybe I'll tell us what it was like to help the belt from, you know, Hulk held it from 84 to 88. Right. But that was, I mean, I was
Yeah WrestleMania 5 that was the first show that I have the absolute faintest memory of seeing So yeah that Hulk rain it went from before WrestleMania 1 to right before WrestleMania 4 You know the Bruno and Bob back when those might as well be have happened in the fucking Stone Age dude wrestling was so different When they held those belts Hulk's the only thing close to that and even that was damn near 40 years ago at this point Yeah, it's something crazy. All right Marco male wrestler of the year
I'm with Jordan on this one. I'm going with Cody as a no surprise there But only only because of his uh, you know the most matches in WWE hits in the modern era anyway with 113 matches in 2023 I think dominant came close with 103 I believe But yeah, he's
I mean, everything that Jordan said just, you know, after WrestleMania, you know, you think he would like you kind of get buried, but just skyrocketed even more became pretty much invincible. The biggest babyface that they have right now is I mean, for me, there's no denying that he's the wrestler of the year for me anyway.
Alright man, I gotta say I'm really surprised that either Jordan or Tom didn't pick this one man. My wrestler of the year is one Maxwell Jacob Friedman, MJF of AW. I know that's quite surprising because I've been critical. I mean, as a fan is what I like to see in wrestling. I haven't loved this year for MJF.
I think it's been a lot of comedy, which I don't really love comedy in the main event scene. But if I'm taking my own personal taste out of it, this dude absolutely carried AW this year, man, from start to finish. He held the belt outside of the last day of the year. He was champ the entire year.
Put on awesome matches every time he was in the ring and the other thing that's super impressive He started off the years the number one heel in the company end of the year's number as the number one babyface in the company And dude, there's still a ton of talent there But I think they would have been they'd be in very very bad shape if they did not have him on the roster this year man So yeah for me MJF is male wrestler of the year. I have an honorable mention I don't think we all right going to the listeners
Let's hear it. I think Christian Cage had an amazing year, probably the best year of his career. It was so close to me. He did. He was huge. But what a year that guy had. Entertaining, great matches, the feud with Adam Copeland, just amazing. So he was my close runner up. Yeah.
I have to, I have to eat my words. Cause yeah, I, in the past I had been down on Christian, like, you know, dude, what are we doing here? You know, no, no, no shade to Christian as like, you know, his, um, talent and history as a wrestler. But yeah, there was times when I was like, dude, what are we doing? He had a great year. They're set up for, it's going to elevate Nick Wayne out of this thing. And we already got baked in. It's going to be huge. Whenever Luchasaurus finally turns back to the light and, uh, and turns on Christian. Hey, quick note, quick note before you get into the listener stuff. I just, I looked up the Roman Reigns thing.
for how long he needs to hold the title of the past Bruno. He needs to hold the title till middle of April of 2028. Oh my God. If he does that, you have my word right here. If he still has the title in 2028, Jordan will not be on Chick Foley show.
Yeah, my word. That is me putting in my resignation in front of all the listeners. If he still has the belt at that point, shit, if he still has the belt by 2026, I might be done with this. Jordan's putting in his four year notice. Dude, if he has the belt for four years- Bruno, how did Bruno do that, dude? It said it was nearly eight years that he held the belt.
28 or is that each run? No, he had two different reigns. Yeah. Bruno had two different reigns like that. He had like an eight year reign. And then I think he had like a four or five year reign also. So he had, he had, he then held the belt for a rain record of 2,803 days, nearly eight years long.
God, dude. There's no way, dude. There's no way. I get what Tom just said. I get what Tom just said, like they didn't come this far to not come this far. Dude, four and a half more years is a long fucking time. I mean, Roman's not a young guy. He's not a young guy. And he's already got health concerns. There's injury risk. There's no way that it'll be four years. There's absolutely no way. I think he beats Hogan's. I think that's good enough, man. You know how WWE always spins shit anyways. I didn't mean that for Bruno's, that comment.
Yeah. All right. Let's get into the listeners. So we had three different people pick Gunther. That was definitely the most popular choice for the listeners. Zach Hertz who picks Seth Rollins, had a couple of people pick Cody. Brian Vermeer picks Sammy Zane. I feel like first half of the year, agreed, man. Sammy was kind of like the creative foundation for everything happening in WWE. He's faded big time though. No shame of anything he's doing. I just feel like once his story kind of wrapped up with him
Kevin Owens also has tag belts. He's kind of faded the background. Matt Carlos picked Roman Reigns. I thought about picking Roman, but dude, just, you know, with only a handful of matches, I don't think we can justify giving him a wrestler of the year. And then Johnny JB also picked MJF. All right, so normally male wrestler of the year would be the main event, but with the OG Fig Kid here, we saved this one for the last
Wrestling Figures Highlights
event of the night. And Tom, you get to go first, Wrestling Figure of the Year.
Okay, now if it wasn't December, like January through November, it would have been hard to pick, but then December came, and the Colosseum collection, the new set came, and I finally got a Roddy Roddy Piper figure that looks just like Roddy Roddy Piper. We talk about Bret Hart, but I felt like Piper always suffered from the same disease that Bret Hart figures do.
They never nailed his skin. And this piper is rowdy. It's amazing. It's the most perfect figure ever. It's not only my figure of the year, but it's my favorite figure of all time.
Wow, that one heads out it looks it looks just like that clip they always show on like any Roddy highlight film where he's like He's walking down the entranceway at mass and square garden kind of shaking his head a little bit dude Like yeah, it's what it looks like right Piper just shrunk down. Yeah with that little smirk like yeah, they nailed it man It gives me hopes that maybe one day we'll get a Bret Hart scan that looks like Bret Hart Maybe we'll see Jordan. What's your pick man?
Alright, this is going to be surprising and probably way off the wall, but dude, I was Seth knows I texted him the night they announced this figure. I bought three of them. I just I never thought we would get this and this is like my jokingly like
One of like my favorite funny wrestlers, but I'm gonna go with heels and face to faces Bastion booger I just I'd never thought we would get it dude and the way he executed it It's actually perfect like dude. It looks I mean, it's it everything about it is great I know it's a weird choice, but dude I was so excited for that figure figure man. Yeah, so that was mine
It felt like something we would got in the Hasbro line if it kept going yeah like yeah one of the I think the big criticism on zombies line is that they really aren't like Hasbro's right there in Hasbro scale but they're almost like too detailed and stuff but I feel like he really nailed the Hasbro feel on that that booger. Marco.
Yeah, I'm with Tom for Figure of the Year. That's Roddy Piper. Late entry, like he said, it just extended to that December mark. I'm a huge Roddy Piper fan. The kilt on it is amazing.
the belt that it comes with as well, the t-shirt, like you just said, the head scopes. It's just, you know, I have him, you know, with the, like, kind of like him screaming or talking, if you want to say, like, that head sculpt right now with the microphone and him pointing. It's just, it's an amazing figure, dude, like,
They did, I mean, Colosseum Collection's probably like, I mean, the only line I'm really, like, completing right now. And it's just, each one, each set just gets better. Honorable Mention is definitely the Georgie Animal Steel. That one's pretty awesome as well, if you haven't. I was really happy with that one. That was kind of just a throw in. I felt like I needed to get it for the Piper.
Just seeing the pictures online, I didn't think that George the Animal Steel was that big of an upgrade over the elites we've gotten of him, but really, really nice figure, man. I thought the thing was very well done. It's awesome, but yeah, definitely the Roddy Piper figure. And if you have the other Roddy Piper figure with the original hot rod shirt with the ringer tee with the red collar and stuff, you could switch it out and do that as well if you need to. But yeah, like I said, this is an amazing figure.
Just like my boy Jordan, I'm leaving the Mattel universe. I'm going with Power Town, Kerry Von Erich, man. I always loved Von Erich, especially Kerry. He was always my favorite, dude. Huge Texas tornado fan as a kid. And I really love the Power Town figures, man. I'm excited to see what else they cook up this year. And I thought that, I know the Bruiser Brody got a lot of the hype for series one, but to me, the Kerry Von Erich was a standout, dude. The head sculpt was crazy.
the ring jacket they gave him was just freaking beautiful. And I just really love that figure, man. Like if you told me I could only keep one figure from everything I got in the last year, it'd be that Power Town carry on Eric hands down. Well, I feel like we should have probably ended the show with that because mine's gonna be a little bit of a
But you know what? That's appropriate based on my pick that it's a little bit of a blender. You got a great pick. No, your pick is great. Yeah. This is just a personal like figure of the year for me. If you've listened to the Chick-fil-A show for any amount of time, you will know that I, you know, anytime we would be like, what are we fantasy booking for figures? I would always say that I wanted a gobbledygooker, right? Well,
Lo and behold, and I wanted it so bad and just gave up on it that we had a great custom. A great custom. Viking Hall Toys. Viking Hall Toys made us just like an incredible custom that we still have. Jordan, you got yours from Viking Hall Customs too, right? I did, yeah. It's like, you know, basically like...
Nailed it. Felt, soft goods. It's primo, dude. Would not replace that in our collection for anything. But you can't be having the official. Yeah, when you got the official Mattel gobbledygooker. Came with the egg. And that's the thing. It was a cool collection. It was a cool set because it was two Ultimate Editions. It was debut Undertaker. And basically, not debut of the gooker, but debut of the breaking of the egg. Oh,
I guess it was debut. You didn't show up before that egg came out. That's right. We saw the egg before, but we didn't see that. We didn't see the Gooker. Yes, it was debut of the Undertaker and the Gooker. It's got a little cardboard survivor series platform. They nailed it. They got the breakaway egg. It's just a beautiful figure. You get the modern Gooker head that you can swap onto it. I just love it. I'm so stoked that they actually did it and the way that they executed it and gave it to us in Ultimate Edition form.
I'm going with my figure of the year was the gobbledygooker. Sheena hit us with the old question, the age old question, which came first, the egg or the gooker? Well played, Jordan.
All right, so the listener's got some good choices, man. I'll throw these out and then I'll leave it to you guys and kind of just comment and let me know what you think about their choices. So Jamie Willis, he said the Chase Ultimate Edition Razor Ramon in the purple. Oh, it's a great guy. It's a good winner.
Yep. Actually passed on that figure, man. I thought it was, I thought it was too close to the defining moments, you know, like the pink one. Yeah. And I just didn't really need it. It's better. It's better than the defining moments. I have both of them. It's definitely better. It is the best Roman, uh, yeah, Roman Fraser Ramon figure ever raise a Roman figure. Thanks a lot, Tom and Jordan. I guess I got another, you know, $60 figure I need to add to my freaking shopping list. Yeah.
Okay. Yeah, because I think I feel like I need that now after hearing you guys talk so globally about it. Zach Hertzler said the AW Bunny. I think this is more of a personal pick. He said it was the first chase he ever found. I'm not a fan of them putting characters straight up to chases. Yeah, I think that sucks, dude.
I get it, but I do not like it at all, man. The chasers are too much of a pain they have to find, man. It's just a scalper's dream doing shit like that. And that is a great figure that you need. Yeah. The figure's awesome. Exactly. You need that figure. You can't have Butcher and Blade without the bunny. Exactly. Yeah. And you're never going to find her, which is just BS. All right. Brett Sharrow, he said Elite 104, Rick Steiner. Ooh, what the heck?
Okay. That's a good figure. I feel like they can still do a better Rick Steiner figure than that. It was a cool figure. I felt like it was hard to get super excited about it just because they know that's not the Rick Steiner we want, dude. We want 90s tag team Rick Steiner. Yep. Yep, yep, yep. All right. Tony Barker said the new generation retro set. This was the one with Undertaker, Paul Bearer, Vader, and Jerry Lawler. I thought this was the best retro set they've done. Yeah.
Yeah, that Paul Bearer was awesome. And I love The Undertaker with the Phantom mask. Yeah. David says the Logan Paul Ultimate Edition.
It's a great figure. Yeah. I think it's awesome. Yeah, the box was really cool. I mean, Jordan had super FOMO. Remember when Jordan missed out on it? I got it. He thought he ordered it and just forgot. Oh, yeah, that's right. You ended up getting it. That's right. I got it. So I have that one and the Cody. I think both of those are honestly a let down to me. I thought both of those are going to be way better than they actually were. Really? I think that's great. I like the Logan. I think the Logan's awesome. I thought the Logan was great, dude. What did you not like about it, man?
I don't know man there's just there's something about these these Mattel creations ultimates that they're doing in these whatever style box they are that I've still looked at it I've still looked at the figure relax bro like chill out I can put another piece of tape on and nobody'll even know that I opened it just relax
Uh, I just, I don't know, man, just these two figures. I expected a lot more out of both of them. I'm not saying the Logan's a bad figure. I just, I don't know. I'm a little let down by both of those. I think you got to get the top picks. Cause now you got to get the prime.
You know, the new top picks, Logan Paul comes with a little mini prime bottle. I'll be sure to get right on them. Yeah. I definitely think that Logan was better than the Cody. I was let down by the Cody, but I thought the Logan figure, like I'm not a Logan Paul fan. I don't care about the guy, but they nailed the figure. Yeah. I don't care about him as a person or a YouTuber or whatever, all the other things that he does, but I think he's been awesome in, in WWE. Oh yeah, he is. But I said, I'm just not a huge fan of his.
Yeah, especially the problem with the uh, the cody man is that The ultimate edition is the the biggest impact they've had on like the wrestling figure industry is they've shown us that Like the plastic likes the plastic sleeve jackets with articulation. They're so far superior to like the soft goods, right? Yeah, especially for people with you know jackets like the ms or like cody has it's got a shit a ton of shit going on with it like I think the next Yeah, I think the next ultimate edition cody the one from wrestlemania is gonna fucking rock dude and I think it's gonna smoke
Until creations ain't gonna beat the supreme one See I feel like I'm really interested in I feel like it's gonna be the first time we've had a chance to go toe-to-toe No, the thing Supremes got for it is that you can switch out the legs. That's like Yeah, I think I think the Logan Paul to if you if you want to swing the extra box I'm not sure if they actually know he's these clothes until I
mid-January, but curb stomp city decals. I think when you get those, you get the Pokemon stickers. Oh yeah, the Pokemon cards. Yeah, Pokemon cards and throw them on it. It makes it figure of the year probably. Yeah. The fact that they didn't do something, I know they couldn't do Pokemon, but they should have done something on there. Well, I think they let them link to that because I think they knew that people would go out and just get the little stickers and stuff. True, but I mean, you could go, but I mean, we'll see people.
Do you know? Why are you saying that MOC people are bad people? You're saying we're the scum of the earth. The muggles. No, I was looking out for you guys. I was saying that they should have done it. Remember, there was no bubble on him. You could do the sticker. You could. Yeah, no bubble. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right.
Yeah, thanks David man. I don't think you realize the system you're gonna kick off Logan Paul out there Brian Vermeer and Robert Gino They both had the greatest hits ultimate warrior. This was the one in the the USA attire He was originally in that flashback elite line from a few years back I think the big new ones this one with it was supposed to have like the lavender belt and you know being a little bit more like a pinkish But this is a great figure actually passed on it because I had the flashback but I love that that warrior some Royal Rumble 91 figure
Yeah, it's fantastic. I still think like my favorite warrior figure last year. I think this was still last year. I don't know. The time blends together. I still love that. We got the dingo warrior. That was last year. I agree 100%. I love that figure.
I love the deep cuts in the, uh, in the legends line. I'm holding out hope that this year they, you know, uh, action figure attack, Steve, he's, he's at least hinted on it on the wrestle figs message boards that it's in play. I'd love to get a Scott Hall as the diamond stud and a, uh, Kevin Nash as Oz in the legends line, man. Yeah. I love the secondary gimmicks type deals. We're getting fake diesel this year. I mean, what, you know, I feel like if we were getting fake diesel, I feel like anything's on the table. Yeah.
All right. Uh, Matt Carlos, he had superstars. Mr. Perfect. I thought this was a cool figure, man. The superstars are fun. I'd have a hard time putting a superstars figures. My figure of the year though. Have you ever taken off to singlet off of the Mr. Perfect to see what's underneath? Yeah. I think he's got black trucks underneath, right? A it's his AEW. What a great, great throwback that is.
Yeah. AW Kurt Hennig, man. I think that that'd be cool for a, uh, for a, yeah. Yeah. My bad. I was like, Kurt Hennig was an AEW. I know. I was like, well, I was like, Seth and Tom know what they're talking about. I was like, what did I miss? Yeah. AWA Kurt Hennig. Uh, which would be cool. I feel like they owe us, like maybe we can get his ultimate edition. I don't feel like they made the best Mr. Perfect figure yet, dude. I like what they tried to do.
Um, on that recent legends where you could fold the straps down, but I thought it just kind of looked kind of weird. Um, it, when you had the straps up on it, I still want like, just like the, the Primo like home run, Mr. Perfect, Kurt Hennig figure. Ultimate edition. Maybe one that like throws the towel out of the package or something.
I want one that's got like, let's just totally change up the model, dude. And you can do like from the little videos where he throws like the 60 yard pass and catches it himself, man. Let's find a way to do that as a figure. All right. And Johnny JB, he agreed with Sheena that the gobbledygooker was figured here. Nice, Johnny.
So that's it. That is a wrap on the fifth annual chickies. We'll start bringing it home, man. Tom, what did you think of your, you know, this has been so anticipated, dude. Did your first appearance on the Chick Foley show live up to your expectations? Absolutely. I love it. Let's get into the mailbox.
We didn't do mailbag this week, dude. It was a special episode. We're already pushing two hours just on the regular show, dude. We'll bring you back. Maybe next time we do all mailbag, we can bring you back for that one, dude. Every couple months, we like to do an all mailbag episode. Yeah, like to fill the mailbag, the Sam Bro mailbag. Everybody's going to be hitting you up for all the OnlyFans tips and tricks, dude. What's the best account to subscribe to? How to get the discounts, how to get the free subs.
I could honestly say I've been listening to you guys since before the Pod Foundation. I love you guys, so I meant a lot to finally be here and have me, so thank you. It means so much to me, and Pod Foundation for Life.
Oh, yeah, dude. Yeah, we love you. Oh, my foundation has been great. Yes. All right. That's that's a wrap for for this episode. Sheena hit us with some closing thoughts and we'll get out of here. I know we're a little bit late, but, you know, happy new year to you all. I hope 2024 treats you all amazingly. I hope we have some incredible wrestling ahead of us and go out there and smash your resolutions.